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Egyptian International Publishing Company - Longman 10a Hussein Wassef Street, Messaha Square Dokki Giza Arab Republic of Egypt © Egyptian International Publishing Company - Longman, 2000 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publiskers. First published 2000 This impression 2021 ISBN 977 - 16 - 0459 - 7 Deposit No. 9356 /2000 Printed By High Standard English En ng Schools a Student’s Book 14 David Bonamy SOUT 9 P sou uot opp auay Ayayes, siuapiose ‘ayes. quowdinbg, uowdinbo suods_ s v Sat -ysiusy uy fo] mau ¢3 © uo rou 07 Suriueure ‘sa1eq, uppnaio adeys pur 2218 inoge Suryse | “sSuypjing “suroos ue Tuiquosaq | yo siususaunseayy suojsuaung, 01 yoog aamosay 2p Suns7) auowd siqou aayndtco tuosaud paw ased agp ut | sed wous afuey> soausofpe se speuaieyy EZ puny ‘ySnot ssanszdoig usoyd ‘seu ac S2qep 1st ou ‘70 :woNIpUod 40 ov | soonuenb | paw syeursyeu | juiquaseg | suonsansat Supmoqtey Revision Unit F Changes Repairs : 2 oe . ‘Dimensions 0 Equipment _ : eel a_i 5 Safety % Machines 3 ee a 7 ; 7 Predictions 4| Measurements Instructions Descriptions Remember to look up any new words in the Resenurce [Eilmate true statements. Use this chart to help you. (CURE have, use, watch, dive, buy (a) Mobile phone 1979 (b) Personal computer 1977 | (©) Camera ‘} (d) Video (e) Telephone a ailabie Sas (f) Car 1908 | Example: (a) People have/ use/ buy mobile phones now: They didn’t S have/ use/ buy them before 1979. x fe i (Ell make questions and answers about the chart above. oy Example:(a) A:Did people have/use/ buy mobile phiones before 1979? oe » : B: No, they didn't. é 50 vel [laive tho past simple of these Book. watched drive Bl make sentences. (a) Today; wateh/ video (b) Today: drivel ears (c) Today: write/ e-mails ase/ mobile phones (c) Today: take/ taxis (f) Today: wateh/ TV ibs. Chock your answer in the Resourg, | wage | write use “take 1950: go/cinemva toh videos now, In 1950 they didn't watch videos. They went to the cinema. 1900; ride/ horses 1960: write/ letters 1970: use/ public phones 1880: ride/ camels 1950: go/ to the theatre Falrenat's office is very modern. She is telling you what it was like twenty years ago. Complete her words. Use the past simple. windows and they (c: Now my office has an international phone. But twenty years ago the OFFICE (A) ooo occ (not have) an international telephone, People (e) corceceeseresnees (Wall) 0 a hotel and (f) (use) the telephone in the hotel, ‘Twenty ye office (g) cou {not have) any computers, ‘The staff (hy... (writ everything on My office has an air conditioner and is very cool. But twenty years ago the office (a) ..214N"% have... (not have) an air conditioner, People (b) .....98 ao [JRead this quickly and silently then answer the following questions. (a) Where did Mr Siddiq’s uncle live? (b) Where does Rehab Fikry’s sister live’? oe* (c) Who is their favourite singer? ooo acl e oe M ' Siddiq said, “In Cairo in 1950, we didn't have mobile phones. We used the telephone in the post office. When | wrote to my uncle in Alexandria, the letters arrived there after three weeks. The bus to Alexandria took ten _ _ hours. We didn’t have a TV, but we listened to Om Kulthoum ‘on the radio." Mi Fikry said, “Today in Cairo | use my mobile phone a lot. | send e-mails to my sister in Alexandria and she go to post office | use mobile phone a chart like the one belo, our past. My - el ke Ppiay this game with yore parine’ Spout ¥ some true (T) and false (F) thing® Pera aNeHy: im (1). climbed Gebel Musa (2) swam in the Nile (3) sawa crocodile (4) flew ina hot air balloon 6) » Peuseuslsle 9) Check the past tense of verbs in you (8) Resource Book: me climb — climbed swim ~ sy, 7 fly — flew ee = (10) .. poe Falnow practise silently what you are going to say. artner and say ten things about yoursel! Fliciose your books. Face your p: an your partner guess which things are true and which ones are faly climbed Gebel Musa. [Rilnow tisten to your part ‘things ean you notice? "Say oan 00k his or her face. How mar - Who won the game? Ji computer wrong? the problem? smaller (b) cheap expensive (©) heavy light (@) thick thin Example: (a) The new models are smaller than the old models. OR The old models are larger than the new models. 805. the phi stogy this carofutty and practis the d Hy, at On Friday a Week today —4 a fortnight today Flsay goodbye to your friend then say when you will meet again, Example:(1) A: Goodbye. I'll see you a week tomorrow. B: What date is that? A: It’s Monday the 9* of November. B: OK. See you then. (1) 9Nov (2), 7Nov (3): INov (4) 16Nov (5) 8 Nov (6) 2Nov (7) 6Nov (8) 3 Nov (9) 15Nov (10) 19 Nov Faiitare appointments with doctors and dentists. Today is Wednesday t 4" of November. Example:(1) A: Can I have an appointment, please? Bs: Yes. For which day? ASA fortnight on Saturday. B: OK, See you on Saturday the 21 of November: (1) fortnight on Saturday (6) fortnight tomorrow (2) week tomorrow a ra Sunday (3). day after tomorrow (8) week today (4) fortnight today (9) next Tue (5) next Monda forigis sae y (10) fortnight on Friday Cm mee 12 . Revision Unit A prin in the spaces with words from this list. SIND do, does, don’t, doesn’t | ‘our brother wate TV often? Yes, he (b) Az Do your friends play football every day’? B: Yes, they J (©) At many people have mobile phones toda Br Yes, they ccs « & (0) At cscs You have a mobile phone? TES Bi NO, Decco your friend go to the cinema every week? (At your parents have a mobile phone? B: No, they... J complete the sentences. (a) In the old days, people \ used.siaavall.. to work every day. (walk) (b) Before 1980, people .. Videos every day. (novwatch) (c) Before you were born, your parents csonss. (0 the theatre every week. (g0) (d) In 1950, the bus from Cairo to Alexandria always . in every village. (s (e) In those days, the journey to Alexandria alway: suns one Whole day. (take) () In 1970, office workers... computers (not/have). They en all their files in filing cabinets. (keep) Jichoose the correct preposition from the words in brackets. (a) ‘The pencil is [above/ in/ on} under] The fan is [above/ below/ under/ next to] the chair. the door. (©) 2 @ ‘The socket is [above/ below/ in/ on] The saw is [above/‘in/ on/ under] the the table. shelf. 18| Fill in the spaces with words than once. (a) (eo) ¥ >. for the man. He can’t «+! Tcan’t it. for the man, He can’t for the boy's hand. He can’t ! ride... it. (a) This bicycle is too (b) This ladder is .. (c) That table is too .. (a) This pencil i too .. (e) Look at that pencil. It’s to0 .. ! (f) This table is too ... for me. Ican’t eat on it. (g) This bicycle is too . for the man. He can’t (h) That ladder is... ..Tean't it, Floomptete this diatogue. : r $7) bent, in, broken, Alan ‘Where's the hammer, Kamal? the tool box, but don’t use it. Kamal It’s ‘Alan Why nol? Kiel 18 anion Alan Oh no! I want to . my bicycle. Kamal = What's .... .. with it? Alan ‘The wheel is ee [GQmiake and practise similar dialogues. in, on, under (a). saw/ drawer/ ben¥/table/ top/ too long (b) screwdriver! shelf/ broken/ socket/ screw/ loose (c) spanner/ under! table/ bent/ bicycle/ wheel/ loose maa ae ee ____ Revision unt [Choose the correct response for these situations, (a) You ate talking about last year’s holi with what he says, s with your brother. You want to agree Your brother We used to go swimming every day in the sea. You , eat @es, we did. B_Yes, we didn't. C No, wedidn't, D Did we? (b) You are talking with your friend about last year at school. You want to disagree with what she says. Your friend We didn’t work too hard. You bean A No, we didn’t. B Did we? C Yes, we did. D Jagree. (c) You are talking with your father about when you were eight years old. You want to check that he is correct. Your father ‘You didn’t like eating salad. You A No,Ididn't. —B Did I? C Yes,Idid, =D Didn't I? Supply the missing parts of the following dialogue. Ahmed is telephoning the dentist's surgery to make an has a brokei tooth. He wants to see the dentist on Tue: Tuesday 2 December). The surgery is on the top Receptionist Hello, can I help you? Ahmed Yes, I need to see the dentist about my tooth. Receptionist .\hat’.wratig witha Iie Ahmed It's broken. Receptionist Oh dear! When can you come to the surgery? Ahmed oo tomorrow. Receptionist Right. That's Thursday 4" December. Ahmed Thanks, Where is the surgery? Receptionist It’s Ahmed OK, I will find ‘Thank you very much. [Eiiread tho following P® \ Revision unit dia¢ ate the ¢ age then complet ‘ er, screen, button witelt puttons: speak switells arts (see diagram). Al the top, , along the side, on the Jef, for the DC power. Abo «of the following P yw the antenna, mi is ‘The front of the radio consist ; the left, you ean sce the antenna. Belo Fa au anekel otto four sockets and a switeh, The sockel at the bol this is the small socket for the headphones. the right of the speaker, at the y .d the channel. To the right of the screen ap, ‘Above the buttons, 0 the right, is the of the radio, is the light button, On the front panel. on the left, is the speaker. To is the sereen. This shows the time an the buttons for changing the channel. ON-OFF switch. Above this switch, on the top Press this and the sereen lights up. Vet (c)...2niteh, J) Read again the passage on page 7 of your Student's Book Answer these questions, (a) In the passage on Mr Sidi, what dl i we (line 1); there (line 4)? O te Following words refer to: (b) In the passage on Rehab Fikry, wh she (line 2); them (line 3)? at do these words refer to: Dimensions mountain? 7000 m sea? ie. 500m --1700m boxer? He's, «(100 kg Peps Note We don’t say: He's H00-ke heavy: We say: He's 100 kg in weight. OR His weight is 100 kg. OR He weighs 100 kg. [Ack and answer from this chart, Exampl How tall is Ali? B: He's 165 cm tall. nd how heavy is he? Bz He’s 100 kg in weight. A: He’s too heavy. Note m= metre mm = millimetre [g= gram kg = kilogram | km = kilometre em = centimetre | 70 6"? —— vi js only 2m in length 7 ] ooo | ~wall/ wire oo | t | 3 | eT | welll 10m | | el rope! well truck/ bridge wood! nail Make questions and answers from Ex.4. | B: [t's four metres long. Example: A: How long is the wall? B: It’s only two metres in length. ‘A: And how long is the wire? A: That's too short. Hjanswer these questions about the building. — serie Cranial « Earn Hi sae (a) What shape are the bottom windows? They're equare in shape. (b) What shape is the entrance? Window | (c) What shape are the windows in the middle? (d) What shape is the window at the top? Fl comptete these questioi (a) At How ....4all.le. oan (b) Az What . shape. ar Weeraap> ‘ut two words in Bz It’s 15 metres tall. the building? ~~ the wis (© A: How windows at the " bott . ® As What ey at the top? tom? Bs They're quate (¢) A: How ] indows in the abldle? B: It’s 3 metres lone: (© A: What thew windows? le? B: They're oval... 18 ndow atthe top B: They're | metre 8!" B: It’s rectangula Answer these questions. (a) How heavy is a football? (b) How long and how wide c) What shape is a football field? A football field must be rectangular. For international matches, the maximum length of the field is 110 m and the maximum width is 75m, There is a goal at each end of the field. Each goal is about 7.3 m wide and 2.4 m high. Each side of the football field has a goal rea and a penalty area. The goal area is rectangular andhas alength of approximately 18 m. The penalty area is also rectangular ‘and is approximately 40 m long, The ball is made of leather. Its maximum weight is 454 g. Copy the diagram then write in the main measurements based on the Sometimes you need help when you are practising your English. You may need to ask th other person about the meaning, the spelling or the pronunciation of a word. Here are foy ways of asking for help. Practise these then play two of the games with your partner. BQ draw 8 objects trom Units 1-3. Can your Biwrite down 8 objects from Units 1 partner name them? n your partner spell them? (Excuse me. How do) (you spell “dipstick”? Excuse me. What's this called? N (a s called a dipstick, — rina out how to say these words. Can Point to 8 words in Units 1 your partner say them? Use the dialogue -3. Can yor partner say what they mean? below. . (1) knife (2) high (3) pipe ) small (3) wire (6) wrong (right (8) cirele (9) wall (10) chair__(11) square (12) triangle Excuse me, How do you say this word? Say it like this: nayf Ell match objects with actions then make sentences, Example: (a) = 6 The strap holds the mask to your face ce [°) | rings #(a) At What's the strap for? Bilt’s for holding the mask to your face. 4 rl — - ON = _ age 10. What are the p, FllLook again at the mobile phone on page 10 i the phone for? Match objects with actions: _ 1_ screen LL —__§ |2 power button 3 antenna 4 stop button 5 cover 6. start button Wlmake questions and answers about Ex. 5. Examp AnW Blt receives a call WfalRead this information then draw and complete the chart e000 o 7 S000 000000SOOHISOIIIOOIOTON oe Cutting for such as wood, and chisel 2 is used (©) Screwdriver 1 is for tightening and loosening screws o slecttical equipment. 2 is for loosening very small sees | (c) Hammer 1 is for hammeting in neile... 1g in nails and also for pulling | = nails out of Wood, Hammer 2 is for breaking aie (a) Chisel 1 (b) Chisel 2 J (c) Screwdriver 1, etc. [Ei wnat are these tools for? Example: (a) This tool is used for twisting cut steel, break stones, tighten and loosen spark plugs, grip pipes, ‘twist wires, tighten and loosen nuts and bolts (a) BlRead this poster quickly and silently then answer the following questions. (a) What do you wear under the fins? (b) What is the maximum number of air tanks you can carry? (c) Name two things you may need to cut with your knife. ee Welcome to the Red Sea Diving School mask We hope you will enjoy diving in the Red Sea. But please wear the correct equipment. 2 When you dive, you must carry one or two 5 metal tanks. The tanks contain air. When you breathe in, a tube carries the air from the tanks, through your mouth and into your lungs. You must also wear a mask. The mask allows you to see clearly under water. And you need a pair of fins. The fins propel you through the water. They fit over the diving shoes. You should also carry a knife and a compass. You can cut a rope or plant and free yourself with the knife. RGinow read the passage again then complete the chart | below with all the information about diving equipment. [Mltisten and repeat. I (How old are you, Alan?) —__ I'm 19 tomorrow. imate questions and answers in pairs. Example: A: How old are you? B: I'm 15. A: When is your birthday? B: It’s on March the tenth. on March the tenth 10 March the tenth of March on the tenth of March FAluisten and repeat. 10° March _ ce - mare questions and answers, (1) mask/ LE 40 (2) pliers/ LE 15 (3) hammer/ LE 9 (4) screws! LE 10 (5) nuler/ LE 4 (6) pair of goggles/ LE 16° (7) packet of nails/ LE3 (8) set of tools/ LE 50 GD oD [Rewrite the following sentences to give the same meaning. Use the words in brackets. (d) A 10m x y Sm a) (©) “im 9 an © (a) The door has a width of | m. [width/ is] The width of the door is 1 m. Im (b) The window is 1 m high. fis/ in/ height] Se (c) The height of the house is 10 m. [is/ high] (d) How wide is the road? It’s 5 m wide. [what?/ width] (e) The shelf is 2 m in length. [has/ length] (f) The ruler has a width of 20 mm. [is/ width] (g) The height of the car is 1500 mm. [is/ high] (h) What is the width of the table? Its width is 1 m. [how?/ wide] Isotve these puzzles. What are these objects? (a) This object is triangular in shape. It is about 30 cm long and about 15 cm high. ‘We draw lines with it. (b) This object is circular in shape. It is only 1 or 2 millimetres thick. We buy things with it. (©) This object is square or rectangular in shape. It is large and black. We write on it. (@ This object is square or rectangular in shape. It is about 8 or 10 em long and wide and only a few millimetres thick. We press buttons. Numbers come on the screen, We count with it. few in the spaces with the correct word from the brackets. (a) A mobile phone ../@2...... [has/is] a.rectanavlar. [rectangle/rectangular] screen. (b) A protractor... [hastis] a [semi-circle/semi-circular] piece of plastic, (©) In the centre of a football pitch, there [hasfis} a. . [circle/circular]. (d) Each side of a pyramid « [hasfis] a. Itriangle/triangular]. (e) Maths teacher: “What shape is this?” Student: “It.............. [hasfis] a... .. [semi-circle/semi-circular]”, ™ 3 Re vision Unit " e ie Meaning, f, ive the same 1 9: Foi, ing sentences to g) f spelling when yyy, Barowrite the following ai Be careful of sp Instructions in brackets. tu (@ A radio antenna transmits and re a, : y radio signals. [Use for] iti 4 radic our eyes. [Do not use for] your eyes 4 receivin and (b) Safety gogeles are for protecting ales protect your eyes (¢) What do pliers do? /Use for) eal ‘They srip things and they twis nee: (4) Pincers and claw hammers are used ea extracting nails out of wood. /Do not us aii (©) Fins push or propel divers and swimmer the water. [Use for] i ao (9 An air conditioner cools the air in a room. a (8) Screwdrivers are for tightening and loosening s [Do not use for] (h) A hammer drives nails into wood. [Use for] Tbr in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in (a) Wires machine, brackets, [éarry} carries/ carrying] electric current from the socket ig the (0) A tube is used for ... _— - [carry/ carries! carrying] air into the mouth and ing the swimmer | i" i (©) A fax machine. - [copy copies copying] a letter and. [endl Sending] itt0 someone trough a telephone ve (@ Spanners ... ltighten! tightens/ tightening] and. -» Hoosen! toe] loosening} nuts and bolts, (©)A filing cabinets for = [keep! keeps/, Keeping] letters and documents safe) ( A-volume control knob. 7 lincreasel increases/ i i loudness volume of the sound on a radio OF television, aoe feet Wlchoose the Correct Word. from the | ist to Complete the sentences. (@) Mobile phones are (©) Some people love . (©) Nowadays, alm, (d) Yes, .. Very popular. In fact, .. Mobile phy “» €verywhere, Obie Phones so much ith them! ‘Ost EVErY office has ve ch that they sleep with ~~ true! “OWN Computer, een Revision Unit | 1 [choose the best response for these situations, (@) You are on holiday in England. You are in a market and you see some fruit which looks nice. You point to the fruit and ask the seller for its name. What do you say? ~ You Excuse me, A ... this is called? B ... what this is called? C ... what is this? (D)... what’s this called? (b) You are talking to an American friend, She uses a difficult word, elevator, Which you have never heard before, You ask her what elevator means. What do you say? You Excuse me, .. A... What this mean, elevator? —-B ... What does elevator mean? C ... what is this elevator? D «». elevator means what? (©) You are reading an English book about measuring instruments, and you find a new word, gauge. You want to know how to pronounce it correctly in English, so you point to the word and ask your friend, What do you say? how do you say this word? isis pronounced how? Mona __...Wher.ia.volur ficial MANA... Hanan It’s on the 18" of August. When's yours? Mona __ It’s on December the 20". Hanan. ae vo os = Mona I’m 14. I'll be 15 next birthday. Are you 14? Hanan No, I'm 15. Mona Hanan She's 22. Mona _.. Hanan It’s next Sunday. 7 ae evision Unit ~ te this diagram, Wl Reaa the passage below and then comple — | a handlebars saddle \ pedal frame ad a (a) Which parts are for: ‘pushing the bicycle forward? ‘ guiding the bicycle? (b) What do the following words refer to: its (line 3)? «that (line 5)? © their (line 5)? | | | ~ FBanswer the cosetiane about the ae sane - | | There’s no cover on that hole. You might fall into it. Fook at the pictures and practise these warnings. Example: (a) Look out! There's a knife on the table. You might cut your hand. (a) mm (b) : © ae @ : - Meee knife/table/cuvhand nails/road/get a puncture fire/workshop/burn _bricks/ground/trip "ad Ms (g) (n) e nails/wire/get a shock _ holes/pipe/blow up Jadder/wall/foump —_saw/twire/get a shock ree Book. peso iy in nthe imately: '. out or approx! e and answer. Use exacl ti 2 aie ia ae pak et? Bi There are exactl screws — fh @! (e) Example:(a) A+ How many — ()| ee owas match/box poot/table Hee, in this workshop, serew/packet pook/cabinet Biwork with your partner. Make a list of dangers ‘Example: (a) There aren? safety helmets. se Fos of safety rules are being broken in the worksh ve. Pul op above. Put a(*) \ } 1 Do not leave tools on the workbenches, 2) peepee all times, : 0 Do not bring food or drinks into the : : Do not run in the workshop. é . Clean up liquid from the floor. SUK | workshop, | 4 Pick wy i : # Suey \ Pall objects from the floo QO 8 Safe Seegi aa ue rand fety goggles m O ee ust be worn when grinding machines. . Gi 80 rE i aia | we "s (a) Where was the earthquake? (b). When was it? (a) How did Ali know there was an earthquake? What three things happened? (b) What warning did Ali shout to Ahmed? (©) Why did Ali and Ahmed not use the lifts? (d) Write three safety instructions for people in an earthquake. |cor Between 2200 BC and BEI OTT English, you need to ask them ‘ ‘ Sometimes, when you are their words. . Practise in pairs. Az (Put your fingers in your ears.) (Say something in English.) Az I’m sorry. Could you say that again Be or Sorry. Could you repeat that please: please? I'm sorry. Could (Say the same thing again.) you say that again, Az Thank you. f please’ £004 fy There’s a good film { tonigh, on TV tonight. PPractise in pairs. Az (Say something very quickly.) F Br I'm sorry. Could you speak more slowly, please? Say that. again, more slowly, please? My work numbers are 8499938, 8498849 and 8486355, ray slowly, ples _( All ight. Thar’s 8-4.9-9-9.3.8, fACHINES |Listen and repeat, string We have a guitar that you might like. It has a good sound. How many strings does it have? abicycle acar wheels abicycle two. doors four. pedals acar none, Look at the diagram of the mobile phone on page 10. Make questions and answers (based on the chart above). Examples: (a) A: Does the mobile phone have an antenna? Bz Yes, it does. (a) Does/ antenna (e) Does/ two covers (b) Does! two power buttons (f) Does! body (c) How many/ screens (g) Does! mouthpiece (d) How many/ number keys/10 (h) Does/ two earpieces Ue entences: rave guards ‘They have (c) (a wy guards \ \(@) || a switch/ cover machine/ guard plug/ cover [Ebook at the air conditioner it P in the diagram then answer the quosti., cover evaporator (a) Does the air conditioner have two ; evaporators? (b) Does the ar conditioner have only one fan? Natt dosnt. ene aro (©) How many covers does the ait conditi y ir condit (® Does the srconionec ve wocene ® iy Tany valves does the ait conditioner have? * the air conditioner have only one cond - denser? Read and complete the description of the air conditioner in Ex. 8. An air conditioner has a condenser, an evaporator, a valve, a pipe, a fluid called a refrigerant, two covers and an electric cable. What do these parts do? The condenser is for ( 2) chaning (change) the refrigerant from a gas to a liquid. This (b) py, “hee (push) heat out of the refrigerant into the air. The evaporator (c) (change) the refrigerant from a liquid into a gas. This @ (pull) heat out of the air into the refrigerant and the air becomes cold. The compressor is for (e) (pump) the refrigerant along the pipe. The valve (f) (pressurise) the refrigerant. The two fans (g) (blow) air over the condenser and the evaporator. The covers (h) (protect) the machinery. The electric cable is for (i) into the air conditioner. .. (carry) electricity Read this then answer this question. Do you think Mona really saw a UFO? Why do you think so? around the world say they have seen one in the sky. Some A UFO is an ‘Unidentified Flying Object’. Many people i UFOs look like flying saucers. I walked home from school today. In the street, I heard a loud noise. I looked up. There was a large object in the sky. It was about 3 metres above the house. The object was about 20 metres long and triangular in shape. It had five lights: green, red, orange, yellow and blue. At the back there was a large antenna, abont 2 metres tall. At the bottom there was a long tube. The tube was about 4 metres Jong and 2 metres wide. It pointed down to the street. Perhaps this tube was for pulling people up from the earth into the space ship. The tube moved towards me so I ran away, Mother, I’m frightened. Can I miss school tomorrow? Fllcompiete Mona's drawing of the UFO. Label your drawing and put in all ‘the dimensions. @ thing 0) ifterent WayS of asking for ees 9 Politely, Practise these differe! a ‘sing for something IND ge —~ I Do you have a pen? ——__} Ri More Polite Would you mind if I borrow your pen, please? Would you mind lending me your pen, please? Could I borrow your pen, please? Can I borrow your pen, please? Please lend me your pen. Less Polite Lend me your pen, please. Have you got... ? means the same as Do you have ...? Make requests for things you need for these jobs then make request other things to your partner. Examples: (a) Have you got a screwdriver? (b) Could you give me a knife, please? (a) loosen a screw (©) cut a wire (©) write your name (©) open a locked door Q ae ‘a cassette player (g) measure a room cut a sheet of paper H) go diving in the sea a Revision Unit c [complete tho sentences, ust WORDS FROM THIS Lisr, EMME arm, leg rc) jo i rn | yy | | | | (a) This has a (b) These shears have pwo nd two (c) How many does this have? It has one. (d) Does this have a and a 2 Yes, it does. (e) That has a anda (1) Does this ha and nwo ” Yes, it does (g) This has wo and a (hy That has four and two Fimatch the names in A with the parts in B. (a) fire jb) boot (©) glove “(d) machine (©) guard .. i) goggles | (g) helmet acne |) toolboard jG) match oo. A en Eaesene nenenenen aS - Revision Unit oo tuation. ‘A. This fan having one s for each St Ua B. This fan have the guarg, © This fan has a D. This fan is have a guarg (b) A That fan have not guard. B That fan has no guard. C That fan not having the guard D That fan is have no guard. © A. These switches have no cover, © B B_ These switch has no cover, C_ These switches has no covers, D_ These switch have not the cover, (@) A How many keys it has? B How much keys does it have? | © How many keys does it has? D_ How many keys does it have? _— Aboetiecstue rss ee same mening } (a) There are no wheels on the car. (has/ have] i (©) The wite has no plug on it fthere io there are] i (6) There are no windows in the building. fhas/ have] () The door doesn’t have any handles Ithere is/ there are) | (6) There is no guard o on i | m the fan, (has! havey lb. [there s/ there are} (@) The les have come off the cha there is! there arc re are, __ Revisi |comptete these warnings. |cnoose the best response for these situations. (a) You are talking to your friend on the phone, He wants you to visit him, and tells you his address, but he says it too quickly, You want him to repeat it, more slowly, so that you can write it down, What do you say? BRU) Sat ioc A sorry. Speak more slowly, B_ I’msorry. Would you mind, you speak please. more slowly, please? (© Imsorry. Could you speak more D_ Tam sorry. You are speaking slowly, please? more slowly, please. (b) You are talking to an English friend. She says something, but you don’t hear her because there is a lot of noise in the room, You want her to repeat what she said. What do you say? You A Y'msory, Would you mind, to say BI sorry. Say that again, please. it again, please? C P’msony. Could you say that D Iam sorry. You repeat again, again, please? please, (c) You want to borrow a ruler from your English teacher. What do you say? You ... A. Iwill borrow your ruler, B_ Would you mind I borrow your please. : ruler, please? © borrow your ruler, if'you don't Could I borrow your ruler, please? mind? 30 1 his diagram and charg > Pt ew ew ee eee eee ee © A refrigerator takes heat from its inside and transfers it to the outside. When ind __ this, the inside of the refrigerator becomes cold. i sl | The refrigerator has a cover, a compressor, an evaporator, a condenser, "an expansion valve. cooling fins sind» fluid The fled fecal a refrigerany itis not under p NE inside of, ‘vaporator the refrigerator then becomes cold, Se fi In the year 2035, we will have “person-copters” and we will be able to fly them over the traffic, motorbike: fly them 0 Piread and practise. jon © These days ye can't S00 Seana: travel to Mars. © Inthe future! People wil} beable to fly to the stars. 1m 2035 they = : fran. about the present and the future. : Example: Today we can fly to the moon. In the future, we'll be able to travel to Jupiter, - Examples: If he ta he will reach the mountain, If he takes road A oF road C, he won't reach the city: aries -hand one, the: x Match the left-hand column with the right-hand N Fead ou, is Correct sentences. " Example: (a) [you drop a brick into a bucket of water, it will sink (2) If you drop a brick into a bucket of water, .. | ... it will boil, : = — isi . () you heat water to 100°C. 2). itil become bigge, > (©) If you pump air into a tyre, .. (4)... it will sink, (€) If you cool water to 0°C, (6). (@) If you drop a ball into a tank of water, You won't burn your hay ch ((O) If you wear thick gloves when you are welding, ie Use will or won't and these verbs. is dropped on a (a) Ifa pane of glass is dropped on ed ee (©) Ifa stone falls on a safety helmen te 00% (© Wan ice cubes placed in a Blass of water, Read these predictions quickly a questions. ly and silently and ant (a) How fast will people be able to ly on a Sperson-copter? {b)In which year Will you be able to roll up your TV screen and carry it? 2025: People witl watch TV on screen. You will be able to roll carry it anywhere. You will be the screen on a wall or read it newspaper. 2035. Peopte wil have 4 The driver will sit on it, like on a motorbike. The machine will have a rotor and blades, like on a helicopter. The driver will be able to fly at 300 km per hour aflexible | up the'sereen ond f is able to hang pa lke a ‘person-copters”. 2045. Peopte wil think of a TV programme and the Programme will automatically appear on the TV screen. PN 2050: vou willbe able to communicate with every ( language in the world. The computer inside your ear will translate everything into Arabic! [compiete these statements about the predictions in Ex. 8. Write ayear in each space. (a) In.2048, you will be able to control machines with your mind. (b) In... - you will be able to fly from your home to your college. © In, soonees YOU Will be able to understand speakers of every language. @ In you will be able to carry your TV in your bag or pocket. Communication _ talking about the futuro, ways 0! (stugy ana practise th Noto oe , i sometimes you decide something for a tong time aud a papel decide tog, : fora plan and wil fora sudden decision to men Sometimes you quickly, We often use going Where are you going to go for the summer holidays? What are you , | going to do the iN I'm going how toss T think Pl come with you. lack and answer in pairs. Example: (a) What are you going to do next Friday?, : 4 “'m going to play football. "Il play with you. } (a) do/ next Friday/ play football (b)_ dof next summer/ learn how to swim (c) go/ next holiday/ to the beach (@)_do/ next year find a new job (ce) go/ next Saturday/ to the club (1) go/ next holiday/ climb Gebel Musa [GS)complete this plan of things you want to do next week. Then pract! with your partner, using your plans. What you plan todo __ Date OPA Ss But the van is only two by two by three metres, That is twelve cubie metres in volume. gti eae k GR — Pe | four metres by five metres by six metres four by five by six me | 4mx5mx6m | F E £ ‘area: 20 m? wventy square metres in are sixty cubic metres in volume fi 7 3 _ jyolume: 60 m tise these. Read out the dimensions. Then state the length, area Or volume. / Example: (a) Tivo metres. That's a length of two metres. Ki (b) Two by three metres. That’s an area of 6 square metres. ‘ (©) Two by three by four metres. That's a volume of 24 cubic metres. @2m ()5mmx6mmx 8mm — ©) 2mx3m (g)l em ()2mx3mx4m (byl em x 3.em @ Lomx2emx3em an Phe door 1 ame DY B00 Mery a 4 Vn i [Make eantenoes: say by danas ve wee sqpuerre, HEHE ob ( 1 I 1! im} mn / =n cabin footboard et Y sanapto cad Nev tite itv aw ww Look and read. ivr thousand six fnulred and i three Jour point sis five three Lor % ‘one point oh one or one point gera one | \Measure objects in your classroom (or gu sentences. Example: (a) Phe length of the room is about 12 metres, Ins width is about 7 metres. lis height ix about 5 metres. That's 12 by 7 by 5 metres, their dimensions). Make So the volume of the rom is about 420 (a) tom (volume) (b) tabletop Giten) WAlPead and practise. | cubic metres ; (e) blackboard (a ain Please | ald ISAS and 30,1,f Subtract that trom 90, Now multiply ATS by ATS, Ant | Himes 2 | | divide = i 80.9, FF tt load out and volve the: by §, sample: (a) AtPlease outpeeeetoe th pai Bi Let's see, 6 tiny gp divide gh HORS EHO YUE ayy BMY. Walger iy 10, 0 wsg LOIS A Sy panswel (54 N10 AS 3. Sethe an Dro (ay aad) “syuouounsvow > OU) UY SUOISUOLUIP O4y [Oqe] HOLL "eAoge suORANysU O4409 OY OF SOUNZoId OSeYyy obueueoyfih Communication . ise the phrases. | WW stugy this carefully and practi ; rie, The time is one o'clock. - five past one five to two ten to two ten past one» quarter to two quarter past one twenty past one twenty-five past one half past one twenty to two twenty-five to two (ij read and practise. PRPs zy 0630 6.30 a.m. 1830 6.30 pm. idnight 4200 + 0630 = 1830) Glask your friend the time. Example: (1) A: What time i hare theme? # It’s quarter past five in the morning. 0 (1) 0515 (2) 13453) 1200 (4) 0855 (5) 1705 (6) 1025. (7) 2130 © Copy and complete this diary. You can change it and write tue | | wel iSite about yourself. Then ask and anewer with your part" i lll. MY DAY ACTIVITY rite will of Won’t in the SPaces, giyou strike a pane of glass with ) a a container of w aha e 1 haromen it Mer to 30) jp Heyourub & ‘diamond, you by you place a glass bottle of ¢9 «) fryou light a can of petrol with ip Ifyou add 25 10 62, y eo eoe D -- break, boil scratch the glass. eer, it burst explode, sit ASS With a into the fre a mateh, it get 85, | f f | complete the sentences, fa) Lam learning to swim now. 1 6 but next summer I Yi! ¢¢ oN. swim now, © t0 swim, {b) These days, people travel to the moon, but they go there for a holida But perhaps in the future people - aholiday on the moon. to have (©) Next week Tam stay with my friend in Alexandria, ButT 0... 10 stay for a long time. Tocca t0 Stay for only three days. ar (@) Ifyou put water into the freezer, the water tum into ice and you to drink it. Change these sentences to predictions about the future. (a) The water poured out because you turned the tap anti-clockwise. 4 Ifyou turn the tap anti-clock water. will pour. | (b) The water stopped because you turned the tap clockwise. ©) the handle of the pump —@) You were not able to get water from the well because was broken, & i) D )Revision Unit Ffftook again at the reading passage on page 47. Then fill in the spaces below, EIS TTA tong, length, thick, . sod ..lenath (9) First, buy or cut a piece of wood the correct size for your shelf. A good 1282, fop the shelf is 1m, and the shelf should be 20 cm... and 2.¢m in (b) Next, buy brackets, screws and plugs for the wall. For this shelf, the bracket should have one arm which is 20 cm in . The other arm should be 15 cm . ‘The screws must have aw... of 4 cm, and be 6 mm .. (c) Measure the height of the shelf above the ground, (Usually a shelf is about 2m +) Mark out this .......... and draw a level line on the wall. (d) Drill holes in the wall for the screws, For a 4 cm scre\ give the holes a Scmanda. of 8 mm. Put the plugs into the holes. FAlsove this problem. How thick is the frame? Complete the calculations, — then read them out. @ 8 x Se IA How thick? (b) 184 + ©) Walrewrite the following sentences to give the same meaning, Begi new sentences using the words given. Begin the (@) The floor of the classroom has an area of 64 square metres. 1 The floor of the classroom is 64 square metres in area. or 2 The area of the floor of the classroom is G4 square metres. (b) The classroom is approximately 192 cubic metres in volume. 1 The classroom has ... 2. The volume of .. (c)_ The area of the playground is about one acre. I. The playground hi 2 The playground is (d)_ The bottle has a volume of 1.5 litres, 1 The bottle is... 2 The volume of... ry — V Revision unit | 8 the best response fo, | 008° t these Situations, ap are talking with Mona yor about your pla f Yur plans for the weekend, What are you planning to do this weekend? end? yor isit Hanan. 1 go to visit Hanan BI visit H: Gym going 1 visit Hanan, D I visit Hanan. lanan, fona tells you that she is planning to go to the einen, ? on Menly decide that You want to wo way a cinema tomorrow evening. You ’m planning to go to ‘i 7 yooa_ 1m planning (© go to the cinema tomorrow evening, ‘You ‘A Lome with you. B I'll come with you, ¢ Jam coming with you. D decide to come with you. (You want to know what Mona is planning to do this evening. What do you say? You ‘What are you going to do tonight? B_ What you go to do tonight? “'C What you are doing tonight? D. What will you do tonight? supply the missing parts of the following dialogue. don’t know. What would you like to do? Let's go to the park. Yes, let's do that, The weather What time do yo! Thave my dinner at half past six every day. Good. T'l come for you at seven thirty. is good today. 2 FR ER ER ETE 5 OK. ... It’s quarter past four now: you later I'm going to go home now. See aR daynuzur sed ~ Sueu Mop 4 i I juasn ur sau x18 yoen 94 punose suns Pur play suods ayn 01 sao ays Avy Ines Goaq ‘somnuru Auoa) UL 1 SHIBUAL OT Suoss pur food Surat ay 1 S303 ays Supsony, Kang ‘Aop Aono Joys we sou oq sSojd 24g “syne suo ursdn-us gz # SOP as “ists atO}oq SumMHOW empty iT rs in retp Ron make a list of instructions to avoid dange! [Blea and practise this. [lonange Ron's instructions in Ex. from active to . Example:(a) That knife must be put down “ os e no passage auc May parts oF tHE Dody ae my ; IY are mentione y fall, sho ld you fall forwar, ce hes i 113 Gnd of toad SUTTRCC CAM damage Sees ~ 'e Your rollerblades? Do yo You want to b : be a roll 7 simple instructions, lerblader? Here are some Always wear a ldo pane helmet. wrist guards, knee and pads. Wrist guards can protect your wrist and el y ists. you oe eae pads protect your arms and legs. If and stop. road, they help you to slide forwards . : a 'v do you stop? Here's one way. Bend your knes, push your arms forwards, tum your brake }ot upwards and push down with your heel until you stop. How do you keep your balance? Practise this. Stand with your feet 10 em apart. Push your arms forwards and bend your knees. Don’t stand up straight. If you do this, you might fall backwards. road with no cracks. Don’t skate ‘on a wet road: This is dangerous ind it might damage your skates. er the statements below are Alnow read the passage again and say wheth tue or false. Correct the false ones. (@) Ahelmet, guards and pads must be worn by i” (b) To stop the rollerblade, the heel should be presse’ jown. .. . (©) To keep your balance, your knees should be bent and your arm: should be pushed forwards. ... (@) Hills should not be a Hohange tn () You must wear knee and elbow () You shoutd turn the toe of your Dr (9) You should push your arms ® You must bend your knees rollerbladers. £14. voided by beginners: - he passage into the passive. Kee.and. alow.pads 2 foot upwards. sentences from t pads. haw Communication ni ese different Ways something- y and practise tht king someone NOT to do pon'ttouch it!) Ins tive! | ‘You shouldn’t smoke in the office. It annoys other workers. A recommendation, More polite [imate appropriate statements in these situations. (1) You are sitting in the cinema watching a film. Someone behind you is talking ons” mobile phone and is disturbing you. You want to ask him politely to stop. What does say? Would you mind not using your mobile phone, please? (2) You are an electrician, repairing an electrical circuit. Suddenly someone walks into room and is about to switch on the electrical power. You want to tell him urgently switch on the power. (3) You want to give a friend your opinion, politely, that she shouldn't go out with ber friends every night. (4) Your teacher sees you fighting and wants to tell you thi: does she say? (5) Your friend sees you rollerblading without wearing a helmet and wants £0 1c you that this is not wise. What does he say’? t a (would like to order | geAX202 mobile | bone, please, } } I F f |The one without the | cover please. Bireca and practise this. as with cones? i without Breen these sentences with the mobile phones. (@) I would like the black one with the cover. (% ) (6) like the red one with the short antenna. (_) (¢) like the ones without the covers. ( yand( ) (4)1 prefer the ones with the long antennas. C jand( of aly 3) iN A =< _—- | j { Please give | me the | spanner eee [imate potite requests and repli i Example: (a) A:Could you press the pedal, please? ot Please press the pedal, B:Which one? A:The large one. Bi All right. Oo © © S \ a pipe < press/pedal open/window fillank (a) | head: © © Au ~~ pullflever use/socket uselfile Go cribe these objects clearly to your partner. Gan your partner choos: the correct one from your description? lil (a) Which lever? Example: A:The short black one with the round head. (0) Which fle? Example: A: The short nar ‘one with the handle Bz Number 1? faa co y ‘A: Correct! ow ehab's e-mail WUickly ay, Silent, rn did Rehab send a copy this ai ¥ then 8N8Wer the ry 10 as the subject or Pie OF the ¢ 7 i Cee "Sema addres. : tkry ; rehab24@khalili. com, eg * Enquiry about ordering Mobile phone 20/02/2010 one, eg pear Mr Amr anwiting 0 enquire about the Fri ps today. aw two different colours: red and black. Do hue On the web page the model had a sh vihamat finish? If you do, I Would ikea wn One model had a detachable cover and the other hada fixed cover, Do you have one with no cover? ‘4 AX202 AX202 mobile phone Saw this on your web have a blue one? Ifso, 1 would Finish. Do you also have one tone, The AX202 on the web page came in thesmaller one. Iwould like to know how much this model costs whether you will deliver it free of charge and the length of the guarantee, Hook forward to hearing from you, Regards Rehab Fikry two sizes: large and small. I would like to buy Jew ad the e-mail more carefully and answer the questions below. Tes ' Tick the correct words on Mr Amt’s chee © Inthe third p One refer to? with aragraph, Rehab wrote: Do you have one: a - he phri Wy stucy this carefully and practise the P ases. ——— three weeks ago @ Week Hasty 8 Week agg a formmight ago - today, yesterday the day before +e) yesterday id in the past month, Write Make a diary showing the main things you di aye date any next to it write what you did. Write true information, four days agg last Tuesday Mara: March s : Gave a birthday card to my sister. A Use your Example: A: What did you do a month ago? Br A month ago, I gave a birthday card 10 my sister Eitetephone People who did not reply to your e-mails. Today is Saturday! 28" of March. See the calendar above. Example: (1) At Iwrote 10 you to weeks ago, but you didn't reply. What date was that exactly? dt was Saturday iy the 14" of March Yes, that’s right. i eal laries from Ex. A (1) 14* March © 1 Me (2) 23"March ® = Mach t @ Fen (8) 3 March 9) 218 a 16° aah (9) 21* March (10) 27° March a Give instructi a : a ons and polite requests for the pictures below. Cian eian7y te chisel, Give simple instructions for fa) (i u ), (c); (e), (g); (, and (Kk). Give polite requests for (b), (d), (0), (h), (j) and (I). —————— oo ; ae ‘up, put down, switch on, switch off, press down, | Beet a8 | saw, hammer (nouns) | Example: (a) Press the pedal down, (b) Would you mind picking the hammer up, please. OS) | Ho | ° A! "s Be a 1@ "Ke Complete these instructions. Eres are, there’s, of, on, (a) Don’t switch the lamp ...2"1.. . There’s no bulb ......... it. (b) Don’t saw that wood. anail in it. (c) Please don’t hammer that nail. The nail ...... bent. (d) Don't touch that wire. The wire ..... bare. (e) Don’t put these goggles ...... . They're broken. (f) Don’t pull that plank from the top ....... the cabinet. There ...... bricks on it Fiilewrite the following sentences to give the same meaning. _"Change the word in capitals from a noun to a verb. (a) Could you cut this piece of wood for me with a CHISEL, please? Gould you. chisel this ple on i z. esi (b) Please put some OIL on this bicycle chain oo (c) Would you mind hitting this nail with a HAMMER, please? -(@) Please fasten these two planks together with a NAIL. (e) Attach the bracket to the wall using a SCREW. Ee Revision Unit | hm iH ua Fl Look at this picture. which one is NE™ © ] | [ } ri Could you give this coftee i __to Mahmoud, please? ( Tdon't know Mahmoug, ] ~~ What does he look like’? ( j Example: (a) Abdullah is short and has short curly hair: (a) Abdullah (b) Ali (c) Alaa (d) Boutros (e) Hosni (f) Mahmoud a [rewrite your sentences as dialogues, like the example below. (a) A: Which one is Mahmoud? B: He’s the tall one with the long straight hair. [Ra complete the dialogues below. (a) Az Please press the switch. B: Which one? A: The one (b) At Please pull the lever B: Which one? At The One NK cooccscursnsunn the wheel, (6) Az Could you press the ON button, please? That's the one . () At Push the plug occ the socket. B: Which socket? A: The one . the right the window. ve the right. the bottom Revision Unit (@) Could you go and me the hammer, please? [imate appropriate statements in these situations. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) ) You are a house painter and you are painting a door. The paint is still wet. Suddenly someone walks up to the door and is about to touch the door. You want to tell him urgently not to touch the door. Don't touch that door! You are on the turbini train from Alexandria to Cairo and you want to sleep. Someone behind you switches on his radio loudly. You want to ask him politely to switch off his radio. What do you say? You want to give your sister your opinion, politely, that she should stop watching TV and start doing her homework. What do you You see your friend in the workshop doing some spray painting without wearing a mask on his face. You want to recommend to him that this is not healthy. What do you say? Your swimming teacher sees you playing around in the pool and wants to tell you that this is against the school rules. What does he say? You are an actor on the stage. Before you start performing, you want to ask the audience politely to switch off their mobile phones. What do you say’ om Unit fataueer Revision Ur en answer this questign, _ tiy th jekly and silen’ 2 six (d) seven [fread the passage below auiolty yyfour (0) ANE © six | e ioneds as not start. How many problems are mento pd ter des He ins is th | (Hint: One of the proble © Troubleshooting Guidg p 100A Notebook Compute! Travel Mal displ: ny ke ‘Speakers mouse printer LO AC adapter Problem: [pressed the power switch, but the computer does not start Solution: Open the display and press the power switch again. Problem: I did this, but the computer still does not start. Solution: Plug the AC adapter into the computer. Problem: The mouse does not work. Solution: Push the cable tightly into the socket in the computer. Problem: The printer does not work. Solution: Connect the printer to a power socket and switch the printer on Problem: I did these actions, but the printer still does not work. Solution:: Push the cable tightly into the socket in the computer. Problem:. There is no sound from the computer, Solution: Switch on the speakers. Problem: I switched them on, but there is still no sound, Solution: Press the volume-control key ; and turn the volume up. Filnow read the passage again and answer these questions. (a) What do these words * This in line 3 to: this in line 3; these in line 9; them in line 13? 0 the action of opening the dis (b) What should you do if you have connected the wah, switched the printer on, but your printer does 1 (c) If you have switched on the speakers and you don" oa you don’t hear any sound, what could (d) What must be done before the mouse ¢ (e) What three things must be done before % refers ot ewitol isplay and pressing the power Printer to a power socket and ot Work? ‘an operate? the computer can start? Listen and repeat. MAA A ( What's the racket made of? Is it made of wood? Make questions and answers. At What's this plu made of? Bs It’s made of rubber and steel. Example: (2) (b) (dy stee! Gx steel wood wood fe) ) (2) (hy steel! Tubber plastic ilmake sentences from this chart. opwood and the head is mate , Example: (a) Phe handle of this hammer is made of weed 1 tog - er (at) he handle of (c) Please send me some gravel, @| About 30. kilos. Blimake questions and answers from the cheklist. Example: (a) A: Please send me some paper. B: How many sheets do you need? A: 400. CHECKLIST OF ITEMS AND MATERIALS TO BUY: (a) paper 400 sheets (cement 40 kilos (b) sand about 30 kg (g) wood 10 planks (c) gravel 2 sacks (h) glass 4 panes (d) bricks about 500 (i)red paint 5 tins (e) long nails 4 packets” oil 10 lit 0000000 (b) Name one metal. (©) Name one material from an animal irty or forty years ago, made of fibre glass. The sports equipment was _ frames of bicycles are often lade of natural materials made of metals such as Ich as wood. But today __ titanium. tte, a In the past, the strings of Such as graphite, titanium tennis and squash rackets or fibre glass. These were made of gut. Gut is _ Materials are light in a natural material, made weight, but also strong and from animals. Gut is very elastic, but it is not very durable, Today, many or example, the heads of racket strings are made nnis rackets are often of nylon. This material is of graphite. The hulls elastic and durable, g boats are often — i Blstarting a conversat Just say something abot ion I Vina student {stuly engineering Whatdo you do? [Ri book and read the diagram below. nationality? name? | fag ut yourse h with a in Englis! if and th en ask Ideas for conversations foreignor Is easy! a question! { Vma studen, . Istudy an. |" 1) what's lio! How long? watch? [almatch the ideas with the questions and answers below. Then practise with your partnei | (1) How old are you? | (2) What films do you like? | (3) Where are you going for your holidays? (4) Which team do you support? oO What's your job? (6) Where do you study? (7) What's your name? [now try to make up your lm os 2P0Ve- Practise with y (8) Where do you come from? ry. ges Tlike Kung Fu film: Tcome from Englan I'ma builder, \_J My name is John, I support Manchester United, I study at Cairo Univeisity. A STUDY B PERSONAL id. r @ jen and repeat, This helmet is made of strong \ plastic Watch d 7 ej) is very hard. -* ou can’ "t cut it. } Sie \¢ plastic is very tou { ry tougl ( ttis unbreakable, & “Here are two more ways of describing properties: You can use a property adjective. _Fxamples: hard, rigid, tough times you can change a verb into an adjective. le: un + break + able = unbreakable a i ons. U! Wi Answer these questions and give reas se property adjective, ft, Ex. 3 (2) Can you serateh a pane of ghass easily? (b) Are diamond necklaces unbreakable’ (©) Can a rubber tyre be bent isily (A) Is a concrete beam unbendable? we) a sheet of paper be easily burnt? Felrome ne matron being ene ; ; is easily burnt. You ca and i (2) This material is soft and flexible and itis easily Oa folded. It is used every day in school. You are loo fone You cat see t | () This material is very brittle, Ttis easily broken if itis dropped : “ovehit | This is why it is used for light bulbs. What is it : ie | (©) These two materials are very tough, Oy eee er rigid. This is why they are used for making the shafts of tennis and sq are they? [Blundertine the correct words or phrases. Building a skyscraper : weigh The vertical columns and horizontal girders of the skyscraper are made of steel. This is because steel (a) can be bent/ cannot be. ent easily and is (b) breakable/ unbreakable. Steel is also (ec) durable/ combustible, so it will last a long time. The columns and girders support the roof, walls and floors. These are made of concrete because concrete is (d) flexible/ rigid and lasts a (e) long/ short time, A tower crane is used for lifting the steel and concrete sections onto the building. The tower and the arm are made of steel because they must be (f) bendable/ unbendable. The _ cable is made of steel wire. This wee very strong and (g) fough/ itle, but it is also (h) flexible/ rigid. BAN EGER SSI A pead this quickly and site, uildings in the future may look like ant hill at mee webs, trees, plants, bird’s nests or ant hills. This is because many natural ‘structures and materials are very strong. is Aspider’s web is flexible and elastic, but itis also very tough. It can be shaken and spider's web stretched by insects, but it does not break. _Aplant may look weak, but it is really very strong. It can be bent by a strong wind, _ but it cannot be broken. Birds can build x lightweight, durable homes very quickly. Ant a hills are actually small cities. They have thousands of small tunnels. The tunnels bring cool air into the ant hills. Ant hills do not need air conditioners. | In the future, people will be ableto live in very tall, flexible skyscrapers like trees. Ina strong wind or earthquake, the skyscrapers will move gently, but they will not break. now read the passage more carefully and answer these questions. (a) What does the word if refer to in paragraph 2? (b) Complete: fnsects cant... dnd... a spider's web, but it eaanat Be... (6) If-you make a building like a tree or a spider's web, do you think an earthquake will destroy it? Give reasons for your answer i (@) Do you think a building like an ant hill wil help to solve the problem of searce natural resources, such as oil? Give reasons for your answer. (6) Do you think the building mentioned in paragraph three will help to solve the problem of over-population’? Give reasons for your answer. 7 2 Communication Bleractise this. Uprefer David Beckham ) 1 Daniel Craig | Beckham is mo (intelligent than C ( Lainngtee V think Dan Craig is more intetig because than David Bi ‘en Bloopy this chart and complete it with true information about yourself, What are your favourites and why? Make sentences. Example: _ / prefer David Beckham to Daniel Craig because David Beckham is more intelligent than Daniel Craig. une Nae Sei Fajnow practise disagreeing and giving reasons. Disagree with anyone inh class, not only your partner. Example: Mona I prefer Zamalek to Ahly because Zamalek is more talented than Ahi Hanan I disagree. I prefer Ahly to Zamalek because I think Ally is more athletic than Zamalek, Question: Why does Hanan put a lot of emphasis, or stress, on these words? disagree Ahly more athletic j Answer: _ Itis because she wants to show that her idea is different from Mona's ide2. Mizz * vision Unit F a re these materials? Match materials in A with objects in B. A B {a) steel {b) iron (o) copper (@) sand (@) concrete © gravel (g) stone (h) graphite (i fibre glass @ nylon in the spaces with the correct form of the words then match A with B. sheet, kilo, packet, bucket, plank, litre, tin A B (a) a.plath. oF wood auton. OD Q) ] | wa of paper - (c) 3 of sand - @a of glass - fa .. Of paint ~ (a of water - (a of cement - hy 2 of oil - pr Revision Unit o meaning. Use the othe sam e Bab Rewrito the following sentences 10 9 wlass bottle, words made of. (ey ‘This isa glass bs (2) This is. metal spoon. : are rubber handle Thio spoon ie made of metal These are rub wo (bY This isa wooden ruler “That's a plastic set square WwW (©) Those are steel bridges. (hy ‘Those are iron vices. (A) That's a copper pipe Klin in the spaces with the correct word. REST mritg its rhe machine is very hot and the pape (a) Don’t place those newspapers on the machine. The machine is very he paper, are combustible cae fi ic (b)_ You want your squash racket to last for a very long time, so you should buy one mag. of graphite. Graphite is very (©) Safety helmets should be made of a nothing will break them, cae . (d) Firemen wear special uniforms made of a seosseeeee Substance 10 prevent fans from burning them. (A ruler is sometimes more useful than an unbendable one because sometimes you nced to bend it along a curved line, : (f) You want the strings of the tennis racket to stretch and then return to their original size so they should be made of nylon or gut, which are .. (g) Columns used in buildings must be plastic or fibre glass so that . If they are not, they might bend under pressure and the buildings will collapse. (h) Glass is a very ...... material. If you want to scratch or cut it, you need to use another material, such as diamond. Blanswer these questions and give your reasons. Use the passive form of the verb. (a) Why are bridges not made of rubber? E and ce be.caslly bent. (b) Why are goggles not made of glass? (c)_ Why are tyres not made of iron? (a) Why are vices not made of plastic?” (e) Why are buildings not made of paper? (©) Why are files not made of rubber? (g) Why are helmets not made of glass? (h) Why are matches not made of stone? ma ee __._Revision Unit § Ahmed Hello, Do you speak English? tourist, Yes, To. Hi, My name’s Tom, Abed Hi. Par Abmed, Where de. yeu conte fatth on ce ‘Tourist I come from Engkand, Do you live in Cairo? Ahmed Yes, Ido, Aled TM 16. . pie ‘Tourist Maa computer programmer. How about you? Ahmed: tudent in an industrial school, Do you like football? ‘Tourist Ido. Ahmed oe rete 4 ? ‘Tourist { support Chelsea Football Chub, choose the correct words for each situation. a) , A. No, you are wrong, It can be bent. B_ Yes, you are right. It is unbendable. ©. No, you are wrong. H ean bend it. ght, It can be bent. * A You are right, It is bendable, B_ You are right. It can be bent, ©. Youare rigl D_ You are wrong. | can’t bend it A So that they won't break, Plastie is a tough material B So that they will last a long ti Plastic is nateria © So that they won't stretch. Plastic is a durable material. D_ So that they won't serateh, Plastic is, a non-combustible material. 7s e,| Revision Unit : WalRead the passage below then complete the diagram with dimension, ng names of Parts, rc ee ae Cold-water storage tank consists of a Jarge container, two outlet pipes, gn. ! ei “t Pipe (with a ball valve), an open-vent pipe and an overflow pipe. The tank asures 2m by 1 m by | mand therefore has a cubic capacity of 2 cubic Metres n er I a {Wo outlet pipes are at the bottom of the tank, on one side. One of these Carries L to me itt from the tank to the hot water cylinder, The other one carries the ware, swviteh erry te house, Each outlet pipe has a valve, which allows the user to Tain colt the flow of the water. The inlet pipe, which brings the water from the N50 a the PP sat the top of the tank, on another side. The overflow pipe is I Dour out OP OF the tank, on a third side, ‘The purpose of this is to allow. water ty : Out and wam you ifthe tank is too full. I q The Fis fe tank itself is made of fibre glass. This is because fibre glass is a very hard materi ° terial. The inlet and outlet pipes are made of copper and the vent pipe and ees Overflow pipes are made of plastic, oe te tent aff Cold-Water Storage Tank [Bilanswer these questions. (a) What are the following items for: outlet pipes, valves, inlet pipe, overflow pipe? Outlet pipes are for carrying water from the tank to the hot water cylinder and for carrying water to the rest of the house, (b) What do the following words refer to: these (line 4), one (line 5), this (line 9), This (line 11)? (©) Why do you think it is important for the tank to be made of such a hard material? a 76 Cramoge d Edition 1, Revised Edition 1 English for Industrial Schools 1, Revised Edition Schoo vers Student Book, an aces Workbook, Resource toot ant cassette tape t dents” Language Student's Book vtec rates the foun stoning, ving Workbook. i and lanquag English for Industrial Schools 1, Revised Edition accompanied by Resource 800k which includes V skills. tts als pendent learners long alter they Nave tet of English for Industrial Schools 1, Revised Edition con A Student's Book which present long tributed evenly tiroughout the book A Workbook wh well as developing writing shill: practice tests N gives additional practice to the language of the unit a includes a further six revision units and twe A Resource Book which allow tudents to look up words in English their meanings in Arabic thus developing their dictionary skill A Teacher's Guide which give: information for teacher detailed, step-by-step lesson notes, backaround and suggestions tor follow-up wor Acassette tape containing pronunciation model accompany the Student's Book Awebsite (www.newh: and the testening texts, which, which provides support material

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