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ROLL NO- 2200820700024
SESSION 2022-23




01. Explain working with pivot table. 2-3
02. Analysis data using goal seek. 4-7
03. Analysis data using goal solver. 8
04. Demonstrate the use of auditing tools, Trace precedent, 9-10
Dependent cells, identify cell.
05. Demonstrate the use of Marcos in student mark sheet 11
06. Demonstrate different charts Column chart, Bar chart, 12-17
Line chart, Pie chart, XY scatter chart, Area chart,
Surface chart, Bubble chart.
07. Combination in Column chart, Line chart and Area 18
08. The change display unit on value access of the chart 19-20
without changing data source: Hundred, Thousand and

Experiment no. 1
Pivot table

A pivot table is a powerful data summarization tool that can

automatically sort, count, and sum up data stored in tables and display
the summarized data. Pivot tables are useful to quickly
create crosstabs (a process or function that combines and/or
summarizes data from one or more sources into a concise format for
analysis or reporting) to display the joint distribution of two or more

Typically, with a pivot table the user sets up and changes the data
summary's structure by dragging and dropping fields graphically. This
"rotation" or pivoting of the summary table gives the concept its

Three key reasons for organizing data into a pivot table are:

 To summarize the data contained in a lengthy list into a compact

 To find relationships within the data that are otherwise hard to
see because of the amount of detail.
 To organize the data into a format that’s easy to read.

Insert a Pivot Table

To insert a pivot table, execute the following steps.

1. Click any single cell inside the data set.
2. On the Insert tab, in the Tables group, click PivotTable.

The following dialog box appears. Excel automatically selects the

data for you. The default location for a new pivot table is New
3. Click OK.

Experiment no. 2
Analysis the data goal seek

Goal Seek is Excel's built-in What-If Analysis tool that shows how
one value in a formula impacts another. More precisely, it determines
what value you should enter in an input cell to get the desired result in
a formula cell.

The best thing about Excel Goal Seek is that it performs all
calculations behind the scenes, and you are only asked to specify
these three parameters:

 Formula cell
 Target/desired value
 The cell to change in order to achieve the target

The Goal Seek tool is especially useful for doing sensitivity analysis
in financial modeling and is widely used by management majors and
business owner. But there are many other uses that may prove helpful
to you.

Note. Goal Seek can process only one input value at a time. If you
are working on an advanced business model with multiple input
values, use the Solver add-in to find the optimal solution.

How to use Goal Seek in Excel

The purpose of this section is to walk you through how to use the
Goal Seek function. So, we'll be working with a very simple data set:

The above table indicates that if you sell 100 items at $5 each, minus
the 10% commission, you will make $450. The question is: How
many items do you have to sell to make $1,000?

Let's see how to find the answer with Goal Seek:

1. Set up your data so that you have a formula cell and

a changing cell dependent on the formula cell.
2. Go to the Data tab > Forecast group, click the What if
Analysis button, and select Goal Seek…

3. In the Goal Seek dialog box, define the cells/values to test and
click OK:
o Set cell - the reference to the cell containing the formula (B5).
o To value - the formula result you are trying to achieve (1000).
o By changing cell - the reference for the input cell that you want to
adjust (B3).

4. The Goal Seek Status dialog box will appear and let you know if a
solution has been found. If it succeeded, the value in the "changing
cell" will be replaced with a new one. Click OK to keep the new
value or Cancel to restore the original one.

In this example, Goal Seek has found that 223 items (rounded up to
the next integer) need to be sold to achieve a revenue of $1,000.

If you are not sure you will be able to sell that many items, then
maybe you can reach the target revenue by changing the item price?
To test this scenario, do Goal Seek analysis exactly as described
above except that you specify a different Changing cell (B2):

As the result, you will find out that if you increase the unit price to
$11, you can reach $1,000 revenue by selling only 100 items:

Experiment no. 3
Analysis data goal solver
Solver is a tool that allows you to find an optimal solution to a
problem by changing the input values of a formula. For example, if
you have a formula in Excel that calculates the total cost of a project
based on the number of hours worked, you can use Solver to find out
how many hours need to be worked by different people to minimize
the total cost. To use Solver in Excel, you first need to set up your
formula and data. Then, go to the “Data” tab in the ribbon and click
on “What-If Analysis” and select “Solver." In the Solver Parameters
dialog box, you need to specify the cell you want to change (the input
cell), the value you want to achieve (the output cell), and any
constraints or limits you want to apply. Once you click "OK," Excel
will calculate the optimal input values that will result in the desired
output value. Here are the steps to use Solver in Microsoft Excel: 1.
Open the Excel workbook that contains the data you want to analyze.
2. Select the cell that contains the formula you want to use Solver on.
3. Go to the “Data” tab in the ribbon and click on “What-If Analysis”
and select “Solver.” 4. In the Solver Parameters dialog box, specify
the cell you want to change (the input cell), the value you want to
achieve (the output cell), and any constraints or limits you want to
apply. 5. Click “OK” to run the Solver analysis. 6. Review the results
and adjust your input values as needed.

Experiment no. 4

Demonstrate the use of Auditing tools Trace precedent,

Dependent cells and Identify cells

Trace precedents
Trace precedents are the cells affecting the values/formulae under the
selected cell. Suppose we have five principle amounts that we can
invest with a rate of interest of 12% and a period of 6 years. We have
calculated the interest amounts for all five principles using a simple
formula Principle*Interest Rate*Period(in years).

Now, if we click on cell A6 and press F2, we can see the formula we
used to capture

Dependent cells
Excel formulas often refer to other cells. These cross-cell references
are known as "precedents" and "dependents". A precedent is a cell
that provides data to a formula. A dependent is a cell that contains a
formula that refers to other cells.

Identify cells

A cell reference or cell address is a combination of a column letter

and a row number that identifies a cell on a worksheet.

For example, A1 refers to the cell at the intersection of column A and

row 1; B2 refers to the second cell in column B, and so on.

When used in a formula, cell references help Excel find the values the
formula should calculate.

For instance, to pull the value of A1 to another cell, you use this
simple formula:


To add up the values in cells A1 and A2, you use this one:


Experiment no. 5
Demonstrate the use of Marcos in student mark sheet scheme
Macros can be used in a student mark sheet scheme in Excel to
automate repetitive tasks and save time. For example, you could
create a macro that automatically calculates the average marks for
each student based on the marks entered in each subject’s column. To
create a macro, you first need to record the steps you want the macro
to perform. For example, you could record a macro that calculates the
average marks for one student, and then use that macro to calculate
the average marks for all students in the class. To record a macro, go
to the “View” tab in the ribbon and click on “Macros”. Click on
“Record Macro” and follow the prompts to record the steps you want
the macro to perform. Once you’ve recorded the macro, you can
assign it to a button or keyboard shortcut to make it easier to use.
Using macros in a student mark sheet scheme can help you save time
and reduce errors, but it’s important to test your macros thoroughly to
make sure they are working correctly. It’s also a good idea to keep a
backup copy of your mark sheet in case something goes wrong with
the macros. Here are the steps to create a macro in excel1. Open the
student mark sheet in Excel and select the cell where you want to start
recording the macro. 2. Click on the “View” tab in the ribbon and
select “Macros” from the dropdown menu. 3. In the “Macro” dialog
box, enter a name for the macro and select a shortcut key if you want
to assign one. 4. Click on the “OK” button to start recording the
macro. 5. Perform the actions that you want the macro to record. For
example, you could enter the formula to calculate the average marks
for one student. 6. When you’re finished recording the macro, click on
the “Stop Recording” button in the “Macro” dialog box. 7. Test the
macro by selecting a different cell and then running the macro using
the shortcut key or button you assigned. 8. Save the mark sheet with
the macro enabled. Once you’ve created the macro, you can use it to
perform the same actions on other cells in the mark sheet. For
example, you could use the macro to calculate the average marks for
all students in the class
Experiment no. 6

A chart (sometimes known as a graph) is a graphical representation
for data visualization, in which “the data is represented by symbols,
such as bars in a bar chart, lines in a line chart, or slices in a pie
chart”.A chart can represent tabular numeric data, functions or some
kinds of quality structure and provides different info.

Types of chart
Generally, the most popular types of charts are column charts, bar
charts, pie charts, doughnut charts, line charts, area charts, scatter
charts, spider (radar) charts, gauges, and comparison charts. Here is a
quick view of all of these types of charts. The biggest challenge is
how to select the most effective type of chart for your task.

Column chart
Column chart are effective for the comparison of at least one set of
data points. The vertical axis, also known as the Y-axis, is often
shown in numeric values. The X-axis on the horizontal line indicates a

Bar Chart
A bar chart or bar graph is a chart or graph that presents categorical
data with rectangular bars with heights or lengths proportional to the

values that they represent. The bars can be plotted vertically or

horizontally. A vertical bar chart is sometimes called a column chart.

Pie Chart
A pie chart (or a circle chart) is a circular statistical graphic which is
divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportion. In a pie chart,
the arc length of each slice (and consequently its central angle and
area) is proportional to the quantity it represents. While it is named
for its resemblance to a pie which has been sliced, there are variations
on the way it can be presented.

Line Chart
A line chart is a graphical representation of an asset’s historical price
action that connects a series of data points with a continuous line.
This is the most basic type of chart used in finance, and it typically
only depicts a security’s closing prices over time.

Scatter chart
A scatter chart, also called a scatter plot, is a chart that shows the
relationship between two variables. They are an incredibly powerful
chart type, allowing viewers to immediately understand a relationship
or trend, which would be impossible to see in almost any other form.

Bubble chart
A bubble chart is a variation of a scatter chart in which the data points
are replaced with bubbles, and an additional dimension of the data is
represented in the size of the bubbles.

Area chart
An area chart is a graph that combines a line chart and a bar chart to
show changes in quantities over time. It’s similar to a line graph in
that data points are plotted and connected by line segments. However,
the area below the line is colored in or shaded.

Surface Chart
In mathematics, geology, and cartography, a surface map is a 2D
perspective representation of a 3-dimensional surface. Surface maps
usually represent real-world entities such as landforms or the surfaces
of objects.

Experiment no. 7

Combinations in column chart and line chart and area A

combination chart with a chart
You can create combination of any Charts which has same orientation
of X and Y axis. Creating combination of different Graphs is very
similar to creating multi series graph. You just need to add data series
and specify the chart type. The given example combines Column,
Line and Area Chart. It also contains source code that you can edit in-
browser or save to run locally.
Combine data with the Ampersand symbol (&)
 Select the cell where you want to put the combined data.
 Type = and select the first cell you want to combine.
 Type & and use quotation marks with a space enclosed.
 Select the next cell you want to combine and press enter.
An example formula might be =A2&” “&B2.

Experiment no. 8

The Millions change display unit on value access of chart without

changing data source: Hundred, Thousand & Million
If you have a chart in Excel as below screenshot shown, and now you
want to format the axis labels as thousands/millions like 100K, 1M,
how can you solve.
You can go to the Format Axis dialog to format the axis.
1. Right click at the axis you want to format its labels as
thousands/millions, select Format Axis in the context menu.
2. In the Format Axis dialog/pane, click Number tab, then in the
Category list box, select Custom, and type [>999999]
#,,”M”;#,”K” into Format Code text box, and click Add button
to add it to Type list. See screenshot:
3. Close dialog, now you can see the axis labels are formatted as
thousands or millions.

: If you just want to format the axis labels as thousands or only

millions, you can type #,”K” or #,”M” into Format Code textbox and
add it.


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