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be different from (和…不同)

the same as (和…一样)

2. in magazines and newspapers (在报纸和杂志上,介词 in)

3. would like to do sth. (想要做…/ 想要… = gustaría…)

Would…like to…?

4. one thousand (hundred) / two thousand (hundred) / … thousand (hundred) (确切的数


hundreds of of/ thousands of (成百的…/ 上千的…)

5. come from + 国家

6. interest (兴趣,有复数---interests)


interested (感到有趣的---be interested in)

7. promise to do sth. / promise not to do sth. (保证做/ 不做…)

8. 人称代词(见 2.22 笔记)

9. say (说话)

speak (讲某种语言)

tell(告诉,告诉某人某事--- tell sb. sth.)

talk (说,谈话,讨论,和某人说话---talk to sb. )

10. How long (多久,表示时间)

How far (多远,表示距离)

11. Among + 可数名词复数(在许多。。之中)

12. the + 序数词 (first/ second/ third/ fourth…)

13. at an early age 在小时候

14. keep doing sth. 保持做某事

15. pass the exam 通过考试

participate the exam 参加考试

16. bring the benefits 带来好处

17. through + 名词(表示方式方法:通过…)

18. on sb.’s own = by oneself (on my own = by myself / on her own = by herself)

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