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Exam-style questions and sample answers have been written by the authors. In examinations, the way marks are awarded
may be different.

Coursebook answers
Chapter 1 • Modern scientific controversies include:
• the idea that increasing concentrations
Before you start of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are
causing global warming
• Learners should be familiar with some of • the controversy about whether the
the structures seen in cells from work done at measles, mumps and rubella (MMR)
IGCSE. Figures 1.4 and 1.5 will refresh their vaccine can increase the risk of autism.
memory of cell structure. Scientists are now agreed that there is
• The functions of the main structures are no link between the MMR vaccine and
found in the sections ‘Features that animal autism.
and plant cells have in common’ and
‘Differences between animal and plant cells’. Self-assessment questions
• As well as Figures 1.4 and 1.5, they will
1 a Structures that animal and plant cells have
find relevant information in the section
in common:
‘Differences between animal and plant cells’.
• nucleus with nucleolus and chromatin
• Yes, there are organisms other than animals
and plants. They are classified in different • cytoplasm containing mitochondria,
kingdoms which learners will learn about Golgi apparatus and other small
later. Other types of organism include fungi, a structures
group of mainly unicellular organisms called • cell surface membrane.
protoctists, bacteria and viruses.
b Structures found only in plant cells:
Science in Context • chloroplasts
• Two obvious examples are: • large, permanent central vacuole
• Darwin and Wallace’s theory of • cell wall with middle lamella and
evolution by natural selection was highly plasmodesmata.
controversial because it appeared to be in c Structure found only in animal cells:
conflict with the religious belief that God
created all species of living things and that • centriole.
humans were a special creation. 2 • Use a sharp pencil.
• Galileo was placed under house arrest for • Do not use shading / do not draw the
the rest of his life after putting forward nucleus as a solid blob.
the idea that Earth and the other planets
• Do not cross label lines.
orbited the Sun rather than the Earth
being at the centre of the solar system. • Do not use arrowheads on label lines.
Again, this appeared to contradict the • Use a ruler to draw label lines.
religious beliefs of the time.
• Make outline of cells less sketchy – lines
Other examples include: should be continuous, not broken.
• Einstein’s theory of general relativity • Write labels horizontally, not at the same
(which challenged our ideas of the link angle as the label line.
between space and time)
• Interpret what you see. For example, outlines
• Wegener’s theory of continental drift
are not very accurate (too rounded).
(which was controversial because
scientists could not explain how
continents could move).

1 Cambridge International AS & A Level Biology – Jones, Fosbery, Taylor & Gregory © Cambridge University Press 2020

3 a actual diameter = 20 µm (see caption) • The nucleus is seen to be surrounded by a

diameter on diagram = 58 mm = double membrane (envelope) with pores
58 000 µm in it.

magnification, M = size of image, • Mitochondria have a surrounding double

I membrane (envelope), the inner layer
= forming finger-like folds pointing inwards.
actual size of specimen A
• Endoplasmic reticulum is extensive
58 000
= throughout the cell, some with ribosomes
(rough) and some without (smooth).
therefore magnification = ×2900
• Small structures seen under the light
b magnification = ×16 000 (see caption) microscope can be distinguished by the
length on micrograph = 65 mm = electron microscope as lysosomes and
65 000 µm vesicles.
size of specimen, A = size of image, • Free ribosomes are seen throughout
the cell.
= • The centriole is seen to be two separate
magnification M
65 000 centrioles.
16 000 • Finger-like extensions of the cell surface
therefore actual size of chloroplast = 4.1 µm membrane, known as microvilli, are seen.
4 The resolution of a microscope is limited by the • Microtubules are visible in the cytoplasm.
radiation used to view the specimen. Resolution
7 Detail in a plant cell seen with the electron
equals half the wavelength of the radiation used.
microscope but not apparent using a light
The shortest wavelength of light is 400 nm,
therefore the resolution of a light microscope
is 200 nm. The diameter of a ribosome is much • In the nucleus, chromatin can be
smaller than this, namely 25 nm. distinguished.
5 • The nuclear membrane can be seen as a
double structure (envelope), continuous
Feature Light Electron with the rough endoplasmic reticulum,
microscope microscope and with pores in it.
source of light electrons • There is extensive rough and smooth
radiation endoplasmic reticulum throughout the cell.
wavelength 400–700 nm about 0.005 nm • Free ribosomes are visible in the cytoplasm.
of radiation
used • Microtubules are visible in the cytoplasm.
maximum 200 nm 0.5 nm in • The mitochondria have a double
resolution practice membrane (envelope), the inner layer
lenses glass electromagnets having folds into the matrix.
specimen living, non- non-living or • Chloroplasts have a double outer
living or dead dead membrane (envelope).
stains coloured dyes heavy metals • Grana can be seen in the chloroplast, as
stacks of sacs connected to other grana by
image coloured black and white longer sacs (thylakoids).

6 Detail in an animal cell seen with the electron 8a diameter of nucleus (I)
microscope but not apparent using a light = 75 mm = 75 000 µm
microscope: magnification (M) = ×11 000
therefore actual diameter
• In the nucleus, chromatin can be
75 000
distinguished. of nucleus (A) = = 6.8 µm
11 000
b The nucleus may not have been sectioned
at its widest part. If you try cutting

2 Cambridge International AS & A Level Biology – Jones, Fosbery, Taylor & Gregory © Cambridge University Press 2020

a model sausage, the cut surface of a Mitochondrion Site of ATP synthesis in

transverse section will look like a circle. aerobic respiration
The cut surface of a longitudinal section
will look like a sausage. Other sections Golgi apparatus Makes lysosomes
will be somewhere between circles and Cilium Has a ‘9 + 2’ arrangement of
sausages. microtubules
9 Cilia in the oviduct beat in order to move the Lysosome Mainly contains digestive
egg from the ovary to the uterus. (It may be enzymes
fertilised along the way.)
10 Cell surface membrane: essential because it There are some obvious variations on this activity.
forms a partially permeable barrier between Both the structures and the descriptions can be
the cell and its environment, regulating varied. It is useful for students to choose their
movement of materials into and out of own terms and descriptions because it reinforces
the cell. This is necessary to maintain an learning. The number of cards can be varied to
environment inside the cell which is different suit the number of students involved.
from that outside the cell.
Cytoplasm: site of metabolic activity. It
contains biochemicals in solution. What is a cell?
Ribosomes: sites of protein synthesis, an A cell is the basic unit of life. All living organisms
essential activity of all cells. (DNA controls are made of cells. All cells have a cell surface
cells by controlling which proteins are membrane, cytoplasm and genetic material in the
made.) Protein synthesis is a complex process form of DNA. All cells have a protein synthesising
involving the interaction of many molecules; machinery which includes ribosomes.
the ribosome provides a site where this can
happen in an organised way. Why are all living things made of cells?
DNA: the genetic material. DNA contains the The biochemistry of life must be separated from
information which controls the activities of the surrounding environment. This separation is
the cell. It can replicate itself, enabling new achieved by the cell surface membrane. The cell
cells to be formed. surface membrane is partially permeable and
controls what enters and leaves the cell. Without it,
Cell wall (absent in animal cells): prevents the the chemicals of life would mix with the chemicals
cell from bursting as a result of osmosis if it is of the environment and a separate chemistry of
exposed to a solution of higher water potential. life would be impossible.
Flagellum: needed for locomotion by some cells.
Comparing the success of prokaryotic
Practical activity and eukaryotic cells
Here is the table with the terms and descriptions Criteria could be:
correctly matched. • complexity of cells
• complexity of the whole organism
Chloroplast Photosynthesis occurs in
this organelle • size
Nucleus Chromosomes are found in • total biomass on the planet
this structure in eukaryotic • range of habitats they can live in
• ability to survive adverse conditions
Ribosomes These are found on rough
• ability to regulate their internal environments
endoplasmic reticulum
(RER) • number and variety of species.
Cell wall This structure contains
cellulose as a strengthening
Nucleolus Makes ribosomes

3 Cambridge International AS & A Level Biology – Jones, Fosbery, Taylor & Gregory © Cambridge University Press 2020

Is this a meaningless question? max. This indicates the maximum number of

This question probably is a meaningless question, marks that can be given.
although it doesn’t stop people discussing it. All 1 A ; [1]
living things have evolved to be adapted to their 2 C ; [1]
particular environments (ecological niches) and to
this extent are equally successful. Judgements can 3 B ; [1]
be made in various ways. Eukaryotes are far more 4 nucleus ;
complex than prokaryotes. Humans (probably (smooth) endoplasmic reticulum ;
the most intelligent eukaryotes) have the greatest rough endoplasmic reticulum ;
control over their environments. Bacteria have the 25 nm / larger / 80S ribosomes ;
greatest biomass and are the most versatile of cells. linear / non-circular DNA ;
They are probably the most likely cells to survive chromatin ;
a catastrophic change in the Earth’s climate/ lysosome(s) ;
environment. Golgi apparatus ;
mitochondrion / mitochondria ;
Exam-style questions microtubule(s) ;
centriole(s) ;
The mark schemes, suggested answers and
centrosome ;
comments that appear here were written by the
vacuole(s) ;
author(s). In examinations, the way marks would
microvillus / microvilli ;
be awarded to answers like these may be different.
cilium / cilia ;
nucleolus / nucleoli ;
Notes about mark schemes nuclear envelope ;
A or accept indicates an alternative acceptable nuclear pore(s) ;
answer. AVP ;  [max. 10]
R = reject. This indicates a possible answer that  [Total: 10]
should be rejected.
5 a magnification is the number of times
; The bold semicolon indicates the award of
larger an image is compared with the real
1 mark.
size of the object ; AW
/ This indicates an alternative answer for the same
resolution is the ability to distinguish
mark. The alternatives may be separated from the
between two separate points / the greater
rest of the answer by commas.
the resolution, the greater the detail that
( ) Text in brackets is not required for the mark. can be seen ; AW
Underlining This is used to indicate essential a statement linking the terms, such
word(s) that must be used to get the mark. as both terms used with reference to
AW means ‘alternative wording’. It is used to microscopy ; [3]
indicate that a different wording is acceptable b light microscope uses light as a source
provided the essential meaning is the same, and it of radiation ;
is used where students’ responses are likely to vary
electron microscope uses electrons
more than usual.
as a source of radiation ; [2]
AVP means ‘additional valid point’. This means
c both organelles / both found in
accept any additional points given by the student
eukaryotic cells ;
that are not in the mark scheme, provided they
are relevant. But accept only as many additional nucleolus is located inside nucleus ;
points as indicated by the bold semicolons, e.g. nucleus controls cell activity ;
AVP ; ; means award a maximum of 2 extra
nucleolus makes ribosomes ;
AVP ; ; e.g. nucleus surrounded by

ORA means ‘or reverse argument’ and is used
envelope, no membrane round
when the same idea could be expressed in the
nucleolus [max. 4]
reverse way. For example: ‘activity increases
between pH2 and pH5 ORA’ means accept
‘activity decreases between pH5 and pH2’.

4 Cambridge International AS & A Level Biology – Jones, Fosbery, Taylor & Gregory © Cambridge University Press 2020

d chromatin and chromosomes both surface membrane controls exchange

contain DNA (and protein / histones / between cell and environment ;
RNA) / both found in nucleus ; cell wall freely permeable, cell surface
chromatin is the loosely coiled form of membrane partially permeable ;
chromosomes ; AVP ; [max. 4]
chromatin is the form that exists between i both have a protective function ;
cell / nuclear divisions ;
capsid found in viruses, cell walls found
chromosomes are formed just before / in eukaryotes / plants, fungi and bacteria
during, cell / nuclear division ; [max. 3] (and some protoctists) ;
e an envelope consists of two membranes capsid made of protein, cell walls contain
(one just inside / outside the other) ; strengthening material / not made of protein
a membrane is a thin (partially permeable) / made of or contain polysaccharides /
barrier found around cells and some contain cellulose, chitin or murein ;
organelles ; AVP ;  [max. 4]
example of at least one organelle j both found in viruses ;
surrounded by an envelope is given ;
capsid is the protein coat surrounding
membranes found in / around all cells, the virus ;
envelopes only in eukaryotes ; [max. 3]
the protein coat is made of (many)
f both consist of flattened membrane- protein subunits called capsomeres ; [3]
bound sacs ;
 [Total: 34]
both found spreading through cytoplasm
of eukaryotic cells ; 6 a nucleolus ;

smooth ER lacks ribosomes, rough ribosome ;

ER has ribosomes on surface ; centriole ;
one function of smooth ER given, centrosome ;
e.g. makes lipids / steroids ; microtubule ; [max. 3]
rough ER transports proteins made b lysosome ; ;
by ribosomes on its surface ; [max. 4]
rough ER ;
g prokaryotes have no nucleus, eukaryotes
have nucleus ; smooth ER ;
prokaryotes are smaller / simpler ; Golgi apparatus / Golgi body ;
prokaryotes have few organelles, cilium ;
eukaryotes have many organelles, some flagellum ; [max. 3]
membrane-bound ;
c nucleus ;
one other important difference given /
mitochondrion ;
eukaryotes evolved from prokaryotes ; [4]
chloroplast ; [3]
h all cells have cell surface membrane, only
some cells have cell walls / animal cells  [Total: 9]
lack cell walls ; 7 a Golgi apparatus ;
cell surface membrane very thin, cell wall b nucleolus ;
relatively thick ;
c ribosome ;
cell wall outside cell surface membrane ;
d ER / rough ER ;
cell wall strong / has strengthening
e rough ER ;
material, cell surface membrane not
strong / is fragile ; f mitochondrion ;
cell wall protects cell (from mechanical g nucleus ;
damage/from bursting by osmosis), cell h chloroplast ;

5 Cambridge International AS & A Level Biology – Jones, Fosbery, Taylor & Gregory © Cambridge University Press 2020

i centrosome (accept centriole) ;

j nucleus ;
k membrane ;
l ribosome / microtubule ;
m cilium / flagellum ; [Total: 13]

Label Name of structure Function

A cell wall ; maintains the shape of the (plant) cell ;
prevents the cell bursting ; [3]
B nucleus ; contains the chromosomes / genetic material/DNA ;
the genetic code controls the activities of the cell ; [3]
C nuclear envelope ; compartmentalises / separates the DNA / genetic material
from the rest of the cell ; [2]
D nucleolus ; contains DNA that controls the manufacture of ribosomes ; [2]
E cell surface controls which substances can enter and leave the cell ;
membrane ; selectively permeable ; [3]
F mitochondrion ; site of aerobic respiration ;
organelle where (most) ATP is made ; [3]
G chloroplast ; contains chlorophyll and is the site of photosynthesis ;
in the chloroplast grana / thylakoids, light-dependent
reactions take place, producing reduced NADP and ATP ;
in the chloroplast stroma, light-independent reactions take
place, producing carbohydrates ; [max. 3]
H sap vacuole ; storage of solutes in a plant cell ; [2]
I tonoplast ; membrane around plant sap vacuole controlling which
substances can enter and leave the vacuole ; [2]
J starch grain ; storage of carbohydrate ; [2]
 [Total: 25]

9 a 
1 mark for each accurately measured clean, continuous lines / not sketchy ;
‘observed diameter’ (to within ±2 mm) interpretation of structures accurate ;
and 1 mark for each accurately calculated
‘actual size’ ; ; ; ; ; ; representative parts of main organelles
drawn, including those below for which
1 mark for applying the formula ; label marks are awarded ; [5]
1 mark for measuring in mm and converting labels:
mm to μm for each calculation ;
nucleus ;
1 mark for rounding up actual size to no
more than one decimal place ; [9] nuclear envelope ;
b quality of drawing: nuclear pore ;
sharp pencil used ; nucleolus ;
more than half of available space used ; rough ER ;
ribosome(s) ;

6 Cambridge International AS & A Level Biology – Jones, Fosbery, Taylor & Gregory © Cambridge University Press 2020

mitochondrion ; 10 a i 100 000 g

crista or cristae ; ii 1000 g
Golgi apparatus ; iii 10 000 g ; [1]
Golgi vesicle / secretory vesicle ; [max. 9] b lysosomes are, similar in size to / slightly
c mitochondria will appear circular if smaller than, mitochondria ;
they are cut, in transverse section / therefore sediment at same / similar, g
across (the long axis) ; AW [1] force / speed ;
d i A: protein made on the ribosome is therefore contaminate mitochondrial
moving into the rough ER ; sample ; AW
B: rough ER buds off small vesicles ; therefore cannot be sure whether effects
vesicles fuse to form the Golgi due to mitochondria or lysosomes in any
apparatus ; (therefore) protein moves experiments ; [4]
into Golgi apparatus ; protein may  [Total: 5]
be modified / processed inside Golgi
apparatus ;
C: Golgi apparatus buds off Golgi
vesicles ;
D: Golgi vesicles travel to cell surface
membrane ; Golgi vesicle(s) fuses with
cell surface membrane ; protein /
enzyme leaves cell ; exocytosis /
secretion ;  [max. 8]
ii ribosome / messenger RNA ; [1]
iii nuclear pore ; [1]
iv ATP ; [1]
 [Total: 35]

7 Cambridge International AS & A Level Biology – Jones, Fosbery, Taylor & Gregory © Cambridge University Press 2020

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