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Crimes in Nigeria are mostly economically induced; be it fraud, theft, burglary, kidnap etc. All these are as a result of poverty because crime is inextricably linked to poverty. Poverty per se is not the absence of income or amenities etc but it is the absence of opportunities to make wealth. Studies have shown that people turn to criminal offenses when they have no legitimate opportunities for livelihood. Therefore creating opportunities for the youth must be integrated into ways of fighting crime. A case study of two secondary school leavers revealed that they decided to pool their resources together having been dissatisfied with the level of financial turn over available to them in their businesses and decided to take to the crime of car snatching in other to make ends meet. With a population of over 150 million people, Nigeria is also reputed to be a giant in the area of importation. And chief amongst its imports is automobiles, which come in different ranges. Though statistics are scanty owing to smuggling activities, Nigeria is believed to be the destination point of millions of cars, entering Africa from Europe and America. Perhaps, this heavy automobile importation activities, is also responsible for another off-shoot of the industry- car snatching. Car snatching, according to the Nigerian Police source is one of the thriving crimes in Nigeria, forming a source of worry for the law enforcement agencies.

An experienced car thief can steal your car in less than a minute, while some will simply smash the drivers window to get in, others may use master key or other devices to open the car door. Again some car snatcher steals the cars for the value of the car but where the sales of such may prove difficult, the cars are stolen for the value of their parts. Some of the most frequently stolen cars were

also the most frequently sold cars either due to their worth or are in vague. Some intend to personally drive or sell the stolen car to an associate after altering the vehicle colour through spraying with new paint or by changing the plate number; worst still, your car may be used to commit another crime like an armed robbery or be used for kidnapping. Automobile theft seems to occur with greater frequency where large groups of cars are parked together for extended periods like at airports, shopping centers, colleges, stadium, movie complexes, and large apartment complexes. Car snatchers mode of operation usually includes but not limited to: 1. Pursuing any vehicle that attracted their attention. 2. Asking for assistance while pretending to be working on their faulty vehicle 3. Asking for lift and thereby forcing their victims out of their cars at gun point. 4. While slowing down to negotiate a bend or avoiding pot holes or climbing bumps

Some common Ways to Steal a Car

Year in and out the Nigerian Police Force comes out with details list of stolen cars, the question remains what steps can be taken to discourage car thieves. Auto theft continues to thrive despite those lists and regardless of new anti-theft technology that emerges with every new model year. What else can be done rather than to equip your car with anti-theft protection; but having a mind picture of some of the ways these

thieves steal cars, might help in suggesting some ways on how to stop them from doing it.

1. Bump against the car to check for a car alarm. Car

thieves have been conditioned to turn off car alarm by bumping against the car. Instead of a motion-sensitive car alarm, use one that has a pager that will notify you as soon as your alarm is activated.

2. Break the window to gain entry into a locked car. Keep

valuables out of sight. Take them with you or store them in the trunk of the car. Also, if you have a stereo with a removable face plate, take it with you instead of tucking it away in the glove box.

3. Jump into an unattended running car while the owner is at ATM. Never leave your keys in the ignition even for a quick
errand. Car theft is a crime of opportunity, so don't make it easy for them to grab yours.

4. Find the second set of keys the owner "hid" in the car. Don't leave spare keys in your car or in a magnetic box attached
to the underside of your car. Thieves know where all the "hiding places" are.

5. Look for car alarm decals to figure out which method to use to eliminate the alarm. Never display stickers that
advertise what sort of car alarm you have, or audio system for that matter. Consider using a hood lock cable so the thief can't get to your battery or car alarm mechanism.


Cars are stolen for some number of reasons and purposes. Here are some of them.

To sell the entire vehicle One of the most common reasons to steal a car is simply to sell it again, often times thieves will take the car from one state to another or sometimes across international borders. To escape detection, identification numbers may be altered or obliterated, titles and registrations forged, and the vehicle repainted. To sell the parts Also, vehicles may be stolen in order to dismantle and its parts sold. Selling the parts bit by bit may profit a thief more than selling the vehicle whole. Gangs of car thieves usually set up dismantling workshop that can strip a car down to its component parts within minutes. Often these thieves work in partnership with crooked motor mechanics and spare parts dealers who are eager to purchase the stolen parts at a discount. To obtain transportation Sometimes a thief will steal a vehicle simply to provide transportation for himself. Typically, the thief will use the vehicle for his own purposes only for as long as he deems it safe, then abandoning the vehicle before it can be traced to him. To go joyriding An auto theft by juveniles for status or thrills continues to be a major problem. Often, the stolen car is simply abandoned later, but increasingly juvenile thieves are becoming involved working in collusion with organized criminal operations. To commit other crimes Sometimes, vehicles are stolen in order to be used in the commission of other crimes, such as drive-by shootings, burglaries and armed robberies. By using a stolen car, the criminals hope to reduce the chances that the crime will be traced back to them.


According to the Police compilation of stolen and recovered cars across the 36 states of the federation and Abuja, shows that the 1995 Honda Civic, 1991 Honda Accord model, 1989 Toyota Camry model and the 1997 Ford F150 top the first, second, third and forth on the lists of cars thieves stole in the last one year. Others include: 1994 1994 2004 1994

Chevrolet Acura Integra Dodge Ram Pick up Nissan jeep Toyota Pick up Toyota Corolla



Parking lot robbers are usually opportunists who look for the easiest person to victimize. They cowardly prey on older persons and women most often and prefer to attack them away from witnesses or security officers. These predators like to hang out in the parking lot looking for potential victims. They will pretend to talk on a telephone or watch from inside a car. They will try to get close to their intended victim before they strike. Most victims have said that they never saw the robber approach. You must stay alert at all times. If you see a suspicious male approaching you, change directions. If he appears to follow, look

him in the eyes and yell at him to STOP. However, do not stand your ground and confront him. Get out of there, if you can. Run toward other people and point him out. You can While parking lots provide a great service by allowing people greater access to retail and office complexes, many sometimes create a substantial risk. The relative safety of any parking lot is determined by three factors namely: 1) The nature of the parking lot, 2) The crime history, and 3) The location. Nature of a Parking Lot A parking lot is best described by its design, how and when it is used. The crime rate of a parking lot can be affected positively or negatively by its' design. Large high-rise structures can cause poor visibility to car thieves because of walls and large pillars. While large flat parking lots attached to a shopping mall or office complex can offer a car-thieves great visibility to watch for security and create escape routes. The time of day the traffic flow, and the use of the parking lot makes a difference to its' relative safety. As you can imagine, late at night some parking lots can become remote with no available witnesses to watch over the area. A parking lot outside of a nightclub will have different problems than a lot adjacent to day used professional office building. At nighttime, lighting is an important condition that allows us to see potential threats and thereby deters some criminals. You should be able to see and identify someone at 100 feet.

Crime history The most common crime in parking lots is theft or vandalism. Where else can you find such a selection of cars left unattended--it's a thief's dream. The most frequent crimes are car vandalisation and burglary. Car thieves think nothing about smashing into your car through the window to steal a car stereo, GSM telephone, or some item left on the seat, all they need is a little time (Patience) when there will be no witness or witnesses to perfect their art of stealing the entire car. Location of the parking lot Some parking lots are notorious for car thefts and burglaries and the explanations for this is that they are located adjacent or very close to excellent escape routes such as high ways or express ways. Flat parking lots are preferable to thieves because of ease of visibility and ease of escape. Multi-level pay lots offer some deterrence because of the effective access control system. Valet parking is considered safer because the attendant goes out into the lot for you to retrieve your car. Another benefit is that unauthorized persons stand out in this special parking area that is supposed to be accessed by attendants only. Apologize later, if it is a case of mistaken identity. If no other people are close by, go into the closest store or office building and call the police.


The following common sense steps would help to reduce the chances of becoming a victim of car snatchers:

Always park in a high-traffic, well-lighted area, if possible

Install a mechanical device that locks to the steering wheel, column, or brake pedal to prevent the wheel from being turned more than a few degrees.

Display an alarm decal near the door handle to discourage snatchers.

If you park in a fee garage, take the pay-ticket with you. It's the thief's ticket out of the garage, too.

If you use valet parking, leave just the ignition key with the attendant. Make sure no identifying information is attached to the key. Do the same when you take your car for repairs

Carry your drivers license, registration, and insurance card with you. Don't leave personal identification documents or credit cards in your vehicle

Copy your license plate and vehicle identification (VIN) numbers on a card and keep them on you with your driver's license. If your vehicle is stolen, police will need this information promptly.

Never leave valuables or keys in your car. Never leave the car running even if you'll only be gone for a minute.

Always park with the windows up and the doors locked. Be careful while getting into your car. Watch for suspicious characters lurking nearby.

Never pick up hitch-hikers.

If you have a flat tyre in an area that does not seem safe, try to keep driving until you reach a safer location.

If you are being followed by another vehicle, drive to the nearest police or fire station.

Keep your car in good running condition. Make sure there's enough fuel to get you to your destination and back.

Do not get out of your car if it is suddenly blocked by another motorist. Lock your door and try to manoeuvre out of there. Remember, an assailant who gets out of his vehicle to approach your car is the vulnerable

Stay alert and follow your instincts. Avoid taking shortcuts through deserted areas. If someone asks for directions, keep a polite but safe distance. If a thief demands your valuables, hand them over; your life is worth more. If possible, throw them away from you and run.

You're safer in the company of others. If you must be out alone, stay away from dark corners, alleys and doorways.

Keep your ID, driving licence, credit cards, etc in a pocket or concealed pouch to reduce the risk of losing them to thieves.

If you are robbed, try to remember the attacker's face, the licence plate number and the make of his vehicle. This information could save others.

Report all incidents of snatch theft to the police. Do not struggle with them especially at gun point

Avoid travelling at night Avoid stopping along a lonely high way to purchase food or other items

Be conscious of accident scenes on the high way, they could be booby traps for armed robbers

Be vigilant while slowing down to negotiate bends or avoiding potholes

Be aware and alert to male predators in the parking lot Do not get out of the car if you see suspicious males. Follow your instincts

Upon return, scan the area around your car as you approach it Teach your family to enter and exit the care quickly and lock all doors

Yell at anyone following you, without stopping to confront him Return to the store or office if anyone looks or acts suspicious Call the police or notify security of any suspicious activity

Always park in a well-lit, bustling area or in parking lots that have attendants.

Never leave valuables or keys in your car. Never leave the car running even if you will be gone for a minute.

Always park with the windows up and the doors locked.

Be careful while getting into your car. Watch for suspicious characters lurking nearby.

Never pick up hitch-hikers. Use demobilisers or intruder alarm system to further protect your car

If you have a flat tyre in an area that does not seem safe, try to keep driving until you reach a safer location.

If you are being followed by another vehicle, drive to the nearest police or fire station or a busy place.

Keep your car in good running condition. Make sure there's enough fuel to get you to your destination and back.

Do not get out of your car if it is suddenly blocked by another motorist. Lock your door and try to manoeuvre out of there. Remember, an assailant who gets out of his vehicle to approach your car is the vulnerable one.

Avoid taking shortcuts through deserted areas.


Obviously, increase in population makes a difference in the rate of car theft in Nigeria, beside the fact that more cars are parked on the street or in open parking lots than in secured personal garages in semi urban and urban areas. Also, the multiplicities of cars in urban areas make it very difficult for the police to identify a recently stolen car from among the thousands of similar looking vehicles in traffic. Peradventure the Police might be lucky sometimes to recover a recently stolen car because of a tail-light being out or when the car thief commits a minor traffic violation like over

speeding or failing to stop at a stop sign. In all, the Law enforcement agents, admittedly, has been ineffective in preventing car theft as well as recovery of stolen cars, from observation it shows that the rate of recovery of stolen cars are not commensurate with the rate the cars are stolen. For instance information gathered revealed that while 70 missing cars on the average are officially reported to the police, the rate of recovery seems not to tally with the stolen figure. For instance from June 3rd to 9th, 2010, 15 vehicles were recovered from various locations across Lagos state in comparism with about 60 cars reported stolen. In 2005, the national statistical report by the Nigerian Police in relations to recovered cars was a disappointing 10%. A major contributing factor to this problem is that car thefts are not reported on time, sometimes for hours or days after the theft occurred, which means that there will neither be no complainant, eyewitnesses or suspects, description of car or other helpful leads to investigate. If the stolen vehicles are not recovered within a few days the chances of recovery becomes very slim. -The police lack intelligence capabilities -Poor response to call for service due to inadequate motivation -Inadequate Criminal Investigative competency -Inadequate logistics poor data processing system, inadequate vehicles and poor administration -Inadequate manpower -Poor media coverage of robberies ADDRESSING THE PROBLEMS OF CAR THEFT IN NIGERIA

1. Political will political leaders must see to it that good laws are enacted 2. Intelligence Lead Approach (especially working in the new Residential areas where most residential robberies take place) 3. Working in partnership with other security agencies 4. Creation of public awareness 5. Training of police personnel in crime combat The police needs to focus on: Preparation, Information, and Partnership (PIP) if the war on car theft is to have positive impact

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