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Unified Diagnostic Services

1) Transfer Data (36 hex) service.

1) Transfer Data (36 hex) service
1)The Transfer Data service is used by the client to transfer data either from the client to
the server (download) or from the server to the client (upload).

2) The data transfer direction is defined by the preceding Request Download or Request
Upload service.

3) If the client initiated a Request Download the data to be downloaded is included in the
parameter(s)Transfer Request Parameter in the Transfer Data request message(s).

4) If the client initiated a Request Upload the data to be uploaded is included in the
parameter(s) transfer Response Parameter in the Transfer Data response message(s).

5) The Transfer Data service request includes a block Sequence Counter to allow for an improved error
handling in case a Transfer Data service fails during a sequence of multiple Transfer Data requests.

6) The block Sequence Counter of the server shall be initialized to one (1) when receiving a Request
Download (34) hex) or Request Upload (35 hex) request message. This means that the first Transfer Data
(36 hex) request message following the Request Download (34 hex) or Request Upload (35 hex) request
message starts with a block Sequence Counter of one (1).


Transfer Request Parameter

SID Block Sequence Counter

Block Sequence Counter:

1) The block Sequence Counter parameter value starts at 01 hex with the first Transfer Data request that
follows the Request Download (34hex) or Request Upload (35 hex) service.
2) Its value is incremented by 1 for each subsequent Transfer Data request.
3) At the value of FF hex the block Sequence Counter rolls over and starts at 00 hex with the next Transfer
Data request message.

Transfer Request Parameter Record:

1) This parameter record contains parameter(s) which are required by the server to support the
transfer of data.
2) Format and length of this parameter(s) are vehicle manufacturer specific.

Transfer Request
SID Block Sequence Counter
Parameter Record

Block Sequence Counter:

1) This parameter is an echo of the block Sequence Counter parameter from the request message.

Transfer Request Parameter Record:

1) This parameter shall contain parameter(s), which are required by the client to support the
transfer of data.
2) Format and length of this parameter(s) are vehicle manufacturer specific.
3) This parameter record is user option as per 14229.
Supported NRC:

13: Incorrect message length

 Message length is wrong

24: Request sequence error

 If the Request Download or Request Upload service is not active when a request for this service is received.
 If the Request Download or Request Upload service is active, but the server has already received all data as
determined by the memory Size parameter in the active Request Download or Request Upload service.

31: Request out of range

 This return code shall be sent if the transfer Request Parameter Record contains additional control Parameters

71: Transfer data suspended

 The response code indicates that a data transfer operation was halted due to some fault.
 The download module length does not meet the requirements of the memory size parameter sent in the
request message of the request Download service

72: General Programming Failure

 This return code shall be sent if the server detects an error when erasing or programming a memory
location in the permanent memory device during the download of data.

73: Wrong Block Sequence Counter

This return code shall be sent if the server detects an error in the sequence of the
Block Sequence Counter.

92/93: Voltage Too High/ Voltage Too Low

This return code shall be sent as applicable if the voltage measured at the primary power pin of the
server is out of the acceptable range for downloading data into the server’s permanent memory (e.g.
Flash Memory).

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