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Presented by Kailash Sharma

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(Single Correct type Questions)
1. The ratio of average translational energy to rotational kinetic energy of a diatomic molecule at
temperature T is
(A) 3 (B) 7/5 (C) 5/3 (D) 3/2
2. One mole of an ideal gas at STP is heated in an insulated closed container until the average speed of
its molecules is doubled. Its pressure would therefore increase by factor.
(A) 1.5 (B) 2 (C) 2 (D) 4

3. A gas mixture consist of 2moles of oxygen and 4 moles of argon at temperature T. Neglecting all
vibrational modes, the total internal energy of the system is
(A) 4RT (B) 15RT (C) 9RT (D) 11 RT

4. Three particles have speeds of 2u, 10u and 11u. Which of the following statements is correct ?
(A) The r.m.s speed exceeds the mean speed by about u.
(B) The mean speed exceeds the r.m.s speed by about u.
(C) The r.m.s speed equals the mean speed.
(D) The r.m.s speed exceeds the mean speed by more than 2u.

5. A rigid tank contains 35 kg of nitrogen at 6 atm. Sufficient quantity of oxygen is supplied to

increase the pressure to 9 atm, while the temperature remains constant. Amount of oxygen supplied
to the tank is :
(A) 5 kg (B) 10 kg (C) 20 kg (D) 40 kg

6. A perfect gas of a given mass is heated first in a small vessel and then in a large vessel, such that
their volumes remain unchanged. The P-T curves are
(A) parabolic with same curvature (B) parabolic with different curvature
(C) linear with same slopes (D) linear with different slopes
7. At a temperature T K, the pressure of 4.0g argon in a bulb is p. The bulb is put in a bath having
temperature higher by 50K than the first one. 0.8g of argon gas had to be removed to maintained
original pressure. The temperature T is equal to
(A) 510 K (B) 200 K (C) 100 K (D) 73 K

8. When 2 gms of a gas are introduced into an evacuated flask kept at 250C, the pressure is found to
be one atmosphere. If 3 gms of another gas added to the same flask, the pressure becomes 1.5
atmospheres. The ratio of the molecular weights of these gases will be
(A) 1 : 3 (B) 3 : 1 (C) 2 : 3 (D) 3 : 2

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9. 12gms of gas occupy a volume of 4×10–3m3 at a temperature of 7°C. After the gas is heated at
constant pressure its density becomes 6×10–4 gm/cc. What is the temperature to which the gas was
heated ?
(A) 1000 K (B) 1400 K (C) 1200 K (D) 800 K

10. A vessel contains 1 mole of O2 gas (molar mass 32) at a temperature T. The pressure of the gas P.
An identical vessel containing one mole of He gas (molar mass 4) at a temperature 2T has a
pressure of
(A) P/8 (B) P (C) 2P (D) 8P

11. P-V plots for two gases during adiabatic processes are shown in the figure. Plots 1 and 2 should
correspond respectively to

(A) He and O2 (B) O2 and He (C) He and Ar (D) O2 and N2

12. A given mass of a gas expands from a state A to the state B by three path 1, 2 and 3 as shown in
T-V indicator diagram. If W1, W2 and W3 respectively be the work done by the gas along the three
paths, then

(A) W1 > W2 > W3 (B) W1 < W2 < W3

(C) W1 = W2 = W3 (D) W1 < W2, W1 > W3

13. Pressure versus temperature graph of an ideal gas is shown in figure

(A) During the process AB work done by the gas is positive

(B) during the process CD work done by the gas is negative
(C) during the process BC internal energy of the gas is increasing
(D) None
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14. A reversible adiabatic path on a P-V diagram for an ideal gas passes through state A where
P = 0.7 × 105 N/m–2 and v = 0.0049 m3. The ratio of specific heat of the gas is 1.4. The slope of path
at A is:
(A) 2.0 × 107 Nm–5 (B) 1.0 × 107 Nm–5 (C) – 2.0 × 107 Nm–5 (D) –1.0 × 107 Nm–5

15. An ideal gas is taken from point A to point C on P-V diagram through two processes AOC and
ABC as shown in the figure. Process AOC is isothermal

(A) Process AOC requires more heat than process ABC.

(B) Process ABC requires more heat than process AOC.
(C) Both process AOC & ABC require same amount of heat.
(D)Data is insufficient for comparison of heat requirement for the two processes.

16. One mole of an ideal gas is contained within a cylinder by a frictionless piston and is initially at
temperature T. The pressure of the gas is kept constant while it is heated and its volume doubles. If
R is molar gas constant, the work done by the gas in increasing its volume is
(A) RTln2 (B) 1/2 RT (C) RT (D) 3/2 RT

17. The figure shows the graph of logarithmic reading of pressure and volume for two ideal gases A
and B undergoing adiabatic process. From figure it can be concluded that

(A) gas B is diatomic (B) gas A and B both diatomic

(C) gas A is monoatomic (D) gas B is monoatomic & gas A is diatomic

18. Three processes form a thermodynamic cycle as shown on P-V diagram for an ideal gas. Process
1 → 2 takes place at constant temperature (300 K). Process 2 → 3 takes place at constant volume.
During this process 40J of heat leaves the system. Process 3 → 1 is adiabatic and temperature T3 is
275 K. Work done by the gas during the process 3 → 1 is
(A) –40J (B) –20J (C) +40J (D) +20J

19. A polyatomic gas with six degrees of freedom does 25J of work when it is expanded at constant
pressure. The heat given to the gas is
(A) 100J (B) 150J (C) 200J (D) 250J

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20. Two identical vessels A & B contain equal amount of ideal monoatomic gas. The piston of A is
fixed but that of B is free. Same amount of heat is absorbed by A & B. If B’s internal energy
increases by 100 J the change in internal energy of A is

(A) 100 J (B) J (C) 250 J (D) None of these

21. 1 kg of a gas does 20 kJ of work and receives 16 kJ of heat when it is expanded between two states.
A second kind of expansion can be found between the same initial and final state which requires a
heat input of 9 kJ. The work done by the gas in the second expansion is :
(A) 32 kJ (B) 5 kJ (C) – 4 kJ (D) 13 kJ

22. A vessel contains an ideal monoatomic gas which expands at constant pressure, when heat Q is
given to it. Then the work done in expansion is :
3 2 2
(A) Q (B) Q (C) Q (D) Q
5 5 3

23. A given quantity of an ideal gas is at pressure P and absolute temperature T. The isothermal bulk
modulus of the gas is:
(A) 2P/3 (B) P (C) 3P/2 (D) 2P

24. According to the second law of thermodynamics:

(A) heat energy cannot be completely converted to work
(B) work cannot be completely converted to heat energy
(C) for all cyclic processes we have dQ/T < 0
(D) the reason all heat engine efficiencies are less than 100% is friction, which is unavoidable

25. A reversible refrigerator operates between a low temperature reservoir at TC and a high temperature
reservoir at TH. Its coefficient of performance is given by:
(A) (TH –TC)/TC (B) TC/(TH –TC) (C) (TH –TC)/TH (D) TH/(TH –TC)

26. An inventor claims to have a heat engine that has an efficiency of 40% when it operates between a
high temperature reservoir of 150°C and a low temperature reservoir of 30°C. This engine:
(A) must violate the zeroth law of thermodynamics
(B) must violate the first law of thermodynamics
(C) must violate the second law of thermodynamics
(D) must violate the third law of thermodynamics

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27. A Carnot heat engine runs between a cold reservoir at temperature TC and hot reservoir at
temperature TH. You want to increase its efficiency. Of the following, which change results in the
greatest increase in efficiency ? The value of ΔT is the same for all changes.
(A) Raise the temperature of the hot reservoir by ΔT
(B) Raise the temperature of the cold reservoir by ΔT
(C) Lower the temperature of the hot reservoir by ΔT
(D) Lower the temperature of the cold reservoir by ΔT

28. A Carnot engine takes 3  106 cal of heat from reservoir at 627°C and gives it to a sink at 27°C.
Then work done by the engine is
(A) 4.2 106 J (B) 8.4 106 J (C) 16.8 106 J (D) zero

29. An ideal gas mixture filled inside a balloon expands according to the relation PV2/3 = constant. The
temperature inside the balloon is
(A) increasing (B) decreasing (C) constant (D) can’t be said

30. An ideal gas follows a process PT = constant. The correct graph between pressure and volume is

31. During an experiment an ideal gas obeys an addition equation of state P2V = constant. The initial
temperature and pressure of gas are T and V respectively. When it expands to volume 2V, then its
temperature will be:
(A) T (B) 2 T (C) 2 T (D) 2 2 T

32. The temperature at which the r.m.s velocity of oxygen molecules equal that of nitrogen molecules at
100ºC is nearly:
(A) 426.3 K (B) 456.3 K (C) 436.3 K (D) 446.3 K

33. Figure shows graphs of pressure vs density for an ideal gas at two temperatures T1 and T2.

(A) T1 > T2 (B) T1 = T2

(C) T1 < T2 (D) any of the three is possible

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34. The average speed of nitrogen molecules in a gas is v. If the temperature is doubled and the N2
molecule dissociate into nitrogen atoms, then the average speed will be
(A) v (B) v 2 (C) 2 v (D) 4v

35. For a gas sample with N0 number of molecules, function N(V) is given by :
dN  3N 0  2
N(V) = =  V for 0 < V < V0 and N(V) = 0 for V > V0. Where dN is number of
dV  V03 
molecules in speed range V to V+ dV. The rms speed of the molecules is :
2 3
(A) V0 (B) V0 (C) 2V0 (D) 3V0
5 5

36. The pressure of an ideal gas is written as E = . Here E stands for
(A) average translational kinetic energy (B) rotational kinetic energy
(C) total kinetic energy. (D) None of these

37. The quantity represents (where U = internal energy of gas)
(A) mass of the gas (B) kinetic energy of the gas
(C) number of moles of the gas (D) number of molecules in the gas

38. In a cyclic process shown on the P – V diagram the magnitude of the work done is :

2 2
P −P   V − V1  
(A)   2 1  (B)   2  (C) ( P2 − P1 )( V2 − V1 ) (D)  ( P2 V2 − P1V1 )
 2   2  4

39. In figure, P-V curve of an ideal gas is given. During the process, the cumulative work done by the

(A) continuously increases (B) continuously decreases

(C) first increases then decreases (D) first decreases then increases

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40. For small positive coefficient of expansion in case of solid,
(A) Cp – Cv = R (B) Cp – Cv = 2R
(C) Cp is slightly greater than Cv (D) Cp is slightly less than Cv

41. During an adiabatic process, the pressure of a gas is found to be proportional to the cube of its
absolute temperature. The ratio Cp/Cv for the gas is :
(A) 4/3 (B) 2 (C) 5/3 (D) 3/2

42. In a certain gas, the ratio of the speed of sound and root mean square speed is . The molar heat
capacity of the gas in a process given by PT = constant is
(Take R = 2 cal/mole K). Treat the gas as ideal
R 3R 5R 7R
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 2 2 2

43. A polytropic process for an ideal gas is represented by equation PVn = constant. If γ is ratio of
C 
specific heats  p  , then value of n for which molar heat capacity of the process is negative, is
 Cv 
given as :
(A) γ > n (B) γ > n > 1
(C) n > γ (D) none, as it is not possible

44. A Carnot working between 300K and 600K has work output of 800 J per cycle. What is amount of
heat energy supplied to the engine form source per cycle
(A) 1800 J/cycle (B) 1000 J/cycle (C) 2000 J/cycle (D) 1600 J/cycle

45. The coefficient of performance of a carnot refrigerator working between 30° C and 0° C is
(A) 10 (B) 1 (C) 9 (D) 0

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Previous Years JEE Main Questions (2006-2020)
1. Two rigid boxes containing different ideal gases are placed on a table. Box A contains one mole of
nitrogen at temperature T0, while box B contains one mole of helium at temperature (7/3)T0. The
boxes are then put into thermal contact with each other, and heat flows between them until the gases
reach a common final temperature (Ignore the heat capacity of boxes). Then, the final temperature
of the gases, Tf, in terms of T0 is:
3 7 3 5
(A) Tf = T0 (B) Tf = T0 (C) Tf = T0 (D) Tf = T0
7 3 2 2
[AIEEE 2006]
2. The work of 146 kJ is performed in order to compress one kilo mole of a gas adiabatically and in
this process the temperature of the gas increased by 7oC. The gas is:
(R = 8.3 J mol-1 k-1)
(A) Diatomic (B) Triatomic
(C) A mixture of monoatomic and diatomic (D) Monoatomic
[AIEEE 2006]
3. A carnot engine, having an efficiency of  = 1/10 as heat engine is used as a refrigerator. If the
work done on the system is 10 J, then amount of energy absorbed from the reservoir at lower
temperature is:-
(A) 99 J (B) 90 J (C) 1 J (D) 100 J
[AIEEE 2007]
4. If Cp and Cv denote the specific heats of nitrogen per unit mass at constant pressure and constant
volume respectively, then:-
(A) Cp – Cv = R/28 (B) Cp – Cv = R/4 (C) Cp – Cv = R (D) Cp – Cv = 28 R
[AIEEE 2007]

5. When a system in taken from state I to state f along the path iaf, it is found that Q = 50 cal and
W = 20 cal. Along the path ibf Q = 36 cal. W along the path ibf is:-

(A) 6 cal (B) 16 cal (C) 66 cal (D) 14 cal

[AIEEE 2007]
6. An insulated container of gas has two chambers separated by an insulating partition. One of the
chambers has volume V1 and contains ideal gas at pressure P1 and temperature T1. The other
chamber has volume V2 and contains ideal gas at pressure P2 and temperature T2. If the partition is
removed without doing any work on the gas, the final equilibrium temperature of the gas in the
container will be
T1T2 ( P1V1 + P2 V2 ) P1V2 + P2 V2 T2 P1V1T2 + P2 V2T1 T1T2 ( P1V1 + P2 V2 )
(A) (B) (C) (D)
P1V1T2 + P2 V2T1 P1V1 + P2 V2 P1V1 + P2 V2 P1V1T1 + P2 V2T2
[AIEEE 2008]
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7. One kg of a diatomic gas is at a pressure of 8  104 Nm-2. The density of the gas is 4 kgm-3. What is
the energy of the gas due to its thermal motion?
(A) 3  104 J (B) 5  104 J (C) 6  104 J (D) 7  104 J
[AIEEE 2008]

Direction: Questions number 34, 35 and 36 are based on the following paragraph. Two moles
of helium gas are taken over the cycle ABCDA, as shown n in the p - T diagram.

8. Assume the gas to be ideal the work done on the gas in taking if form A to B is
(A) 200 R (B) 300 R (C) 400 R (D) 500 R
[AIEEE 2009]

9. The work done on the gas in taking it from D to A is

(A) -414 R (B) +414 R (C) -690 R (D) +690 R
[AIEEE 2009]

10. The net work on the gas in the cycle ABCDA is

(A) zero (B) 276 R (C) 1076 R (D) 1904 R
[AIEEE 2009]

11. A diatomic ideal gas is used in a carnot engine as the working substance. If during the adiabatic
expansion part of the cycle the volume of the gas increases from V to 32V, the efficiency of the
engine is
(A) 0.99 (B) 0.25 (C) 0.5 (D) 0.75
[AIEEE 2010]

12. 100 g of water is heated from 30oC to 50oC. Ignoring the slight expansion of the water, the change
in its internal energy is (specific heat of water is 4184 J/kg/K):
(A) 4.2 kJ (B) 8.4 kJ (C) 84 kJ (D) 2.1 kJ
[AIEEE 2011]
13. A Carnot engine operating between temperatures T1 and T2 has efficiency . When T2 is lowered by
62 K; its efficiency increases to . Then T1 and T2 are respectively
(A) 372 K and 310 K (B) 372 K and 330 K (C) 330 K and 268 (D) 310 K and 248 K
[AIEEE 2011]

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14. Three ideal monoatomic gases at absolute temperatures T1, T2 and T3 are mixed. The masses of
molecules are m1, m2 and m3 and the number of molecules are n1, n2 and n3 respectively. Assuming
no loss of energy, the final temperature of the mixture is
( T1 + T2 + T3 ) (B)
n1T1 + n 2T2 + n 3T3
3 n1 + n 2 + n 3
n T + n 2T22 + n 3T32
1 1
n12T12 + n 22T22 + n 32T32
(C) (D)
n1T1 + n 2T2 + n 3T3 n1T1 + n 2T2 + n 3T3
[AIEEE 2011]

15. The thermally insulated vessel contains an ideal gas of molecular mass M and ratio of specific heat
. It is moving with speed v and is suddenly brought to rest. Assuming no heat is lost to the
surroundings, its temperature increases by:
(  − 1) Mv2 K (  − 1) Mv2 K Mv 2 (  − 1) Mv2 K
(A) (B) (C) K (D)
2 (  + 1) R 2R 2R 2R
[AIEEE 2011]

 T 
16. The specific heat capacity of a metal at low temperature (T) is given as CP (kJK kg ) = 32 
-1 -1
 .
 400 
A 100 g vessel of this metal is to be cooled from 20 K to 4 K by a special refrigerator operating at
room temperature (27oC). The amount of work required to cool the vessel is
(A) equation to 0.002 kJ (B) greater than 0.148
(C) between 0.148 kJ and 0.028 kJ (D) less than 0.028 kJ
[AIEEE 2011]

17. A container with insulating walls is divided into two equal parts by a partition fitted wth a valve.
One part is filled with an ideal gas at a pressure p and temperature T, whereas the other part is
completely evacuated. If the valve is suddenly opened, the pressure and temperature of the gas will
(A) ,T (B) , (C) p, T (D) p,
2 2 2 2
[AIEEE 2011]

18. A Carnot engine, whose efficiency is 40%, takes in heat from a source maintained at a temperature
of 500 K. It is desired to have an engine of efficiency 60%. Then, the intake temperature for the
same exhaust (sink) temperature must be:
(A) 750 K
(B) 600 K
(C) efficiency of Carnot engine cannot be made larger than 50%
(D) 1200 K
[AIEEE 2012]

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19. Helium gas goes through a cycle ABCDA (consisting of two isochoric and two isobaric lines) as
shown in figure. Efficiency of this cycle is nearly: (Assume the gas to be close to ideal gas)

(A) 10.5% (B) 12.5% (C) 15.4% (D) 9.1%

[AIEEE 2012]

20. The above p-v diagram represents the thermodynamic cycle of an engine, operating with an ideal
monoatomic gas. The amount of heat, extracted from the source in a single cycle, is

(A)   p0 v0 (B)   p0 v0
13 11
(C) 4 p0v0 (D) p0v0
2 2
[JEE Main 2013]

21. One mole of diatomic ideal gas undergoes a cyclic process ABC as shown in figure. The process
BC is adiabatic. The temperature at A, B and C are 400K, 800K and 600K respectively. Choose the
correct statement:

(A) The change in internal energy in the process CA is 700 R

(B) The change in internal energy in the process AB is -350 R
(C) The change in internal energy in the process BC is -500 R
(D) The change in internal energy in whole cyclic process is 250 R
[JEE Main 2014]

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22. An open glass tube is immersed in mercury in such a way that a length of 8 cm extends above the
mercury level. The open end of the tube is then closed and sealed and the tube is raised vertically up
by additional 46 cm. What will be the length of the air column above mercury in the tube now?
(A) 22 cm (B) 38 cm (C) 6 cm (D) 16 cm
[JEE Main 2014]
23. A solid body of constant heat capacity 1 J/ C is being heated by keeping it in contact with reservoirs

in two ways:
(i) Sequentially keeping in contact with 2 reservoirs such that each reservoir supplies same amount
of heat.
(ii) Sequentially keeping in contact with 8 reservoirs such that each reservoir supplies same amount
of heat.
In both the cases body is brought from initial temperature 100oC to final temperature 200oC.
Entropy change of the body in the two cases respectively is:
(A) ln2, 2ln2 (B) 2ln2, 8ln2 (C) ln2, 4ln2 (D) ln2, ln2
[JEE Main 2015]
24. Consider a spherical shell of radius R at temperature T. The black body radiation inside it can be
considered as an ideal gas of photons with internal energy per unit volume u =  T4 and pressure
1 U 
P=   . If the shell now undergoes an adiabatic expansion the relation between T and R is:
3 V 
1 1
(A) T  (B) T  (C) T  e-R (D) T  e-3R
R R3
[JEE Main 2015]
25. Consider an ideal gas confined in an isolated chamber. As the gas undergoes an adiabatic
expansion, the average time of collision between molecules increases as V q, where V is the volume
 Cp 
of the gas. The value of q is:   = 
 Cv 
 +1  −1 3 + 1 3 − 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 2 6 6
[JEE Main 2015]

26. ‘n’ moles of an ideal gas undergoes a process A→B as shown in the figure. The maximum
temperature of the gas during the process will be:

9P0 P0 9P0 P0 3P0 P0 9P0 P0

(A) (B) (C) (D)
nR 4nR 2nR 2nR
[JEE Main 2016]
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27. An ideal gas undergoes a quasi static, reversible process in which its molar heat capacity C remains
constant. If during this process the relation of pressure P and volume V is given by PV n = constant,
then n is given by (Here Cp and Cv are molar specific heat at constant pressure and constant volume,
C − Cv Cp C − Cp Cp − C
(A) n = (B) n = (C) n = (D) n =
C − Cp Cv C − Cv C − Cv
[JEE Main 2016]

28. The temperature of an open room of volume 30 m3 increases from 17°C to 27°C due to the
sunshine. The atmosphere pressure in the room remains 1×105 Pa. If Ni and Nf are the number of
molecules in the room before and after heating, then Nf – Ni will be
(A) –1.61 × 1023 (B) 1.38 × 1023 (C) 2.5 × 1025 (D) –2.5 × 1025
[JEE Main 2017]

29. Cp and CV are specific heats at constant pressure and constant volume respectively. It is observed
Cp–CV = a for hydrogen gas
Cp–CV = b for nitrogen gas
The correct relation between a and b is
(A) a = b (B) a = b (C) a = 14b (D) a = 28b
[JEE Main 2017]

30. An engine operates by taking n moles of an ideal gas through the cycle ABCDA shown in figure.
The thermal efficiency of the engine is
(Take CV = 1.5R, where R is gas constant)

(A) 0.15 (B) 0.32 (C) 0.24 (D) 0.08

[JEE Main Online 2017]

31. An ideal gas has molecules with 5 degree of freedom. The ratio of specific heats at constant
pressure (Cp) and at constant volume (CV) is
7 5 7
(A) 6 (B) (C) (D)
2 2 5
[JEE Main Online 2017]

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32. For the P-V diagram for an ideal gas,

Out of the following which on correctly represents the T-P diagram ?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

[JEE Main Online 2017]

33. N moles of a diatomic gas in a cylinder are at a temperature T. Heat is supplied to the cylinder such
that the temperature remains constant n moles of the diatomic gas get converted into monoatomic
gas. What is the change in the total kinetic energy of the gas ?
5 1 3
(A) 0 (B) nRT (C) nRT (D) nRT
2 2 2
[JEE Main Online 2017]

34. Two moles an ideal monatomic gas occupies a volume V at 27°C. The gas expands adiabatically to
a volume 2V. Calculate (i) the final temperature of the gas and (ii) change in its internal energy.
(A) (i) 198 K (ii) 2.7kJ (B) (i) 195 K (ii) –2.7kJ
(C)(i) 189 K (ii) –2.7kJ (D) (i) 195 K (ii) 2.7kJ
[JEE Main 2018]
35. One mole of an ideal monoatomic gas is compressed isothermally in a rigid vessel to double its
pressure at room temperature, 27°C. The work done on the gas will be
(A) 300 R (B) 300 R ln 2 (C) 300 R ln 6 (D) 300 R ln 7
[JEE Main Online 2018]

36. A Carnot’s engine works as a refrigerator between 250 K and 300 K. It receives 500 cal heat from
the reservoir at the lower temperature. The amount of work done in each cycle to operate the
refrigerator is
(A) 2520 J (B) 772 J (C) 2100 J (D) 420 J
[JEE Main Online 2018]
37. Two Carnot engine A and B are operated in series. Engine A receives heat from a reservoir at 600 K
and rejects heat to a reservoir at temperature T. Engine B receives heat rejected by engine A and in
turn rejects it to a reservoir at 100 K. If the efficiencies of the two engines A and B are represented
by ηA and ηB, respectively, then what is the value of ηB/ ηA ?
7 5 12 12
(A) (B) (C) (D)
12 12 7 5
[JEE Main Online 2018]

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38. One mole of an ideal monoatomic gas is taken along the path ABCA as shown in the PV diagram.
The maximum temperature attained by the gas along the path BC is given by :-

5 P0 V0 25 P0 V0 25 P0 V0 25 P0 V0
(A) (B) (C) (D)
8 R 8 R 4 R 16 R
[JEE Main Online 2018]

39. A 15 g mass of nitrogen gas is enclosed in a vessel at a temperature 27°C. Amount of heat
transferred to the gas, so that rms velocity of molecules is doubled, is about: [Take R = 8.3 J/ K
(A) 10 kJ (B) 0.9 kJ (C) 6 kJ (D) 14 kJ
[JEE Main 2019]

40. Two Carrnot engines A and B are operated in series. The first one, A, receives heat at T 1(= 600 K)
and rejects to a reservoir at temperature T2. The second engine B receives heat rejected by the first
engine and, in turn, rejects to a heat reservoir at T3(= 400 K). Calculate the temperature T2 if the
work outputs of the two engines are equal:
(A) 400 K (B) 600 K (C) 500 K (D) 300 K
[JEE Main 2019]

41. Three Carnot engines operate in series between a heat source at a temperature T1 and a heat sink at
temperature T4 (see figure). There are two other reservoirs at temperature T2, and T3, as shown, with
T2 > T2 > T3 > T4. The three engines are equally efficient if:

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3
(A) T2 = T12T4 ;T3 = T1T4 2 (B) T2 = T1T4 2 ;T3 = T12T4

= (T T ) = (T T ) (D) T2 = ( T1T4 ) ;T3 = T12T4( )

3 1/4 3 1/4 1/2 1/3
(C) T2 1 4 ;T3 1 4

[JEE Main 2019]

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42. Half mole of an ideal mono atomic gas is heated at constant pressure of 1atm from 20 ºC to 90ºC.
Work done by gas is close to: ( Gas constant R = 8.31 J /mol. K)
(A) 73 J (B) 291 J (C) 581 J (D) 146 J
[JEE Main 2019]

43. Two kg of a monoatomic gas is at a pressure of 4 × 104 N/m2. The density of the gas is 8 kg /m3.
What is the order of energy of the gas due to its thermal motion?
(A) 103 J (B) 105 J (C) 106 J (D) 104 J
[JEE Main 2019]

44. A gas mixture consists of 3 moles of oxygen and 5 moles or argon at temperature T. Considering
only translational and rotational modes, the total internal energy of the system is:
(A) 15 RT (B) 12 RT (C) 4 RT (D) 20 RT
[JEE Main 2019]

45. A rigid diatomic ideal gas undergoes an adiabatic process at room temperature. The rational
between temperature and volume for the process is TVx = constant, then x is:
(A) 3/5 (B) 2/5 (C) 2/3 (D) 5/3
[JEE Main 2019]

46. In a process, temperature and volume of one mole of an ideal monoatomic gas are varied according
to the relation VT = K, where I is a constant. In this process the temperature of the gas is increased
by T. The amount of heat absorbed by gas is (R is gas constant)
(A) 1/2 RT (B) 1/2 KRT (C) 3/2 RT (D) 2K/3 T
[JEE Main 2019]

47. An ideal gas occupies a volume of 2 m3 at a pressure of 3 × 106 Pa. The energy of the gas is:
(A) 9 × 106 J (B) 6 × 104 J (C) 108 J (D) 3 × 102 J
[JEE Main 2019]

48. For the given cyclic process CAB as shown for a gas, the work done is:

(A) 30 J (B) 10 J (C) 1 J (D) 5 J

[JEE Main 2019]

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49. An ideal gas is enclosed in a cylinder at pressure of 2 atm and temperature, 300 K. The mean time
between two successive collisions is 6 x 10–8 s. If the pressure is doubled and temperature is
increased to 500 K, the mean time between two successive collisions will be close to :
(A) 2 x 10-7 s (B) 4 x 10-8 s (C) 0.5 x 10-8 s (D) 3 x 10-6 s
[JEE Main 2019]

50. A vertical closed cylinder is separated into two parts by a frictionless piston of mass m and of
negligible thickness. The piston is free to move along the length of the cylinder .The length of the
cylinder above the piston is l1, and that below the piston is l2, such that l1 > l2. Each part of the
cylinder contains n moles of an ideal gas at equal temperature T. If the piston is stationary, its
mass, m, will be given by: (R is universal gas constant and g is the acceleration due to gravity)
 l − 3l2   2l + l  nRT  1 1  l − l 
(A) RT  1  (B) RT  1 2  (C)  +  (D) nRT  1 2 
ng  l1l2  g  l1l2  ng  l2 l1  g  l1l2 
[JEE Main 2019]

51. The temperature, at which the root mean square velocity of hydrogen molecules equals their escape
velocity from the earth, is closest to:
[Boltzmann Constant kB =1.38 ×10–23 J/K
Avogadro Number NA = 6.02 × 1026 /kg
Radius of Earth: 6.4 × 106 m
Gravitational acceleration on Earth = 10 ms–2]
(A) 650 K (B) 104 K (C) 3 × 105 K (D) 800 K
[JEE Main 2019]

52. The given diagram shows four processes i.e., isochoric, isobaric, isothermal and adiabatic. The
correct assignment of the processes, in the same order is given by

(A) dabc (B) adbc (C) dacb (D) adcb

[JEE Main 2019]

53. For a given gas at 1 atm pressure, rms speed of the molecules is 200 m/s at 127ºC. At 2 atm
pressure and at 227ºC, the rms speed of the molecules will be:
(A) 100 m/s (B) 80 m/s (C) 805 m/s (D) 1005 m/s
[JEE Main 2019]

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54. Following figure shows two processes A and B for a gas. If QA and QB are the amount of heat
absorbed by the system in two cases, and UA and UB are changes in internal energies,
respectively, then:

(A) QA > QB, UA = UB (B) QA < QB, UA < UB
(C) QA > QB, UA > UB (D) QA = QB, UA = UB
[JEE Main 2019]

55. An HCl molecule has rotational, translational and vibrational motions. If the rms velocity of HCl
molecules in its gaseous phase is v m is its mass and kB is Boltzman constant, then its temperature
will be:
mv −2 mv −2 mv −2 mv −2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
6k B 7k B 3k B 5k B
[JEE Main 2019]

56. The specific heats, CP and CV of a gas of diatomic molecules, A, are given (in units of J mol-1 K-1)
by 29 and 22, respectively. Another gas of diatomic molecules, B, has the corresponding values 30
and 21. If they are treated as ideal gases, then:
(A) A has a vibrational mode but B has none (B) Both A and B have a vibrational mode each
(C) A is rigid but B has a vibrational mode (D) A has one vibrational mode and B has two.
[JEE Main 2019]

57. n moles of an ideal gas with constant volume heat capacity Cv undergo an isobraric expansion by
certain volume. The ratio of the work done in the process, to the heat supplied is:
4nR nR nR nR
(A) (B) c (C) (D)
Cv + nR Cv + nR Cv − nR Cv − nR
[JEE Main 2019]

58. A cylinder with fixed capacity of 67.2 lit contains helium gas at STP. The amount of heat needed to
raise the temperature of the gas by 20o C is: [Given that R = 8.31J mol-1 k-1)
(A) 748 J (B) 700 J (C) 374 J (D) 350 J
[JEE Main 2019]

59. A 25 ×10-3 volume cylinder is field with 1 mol O2 gas room temperature (300k) The molecular
diameter of O2,and its root mean square speed , are found to be 0.3 nm and 200m/s, respectively.
What is the average collision rate (per second) for an O2 Molecule?
(A) ~ 1012 (B) ~1013 (C) ~1010 (D) ~1011
[JEE Main 2019]

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60. In free space, a particle A of charge 1C is held fixed at a point P. Another particle B of the same
charge and mass 4g is kept at a distance of 1 mm from P. If B is released, then its velocity at a
distance of 9 mm from P is: [Take 1/40 = 9 x 109 Nm2 C-2]
(A) 2.0 × 103 m/s (B) 3.0 × 104 m/s (C) 1.0 m/s (D) 1.5 × 102 m/s
[JEE Main 2019]

61. When heat Q is supplied to a diatomic gas of rigid molecules, at constant volume its temperature
increases by T. The heat required to produce the same change in temperature, at a constant
pressure is:
(A) 3/2 Q (B) 7/5 Q (C) 5/3 Q (D) 2/3 Q
[JEE Main 2019]

62. One mole of an ideal gas passes through a process where pressure and volume obey the relation
 1  v0 2 
p = P0 1 −    I1 / I 2
 2  v  
Here P0 and V0 are constants, calculate the change in the temperature of the gas if its volume
changes from V0 to 2V0.
1 P0 V0 5 P0 V0 1 P0 V0 3 P0 V0
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 R 4 R 2 R 4 R
[JEE Main 2019]

63. Two moles of helium gas is mixed with three moles of hydrogen molecules (taken to be rigid).
What is the molar specific heat of mixture at constant volume? (R = 8.3 J/mol K)
(A) 21.6 J/mol K (B) 15.7 J/mol K (C) 19.7 J/mol K (D) 17.4 J/mol K
[JEE Main 2019]

64. A sample of an ideal gas is taken through the cyclic process abca as shown in the figure. The
change in the internal energy of the gas along the path ca is –180 J. The gas absorbs 250 J of heat
along the path ab and 60 J along the path bc. The work done by the gas along the path abc is.

(A) 120 J (B) 140 J (C) 100 J (D) 130 J

[JEE Main 2019]

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CP 5 C 4
65. Two moles of an ideal gas with = are mixed with 3 moles of another ideal gas with P = .
CV 3 CV 3
The value of for the mixture is
(A) 1.42 (B) 1.47 (C) 1.50 (D) 1.45
[JEE Main 2020]

66. A litre of dry air at STP expands adiabatically to a volume of 3 litres. If γ = 1.40, the work done by
air is :
(31.4 = 4.6555) [Take air to be an ideal gas]
(A) 90.5 J (B) 48 J (C) 60.7 J (D) 100.8 J
[JEE Main 2020]

67. Two ideal Carnot engines operate in cascade (all heat given up by one engine is used by the other
engine to produce work) between temperatures, T1 and T2. The temperature of the hot reservoir of
the first engine is T1 and the temperature of the cold reservoir of the second engine is T2. T is
temperature of the sink of first engine which is also the source for the second engine. How is T
related to T1 and T2, if both the engines perform equal amount of work ?
T + T2 2T1T2
(A) T = T1T2 (B) T = 1 (C) T = (D) T = 0
2 T1 + T2
[JEE Main 2020]

68. Under an adiabatic process, the volume of an ideal gas gets doubled. Consequently the mean
collision time between the gas molecules changes from τ1 to τ2. If P =  for this gas then a good

estimate for 2 is given by:

1 1 1 2
(A)   (B) 2 (C) (D)  
2 2 2
[JEE Main 2020]
69. A Carnot engine having an efficiency of is being used as a refrigerator. If the work done on the
refrigerator is 10J, the amount of heat absorbed from the reservoir at lower temperature is :
(A) 1J (B) 100 J (C) 99J (D) 90 J
[JEE Main 2020]

70. Consider a mixture of n moles of helium gas and 2n moles of oxygen gas (molecules taken to be
rigid) as an ideal gas. Its CP/CV value will be :
23 40 67 19
(A) (B) (C) (D)
15 27 45 13
[JEE Main 2020]

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71. A thermodynamic cycle xyzx is shown on a V-T diagram.

The P-V diagram that best describes this cycle is: (Diagrams are schematic and not to scale)

(A) (B) (C) (D)

[JEE Main 2020]
72. Consider two ideal diatomic gases A and B at some temperature T. Molecules of the gas A are
rigid, and have a mass m. Molecules of the gas B have an additional vibrational mode, and have a
( )
mass . The ratio of the specific heats CAV and CBV of gas A and B, respectively is :
(A) 3 : 5 (B) 5 : 9 (C) 7 : 9 (D) 5 : 7
[JEE Main 2020]
73. Which of the following is an equivalent cyclic process corresponding to the thermodynamic cyclic
given in the figure ? Where 1→2. (Graphs are schematic and are not to scale)

(A) (B)

(C) (D)
[JEE Main 2020]

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74. A Carnot engine operates between two reservoirs of temperatures 900 K and 300 K. The engine
performs 1200 J of work per cycle. The heat energy (in J) delivered by the engine to the low
temperature reservoir, in a cycle, is ……. .
[JEE Main 2020]

75. Starting at temperature 300 K, one mole of an ideal diatomic gas (γ = 1.4) is first compressed
adiabatically from volume V1 to V2 = V1/16. it is then a allowed to expand isobarically to volume
2V2. If all the processes are the quasi-static then the final temperature of the gas (in ºK) is (to the
nearest integer)_______________.
[JEE Main 2020]

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(Single Correct type Questions)

1. At temperature T, N molecules of gas A each having mass m and at the same temperature 2N
molecules of gas B each having mass 2m are filled in a container. The mean square velocity of
molecules of gas B is v2 and mean square of x component of velocity of molecules of gas A is w2.
The ratio of w2/v2 is:
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 1/3 (D) 2/3

2. Find work done by the gas in the process shown in figure :

5 5 3 5
(A)  atm L (B) atm L (C) −  atm L (D) −  atm L
2 2 2 4

3. A cylindrical tube of cross-sectional area A has two air tight frictionless pistons at its two ends. The
pistons are tied with a straight two ends. The pistons are tied with a straight piece of metallic wire.
The tube contains a gas at atmospheric pressure P0 and temperature T0. If temperature of the gas is
doubled then the tension in the wire is

(A) 4P0A (B) P0A/2 (C) P0A (D) 2P0A

4. An ideal monoatomic gas is initially in state 1 with pressure p1 = 20 atm and volume v1 = 1500 cm3.
It is then taken to state 2 with pressure p2 = 1.5 p1 and volume v2 = 2v1. The change in internal
energy from state 1 to state 2 is equal to
(A) 2000 J (B) 3000 J (C) 6000 J (D) 9000 J

5. An open and wide glass tube is immersed vertically in mercury in such a way that length 0.05 m
extends above mercury level. The open and of the tube is closed and the tube is raised further by
0.43 m. The length of air column above mercury level in the tube will be : Take Patm = 76 cm of
(A) 0.215m (B) 0.2m (C) 0.1 m (D) 0.4m

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6. For two thermodynamic process temperature and volume diagram are given. In first process, it is a
straight line having initial and final coordinates as (V0, T0) and (2V0, 2T0), where as in second
process it is a rectangular hyperbola having initial and final coordinates (V0, T0) and (2V0, T0/2).
Then ratio of work done (W1 : W2) in the two processes must be

(A) 1 : 2 (B) 2 : 1 (C) 1 : 1 (D) None of these

7. One mole of a gas expands obeying the relation as shown in the P/V diagram. The maximum
temperature in this process is equal to

P0 V0 3P0 V0 9P0 V0
(A) (B) (C) (D) none of these
R R 8R

8. Curve in the figure shows an adiabatic compression of an ideal gas from 15 m3 to 12 m3, followed
by an isothermal compression to a final volume of 3.0 m3. There are 2.0 moles of the gas. Total heat
supplied to the gas is equal to : (ln2 = 0.693)

(A) 4521 J (B) –4521 J (C) –6653 J (D) –8476 J

9. 28gm of N2 gas is contained in a flask at a pressure 10 atm and at a temperature of 57°. It is found
that due to leakage in the flask, the pressure is reduced to half and the temperature reduced to 27°C.
The quantity of N2 gas that leaked out is
(A) 11/20 gm (B) 20/11 gm (C) 5/63 gm (D) 63/5 gm

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10. Pi, Vi are initial pressure and volumes and Vf is final volume of a gas in a thermodynamic process
respectively. If PVn = constant, then the amount of work done by gas is : (γ = Cp/Cv). Assume same,
initial state & same final volume in all processes.
(A) minimum for n = γ (B) minimum for n = 1
(C) minimum for n = 0 (D) minimum for n =

11. The expansion of an ideal gas of mass m at a constant pressure P is given by the straight line B.
Then the expansion of the same ideal gas of mass 2m at a pressure 2P is given by the straight line

(A) C (B) A (C) B (D) None of these

12. Figure shows a conducting cylinder containing gas and closed by a movable piston. The cylinder is
submerged in an ice-water mixture. The piston is quickly pushed down from position (1) to position
(2). The piston is held at position (2) until the gas is again at 0°C and then is slowly raised back to
position (1).

P-V diagram for the above process will be

(A) (B)

(C) (D)
Physics By KAILASH SHARMA 26 | P a g e
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13. One mole of an ideal diatomic gas is taken through the cycle as shown in the figure.

1 → 2 : isochoric process
2 → 3 : straight line on P-V diagram
3 → 1 : isobaric process
The average molecular speed of the gas in the states 1, 2 and 3 are in the ratio
(A) 1 : 2 : 2 (B) 1 : 2 : 2 (C) 1 : 1 : 1 (D) 1 : 2 : 4

14. Two monoatomic ideal gas at temperature T1 and T2 are mixed. There is no loss of energy. If the
masses of molecules of the two gases are m1 and m2 and number of their molecules are n1 and n2
respectively. The temperature of the mixture will be:
T + T2 T T n T + n1T2 n T + n 2T2
(A) 1 (B) 1 + 2 (C) 2 1 (D) 1 1
n1 + n 2 n1 n 2 n1 + n 2 n1 + n 2

15. Two different ideal diatomic gases A and B are initially in the same state. A and B are then
expanded to same final volume through adiabatic and isothermal process respectively. If PA , PB and
TA , TB represents the final pressure and temperatures of A and B respectively then:
(A) PA < PB and TA < TB (B) PA > PB and TA > TB
(C) PA > PB and TA < TB (D) PA < PB and TA > TB

16. An ideal gas undergoes the process 1 → 2 as shown in the figure, the heat supplied and work done
in the process is ΔQ and ΔW respectively. The ΔQ : ΔW is

(A) γ : γ –1 (B) γ (C) γ – 1 (D) γ –1/γ

17. When unit mass of water boils to become steam at 100°C, it absorbs Q amount of heat. The
densities of water and steam at 100°C are ρ1 and ρ2 respectively and the atmospheric pressure is p0.
The increase in internal energy of the water is
1 1   1 1 1 1 
(A) Q (B) Q + p0  −  (C) Q + p0  −  (D) Q − p0  + 
 1 2   2 1   1 2 

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18. If ideal diatomic gas follows the process, as shown in graph, where T is temperature in Kelvin and
V is volume (m3), then molar heat capacity for this process will be [in terms of gas constant R] :

7R 19R 11R
(A) (B) 5R (C) (D)
2 6 2

19. In thermodynamic process pressure of a fixed mass of gas is changed in such a manner that the gas
releases 30 joule of heat and 18 joule of work was done on the gas. If the initial internal energy of
the gas was 60 joule then, the final internal energy will be:
(A) 32 joule (B) 48 joule (C) 72 joule (D) 96 joule

20. An ideal gas undergoes an adiabatic process obeying the relation PV4/3 = constant. If its initial
temperature is 300 K and then its pressure is increased upto four times its initial value, then the final
temperature is (in Kelvin):
(A) 300 2 (B) 300 3 2 (C) 600 (D) 1200

21. A mono–atomic ideal gas is compressed from volume V to V/2 through various process. For which
of the following processes final pressure will be maximum :
(A) isobaric (B) isothermal (C) adiabatic (D) PV2 = constant

22. One mole of an ideal gas at temperature T1 expands according to the law = a (constant). The
work done by the gas till temperature of gas becomes T2 is :
1 1 1 1
(A) R(T2 − T1 ) (B) R(T2 − T1 ) (C) R(T2 − T1 ) (D) R(T2 − T1 )
2 3 4 5

23. The temperature-entropy diagram of reversible engine cycle is given in the figure. Its efficiency is

1 1 1 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 4 3 3

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24. 4 moles of H2 at 500 K is mixed with 2 moles of He at 400K .The mixture attains a temperature T
and volume V. Now the mixture is compressed adiabatically to a volume V’ and temperature T’. if
T'  V 
=   , find the value if 13n.
T  V' 
(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 5 (D) 13

25. In the following P–V diagram of an ideal gas, AB and CD are isothermal where as BC and DA are
adiabatic process. The value of VB/VC

(A) = VA /VD (B) < VA / VD (C) > VA / VD (D) cannot say

26. The molar heat capacity C for an ideal gas going through a process is given by C = , where ‘a’ is
a constant. If  = the work done by one mole of gas during heating from T0 to ηT0 will be :
(A) a n (B)
a n
  −1
(C) a n −   RT0 (D) a n − (  −) RT0
  − 

27. One mole of an ideal gas undergoes a process in which T = T0 +aV3, where T0 and ‘a’ are positive
constants and V is volume. The volume for which pressure will be minimum is
1/3 1/3 2/3 2/3
T  T   a   a 
(A)  0  (B)  0  (C)   (D)  
 2a   3a   2T0   3T0 

28. In the above question, minimum pressure attainable is

3 5/3 2/3 2/3 1/3
a R T0 2 ) (B)
3 2/3 2/3 1/2
a RT0 3 )
3 1/2 2/3 3/4 1/3
a R T0 4 ) (D)
3 1/3 2/3 1/3
a RT0 2 )

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(Multiple Correct type Questions)
1. Let vav, vrms and vp respectively denote mean speed, root mean square speed and the most probable
speed of the molecule in an ideal monoatomic gas at absolute temperature T. The mass of a
molecule is m then:
(A) no molecule can have speed greater than 2 vrms
(B) no molecule can have speed less than vp/ 2
(C) vp < vav < vrms
(D) the average kinetic energy of a molecule is 3/4 mvp2

2. Graph shows a hypothetical speed distribution for a sample of N gas particle (for V > V0; = 0)
(A) The value of aV0 is 2N.
(B) The ratio Vavg/V0 is equal to 2/3.
(C) The ratio Vrms/V0 is equal to 1/ 2 .
(D) Three fourth of the total particle has a speed between 0.5 V0 and V0.

3. A closed vessel contains a mixture of two diatomic gases A and B. Molar mass of A is 16 times that
of B and mass of gas A contained in the vessel is 2 times that of B. The following statements are
(i) Average kinetic energy per molecule of A is equal to that of B
(ii) Root mean square value of translation velocity of B is four times that of A.
(iii) Pressure exerted by B is eight times of that exerted by A.
(iv) Number of molecules of B in the cylinder is eight time that of A.
(A) only (i), (ii) and (iii) are true (B) only (ii), (iii) and (iv) are true
(C) only (i), (ii) and (iv) are true (D) All are true

4. A system undergoes a cyclic process in which it absorbs Q1 heat and gives out Q2 heat. The
efficiency of the process is and work done is W. Select correct statement :
(A) W = Q1 – Q2 (B) η = (C)  = 2 (D)  =1 − 2
Q1 Q1 Q1
5. Select the incorrect statement ideal gas
(A) Molecules of a gas are incessant random motion colliding against one another and with the
walls of the container
(B) The gas is not isotropic and the constant (1/3) in equation P (1/3) v rms is result of this property

(C) The time during which a collision lasts is negligible compared to the time of free path between
(D) There is no force of interaction between molecules among themselves or between molecules
and the wall except during collisions.

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6. A gaseous mixture consists of equal number of moles of two ideal gases having adiabatic exponents
γ1 and γ2 and molar specific heats at constant volume CV1 and CV2 respectively. Which of the
following statements is/are correct ?
1 +  2
(A) Adiabatic exponent for gaseous mixture is equal to
CV1 + CV2
(B) Molar specific heat at constant volume for gaseous mixture is equal to
CV1 + CV2 + R
(C) Molar specific heat of constant pressure for gaseous mixture is equal to
(D) Adiabatic exponent for gaseous mixture is 1+
CV1 + CV2

7. A container holds 1026 molecules/m3, each of mass 3  10 −27 kg. Assume that 1/6 of the molecules
move with velocity 2000 m/s directly towards one wall of the container while the remaining 5/6 of
the molecules move either away from the wall or in perpendicular direction, and all collisions of the
molecules with the wall are elastic
(A) number of molecules hitting 1 m2 of the wall every second is 3.33  1028.
(B) number of molecules hitting 1 m2 of the wall second is 2×1029.
(C) pressure exerted on the wall by molecules is 24×105 Pa.
(D) pressure exerted on the wall by molecules is 4×105 Pa.

8. A process is shown in the diagram. Which of the following curves may represent the same process ?

9. An ideal gas expands in such a way that PV2 = constant throughout process
(A) The graph of the process of T-V diagram is a parabola
(B) The graph of the process of T-V diagram is a straight line
(C) Such an expansion is possible only with heating
(D) Such an expansion is possible only with cooling

10. 2moles of monoatomic gas are expanded to double its initial volume, through a process
P/V = constant. If its initial temperature is 300 K, then which of the following is not true.
(A) ΔT = 900 K (B) ΔQ = 3200 R (C) ΔQ = 3600 R (D) W = 900 R

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11. Let n1 and n2 moles of two different ideal gases be mixed. If adiabatic coefficient of the two gases
are γ1 and γ2 respectively, then adiabatic coefficient of the mixture is given through the relation
(n + n 2 ) n n
(A) (n1 + n2)γ = n1γ1 + n2γ2 (B) 1 = 1 + 2
 − 1 −  2 −
  
(C) (n1 + n 2 ) = n1 1 + n 2 2 (D) (n1 + n2) (γ – 1) = n1 (γ1 – 1) + n2 (γ2 – 1)
 −  −  2 −

12. A vertical cylinder with heat-conducting walls is closed at the bottom and is fitted with a smooth
light piston. It contains one mole of an ideal gas. The temperature of the gas is always equal to the
surrounding’s temperature, T0. The piston is moved up slowly to increase the volume of the gas 
times. Which of the following is incorrect?
(A) Work done by the gas is RT0 ln 
(B) Work done against the atmosphere is RT0(  –1)
(C) There is no change in the internal energy of the gas
(D) The final pressure of the gas is times its initial pressure
(  − 1)
13. A gas is enclosed in a vessel at a constant temperature at a pressure of 5 atmosphere and volume
4 litre. Due to a leakage in the vessel, after some time, the pressure is reduced to 4 atmosphere. As a
result, the
(A) volume of the gas decreased by 20%
(B) average K.E. of gas molecule decreases by 20%
(C) 20% of the gas escaped due to the leakage
(D) 25% of the gas escaped due to the leakage

14. During an experiment, an ideal gas is found to obey a condition = constant [  = density of the

gas]. The gas is initially at temperature T, pressure P and density  . The gas expands such that

density changes to
(A) The pressure of the gas changes to 2 P.
(B) The temperature of the gas changes to 2 T.
(C) The graph of the above process on the P-T diagram is parabola.
(D) The graph of the above process on the P-T diagram is hyperbola

15. During the melting of a slab of ice at 273 K at atmospheric pressure:

(A) positive work is done by the ice-water system on the atmosphere
(B) positive work is done on the ice-water system by the atmosphere
(C) the internal energy of the ice-water system increases
(D) the internal energy of ice-water system decreases.

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16. An enclosed ideal gas is taken through a cycle as shown in the figure. Then

(A) Along AB, temperature decreases while along BC temperature increases

(B) Along AB, temperature increases while along BC the temperature decreases
(C) Along CA work is done by the gas and the internal energy remains constant
(D) Along CA work is done on the gas and internal energy of the gas increases

(Comprehension type Questions)
Paragraph for Qus 1 to 3
A mono atomic ideal gas is filled in a non conducting container. The gas can be compressed by a
movable non conducting piston. The gas is compressed slowly to 12.5% of its initial volume.

1. The percentage increase in the temperature of the gas is

(A) 400% (B) 300% (C) – 87.5% (D) 0%

2. The ratio of initial adiabatic bulk modulus of the gas to the final value of adiabatic bulk modulus of
the gas is
(A) 32 (B) 1 (C) 1/32 (D) 4

3. The ratio of work done by the gas to the change in internal energy of the gas is
(A) 1 (B) –1 (C)  (D) 0

Paragraph for Qus 4 to 7

Five moles of helium are mixed with two moles of hydrogen to form a mixture. Take molar mass of
helium M1 = 4g and that of hydrogen M2 = 2g
4. The equivalent molar mass of the mixture is
13g 18g
(A) 6g (B) (C) c (D) None of these
7 7
5. The equivalent degree of freedom of the mixture is
(A) 3.57 (B) 1.14 (C) 4.4 (D) None of these

6. The equivalent value of γ is

(A) 1.59 (B) 1.53 (C) 1.56 (D) None of these

7. If the internal energy of He sample of 100 J and that of the hydrogen sample is 200 J, then the
internal energy of the mixture is
(A) 900 J (B) 128.5 J (C) 171.4 J (D) 300 J
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Paragraph for Qus 8 to 10
An ideal gas initially at pressure p0 undergoes a free expansion (expansion against vacuum under
adiabatic conditions) until its volume is 3 times its initial volume. The gas is next adiabatically
compressed back to its original volume. The pressure after compression is 32/3 p0.

8. The pressure of the gas after the free expansion is :

(A) 0 (B) p1/3
0 (C) p0 (D) 3p0

9. The gas
(A) is monoatomic.
(B) is diatomic.
(C) is polyatomic.
(D) type is not possible to decide from the given information.

10. What is the ratio of the average kinetic energy per molecule in the final state to that in the initial
state ?
(A) 1 (B) 32/3 (C) 31/3 (D) 31/6

1. An ideal gas at pressure P and volume V is expanded to volume 2V. Column I represents the
thermodynamic processes used during expansion. Column II represents the work during these
processes in the random order
Column-I Column-II
PV(1 − 21− )
(P) isobaric (X)
 −1
(Q) isothermal (Y) PV
(R) adiabatic (Z) PVln 2
The correct matching of column I and column II is given by:

2. An ideal monoatomic gas undergoes different types of processes which are described in column-I.
Match the corresponding effects in column-II. The letters have usual meaning
Column-I Column-II
(A) P = 2V (p) If volume increases then temperature will also increases.
(B) PV = constant (q) If volume increases then temperature will decreases.
(C) C = CV + 2R (r) For expansion, heat will have to be supplied to the gas.
(D) C = CV – 2R (s) If temperature increases then work done by gas is positive.

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3. The figures given below show different processes (relating pressure P and volume V) for a given
amount for an ideal gas. W is work done by the gas and ΔQ is heat absorbed by the gas.

Column-I Column-II
(A) In Figure (i) (p) ΔQ > 0.
(B) In Figure (ii) (q) W < 0.
(C) In Figure (iii) (r) ΔQ < 0.
(D) In Figure (iv) (for complete cycle) (s) W > 0.

(Subjective type Questions)
1. The height of mercury is a faulty barometer is 75 cm and the tube above mercury having air is
10 cm long. The correct barometer reading is 76 cm. If the faulty barometer reads 74 cm, find the
true barometer reading. (Assume constant temperature of air above mercury column.)

2. V-T curve for 2moles of a gas is straight line as shown in the graph here. Find the pressure of gas at

3. A piston divides a closed gas cylinder into two parts. Initially the piston is kept pressed such that
one part has a pressure P and volume 5V and the other part has pressure 8P and volume V. The
piston is now left free. Find the new pressures and volumes for the adiabatic and isothermal
processes. For this gas γ = 1.5.

4. P-V graph for an ideal gas undergoing polytropic process PVm = constant is shown here. Find the
value of m.

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5. One mole of a gas mixture is heated under constant pressure, and heat required ΔQ is plotted against
temperature difference acquired. Find the value of γ for mixture.

6. A sample of 2 kg of monoatomic Helium (assumed ideal) is taken through the process ABC and
another sample of 2 Kg of the same gas is taken through the process ADC as in figure. Given,
molecular mass of Helium = 4

(i) What is the temperature of Helium in each of the states A, B, C & D?

(ii) Is there any way of telling afterwards which sample Helium went through the process ADC ?
write Yes or No.
(iii) How much is the heat involved in each of the processes ABC ADC.

7. A monoatomic ideal gas of two moles is taken through a cyclic process starting from A as shown in
figure. The volume ratios are B = 2 and D = 4 . If the temperature TA at A is 27°C.

(a) the temperature of the gas at point B,
(b) heat absorbed or released by the gas in each process,
(c) the total work done by the gas during the complete cycle
Express your answer in terms of the gas constant R.
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8. A certain quantity of ideal gas takes up 56 J of heat in the process AB and 360 J in the process AC.
What is the number of degrees of freedom of the gas.

9. A gas is undergoing an adiabatic process. At a certain stage A, the values of volume and
temperature = (V0, T0) and the magnitude of the slope of V-T curve is m. Find the value of CP and

10. If heat is added at constant volume, 6300 J of heat are required to raise the temperature of an ideal
gas by 150 K. If instead, heat is added at constant pressure, 8800 joules are required for the same
temperature change. When the temperature of the gas change by 300 K. Determine the change s the
internal energy of the gas.

11. The volume of one mole of an ideal gas with specific heat ratio γ is varied according the law
V = 2 , where a is a constant. Find the amount of heat obtained by the gas in this process if the gas
temperature is increased by ΔT.

12. One mole of a diatomic ideal gas (γ = 1.4) is taken through a cyclic process starting from point A.
The process A→B is an adiabatic compression. B→C is isobaric expansion. C →D an adiabatic
expansion & D→A is isochoric. The volume ratios are Va/Vb = 16 and Vc/Vb = 2 & the temperature
at A is TA = 300°K. Calculate the temperature of the gas at the points B & D and find the efficiency
of the cycle. [(160.4 = 3.03) (1/8)0.4 = 0.435 ]

13. Ideal diatomic gas is taken through a process ΔQ = 2ΔU. Find the molar heat capacity for the
process (where ΔQ is the heat supplied and ΔU is change in internal energy).

14. An ideal gas has a molar heat capacity CV at constant volume. Find the molar heat capacity of this
gas as a function of volume, if the gas undergoes the process: T = T0eαV.

15. One mole of an ideal monoatomic gas undergoes a process as shown in the figure. Find the molar
specific heat of the gas in the process.

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16. In a cycle ABCA consisting of isothermal expansion AB, isobaric compression BC and adiabatic
compression CA, find the efficiency of cycle

(Given: TA = TB = 400 K, γ = 1.5)

17. An ideal gas is taken through a cyclic thermodynamic process through four steps. The amounts of
heat involved in these steps are Q1 = 5960 J, Q2 = –5585 J, Q3 = –2980 J and Q4 = 3645 J
respectively. The corresponding works involved are W1 = 2200 J, W2 = –825 J, W3 = –1100 J and
W4 respectively.
(i) Find the value of W4. (ii) What is the efficiency of the cycle?

18. A weightless piston divides a thermally insulated cylinder into two parts of volumes V and 3V. 2
moles of an ideal gas at pressure P = 2 atmosphere are confined to the part with volume V = 1 litre.
The remainder of the cylinder is evacuated. The piston is now released and the gas expands to fill
entire space of the cylinder. The piston is then pressed back to the initial position. Find the increase
of internal energy in the process and final temperature of the gas. The ratio of the specific heat of
the gas γ = 1.5.

19. Two moles of an ideal monoatomic gas are confined within a cylinder by a massless and frictionless
spring loaded piston of cross-sectional area 4  10 −3 m2. The spring is, initially in its relaxed state.
Now the gas is heated by an electric heated, placed inside the cylinder, for some time. During this
time, the gas expands and does 50 J of work in moving the piston through a distance 0.10 m. The
temperature of the gas increase by 50 K. Calculate the spring constant and the heat supplied by the
heater. [P0 = 105Pa]

20. Refrigerator A works between –10°C and 27°C, while refrigerator B works between –27°C and
17°C, both removing heat equal to 2000 J from the freezer. Which of the two is better refrigerator ?

21. Two carnot engines A and B operated in series. The first one A receives heat at 1200 K and rejects
to a reservoir at T K. The second engine B receives the heat rejected by the first engine and in turn
reject to a heat reservoir at 300 K. Calculate the value of T, when
(i) outputs of the two engines are equal
(ii) efficiencies of the two engines are equal

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22. The figure shows an insulated cylinder divided into three parts A, B and C. Pistons I and II are
connected by a rigid rod can move without friction inside the cylinder. Piston I is perfectly
conducting while piston II is perfectly insulating. The initial state of the gas (γ = 1.5) present in each
compartment A, B and C is as shown. Now, compartment A is slowly given heat through a heater H
such that the final volume of C becomes . Assume the gas to be ideal and find.

(a) Final pressures in each compartment A, B and C

(b) Final temperatures in each compartment A, B and C
(c) Heat supplied by the heater
(d) Work done by gas in A and B
(e) Heat flowing across piston I.

23. A barometer is fault. When the true barometer reading are 73 and 75 cm of Hg., the faulty barometer
reads 69 cm and 70 cm respectively.
(i) What is the total length of the barometer tube ?
(ii) What is the true reading when the faulty barometer reads 69.5 cm
(iii) What is the faulty barometer reading when the true barometer reads 74 cm?

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JEE ADVANCED Previous Year’s Questions
1. Match the following for the given process: [JEE 2006]

Column I Column II
(A) Process J → K (P) w > 0
(B) Process K → L (Q) w < 0
(C) Process L → M (R) Q > 0
(D) Process M → J (S) Q < 0

Paragraph for question nos. 2 to 4

A fixed thermally conducting cylinder has a radius R and length L0. The cylinder is open at its
bottom and has a small hole at its top. A piston of mass M is held at a distance L from the top
surface, as shown in the figure. The atmospheric pressure is P0

2. The piston is now pulled out slowly and held at a distance 2L from the top. The pressure in the
cylinder between its top and the piston will then be
P Mg P Mg
(A) P0 (B) P0/2 (C) 0 + (D) 0 −
2 R 2
2 R 2
[JEE 2007]

3. While the piston is at a distance 2L from the top, the hole at the top is sealed. The piston is then
released, to a position where it can stay in equilibrium. In this condition, the distance of the piston
from the top is
 2P0 R 2   P0 R 2 − Mg 
(A)   (2L) (B)   (2L)
 R 2
P0 + Mg    R 2
P0 
 P R + Mg 
 P0 R 2

(C)  0  (2L) (D)   (2L)
 R P0   R P0 − Mg 
2 2

[JEE 2007]

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4. The piston is taken completely out of the cylinder. The hole at the top is sealed. A water tank is
brought below the cylinder and put in a position so that the water surface in the tank is at the same
level as the top of the cylinder as shown in the figure. The density of the water is ρ. In equilibrium,
the height H of the water column in the cylinder satisfies

(A) ρg(L0 – H)2 + P0(L0 – H) + L0P0 = 0 (B) ρg(L0 – H)2 – P0(L0 – H) – L0P0 = 0
(C) ρg(L0 – H)2 + P0(L0 – H) – L0P0 = 0 (D) ρg(L0 – H)2 – P0(L0 – H) + L0P0 = 0
[JEE 2007]

5. Statement-I: The total translational kinetic energy of all the molecules of a given mass of an ideal
gas is 1.5 times the product of its pressure and its volume
Statement-II: The molecules of a gas collide with each other and the velocities of the molecules
change due to the collision.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation of Statement-1
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation of
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True
[JEE 2007]

6. An ideal gas is expanding such that PT2 = constant. The coefficient of volume expansion of the gas
1 2 3 4
(A) (B) (C) (D)
[JEE 2008]

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7. Column I contains a list of processes involving expansion of an ideal gas. Match this with Column
II. Describing the thermodynamic change during this process. Indicate your answer by darkening
the appropriate bubbles of the matrix given in the ORS.
Column –I Column-II
(A) An insulated container has two chambers (P) The temperature of the gas decreases
separated by a valve. Chamber I contains an
ideal gas and the chamber II has vacuum. The
valve is opened

(B) An ideal monoatomic gas expands to twice its (Q) The temperature of the gas increases
original volume such that pressure or remains constant
(C) An ideal monoatomic gas expands to twice its (R) The gas loses heat
original volume such that its pressure P
 4/3 , where V is its volume.
(D) An ideal monoatomic gas expands such that its (S) The gas gains heat
pressure P and volume V follows the behavior
shown in the graph

[JEE 2008]

8. Cv and Cp denote the molar specific heat capacities of a gas at constant volume and constant
pressure, respectively. Then
(A) Cp – Cv is larger for a diatomic ideal gas than for a monoatomic ideal gas
(B) Cp + Cv is larger for a diatomic ideal gas than for a monoatomic ideal gas
(C) Cp / Cv is larger for a diatomic ideal gas than for a monoatomic ideal gas
(D) Cp Cv is larger for a diatomic ideal gas than for a monoatomic ideal gas
[JEE 2009]

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9. The figure shows the P-V plot of an ideal gas taken through a cycle ABCDA. The part ABC is a
semi-circle and CDA is half of an ellipse. Then,

(A) the process during the path A → B is isothermal

(B) heat flows out of the gas during the path B → C → D
(C) work done during the path A → B → C is zero
(D) positive work is done by the gas in the cycle ABCDA
[JEE 2009]

10. A real gas behaves like an ideal gas if its

(A) pressure and temperature are both high (B) pressure and temperature are both low
(C) pressure is high and temperature is low (D) pressure is low and temperature is high
[JEE 2010]

11. One mole of an ideal gas in initial state A undergoes 1 a cyclic process ABCA, as shown in the
figure. Its pressure at A P0 choose the correct option(s) form the following

(A) Internal energies at A and B are the same

(B) Work done by the gas in process AB is P0V0 ln 4
(C) Pressure at C is 0
(D) Temperature at C is 0
[JEE 2010]

12. A diatomic ideal gas is compressed adiabatically to of its initial volume. In the initial
temperature of gas is Ti (in Kelvin) and the final temperature is αTi the value of α is.
[JEE 2010]

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13. 5.6 litre of helium gas at STP is adiabatically compressed to 0.7 liter. Taking the initial temperature
to be T1 the work done in the process is
9 3 15 9
(A) RT1 (B) RT1 (C) RT1 (D) RT1
8 2 8 2
[JEE 2011]

14. One mole of a monatomic ideal gas is taken through a cycle ABCDA as shown in the P-V diagram.
Column-II gives the characteristics involved in the cycle. Match them with each of the processes
given in Column-I.

Column-I Column-II
(A) Process A → B (p) Internal energy decreases
(B) Process B → C (q) Internal energy increases
(C) Process C → D (r) Heat is lost
(D) Process D → A (s) Heat is gained
(t) Work is done on the gas
[JEE 2011]

15. A mixture of 2 moles of helium gas (atomic gas = 4amu) and 1 mole of argon gas (atomic mass =
 v (helium) 
40 amu) is kept at 300 K in a container. The ratio of the r.m.s speeds  rms  is
 v rms (arg on) 
(A) 0.32 (B) 0.45 (C) 2.24 (D) 3.16
[JEE 2012]

16. Two moles of ideal helium gas are in a rubber balloon at 30°. The balloon is fully expandable and
can be assumed to require no energy in its expansion. The temperature of the gas in the balloon is
slowly changed to 35°C. The amount of heat required in raising the temperature is nearly
(take R = 8.31 J/mol.K)
(A) 62 J (B) 104 J (C) 124 J (D) 208 J
[JEE 2012]
17. Two non-reactive monoatomic ideal gases have their atomic masses in the ratio 2 : 3. The ratio of
their partial pressures, when enclosed in a vessel kept at a constant temperature, is 4 : 3. The ratio of
their densities is
(A) 1 : 4 (B) 1 : 2 (C) 6 : 9 (D) 8 : 9
[JEE 2013]

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18. One mole of a monoatomic ideal gas is taken along two cyclic processes E→F→G→E and
E→F→H→E as shown in the PV diagram. The processes involved are purely isochoric, isobaric,
isothermal or adiabatic

Match the paths in List I with the magnitudes of the work done in List II and select the correct
answer using the codes given below the lists.
List- I List- II
(P) G → E 1. 160 P0V0 ln2
(Q) G → H 2. 36 P0V0
(R) F → H 3. 24 P0V0
(S) F → G 4. 31 P0V0

(A) P-4; Q-3; R-2; S-1 (B) P-4; Q-3; R-1; S-2
(C) P-3; Q-1; R-2; S-4 (D) P-1; Q-3; R-2; S-4
[JEE 2013]

19. A thermodynamic system is taken from an initial state i with internal energy Ui =100 J to the final
state f along two different paths iaf and ibf, as schematically shown in the figure. The work done by
the system along the paths af, ib and bf areWaf = 200 J,Wib = 50 J and Wbf = 100 J respectively. The
heat supplied to the system along the path iaf, ib and bf are Qiaf, Qib and Qbf respectively. If the
internal energy of the system in the state b is Ub = 200 J and Qiaf = 500 J, the ratio Qbf / Qib is

[JEE 2014]

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Paragraph for Questions 20 and 21
In the figure a container is shown to have a movable (without friction) piston on top. The container
and the piston are all made of perfectly insulating material allowing no heat transfer between
outside and inside the container. The container is divided into two compartments by a rigid partition
made of a thermally conducting material that allows slow transfer of heat. The lower compartment
of the container is filled with 2 moles of an ideal monatomic gas at 700 K and the upper
compartment is filled with 2 moles of an ideal diatomic gas at 400 K. The heat capacities per mole
3 5
of an ideal monatomic gas are CV = R, CP = R, and those for an ideal diatomic gas are
2 2
5 7
CV = R, CP = R .
2 2

20. Consider the partition to be rigidly fixed so that it does not move. When equilibrium is achieved,
the final temperature of the gases will be
(A) 550 K (B) 525 K (C) 513 K (D) 490 K
[JEE 2014]

21. Now consider the partition to be free to move without friction so that the pressure of gases in both
compartments is the same. Then total work done by the gases till the time they achieve equilibrium
will be
(A) 250 R (B) 200 R (C) 100 R (D) –100 R
[JEE 2014]
22. An ideal monoatomic gas is confined in a horizontal cylinder by spring loaded piston (as shown in
the figure). Initially the gas is at temperature T1, pressure P1 and volume V1 and the spring is in its
relaxed state. The gas is then heated very slowly to temperature T2, pressure P2 and volume V2.
During this process the piston moves out by a distance x. ignoring the friction between the piston
and the cylinder, the correct statement(s) is (are)

(A) If V2 = 2V1 and T2 = 3T1, then the energy stored in the spring is P1V1
(B) If V2 = 2V1 and T2 = 3T1, then the change in internal energy is 3P1V1
(C) If V2 = 3V1 and T2 = 4T1, then the work done by the gas is P1V1
(D) If V2 = 3V1 and T2 = 4T1, then the heat supplied to the gas is P1V1
[JEE 2015]
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23. A gas is enclosed in a cylinder with a movable frictionless piston. Its initial thermodynamic state at
pressure Pi = 105 Pa and volume Vi = 10–3 m3 changes to a final state at Pf = (1/32)×105Pa and
Vf = 8×10–3m3 in an adiabatic quasi-static process, such that P3V5 = constant. Consider another
thermodynamic process that brings the system from the same initial state to the same final state in
two steps: an isobaric expansion at Pi followed by an isochoric (isovolumetric) process at volume
Vf. The amount of heat supplied to the system in the two-step process is approximately
(A) 112 J (B) 294 J (C) 588 J (D) 813 J
[JEE 2016]


An ideal gas is undergoing a cyclic thermodynamic process in different ways as shown in the
corresponding P – V diagrams in column 3 of the table. Consider only the path from state 1 to state
2. W denotes the corresponding work done on the system. The equations and plots in the table have
standard notations as used in thermodynamic process. Here  is the ratio of heat capacities at
constant pressure and constant volume. The number of moles in the gas is n.

[JEE 2017]
24. Which of the following options is the only correct representation of a process in which
ΔU = ΔQ – PΔV ?
(A) (II) (iii) (P) (B) (II) (iii) (S) (C) (III) (iii) (P) (D) (II) (iv) (R)

25. Which one of the following options is the correct combination ?

(A) (II) (iv) (P) (B) (IV) (ii) (S) (C) (II) (iv) (R) (D) (III) (ii) (S)

26. Which one of the following options correctly represents a thermodynamics process that is used as a
correction in the determination of the speed of sound in an ideal gas ?
(A) (III) (iv) (R) (B) (I) (ii) (Q) (C) (IV) (ii) (R) (D) (I) (iv) (Q)

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27. One mole of a monatomic ideal gas undergoes four thermodynamic processes as shown
schematically in the PV-diagram below. Among these four processes, one is isobaric, one is
isochoric, one is isothermal and one is adiabatic. Match the processes mentioned in List-1 with the
corresponding statements in List-II.

P. In process I 1. Work done by the gas is zero
Q. In process II 2. Temperature of the gas remains unchanged
R. In process III 3. No heat is exchanged between the gas and its surroundings
S. In process IV 4. Work done by the gas is 6P0V0
(A) P → 4; Q → 3; R → 1; S → 2 (B) P → 1; Q → 3; R → 2; S → 4
(C) P → 3; Q → 4; R → 1; S → 2 (D) P → 3; Q → 4; R → 2; S → 1
[JEE 2018]

28. One mole of a monatomic ideal gas undergoes an adiabatic expansion in which its volume becomes
eight times its initial value. If the initial temperature of the gas is 100 K and the universal gas
constant R= 8.0 J mol–1K–1, the decrease in its internal energy, in joule is,
[JEE 2018]
29. One mole of a monatomic ideal gas undergoes a cyclic process as shown in the figure (where V is
the volume and T is the temperature). Which of the statements below is (are) true?

(A) Process I is an isochoric process (B) In process II, gas absorbs heat
(C) In process IV, gas releases heat (D) Processes I and III are not isobaric
[JEE 2018]

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30. One mole of a monoatomic ideal gas goes through a thermodynamic cycle, as shown in the volume
versus temperature (V-T) diagram. The correct statement(s) is/are :
[R is the gas constant]

(A) Work done in this thermodynamic cycle (1→ 2→ 3→4→1) is W = RT0
Q 5
(B) The ratio of heat transfer during process 1→2 and 2→3 is 1→ 2 =
Q 2 →3 3
(C) The above thermodynamic cycle exhibits only isochoric and adiabatic processes.
Q1→ 2 1
(D) The ratio of heat transfer during process 1→2 and 3→4 is =
Q 3→ 4 2
[JEE 2019]
31. A mixture of ideal gas containing 5 moles of monatomic gas and 1 mole of rigid diatomic gas is
initially at pressure P0, volume V0 and temperature T0. If the gas mixture is adiabatically
compressed to a volume V0/4, then the correct statement(s) is/are,
(Given 21.2 = 2.3; 23.2 = 9.2; R is gas constant)
(A) The final pressure of the gas mixture after compression is is in between 9P0 and 10P0
(B) The average kinetic energy of the gas mixture after compression is in between 18 RT0 and 19 RT0
(C) Adiabatic constant of the gas mixture is 1.6
(D) The work |W| done during the process is 13RT0
[JEE 2019]

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In a thermodynamic process on an ideal monatomic gas, the infinitesimal heat absorbed by the gas
is given by TΔX, where T is temperature of the system and ΔX is the infinitesimal change in a
thermodynamic quantity X of the system. For a mole of monatomic ideal gas
3  T   V 
X = R ln   + R ln   . Here R is gas constant, V is volume of gas TA and VA are constants.
2  TA   VA 
The List-I gives some quantities involved in a process and List-II give some possible values of
these quantities.
List-I List-II
(I) Work done by the system in process 1→ 2→3 (P) RT0 ln 2
(II) Change in internal energy in process 1→ 2→3 (Q) RT0
(III) Heat absorbed by the system in process 1→ 2→3 (R) RT0
(IV) Heat absorbed by the system in process 1→ 2 (S) RT0
(T) RT0 (3 + ln 2)
(U) RT0
[JEE 2019]
32. If the process on one mole of monatomic ideal gas is as shown in the TV-diagram with
P0V0 = RT0 , the correct match is

(A) I→P, II→R, III→T, IV→S (B) I→P, II→T, III→Q, IV→T
(C) I→S, II→T, III→Q, IV→U (D) I→P, II→R, III→T, IV→P

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33. If the process carried out on one mole of monatomic ideal gas is as shown in figure in the PV-
diagram with P0V0 = RT0 , the correct match is,

(A) I→S, II→R, III→Q, IV→T (B) I→Q, II→R, III→P, IV→U
(C) I→Q, II→S, III→R, IV→U (D) I→Q, II→R, III→S, IV→U

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1. D 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. B
10. C 11. B 12. A 13. C 14. C 15. A 16. C 17. D 18. A
19. A 20. B 21. D 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. B 26. C 27. D
28. B 29. A 30. C 31. B 32. A 33. A 34. C 35. B 36. A
37. D 38. C 39. A 40. C 41. D 42. D 43. B 44. D 45. C

Previous Year’s Questions (2006-2020)
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. B
11. D 12. B 13. A 14. B 15. D 16. B 17. A 18. A 19. C 20. A
21. C 22. D 23. D 24. A 25. A 26. B 27. C 28. D 29. C 30. A
31. D 32. C 33. C 34. C 35. B 36. D 37. C 38. B 39. A 40. C
41. A 42. B 43. D 44. A 45. B 46. A 47. A 48. B 49. B 50. D
51. B 52. A 53. D 54. A 55. A 56. C 57. B 58. A 59. A 60. A
61. B 62. B 63. D 64. D 65. A 66. A 67. B 68. D 69. D 70. D
71. D 72. D 73. A 74. 600 75. 1819

1. D 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. A
11. C 12. A 13. A 14. D 15. A 16. A 17. B 18. C 19. B 20. A
21. D 22. B 23. C 24. B 25. A 26. C 27. A 28. D

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1. CD 2. ABCD 3. D 4. ABD 5. B 6. BD 7. AD 8. C
9. D 10. B 11. B 12. D 13. C 14. BD 15. BC 16. A

1. B 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. A 10. B

1. P-Y, Q-Z, R-X 2. (A)-p,r,s; (B)-q; (C)-p,r,s; (D)-q,r 3. (A) p, s (B) s (C) p, s (D) q, r

1. 74.9 cm 2. 1.25 × 104 N/m2 3. 1.84P, 10V/3, 8V/3 (adiabatic), 13P/6, 30V/13, 48V/13
4. 1.5 5. 1.5 6. (i) TA = 120.33 K, TB = 240.66 K, TC = 481.32 K, TD = 240.66 K,
(ii) No,
(iii) ΔQABC = 3.25 × 106 J ; ΔQADC = 2.75 × 106 J
7. (a) 600K (b) 1500R, 831.8 R, – 900 R, – 831.8 R (c) 600 R 8. 5 mRT0  T0m 
9. 1 + R
V0  V0 
10. 12600 J  3 - 2γ  12.TB = 909 K, TD = 791 K, η = 61.4 13. 5R
11. RΔΤ   %
 γ -1 
 1 
R R 3 1 − 1/3 
16. 1 −  2 
14. CV + 15. 17. (i) 765 J, (ii) 10.83%
αV 2
18. 400 J, 2T0 19. 2000 N/m, 1295J 20. Refrigerator A is better than refrigerator B
21.(i) 750 K (ii) T = 600 K
27 21
22. (a) Final pressure in A= P0 = Final pressure in C, Final pressure in B= P
8 4
21 3
(b) Final temperature in A(and B) = T0, Final temperature in C= T0,
4 2
(c) 18 P0V0,
(d) work done by gas inA= + P0V0, work done by gas in B = 0,
(e) P0V0

23.(i) 74 cm, (ii) 73.94 cm, (iii) 69.52 cm

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(JEE ADVANCED Previous Year’s Questions)
1. (A)–S; (B)–P and R; (C)–R; (D)–Q and S 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. C
7. (A)-q (B)-p, r (C)-p, s (D)-q, s 8. BD 9. BD 10. D 11. AB 12. 4 13. A
14. (A)-p,r,t (B)-p,r (C)-q,s (D)-r,t 15. D 16. D 17. D 18. A 19. 2 20. D
21. D 22. ABC 23. C 24. A 25. D 26. D
27. C 28. 9000 29. BCD 30. AB 31. ACD
32. D 33. D

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