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Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Work Sheet

Doc. No.: HESD02-Annex3

Issues / Rev. No.: 00/01
Issue/Rev. Date : 20.12.2023

Department : Activity: Boundary wall Construction Review Frequency: 6 Monthly Last Reviewed on: Residual Risk

Legal Requirement Evaluation Of Hazard and Risk Evaluation Of Hazard and

(Y/N) Risk
If yes, then indicate RR =
Type of which S P IR = SXP S P
Hazard( List SXP
Sr. No. Activity Sub-Activity Physical, Chemical, Hazard(Write) RISK(Write) Consequence Present Controls Proposed Recommendation
(Follow Hierarchy) Category (Example:

Probability of

Probability of
Ergo, Mental,

Severitu of

Severitu of


Applicable Environment, Asset)



Y/N Act

Elimination: NA Elimination: NA

Substitution: Anti snake spray Substitution: Anti snake spray

Engg Control: 1-Grass cutter roatation

parts must be gaurded.
2. Don't use a cutting tool for any other
purpose other than that it's intended
Engg Control: Grass cutter roatation 3.Ensure proper house keeping
parts must be gaurded. 4. Be aware of public and co-workers
Snake bite,Cut Death of when operating
1 Bush cleaning Cutting with grass cutter Physical Injury,Noise,Slip/T worker/Partial/Perman Project impact Yes BOCW People 5 5 25 5.Never operate the cutting attachment 5 1 5
rip hazrds ent Disability above waist height.
6.Turn-Off the machine when not in use.

Admin Control: Followo PTW, TBT, Admin Control: Followo PTW, TBT, TRG,

PPE: Job specific ppes should be follow PPE: Job specific ppes should be follow
by all person,Gum boots to be used. by all person,Gum boots to be used.Use
nose mask,Face Shield,Ear plugs.

Elimination: NA Elimination: NA

Substitution: NA Substitution: NA

Postioning of Laoded Fall of material,

Loading Unloading of vehicle and manpower fall of person , Partial/Permanent
2 Precast Column & deployement at Loading Physical Hit by vehicle Disability Project impact Yes BOCW People 5 4 20 4 2 8
Plankes & Unloading area. Un even parking
Engg Control: 1. Proper approach and
access area should be made safe for
vehicles and operator should be well
trained and competent to perform the
job .
2. Loaded materials should be properly
tied up by chain or lashing belt/Rope as
per requirement.
3. Safe distance (3mtr) from vehicle to
vehicle should be maintained while
4- Flag men should be present for safe
Engg Control: Loaded materials should and easy movement of vehicles.
be properly tied up by chain or lashing 5. Speed limit should be strictly followed
belt/Rope as per requirement. 6. Drivers and operators should be
awared of all the road safety rules by
Fall of material, safety person before conducting related
Postioning of Laoded
Loading Unloading of vehicle fall of person , jobs. .
2 Precast Column & and manpower Physical Hit by vehicle Partial/Permanent Project impact Yes BOCW People 5 4 20 7. Sufficient skilled manpower should be 4 2 8
Plankes deployement at Loading Un even parking Disability engaged along with competent
& Unloading area. lavel supervisor.
8.Wheel stopper must be used while
operator is out side of vehicle. Engine
shall not be in running condition if the
driver leaves the cab.
9- All safety rules and regulations should
be followed.

Admin Control: Followo PTW, TBT, Admin Control: Followo PTW, TBT, TRG,

PPE: Job specific ppes should be follow PPE: Job specific ppes should be follow
by all person,Gum boots to be used. by all person,Gum boots to be used.

Elimination: NA Elimination:NA

Substitution:NA Substitution:NA

Engg Control: Proper shoring,sloping

Engg Control: No vehicle movement benching to be where its needed,2-
inbetween 1M distance of excacvated Dewatering method to be adopted.3-No
pit. material to be stacked near excavated
pit.4-No vehicle movment near
excavated pit

3 Excavation by Manual Marking up the cut-off Physical Soil Collapse Physical injury Project impact Yes BOCW People 3 3 9 2 2 4
level Slips & Trips
3 Excavation by Manual Marking up the cut-off Physical Soil Collapse Physical injury Project impact Yes BOCW People 3 3 9 2 2 4
level Slips & Trips
Admin Control:1-Work permit be taken,
2-Clearance to be taken from utility
Admin Control:Followo PTW, TBT, 3-Clearance to be taken from electrical
TRG, CHECKLIST, incharge.
4-proper barricade the area & sign
5-Training should be conducted about
the related job.

PPE: Job specific ppes should be follow PPE: Job specific ppes should be follow
by all person, by all person,

Elimination:NA Elimination: NA

Substitution:NA Substitution: NA

Engg Control:1 Mixture machine must

be properly arrested to avoid of moving
& falling of mixture machine hopper.
2. Tools and instruments must be used
Engg Control: Mixture machine must carefully and workers must maintain a
be properly arrested to avoid of safe distance from the mixture machine.
moving & falling of mixture machine 6. Wheel stopper to provided during
hopper. loading work.
7. Work area to be barricade with
caution tape.
Partial/Permanent 8. Tools must be checked physicaly for
4 Concrete work by Site Prepration, Physical Hit by Vehicles & Disability / Death of Project impact Yes BOCW People 5 5 25 any damage. 4 2 8
mixture machine Pouring of Concrete tools worker

Admin Control: Before the excution of

Admin Control:PTW, TBT, the job TBT.PTW ,checksheet to be
follwed ,proper supervision to be done,

PPE: Job specific ppes should be follow PPE: Wear all mandatory ppe like
by all person, shoes.gloves,jacket,helmet,gogglel, nose
mask etc.

Elimination:NA Elimination:NA

Substitution:NA Substitution:NA

Engg Control: 1)Overloading of materials

to be avoided.
2)Material should be kept in vertical
Engg Control: Pole should be kept in position and must be provide both side
vertical position and must be provide support.
both side support. 3)No materials should be obstruct the
Pole material handling 4)Material stacking area must be
5 Pole fixing & shifting(Manual) near Physical Fall of materials & Physical injury Project impact Yes BOCW People 4 4 16 avoided near to work place. 2 2 4
specified location Slip, Trip
Pole material handling Fall of materials &
5 Pole fixing & shifting(Manual) near Physical Slip, Trip Physical injury Project impact Yes BOCW People 4 4 16 2 2 4
specified location

Admin Control: Followo PTW, TBT, TRG,

Admin Control: PTW, TBT, CHECKLIST,
Super vision to be ensure.

PPE: ob specific ppes should be follow PPE: Job specific ppes should be follow
by all person, by all person,

Elimination:NA Elimination:

Substitution: NA Substitution:

Engg Control: 1. Provide safe approach

for work
Engg Control:Trolly to be use for 2. Trained Person to be engedged in this
shifting of Angle. work
3.Do not stay under workarea during the
Fall of 4. Trolly to be use for shifting of Angle.
6 Fixing of Fancing Angle Place the Fancing Angle
near to work location Physical materials,Hit by Physical injury Project impact Yes BOCW People 3 3 9 2 2 4

Admin Control: Followo PTW, TBT, TRG,

Admin Control: Followo PTW, TBT, Proper supervisoin to be engaed for this

PPE: Job specific ppes should be follow PPE: Job specific ppes should be follow
by all person, by all person,

Elimination: NA Elimination:NA

Substitution: NA Substitution:NA
Engg Control: 1. When dispensing Engg Control: 1)Sharp edges must be
barbed wire keep it taut. protected.
2. Do not support the post by 2. When dispensing barbed wire keep it
hand,use a post holder. taut.
3. Do not support the post by hand,use a
post holder.
4. Set coil in place,centere on spinner
and than lock inplace using locking
5. Keep maintain proper distance of
barbed wire during fixing work.

Place the Barbet wire Physical injury

7 BARBED WIRE FIXING coil near to work Physical because of sharp Physical injury Project impact Yes BOCW People 3 3 9 2 2 4
location edge or pinch

Admin Control: Followo PTW, TBT, TRG,

Admin Control: Followo PTW, TBT, Proper supervisoin to be engaed for this

PPE: Job specific ppes should be follow

PPE: Job specific ppes should be follow by all person, Use long sleeve leather
by all person, gloves,Gum boot to be use for spreading
barbed coils.

Rare / Very
Asset/ Property Likely Often certain/
Consequence People Process Environment Reputation Seldom Likely
damage frequent

1 2 3 4 5
Very major spill to the environment affecting multiple Losses above Rs.
All Fire for more than 15
Major receptors. Persistent severe environmental damage that will News in International 10.0 Lac/ Plant
Fatal Incident (s) minutes /Explosion or 5 10 15 20 25
5 lead to loss of commercial, recreational use or loss of natural media Shut down or
blow out /Tier 1 Incident
resources over a wide area outage
Serious All Fires less than 15 Major spill to the environment affecting a single receptor.
4 Loss between Rs 5-
Permanent Disability minutes/ Tier 2 Sever environmental damage that will require extensive News in national media 4 8 12 16 20
10 Lac
Emergency measures to restore beneficial uses of the environment
Local media at a
Minor Moderate spill to the environment. Moderate environmental province level and Loss less than Rs 5
Lost Time Incident Tier – 2 Incident 3 6 9 12 15
3 damage that will persist or require cleaning up possibility of escalation Lac
to national level
Slight Local media at a
2 Major spill to the environment. Slight environmental damage – Loss less than Rs 3
Medical Treatment Tier – 3 province level - no 2 4 6 8 10
not lasting impacts Lac
1 Little local impact due Loss less than Rs 1
First Aid Case Tier – 4 Negligible environmental damage – contained within the site 1 2 3 4 5
to local media Lac

Rating Probability Description

Almost certain / · Has happened more than once in six
frequent months at ECAPL
· Has happened at least once in six months
4 Often
· Has happened at least once in a year at
3 Very Likely
· Has happened at least once at ECAPL
2 Likely · Has happened several times in the similar
· Has never happened at ECAPL
1 Rare/Seldom · Has happened a few times, or not at all in
the similar industry

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