Approach & Methodology of Survey

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1.1 Physical Surveys (Topographic, Physical Feature and

Landuse Survey)

As per ToR specification and requirement, Physical Surveys will cover the following items:

 Physical Features Survey,

 Topographic and Infrastructures Survey
 Landuse Survey.

Detailed methodologies of conducting physical surveys are described in the following sections below.

1.1.1 Mobilization of Survey Team

Survey manager along with survey & equipment experts, GPS and Total Station surveyors will be
mobilized after the finalization and approval of the survey/work plan by the project authority of
CLIENT. As per TOR, the Study area and project boundary shall be carried out by the fifth month and
the overall survey work is expected to be completed by the end of 11th month.

1.1.2 Equipment, Hardware and Software to be used

A large number of advanced survey equipment including Real Time Kinematic Global Positioning
System (RTK-GPS) and Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS), Total Station (TS), Optical
Levels will be deployed for conducting topographic, physical feature & land-use surveys. A local area
network (LAN) comprising numbers of Pentium-IV desktop computers, colored printer, plotter and
scanner will be used for data processing and mapping purposes at field and Dhaka office. The
equipment, computer & peripherals are listed in below.

Table-1.1: Survey Equipment

Sl No. Equipment Set Use for
A. Global Positioning System (GPS)

A.1 RTK GPS (Trimble 4700 duel frequency 1 Baseline survey for BM/Control point
receiver) establishment
PN: 35846-54
SN : 0220224239 Topographic feature delineation
SN: 0220224256 (Line, Polygon and Point)
Dual Frequency L1/L2
18 Channel receiver DGPS Reference Station
Internal Memory : 3968 KB
RS-232 Ports : 3 nos
Internal Radio modem

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Sl No. Equipment Set Use for

A.2 Handheld GPS 2 Reconnaissance Survey

B. Optical Instrument
Spot/Land level survey
B.1 Total Station (TOPCON) 1 Physical feature survey
Internal memory Physical infrastructure survey
of 4000 points GCP survey
Model: GTS-223
SN: UL0240
SN: UL0241
SN: UL0365
SN: UL0367
B.2 Automatic level (TOPCON) 1 1st order BM carry/check and level
Model: AT-G3 survey
SN: SF- 3010, SF-3011
SN: SF- 3399, SF-3411
SN: SF-3447

Table-1.2.: Survey, Data Processing & Mapping Software

Sl No. Software No. Use for
1. Trimble Geomatics Office 1.0 1 Baseline survey and network

9. TCOM 1.2 1 Total Station Data Processing

10. Autodesk Map 1 Data Processing & Mapping
11. Arc GIS 10.2 or higher version 1 Data Processing & Mapping

Table-1.3: Computer, Printer and Plotter

Sl. No. Software No. Use for
1. Desktop Core2duo 3 Data processing & reporting
2. Laptop core i5 2 Survey, Data processing & reporting
4. HP Deskjet Color 1 Data, map & report printing

1.1.3 Methodology of Physical Surveys (Topographic, Physical Feature &


GPS and Total Station based advanced survey technique will be used for conducting physical feature,
topographic, physical infrastructure survey. GPS and Total Station survey techniques to be used for
conducting all type of physical survey are presented as below: GPS Survey Technique

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is worldwide all-weather radio-navigation and positioning
system formed from a constellation of 24 satellites and their 5 nos. ground control & monitor stations.
GPS receivers use these US Navigation Satellites for Timing and Ranging (NAVSTAR) to calculate

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positions accurate to mater of meters. GPS receives radio waves, modulated for positioning,
transmitted by a maximum number of 24 satellites, which enables to work out the distance between
satellite and observation points. By receiving radio waves from four satellites simultaneously it is
possible to find out the three-dimensional co-ordinates and time (UTC) of the observation point with
an accuracy level which cannot be conceived in traditional ground survey. The facility of GPS has
been utilized in different kinds of ground surveys including geodetic, topographic and hydrographic
survey in the recent times. GPS based survey with its computer based data storage and processing
facility on and off the field offers immense flexibility in map production under a GIS environment. To
ensure precision and accuracy in survey work and to facilitate georefence/digital map production by
GIS software and finally to complete the whole work in a rather shortened time schedule, GPS
technology was the best and logical approach to be followed.

Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) and Real-Time Kinematic Global Positioning System
(RTK-GPS) are different versions of GPS technology, each with its own range of applicability and
accuracy level. DGPS option gives about one meter accuracy data and RTK option deliver
centimetre position accuracy data. GPS based surveying has a number of advantages over
conventional surveying methods. These are: Highly accurate, Very fast, Line of sight not required,
Unified 3-dimentional global co-ordinate system (x,y,z) output and Digital/Computerized data storage,
processing facility. Total Station Survey Technique

Electronic Total Station (TS) is combination of electronic theodolite, distance meter and leveling
Machine with on-board computer having graphic icon menu with LCD display and built-in MS-Dos
operating system. It can measure and store the positioning data of a target point in digital form. It
consists of a microprocessor with special software for operation, data capture, storage & processing,
transmission and receiving to/from a computer. The data can be stored in internal memory or in
external memory card. It transmits ledger beam towards the target where a reflector (i.e. prism) is
placed and receives the reflected beam by which calculate the distance, bearing and 3-D coordinate
of that target point with respect to the reference points whose coordinates are known. Measurements
to be done by a Total Station survey technique are as below:

 Distance measurement.
 3-dimensional co-ordinate measurement (x, y, z).
 Traverse-style co-ordinate measurement.
 Resection.
 Offset measurement.
 Missing line measurement.
 Remote elevation measurement.

Mathematics of total station measurements to calculate the parameters of target point is presented

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Figure-1: Total Station Measurement Technique

N1 = N0 + S x Sinθz x Cosqh, E1 = E0 + S x Sinqz x Sinqh, Z1 = Z0 + Mh + S x Cosqz – Ph

Where, Instrument Position = N0, E0 & Z0, Target Position= N1, E1 & Z1, Slope Distance= S, Zenith
Angle= qz, Azimuth Angle= qh Instrument Height= Mh Target Height= Ph Establishment of Bench Marks (BM)

For GPS and Total Station Survey, establishment of adequate and uniformly distributed Bench Mark
is very crucial. Since all the subsequent survey operations are dependent on and related to the bench
mark, any error simply multiplies and compounds to a menacing total deviation. As such accuracy of
Bench Mark coordinate values both along horizontal and vertical axes is of utmost importance.

Survey being a continuous and time-intensive operation, maintenance of the bench marks has many
beneficial aspects. Since these bench marks will be used in physical feature, engineering
infrastructure, land use and topographic survey of the project area for preparation of the detailed area
plan as well as for the survey works that will be carried out in implementation of the planned works in
future, preservation of the bench marks will ensure consistency and conformity of the past, present
and future works. During selection of the bench mark locations, these considerations need to be

Besides, as foliage of tall trees prevents satellite signals from reaching the receiving GPS sets, which
interferes with data quality, availability of free open sky around will also be considered during
selection of BM locations. These BM pillars will be used frequently during secondary/temporary BM
establishment survey as well as subsequent other surveys. As such accessibility is another high
consideration during the location selection process.

At least 20 nos. of Marks (BM)/Control Points (CP) having three dimensional co-ordinates (Northing,
Easting and Reduce Level in mPWD/mMSL) will be established covering the entire project area to
carry out the total survey activities. Establishment of BMs comprises the following item of works:

 Construction and Installation of BM pillars.

 Establishment of Co-ordinate of BM Pillars (x, y, z i.e Northing, Easting & RL in mMSL).

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Construction and Installation of BM Pillars

The BM pillars will be constructed and installed before the survey work start. The construction design
and specification of such BM pillars shall be finalized as per suggestion of Client. The BMs will be
established with uniformly distributed grid covering the total project area. However in consideration of
the criteria to be followed, listed below, some adjustments in positioning of the pillars will be

 Accessibility at all times.

 Availability of open sky for good satellite signals.
 Secure place for long term preservation.
 Local resistance to installation of pillars at private lands.

The location and the number of BM pillars will be selected by a comprehensive Joint (client-
consultant) reconnaissance survey of the project area. In case of any difficulties of installation of BM
pillars, the control point of that particular location will be established and marked on an existing
permanent structure such as bridge, culvert, monument etc. After establishing the co-ordinates of the
BM, the corresponding surveyed values (x, y z) will be marked on the face of each BM pillars as
shown below (Figure-2).

E : 545860m
N : 624032m
RL: 10.283mPWD

Figure-2: Sample of the BM pillar /ground point

A. Establishment of Co-ordinates (x,y,z) of BM Pillars

Establishment of co-ordinates {x, y, z i.e latitude/northing, longitude/easting & Reduce Level (RL) in
Mean Sea Level (MSL)}of BM Pillars needs extensive GPS survey, BM carry and data processing
work. The total work comprises the following items:

 Selection of reference BM (x, y, z)

 Baseline survey by RTK-GPS Static Method.
 Network Adjustment
 Development of Geoid Model.

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Selection of Reference BM

Selection of existing reference BM inside or around the project area is essential for establishment of
new BM network for the project area. Reference BM provides georeference (x, y) and elevation (z)
with respect to a datum i.e. the co-ordinates of the BM pillars. For establishing co-ordinates of the new
BMs the available SoB BMs inside or periphery of the project area suggested by the client will be used
as reference BM. The BM information will be collected from SoB by the consultant before survey
starts. SoB BMs are geo referenced National Bench Marks/Control Points established by JICA (Japan
International Cooperative Agency) in association with Survey of Bangladesh (SOB). These BMs are
very precisely surveyed and established both in horizontal and vertical datum. In the period of 1992 to
1995, a total of 141 numbers of Bench Marks/Control Points in an approximate grid of 30km were
installed and established by JICA. Those 141 Bench Mark covers most of the areas of Bangladesh
except the coastal region. Later on numbers of BMs were also established covering the country. Some
of these are also available inside and periphery of the project area. Information of these BMs will be
collected from SoB and used as reference BM for establishing new BM network for the project area.

The map showing the location and the detail list of the SoB-JICA BMs covering the entire Bangladesh
is enclosed as Figure-3

Figure-3: Location Map of SoB-JICA BMs

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Baseline Survey by RTK-GPS Static Method

The Baseline survey is the simultaneous data collection in static mode at two or more fixed points
using two or more duel frequency GPS receivers. The measurement network for RTK-GPS baseline
survey will be planned by connecting the BM/Control Points to be established and the selected SoB
reference BM points (known Latitude, longitude and ellipsoidal height) available inside and around the
project area. A line connecting two measurement points is known as baseline. It is important to
emphasis that the configuration of network was based on practical considerations rather than
requirements of an ideal network.

The GPS measurements consists a simultaneous static measurement with dual frequency GPS
receivers at the ends of a baseline concerned. Measurement or logging time for a session is usually
one hour. During the measurements the GPS receivers at the two points record the information or
data (Latitude, Longitude, Ellipsoidal Height) on the configuration of available satellite at the time,
which at the end of day’s work will be processed using Trimble Geomatic Office software. If results
from the field measurements found unacceptable, measurements will be repeated.

Figure-4: RTK Static Survey set-up for Baseline Survey

Network Adjustment

The verified results of each baseline will be stored for the subsequent network adjustment. After
completing the baseline survey, network adjustment will be done with respect to the known values
(Latitude, Longitude, and Ellipsoidal Height) of selected SoB reference BMs available inside and
around the project area. The adjustment module of Trimble Geomatic Office software will be used for
network adjustment. After network adjustment the precise co-ordinates (Latitude/Northing,
Longitude/Easting, and Ellipsoidal Height) of each BM will be obtained.

With the output co-ordinates of the BMs in latitude/nothing, longitude/easting and ellipsoidal height
from the network adjustment result, a network of geoid points will be established for the project area.

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Development of Geoid Model for the Project Area

A Geoid is a representation of the earth surface over which the earth’s gravity is constant. If the value
of earth gravity on the geoid is the value of the gravity on the average sea level, then the geoid
represent the mean sea level of the corresponding area.

With the output co-ordinates of the BMs in latitude, longitude and ellipsoidal height from the network
adjustment result, a network of geoid points was established for the project area. However, to be a
precise geoid model the ellipsoidal heights were converted to the corresponding geoidal heights.
Furthermore, in order to develop the Geoid Model of the project area in terms of a functional datum
i.e. mPWD/mMSL, it was required to determine the heights or levels of the BMs in mPWD/mMSL

As in Figure-5 in the context of Bangladesh, the SoB datum or height is equivalent to orthometric
height and could be calculated from the corresponding geoidal height and ellipsoidal height. The
corresponding mathematical relation is shown below:


Where, N = Geoidal height, H = Orthometric height, h = Ellipsoidal height

Figure-5: Earth Surfaces (Topographic, Ellipsoidal & Geoid)

Some scientist measured the earth’s gravity in a grid of several kilometres all over the world and then
made a mathematical model, which is known as “World Geoid Model”.

To establish a relationship between the ellipsoidal height (h) & geoidal height (N) of an area, the
relationship between the world geoid model and local land topographic (undulation) characteristics of
that area was required. The following procedure was applied for that purpose:

Using the network adjustment data of baseline survey as input the “World Geoid Model” the geoid
separation or geoidal height (N) for each of the surveyed points (BM point) was obtained. Then the
orthometric height (H) was calculated by using the above equation. The combination of “World Geoid
Model” and the surveyed data made a new model known as “Local Geoid model”.

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Secondly it was needed to make a relationship between the orthometric height (H) and the local
datum (mPWD/mMSL). To do so, with the output co-ordinates of the BMs in Latitude, Longitude and
Ellipsoidal Height from baseline survey results, the vertical heights will be established with respect to
MSL datum To do so, few numbers of BMs those covers the boundary conditions of Local Geoid
Model were needed to be surveyed with respect to national datum (mPWD/mMSL) from one or more
SoB reference BM available inside or around the project area using BM carry survey by auto level
machine as shown in Figure 6. Then an input data file for the “local geoid model” which consists of
Latitude, Longitude, Ellipsoidal height, and mPWD/mMSL height will be prepared. Incorporating this
input file to the Local Geoid Model a relationship data file will be established between the orthometric
height (H) and local datum (mPWD/mMSL). This data file is known as “local model input data file”.

Finally, if the Latitude, Longitude, and Ellipsoidal height of a particular point (whose local datum i.e.
mPWD/mMSL datum is unknown) was used as input to this “Local Geoid Model” in association with
the local model input data file, then the mPWD/mMSL height of that unknown point will be calculated
by the model.

Figure-6: 1st Order BM Carry/Level Survey

Database Format of BM
The output point shape file format for Bench Marks in GIS database would be as follows:
Shape File Name: R_BM [Benchmark Pillar], R represents Rangpur.
Field Description Data Example
Layer Name of the Feature which the file BM
BM_id ID of each BM assigned by the R_01
Latitude Latitudinal (northing) position in BTM dd mm ss
Longitude Longitudinal (easting) position in BTM dd mm ss
RL_mPW Reduce Level (elevation height) in meter RL Value in mPWD/mMSL
Loc_Desc Location Description of the BM Pillar Location description in detailed

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TECHNICAL PROPOSAL Physical Features Survey

Physical Features shall be surveyed using Total Station (TS) survey technique. Location and
dimension of all existing structures and installations along with types in respect of use, construction
and storied will be surveyed. Names of structures, type of construction, uses and storey etc. will also
be recorded during physical feature survey. Survey will also cover location of all existing exposed
light/electric, telephone posts and twers, gas, water, sewerage line, roads etc. Physical feature survey
will be conducted using RTK-GPS supported Total Station (TS) survey technique. Data will be
recorded in the TS memory with separate ID or code number for each feature (as Line, Point and
Polygon). Later on the TS data will be transfer directly to the GIS database where the feature will be
kept in separate layer wise as per specified code or ID. Physical feature survey information will be
presented on RS/CS Mouza maps.

For supporting the Total Station Survey, huge numbers of Secondary Control Point (SCP) will be
established using RTK fast static survey technique. These SCPs will be used by the total station
groups as reference points (Station and Back Points) for physical feature, topographic and landuse

Format of Physical Features Survey as in ToR is presented Table 1.4 below:

Table-1.4: Physical Feature Survey Format

Survey Item Illustrated
Physical - Cross section, long section, type, with, length and name of road, road level
Feature above datum flooding lands, slopes, borrow pit.
Survey - Identification of any bridge of culvert on the road their length, width and
span of the bridge, condition of the deck, wing walls, abutment.
- Type, size, depth, inlet and outlet location of drain along with flow
direction, width and depth of the canal, place of encroachment;
- Type of sewer system, size and location of sewerage line, location of bins.
- Identification of the water supply system, location of overhead water tank
and its capacity, catchment area of overhead tank.
- Identification of the location and capacity of electric substation, telephone
exchange, gas station and sub-station, treatment plant, waste disposal facilities.
- Identification, location & capacity of electricity, telephone, gas, waste
disposal & treatment system. Topographic Survey

Topographic and Physical Infrastructures will be surveyed using both Total Station (TS) and DGPS
survey technique. Land levels/spot levels and cross-sections and alignments of drains will be
surveyed by Total Station. Alignment and closed boundaries like Road, River, Khal, Marshland,
Homestead, Large Water bodies etc. will be surveyed by DGPS. Where DGPS survey could not be
possible for weak satellite signal due to obstruction, TS survey technique will be applied for those
particular areas. As per ToR the items to be covered by Topographic survey is presented below:

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Table-1.5: Topographical Survey Format

Survey Item Illustrated
Topographic - Land level/spot level survey at 10m interval with denser interval for undulation.
Survey Contours at 0.3 m interval.
- Alignment and crest levels (not exceeding 50m) of road, embankment dyke
and other drainage divide
- Alignment of rivers, lakes, canal and drainage channels etc.
- Outline of bazaars, homestead, water body, swamps etc.
- Type, width, length and name of road and name of road above flood level.
Hydrology - Surface & underground Water, quality, level, flow, source, arsenic
concentration etc.
Geology - Soil category, fault, basin, basement, mineral resource etc.

The Total Station survey groups/teams will be responsible for measurement of spot levels (Northing,
Easting, Elevation or RL) for contour generation. In general the spot levels on the land will be taken at
minimum 10m interval. In addition, most of the physical infrastructures will also be survey by the TS
team. The utility pole and alignment of utility lines will be surveyed using both TS & DGPS. The
secondary BMs established by RTK-GPS will be used by the Total Station Groups as reference
(Station and Back Point). 0.3 m interval contour map (Topographic Map) will be prepared at 1”=165' or
1: 1980 scale. DGPS will be used for surveying the location/alignment of all roads, flood
embankments and other drainage divides as well as closed boundary/outline of homestead, water
bodies, swamps, forest etc.

Figure-7: Topographic (Spot Level) Survey by Total Station

DGPS group will measure and store the alignment in x and y co-ordinates of roads, embankment and
other line features roughly at 1 to 3m intervals. The point and closed boundary features also surveyed
by the DGPS groups. The optical teams will pic-up the crest level of the road at not exceeding 50m
intervals. DGPS group also responsible for taking the position and the information of the structures
(hydraulic structures, bridges and culverts etc.). At the end of day’s survey, the DGPS data will be
downloaded and post-processed in the office using Pathfinder Office software and stored into GIS
database. Names of settlements, village, rivers, khals, roads, markers, etc. will be also presented on
the topographic map.

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Figure-8: ProXR DGPS Survey

(Road Alignment Survey as Line Feature)

Figure-9: Road Level Survey Using Optical Level Land Use Survey

Land use survey basically records the use of land by its functional activity such as residential,
industrial or commercial etc. Total Station and DGPS based topographic and physical features survey
data will be used for land use survey. During Topographic and physical feature survey, each survey
feature/structure will be recorded with individual ID or code. Later on land use features will be
extracted/identified and classified using the recorded code and separated in different layers during
data processing stage, from where the category wise land use map will be drawn using the
identification layers of each land use features. Later on the landuse map will be updated through field
checking and verification. The land use map will be prepared indicating the board categories of land
use described in ToR. It should be mentioned here that the detailed land use categories may further
need to be prepared by the joint team of Client and the experts of consulting team before start the
landuse survey at field level.

As stated before, utilizing the physical features survey overlay on cadastral survey map the land use
map shall be prepared indication the categories of land use indicated below (as mentioned in the
format of landuse survey in ToR). The characteristics of each land use area will be described in the
survey report. The Land Use Map will be prepared on CS/SA. map at 1" = 165' or 1:1980 scale.

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Table-1.6 Landuse Survey Format

Land uses Illustrated

Residential Planned Residential Area, Govt. Quarters, Private Housing,
Rest/Guest/Circuit House, Banglow, Mess, Orphanage/Old Home, Rural,
Homestead, Slum, Squatters.
Commercial Residential Hotel/ Hotel & Restaurant, Wholesale Rice Market, Wholesale
Vegetables Market, Wholesale Fish Market, Wholesale Paper Market, Wholesale
Grocery Goods Market, Wholesale Fruit Market, Book Stall, Cloths Shop, Paper &
Magazine, Stationery Shop, Shoe Shop, Bag & Leather Goods, Cosmetics,
Spectacles, Electronic Goods, Audio Video Cassette, Utensils/Crockerage, Sports
Goods, Computer Goods, Motor Car Parts, Jewelry shops, Show Room, Furniture
Shop, Department Store, Mobile Sales Center, Hardware Goods, Sweet Shop,
Bakery Shop, Gift Shop, Press & Printing, Grocery Shop, Gun Shop, Iron & Steel
Shops, Shopping Center/Mall, Shopping Mail, Super Market, Rubber Stamps,
Phone-Fax-Photocopy, Cycle Store, Studio/Colour Lab, Drug/Pharmacy, Pottery
shop, Electronics, Sports and Athletics, Kitchen Market, Katcha Bazar, Beauty
Parlor/Hair dresser, Govt. Food Godown, Cold Storage, Other Godowns.
Mixed Use Commercial - Residential, Office - Residential, Commercial - Industrial, Two or
more use.
Transport R & H Road/CLIENT Road, Primary Road/ Major Through fare, Secondary Road
(Pucca), Secondary Road (Kutcha), Local Road (Pucca), Local Road (Kutcha),
Access Road (Pucca), Access Road (Kutcha), Footpath (Paved), Footpath
(Unpaved), Walkway, Embankment cum Road, Airport / Bus terminal / Truck
terminal / BRTC bus Depot / Tempo stand / Rickshaw stand / Railway station /
BIWTA Terminal/ Launch Terminal etc, Broad gauge, Meter gauge, River.
Administrative Deputy Commissioner's Office, Zilla Parishad Office, SP Office/Police
Headquarter, Civil Serzon Office, CLIENT Office, Upazila Headquarter,
Paurashava Office, Union Parishad Office, Settlement Office, Post office, Bank,
Public Works Department Office, R&H Office, DPHE Office, Statistical Bureau
Office, PDB Office, BWDB Office, DoE Office, All types of Government Office,
Private Bank/ Insurance Company, Mercantile & Cooperatives, Money Exchange
Center, Private company/Different types of NGO/CBO/Club, Construction Office,
Commercial Group Office, Trading Corporation Office, Security Service Office,
Law Chamber, Doctors Chamber, Political Party Office, Professional's Association,
Labor Union.
Industrial Dairy Products, Fish & Sea Food, Salt Crushing Mill, Soft Drink, Bakery Product,
Cotton Textile, Jute Textile, Silk & Artificial Textile, Dyeing Industry, Coconut Fiber
Industry, Knitting Industry, Hosiery Products, Readymade Garments, Tannery &
Finishing, Leather Buying House, Leather Footwear, Compressed Natural Gas,
Fertilizers, Insecticides Industry, Soap & Detergent, Paints & Varnishes, Medicine
and Drugs Company, Paper Product (all kind), Newspaper, Rubber Footwear,
Cycle & Tyre Tube, PVC Product, Glass Product, Bricks Kiln/Fields, Cement, Iron
& Steel, Re rolling mills, Hand & Edge tools, Bland &, Knives, Heating & Lighting,
Plumbing, Equipment, Machinery Equipment, Wire & Cables, Electric Lamps,
Electrical, Apparatus, Fruits & Vegetables, Oil Products, Edible Salt, Molasses,
Atta, Maida & Suji (Flour Mill), Spice Industry, Rice Mill, Boiler (Rice), Handicrafts,
Pottery, Carpets, Fabrics, Sewing/Hand loom Products, Wooden Furniture, Cane
Furniture, Steel Furniture, Ship Building, Lime Stone, Sports & Athletics.
Agriculture Single crop land, Double crop land, Triple crop land, Barren land, Mango
garden/Lichi/Jackfruit/Banana/Lemonlothers, fruits garden etc, Different types of
flower garden, Tree cultivation, Hatchery/Gher, Livestock / Poultry Farm / Diary
Farm, Agricultural Research Area.
Education Kindergarten and Nursery, Primary School, High School, College, Public
University, Private University, Public Medical College, Private Medical
College, Homeopathic Medical College, Engineering College/University, Law
College, Social Research, Health Research, Economic Research, Vocational
Training Institute, Physical Training Institute, Nursing Training Institute, Teachers

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Land uses Illustrated

Training College, Computer Training Institute, Dakhil Madrasa, Alim Madrasa,
Fazil Madrasa, Kamil Madrasa, Hafezia Madrasa, Tutorial/ Coaching Center,
Government Training Institute, Library, Museum, Social Welfare Institution.
Health Govt. Hospital / Pvt Hospital I Mental Hospital/ Maternity/ Children Hospital / Clinic/
Diagnostic Center, Veterinary Hospital
Recreational Cinema Hall, Theater Hall, Museum & Art gallery, Auditorium /Community
Center/Town Hall, Park/Playground/Amusement Park/Theme Park, Stadium/
Gymnasium/Swimming Pool, Tennis Complex.
Places of Mosque, Eidgah / Mazar/ Dargha, Temple, Church, Pagoda.
Restricted Area CantonmenttBDR/Nevy, Police Station, Ansar Camp, Jailkhana, TV Station, Radio
Station, T&T Board, Power Supply Station.
Open space Historic Sites, National Park/Botanical Garden, Zoological Park, Forest
Land/Urban Green, Ecological park/sites, River Bank.
Water bodies Pond, Tank, Beels, Lakes, River, Khals, Streams, Drain.
Graveyard Graveyard, Cemetery, Cremation place.
Miscellaneous Solid Waste Dumping Ground, Slaughter House, Water Pump House,
Hazardous Area, Overhead Tank, Monument, Shahid Minar.

1.1.4 Data Processing of Physical Surveys

GPS data will be stored in WGS84 format (latitude, longitude, ellipsoidal height in meter) and later on
will be projected and stored in BTM (Northing, Easting, ellipsoidal height in meter) projection system.
As, Total Station data will be stored in BTM projection system therefore TS data will be transfer to GIS
database directly.

All spatial information or data from different survey such as line and point features, structures
dimensions etc. will be processed and stored under a comprehensive GIS database (ESRI Shape/
Geodata). Geographic information System (GIS) software such as Arc GIS 9.3.1 or higher version will
be used for processing & analyzing of survey data and preparing map. The well known Triangulated
Irregular Network (TIN) and Grid method will be applied to draw the contours of the land surface. All
data will be provided in digital format (x, y, z) as well as hard copy.

1.1.5 Preparation of Physical Survey Maps

Geographic information System (GIS) software such as Arc GIS 9.3.1 will be used for processing of
physical survey data. As there is no mention in the ToR regarding the legend, layout and other
specification of physical survey maps (layout, size etc.) will be finalized in consultation with the project
authority of Client during map preparation process, The well known Triangulated Irregular Network
(TIN) method will be applied to draw contour lines. AS per ToR the consultants will prepare the
following physical survey maps incorporating both RS/CS Mouza maps and the features/items
mentioned in the Survey Formats (Physical Feature Survey Format, Topographical and Physical
Infrastructure Survey Format, Land-use Survey Format) described in the above sections as in the
ToR. All maps will be printed colored on 120gm off-set paper. Both soft and hard format will be

Format for Base Map, Physical Feature, Landuse and others maps as mentioned in the ToR are
presented below:

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Table-1.7: Format for Base Map, Physical Feature, Landuse and others maps

Feature Illustrated
BM BM ID, Reduced Level (RL), Easting (X-coordinate), Northing (Y-coordinate),
location description of the BM.
administrative International boundary, District boundary, Thana boundary, Union
administrative International boundary, District boundary, Thana boundary, Union Boundary,
boundaries Paurashava boundary, City corporation Boundary, Ward boundary, Mouza
boundary, Sheet boundary.
khasland Plot number, Area, existing use
spot heights Reduced Level (RL), Easting (X-coordinate), Northing (Y-coordinate)
contour lines contain the value (RL), type (index, Intermediate)
land use Land Use type (Administrative, Agriculture, Commercial, Educational,
Graveyard, Health, Industrial, Miscellaneous, Mixed Use, Open spaces, Places
of Worship, Recreational, Residential, Restricted, Transportation, Water bodies),
data base will contain detail category as per survey format, Jurisdiction area.
structure Structure type (Pucca, Semi-pucca, "Katcha), structure use (as per survey) data
base will contain detail category as per survey format, structure name, year of
construction, under construction, owner name of the structure, Holding number,
adjacent road name, locality name, ward/union name.
road road name, road number, type of the road (Pucca, Semi-pucca, Katcha),
category of the. road (Primary, Secondary, Access), road width
footpath road name, width
rail lines type of rail line, number of Railway tracks, ROW
Drain/ sewerage type, width, category, depth
water pipe network Type, Dia (secondary source)
overhead water Capacity, catchment area
electric Lines Capacity, type
Gas line Dia, Pressure (secondary source)
utility features Type (Electric Pole, Electric Tower, High Volt, Electric Tower, Electric Box,
Power Station, Power Sub-station, Transformer, Gas Transmission Center, Light
Post, Telephone Pole, Telephone Box, Fire Service Station, Traffic Signal Pole)
Important area Type (Graveyard, Crematorium, Cemetery, Eidgah, Restricted Area, Airport,
Brick Field, Rikshaw Garage, Automobile Garage, Monument, Open Space,
Parks, Playground, Stadium, Botanical Garden, Zoological Park, Power
Plant/Station, Bus Terminal, Truck, Terminal, Water Treatment Plant, Waste
Disposal Plant, Railway Station, Bazaar Boundary, Forest Land, Swimming
Pool, slum, embankment, homestead), Name, location.
Others feature Type (Deep tube well, Hand tube well, Dustbin, Sluice gate, School, College,
Madrasa, University, Filling Station, Oil Reservoir/Depot, Historic site, Museum,
Monument, Mosque, Mazar/Dargah, Temple, Church, Pagoda, Graveyard,
Cemetery, Crematorium, Theater Hall, Cinema Hall, Hospital/Clinic, Well, Police
Station, Police Box, Post Office, B(ickfield, River Port, Bus Terminal, Truck
Terminal, Airport, Over Bridge, Under Pass, Bridge, Culvert), name, location.
water bodies type (River, Khal, Irrigation Canal, Lake, Swamp, Pond, Ditch, Borrow Pits), use
(Private, Public).
bridge/culvert/box Length, Width, Abutment, Span, Location.

1.1.6 Field Verification of Physical Survey Maps

After preparation of physical survey maps, one set of coloured maps (topographic and physical
infrastructure, physical feature and land use) will be plotted in 1:1980 scale for field level verification.
Numbers of survey team will be engaged for field level checking of topography, physical features,
infrastructures and land use categories. As the effective device for physical survey map checking, the

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consultant will also use QUICK BIRD or IKONOS Image to be supplied by the client. This field level
checking will be supervised and monitored by the joint team of Client and consultant.

1.1.7 Updating and Finalization of Physical Survey Maps

Based on field verification, the necessary updating of physical survey maps will be done and final map
layout will be produced for submission to Client. If necessary, some of the areas/features may be
needed for further re-survey. Before preparing final map layout, necessary approval on draft map
layout will be taken from Client on Title, Legend and Size of the Maps.

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