Constitution of 1973 MCQs Notes

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AERO PREPARATION Past Papers ° PPSC e NTS e FPSC e cSS e SPSC e PTS ° BPSC e OTS ° LAT e FIA ° MDCAT e FBR ° Police ¢ Clerk To download given solved past papers, please visit on ne constitution of Pakistan 1962 had 280 atiles. f aidential form of government was Frroauced under the Constitution of 1962. inet of 1962 constitution was the Ayub Khan’ Hs reading 10 the Constitution of 1962 “central fegisiation’ decision was to be prevailed in case of conflict between the Central and rovincial legislations 4, Presidential kind of systern of government was introduced by the 1962 Constitution 54, On “96th March 1969" Ayub Khan declared the relinquishment of his office 49. at $2. CONSTITUTION OF 1973 4, The National Assembly approved the 1973 Constitution on April 10, 1973, and it came into effect on August 14 2, In 1973 Constitution (original) the president had executive authority. He could appoint Governors and Attorney General. Chief Election Commissioner and Chief Justice, Chief of Staff of Army, Navy and air Force. 3, President himself assume the executive powers of the province under the constitution of 1973, 4, President will direct the Governor of the Province to act on his behalf if local government fails under the constitution of 1973. 5. During Bhutto rule the Constituent Committee presented the draft constitution before National Assembly as on 2nd February 1973. 6. National Assembly passed the _ draft constitution and President gave his assent during the government of Bhutto as on 12 April, 1973. 7. The Constitution Committee for the 1973 Constitution consisted of all the Political Parties. 8. Under the amended 1973 Constitution of Pakistan, legislative powers not specified in the federal legislative list belong to the Provinces 9. President is the titular head of the country according to the 1973 Constitution. 10. Under the 1973 Constitution the President can declare emergency. 11. The First chapter of 1973 Constitution discuss Fundamental Rights. 12, According to the 1973 Constitution the President must be a Muslim. Who is elect by National Assembly and Senate. 13. The term for the president prescribed in the = Pakistan Studies/Affairs 445 . Ayub handed ove ‘er all powers te Muhammad Yahya al a 10 General Agha On “4° April, 1969" , 1969" the was abrogated Constitution of 1962 ‘Genera Yahya Khan” became Martial Law a iministrator of Pakistan after Ayub Khan . The Legal Frame Work Order, which amended a constitution of Pakistan unilaterally was issued by Yahya Khan. 59. "2nd Constituent Assembly” Act of One Unit merging all the provinces of West Pakistan into one unit. 60. One unit was abolished in: “1955". Fovmove Post Papers vie 56. 57. Constitution of 1973 is 5 years. 14, President cannot be elested for more than two terms as under 1973 Constitution. 15. Special power of Dissolution of National Assembly by the 8th Amendment to the 1973 Constitution was given to president. 16. The concept of “acting in aid of civil power" by the Armed Forces has been laid down in the Constitution Article 245 17. The constitution of 1973 was enforced on “1 March 1973" 18. 17th amendment was passed which restored 58(2)B on 31st December 2003 19. The Constitution Commission set up by Ayub Khan was headed by Justice Shahab-ud-Din. 20. Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan promulgated the “Legal Framework Order, 1970" 21. In 1970 an order was passed by which a National Assembly was setup consisting of 313 seats, 169 in East Pakistan, 144 in the four Provinces and centrally administered tribal areas in West Pakistan, and a Provincial ‘Assembly for each province consisting of 310 seats in East Pakistan and 211 in four Provinces of West Pakistan. It is termed as Legal Framework Order, 1970. 22. Abdul Hafeez Pirzada was appointed the head of the Constituent Assembly, during Bhutto era. 23. President has the - authority to issue emergency in the country due to tense situation 24, In parliamentary system of Government Prime Minister is the focus of executive authority 25. Prime Minister forms his cabinet after getting elected from Parliament. 26. Supereme court is obliged to answer references made to it by the government, to settle cases of dispute among provincial 28. Attomey General 30. The office of Wafagi 31. The 446 Advanced Objective General Knowledge (One Liner) governments and to settle cases of dispute between provincial and Federal government. 27. The president appoints a person qualified to be a judge of the Supreme Court and is known as Attomey General advices the Federal Goverment on iegal matters and performs such other duties of a legal character as may be referred to or assigned to him by the Federal Government 29. The right of audience in all courts and right of audience in tribunals is attributed to Attorney- General Mohtasib (Federal Ombudsman) was created to deal with public, complaints against officers of the Federal Government in August 1983. First Federal ombudsman (Wafagi Mohtasib) of Fakistan was Justice (R) Sardar Muhammad Iqbal 32. In both Punjab and Sindh ombudsman was created. 33. Wafagi Mohtasib, appointed by the president is not eligible for any extension of tenure or for re-appointment under any circumstances. Its tenure is 4 years. 34. The purpose of Wafagi Mohtasitb is to check injustice done to a person on the part of Federal Agency or Federal Government official and to institutionalise a system for enforcing administrative accountability. 35. Women and Non-Muslims shall be elected through proportional representation system of political parties 36. Within the one year of its failure no-confidence move against PM cannot be repeated 37. ‘Unenforceable’ means that there is no remedy for breaches of a convention 38. The laws of the constitution are enforceable in the courts 39. The conventions of the constitution are binding political rules. enforceable in the courts which are not 40. Legal Framework Order, 2002 was the issue by the Chief Executive General Pervaiz Musharaf amending constitutional provisions for smooth and orderly transition, 41. The basic duty of every citizen is Obedience to Constitution & Law. 42. According to Constitution of Pakistan the education shall be free & compulsory to all citizens of age 5 to 16 years, 43. President Zia-ul-Haq enforced an_ Interim Constitution in 1981. 44, There were 69 members in the Constituent 45: 46, 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. P54. 55. 56. 57, 58. 59. 60. 61 62. 63. Fovmore Past Papers visit testpreparation-pk Assembly when it was set up The appointment of the Chief jug, Pakistan is made by the President, "Utica In Pakistan the Governor is answer President, Atter nine (9) years did Pakista constitution Writ of Habeas corpus provides guarantee of personal freedom, Article 10(2) of the Constitution requies any person arrested shall be produced pat a magistrate within 24 hours of the arrest Tre Constitution of Pakistan guaranteg equality of citizens, preservation of langue Setipt and culture and Protection of pad rights. vi According to the Constitution of Pakistan levying of sales tax on services ig the responsibility of the Federation, j The Constituent Assembly of Pakistan wag formed for framing the constitution undee Independence Act, 1947. President is authorized to impose reasonable restriction on Fundamental Rights in Pakistan Right to vote in elections is also termed ag Franchise. The Bicameral legislature was first time introduced vide Provisional Constitution of 1972 The Constitution of Pakistan is comprised xi! parts. Chapter-I of the Partll of the Constitution exclusively deals with fundamental Rights. Pakistan's Constitution provides protection against retrospective punishment. According to the present form of Constitution * the govt. can hold a referendum on any of national importance. A person. shall be disqualified from being elected or chosen as, and from’ being a member of the parliament if he is an undischarged insolvent, he holds an office of Profits in the service of Pakistan or he has been convicted for any offence involving moral turpitude, , According to the Constitution of Pakistan, levying of sales tax on sefvices is the responsibility of provinces. The chairman of the Council of Common Interests is the Prime Minister. Chief Election Commissioner of Pakistan '§ appointed for 3 years. : of Able to ty Get its fg Constitutionay . Life of a Presidential Ordinance Is 3 Months. 65. Retirement age of a Supreme Court judge § 85 Years, yr For more Past Papers visit shall be disqualified from being eh od or chosen 8S, and from being a & goatee of the parliament if he is an rent god insolvent, he holds an office of undlisohthe service Of Pakistan or he has po pated ff any ofc ving mara ie of office for the services Chiefs of i. THe ere porces of Pakistanis 3 years, = resident of Pakistan can hold office for secutive terms. 1973 Constitution of Pakistan, the term of ‘members of senate is 6 years. zp. second Constitution of Pakistan was enforced gn June 8, 1962 ‘ : 11, Tid Constitution of Pakistan was enforced on August 14, 1973 », The concept of the Army acting in aid of the Chul Power, is provided for in the Article 2450f the 1973 Constitution 13, Each Province has unicameral legislature 74 Meetings of the Provincial Assembly are presided by Speaker 75, The fist constituent assembly was dissolved by governor general Ghulam Muhammad. 76. The 8th amendment in the Constitution 1973 was passed during the president-ship of General Zia-ul-Haq 77. According to the 1973 Constitution the President has limited authority in legislation. 78. In accordance with 1973 Constitution, Bill wll be accepted and will become a law if the President does not give his assent to that bill that is passed by the parliament within specified period. 19. General sales tax, under the constitution 1973 is a Federal subject. yo con 9, under th | 80. The term for Provincial Assembly according to the 1973 Constitution is 5 years. 81. Under Article 209 of 1973 Constitution a Supreme Judicial Councii has been established in Pakistan. 82, 18th amendment abolished article Article 58 (2)(B) of constitution of 1973 which empowers the president in his sole discretion to dissolve the National Assembly. 83, Pakistan's 1973 Constitution has been amended 25 times. 84. First Amendment was constitution of 1973 in 1974 85. 1% amendment in 1973 Constitution redefined the boundaries of Pakistan and removed references’ to East Pakistan. 86. 2" amendment in 1973 Constitution defined a ‘Muslim and declared the status of Ahmadis as took place in 99, 13” amendment in Pakistan Studlos/Affairs __447. minority and ‘non-Muslim. 3" amendment in 1973 Constitution extended the period of preventive detention. 8. 4" amendment in 1973 Constitution decreed additional seats for minorities, it also deprived Courts of the power to grant bail to any person detained under any preventive detention 89. 5" amendment in 1973 Constitution widened the scope of restriction on the High Courts. 90, 6" amendment in 1973 Constitution provided that Chief Justice of Supreme Court will be retired at the age of 65 and High Court judges at age 62. 91. 7" amendment in 1973 Constitution enables the Prime Minister to obtain a vote of confidence of the people of Pakistan. 92. 8” amendment in 1973 Constitution changed Pakistan's government from a Parliamentary system to a Semipresidential system by giving the President a number of additional powers. ’. 93. 9" amendment in 1973 Constitution: Bill to impose Shariah law as the supreme law of land. The bill was passed by Senate but could never be passed by National Assembly owing to the latter's dissolution. 94. 9th amendment in 1973 Constitution was not passed 95° 10” amendment in 1973 Constitution fixed the interval period between sessions of the National Assembly to not exceed 130 days. 96. 11 amendment in 1973 Constitution is about revision of the reserved seats for women in the National and the provincial assemblies. The bill was withdrawn in 1992. 97. 11th amendment in 1973 Constitution was not passed : 98. 12" amendment in 1973 Constitution Speedy Trial Court for 3 years. 1973 Constitution stripped the President of Pakistan of his reserve power to dissolve the National Assembly of Pakistan, and thereby triggering new elections and dismissing the Prime Minister. 400.14" amendment in 1973 Constitution allowed members of parliament to be dismissed if they defect 401,18" amendment in 1973 Constitution: Bill to impose Shariah law as supreme law of land, 402.15th amendment in 1973 Constitution was not passed 403.16" amendment in, 1973 Constitution Increased the term appointed for quota system as per 1973 Constitution from 20 to 40 years. 87. created e General Knowle! 44s Advanced Object 404.17" amendment in 1973 changes dealing with President and the reversal Thirteenth Ene ee " amendment in t a ower of President of Pakistan t the Parliament unilaterally. - 406.19" amendment in 1973 Constitution provided for the appointment of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Pakistan and made amendments in the number of members of the parliamentary committee for the appointment ‘of Chief Electoral Officers at Election Commission of Pakistan. 107.20" amendment in 1973 Constitutior and Fair Elections. 108.21" amendment in 1973 Constitution for Speedy Trial Military Courts to deal with Constitution made the office of the | of the effects of the ‘onstitution removed 10 dissolve in for Free terrorism. 109.22" amendment in 1973 Constitution ECP powers deputed to Chief Election Commissioner 110.23 amendment in 1973 Constitution The 23rd Amendment was passed to re-establish the military courts for further two years till 6 January 2019. In 2015, National Assembly passed the 21st Amendment and created the military courts for the period of 2 years. The period of two years was expired on 6 January 2017 hence this 23rd Amendment was passed to re-establish the military courts for further two years till 6 January 2019. At the end of this period all the amendrients will be expired/removed automatically. 111.24" amendment in 1973 Constitution feallocation of National Assembly seats among federating units and allowing election authorities to update _ boundaries of constituencies based on provisional results of 2017 Census of Pakistan. 112.25" amendment in 1973 Constitution merges Federally Administered Tribal Areas with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 113.The Objectives Resolution was made part of substantive provisions of the Constitution of 1973 By Presidential Order 14 of 1985 (Revival of Constitution Order) 114.National Finance Commission, National Economic Council and Council of the Common Interests were first introduced in the 1973 Constitution. 115. The Fundamental Rights, according to the law in Pakistan, are enforceable through The Parliament 116.Bicameral system of legislature was introduced in Pakistan under the 1973 e (One Liner) For more Past Depors visit testpreparation pk Constitution. 117.Zia-ul-Haq suspended the 1973 for the first time 118,Constitution of 1973 was partialy 9, when Martial Law was imposed Se Zia-ul-Haq "77 119,Zia ul Haq declared Martial Law i977 and dissolved the pariamen © article 58 2 (b) Un 120.*Bicameralism” in Pakistan introduced in the Constitution of 1973 .Under the constitution of 1973, "Bican eit introduced in Pakistan, "eral 2.Under 1973 Constitution of Pa Pe. covernment is Prime Minister 2” Heaa 423.According to. the 1973 Constitution Pakistan, the Prime Minister is elected ty National Assembly 1 124.The Upper House (Senate) was fist 4 created wide Constitution of 1973 125.Under the Constitution of 1973, Islam a declared religion of the state. 126.Constitution of 1973 was revived with ceitaj amendments by Zia-ul-Haq in 1985, 127.According to constitution of 1973, the Audi General of Pakistan is appointed by President 128. Objective Resolution was firstly drafted to gi pace to constitution making process. 129.Through Presidential Order 14 of 199 (Revival of Constitution Order) the Object Resolution was made part of substantive provisions of the Constitution of 1973: 130.According to 1973 constitution National Assembly elects Prime Minister. 131.Under the Article 9 of the 1973 Constitution provides that no personal shall be deprived life or liberty save in accordance with law. 132.Article 10A of the 1973 Constitution deals with Right to fair trial 133.Under article 6 of the Constitution; abc.gation, subversion or suspension ha been declared a *high treason’. 134.Under Article 160 of the Constitution the distribution of Revenues between the Federation and the Province is made National Finance Commission 136.Article 17 of the Pakistan's Constitution allows every citizen to form associations or unions. 136. Right to information is provided in 19A Article of the Constitution. 137.Rights of Minorities, including their due Tepresentation in the government, 3@ Provided in Article 36 of the Constitution. 138.According to Article 47 of the Constitution the President Pakistan can be impeached. Consiy ’ Formore Past Papers visit the Constitution provides. the Ati of ‘association and the right to form 1 eed" nln gment_made on April 23, 1974 (0 8, the boundaries of Pakistan. efngnenment has declared status of zn Band mad a8 minority on gad aper 7, 1974. a ‘amendment was passed by National 42.18 aly on 8th April 2010. th ‘amendment Was passed by Senate on 16 an April 2010. 4, 18th amendment was ratified by President of 14 fefetan on 19th April 2010 in the eth amendment N.W.F.P was Mt med as Khyber Pakhtunekhwa us.out of 342 members of the National Assembly. fez voted in favour of the 18th amendment. uurTrough the 18th amendment powers of the President have been curtailed in respect of Dissolution of the Parliament unilaterally, Declaration of emergency rule in any province niaterally and Appointment of the head of the Election Commission. {u8.n the 18th amendment the number of clauses are 102. {Wa Senate of Pakistan consist of 104 members after the 18th amendment. 450.Total 21 amendments have been taken in the Constitution of Pakistan. 451.19th Amendment is concerned mainly. about appointment of judges. 452.20th Amendment js concerned mainly wih free and Fair Elections. 483.20th Constitution Amendment Bill 2012 was, unanimously passed by National Assembly on 14-02-2012. 454,The provisions of the 21st Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan shall remain in force for a period of 2 years. 155.Under 14th amendment AntiFloor crossing bil was passed by Senate on June 30, 1997 and by the National Assembly on July 1, 1997 156.Under 16th amendment the quota system was extended for another 20 years. 157.'Freedon of Expression’ is guaranteed in which Article No.19. of Constitution of |_ Pakistan. 188.The Electoral College of Pakistan for the | election of President of Pakistan consists of | \ The Members of both Houses and the Members of the provincial assemblies. 1159, Preamble is the introductory part of a statue or | act of parliament" Intent and reasons of law land Principles as’ guidelines by| the framers” uw 145. Pakistan Studios/Attairs__ 449, states, 160. | Hee Constitution was adopted on Aprilt2, stele Constitution is the supreme law of and it is considered as instrument by : which a Government can be run. 62.Sources of 1973 constitution: Act of 1935, Objective Resolution and Interim constitution of1972. 163, Salient feature of 1973 constitution: "Federal form of Government, Parliamentary form of the Government and Bi-cameral legislature" 164.Constitution of 1973 was enforced on 14” August. 165.Article 1 states the territory of Pakistan 166.Islam is declared as a state religion under article "2" 167.Urdu is declared the official language of Pakistan under article "251". 468.The constitution of Pakistan 1973contains: “280article12parts". 469.The constitution of Pakistan contains (1973): ‘4 schedule” 470.The constitution of1973 is: "balanced. nor flexible nor rigid”. 471.English and Urdu are official and national language of Pakistan declared. in article. "251" 472,The1973 constitution of Pakistan provides system of “Check & Balance”. 473, The 1973 constitution of Pakistan declares that the state religion would be: "Islam. 174.Basis of fundamental rights are describes in Article: °8" 175.Fundamental rights relating to person & body are describes in Article 9 176Safeguards as to Arrest & detention Is described in Article: "10" 477 Protection against retrospective punishment is described in Article: “12°. 478,Prohibitionofslavery forcedlabor&childlaborisd escribedinArticle: “11”. 479,Protectionagainstdoublepunishmentandsel- incriminationisdescribedinArticle: "13" 480.Freedom of Movement is described in Article:"15". 3 481.Freedom of Assembly is described | in Article:"17". 482.Freedom of trade, business & profession is ‘described in article"18" 483.Every citizen of Pakistan shall have freedom of speech as well as expression describes in article: "19" 4184,Freedom to acquire property is described in Article 23. 450_ Advanced Objective General Knowledae (Ono Liner article, "34(2) 485,Writs are issued by high court under Article 9. 186 Aas can be tendered by president under article 45. 187.An ordinance months. « 488.Prime Minister will tender his resign resident . 188,Prime Minister cannot remove the judge of ‘Supreme Court 490.President will give assent to amendm constitution underarticle:"239(4)" 7 491."President” the appointing authority of ‘Attomey General of Pakistan 492. President has a power to direct the governors under article 145. 193.The president possess promulgate ordinance , 194.President has a power to address to joint session of parliament under article 56. 195.Attomey General is appointed by president under Article 10. 196.Attomey General may tender his resignation to: “prime minister” 197.President has a power to transfer the judges of high court under article 200 198.President has a power to refer any law to Islamic Ideology Council 199, President possess the power to grant pardon 200. Ambassadors are appointed by the president 201."227 to 231” articles of constitution deal with Islamic provisions: 202.The 1973 constitution of Pakistan provides safeguards to property rights is describes in Asticle."24" : 203.There is no discrimination the basls of race, religion caste and sex describes in article “25", 204.Right to access to public places is describes in article: “26 205.Right to job is the fundamental right of the citizen of Pakistan 208.Right to job is described in article."27" 207.Right of language and culture is described in article: “28° 208.Islamic way of life is described in article. “31" 209.Compulsory teaching of Holy Quran & Islamiat is described in article. “31(2) 210.Correct printing & publishing of Holy Quran is described in article. “31(2) 211.Promotion of the observance of Islam moral ab Sete is described in article. 31(2) f organization of is ee irk Zakat is. described 213.Proper organization of usher-is described in passed by president lasts for 4 ation to vent in the power to Formore Past Papers vit 214,Proper article "31(2) 218.Proper organization of Mos; in article "31(2) 216.Promotion of local governm, described in article "3 217."Parochial and other similar discouraged” are described names 10 be 218.Participation of women in national’ or" described in article "34" altars Ig 219.Protection of family, child, marriages is described in article “ger "°" ahd 220.Protection of Rights of the described in article "36" 221,Promotion of social justice a ivaclal ovié ae described are aan o 222.The state shall ensure inexpensive speedy Justice is described in ani “a7q 223. End of social evils is described in rice 37 224, Tenure of President is “5 years” 225.Impeachment procedure of president is “hy less than one-half members any two hous: may.send a written notice to ‘speaker « chairman”. 226.Resolution of impeachment passed again president by: "2/3 Majority of the two houses caste votes” 227.Grounds for removal of president under arice 47(1) are: “Physical-and mental incapacty, Violation of the constitution and Gross ‘ misconduct’. 228. President will take ath under schedule: “tit 229.The president has a power to hold referendum 230. referendum is held under the order ofthe president under article: "48-(6) 231."44” article of constitution provide term of president: : 232 President is not a real executive authotly of the country 233.President has executive power to appoint Attorney General of Pakistan under ate = 09" 234,President of Pakistan is empowered declare war under article "245" cn 235.President of Pakistan is empowere, appoint chief of the army staff under article: *243(3)(b)". ‘ 296.President of Pakistan is empowered appoint chairman joint chiefs of committee under article: "243(3)". 237.President of Pakistan is ,empow appoint the chief. of the Naval sta! article, "243(3)". qUos jg Sexetgy | ent institton , Minorities ered ff undet > 259.Governor on advice of chief mit FF Formore Past Papers py sricle of constitution of Pakistay 68 21 Sing erection commissioner? fous fiat constituent assembly consisted of 299-FF inal: 9 members inister is appointed und uo ea tution “91-(2A)" ot eric, of tere Minister wil take oath before the roresident’. : pune actual chief executive of Islamic Republic Trpakistanis "prime minister pus Prime Minister “is the leader of National assembly: a-prime ministeris a link between cabinet and resident: 95, Establishment of Supreme Court of pakistan is under article:"175" A right protected by the constitution is called: “fundamental right”. yer.The constitution of 1973 provides “federal system’. 248.The constitution of1973 provides "2 legislative lists”. 249.The power to legislate on the ,concurrent legislative list is exercised by ' "provincial government and federal government”. 250 islamic provisions in the constitution of1973 are given in chapter ix 261.After 1st reading of the bill, it is presented for: “the committee stage”. 252.The bill will be sent to. mediation committee under article: 70(2) 253.A voter shall not be less than the age year 254.A person so arrested shall be produced before magistrate within 24 hours under article 10 255.Full faith and credit for public acts will be given throughout Pakistan under article 150 256.Governor has a “not affixed” tenure. 257.Governors are appointed by the “president’ 258.Governor is bound by the advice of “chief minister". ° ot 245. 246. of 18 nister is the appointing authority of the voice chancellors 260."Governor” has a power to dissolve the provincial assembly: 261.In. parliamentary form of government Minister’ is more powerful. 262."President” will appoint cabinet 263.Constitution can be amended by parliament with “2/3 majority” 264, Assent of president is “required for amending constitution and required for new constitution’ 265.Kinds of emergency are: “Emergency due to “prime the members of the tan Studies/Affairs 454 external or internal di ‘mer, isturbance, machinery and breakdown of constitutional 286,Consitalon of 1873 sowidee gov vey tall 1a provkdas at head of the 67:Objective Resolution is made the part of 369 slution in preamble eta constitution of 1973 deals with 269.°4 and 26'articles of constitution provide doctrine of rule of law: ete person shall be deprived of life or liberty ye in accordance with law under article “9° 271.0bjective Resolution was made preamble of constitution under article "2A". 272.The Prime Minister takes oath in the presence of: “President’. 273.Prime Minister “president” 274, Leader of cabinet is Prime Minister 275. There is a party system in Pakistan which is called multiparty system 276.Prime Minister belongs to party who has: Majority in the house 277.129."3"sessions of senate in year. 278.130."Governor” is the constitutional head of province, 279.Highest court in province is: “session court”. 280. The advocate general may give his resign to “governor” 281.Original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court is regulated under article "184" 282.Appellate jurisdiction of Supreme Court is regulated by article: “none” 283.Term for the office of judge of Federal Shariat court is "3 years” 284, Article 8 to 28 deal with fundamental right 285 People in Pakistan have single citizenship 286.Protection of property right is under article 24 “fundamental right” 387..Bi-cameralism is given under article 50 288 Half of the member of senate are retired after even 3 years 289.Senate is a permanent body 290.Chairman and deputy chairman of the senate are: elected 291.Chairman and deputy ¢! for a term of 3 years 292.1n absence of president and chairman senate speaker of N.A will be the acting president 293.Generally president follow the advice of the Prime Minister 294,Atter passing a bill from the parliament itis sent to president for assent. ‘ war, is the chief advisor of hairman are elected Past Papers is 452 Advanced Objective General Knowledge (One Liner) pepo | 295.Article 62 and 63 deals with qualification and disqualification of member of senate and national assembly 296."4seats of technocrats are in senate 297.Lower house of parliament is known as National assembly" 298:In "1973" constitution, "Bicameralism’ was introduced in Pakistan. 299."Chief Minister” is the constitutional head of government in province 300.President shall be the head of state under article 41 : 301.A person shall be qualified for election as president unless he is 45 year of age”. 302.President is elected under 2” schedule 303.President is the part of parliament 304.Ministers in Pakistan are responsible to parliament 308. The chairman or deputy chairman shall make oath before the Senate 306. The chairman shall summon the senate within fourteen days of the receipt of the requisition 207.Presiding officer of senate or upper house is Chairman or deputy chairman 308.After 8" amendment in 1973 constitution the: parliament consists of “President, National assembly and Senate’. 309."14"™amendment had closed the door of horse-trading: 310.1% Amendment in the constitution was passed in 1974 311.Article 1 described the name of Pakistan which is Islamic Republic of Pakistan 312. Article 263 describes the title of constitution 313.Constitution of 1973 provides parliamentary from of government. 314.Majlis-e-Shura is the Parliament under article 50 315.Auditor general is appointed by the president 316.Annual budget statement is prepared and Presented in assembly under article 80 “317.Auditor general submit its report to the president under article 171 318.°160" article of constitution deals with the National Finance Commission (NFC): 319.Residuary powers in Pakistan are vested in the hands of province 320. Tenure of Prime Minister is 5 year 321.Prime Minister have to take vote of confidence from National Assembly 322.A president can be elected only twice 323.Term of National assembly is 5 years 324.Ordinary Decision in the National assembly are taken by simple majority present in name given to session 325, Tenure of National assembly is given unde, article 52 326.192.Deputy speaker and speaker of National assembly are elected under article 53 327. Composition of senate is give under article 59 328.14 members of senate are elected by each provincial assembly: 329, The minimum age for the member of National assembly is 25 years 330,Money Bill can only originate in the National assembly 331. The senate has power to fix the number of the Judges of "Supreme Court” 332,Article 63 is related to the “Disqualification of member of parliament", 333.According to national constitutional package the number of seats of National assembly are 342 : 334.When the National assembly is dissolved, the speaker shall continue in his office till the next person elected as speaker. 335.National assembly shall be summoned and prorogated by President of Pakistan 336.The Speaker shall summon the National assembly after receipt of the requisition within “fourteen days”. 337.Term of office of the speaker is usually “5 years”, 338.Speaker can approve or overrule the adjournment motion in the house 339.In the absence of chairman of senate, speaker is officiating president 340.Speaker has no right to vote but when there are duality votes he can use his vote 341.In the absence of speaker, the deputy speaker will presiding officer under article 53(3) 342. The constitution of Islamic republic of Pakistan provide legislative procedure in “Part Ill chapter 2", 343.Kinds of Bill are: “Public Bill, Private Bill and Money Bill 344.Article 204 of constitution Punishment for the contempt of court. 345.High court can issue writs of: 5 types 346.The Speaker shall summon the national assembly after receipt of the requisition with in: fourteen days" 347.Term of office of the speaker is usually: 5 years 348.Speaker can approve or overrule the adjournment motion in the house 349.In the absence of chairman of senate, speaker is officiating president. provides I ae Fovmore Past Papers visit ace of chairman of senate, speaker inte Sing present 8. ofc Sno right to vote but when there 451.5? sity votes, he can use his vote. oe o ence of speaker, the deputy speaker gant? Bing officer under article 53(3) wil tution of Islamic republic of Pakistan Msliegislative procedure in: Part Il oer 2 and Private Bill arse 904 of constitution se ment for contempt of court can issue writs of 5 types * 5 Ce {99 is known as: “writ jurisdiction, AMgtiuional jurisdiction and extra ordinary jurisiction : jsrno amendment of the constitution shall be Majed in question in any court on any ground what so ever 48 Governor shall remain in office only during the pleasure of the “president” 459 Formal head of province is “governor”. 580 Real head of province is “chief minister’ 481 Each province has a “Uni cameral assefhbly 342. The governor is responsible to “president”. 363 Chief minister takes an oath before "governor" 564 Governor’ will appoint chief minister 565 Principles of policy are given under article “29 to 40" 466.Principles of police are given in chapter “I” S51 Prelamation of emergency is deal under part 468.;Parliament” is the supreme legislative body of Pakistan 269.President will take oath from: “chief justice of Pakistan’. 370."President” can proclaim emergency BriEmergeney may be declared under article 372.National economic council is establishment under Article "156" 373.Prime Minister’ is the chairman of national economic council? 374.Council of common interests is establishment under article 153 and 154 375.2nd reading of bill starts after the presentation of bill by the committee in the senate or National Assembly 376.Every person has a right to acquire and- dispose of his property it is protected by the constitution 1973. 377.141-D article deals with exclusive powers of parliament regarding federally administered area. 378.8th amendment had reduced the power of The 5 ove provides Pakistan Studles/Affairs 453 Prime minis during 1980 to 1990 379. 12th amendment created speedy trial court for a term of "3 years, 380.Under which article provinces can entrust function to federation "147". 381.Article 6 of the 1973 Constitution deals with High Treason 382. There is separate electorate for non-Muslims in Pakistan. 383.If there is a deadlock on a bill between two houses then the matter will be “send to mediation committee”. 384, Election commission is discussed under part “vill of constitution”. 385.Commissioner will take oath under article "212" 386."3 year’ is the term of office of commissioner? 387.Commissioner may tender his resignation to “president”. 388.Emergency proclamation is exercised by + president if “a war is started and financial crises develop 389.Right of freedom of movement and assembly are incorporated in the constitution of 1973. 390.Freedom of speech was incorporated in the constitution of 1973. 391.Emergency is of 3 types under constitution 1973. 392. District courts are sub ordinate to “high court”, 393. Right to be defended by legal practitioner is a fundamental right of a detenue under article: “40(1) 394.President has power to promulgate ordinance except when the national assembly is in session under article "89" 395.Total number of seats of Punjab provincial assembly are: “371” 396.Total number of seats of Sind provincial assembly are "168". 397.Total number of seats of N.W.F provincial assembly are: “124”. 398. Total number of scats of Baluchistan are "65" 399.Chief Minister is appointed from amongst the members of provincial assembly by the: “Governor” 400.Chief Minister and his cabinet collectively answerable to “Provincial assembly”. 401.Federal Shariat court has been constituted under chapter: “3 A part VII" 402."President’ will appoint the chief justice of Pakistan: 403.65" the age of retirement of a judge of supreme court: f 404."63"is the age of retirement of a judge of high court 454 405.Federal Shariat court was established under article “203°. 408.Federal Shariat court consists of eight Muslim judges. “Including the chief Justice”. 407.Chief Justice of Federal Shariat court shall be qualified person, who been to be Judge of: “Supreme court and Permanent Judge of high court”, 408.Right to form an association is a fundamental right of the citizens. 409."Supreme Court” will enforce the fundamental right of citizen: 410.Qualification for judges is given under article TT" 411.If a person has a five year job as a judge of high court can appointed as a judge of Supreme Court. 412,Supreme judicial council is established under article "209" 413.Article °75(3) ensure the independence of judiciary 414,Judges of Supreme Court are recommended to be removed by “Supreme Judicial Council”. 415. Federal Shariat court was established by Zia- ul-Haq in "1980". 416.Chief Justice and other Judges of federal Shariat court shall be appointed for a period of 3 years. 417.Any party aggrieved with decision of federal Shariat court may prefer an appeal to the supreme court within 60 days. 418.Ground for removal of Judges under article 209 are: "Gross Misconduct, Violation of the Constitution and Physical unfitness’. 419.President before removing a Judge from his office shall refer the matter to the: “Supreme Judicial council”, 420.Supreme Court has powers of original jurisdiction under article "184". 421.Supreme Court has powers of Appellate Jurisdiction under article "185". 422.Supreme Court ‘has powers of jurisdiction under article "186" 423.Supreme Court has power to issue any direction as may be necessary for doing complete Justice under article "187" ‘ 424,Supreme Court has power of review any Judgment under article “188”, 425, Decisions of Supreme Court of Pakistan have binding effect on the subordinate courts under article “189". advisory 426.Supreme’ Court is the guardian of the constitution, 427. Supreme Court is empowered to interpret the constitution of Pakistan, Advanced Objective General Knowledge (One Fovmane Pst Papers vit ner) 428.Supreme Court has Suo motu jurisdiction 429. President before removing a Judge from office, shall refer the matter to the "Supreme Judieial Council”. 4 430.Supreme Court has powers of

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