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Accident&Incident Investigation

A. Injured Employee Data

Employee Name:Narayan sahoo Position: Line man Personnel Number :

Work Location: Ichhapur section

Date of Accident Time of Accident Claim Number (if known)

17 04 2022 a.m.
p.m.12 30 Pm
Home Telephone Work Telephone Other/Cell Number

Supervisor: Dilip bhadra Supervisor Telephone Number

B. Incident Description
1. Wheredid the accident happen and who was involved? Provide a full description of the surroundings of the location
and the individuals involved.
The accident happened at Ichhapur section. Narayan sahoo was involved. The person was equipped with PPEs.

2. He
While walking alongside the village’s pond carrying with a ladder on his shoulder, he got giddy due to sun stroke. As a
result he fell down in the pond. Immediate he was rescued from that area and shifted to nearby Kendrapara govt.
hospital. Which is 3-4 Km afar from that incident spot. After supervision the doctor said that he got fractured left hand.
After giving first aid treatment he was immediately shifted to Bhubaneswar SI hospital for further treatment. Now he is
under doctor’s supervision

3. What were the events leading up to the accident? Describe the sequence in order and when they took place.
The fact was, the work had already been accomplished. After completing his task he was coming back to take his lunch.
The accident took place near by village pond.

4. What exactly caused the injury and how did it happen? What were the mechanics, PPE, equipment or tools
The exact cause of accident was fell down on the ground due to sun stoke. He was carrying with a ladder on his shulder.
5. Describe the injury or injuries incurred. What body part and what kind of injury? (Indicate if no injury occurred.)
After completing his task , when he was coming back alongside the pond to take his lunch with a ladder. All of sudden
he got sun stoke and fell down with ladder. Due to which he got injury on his left hand.

6. If a physical injury was avoided, what could have happened to cause an injury?
Yes, any of the accidents could be avoided, Had we taken proper precautionary measure before accident, it would
not have happen,
C. Accident Findings
After review of all facts, what was the hazardous condition, unsafe work practice, or other causal factors (procedure,
equipment, people, and environment) that contributed to the accident / injury?
After investigation I found following points .
1. Had he had sufficient water/glucose, it would not have happened.
2. Blistering heat was the main cause of the accident.
3. Heavy equipment must not be handled by one person.

D. Corrective Action
What is recommended to prevent this type of accident from occurring again?
 Before starting any task , supervisor must be ensure, have they had sufficient water that body demands.
 Time of working schedule must be changed due to head,
 Proper supervision must be ensured.
 Adequate quantity of energy drink must be available for workers.
 Workers must be checked up by doctor once in a week
 Do encourage to workers not carry heavy materials by a single person.
 Temporary shelter should be facilitated near by working location so that workers should not walk a long
 A safety awareness training must be conducted once in a week by site engineer how to avoid sunstroke.
 To encourage workers to put on white shirts and pants to minimize heat stroke.
 Every worker must have carry with a glucose water wherever he goes to site.
 Always avoid continual work at height. Regular interval should done at site.
Notes- Every accident must be avoided, if we take proper precautionary measures before time. Money does not matter to
spend for workers welfare. In the way of even Saving money, we are having to paid the heavy amount of money to

Signature of Supervisor or Accident Investigator Date Time

Bijay Kumar Sethi 17-4-2022 a.m.
E. Distribution Instructions

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