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Speaking Checklist -

Clear stance - Independent Speaking ( see that you have clearly mentioned in the first
part of the speech what your stance is)

Content per point (reasons, explanation/example)

Integrated Speaking (introduce main points of Reading Passage in the first part of the
speech and mention this source. Introduce the audio source (Conversation or Lecture)
and continue speaking about the audio according to the question in the remaining parts
of your speech. Use proper transition/linking words where the audio is divided into 2 or
more parts)

Pronunciations ( should be clearly understood by the listener)

Pauses and fluency (Are you taking pauses as per the needs of the punctuation? You
should be. Is your speech fragmented? Should not be. It should be fluent. Are you
pausing too many times? You should not be.Take minimum and natural pauses only)

Voice and sentence structure variation ( active passive voice and simple, compound,
complex sentences)

Grammar ( tenses, subject verb agreement, preposition usage)

Vocabulary (Usage of different words and avoiding repetition wherever possible)

Usage of Linking words (however, contradictorily, additionally, etc. )

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