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Why now ?

• Global pandemic has accelerated the adoption of online

communication and community building

Switching Trigger :

• Desire to ask / discuss matters with Malayalis of same niche /

What’s at stake if done nothing ?
• Advice seeking possibility for common and private (physical and

mental) matters is limited. So, wrong decisions or no decisions are

taken mostly, when there are problems

• Missing out on collective valuable relatable insights (Insights with

respect to every matter in terms of Malayali perspective)

What’s broken with the existing alternatives ?
Friend circle :

• They mayn’t have the knowledge of the niche of concerned subject

• Discussions may cause privacy concern

Google :

• Generic information ( not tailored)

• Time consuming

• Challenging to find coherent and reliable insights

Social media :

• No anonymity

• Admin’s approval needed

The fix
Solution :

A vibrant Malayali community with numerous niche groups, offering

secure spaces for asking questions, engaging in discussions, and
sharing ideas anonymously.

Desired Outcome :

UVP : Achieve collective wisdom from the

dedicated Malayali community.
Unfair advantage
Strong, engaged Malayali community
How do we make money ?
Attention of users converted to Derivative currency.
We generate revenue from the Advertisers.

• Advertisers pay us Rs 40 for every 1,000 page views (CPM).

• Each user views about 300 pages per month.
• The average income we make from each user per month is Rs 12.
• Over the course of a user's four-year lifetime, we earn a total of Rs 576.
• Our Minimum Success Criteria is annual revenue of Rs 2 Cr, after 3
years, with 1.38 Lakh daily active users
How to gain traction ?
 Invite TKM College of Engineering students/friends to the platform
 Invite Reddit Malayali users
• TKMCE users and Reddit users will interact in numerous niche groups.
• A Base platform is formed to refer the other early adopters.

Product/Solution fit (Now plan)

Key milestones and Current progress
( Now-Next-Later plan)
Multisided Traction Roadmap – Active users

Minimum Success Criteria (MSC) = Rs 2 Cr Later plan

Current progress : Pre-validation of Business model

Next plan
Now plan
How to pull this off ? (Team)
Founding team :

B.Tech graduates – TKM College of Engineering Kollam

• Muhammed Ajmal P T
• Hridwin Konnari
• R Amarthya Sreechand

Key personnels needed:

Web developer(s)
[Extreme programming methodology]

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