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Linear Layout
• elements are displayed in linear fashion
• displayed according to its orientation
• horizontal or vertical
Main Attributes In Linear Layout
• orientation
• gravity
• layout_weight
• weightSum
• An Absolute Layout lets you specify
exact locations (x/y coordinates) of
its children.
• Absolute layouts are less flexible
and harder to maintain than other
types of layouts without absolute
• In Android, an Absolute Layout is a
layout used to design the custom
• In this layout you can specify the
exact location of its children by using
x and y coordinates.

• Try opening the same layout in different size Emulator and you
will see it doesn’t fit in different size device.
• That’s why Android has depreciated the use of Absolute Layout.
Frame Layout
• designed to block out an area on the screen to display a single
• used to hold a single child view
Frame Layout
• We can add multiple children to a FrameLayout
• control their position by assigning gravity to each child
• android:layout_gravity attribute.
FrameLayout Attributes
• android:visibility
• This determine whether to make the view visible, invisible or
• visible – the view is present and also visible
• invisible – The view is present but not visible
• gone – The view is neither present nor visible
Android Table Layout
• arrange groups of views into rows and
• <TableRow> element to build a row in the
• Each row has zero or more cells; each cell
can hold one View object
• TableLayout containers do not display
border lines for their rows, columns, or cells
• Total width of a table is defined by its
parent container
• Column can be both stretchable and
• to change the default width of a column
• The value that assigned to this attribute can be a single column
number or a comma delimited list of column numbers (1, 2,
• If the value is 1 then the second column is stretched to take up
any available space in the row
• If the value is 0,1 then both the first and second columns of
table are stretched
• If the value is ‘*’ then all the columns are stretched to take up
the available space
• Shrink column attribute is used to shrink or reduce the width of
the column‘s
• If the value is 0 then the first column’s width shrinks or reduces
by word wrapping
• If the value is 0,1 then both first and second columns are shrinks
• If the value is ‘*’ then the content of all columns is word
wrapped to shrink their widths
collapseColumns: collapse columns attribute is used to
collapse or invisible the column’s
<TableLayout android:layout_width="match_parent"
</TableLayout >
Relative Layout
• Very flexible layout used in
android for custom layout design
• flexibility to position our view
based on the relative or sibling
view’s position
• Relative layout is the most used
layout after the Linear Layout in
• It allow its child view to position
relative to each other or relative
to the container
• For example, in the below image
you can see content is placed in
related to Heading
• Position the bottom edge of the view above the given anchor
view ID and must be a reference of the another resource in the
form of id
• Example, android:layout_above=”@id/textView”
2. alignBottom:
• alignBottom is used to makes the bottom edge of the view
match the bottom edge of the given anchor view ID and it must
be a reference to another resource, in the form of id
• Example: android:layout_ alignBottom =”@id/button1″
3. alignLeft:
• alignLeft is used to make the left edge of the view match the
left edge of the given anchor view ID and must be a reference
to another resource,
• Example: android:layout_ alignLeft =”@+id/button1″.
4. alignRight
• alignRight property is used to make the right edge of this view
match the right edge of the given anchor view ID
• example: android:layout_alignRight=”@+id/button1″
• alignStart property is used to makes the start edge of this view
match the start edge of the given anchor view ID
• example: android:layout_alignStart=”@+id/button1″
6. alignTop:
• alignTop property is used to makes the top edge of this view
match the top edge of the given anchor view ID
• example: android:layout_alignTop=”@+id/button1″.

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