Arel Dacer

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Thesis Statement
Social Media platforms have enabled people to connect and
provide a supportive community.
To give people a secure place to talk about HIV-related issues
and get guidance, online forums and chat rooms have also
been developed.

Technology has a big part to play in HIV care and prevention.

Recent technological developments have prompted the
creation of fresh instruments and methods for HIV
prevention and treatment. These methods and instruments
can lower the rate of new infections, increase the accuracy of
diagnoses, and guarantee that individuals living with HIV get
the assistance and care they require.

In the fight against this worldwide health crisis, technology is

playing a more and bigger role in HIV prevention and care.
There are numerous ways to use technology to enhance HIV
prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and care, from
telemedicine and mobile apps to AI and genomics. It is
imperative that healthcare professionals, researchers, and
policymakers remain abreast of the most recent
technological advancements and work together skillfully to
guarantee that these tools are useful and accessible to all
HIV-affected individuals.

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