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Revista Română de Anatomie funcţională şi clinică, macro- şi microscopică şi de Antropologie

Vol. XX – Nr. 2 – 2021 ORIGINAL PAPERS

A Detail of the Molecular Anatomy

of the Muscle Cells and Its Clinical Implication

D. Dragoş1,2, Maria Iuliana Ghenu1,2, Andra-Elena Balcangiu-Stroescu1,3,

Maria Daniela Tănăsescu1,4, Ileana Adela Văcăroiu1,5, A. Tulin6,7*, O. Ştiru8,9,
Andrada Mihai10,11, Maria Mirabela Manea1,12, D. Ionescu1,4
1. “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania
Faculty of Medicine
6. Department of Anatomy,
8. Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
10. Department of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Disease
University Emergency Hospital Bucharest, Romania
2. 1st Internal Medicine Clinic
3. Dialysis Department
4. Nephrology Clinic
5. “St. John” Emergency Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania
Department of Nephrology and Dialys
7. “Prof. Dr. Agrippa Ionescu” Clinical Emergency Hospital, Bucharest, Romania
Department of General Surgery
9. “Prof. Dr. C. C. Iliescu” Emergency Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases Bucharest, Romania
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
11. “N. C. Paulescu” Institute of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases, Bucharest
Department II of Diabetes
12. National Institute of Neurology and Cerebrovascular Diseases, Bucharest, Romania
Department and Institution where work was done: 1st Internal Medicine Clinic of University
Emergency Hospital Bucharest, Romania


CLINICAL IMPLICATION (Abstract):The molecular anatomy of muscles cells includes, besides
the ubiquitous Na+/K+ ATP-ase, the specific muscle channel Kir2.6, which intervenes as a
counter-regulatory mechanism for preventing hypokalemia when Na+/K+ ATP-ase activity is in-
creased, for whatever reason. Hyperthyroidism is such a condition in which the quantitative and
qualitative enhancement of Na+/K+ ATP-ase may result in hypokalemia in the rare patient in which
Na+/K+ ATP-ase driven potassium entry into the cells is not compensated by an appropriately
increased Kir2.6 activity, resulting in potassium depletion of the extracellular space. Severe hy-
pokalemia poses a vital risk by its potential cardiac complications – its correction may be difficult
or even impossible as long as the cause, in rare cases hyperthyroidism, is not discovered and dealt
with. This paper presents two cases in which unexplainable hypokalemia refractory to substitution
treatment raised the suspicion of hyperthyroidism. Antithyroid treatment given after the diagnosis
of hyperthyroidism had been confirmed corrected hypokalemia. Conclusions: when confronted
with unexplainable hypokalemia, the clinician should consider hyperthyroidism as a possible diag-

INTRODUCTION ward rectifying), which acts as an escape mech-

The molecular anatomy of muscles cells in- anism against cellular potassium overload due
cludes, besides Na+/K+ ATP-ase which is pre- to an overacting Na+/K+ ATP-ase. The mal-
sent in the membrane of every human cell, the function of this channel, whose role is to push
specific muscle channel Kir2.6 (Kir = K+ in- potassium into the extracellular space, may lead

D. Dragoş et al.

to hypokalemia when Na+/K+ ATP-ase is hy- in the patient not being able to stand or sit) and
perfunctional, such as in hyperthyroidism. generalized trembling. The patient had already
Trem­bling, weakness, palpitations, heat intoler- been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and
ance, weight loss with normal or increased dementia and consequently prescribed a Levo-
appetite are common symptoms of this condi- dopa + Carbidopa combination, Pramiracetam,
tion (1). Neither of these is universally present, and a cholinesterase inhibitor, Donepezil. Not-
nor are they specific for hyperthyroidism so that withstanding the treatment, there was no im-
the diagnosis must be confirmed by the assess- provement in the patient state, including the
ment of thyroid hormones. Supplementary in- persistence of trembling. For blood pressure
vestigations might be necessary for establishing and heart rate control, the patient was given
the etiology of hyperthyroidism (2). Some Indapamide, Perindopril, and Metoprolol. Ten
manifestations of hyperthyroidism are less com- days prior to her present admission to the hos-
mon in clinical practice, such as hypokalemia, pital, Duloxetin, a selective serotonin and nor-
which is attributed to the excessive activation epinephrine reuptake inhibitor had been pre-
of Na+/K+-ATP-ase. This paper presents two scribed, which was thought to be responsible
cases of hyperthyroidism in which the diagnos- for the alteration of the patient general health,
tic suspicion was raised by hypokalemia. which was the main presenting complaint. On
physical examination, the patient was alert, but
MATERIALS AND METHODS not oriented to person, place, time, or situation
Case 1: A 21 years old patient, diagnosed and not cooperative; she was underweight,
one year previously with hyperthyroidism, with with generalized trembling, a blood pressure of
no other remarkable features in his personal 160/85mmHg, regular heart rate of 110 bpm,
medical history, was admitted for muscular no cardiac murmurs, normal breath sounds, no
weakness. At physical examination, the patient rales, wheezes (on chest auscultation) or dull-
was awake, alert, cooperative, and oriented, ness (on chest percussion), no edema, the abdo-
with a blood pressure of 120/90mmHg and a men was soft and painless, the liver was not
regular heart rate of 120 bpm, no cardiac mur- enlarged, the urine and urine output were nor-
murs, normal breath sounds with no rales, mal; she was able to perform simple, but not
wheezes (on chest auscultation) or dullness (on complex orders, there were no focal neuro-
chest percussion), the abdomen was soft, pain- logical signs. Lab tests revealed decreased po-
less, normal bowel movements, normal urine tassium plasma level (K= 2.7 mmol/l) but a
normal sodium plasma level, no renal dysfunc-
and urine output. The only pathological result
tion, no signs of infection (no leukocytosis,
on his lab tests was severe hypokalemia (K=
normal fibrinogen, normal presepsin), no ane-
1.7 mmol/l). A similar episode happened about
mia or thrombocytopenia. Brain CT revealed
one year previously – on that occasion a diag-
no recent onset intracranial lesions, only chron-
nosis of hyperthyroidism was made. The patient
ic arterial degenerative changes. Chest x-ray
admitted that he discontinued his antithyroid
was suggestive for post-tuberculosis sequelae
treatment. Chest x-ray and abdominal ultra-
in the superior halves of both lungs with pleu-
sound were normal. The assessment of the thy-
ral thickening involving the right apical area.
roid hormones revealed high plasma levels of Abdominal ultrasound was normal. The elec-
free T3 and free T4 with severe suppression of trocardiogram was remarkable by sinus tachy-
TSH (free T3= 10.39 pg/ml; free T4= 2.79 cardia at a rate of 110 per minute, ST segment
ng/dl; TSH= 0.002 µIU/ml). The electrocar- depression, T wave flattening and conspicuous
diogram demonstrated sinus rhythm with in- U waves.
creased heart rate and changes typical for hy-
pokalemia: flattened T waves, prominent U RESULTS
waves, ST segment depression, prolonged QT Case 1: Given the history, hyperthyroidism
interval. was again suspected as the culprit for hypoka-
Case 2: A 77 years old female patient, lemia. Consequently, antithyroid treatment with
known with dementia and arterial hypertension Thiamazole was resumed, besides supplemen-
and considered to have Parkinson’s disease, was tary potassium and betablocker treatment, re-
admitted for general ill-health (consisting main- sulting in hypokalemia correction and symptom
ly in generalized muscular weakness resulting remission.

A Detail of the Molecular Anatomy of the Muscle Cells and Its Clinical Implication

Fig. 1. The pathophysiologic mechanisms of hyperthyroidism-induced hypokalemia. The potassium

lowering effect of the thyroid hormones is attributed to the Na+/K+ ATP-ase. Beside Na+/K+ ATP-ase
amplification, the pathogenesis of periodical hypokalemic paralysis may include the blocking of the
specific muscle channel Kir2.6, which has the role of pushing potassium out of the cell into the
extracellular space, as a counter-regulatory mechanism to the enhanced Na+/K+ ATP-ase activity.

Case 2: Hypokalemia was initially attrib- DISCUSSIONS

uted to potassium urinary loss induced by In- The classical symptoms of hyperthyroidism
dapamide treatment, but supplementary potas- are more frequently found in young subjects,
sium intravenous administration failed to correct making the diagnosis easier (3). In elderly,
potassium levels. In the absence of other evi- weight loss and cardiac manifestations such as
dent causes of hypokalemia (such as digestive tachycardia and atrial fibrillation are the most
loss by vomiting or diarrhea, metabolic acido- often encountered manifestations (4); however,
sis as a consequence of renal tubular acidosis sometimes weakness is the dominant features
etc.), the suspicion of hyperthyroidism was while other typical manifestations are absent or
raised, corroborated by the persistently high inconspicuous, so that the diagnosis is missed
heart rate (despite large doses of betablocker:
/ of hyperthyroidism is not considered.(5) Pro-
Metoprolol 200 mg daily), for which there was
found weakness in a patient with hyperthyroid-
no obvious alternative explanation (such as ane-
ism might be the consequence of hypokalemia,
mia, hypoxemia, systemic infection or heart
in extreme cases amounting to periodical hy-
failure). The assessment of thyroid hormones
pokalemic paralysis (PHKP), in which muscu-
revealed hyperthyroidism (free T3= 2.08 pg/
ml; free T4= 1.53 ng/dl; TSH= 0.182 µIU/ lar weakness may progress to frank paralysis
ml). The patient was started on Thiamazole (6). Hyperthyroidism induces hypokalemia by
with resultant amelioration of clinical mani- increasing the activity of Na+/K+ ATP-ase in
festations and correction of plasma potassium the skeletal muscles. Thyroid hormones stimu-
level. late the transcription of the gene encoding Na+/
In both cases, severe hypokalemia refrac- K+ ATP-ase, promote its insertion in the cell
tory to substitution treatment raised the suspi- membrane, and increase its activity (7), this
cion of hyperthyroidism, which was confirmed numerical and functional augmentation of Na+/
by lab tests, and following antithyroid treat- K+ ATP-ase being correlated with the increase
ment, clinical manifestations and plasma potas- in basal metabolism characteristic for thyroid
sium level were improved. hormones excess (8). The activity of Na+/K+

D. Dragoş et al.

ATP-ase is promoted by adrenergic stimulation, gestive losses (due to diarrhea, vomiting, laxa-
the two systems, the sympatho-adrenergic one tive abuse), no metabolic acidosis the result of
and the thyroid hormones one having a bidirec- renal tubular acidosis, no hypokalemia inducing
tional relationship of reciprocal influence (9). effect was reported for the patient’s neuropsy-
Beta-adrenergic agonists increase the number chiatric medications. The improvement in gen-
of Na+/K+ ATP-ase molecules in the cell mem- eral health, trembling, and plasma potassium
brane, which results in potassium depletion in level as a result of Thiamazole treatment argued
the extracellular space secondary to its trans- for hyperthyroidism as the cause of the clinical
location inside the cells (8). By acting in a and laboratory manifestations. The trembling,
manner similar to beta-adrenergic agonists, originally considered a manifestation of Parkin-
insulin also induces hypokalemia, which is cur- son’s disease, were most probably the conse-
rently employed in the clinical practice in hy- quence of hyperthyroidism, as they were not
perkalemia correction (8). Moreover, a carbo- influenced by antiparkinsonian medication, but
hydrates rich diet may precipitate PHKP by were abolished by the antithyroid treatment.
stimulation insulin secretion (7). Although The treatment of hyperthyroidism induced
Na+/K+ ATP-ase has an ubiquitous distribu- hypokalemia mainly consists in achieving eu-
tion, the potassium lowering effect of the thy- thyroid status by antithyroid medication. Ad-
roid hormones is attributed mainly to the Na+/ ditionally, a nonselective betablocker, prefera-
K+ ATP-ase in the skeletal muscles, which are bly propranolol, should be administered, which
the main/ account for most of the potassium prevents potassium entry into the cells by de-
pool of the organism (7). Beside Na+/K+ ATP- creasing adrenergic-induced Na+/K+ ATP-ase
ase amplification, the pathogenesis of PHKP activation. In order to speed up hypokalemia
may include the blocking of the specific muscle resolution, supplementary potassium may be
channel Kir2.6, which drives potassium out of given, either orally or intravenously, but not in
the cell, acting as a counter-regulatory mecha- a high dose for fear of rebound hyperkalemia
nism to the enhanced Na+/K+ ATP-ase activity once hyperthyroidism is brought under control
(Fig. 1). The pathophysiologic mechanisms of (10). In both our cases, hypokalemia persisted
hyperthyroidism-induced hypokalemia). The despite the administration of supplementary
malfunction of this channel (which may be the potassium together with a beta-blocker. None-
result of genetic mutations, but also of the in- theless, antithyroid treatment lead to the resolu-
hibitory effect exerted by insulin and catecho- tion of clinical manifestations and hypokalemia.
lamines) seems to be mandatory for the hyper-
thyroidism induced PHKP, because PHKP de­velop CONCLUSIONS
in only a tiny fraction of hyperthyroid patients, Hypokalemia is a relatively rare manifesta-
and thyroid hormones increase Kir2.6 tran- tion of hyperthyroidism, explained by the nu-
scription, which prevents the hypokalemia that merical and functional augmentation a Na+/K+
Na+/K+ ATP-ase activation might induce (7). ATP-ase and the consecutive increase in intra-
In the first case, the patient was known with cellular potassium translocation leading to po-
hyperthyroidism, the severe hypokalemia that tassium depletion in the extracellular space.
had induced muscle weakness being a conse- When confronted with unexplainable hypoka-
quence of therapeutically neglected hyperthy- lemia, the clinician ought to consider hyperthy-
roidism. In the second case, the lack of a self- roidism. Severe hypokalemia poses a vital risk
evident explanation for hypokalemia raised the by its cardiac complications – correcting it may
suspicion that hyperthyroidism might be the be difficult or even impossible as long as its
cause: despite stopping Indapamide treatment, cause (which in rare cases may be hyperthyroid-
hypokalemia persisted; the patient had no di- ism) is not uncovered and eliminated.

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A Detail of the Molecular Anatomy of the Muscle Cells and Its Clinical Implication

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* Corresponding author

Dorin Dragoş


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