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Table of Contents



ARTICLE 1: NAME AND ABBREVIATION......................................................................................................................................5

ARTICLE 2: MOTTO.......................................................................................................................................................................................5

ARTICLE 3: SLOGAN.....................................................................................................................................................................................5

ARTICLE 4: MISSION & AIM...................................................................................................................................................................5

ARTICLE 5: OBJECTIVES & PROJECTS.........................................................................................................................................5



GENERAL PROVISIONS AND MEMBERSHIP..................................................................... 8

ARTICLE 7: GENERAL PROVISIONS.................................................................................................................................................8

ARTICLE 8: COMPENSATION OF THE MEMBERS.................................................................................................................8

ARTICLE 9 (a): MEMBERSHIP................................................................................................................................................................8

ARTICLE 9(b): RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF MEMBERS............................................................................................8

ARTICLE 9(c): LOSS OF MEMBERSHIP...........................................................................................................................................9

ARTICLE 9(d): REGAINING MEMBERSHIP..................................................................................................................................9


ARTICLE 11: ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE......................................................................................................................10

ARTICLE 12: FUNCTIONS OF THE ORGANS OF THE ORGANIZATION................................................................11

FINANCE AND BANK ACCOUNT..........................................................................................16

ARTICLE 13: FINANCES AND BANK ACCOUNT..................................................................................................................... 16


....................................................................................................................................................... 17

ARTICLE 14: MEETINGS..........................................................................................................................................................................17

ARTICLE 15: AUDITING OF ACCOUNTS......................................................................................................................................17

ARTICLE 16: PREVENTION OF CORRUPTION AND POLITICISATION.................................................................17

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ARTICLE 17: FINAL PROVISIONS..................................................................................................................................................... 18

ARTICLE 19: ADOPTION OF THE CONSTITUTION..............................................................................................................18

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We, the Founding Members of this Organization:

IN CONFORMITY with the mission and principles of this organization which is to inspire and connect
young people within the world while achieving lasting solutions to youth problems.

PURSUANT to the commitment made to young people in different International Chatters such as the
African Union 2063 Agenda, The UN 2030 Agenda and other relevant International Youth Instruments
that mandate to assist young people to realize their full potential; and to engage and empower young
people to enhance their contribution towards world’s development through effective participation,
advocacy, action and leadership.

DECLARING THAT We the People of World Youth Summit Organization NPC owe to this Constitution
our humble respect declaring that as members without any distinction of race, sex, creed, colour, possess
inalienable equal and human rights.

NOTICING THAT all members shall have equal rights and obligations. The organization shall ensure
protection and preservation of all members’ rights and shall ensure the rights of every member which
include to a fair and impartial hearing before any lawful established institution/tribunal.

It shall however remain established that all activities of this organization and the working shall be in
accordance to this Constitution and as such it shall remain the legislative and judicial arm of the

The reputation of the organization shall however remain inviolate. No unnecessary interference shall be
allowed from non-members except by virtue of seeking to establish partnership and or collaboration with
the association.

We therefore call on all the members to pledge their loyalty and respect to this arm. This shall be the only
document to control all the affairs of the organization both internally and externally.

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Section 1: Name
The name of the Organization shall be World Youth Summit NPC.

Section 2: Abbreviation
World Youth Summit NPC shall be abbreviated “WYS NPC”.


Building Generations, Giving hope & Financial Independence.


The World We Want! The Future We Need!


Section 1: Mission
The mission of the Organization is to diligently and astutely harness the resources of the member
associations to foster and sustain development. It shall have a non-profit making, youth-oriented and non-
partisan character. It shall equally promote education, peace and justice, health, human rights and the
conservation of the environment.
Section 2: Aim
The Organizations aim is to become a global champion for the Education and Employment of the youth
and women. The Organization aims to empower the youth and women to achieve intellectual
independence and financial freedom.


Section 1: Objectives

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The objectives of the Organization shall be as follows:
Clause 1: Undertake initiatives to empower young people to succeed as citizens and change makers while
instilling into them a sense of love and collective prosperity to the world.
Clause 2: Encourage universities and other educational institutions to not only align their curricular with
the development practices but also encourage the youth to become great leaders of tomorrow.
Clause 3: Fostering peace, justice, handwork, patriotism, conservation of the environment and other
positive social values through the activities of its member associations.
Clause 4: Create a database of youth leaders from all countries which will support youth in developing
their ability and strengths and giving them opportunities for self-growth and motivation.
Clause 5: Organize Model United Nations “MUNs” around the world that will foster towards educational
simulation thus encouraging diplomacy, international relations and growth.
Clause 6: Organize World Youth Summit NPCs around different continents which will encourage
dialogues that will address social inequities, create new relationships and strengthen existing relationships.
Clause 7: Coaching, Mentoring, Sponsorship and inspiring young people to cultivate healthy leadership
Clause 8: Creating awareness on the United Nations Sustainable Development goals “SDGs” that will
create a lasting change towards Quality Education, Gender Equality, Climate Change, Decent Work and
Economic Growth.
Clause 9: Other Objectives of World Youth Summit NPC not stated above shall equally apply.

Section 2: Projects
World Youth Summit NPC shall launch and carry out its following projects in accordance to its
i. World Youth Summits
ii. Forums
iii. Model United Nations Conferences
iv. Tailored capacity building workshops and competitions
v. Power events in collaboration with other Organizations

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Section 1: Legal status

Clause 1: The Organization shall be a Non-governmental Organization, and its net income or net worth
shall be used to in running and facilitating the projects and day to day work of the Organization and also
compensate the members of the Secretariat involved after or during every project.
Clause 2: The Organization shall be incorporated under the laws of the Republic of South Africa in which
its registered office is located, and its membership and activities shall be beyond where dimmed
necessary by the Executive Committee after consultation with the board except in the country where it is
Clause 3: The Executive shall establish and adopt additional by-laws, memorandum of associations,
protocols and other legal instruments in conformity with the objectives and vision of this Constitution and
with the applicable laws, for the purpose of incorporating and registering the Organization in other
countries, where required.
Clause 4: The Organization shall enjoy consultative status with United Nations and Africa Union and it
shall be eligible and supported to apply for its formal accreditation.
Clause 5: The Organization shall seek and make grants from and to, and cooperate with, other specialized
organizations and agencies; enter into agreements and contracts; and acquire consultative status or
Observer Status through accreditations with United Nations agencies including the Economic and Social
Council along with other national, regional and international bodies worldwide; for the purposes of
mutual recognition, partnership, and program design and delivery.
Clause 6: The organization shall create and use its own logo, stamps, and such other instruments as may
be deemed necessary, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee in conformity with the
objectives and vision of this Organization.
Section 2: Relationship with other Organizations
Clause 1: The Organization shall form several relationships/partnerships with other Organizations that
have a legal status.
Clause 2: The relationship between WYS NPC and other Organizations shall strictly be built on mutual
respect and with the aim of achieving the same goal.
Section 2: WYS NPC may enter into different types of relationships or arrangements with other
organizations such as defined below:
Clause 1: Sponsorship; a financial donation to the Organization in order to support the Organizations
Clause 2: Joint Sponsorship; a joint effort in which both (or all) Organizations or institutions are
integrally involved in planning and developing WYS NPC agenda.

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Section 1: World Youth Summit NPC is an empowerment organization that has a vision of bringing
together highly motivated youth who believe in youth-success by engaging in best practices for the
development of the world.
Section 2: These goals are primarily focused on ensuring that the youth, particularly those from
vulnerable and less privileged communities, are given access and opportunity to good education and
training in the fields of business, entrepreneurship, leadership, project management to help them
participate in their respective country’s economy so as to gain their own financial gain while contributing
to sustainable development for the continent.
Section 3: The headquarters of the Organization shall be in the country where the company is first


Section 1: The existence of the long-term WYS NPC Executive Committee, every project will have
different Secretariat members who are compensated after the success of the event per their agreement
with the organization.


Section 1: Membership shall be opened to officially legalized and credible associations primarily
concerned with youth development and empowerment and who pledge to abide by the Constitution and
rules and regulations of the Organization.
Section 2: Each member shall be required to fill a membership application form provided by the
Organization on its official website.
Section 3: Each Member association shall be entitled to pay a yearly registration fee of Twenty United
Stated Dollars ($20).


Section 1: Rights of Members

Clause 1: Members shall receive updates on International and National events, youth opportunities and
Clause 2: Members shall receive first preferences on Scholarships, Internships and Job opportunities.

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Clause 3: Members shall receive first preference on networking opportunities with influential persons
who will be present at WYS NPC events.
Clause 4: Members shall receive discounts on events, workshops and all WYS NPC related programs.
Note: Discounts differ according to WYS NPC programs.
Section 2: Obligations of Members
Clause 1: Members shall pledge to abide by the provisions of the Constitution, general policies and rules
and regulations of the Organization.
Clause 2: Members shall allow publication of their achievement and activities that are realized through
the Organization as those of the Organization through but not limited to the Organizations website and all
other social networks.


Clause 1: If any member willfully resigns.

Clause 2: If any member who refuses to resign from any engagement with any organization directly
competing with World Youth Summit NPC Organization.
Clause 3: If anybody becomes mentally incapacitated.
Clause 4: If any member is involved in tarnishing the image, dignity and interest of the Organization.
Clause 5: If any member becomes inactive towards the development of the organization for up to one year
without cause or communicating to the WYS NPC president to that effect.
Clause 6: If any member misappropriates the Organization’s funds.
Clause 7: If any member violates the rules and regulations of the Organization, or disregard the rules of
the Organization, involve in tarnishing the reputation, image and anti-organizational activities, or involve
in anti-activities related to organizational Constitution.
Note: Before any member is struck off his or her membership, he or she shall first be given an
opportunity to show cause why he or she should not lose his or her membership/position before the
highest body. The offense must be in writing and shall be submitted to the WYS NPC Executive.
Upon receiving the submission of the offence/complaint to the executive, the offending member has
the right to a 7-day notice of the hearing before a regular general assembly and the offending
member may be suspended or expelled by a 2/3 affirmative vote of the voting members present.


Section 1: Membership may be regained through an accepted apology before the highest body. Re-
application and payment of two hundred to five hundred united states dollars (200-500 $) and signing of
undertakings with the Organization through the President-CEO.

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Section 1: The Organization shall be organized into the following organs: The Advisory Council, The
Board of Directors (BODs), Administrative Board and Operations.
Clause 1: The Advisory Council shall consist of five (5) trustworthy individuals who will provide the
Chief Executive Officers (CEO) with specialized expertise and advice.
Clause 2: The Board of Directors shall consist of four (4) members who shall steer the Organization
towards a sustainable future. The BODs shall consist of a Chief Executive Officer, Deputy Chief
Executive Officer, Patron and Attorney General.
Clause 3: The Administrative Board shall consist of seven (7) members who shall organize, plan and
complete missions and various functions of the Organization. The Administrative Board shall consist of a
Deputy CEO, Finance Director, Director of Marketing and Communications, Director of Partnership and
International Relations, Director General, Secretary General, Information Technology (IT) Manager,
Information Technology (IT) Support.
Clause 4(a): The Operations Management shall be made up of two sections. The first section shall consist
of The Regional Directors who shall be made up of eight (8) members. They shall be responsible for
directing fund raising efforts, monitoring Country Directors in their regions. The Regional Directors shall
report directly to the Director General. The Regional Directors shall represent:
i. Europe
ii. Asia
iii. Southern Africa
iv. Eastern Africa
v. USA, Latin America & The Caribbean
vi. Russia & Middle East
vii. West Africa
viii. The African Diaspora
Clause 4(b): The second section of the Operations Management shall consist of Country Directors
(volunteers) who are the interlocutor connecting global and Organization priorities with country specific
plans. They are expected to work closely with Regional Directors and report directly to them. The
Country Directors shall represent but not limited to these Countries:
i. South Africa
ii. Nigeria
iii. Ghana
iv. Cameroon
v. China
vi. Uganda
vii. Kenya

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viii. United Kingdom
ix. India
x. Botswana
xi. Lesotho
xii. Tanzania
xiii. Sweden
xiv. Russia
xv. Zimbabwe
xvi. Guinea


Section 1: The Advisory Council shall be made up of subject matter specialists that can help with gaps in
knowledge for the Organization. The Advisory Council shall exist alongside the Board of Directors. They
have no statutory responsibility or governance authority. They shall deliver advise to the CEO and the
Board of Directors on the key management of the Organization.
Section 1(a): The Advisory council shall:
Advisory Council shall be the guidance and strengthen the Board of Directors role in the Organization.
Advisory Council agrees to counsel the Organizations management on issues proposed for decisions
which touch upon their areas of expertise, including, but not limited to; Strategic Leadership for the
development of World Youth Summit NPC. Identify pitfalls. Advisory Council shall foresee and identify
obstacles or pitfalls of the Organizations current path or any strategic changes. Deliver honest, frank
advice. Have the Organizations best Interest at heart and give recommendations which might contradict
the thinking of the Organizations management. Provide expertise. Advisory Council shall offer its
individual and collective expertise to help fill knowledge gaps.
Advisors shall meet on a quarterly basis with the Board of Directors for updates on the Organization.
They shall permit the Organization to create and distribute press releases and/or other marketing materials
which include a description of the Advisory Councils relationship with the Organization, include the
Advisors name and capacity on the Organizations website.

Section 2: The Board of Directors is the governing body of the Organization. They oversee the
Organizations activities. The BODs are chosen by the founder of the Organization and lead by him and
him alone. They have a mandate of two years renewable only by decision of the founder.
Section 2 (a): Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO)’s shall be the Executive Director of the Organization and shall be a
member of the board.
The CEO shall make a strategic direction and to create alliances in order to uplift the Organization. In
his/her capacity, he/she shall ensure the safety and security of all the members of the Organization,
protecting and ensuring a fair judgment in all activities. He/she manages, coordinates and controls all the
activities of the association for better realization of the objectives of the Organization in all domains and
at all times.
As the general overseer, he/she shall ratify and negotiate internal and external (national and international)
affairs on behalf of the Organization. Ensure compliance with the Constitution, rules and regulations of
the Organization, defend and protect members’ rights and ensure the smooth running of the Organization.

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He/she shall have ongoing communication with the Board and the Administrative Board. The CEO shall
Chair monthly Administrative meetings and be in charge of Project Proposals and Management.
He/she shall be the overseer of all Sponsorships and Funding. The CEO shall be the spokesperson of the
Organization and it’s profiling.
In case the CEO decides to step down from his position, he shall appoint a new CEO with the approval of
the Executive board. He then becomes the president of the Organization and remains a member of the
BOD and decision maker.

Section 2 (b): Patron

The Patron of the Organization is a Non- Executive Director who shall provide creative, independent,
impartial view to the board. He/she shall give strategic advice and guidance which will constructively
challenge and contribute to the development strategy of the Organization. The Patron shall chair quarterly
board meetings.
He/she shall provide governance and ethic oversight which will contribute in efficiently solving problems
that arise in the Organization and also ensuring all the audit requirements are satisfied. The Patron shall
be responsible in leveraging the company, binging in investors, donators in the Organization.

Section 2 (c): Attorney General

The attorney shall be appointed by the Chief Executive officer and shall be a member of The Board of
Directors. He/she shall be responsible for advising the association on all legal matters including all
matters relating to the Constitution interpretation and other laws and agreements which the Organization
is subject.
The attorney general shall be responsible for negotiating, drafting, vetting and interpreting local and
international documents, agreements and treaties for and on behalf of the Organization. He/she shall
perform any functions as may be necessary for the effective discharge of the duties and the exercise of the
powers of the Attorney-General in the origination.
The Attorney general shall be independent and shall not be influenced during the course of his or her
work. Shall provide all technical support and advice needed for smooth functioning of the programs and
projects of the Organization and shall provide technical input to all programs from identification, design
to implementation so as to ensure better results.

Section 3: The Administrative Board shall serve the Organization by organizing and leading teams in
various functions such as planning, fundraising, and completing missions and various other functions and
agendas of the Organization.

Section 3 (a): Deputy Chief Executive Officer

The Deputy Chief Executive Officer shall be appointed by the Chief Executive Officer and shall be the
Executive Director and a Board member. The Deputy CEO shall have the authority to negotiate on behalf
of the Organization and can take decisions only in absence of the CEO. In his/her capacity, he/she shall
assist the CEO to ensure the safety and security of all the members of the Organization, protecting and
ensuring a fair judgment in all activities.

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He/ she shall assist in the management, coordination and control of all the activities of the association for
better realization of the objectives of the Organization in all domains and at all times. As one of the
general overseers, he/she shall ratify and negotiate internal and external (national and international)
affairs on behalf of the Organization were delegated to by the CEO. He/she shall assist to ensure
compliance with the Constitution, rules and regulations of the Organization, defend and protect members’
rights and ensure the smooth running of the Organization. The Deputy CEO shall report directly to the
CEO and give monthly reports.

Section 3 (b): Finance Director

The Finance Director shall be appointed by the CEO of the Organization. He/she shall be part of the
Administrative Board. He/she shall be responsible for the Organizations financial health. He/she shall
report directly to the CEO.
The Finance Director shall combine operational and strategic roles, manage accounts and bookkeeping.
Create budgets, make payments and collections for and behalf of the Organization. Shall be in charge of
auditing and financial reporting of the Organizations finances. They shall establish a financial strategy
and financial statements for the profitable long-term growth of the Organization.

Section 3 (c): Director of Marketing and Communication

The Director of Marketing and Communication shall be appointed by the CEO and Deputy CEO. He/she
shall be part of the Administrative Board.
The Director of Marketing and Communication shall be responsible for facilitating and improving the
Organizations marketing and communication strategies. He/she shall oversee the marketing department.
Planning, directing, and coordinating marketing efforts. Building Brand awareness and positioning.
He/she shall be in charge of branding and promotional materials for the Organization. Shall drive E-social
platforms and innovations. The Director of Marketing and Communication shall work with the Deputy
CEO in creating sponsorship documents and publications. They shall be in charge of Reputation
Management of the Organization and production of content and messaging.

Section 3 (d): Director of Partnership and International Relations

The Director of Partnership and International Relations shall be appointed by the CEO and Deputy CEO.
He/she shall be part of the Administrative Board. He/she shall report Directly to the Attorney General.
The Director of Partnership and International Relations shall be in charge of engaging partners,
cultivating and maintain relationships for and on behalf of the Organization. He/she shall create a shared
partnership vision and roadmap. Be transparent, know the partners strengths and weaknesses. They shall
communicate effectively and represent the Organization with their partners. He/she shall be in charge of
drafting contracts and documents such as but not limited to Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) and
Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs).

Section 3 (e): Secretary General

The Secretary General shall be appointed by the Chief executive Officer and Deputy Chief Executive
Officer. He/she shall be part of the Administrative Board. He/she shall report Directly to the Board

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Under the authority of the office of the Secretary General shall be responsible for the smooth running of
the secretariat working in close collaboration with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Deputy Chief
Executive Officer to meet the association’s objectives.
Shall work closely with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to take care of matters that cut across all the
internal and external services and the liaison offices. Under the authority of the Secretary General, shall
be in charge of recording, processing, distribution, classification and monitoring of confidential mails or
documents. Shall organize tasks and movement of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and deputy CEO
and represent the association in all domains and at all levels as deemed appropriate by the Board
Members. Shall also be responsible for the functioning, management and evaluation of all representations
and shall define and codify the internal procedure under his control. He/she shall be Responsible for
ensuring that accurate minutes of meetings are taken and approved. Requirements of minutes may vary
with the jurisdiction.

Section 3 (f): Director General

The Director General shall be appointed by the Board Members. He/she shall be part of the
Administrative Board. He/she shall report directly to the Deputy CEO.
The Director General shall implement the policies established by the Organization. He/she shall be
responsible for pursuing the goals of the Organizations energetically, with creativity and a broad vision.
He/she shall be responsible for managing the Regional Directors and Country Directors. He/she shall
ensure that the resources provided by the Organization are effectively used to carry out their functions.
The Director General shall have reasonable managerial freedom and shall be allowed to make needed
operational decisions.

Section 3 (g): Information Technology (IT) Manager

The Information Technology (IT) Manager shall be appointed by the Board Members. He/she shall be
part of the Administrative Board. He/she shall report directly to the Chief Executive Officer.
IT manager shall be responsible for coordinating, planning and leading computer-related activities of the
Organization. They shall develop IT policies and best practice guides for the Organization. They shall
provide direction for IT members. Manage ad reporting allocation of IT budgets.
He/she shall help in implementing computer systems to fulfil the Organizations information systems
requirements. They shall focus on managing telecommunications systems and other electronic support
systems related to the Organizations operations.

Section 3 (h): Information Technology (IT) Support (Graphic Designer)

The Information Technology (IT) Support (Graphic Designer) shall be appointed by the Board Members.
He/she shall be part of the Administrative Board. He/she shall report directly to the Chief Executive
Officer and Deputy Chief Executive Officer and work directly with the IT Manager and Director of
Marketing and Communications.
He/she shall be responsible for conceptualizing visuals based on requirements of the Organization. He/she
shall design web pages, brochures, logos, signs, books, magazine covers, annual reports, advertisements
and other communication materials for the organization.

Section 4: The Operations team shall serve the Organization by managing activities and improving the
operations strategy of the Organization.

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Section 4 (a): Regional Directors
The Regional Directors shall be appointed by the Board Members. He/she shall be part of the Operations
team. He/she shall report directly to the Director General and Deputy Chief Executive Officer. They shall
also work Directly with the Country Directors.
The Regional Directors shall be responsible for building strong relations with government and other
policy stakeholders- i.e., the private sector, civil society, research institutions and locally-based
academics- to identify the priority policy issues thus allowing World Youth Summit NPC to develop and
engage in strategy to help within that Region.
He/she shall represent the Organization in all areas pertaining to: Engagement with Youths, Woman and
all persons in that Region for the sake of marketing World Youth Summit NPC and allowing for a
dialogue with the citizens in order to grow the Organization as they will be the first contact between
World Youth Summit and their Country. They shall also engage with the governments for access
especially during and after a World Youth Summit NPC event.

Section 4 (b): Country Directors

The Country Directors (volunteers) shall be appointed by the Board Members. He/she shall be part of the
Operations team. He/she shall report directly to the Director General and Regional Directors.
The Country Directors shall be responsible for the establishment of the Organizations offices in the
country, including but not limited to; Establishing options for accommodation for the office, contributing
to due diligence enquiries with respect to the legal and other status of the Organizations Office in the
country. They shall contribute to due diligence enquiries with respect to contracting with third parties in
the given country for the provision of service to the Organization.
Country Directors shall be responsible for recruiting members for the Organization.

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Section 1: The financial strength of the organization shall be backed by: Grants and donations from
stakeholders and supporters. These funds shall support the Organizations long-term projects that will
support the Organizations philanthropic missions such as expansion of the Organization.
Section 2: It shall however remain that all the financial transactions of the association shall be for the
interest of the vision per the objectives set forth in this document.
Section 3: The Organization shall open a bank account in any bank of its choice and signatories to this
account shall be: The board of directors.

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Section 1: World Youth Summit NPC shall host an Annual General Meeting (AGM) at no more than 15-
month intervals. Where possible members shall be notified personally through there registered contacts
and addresses, otherwise notice will be deemed served by advertising the meetings in at least five public
places giving at least 14 days’ notice of the AGM. Meetings shall be chaired by the Chief Executive
Officer (CEO). The CEO shall accept proposals for way-forward from members. The purpose of an
annual general meeting is to evaluate and deliberate and plan for the smooth and successful running of the
Organization between the highest board body and the representative of the Executive Committee.
Section 2: The Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) shall be held at least four times a year and member
associations shall be informed at least fourteen (14) days before the meeting.
Section 3: The Advisory Councils Meeting shall be held on a quarterly basis and the member associations
shall be informed at least twenty-one (21) days before the meeting.
Section 4: The Administrative Board meetings; physical or online shall be held at least six (6) times a
year. (once in two months)


Section 1: The Executive shall appoint a qualified person or organization to be the auditor of the
Section 2: The report of the audited account of the Organization shall be submitted to the board’s general
meetings at its bi-annual assembly, and shall require the two-thirds approval of all the board members
present, before the report shall be accepted.


Section 1: Members shall ensure that transactions with third parties are carried out in accordance with all
relevant policies and legislation. Engaging in corrupt practices is a fundamental breach of this
Constitution and the core values of the Organization.
Section 2: No payment, in cash or otherwise, which could be interpreted as a bribe shall be paid to, or
accepted from, an individual or organization with the express or perceived intention of gaining a
commercial or political advantage or favour accruing to the Organization.
Section 3: Members shall ensure that dealings, engagements and partnerships with member governments
are carried out in a non-partisan, objective and constructive manner. Nothing in this section shall restrict
the individual rights of members from exercising their human rights and fundamental freedoms.

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Section 1: All provisions to amend certain parts or the entirety of this Constitution are hereby repealed
and this law shall remain the legislative and judicial arm of the association and thus the people of World
Youth Summit NPC shall be liable to respect its norms with the approval of the Chief Executive Officer
Section 2: This Constitution shall be registered and published according to the procedure of urgency and
shared to all Executive members of the association.


Section 1: This Constitution shall be subject to adoption.

Section 2: The language to be used during meetings shall be English, Kiswahili and French.
Section 3: The Chief Executive Officer shall send certified copies of the texts to each of highest body
members, and affiliated observers of the Organization and, upon the coming into force of the Constitution.
Section 4: This Constitution shall come into force when it has been certified by the Attorney General
who shall be a lawyer by profession and accepted by the highest body.

We, the undersigned, duly authorized to that effect, have accepted this Constitution, on behalf of
our national, regional and international delegations and young people of the World Youth Summit
NPC Organization.

Done on 21 February 2021

Edited and Reviewed by the Legal Team of World Youth Summit NPC

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