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Asset Management
Version 01.03

Inflexion Tech FZC, PO BOX 130756, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Purpose ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Project Details ............................................................................................................................................... 5
SAP Business FIT GAP | Solution Scope ........................................................................................................ 6
Purpose & Key Assumptions ..................................................................................................................... 6
Functional Scope Supported Business Processes or Scope items ............................................................ 6
1. Organization Structure .......................................................................................................................... 7
1.1. ALFATTAN Organizational Structure ............................................................................................. 7
1.2. Asset management Overview Diagram......................................................................................... 8
1.3. Key Elements ............................................................................................................................... 10
1.4. Key Data Structure (KDS) ............................................................................................................ 11
Technical Object type.......................................................................................................... 11
Functional Location Structure ............................................................................................. 12
Define ABC Indicators ......................................................................................................... 13
Equipment Categories ......................................................................................................... 13
Equipment Number ranges ................................................................................................. 13
Set View Profiles ................................................................................................................. 14
Assign view profile to Equipment category ........................................................................ 14
Define Notification Types.................................................................................................... 15
Define Number Ranges for Notification.............................................................................. 16
Define Order Types ............................................................................................................. 17
2. Master Data ........................................................................................................................................ 19
2.1. Purpose ....................................................................................................................................... 19
2.2. Master data elements ................................................................................................................. 19
Work center ........................................................................................................................ 19
Functional Location ............................................................................................................. 19
Equipment / Fleet ............................................................................................................... 20
Equipment Bill of Materials................................................................................................. 20
Measuring Points and counter ............................................................................................ 21
Maintenance Strategies ...................................................................................................... 21
Maintenance Task list ......................................................................................................... 21
Maintenance Plan ............................................................................................................... 21

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Material Master .................................................................................................................. 21
Cost center .......................................................................................................................... 22
3. Asset Management Business Processes ............................................................................................. 22
3.1. Corrective maintenance (BH1) .................................................................................................... 22
Purpose ............................................................................................................................... 22
Key process steps ................................................................................................................ 23
Business process Diagram ................................................................................................... 25
Reports ................................................................................................................................ 26
Roles .................................................................................................................................... 26
Integration .......................................................................................................................... 26
Gap ...................................................................................................................................... 27
Others/Out-Of-Scope .......................................................................................................... 27
3.2. Preventive Maintenance (BJ2) .................................................................................................... 27
Purpose ............................................................................................................................... 27
Key Process Steps ................................................................................................................ 28
Business Process Diagram ................................................................................................... 29
Reports ................................................................................................................................ 31
Roles .................................................................................................................................... 31
Integration .......................................................................................................................... 31
Gap ...................................................................................................................................... 32
Others/Out-Of-Scope .......................................................................................................... 32
3.3. Emergency Maintenance (BH2) .................................................................................................. 32
Purpose ............................................................................................................................... 32
Key Process Steps ................................................................................................................ 32
Business Process Diagram ................................................................................................... 34
Reports ................................................................................................................................ 35
Roles .................................................................................................................................... 36
Integration .......................................................................................................................... 36
Gap ...................................................................................................................................... 36
Others/Out-Of-Scope .......................................................................................................... 36
3.4. Calibration Processing (32L)........................................................................................................ 37
Purpose ............................................................................................................................... 37
Key Process Steps ................................................................................................................ 37

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Business Process Diagram ................................................................................................... 38
Reports ................................................................................................................................ 38
Roles .................................................................................................................................... 39
Integration .......................................................................................................................... 39
Gap ...................................................................................................................................... 40
Others/Out-Of-Scope .......................................................................................................... 40
3.5. Refurbishment Management ...................................................................................................... 40
Purpose ............................................................................................................................... 40
Key Process Steps ................................................................................................................ 41
Business Process Diagram ................................................................................................... 42
Reports ................................................................................................................................ 42
Roles .................................................................................................................................... 43
Integration .......................................................................................................................... 43
Gap ...................................................................................................................................... 43
Others/Out-Of-Scope .......................................................................................................... 44
4. Document Sign-off .............................................................................................................................. 44

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This document is to capture CUSTOMER (Al Fattan Investment Holding LLC) requirements and the gap’s
discussed during Fit to Gap Sessions and for CUSTOMER Approval of Business users by a sign-off to go on
to the next Activity/phase of the SAP S/4HANA Implementation Project.

Project Details


Project Type
Project Name and Phase Project Number
(Implementation, Upgrade, other)
AlFattan & Explore Phase INFAE0056 IMPLEMENTATION

Customer Name Customer Number Date

AlFattan Investment Holding LLC 2699474 25-Nov-2022

Project Manager (Inflexion) Consultant Name (Inflexion)

Mr. Bhupesh Akkineni Mr. Dnyanesh Bhabal & Mr. Benitto A.

Project Sponsor (AlFattan) Project Manager (AlFattan)

Mr. Khaled Mohamed Rashed Al Rumaithi Mr. Firas Akram Al-Zubaidi

SAP Solution Country

SAP S/4HANA ( RISE PE) United Arab Emirates
Instance Database / Client
ASD 050

Disclaimer: All custom development and enhancement solutions mentioned in the document are subject
to technical object extensibility permitted by SAP Solution. We do not take the responsibility if this
technical feasibility is not available at the time of solution development and implementation. Suggested
Functional Solutions could have an impact based on the Future release from SAP which would then not
be our responsibility.

Name Title Date Version

Mr. Dnyanesh Initial Draft version of SAP Asset Management Fit- 25.Nov.2022 v01.00
Bhabal Gap prepared by
Mr. Benitto A.

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Mr. Benitto A Final Version of SAP Asset Management Fit-gap 10 Mar 2023 v01.01

Mr. Benitto A SAP Asset Management Fit-gap document 23 Mar 2023 v01.02

Mr. Bhupesh A Updated Fit-Gap 11Apr 2023 v01.03

SAP Business FIT GAP | Solution Scope

Purpose & Key Assumptions

This business FIT GAP document provides an overview of the processes and functions covered by the SAP
S4HANA Baseline Package, S4HANA solution and Best Practices.

It describes the functions and explains their business purposes. The solution design proposed in the
business FIT GAP document based on the assumption of the mutual agreement between Client and that
the SAP S4HANA, the SAP Best Practices will be positioned for this project to speed the implementation

Any variations or requirements that do not match the business scenarios in reference to Client Business
Processes are recorded in gap section.

Functional Scope Supported Business Processes or Scope items

SAP Best Practices are the easiest way to set up a business solution that provides unlimited scalability,
best-of-breed functionality, complete integration, and easy collaboration for every business. With SAP
Best Practices we can reap business benefits quickly and eliminate as much risk as possible.

SAP Best Practices Baseline Package quickly turns the respective SAP software into a live system that
handles all the specific business requirements. Preconfigured business scope items help to rapidly realize
business benefits. Use it to evaluate the specific business solution. And use it to implement this solution
so that we can realize all its benefits faster, with less effort, and less expensively than ever before.

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1. Organization Structure

1.1. ALFATTAN Organizational Structure

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1.2. Asset management Overview Diagram

Asset management follows the Organization structure defined by other Business functions. The
following Organization units are followed in Asset management.

Maintenance Plants:

Company Plant Planning Maintenance Description

Code Plant Plant
1100 1100 1100 1100 Al Fattan Holding Investment LLC
1200 1200 1200 1200 Al Fattan Ship Industry
1300 1300 1300 1300 Al Fattan Marine Services
1400 1400 1400 1400 Al Fattan Contracting & Properties
1500 1500 1500 1500 Al Fattan Defense System LLC

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Plant Sections:

Maintenance Plant Plant Section Description

1100 01 Section 1
02 Section 2
03 Section 3
1200 01 Aluminium Workshop
02 Fabrication Section
04 Carpentry
05 70M Workshop
06 Piping Workshop
07 Lamination Workshop
08 Marine Fiber Workshop
09 Fiber Workshop
10 New Electrical Workshop
11 Machine Workshop
1300 01 Sites
02 Fabrication (Al Fattan Yard)
03 Dock Area
04 Shipyard
1400 01 Sites
02 Fabrication (Al Fattan Yard)
03 Dock Area
1500 01 Section 1
02 Section 2
03 Section 3

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Planner Group:

Maintenance Planning Plant Planner Group Description

1100 110 Maintenance
170 IT
1200 210 Utilities
220 Manufacturing
230 Instrumentation
240 Civil
250 Project
260 Quality
271 IT1
272 IT2
273 IT3
1300 310 Maintenance
320 IT
1400 410 Maintenance
420 IT
1500 510 Maintenance
520 IT

1.3. Key Elements

Maintenance Planning Plant - The Maintenance Planning Plant for technical objects is the plant in
which the maintenance tasks for the object are planned and prepared. ALFATTAN will have De-
centralized Planning, which means all maintenance plant will have their independent Planning plants.

Maintenance Plant - The maintenance plant of a technical object is the plant at which it is installed.

Work center - The main work center usually represents one person or a department, responsible for
ensuring that the maintenance work in an order is executed by the work centers performing the
individual operations.

Maintenance Planner group - Maintenance Planner group must be defined separately for each
Maintenance Planning Plant.

Plant Section - The plant section enables you to subdivide the maintenance plant from the point of
view of production responsibility. The person responsible for the plant section is the contact for

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coordination between production and plant maintenance. The plant section can be used for
evaluation purposes.

1.4. Key Data Structure (KDS)

Technical Object type

Define different types of technical objects to categorize the Assets. You can assign each piece of
equipment and each functional location to a technical object type. This allows pieces of equipment that
have the same use, for example, to be combined into groups. You can use this grouping for evaluating
your master data or maintenance data. Below is the finalized list agreed by ALFATTAN.

Object Description
1000 Chillers
1010 Boilers
1020 Pumps
1030 Test Equipment
1040 Weighing
1050 Compressors
1060 Motors
1070 Quality Control Equipment
1080 HVAC
1090 Exhaust Fans
1100 Sensor
1110 Miscellaneous
1120 R&D Equipment
1130 QA Equipment
4000 Car
4010 Pickup
4020 Van
4030 Bus
4040 Trucks
4050 Heavy Machinery
4060 Spare 1
4070 Spare 2

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6000 Server
6010 Computers
6020 Storage
6030 Accessories
6040 Media
6050 NVR
6060 Cameras
6070 Network Appliance
6080 Access Point
6090 Access Control
6100 Telephone
6110 IT 1
6120 IT 2
6130 IT 3

Note: Final confirmation is required from Al Fattan Business team on the preferred Object types

Functional Location Structure

It determines the generic structure of the functional location label. In this step, we can define the site
structure indicators for functional locations. The structure indicator determines the number of the
hierarchy levels when we create functional location structures.

Structure Indicator Structure

Engineering Mask ID: XX-NN-XXXXX-XXX-XXX

Hierarchy Level: 1 2 3 4 5

Example: “PR-01-HG001” will denote Production department’s 1st room in Hanger number 1 where
machine is located.

First 2 characters denote: Department Code (PR= Production, WH=Warehouse)

3rd & 4th Character denote: Section/Room number (00= Ground floor, 01= First floor or 01= Room
number 1 within Production)

5th to 9th Character denote: Sub Section (as per existing practice eg: Hanger location)

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Note: Final confirmation is required from Al Fattan Business team on the preferred Coding Mask

Define ABC Indicators

ABC indicators to describe criticality of the Asset. Example is shown in the below. These will be available
as an additional categorization criterion which can be used at a later instance by ALFATTAN if required.
We should not confuse the ABC indicators with ‘Priority’ function used in Maintenance Order.

ABC Ind. ABC Indicator text

A Critical
B Medium
C Low

Equipment Categories

We must allocate an equipment category to every equipment master record that we create. The Category
determine the features of an equipment master by its equipment category. Example is shown in the
below. The below Categories are recommended by Inflexion as there is no input from Al-Fattan Business

Categories Equipment Category Description

M Engineering Equipment
Q Test/ Measurement Equipment
V Vehicle
I IT Equipment

Equipment Number ranges

Number assignment is for each Equipment category. We must allocate a unique number for each
equipment master record. It will be an internal number range, meaning the System will generate the
sequential number for each equipment based on the category. The existing machine ID’s can be assigned
to the system generated SAP equipment ID for ease of reporting and analysis.

Categories From Number To Number External

M 10000000 19999999
I 20000000 29999999

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Q 30000000 39999999
V 40000000 49999999

Set View Profiles

This Customizing activity allows to create individual screens for technical objects. Each view profile
enables to assign pre-grouped and accompanying data fields to individual screen templates.

Profile Layout Description

EN000001 Engineering Machines

EN000002 Test Equipment View

IT000001 IT Equipment View

FLEET01 Vehicle View

Assign view profile to Equipment category

In this activity, we define applicable View Profile for each Equipment category. SAP gives flexibility to
assign different Fleet Object types to different Screen views if required. However, we will not have
different screen layouts for different Vehicle types in ALFATTAN as there is no such business requirement

Equipment cat. Profile

M EN000001

Q EN000002


I IT000001

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Define Notification Types

Each notification type references a notification category and an origin. The origin requires a suitable
screen control in the notification transactions.

Plant Notification Notification origin To be Used by

1100 1A Engg- General Maintenance Engineering Team
1B Engg- Breakdown Maintenance
1C Engg- Preventive Maintenance
1X IT- General Maintenance IT Team
1Y IT- Breakdown Maintenance
1Z IT- Preventive Maintenance
1V Veh- General Maintenance Vehicle maintenance team
1U Veh- Breakdown Maintenance
1T Veh- Preventive Maintenance
1200 2A Engg- General Maintenance Engineering Team
2B Engg- Breakdown Maintenance
2C Engg- Preventive Maintenance
2X IT- General Maintenance IT Team
2Y IT- Breakdown Maintenance
2Z IT- Preventive Maintenance
2V Veh- General Maintenance Vehicle maintenance team
2U Veh- Breakdown Maintenance
2T Veh- Preventive Maintenance
1300 3A Engg- General Maintenance Engineering Team
3B Engg- Breakdown Maintenance
3C Engg- Preventive Maintenance
3X IT- General Maintenance IT Team
3Y IT- Breakdown Maintenance
3Z IT- Preventive Maintenance
3V Veh- General Maintenance Vehicle maintenance team
3U Veh- Breakdown Maintenance
3T Veh- Preventive Maintenance
1400 4A Engg- General Maintenance Engineering Team
4B Engg- Breakdown Maintenance
4C Engg- Preventive Maintenance
4X IT- General Maintenance IT Team

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4Y IT- Breakdown Maintenance
4Z IT- Preventive Maintenance
4V Veh- General Maintenance Vehicle maintenance team
4U Veh- Breakdown Maintenance
4T Veh- Preventive Maintenance
Plant Notification Notification origin To be Used by
1500 DA Engg- General Maintenance Engineering Team
DB Engg- Breakdown Maintenance
DC Engg- Preventive Maintenance
DX IT- General Maintenance IT Team
DY IT- Breakdown Maintenance
DZ IT- Preventive Maintenance
DV Veh- General Maintenance Vehicle maintenance team
DU Veh- Breakdown Maintenance
DT Veh- Preventive Maintenance

Define Number Ranges for Notification

We define the accompanying number range interval for each notification type. We can define a number
range interval for each notification type, whereby we can choose between internal and external number
assignment. For ALFATTAN, we will have Internal number range for the notifications. Below is the agreed
number range for Engineering, IT and Vehicle related Notifications respectively.

Notification type From No To Number

1A, 1B & 1C 11000000 11999999

1X, 1Y & 1Z 12000000 12999999
1V, 1U & 1T 13000000 13999999
2A, 2B & 2C 21000000 21999999
2X, 2Y & 2Z 22000000 22999999
2V, 2U & 2T 23000000 23999999
3A, 3B & 3C 31000000 31999999
3X, 3Y & 3Z 32000000 32999999
3V, 3U & 3T 33000000 33999999
4A, 4B & 4C 41000000 41999999
4X, 4Y & 4Z 42000000 42999999
4V, 4U & 4T 43000000 43999999

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DA, DB & DC 51000000 51999999
DX, DY & DZ 52000000 52999999
DV, DU & DT 53000000 53999999

Define Order Types

In addition to the business reasons for configuring several order types, there are also technical controls
which depend on the order type. Depending on the order type Number ranges, Settlement proposal,
control key and maintenance activity, permitted type for each of the maintenance planning plant are
Main. Order Description Used By Team Number range
Plant type
1100 Z1A1 Corrective Maintenance Engineering 110000 - 119999
Z1B1 Breakdown Maintenance
Z1P1 Preventive Maintenance
Z1R1 Refurbishment Order
Z1C1 Calibration Order
Z1X1 Corrective Maintenance- IT IT 120000-129999
Z1Y1 Breakdown Maintenance- IT
Z1Z1 Preventive Maintenance- IT
Z1I1 Refurbishment Order-IT
Z1V1 Vehicle- Corrective Maintenance Vehicle 130000-139999
Z1U1 Vehicle- Breakdown Maintenance Maintenance
Z1T1 Vehicle- Preventive Maintenance
1200 Z2A1 Corrective Maintenance Engineering 210000 - 219999
Z2B1 Breakdown Maintenance
Z2P1 Preventive Maintenance
Z2R1 Refurbishment Order
Z2C1 Calibration Order
Z2X1 Corrective Maintenance- IT IT 220000-229999
Z2Y1 Breakdown Maintenance- IT
Z2Z1 Preventive Maintenance- IT
Z2I1 Refurbishment Order-IT
Z2V1 Vehicle- Corrective Maintenance Vehicle 230000-239999
Z2U1 Vehicle- Breakdown Maintenance Maintenance
Z2T1 Vehicle- Preventive Maintenance
1300 Z3A1 Corrective Maintenance Engineering 310000 - 319999
Z3B1 Breakdown Maintenance
Z3P1 Preventive Maintenance
Z3R1 Refurbishment Order
Z3C1 Calibration Order
Z3X1 Corrective Maintenance- IT IT 320000-329999
Z3Y1 Breakdown Maintenance- IT
Z3Z1 Preventive Maintenance- IT

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Z3I1 Refurbishment Order-IT
Z3V1 Vehicle- Corrective Maintenance Vehicle 330000-339999
Z3U1 Vehicle- Breakdown Maintenance Maintenance
Z3T1 Vehicle- Preventive Maintenance
Main. Order Description Used By Team Number range
Plant type
1400 Z4A1 Corrective Maintenance Engineering 410000 - 419999
Z4B1 Breakdown Maintenance
Z4P1 Preventive Maintenance
Z4R1 Refurbishment Order
Z4C1 Calibration Order
Z4X1 Corrective Maintenance- IT IT 420000-429999
Z4Y1 Breakdown Maintenance- IT
Z4Z1 Preventive Maintenance- IT
Z4I1 Refurbishment Order-IT
Z4V1 Vehicle- Corrective Maintenance Vehicle 430000-439999
Z4U1 Vehicle- Breakdown Maintenance Maintenance
Z4T1 Vehicle- Preventive Maintenance
1500 ZDA1 Corrective Maintenance Engineering 510000 - 519999
ZDB1 Breakdown Maintenance
ZDP1 Preventive Maintenance
ZDR1 Refurbishment Order
ZDC1 Calibration Order
ZDX1 Corrective Maintenance- IT IT 520000-529999
ZDY1 Breakdown Maintenance- IT
ZDZ1 Preventive Maintenance- IT
ZDI1 Refurbishment Order-IT
ZDV1 Vehicle- Corrective Maintenance Vehicle 530000-539999
ZDU1 Vehicle- Breakdown Maintenance Maintenance
ZDT1 Vehicle- Preventive Maintenance

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2. Master Data

2.1. Purpose

The following master data are required for ALFATTAN, which are the core data of an enterprise that exists
independently of specific business transactions and is referenced in business transactions. It builds the
foundation for the smooth execution of business processes and well-informed business decisions.

2.2. Master data elements

Work center

The main work center usually represents one person or a department, responsible for ensuring that the
maintenance work in an order is executed by the work centers performing the individual operations. The
work center Category is 0005 for Plant Maintenance.

Following Work Centers will be created based on the Fit-Gap session discussions.

Maintenance Work center Description Category Applicable to

Civil Technician Person Engineering

Electro-Mech Tech Person

Senior Engineer Person
1100 To 1500
Fleet Mechanics Person Vehicle/ Transport
IT1 Person IT
IT2 Person
Quality Maintenance Person Quality

Note: Work centers are part of Master data and therefore can be Created/ changed/ Modified at a later
stage by Business User with relevant authorization.

Functional Location

Functional locations are elements of a technical structure (for example, functional units within a system).
We create functional locations hierarchically, and can also structure them based on the following criteria:
• Functional
• Process-related
• Spatial

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Each functional location is managed independently in the system, so that we can:
• Manage individual data from a maintenance perspective for the object
• Perform individual maintenance tasks for the object
• Keep a record of the maintenance tasks performed for the object
• Collect and evaluate data over a long period of time for the object

Example: PR-01-HG001 will have individual Machines/Equipment installed to it and hence the
maintenance details can be aggregated to this Functional location. Moreover, reporting can also be
generated for Higher level objects i.e., at PR-01 or PR functional location respectively because of the
hierarchical structure creation.

Equipment / Fleet

The business object "Equipment/Fleet" is an individual, physical object that is to be maintained

independently. It can be installed in a technical system or part of a technical system.

We can manage all types of devices as pieces of equipment (for example, production utilities, Machines,
Fleet, test equipment, production resources/tools, spares, PCs, Laptops, projectors, etc.).

We define and manage each piece of equipment in the Plant Maintenance (PM) System in a separate
master record and can set up an individual maintenance history for each one.

Equipment Bill of Materials

A maintenance bill of material (BOM) is a complete, formally structured list of the components making up
a technical object or an assembly. The list contains the individual components together with their quantity
and unit of measure. The components can be stock (L) or non-stock spares (N), which in turn can be
described using maintenance BOMs.

Maintenance BOMs are primarily used for the following purposes:

• Structure description
• Assignment of spare parts

This is an optional master data that can be maintained by ALFATTAN Maintenance team to facilitate quick
retrieval of applicable part list for maintenance Processing.

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Measuring Points and counter

A system object representing a physical device that measures a parameter for an object, such as a machine
or a piece of equipment. Values measured by the measuring point can increase or decrease at any point
in time, whereas values shown on a counter run either forwards or backwards.

Measuring points are located on technical objects, in other words, on pieces of equipment or functional

Example: Odometer reading, Pressure Gauge, Temperature Gauge.

Maintenance Strategies

A maintenance strategy defines the rules for the sequence of planned maintenance work.

A maintenance strategy contains maintenance packages in which the following information is defined:

The cycle in which the individual work should be performed (for example, every two months, 6 Month).

Maintenance Task list

Maintenance task lists describe a sequence of individual maintenance activities which must be repeatedly
performed within a company.

There are three types of task lists that can be distinguished from one another using indicators:
• General Maintenance Task list
• Equipment Task list
• Functional Location Task list

Maintenance Plan

We create a strategy plan and assign a maintenance strategy in which we have defined the maintenance
cycles (in the strategy maintenance packages). A maintenance strategy contains general scheduling
information and can therefore be assigned to as many maintenance plans and maintenance task lists as

For example, it makes sense to use a strategy plan if different maintenance tasks for a car are due in
different cycles: oil check every 1,200 KM, oil change every 6,000 KM.

Material Master

The "Material Master", comprising all the individual material master records stored in the system contains
descriptions of all materials that an enterprise procures, produces, and keeps in stock. It is the central

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repository of information on materials. Asset Management module will use the Material and Service
master defined in the SAP system for its Order Processing.

Cost center

It is an organizational unit within a controlling area that represents a defined location of cost incurrence.

The definition can be based on:

• Functional requirements
• Allocation criteria
• Physical location
• Responsibility for costs

3. Asset Management Business Processes

This component contains the functions for Maintenance. Maintenance comprises the following activities:
• Inspection
All measures which establish the actual condition of a technical system

• Preventive maintenance
All measures which maintain the ideal condition of a technical system

• Repair
All measures which restore the ideal condition of a technical system

• Other measures taken using the maintenance organization

3.1. Corrective maintenance (BH1)


SAP System supports the entire maintenance department in planning, Processing, and settling
maintenance task. This scope item allows you to perform the corrective maintenance of technical objects
whenever a breakdown or failure occurs. The plant maintenance component provides a comprehensive
notification and order system to facilitate this process. You process a repair using several planning stages,
such as preliminary costing, work scheduling, material provision and resource planning. You also react
immediately to issues that may lead to the shutdown of production facilities. When this becomes
necessary, you create the required maintenance work orders and shop papers with a minimum of entries
in the shortest possible time.

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Key process steps
Process Step Business Role App Expected Result
Request Maintenance Employee Request Maintenance Maintenance Notification
gets created

Monitor Maintenance Employee Monitor Maintenance Notification List displays

Requests Requests

Optional - Create Maintenance Create Maintenance Maintenance Notification

Maintenance Technician Notification gets created

Create Maintenance Maintenance Manage Orders and Maintenance order gets

Order Planner Notifications in created
Information Center
Plan Spare parts Maintenance Manage Orders and Reservation gets created
required if any Planner Notifications in for Spare parts
Information Center
Release Maintenance Maintenance Manage Orders and Maintenance order status
Order Planner Notifications in changed to ‘REL’
Information Center
Goods Issue from the Inventory Clerk Post Goods Movement Spare part gets issued to
Store Order
Create Purchase Maintenance Manage Orders and Purchase requisition gets
requisition or Service Planner Notifications in created for Service or
request as required Information Center Spare part

Convert Purchase Purchaser Purchase Requisition Purchase order gets

Requisitions if any to Processing created
Purchase Orders
Post Goods Receipt for Warehouse Clerk Post Goods Movement Material receipt & stock
Purchase Order for gets updated in the
Spare parts warehouse
Maintain Service Entry Purchaser Maintain Service Entry Service Entry sheet gets
Sheet for External Sheet created for external
Services service
Approve Service Entry Maintenance Approve Service Entry Confirmation for the
Sheet Manager Sheet completion of external
Create Supplier Invoice Accounts Payable Create Supplier Invoice Supplier Invoice gets
with PO/GR relation Accountant created

Show Costs on Maintenance Manage Orders and Costs get updated in the
Maintenance Order Planner Notifications in maintenance order
Information Center

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Technically Complete Maintenance Manage Orders and Maintenance order status
Maintenance Order Planner Notifications in changed to ‘TECO’
Information Center
Cost Settlement of Finance Create Settlement All the Cost gets settled
Maintenance order
Business closure of Finance Change Service order Maintenance order gets
Maintenance order closed completely

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Business process Diagram

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These are some of the important SAP Reports which can be used in the daily business operations.

S.No Report Name Fiori/Transaction App

1 Notification List - Change Transaction App – IW28
2 Notification List - Display Transaction App – IW29
3 Monitor Maintenance Requests Fiori App
4 Order List - Change Transaction App – IW38
5 Order List - Display Transaction App – IW39
6 Order list with Operation Transaction App – IW37N
7 Order list with Operation Transaction App – IW40N
8 Manage orders and Notifications Fiori App
9 Find Maintenance Orders and Fiori App
10 Technical Object Breakdowns Fiori App
11 Display Master data Information center Fiori App
12 Manage Orders and Notifications in Fiori App
Information Center
13 Find Maintenance Order Confirmation Fiori App
14 Display Job list Fiori App

Role Description App Role
Employee – Maintenance Info SAP_BR_EMPLOYEE_MAINTENANCE


The below mentioned matrix and points refers to the integration between Asset Management and all
other modules which will be applicable for this specific process.

Module Description
Asset Integration –
Finance Asset no. is to be given by Finance dept. The equipment is linked
with the Asset Master.
Inventory & Procurement Spares planning:
Master data for spares is maintained, Purchase requisition,
Purchase order
Inventory & Warehouse Material Receipt & Issue:
Receipt of Spares, Refurbished items from Vendors and damaged
parts from Maintenance department.

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Issue of material against maintenance order
Procurement External services:
Maintenance of service master data
Service Entry Sheet
HR Assignment of personnel to Work centers for activity allocation.
Settlement of maintenance expenses

User Story ID User Story Title User Story Short Description Product Status
(PO) (PO) Owner (PO)

• Business Solutions other than mentioned in the scope
• Data Sources for Conversion from legacy to sap

3.2. Preventive Maintenance (BJ2)


This scope item covers the processes you perform to prevent system breakdowns or breakdowns of other
objects that have high repair costs. Such breakdowns result in greater costs due to production downtime.
Preventive maintenance support processes to plan the scope and time of maintenance work for
inspections, maintenance, and repairs, in advance. The quality of products manufactured is substantially
affected by the operational condition of the production plant. There is a requirement for quality assurance
to be more cost effective to maintain objects regularly, and in return avoid a more expensive breakdown.
You determine the data required for preventive maintenance by using previous data supplied by the

SAP System supports the entire maintenance department in planning, processing, and settling
maintenance task.
Business Benefits:

• Plan better by changing from reactive to proactive maintenance

• Ensure high availability of equipment and therefore better performance and utilization of assets
• Reduce total maintenance costs by reducing breakdowns
• Support external requirements, such as manufacturer recommendations, and legal and
environmental requirements

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Key Process Steps

The scope item Preventive Maintenance consists of several process steps provided in the table below.
Process Step SAP/Manual Business Transaction/App Expected
Role Result
Maintain Maintenance SAP Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance
Strategies Planner Strategies. Strategy got
Create General Task List SAP Maintenance Create Task List. General Task
Planner list got
Create Maintenance Plan SAP Maintenance Create Maintenance
Planner Maintenance Plan got
Plan. created
Enter the Counter reading for SAP Maintenance Transaction App Counter
Activity based Preventive Planner (IK11) reading gets
Maintenance updated
Schedule Maintenance Plan SAP Maintenance Schedule Maintenance
Planner Maintenance order gets
Plan. created
Release Preventive Maintenance SAP Maintenance Manage Orders Maintenance
Order Planner and Notifications order gets
in Information updated
Center. with status
Show Costs on Preventive SAP Maintenance Manage Orders Costs
Maintenance Order Planner and Notifications displayed in
in Information the order
Technically Complete Preventive SAP Maintenance Manage Orders Order status
Maintenance Order Planner and Notifications changes to
in Information ‘TECO’
Cost Settlement of Preventive SAP Finance Order Settle Cost settled
Business closure of Preventive SAP Finance Order Closure Maintenance
order order closed

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Business Process Diagram
Time Based Maintenance Plan:

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Performance Based Maintenance Plan:

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Sr.No Report Name Fiori/Transaction App
1 Find Maintenance Task List Fiori App
2 Find Maintenance Task List and Fiori App
3 Order List - Change Transaction App – IW38
4 Order List - Display Transaction App – IW39
5 Order list with Operation Transaction App – IW37N
6 Manage orders and Notifications Fiori App
7 Find Maintenance Orders and Fiori App
8 Scheduling Overview Fiori App
9 Display Master data Information center Fiori App
10 Manage Orders and Notifications in Fiori App
Information Center
11 Find Maintenance Order Confirmation Fiori App
12 Display Job list Fiori App
13 Manage Maintenance Plan and Item list Fiori App
14 Measuring Document list - Change Transaction App – IK18
15 Measuring Document list - Display Transaction App – IK17
16 Measuring Point list – Change Transaction App – IK08
17 Measuring Point list – Display Transaction App – IK09

Role Description App Role


Employee – Maintenance Info SAP_BR_EMPLOYEE_MAINTENANCE


The below mentioned matrix and points refers to the integration between PM and all other modules
which will be applicable for this specific process.

Module Description
Material Spares planning:
Management Master data for spares is maintained, Purchase requisition, Purchase

Material Receipt & Issue:

Receipt of Spares, Refurbished items from Vendors and damaged parts
from Maintenance department.

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Issue of material against maintenance order

External services:
Maintenance of service master data
Service Entry Sheet
Activity types would be created to calculate cost of maintenance order
Controlling Settlement of maintenance expenses

User Story ID User Story Title User Story Short Product Owner Status
(PO) Description (PO)

• Business Solutions other than mentioned in the scope
• Data Sources for Conversion from legacy to sap

3.3. Emergency Maintenance (BH2)


This scope item uses order recording after an event to log unforeseen and urgent maintenance work by
creating and confirming an order in the same operation. The technician can identify an issue affecting a
piece of equipment, immediately fix the issue, and later report the time spent and the material consumed.
The technician can enter required data quickly. It can then be used for planning objects (such as
maintenance orders) and for actual recording (order confirmation, notification data, and goods
movements). Planned data does not differ from the actual data, which is the work recorded on an
operation corresponding to the confirmed actual work. The order is created, released, and if required,
technically completed. In addition, you can install, dismantle, or replace pieces of equipment.

SAP System supports the entire maintenance department in planning, processing, and settling
maintenance task.

Key Process Steps Asset Emergency Maintenance

The scope item Emergency Maintenance consists of several process steps provided in the table below.

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Process Step Business Role Transaction/App Expected Result
Report Malfunction Maintenance Report Malfunction Maintenance
Planner/Employee (F2023) Notification gets
Repair Malfunction Maintenance Repair Malfunction Unplanned Job is
Technician completed
Post Goods Issue Warehouse Clerk Post Goods Movement Spare parts if any are
(MIGO) issued
Complete Malfunction Maintenance Manage Malfunction Malfunction
Report Technician Reports (F2023) notification list got
Review Asset Maintenance Display Equipment – Equipment master
Maintenance Object Planner Transaction App record is displayed Fleet (Vehicle) Emergency Maintenance

The scope item Fleet Emergency Maintenance consists of several process steps provided in the table
Process Step Business Role Transaction/App Expected Result
Report Vehicle Maintenance Report Malfunction Maintenance
Malfunction technician/Driver (F2023) Notification gets
Inform Vendor to Pick Manual
the Vehicle
Vehicle repair Post Goods Movement Spare parts if any are
completion by Vendor (MIGO) issued
Maintain Service entry Purchaser Maintain Service Entry Service Entry sheet gets
sheet sheet created
Approve Service entry Maintenance Approve service entry Work completion by
sheet Planner sheet Vendor is approved
Complete Maintenance
Order & Notification

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Business Process Diagram Asset Emergency Maintenance

Page 34 of 44 Asset Management - Fit-Gap Document - Confidential Version 01.03 Fleet Emergency Maintenance

S.No Report Name Fiori/Transaction App
1 Notification List - Change Transaction App – IW28
2 Notification List - Display Transaction App – IW29
3 Manage Malfunction Reports Fiori App
4 Repair Malfunctions – My Job list Fiori App

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Role Description App Role


Employee – Maintenance Info SAP_BR_EMPLOYEE_MAINTENANCE


The below mentioned matrix and points refers to the integration between PM and all other
modules which will be applicable for this specific process

Module Description
Material Spares planning:
Management Master data for spares is maintained, Purchase requisition, Purchase order

Material Receipt & Issue:

Receipt of Spares, Refurbished items from Vendors and damaged parts from
Maintenance department.
Issue of material against maintenance order

External services:
Maintenance of service master data
Service Entry Sheet
Activity types would be created to calculate cost of maintenance order
Controlling Settlement of maintenance expenses

User Story ID User Story Title User Story Short Product Owner (PO) Status
(PO) Description

• Business Solutions other than mentioned in the scope
• Data Sources for Conversion from legacy to sap

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3.4. Calibration Processing (32L)


Calibration defines the accuracy and quality of measurements recorded using a piece of equipment. Over
the period, accuracy of measuring equipment drifts and measured value may not be correct. To get the
accurate and reliable measurements, service and calibration need to be carried out after a certain interval.
The goal of calibration is to minimize any measurement uncertainty by ensuring the accuracy of test
equipment. A calibration inspection provides you with an enhanced measured value function for
inspection results, with which you can monitor test equipment defined as pieces of equipment. This is
advisable if you:
• Maintain equipment for which entries for measured values are important
• Want to monitor the accuracy calibration devices (for example, if you want to check the
accuracy of measurements by a measuring device)

Key Process Steps

The scope item Calibration Processing consists of several process steps provided in the table below.
Process Step Business Role Transaction/App Expected Result
Create Master Maintenance planner Create Master Master Inspection
Inspection Inspection Characteristic is
Characteristic Characteristic created successfully.
Create Inspection Task Maintenance planner Create General Task Inspection Task List
List List created successfully

Create Calibration Plan Maintenance planner Create Maintenance Calibration Plan has
Plan been Created
Scheduling Calibration Maintenance planner Schedule Calibration Plan has
Plan Maintenance Plan been scheduled
Check Calibration Maintenance planner Schedule Check Order with
Order Created with maintenance Plan Inspection Lot is
Inspection Lot created
Result Recording Maintenance Record Inspection Result is recorded
against Inspection Lot Technician Results against the values
defined in MIC
Usage Decision for Maintenance planner Record Usage Usage Decision of the
Inspection Lot Decision Inspection Lot is taken
as per the Result

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Business Process Diagram

S.No Report Name Fiori/Transaction App
1 Find Maintenance Task List Fiori App
2 Find Maintenance Task List and Fiori App
3 Order List - Change Transaction App – IW38
4 Order List - Display Transaction App – IW39

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5 Order list with Operation Transaction App – IW37N
6 Manage orders and Notifications Fiori App
7 Find Maintenance Orders and Fiori App
8 Scheduling Overview Fiori App
9 Display Master data Information center Fiori App
10 Manage Orders and Notifications in Fiori App
Information Center
11 Find Maintenance Order Confirmation Fiori App
12 Display Job list Fiori App
13 Manage Maintenance Plan and Item list Fiori App
14 Measuring Document list - Change Transaction App – IK18
15 Measuring Document list - Display Transaction App – IK17
16 Measuring Point list – Change Transaction App – IK08
17 Measuring Point list – Display Transaction App – IK09

Role Description App Role




The below mentioned matrix and points refers to the integration between PM and all other
modules which will be applicable for this specific process

Module Description
Material Spares planning:
Management Master data for spares is maintained, Purchase requisition, Purchase order

Material Receipt & Issue:

Receipt of Spares, Refurbished items from Vendors and damaged parts from
Maintenance department.
Issue of material against maintenance order

External services:
Maintenance of service master data
Service Entry Sheet
Quality Creation of Inspection Lot & Quality Notification (Optional)

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Activity types would be created to calculate cost of maintenance order Settlement
Controlling of maintenance expenses

User Story ID User Story Title User Story Short Product Owner (PO) Status
(PO) Description

• Business Solutions other than mentioned in the scope

• Data Sources for Conversion from legacy to sap

3.5. Refurbishment Management


The refurbishment of high value faulty repairable spares is of considerable economic importance for
companies and is a core process in Maintenance Processing. Refurbishment is much more cost-effective
than a new purchase. In this scope item, the spare part has different valuation types to represent different
values. Because it is also a high value spare part or critical part, this spare part is serial-number managed.
In this scope item, a spare part is procured and installed in the functional location as equipment. Serial
numbers can be assigned to the procured material. These repairable spare parts can be identified with
different valuation types with corresponding cost assignments, such as:
• New (C1)
• Refurbished (C2)
• Damaged (C3)

If the installed equipment malfunctions, it is dismantled from the functional location and a spare part /
equipment is withdrawn and installed at the functional location. The defective equipment is returned as
damaged item to the warehouse (Valuation type C3). The stock in the warehouse is automatically updated
(Valuation types) with the corresponding cost.

The maintenance planner creates a refurbishment order. These defective repairable spares (Valuation
class C3) are withdrawn from the warehouse and repaired. When the refurbishment is finished, the
equipment is returned to warehouse as repaired material (Valuation type C2) and the cost is updated
accordingly in the material master.

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After the settlement of the refurbishment order, the maintenance expense is settled to the specific
material, and then the moving average price of this spare is updated in the material master. The moving
average price of this spare varies during the different phases of refurbishment.

Key Process Steps

The scope item Calibration Processing consists of several process steps provided in the table below.
Process Step Business Role Transaction/App Expected Result
Create Standard Maintenance Planner Create maintenance Standard maintenance
Maintenance Order Order order has been
Remove Defective Part Maintenance Planner Change Material Assign Equipment
Serial Number Number to Material

Return Defective Part Warehouse Clerk Post Goods The defective

to Warehouse Movement equipment is returned
to warehouse
Goods Issue with New Warehouse Clerk Post Goods Parts have been issued
Part with Serial Movement to maintenance order
Activating Equipment Maintenance Planner Change Material Set up new equipment
View for New Part and Serial Number to related function
Install location
Creating Maintenance Planner Create Refurbishment Refurbishment order
Refurbishment Order Order for defective
Material Withdrawal Warehouse Clerk Post Goods The defective part has
for Refurbishment Movement been issued to
refurbishment order
Time Confirmation Maintenance Enter PM Order Confirm refurbishment
Technician Confirmation order
G/R for Refurbishment Maintenance Planner Goods Receipt Serial Goods receipt for
order Number for refurbishment order
Refurbishment Order
Check Material Stock Inventory Manager Display Stock Check material stock
Display Material Master Data Display Material Display Material
Specialist - Product
Technically Completing Maintenance Change Order Refurbishment order
Order Technician was technically
Settling Order Maintenance Planner Actual Settlement Settled the
refurbishment order
Closing Order Maintenance Planner Change Order Business Close of Order

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Business Process Diagram

S.No Report Name Fiori/Transaction App
1 Order List - Change Transaction App – IW38
2 Order List - Display Transaction App – IW39
3 Order list with Operation Transaction App – IW37N
4 Order list with Operation Transaction App – IW40N
5 Manage orders and Notifications Fiori App
6 Find Maintenance Orders and Fiori App
7 Technical Object Breakdowns Fiori App

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8 Display Master data Information center Fiori App
9 Manage Orders and Notifications in Fiori App
Information Center
10 Find Maintenance Order Confirmation Fiori App
11 Display Job list Fiori App
12 Display Stock Overview Fiori App


Role Description App Role

Master Data Specialist - Product Data SAP_BR_PRODMASTER_SPECIALIST


The below mentioned matrix and points refers to the integration between PM and all other modules
which will be applicable for this specific process

Module Description
Material Spares planning:
Management Master data for spares is maintained, Purchase requisition, Purchase order

Material Receipt & Issue:

Receipt of Spares, Refurbished items from Vendors and damaged parts from
Maintenance department.
Issue of material against maintenance order

External services:
Maintenance of service master data
Service Entry Sheet
Quality Creation of Inspection Lot & Quality Notification (Optional)
Activity types would be created to calculate cost of maintenance order
Controlling Settlement of maintenance expenses

User Story ID User Story Title User Story Short Product Owner (PO) Status
(PO) Description

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• Business Solutions other than mentioned in the scope
• Data Sources for Conversion from legacy to sap

4. Document Sign-off
REVIEW AND APPROVAL: Below Authorized representative(s) have agreed for all above sections of this
Fit-Gap document and provide their consent of Approval.


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