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Parameters Description

Introduction This test plan is designed to test

railway booking system . In this we are
going go test “to” and “from” field and
departure date with submit button .

Test Methodology / approach Black box testing approach

Test criteria ( entry & exit ) Entry criteria – when booking form is
loaded successfully
Exit criteria – after executing all the
test cases

Dependencies SQL should be active.

Estimations ( size , efforts and Size = 10000 KLOC

schedule ) Efforts – 14 persons
Schedule – 90 days

Milestones System should book tickets


Responsibilities TEAM 101 will handle interface

Team102 will handle functionality

Resource requirement ( hw & sw) Hw = i9 processor with 32 gb ram

Sw = visual studio code

Training requirements Automation testing training

Metrics plan We will determine metrics on the

basis of test cases.
Product release criteria When all the test cases are
successfully executed and after all the
defect fixed.

Defect report
Defect id Dc101
Defect name From button defect
Project name IRCTC
Module name Booking system
Phase introduced Requi , coding , designing
Phase found Coding phase
Defect type coding defect
Defect priority High
Defect severity Critical
Status Open
Reported by Prince
Assigned to raj

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