Laguerta AJ - DLP1 Physics2 Q1

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Name: Laguerta, Alnie Joy E.

Strand/Year/Block: 12 STEM 3
Subject: General Physics 2 Teacher: Mr. Francis Soliven

DLP 1: Activity 1
Electric Circuits – Conductors and Insulators
Look at the materials below. Do you think connecting them to an electric circuit tester
will make the light bulb turn on? Check “yes” or “no” then, test your prediction with the
materials. Record your actual results.
YES NO (Conductor or Insulator?)
1. pipe cleanser √ √ Conductor (Metal)
Insulator (Brush:Plastic)
2. straw √ Insulator (Plastic)

3. nail √ Conductor (Metal)

4. paper clip √ Conductor (Metal)

5. marble √ Insulator (Glass)

6. tongue depressor √ Insulator (Wood)

7. chalk √ Insulator (Ion: Solid Form)

8. pencil √ √ Conductor (Lead:Graphite)

Insulator (Wood)
9. washer √ Conductor (Metal)

1. What type of materials were able to conduct electricity?

The type of materials were able to conduct electricity are:

● Metals: Copper, Iron, Steel, Silver, Gold

● Water: Tapwater, Salt water
2. What type of materials were NOT able to conduct electricity?

The type of materials were not able to conduct electricity are:

● Plastic
● Wood
● Glass
● Rubber
● Oil
● Diamond
3. When electricity moves easily through an object, we call it a Conductor or
Electrical Conductors.
4. When electricity does not move easily through an object, we call it an Insulator or
Electrical Insulators.
DLP 2: Activity 2

Explain the following processes of charging: (5 points each)

1. Charging by friction

It is the rubbing of two objects. For example, we rub object A and object B where
object A became positively charged due to loss of electrons and object B became
negatively charged because it gained electrons. It happened because we know
that more electrons than protons is a negative charge. Best example here is the
common experiment of rubbing the balloon on hair where hair has positive
charge and balloon has negative charge since it gains electrons from rubbing.
They are opposite charged that’s why the balloon and hair attract each other

2. Charging by conduction

It is connecting the charged object to an uncharged object. It transfers charge

through physical contact. Just like when we charge our phone where we insert
the connector to the charging port. For example, If we charge our phone the
connector of the charger will have excess electrons since we connect the adapter
or the head of the charger with electricity. Therefore the electricity from the
adapter will flow to the connector since the charger is continuously accepting
electricity, the connector will transfer some of electricity into the charging port
then the phone will start charging. If we disconnect the connector from the
charging port of the phone, the electricity that has been transferred to the phone
will stay there for the reason that the battery stored the electric charge.

3. Charging by induction

The only thing that differs Charging by Induction with the previous two processes
is it can charge without physical contact. Best example here is the new modern
feature of the Iphone is the wireless charging. We can see some Iphone cases
have a circle and that circle is the Electromagnet for effective wireless charging.
It is considered as Induction because if we compare the Traditional Charging and
Wireless Charging. The Traditional Charging is Charging by Conduction where
we use wire but in Charging by Induction it is based on the principle of
Electromagnetic Induction since the electrons move with the magnetic field to
transfer electricity.

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