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Which Is Better, Tap Water or Bottled Water?

Water from the tap- is it safe?
Tap water is not always fit to drink. Most problems with water contamination are not
with public water supplies, but with private wells and small water companies. Bottled
water is only safer than tap water that has not been properly treated to remove
If a farm well contains bacteria, drinking bottled water is an alternative to installing
expensive filters. Some wells are contaminated with toxic organic chemicals from
leaking underground gasoline tanks or landfills. Other wells are contaminated with
pesticides. Removal of these chemicals may be too expensive or even impossible. In
that case, bottled water may be the only safe supply of water available.
The US Environment Protection Agency (EPA) estimated in 1986 that some 40
million Americans were using drinking water containing a hazardous level of lead. If
the level of lead in the drinking water is more than 5 parts per million, steps should be
taken to reduce the level. If the lead level cannot be reduced sufficiently, bottled water
should be considered.
The only way to determine if bottled water is safer to drink than water from the tap is
to compare the laboratory test results. The results of tests for substances regulated by
EPA should be available from the water company that supplies the tap water. If the
source of tap water is a private well, the owner should have a water sample analyzed
by an approved laboratory.
Is it healthier?
The Fair Packaging and Labelling Act prohibits bottles from making claims that
bottled water is healthier than tap water. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
requirements prohibit bottled water labels from listing the minerals the water contains
because they believe that the amounts are so small that there is little if any added
benefit from drinking bottled water.
Some buyers may feel that the minerals in bottled water make it healthier. According
to the American Medical Association, there may be a slight chance that bottled water
is more healthful, but any benefits would be very small when compared to exercising,
eating properly or not smoking. Some customers have switched from high calories
drinks like soda or beer to bottled water. Others drink bottled water because it is a
socially acceptable alternative to alcohol.
Unless your tap water is contaminated, bottled water may offer few, if any, health or
safety benefits. It may simply be draining money from your wallet. In fact, some
brands of bottled water may not be as healthy as your own tap water. A study by
Consumer Reports magazines tested more than forty bottled water products as well as
tap water from six different cities. They found the levels of some toxic chemicals in a
few brands of bottled water exceeded the standards.
Does it taste better?
Some brands of bottled water do taste better than water from some taps. Most public
and private water suppliers use chlorine as a disinfectant. Most bottling companies
purify the water with ozone. Ozone, like chlorine, kills bacteria. It is more expensive
to use, but the water has a better flavour. Some people drink water from a bottle
because they prefer the taste.
The taste of water usually depends upon the minerals that have been dissolved from
rocks. The only water that is likely to be free of minerals is distilled water. Distilled
water is generally not purchased for drinking, but for use in batteries and steam irons.
Distilled water is also used in chemical laboratories where minerals might interfere
with chemical reactions.
Although bottled water does not taste better than water from most deep wells, some
deep wells are drilled into rock with high sulfur content. The taste of sulfur may make
water from these wells unacceptable for drinking.
There are several reasons why more and more people are buying bottled water. For
some people it is a safety issue, but for most it is a matter of taste.
Questions 1-8
Refer to the passage and answer the following questions with NO MORE THAN
THREE WORDS taken from the passage.
1. What kind of wells is comparatively easier to be contaminated?
2. What is suggested when it is too expensive to install filters for a farm well?
3. What is given as an example of chemicals which are sometimes impossible to
4. According to an estimate given by EPA in 1986, what should be reduced?
5. What is very important in determining whether bottled water is safer than tap water?
6. Besides making improper claims, what else are the bottled water companies
forbidden to do?
7. What may affect chemical reactions if bottled water is used in laboratories?
8. What may cause a problem when people drink water from some deep wells?
Questions 9-12
Refer to the passage and look at the following statements.
YES if the statement agrees with the writer;
NO if the statement does not agree with the writer;
NOT GIVEN if there is no information about this in the passage.

9. Bottled water is generally considered safer than all tap water.

10. Action should be taken when the level of lead in drinking water is too high.
11. The owner of a private well should present a sample analysis to EPA.
12. The FDA thinks that minerals contained in bottled water are quite beneficial to
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
9. 10. 11. 12.

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