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Date:- 03.01.


Dear Parent,

Seasons Greetings!

As we welcome the dawn of a NEW YEAR , we extent our heartfelt greetings on behalf of JBM . May
2024, be a year of great successes, good health , happiness for all and be a year of milestone and
shared accolades and accomplishments.

We are immensely elated to invite you to our upcoming School Fest- JAMBOREE 2.0 , an Event
that holds significant importance for our school community. Such events not only promote unique
opportunities to students and their families to come together and celebrate the joy of the season but
also enhance holistic growth of the students fostering a sense of belongingness. Undoubtedly , they
also promote social skills, team work, creativity and fun element to their routines resulting in positive
school environment.

Please note the Fascinations of the Bountiful Day - Saturday , Jan 20, 2024 and
mark/ book the date in your diary.

FUN UNLIMITED - Super giant wheel, Columbus Break dance, Dragon train, Bouncy, Mini Appu
Ghar, Gun shooting, Car rides ,Trampoline ,Caterpillar and other fun games. (paid activities)
THRILL WITH ADVENTURE HANGOUTS :- Burma Bridge, Hop Ball, Zip Line, Commando Net, Hop
Scotch, Zorbing roller. (paid activities)
TASKS/ COMPETITIONS - Rostrum for showcasing with the pinch of creativity, Music Melange,
Dance Dynamo, Family Ramp Walk , Creative Canvas.
CAREER COUNSELLING :- One to One with representatives of renowned Universities.

Abundance of Fun, Frolic, Flavorsome Filling and Finger Licking

Food……Game stalls………..& Lot to shop.

Please note that the Entry to JAMBOREE 2.0 is by card /invite only (each student of the school is
entitled to get one )as joy of Jamboree is exclusively for JBM fraternity. However, if any student
wishes to invite his friend / relative, extra card / invite can be collected from the class teacher.

We are looking forward to be with you to celebrate the season to curate memorable and enriching
experience for all.

NOTE :- If anyone of you is interested in putting up a stall (food, games or articles like handicrafts
etc.) . Please contact the class teacher of your ward.

Team JBM

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