Army Lists

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Army Lists

Realm of Men
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 5 5+ 5+ 8 10 70
Infantry Company 5 5+ 5+ 12 16 100
Infantry Battalion 5 5+ 5+ 20 22 160

City Guard
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 5 5+ 4+ 10 12 90
Infantry Company 5 5+ 4+ 14 18 125
Infantry Battalion 5 5+ 4+ 22 24 200

Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 5 5+ 4+ 12 12 110
Infantry Company 5 5+ 4+ 16 18 150
Infantry Battalion 5 5+ 4+ 26 24 240

Special: -1 (Def) if an enemy unit charges your front arc

Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 5 5+ 5+ 12 12 110
Infantry Company 5 5+ 5+ 16 18 155

Special: +1 (Def) to enemy unit when charged

Citadel Guard
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 5 4+ 4+ 10 14 115
Infantry Company 5 4+ 4+ 14 20 160

Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 5 5+ 6+ 6+ 10 12 130
Infantry Company 5 5+ 6+ 6+ 14 18 180

Special: 24" range (Ra)

Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 5 4+ 4+ 6+ 12 14 195
Infantry Company 5 4+ 4+ 6+ 16 20 275

Special: 24" range (Ra)

Horse Lords
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Cavalry Cohort 8 5+ 5+ 5+ 10 12 155
Cavalry Company 8 5+ 5+ 5+ 14 18 215
Cavalry Battalion 8 5+ 5+ 5+ 22 24 345

Special: 12" range (Ra)

Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Cavalry Cohort 8 4+ 4+ 12 14 150
Cavalry Company 8 4+ 4+ 16 20 210

Bolt Thrower
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Artillery Individual 4 5+ 6+ 16 10 180

Special: 24" Range

+1 (Def) to target enemy unit

Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Artillery Individual 5+ 6+ 18 10 220

Special: 36" Range from front arc with no line of sight required - 12" Minimum range
+1 (Def) to target enemy unit

Court Wizard
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Character Individual 5 6+ 6+ 4 12 120


Options: Mount on horse to increase Move (M) to 8 (+25 P) and change Type to Cavalry Character

Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Character Individual 5 3+ 4+ 4 14 125

Special: May re-roll failed Morale (M) tests for units within 6"
Options: Mount on horse to increase Move (M) to 8 (+25 P) and change Type to Cavalry Character

Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Character Individual 5 4+ 4+ 5+ 4 14 150

Special: 24" Range - 12" Minimum range

May re-roll failed Morale (M) tests for units within 6"

Duke on Winged Beast

Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Monster Character Individual 8 3+ 4+ 16 14 220

Special: Re-roll failed Morale (M) tests for units within 9"
Fly - Ignore terrain and other units when moving
Unit type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Character Individual 5 3+ 3+ 5 16 160

Special: Re-roll failed Morale (M) tests for units within 9"
Options: Mount on horse to increase Move (M) to 8 (+25 P) and change Type to Cavalry Character

High Wizard
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Character Individual 5 3+ 4+ 12 18 225


Options: Mount on horse to increase Move (M) to 8 (+25 P) and change Type to Cavalry Character
Orc Tribes
Mountain Goblins
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 7 7+ 7+ 12 8 50
Infantry Company 7 7+ 7+ 18 12 70
Infantry Battalion 7 7+ 7+ 30 16 110

Goblin Mercenaries
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 7 5+ 6+ 12 8 80
Infantry Company 7 5+ 6+ 18 12 110
Infantry Battalion 7 5+ 6+ 30 16 175

Orc Warriors
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 5 5+ 6+ 10 10 60
Infantry Company 5 5+ 6+ 16 15 85
Infantry Battalion 5 5+ 6+ 24 20 135

Black Guard
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 5 5+ 5+ 12 10 95
Infantry Company 5 5+ 5+ 18 15 135
Infantry Battalion 5 5+ 5+ 28 20 215

Special: +1 (Def) to enemy unit when charged

Black Guard Defenders

Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 5 5+ 4+ 12 10 95
Infantry Company 5 5+ 4+ 18 15 135
Infantry Battalion 5 5+ 4+ 28 20 215

Savage Orcs
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 6 3+ 7+ 12 12 125
Infantry Company 6 3+ 7+ 16 18 175

Special: If they can Charge a unit then they must do so

Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 6 5+ 5+ 7+ 10 10 130
Infantry Company 6 5+ 5+ 7+ 16 15 180

Special: 24" range (Ra)

Black Guard Crossbows

Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 5 5+ 5+ 6+ 12 10 140
Infantry Company 5 5+ 5+ 6+ 16 15 195

Special: 18" range (Ra)

Fell Wolves
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Cavalry Cohort 8 3+ 7+ 8 12 115
Cavalry Company 8 3+ 7+ 14 18 160

Special: Ignore Difficult Terrain

Wolf Riders
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Cavalry Cohort 7 6+ 4+ 6+ 12 12 160
Cavalry Company 7 6+ 4+ 6+ 16 18 220

Special: 12" range (Ra), Ignore Difficult Terrain

Seige Bow
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Artillery Indiviudal 4 6+ 7+ 16 8 160

Special: 24" range (Ra)

+1 (Def) to target enemy unit

War Catapault
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Artillery Indiviudal 4 6+ 6+ 18 8 190

Special: 30" Range from front arc with no line of sight required
+1 (Def) to target enemy unit

Mountain Troll
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Monster Individual 5 4+ 5+ 14 12 120

Special: +1 (Def) to enemy unit when charged

Black Guard Troll

Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Monster Individual 5 3+ 4+ 14 12 160

Special: +1 (Def) to enemy unit when charged

Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Character Individual 5 5+ 5+ 6 12 65

Special: May re-roll failed Morale (M) tests for units within 6"

Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Character Individual 5 7+ 7+ 6 10 120


Great Goblin
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Monster Character Individual 5 4+ 5+ 8 14 140

Special: May re-roll failed Morale (M) tests for units within 6"
+1 (Def) to enemy unit when charged

Orc Chieftain
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Character Individual 5 3+ 4+ 8 14 140

Special: May re-roll failed Morale (M) tests for units within 6"
Options: Mount on wolf to increase Move (M) to 8 (+25 Pw) and change type to Cavalry Character

Creature from the Depths

Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Monster Character Individual 6 2+ 3+ 18 20 350

Special: Fly - ignore all terrain when moving

+1 (Def) to enemy unit when charged
Dwarf Holds
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 4 4+ 4+ 10 16 120
Infantry Company 4 4+ 4+ 14 22 165
Infantry Battalion 4 4+ 4+ 22 22 265

Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 4 4+ 4+ 12 16 140
Infantry Company 4 4+ 4+ 16 22 195

Special: -1 (D) if an enemy unit charges your front arc

Dragon Blades
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 4 3+ 5+ 10 16 130
Infantry Company 4 3+ 5+ 14 22 180

Special: +1 (Def) to enemy unit when charged

Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 5 3+ 6+ 12 160
Infantry Company 5 3+ 6+ 16 225

Special: If they can Charge a unit then they must do so

Never test Morale (M)

Hearth Guard
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 4 4+ 3+ 14 16 145
Infantry Company 4 4+ 3+ 18 22 200

Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 4 4+ 5+ 6+ 10 16 165
Infantry Company 4 4+ 5+ 6+ 14 22 230

Special: 18" range (Ra)

+1 (Def) to target enemy unit

Ancient Constructs
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Large Infantry Cohort 4 4+ 4+ 12 165
Large Infantry Company 4 4+ 4+ 16 230

Special: +1 (Def) to enemy unit when charged

Never test Morale (M)

Assault Cavalry
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Cavalry Cohort 6 4+ 3+ 10 16 185
Cavalry Company 6 4+ 3+ 16 22 260

Special: +1 (Def) to enemy unit when charged

Dragon Breath
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Artillery Individual 4 4+ 5+ 16 12 150

Special: 12" range (Ra)

+1 (Def) to target enemy unit

Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Artillery Individual 4 5+ 6+ 18 12 190

Special: 30" Range from front arc with no line of sight required
+1 (Def) to target enemy unit

Monolithic Construct
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Monster Individual 5 3+ 4+ 14 220

Special: +1 (Def) to enemy unit when charged

Never test Morale (M)

Thane on Leviathan
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Monster Character Individual 7 3+ 3+ 14 16 200

Special: +1 (Def) to enemy unit when charged

Gain Fly - Ignore terrain and other units when moving (+30Pts)

Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Character Individual 4 3+ 3+ 6 16 130

Special: May re-roll failed Morale (M) tests for units within 6"

Rune Priest
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Character Individual 4 5+ 4+ 8 16 185


May re-roll failed Morale (M) tests for units within 6"
The Fae of the Forests
Halfling Militia
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 4 5+ 5+ 8 12 70
Infantry Company 4 5+ 5+ 12 18 100
Infantry Battalion 4 5+ 5+ 20 24 160

Elven Wardens
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 6 4+ 5+ 10 12 95
Infantry Company 6 4+ 5+ 14 18 135
Infantry Battalion 6 4+ 5+ 22 24 215

Elven Sentinels
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 6 4+ 5+ 12 12 120
Infantry Company 6 4+ 5+ 16 18 165
Infantry Battalion 6 4+ 5+ 26 24 265

Special: -1 (D) if an enemy unit charges your front arc

Glade Guard
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 6 3+ 5+ 12 12 130
Infantry Company 6 3+ 5+ 16 18 185

Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 7 6+ 6+ 12 10 80
Infantry Company 7 6+ 6+ 18 15 110

Special: Ignore difficult terrain

Woodland Watch
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 6 3+ 5+ 6+ 10 12 210
Infantry Company 6 3+ 5+ 6+ 14 18 290

Special: 24" range (Ra)

Denizons of the Forests

Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Cavalry Cohort 9 4+ 5+ 8 12 125
Cavalry Company 9 4+ 5+ 14 18 175

Special: Ignore Difficult Terrain

Wild Riders
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Cavalry Cohort 8 4+ 4+ 12 12 140
Cavalry Company 8 4+ 4+ 16 18 200

Special: Ignore Difficult Terrain

Drake Riders
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Large Cavalry Cohort 7 5+ 4+ 4+ 14 12 200
Large Cavalry Company 7 5+ 4+ 4+ 18 18 280

Special: 12" range (Ra)

Fly - Ignore terrain and other units when moving

Wind Lance
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Artillery Individual 5 4+ 6+ 12 10 195

Special: 24" Range

+1 (Def) to target enemy unit

Giant Eagles
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Monster Individual 8 3+ 4+ 12 12 170

Special: Fly - Ignore terrain and other units when moving

Hedge Wizard
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Character Individual 5 5+ 5+ 10 14 180


Options: Mount on horse to increase Move (M) to 8 (+25 P) and change type to Cavalry Character
Mount on Giant Eagle and increase stats to: Mv 8, Att 3+, Def 4+, Pw 12 and gain Fly -
Ignore terrain and other units when moving (+110 Pts) and change type to Monster Character
Elven Prince
Unit type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Character Individual 6 4+ 4+ 6 16 150

Special: May re-roll failed Morale (M) tests for units within 6"
Options: Mount on horse to increase Move (M) to 8 (+25 P) and change type to Cavalry Character

Dragon Lord
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Monster Character Individual 7 4+ 3+ 4+ 14 16 250

Special: 12" range (Ra)

May re-roll failed Morale (M) tests for units within 6"
Fly - Ignore terrain and other units when moving

Old Man of the Woods

Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Monster Character Individual 7 3+ 3+ 14 14 235

Special: +1 (Def) to enemy unit when charged

Emerald Witch
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Character Individual 8 6+ 6+ 6 16 190

Special: SEE SPELLS - May cast two spells per turn

Fly - Ignore terrain and other units when moving
Castellans of the Pale Tower
The Cursed
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 5 6+ 6+ 8 80
Infantry Company 5 6+ 6+ 12 110
Infantry Battalion 5 6+ 6+ 20 175

Special: Never test Morale (M)

Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 6 6+ 6+ 10 100
Infantry Company 6 6+ 6+ 14 140
Infantry Battalion 6 6+ 6+ 22 225

Special: Never test Morale (M)

Fly - Ignore terrain and other units when moving

Fallen Guard
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Cohort 5 4+ 4+ 10 135
Infantry Company 5 4+ 4+ 14 190

Special: Never test Morale (M)

Fallen Knights
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Cavalry Cohort 8 4+ 4+ 10 185
Cavalry Company 8 4+ 4+ 16 260

Special: Never test Morale (M)

Spider Spawn
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Large Cavalry Cohort 7 3+ 6+ 8 10 125
Large Cavalry Company 7 3+ 6+ 14 15 175

Special: Ignore Difficult Terrain

+1 (Def) to enemy unit when charged

Giant Spider
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Monster Individual 7 2+ 5+ 12 12 180

Special: Ignore Difficult Terrain

+1 (Def) to enemy unit when charged

Fell Captain
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Infantry Character Individual 5 3+ 3+ 6 175

Special: Enemy unit must re-roll successful Morale (M) test if within 6"
Never test Morale (M)
Options: Mount to increase Move (M) to 8 (+25 P)
Dark Emmisary
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Character Individual 5 7+ 7+ 4 110


Never test Morale (M)
Options: Mount on dread steed to increase Move (M) to 8 (+25 P) and change type to Cavalry Character

Winged Terror
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Monster Character Individual 8 3+ 4+ 14 210

Special: Never test Morale (M)

Enemy unit must re-roll successful Morale (M) test if within 6"
Fly - Ignore terrain and other units when moving
The Castellan
Type Size Mv Ra Att Def Pw M Pts
Monster Character Individual 5 2+ 3+ 16 300

Special: Never test Morale (M)

Enemy unit must re-roll successful Morale (M) test if within 6"
+1 (Def) to enemy unit when charged

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