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999 Buendia St., Tunasan, City of Muntinlupa


Grade & Section:
Individualized Comprehensive and Active Reading Empowerment
Looking Back
1. Differentiate between independent and dependent variables, extraneous and
Objectives confounding variables.
2. Explain what is meant by a controlled experiment.

Reinforcement Variables ( IV, DV and CV)

Activity Video

Extraneous and Confounding Variables

Lesson Controlled experiment – has several trials and variables.

Development Experimental - based on untested ideas or techniques and not yet established or finalized.
Trials – are the number of times the experiment is repeated. An experiment must be carried out several times to
make sure that the data gathered is precise. The experimenter then gets the average of the trials.

Replicate - one of several identical experiments, procedures, or samples

Variables – are the factors or conditions tested in an experiment.
Control – is a standard by which the test results can be compared.
Independent variable – is the factor or condition that is changed to test a hypothesis.
Dependent variable – is the factor that changes in response to the independent variable.
Seatwork: Smithers thinks that a specific juice will increase the productivity of workers. He
creates two groups of 50 workers each and assign each group the same task (in this
case, they ‘re supposed to staple a set of papers). Group A is given the special juice to
drink while thy work. Group B is not given the special juice. After an hour, Smithers
counts how many stacks of papers each group has made. Group a made 1, 587 stacks.
Group B made 2,113 stacks.

Identify the:
1. Control Group –
2. Independent Variable –
3. Dependent variable –
4. What should Smither’s conclusion be? –
5. How could this experiment be improved? –
Lesson Extraneous variable - is any variable that you’re not investigating that can potentially affect the outcomes of
Development your research study.

If left uncontrolled, extraneous variables can lead to inaccurate conclusions about the relationship
between independent and dependent variables. They can also introduce a variety of research biases to your work,
particularly selection bias
Confounding variable - is an unmeasured variable that influences both the supposed cause and the supposed

It’s important to consider potential confounding variables and account for them in your research design to ensure
your results are valid. Left unchecked, confounding variables can introduce many research biases to your work,
causing you to misinterpret your results.

Confounding variables (a.k.a. confounders or confounding factors) are a type of extraneous variable that are related
to a study’s independent and dependent variables. A variable must meet two conditions to be a confounder:

• It must be correlated with the independent variable. This may be a causal relationship, but it does not
have to be.
• It must be causally related to the dependent variable.

Seatwork: Research Question Possible Extraneous Variables

Maximum of 3 answer for each Research
Questions Given

Is memory capacity related to test

Does sleep deprivation affect driving
Does light exposure improve learning
ability in mice?
Confounding Variable
You collect data on sunburns and ice cream consumption. You find that higher ice cream
consumption is associated with a higher probability of sunburn. Does that mean ice cream
consumption causes sunburn?

What is the confounding Variable?

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