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The benefits of comparison or competition

‘’Comparison is odious’’. This saying is cogent and rings true. In this rat-race society,
every Tom, Dick and Harry invariably compare their result, popularity, assets and
even health. Hence, the inevitable is bound to occur — stress. Although competition
may cause self-abasement, it indeed brings a myriad of merits to humankind.

First and foremost, the advent of a rival will inculcate strong motivations among
students. Not to mention, every student yearns to ace their examination and become
an academic achiever. Hence, the eagerness to be the elite students will spur them
to keep their nose to the grindstone. For instance, they will devour books during
leisure time as they are aware that there is no golden road to learning, you have to
take the stairs.

Moreover, competition also fosters discipline among the individuals. Needless to say,
they will impose strict discipline on themselves in order to achieve extraordinary
achievements. It is because they are well aware that it is a waste of time if one were
trying to bring his enemy down instead of raising himself up. Hence, they will
schedule their time prudently and promptly to avoid frittering away their precious time
or getting involved in futile activities. As the maxim goes, constant occupation
prevents temptation.

In addition, competition will transform individuals to be staunch and unyielding. Not to

mention, failure is a part of our life as life was not a bed of roses. To illustrate,
individuals who tried and failed will console themselves to work hard next time and
persistently reinforce their strength. Hence, he or she will no longer be vulnerable to
life’s stumbling block. To sum it up, they will learn how to bounce back from turmoil
and keep a positive mindset. As the adage goes, what doesn't kill you makes you

In essence, competition is an indispensable part of our life. Hence, instead of

warding off ourselves from our opponents, why not try to fortify our strength and
overpower them? Needless to say, all and sundry should uphold a never-said die
attitude although odds are stacked against you.

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