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When my hair has turned white and countless memories have filled my mind,

and if, by then, I have found somebody to share my life, i would like to compare
our scars.

Our scars are a part of us, the most interesting and important part, according to
me; for there is a story behind each scar. A great story of wisdom or humour or
pain and hurt, and I want to hear all about it.

I want to know the struggles they have gone through and the hardships they
have overcome. I want to kiss the mars left by their childhood bruises and
memories left by teenage acne. I want to know the silly stories behind the small
scars they got from being scratched by their pet or scraping their knee from
falling. I want to discover all the thin, faint scars that make up their body and
trace them with my finger and explore the reasons behind each of those little,
insignificant scars that made them who they are.

Through their scars, I want to learn their history and attempt to understand
their past.

Scars tell a lot about a person, I believe.

They signify that you are a survivor. They are proof that one has gone into battle
and made it out alive, that one has undergone the trials that one had been
cruelly subjected to. Wear them proudly, for they have stayed with you longer
than most people have.
Everybody has countless scars adorning them, as infinite as the stars above.
Maybe they can't be physically seen, but they are there, deep in your mind
along with your demons.

In fact, I believe that the ugliest scars are the ones we pretend to forget, but on
some days, it haunts us by painfully reminding us that they exist along with
exactly how they obtained their existence.

Please, never be ashamed of the wars your soul has fought to save itself.

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