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Advantages and disadvantages of doing homework.

Homework refers to tasks assigned to students by teachers are intended

to be completed outside of regular classroom hours. It helps students
reinforce and apply what they have learned in class. There are advantages
and disadvantages of doing homework.
Homework teaches students various beneficial skills they will carry with
them throughout their academic and professional life. In addition, it helps
students of all ages build critical study abilities that help them in the course
of their careers. Learning at home also encourages the development of good
research habits while motivating students to take ownership of their tasks.
Simultaneously, it helps teachers and students to collaborate. Once students
finish tests and assignments, they have the opportunity to search for better
solutions, share thoughts, and discuss the results. Schools that offer
homework have an opportunity for better communication. Assignment
tasks make students responsible. When students know that the assigned
homework has a deadline, they cannot postpone, but instead, they will plan
how to complete it on time. It helps them to train their willpower, which is
the ability to plan time for academic activities. Homework assignments
bring families together. Whenever children encounter challenges when
doing their homework assignments, they seek help from elder brothers and
sisters or parents; hence families spend hours attempting to solve problems.
However, there are some disadvantages to doing homework. First of all,
it stresses students. Stress has the potential to harm children's health and
result in a negative attitude towards education in general.
On the other hand, students lose interest. A huge amount of homework
assignments exert a lot of pressure on children. This pressure makes
children lose interest and focus less on their education. Students need time
to switch to other activities. Homework results in academic burnout.
Ordinarily, doing homework takes long hours. Therefore, students feel
sleepy and tired, and many homework assignments are likely to result in
total burnout.
In conclusion, although doing homework has some pros and cons, it is a
demand of our educational system. Students have to do it without harm and
in a step-by-step manner.

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