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Paraphrase and Summary

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Academic writing normally requires that you support your ideas and opinions with
facts,statistics,quotations,and similar kinds of information.There are four ways
to use information from outside sources.You can quote it directly or indireetly,skils
that you practiced in Chapter 3.You can also paraphrase or summarize
it. skills that you will practice in this chapter.Writing paraphrases and summaries
are important tools in academie writing.

When you paraphrase,you rewrite information from an outside source in your
own words without changing the meaning,Because you include in your rewriting
all or nearly all of the content of the original passage,a paraphrase is almost as
long as
the original.(A summary,by contrast,is much shorter than the original)

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128 Part I | Writing an Essay

Original Passage
Paraphrase Language is the main means of communication between peoples.But so
many different languages have developed that language has often been a
barrier rather than an aid to understanding among peoples.For many
have dreamed of setting up an international universal language which all
people could speak and understand.The arguments in favor of a universal
are simple and obvious.If all peoples spoke the same tongue,cultural and
economic ties might be much closer,and good will might increase
between countries (Kisper).!

Humans communicate through language.Because there are so many different
languages,however,people around the world have a difficult time understanding
one another.Some people have wished for a universal international language that
speakers all over the world could understand.Their reasons are straightforward
and clear.A universal language would build cultural and economic bonds.It would
also create better feelings among countries (Kispert).

Writing Technique Questions

1.How many sentences are there in the original passage?In the
paraphrase? 2.Compare the original passage and the paraphrase sentence by
Analyze how the sentence structure and words differ by answering the
following questions.
a.What is the first word of the first sentence in the original
passage? Where does this word appear in first sentence of the
b.What is the first word of the second sentence in the original
passage? What word replaces it in the second sentence of the
Plagiarism paraphrase?
c.What words replace have dreamed of in the third sentence?What word
replaces arguments in favor of in the fourth sentence?
d.Which sentence in the original becomes two sentences in the paraphrase?

It is important to learn how to use information from outside sources without

com- mitting plagiarism.Plagiarism is wrongly using someone else's words or
ideas,and it is a serious offense.Students who plagiarize may fail a class or even
be expelled
from school.
There are two kinds of plagiarism.
1.When you use information from an outside source without citing the source
(telling where you got the information),you are guilty of plagiarism.
2.Even when you cite your source,if your paraphrase is too similar to the
original,you are guilty ofplagiarism.
128 Part I | Writing an Essay

'Kispert,Robert J."Universal language."World Book Online Reference Center.2004.World Book,Inc.13

Nov.2004 <>.

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Chapter B I Paraphrase and Summary 129

Read the following paraphrases and decide which kind of plagiarism each
example is guilty of.

Unacceptable Paraphrase 1
Plagiaris Humans communicate through language.However,because there are so
many languages in the world,language acts as an obstacle instead of as an
aid to understanding.People have long wished for a universal
international language that speakers all over the world could
understand.A universal
language would certainly build cultural and economic bonds.It would
also create better feelings among countries.

Unacceptable Paraphrase 2
Language is the principal means of communication between peoples.
However,because there are numerous languages,language itself has
frequentty been a barrier rather than an aid to understanding among the world
population. For many years,people have envisioned a common universal
language that
everyone in the world could communicate in.The reasons for having a
universal language are clearly understandable.If the same tongue were spoken
by all
countries,they would undoubtedly become closer culturally and
economically. It would probably also create good will among nations

Paraphrase 1 is plagiarism because the source is not cited.Paraphrase 2 is plagia-

rism because it is too similar to the original passage.For example,in the first
sentence,only one word has been changed:main replaces principal.In the second
sentence,only a few words have been changed.You can avoid the first kind
of plagiarism by always citing your sources.You can avoid the second kind of
rism by learning to paraphrase correctly.
See Appendix E:Research and Documentation of Sources,pages 303-311,for
information on how to cite sources.

How to Write a Good Paraphrase

There are three keys to writing a good paraphrase;
1.Use your own words and your own sentence structure.
2.Make your paraphrase approximately the same length as the
original. 3.Do not change the meaning of the original.
Chapter B I Paraphrase and Summary 129

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130 Part I I Writing an Essay

You can write a good paraphrase if you follow these steps.

Step 1 Read the original passage several times until you understand it
fully. Look up unfamiliar words,and find synonyms for them.It
may not
be possible to find synonyms for every word,especially
technical vocabulary.In this case,use the original word.
Step 2 It helps to take notes.Write down only a few words for cach idea
— not complete sentences.Here are one writer's notes on the
original passage about universal language:

language-people use to communicate-but so many-difficult

to understand one another-people wish-universal international
langvage—reasons:cultural,economic bonds,better feelings
between countries
It may be helpful to make a brief outline such as the following;
A.Language—people use to communicate
1.So many languages make it dificult to understand
one another.
2.People wish for one universal international language.
B. Reasons
1.Cultural,economic bonds
2.Better feelings between countries

Step 3 Write your paraphrase from your notes.Don't look at the original
while you are writing.
Step 4 Check your paraphrase against the original to make sure you have
not copied vocabulary or the sentence structure too closely.Above all,
make sure that you have not changed the meaning of the original or
given any wrong information.
Step 5 Add an in-text citation at the end.

PRACTICE I Step 1 Read the original passages.

Choosing the Step 2 Choose the best paraphrase from the choices given and mark it
Best Paraphrase “Best.” Step 3 Mark the others “Too sim."for too similar,“No cit.”if there is
in-text citation,or “Inc./Inacc.”for incomplete and/or inaccurate

The first one has been done for you as an example.

Original Passage 1
Source:Page 16 of a three-page article in the October 15,2003,issue of Space
Science magazine.The title of the article is “Manned Mars Flight:Impossible
Dream?”The author is Patrick Clinton,a NASA(National Aeronautics and
Space Administration)physician.
Lving aboard a space station in orbit around Earth for months at a time
poses problems for astronauts'bodlies as well as for thelr minds.
130 Part I I Writing an Essay

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Best _A.An article in Space Science magazine reports that lengthy

space station duty may lead to physical and
mental problems for astronauts (Clinton i6).
No cit B,An article in Space Science magazine reports tha
astronauts who live aboard space stations for long periods
of time may experience physical as well as mental
Too sim. C.An article in Space Science reports that living in a space
station orbiting Earth for a long time can cause difficulties
for astronauts'bodies and minds (Clinton 16).
Inc./Inacc. -D.An article in Space Science reports that astronauts
will become physically sick and have mental
problems if they visit a space station (Clinton 16).

Original Passage 2
Source:Page 16 of the same article in passage 1.
One major problem is maintaining astronauts'physical health.Medical
treatment may be days or even weeks away,as there may not be a doctor on
lllnesses such as appendicitis or ulcers,routinely treated on Earth,could be
fatal in space because of the delay in getting to a doctor.

A.NASA physician Patrick Clinton states that one

problem is astronauts'physical health.With no doctor
on board, common illnesses like appendicitis and ulcers
could be fatal to astronauts because it would take too
long to get
them back to Earth.
B.NASA physician Patrick Clinton states that keeping the
astronauts physically healthy is one problem.If the crew
does not include a doctor,the delay in getting treatment
for an ordinary illness,such as appendicitis or ulcers,
could mean death (16).
C.NASA physician Patrick Clinton states that the physical
health of astronauts is a huge problem.Spaceships do not
usually have medical doctors among the crew,so
astronauts who get appendicitis on a long space journey
will die (16).
D.NASA physician Patrick Clinton states that one big
problem is keeping astronauts in good physical health.
Medical treatment might take days or weeks to get
because there may not be a doctor on the
illnesses such as appendicitis and ulcers could be
deadly because it would take too long to get to a doctor
Chapter 8|Paraphrase and Summary 131

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132 Part Il !Writing an Essay

Original Passage 3
Source:Page 17 of the same article as in passages 1 and 2.
Another health problem is the potentlal for bone doterioration.In a weightless
environment,the body produces less calclum.Astronauts must exercise at
least three hours a day to prevent bone loss.

A.Another problem is the possibility of bone loss,according

to NASA physician Patrick Clinton.In weightless space,
the body makes less calcium.Astronauts have to exercise
a minimum of three hours a day to avoid losing bone
B.According to NASA physician Patrick Clinton,weight can
be a problem.Astronauts must take extra calcium and
exercise at least three hours a day to keep from
gaining weight and to prevent bone damage (17).
C.According to NASA physician Patrick Clinton,astronauts
could suffer bone loss.Being weightless causes the body
to lose calcium,which is important for strength,so
exercising at least three hours daily is necessary to
keep their bones strong.
D .According to NASA physician Patrick Clinton,astronauts
also face possible bone loss.Because weightlessness
causes the body to lose calcium,exercising at least three
hours daily is necessary to keep their bones strong (17).
Writing Write a paraphrase of each of the passages that follow.
Paraphrases Step 1 Read the original passage several times until you understand it well.
You may find it helpful to underline the main points.
Step 2 Make notes in the space provided,changing vocabulary words
wherever possible.
Step 3 Write your paraphrase in your own words.Remember to change both
vocabulary and sentence structure.
Step 4 Check your paraphrase to make sure you have not changed the
meaning of the original passage.
Step 5 Add an in-text citation in the proper form at the end of each paraphrase.
Step 6 If your instructor requests,prepare an entry for a works-cited list for
each source.

Original Passage 1
Source:Page 18 of a three-page article in the October 15,2003,issue of Space
Science magazine.The title of the article is "Manned Mars
Flight:Impossible Dream?"The author is Patrick Clinton,a NASA physician.
A second major problem is maintaining astronauts'mental health.Being
confined for long periods of time in dark and hostile space undoubtedly
produces anxiety. Loneliness and boredom are other psychological concerns.
132 Part Il !Writing an Essay
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Your Paraphrase

Original Passage 2
Source:Page 18 of the same article as in passage 1.
Finally,how can astronauts “let off steam”when interpersonal conflicts develop?
Even best friends can irritate each other when forced to spend weeks together
in isolation.Space stations are small,cramped,busyworkplaces,and there is
little privacy.Also,space exploration is dangerous,which adds to the stress
aboard a spaceship.


Your Paraphrase

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134 Part Il l Writing an Essay

Original Passage 3
Source:A Letter to the Editor written by Cory Brunish,which appeared on
page 9 of the February 16,2004,issue of Time magazine.
Why should we spend vast amounts to reach Mars when there is a very high
chance of its not providing anything that would improve our lot here on
Earth? Why not allocate those billlons for "home improvement"?Think of the
progress that could be made in curing cancer,AIDS,and other diseases;in
our water,air,and soil;and in feeding hungry nations.Why confront the hazards
of outer space when we should be fighting
homelessness,poverty,and unemployment on Earth?


Your Paraphrase

Original Passage 4
Source:Page 48 of a nine-page magazine article written by Jeffrey Kluger.The
article appeared on pages 42-50 in the January 26,2004,issue of Time maga-
zine.The title of the article is “Mission to Mars:First the Rover Lands,and Now
Bush Wants to Send People.We Can Do It Even Faster Than Planned,but Here
Is What It Will Take."
Speed is everything on the way to Mars and not only because a seven-month
trip in a confined space can be torturous.The bigger problem is that it can be
lethal because of radiation exposure in deep space,where the absence of Earth's
magnetic field leaves astronauts far more exposed to deadly cosmic energy
than they are in orbit or on the way to the moon.


Your Paraphrase
134 Part Il l Writing an Essay
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Chapter 8 I Paraphrase and Summary 135

Using The purpose of learning to paraphrase is to be able to use paraphrases as supporting

Paraphras material in your writing.As you read the following model,notice how a student in
a media studies class used a paraphrase of a passage from an online news article to
es as
support her idea.

Original Passage
using Source:Paragraph 2 of an article written by Kivi Leroux in the onlinc
Paraphras magazine E Magazine titled "Subliminal Messages:Primetime TV Programs
es as Educate Viewers on the Environment."It appeared in the "Currents"section
of the July-August 1999 edition.
For 10 years,the Environmental Media Association (EMA)has been working
to weave the environment into prime-time television programming.Created by
and for professionals in the entertainment industry,EMA works with the stars
in front of the cameras as well as the creative staff behind them to include
environmental themes in scripts,show environmental products on sets,and
make environmentally sound decisions in the studios.

According to an article in E Magazine,environmental messages have
been deliberately put into prime-time television shows for the past decade.
Environmental Media Association,an organization of professionals in the
entertainment business,encourages television actors,writers,directors,and
producers to promote environmentalism in three ways:by using
environmental issues in scripts,by using environmental products as
props,and by making
environmentally conscious choices in studios (Leroux,par.2).

Writing Topic
Television programming in the United States is often criticized for promoting
the wrong values.Do you agree or disagree with this criticism?

Completed Paragraph
Although it is sometimes trve that television programming in the United
States promotes the wrong values,I do not entirely agree.Many educational
television channels promote good values.For example,the Discovery Channel,the
History Channel,National Geographic,and other similar channels educate the
public about science,history,nature,and the environment.Also,even prime-time
television programming often provides a public service by spreading public
service messages.In fact,environmental messages have been deliberately
put into prime-time television shows for the past decade.Environmental
Association,an organization of professionals in the entertainment business.
encourages television actors,Writers,directors,and producers to promote
environmentalism in three ways:by using environmental issues in scripts,by
using environmental products as props,and by making environmentally
conscious choices in studios(Leroux,par.2).Seeing the star of a prime-time
show recycling plastic bottles or using an environmentally friendly product is
more persuasive than almost any other type of public service message.In
short. television programs promote positive values in both direct and indirect
Chapter 8 I Paraphrase and Summary 135

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136 Part Il I Writing an Essay

PRACTICE 3 Some people feel that we should not send a manned spacecraft to Mars.Write a
Using para- graph in which you agree with this statement.
as Support Step 1 Write a topic sentence that states your opinion.
Step 2 Write several supporting sentences,using paraphrases that you wrote
in Practice 2(pages 132-134)to support your points.Include some
additional supporting sentences and transition signals to connect the
ideas and make your paragraph flow smoothly.
Step 3 Add an in-text citation at the end of each paraphrase you use.


Another way to use borrowed information from an outside source is to

summarize it.What is the difference between a paraphrase and a summary?When
you retell a story that someone has told you,you repeat the story in your own
words.If your retelling is about the same length as the original,it is a
paraphrase.If you shorten the story—retelling only the most important points and
leaving out the details—it is a summary
Original Passage (85 words)
Language is the main means of communication between peoples.But so
and Summary many different languages have developed that language has often been a
barrier rather than an aid to understanding among peoples.For many
have dreamed of setting up an international universal language which all people
could speak and understand.The arguments in favor of a universal language
are simple and obvious.If all peoples spoke the same tongue,cultural and
economic ties might be much closer,and good will might increase
between countries (Kispert).

Paraphrase (63 words,about the same length as the originall

Humans communicate through language.Because there are so many
different languages,however,people around the world have a difficult time
understanding one another.Some people have wished for a universal
international language that speakers all over the world could understand.Their
reasons are straightforward
and clear.A universal language would build cultural and economic bonds.It
would also create better feelings among countries (Kispert).

Summary (28 words,much shorter)

People communicate through language;however,having different languages
creates communication barriers.A universal language could bring countries
together culturally and economically as well as increase good feelings
among them (Kispert).
136 Part Il I Writing an Essay

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Writing Technique Questions

1.How many sentences are there in the original passage?In the paraphrase?
In the summary?
2.Compare the paraphrase and the summary.What two details were left
out of the summary?

How to Write a Good Summary

There are three keys to writing a good summary;
1.Use your own words and your own sentence structure.
2.Remember that a summary is much shorter than a
paraphrase.Include only the main points and main supporting
points,leaving out most
3.Do not change the meaning of the original.

PRACTICF 4 Read the original passage and the two summaries that follow it.Then answer these
the 1.Which of the two is the better summary?Why?
2.Which summary contains an idea that was not in the original?Which
sentence expresses this added idea?

Original Passage
Source:The following passage is excerpted from a newspaper article written by
Marc Lacey.It appeared on page A3 of the New York Times on November
12,2004. The title of the article is “Using a New Language in Africa to Save
Dying Ones.”
Swahili speakers wishing to use a "compyuta"—as computer is rendered in
Swahill-have been out of luck when it comes to communicating in their tongue.
Computers,no matter how bulky their hard drives or sophisticated their software
packages,have not yet mastered Swahili or hundreds of other indigenous
African languages.
But that may soon change.Across the continent,linguists are working
with experts in information technology to make computers more
accessible to Africans who happen not to know English,French,or the
other major
languages that have been programmed into the world's desktops.
There are economic reasons for the outreach.Microsoft,which is working to
incorporate Swahili into Microsoft Windows,Microsoft Ofice,and other popular
programs,sees a market for its software among the roughly 100 milon Swahili
speakers in East Africa.The same goes for Google,which last month launched,offering a Kenyan version in Swahili of the popular search
But the campaign to Africanize cyberspace is not all about the bottom line.
There are hundreds of languages in Africa-some spoken only by a few dozen
elders—and they are dying out at an alarming rate.The continent's linguists
see the computers as one important way of saving them.UNESCO estimates
90 percent of the world's 6,000 languages are not represented on the Internet
and that one language disappears somewhere around the world every two
Chapter 8 |Paraphrase and Summary 137

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138 Part I I Writing an Essay

Summary A
People who speak Swahill who want to communicate using a “compyuta,”
which is the Swahili word for computer,are unable to do so in their own
language. It makes no difference that computers have huge hard drives and
software.They cannot operate in Swahill or other African languages,of which
there are hundreds.Soon,however,they may be able to.Linguists in Africa are
working with information technology specialists to make computers operable
to Africans who do not know any of the languages currently used on the
Economics is bringing about this change.Microsoft sees a market for its
software among Swahili speakers in East Africa.Google now has a search
engine for
speakers of Swahili in Kenya.Other software companies will probably soon
develop products for African consumers.In addition to economics,there is
another reason for making the computer accessible to Africans.Hundreds of
African languages are dying out,and linguists view the computer as a way to
save them.According to UNESCO estimates,90 percent of the world's 6,000
languages are not on the Internet,and one language becomes extinct every day
somewhere in the world.The hope is that computers can help save them

Summary B
Many Africans who do not speak any of the major languages on the
Internet have been unable to use computers in their native
languages.Computers cannot yet accommodate languages such as
Swahili.However,that situation may soon change.Linguists and computer
experts are working to develop computers that work in Swahili and other
African languages.Economics is one reason for doing so.Computer companies
such as Microsoft and Google see a potentially huge market for its products
in Africa.Another important reason is to save languages that are in danger of
becoming extinct (Lacey).

The steps for writing a summary are similar to those for writing a paraphrase.
Step 1 Read the original passage several times until you understand it fully.
Look up any words that you don't understand.
Step 2 Decide what the important ideas are.It helps to underline important
ideas.It also helps to take notes.Write down only a few words for
each idea—not complete sentences.
Step 3 Write your summary from your notes.Don't look at the original while
you are writing.
Step 4 Check your summary against the original to make sure you have not
changed the meaning.
Step 5 Add an in-text citation at the end of the summary.

Write a one-paragraph summary of each of the following passages.

5 Step 1 Read the original passage several times until you understand it well.
Writing You may find it helpful to underline the main points.
Step 2 Make notes in the space provided,changing vocabulary words
wherever possible.
138 Part I I Writing an Essay
Step 3 Write a summary of each passage in your own
words. Step 4 Add an in-text citation at the end of each

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Chapter 8 I Paraphrase and Summary 139

Original Passage 1
Source:Various paragraphs of a news article written by Randolph E.Schmid.It
was published online by the Associated Press on February 26.2004.The title of
the article is "Share of people who are native English speakers
declining."The article is 25 paragraphs long.The Web site address is

The world faces a future of people speaking more than one language,with
English no longer seen as likely to become dominant,a British language
expert says in a new analysis."English is likely to remain one of the world's
important languages for the foreseeable future,but its future is more
problematic—and complex—than most people appreciate,"said language
researcher David Graddol (Schmid,pars.1-2).
He sees English as likely to become the "first among equals"rather than
having the global field to itself (par.3)...The share of the world's population
that speaks English as a native language is falling,Graddol reports in a paper in
Friday's issue of the journal Science (par.5).
“There is a distinct consciousness in many countries,both developed and
developing,about this dominance of English.There is some evidence of resistance
to it,a desire to change it"said [Scotl]Montgomery [the author of another aricle
published in the same issue of Science].For example,he said,in the early years
of the Internet it was dominated by sites in English,but in recent years there has
been a proliferation of non-English sites,especially Spanish,German,French,
Japanese,and others (pars.19-20).
Nonetheless,English is strong as a second language,and teaching it has
become a growth industry,said Montgomery,a Seattle-based geologist and
energy consultant (par.21).
Graddol noted,though,that employers in parts of Asia are already looking
beyond English."In the next decade the new'must learn'language is likely to
be Mandarin”(par.22).


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40 Part U| Writing an Essay

Original Passage 2
Source:Paragraphs I and 2 from a December 20,2001,online article entitled
“A world empire by other means."The author's name is not given.It was pub-
lished on,the Web site of a British magazine.The Web site
address is <
It [English]is everywhere.Some 380 million people speak it as their first
language and perhaps two-thirds as many again as their second.A billion are
leaning it,about a third of the world's population are in some sense exposed to
it, and by 2050,it is predicted,half the world wll be more or less proficient in it.It
is the language of globalization—of international business,politics,and
diplomacy. It is the language of computers and the Internet.You'l see it on
posters in Cote
d'lvoire,you'll hear it in pop songs in Tokyo,you'll read it in oficial documents
in Phnom Penh.Deutsche Welle broadcasts in it.Bjork,an Icelander,sings in it.
French business schools teach in it.It is the medium of expression in cabinet
meetings in Bolivia.Truly,the tongue spoken back in the 1300s only by the
"low people"of England,as Robert of Gloucester put it at the time,has come a
long way.It is now the global language.
How come?Not because English is easy.True,genders are simple,since
English relies on "it"as the pronoun for all inanimate nouns,reserving masculine
for bona fide males and feminine for females (and countries and ships).But the
verbs tend to be iregular,the grammar bizarre,and the match between spelling
and pronunciation a nightmare.English is now so widely spoken in so many
places that umpteen versions have evolved,some so peculiar that even
“native”speakers may have trouble understanding each other.But if only one
version existed,that
would present difficulties enough.Even everyday English is a language of subtlety,
nuance,and complexity.John Simmons,a language consultant for Interbrand,likes
to cite the word "set,"an apparently simple word that takes on different meanings
in a sporing,cooking,social,or mathematical context-and that is before any little
words are combined with it.Then,as a verb,it becomes "set aside,""set up,""set
down,""set in,""set on,""set about,""set against,"and so on,terms that "leave
even nativespeakers bewildered about [its]core meaning."


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PRACTICE 6 Some people say that English is casy to learn,but difficult to master.Write
Using Summaries a paragraph in which you agree with this statement.
as Support
Step 1 Begin with a clear topie sentence.
Step 2 Support your topic sentence with a summary-or a part of a
summary—that you wrote in Practice 5.If you wish,include examples
from your own knowledge and experience.
Step 3 Add an in-text citation at the end of each picce of
summarized information you use.

These are the important points you should have learned from this chapter.
1.In academic writing,you are expected to use information from outside
sources to support your ideas.In addition to using quotations,you may also
use paraphrases and summaries.
·Paraphrase:Rewrite the author's meaning in your own words.Include all
or almost all of the ideas that are in the original.Change the sentence
structure and substitute synonyms where possible to avoid plagiarizing.
·Summary:Condense a writer's words and summarize the main ideas in
as few of your own words as possible.
2.Keep in mind that the U.S.system of education values students'original
thinking and writing.Use outside sources to support your own
write a paper that contains only the ideas of others.
3.Don't just drop a paraphrase or summary into your paper.Make the
connection between the borrowed information and your idea clear.
4.Document your sources to avoid plagiarizing and to help the reader find
the sources of your information.
Chapter 8 I Paraphrase and Summary 141

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Finding and presenting the main and supporting ideas of a whole article or
section of a text is called summarizing. In general,summaries contain broad
concepts and explain relationships between ideas but include very few facts or
statistics.They can vary in length from one sentence to a paragraph or more.If
you are writing a paper for school and want to include a summary of an article
in it,you should keep the summary short—probably no more than two or
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IAppendix IC

sentences.But if you have an assignment to write a summary of an article or a

section of a textbook,you will need to write a longer,more complete summary.A
complete summary of a section from a textbook might be a paragraph in which
each sentence summarizes a paragraph in the original text.Follow these five steps
to write a summary of any length.
SrEP 1.Read carefully.Read the selection once to get a general idea of what it is
about and to determine what the author's purpose is.Ask yourself if the author
is trying to persuade or inform and what the main message is.You do not have
understand all the vocabulary in the reading in order to summarize it,but you do
need to know what an unfamiliar word means if it relates to a main or
supporting idea in the text.
STEP 2.Locate the main and supporting points.Read the text again,and
underline the words,phrases,clauses,and sentences that contain the main
and supporting points.
Different kinds of writing have different types of organization.Academic
writing is highly organized,so if you are summarizing an excerpt from a
textbook or an academic journal,you will probably find the main and supporting
easily:The main idea will be stated near the beginning,and most of the
supporting points will be in the topic sentences of body paragraphs.A
summary statement may be included near the end.
If,however,you are summarizing an article from a newspaper,a popular
magazine,or the Internet,you will see that the organization is looser.The main
idea may appear anywhere in the article,and the paragraphs may be very short and
may lack topic sentences.In such writing,look for signals that tell you what the
writer wants to emphasize,such as a carefully developed description or
explanation,an attention-getting quotation,a short one-sentence paragraph after a
longer paragraph,or transition signals such as major,main,largest,and above all.
In the following article,words,phrases,clauses,and sentences containing the
main and supporting ideas have been underlined.
The Rain Forest in Your Cup
1 If you drank coffee this morning,you are most likely responsible for
clearing a patch of rainforest about the size of your coffee mug.That's the
amount of forest,in Latin America at least,that is cleared for firewood to dry
the beans required for a cup of coffee.And if you drink a cup every morning.
that adds up to a lot of forest:Each year in Latin America,about 65 square
kilometers (16,000 acres)are cut to fuel coffee drying,according to the
Mesoamerican Development Institute.This loss of forest is occurring despite
the fact that in recent years coffee growers have adopted new production
methods which are better for the environment.
2 All coffee beans—whether they are grown with new environment-friendly
or with conventional methods-still need to be dried after the berries are
picked. And currently that's being done with tons of firewood and diesel fuel.
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3 “The largest threat to forests right now is not shade-coffee plantations

being cleared and converted to plantations," said Raul Raudales,an energy
engineer who has been working to develop forest-friendly technologies."The
biggest impact on forests is the use of firewood to dry the coffee."Coffee is
the second largest traded commodity worldwide.So the amount of forest
cleared to dry millions of coffee berries each year is large.
4 Raudales and his team have developed an efficient alternatiye to the
massive blast-furnace dryers that are used to dry coffee all over the world.
His company,Solar Trade,builds a solar coffee dryer which uses a high-tech
heating chamber kept hot by solar heaters and super-efficient fans to dry the
coffee beans.On rainy days or at night,the dryers get their heat from
burning the husks of previously dried coffee berries.
5 Right now there are three solar dryers in operation,two in Costa Rica and
one in Nicaragua.There is already some demand in Europe for the solar-
dried coffee.“We call it'Café Solar,’”said Richard Trubey,the company's vice
president for marketing.“We are promoting the benefits of preserving
the forest by not burning it to dry coffee."
6 The design for the conventional industrial dryers that are in widespread
use hasn't changed in the last 80 years. The old-style dryers heat the coffee
firewood and diesel fuel.Large horsepower fans blow the hot air through
the wet coffee beans,requiring large amounts of electricity.
7“So the energy consumption each year at a facility that handles 10,000
sacks of coffee—which is small,there are many others that produce 20 times
that— costs about $20,000 for electricity and firewood,"said Raudales.“For
the solar dryer,those costs are about $1,700." In many parts of Latin
America,electricity prices have been rising rapidly in the past
decade,increasing by about 20
percent a year.
8 Solar Trade estimates that the efficiency savings would easily cover a
company's cost of changing to solar within seven to eight years.“It
makes sense for these companies to change right now,whether they
have newer or older equipment,simply because the conventional
systems require a
tremendous amount of energy and money to operate,"said Trubey.(WRI

Adapted from Runyan,C.(2004,January).The rainforest in your cup.

World Resources Institute.Retrieved July 6,2004,from

SrEp 3.Paraphrase.Once you have underlined the main idea and the supporting
points,you can paraphrase what you have marked.(For more information about
how to paraphrase,see pages 222-223).Look at the paraphrases below.
...rain forest cleared for firewood to dry the beans required for a cup
of coffee.
People are cutting down rainforests to get firewood to dry coffee beans.
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The largest threat to forests right now ...said Raul Raudales,an

energy engineer the use of firewood to dry the coffee.
Eneray engineer Raul Raudales saye cutting firewood causco the
most damage to rainforeste.
Raudales and his team have developed an efficient alternative... a solar
coffee dryer which uses ... solar heaters and ...husks of
previously dried coffee berries.
Raul Raudales and his partnero have created a solar-powered coffee
dryer that runs on sunlight and the skins of previously dried berries.
The old-style dryers heat the coffee with firewood and diesel
fuel, The traditional dryers burn firewood and diesel fuel to dry
In many parts of Latin America electricity prices have been rising rapidly
in the past decade ...
Much of Latin America has experienced rising energy costs over the last ten years.
It makes sense for... companies to change right now ... because
the conventional systems require a tremendous amount of energy
and money to operate ....
Due to the very large amount of energy and money required by conventional
coffee-drying methods,solar coffee dryers offer a sensible alternative
to companies right now.

SrEP 4.Write a paragraph.When you have finished paraphrasing,combine the

paraphrases in a paragraph.Include a text reference (the author's name,the in-
text citation,and,if you wish,the name of the article or publication)in the first
sentence.If your summary will be more than three sentences long,begin with a
topic sentence that introduces the general idea of the reading,similar to the
sentences you wrote in Exercise 1.If you find that there are information gaps in
your paragraph,reread the text,looking for information to paraphrase in order to
fill in the gaps.After you have finished writing,check your paragraph for
cohesion,and revise if necessary.Be sure to include an end-of-text citation.
Curtis Runyan (2004)reports in WRI Features that people are cutting
down rainforests to get firewood to dry coffee beans.He quotes energy
engineer Raul Raudales,who says that harvesting trees for firewood
causes more damage to rainforests than any other aspect of coffee
Raudales and his partners have created a solar-powered coffee dryer that
runs on sunlight and the skins of previously dried,berries.The traditional
dryers burn firewood and diesel fuel to dry coffee.Due to the rising
energy prices in much of Latin America and the very large amount of
required by conventional coffee-drying methods,solar coffee dryers offer
a sensible alternative right now.

Adapted from Runyan,C.(2004,Januaryl.The rain forest in your cup.

World Resources Institute.Retrieved July 6,2004,from
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A.Summarize the following two readings.The first one is from a college
textbook and the second one is an editorial (an argumentative essay written
for a
newspaper).Follow the four summarizing steps listed above and include in-text
and end-of-text citations.Use the APA style.
1. The Ecological Capital of Brazil
By Daniel Botkin and Edward Keller
1 In 1950,the city of Curitiba in Brazil had 300,000 inhabitants;but,by 1990
the population had grown to 2.3 million ..making it the tenth largest city in
Brazil..…The growth of Curitiba resulted primarily from migration of rural people
displaced by mechanization of agriculture.The newcomers lived in squatter huts
at the edge of the city in conditions of great poverty,poor sanitation,and frequent
flooding caused by conversion of rivers and streams into artificial canals.By
Curitiba was well on the way to becoming an example of environmental
degradation and social decay.The story of how Curitiba turned itself from an
urban disaster into a model of planning and sustainability by 1995 illustrates
that cities can be designed in harmony with people and the environment.1,2
2 Much of the credit for the transformation of Curitiba goes to its three-
time mayor,Jaime Lerner,who believed a workable transportation system
was the key to making Curitiba an integrated city where people could live as
well as work.Rather than a more expensive underground rail
spearheaded development of a bus system with five major axes,each
containing lanes dedicated to express buses ...with others carrying local
traffic and high-speed automobile traffic.Forty-nine blocks of the historic
center of Curitiba were reserved for pedestrians.Tubular bus stations were built
which passengers paid fares before boarding,an arrangement that avoids long
delays caused by collecting fares after boarding.Circular routes and smaller
feeder routes between the major axes maintain vital connections between the
central city and outlying areas.As a result,more than 1.3 million passengers
ride buses each day.Although Curitiba has the second highest per capita
number of cars in Brazil,it uses 30 percent less gas than eight
comparable Brazilian cities,and its air pollution is among the lowest in the
3 To solve its serious garbage problem,Curitiba required each household to
sort recyclables from garbage.As a result,two-thirds of the garbage,more
than 100 tons a day,is recycled,with 70 percent of the population participating.
Where streets are too narrow to allow access by garbage trucks,residents are
encouraged to bring garbage bags to the trucks.They are reimbursed with bus
tokens,surplus food,or school notebooks.

1Dobbs,F.1995.Dobbs,F.Curitiba;City of the future?Video.World Bank.

2Rabinovitch,J.1997.Integrated transportation and land use channel Curitiba's
growth.Washington,D.C.:World Resources Institute.
3Hunt,J.1994(April).Curitiba.Metropolis Magazine.(1994,April).

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4 Through a low-cost housing program,40,000 new homes were built,many

placed so that residents have easy access to job sites.The city also embarked
on a program to increase the amount of green space.Artificial drainage
channels were replaced with natural drainage,reducing the need for
expensive flood control.Some areas,including those around the river
basins,were set
aside for parks.In 1970,Curitiba had only 0.5 m²of green area per
capita; by 1990,the area had increased to 50 m²for each inhabitant.The
accomplishments of Curitiba have led some to call it the "ecological capital
of Brazil"and to hope that it is also the "city of the future."2,4

*Rabinovitch,J.&Leitman,J.(1996,March).Urban planning in Curitiba.Scientific

Botkin,D.B.,&Keller,E.A.(2003).The ecological capital of Brazil.In Environmental
science:Earth as a living planet (pp.576-577).Hoboken,NJ:Wiley.

2. The Death of the World's Coral Reefs

By Joshua Reichert
1 Bigger than anything ever built,Australia's Great Barrier Reef is about
92,000 square miles in size.Like all reefs,it's the product of trillions of
tiny animals,no bigger than ants,building the reefs as they secrete
limestone. 2 Generations of new corals grow on top of the skeletons of
generations,building up the reefs at the rate of about 1 inch per
year.Coral colonies can live for thousands of years,and at some Pacific
skeletons of dead coral stretch nearly a mile below the living reef.
3 One would think that creatures capable of such architectural feats would be
impervious to human activity.
4 Yet,one quarter of the world's reefs have already been lost,and those
remaining are under stress from pollution,sedimentation,destructive fishing
practices,and global climate change.
5 Reefs have existed on Earth for millions of years,but unless strong action
is taken to protect them,up to 70 percent of the world's shallow reefs could be
gone in the next few decades.
6 The world's reefs are being threatened in a variety of ways.Each
year,new coral diseases are identified which many scientists believe are
linked to human activity.
7 Sediment,pesticides,and pollution from human activities damage coral
reefs when transported by rivers into coastal waters.Excessive nutrients in
seawater,caused by wastewater discharges from sources that include hotels
and resorts,agriculture,golf courses,and sewage treatment plants,promote
algal growth on coral,blocking sunlight and stunting coral growth.
8 In some parts of the world,destructive fishing practices,including the
uses of sodium cyanide and explosives,are seriously damaging coral
communities and the fish that live in them.
9 The biggest threat to the world's coral reefs,however,is global warming.
10 Reefs need the right balance of sunlight,temperature,nutrients,and
salinity to survive.Most shallow water reefs exist within a narrow temperature

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11 Increases of more than 3 degrees can have a devastating effect on these

tiny organisms,causing them to expel the symbiotic microalgae that provide
them with food.The corals turn white and eventually die—a process called
12 Over the next century,the Earth's temperature is expected to rise by as
much as 10.4 degrees Fahrenheit.This is more of an increase than has
occurred since the last Ice Age.Many scientists believe that the resulting rise in
temperature will be fatal to many reefs.
13 Why should we care?
14 For one,because reefs harbor at least one quarter of all marine
life.About 10 percent of the world's fisheries come from reefs,and much of
this feeds
protein-starved people in underdeveloped countries.Because they harbor so
much biodiversity,reefs,like tropical rainforests,also offer excellent prospects
for new medicines and natural compounds that can benefit humanity.
15 For example,Australian scientists have developed a highly effective
sunscreen from substances that corals use to protect themselves from
ultraviolet light.
16 The beauty of coral reefs draws millions of tourists each year,generating
revenue for the countries where they are located,many of them impoverished.
17 Finally,reefs provide a natural seawall that protects many
coastal populations from tides,storm surges,and hurricanes.
18 What can be done to save the world's coral reefs?
19 First,we must curb global warming.As the world's largest emitter of
greenhouse gases,the United States must exercise leadership on this issue..
20 Second,because the United States is the number one importer
of coral-reef fish,Americans must ensure that tropical fish are collected in
ecologically sound and sustainable ways.
21 Although the United States and many other countries forbid using cyanide
and explosives to stun fish,these methods are still widely practiced in the
South Pacific and Southeast Asia.
22 In 1997 the [U.S.]Senate passed a resolution to discourage these
methods of collection,but stronger action,coordinated with other nations,is
23 Like many of the planet's living creations,reefs can recover if given some
encouragement.But unless action is taken soon,the next generation may
never have the chance to experience firsthand one of the world's most
feats of nature.

Reichert,J.(2001,July 20).The death of the world's coral reefs (Editoriall.The

San Francisco Chronicle,p.A25.

SrEP 5.Follow up.Now with a partner or small group,compare the parts of each
article you identified as the main and supporting points,and tell how you found
the main and supporting arguments in each reading.Finally,read your summaries
to each other.If you do not agree on the main and supporting points,discuss this
question with other classmates and your teacher.

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