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** Volume increase due to mud weight increase with barite, bbl:

Determine the volume increase when increasing the density from 12.0ppg (W 1) to 14.0ppg (W 2):

Volume increase = 9.52bbl per 100bbl

** Starting volume, bbl, of original mud weight required to yield a predetermined final volume of
desired mud weight with barite


Determine the starting volume, bbl, of 12.0ppg (W 1) mud required to achieve 100bbl (V F) of 14.0ppg (W 2)
mud with barite:

Starting volume = 91.3bbl

** Mud weight increase with calcium carbonate (SG 2.7)

Note: The maximum practical mud weight attainable with calcium carbonate is 14.0ppg.

Determine the number of sacks of calcium carbonate/100 bbl required to increase the density from 12.0ppg
(W 1) to 13.0ppg (W 2):

Sacks/100bbl = 99.5

Volume increase, bbl, due to mud weight increase with calcium carbonate


Determine the volume increase, bbl/100bbl, when increasing the density from 12.0ppg (W 1) to 13.0ppg (W 2):

Volume increase = 10.53bbl per 100bbl

** Starting volume, bbl, of original mud weight required to yield a predetermined final volume of
desired mud weight with calcium carbonate


Determine the starting volume, bbl, of 12.0 ppg (W1 ) mud required to achieve 100 bbl (VF) of
13.0 ppg (W2 ) mud with calcium carbonate:

Starting volume, bbl = 100 (22.5 — 13.0) /(22.5 — 12.0 )

Starting volume, bbl = 950 /10.5

Starting volume= 90.5 bbl


Mud weight reduction with water Water, bbl = V1(W1—W2 ) / (W2 — Dw )


Determine the number of barrels of water weighing 8.33 ppg (Dw) required to reduce 100 bbl
(V1) of 14.0 ppg (W1) to 12.0 ppg (W2 ):

Water, bbl = 100(14.0 — 12.0)/ (12.0 — 8.33)

Water, bbl = 54.5 bbl

Mixing Fluids of Different Densities


(V1D1) + (V2D2) = VfDf


V1 = volume of fluid 1 (bbl, gal, etc.)

DI = density of fluid 1 (ppg, lb/ft3, etc.)

V2 = volume of fluid 2 (bbl, gal, etc.)

D2 = density of fluid 2 (ppg, lb/ft3, etc.)

VF = volume of final fluid mix

DF = density of final fluid mix

Example: A limit is placed on the desired volume:

Determine the volume of 1l.0 ppg mud and 14.0 ppg mud required to build 300 bbl of 1 1.5 ppg


400bbl of 1l.0 ppg mud on hand, and 400bbl of 14.0ppg mud on hand

let V1 = bbl of 11.0 ppg mud

V2 = bbl of 14.0 ppg mud


VI + V2 = 300bbl (a)

(11.0) V1 + (14.0) V2 = (11.5) (300) (b)

Multiply Equation (a) by the density of the lowest mud weight (D1 = 11 .0 ppg) and subtract the
result from Equation (b)

(11.0) VI + (14.0) V2 = 3450 (b)

- 11V1 + 11V2 = 3300 bbl (a)

0 + 3 V2 = 150 bbl

Therefore: V2 = 50bbl of 14.0ppg mud

VI + V2 = 300bbl V1 = 300 - 50

V1 = 250 bbl of 11 .0 ppg mud


V1 = 250 bbl

D1 = 11 ppg

V2 = 50bbl

D2 = 14.0 ppg

VF = 300 bbl, DF = final density, ppg

(250) (11) + (50)(14) = 300DF

2750+700 = 300DF

3450 = 300DF, therefore DF 11.5ppg

Example: No limit is placed on volume

Determine the density and volume when the following two muds are mixed together

Given: 400 bbl of 11.0 ppg mud, and 400bbl of 14.0ppg mud


Let V1 = bbl of 1 l.0 ppg mud

D1 = density of 11.0 ppg mud

V2 = bbl of 14.0 ppg mud

D2 = density of 14.0 ppg mud

VF = final volume, bbl

DF = final density, ppg

Formula: (V1D1) + (V2D2) = VFDF

(400)(11.0) + (400)(14.0) = 800DF

400 + 5600 = 800 DF

10,000 = 800 DF

DF = 12.5ppg

Therefore: final volume = 800 bbl and final mud density = 12.5ppg

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