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;g fd;k tkrk gS fd
d{kk dh Nk=k gS
ftUgksusa viuh fgUnh ifj;kstuk Qkby
dks lQyrkiwoZd cuk;k gSSA

bl ifj;kstuk ds nkSjku bUgksusa cgqr

vPNh ekSfydrk vkSj jpukRed izfrHkk
fn[kkbZ gSA

iz/kkuk/;kfidk gLrk %

v/;kid gLrk %


izLrqr Jheku izoh.k feJk
fgUnh ifj;kstuk dk;Z
fo’k; fgUnh
l= 2023 - 24


Submitted To: Mr.Yogendra Awasthi

“English project file work”

Submitted by : Yash Sachan
Class : 12 ‘A’
Subject : English
Roll No. : 60
School Code : 70809

Session : 2023-24
eSa vius v/;kid Jheku izoh.k feJk th dk
fny ls /kU;okn djuk pkgrk gwW
fd mUgksusa eq>s bruh f”k{kkizn ifj;kstuk
cukus dk ;g volj iznku fd;kA bl
ifj;kstuk dk;Z ls eq>s cgqr dqN lh[kus o
tkuus dks feykA eSa vius ekrk & firk dk
Hkh /kU;okn djuk pkgwWxk D;ksafd mudh
lgk;rk ds fcuk ;g ifj;kstuk cukuk lQy
ugha gks ikrkA eSa Hkfo’; esa Hkh ,slh f”k{kkizn
ifj;kstuk Qkby cukus dh vk”kk djrk gwWA


d{kk %


Submitted To: Mr. Ajay mishra

Submitted by : Yash Sachan
Class : 12 ‘A’
Subject : physics
CBSE Roll No. :
School Code : 70809

Session : 2023-24


Submitted To: Mr. Ajay mishra

Submitted by : Yash Sachan
Class : 12 ‘A’
Subject : physics
CBSE Roll No. :
School Code : 70809

Session : 2023-24

. It is the state of physical ,

emotional behavioural and
social fitness for leading a
reproductive life.

. According to WHO (1948) :

Health is a state of complete
physical, mental and social
well being and not merely
and absence of disease.
Reproductive Health - Problems
and Strategies
• India was among the first
countries to initiate actions and
plans to attain total reproductive
health as social goal.

• These programs are called “

Family Planning” initiated in

• Improved programs covering

reproduction related areas are in
operations – ‘ Reproductive and
Child Health Care Programs’

• Create awareness about various

reproduction aspects and
provide facilities and support to
build reproductively healthy

• Through the help of audio-visuals and

print media to create awareness.
• Family members, close relations are
involved in the awareness.
• Sex education is introduced in schools
to provide awareness.
• Proper information about reproductive
organs, adolescence and related
changes, safe and hygienic sexual
practices, sexually transmitted diseases
(STD), AIDS, etc.
• Educating people about birth control
options, care of pregnant women,
post-natal care of mother and child,
importance of breastfeeding, equal
importance to both male and female
child-socially conscious healthy family.
• Awareness of uncontrolled population
growth, social evils-builds socially
responsible healthy society.
• Implementation of various action
plans requires infrastructural facilities,
professional experts and material
support to provide medical assistance
and care to people in reproduction
related problems, delivery, etc.
• Statutory ban on Amniocentesis-
legally check female foeticide, massive
child immunisation programs.
• Researches on reproduction related
areas, supported by gov. and non-gov.
agencies to improve/find new
methods upon the existing ones.
Saheli (Contraceptive)- Central Drug
research Institute (CDRI).
• Increasing the legal age for marriage
for male and female, for females
(18yrs.) and for males (21yrs.).
• The increase in size and growth of
human population is called
population explosion.
• Indian population-350 million at
independence and crossed 1 billion in
May 2000.
• Alarming growth rate-scarcity of
basic requirements (food, shelter and
The reason for high population
explosion are:
1. Decline in death rate.
2. Longer life span.
3. Improvement in agriculture.
4. Control of disease.
5. Decline in infant mortality rate
6. Decline in maternal mortality rate
❑ Some steps to overcome
population explosion:

1. Motivate smaller families using

contraceptive methods.
2. Awareness through media, posters/
bills- ( Hum Do Hamare Do ).
3. Couples mostly young, urban,
working ones adopted ‘One
4. Statutory raising of marriageable
age, female-18 yrs. and male- 21yrs.
5. Incentives to couples with small
6. Contraceptive methods, to prevent
unwanted child births and
❖ Consequences of over
• Space scarcity
• Decline in food supply
• Increase in unemployment
• Disturbance in hygienic condition
• Increasement in prize

❑ contraception
• Contraception aim to control birth,
by using contraceptives.
• Prevention of conception of
fertilization of ovum during sexual
intercourse is called contraception.
• An ideal contraceptive should be user
friendly, easily available, effective
and reversible with no or least side
➢ The different types of contraceptives
are :
1. Natural / Traditional method
2. Barrier method
3. Intra Uterine Device (IUD)
4. Oral contraceptives
5. Injection and implants
6. Surgical method

❑ Natural Methods
• It works on the principle of avoiding
chances of ovum and sperms
a) Periodic abstinence:
• Is a method in which couple avoid
or abstain coitus from day 10 to 17
of the menstrual cycle when
ovulation could be expected.
b) Withdrawl or coitus interrupts:
• In this method male partner
withdraws his penis from the vagina
just before ejaculation to avoid
C) Lactational amenorrhea:
• Based on the fact that ovulation ?
Cycle absent during intense lactation
following parturition. Hence chance
of fertilisation is absent.
• Effective for 6 months, side effects
are nil.
• Chances of failure are high.
❖ Physical contraceptive or barrier
• This method prevents contact of
sperm and ovum by barrier.
• Available for both male and
a) Condoms:
• Barriers are made of thin rubbers /
latex sheath, self inserted and
• Covers penis in male and vagina and
cervix in female It is used so that
semen does not enter the female
reproductive tract.
• It also prevents AIDS and STDs.

Female condom Male condom

b) Diaphragm, cervical caps and

• Barrier, made of rubber latex.
• Inserted into the female reproductive
tract to cover the cervix.
• Block entry of sperm through cervix,
Intra uterine devices
• These devices are normally used by
• Inserted by doctors or nurses in the
uterus through vagina.
• They are available as :
a) Non-medical IUDs-
Ex- Lippes loop: Phagocytosis of sperm
b) Copper releasing IUDs (CuT,
Cu7, Multiload 375) :
• Cuion released suppresses
spermmotility and fertilising
capacity of sperm.
• IUDs increase phagocytosis of sperm
within the uterus.
Copper T
❑ Oral contraceptives:
• Oral administration of small doses of
progesterone or progesterone or
estrogen combination.
• Female tablets so called pills taken
daily for a period 21 days.
• Inhibit ovulation and implantation
alter quality of cervical mucusto
prevent entry of sperm, less side ffects
such as ex- Saheli (once a week).
❑ Injections or implants:
• Progesterone alone or in combination
with estrogen used as injections or
implants under the skin of the female.
• Action similar to pills, effective for
long periods.

• Progesterone or combination of
progesterone or estrogenor IUDs
within 72 hrs. of coitus are effective as
emergency contraceptives to avoid
possible pregnancy due to rape or
unprotected intercourse.
❑ Surgical methods:
• It is also called as sterilization
method advised to male / female
partner to prevent any future
• Blocks gamete transport, thus
prevent conception.
• Sterilization in male is called-
‘vasectomy’ and in female called
• Vasectomy a small part of the vas
deferens is removed or tied up through
incision made on scrotum.
• Tubectomy small part of the fallopian
tubes are removed or tied up through
incision of abdomen / vagina.
• Highly effective, reversibility is very

❑ Artificial Insemination

➢ This technique is followed when

either the male partner fails to
inseminate or sufferfrom
➢ In this process the semen of male
partner is collected and introduced
into the female vagina.
• IUI : If the collected semen is
introduced into the uterus of female
then it is known as ( Intra Uterine
Insemination ).
• AIH : If the donor of the semen is
husband then it is called ( Artificial
Insemination Husband ) .

Artificial Insemination


Submitted To: Mr. Ajay Mishra
Physics Investigatory project on the topic
“ To study the earth’s magnetic field using a
compass needle bar magnet by plotting
magnetic field lines and tangent
Submitted by : Yash Sachan
Class : 12 ‘A’
Subject : physics
CBSE Roll No. :
School Code : 70809
Session : 2023-24
This is to certify that this “Physics
Activity File” has been successfully
completed by Yash Sachan of Class-
XII under the guidance of Mr. Ajay
Mishra in particular fulfilment of
the curriculum of Central Board Of
Secondary Education (CBSE)
leading to the award of annual
examination of this year.

2023-2024 Principle Sign

Teacher Incharge External Examiner


I have taken efforts in this file. However, it

would not have been possible without the
kind support and help of many individuals.
I would like to thanks my principal mam
Mrs. Subhangi Singh and school for
providing me with facilities required to do
my file.
I am highly indebted to my physics teacher
Mr. Ajay Mishra for his invaluable guidance
which has sustained my efforts in all the
stages of this file work .
I would also like to thanks to my parents
for their continuous support and
My thanks and appreciations also go to the
people who have willingly helped me out
with their abilities.

Yash Sachan
➢Apparatus and Material
➢Observation and
➢Graph and Result
▪ The aim of the project is to study
the earth magnetic field and its
value (BH) using a tangent

Tangent Galvanometer

Top view of a Tangent Galvanometer

➢ Earth's magnetic field, also known as
the geomagnetic field, is the
magnetic field that extends from the
Earth's interior to where it meets the
solar wind, a stream of charged
particles emanating from the Sun. Its
magnitude at the Earth's surface
ranges from 25 to 65 microtesla as
(0.25 to0.65 gauss).Roughly speaking
it is the field of a magnetic dipole
currently tilted at an angle of about
10 degrees with respect to Earth's
rotational axis, as if there were a bar
magnet placed at that angle at the
center of the Earth. Unlike a bar
magnet, however, Earth's magnetic
field changes overtime because it is
generated by a geodynamic (in
Earth's case, the motion of molten
iron alloys in its outer core).
The North and South magnetic poles
wander widely, but sufficiently slowly
for ordinary compasses to remain
useful for navigation. However, at
irregular intervals averaging several
hundred thousand years, the Earth’s
field reverses and the North and South
Magnetic Poles relatively abruptly
switch places. These reversals of the
geomagnetic poles leave a record in
rocks that are of value to paleo
magnetics in calculating geomagnetic
fields in the past. Such information in
turn is helpful in studying the motions
of continents and ocean floors in the
process of plate tectonics.
The magnetosphere is the region
above the ionosphere and extends
several tens of thousands of
kilometers into space, protecting the
Earth from the charged particles of the
solar wind and cosmic rays that would
Otherwise strip away the upper
atmosphere, including the ozone layer
that protects the Earth from harmful
ultraviolet radiation. Earth's magnetic
field serves to deflect most of the solar
wind, whose charged particles would
otherwise strip away the ozone layer
that protects the Earth from harmful
ultraviolet radiation. One stripping
mechanism is for gas to be caught in
bubbles of magnetic field, which are
ripped off by solar winds.
The intensity of the field is often
measured in gauss (G), but is generally
reported in nanoteslas (nt), with 1 G =
100,000 nt. A nanotesla is also
referred to as a gamma (γ).The tesla is
the SI unit of the Magnetic field, B.

The field ranges between

approximately25,000 and 65,000 nT
(0.25 – 0.65 G ).
Near the surface of the Earth, its magnetic
field can be closely approximated by the field
of a magnetic dipole positioned at the center
of the Earth and tilted at an angle of about
10° with respect to the rotational axis of the
Earth. The dipole is roughly equivalent to a
powerful bar magnet, with its South Pole
pointing towards the geomagnetic North
pole. The north pole of a magnet is so defined
because, if allowed to rotate freely, it points
roughly northward (in the geographic sense.
Since the north pole of a magnet attracts the
south poles of other magnets and repels the
north poles, it must be attracted to the South

❖Tangent Galvanometer
▪ The tangent galvanometer works
on the principle of tangent law.
➢ Tangent law of Magnetism
• The tangent law of magnetism states that
the tangent of the angle of a compass
needle which is due to the movement
under the influence of magnetic field is
directly proportional to the ratio of
strengths of two perpendicular magnetic
• In simpler words, the tangent of the angle
made by the moving needle under the
magnetic field directly indicates the
strength of the perpendicular magnetic

✓ Definition
▪ Tangent galvanometer is the device which
was used to measure small amounts of
electric current.
The working of tangent galvanometer is
based on the principle of tangent law of

It consists of a coil of insulated copper wire

wound on a circular non-magnetic frame.

It is utmost necessary that the coil wound is

done in helical arrangement otherwise, the
field due to the wire will affect the compass
needle, thus inducing an error in the reading.

This frame is mounted vertically on a

horizontal base for support.

The coil of insulated copper wire is usually

rotated on a vertical axis passing through its
A small sized magnetic compass with a
powerful magnetic needle is made to pivote
at the centre of this coil, such that it is free to
rotate in a horizontal plane.

The circular scale is used to read the

movement of this magnetic needle which is
divided into four quadrants, each ranging
from 0° to90°.

A pointer is attached to this needle at right

angles, usually made up of thin aluminium as
aluminium is lighter in mass.

The usual way of discarding possibilities of

parallax is also used i.e placing of a plane
mirror below the compass needle.

• The instrument needle starts moving
firstly under the influence of Earth’s
magnetic field.
Movement continues untill the magnetic field
of earth is parallel with the plane of coil.

Then, on application of an unknown current, a

second magnetic field on the axis of the coil
which is perpendicular to the Earth's magnetic
field is created.

Hence the compass needle responds to the

vector sum of the two fields.

This deflection angle is equal to the tangent of

the ratio of those two fields.

❖ Applications
1. T.G. can be used to measure the
magnitude of the horizontal component of
the magnetic field.
2. The principle can be used to compare the
galvanometer constants.
3. For calibration of secondary instruments.
➢Apparatus and materials
required :
• Tangent Galvanometer (TG)
• Commutator (C)
• Rheostat (R)
• Battery (E)
• Ammeter (A)
• Key (K)

Plug Key

Battery Eliminator
➢ Theory
Tangent galvanometer is an early measuring
instrument for small currents. It consist of a coil
insulated copper wire wound on a circular non
magnetic frame. Its working is based on the
principle of the tangent law of magnetism.
When a current is passed through the circular
coil , a magnetic field B is produced at the
centre of the coil in a direction perpendicular to
the plane of the coil. The working of tangent
galvanometer is based on the tangent law. It is
stated as when a magnet is suspended freely in
magnetic field F and H the magnet comes to
rest making an angle with the direction H such
that : Eq 1: F=H tan𝜃
When a bar magnet is suspended in two
magnetic fields B and Bh, it comes to rest
making an angle 𝜃 with the direction of Bh.

Let a current I be passed through the coil of

radius R, having turns N. Then the magnetic
field produced at the centre of the coil is,

Eq 2: F= 𝑢𝟎𝟐𝜋𝑰𝑵
Let H is the horizontal component of earth’s
magnetic field and the magnetic needles
comes at rest at an angle with the direction
of H , then according Eq. (1).
by substituting the value of current I, from eq.
Eq.4: tan𝜃 𝑰 = 𝑢𝟎 𝟐𝝅𝑵
4𝜋 𝑹𝑯

radius of coil of galvanometer R, deflection

and N, the value of H can be calculated.

❑ Procedure :
Connections are made as shown in the
figure given below, where K is the key,
E the battery, A the ammeter, R the
rheostat, C the commutator, and T.G
the tangent galvanometer. The
commutator can reverse the current
through the T.G coil without changing
the current in the rest of the circuit.
Taking the average of the resulting
two readings for deflection averages
out, any small error in positioning the
T.G coil relative to the earth’s magnetic
field H.
❖ Circuit Diagram :

❑Procedure For Performing

the experiment :
Make the circuit connections in accordance
with the circuit diagram.
Using spirit level, level the base and the
compass needle in compass box of tangent
galvanometer by adjusting the leveling screw.

Now rotate the coil of the galvanometer

about its vertical axis, till the magnetic
needle, its image in the plane mirror fixed at
the base of the compass box and the coil,

These three lie in the same vertical plane.

In this setting, the ends of the aluminium
pointer should read zero- zero. If this is not so,
rotate the box without disturbing the position
of the coil till at least one of the ends of the
pointer stands at the zero marks.

By closing the key K, the current flow in the

galvanometer. Read the both ends of the
pointer. Now reverse the direction of current
by using the reversing key. When the mean
values of both deflections shown by the
pointer in the two cases (i.e. before and after
reversing the current) differ by more than one
degree, then turn slightly the vertical coil until
the two values agree. This will set the plane of
the coil exactly in the magnetic meridian.

By adjusting the rheostat, bring the deflection

in galvanometer around 45 degree. The
deflection should not be outside the range
(30 – 60 ) degree.

Record the reading of the ammeter and the

deflection of the compass needle in the box
shown by two ends of pointer on the scales.
Reverse the current in the coil of the
galvanometer and again record the current
and deflection of needle.

By changing the value of the current , take

four or more set of readings and plot the
graph between I and tan𝜃. The graph will be
a straight line.

Measure the inner and the outer diameter of

the coil with a half meter scale at least three

❑Observations and calculations:

Table 1. For variation of 𝜃 with I:
Table 2. For radius of tangent galvanometer

Mean radius of coil R = 8.04 0.01

❑Graph :
➢ Precautions :
❖Facts :
The tangent Galvanometer is an early measuring
instrument for current :

➢ The magnetic field produced by a circular coil

carrying current I is Proportional to I.

➢ The S.I. unit of magnetic field is Tesla.

➢ The magnitude of horizontal intensity of earth

magnetic field is 3.5X1/100000 T.

➢ For better result while doing tangent

galvanometer experiment the deflection should
be in between 30 – 60 degree.

𝜋𝑥1 -2
➢ The value of 𝑢 is 4 𝑁𝐴
❑ Bibliography :
➢ Tangent Galvanometer (Procedure) :
Comprehensive Physics Activities Volume I :
Laxmi Publications Pvt Ltd.
➢ Tangent Galvanometer (Theory) :
Comprehensive Physics Activities Volume I :
Laxmi Publications Pvt Ltd.
➢ Tangent Galvanometer (Precautions and
Sources of Error) : Comprehensive Physics
Activities Volume I : Laxmi Publications Pvt Ltd.
➢ Galvanometer : Apparatus/
➢ Galvanometer : Wikipedia, the free


Submitted To: Mr. Sanchit Shukla
Biology Investigatory File on the
Topic “ Reproductive Health”
Submitted by : Yash Sachan
Class : 12 ‘A’
Subject : Biology
CBSE Roll No. :
School Code : 70809

Session : 2023-24
❑ Conclusion
▪ Improvements are needed in the
quality of family planning services,
especially in the areas of
information exchange and methods
choice to reduce fertility and
unwanted fertility.
▪ Maternity cares needs to be
significantly expanded to, while
preventive services (including
education of both men and women in
health and sexuality, family planning
and prevention of STIs) need to be
▪ At societal level, programs need to
be supported to improve the status
of women through education,
changes in laws and cultures.

I have taken efforts in this project.

However, it would not have been possible
without the kind support and help of many
I would like to thanks my principal mam
Mrs. Subhangi Singh and school for
providing me with facilities required to do
my project.
I am highly indebted to my physics teacher
Mr. Ajay Mishra for his invaluable guidance
which has sustained my efforts in all the
stages of this project work .
I would also like to thanks to my parents
for their continuous support and
My thanks and appreciations also go to the
people who have willingly helped me out
with their abilities.

Yash Sachan

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