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Table of Contents
Table of Contents.......................................... 1 9. Warfare..................................................... 22 14.3 Rebel Units (?).........................................37
1. Introduction.............................................. 1 9.1 Declarations of War (DoW)..........................22 14.4 Sieging ­Rebel Towns (R).........................37
2. Game Overview......................................... 2 9.2 War Capacities.................................................22 15. Religion & Faith.................................... 38
2.1 Winning the Game............................................ 2 ■ Casus Belli (CB)................................................22 15.1 Infectious Faiths............................................38
2.2 General Notes.................................................... 2 9.3 Manpower (m)..............................................23 15.2 State Religion.................................................38
9.4 Military Leaders...............................................23 15.3 Religion of Areas...........................................38
■ Iconography & ­Abbreviations.................. 2 ■ Military Units, Armies, and Fleets.................24 16. Events..................................................... 39
■ Game Concepts.......................................... 3 9.5 Movement.........................................................25 16.1 Event Types and ID Numbers....................39
■ Important Terms....................................... 4 9.6 Battle Sequence................................................26 16.2 The Event Display.........................................39
■ The Map Board........................................... 5 9.7 Land Battles......................................................27 ■ The Anatomy of an Event Card.........................39
Map Oddities............................................................ 5 9.8 Sieges & ­Occupation.......................................28 16.3 Event Guidelines...........................................40
3. Game Setup................................................ 6 9.9 Naval Battles.....................................................28 16.4 Unpicked Events............................................40
4. Sequence of Play........................................ 8 10. Peace Resolution................................... 29 16.5 Secondary Effects..........................................41
4.1 Phase 1: Draw Cards......................................... 8 10.1 Peace Resolution Sequence........................29 17. Victory & ­Prestige (0)...................... 42
4.2 Phase 2: Actions................................................. 8 10.2 Victory or Defeat...........................................29 17.1 The Prestige Track.........................................42
4.3 Phase 3: Peace & Rebels................................... 9 10.3 Peace and Allies.............................................30 17.2 Missions..........................................................42
4.4 Phase 4: ­Income & Upkeep...........................10 10.4 Truces..............................................................30 17.3 Milestones......................................................42
4.5 Phase 5: Cleanup.............................................10 ■ Peace Terms........................................................30 ■ The Anatomy of Missions and Milestones.........42
4.6 End of Age Routine.........................................11 11. Diplomatic Relations............................ 32 17.4 Power Struggles.............................................43
4.7 Final Scoring.....................................................11 11.1 Influence (I)............................................32 18. The Holy Roman Empire (HRE)......... 43
11.2 Marriages (M)...............................................32 18.1 Imperial ­Authority........................................43
5. Basic Actions............................................ 12
11.3 Alliances (A)..............................................32 18.2 Imperial Influence.........................................44
5.1 Generic Actions................................................12
11.4 Vassals (v)...................................................33 18.3 HRE Lands.....................................................44
5.2 Minor Actions..................................................13
5.3 Administrative ­Actions...................................14 12. Trade...................................................... 34 18.4 Defending the HRE......................................44
5.4 Diplomatic Actions.........................................15 12.1 Trade Cards....................................................34 18.5 Internal Wars..................................................45
5.5 Military Actions...............................................16 ■ The Anatomy of a Trade Card...........................34 18.6 Leaving & ­Rejoining the HRE...................45
12.2 Trade Nodes (N)........................................34 18.7 HRE Religion.................................................45
6. Action Cards............................................ 18 12.3 Protecting Trade............................................34 18.8 NPR Emperor................................................45
6.1 The Three Decks..............................................18
12.4 Merchants.......................................................34 18.9 Imperial Elections.........................................45
6.2 Special Cards....................................................18
12.5 Trade Power (=) & Trade Income........35 19. The Papal Curia..................................... 45
■ The Anatomy of an Action Card........................18
12.6 Distant Trade.................................................35 19.1 Cardinals (C)..............................................45
7. Governing a PR........................................ 19 13. Non-Player Realms (NPRs)................. 35
7.1 Monarch Power (d).....................................19 19.2 Papal Controller............................................46
13.1 NPR Relations...................................................35 19.3 Papal Actions..................................................46
7.2 Characters (Leaders & Advisors)...................19
13.2 NPRs with Vassals........................................35 20. 2-Player Games...................................... 46
7.3 Stability (s)...................................................20
13.3 DNPRs............................................................35 20.1 2 Players + Bot(s)..........................................46
7.4 Economy...........................................................20
13.4 Warfare vs. NPRs..........................................36 20.2 No Bots Variant.............................................46
7.5 ­Towns (t).....................................................21
13.5 NPR Invasions...............................................36
7.6 Core Provinces.................................................21 21. PR Elimination...................................... 46
14. Rebels..................................................... 37
8. Ideas.......................................................... 21 14.1 Unrest (u)....................................................37 Index............................................................. 47
■ The Anatomy of an Idea Card...........................21 14.2 Rebel Dice......................................................37 Game Components..................................... 48

1. Introduction
Europa Universalis: The Price of Power is a board itics, imperialist expansion, colonization, trade, The game views the world through the eyes
game that carries on the great legacy of the Europa and cultural exchange, as well as wars and epidem- of the European powers of that day and age,
Universalis video game series by Paradox Interac- ics with disastrous consequences. not because we endorse what they did, but
tive. Those of you familiar with any of the video At the same time, science, political philosophy, because it is a way to help us understand some
games that have come out during the series' more and technology are starting to make progress at a of the choices they made. Perhaps we can then
than 20-year-long history will likely instantly rec- rate never before seen in the history of mankind. see more clearly how or why parts of history
ognize several of the concepts in this board game. This will impact warfare, forms of government, unfolded in the way that they did, while also
That said, knowledge of the video games is not and religious institutions, as well as the daily lives giving players the freedom to explore somewhat
required to play or enjoy this game. of ordinary people, in ways that no one could have realistic “what if ” scenarios in the setting of this
The starting point of the first Age of Europa foreseen as it all began to happen. time period.
Universalis: The Price of Power is the year 1444, While some states will flourish in this envi­ This is a lot of ground for a board game to
in the aftermath of the Battle of Varna, where the ronment, and even grow into positions of global cover, and we have no pretensions of getting
Ottomans won a decisive victory against the com- dominance, other civilizations will suffer and dis­ anywhere near a simulation of it all. Still, this
bined Christian crusader forces. Europe is about appear almost completely. game allows the players to immerse themselves in
to leave the Middle Ages behind and enter the A lot of what the colonial and imperialist this highly interesting time period, and guide their
Early Modern Era. The world is about to undergo powers of that era did in their struggle for glory chosen realms through a great chunk of history.
changes like it never has before. No longer will and riches is of course highly problematic when Faced with challenges based on real historical
civilizations in different parts of the globe exist in viewed through modern eyes. Knowledge of the events of the time, they will often need to make
separate spheres with limited or no contact with many key events and developments of that time tough choices and negotiate with their opponents
the outside world. The lives of people across the period is nonetheless crucial to understanding in order for their realms to thrive and grow.
whole planet are about to be irreversibly tangled how we have come to be where we are in the We hope that this game will inspire people to
together in a complex global web of power pol- world of today. dig deeper into this subject matter.
2. Game Overview Scoring Prestige during the game Cubes (Monarch Power, Influence etc.)
Players will score Prestige during the game Each player has 30 cubes available to use for
Europa Universalis: The Price of Power is a for completing Missions and Milestones, Monarch Power, Influence, Colonists, Car-
board game of empire building, conquest, researching Ideas, winning Wars, etc. This dinals, charging up uses on Display Cards,
diplomacy, and exploration in the early will all be recorded on the Prestige Track. and covering the income slots of Provinces
modern era. Each player will lead one of Occupied by Enemies. When short on cubes,
Europe's great nations to its glory or demise, Final Scoring players may freely take one of their cubes
depending on their ability to make timely Final Scoring is initiated when the final from anywhere other than the Roma Cardi-
choices and their skill in managing the round has been completed, or when certain nal, Changed Nat. Focus slot, and cubes used
resources available to them. scenario-specific conditions have been met. to cover income slots on their Player Mats.
During the game, players will use Mon- At this stage all players will score Prestige
for their Towns and Vassals, Diplomatic rela- NPR Units
arch Power (d) and Ducats (D) to per-
form Actions, such as building up military tions, controlling the Papal Curia, Imperial NPRs always defend and invade at their nor-
forces, fighting battles, forging diplomatic Authority (E), and current Stability value, mal strength, even if there are not enough
relations, and developing aspects of their among other things (see p. 11). NPR Units to represent them.
societies' internal machinery. Managing “Unlimited” tokens
diplomatic relations with the other players is 2.2 General Notes Some tokens are considered unlimited. If
also an important aspect of the game.
Token Limits they should run out, find another way of
This booklet covers the multiplayer rules.
Generally, if you run out of a certain type indicating their meaning. These include:
Solo rules are treated in a separate booklet.
of token, you have to remove a token from Ducat coins, War/Truce tokens, Occupied
Set your game up by following the
somewhere else to be able to place a new one. tokens, +1 m tokens, and Tag chits.
instructions in chapter 3 and your chosen
You may choose where to take this token
scenario. We recommend that you focus on Rounding up
from, but this may only be done if there are
learning the rules in chapters 4–8 initially. When halving numbers, always round up
no tokens of that type left in the Supply.
The other sections of the rules will be refer- unless specifically stated otherwise.
Exceptions to this are detailed below:
enced as they are needed.
For your first game, we advise you to skip Tokens that may not be moved Text formatting
all rules marked as “Advanced Rules”. • Towns and Vassal tokens Game terms are written with Capitalized First
• Alliance and Royal Marriage tokens Letters. Actions and Action Cards are always
2.1 Winning the Game • Crusade/Excommunicated token written in Bold Italics. Area names are written
The winner will be the player who finishes the • Mercenary Units in Small Caps. Realm names and adjectives
game with the most Prestige (0). There are • Religion tokens used for State Religion referencing Realms are always written like this:
many potential paths to victory and you will • Black Units in use as Allied Units ›France and ›French, ›Austria and ›Austrian,
score Prestige in different ways (see p. 42), • Ill Health tokens on Characters etc. Ideas in the game are always in italics,
depending on how you focus your efforts. • "Unlimited" tokens enclosed by quotation marks, e.g., “Tolerance”.

Iconography & ­Abbreviations

D Ducats 0 Prestige (also 1, 2, 3, etc.)  Administrative Action Card
d Monarch Power (cube) s Stability › Diplomatic Action Card
a Administrative Power (cube) m Manpower ç Military Action Card
b Diplomatic Power (cube) = Trade Power £ Reaction
c Military Power (cube) N Trade Node € Battle Action
t Town E Imperial Authority ™ Display Card
v Vassal token / Not HRE ∞ Covert Action
A Alliance token H Ill Health token
K Active Ally token (A back) , Interest token CB Casus Belli
M Royal Marriage token æ DNPR token DoW Declaration of War
L Disputed Succession token (M back) ^ Revolutionary token CtA Call to Arms
I Influence (cube) Q Protestant/Counter-Reformed token MC Military Capacity
G Claim token § Battleground Area NC Naval Capacity
F Core token ? Rebel Unit PR Player Realm
< Colonist (cube) R Rebel Town NPR Non-Player Realm
C Cardinal (cube) u Unrest DNPR Dynamic NPR
z Cube B Bot Power (cube) HRE Holy Roman Empire


Game Concepts
Some of the game's core concepts are Core Province: A Realm's Core Provinces Actions and Action Cards: There are a
described here for quick reference. are those whose shield is marked with their number of Basic Actions that the players
flag. Core tokens (F) and æ supercede may perform. There are also Action Cards
Prestige (0): Prestige is equivalent to flags. A F signifies that all Provinces in its (one deck for each type of Monarch Power),
victory points, and gaining Prestige is how Area are Core Provinces of the F owner. If which may be played as Actions. Most
you win the game. Completing Missions a PR's Province is not their Core Province, it Actions have a d cost. Actions are named
and Milestones is an effective way of gain- can be Liberated. (See pp. 21 and 37.) in Bold Italics. (See 'Basic Actions', p. 12,
ing Prestige. (See pp. 11 and 42.) and 'Action Cards', p. 18.)
Influence (I): Players can spread their
Monarch Power (d): The game's core
resource. In essence, these cubes are action
I around the board, to pave the way for Leaders and Advisors: Each Action Card,
Alliances, Royal Marriages, Subjugation, and most Realm-specific Events, feature a
points that players may spend on various and more. (See p. 32.) character at the bottom of the card. Advi-
Actions. There are three types of Monarch sors (square portrait) can be appointed
Power: Admin­istrative (a), Diplomatic Alliance (A): Alliances can be very for Monarch Power bonuses, and Leaders
(b), and Military (c) Power. A player useful when the danger of War threatens. (­round portrait) can serve as Generals,
cannot keep more than 10 d of any one Alliances can be formed with both NPRs Admirals, or Rulers. (See p. 19.)
type on their Player Mat. (See p. 19.) and other PRs. (See p. 32.)
Events: There is one deck of Event Cards
Ducats (D): The monetary currency Royal Marriages (M): Royal Marriages for each Age of the game. These are the
of the game and a measure of a Realm's strengthen bonds and provide interesting Ages of Discovery (I), Reformation (II),
wealth. Ducats are useful for building up diplomatic opportunities. (See p. 32.) Absolutism (III), and Revolutions (IV,
your armed forces and many other things. Deluxe Ed. / Fate of Empires exp. only).
(See 'Economy', p. 20.) War: It is likely that players will fight
Wars against NPRs or other PRs. They are In each Round a certain number of
Realm: A Realm consists of all Provinces complex affairs but can be effective tools if Events will be played and take effect. The
that have the same flag, Town (t), or well-planned. (See pp. 22 and 36.) Event deck dictates the flow of time, and it
DNPR token. An Area is considered part often determines when the game will end.
of a Realm if it contains any Provinces Declaration of War (DoW): To start a (See p. 39.)
Owned by that Realm. War, you must Declare War on another
Realm. Before doing this, you may want to Ideas: Ideas represent improvements in
A Distant Realm is one whose Capital technology that have effects on what you
is on a Distant Continent (see p. 36). have a Claim (G) or other Casus Belli
(“justification for war”). (See p. 22.) can do in the game. (See p. 21.)
Occupied Provinces are neither con-
sidered part of the Occupant's Realm nor Military Units: Land Units are usually Stability (s): All PRs have a Stability
the Lawful Owner's Realm (see p. 28). Recruited from your Available Manpower value, which ranges from -3 to +3. Stabil-
(m), and are used most efficiently when ity affects Income, Unrest, and Monarch
PR: Each player governs a Player Realm Power Income. Stability may also impact
(PR). (See p. 19.) organized into Armies. You can spend
Military Power to move your Armies certain Event effects. (See p. 20.)
NPR: Non-Player Realms include all inde- around, fight Land Battles, and Siege
pendent Realms that are not controlled by Provinces. Ships can be used to fight Unrest (u): Unrest in your Provinces
human players or bot players. A DNPR is Naval Battles, Protect Trade, transport may cause loss of Ducats, Manpower, or
an NPR whose Provinces are marked with Land Units, and more. (See p. 24.) Monarch Power, or cause these Provinces
DNPR tokens (æ). (See p. 35.) to be captured by Rebels. (See p. 37.)
Military and Naval Capacity (MC/NC):
Province: Provinces are one of the main These are measures for how many Units or Holy Roman Empire (HRE): The HRE
sources of income and Manpower for PRs. Ships a Realm can muster in one specific is a confederation that includes a great
(See ( and ) on page 4.) Area or Sea Zone. A Realm's MC in an number of German and North Italian
Area is equal to the combined Tax Value of states. While largely autonomous, they are
Town (t): Towns are placed on the all their Provinces in and adjacent to that nominally all subjects of one Emperor.
board to signify Ownership or Control of Area, while NC is equal to the number of Being the Emperor comes with certain
Provinces. (See p. 21.) Ports that a Realm Owns facing a particu- benefits and responsibilities. As a measure
lar Sea Zone. (See p. 22.) of the Emperor's power over the mem-
Vassal: Vassal Realms are subordinated to
ber states, the Emperor has an Imperial
an Overlord Realm. They are not inde- Trade: If actively pursued, Trade can Authority (E) value. (See p. 43.)
pendent, and thus not considered NPRs, provide great wealth even for smaller
but are not considered part of their Over- Realms. Trade Income is collected through Papal Curia: Catholic PRs may compete
lord's Realm either. PRs cannot be Vassals. Merchants in the Trade Nodes spread to control the most Cardinals (C) in
Players place Vassal tokens (v) on all of around the board (see R and Z, p. 4). the Papal Curia in order to gain certain
their Vassals' Provinces. (See p. 33.) (See pp. 15 and 34.) bonuses. (See p. 45.)


Important Terms
Adjacency: A Province, Unit, or token is The map board is the centerpiece of the
considered adjacent to the Area in which it game, and where the bulk of the action
is located and all Areas that share a border takes place. The large Main Map is Distant Continents Board
with that Area. It is also considered adja- divided into Areas ! and Sea Zones ",
cent to all Provinces in each of these Areas. while the Distant Continents § look §
A Coastal Province (Port) is also con- a bit different. The Distant Continents
sidered adjacent to all other Ports facing the Board also holds the Prestige Track $.
same Sea Zone(s), to all Areas with such
Ports, and to all the Sea Zones it faces. Areas ! on the Main Map are separated
Areas/Sea Zones are considered from other Areas by a white border, and
adjacent to all other Areas and Sea Zones from Sea Zones by a dark blue coast line. O
with which they share a border. Coastal Mountain borders % are indicated
Areas with Ports facing the same Sea with a pattern of black triangles on them.
Zone are adjacent to each other. Some Areas include islands and have their
A Realm is adjacent to anything that its borders shown as blue dashed lines &
Provinces are adjacent to. Vassals do not where they overlap Sea Zones.
provide adjacency for their Overlord. Areas are, amongst other things, where
Own: When the rules refer to Ownership
of Provinces, they mean Provinces on
you keep and move your Military Units
(see 'Movement', p. 25). $ P
The Religion of an Area is shown on
which you have a t, and where there
is no v, R, Enemy t, or Occupied its Religion slot. Some slots apply to
token on the same Province. more than one Area /. The Religion of
an Area may change during the game.
Control/Occupy: Provinces are Con-
Sea Zones " are sections of oceans
trolled by their Lawful Owners, unless
they are Occupied by Rebels or Enemies,
and seas which only Ships may occupy. S
Land Units can only cross Sea Zones using
in which case they are Controlled by the
Occupant (see p. 28).
Naval Transport. Galleys can only exist K
in Sea Zones marked with a * or a †. See
Friendly, Neutral, and Hostile: Armies, more about Naval Movement on p. 25.
Units, Provinces, or Ports Controlled by Area and Sea Zone names are always
you, your Vassal, or your Ally are referred written in small caps, e.g., Saxony, Jut-
to as Friendly. Friendly Areas are those land, or Baltic Sea, etc.
that contain any Friendly Provinces.
Hostile refers to things Controlled by
An Area may contain a number of differ-
Rebels (Hostile to all PRs), or by Realms ent Provinces belonging to one or more
at War with you (including their Vassals Realms. Small Provinces ( and Large Most Sea Zones are adjacent to 1–2
and Active Allies). Hostile Realms, and Provinces ) have a Tax Value of 1 and ­Maritime Trade Nodes R and contain
their Units, are also called Enemies. 2, respectively. Each Province is depicted 2–3 Trade Protection slots T. Areas
An Area containing any Hostile Units as a shield with their Realm's flag. The may contain Inland Trade Nodes Z.
or Provinces is considered a Hostile Area names of Capitals = are underlined. Gold Provinces U marked with a Gold
(and thus not a Friendly Area). A Sea Zone The Provinces of Vassal Realms Q icon interact with certain Events, as well
is considered Hostile if it contains any display a small version of their Overlord's as appearing on Gold Trade Cards. (See
Hostile Ships, or if it faces Hostile NPR flag at the bottom of their own flag. more under 'Trade' on p. 34.)
Ports and contains no Ships from Realms Coastal Provinces are referred to as
at War with the Owner(s) of those Ports. Ports ( ) W. Ports also act as spaces The Distant Continents § are shown in
Neutral refers to things that are nei- that can be entered by Friendly Ships. separate boxes, in a smaller scale than the
ther Friendly nor Hostile. Large Ports ( ) count as 2 Ports for all Main Map board.
Opponent: This term refers to the other purposes. Provinces on the Distant Continents
players in the game: humans and bots. Island Provinces E have blue Port are called Distant Provinces I; each of
symbols and can only be Sieged if you these is also a separate Area, connected to
Deployed: Military Units and Ships on
have any Ships in an adjacent Sea Zone. adjacent Areas by white lines.
the board, or in an Army or Fleet, are
The Provinces of the Major Powers Some sparsely populated Areas on the
considered to be Deployed.
(listed in the scenario booklets) in the Distant Continents contain no Province.
You: Use of the word “you” in the rules These Areas instead show a circled num-
game have golden frames and flags in
always refers to the Active Player when ber, and are called Territories O. Terri-
saturated colors, while the remaining
used in the context of Actions and Events. tories can be Colonized (see p. 14).
Realms have paler flags in silver frames.


The Map Board
Main Map

Western Europe map board Eastern Europe map board (Deluxe Ed. only)

/ §

" L

Ö !
A %
( F Y
) =
E &
Coastal Provinces also have Ports on the HRE; what lies on the red side of the border • The ›Mamluks have a Province on the
Distant Continents but a number of these is outside of it. Some Areas within the HRE Africa map I, and a Vassal on the
are grayed out and designated as Inactive are designated as Elector Areas G and are India & Arabia map.
Ports P until populated by a t/v/æ. marked with Imperial eagles. • ›Kazan has one Province in the Kazan
All Sea Zones on Distant Continents are Area and one on the Northern &
connected via matching letters A to one Map Oddities Central Asia map.
or more Sea Zones on the Main Map or on • The unnamed “Areas” on the bottom edge • The Maghreb N and Aleppo N are
other Distant Continents. of the Main Map are impassable deserts H. located in the impassable deserts H on
Overland connections S to other maps • The East African Coast J Sea Zone the map. A Trade Node is considered
all name the Area to which they connect. is adjacent to the Indian Ocean N. adjacent to all named Areas that share a
The Areas/Sea Zones on either side of • Adal and Upper Egypt I, on the Africa border with the desert it is in.
such a connection are considered adjacent. map, are facing the Indian Ocean Sea • The ›Dutch Core Provinces Ö (p. 3)
Zone on the India & Arabia map. are marked with the flag of the ›Nether-
On the left edge of the Western Europe • Hudson Bay, on the America map, faces lands “behind” the main Province flag.
Board lies the Colonist Pool D, used for the Northwestern Atlantic. • Roma Y is flanked by a Cardinal's biretta
placing Colonists (<). • For Ships to cross one of the G, H, or I K that indicates that you gain a C in the
­connections, in any direction, between Roma slot of the Papal Curia (p. 46) by
In the heart of Europe lies the Holy Roman the America and Far East maps, you Controlling Roma or having an Alliance
Empire (HRE), with its numerous mem- must pay an extra d of your choice. with the ›Papal States. The crucifix is a
ber states. What lies on the yellow side of • Perm L is not considered adjacent to reminder that the State Religion of the
the dotted HRE border F is inside of the Pomorye. Vologda separates them. ›Papal States will always remain Catholic.


3. Game Setup Stability Marker Army/Fleet Mat Milestones
Mission Cards Distant Continents
At the start of the game, determine Player Board
Realms and setup by selecting a scenario
from the Scenario Booklet.

1 Place the map boards A in a central A

location and put Player Mats B
around the board in the order
described in your chosen scenario. The
setup pictured here is for a Deluxe Edition
6-player, 1444 scenario.
Shuffle each of the Action Card decks C
separately and place them at the side of the
board; leave space for each deck to have a
discard pile. Trade Deck QR
Sort the Trade Deck D according to the D
chosen scenario, then shuffle it and place it Action Cards:
by the edge of the board. Administrative Y
Diplomatic W
Set up the Event Deck E as described V
in the chosen scenario. Draw Event Cards
equal to 1 more than the number of play- C
ers (unless the scenario states otherwise).
Place these in a display with the first 3 cards
face-up, and the remaining cards face-down.
Shuffle the Milestones F for the first
Age that will be played and place 1 card
from each deck on display.
Place the 3 Basic Ideas G (green back- T
ground) side-by-side on display. Set aside all
Ideas marked with an Age number higher than
the first Age of your chosen scenario. Shuffle Battle Dice
the remaining Ideas by type. Draw 2 cards B
from each deck and place them next to the
Basic Ideas to form a 3 x 3 grid. General slots Player Mat Advisors
(Appoint from cards drawn)
Position the Status Mat H next to the Mission Deck slot
boards and place Cardinals (C) and the
Imperial Authority (E) token according to
the scenario setup. Place all players' Round P Setup Card
Status markers in the Event not Taken space.
The resource tray containing Ducat (D)
coins, R, ?, and Mercenary Units, etc., is
referred to as the General Supply I ; place Player Tray / Supply
this next to the board. Starting Ruler

2 Give each player the tray with all units

and tokens matching their player color,
and put their Prestige (0) Markers
by the Prestige Track J.
3 Provide each player with their Realm's
Setup Card P, or scenario setup
notes, listing their starting Provinces
(Large Provinces are marked with an "L")
and starting Ruler.
starting Armies listed in their setup. Place
the miniatures for the starting Armies and
Fleets in the starting Areas U, and unused
Armies and Fleets on their corresponding
mats. Place starting Ships on Trade Protec-
Each player should place their Stability
Players should then set their Realms up tion slots in the Sea Zones listed, or on the
Marker at 0 on their Stability Track K, and
according to this setup, taking t from the Fleet Mat V.
place 20 Small t and 8 Large t in the slots
Town Track of their Player Mats, and adding Players should also add I W, Mer-
(1 in each slot) of their Town Track L.
Small Q and Large R t, as well as v S chants X, A, and M Y to the map board
Then, each player should place 1 v on
as indicated. t and v are always taken as specified, and place the appropriate Reli-
the first spot of their Vassal Track M, and
from the lowest-numbered slots (from left to gion token in the State Religion slot on the
2 v in every other spot of that track.
right). Then, each player adds a number of Player Mat.
Unless otherwise stated in the scenario,
Units to their Available m T equal to the Once this setup is complete, players
each player now puts 3 d in each of their
total m shown on their Town and Vassal should slide their starting Rulers underneath
Monarch Power pools N, and places
Tracks (plus E value for the Emperor). the Ruler slots Z of their Player Mats, mak-
15 D in their Treasury O.
From Available m, allocate Units to the ing sure that the appropriate Ruler is face-up.


Main Map Board Status Mat Cardinals (C) Round Status Markers

(Note!: Deluxe Edition components pictured)

Imperial Authority (E)

General Supply
Rebel Dice

Exploration Die

Event Display

E Event Deck

G Religion token 3 cubes in each of the Admiral slot

Monarch Power pools Small and Large
Stability (s) Track Town (t)
Manpower (m) T L Track
(Base Tax )
Vassal (v)
Track M
State Religion Monarch Power (d)
slot pools

Ruler slot Z Advisor slots

4 This step of setup replaces the Draw

Cards Phase of the first Round. Each
player, in Turn order, draws 1 card
from each of the Action Card decks, plus
another 3 Action Cards of their choice.
and Leaders from these cards, paying the hir-
ing costs shown in their lower-right corners.
Following this, each player may, at no cost,
hold up to 4 Action Cards in their hand, dis-
carding as necessary. (Note: hand size limit at
Finally, distribute Mission Cards accord-
ing to the scenario's setup instructions. The
default method is for each player to secretly
select 2 of the green Starting Missions from
their Mission Deck to keep in their hand,
Players may then Appoint any Advisors the end of Phase 5 is 5 Action Cards.) and set the rest aside for later.


4. Sequence of Play D. Pick/Replace Missions A player that has Passed may not take any
During this step, any player who has fewer further Actions in that Round.
The game is divided into Ages, each of which than 2 Missions in their hand may pick No one may Declare War on a player who
consists of 4 Rounds. Each Round is broken new Missions (max. 2 in hand). All Players has Passed, or their NPR Allies.
down into 5 Phases: may also replace any of their currently held
Missions. No. of players: 3 4–5 6
1. Draw Cards Phase 1st to Pass: 5D 5D 5D
A. Reveal Events 4.2 Phase 2: Actions 2nd to Pass: 2D 3D 3D
B. Draw Action Cards 3rd to Pass: – 2D 2D
In this phase players take Turns in clockwise
C. Pay to keep Action Cards
order, starting with the player who has the 4th to Pass: – – 1D
D. Pick/Replace Missions
First Player token (normally the first player
2. Action Phase to Pass in the previous Round). The scenario Triggering End of Action Phase
Players take Turns performing 1 Action at a setup will identify the starting First Player. When there are no more players eligible to
time, until all players have Passed. receive Ducats for Passing, each remaining
Taking a Turn player gets to take 1 more Action of their
3. Peace & Rebels Phase On their Turn, the Active Player may choose choice. For each player who has taken an
A. Remove Casus Belli and Truces to perform either a Basic Action or play an Event at this point, this is their final Turn.
B. NPR Invasions Action Card from their hand. Most Actions After this, if any players have still not
C. Rebels Siege or Move have Monarch Power costs that must be taken an Event this Round, those players
D. Peace Resolution paid with d of the appropriate type. Basic must take one final Turn to perform their
E. Prestige Penalties Actions are listed below and on the Player Event Action.
F. Interregnum Aids, and explained in detail in the chapter Once a player has taken their final Turn,
G. Religious Dissent on Basic Actions (p. 12). they are considered to have Passed.
H. Gain/Remove Unrest There are 5 Minor Actions that may be
I. Roll Rebel Dice performed without using a Turn. These Basic Actions
may be performed in addition to any other
4. Income & Upkeep Phase Generic Actions
Action, or sometimes even during another
A. Cut Costs Event (mandatory)
player's Turn. A player cannot perform a
B. Collect Income minus Costs
Minor Action alone on their Turn, they Player-to-Player Diplomacy
C. Corruption
must also perform another Action.
D. Collect Monarch Power Research Idea (Cost stated on Idea card)
E. Score Prestige Taking an Event Change State Religion
5. Cleanup Phase Each player must take the Event Action Change National Focus
exactly once during the Action Phase, but
A. Update & Refresh Explore (1b + 1c)
they may choose when to do this; a player
B. Board and Status Mat cleanup Minor Actions (do not take a Turn)
cannot Pass if they have not taken this Action.
C. Discard down to a hand size of 5 cards
When a player takes their Event Action, Take/Repay Loan – £
D. End of Age Routine
they must move their Round Status marker
Appoint Advisor/Leader – £
to the Event Taken space on the Status Mat.
4.1 Phase 1: Draw Cards Call to Arms (0–2I per A) – £
Unpicked Event
Replenish Manpower (1c per 3m)
A. Reveal Events After all players have taken an Event, the bot-
Draw Event Cards according to the chosen tom row of symbols on any unpicked Event Cut Ties
scenario (normally equal to the number of will be resolved, but the Event text itself will Administrative Actions
players plus 1) from the top of the Event not take effect (see p. 40). Increase Stability (5a +/– current s)
Deck, and place them in a face-down display
Passing Convert Area (2a + 3D)
next to the Event Deck. Then, flip the first 3
of these cards face-up. The first player to Pass immediately collects Colonize ( 4a/<)
5D from the General Supply and places Diplomatic Actions
B. Draw Action Cards their Round Status marker on the Has Passed
Influence (1b or 3D per I)
Going in Turn order, each player then draws – 1st space on the Status Mat. They will also
3 Action Cards, in any combination, from receive the First Player token at the end of the Forge Alliance (1–3 b)
any of the 3 Action Card decks (Admin- Round. If the current First Player is the first Fabricate Claims (2b per G) – ∞
istrative, Diplomatic, or Military). Players to Pass, the First Player token instead goes to Trade (1b)
may draw cards one by one, and should keep the second player to Pass. Depending on the
these cards secret from their Opponents. total number of players, the second, third, and Military Actions
fourth players to Pass may also be eligible to Declare War (1c)
C. Pay to keep Action Cards collect Ducats; see the table below. Activate Units (1c)
Players must pay 2 D for each drawn card Passing takes a Turn. A player may take
that they wish to keep. Any drawn cards not Recruit (1c + XD)
Minor Actions in the same Turn in which
paid for must be discarded. they Pass. Suppress Unrest (1c per Province)


4.3 Phase 3: 1. In Turn order, resolve all Wars where
Peace & Rebels Automatic White Peace requirements
have been met.
Once all players have Passed, the Peace &
2. In Turn order, resolve all Wars where a
Rebels Phase begins. Follow the steps below,
Total Victory has been achieved by a PR.
in sequence:
3. Then, handle Partial Victories and
A. Remove Casus Belli and Truces Inconclusive Wars in Turn order. Each
Remove all CB and Truce tokens from the player must resolve all the Wars that they
board. A player removing a CB loses 2 if not wish to (and can) resolve, before moving
at War with the Realm it is removed from. on to the next player.
4. Finally, handle the Aftermath, returning
B. NPR Invasions any Land Units in Neutral Areas to their
If an NPR which is not an Active Ally is at Owners' Realms, flipping all K back to
War with any PR(s), and none of the Areas their A side, and discarding all Allied
where that NPR currently Controls Prov- Units, for all PRs that are now at Peace.
inces contain Units Hostile to the NPR,
the PR(s) may now face an Invasion from E. Prestige Penalties Example: During the Action Phase,
that NPR. Resolve this according to the • Disputed Succession: Flip over all M ›Castile was not able to deal with the Rebels
steps described on page 36. that still display their L side. Each player in Leon. In the Peace & Rebels Phase, Step
loses 3 for each of their M getting C, the 2? now Siege the 2 Provinces with
C. Rebels Siege or Move flipped. A player may avoid this penalty if u (Galicia and Badajoz). Since both are
Perform this step if there are any they are the only PR to have an A on the ›Castilian Core Provinces, R are placed on
Rebel Units (?) on the board. Realm with the L on it, and also have the top of the ›Castilian t while ›Castile must
most I (min. 2I) in that Realm if it cover 2 spaces on their Town Track with z.
Resolve Areas in order of most ?
In Step E, ›Castile will lose 2 because 2 of
to fewest ? (break ties alphabetically). is an NPR.
their t are Occupied by Rebels.
• For Areas with both ? and u: The • Occupied Towns: Players who now have
Next Round, if those Provinces are still
? in each such Area now Siege any t that are Occupied by Enemies or Occupied by Rebels, since there will then be no
t/v with u that they can. Each ? Rebels lose 0 equal to their Tax Value more Provinces with u in the Area, the ?
has a Siege Strength of 1 (see p. 37). (max. 5). will move to an adjacent Area with u, if any,
The ? will Siege Large Provinces or else 1 of the ? will be removed.
first when possible (other­wise pick F. Interregnum
alphabetically). Players with an Interregnum (no Ruler) lose
▷ Core Provinces: Place a Rebel Town 1 s, and must flip M on their Realm to
(R) on top of the Owner's t, and reveal the L
­ side.
cover the rightmost vacant slot on
their Town Track with a z.
G. Religious Dissent
▷ Non-Core Provinces are ­Liberated • Players who have Religious Dissent (a
(see p. 37): Owners must return Religion other than their State Religion)
in any of their Areas must add u to 1 of
t/v to their Player Mat and place a their t (flip disc to reveal u) in each
CB token on the new Province Owner.
• For each Area with ? and no u: affected Area.
1. Move all but 1 ? to an Area with u • Players who have v in any Areas with a
which is adjacent by Land, if any (pre- Religion other than their State Religion,
fer the Area with most u, then most must, in 1 affected Area, either remove
PR t, then alphabetically). ?can- 1I, or add u to 1 of their v there.
not move to an Area in which they are
H. Gain/Remove Unrest
outnumbered by PR Land Units.
1. Players still at War must
2. Resolve Battle immediately if there
add u to 2 of their t.
are any PR Land Units in this Area,
2. Players with -2 s or lower
following the normal Rules for Rebels
must add u to 1 of their t.
(see p. 37). Rebels do not fight
3. Players with +2 s or higher may
other Rebel Units.
remove u from 1 of their Provinces Example: The Diverse Faiths token in An-
3. If there were no eligible adjacent Areas
(flip disc to reveal shield). dalucia means that ›Castile must, in Step
to move to, remove 1 ?.
G, add u to 1 of their Provinces. ›Castile
D. Peace Resolution I. Roll Rebel Dice selects Córdoba and goes on to roll 1 Rebel
Each player must roll a Rebel Die Die, in Step I, for the Unrest there. They roll
This step only occurs if there are any ongoing a p ­result, meaning they lose 1 d. ›Castile
for each of their t or v with u.
Wars, and all Wars are then resolved accord- chooses to lose 1a. The Rebel Towns and
Rebel Dice are rolled on a per-
ing to the sequence described in section 10.1 Units in Leon do not force ›Castile to roll
Area basis. The possible outcomes of these
(see p. 29), and summarized here: additional Rebel Dice.
dice rolls are described on page 37.


4.4 Phase 4:
­Income & Upkeep
In this phase, players pay Costs, collect Tax
Income and d, and score 0. All players
perform this Phase simultaneously.
During this phase, players are allowed to
take (but not repay) Loans, as described in
the Take/Repay Loans Minor Action.

A. Cut Costs
To reduce their expenses, players may (and
must, if necessary to avoid Bankruptcy in
Step B):
• Fire any Advisors they like, by discarding
those Advisors' cards.
• Disband any of their Military Units. Deciding not to fire any Advisors or disband any Military Units, the yellow player (›Castile)
Return any disbanded Regular Units first collects an income ( ) of 14D (Small Towns + Large Towns + Stability bonus) minus
to Available m, Ships to Supply, and 8D of expenses for a total of 6 D. The expenses consist of an upkeep of 2 D for two Deployed
­Mercenary Units to the General Supply. Military Units (not pictured) and 6D for 2 Advisors ( , costing 4D and 2D respectively).
• Recall Ships at sea. Ships may return to Having paid their Advisors, ›Castile will profit from their bonuses when collecting Monarch
any Friendly Port within reach of their Power. Adding up the matching skills of their Ruler and Advisors, ›Castile receives 1a ( ),
normal Movement, via non-Hostile Sea 4b ( ) and 4 c ( ). During the Cleanup Phase, Step A3, ›Castile refreshes their 2
Zones, at no c cost. Exhausted Units (players may always refresh at least 3) by moving them ( ) to Available m.

B. Collect Income minus Costs D. Collect Monarch Power 2. Update Manpower Reserve to reflect
Source Income/Cost Players then collect Monarch Power (d), new m totals, if they have changed (from
+ Base Tax Income Income indicated on
calculated as follows: t/v gained or lost, etc.) this Round.
• For each type of Monarch Power, add Count Deployed Regular Units as part
Town Tracks (Small
the Ruler's Skill of the associated type to of this total. Increase m by adding Units
Town and Large Town
that of the appropriate Advisor. (A PR in from Supply to Available m. Reduce m
Track combined)
Interregnum is considered to have a base by choosing Units to return to Supply.
+ Vassal Tax Income Income indicated on Skill of 1 in each Monarch Power field.) 3. Refresh Exhausted m and repair Heavy
Vassal Track • Players with +3 s receive 2d more, Ships in Ports. Move ½ of Exhausted m
– Advisor Upkeep As stated on the cards of any types chosen by the player. (min. 3, max. 6) to Available m.
(1–4D per Advisor). • Players with -3 s receive 1d fewer, 4. Refresh all Merchants by returning
Papal Controller: Pay of any type chosen by the player. them to their upright position.
1D fewer per Advisor • The Papal Controller receives +1b. 5. Add < to the Colonist Pool equal to
– Military 1 D per ­Regular Unit • The Emperor of the HRE may receive their number of Colonial G on the board
­Maintenance additional d depending on their E. (each PR may add max. 4 <).
2 D per ­Mercenary
(for Deployed • Players with certain Government Form 6. Remove any z from their Changed Nat.
½ D for every Ship Ideas may receive additional d. Focus slot and return it to their Supply.
remaining at sea
– Interest on Loans 1D per, E. Score Prestige B. Board and Status Mat Cleanup
• A player who is uncontested Papal Con- 1. Remove A from Bots, and from DNPRs
– Plague Effects ½ D is lost per 1 D
of Tax Income from troller scores 0 equal to the number of that have a Tax Income of 10+ D.
Areas with a H Catholic PRs minus 1 (max. 3). 2. Remove all H from the map boards.
• If E is at 6, the Emperor scores 1. 3. Adjust Imperial I to match E. The
+/– s ­Modifier +2D for positive s Emperor may (re)distribute Imperial
• Players with the “Absolute Monarchy” Idea
-2D for negative s
and positive s score 1. I in any HRE Areas with space.
+ Emperor's E Equal to E value • Score any active Crusade (see p. 46) 4. Remove all Units from Imperial m if
+ Income for Ideas See “Bureaucracy” Idea and/or Power Struggle (see p. 43), and the Emperor is at Peace.
remove the Crusade/Excommunicated 5. Remove any Tag chits from the Commit-
C. Corruption token and all §­ tokens. ted to Crusade slot, and, if the Emperor is
Cost to keep Ducats in your Treasury (you at Peace, the Defending the HRE slot.
may decide not to keep all of your Ducats): 4.5 Phase 5: Cleanup 6. Pass the First Player token to the player
0– 49  D: no cost whose Round Status marker is in the Has
50–59  D: pay 1a or gain 1, A. Update and refresh Passed – 1st space (or the 2nd space if the
60–69  D: pay 2a; gain 1, per unpaid a All players must: first to pass is the current First Player)
70–79  D: pay 3a; gain 1, per unpaid a 1. Disband all Allied Units from their 7. Reset all Round Status markers to the
Etc. Armies, placing them in Available m. Event not Taken space.


Example: A group of players have completed C. Discard down to 5 Action Cards 4.7 Final Scoring
Steps A, B, C, and D of Phase 4, Income All players must discard down to a maxi- Final Scoring is initiated at the end of the final
& Upkeep, and it is now time to perform mum hand size of 5 Action Cards. Players Round. Unless other­wise specified in the
Step E, followed by Phase 5, Cleanup. may choose which card(s) to discard. scenario's Victory Conditions, this happens
With 3 C, including the Roma Cardinal Display Cards that are in play do not after completing Phase 5, when any of these
(due to an Alliance with the ›Papal States), count towards the 5-card limit. three conditions apply:
›France has uncontested control of the
• There are no more Event Cards remain-
Papal Curia. Earlier in the game, ›England D. End of Age Routine ing in the decks for the chosen scenario at
converted to Protestantism, but ›France,
If it is the end of an Age, perform the End of the end of a Round.
­›Castile, and ›Austria still remain Catholic.
›France thus scores (3 – 1) 2. ›Austria,
Age Routine described below. • A player has 100+ 0 on the Prestige
as the Emperor, has +4 E and scores no Track, and is at least 20 0 ahead of all
additional Prestige for this, but they have 4.6 End of Age Routine other players.
researched “Absolute Monarchy”, and with When all players have completed Phase 5, • A player has all their t (Large and Small)
+1 s they score 1. The markers on the and there are no more Events left in the deck and v on the board at the end of Phase 5.
Prestige Track are moved accordingly. With for the current Age, perform the following
no Active Power Struggles this Round, this Prestige is scored according to the list below,
steps in order:
completes Step E. unless the Victory Conditions for the cho-
Each player disbands Allied Units, 1. Prepare and place the Event Deck for the
next Age. sen scenario state otherwise.
updates and refreshes their Manpower, and
Note: If there is no next Age, move on • Players may reveal and score any Missions
returns their Merchants to their upright po-
sitions. ›Castile has 5 Colonial G and gains to Final Scoring instead (see section 4.7). in their hands whose requirements have
the maximum of 4<, while ›England and 2. Remove all Milestones from the previ- been met (ignore any Mission Effects)
›France both have 2 Colonial G and gain ous Age from the game, and replace them • 0 equal to their current Tax Income
2< each. ›Austria gains no <. with 4 Milestones drawn from the deck • 1 per F in play
In Phase 5, Step B1, ›Castile must remove belonging to the next Age. • 1 per M in play
their A with ›Portugal, since ›Portugal, • 2 per A in play
3. Replace any unresearched non-Basic Ideas
which is a DNPR, has expanded and thus in- • 0 equal to the number of Catholic PRs
creased their Tax Income from 9D to 10D, on display with random replacements of
the same type. for being Papal Controller
during the preceding Action Phase.
4. The player with the least 0 on the Pres- • 0 equal to Imperial Authority (E)
Now any H are removed from the board.
With +4E ›Austria gets to place a total tige Track may choose to replace 1 new for the Emperor of the HRE
of 4 Imperial I in HRE Areas. Imperial Idea or Milestone on display with a card • 0 equal to 2 x current s (note that
Authority has gone up 1 step since the previ- of their choice, chosen from the matching negative s provides negative 0)
ous Round, and ›Austria may therefore place deck. If there is a tie for least 0, skip • Subtract 1 per Tax Value of t Occu-
1 Imperial I in addition to those already this step. pied by Rebels or Enemies
on the board. They may also redistribute the 3 • Subtract 1 per , in Treasury
5. Players who have at least 1 M in play
Imperial I they already have on the board,
if they so wish. If any Imperial I had come score 1, and must then (in updated
Turn order) remove 1 of their M from The player with the most 0 wins. In the
off the board (e.g., to pay for a Call to Arms event of a tie, victory goes to the player with
Action) during the current Round, ›Austria the board (from an NPR if possible), or
pay 2 b to avoid this. the most d. Break further ties in favor of the
would have placed these back onto the board
during this step as well. If a player removes their M from the player with the most D in their Treasury.
Finally, the First Player token is given to your Realm (forcing you to do the same If there is still a tie after this, the tied players
the player who Passed first in Phase 2, and from their Realm), you must still remove share the victory.
all Round Status markers are reset. another M (if you have one), or pay 2 b.

During Final Scoring, ›Castile's board situation looks like this (in this example
we'll assume that they have no tokens elsewhere on the board).
›Castile scores 14 0 from Tax Income (12 0 from t and 2 from
4 v). As there is no Tax Income to be gained from Galicia, Navarra, or Bar-
celona, which are Occupied by Rebels or Enemies, these Provinces provide no
They also score 1 for the M and 2 for the A with ›Portugal, and 1
for the F in Andalucia.
For Galicia and Navarra, they must subtract 2, as these t are Occu-
pied by Enemies. But Barcelona, as a Vassal Province, does not incur any loss
of Prestige.
Although not seen in the image, ›Castile has -2 s, and must deduct a
further 4 for this, but as Papal Controller (also not seen), they score 3.
›Castile will also be able to complete the La Reconquista Mission that they
have in their hand for 2, but may not take advantage of its Effects at this
stage, and thus cannot Research “Tercios/Janissaries” to score extra Prestige.
This means they may add 17 0 in all to their score of 43 0 from the
Prestige Track, finishing on a total of 60 0.


selling any of their Core Provinces loses 0
5. Basic Actions unpicked Event remaining, resolve the
bottom row of symbols on that Event equal to twice those Provinces' Tax Value.
During the Action Phase you can take Basic using the auto-resolution rules (p. 41). Vassal Provinces cannot be bought or sold.
Actions and play Action Cards by paying The Event text itself on the unpicked
Event does not take effect. However, if Optional Rule 1: Secret Negotiations
their costs, which are divided among the
it has a historical Ruler on it, the player By spending 1 additional b you may
three types of Monarch Power.
associated with that Event may pay 2 a have a private, 3-minute conference with
You may always take a Basic Action on
to appoint the Ruler on the card. another player. All other in-game com-
your Turn, as long as you can pay its Mon-
7. Turn over a face-down Event, if any remain. munication must take place openly.
arch Power cost. Some Basic Actions do not
have an associated Monarch Power cost. The
Whenever an effect on an Event says “you,”
Basic Actions are described below: Explore (1 b + 1 c)
that effect applies to the Active Player or to
Requires “Quest for the New
the player required to make an A/B-choice.
World” (“QftNW”) Idea to use
5.1 Generic Actions Player-to-Player Diplomacy Ships for Exploring.
Generic Actions are not linked to a particu- This Action lets you make an agreement When taking this Action, follow the steps
lar type of Monarch Power, and don't neces- with another player, to conduct various below in sequence:
sarily cost Monarch Points to perform. They transactions. 1. If you have “QftNW”, you may move
do however take up a whole player Turn. You may only have diplomatic exchanges 1 Light Ship (using rules for Naval Move-
with 1 PR each time you take this Action. ment, p. 25) into a Sea Zone on one
Event (mandatory) You may not perform 'Monetary Support' of the Distant Continents. The Ship may
During each Action Phase, each player must and 'Buy/Sell Provinces' in the same Turn, not enter a Hostile Sea Zone.
take this Action once, and only once, before but all other combi­nations are possible. If 2. Roll the Exploration Die, then either use
they can Pass. either Realm is at War, 'Monetary Support' the result (as described below) or pay 1b
When taking this Action, do as follows: is the only transaction that may take place. to re-roll:
1. Select a face-up Event from the Event Alliances and Marriages: Entering into • Result with no j: Discover a Terri-
Display, collect any Ducats that are on it, an Alliance or Royal Marriage with another tory matching the number rolled, or a
and move your Round Status marker to PR each costs 1 b for the Active Player. Distant Area with an NPR Province, a
the Event Taken space. Both players must place a A/M on the t, or a v.
2. Place 2 D from the General Supply on other PR's Capital as appropriate. • Result with j: Pay 1 b to Discover a
any remaining face-up Events. When entering into a Marriage, both Territory matching the number rolled,
3. Play the Event and resolve its effects. If players may draw an Action Card of a type or: fail Exploration and remove 1 of
the Event offers a choice of effects (such chosen by the Active Player. your Ships on a Distant Continent.
as A or B), choose only 1 to resolve. Monetary Support: Give or receive D. Any Discovery made must be adjacent to
4. Resolve any symbols at the bottom of the The Active Player must pay 1 b for every your Realm or, if you have “QftNW”, 1 of
Event from left to right (see p. 41). 10 D (rounded up) that changes hands, your Ships. Place a G on the Discovered
5. If the Event is associated with your own whether they are giving or receiving D. Area. G placed on vacant Territories are
Realm, you must replace your current Buy/Sell Provinces: To buy Provinces called Colonial Claims.
Ruler with any Ruler on this card. from another player, the buyer must have You may pay to re-roll a maximum of
If the Event is associated with another G in all Areas where those Provinces are 2 times; you must use the result of the
Realm, that player must choose whether located. The minimum price per Province last roll you make.
or not to appoint the Ruler on this card. sold is 3 D, and the maximum is 15 D. 3. When the first Area on a Distant Conti-
6. If you are the last player to take the Event Both buyer and seller must also pay 1 a nent is Discovered (G has been placed),
Action this Round and there is still an to take part in such a transaction. A player add all unused Trade Cards matching the
number for this continent (see p. 35),
and reshuffle the deck.

Research Idea (X d)
To claim bonuses from an Idea card, pay its
Monarch Power cost and place one of your
Tag chits on the Idea Card.
Apply any immediate effects in the Idea's
›English Event Researching an Idea will earn you 2.
Example: ›France takes their Event Action and selects Wars of the Roses, moving their Round
If 2 or fewer players have already Researched
Status marker to the Event Taken space on the Status Mat. They place 2 D from the General the same Idea, each of those players will
Supply on each of the other two face-up Events. The top section of the Wars of the Roses Event receive 1 as well. If 3 or more players have
text takes effect no matter what, but ›France must decide which option to execute. They pick B), already Researched the Idea, only you earn
and receive 1b. ›England must take the s and 0 losses, and see the Rebels appear in the north Prestige from this Research Action.
as Unrest spreads. If ›England wishes to take Edward IV as their new king, he will now become
­›England's new Ruler. Then, the face-down Event on the right is revealed.


this Action to freely reassign a General from
one of your Armies to another. If someone
attacks one of your Armies located within
your Realm, you may, as a Reaction, Appoint
or reassign a General to this Army.
Appoint New Ruler: If you currently
have no Ruler (or if the Ruler is named "Inter-
regnum"), you may take a Leader from your
hand and appoint them as your new Ruler
for free. Appointing a new Ruler may be per-
formed as a Reaction if the current Ruler is
discarded without any replacement.

Call to Arms (0–2I per A) – £

Example: ›England, having previously Researched the “Quest for the New World” Idea and dis-
This Action may only be taken in conjunc-
covered the Antilles, decides to Explore. They already have a Light Ship in the Caribbean Sea but
use their optional move to bring a Light Ship from the Port in Lancashire to the Northwestern tion with your own DoW or as a Reaction in
Atlantic (2 spaces, via the A connection) to increase their odds of discovering something interesting. response to a DoW on you or your NPR Ally.
They roll a “k”, and may choose to discover Florida, Mississippi, New Granada, Guyana, When you are the Aggressor in a War, your
or Canada. ›England chooses Canada, and places 1 of their G there. If ›England had a Town CtAs are considered to be Offensive CtAs. For
in Virginia, they would have also been able to discover the adjacent Territory, Great Lakes. The Offensive CtAs, you must discard 2I from
j means that ›Eng­land must also pay 1b. If ›England had not been able to pay this cost, the the Areas of each NPR Ally you wish to call.
Explore Action would have failed, and they would have had to lose 1 of their Ships on the Distant When War has been Declared upon you,
Continents board. The j also means that ›England cannot discover Mexico or Central America
you may send Defensive CtAs. For Defensive
on this Turn, since these Distant Areas contain NPR Provinces.
CtAs, you must discard 1I from the Areas
of each NPR Ally you wish to call.
• Place the removed I into Areas with
Change National Focus You may also send Defensive CtAs when
the same faith as your new State Religion. accepting a CtA from an NPR Ally, but only
When taking this Action you must perform
• Gain 1 u in each of your Areas of the to call your other NPR Allies (not PR Allies).
one or both of the options below, in order.
Religion you abandoned. Then roll Rebel Calling your PR Allies to War has no cost,
You may only take this Action once per
Dice (see p. 37) for these Areas. but they may refuse (see rules for 'Receiving
Round. Place a z in the Changed Nat.
Focus slot on your Player Mat to indicate that a CtA', p. 32). If a PR is Allied both to the
Alternatively, if there is at least 1 Counter-­
you have done so. Aggressor and the defender, they may only
Reformed token on the board (e.g., following
1. Increase one type of Monarch Power by be Called to Arms by the defender.
the Council of Trent Event), Catholic PRs may
up to 2 d by moving a maximum 1 d
pay 3a to embrace the Counter-Reformation NPR Allies can only be Called to Arms if:
from each of the other two Monarch
and place a Counter-Reformed token in their • They are at Peace.
Power pools on your Player Mat.
Capital Area without suffering any of the • They are adjacent either to your Realm, or
2. Discard up to 3 Action Cards from your
consequences listed above. to a new Enemy.
hand (add them to the discard pile after
completing this Action). Then draw 1 For each NPR Ally Called to Arms:
card fewer than you discarded, from any
of the Action Decks. 5.2 Minor Actions • Flip the A to the K (Active Ally) side
Minor Actions do not complete your Turn • Add a number of NPR Units to your own
You may pay 1 d and 2 D to pick 1 Available m equal to ½ of the Tax Value
of the new cards from the top 5 discards but may be performed in addition to your
normal Turn Action. Minor Actions may of all Provinces Owned by that NPR Ally
of the deck matching the paid d type. and their Vassals (max. 5 Units).
be taken on the Turn that you Pass, but you
• Gain 1 c if the NPR Ally is adjacent to a
Change State Religion may not take them again in this Round once
you have Passed unless as a Reaction. new Enemy.
Starting with Age II, this
Action allows a Realm to
change its State Religion Appoint Advisor/Leader – £ Reactions (£)
from Catholic to Protestant Take this Action to hire Advisors (square Some Minor Actions may, under certain
(or from Protestant to Catholic). Other- portrait) and Leaders (round portrait) on circumstances, be performed as Reactions.
wise, changing State Religion can only hap- cards in your hand, and/or fire active ones. It is possible to play a Reaction on another
pen through an Event, or if Conversion is Appoint Advisor: Pay the D cost player's Turn, after you have Passed, or
forced upon you (p. 31). shown in the card's lower-right corner, then even outside of the Action Phase.
This Action has no Monarch Power cost, tuck that card under its matching Advisor These Actions are marked with the
but you must instead face the following slot on your Player Mat. £ icon, and the conditions under which
consequences: Appoint General/Admiral: Pay the c these may be performed as Reactions are
• Lose 2 and 1 s cost stated in the card's lower-right corner to stated in each Action's description.
• Remove 1 M and 5 I (in total) from employ a Leader as a General or an Admiral Action Cards may also be labeled as
any Area(s) that belong to the Religion (see p. 23). Tuck that card under one of Reactions.
that you are abandoning. your Army/Fleet Mats. You may also use


Take/Repay Loan – £
You may take Loans, as long as you do not
already have 5 or more Interest tokens in your
Treasury. Taking a Loan may be done as a
Reaction if you must cover a cost and lack the
funds to do so. When you take a Loan, take
an Interest token and 5D from the General
Supply and add them to your Treasury.
To repay a Loan, pay 6 D from your
Treasury and return the Interest token to the
General Supply. You may immediately use
Ducats gained for Passing for this purpose.

Replenish Manpower (1 c per 3 Units)

You may Refresh Exhausted Units in your
Manpower Reserve at a cost of 1 c for
every 3 Units. Move these Units from the
Exhausted m area to the Available m area;
they are now ready to be recruited.

Cut Ties
Return any number of your I or G from
the board to your Supply, and/or end any
number of Alliances. If you end any Alliances,
suffer the penalties described under the
'Ending an Alliance' section, on page 33.
Example: ›England (red player), has discovered the Antilles, Canada, Pernambuco, and the
Gold Coast. They have Ships in the Northwestern Atlantic, Southeastern Atlantic,
5.3 Administrative and Northeastern Atlantic, and now they want to Colonize. They have 2 < in the Colonist
­Actions Pool, and spend 2 a to reach the total of 4 required to complete the Colonize Action. They may
now convert 1 of their Colonial G into a Town.
Increase Stability (5 a +/– current s) However, ›England may only convert a G that is connected through a chain of ›English Ships
and/or t to their Capital Area. There is no Ship in the Caribbean Sea or Southwestern
You may spend 5 a, modified by your cur- Atlantic, so the Antilles and Pernambuco G cannot be converted into t at this time. Neither
rent Stability value, to increase your Stability can the G on the Gold Coast Territory. Even though there is a Ship in the Southeastern Atlan-
by 1 step (e.g., increasing Stability from -3 tic, this chain is not complete as there are no Ships in the Sea Zones between the Southeastern
to -2 costs (5 – 3 =) 2 a, while increasing Atlantic and other Sea Zones with ›English Ships.
Stability from +1 to +2 costs (5 + 1 =) 6 a). ›England may however choose to place their Town in Canada, as shown by the yellow lines.
With a Ship in the Caribbean Sea they would be able to place a Town in the Antilles or Gold
Convert Area (2 a + 3 D) Coast as well, since the Caribbean Sea is adjacent to both the Northwestern Atlantic and
You may convert the Religion of a given Area the Southeastern Atlantic (C-connection).
to your State Religion if you Own every Prov-
ince in the Area(s) governed by its Religion
slot, or if you Own at least 1 of these Provinces
and all the remaining ones are Owned by
Realms of the same State Religion as yours.
Place the appropriate Religion token on
the Area's Religion slot (or remove the cur-
rent token to reveal the printed symbol), add
u to 1 of your affected t, and roll Rebel
Dice for all your u in the affected Area(s).

Colonize ( 4 a/<)
To take a Colonize Action, spend 4 a or
4 of your < from the Colonist Pool (or Example: ›France (blue player) wants to use an Influence Action to increase their diplomatic power
any combination of those totaling 4), then in Italy. They decide to place 2 more I in Lombardy, where they already have 1I. This
replace 1 of your G on a vacant ­Territory means that there is now a total of 5I in Lombardy; no more I may be placed here without
with a Small t. This Colonial G must be first removing tokens. Central Italy and Corsica & Sardinia are adjacent both to the first
connected to your Capital Area through a ›French I in Lombardy and the ›French I and t in Languedoc, so ›France decides to
continuous chain of intermediate Areas and put 1I in each of these Areas too. ›France spends 2b and 6 D to pay for these I. No I
Sea Zones with your t and/or Ships. may be placed in Naples or Dalmatia, since these Areas are outside ›France's reach.


along with 1I in their Capital Area, if • You must be at Peace to Fabricate Claims.
5.4 Diplomatic Actions there is space. • To Fabricate a Claim on a Distant Area, it
For more details on the benefits and obli- must be adjacent to your Realm by Land,
Influence (1 b or 3 D per I) gations of Alliances, see page 32. and contain an NPR Province, v, or t.
Pay 1b for the first I you place, • In order to take this Action, both you and
the target NPR must be at Peace. Trade (1 b)
and then either 1b or 3 D for each
• You must have a total of at least 2I in If you have an available Merchant, you may
subsequent I.
any Area(s) belonging to the target NPR. pay 1 b to do the following in sequence:
You may place I in Areas adjacent to
• If the target NPR is Allied to an Oppo- 1. Reveal 3 Trade Cards.
any of your t, v, A, M, or I that
nent, you must have more total I than 2. If you cannot or do not wish to make use
were there at the start of your Turn.
that Opponent in the target NPR's Areas of any of these cards, discard them all,
You may place as many I as you like,
in order to replace their A with yours. ignore steps 3–6, and collect 2 D.
but no more than 2I in each Area during
• To Forge an Alliance with a Distant NPR, 3. Optionally move 1 of your Light Ships
a single Turn.
you must have a G on 1+ of their Areas. (using 'Naval Movement' rules, p. 25)
Note: There can be no more than 5I
to establish a connection to or increase
in any Area. To place I in an Area that is
Fabricate Claims (2 b per G) – ∞ your Trade Power (=) where you
“full,” use the relevant Covert Actions.
This is a Covert Action. Pay 2 b intend to Trade. You may place this ship
No I may be placed on any Distant
per G to place G in Areas on a Trade Protection slot (displacing any
adjacent to your Realm. A G Opponent's Ship if all slots are occupied)
Forge Alliance (1–3 b) provides a Conquest CB against in its destination Sea Zone. This Ship may
To ally yourself with an NPR, pay b equal to all Realms that Own Provinces in not enter a Hostile Sea Zone.
half the target NPR's Tax Income (but max. the Area in which the G is placed. 4. Pick a revealed card that names a Trade
3b), then take an available A from your • You cannot place G in Areas where you Node where you are eligible to Trade (see
Supply and place it on the target's Capital, have G or you Own all the Provinces. below). If a Ship was moved, the chosen
node must be adjacent to this Ship, or con-
nected to your Capital Area via a chain that
includes this Ship. Discard the other cards.
5. Select an available (upright) Merchant
and, if not already there, move it to the
Trade Node you chose. Activate this Mer-
chant by laying it down on its side.
6. Calculate Trade Power (see p. 35) for
yourself and any Opponents with a valid
connection and a Merchant (activated or
not) in the selected node, and determine
which of the Trade Card's income rows
each player should collect income from.

Eligibility: A PR may only collect Trade

Income in nodes that are connected to that
PR's Capital Area through a continuous chain
of intermediate Areas and/or Sea Zones con-
taining their t, v, I, or Light Ships.

Covert Actions (∞)

Some Diplomatic Actions and Action
Cards are labeled as Covert Actions, with
a ∞ icon. These are Actions that target
Example: ›England (red player), takes a Trade Action. They draw 3 Trade Cards and consider
their options. They would normally be able to trade Livestock in the North Sea N, but since their
other Realms for devious purposes, and
Merchant there has already been activated, they won't be able to do so again this Round. The they can be countered by the Counter­
North America N is currently cut off from London since there are no Ships in any of the Carib- espionage card.
bean Sea, Northwestern Atl., Eastern Atl., or Northeastern Atl. Sea Zones. These are the Covert Actions available:
That leaves the player with the Cloth card, and ›England can trade in both the Champagne N
and the English Channel N (connections to ›English Capital Area indicated with yellow arrows). • Fabricate Claims (Basic Action)
To trade in Champagne N they would need to move their Merchant there (from the English Chan- • Support Rebels (Spy Network)
nel N), but since they don't own any of the listed Key Provinces for Champagne N, they would • Sow Discontent (Spy Network)
only have a Trade Power of 1 in that node (from the Merchant), yielding an income of 5D. • Sabotage Reputation (Spy Network)
In the English Channel N however, they can achieve a Trade Power of 6 (Merchant + 3 Ships • New Alliance (Action Card)
+ 2 Key Provinces C D) D by moving their Ship from the Norwegian Sea to e.g., Doggerbank. • Study Technology (Action Card)
The Expanded Trade token enables them to collect the income in the red column, for an impressive
• Counterespionage (Action Card)
14 D. ›France has a Merchant and an adjacent Ship there as well and will collect 6 D.


5.5 Military Actions
Declare War (1 c)
You may Declare War on any
number of Realms during this
Action. By doing so, you enter
into a War with the target Realm(s).
Note: Check DoW restrictions (p. 22).
You normally cannot Declare War on (a) your
Allies, (b) Realms you have a Truce with, (c)
PRs who have Passed, (d) NPR Allies of PRs
who meet b or c, (e) HRE Members at Peace
with the Emperor if the Emperor meets a, b,
or c, (f) Distant Realms you have no G on,
or (g) during an Interregnum.
Pay the Action cost, and then execute the Example: ›Castile (yellow player) has a G in Andalucia and uses it to Declare War on
following steps in sequence: ›Granada, placing a War token on their Capital. They pay 1 c for the Declare War Action, and
1. Determine Realm(s) to be targeted by 1 c to Appoint a General for their Army (Minor Action).
Their Army is located in Castile, and with no Ships at Sea no Battles are triggered by the
your DoW and place a War token on the
DoW, so they get to take a free Activate Units Action, which they use to move their Army via Leon
Capital of each Realm. and into Andalucia. This way they bypass the Mountain border between Castile and Anda-
2. Lose 2 s for each target Realm for lucia, which would have required them to spend an additional c if they crossed it.
which you have no CB (see p. 22) and As soon as the ›Castilian Army enters the Hostile Area of Andalucia, ›Granada will muster a
1 s for each target Realm where you force to defend their lands. They have 2 Small Provinces, and thus defend with 2 Units (black).
have a M (unless the L side is face-up).
3. Calls to Arms (in listed order): You may choose a Hostile destination
a. You may send Offensive CtAs, using the Activate Units (1 c)
Sea Zone (containing Enemy Ships or
Call to Arms Action (see p. 13).* You may spend 1c to take a Land Activation
facing Enemy NPR Ports), in which case
b. If a target is an HRE Member, and you are or a Naval Activation. Both Land and Naval
a Naval Battle (see p. 28) will take
not, the Emperor receives a Defensive CtA Movement may include Naval Transport as
place there.** Ships en route may not
and may Defend the HRE (see p. 44).* part of this Action. Detailed rules for Move-
pass through Hostile Sea Zones.
c. Targeted NPRs automatically send a ment, Sieges, and Battles are described in
• Undock: Move any number of your Ships
Defensive CtA to their Ally (if any).* the Warfare chapter (pp. 25–28).
from Ports and into adjacent non-Hostile
d. Targeted PRs may send Defensive CtAs, Sea Zones.
Land Activation: Pick an Area with at least
using the Call to Arms Action (see p. 13).*
1 of your Armies or Regular Units, and per-
4. Targeted PRs, and PRs accepting any Naval Transport (see p. 26): Land Units
form one of the two options below:
­Defensive CtAs from NPRs (unless that may during Land Movement cross any
• Land Movement (see p. 25): Move
PR is already at War with the Aggressor), number of Sea Zones via an existing bridge
1 of your Armies or a single Unit in this
gain 1c. of Friendly Ships as if the Areas on either
Area up to 2 spaces. It must end its move-
5. Remove all of your I in each of the side of the bridge were adjacent by land.
ment if entering a Hostile or Neutral
target Realm(s)'s Areas. Following Naval Movement (and after
Area. To enter a Neutral Area, you must
6. If any Ships on either side of this War are any Naval Battle), a number of Land Units
first obtain Military Access.
now located in Hostile Sea Zones, Naval can be transported via such a bridge of Ships
When Units enter an Area containing
Battles will take place (see p. 28).** as long as they pass through the destination
Hostile Units or Enemy NPR Provinces, a
7. If any Land Units on opposing sides of Sea Zone for the Ships that were moved.
Battle takes place immediately (p. 27).**
this War are now located in the same Area, Each Ship in a Naval Bridge enables up to
• Siege (see p. 28): If the selected Area
or if PR Units now find themselves in 3 Land Units to cross the Sea Zone that the
has Hostile Provinces, you may activate
Areas with Hostile NPR Provinces, Land Ship is in.
Units to Siege instead of moving.
Battles will take place (see p. 27).**
The Action cost pays for a single Sieg- Note: When moving on any of the Distant
8. If no Battles were triggered, you may
ing Unit. Pay 1c for each additional Unit Continents, movement always ends in the
immediately either take an Activate Units
that takes part in the Siege. Calculate Siege first space (Area or Sea Zone) you enter.
or Recruit Units Action at no c cost.
Strength and pick target Provinces.
Optional Rule 2: Available Mercenaries
* PRs that are Called to Arms must Naval Activation: A Naval Activation lets When taking an Activate Units Action
respond to this as explained under you perform one of the two options below: to activate an Army and perform a Land
'Receiving a CtA' on p. 32. • Naval Movement (see p. 25): Choose Movement that originates in any of your
** No Battle is triggered with an NPR if a single destination (Sea Zone or Friendly own Areas, you may first recruit up to
there were Units/Ships Hostile to that Port), and Move any number of Ships 3 Mercenary Units (at normal D cost);
NPR present in the Area/Sea Zone prior within range to this destination. Fleets they must move with the activated Army.
to the current Turn. and Ships may move up to 2 spaces.


Recruit Units (1 c + X D)
Pay 1 c and the requisite amount of D to
Recruit as many Military Units from your
Available m and build as many Ships as you
like (and can afford). Units may be placed
directly on the board (Regular Infantry Units
only) or into your Armies. New Armies may
be created to hold Units that you Recruit.
If you Recruit Units in Areas containing
Enemy Units or Hostile NPR Provinces,
Battles will commence there once all
Recruitment is done.
Regular Units can be Recruited in 1 or
more of your or your Vassals' Areas, up to
Example: ›Austria (white) has Declared War on ›France's Ally, ›Naples (independent here after your MC (see p. 22) in each of these Areas.
›Castile Annexed ›Aragon earlier). ›France (blue) has answered the CtA from their Ally, and when A Province cannot be counted for MC
their Turn comes, they want to make sure that ›Naples can defend against an ›Austrian invasion.
more than once per Turn, and may thus only
›France decides to take a Naval Activation (paying 1 c), and moves 1 of their 3 Ships in the
Gulf of Lion and the one in the Western Mediterranean to the Central Mediterra-
contribute to Recruitment in a single Area.
nean. The Ships now form a Naval Bridge able to carry up to 6 Land Units (2 Ships in each Sea Mercenary Units are taken from the
Zone) across the Sea. ›France's Army in Languedoc holds 4 Infantry and 1 Cavalry Unit, and General Supply and do not count towards
being adjacent to the recently created Naval Bridge, they will be able to move across this bridge MC. They must be Recruited in your or your
(light green arrows) and disembark in Naples as part of the Naval Activation. Even though Vassals' Areas, and you can Recruit a maxi-
›France has not used the whole transport capacity of the bridge, they cannot transport the Unit mum of 3 Mercenary Units per Turn.
from Lombardy since Units may only be transported from a single location to another. Allied Units in your Manpower Reserve
(see p. 32) may be Recruited for free as
Infantry, or optionally as Cavalry at 3 D
each. Allied Units may be Recruited in your
own Areas within your MC limits. Alter-
natively you may instead Recruit a number
of Allied Units in Areas belonging to your
Active Allies, up to their MC.
Ships must be taken from your Supply and
can be built at a maximum rate of 1 Ship in
each Port you Own. Ships may be placed on
a Port, or in a non-Hostile Sea Zone next to it
(optionally on vacant Trade Protection slots).

Cost to Recruit/build
Type Regular Merc. Allied
Infantry 2D 4D free
Example: ›England (red) is at War with ›Desmond (Owner of Mhumhain) and ›France (blue), Cavalry 5D 7D 3D
and wants to Recruit Units in 2 Areas, Ireland and Northumbria. They pay the 1c Action cost. Artillery* 6D 8D –
They want to take advantage of their entire MC for this Area (Provinces marked with green Light Ship 4D – –
halo) when recruiting there, including the 2 adjacent Ports, Wales and Lancashire. This lets them
take 3 Units from their Available m to place in this Area. They choose to get 2 Infantry Units and Heavy Ship 10 D – –
1 Artillery Unit, paying 10 D, creating Army 2 in Ireland to hold these Units, and placing the Galley 2D – –
Units onto the Army Mat. This will trigger a Battle with ›Desmond, who will defend with 1 Unit,
but the Battle will be handled once all recruitment is done. * To Recruit Artillery Units you must have
Now ›England also wants to recruit Units into their Army 1 located in Northumbria. Nor- researched the “Cannons” Idea.
mally their MC for this Area would be 11 (counting all adjacent Provinces, including the Port of
Pale) but since the MC provided by 3 of these Provinces has already been used for the Recruitment Suppress Unrest (1 c per Province)
in Ireland, the MC available for use in Northumbria this Turn is 8 (Provinces with blue halo). Pay 1 c for each of your t/v from
›England however only has 4 remaining Units in Available m, and adds 2 Infantry Units, 1 Cav- which you wish to remove Unrest (u). Flip
alry Unit, and 1 Artillery Unit to the already existing Infantry Unit in Army 1, paying the cost of these tokens shield side face-up.
15 D. Since they have a MC of 4 remaining for Northumbria, they also recruit the 4 Allied You cannot Suppress Unrest in:
Units provided by their Active Ally, ›Burgundy, as Infantry for free.
• Provinces whose Area contains any
On top of this, they could have recruited Mercenary Units, which do not count towards MC,
but ›England feels that they are capable of conquering ›Scotland (›France's Active Ally) in their Enemy Units or ?
next Turn with what they now have. • Provinces that you Occupy
They go on to resolve the Battle in Ireland before ending their Turn. • Provinces Occupied by an Enemy


6. Action Cards each other at the side of the board as shown 6.2 Special Cards
in the setup. Discard piles are created as
needed, placing discarded cards face-up. The Display Cards (™)
Action Cards work very much like Basic
discard piles are public information. Display Cards are marked with a ™ icon
Actions. Playing an Action Card takes up a
If a deck is empty when you need to draw in the top right corner. They act differently
whole Turn (unless otherwise specified),
a card, shuffle its discard pile to form a new from other Action Cards in that they are
not counting Minor Actions.
deck, but leave out the top 5 discards and let placed face-up on display when played, and
The Monarch Power (d) cost of playing
them remain as a discard pile. If the discard charged up with a number of your z from
an Action Card is indicated in the card's top
pile has 5 or fewer cards when the deck is your Supply matching the squares depicted
left corner, and is always of the type associ-
empty, shuffle the whole discard pile. on the card. They rarely have any other effect
ated with the deck that the card belongs to.
on the Turn in which they are played.
Some cards also have a Ducat cost that must
be paid. The cost of playing an Action Card 6.1 The Three Decks In subsequent Turns, when on display,
a Display Card makes the Actions listed on
(or Action on a Display Card) can never go
Administrative Deck () the card available to the player who played
below 0; that is to say, you may never gain
The Administrative Deck is it. These Actions work just like any other
d by playing an Action Card. in many ways the most varied Actions in the game, have a d cost, and
When playing a card for its Action,
Action Deck; these cards will normally take a Turn to perform. However,
resolve its effect right away and then discard
help you develop your Realm, increase your some of them are marked as B ­ attle Actions or
that card (unless it is a Display Card).
Stability, improve your economy, reduce Reactions, and are treated as such.
All Action Cards are dual-purpose. You
Religious Dissent, and facilitate Research. Each time you take one of the Actions on a
may play the card to take its Action, or to
Display Card, remove a z (or more if the text
Appoint the character in its bottom section. Diplomatic Deck (›) says so) from the available uses on that card.
Characters (Leaders & Advisors) Cards in the Diplomatic Deck Once the last z on a Display Card has
will be useful when you need been spent, discard the card.
Each Action Card depicts a character, either
to put pressure on your Oppo- Note: You can have a maximum of 2
a Leader (round portrait) or an Advisor
nents through less costly and more subtle Display Cards, and never 2 of the same card,
(square portrait). Take the Appoint Advisor/
means than War. They are also necessary if in play at any given time. If you play a Dis-
Leader Action (see p. 13) to make use of
you wish to expand your Realm peacefully. play Card when you already have 2 in play,
them. See more in section 7.2.
Many cards require a minimum of I. discard 1 of the cards in play.
Cards in Hand Military Deck (ç)
Cards in hand should be kept secret from
Battle Actions (€)
Unsurprisingly, the Military Battle Actions are cards (and Actions on
other players until they are played.
Deck contains cards that will Action Cards) meant to be played during
The hand size limit for Action Cards is 5,
give you an edge in the event Battles in the “Play Battle Actions” step.
but this is only checked in Phase 5, Step C.
of War. They can give increased mobility These Actions are marked with a € icon
Decks and Discard Piles to your forces or provide direct bonuses in and can be used in any Battle in which you
The Action Card decks are placed next to Battles, such as additional Battle Dice. are involved, even if it is not your Turn.

The Anatomy of an Action Card Card ID

Monarch Power cost Monarch Power cost
(Diplomatic) (Military) Card title
Card type
Ducat cost Card type
(Display Card)
(D) (Covert Action)
Action illustration Actions made
available to a
Action section Action type player when
of Action Card (Reaction) this card is
Monarch Power cost on display
Action description
of Action (Military)
Battle Dice
Character section No. of Action uses provided if
of Action Card employed as
Leader portrait
(round frame) a General
Character name
Cost in D Cost in c to
Advisor portrait to Appoint/ Appoint as a
(square frame) maintain General

Symbol relating to character mortality Advisor's Monarch Power skill bonus Leader's skill values in each type of Monarch Power


Leaders as Rulers
In each Round of Battle, each side may
only benefit from one use of any particular
7. Governing a PR During an Interregnum, you may Appoint
Battle Action. Each player governs a Player Realm, which is a Leader to rule your Realm; tuck its card
Battle Dice gained from Battle Actions represented on the map by t and tokens, underneath your Player Mat's Ruler Slot.
remain in your dice pool for the duration of while the internal machinations of govern- ­Rulers add their Skill values to their respec-
the Battle. For each Battle Die icon depicted ment, for the most part, are handled on the tive Realms' Monarch Power incomes.
(see icons on p. 27) on a Battle Action, Player Mat. Appointing a Leader as a Ruler costs nothing.
you may add one additional die of that type Rulers stay in their positions until they die,
to your dice pool. A die icon with a "?" on it
7.1 Monarch Power (d) unless replaced by an Event.
allows you to add 1 Battle Die of any type. Using the Appoint Advisor/Leader Minor
Monarch Power is one of your primary
Action, a Ruler may also be assigned, for free,
Reactions (£) resources. There are three types of Monarch
to command an Army. In this case, place the
Action Cards that are marked as Reactions, Power: Administrative Power (a), Diplo-
Ruler General token on your Army Mat.
with a £ icon, are used to interrupt play matic Power (b), and Military Power (c),
A Realm may never have more than
just like other Reactions (see p. 13). each of which is used to perform different
1 Ruler at a time.
types of Actions.
Covert Actions (∞) Your Realm's Total Skill Level for each Leaders as Generals and Admirals
The Diplomatic Deck has a number of Action type of Monarch Power is determined by Generals and Admirals may be Appointed at
Cards (and Actions on the Spy Network Dis- adding the appropriate Ruler Skill to that a cost of 1 or 2c each (stated in the lower
play Card) that are marked as Covert Actions, of the matching Advisor (if any). In each right corner of the card). They are collectively
with a ∞ icon. Just like other Covert Actions Round, you will gain that much Monarch referred to as Military Leaders, and provide
(see p. 15), these can be countered by a Power of the appropriate type. Certain Ideas a number of additional dice in Battle as indi-
Counterespionage card. may modify a Realm's Skill Level. cated on the right sides of their name banners.
If a card is countered, it is discarded and You can store a maximum of 10d of each A Military Leader must be tucked under-
its cost must still be paid. If a Covert Action type of Monarch Power on your Player Mat; neath an Army or Fleet Mat. They may be
on a Display Card is prevented, the indicated immediately discard any surplus. replaced, and a General moved to another
number of uses (z) is still spent. Army (even one without any Units), using the
7.2 Characters Appoint Advisor/Leader Minor Action. Gen-
Example: ›France has the Covert Action
card New Alliance in their hand, which they (Leaders & Advisors) erals that are replaced without any available
would like to play as their Action. All Action Cards, and many Events, depict Army Mat to relocate to must be discarded.
›Castile has 2 I in Aragon, and a Character at the bottom. These are either
picking the NPR ›Aragon as a target would Leaders or Advisors. Characters will serve Advisors (square portrait)
allow ›France to remove the ›Castilian I, your Realm for a while before they die or There are three types of Advisors, one for
and add 2 of their own I there instead. move on; Character mortality is determined each type of Monarch Power: Administra-
This would cause ›France to have the most by Events (p. 41). tive, Diplomatic, and Military. You may only
I in the ›Aragonese Realm, and thus have 1 Advisor of each type in play at a time.
grant ›France an Alliance with ›Aragon. Leaders (round portrait) Advisors are found in their respective
›France finds this very tempting, and pays Action Card decks. An Advisor's skill in its
the 4 b and 2 D to play the card.
Leaders can be Appointed as Rulers, Gen-
erals, or Admirals. At the beginning of the Monarch Power category is added to that
›Castile wants none of it though, and as
›France is about to pick the ›Castilian I game, all PRs get a starting Ruler designated of its Ruler to provide a Realm's Total Skill
off the map, ›Castile plays the Counterespi­ in the scenario setup instructions. Level of a given type.
onage card from their hand, paying its cost Advisors have costs (indicated on the
of 2 b. Both cards are discarded, and the coin in the bottom right corner of their
New Alliance card has no effect. ›France still cards) that must be paid as soon as you
loses the resources spent to pay for the cost appoint them, and again during the Income
of playing the card, and with this, ›France's & Upkeep Phase of each Round.
Turn is complete. If you cannot or do not want to pay the
Historical Rulers
Historical Rulers (identified by purple name upkeep for an Advisor, it must be discarded.
Example: ›Austria decides to play a Central
Authority card, and pays the cost of 2 a and banners) appear on certain Event Cards, and
2 D to place it on display. They fill up the 3 belong to the Realm that shares their flag
uses on the card with z from their Supply, (coat of arms). Historical Rulers normally
thus completing their Turn. replace the current Ruler in their Realm as
By the time it is ›Austria's Turn again, soon as their card's Event has been resolved.
›France has Declared War on them. ›Austria Some historical Rulers have an H icon
has 8 Regular Units Deployed. To get some Example: ›England is holding the Develop­
printed on their name banner, indicating that
more funds in their Treasury, ›Austria decides ment card, which features the +2 Admin­
they start off with one Ill Health token. istrative Advisor, Maximilien. They decide
to exhaust 2 uses on the Central Authority
card and pay 1a in order to perform the War to employ him as an Advisor by taking the
Taxes Action and gain 8D. The Action also Appoint Advisor/Leader Minor Action, pay­
makes them gain 1u, and they must add this ing 2 D, and tucking the card in place.
to one of their t or v.


The Deaths of Leaders and Advisors
Every time a symbol (see p. 41) ! §
on an Event Card is resolved, each Character
in play with a matching icon next to its por-
trait receives an Ill Health token (H).
When a Character receives
their second H, they die.
Military Leaders may also
receive H (and die) in Battle. $
Dead characters are dis-
carded. With Military Leaders or Advisors
this has no further consequences, except %
that you may no longer benefit from their & & &
/ ) ( = = =
Ruler Death – Interregnum The Stability track ! is where you keep track of your current s. In your Manpower Reserve ",
When your Ruler dies (is you keep all m that are currently not Deployed – both Exhausted m and Available m.
discarded), you should try to The Town Track § is where you keep your unused t. By adding together the highest uncovered
replace them right away. numbers from the slots for Small and Large t, and v $, you get your Tax Income and m.
If the discarded Ruler was Your Treasury % is used to store your Ducats (D), and is also where Interest tokens (,)
the Emperor of the HRE, see are kept. Each Monarch Power Pool & can hold up to 10 d. The Changed National Focus slot /
section 18.9, 'Imperial Elections' (p. 45). is tagged with a z when that Action is taken. Your Realm's State Religion is indicated by placing
the appropriate Religion token in the State Religion slot (. Your Ruler's card is tucked under the
Important: You may immediately replace
Ruler slot ), while cards with Advisors are tucked underneath their respective Advisor slots =.
a discarded Ruler by taking the Appoint Advi­
sor/Leader Minor Action as a Reaction (if you
have an Action Card with a Leader).
Positive Stability 7.4 Economy
PRs with positive Stability receive benefits
If you cannot (or choose not to) do
each Round. These are illustrated on the
Ducats (D)
this, your Realm enters an Interregnum – All monetary costs and
a regency council with a Skill of 1 in each Stability track of each Player Mat.
gains in the game are mea-
Monarch Power field will rule until it is • +1 s or higher: Receive an additional
sured in a currency called
replaced. Indicate this state by placing the 2 D in Tax Income in Phase 4, Step B.
Ducats. There are three
Interregnum token on your Ruler slot. • +2 s or higher: You may remove u
denominations of Ducat
During an Interregnum, you may appoint from 1 of your Provinces in Phase 3,
coins in the game: 1-Ducat
a new Ruler by taking the Appoint Advisor/ Step H.
coins, 5-Ducat coins, and
Leader Minor Action. • +3 s: Receive a bonus of any 2 d of
10-Ducat coins.
During an Interregnum you cannot enter your choice in Phase 4, Step D.
Ducats are not meant to
into new Royal Marriages, and may not be limited by component
Declare War on anyone (except on Marriage
Negative Stability
availability, so on the rare
partners experiencing a Disputed Succes- PRs with negative Stability suffer penalties
occasion that you run out of
sion, or by accepting a Defensive CtA). each Round. These are illustrated on the
coins, make a note of any additional funds in
A PR that has no Ruler at Phase 3, Step F, Stability track of each Player Mat.
your Treasury. Players should exchange large
loses 1 s, and any Marriage tokens (M) on • -1 s or lower: Receive 2 D fewer in
stacks of 1-Ducat coins for 5- or 10-Ducat
this Realm will be flipped to the Disputed Tax Income in Phase 4, Step B.
coins when possible, to make sure that
Succession (L) side. • -2 s or lower: Add u to 1 of your
change is always available in the General
Provinces in Phase 3, Step H.
• -3 s: Receive 1 d fewer (of your
7.3 Stability (s)
choice) in Phase 4, Step D. Tax Income and Upkeep Costs
Every PR has a Stability value, ranging from
• A negative Stability may also trigger a Tax Income and Upkeep Costs are calcu-
-3 to +3, and in most scenarios players will
number of negative Event effects. lated simultaneously, by adding together all
begin with a Stability of 0. A Realm's Stability
value gives a clear indication of that Realm's income sources and deducting all costs, as
Stability Beyond +3 or -3
ability to handle internal struggles like Unrest listed under Phase 4, Step B (p. 10).
It is not possible to go above +3 s, or
(u), but also how efficiently the current below -3 s.
government will be able to pursue its goals. A Unpaid Upkeep Costs
• If you gain Stability when at +3 s, you Advisors must be paid before they provide
Stability of 0 has no effect on your Realm. instead gain 2 a per step.
When increasing your Stability (through their Monarch Power bonuses (the cost is
• If you lose Stability when at -3 s, you indicated in the lower right corner of an
an Action Card or a Basic Action), modify instead lose 2 a per step. If do not have
that Action's cost according to your current Advisor's card). Unpaid Advisors leave
enough a to lose, you must lose 1 d of immediately, without providing bonuses.
Stability (e.g., to increase Stability from +2 another type for each missing a. If you
to +3, using the Increase Stability Basic Disband unpaid Land Units and return
have no d at all, ignore this penalty. them to Available m or the Supply.
Action, you must pay (5 + 2 =) 7 a).


Ships that have not been returned to instead put 2 Small t on a Large Province. claimed by taking the Research Idea Action
Friendly Ports when you cannot cover the If all 20 of your Small t on the Player Mat (see p. 12), also simply called Research,
cost of keeping them at Sea are disbanded. have been placed on the map board, take a and spending Monarch Points matching
If you cannot cover the Interest on your +20 D Income tile and place the remaining that Idea's type. Some Ideas have prerequi­
Loans, you must either take another Loan (if 20 t from your Supply onto your Player sites that must be satisfied before they can
able) or go Bankrupt. Mat's Town Track. The +20 D Income tile be Researched, and some Ideas will not
must be returned to the Supply if you later be added to the Idea deck until the game
Loans and Interest (,) fall below 20 Small t again. If you run out reaches a certain Age.
A player can take a Loan as of all 40 Small t, place a v instead of a Upon Researching an Idea, a player scores
a Minor Action, or they may t whenever a new Small t is required. 2 and marks that Idea with a Tag chit.
be forced to do so in order to If they are the second or third player to
cover their expenses. 7.6 Core Provinces Research an Idea, any player(s) that have
When a player takes a Loan, they take All Provinces on the map board that have a already Researched that Idea score another
5 D from the Supply and add an , to Realm’s flag on it are considered Core Prov- 1 each. Once 3 players have gotten the
their Treasury – these tokens indicate how inces (Cores) of that Realm. This applies no Idea, only the player Researching that Idea
much Interest that player must pay each matter who currently Owns that Province, scores 0 for the Research Action.
Round. This is a mandatory Cost. A player but is superceded by any æ on the Prov-
who has 5 or more , in their Treasury is ince or F placed in its Area (see below).
Available Ideas and adding Ideas
not allowed to take another Loan. A Province which is a Core Province of At the start of the game there are normally
A Loan can be repaid as a Minor Action, its Owner cannot be Liberated (see p. 37) 3 Ideas of each type available to Research,
at a cost of 6 D. When a player repays a to form or join another Realm. Any Rebel- with 1 of each type being a Basic Idea (green
Loan, they also remove an , from their lion assigned to a Province which is not its background). These are laid out in a 3 x 3
Treasury. Money earned for passing can be Owner's Core Province, will cause it to join grid, with 1 column for each Monarch Power
used to repay Loans during the Turn when the Realm whose Core Province it is. type. More Ideas will be added through
the player passes. Events as the game progresses, creating addi-
Core tokens (F) tional rows in the grid.
Bankruptcy To place a F, a PR needs to If an Event or a Mission lets you Research
If a PR has 5 or more , in their Treasury Own all the Provinces in the an Idea not on display, you may still do so
and cannot pay a mandatory Cost (such as target Area and use the Integrate by taking 1 unresearched, non-Basic Idea of
Interest on Loans, Rebel Die results, etc.), Area Action on a Development matching type from the display and shuf-
that Realm immediately goes Bankrupt card. Doing so displaces any æ or other F fling it back into the deck. Then, place your
(remember that paying for Advisors and that are already in the same Area. A F can- Researched Idea into the display grid. If
Military Units is not mandatory). not be placed in an Area where all Provinces there are no unresearched Ideas of the same
are already the PR's Core Provinces. Some- type on display, make space for a new row of
A Bankrupt Player Realm: Ideas and add the new Idea there.
times F may be placed via a Mission reward.
• loses 3 s
All Provinces in an Area where a PR has
• loses 5
placed a F are considered Core Provinces
Government Forms
• discards all D and 3 , from their Some Ideas are labeled as Government
of that PR (and no other Realm).
Treasury Forms. You may only ever have 1 of these
Each F in play counts as a G in its Area,
• disbands all Mercenaries Ideas Researched at any given time.
and is worth 1 during Final Scoring.
• fires all Advisors If you Research a Government Form
• loses half of their d of each type when you already have one, you lose the ear-
(max. 3 d of a single type). 8. Ideas lier one. Remove your Tag chit from the Idea
you lost. Score 0 as normal for the new
7.5 ­Towns (t) The progress of technology and philosophy Idea; you do not lose 0 for the lost Idea.
is represented by Idea Cards. These can be
The t represent the geographical extent of
your Realm on the map board, and are also
your main source of Tax Income and Man- The Anatomy of an Idea Card
power, as indicated on the Town Track. Monarch Power Idea name Age when first eligible 0 gained when
As your Realm grows, you will take t type and cost Researching
from the Town Track on your Player Mat to Research this this Idea
and place them on Provinces on the map Idea (here 5 a).
board. t are always taken from their lowest-­ Bonus gained
numbered slots (from left to right), and as Bonus gained instantly upon
you do this you uncover slots on the track, from having Researching
with higher levels of income and Manpower. this Idea. this Idea.
Each Small t provides Tax Income
of 1 D, and each Large t provides an Basic Ideas have a Label stating
income of 2 D. Every v provides ½ D. green background that this Idea is a
If you run out of Large t, you may and frame ­Government Form


9. Warfare Casus Belli (CB)
When Diplomacy won’t satisfy your ambi- A Casus Belli (“justification for war”) enables you to Declare War without receiving a
tions, Warfare might be your next step. By -2 s penalty. The following CBs can be obtained.
gaining Claims, forging Alliances, and recruit-
ing military forces at the right time, you can
Conquest (Claim) the target, this CB lets you Declare War
Having a Claim (G) on an Area provides even during an Interregnum or if the
set yourself up for a successful campaign of
a CB against all other Realms that cur- target is your Ally (or both). If used to
conquest. Sometimes, you may also have to
rently Own Provinces in that Area. Declare War on an Ally, the Alliance ends.
defend against foreign or domestic attackers.
Additionally, a L provides a CB on all
Warfare against NPRs is described in
Call to Arms PRs at War with the target Realm.
a separate section in the chapter on Non-
A CtA (see p. 32) in itself constitutes a
Player Realms (page 36). Excommunication
CB on your Ally's new Enemy. This CB is
lost immediately if the CtA is refused. If your Realm is Catholic, and the Curia
9.1 Declarations A Defensive CtA lets you ignore all controller has Excommunicated the Ruler
of War (DoW) DoW restrictions (like Truces, conflicting of another Realm, you have a CB against
You may enter into a War in one of four ways: Alliances, etc.) when accepting the Call. that Realm for as long as the Excommuni-
1. By taking a Declare War Action (p. 16) cated token is in play (see p. 46). This
2. By having War Declared against you General CB (CB token) token is removed during Phase 4, Step E.
3. Through an Event (p. 40) Some situations will provide you with a
4. By accepting a Call to Arms (p. 32) temporary CB, indicated with a CB token Holy War (Crusade)
on the target's Capital. With the “Deus Vult” Idea, you have this
The first two, obviously, involve a DoW. The You get a CB against any Ally that CB against all adjacent Realms with a
third will tell you who is Declaring War, and refuses to honor your CtA. You may also different State Religion than yours, includ-
on whom. get such a CB from an Event. ing any Distant Realm, with the notable
Accepting a CtA always comes as a direct CB tokens are removed from the board exception that PRs with a Christian State
response to another DoW. in Phase 3, Step A (see p. 9). Religion cannot use it against other Chris-
tian Realms.
Restrictions on DoW Event If your Realm is Catholic, you get this
You may not Declare War: An Event that lets you Declare War on CB against Realms that are currently the
a. on an Ally another Realm is always a CB in itself. target of a Crusade (see p. 46). When
b. on a Realm with whom you have a Truce This CB also negates the -1 s penalty using this CB to Declare War on a Cru-
c. on a PR that has Passed for a DoW on a Marriage partner. sade target, place one of your Tag chits
d. on an NPR Ally of a PR (b) with whom on the Committed to Crusade slot on the
you have a Truce, or (c) who has Passed Disputed Succession Status Mat. The Crusade token is removed
e. on an HRE Member at Peace with the A M which is displaying its “Disputed in Phase 4, Step E.
­Emperor if the Emperor (a) is your Ally, Succession” (L) side provides a CB for
(b) has a Truce with you, or (c) has Passed all PRs against the Realm on which the Imperial Liberation (HRE only)
f. on Distant Realms undiscovered by you token is placed. The Emperor has a permanent CB against
g. during an Interregnum This CB also negates the -1 s penalty any Realm with their Capital located out-
for Declaring War on a Marriage partner. side the HRE that Controls Provinces or
Exceptions to the above restrictions: Furthermore, if you have a Marriage with has Vassals located inside the HRE.
• If you have a Marriage with the DoW
target that shows the L side, the Dis- -1 s penalty unless you use the Disputed Units or Recruit Units Action if the DoW
puted Succession CB (see infobox) lets Succession CB or Event CB (see infobox). did not trigger any Battles (see p. 16).
you Declare War even if the target is your
Ally, or during an Interregnum (or both). DoW triggering Battles 9.2 War Capacities
• You may ignore all restrictions if you are A DoW will trigger an immediate Land Battle
answering a Defensive CtA. if you have Military Units located in an Area Military Capacity (MC)
• If the War is triggered by an Event, any with Enemy Units, or an Area with Enemy Military Capacity is the measure of how
exceptions are mentioned on the Event. NPR Provinces. A Naval Battle will be trig- many Units a Realm can muster in an Area.
gered upon DoW if you have Ships in a Hos- A Realm's MC for any given Area is equal
Casus Belli (CB) tile Sea Zone. to the combined Tax Value of that Realm's
To avoid a -2s penalty when Declaring War, If multiple Battles are triggered, all Naval own Provinces and their Vassal Provinces in
you must have a Casus Belli (see infobox). Battles must be resolved before Land Battles, and adjacent to that Area (including Ports
CtAs and Events that trigger Wars consti- but other than that the Active Player decides facing the same non-Hostile Sea Zone as
tute CBs in themselves. the order in which they will be resolved. this Area).
This value is used to determine how many
Royal Marriage with DoW target Free Activate or Recruit Action Regular and Allied Units a PR can place into
When Declaring War on a Realm with When performing the Declare War Action an Area during a Recruit Units Action (Mer-
whom you have a Royal Marriage, you get a (and only then), you may take a free Activate cenaries are not limited by MC).


Equally important, MC is used to deter- 9.3 Manpower (m) m decreases, move Units back to your Sup-
mine how many Units an NPR will use to Manpower is the maximum number of Reg- ply (from Exhausted m, Available m, or
defend an Area when under attack. ular Units that you may have Deployed – this Deployed Units).
number is equal to the total of the highest Changes to m are applied during
Blocking MC Phase 5, Step A2.
number revealed on each of the Town Tracks
Occupied Provinces never contribute to MC. and the Vassal Track on your Player Mat Manpower can never rise above 20.
Provinces in Areas containing Hostile (½ of Tax Income on each track). The com-
Units only contribute to MC in their own bined total of Regular Units Deployed and Exhausted Manpower
Area, and not to MC in other adjacent Areas, in the Manpower Reserve (Available m and Casualties (see p. 27) are returned to the
whether calculating NPR defense (see Exhausted m) must equal this number. To Exhausted m area of the Manpower Reserve
p. 36) or PR Recruitment capacity. field Land Units exceeding your m value, and are not available until Refreshed.
Ports in Areas that are adjacent only by Sea you must use Mercenaries or Allied troops.
(and not by Land) to the Area for which you
m values may be modified (e.g., by Ideas 9.4 Military Leaders
are calculating MC do not contribute to the Armies and Fleets may be assigned Leaders
or from Increase Manpower on
MC for that Area if all Sea Zones separating from Action Cards (or your current Ruler),
the Military Reforms card);
the Areas are considered Hostile. using the Appoint Advisor/Leader Action.
this is indicated by placing
+1 m tokens in the Manpower An Army Leader is called a General, and
Naval Capacity (NC)
Reserve. a Fleet Leader is called an Admiral. Slide
Naval Capacity is the measure of how many
Player Mats have Manpower Reserves these cards underneath the associated Army
Ships a Realm can muster in a Sea Zone.
that hold Available and Exhausted Units. and Fleet Mats, so that only the Leader (and
A Realm's NC for any given Sea Zone is
When m increases, add more Units from not the card's Action) shows.
equal to the number of Ports that they Own
your Supply to the Available m area. When Appointing a Leader costs 1 or 2 c, as
that face that particular Sea Zone (Large
indicated in the card's bottom right corner.
Ports count as 2 Ports).
This value is used to determine (1) how
many Ships a PR can place into a Sea Zone
during a Recruit Units Action, and (2) how
many Ships an NPR will use to defend a Sea
Zone when under attack.
Inactive Ports (see p. 5) do not con-
tribute to the NC of their NPR Owners.

Blocking NC
Occupied Provinces never contribute to NC.
NC provided by Ports facing a Sea Zone
containing Enemy Ships can never be used Complex DoW Example: ›Austria (white) uses the CB provided by their G in Venetia to
to Recruit Ships into that Sea Zone, since Declare War on › ­ Venice (an NPR). ›Venice is an Ally of ›France (blue). ›Austria sends an Offensive
you are not allowed to trigger a Naval Battle CtA to their own Ally, ›Genoa (NPR), discarding 2I from Lombardy to add 2 Allied NPR
during a Recruit Units Action. Military Units Units to their Available m (½ of ›Genoa's Tax Income of 4). ›France, getting a Defensive CtA from
in the Area where the Port is located do not ›Venice, decides to accept the CtA, and gains 1c by doing so. ›France decides not to make ›Venice
affect NC at all. an Active Ally, since ›Venice will then defend at full strength, but it also means that ›France does not
get to add any ›Venetian Units to their Available m. ›Austria must now remove all their I in
MC/NC only counts once per Turn Lombardy and Dalmatia (where ›Venice has Provinces), but since they already spent the 2I
in Lombardy on the CtA they sent to ›Genoa, they only need to remove the 1I in Dalmatia.
A Province can only contribute to MC once
The DoW triggers multiple Battles. First, the Naval Battles need to be resolved. ›Austria has 1
per Turn, and to NC once per Turn (but it Light Ship in the Adriatic Sea which is faced by 5 ›Venetian Ports (Venezia counts double), and
may be used for both MC and NC). so they face 5 Ships here. In the Gulf of Lion, the 2 ›French Light Ships will be facing 3 ›Geno-
This means that if you Recruit Units in ese Ships. In both Naval Battles, the NPR Ships sink the PR Ships before being removed.
two (or more) locations that have overlap- Then, Land Battles will commence in both Venetia and Lombardy since ›Austria has Armies
ping MC/NC, you must decide in which in both Areas, and ›France has an Army in Lombardy as well. ›Austria, as the Active Player,
one of those locations you wish to utilize the decides to resolve the Battle in Venetia first. When calculating ›Venice's MC for Venetia, they
capacity provided by each Province (see the would normally include all Provinces in the adjacent Areas as well, but since there is an Enemy Army
Recruit Units example on p. 17). in Lombardy, ›Venice may not count Brescia. They will however count Zara in Dalmatia, along
with Verona, Treviso, and Venezia (x 2) for a total MC of 5, and so will defend with 5 Units.
Similarly, if 2 or more Battles are trig-
In Lombardy, ›Venice will only defend with 1 Unit (MC from Brescia) since they already
gered against the same NPR on a single spent their remaining MC in the Battle of Venetia. The ›French Army will, however, be joining
Turn, that NPR only gets to take advantage them in the fight against the ›Austrians here. On the other hand, ›Genoa will join the ›Austrian
of the MC/NC provided by each Province side. However, since they are an Active Ally of ›Austria, they will defend their Area with only
for 1 Land Battle and 1 Naval Battle. How 2 Units – half of their normal MC (3 divided by 2, rounded up). Had the ›French Ships beaten
this is worked out is described in detail in the ›Genoese at Sea, Corsica would have been blocked from contributing to the ›Genoese defense.
chapter 13.4 (p. 36). The participating ›Venetian and ›Genoese Units will not be added to their PR Allies' Army Mats,
and will all be removed after Battle as usual, no matter who wins.
Finally, ›Austria does not get a free Activate or Recruit Units Action, since Battles were triggered.


Military Units, Armies Heavy Ships
Armies, and Fleets All players have 3 Army Hits on: i + 1 automatic hit
There are several different types of Military miniatures, each with a Build Cost: 10 D
Units that can be Deployed. Each player has corresponding Army Mat. A Heavy Ship can only be deployed onto the
20 Regular Units and 3 Army miniatures, To Deploy an Army you Fleet Mat, as part of your Fleet.
plus 15 Ships and a Fleet at their disposal. must assign at least 1 of Each Heavy Ship involved in a Naval
There are also Mercenary Units and NPR/ your Land Units to it, either Battle inflicts an automatic hit on the Enemy
Rebel Units. from the Area in which the whenever its controller rolls the Battle Dice
Army is placed (during a (in addition to any hits rolled on the dice).
Regular Units Land Activation), or from When counting hits on the dice, Heavy Ships
These Land Units normally make Manpower (during a Recruit Action). If all are counted in the same way as other Ships.
up the bulk of your armed forces Units in an Army are removed from its mat, Heavy Ships can take 2 hits before being
on land, and are deployed through remove its miniature from the board. removed as Casualties. Indicate that a Heavy
the Recruit Units Action as Infan- Units in an Army are placed on their Ship has been damaged by laying the Ship
try, Cavalry, or Artillery. Your available Units corresponding Army Mat; each Army may on its side (or position it vertically for Stan-
are kept in your Manpower Reserve, and the contain as many Regular Units, Mercenary dard Ed.). If it does not take another hit, it
rest are set aside in your Supply. During the Units, and Allied NPR Units as you like. will immediately be repaired if its Fleet ends
Income & Upkeep Phase you must pay 1D All Units in an Army move as one, and are a Turn or Round in a Friendly Port.
for each Deployed Regular Unit you want to represented on the board by the Army min- Captured Heavy Ships are always consid-
keep in service; any Units not paid for will iature depicted on the Army Mat. ered to be damaged.
return to your Available m. It takes only a single Land Activation to
Move an entire Army, with all its Units. Galleys
Infantry During a Land Activation, an Army may Hits on: i
Hits on: f or g pick up or drop off Units in its Area at any Build Cost: 2 D
Siege Strength: 1 point during Movement, for free. A Galley can only be deployed onto a Fleet
Recruitment Cost: 2 D Units (Regular, Mercenary, and Allied) Mat, as part of a Fleet.
Infantry may be deployed directly onto are placed on your Army Mat in the Infan- Galleys can only sail in Sea Zones
the board as single Units, or in any of your try, Cavalry, or Artillery areas, depending on marked with a * or a †. If a Fleet containing
Armies by placing them onto the Infantry what types of Units you have recruited. Galleys moves from one of those and into
area on your chosen Army Mat. An Army may also be assigned a General a Sea Zone without a * or a †, all Galleys in
The c cost of moving a Single Unit is – a Leader who provides extra Battle Dice. that Fleet are immediately disbanded and
the same as moving an entire Army. returned to the Supply.
With the Ideas “Tercios/Janissaries” and Ships
“Line Infantry”, the outlined icon on the g Ship Units are deployed Fleets
result counts as a second Infantry result. Each through the Recruit Action, All players have a Fleet
Unit may still only score 1 hit. as Light Ships, Heavy Ships, miniature and a corre-
or Galleys. When you build sponding Fleet Mat.
Cavalry a Ship, it comes from your Supply – it does To deploy your
Hits on: h not affect m. You can only build 1 Ship per Fleet, you must assign it at least 1 Ship, from
Siege Strength: ½ (rounded down) Port (2 per Large Port), per Recruit Action. the Sea Zone or Port where you deploy the
Recruitment Cost: 5 D During Phase 4 you must pay ½ D for Fleet Unit (during a Naval Activation), or
Cavalry must be deployed in Armies. Place every Ship that you want to keep at sea. Any from your Supply (during a Recruit Action).
the Unit tokens onto the Cavalry area of ships not paid for must return to a Friendly If all Units in the Fleet are removed from its
your chosen Army Mat to signify that they Port within reach (2 spaces). Any ships at mat, remove its miniature from the board.
are deployed as Cavalry. sea that are not paid for and unable to return Ships in your Fleet are placed on your
to a Friendly Port must be disbanded. Fleet Mat; your Fleet may contain as many
Artillery (requires “Cannons” Idea) Ships as you like. All Ships in your Fleet
Hits on: i Light Ships move as one, and are represented on the
Siege Strength: 2 Hits on: i board by your Fleet miniature. You may
Recruitment Cost: 6 D Build Cost: 4 D never have more than 1 active Fleet.
Artillery must be deployed in Armies. Place A Light Ship costs 4 D to build. A Light During a Naval Activation, the Fleet may
the Unit tokens onto the Artillery area on Ship may be deployed directly onto the pick up or drop off Light Ships in its starting
your chosen Army Mat. board as a Single Ship, or you may place it and destination Sea Zone or Port, for free.
Artillery Units have a Siege Strength of 2; onto your Fleet Mat. Ships are placed on your Fleet Mat in the
they may Siege 2 Small Provinces or 1 Large Light Ships may be used to occupy Trade areas corresponding to the types of Ships
Province at the cost of just 1 c. Protection Slots in a Sea Zone, and will then you have built.
Armies that have more Artillery than Cav- each provide a Trade Power of 1 in all Trade Your Fleet may also be assigned an
alry Units cannot be used with the Action Nodes adjacent to that Sea Zone. Read more Admiral – a Leader who provides extra
Cards Forced March or One Step Ahead. about Trade Power in section 11.5 (p. 35). Battle Dice.


Generals and Admirals in Battle
Mercenaries Action Terminology
Leaders add Battle Dice to any Battles in
Mercenary Units come from the An Activate Units Action is sometimes
which they are involved (Leaders' Battle
General Supply, and are available more colloquially referred to as an
Dice are indicated on their name banners).
to all players. They are expen- ­Activation. When this chapter speaks of
Only 1 Leader on each side may add
sive, but do not count against a Land Activation or a Naval Activation
dice to the Battle; if a player has more than
your m or MC. Mercenaries can only be it means an Activate Units Action taken
1 Leader in a Battle, they decide which one
deployed in Armies, and are Recruited for its Land or Naval Activation option
to use. If there are Armies/Fleets from 2
as Infantry, Cavalry, or Artillery with the (see 'Military Actions', p. 16).
or more players fighting on the same side,
Recruit Units Action. You may Recruit a Similarly, a Recruit Units Action is
see the 'Fighting multiple Enemies' Section
maximum of 3 Mercenary Units during a sometimes just called a Recruit Action.
on page 27 for how to determine which
Recruit Units Action. Leader will provide their Battle Dice.
Each Mercenary Unit costs 2 D more Military Access
For every 2 g results your Enemy rolls
to recruit than a Regular Unit of the same You can always move Units into Areas with
in a single roll of Battle Dice (land or naval)
type. During the Income & Upkeep Phase at least 1 Province whose Lawful Owner or
your Leader receives a H token.
you must either pay 2 D for each Merce- Controller is either Friendly or your Enemy.
nary Unit you want to keep in service, or Rulers in Command To move your troops into Areas where
else return them to the General Supply. You may use your Ruler as a there are only Neutral Provinces, you must
General (but not as an Admi- be at War, and either remove 1 I from the
NPR Units, Rebels, & Pirates ral) without having to pay any Area in question or pay 3 D.
Black Units come from the Military Access is not available in Neutral
c, but you risk him being Areas in which you have a G.
General Supply and are killed in Battle. Use an Appoint ­Advisor/
by default treated as either Leader Action to assign your Ruler to (or If Opponents Own every Province in a
Infantry or Light Ships. They remove him from) an Army. Place the “Ruler Neutral Area, you may not move troops into
are used to represent Rebels General” token next to that Army's General that Area without verbal permission from
and NPR forces at War slot when your Ruler is in command. one of those Opponents.
with PRs, or as Allied Units
in a PR's Army. Reorganizing Armies
9.5 Movement During a Land Activation, an Army can pick
Rebel Units (?) All Military Unit movement is performed up or drop off Units at any point during its
All black Land Units on the board (includ- during the Action Phase, except for Retreats Movement, and it may be split up or merged
ing invading NPR Units that stay in an Area during Phase 3, Step C, relocating Units in with another of your Armies.
after a Battle) are considered to be ? (see Neutral Areas during Phase 3, Step D4 (see Only Regular Infantry Units may be
p. 37). ? always fight to the last man, p. 29), and returning Ships to Port during dropped off in an Area, but other Land Units
and will try to Siege any t/v with u in Phase 4, Step A. may be shifted between different Armies.
their Area in Phase 3, Step C (see p. 9). Armies, Fleets, and single Units are
moved by using the Activate Units Military Naval Movement
NPR Units Action, or by playing certain Military Cards A Naval Activation has two options: you may
These are used to represent the defending (e.g., Forced March or Naval Maneuver). The Undock to move any number of Ships out of
or invading forces of NPRs (see p. 36). Explore and Trade Actions also let you move Port to their adjacent Sea Zones, or you may
Defending NPR Units are removed after 1 Ship (with some restrictions). perform a Naval Movement to move any
Battle, while invading Units stay on as ?. number of Ships to a single destination (Sea
Land Movement Zone or Port) within those Ships' range. A
Allied Units A Land Activation may be used to activate Ship may move up to 2 spaces (Sea Zones or
When a PR sends or accepts a CtA to/from and move a single Army or Regular Unit. An Ports), but must end its movement if it enters
an NPR Ally (see p. 32) and turns it into Army/Unit may move up to 2 spaces (Areas), a Hostile or Distant Sea Zone.
an Active Ally, the PR will add a number but must end its movement if it enters a Hos- Activated Ships may only enter a Hostile
of black Units to their Available m. These tile, Neutral, or Distant Area. Sea Zone if that Sea Zone is the end destina-
Units are referred to as Allied Units, and When entering an Area containing Enemy tion of all Ships being moved. Moving into
may be deployed in any of that PR's Armies, Units, a Battle takes place immediately. a Hostile Sea Zone immediately triggers a
using the Recruit Units Action. Land Units may cross Sea Zones contain- Naval Battle.
ing Friendly Ships, as described in the 'Naval
Pirates Transport of Land Units' section below. Occupying Trade Protection Slots
Pirates are always placed on Trade Nodes, Light Ships that end their Movement in
and reduce the = of all PRs in that node Mountain Borders a non-Hostile Sea Zone may be used to
(see p. 35). Pirates can be attacked by A Land Activation lets you move up to occupy any vacant Trade Protection Slots in
Ships located in a Sea Zone adjacent to the 3 Units across a Mountain border into a that Sea Zone.
node in question; to do so, a player must Hostile or Neutral Area. For every addi-
take a Naval Activation. The Ships used to tional c spent, you may move 3 more Units Reorganizing Fleets
attack must all be in a single Sea Zone. across the Mountain border. Movement into During a Naval Activation, a Fleet can pick
Friendly Areas is not restricted. up or drop off Units at the start and/or end


points of its Movement. Only Light Ships During Naval Movement are connected to Areas on the main map,
may be dropped off in a Sea Zone or Port. During a Naval Activation, following Naval as indicated by the lines marked with the
Movement (after any Naval Battles have been names of those connected Areas.
Naval Movement during other Actions resolved), you may transport an Army/Unit
During a Trade or Explore Action, you may across a Naval Bridge that includes any of 9.6 Battle Sequence
move 1 of your Light Ships to a non-Hostile the just-moved ships. This requires that the For each Round of Battle (Land or Naval),
Sea Zone, using otherwise normal Move- Army/Unit to be transported be located in an perform the following steps in order:
ment Rules, with these exceptions: Area adjacent to the Naval Bridge.
• During a Trade Action, the Ship that was 1. Battle Preparations (only 1st Round)
moved may be used to displace an Oppo- Movement on Distant Continents Determine Main Defender if needed.
nent's Ship from a Trade Protection Slot On the Distant Continents, Land Units Appoint Generals. Apply Military Idea
in its destination Sea Zone if no free slots. move between Areas along the white lines effects.
• During an Explore Action, the Ship has connecting them on the map. 2. Play Battle Actions
to end its Movement in a Sea Zone on a Land Movement on the Distant Conti- Attacker first, then defender.
Distant Continent. nents is only allowed in Friendly Areas, Areas 3. Roll Battle Dice
containing an Enemy Province, and vacant Both sides simultaneously.
Ships in Port Territories containing your own or any Ene- 4. Assign Casualties
A Port is a space that can be entered just like a my's G. Movement into Neutral Areas on the 5. Wounded Leaders & Captured Ships
Sea Zone, but by Friendly Ships only. Ships in Distant Continents is not allowed. 6. Retreat (or continue fighting)
a Port cannot be attacked by Enemy Ships. When an Army, Fleet, or Military Unit Attacker decides first, then defender.
A Port may normally hold up to 2 Ships. moves into any Area or Sea Zone on a Dis- Go back to Step 2 if Battle continues.
The Port of a Large Province/t (a Large tant Continent, its movement ends imme- 7. Proclaim a Winner
Port) counts as 2 Ports, but may hold up to diately. This is regardless of whether move- Active Player may once per Turn gain
6 Ships, if they are part of the same Fleet. ment started on or off a Distant Continent. 1c for a Battle won in the Action Phase.
Damaged Heavy Ships are automatically If you have no G, t, or v adjacent to
repaired if they end a Turn or Round in a Port. a Sea Zone on a Distant Continent, you must
Ships in Ports that cease to be Friendly Repeat the sequence (skipping Step 1) if
take an Explore Action to enter that Sea Zone.
when an Alliance ends must immediately both sides decide to continue fighting.
move to any non-Hostile adjacent Sea Zone Entering or Leaving a Distant Continent If a player decides to Retreat, they lose
if possible, or else be disbanded. Fleets and Ships may enter, leave, and move 1 additional Unit/Ship as a Casualty.
between the Distant Continents via Sea Zones NPRs Retreat after any Round of Battle
Naval Transport of Land Units marked with matching letters. if they are weaker (have fewer Units)than
Ships at sea form a “bridge” across the Sea When moving Ships between the Far their opponent, unless defending their Cap-
Zones they occupy. This is called a Naval East and the America maps, you must
ital Area, last remaining Area, or a Sea Zone
Bridge, and it may extend across any number spend an additional d of any type. adjacent to their Capital Area (see p. 36).
of Sea Zones as long as an unbroken chain of Some Areas on the Distant Continents The effects of a Battle Action last for the
Ships connects these Sea Zones. duration of a Battle, unless otherwise stated.
Each Sea Zone in a Naval Bridge may
be crossed by up to 3 Land Units for each
Friendly Ship present in that Sea Zone.
Land Units may cross any number of Sea
Zones as long as a Naval Bridge connects the
Areas where they embark and disembark.
A player may use Ships belonging to their
PR Allies, but only if there are no Enemy
Ships in any of the Sea Zones in question.
Land Units may disembark in Hostile
Areas; this may result in an immediate Land
Battle. To disembark in a Hostile Area when
using Allied Ships for Naval Transport, those
Allies also need to be at War with one of the
Enemies present in that Hostile Area. Example: Continuing on from the Activate Units example on page 16, ›Castile uses no Battle
Cards, but the General (Francisco) provides them with 2 (orange) Cavalry Dice in addition to
During Land Movement the standard 3 (white) Infantry Dice. They roll f,g,h,i, and a blank, for 2 hits with their
When Naval Transport is performed as part Infantry Units, and 1 hit with their Cavalry Unit. The defenders only roll the standard 3 Infantry
of a Land Activation, treat the Areas on Dice, getting g,h, and a blank, for 1 hit, since NPRs only hit on Infantry results (fully shaded
either side of the Naval Bridge as adjacent Infantry silhouettes).
during movement. The bridge itself does not ›Castile must remove 1 Unit as a Casualty. They pick an Infantry Unit, which they return to
count as a space while moving, but move- the Exhausted m area on their Player Mat. Both defenders are removed from the board. ›Castile
ment must always end in the Area in which then, as the Active Player, collects 1 c for winning the Battle.
the Units disembark. On their next Turn, ›Castile may spend 2 c to Siege the Provinces of Granada and Gibraltar.


9.7 Land Battles take place in the Action Phase only, and not
At any point during the Action Phase or to Battles versus ? in the Peace & Rebels
Peace & Rebels Phase, a Land Battle will Phase. If multiple Battles (Land or Naval) are
commence if any of these situations occur: triggered on a Turn, only 1c may be earned.
• Units Hostile to each other end up in the Infantry Die Cavalry Die Artillery Die
same Area (Rebels are Hostile to all PRs).
Fighting multiple Enemies
• Units move into, or are Recruited in,
4. Assign Casualties If a player attacks an Area in which there are
You inflict Casualties on your Enemy equal Units from two (or more) different Realms
an Area containing one or more Enemy
to the number of icons rolled that match with whom they are at War, these Units
NPR Provinces (see p. 36).*
your Units in that battle. Each Unit can only defend as one united force for the duration
• PR Units are located in an Area where,
inflict 1 Casualty per roll. of the Battle, whether they are Allied or not,
upon a DoW, one or more NPR Provinces
If a player taking Casualties has a combi­ and roll just 1 set of Battle Dice.
become Hostile to the PR (p. 36).*
nation of Mercenary, Regular, and/or Allied NPR Units defending their own Area are
* No Battle is triggered with an NPR if Units, they must alternate applying Casual­ not added to the Army Mat of a defending
Units Hostile to that NPR were in that ties to Units in each category, one at a time player, and they will be removed from the
Area prior to the current Turn. and in that order. If there are multiple Unit map at the end of Battle as normal.
types (Infantry, Cavalry, or Artillery) within If there are two (or more) PRs defending
If multiple Battles are triggered on the same a category, the player chooses which type to together, the PR with the most Units will be
Turn, e.g., upon DoW, during Recruiting, remove. named as the Main Defender. If tied, the
or using Logistics Master, the Active Player Regular Units are placed on the Play Mat's player who last took a Turn may decide who
decides the order in which to resolve them. Exhausted m area. Mercenaries and Allied will be the Main Defender. Only the Main
Units are returned to the General Supply. Defender may use their General in the Battle,
1. Battle Preparations play Battle Actions, and roll the Battle Dice.
At the start of the Battle, the attacker has 5. Wounded Generals If multiple defenders are Retreating, they
a final chance to take the Appoint Leader For each pair of g that a player rolls, any may each pick the destination of their Retreat.
Minor Action to assign a General to their Enemy General in use in this Battle gets
Army. Then, the defender may do the same 1 H, provided that the Enemy also suffered Assigning Casualties to multiple defenders
as a Reaction, if they are defending one of at least 1 Casualty. A General receiving When there are multiple defenders, assign
the Areas of their Realm. Each side may his second H dies. If a dead General is a Casualties by alternating between these,
only use 1 General per Battle. If there are Realm's Ruler, see Ruler Death (p. 20). going from the largest to the smallest faction
multiple defenders, a Main Defender must (number of Units), with the attacker decid-
be determined (as described in the 'Fighting 6. Retreat ing ties.
multiple Enemies' section). If Units remain on both sides after rolling
The Appoint Leader Action may not be the dice and removing Casualties, another Example: Having played Military Reforms
taken again during the same Battle. Round of Battle may occur. Before this can on a previous Turn, ›France now Activates
Any Military Ideas that take effect at the happen, each side has the option to Retreat. one of their Armies and moves it into the
neighboring Area where their Enemies,
start of a Battle must now be accounted for The attacker chooses first, followed by the
›England and ›Castile, each have an Army.
(e.g., “Military Drill” or “Noble Knights”). defender. If both sides decide to continue ›France also Appoints a +2 Cavalry Dice
fighting, repeat the Battle sequence starting General to their Army.
2. Play Battle Actions (€) with Step 2, as described above. ›England, with 6 Units present (›Castile
The attacker must play all the Battle Actions If a player chooses to Retreat from a Bat- has 4 Units), will be the Main Defender, and
they wish to use, before the defender does so. tle, they lose 1 additional Unit as a Casualty. their +2 Infantry Dice General takes charge.
Attacking Units must retreat to the ›Castile's Military Idea “Tercios/Janissaries”
3. Roll Battle Dice Area(s) from which they attacked. Units thus does not count, while ›England's Idea
Each side rolls 3 Infantry Dice (white), add- which disembarked from Ships immediately “Military Drill” will take effect; ›England
ing any dice from Generals, who provide the decides that ›France must remove 1 of the
prior to Battle must Retreat back across the
Battle Dice shown on their name banners. Cavalry Dice provided by their General.
Sea to the Area from which they embarked. ›France has the “Noble Knights” Idea
Add additional Battle Dice for any Battle The defender(s) may Retreat to any and 3 Cavalry Units in their Army, and gets
Actions that were played (such as Superior adjacent Area that does not contain Enemy to roll 3 Cavalry Dice before the first Battle
Tactics or Inspired Leadership). Units (the rules for Military Access apply). If Round, inflicting a Casualty for each of the
Both sides involved in Battle roll their there is no such Area, they may not Retreat. 2 h results that they roll. ›England and
dice simultaneously, and hits are counted When defending, all retreating Units from ›Castile must remove 1 Unit each.
against Units that match the icons rolled on the same PR must Retreat to a single Area. In the Play Battle Actions step, ›France
the dice. Infantry hit on a f or g result, goes first and uses the Innovatory Tactics
Cavalry hit on a h result, and Artillery hit 7. Proclaim a Winner Battle Action on their M ­ ilitary Reforms card,
on a i result. You match icons with Units, spending 1 c as well as discarding 1 of the
The winner of a Battle is the side who has
regardless of the color of the dice. Units remaining in the Area after all Casu- z marking available uses on the card. They
decide to add 2 Cavalry Dice and 2 Artillery
The outlined Infantry icon on a g alties and Retreats have been resolved. If no Dice to their pool of dice for this Battle.
result may be counted as an additional Units remain at all, the Battle has no winner. ›France will thus roll the basic 3 Infantry
­Infantry hit only if you have the “Tercios/ If the Active Player is victorious in a Battle, Dice, as well as 3 Cavalry Dice and 2 Artillery
Janissaries” or “Line Infantry” Military Ideas. they earn 1c. This applies to Battles that Dice, in each Battle Round of this Battle.


9.8 Sieges & Occupied token is used to mark NPR Prov- 4. Assign Casualties
­Occupation inces that are currently Occupied, and thus Players taking Casualties choose which
Controlled, by a PR. As the t or v of the Ships to remove from Battle; these are
To initiate a Siege, a Land Activation must
Lawful Owner stays in place underneath the returned to the player’s Supply.
be taken for the Siege option. Sieging is
Occupier's t when a player's Province is Heavy Ships can take 2 hits before being
required to Occupy and gain Control of
Occupied, the use of the Occupied token is removed as Casualties. Lay a Heavy Ship on
Enemy Provinces.
not needed in these cases. its side (or position it vertically for Standard
Perform the following steps in order once
An Occupied Province has both a de jure Ed.) if it has been damaged. A damaged
you have paid the Action cost of 1 c:
“owner” (the Lawful Owner) and a de facto Heavy Ship is repaired if it ends a Turn or
1. Pick an Area with 1+ Enemy Controlled
“owner” (the Occupant) and is therefore con- Round in a Friendly Port.
Provinces, but no Enemy Units, where
sidered to have disputed Ownership. In game
you have 1+ Land Units
terms, this means that such Provinces are not 5A. Wounded Admirals
2. Calculate the total Siege Strength for the
considered to be included in the terms Own For each pair of g that a player rolls, any
Units you wish to use for the Siege, and
or Realm. When determining if a Province Enemy Admiral in use in this Battle gets
pay an additional c for each Unit taking
is Owned by someone, and thus part of their 1 H, provided that the Enemy also suffered
part beyond the first.
Realm, that Province has to be both Lawfully at least 1 Casualty. An Admiral receiving his
3. The Enemy Provinces you wish to Siege
Owned and Controlled by the same Realm. second H dies.
must have a total Tax Value equal to or
lower than your Siege Strength. 5B. Captured Enemy Ships
If you wish to Siege an Island Province 9.9 Naval Battles
At any point during the Action Phase or After assigning all Casualties and wounds,
(blue Port), you need to have 1+ Ships in
Peace & Rebels Phase, a Naval Battle will you may Capture Enemy Ships if you have
a Sea Zone that the Port is facing.
commence if any of these situations occur: Ships remaining and you have eliminated all
4. Resolve effects of “Defensive Mentality”,
• Ships Hostile to each other end up in the of the Enemy's Ships.
if any of the Province Owners has it.
same Sea Zone. For each g result you rolled in the final
5. When Sieging:
• A PR wishes to fight the Pirates in a Trade Round of Battle, convert 1 Enemy Casualty
• a Rebel Occupied Province, simply
Node adjacent to where their Activated from that Round into a captured Ship.
remove the Rebel Town (R). Also
Ships ended a Naval Activation. Your Enemy decides which of their Ships
remove any u from this Province.
• Ships move into a Sea Zone facing one or are captured and which are sunk, and return
• an NPR Province, place an Occupied
more Enemy NPR Ports (see p. 36).* those Ships to their Supply. From your own
token on that Province, and then 1 of
• PR Ships are located in a Sea Zone where, Supply, you may take as many Ships as you
your own t, of matching size, with
upon a DoW, one or more NPR Ports Captured and place them into the Sea Zone
the u side facing up, on top of it.
become Hostile to the PR (see p. 36).* where the Battle occurred, or on the appro-
• a Hostile PR's Province, place your
priate section of your Fleet Mat (provided
own t, with the u side facing up, on * No Battle is triggered with an NPR if that the Fleet is present or avail­able to be
top of their t or v. That player must Ships Hostile to that NPR were already deployed there).
then cover up a corresponding slot on there prior to the current Turn.
the Town Track or Vassal Track of their 6. Retreat
Player Mat with a z, to signify that If multiple Naval Battles are triggered upon a Retreats at sea work much like Retreats on
this Province provides no Tax Income. DoW, the Active Player decides the order in land, except that Ships must retreat into
• an Enemy Occupied Province, whose which to resolve them. adjacent Sea Zones or Ports.
Lawful Owner is Neutral or Friendly Ships may not transport any Land Units Ships may only Retreat to an adjacent
(including you), simply return the until the Naval Battle has been resolved. non-Hostile Sea Zone, or into an adjacent
Occupier's t to their Town Track. Ships in Trade Protection slots must Friendly Port, otherwise they cannot Retreat.
• a Rebel/Enemy Occupied Province vacate these slots if they fight a Naval Battle. All retreating Ships belonging to the same
whose Lawful Owner is also your Realm must Retreat to a single destination.
Enemy, replace Occupier's t/R 1. Battle Preparations
A player who decides to Retreat must
with your t (u side facing up). Defenders may not Appoint Admirals at the
lose 1 Ship of their choice as a Casualty.
6. Ships in the Port of a Sieged Province must start of a Naval Battle. Otherwise, this step
immediately be moved into an adjacent works in the same way as in a Land Battle. 7. Proclaim a Winner
Sea Zone – if this is a Hostile Sea Zone, a The winner of a Naval Battle is the side who
Naval Battle will immediately take place. 2. Play Battle Actions (€)
has Ships remaining in the Sea Zone once all
7. Players who regain Control of any of their Works the same way as in a Land Battle.
Casualties and Retreats have been resolved.
Provinces that have been Occupied, may If there are no Ships remaining from either
remove a matching number of z from
3. Roll Naval Battle Dice
Dice rolling in Naval Battles works similarly to side, the Naval Battle has no winner.
the corresponding slots of their Town If the Active Player is victorious in a
Track or Vassal Track. Land Battles, except that you roll 3 Artillery
Dice (blue) as a base instead of 3 Infantry Dice, Naval Battle, they earn 1 c. Even if multiple
with each Ship inflicting a Casualty on the Battles (Land or Naval) are triggered on a
Occupied Provinces Turn, only 1 c may be earned.
Provinces Sieged from a Enemy if it can be matched with a i result.
Realm you are at War with are Additionally, each Heavy Ship also inflicts Fighting multiple Enemies
referred to as Occupied. The 1 automatic hit on the Enemy.
Works in the same way as in a Land Battle.


10. Peace Resolution Total Victory requirements versus any Realm,
or when resolving the Peace Terms of Total
to the nearest Friendly Area (counting each
Area or Sea Zone as a distance of 1 space). If
Peace Resolution is exclusively handled in Victories, treat a PR Enemy's Active Allies several Friendly Areas are equally close, the
Step D of the Peace & Rebels Phase. separately from that Enemy. player may choose in which of these Areas to
Players resolve Peace for one Enemy at All Wars where Total Victory has been put their Units. This does not cost any c.
a time. However, a PR with Active Allies achieved must be resolved before moving PRs that now are at Peace must also flip
normally negotiates on behalf of their Active on. The Victor must enforce Peace Terms all their A that display the Active Ally side
Allies as well. During Peace Resolution, of their choosing unless a Negotiated Peace (K) back to their normal side (A), and
Vassals are treated as part of their Overlord's is agreed with the Loser. When Peace has return all Allied Units in their Armies and
Realm for all purposes. been resolved with another PR's Active Ally, Manpower Reserve to the General Supply.
remove that PR's A from that NPR.
10.1 Peace Resolution Add/remove Truce/War tokens where 10.2 Victory or Defeat
relevant (see section 10.4).
Sequence If you meet the requirements for Partial or
Total Victory (as per the table below), or if
During Phase 3, Step D: Peace Resolution, 3. Partial Victory or Inconclusive your Enemy Surrenders, you are considered
follow the sequence below in order to Beginning with the first player and going to be the Victor of that War.
resolve any ongoing Wars. You may also use clockwise, each player then resolves (or Note that an NPR is always considered to
the Peace Resolution flow chart to guide you decides not to resolve) all of their remaining have 0 Land Units Deployed.
through the process. Wars. A player must resolve all of the Wars A player may end up as the Victor of a
that they wish to end, in any order they like, War where the only terms they are capable
1. Automatic White Peace before the next player may do the same.
If any ongoing Wars meet the Automatic of enforcing are really unfavorable (notably
During this step of Peace Resolution if the Enemy has achieved bigger territorial
White Peace requirements, these Wars all PRs resolve Peace on behalf of their Active
end immediately. Add/remove Truce/War gains than they have). In such cases the Vic-
Allies (see section 10.3). Otherwise, Peace is tor may prefer (if the Loser does not Surren-
tokens where relevant (see section 10.4). resolved with one Enemy Realm at a time.
When checking for Automatic White der) to continue the War or try to agree to a
Where a player has met the Partial Negotiated Peace with their Enemy.
Peace, count an Enemy's Active Allies as part Victory requirements, they may choose to
of that Enemy's Realm. Such a Peace cannot enforce or negotiate (for human player Ene- Neither Side is Victorious
be concluded separately with an Active Ally. mies) Peace Terms. Some Wars will end with an Automatic
If you conclude a White Peace with a PR with In a War where no side is Victorious, an White Peace or Inconclusive Result, and
Active Allies, you are now at Peace with all of NPR Enemy will (and a Bot might) accept thus have no Victor or Loser.
their Active Allies too. a White Peace, while Peace Terms must be With an Automatic White Peace, the
negotiated for a human player Enemy. Peace Terms are fixed. However, with an
2. Total Victory Add/remove Truce/War tokens where
If any player meets the Total Victory require- Inconclusive Result, neither side can enforce
relevant (see section 10.4). their preferred Peace Terms unless a player
ments for any of their Wars, resolve these
wishes to Surrender.
Wars in Turn order (one player resolves all 4. Aftermath An NPR will always accept a White Peace
their Total Victories before moving on to the After Peace Resolution, any PR which is
next player, in clockwise order). if one is offered. A Bot will, in the case of an
now at Peace must immediately relocate Inconclusive Result, accept a White Peace
When determining if a player has met any Units that they have in a Neutral Area

Victory/Peace Conditions
Separate Peace
Condition Requirements that must be met Peace Terms Allowed
w/ Active Allies?
Automatic Neither side in the War Occupy any of their ­Enemy’s Provinces (includ- White Peace No
White Peace ing Provinces of any of their Enemy's Vassals or Active Allies).
Total Victory A PR Occupies all of a single Enemy's de jure Provinces, and this Enemy All terms are allowed Yes
has no Deployed Land Units remaining. (as long as any term-­
When resolving Total Victories, any Active Allies of a PR Enemy are specific additional
treated separately from that PR. requirements are met)
Partial Victory PR Enemy: PR's Deployed Land Units outnumber the Deployed Land Apart from Full Annex- No
Units of their Enemy 2:1.* ation, all Peace Terms (except when
are allowed (as long as enforcing the
NPR or Bot Enemy: PR's Deployed Land Units outnumber the total
any term-specific addi- Secure Desired
number of ? in their Areas, plus any Deployed Enemy Land Units.*
tional requirements are Succession
* Units located on Distant Continents where the other Realm has no t met) Peace Term)
do not count towards these calculations.
Inconclusive None of the above requirements are met. White Peace, N
­ egotiated No
Result Peace (human Enemy)


offer if their Enemy has captured (Occupies) Peace Resolution (PRs as well as their Active ments. For the remaining Realms, treat this
Provinces of a greater Tax Value from the Allies), which is resolved as detailed below. as a White Peace between the parties (with
Bot, than the Bot has captured (Occupies) no 0 loss), with Occupied Provinces
from their Enemy. Peace Terms being returned to their Lawful Owners.
White Peace works exactly the same as nor- The Secure Desired Succession Peace Term
Surrendering mal, while Full Annexation is only possible can be enforced separately on an NPR
A player may voluntarily Surrender, even if with Total Victories being resolved individu- regardless of their Active Ally status.
the Enemy has not met the requirements for ally for Active Allies.
Total or Partial Victory, and thereby name Humiliation only grants 0 for Provinces 10.4 Truces
their Enemy as the Victor of that War. returned to PR Enemies directly. Any Prov-
Once a Peace has been concluded,
By Surrendering, you immediately lose inces Lawfully Owned by their Active Allies
whether enforced or negotiated,
2, and your Enemy gains 2. must be returned without any 0 reward.
the parties involved enter a Truce
If you Surrender, your Enemy is allowed With the Keep Current Board State Peace
that lasts until Phase 3 of the next Round.
to enforce Peace as if they had achieved a Term, treat Provinces Lawfully Owned by
Flip any War tokens to the Truce side
Partial Victory. They must, however, end the your Enemies' Active Allies mostly like any
for each Realm with whom you now have a
War this Round, either by enforcing one of other Provinces you Occupy. You may keep
Truce. Truces are not placed on the Active
the applicable Peace Terms or by agreeing to them as normal (except for Capitals), or
Allies of former Enemies, and never on Vas-
a Negotiated Peace with you. return them to get Ducats in return. It is not,
sal Realms. Remove any War/Truce tokens
however, possible to Liberate the Provinces of
from Realms that have been Vassalized.
Enforcing Peace Terms an Enemy's Active Allies in order to gain 0.
You are not allowed to Declare War upon
Being Victorious means that you may For the Vassalization and Force Conversion
a Realm with whom you have a Truce, but
enforce the Peace Terms that match the Terms, only apply the Peace Term effects to
may still join a War against them by accept-
Victory Conditions that have been met. the Realms involved, for which the Victor
ing a Defensive CtA (see p. 32).
can also satisfy all the additional require-
10.3 Peace and Allies
If you win a War against an Alliance of two
PRs, Victory Conditions and Peace Terms Peace Terms • Liberate (see p. 37) any of these
are resolved individually for each PR Enemy. When resolving Peace, only 1 Peace Term Provinces that are not Core Provinces of
PRs must negotiate Peace on behalf of may be chosen per War/Enemy. Any I the Loser, and score 1 per Tax Value
their Active NPR Allies – that is, those that gained can be placed in Areas that are full – Liberated. The Victor may also gain an
have had their A flipped to the K side. displace other I as necessary. Alliance with 1 Liberated NPR and place
The requirements for each Peace Term 2I in that NPR's Areas.
Peace Rules for Active Allies (K) are listed as bullet points in red type.
Automatic White Peace The Victor may mix and match the options
When determining if Automatic White
White Peace above. The total Ducats that can be
• Total Victory to Enforce demanded from the return of a Realm's
Peace requirements have been met, count
This is a return to the pre-War conditions Capital and other Provinces is capped at
Active Allies as part of their PR Ally's Realm.
with no compensation being paid by either 2 x Tax Income of the Loser (as calculated
If requirements are met, you enter a White
party. Any PRs involved lose 1 each. after the return of these Provinces).
Peace with both the PR and their Active Allies.
All Occupied Provinces must be PRs may, by discarding a G from any
Total Victory returned to their Lawful Owners. Area(s) where they have gained Provinces,
When determining and resolving Total Vic- also remove 2  u from the same Area(s).
tories against Active Allies, treat them as any Keep Current Board State PRs that have lost any of their Provinces
other NPR. Once Peace has been resolved • Partial or Total Victory to Enforce or Vassal Provinces as a consequence of this
for such an Active Ally, the PR Allied to that Occupied Capitals must be returned to War may place a G in each Area where they
NPR must discard Allied Units equal to that their Lawful ­Owners, who must pay a ran- have lost at least 1 Province (if they want).
NPR's pre-War Tax Income divided by 2. The som of 10 D to the Occupier.
A is then removed from the board. Humiliation
By default, apart from the Capitals,
• Partial or Total Victory to Enforce
Occupiers (on both sides) keep all Prov-
Partial Victory inces that they currently Occupy.
• Victor must Occupy Loser's Capital or
Unless you have achieved a Partial Vic- Loser must have Surrendered
However, the Victor (and only the
tory against your PR Enemy, you have not Victor), in place of keeping Provinces that All Occupied Provinces must be returned
achieved this against their Active Allies they Occupy, may instead: to their Lawful Owners.
either. If you have achieved a Partial Victory • Exchange any of these Provinces for any The Victor scores 0 equal to 2 x Tax
against a PR Enemy, on the other hand, that Provinces of equal Tax Value that the Value of the Provinces returned to the
also applies to all Active Allies of that PR. Loser currently Occupies. Loser (max. 10 0). The Loser loses the
In this case Peace is enforced or negotiated • Return any of these Provinces and same amount of 0. No 0 is scored
simultaneously for the PR as well as their demand that the Loser pays them 3 D from Provinces returned to the Loser's
Active Allies. Only a single Peace Term may per Tax Value of Provinces returned. Active Allies.
be selected for all the Realms involved in a


Peace Term Eligibility
Total Victory
Partial Victory (or Enemy Surrenders)
Conditions ➔ Inconclusive Result
White Peace
Negotiated Keep Curr. Force Secure Des. Full
Peace Terms ➔ White Peace Humiliation Vassalization
Peace Board State Conversion Succession Annexation
vs. Human
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Player Enemy

vs. Bot Enemy ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

vs. NPR
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Must Occupy
✔* ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Loser's Capital
✔ ✔ ✔
* Occupying Loser's Capital is not required if they have Surrendered. Optional Rule 3: No Surrender!
Note: For Peace Resolutions involving the Emperor of the HRE, Surrendering is not allowed. All Wars continue until terms can
when the Emperor is Defending the HRE, see page 44. be enforced or the belligerents can agree on a Negotiated Peace.

Vassalization Secure Desired Succession Negotiated Peace

• Partial or Total Victory to Enforce • Partial or Total Victory to Enforce • Not Enforceable
• Loser must be an NPR • Loser's Capital must have a L • Both parties must be human players
• Victor must Occupy Loser's Capital • Victor must Occupy Loser's Capital Regardless of whether or not conditions
and at least 1 of Loser's de jure Prov- • Ignore Loser's Active Ally status for Victory have been met, players may
inces in another Area (if any) All Occupied Provinces must be returned to negotiate Peace Terms between themselves.
The Loser becomes a Vassal (see p. 33) their Lawful Owners. If the Loser is an NPR, The players may also agree on who will be
of the Victor. The Victor places their v on all their other Wars end on White Peace terms. named as the Victor or Loser, if anyone.
all of the Loser's de jure Provinces (except Remove all M/L and A/K from Players may agree on any of the other
any Provinces Occupied by other PRs), and the Loser's Capital other than the Victor's. Peace Terms listed here, except Vassalization
returns all of their t from these Provinces The Victor scores 3 per M/L removed, and Full Annexation, as long as their corre-
to the Town Track on their Player Mat. and the token owners lose 3 each. sponding additional requirements are met.
The Victor may place 2I in the Loser’s If the Victor has a L on the Loser’s Keep in mind that Peace Terms are gen-
Realm. Add u to all v gained in Areas Capital, they must flip it over and score 0 erally unilateral, e.g., both parties cannot
where the Victor Occupied no Provinces. equal to the L ­ oser’s Tax Income (max. 5). Humiliate each other, Force Conversion upon
Remove all A/M from the Loser's Realm. The Victor may, if the Loser is an NPR, each other, or Secure Desired Succession on
The Victor may, by discarding a G from add 4I to the Loser’s Capital Area or, if each other.
any Area(s) where they have just gained v, the Loser is a PR, replace the Loser's Ruler If agreeing to Keep Current Board State
also remove 2  u from the same Area(s). with a Leader from any discard pile. The Vic- terms, either of the parties may exchange
tor may then gain an Alliance with the Loser. Occupied Provinces for Ducats, and both
Force Conversion sides may agree to Liberate Provinces if
• Partial or Total Victory to Enforce Full Annexation they give up all 0 gains from Liberation.
• Victor must Control all Provinces in • Total Victory to Enforce As normal, only 1 Peace Term may be
Loser's Capital Area • Loser must be an NPR or Bot selected per War.
• Victor's Religion differs from Loser's The Loser's de jure Provinces are fully Optionally, in addition to picking one of
All Occupied Provinces must be returned incorporated into the Victor's Realm. the other listed Peace terms, the players may
to their Lawful Owners. Remove all A, M, War tokens, ­and Occu- agree on one of them taking an immediate
The Loser must change their State Reli- pied tokens from ­the Annexed Provinces. Cut Ties and/or Player-to-Player Diplomacy
gion and the Religion of their Capital Area If the Loser was an Active Ally of a PR, Action (paying for the Action as normal),
to match the State Religion of the Victor. that PR loses 2. disregarding the restrictions for being at War,
The Victor gains 3, and may add 2I The Victor may, by discarding a G from as part of the Peace Resolution. The terms
in the Loser's Capital Area. The Loser loses any Area(s) where they Annexed Provinces, for this Action and the Peace Terms are set-
5 and must remove 4I from the board. also remove 2  u from the same Area(s). tled as one agreement, and not separately.


11. Diplomatic ½ of your own Base Tax Income, or those
that have Vassals of their own.
(p. 15) while you are at War, or with
Realms that are at War (incl. Active Allies).
Relations • Royal Marriages are triggers for a number
of Events (e.g., Disputed Succession). Call to Arms (CtA)
11.1 Influence (I) • You receive a -1 s penalty if you attack • When you Declare War, or someone
Influence signifies political power a Realm to which you are Married (in Declares War on you or your NPR Ally,
and good relations with NPRs in Areas that addition to any loss of Stability that may you may send a Call to Arms (p. 13).
you do not directly control. Certain Dip- occur as a result of lacking a Casus Belli). • You may receive a CtA when someone
lomatic Actions, like Forge Alliance or the Declares War on your Ally, or your Ally
Subjugate Action Card, require you to have a Eligible Marriage Partners Declares War on another Realm.
certain amount of I in the target Realm. Several PRs can be Married to the same NPR.
No Area can hold more than 5 I, and You may Marry your own Vassals, but not Sending a CtA
it is possible to fill an Area with I in those of other players. If an NPR to whom One of the main benefits of Alliances is that
order to prevent other players from taking you are Married is Vassalized by another PR, you may use the Call to Arms Minor Action
the Influence Action to place I there. you must remove your M from that Realm. (p. 13) to call for support in times of War.
I gained via Events, Mission rewards, You may enter a Marriage with an Oppo-
or Peace Terms can be placed in Areas that nent Realm (see Player-to-Player Diplo­ Receiving a CtA
are full – remove other I as necessary. macy), in which case both will gain an Action An Ally may send you an Offensive CtA when
Any PR's I can be sabotaged by the Card of a type chosen by the Active Player. they Declare War on another Realm, or a
Spy Networks of their Opponents. Eligible Marriage partners based on State Defensive CtA when they are the target of a
If you do not have z remaining in your Religion: DoW– NPRs automatically always do so at
Supply, you may freely remove your I • Christian PRs: other Christian Realms once when targeted by a DoW.
from the board to use them where needed. • Muslim PRs: other Muslim Realms You must immediately respond to a CtA,
• Revolutionary PRs: no other Realms after determining if you can accept it:
Influence and Player Realms • If this is a Defensive CtA you can always
I cannot be used to affect other PRs, and Disputed Succession (L) accept (no DoW restrictions apply).
may not be placed in Areas where all Prov- Having a Royal Marriage with • If this is an Offensive CtA you must adhere
inces are owned by PRs. another Realm also comes with to DoW restrictions (p. 22). If a CtA
Once all the Provinces in an Area are the risk of dragging you into cannot be accepted, it must be refused.
Owned by PRs, all I here are removed a conflict over a Disputed Suc- Accepting a CtA
and returned to their owners' Supply. cession. A Disputed Succession may be trig-
When you accept a CtA, you immediately
gered by the Event of the same name, as well
Influence on Distant Continents join your Ally's side in the War.
as certain other Events or by an Interregnum
1. If accepting an Offensive CtA, place War
No I can be placed in Distant Areas, but (see p. 20).
tokens on your Ally's Enemies. If accept-
< in the Colonist Pool, for Forge Alliance When a Disputed Succession is triggered
ing a Defensive CtA, place Enemy PRs'
and Call to Arms purposes, count as I in for a Realm, flip all the Marriage tokens in
War tokens on your own Capital.
any Distant Area. that Realm to their “Disputed Succession”
2. If accepting a Defensive CtA from an NPR
(L) side. A flipped Marriage token provides
Ally, you may send Defensive CtAs to your
11.2 Marriages (M) a CB for all players (p. 22). The token's
other NPR Allies using the Call to Arms
You may use the Royal owner risks suffering a 0 loss if taking no
Action (p. 13).
Marriage Action Card to action, as described on page 9.
3. If you accept a Defensive CtA when you are
strengthen your political ties also Allied to a PR on the opposing side,
to the Realm to which you 11.3 Alliances (A) your Alliance with that PR is terminated.
get married. In these rules, the An Alliance is a pact between 4. If accepting a CtA from an NPR, decide
terms “Royal Marriage” and simply “Mar- Realms to support each other whether you wish to make them an
riage” are used interchangeably. in the event of War. Active Ally or not.
You can have a maximum of 3 M (the You can have a maximum 5. Return to the appropriate step of the
“Cabinet” Idea allows for 1 more). of 3 A (the “Cabinet” Idea Declare War Action sequence (p. 16).
allows for 1 more).
Key features of Royal Marriages Note: Joining a War by accepting a CtA
• For all purposes, a M counts as an I, Key features of Alliances does not trigger any new opportunity for
but M cannot be removed and do not • Treat your Ally's Units, Areas, and Ports your Enemies to send CtAs.
count toward an Area's 5 I limit. as Friendly.
• Whenever you take an Action (or play an • Allies may normally not Declare War on Refusing a CtA
Action Card) that requires you to remove each other (see DoW restrictions, p. 22). When you refuse a CtA, the Alliance with
I from an Area, remove 1 fewer I • You may send and receive Calls to Arms. the sender is terminated.
than normal if you have 1+ M in that • You may play the Subjugate Action Card 1. Remove your A from Ally sending CtA.
Area. to Vassalize an Ally (see section 11.4). 2. If this was an Active Ally, you lose a num-
• A Marriage makes it possible to Subjugate • An NPR can only be Allied to 1 PR. ber of Allied Units from your Available m
NPRs that have Tax Incomes higher than • It is not possible to Forge Alliances or Armies equal to ½ of the Tax Value of


the NPR's pre-War Provinces. Your Enemy Resolving Peace on behalf of Active Allies separate category of Realm. Vassal Provinces
must place a War token on your former You will be able to settle Peace Terms on with different flags count as separate Vassals.
Active Ally. This is now a separate War. behalf of all your Active Allies, except for
3. If this is a Defensive CtA, you lose 2 Active Allies that your Enemy has achieved a
Subjugate – Vassalize and Annex
and must remove 5 I from your for- You may use the Subjugate Action Card to
Total Victory against (see p. 30).
mer Ally's Areas. diplomatically Vassalize NPR. This NPR
4. If this is a Defensive CtA and your former Alliances with Distant NPRs must first be your Ally. When you Vassalize
Ally is a PR, they may place a CB token When sending a CtA to a Distant NPR Ally, this NPR, remove your A from their Realm
on your Capital. discard < instead of I. While Distant and place v on each of their Provinces (2v
5. If your former Ally is an NPR, or a PR Realms have double MC for defense, this on Large Provinces). All other PRs must
that chose not to place a CB token, you does not apply when calculating how many remove any M they had on this Realm.
must place a Truce token on their Capital Allied Units they contribute. A Vassal may be Annexed and fully inte-
(and if a PR, they must on yours). grated into its Overlord's Realm by using
6. Return to the appropriate step of the Ending an Alliance another Subjugate card. Replace all your v
Declare War Action sequence (p. 16). Alliances can be ended in any of these ways: on the Vassal's Provinces with your t, and
• By refusing a CtA, with consequences as remove any M there.
Ignore steps 3 and 4 above if any of the fol- described under 'Refusing a CtA' You can directly Annex a 1-Tax Income
lowing statements are true: • By accepting a Defensive CtA from Ally without Vassalizing it first.
• You have Passed one Ally against another of your Allies, as To play the Subjugate card on your NPR
• You are already involved in another War described under 'Accepting a CtA' Ally or Vassal, your Base Tax Income must
• By using the Disputed Succession CB to be at least twice that of the target. You must
Alliances between Player Realms Declare War on your Ally (see p. 22) also discard I from any of the target's
PRs are allowed to enter into Alliances with • Through an Event that either lets you Areas equal to their Tax Income plus any
other PRs, but such Alliances are not created (or forces you to) terminate an Alliance, Opponent I in the target's Areas. Each
through the Forge Alliance Action – it is or that makes a player gain an Alliance +1m token on an NPR's Provinces provides
instead agreed upon as part of a Player-to- with another PR's Ally, or when they have them with 1 extra Tax Income.
Player Diplomacy Action (see p. 12). no available A left (p. 40) If you have a Marriage with the target,
Players must respond to CtAs according to • Through the Forge Alliance Action or your Base Tax Income must simply exceed
the 'Receiving a CtA' section. the New Alliance Action Card, when one that of the target (plus any Opponent I).
player's A replaces another player's A
Conflicting Alliances Subjugating an NPR with Vassals
• If an Enemy achieves a Total Victory
PRs that have Alliances with other PRs may A Marriage is also required to Vassalize an
against your NPR Ally (p. 29)
sometimes face situations where they are NPR that has its own Vassals. When playing
• By taking the Cut Ties Minor Action,
Allied to Realms on both sides of a War. the Subjugate card, an NPR's Vassals will only
with the following consequences:
If you are Allied to a Realm that has
▷ Ally at Peace: Lose 5 I from Areas become your Vassals if you also discard I
Declared War on another of your Allies, you from their Areas equal to their Tax Income.
belonging to your former Ally, then
can only get a CtA from the defender. Otherwise, they are released as NPRs (see
place a Truce token on their Capital.
▷ Ally at War / Active Ally: Lose 2 s, p. 35), but you may place an A on their
Active Allies (K) Capital or a G in 1 of their Areas.
and all I from Areas of your former
When you Activate an NPR
Ally. If this was an Active Ally, you lose
Ally due to a CtA, flip the NPRs on Distant Continents
a number of Allied Units from your
A to the “Active Ally” (K) Manpower Reserve or Armies equal
A PR cannot Subjugate a Distant Realm.
side, and immediately add a
to ½ of the Tax Value of the NPR's The Papal States and the Emperor
number of Allied Units equal to ½ of the
pre-War Provinces. Your Enemy must The ›Papal States and the Emperor of the
Tax Value of the NPR's Provinces to your
place a War token on your former HRE can never be Vassalized.
Available m area (but max. 5 Units). When
Active Ally. This is now a separate War.
accepting a CtA from an NPR Ally, you may
choose whether or not to Activate that Ally. Vassals in Wars
The NPR Units in your Manpower 11.4 Vassals (v) Vassals will not act independently in Wars
Reserve may be recruited during a Recruit Vassals are subordinate or Peace Resolution. To capture Provinces
Units Action, as described on page 17. Realms. Vassals of PRs pay belonging to someone else's Vassal, you
Your Active Allies are considered part of Vassal Tax to their Overlord must Declare War on, and resolve Peace
every War that you are currently involved in and add to their Overlord's Manpower, as with, their Overlord. A G on a Vassal's Area
(or enter into while they are active). These indicated by the Vassal Track. counts as a G on their Overlord.
NPRs can be attacked by your Enemies. It is possible to Vassalize an NPR via Vassals do not defend themselves and
Active NPR Allies defend their own Areas Peace Resolution or diplomatic Subjugation. simply provide Manpower for their Over-
with only half MC, since they have provided A Vassal can only have Marriage ties with lord, as shown on the Vassal Track.
their PR Ally with part of their forces. their Overlord, and no other PRs. Vassal Provinces contribute to their
You are allowed to Recruit a number of Vassals do not count as part of their Overlord's MC, but not to NC. An Overlord
Allied Units in Areas of your Active Allies, up Overlord's Realm, nor are they considered may Recruit Regular Units and Mercenary
to their MC for the chosen Area. to be NPRs. As such, Vassal Realms are a Units in their Vassals' Areas.


12. Trade met in order to collect Trade Income from 12.2 Trade Nodes (N)
those nodes. In some cases, there simply has Trade Nodes are represented
Apart from Tax Income, Trade is the most to be a t, v, or æ on 1 of the Key Prov- on the board by circular
common source of D income in the game. inces. In other cases, you need to Own 1 of spaces in which players
The Trade Action is described on page 15. the Key Provinces in order to collect Trade may place their Merchants.
Income. These are the key locations
12.1 Trade Cards Gold and Inflation through which the world's
Each Trade Card depicts a trade good and lists trade goods are exchanged and transported.
An economy that
2 or 3 Trade Nodes where that good can be Maritime Trade Nodes are colored blue
becomes too reliant
traded. For each Trade Node on the card there on the map board, while Inland Trade
on gold will suffer
are also up to 4 Key Provinces listed. When Nodes are colored light brown.
from inflation and
listed on Trade Cards, the names of Maritime corruption. To rep- Eligible Trade Nodes
Trade Nodes are followed by a J icon. resent this, whenever For a Trade Node to be eligible for selection
The top right corner of each Trade Card you Trade with a Gold card and your Trade during a Trade Action, you must have a valid
has a table that lists the Trade Income it pro- Income from that trade exceeds ½ of your connection to it – that is a continuous chain
vides, according to your Trade Power in the Base Tax Income, you must either pay 1 a of Areas and/or Sea Zones between the
selected node (see section 12.5). or take 1 , and add it to your Treasury. Trade Node and your Capital Area, where
Some Trade Cards have a secondary Such , can be removed as normal, via the you have t, v, I, or Light Ships (the
Trade Node listed in parentheses below one Take/Repay Loan Minor Action. actual Area where an Inland Node is located
or more of the primary Trade Nodes, and Note: Receiving an , in this way can is exempt from this requirement). All t
you can read how these work in section 12.5. take you above 5 , without causing Bank- and v on Occupied Provinces also count.
Some cards have a * or a † next to the ruptcy. If you go above 5 , in this manner,
trade good name, and one or more numbers
in colored boxes on the left. These cards
it will prevent you from taking any further 12.3 Protecting Trade
Loans, and will cause Bankruptcy if you later
are often not included in the starting Trade Light Ships may be placed in
cannot cover a mandatory cost.
Deck (see the various scenario setups), but available Trade Protection
will enter the game as Distant Continents Slaves slots when entering a Sea Zone.
are discovered (see section 12.6). Regrettably, the slave When doing so, lay the Ship on
Note: Trade Nodes and Key Provinces trade was common- its side on the slot (Standard Ed.: flip it over
that are located on the Eastern Europe map place in many parts of to display the Ship with the = icon).
board (Deluxe Ed. / Fate of Empires Exp. the world during most Each Light Ship in a Trade Protection
only) are listed in light gray text. When play- of the era in which slot provides 1 Trade Power (=) to Mari-
ing the Standard Edition of this game, these the game takes place. However, with time, it time Trade Nodes adjacent to its Sea Zone.
nodes and Provinces are not in play. increasingly came to be seen as inhumane. The number of Trade Protection slots
If you decide to use a Slaves card during limits the number of Ships that can Protect
Additional Requirements your Trade Action in Age III or IV, you will Trade in each Sea Zone. To replace an Oppo-
Some Trade Cards list Trade Nodes that lose 1. nent's Ship on a Trade Protection slot you
have additional requirements that must be need to take a Trade Action (see p. 15).

12.4 Merchants
The Anatomy of a Trade Card Each PR begins the game with 2 Mer-
Card ID
Trade Power (=) chants (unless otherwise noted in the
Trade good name
column scenario setup). PRs can acquire new
and illustration
Merchants by Researching certain
Linked Trade Income columns Ideas or completing certain Missions.
Distant Continents Regular node (green) Each Merchant Pawn provides a = of
Expanded node (red) 1, and is used to indicate a Realm's presence
Trade Node
in a Trade Node. At the beginning of the
options Key Provinces that game, Merchants are placed in Trade Nodes
Additional provide additional according to the scenario setup. During the
Requirements = in Trade Node 1 game, you may move or place new Mer-
Secondary chants by using the Trade Action.
Key Provinces that A Merchant is considered available when
Trade Nodes
provide additional in an upright position on the board. When
Key Provinces = in Trade Node 2 a Merchant is activated as a part of a Trade
marked with Action, it must be laid on its side; it may not
“+” provide Key Provinces that be activated again that Round.
one additional provide additional
= per “+” = in Trade Node 3 Merchant Limit in Trade Nodes
A Trade Node may contain any number of


Merchants, but each player may only have 1 Pirates 13. Non-Player
Merchant in a given node. Importantly, only For each Pirate Ship present in
3 players can collect Trade Income from a Trade Node, all players collect Realms (NPRs)
the same Trade Node during a single Trade Trade Income from 1 row lower
Action, since each Income row can only be Non-Player Realms (NPRs) are the vari-
in that node than they normally would.
claimed by 1 player (see below). ous independent states, nations, tribes, and
If you only qualify for the bottom row
principalities that are not part of any PR.
before taking Pirates into account, you will
Each NPR has its own flag, and all Prov-
12.5 Trade Power (=) not collect any Trade Income from that
inces bearing that flag belong to that NPR.
& Trade Income node. This effectively limits the number
To collect Trade Income of players that can collect income during a Liberated NPR Provinces
from a Trade Node, you Trade Action by 1 for each Pirate present in NPR Provinces that have been Annexed by
must have a Merchant there that node. PRs may sometimes be Liberated via Rebel
and a valid connection to it. activity (see p. 37) or Peace Resolutions
Secondary Trade Nodes
To determine your = (see p. 30). Such Provinces will once again
Some Trade Cards have secondary Trade
in a Trade Node during a belong to the NPR indicated by their flag.
Nodes listed in parentheses below one or
Trade Action, count: If their natural Capital is still Owned by
more of the primary Trade Nodes.
• 1 = for your Merchant another Realm, alphabetically determine a
If the Active Player has a Trade Power
• 1 = for each Key Province you Own Capital for this NPR, selecting among their
(excluding Key Provinces) not exceeded
that matches the Trade Card's activated Large Provinces first (if any).
by any other player in an eligible secondary
node, they may select that node and collect
• 1 = for each Light Ship you have in
Trade Income from the lowest Income row 13.1 NPR Relations
a Trade Protection slot in adjacent Sea Rules for interacting with NPRs are found in
on the Trade Card. No other player gets any
Zones (for Maritime Trade Nodes only). the 'Diplomatic Relations' chapter (p. 32).
income from the secondary node.
• Key Provinces highlighted with “+” signs Selecting a secondary node also triggers
provide an additional = per “+” sign. Trade Income from the associated primary 13.2 NPRs with Vassals
• Key Provinces only count for the primary node for all players, other than the Active Some NPRs have Vassals. ­Vassal
Trade Nodes, and never for the second- Player, that are able to collect Income there. Provinces display a small version
ary nodes. If there is a Pirate in a secondary Trade of their Overlord's flag next to
Node, it may not be selected. their own flag.
Regular and Expanded Nodes An NPR's Vassals will always assist their
Collect Ducats as indicated by Trade Power Example: ›Castile has taken a Trade Action Overlord in Wars, as if they were the NPR's
(=) on the Trade Card. Read but drew no Trade Cards with eligible pri- own Provinces. This also applies to NPR
the green column for all nodes mary Trade Nodes. However, on the Cloth Invasions (see section 13.5). Vassal Provinces
that have not been Expanded, card (T02-3) they drew, Genoa N is listed
may also be ceded in Peace Resolutions.
and the red column for nodes as a secondary node. ›France has 4 =
and ›Castile has 3 = in Genoa N, but
Subjugation of NPRs with Vassals requires
that have been Expanded with a Marriage with the NPR (see p. 33).
›Castile can move a Merchant there to reach
the Commercial Growth Action Card or 4 = as well. Even if ›Castile now has 4 =
through a Mission or an Event. in this node, they may only collect the Trade Released Vassals
Income from the lowest row (5 D) since it is If a Vassal Realm's Overlord currently does
Only one PR per Income Row only a secondary node. ›France gets nothing. not exist, or if the Overlord was a PR whose
Only 1 player may collect the Trade Income v have somehow been removed from their
in each row. If 2 or more players qualify for 12.6 Distant Trade Vassal's Provinces, the former Vassal Realm
Trade Income from the same row, the player is then considered an independent NPR.
Whenever the first G or
with the highest Trade Power pushes the
æ is placed on an Area
other player(s) down to the Trade Income
of a Distant Continent, 13.3 DNPRs
row(s) below. The Active Player may break
shuffle all unused Trade In some scenario setups,
any ties as they please.
Cards marked with that certain NPRs are designated
Continent's number into as Dynamic NPRs (DNPRs).
Example: ›England takes a Trade Action
in the Bordeaux N. They have 5= in this the Trade Deck, along Events may also cause DNPRs to emerge.
node. Both ›France and ›Castile have Mer- with the discard pile. All Provinces Owned by the same DNPR
chants here as well, and they both have 3=. You can find the Continent numbers are marked with DNPR tokens (æ) of
No player qualifies for the top Trade along the edge of the Trade Card, to the left matching color. The æ with a capital C on
Income row, but all 3 qualify for the second of the trade good illustration. For the cards it is used to mark the DNPR's Capital.
row. Since ›England has the highest =, that are normally in the deck from the start When a DNPR's Province is Annexed or
they push both of the other players down. of the game, these numbers are shown in Vassalized by a PR, keep the æ underneath
Only 1 player may occupy the third row semi-transparent boxes. the player's t/v, in case it gets Liberated.
however, and ›England, as the Active Player,
The corresponding numbers on the Dis- A æ can never be placed on a PR's Core.
decides to break the tie in favor of ›Castile.
›France therefore receives no Trade Income. tant Continents board are found in the top DNPRs expand when an Event with a
right corner of each Distant Continent. matching symbol is resolved (see p. 41).


13.4 Warfare vs. NPRs NPRs for various reasons. The tokens are Aftermath of Battles
placed on Provinces listed in the scenario. Once a player has won a Battle against one
NPRs defending Areas Provinces with a +1m token provide 1 or more NPRs, they may Siege any Hostile
When a PR is at War with an NPR, the NPR additional MC for their NPR Owners in the Provinces inside that Area as normal on their
will defend as follows: Area in question, and adjacent Areas. next Turn. If the PR's forces leave the Area
Each time a player moves any of their Each +1m token also counts as 1 extra without Sieging or leaving any Units behind,
Military Units into an Area containing Prov- Tax Value for the Province for the purpose of the NPR will defend it in the same manner
inces Owned by an Enemy NPR, or when Resolving Peace, calculating an NPR Ally's the next time a Hostile force enters the Area.
they have Units in such an Area when War contribution in a War, and for Subjugation. Whenever an NPR wins a defensive
is Declared, a Land Battle immediately takes Sieges are not affected by these tokens. Battle, the NPR Units are removed from the
place. The NPR will always defend their Areas Such a token is simply removed if the board afterwards. They will defend in the
with a number of Infantry Units equal to their Province is Annexed or Vassalized by a PR. same way again if a PR sends a new force to
MC for this Area (see p. 22). These Units attack them.
all appear in the Area under attack. NPRs on Distant Continents
If there are Units Hostile to your NPR When calculating the MC or NC contribu-
Enemy already located in the Area that you
13.5 NPR Invasions
tion of a Distant Province for NPR defense
are moving into (or when War is Declared), purposes, double its Tax Value (i.e. each Advanced Rules
no Battle is triggered. Small Province contributes 2 Units, while If an NPR is at War with any Player Realm(s)
If an NPR is the Active Ally of a PR, they each Large Province contributes 4 Units) during Phase 3, Step B, the player(s) may face
defend with only half their MC. except if it has an H on it. an Invasion from that NPR. Resolve NPRs
There are however some Ports that are in alphabetical order.
NPRs defending Sea Zones considered Inactive as long as that Province If all 3 of the criteria below are satisfied,
Each time you move your Ships into a Sea does not hold a æ, t, or v. Inactive an Invasion will take place:
Zone adjacent to an Enemy NPR, they will Ports have a light gray symbol, and do not • The NPR is not an Active Ally of any PR.
engage you in a Naval Battle with a number provide any NC for their NPR Owners. • None of the Areas where the NPR cur­
of Light Ships equal to their NC for that Sea rently Controls Provinces contain Units
Zone (see p. 23). A Naval Battle will also NPR behavior in Battle Hos­tile to that NPR.
be triggered if you have Ships in such a Sea NPR Units always act as Infantry in Land • There is at least 1 eligible Invasion target
Zone when you Declare War. Battles and as Light Ships in Naval Battles. Area adjacent to the NPR:
If there are Ships Hostile to your NPR If there are only NPR defenders, and they ▷ The target Area must contain a t/v
Enemy already located in the Sea Zone have a total of 3+ Units, draw a card from belonging to a PR Hostile to the NPR
that you are moving into (or when War is the top of the Military Deck at the start of (any of NPR's Provinces that are
Declared), no Battle is triggered. the Battle. If the card has an Advisor on it, Occupied by an Enemy qualify).
that NPR force has no Leader; if the card ▷ Areas are ineligible if they are adjacent
No more NPR Units in Supply has a Leader on it, add his Battle Dice as you by Sea only (not by Land), and all
NPRs always defend at their normal strength would with any other General/Admiral – connecting Sea Zones contain at least
even if there aren't enough available NPR discard the card at the end of the Battle. 1 Ship that is Hostile to the NPR.
Units/Ships to represent them. Just keep Battle Dice are then rolled as normal for ▷ Areas are ineligible if they contain
count of losses for the duration of the Battle. both sides. The player to the right of the Units that belong to a PR which is not
Active Player should roll the NPR's dice. at War with the NPR.
Triggering multiple Battles
If 2+ Battles are triggered against the same Beyond the first Round of Battle Each Invasion follows the sequence below:
NPR on a single Turn, an NPR will use as NPRs always Retreat if they have fewer 1. If there are 2+ eligible adjacent Areas,
much of its MC/NC as possible to defend Units than their Enemy after any Round of pick (in order of priority):
its own Capital Area and any Sea Zone next Battle, unless the Area they are currently 1. The NPR's own Capital Area
to its Capital. After that, an NPR will pri- defending is their Capital Area, or the last 2. The Area with the most of the NPR's
oritize defending against the largest Enemy Area where they still control any Provinces. Core Provinces
force, and in case there is a tie, the NPR If the NPR Retreats, simply remove all of 3. An Area adjacent by Land to the NPR
prioritizes the first Battle to be resolved. their Units from the board. 4. A randomly selected adjacent Area
If the Battle takes place in their Capital 2. In the selected Area, add u to 2 t/v
Fighting Several NPRs in one Area Area or the last Area in which the NPR still belonging to players at War with the NPR
If an Area that you attack contains Provinces Controls Provinces, or if they fight alongside (pick Provinces alphabetically).
belonging to 2 or more NPR Enemies, all Rebel Units (?), they will always fight to 3. Place NPR Units there equal to ½ the
defending Units from the combined MC of the last Unit, and never give up. Tax Value of the Provinces currently Con-
these NPRs will face you in a single Battle. NPR Ships will fight to the last Ship if the trolled by the NPR. Count their Vassals as
NPR NC is similarly combined when trig- Sea Zone is next to their Capital Area. part of the NPR's Realm for this purpose.
gering a Naval Battle. 4. Resolve Battle immediately if there are
Optional Rule 4: Lend a Helping Hand any Military Units in the invaded Area,
NPRs with Extra Manpower All players may back NPRs in Battles by following the normal rules for NPRs.
In some scenarios, +1m tokens are used to playing Battle Actions (in clockwise order, 5. From this point onwards, these NPR
compensate or boost the strength of certain starting with the Active Player). Units behave as ?.


Province, you must place a Rebel Town (R) When ? Siege a Province that is a Core
14. Rebels on top of your t/v, and cover the corre- Province of their Owner, place a R on top
Realms in the era when the game takes place sponding slot on the Town or Vassal Track of the PR's t, and cover the corresponding
often had as much trouble facing domes- on your Player Mat with a z. If the chosen slot on the Town Track on the Player Mat
tic threats as they had with external ones. Province is one that you Occupy, or it is not with a z from the player's Supply.
Rebellions were commonplace, and they are one of your Core Provinces, the Province is If the Rebels Siege a Province which is
a central feature of the game's mechanics. Liberated as described in section 14.3. either Occupied or not a Core Province of
Events and Religious Dissent will cause their Owner, the Province is Liberated.
Lose 1d
Unrest (u) to appear in PRs, and Rebel
Units (?) will pop up, seeking to Occupy
Discard 1d from a Monarch Power pool of Liberation
your choice, and return it to your Supply. A Province which is assigned a Rebellion
or Liberate Provinces.
result (on a Rebel Dice roll) or Sieged by
Exhaust ­1 m ? is immediately Liberated if it is:
14.1 Unrest (u) Move 1 Regular Unit from Available m, or a. Occupied by an Enemy of its Lawful
When a Province gains from your Deployed Units, to Exhausted m. Owner, in which case the Occupier's t
Unrest, flip its t/v is simply returned to their Player Mat.
token, so that the u symbol Lose 2 D
Remove the corresponding z from the
is face-up. Unrest in your t Pay 2 D to the General Supply.
Lawful Owner's Player Mat. (If a is true,
and v forces you to roll Rebel Dice. do not consider b or c.)
Provinces with u still provide Tax Remove 1 u
Remove u from 1 t/v of your choice in b. the Core Province of a Realm other than
Income and Manpower as normal. the PR that Owns or has Vassalized it, in
u that is covered by a R or t of a PR the Area you just rolled for.
which case the t/v on this Province
Occupant does not count for any purpose. is returned to its PR's Player Mat. The
Inability to pay the Cost of a roll
NPR Provinces can never have Unrest. Province is now Controlled by the Realm
If you are unable to pay Monarch Power
(d) or Exhaust Manpower as required by whose Core Province it is, regardless of
14.2 Rebel Dice the Rebel Dice, you must instead pay 2 D whether that Realm still exists or now
During Phase 3, Step I, players for each such result. If you do not have the reemerges as an NPR. If this is the Core
must roll Rebel Dice for each of required D, you must take a Loan. If there Province of a PR, they place a t there.
their t/v with u. Certain are already 5+ , in your Treasury, your c. a Territory (no one's Core Province), in
Events will also require Rebel Realm goes Bankrupt (see p. 21). which case the PR's t is replaced with a
Dice to be rolled. æ of a color chosen by the Active Player.
When doing so, players with u must roll
14.3 Rebel Units (?)
and resolve their Rebel Dice in clockwise A PR whose Province is Liberated by Rebels
The same black Units are used to represent
order, starting with the Active Player, when must place a CB token on the new Province
NPRs, Allied Units, and ?. However, NPR
caused by an Event, or the First Player, when Owner's Capital (any Truce is removed).
Units are always removed after a Battle has
rolling in the Peace & Rebels Phase.
been resolved, and Allied Units solely exist Rebel Units moving
Roll Rebel Dice Area by Area in PR Armies. Black Units located in Areas If, at the start of Phase 3, Step C, ? find
Each player rolls Rebel Dice Area by Area, on the map are always considered ?. themselves in an Area with no u, they may
for all u in a given Area (not Province by ? are considered Hostile to all PRs. move as described on page 9.
Rebel Units in Battle
Rebel Units will fight just like NPR Units 14.4 Sieging
Rebel Dice Results
(see 'NPR behavior in Battle', p. 36), ­Rebel Towns (R)
r Rebellion
o Lose 2 D except they will always fight to the last man.

Rebel Units Sieging

When Sieging a R, simply remove the R,
along with any u, on this Province.

p Lose 1 d ● No effect In Phase 3, Step C (see p. 9),

If you are at War with the Owner of this
Province, you may place your own t on
? will lay Siege to any Provinces top of theirs (in u state) as normal.
q Exhaust 1­m n Remove 1 u with u that they are able.
Each ? has a Siege Strength of 1. The Optional Rule 5: Religious Rebels
Rebellion Rebels prefer to Siege Large Provinces, if If an Area is in Religious
If you have any Military Units in the Area they have the required Siege Strength. 1? ­Dissent, turn/place all R
you rolled for, a ? is placed in the Area for can Siege 1 Small Province. 2? can siege 1 pentagram side face-up.
each r result, triggering a Battle after all Large Province or 2 Small Provinces, etc. If Religious Rebels Occupy your Capital
Rebel Dice rolls have been resolved. If an Area contains several PRs with and at least 2 more of your Provinces, you
Otherwise, you must assign each Rebel- Provinces in Unrest, the player with the low- may take the Change State Religion Action
lion result to 1 of your t/v with u, of est Tax Income in this Area chooses which to adopt the Religion of your Capital Area
your choice, in that Area. Rebels will "Siege" Province the Rebels will Siege (within the as your new State Religion. Then, remove
(take control of) the Province you assign limits of the criteria above). If there is a tie, all ? and R from your Areas whose
the Rebellion to. If you assign it to a Core pick Provinces alphabetically. faith matches your new State Religion.


15. Religion & Faith Orthodox Ability 15.2 State Religion
Realms with Orthodox State Religion get a Each playable Realm has a State Religion,
All Areas and Realms on the Main Board discount of 1 a when Increasing Stability which is defined at the start of the game.
must belong to one of the following faiths: from -1 to 0, or from 0 to +1. A PR's State Religion sets limits on certain
• Catholic/Counter-Reformed Catholic Actions, such as Royal Marriages (see
• Protestant (from Age II onwards) Islam (Muslim) p. 32) and gaining control of the Papal
• Orthodox Islam dominates most of Ana- Curia (see p. 45).
• Muslim tolia, the Middle East, and The State Religion of NPRs at the start of
• Diverse Faiths Northern Africa. Areas with the game is defined by the Realm Player Aid.
• Revolutionary (only in Age IV) Provinces Owned by Muslim
Realms may be targeted by Crusades (see Changing State Religion
The Religions of Realms and Areas on the p. 46) in Ages I and II. PRs may convert State Religion from Catho-
Distant Continents are outside the scope of lic to Protestant, or the opposite, from Age II
Muslim Ability
the game mechanics of this game. onwards by taking the Change State Religion
In any Land Battle, Muslim PRs may replace
Basic Action (see p. 13).
Catholicism (Christian) their basic 3 Infantry Dice with 3 Cavalry Dice.
State Religion may also change as a result
At the start of Age I, Cathol- Diverse Faiths of an Event, or as a result of Peace Terms in
icism dominates all of West- which another Religion is forced upon your
Sometimes an Area simply
ern Europe. In Age II, with Realm (see p. 31).
has a Diverse Faiths token
the advent of Protestantism, NPRs change State Religion if the Reli-
because none of the other
Catholicism will lose some gion of their Capital Area changes.
faiths dominate in that Area.
ground; the Council of Trent
Diverse Faiths cannot be adopted as a
Event will then enable Cath-
State Religion. Areas with Diverse Faiths 15.3 Religion of Areas
olic PRs to embrace the Religions apply to Areas, rather than Prov-
are always considered to be in a state of
Counter-Reformation. inces. In other words, a Province belongs to
Religious Dissent (see below) for all PRs,
Counter-Reformed Realms and Areas the Religion of its respective Area.
regardless of their State Religion. Any NPRs
are still considered to be Catholic, and are For some peripheral Areas, Religion is
in such Areas keep the State Religion they
affected by all things that fall under the defi- governed by the Religion slot of a neighbor-
are listed with on the Realm Player Aid.
nition of being Catholic. As an Infectious ing Area (with an arrow indicating this).
Faith (see below), the Counter-­Reformed Revolutionary Ideology For visibility, we recommend that players
version of Catholicism can limit the spread Deluxe Ed. / Fate of Empires expansion only place Religion tokens on each of their Areas
of Protestantism by spreading itself. not belonging to their State Religion, even if
In Age IV a new “faith” enters
Catholic Abilities the picture, and springs up that Religion is printed on the board.
across Europe via certain All Areas on the Main Map are consid-
Catholic PRs have access to Papal mechanics.
Events. This works like any ered to belong to one of the listed Religions.
Using Man of the Church Action Cards, Cath-
olic PRs may take control of the Papal Curia other Religion, but instead of
replacing an Area's existing token, you place
Converting Areas
and thereby gain access to certain bonuses as
the Revolutionary token (^) on top of any PRs may convert Areas to their State Reli-
well as the Papal Actions (see p. 46).
Religion token already in that Area. When gion by performing the Convert Area Action
From Age II onwards, PRs with Catholic
a Revolutionary token is removed, any (see p. 14), or by playing the Man of the
State Religion may convert to Protestantism.
revealed Religion will once again be active. Church card or the Missionaries Action on
Protestantism (Christian) Revolutionary Ideology is considered an the Development card.
Infectious Faith, but its spread is triggered Any existing Religion tokens (incl. Rev-
In Age II, a number of Events
by a separate symbol. olutionary tokens) in the Area are removed
(particularly The Reforma-
when the Area is converted. The exception is
tion Spreads) will introduce
Protestantism to Western
Revolutionary Ideology Ability when converting the Area to Revolutionary
If a Revolutionary Realm Researches a Gov- Ideology (in which case the token is just
and Central Europe.
ernment Form Idea other than "Revolutionary placed on top of any existing token).
Protestantism is an Infectious Faith.
Regime", they remove any ^ in their Capital
Protestant Abilities Area and then change their State Religion to Religious Dissent
Protestant Realms receive a discount of 1 a match the Religion of their Capital Area. When a PR holds Provinces in an Area with
on the Convert Area Action, and the cost of a Religion other than that Realm's State Reli-
playing the Development Action Card. 15.1 Infectious Faiths gion, that Area is considered to be in a state
PRs with Protestant State Religion may of Religious Dissent for that PR.
Protestantism and Counter-Reformed
convert to Catho­licism. During Phase 3, Step G (see p. 9),
Catholicism are considered Infectious Faiths,
players must add u to 1 of their own t in
and will spread to new Areas when the
Orthodoxy (Christian) Event symbol is resolved (see p. 41).
each Area where they face Religious Dissent,
The Orthodox Christian and either remove 1I, or add u to 1 of
Revolutionary Ideology likewise will
faith dominates most of their v in 1 Area with Religious Dissent
spread when the Event symbol is
Eastern Europe. where they have v.


Optional Rule 6: Randomizing X-Events
16. Events Within each Age, Event Cards are marked
used, but it is possible to replace these Events
with other B-Events to provide variation
Event Cards give a sense of the flow of his- with either (1), (2), or (X), in a circle between games.
tory, and dictate events that are largely out- in the card's top-left corner. The cards Realm-specific Events have a
side players’ control. marked (1) must always go in the first flag in their lower-­right corner
The cards include specific historical half, while cards marked (2) must go into and no letter in their ID number
events, as well as more generic events that the second half. Cards marked with an (e.g., 202-2).
could have happened at any time and place, (X) can go into either half, but sugges- There are 2 Realm-specific Events per Age
such as epidemics, piracy, dynastic crises, tions are given in the scenario setups for for each of the Major Powers and featured
revolts, and more. which half to place each of these cards Realms. The Event Deck will always include
in. For a bit more randomness and less all Events associated with the PRs that are
Four Ages – four Event Decks predictability, you can instead use the in play in the chosen scenario, and no other
The Event Deck is divided into 4 Ages: Age of following method: Realm-specific Events.
Discovery (I), Age of Reformation (II), Age Separate all cards according to these Most of these Events have a historical
of Absolutism (III), and Age of Revolutions markings, then shuffle the (X) cards Ruler (see p. 19) in the bottom section of
(IV, Deluxe Ed. / Fate of Empires exp. only). before distributing them among the (1) the card, associated with the Realm that this
The Ages in the Event Deck enter play in and (2) stacks, ensuring that each stack Event belongs to.
chronological order. First you go through all has the same number of cards. Shuffle the
the Events in Age I, then Age II, etc. At the (1) stack to form the top half of the Event 16.2 The Event Display
end of a Round, when there are no Events Deck for that Age, and shuffle the (2) At the start of each Round, in the Draw
of the current Age remaining in the deck, stack to form the bottom half of the deck. Cards Phase, a number of Events equal to
prepare the deck for the next Age so that it is the number of players plus 1 (e.g., 5 Events
ready for the start of the next Round. 16.1 Event Types and in a 4-player game), are drawn from the
Many scenarios span a fixed number of ID Numbers top of the deck and placed on display in a
Ages and only use Events from these Ages. The Event ID number in the top-right cor- row. The first 3 Events (from the left) are
ner contains some information about what placed face-up for everyone to see, while the
Preparing Event Decks remaining Events are placed face-down. The
type of Event this is. The first digit of the ID
Select all Event Cards for the Age you are face-down Events get revealed later, as play-
number identifies in which Age it belongs.
about to start, as listed in the chosen Sce- ers take the mandatory Event Action.
A-Events have an A in the ID (e.g.,
nario Setup. In the setups, the listed Events
11A-1). These cards make the engine tick, Optional Rule 7: Revealing More
will be divided into 2 halves for each Age.
and control the mortality of Characters
These halves should be shuffled separately, If you want a game with less hidden infor-
(as described on p. 41). All scenarios
before the first half is placed on top of the mation in games with 6 players, reveal the
must include 8 A-Events per Age.
second, to form the deck. first 4 Events instead of 3. This will result
B-Events have a B in the ID (e.g., 354B).
How to create Event Decks for custom in more D amassing on the Events.
The scenarios list which B-Events should be
scenarios is described in Scenario Booklet I.

The Anatomy of an Event Card

Sort order indicator. Event Card Card title
(1) goes in the 1st ID number. The
half of the Age deck, first digit reveals Use of the
and (2) in the 2nd that this is an word “you”
half. (X) can go in Age I Event. The always refers
either half of an Age. A indicates that to the Active
this is an A-Event Player or to
Event section the player
of card Event illustration required
Event description to make an
A) and B) o­ ption
of Event Character name Battle Dice
Historical Ruler provided if
section of card employed as
Secondary effects
a General
section of card Historical Ruler
Event's Realm
Leader's skill values in each type of (›Austria in
Symbols relating to secondary effects Symbols relating to character mortality Monarch Power, if serving as your Ruler this case)


16.3 Event Guidelines If you have no available A/M, you may it on the DNPR's Capital Province (under-
take 1 of your A/M from the map, as long lined when listed on an Event).
General Event guidelines as this is not an Active Ally (K) or a Dis- If there are any t/v on the Provinces
• In comma-separated lists (e.g., of Areas), puted Succession (L). You will suffer no listed, simply place the æ underneath the
we use the word “or” in an inclusive penalties for ending an Alliance in this way. t/v (unless stated otherwise on the
sense; you may pick any, or even several, card), but never place æ on a PR's Core
of those items. Gain G Provinces. A t/v with a æ beneath it is
• Some Event effects only apply if certain You can only have 1 G in each Area. considered a Core Province of that DNPR.
listed conditions are met. Ignore any
effects whose conditions are not met. Gain/place t or v Terminate/Remove Alliance
• When required to make a choice between To gain a t/v on a Province when an When an Event requires you to terminate an
an A) and a B) option in an Event, if you Event says to, that Province cannot already Alliance, remove the appropriate A from
cannot meet the requirements or pay the be Owned, Vassalized, or Occupied by the board.
costs of one of the two options, you must another PR (no Opponent t/v on it If this was an Active Ally, you lose a num-
pick the other option. If not able to pay already), unless specifically stated otherwise. ber of Allied Units from your Manpower
for either option, pick either one of them. Reserve or Armies equal to ½ of the NPR's
Develop a Small t into a Large t pre-War Tax Income. Your PR Enemies must
• If the Event has effects or choices that
Replace 1 of your Small t with a Large t, place War tokens on your former Active Ally.
concern more than 1 player, these effects
updating your Player Mat as appropriate.
are resolved player by player, in clockwise
The t must be Owned by you. Reject Ruler
order, starting with the Active player
Sometimes an option on an Event may let
unless stated otherwise. Gain Merchant you, or force you to, Reject the historical
• The PR that “gains/loses” makes the choice. You can only gain a third Merchant from an Ruler on the very same Event.
• NPRs say “yes”, e.g., when offered an Alli- Event, a Mission, or the “Free Trade” Idea if In these cases, both your current Ruler and
ance or when they “may” do something. you currently have only 2 Merchants. the Event Card with the new Ruler on it are
• The word “you” always refers to the
Gain Military Unit discarded once the Event has been resolved.
Active Player or to the player required to
make an A/B-choice. When gaining Military Units via Events, Area leaves HRE
whether they are Land Units or Ships, place When an Area leaves the HRE through an
Standard Event effects these Units in a location where no Battle is Event, any loss of E is already accounted
Certain effects are repeated on several triggered. If no such location is eligible for for in the Event text itself.
Events. These effects must adhere to the placement, you do not gain these Units. Reg-
following guidelines, unless the card specifi- ular Units must be taken from Available m. Wars triggered by Events
cally states otherwise. If a DoW takes place as part of an Event's
Use of the word “you” in these guidelines Gain Action effects, and this is not marked as a Declare
refer to the beneficiary/victim of the effect. When you gain an Action from an Event, the War Action, only follow steps 3–7 of the
Action is clearly indicated in bold italics; you Declare War Action sequence (see p. 16).
Gain/place Influence must either take this Action immediately or
If an Event says that you gain, or are allowed PRs must adhere to all DoW restrictions
decline the opportunity. If you are not the (see p. 22) unless stated otherwise, and if
to place, a number of I in certain Areas, Active player, the Active player then gets to
this means that you can place this I as the target is ineligible, no DoW is made.
finish their Turn before play continues in A PR that has Passed cannot Declare War
long as there is at least 1 Province in the clockwise order as normal.
Area that is Owned by an NPR or by a Vassal via an Event, even if instructed to do so.
Realm. If you are unable to place all of this Research Idea If the Aggressor is an NPR, read “you” as
“the NPR” in the Declare War Action steps.
I due to the 5I per Area limit, you When an Event lets you Research an Idea,
If an Event lets you select a target to
may discard Opponent I as required in you, and any Opponents who have this
order to make space for your own I. Declare War on, you must select an eligible
Idea already, will score 0 as normal (see
target (if possible).
p. 12). If an Event causes multiple players
Gain Alliance or Royal Marriage to Research the same Idea, they all score 0
To gain an Alliance with a Realm, the tar- as normal (Active Player first as usual). 16.4 Unpicked Events
get Realm must be an Independent Realm If the Idea named on the Event is currently In most scenarios, after each player has taken
which is currently at Peace. Realms that not on display and you choose to Research the Event Action, there will be an unpicked
have been Vassalized, Annexed, or are at it, add this Idea to the appropri­ate column Event on display.
War are ineligible targets, and this effect of the Idea display and choose an unpicked The remaining Event will not take effect,
will be ignored for such Realms. non-­Basic Idea of the same type to remove but if it has a historical Ruler on it, the player
If the named target is an NPR Ally of an (if any), or if there are no unpicked Ideas of associated with that Event may pay 2 a to
Opponent, you may only replace their A that type, create a new row in the Idea display. appoint the Ruler on the card.
with your A if you have at least as many Shuffle removed Ideas back into the deck. Any symbols at the bottom of the card
I as your Opponent in the target's Areas. will be auto-resolved immediately after the
To gain a Royal Marriage with a Realm, Placing DNPR tokens last player has completed their Event Action,
the target must be an eligible Marriage part- When placing DNPR tokens (æ), place according to the auto-resolution rules listed
ner (see p. 32). the token of that color with a capital C on under each symbol on the next page.


16.5 Secondary Effects Attrition is placed next to. Adjacency may here be
Some Events have symbols along the bot- All PRs that are at War, except you, must traced across a Sea Zone. Orthodox or
tom edge that impact, among other things, remove 1 Land Unit as a Casualty for every 4 Muslim Areas may not be chosen.
Unrest/Rebels, NPR behavior, and character Deployed Land Units that they have. Placing a Q into an Area replaces
mortality (Leaders and Advisors). any token that is already there.
After resolving the Event's main text, Disloyal Vassals 2. If there are more clusters in play, and
these symbols' effects are resolved in order, Affects every PR that has any Areas with v you have placed less than 4 Q this Turn,
from left to right, by the Active Player (you). with either no I/M, or with fewer I place a new Q next to another cluster,
Auto-resolution rules are used to resolve in the Area than any Opponent. following the rules above. Additionally:
symbol effects on unpicked Events (and for Of the Areas that qualify, any affected PR ▷ If there is more than 1 Infectious Faith
Events resolved by Bots). Symbols with no must pick an Area with the most of their v, in play and you have already placed
special auto-resolution notes are resolved as gain u on all their v there, and must then 2 Q of one type, you must place a Q
normal. When resolving unpicked Events, place a number of ? equal to the Tax Value of the other type.
no one is considered to be the Active Player. of their v with u in this Area. ▷ You may not replace another Q
You gain u as normal if affected, but do placed on the same Turn.
Character Mortality not need to place any ?. 3. If there are no Infectious Faiths clusters
All characters with a symbol next to their on the board, place Diverse Faiths tokens
portrait that matches the symbol on the DNPR Expansion instead in any 2 Catholic Areas not adja-
Event played will receive an Ill Health token For each such symbol that matches the color cent to Sea Zones marked with a †.
(H). If a character receives a second H, of a DNPR in play (which is not currently an
Active Ally), pick a DNPR of that color. Auto-resolution: Spread Infectious
they die and their card is discarded.
Place a matching æ on a Province adja- Faiths (alternating between Protestant and
Unrest/Rebellion cent to the DNPR. This may not be a Capital Counter-­Reformed, starting with Protestant)
All players must roll a Rebel Die for each of (unless it is the last remaining Province of an into adjacent Areas: preference goes to Areas
their Provinces with Unrest (u), following NPR), nor can it be Occupied, Owned by the with at least 1t; then to Areas with Prov-
the procedure described on page 37. DNPR's Ally, or the Core Province of a PR. inces of the highest total Tax Value; break ties
You roll a maximum of 1 Rebel Die. If a Province of an NPR is selected, this in alphabetical order, by Area name.
Province is taken over by the DNPR. When placing Diverse Faiths tokens,
Native Uprising If the Province selected has a t/v, instead go in alphabetical order, ignoring
Each player loses 1 < from the Colonist place the æ underneath the t/v (thus Areas that already have Diverse Faiths.
Pool and gains u in a Distant t. making it a Core Province of the DNPR) and
You may choose to ignore one of the two add u to the t/v.
Spread of the Revolution
effects (even if it is the only one that will From Age II onwards, for DNPRs with Deluxe Ed. / Fate of Empires expansion only
affect you). a Port facing the Atlantic Ocean (any Main This symbol only appears on Age IV Events,
Map Sea Zone with no * or †), you may and it works in the same way as the Spread of
Lost at Sea instead place a æ on any vacant Territory. Religious Ideas, as described above, except
You must choose and remove 1 Ship belong- If a DNPR takes a Province from an NPR that you only place Revolutionary tokens
ing to each Opponent that is not adjacent to Allied to a PR, the player may place a CB (^) next to clusters of ^. They may also
one of their Friendly Ports. token on the DNPR's Capital. be placed in Orthodox or Muslim Areas.
Auto-resolution: Each player chooses Auto-resolution: All DNPRs of the same If there are no ^ on the board, place
for themselves. colors as the symbol Annex an adjacent NPR ^ in 2 PR Capital Areas. If there is only
Province. Prioritize Provinces in Areas where 1 cluster of ^, also add a ^ in an Area not
Pirates the DNPR already Owns Provinces, then adjacent to this cluster.
Place a Pirate Ship (see p. 25) into a Mar- Provinces in Areas adjacent to their Realm by If there are no more available ^, you
itime Trade Node of your choice. If possible, Land. They will target the eligible NPR with may remove one from the board to use it.
this must be a node that has at least 1 Mer-
chant in it. Pirates reduce Trade Income in the
the lowest Tax Income. If several Realms are ^ are always placed on top of any exist-
tied, use alphabetic order among adjacent ing Religion tokens.
node where they are located (see p. 35). Provinces Owned by the tied Realms. Auto-resolution: As above (spread of Q).
Auto-resolution: Place the Pirate Ship If no ^ in play, place in the Capital Areas of
into the Trade Node with the most Mer- Spread of Religious Ideas 2 PRs with lowest s (decide ties randomly).
chants. First tie breaker: Expanded node; Determine where there are clusters of Infec-
second tie breaker: random. tious Faiths (see p. 38) in play. A cluster Activate Power Struggle
is any body of Areas connected by Land that If Power Struggles are in play, move the
Cardinal Dies share the same Religion. A single token/ Upcoming Power Struggle to the Active
You must remove any C, except the symbol in an Area which is not adjacent by Power Struggle area on the Status Mat.
Roma C, from the Papal Curia. Slide Land to any other Area with the same Reli- Also, place § tokens in the Battleground
remaining C to the left, to fill the gap. gion is considered a separate cluster. Areas (§) named on the activated Power
Auto-resolution: Remove the rightmost 1. Place a Protestant/Counter-Reformed Struggle to highlight the Areas in contention.
C belonging to the PR with the most C. token (Q) in an Area adjacent to a The Active Power Struggle will be
If 2 or more PRs are tied, remove the right- cluster, of the same type as the cluster it scored in Phase 4, Step E (see p. 43).
most C belonging to 1 of these PRs.


17. Victory & addition, there are 2 generic Mission Decks
that can be used to compose Mission Decks
A player who completes a Mission also
receives a number of 0, as stated in the
­Prestige (0) for other Realms. Each Scenario will specify Mission Card's top right corner.
which Missions are available to each play-
The most common Victory Condition for able Realm at the start of the game. Mission Rewards
the various scenarios in the game is to be the Some Missions have a green frame and When collecting the Reward from a com-
player with the most Prestige (0) at the background, indicating them as starting Mis- pleted Mission, follow the 'Event Guidelines'
end of the game. sions for the regular 1444 setup. For such a rules for all effects (see p. 40).
Prestige is scored in several different ways game, players will normally pick 2 of these
during and at the end of the game. Missions at the start of the game. Selecting New Missions
Final Scoring happens in Phase 5 of the Striving towards completing Missions In the next Draw Cards Phase after you have
Round in which the end of the game has provides clear intermediate goals during completed and scored at least 1 Mission in
been triggered, as described on page 11. the course of the game, and tends to send a your hand, you may select new, eligible Mis-
Some scenarios will have different Final Realm down a semi-historical path. They are sions from your deck to replace them so that
Scoring criteria. particularly useful to new players, but cer- you once again have 2 Missions in hand.
tainly add both flavor and dynamism to the In the Draw Cards Phase, you may
17.1 The Prestige Track game for seasoned gamers, too. also put any Mission in your hand back in
Prestige (0) scored during Experienced groups of gamers who prefer the deck, and select a new, eligible one to
the game is indicated with the a complete sandbox experience can remove replace it with.
Prestige Markers on the Prestige Missions from the game entirely, if all play-
Track, which is located on the ers agree to it. 17.3 Milestones
Distant Continents board. Milestones are similar to Missions, but they
The main sources of 0 during the Mission Prerequisites are public and may be scored by anyone
course of the game are Missions, Milestones, All Missions have a Mission ID (in the red who meets their completion requirements.
Power Struggles (if used), Ideas, and Events. circle at the bottom of the card). Certain The 0 reward will be higher for those
Once a player's 0 exceeds 60, flip their Missions require you to have completed at who complete the Milestones earlier, thus
Prestige Marker to the “+60” side, and con- least 1 of the listed prerequisite Missions providing an arena for competition among
tinue counting additional 0 from the start (indicated to the left of the Mission ID) players – even between those who do not
of the track. If a player's 0 falls below 0, before they can be picked. In turn, these have directly conflicting interests on the map
place a Negative Prestige token may unlock other Missions (indicated to the board.
on top of their Prestige Marker, right of the Mission ID) once completed. There are always 4 available Milestones.
to indicate that its position In each Age, 1 card is randomly drawn from
shows a negative 0 value. Completing a Mission each of the 4 decks (Expansion, Politics, War-
In some scenarios, the end of the Missions can be completed at any time except fare, and Economics). At the end of each Age,
game is triggered when a player passes a cer- in Phase 1. To complete a Mission, you must discard all Milestones and draw new ones
tain amount of 0 on the Prestige Track. meet its listed requirements and announce from each of the next Age's decks. Scenarios
this to the other players. Upon doing so, may sometimes instruct you to remove cer-
17.2 Missions the Mission's listed effects immediately take tain Milestones from the game before setup,
Each of the Major Powers of the game has place. Mission requirements must be met at or to display predefined Milestones instead of
an individual deck of Mission Cards. In the time of scoring; having previously met a drawing at random.
Mission's requirements does not qualify.

The Anatomy of Missions and Milestones

Mission Milestone
Mission's Realm Mission title 0 provided Milestone title
affiliation by Mission Completion requirements Respective
(here: ›England) 0 rewards
for 1st, 2nd,
3rd Players to
Effect of complete this
completing Milestone

Starting Missions
have a green

Prerequisite Mission(s). One of the Mission ID Unlocked Mission(s). Missions that Resource reward
­required Missions must be completed are made available for selection by for completing
before you may select this Mission. completing this Mission. Milestone


Milestones may also be replaced when- Claims in Battleground Areas E is capped at 1 + the current number
ever the Comet Sighted Event is played. In When taking the Fabricate Claims Action of Elector Areas (see section 18.3).
this case, draw new Milestones from those (see p. 15), players only need to pay 1 b
remaining for the current Age. for each G placed in any Battle­ground Area Increased Manpower and Income
that is listed on either the Active Power The Holy Roman Emperor's E value is
Completing a Milestone Struggle or the Upcoming Power Struggle. added directly to their m value. If Imperial
The first player to complete a Milestone Authority changes, the Emperor's Man-
scores 5, the second player scores 3, Activating Power Struggles power Reserve must be adjusted accord-
and the third scores 1. Subsequent players Power Struggles are activated when the rel- ingly, in Phase 5, Step A.
completing this Milestone score no 0. evant Event symbol is resolved (see section During Phase 4, the E value is also
When you complete a Milestone, mark it 16.5, p. 41). When the top card of the added directly to the Emperor's Tax Income.
with a Tag chit from your Supply. deck is moved to the Active Power Struggle This additional Tax Income is not consid-
The tie breaker, if several players com- space on the Status Mat, this will also reveal ered to be part of Base Tax Income, and it is
plete a Milestone at the same time, is Turn the new Upcoming Power Struggle, giving not included when calculating m.
order (starting with the Active Player if in players a chance to prepare for what is com-
Phase 2, or First Player if in Phases 3 or 4), ing next. Additional Bonuses
unless stated otherwise on the Milestone. Each Round, during the Income & Upkeep
Milestones also provide rewards in the Scoring Power Struggles Phase, the Emperor's d income (and
form of Monarch Power (a, b, or c) or Any Active Power Struggle will be scored potentially 0) is affected by the E level.
Ducats (D), as indicated in the lower-right in the Income & Upkeep Phase, Step E (see
corner of the card. All players completing a p. 10), before being discarded. Current E Bonus
Milestone receive this same reward. When a Power Struggle is scored, all play- May use Defending the
ers who satisfy the conditions will score 0 +1 or higher
HRE ability
17.4 Power Struggles as described below:
+2 or +3 +1 b
Advanced Rules
Scoring Battleground Areas (§) +4 or +5 +1 b and +1 c
Whether you want to include Power Strug- For each Battleground Area, players will
gles or not in your game is up to your gam- +6 +2 b, +1 c, and +1
score 0 as follows:
ing group. We recommend that you play • 1 per Tax Value of Provinces they Con-
without them in your first game. Gaining/Losing Imperial Authority
trol there (v count as half)
Power Struggles add increased levels of The Emperor can increase their Imperial
• 1 for being the only PR with t/v
tension, interaction, and conflict between Authority by 1 step as an Action (by spend-
there (for § on the Main Map only)
PRs, since they will be simultaneously com- ing a equal to 1 plus their current E
• 1 for having at least 1 A/M there
peting for the same objectives. level), by defeating external attackers, and by
Additional Prestige criteria reincorporating HRE Areas.
Players that satisfy listed criteria may score The Emperor can lose E as a conse-
additional 0, while players who fail to do quence of failing in their duty to protect
so will sometimes lose 0. These condi- their Subjects and the HRE lands, or by
tions are often specific to certain Realms. aggressively expanding within the HRE.

Event/Action E
18. The Holy Roman Spend a = 1 + current E +1
Empire (HRE) Win War vs. non-HRE Aggressor +1
The Holy Roman Empire is an institution Reincorporate HRE Area +1
Just below the card's title, above the horizon- that wields great power, but it is a difficult If below +3E upon Election +1
tal line, each Power Struggle lists a number beast to tame. It is a great responsibility, and Refusing CtA from an ­Imperial
of Battleground Areas (§) where players its member states won't necessarily always Subject following a DoW by a -1
will compete for 0. Below the line there bend to the will of their Emperor. non-HRE Aggressor
are some additional criteria for gaining or In the standard 1444 setup, Austria starts
as the Holy Roman Emperor. An Area leaves the HRE -1
losing 0 when that card is scored.
Lose War vs. non-HRE Aggressor -1
Preparing the Power Struggle Deck 18.1 Imperial A
­ uthority Emperor Declares War on HRE
Scenario setups have different recommended The Holy Roman Emperor Member without having a CB
Power Struggle Deck compositions. Some has an Imperial Authority Emperor enforces Full Annexation
scenarios will suggest Power Struggles to be (E) ranging from 0 to +6, Peace Term on an HRE Member -1
sorted in a specific order, while others may with different bonuses of the same State Religion
suggest a randomized order. according to its level. Reduc- # of Elector Areas falls below: -1
The deck should be placed face-up with the ing E when it is already at 0, or increasing current E – 1 per step
top-most card visible to all players – this card it when it is at +6, has no effect. In a 1444
is called the Upcoming Power Struggle. setup, the Emperor starts with +3 E.


18.2 Imperial Influence
There are 6 gray Imperial Influence cubes in
the game. The Emperor has access to a num-
ber of Imperial I equal to E. They place
Imperial I during setup, per setup instruc-
tions, and update the number of Imperial
I available in Phase 5, Step B, based on
the current E.
For most purposes Imperial I works
just the same way as regular I but there
are some exceptions: The Imperial Authority track is located on the Status Mat. It is where current E is tracked, along
• Imperial I is always placed or redis- with applicable bonuses, official HRE Religion, Imperial m, and Defending the HRE status.
tributed in Phase 5, Step B, and should
always match E at that point. Unlawful Province Occupants Defending the HRE ability when a non-HRE
• Imperial I must be placed in HRE If an HRE Province is Occupied, Owned, or Realm Declares War on them directly.
Areas that contain at least 1 Province Vassalized by an external Realm (one whose
Capital is outside the HRE), that Realm is Imperial Manpower
Owned by an NPR HRE Member.
considered to be an Unlawful Occupant. Upon activating Defending the HRE, a number
• If an HRE Area with Imperial I leaves
The Emperor has a permanent Imperial of NPR Units equal to the Emperor's total
the HRE, that Imperial I is imme-
diately removed from the board and Liberation Casus Belli (see p. 22) against I in Elector Areas (including Imperial
returned to the Supply. all such Unlawful Occupants. If an Area in I) is added to the Imperial m pool on
its entirety leaves the HRE (as described the Status Mat, up to a maximum of 8 Units.
• Imperial I may not be removed for
below), these Provinces are no longer con- The Emperor may use Imperial m in
the purpose of the Subjugate Action.
sidered part of the HRE and the Emperor every Battle where they participate in HRE
Areas, or any Areas of their Realm that are
18.3 HRE Lands loses the Imperial Liberation Casus Belli for
adjacent by Land to an HRE Area. They may,
all Provinces in that Area.
All Provinces and Areas inside the dotted at the start of such Battles, add all of this
Unlawful Occupants in the 1444 setup:
HRE border are considered part of the HRE, m as Infantry Units that will fight along-
›Burgundy, ›Venice, and ›Denmark.
unless a “Not HRE” token has been placed side their Army, except in Battles where the
in the Area in question (see section 18.6). Elector Areas Enemy facing the Emperor only consists of
For the HRE to retain its integrity and NPR HRE Members.
Elector Areas are indi-
unity, the Emperor must make sure that The Imperial Units work like Allied Units
cated on the board by
HRE Provinces are owned by member states in the Battle, but are kept separate from any
an Imperial eagle. These
and not by external Realms. other Allied Units in the same Battle. Once
Areas are of extra impor-
tance to the Emperor, the Battle is over, any surviving Imperial
HRE Members / Imperial Subjects Units are returned to the Imperial m pool.
and to anyone with ambitions of becoming
All Realms whose Capital is inside the dot- These will be available in later Battles.
the next Emperor.
ted HRE border are considered to be HRE When the Emperor is at Peace again,
To count as an Elector Area, the Area must
Members unless there is a “Not HRE” token in Phase 5, Step B, empty the Imperial m
contain the Capital of at least 1 HRE Mem-
in their Capital Area. Member states that are pool, and return any remaining NPR Units
ber. If all such Capitals are Owned by Realms
not the Emperor are considered Imperial to the General Supply.
whose Capitals are in different Areas, the
Subjects of the Emperor. PRs, NPRs, and
Area is not counted as an Elector Area.
Vassal Realms can be HRE Members. Military Access in the HRE
While Defending the HRE is tagged, the
PRs as Imperial Subjects 18.4 Defending the HRE
Emperor, and anyone at War against the
In some scenarios, PRs may be playing as When a non-HRE Realm Declares War on
Emperor, has free Military Access (see
HRE Member states that do not hold the an Imperial Subject, if E is at +1 or higher,
p. 25) through all Areas within the HRE.
Emperor title (e.g., ›Netherlands or ›Bran- a PR Emperor will automatically receive a
denburg). The Emperor might also be a PR Defensive CtA from their Subject unless this Peace Resolution
or they may be an NPR. Subject is at War with the Emperor. While the Defending the HRE slot is tagged,
PR HRE Members may only leave the A PR Emperor may accept such a CtA, PRs at War with the Emperor may not
HRE if they have a Mission or Event that as if from an Ally, following the 'Accepting a enforce Peace on any Imperial Subjects
allows them to do so. They may not Research CtA' procedure (see p. 32), but also tag- unless they have achieved a Victory over the
Government Ideas if E is +3 or higher. ging the Defending the HRE slot on the Status Emperor in the War (see Victory Conditions
As an Imperial Subject, every time the Mat with a Tag chit. As long as the Emperor is on p. 29). Instead, Peace must be nego-
Emperor activates Defending the HRE, you still at War, this ability will be active. tiated with the Emperor, who may agree to
must do one of the following: If a PR Emperor refuses such a CtA, Peace Terms on behalf of their NPR Imperial
• Exhaust 2 m (max. ½ of total m) instead of the normal effects of refusing a Subjects as they would for any Active Allies.
• Lose 6D (max. ½ of Tax Income) CtA, they immediately suffer a -1E penalty. If a War against an external Aggressor is
• Lose 1 If a PR Emperor's own Capital is located won by the Emperor, they gain 1E if no
• Place a CB token on Aggressor's Capital inside the HRE, they may also activate the HRE Provinces are ceded to external Realms.


If a War against an external Aggressor is • If all the Elector Areas are Catholic, the An Elector Area with no NPR Provinces
lost by the Emperor, they lose 1E. If whole HRE's Religion stays/becomes Catholic where all v belong to a single PR will auto-
Areas thus leave the HRE, they will lose E (remove Religion token, if any). matically vote for that PR, if eligible.
due to this as well (see section 18.6). • If there are Elector Areas of multiple Reli- A PR that has its Capital in an Elector
gions, the HRE ceases to have an official Area gets the vote from that Area if eligible.
18.5 Internal Wars Religion (place a Diverse Faiths token). Otherwise, that Elector Area does not vote.
If the Emperor does not have a CB when To be eligible for (re)election as Emperor,
The Emperor is only allowed to Change State a Realm must follow the official Religion of
Declaring War against one of their Impe-
Religion if the HRE has changed its official the HRE (if there is one). PRs that are not
rial Subjects, they will lose 1 E and must
Religion to another Religion than that which HRE Members, or those with Interregnums,
remove 3 I from HRE Areas (in addition
is currently the Emperor's State Religion. can still be eligible. If no PR is eligible to
to the regular penalties for having no CB).
If the Emperor adopts Revolutionary become Emperor, the Emperor title remains
If an Imperial Subject Declares War on
Ideology as their State Religion, the HRE is with the current Emperor, but E drops by 2.
another HRE Member without a CB, the
permanently dissolved, and ceases to exist. If E is below +3 following the election of
Emperor must place a CB token on the Capi-
tal of the Aggressor. a new Emperor, E increases by 1.
18.8 NPR Emperor If a new PR is elected Emperor while the
Full Annexation by Emperor If the HRE region is in play but the Emperor departed Emperor was Defending the HRE,
If the Emperor enforces the Full Annexation is controlled by an NPR, the Emperor starts the new Emperor may place a CB token
Peace Term on an HRE Member of the same with +3 E as usual, and E is adjusted as on any non-HRE Realm at War with NPR
State Religion as themselves, they lose 1 E. normal when Areas leave or rejoin the HRE. HRE Members. The Imperial m stays at its
Roll a 6-sided die at the end of the Round current level, and will be available to the new
18.6 Leaving & to see if E increases or decreases: Emperor under the normal conditions.
No election is held if the Emperor is con-
­Rejoining the HRE Roll Effect on E trolled by an NPR.
If all the Provinces in an HRE 1 Decrease E by 1
Area are Owned by external
Decrease E by 1 if roll is
Realms (not Emperor, and
2+ lower than current E.
19. The Papal Curia
with their Capital located out- 2–5
side the HRE), that Area will Increase E by 1 if roll is Only PRs whose State Religion is Catholic
automatically leave the HRE. Place a “Not 2+ higher than current E. may have Cardinals (C) and compete for
HRE” (/) token in the Area. 6 Increase E by 1 control of the Papal Curia.
If an Area leaves the HRE, the Emperor Dominating the Curia to become the
loses 1 E. Loss of E for Areas that leave The number of Units that defend an HRE Papal Controller provides certain bonuses
as a direct consequence of an Event is Area under attack is always as follows: and gives access to the Papal Actions.
accounted for in the Event effects.
Units defending Areas in NPR HRE 19.1 Cardinals (C)
Reincorporating Areas Military Capacity of any defending NPR(s) C are z that players place on the slots of
Whenever all Provinces in an Area that left + 3x E the Papal Curia track.
the HRE are Owned or Vassalized by HRE
– 2 x the number of HRE Areas containing If a PR has more C (with a minimum of
Members or the Emperor, the Area is reincor-
non-HRE Units prior to this Turn 2 C) than each of the other PRs, this makes
porated into the HRE; remove the /. them the Uncontested Papal Controller and
To reincorporate Areas that are partially Vassalization and Annexation gives them access to Papal Actions and all
within the HRE border, only the Provinces An NPR Emperor cannot be Vassalized the bonuses below.
within the border need to be Owned or Vas- either by force or diplomatically. If 2 or more players are tied for having the
salized by HRE Members or the Emperor. If an NPR Emperor is Fully Annexed most C, the tied player with the leftmost
When an Area is reincorporated into the during Peace Resolution, the HRE dissolves C is the Papal Controller, receiving all
HRE, the Emperor gains 1 E. and ceases to exist for the rest of the game. benefits except for the Prestige bonus.
The number of regular Cardinal slots
18.7 HRE Religion 18.9 Imperial Elections available on the Papal Curia track at any
Advanced Rules given time is always 1 more than the num-
Advanced Rules
At the start of the game, the official Religion ber of Catholic PRs currently active in the
If the Emperor has +4 E or less when their game. The Roma slot (see below) comes in
of the HRE is Catholicism (as seen on the current Ruler is replaced or discarded, an
Status Mat). The HRE may only be Catholic addition to these. Block off any slots not in
Imperial Election must be held. play. The starting setup for the Papal Curia is
or Protestant, or have no official Religion. The PR that receives votes from the most
Note: The HRE's Religion cannot change described in each Scenario.
Elector Areas becomes the new Emperor. The When you gain a C, it is placed in the
until Age III, from which point onwards it is PR that has the most I (including Impe-
checked at the end of each Round: first Cardinal slot to the right of the dotted
rial I) in an Elector Area receives the vote line on the Papal Curia track. All C cur-
• If all Elector Areas are Protestant but the from that Area. Ties for most I in an Area,
HRE's Religion is not, the HRE turns rently on the track are then slid 1 space to
or for highest number of Elector votes, are the right. If there is a C in the rightmost
Protestant (put token) and E drops by 1. decided by the current Emperor.


20. 2-Player Games
20.1 2 Players + Bot(s)
The default way to set up a 2-player game is
to pick a 3- or 4-player scenario and replace
the missing players with bots.
See the Solo & Bot Rules booklet for how
to play a game with bots.

The Papal Curia track is located on the Status Mat. The regular Cardinal slots are numbered 1–6. 20.2 No Bots Variant
Only slots with a number ≤ the current number of Catholic PRs +1 are in play. In a 2-player game without bots, during setup
organize the Event Decks as if there were
available slot when a new token is added, Excommunicate Ruler (2 b) 4 players but use only the Realm-specific
this C is returned to its owner. Place an Excommunicated Events for the 2 Player Realms in play, and use
token on the targeted B-Events instead of Realm-specific Events for
Controlling the Roma Cardinal ­Catholic Realm's Capital. the third and fourth PR.
To gain, and retain, control of the leftmost A PR whose Ruler is During play, reveal Events as in a 4-player
slot, labeled “Roma”, you need to have either: Excommunicated loses 1 game. Each player must take 2 Event Actions
1. An Alliance with the ›Papal States, or and 1 C from the Papal Curia track, and each Action Phase before they may Pass.
2. Control the Province of Roma they must discard 4 I from Catholic The first player to Pass collects 3D, then
Areas. The Roma C cannot be removed. the remaining player may take 2 Turns before
Capturing Roma While the Excommunicated token is in they must Pass. If the remaining player still
While Controlling (Occupying or Owning) play, all Catholic Realms have an Excommu- has not taken any of their Event Actions at
Roma, you automatically gain a C in the nication CB (see p. 22) on that Realm. this stage, they may nonetheless take 1 other
Roma slot on the Papal Curia track, and The Excommunicated token remains in Action of their choice in addition to their
must place a z there. This supersedes any play until Phase 4, Step E. Event Actions. The second player to Pass
Alliance with the ›Papal States. collects no D upon Passing.
However, this is also the only C you are Call Crusade (2 b) The First Player is allowed to retain the
allowed to have, and you must immediately Select a target Area that has at First Player token by Passing first.
discard all your other C from the Curia. least 2 P­ rovinces Owned by
You are not allowed to gain any further ­Muslim Realms, and place the
C (e.g., by playing Man of the Church Crusade token there. 21. PR Elimination
cards) while you Occupy or Own Roma. You may immediately take a free Declare
War Action targeting any Muslim Realm(s) The game by default does not have player
elimination, since a player may always Sur-
19.2 Papal Controller with Provinces in the target Area to gain
render when facing a catastrophic defeat in
The player with the most C is the Papal 1 and 2 Mercenary Infantry Units for free a War, and PRs always retain their Capital
Controller. In case of a tie for most C, (­follow 'Gain Military Unit' rules on p. 40).
If you do so, tag the Committed to Crusade when a Peace is concluded.
having the left-most C breaks the tie. If, however, for whatever reason, a player
The Papal Controller has access to the slot on the Status Mat with a Tag chit.
The Crusade token provides a Holy War must leave the game before it ends, there are
Papal Actions and receives +1 b each two ways to handle this. In either case, this
Round, during Phase 4, Step D. CB (see p. 22) for all Catholic Realms
against Muslim Realms that Own a Province should be done at the end of a Round, after
The Papal Controller also pays 1a fewer resolving all of that PR's Wars.
for all Actions that Increase Stability, and in that Area. If you use this CB on a valid
target when taking a Declare War Action, tag The first (and easiest) solution is to leave
1D less per Advisor during Phase 4, Step B. all t and v belonging to that PR on the
the Committed to Crusade slot on the Status
map boards, and continue playing as if all of
Uncontested Papal Controller Mat. Multiple PRs may be Committed to
these belonged to an NPR. Remove any u
If you have Uncontested Control (at least Crusade at the same time.
from those t/v, and remove all other
2 C, and most C with no tie) of the Papal
Curia during Phase 4, Step E, you receive
Crusade Scoring pieces and tokens of that PR from the game.
This occurs in Phase 4, Step E, when the Terminate all Alliances with that PR. This
0 equal to the number of Catholic PRs Crusade token is on the board. The token is new NPR cannot be Allied or Vassalized.
minus 1, but max. 3. Whenever one of that PR's Events are
removed once Crusade scoring is done.
• Catholic Realms that are Committed to revealed, simply remove it from the Event
19.3 Papal Actions Crusade each score 2 if they have any display. In those Rounds where none of that
In each Round of Ages I and II, the Papal Units in the Crusade's target Area and PR's Events show up, auto-resolve any sym-
Controller may perform 1 Papal Action. there are no Provinces Owned by Mus- bols on the additional Unpicked Event.
Once the Crusade/Excommunicated token lim Realms left there. Otherwise, they The second solution, which requires a bit
has been placed on the board, no more each lose 2. of custom tweaking, is to replace the human
Papal Actions may be performed for the • If no Realm is Committed to Crusade at this player that leaves with a Bot player (see Solo
remainder of that Round. point, the Papal Controller loses 2. & Bot Rules, p. 6).


Index Crusade 46 Ideas 12, 21 Neutral 4 Retreat 27, 28
Cut Ties 14 Ill Health 20 Non-Player Realm (NPR) 3, 35 Revolutionary Ideology 38
Accepting a CtA 32 Imperial Authority 43 NPR Ally 32 Roma Cardinal 5, 46
Action Card 18 Deaths of Rulers, Leaders, and Imperial Elections 45 NPR Emperor 45 Royal Marriage 12, 32
Action Phase 8 Advisors 20 Imperial Influence 44 NPR Invasion 9, 36 Ruler 19, 20, 25
Activate Units 16, 25 Declare War 16, 22 Imperial Liberation 22, 44 NPR Ships 25, 36
Active Allies 30, 33 de facto 28 Imperial Manpower 44 NPRs on Distant Continents Sell Provinces 12
Active Power Struggle 43 Defending the HRE 44 Inactive Port 5, 36 33, 36 Sea Zones 4
Adjacency 4 Defensive CtA 13, 32 Increase Stability 14 NPRs with Vassals 35 Secure Desired Succession 31
Administrative Actions 14 de jure 28 Infantry 24 NPR Units 25, 36 Sending a CtA 13, 32
Administrative Power 19 Diplomatic Actions 15 Infectious Faith 38, 41 Sequence of Play 8
Admiral 19, 25 Diplomatic Power 19 Inflation 34 Occupation 28 Setup 6
Advisor 18, 19, 20 Diplomatic Relations 32 Influence 15, 32 Occupied Province 28 Ships 24
Alliance 12, 15, 32 Discard 11, 18 Inland Trade Node 4, 34 Occupy 4 Ships Lost at Sea 41
Allied Units 25, 33 Discover 12 Integrate Area 21 Offensive CtA 13, 32 Siege 16, 28
Anatomy of … Display Cards 18 Interregnum 9, 20, 22, 32, 45 Opponent 4 Siege Strength 24
an Action Card 18 Disputed Succession 22, 32 Island Province 4, 28 Optional Rules: Slaves 34
an Event Card 39 Distant Continents 4, 26, 35 Available Mercenaries 16 Spread of Religious Ideas 41
an Idea Card 21 Distant Province 4 Keep Current Board State 30 Lend a Helping Hand 36 Spread of the Revolution 41
a Trade Card 34 Distant Realm 3 No Surrender! 31 Spy Network 15, 19, 32
Missions and Milestones 42 Diverse Faiths 38 Land Activation 16, 25, 26 Randomizing X-Events 39 Stability 14, 20
Appoint Advisor/Leader 13, 18, DNPR Expansion 41 Land Battle 27, 36 Religious Rebels 37 State Religion 38
19, 20, 23, 27 DoW 22 Land Movement 16, 25 Revealing More 39 Subjugate 32, 33
Area 4 Draw Cards Phase 8 Land Units 24 Secret Negotiations 12 Subjugation 32, 33, 44
Army 24 Dutch Core Provinces 5 Large Province 4 Orthodox 38 Suppress Unrest 17
Artillery 24 Dynamic NPR (DNPR) 35 Leader 13, 18, 19, 20, 23 Overview 2 Surrender 30
Automatic White Peace 29 Leaving the HRE 45 Own 4
Elector Area 5, 44 Liberation 9, 30, 35, 37 Take/ Repay Loan 14
Bankruptcy 21 Emperor 43, 44, 45 Light Ship 24 Papal Actions 46 Taking an Event 8, 12
Basic Actions 8, 12 Ending an Alliance 14, 33, 40 Loans 13, 21 Papal Controller 46 Taking a Turn 8
Battle Actions 18, 27 End of Age Routine 11 Papal Curia 45 Tax Income 10, 20, 21
Battle Dice 27, 48 Enemy 4 Main Defender 27 Papal States 5, 33, 46 Tax Value 4
Battleground Area 43 Enforcing Peace Terms 30 Main Map 4, 5 Partial Victory 29 Terms 4
Battle Sequence 26 Event 12, 39 Man of the Church 38, 46 Passing 8 Territory 4
Battles vs. NPRs 36 Event Symbols 41 Manpower 3, 20, 21, 23, 36, 43 Peace Resolution 9, 29, 44 The Reformation Spreads 38
Buy/Sell Province 12 Excommunication 46 Map board 5 Peace Terms 30 Total Victory 29
Expanded Trade Nodes 35 Map oddities 5 Pirates 25, 35, 41 Town 3, 21
Call to Arms (CtA) 13, 32 Explore 12 Maritime Trade Node 4, 34 Player Elimination 46 Town Track 6, 21
Capital 4 Marriage 12, 32 Player-to-Player Diplomacy 12 Trade 15, 34
Capturing Enemy Ships 28 Fabricate Claims 15 Mercenaries 17, 25 Playing an Action Card 18 Trade Card 34
Cardinal 41, 45 Final Scoring 11 Merchants 34 Playing an Event 8, 12, 40 Trade Income 35
Casualties 27, 28 Fire Advisors 10 Milestones 11, 42 Port 4, 25, 26 Trade Node 34
Casus Belli 22 Fleets 24 Military Access 25, 44 Power Struggle 43 Trade Power 35
Catholic 13, 38 Force Conversion 31 Military Actions 16 Prestige Track 4, 42 Trade Protection slot 4, 34
Cavalry 24 Forge Alliance 15 Military Capacity 22 Protecting Trade 34
Change National Focus 13 Friendly 4 Military Maintenance 10 Protestant 13, 38, 41 Uncontested Papal ­Controller 46
Change State Religion 13 Military Power 19 Province 3, 4 Undock 16, 25
Character Mortality 20, 41 Galleys 24 Minor Actions 13 Units 24
Character 18, 19 Game Concepts 3 Missions 8, 42 Reactions 13, 19 Unlimited tokens 2
Claim 3, 15, 22, 25, 26, 43 Game Overview 2 Monarch Power 3, 10, 19 Realm 3 Unpicked Event 8, 40
Colonial Claim 10, 12, 14 Generals 19, 23, 25 Monetary Support 12 Rebel Dice 9, 37 Unrest 37, 41
Colonist Pool 5 Generic Actions 12 Mountain Border 4, 25 Rebellion 37, 41 Upcoming Power Struggle 43
Colonize 14 Gold 34 Movement 25 Rebels 37
Concepts 3 Gold Province 4 Movement on Distant Rebel Units 25, 37 Vassalization 31, 33
Conflicting Alliances 33 Government Forms 21 ­Continents 26 Receiving a CtA 32 Vassal Realm 4
Control 4 Multiple Enemies 27 Recruit Units 17 Vassals 33
Convert Area 14, 38 Hand size 11, 18 Muslim 38 Refresh Manpower 10, 23 Victory/Peace Conditions 29
Core Province 21 Heavy Ship 24 Refusing a CtA 32
Core token 21 Historical Ruler 19, 39 Native Uprising 41 Regular Units 24 Warfare vs. NPRs 36
Corruption 10 Holy Roman Empire (HRE) 43 Naval Activation 16 Religion 38 White Peace 30
Costs 10, 20, 21 Hostile 4 Naval Battles 28 Religion slot 4 Winning a Land Battle 27
Cost to Recruit/build 17 HRE Area 44, 45 Naval Capacity 23 Religious Dissent 9, 38 Winning a Naval Battle 28
Counterespionage 15 HRE border 5 Naval Movement 16, 25 Repair Heavy Ship 24, 26 Winning a War 29, 30
Counter-Reformed 13, 38, 41 HRE Members 44 Naval Transport 16, 26 Replenish Manpower 14 Winning the Game 2, 11
Covert Actions 15, 19 Humiliation 30 Negative Prestige 42 Research Idea 12, 21 Wounded Generals 27

Game design & development: Art direction & graphic design: Miniature sculpts: Isley, Jarik van Haaren, Markos Even S. Halvorsen, Kalli Karlsson,
Eivind Vetlesen Eivind Vetlesen, Víctor Paiam Daniels Kalašņikovs Polos, Simon Haldon, Alexandros Christian Tellef­sen, Odd Gravalid,
Solo mode design: Main cover illustration: Coin design: Andrew Forster Chatzidakis, Geo Kersey, Jordan Nicolas Emmanuel, Eric Pearson,
Dávid Turczi Tomasz Jedruszek Deluxe Edition Tray design: Rubina, Miguel García, Dennis Guillem Ruiz, Josh Bickl, Steve
Development contributions: Card illustrations: Bryce Cook / Game Trayz Bruhin, Dillon Rodriguez-Currie, Malczak, Joseph Courtright, “Phil”,
Víctor Paiam, Roberto Méndez, Joeri Lefevre, Olly Lawson Thanks to: N
­ icklas Lindberg, Mats James Henderson, Sérgio Alves, “Leylos”, “shoober”, “RAF100”,
­Dávid Turczi, Christophe Correia, Mini portraits & other art: Karlöf, Luca Kling, Magnus Lysell Martin Vetlesen, Thomas ­Refsdal, “Sajatzsiraf ”, “Menszu”, “Zetsar”,
Kristian Østby, Yngve Bækholt Olly Lawson, Erik Ødegaard, Playtesting & feedback: P ­ atrick Gunnar Refsdal, Morten H ­ ervik, “TopcatsBRS”, and all of our
Editing: Michael Schemaille Paradox Interactive Johnston-Hart, Jeff Spear, Aaron Michael Akinde, Tom Madico, incredible community members.


Game Components (Standard Ed. / Deluxe Ed.)
Boards First Player token (1)
Western Europe map board Income +20 tokens (4/6)
Eastern Europe map board (Deluxe Edition only) Negative Prestige tokens (2)
Distant Continents board Imperial Authority token (1)
Ill Health/Interest tokens (30)
Card decks
Crusade/Excommunicated token (1)
Action Cards (108)
Protestant/Counter-Reformed tokens (29/32)
Trade Cards (44)
Catholic/Diverse Faiths tokens (7/9)
Event Cards (110/221)
Orthodox/Muslim tokens (0/11)
Setup Cards (8/17)
Revolutionary/+1 Manpower tokens (0/10)
Mission Cards (88/160)
Not HRE/+1 Manpower tokens (8)
Milestone Cards (48/64)
Expanded Trade/+1 Manpower tokens (6)
Idea Cards (21/30)
Occupied/Battleground tokens (11)
Power Struggle Cards (3/10)
Dynamic NPR tokens (31/53)
Bot Cards (48)
Imperial Influence cubes (6)

Cardboard mats
Player token sets
Player/Bot Mats (4/6) (4 sets in Standard Ed. / 6 sets in Deluxe Ed.)
Army/Fleet Mats (8/12)
Army miniatures (3)
Status Mat (1)
Fleet miniature (1)
Merchant pawns (3)
Infantry Dice (6) Monarch Power/Influence cubes (30)

Cavalry Dice (3) Stability/Round Status markers (2)

Artillery Dice (3) Land Units (20)

Rebel Dice (3) Naval Units (15)

Exploration Die (1) / Large Towns (8)

Standard die (1) / Small Towns (40)

Claim/Core tokens + Claim/CB tokens (6+2)
Common tokens Alliance/Active Ally tokens (4)
/ Mercenary Units (14/20) Royal Marriage/Disputed Succession tokens (4)
/ NPR/Rebel Units (16/25) Vassal tokens (19)
/ Rebel Towns (10/15) Ruler General/Interregnum token (1)
/ NPR/Pirate Ships (7/10) War/Truce tokens (5)
Gold 10-Ducat coins (14/21) Tag chits (12)
Silver 5-Ducat coins (14/21) / Prestige marker (1)
Copper 1-Ducat coins (24/36)

Paradox Interactive, Europa Universalis: The Price of Power™ Copyright© 2022 Paradox Interactive AB (publ) All rights reserved.

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