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The Dreams

Nia Bryant
The Dreams by Nia Bryant

Introduce the protagonist (who feels incomplete)

With the soon to be love her life

Protagonist meets love interest but there is conflict

Characters are forced to make a choice for the better

of there relationship.

Characters’ goals are at cross purposes

Characters are bound together in a situation (sexual

tension occurs)

Protagonist’s individual desire conflicts with the

growing relationship

“Whatever our souls are made of,

his and mine are the same''

The Dreams by Nia Bryant


Dreams do come true if you wish

hard enough: Chapter 1

Getting Ready: Chapter 2

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

Chapter 1

Dreams do Come true if you wish

hard enough

How do I start this story, well I guess

I could start from the beginning. But first,

like almost every good story starts with

introductions. Hi, my name is Madeline

Selene Murry. I’m 17 and I love reading. I

have brown hair, kinda long but not too

long. As some have told me, perfect brown

eyes. I don’t think of myself as fat or skinny,

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

to be honest for me I don’t believe it is

necessary to have an inbetween. Some

people say the people in between are thick.

But little do they realize it’s the same thing

as being fat. If you ever get a chance or

think you can prove me wrong then look up

the dictionary definition. In the dictionary

the synonyms for thick are chunky, fat,

hard, heavy, and massive. The thing is I

don't think of myself as thick either. What

am I don’t know, but I’m going to a different

topic now. I’m five, five in a half and I got

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

Treasurly High School. I’m friends with

quite a few factions. First you have the

popular kids, which I call the Regina

Gerorges, because they sometimes act like

they own the school. A Lot of them think

they are in charge of your hair, clothes and

the length of your hair and how it should

look. Then there’s the semi popular ones,

who I call the Wannbees. I started calling

them that because they want the popularity

status to be as high as the Regina George's.

Which I sometimes call the Gerorges,

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

because saying the full name can sometimes

be tiring. The Wannabees are almost as bad

as the Georges. They walk around and tell

the Castys and Zestys what to do. Because

they just think they're like that, they think

it’s cool. Next in line is the Zestys, they’re all

the non straight ones and that's how they

got their name. The Zestys have two

factions. The popular Zestys and the semi

popular Zestys. They act the same way as

the Georges and Wannabees but in their

own zesty way, in their own non straight

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

way. Then last of all there are the Castys,

they are the ones that don't fit into the

other factions. Some are the quiet ones,

some are the loud ones and then some are

the Emo ones. Yeah you could add factions

to those, but if I’m being truly honest there

is no point. There are plenty of them, but if

you look at the very end they are all outcast

and that's how they got their name. I have a

whole bunch of friends in both of them so I

don’t actually say I belong to a specific

faction. Moving on, I have one baby brother

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

who is three months old and that's it for the

siblings. I think that enough of the

Introductions and lets get into the story. I

lay in bed reading Sweet Peril by Wendy

Higgins, my mom is in the living room

watching my baby nephew play with his

toys. I am now reading this part in the book

where Kaiden Rowe is about to make love

to Anna. I close the book and sit there for a

second and start thinking of what it would

be like for a guy to like me in that type of

way, or to like me at all. I am not pretty and

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

skinny like all the other girls. I think back to

that one guy in third grade, his name was

Lucas Walton. I liked him for as long as I

can remember. We were sitting on the

carpet at school, and I was trying to keep

myself from looking at him. The teacher

Mrs. Dudson was reading a book to us, I was

rocking back and forth with my backpack

on, and he was behind me. About the third

time rocking back and forth I fell and kissed

him. Or at least I thought I did. I was so

happy, when it was time to get on the bus I

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

could not stop smiling. Fifth grade I wrote

him a love note. I guess you could say I was

in love with him, but one day this guy

named Brody Shela asked me, “How are you

going to have kids? He is like ten inches

shorter than you. So, you tell me how that is

going to work?” And I thought about it all

day and all night long, he was right, how

would I ever have children? Yes, he would

grow at some point, but what about our

relationship now? I came out of that daze

and my mom was yelling for me to get my

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

baby brother Ty'rell. ‘’ Madelne, can you get

Ty’rell for a second?’’ ‘’ Mom, I am coming.”

She does this all the time, during every

school year, which is the only time I can get

and read any books. Except the ones in my

room of course but have read those books

at least one hundred times. I keep him and

play with him until his mother gets here,

which is my sister. When she gets here, I

hand her Ty’rell and run to my room to read

while I still can. When I get to my room, I

look all around and tell myself my room

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

needs a very deep cleaning. I try to tidy up a

little bit, but it does not really help. My

mom comes into my room and hands me

the new iPhone fifteen. Mom, if this is some

type of joke it is not funny. These phones

cost thousands and thousands of dollars.

“Oh, honey this is why we were being so

hard on you.’’ We wanted to make sure you

were ready, but it has made you feel like

you are not good enough. You are not even

talking about school that much anymore or

any of your friends. Honey I am so sorry I

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

did not see this sooner, please forgive me

and your father.’’ ‘’ Well, if this is not some

kind of joke, thank you so much.’’ She hands

me the phone and walks away; I turn it on

and just stare at it. Then I decided that it

was her fault she handed me this phone, so

I am going to use this phone. I download

snapchat, ticktock and Instagram. I added

all my friends and put the numbers they

gave me on my phone. A notification that

someone snaps me pops up. I tap on the

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

notification, and it opens snapchat. It is

from my best friend Ella, and it says,

Ella: You want to believe what I found


I text her back at once and say,

Me: What did you find out??

It takes her awhile to respond, and

then she finally texts back,

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

Me: You know the guy you like?

I text her back,

Me: Which one?

And you will not believe what she

texted back to me,

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

Me: The one you were obsessed with...

Lee Kurtz!

Me: You know you cannot joke with me

like that, this is not funny.

Ella: I know she says, I am not trying to

be funny, just listen to what I have to say.

Elly was trying to get with him, and she

noticed that he did not seem like he was

interested in him, and she asked him if he

had a girlfriend. He said no he likes

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

someone else, and you know Elly would not

let that go so she asked who it was, and he

said that it was you and told Elly to give his

number to me to give to you.

After she finished typing, she sent me

his number. I sit there and stare at it

freaking out. Ella texted back and says,

Ella: Text him now!

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

So, I put his number in my phone, and I

text Ella,

Me: What do I say?

She told me to tell him Hi and tell him

who it was and that my friend gave me this

number. I text him,

Me: Hi, this is Madeline, my friend gave

me your number. I don't really know why,

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

they told me to tell one of my friends to give

it to you.

I reread it a couple of times and the last

time I hit send.

Me: Ella oh my gosh I sent it, if this is

some crazy joke, I am gonna beat you up so


Right after I get done sending that last

text to Ella he texts back,

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

Lee: HI, yes, I told Elly to tell her friend

Ella, who as far as I remember was your

best friend, to give you my number. I just

thought it has gone on far too long.

Me: What has been going on far too

long? I think I know what you are talking

about, but I just want to make sure we are

talking about the same thing.

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

Lee: You know exactly what I’m talking


Me: Ok so we’re talking about this?

Me: I don’t know what there is to say. I

think you have made yourself very clear,

you don’t like me.

Lee: How do you know what I mean? I

could have been scared. Maybe I didn’t

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

want to mess it up. And maybe I wanted to

make sure I could stay focused on my

school and grades.

Me: Ok, sorry for assuming I knew

what you meant.

Me: What did you mean then?

Lee: I just told you what I meant I was

scared that I would mess up and I wouldn’t

be focused on school.

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

Me: You could have told me that,

instead of putting us both through all this

weird awkwardness.

Lee: Sorry, I thought you would think I

was saying no.

Me: Well, that’s what it felt like.

Lee: So, do you want to hang out

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

Oh my gosh, freaking Lee Kurtz just

asked me if he wanted to hang out. I get my

favorite pillow and scream into it. Then I

pick up my phone and text him back,

Me: Yeah, sure.

Lee: What about today?

Oh my gosh he wants to hangout

today!! Then I start thinking she won't ever

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

let me. I ran into the kitchen anyway and

tried, but instead of saying his name I just

said my best friend, Ella. She said yes and I

ran back to my room and screamed on my

pillow again. I pick up my phone and text

him back,

Me: Sure, what time?

Lee: What about at 6?

Me: That works

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

Lee: Good, see you in a little bit.

I go to my closet and open the door to

see what I’m about to and as soon as I open

the door, I see all these expensive clothes, I

find a note that says,

Hey, honey, I was trying to figure out

how I wanted to surprise you with your

phone, and I was going to put it in your

closet with a note and I saw all your clothes

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

and shoes and thought you could use some

new ones. I also got you a set of hair

supplies in the box in the back corner of the

closet. Hope you like your new phone, new

clothes, shoes, and hair supplies. Love, Mom

Chapter 2

Getting Ready

Of course I look through all the clothes.

And let me tell you that they were super

cute. I came up on this cute leather crop

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

top. I took it off the hanger and found some

cute gray Nike sweatpants to go with the

crop top. I looked at all the new shoes my

mom got me and picked out a pair of Yezzi

slides. I found a cute black and white

scrunchie and looked through the hair

supplies. I found a curling iron and put it

with all my stuff. I go to the bathroom and

take a shower. I get out, brush my teeth and

do my hair. I go back to my bedroom and

put on some Victoria

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

Secret Vanilla lotion and start getting

dressed. As I’m about to put on some lip

gloss I get a text, I go grab my phone off my

bed and see who texted me.

Lee: Send me your address.

Me: ok it is, 1341 Carbora rd. Brook VA

24553. It might take you the wrong way

and if it does just make sure u can see a

bridge and by the bridge there is a road

going up to your left and two other roads to

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

your right. Take the road that leads to the

house with the white gate surrounding it.

Lee: Ok, see you in a minute.

I put my lip gloss on and told my mom

I’m waiting outside for her. As soon as I step

foot outside, I see a car I walk to my gates,

and It’s Lee and some other dude in the car.

I got up to the car and waved, Lee got out

and opened my door. I get in and before he

closes the door, I say thank you. I expect

him to get back in the front seat but instead

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

he sits in the back seat with me. Lee

introduces me to the older guy in the car,

who now I know is his brother. He drives

up to a nice house and we both get out and

his brother drives away. Lee takes me to the

house we go in, “Is this your house,” I ask?

“Yeah.,” he says. “Wow It’s so big and

beautiful I say.” “Please it’s nothing

compared to your house. Just driving down

that driveway felt like I was driving down

some rich person's house. Not to mention

once you get there, everything looks like

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

royalty.” “Well, I don’t think so your house

totally beats mine.” He laughs and takes me

to this huge living room. We sit on one of

the couches, “What do you want to do

today?,” he asks me. “I don’t know what to

say.” “Wanna watch a movie?” “Sure.,” I say,

He puts on a movie and hits pause, “Do you

want popcorn and anything to drink?” “No

thank you I say.” He looks at me like I’m

crazy and takes my hand and takes me to

the kitchen. “Butter or no butter?” No

butter I say. We just stare at each other for

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

a few minutes, before I ask to break the

silence, “where are your parents?” I ask. In

Las Vegas he is still staring at me. Oh, I say

with a kind of embarrassed look on my face,

realizing how weird that question sounds. I

think you need to lay down, he says, you

look super pale. I laugh and say I’m fine. I’m

always really pale looking after I take a

shower. You are sure, you're almost as

white as me. I laugh so hard until my

stomach starts to hurt. When I finally get

control of myself, I say, I’m positive. He

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

pulls out his phone and opens his snapchat

camera and hands it to me. I look at myself

and say I’m fine, I’m paler than usual but it’s

nothing iron and the sun can’t fix. He looks

at me and says, "I think you should lay

down." Before I could say I’m fine he’s

taking me up the steps. He opens a door to

what I’m guessing is his room and takes me

to his bed and tells me to lay down. “I’m

fine, I say.” Just lay down, I want to make

sure you are ok. I lay down so he wouldn’t

start begging me, he sat down beside me.

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

He takes my hand, and we just stay like that

for a long time. He finally lays down just

like I am, He takes a piece of hair that fell in

my face and tucks it behind my ear. I really

like your hair like this. Thanks, I say, trying

not to blush. How do you feel? I’m Ok, like I

said I just need some sun or iron or both.

Can I ask you a question? Yes, of course.

Yeah, I’ve only known you for a few years,

but I was wondering, did you know I was

the one from the beginning? The first year I

knew you, everyone was obsessed with you

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

and to be honest I didn’t see the big deal

about you that first day, or so that’s what I

told myself. But there was one thing that

kept pulling me towards wanting to know

more about you. I kept remembering the

way you introduced yourself. That’s when I

started liking you, but I kept telling myself

don’t let this crush turn into something else,

focus on school and not guys. But I guess

that didn’t work out too well, now did it?

No, I guess not, he says looking down at our

hands. I have another question; how many

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

guys were before me? Really? Yeah, I’m just

curious. Well since you asked me, I was

dating this guy from this other school, but

we broke up, because I still liked you. He

goes a little red, my hair falls back in my

face. He moves my hair out of my face and

tucks it back behind my ear. I flinch at the

feel of his skin, not because it’s cold or hot,

or not even because he shocked me. Like

electrical shock or whatever I’m still just

not used to him touching me. To him being

all mine, or at least I hope so. With that

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

thought I pull myself back into reality

embarrassed. I was even thinking about

that and we just started talking officially.

You ok he says? Of course, why wouldn’t I

be? I don’t know, It’s just the way you're

looking. I just have some stuff on my mind.

Wanna talk about it? I don’t think you want

to hear what's on my mind. Sure, I do, I

always want to hear what's on your mind.

Before I know I know I'm going to say it I

blurt out, so what exactly does all of this

mean? I say motioning around me. Ummh

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

well, what do you want this to mean? I don’t

know how you feel so let's start there. Then

will you be honest about how you feel no

matter what I say? Of course. Well, I really

do like you, I actually more th

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

Untitled Scene

Crisis – shift to prioritize relationship ends in


Climax - protagonist must make personal

sacrifice for ultimately fulfilling relationship

The Dreams by Nia Bryant



Lee Kurtz, Madeline Murry


Madeline and Lee have liked each

other for the longest then finally one day

they start talking, Lee ends up having

powers and has to go to Paranormal school


Paranormal Romance

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

Short Synopsis

Will love be enough?

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

Scene Notes

Introduce the protagonist (who feels incomplete)

With the soon to be love her life

Introduce the main character’s world.

They may be successful in many areas of

their life, but clearly have a gap when it

comes to a loving relationship. Foreshadow

the conflict that will create challenges for

the romance to come. Establish the hero’s

romance based goal.

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

Protagonist meets love interest but there is


Madeline and Lee have liked each

other for the longest then finally one day

they start talking, Lee ends up having


The Dreams by Nia Bryant

Characters are forced to make a choice for the

better of there relationship.

Due to external factors, the characters

are forced to make a hard decision.They are

still at odds, but the sparks are kindling

some fire. But the couple to be both decide

it took them this long, and they aren't giving

up on each other now.

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

Characters’ goals are at cross purposes

Despite the growing attraction

between the couple, their lives are still at


The Dreams by Nia Bryant

Characters are bound together in a situation

(sexual tension occurs)

The characters begin to realise that

they can’t deny the ''attraction'' between

themselves and begin to surrender to it.

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

Protagonist’s individual desire conflicts with the

growing relationship

Point of view Character: Madeline


However, the characters are still at

odds with each other, even if they are trying

to cooperate. (External conflict)

Alternatively / in addition - the hero has

fears about the relationship – which are

probably rooted in his or her past, and due

to internal conflict, he or she sabotages the

relationship. They may pretend that this

fear of being emotionally vulnerable is

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

actually due to their other, ‘more important’

commitments. (Internal conflict)

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

Untitled Scene

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

Crisis – shift to prioritize relationship ends in


The protagonist finally begins to see

the light and moves towards prioritizing the

relationship, but disaster strikes, usually

the result of their actions chasing their

personal romance.

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

Climax - protagonist must make personal

sacrifice for ultimately fulfilling relationship

The hero realises that if they don’t

change their ways they will lose the love of

their life forever. So he or she summons the

courage to overcome their inner demons

and outer obstacles and makes some kind

of sacrifice (this could simply be voluntarily

submitting to humiliation for a proud

person) in order to prove their love.

The Dreams by Nia Bryant


Lee Kurtz


Backstory Overview

Madeline and Lee have liked each

other for the longest then finally one day

they start talking, Lee ends up having

powers and has to go to Paranormal

school<br />
Physical Appearance



Hair color

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

Hair Style


Eye Color


Do they wear glasses or contact lenses?

Friends and Family

Is their family big or small? Who does

it consist of?


The Dreams by Nia Bryant

Madeline Murry


Lee Kurtz girlfriend


Personality Type

sweet, really emotional


Race, culture, religious influences


Backstory Overview

Madeline and Lee have liked each

other for the longest then finally one day

they start talking, Lee ends up having

The Dreams by Nia Bryant

powers and has to go to Paranormal

school<br />
Physical Appearance


5,5 in a half


not fat and not exactly skinny

Hair color


Eye Color


Do they wear make up?


The Dreams by Nia Bryant

What sort of clothes do they wear?

crop tops, sweatpants designer clothes

Describe their feet / shoes

big feet

Are they in good or poor health?

good health
Friends and Family

Is their family big or small? Who does

it consist of?


Do they have siblings? Older or



The Dreams by Nia Bryant

Describe their best friend

sweet loving caring

Past and Future

What is their date of birth?


Where were the born?


Where did they grow up?


Did they grow up rich or poor?

Love and Relationships

Are they in a relationship?

The Dreams by Nia Bryant


Are they looking for a long term



How many relationships have they

been in?

Have they ever been in love?


Do they believe in love at first sight?


The Dreams by Nia Bryant

Are they more likely to fight with their

fists or their tongue?

tongue and fist just depends

Work, Education and Hobbies

What are their hobbies?


The Dreams by Nia Bryant

Lees house

supernatural school

Madelines house


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