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Study of Models/ Specimens Showing Symbiotic and Parasitic Association INTRODUCTION 1 Innature no species can live in isolation, 2. Forany species there must be at least one species on which it can feed, 3, Animals, plants and microbes do not and can not ‘ live in isolation, but interact in various ways to form biological community, 4, Populations of different species often interact or effect each other in various ways in their habitats. 5, Such interactions are important for survival of. different species and the ‘community as a whole. Such interactions in a community include predation, parasitism, symbiosis (mutualism), competition, commensalism etc. 7. Symbiosis (mutualism) is an interaction between two organisms of different species where both the partners are benefitted and none of the two capable of living separately. 5. Parasitism is a relationship between two living organisms of different species in which one organism called parasite, obtains its food directly from another living organism called host. ‘The parasite spends a part or whole of its life on or in the body of the host. EXPERIMENT 10. Alb: Study of symbiotic and parasitic interactions among the organisms through models/ specimens, and comment upon them. 1, Roots of a Leguminous plant bearing nodules Comments 1. The root nodules of a leguminous plant have a symbiotic or mutualistic association with nitrogen fixing bacteria ~ Rhizobium. 2 he bacteria ~ Rhizobium carry out nitrogen fixation in root nodules of leguminous plants. 3 The bacteria also live freely in the soil but are unable to fix nitrogen. 4" The nitrogen fixation property develops only inside root nodules. 5. The roots of leguminous plant provide food and shelter to the bacteria, 6. Armajor part of nitrogen fixed by bacteria is handed over to the leguminous plant. 7. Thus, both the partners (i.e. the bacteria and the leguminous plant) are benefitted in this association. 8. Rhizobium enters into the roots of a legume plant from the soil through root hair and produce small outgrowth on the root called nodules. 9. Some of the bacteria enlarges to become membrane bound structures called bacteroides. 10. The bacteriods fix atmospheric nitrogen under anaerobic condition. 41, The anaerobic condition in the cells of root nodules is provided by pink coloured pigment leg-haemoglobin present in the cells of leguminous plant. Growing Point () (c) Fig. 10.1. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation. A, nodulated roots of a legume; B. TS. nodule; C cells having bacteroides; ‘ ),Uchen Comments Lichens are composite or dual organisms re Presenting a symbiotic association between a fungus and an alga. ‘he fungal partner is called am ycobiont, which is either a member of ascomycetes or basidiomycetes. ‘The algal partner is called a phycobiont, which is either a green alga or blue green alga (cyanobacteria). ‘The relationship between the fungus and the alga in a lichen is that of mutual benefit, (mutualism), popularly called symbiosis, The fungus provides structural covering, absorbs water and minerals and fixes the lichen to the substratum. The alga prepares food by photosynthesis, and also fixes atmospheric nitrogen, when it is a cyanobacterium. Depending on the shape, three morphological forms of lichens are recognised. These are () Crustose lichens (thin membranous forms) (ji) Foliose lichens (with lobed, flat leaf like body) and (ii) Bruticose lichens (with well branched small bushy body). Apothecium Fruiting Bodies”, (Apothecia) —(C) Upper Fungal (Cortex Layer) Algal Layer jm Lower Fungal (Cortex Layer) (0) i = Rhizines Fig. 10.2, A—C. Different types of Lichens. A. Crustose (Graphis), B, Foliose (Parmelia), C. Fruticose (Usnea), D. V.S. of a lichen thallus. 78 Comprehensive Laboratory Manual in Biology.» 3. Cuscuta on a host plant Comments vel or Aakashbel) shows parasitic a’ ociation with some other flowering play association between two living organisms of two differms ing its food directly from another lira 1. Cuscuta (Amarby ismisan 2. Parasitic association or parasiti lled parasite obtai species in which one organism cal organism called host. een stems and bears non-photosynthetic scale leaves. It does not have ay Cuscuta has non-gr connection with the soil. 4. Cuscuta has haustorial roots called sucking ro (water cl ots or suckers, which penetrate into the hoa plant and make connection with xylem hannel) and phloem (food channel) of thet to absorb both water and food. en Parasite Scale Leaves Host C Scale Leaf Fig. 10.3. Cuscuta. A, parasite on host. B, part of Cuscuta on host showing flowers and haustoria. C, stem of Cuscuta showing haustoria Adhesive Tissue jaustorium Host ‘Phioem of Host Xylem of Host 40.4, Haustorial connection between Cuscuta and host 82 Comprehensive Laboratory Manual in Biology—yy 3. Leaves of different plants 1. The leaves of higher plants arise from nodes and possess axillary buds. 2. In forms they may be simple (e.g. Hibiscus) or compound (e.g. Rose), reduced to scales (eg asparagus), modified into spine (e.g, barberry) for protection, and tendrils (e.g. wild pea) for climbing. 3. The modifications indicated the evolution of the organ to suit different functions. Leaflets Branched) Leaf Spine (0) Fig. 11.3. Homologous organs A, typical simple leaf; B, pinnate compound leaf (Rose); C, leaf tendril of Wild Pea; D, leaf spine of Barberry. Analogous Organs 1. The organs which have similar functions, but are different in their structural details and origin are called analogous organ: 2. The analogous organs are the result of convergent evolution. Baperiment, for Spotting a 4, Wings of insects and wings of bird . The wings of insects and the wings of a birds are analogous organs, . Both these organs are used for flying in the afr, but they are very different in structure, }. An insect wing is an extension of the integument, where as the wings of a bird are modified forelimbs covered with flesh, skin and feathers, 4, The superficial similarity of these organs is due to adaptation to flying rather to inheritance from a common ancestor, Fore Wing 7A (A) Insect Wings 4 (8) Bird Wings Fig. 11.4. The wings of an insect are analogous to wings of bird, 1, Tondrils of different origin in plants 1, The plant tendrils are meant for climbing, 2. They can be derived from stem branches (e.g. Passiflora) or leaves (e.g, pea) 3, These tendrils are thus analogous organs, 4 . The presence of analogous organs indicate a similar adaptation by unrelated groups through modification or evolution of different parts, 5. Itis called convergent evolution. Loaflot Tondnit Stem Tendll / (8) A) 1, Tendrils of different origin. A, stem tendrils of Passiflora; B, leaf tendrils of Nig. 11,5, Analogous Organs, Tendi erent cos A QL Ans. Qe Ans. Qu Ans. ea Qk Ans. Qe Ans. Qz. _ Forelimbs of vertebrate animals like whale, bats, cheetah and humans, share similaritiesia . Wings of an insect and wings of a bird. Comprehensive Laboratory Manual in Biology—y ‘What is meant by evolution? ‘An orderly change from one form to another. What are homologous organs? ‘These are organs of related organisms which developed in different directions due to adaptation to different needs. or ‘The organs of related organisms which have similar structural plan but perform differen functions. What type of evolution do homologous organs indicate? Divergent evolution or common ancestory. Give an example of homologous organs from animals. the pattern of bones of forelimbs but perform different functions. What are anslogous organs? Different structure of unrelated organisms evolving for the same function. What type of evolution do analogous organs indicate? Convergent evolution. Give and example of analogous organs.

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