ملخص IT

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Ziad Ahmed Gharieb

IT Essentials
Explain the system pass? .a

‫➢ هي عبارة عن مجموعة من الممرات التي يسلكها اإلشارات لتؤمن مرور‬

.‫البيانات واإلشارات بين مكونات داخل وخارج الحاسوب‬

it`s a set of paths taken by a signal to ensure the passes signals and
data between the components in and out of a computer
Explain the CPU? .2

.‫➢ هو دماغ الكمبيوتر ويقوم بأداء المهام ومعالجة البيانات‬

It is a brain of computer, performing tasks and processing data

Explain Memory? .3

.‫➢ تقوم بتخزين و استرداد البيانات و التعليمات التي تم تخزينها‬

Is a functional unit that stores and retrieves instructions and data that
being executed

Type of Memory? .4
‫ هي عبارة عن ذاكرة متطايرة و‬:RAM (Random Access Memory) ➢
‫عشوائية تقوم بتخزين و استرجاع البيانات التي يتم استخدامها و معالجتها و‬
.‫تفقد محتواه عند انقطاع التيار الكهربي‬
Ziad Ahmed Gharieb

Is a volatile and random memory that store and retrieve

data that used and process and lose her content when
electric current is turned off

‫ هي ذاكرة غير متطايرة تحتفظ بمحتواها‬:ROM (Read Only Memory) ➢

‫حتي عند إيقاف التشغيل و يتم استخدامها لتخزين البرامج الثابتة و البرامج‬
.‫األساسية االزمة لتشغيل الكمبيوتر‬

is non-volatile memory that keep its content when electric current is

turned off and used it to store firmware and essential software
required to booting up the computer.

uses magnetic storage to store and retrieve digital :HDD .1


Advantages of an Hdd? .5

(Cost effective - High Storage Capacity - Data Recovery) ➢

Disadvantages of an Hdd .6

(Slower Speeds - Mechanical Components - Power ➢

Ziad Ahmed Gharieb

What types Desktop computers? .7

Horizontal Case - Full-Size Tower - Compact Tower - All-( ➢


Explain Power Supplies? .8

‫➢ يقوم بتزويد جهاز الحاسوب بالطاقة وتحويل التيار المتردد الي تيار مستمر‬

provide power to PC with different power voltage 3.3v , 5v ➢

,12v and converting from AC current to DC Current

Type of Power Supplies? .9

( AT(Advanced Technology) - ATX(Advanced Technology ➢

Extended) - ATX12V - EPS12V)

What are the power supply connections ? .10

Are designed to be in only one orientation. ➢

And use to connect with component in motherboard such as :
hard disk , motherboard , a and desk drives
Ziad Ahmed Gharieb

Such as : (A 20-pin or 24-pin - SATA - Molex - pin to 8-pin -

6/8 pin )

Explain the motherboard? .11

‫➢ لوحة االم هي عبارة عن لوحة بتحتوي علي العناصر الالزمة و االساسية لجهاز‬
‫الحاسوب و مداخل التوصيالت‬

The motherboard is a board that contains the necessary and ➢

basic components of the computer and the connection ports

What is the Operating System? .12

Is an interface between a user’s program and the hardware and ➢

provides a variety of services and supervisory functions.

Explain ASCII code? .1

Ascii code is use to convert High language to low language , its ➢

contain a capital , small letter , Numbers from (0 to 9) , symbols ,
and control buttons such as enter button all of these represent
maximum 7 bits
Ziad Ahmed Gharieb

Explain Unicode? .2

Unicode its convert High language to low language and contains ➢

all of letters with every language all of these represents more
than 7 bits

Explain BCD? .3

BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) is used to encode decimal digits in a ➢

form that is easily convertible between binary and decimal
And A single decimal digit is represented by a 4-bit binary code.

Compare Class A, B, and C in terms of the number of available .4

devices and the number of available networks:?
Ziad Ahmed Gharieb

What are the between Network Address and Host Address? .5

Network Address: The address of the network ➢

Host Address: The device that connected to in the network ➢

Types of Copper Media cable? .6

1- unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) ➢

2- Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) ➢

Types of UTP Connectors? .7

1-RJ-45 UTP Plugs ➢

2-RJ-45 UTP Socket ➢

Types of UTP Cable? .8

1- Crossover ➢
2- Straight ➢

What are the colors of Crossover & Straight ? .9

‫اخضر‬ ‫اخضر‬ ‫ابيض‬
‫ازرق‬ ‫برتقالي‬ ‫ابيض‬
‫برتقالي‬ ‫ازرق‬ ‫ابيض‬
‫بني‬ ‫بني‬ ‫ابيض‬

Ziad Ahmed Gharieb

‫برتقالي‬ ‫برتقالي‬ ‫ابيض‬

‫ازرق‬ ‫اخضر‬ ‫ابيض‬
‫اخضر‬ ‫ازرق‬ ‫ابيض‬
‫بني‬ ‫بني‬ ‫ابيض‬

What is the IP Address (Internet Protocol Address)? .10

is a numerical label assigned to each device participating in ➢

a computer network uses for communication.

What is the Switch? .11

Use to connects network devices such as(Computers , ➢

printers and wireless devices) and enable user to exchange
data packets.

What is the Router? .12

a device that connects two or more packet-switched ➢

networks or subnetworks.

What is the Firewall? .13

Protects networks by monitoring and controlling incoming ➢

and outgoing traffic
Ziad Ahmed Gharieb

Explain the types of computer networks? .14

LAN (Local Area Network): Small network in one place, like ➢

office or school.

WAN (Wide Area Network): Big network connecting places, ➢

like cities or countries.

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