Work-Life Balance

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Japan's Work-Life Balance Worst in World

Do you work to live, or live to work?

It's sometimes hard to find a balance between the two, but studies suggest that
a good work-life balance is not only good for your health, but also makes you
better at your job.
According to a 2022 survey, Japanese people may have the worst work-life
balance in the world.
The survey asked 35,000 people from 34 countries about their work-life balance,
including people in Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Japan and
the US.
The study suggests that, compared to people from other countries, Japanese
people prioritize work over their personal lives.
For example, 94% of participants worldwide said they thought a good work-life
balance was important — and 78% said they actually had it.
However, just 63% of Japanese participants said they actually had a good work-
life balance — the lowest figure for any country. The next lowest countries were
Germany at 71% and Switzerland at 72%.
And while 61% of people worldwide said they would not accept a job if they
thought it would have a negative effect on their work-life balance, fewer than
half of Japanese people said the same.
Similarly, 48% of people worldwide said they would quit a job that was stopping
them from enjoying their lives — but only 38% of Japanese people said they
would do so.

1. Do you find it surprising that Japan had the worst work-life balance?
2. What factors do you think contribute to Japan's poor work-life balance
compared to other countries?
3. How important do you think it is to have a good work-life balance?
4. What advice would you give to someone struggling with their work-life
5. Would you rather work a job that pays well but you don't really enjoy, or a
job that you love but doesn't pay very well?
6. How do you think attitudes toward work-life balance differ between
generations, and why might this be the case?
7. How can employers and policymakers help to promote better work-life
balance for their workers and citizens, respectively?
8. Do you think work-life balance is a universal concern, or are there cultural
or individual differences in how people prioritize work and personal life?
9. What was your dream job when you were a child?
10. Have you had many jobs? What was your first one?
11. What are the most satisfying parts of your job?
12. What kind of job would you never want to do?
13. Do you think your current job will still exist in 50 years?

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