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2009 M/J

 “As they looked in the mirror they were amazed to find two
completely different people smiling back at them.” Use this
sentence as the beginning of your story.
 Write a story in which the central theme is flying.

2009 O/N

 Write a story in which forgiveness plays a central part.

 Write a story, or a part of a story, in which the character
discovers something vitally important that people need to know
about, but nobody will listen.

2010 M/J

 “Alex was someone who liked to live life ‘on the edge’ for too
long, barely managing to survive. Now, in desperation, she
would do anything…..”. Use this quotation as a start of a story.
 Write a story in which fire plays an essential part

2010 O/N

 A letter turns up which has been lost in the post for ten years.
Write a story which explains the effect of this letter when it is
finally delivered.
 “Slow and steady wins the race.” Write a story which
illustrates to this saying.

2011 M/J
 You witness an incident which you are forced to get involved in.
Use this idea as the basis for a narrative.
 Write a story based on an animal that escapes.

2011 O/N

 “Although they were forbidden to go, there they were, on the

other side of the steel fence, laughing hysterically.” Use this idea
as the basis for a narrative.
 Write a story that includes a practical joker as one of its

2012 M/J

 You have travelled backwards or forward in a time machine.

Begin your story with the opening of the machine door after you
have arrived in the past or the future.
 Write a story with the start of the opening of a door to a room
you are not supposed to enter.

2012 O/N

 Write a story entitled “Caught in the act”.

 Begin a story with a character that has lost something

2013 M/J

 Write a story based on an unusual and exciting secret.

 “One moment she was there, and the next…….”. Use this
sentence to start your story.

2013 O/N
 The teacher looked distraught, said ‘That’s it! I can’t take any
more’, and walked out of the classroom. Continue the story.
 Write a story which includes an amazing moment of realization.

2014 O/N

 ‘I’m afraid there’s nothing else for it. We have to go back.’ Write
a story beginning with these words.
 Write a story about a practical joke which goes wrong.

2014 M/J

 Write a story called ‘The Path that led to Nowhere’.

 Write a story that involves your attempt to cook a meal for

2015 M/J

 Write a story entitled ‘The Lesson’.

 Write a story which ends with the words, ‘I knew things would
be different from now on.’

2015 O/N

 You were walking along when someone rushed towards you,

asking for help. Write a story which starts at this point.
 Write a story called ‘A Way Out’.

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