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The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

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The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

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The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

....................., 3nsign 5ridge 0fficer /kills.................8)
The short ersion...................
......, >ieutenant 5ridge 0fficer 0fficer /kills...........87
/kills.......... .87
The long ersion..................
......................, >t. ommander 5ridge 0fficer /kills....8:
Introduction...................................................1 ommander 5ridge 0fficer /kills.........1,/kills.........1,
haracter reation..................
........2 ?eapons and 3quipment.............................11
aptains....................................................2 /hip ?eapons..................
areer Paths.......................................
Paths.........................................2 ..2 5eam ?eapons.................................
?eapons...................................12 ..12
Tactical 0fficer.................................2 Pro@ectile ?eapons.................
/cience 0fficer................
....2 /hip 3quipment.....................................
3quipment.......................................12 ..12
3ngineering 0fficer...........................4
0fficer...........................4 /hields................................................14
/pecies 5onuses..............................
5onuses...................................4 .....4 Deflector Dishes..................
dditional /tarting Traits......................6 Impulse 3ngines....................
5ridge 0fficers................
...........() onsoles.............................................1:
cquiring 5ridge 0fficers....................(( Deices...............................................1:
/trategies s for /electing
/electing 5ridge 5ridge 0fficers
0fficers ommodities.......................................1:
..(( "round ?eapons................
/tarting /hip.......................
......(, "round 3quipment..................................16
.........................(7 Personal /hields.................
ruisers...................................................(8 rmor..................................................2)
ruiser /tats...................................
....(8 !its......................
....(1 Deices...............................................2(
3scort /tats.......................
..................(1 5anks......................................................2(
/cience 9essels...............
........................(2 >eeling and dancement................
/cience 9essel /tats....................
.......(2 "rades s. ;anks...................
ombat 0eriew....................................
0eriew........................................(: ....(: /kill Point /pending /trategy...................28
/pace ombat.....................................
ombat.........................................(: ....(: ;etraining
;etraining #;especs&...........................21
.................(: Training and Promoting 5ridge 5ridge 0fficers...21
0fficers.. .21
;edirecting /hield Power....................(6 Aissions.......................................................24
/ubsystem /ettings............................,) /toryline 3pisodes.................................
3pisodes...................................24 ..24
5eams s. Torpedoes..........................,( Tutorial Aission ?alkthrough..............24
"round ombat.......................................,( 3pisode ?alkthroughs.............
.................,, /tranded in /pace..........................4)
5ridge 0fficer ommands................
ommands...................,7 ...,7 Diplomatic 0rders................
<lanking..............................................,8 Bide and /eek................................4(
3=pose and 3=ploit......................
........,8 /top the /ignal...............................47
Pausing...............................................,1 Ceutral one Diplomacy................
Diplomacy.................47 .47
!it /election..................
......................,1 The !uah'Aagh.............................
!uah'Aagh.............................48 48
/kills............................................................,2 ?ar is "ood for 5usiness................48
/tarfleet /kills.....................................
....,2 To 5oldly "o...................................41
/tarfleet >ieutenant /kills...................,4 Treasure Trading /ystem................42
/tarfleet >t. ommander /kills............,: /ecret 0rders.................................42
/tarfleet ommander /kills.................,6 Task <orce Bippocrates..................44
/tarfleet aptain /kills........................7( ity on the 3dge of Ceer...............4:
/tarfleet dmiral /kills........................7, 3=ploration Aissions................................:)
3ngineering /kills................................
....77 Patrol Aissions...................
/cience 0fficer /kills........................
.......72 PP and << ones..................................:(
Tactical 0fficer /kills........................
.......7: ?ar ones #ompetitie P3&..................:,
5ridge 0fficer /kills.............................
....76 <ederation 3conomics....................

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

3nergy redits...................
......................:7 nomalous Data #rafting&...................
.............:7 ommander ;omaine's Upgrade
;eplicators..........................................:8 <ormulas.............................................:4
/tarfleet Aerits...................
.....................:8 The -/tore.............................................:6
5adges of 3=ploration...............

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

?elcome to the <ederationE In the world of /tar Trek 0nline* all players start here.

?hy is thatF /ome people are attracted to <ederation characters for role-playing #;P&
reasons* inspired by the numerous teleision shows* moies and noels. They want to create
captains that follow in the footsteps of !irk* Picard and Ganeway.

There's an een simpler reason* though$ the <ederation is the only playable faction for
/T0 newcomers.  little bit of adancement is required to unlock !lingon characters* and
other potential playable factions like the ;omulans and ardassians remain on the drawing
board for the time being.

<ortunately* the <ederation offers a little bit of something for eeryone. <ed characters
en@oy a wealth of Player-ersus-3nemy #P3& content organiHed into /easonsJ and
3pisodes*J as well as the chance to e=plore preiously uncharted worlds. There are also
opportunities to sere on the front lines of the conflict with the !lingons in consensual
Player-ersus-Player #PP& Hones.

;ead on for information and tips on how to get the most out of eery aspect of your /T0
<ederation e=perience.

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

reasons$ it has a direct bearing on the

CHARACTER captain's abilities in away team #ground-
based& situations and determines the types

CREATION of kits the captain can use.

 captain
nlike many other AA0s* /T0
aatars consist of more than
@ust a single person or creature.
can't go it alone* so your
If you want to play your captain as the
first person into a firefight* this is the way
to go. Tactical 0fficer is the most direct
combat-based career and the most intuitie
<ederation aatar also includes bridge for /T0 newcomers.
officers and one of numerous different
types of starships. The special abilities for Tactical 0fficers
focus on either dealing damage directly*
aiding the stealth capabilities of the away

Captains team or proiding group combat buffs.

Tactical kits generally proide additional
<ollowing real life naal tradition* your attack options* either by offering secondary
main character is referred to as a captain ranged attacks or beefing up melee
regardless of his or rank within /tarfleet. attacks.
The gender* name and appearance of your
captain are all completely customiHable at
the start of the game. 0ther decisions This is the most direct <ederation
inoling your captain are more than equialent to the buff%debuff classes from
cosmetic and require some more thought other popular AA0s. /cience 0fficers learn
as to your desired play style. abilities that affect combat by putting
enemies at a disadantage #especially ia
holds or resistance debuffs& or by aiding
Career Paths fellow away team members.
/T0 allows for a lot more fle=ibility than
many other AA0s in terms of progression
and the roles each player can play in
combat. Boweer* the captain's career path
decision is still an important one for two

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

Bealing is also an important ability for • #umans get the usual @ack-of-all-
/cience 0fficers* though it doesn't define trades role in the /T0 unierse.
them like it does in some other games. They get a (1K bonus to ship repair
Though this can be a tricky path for and a 1K team bonus to 3=ploit
beginners* it doesn't take too much time to attacks* a special kind of attack that
see the alue and power /cience proides. takes adantage of a weakened foe.

• $ndorians hae heightened senses

/pecialiHing in the technology of the /T0 that are helpful in combat. They
unierse* 3ngineering 0fficers are the receie ,)K bonuses to spotting
support people for the <ederation.  key enemies using /tealth and ()K
ability learned early on is the power to bonuses to personal 3=ploit attacks.
recharge the personal shields of away team
members* which greatly increases the • %a&orans make good /cience or
chances of suriing ground combat. 3ngineering officers thanks to their
special abilities. long with 1K
That shield-boosting quality also allows bonuses to healing or damage using
3ngineers to fill the tank role familiar to kits* they get a ()K bonus from
players of other AA0s. !its used in this heals used on them and speedier
path can bring turrets* drones and mines regeneration of health.
into play* tilting battlefield conditions in the
player's faor. • %en'ites hae natural armor that
make them effectie tanks. That
armor gies them built-in damage
Speies !on"ses resistance to energy and physical
Aany <ederation players hae ;P attacks as well as radiation and to=ic
motiations for choosing the species of damage.
their captains thanks to T9 and the moies.
5ut there are game-based reasons for • %eta'oids hae mental powers not
choosing carefully here* as eery species found in other species. Their
has seeral innate abilities. empathy reduces aggro and
increases regeneration for the whole
away team* and their telepathy has
seeral small beneficial effects.

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

• %olians get one of the least useful allowing for ery specialiHed
bonuses. They hae corrosie blood combinations for adanced players.
that can deal damage to enemies L 0n the cosmetic side* aliens also
but only under ery specific hae a much larger set of
circumstances L and ,)K damage appearance options.
resistance to to=ic attacks.

• aurians are reptilians with innate

resistances to fire* plasma and to=ic
Damage-oer-TIme #DoT& effects.
They also share the same /tealth
detection and 3=ploit bonuses with

• rill characters get an increased

metabolism as their only species
ability. This grants them increased
health regeneration and some
resistance to radiation and to=ic

• *ulcans are a well-known race

whose logical minds gie them
resistances to Psionic attacks and
onfuse or Placate effects. They're
also tough hand-to-hand combatants
thanks to a ()K melee damage

• $liens are a catch-all category that

allows players to create a unique
species that hasn't officially @oined
the <ederation. liens can choose all
four of their special abilities*

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

A##itional Starting Traits Peak Bealth M()K To=ic D;

and ma= hit
0n top of the species bonuses* captains points
get to pick from a pool of additional starting
Physical /trength M()K Physical
traits that grant e=tra bonuses. These traits melee damage
come in both ground-based and space-
;esilient M1K 3nergy and
based categories$ Physical D;

/oldier M1K 3nergy

+round )rait %onuses damage* M()
ritical hit
cute /enses M,)K /tealth seerity
detection* M()K
3=ploit damage /tubborn M8)K ;un /peed
resistance* M,)K
ggressie M1K to all Bold resistance*
Damage* M1K M1)K Placate
Threat "eneration resistance
/turdy M()K Physical
old 5looded M()K Plasma and and !inetic D;
M,1K <ire and !nockback
damage resistance
/ure <ooted M8)K ;oot
oert M()K /tealth resistance* M(,K
strength !nockback
reatie M1K to kit
healing or Telekinesis 3=tra attack
damage doing(1 Physical
damage and 7)
>ucky M7K ritical hit ft. !nockback
Telepathic M,) /tealth
Aental Discipline M(1K Psionic D;* detection* M(.1K
M,)K resistance 3=pose chance* (
to onfuse and sec. 3=pose
Placate duration

Catural M77K ;adiation

Immunities and To=ic D;

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

5ridge 0fficers come in the same three

(pace )rait %onuses
flaors as captains* and their strengths and
ccuracy M).( to hit w% weaknesses when it comes to ground
space weapons
combat are pretty much the same. In space

strophysicist M() /tarship is where they really shine* granting ships

0perations skill e=tra powers they wouldn't otherwise hae.

3fficient M1 to all /tarship • actical %ridge fficers enhance

subsystems the damage done by ship weapons*
with indiidual powers focused on
3lusie M).( Defense to
space weapons beam weapons or torpedoes. They
also hae ttack Patterns that can
Techie M() /tarship
3ngineering skill increase turning speed* erase status
training effects like Bolds and grant other
abilities for short periods of time.
?arp Theorist M() /tarship
?arp ore skill • cience %ridge fficers bring
training their buff%debuff game to space
battles. ommon powers include
aptains can select a number of traits tractor beams to induce Bolds* other
equal to four minus the number of species beams to reduce enemy shields and
traits. <or e=ample* Bumans hae two holopro@ectors to onfuse opposing
species traits and can pick two additional* ships.
while liens hae no species traits and can
pick four from the tables aboe. • -ngineering %ridge fficers are
e=perts at rerouting power between
a s hip's subsystems. The

!ri#ge Offiers 3mergency Power to /hields and

3mergency Power to ?eapons
?hat good would a <ederation captain abilities are e=tremely useful
be without a competent crew to assist him general boosts.
or herF 5ridge officers help grant additional
abilities to starships during space combat
and fill out the remainder of the fie-person
way Teams for ground-based missions.

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

A$"iring !ri#ge Offiers path* it only makes sense that you would
want 5ridge 0fficers with /cience and
?hen you roll a new /T0 <ederation 3ngineering abilities to ensure your team is
captain* you start with no 5ridge 0fficers. well-rounded.
Nou'll gain the first one by the end of the
tutorial mission and hae a chance to add There's another good reason to seek out
seeral others fairly early on. at least one 5ridge 0fficer of each type as
soon as possible* and that's in order to
s your captain progresses in rank and hae all of the consoles on your ship
gains access to larger ships* the amount of properly manned. 0ur starting ship #about
5ridge 0fficers you can hae at one time which you'll learn more in the ne=t section&
will increase as well. Cew additions to your has one 3nginering* one /cience and one
crew can come as grade rewards or mission Tactical console. Aanning each console
rewards* including some special missions with the corresponding type of 5ridge
that will allow you access to 5ridge 0fficers 0fficer will allow you to hae access to
that can't be obtained through any other three special abilities in space combat
methods. situations.

/tarfleet merits can also be used to s your captain progresses in rank and
requisition 5ridge 0fficer candidates at the gains access to new types of ships* you'll
3arth /pacedock or other /tarbases discoer that each category of ship has a
throughout <ederation space. different mi= of console types. That will
become a main consideration going forward
in terms of how many of each type of
Strategies for Seleting 5ridge 0fficer you want around.
!ri#ge Offiers
Don't forget that 5ridge 0fficers also
/ince all types of abilities are useful in make up the bulk of your away team in
/T0* it's easy to see why you would want to ground-based missions. Nou can choose
choose 5ridge 0fficers to compliment your 0fficers that aren't assigned to consoles on
captain's talents. <or instance* if you chose your ship to the away team and can change
Tactical 0fficer for your captain's career the make-up of the team in-between
missions* but it's still a good idea to hae a
ariety of options at your disposal.

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

Bere again* the right 5ridge 0fficers can

truly ma=imiHe your away team's abilities. If
Starting Ship
your captain is a Tactical 0fficer* he can do
more of the damage-dealing himself and Throughout your <ederation career*
could use the support of seeral /cience or you'll hae the chance to operate seeral
3ngineering types for healing and%or different types and classes of starships. 5ut
defense. onersely* if your captain's at the beginning of the game* all captains
career path is /cience* you may find haing start out with the same ship* a >ight
multiple Tactical 5ridge 0fficers on your ruiser.
away team ensures that you aren't Nou will be able to change the
outgunned. appearance of your starting ship at no
charge thanks to a reward at the end of the
It's also important to note that no two tutorial mission* but achieing the rank of
5ridge 0fficers are alike* een if they hae >t. ommander is the only way to be able
the same specialty. They each hae to fly new ships on missions.
different bonuses depending on their Nour >ight ruiser has two forward
species* @ust like your captain* and they weapons slots and one aft #rear&* along with
hae access to different ground and space one of each type of console #3ngineering*
abilities as well. /cience and Tactical&. The mi= of weapons
and equipment is always the same when
s you encounter situations where you you first begin your /tarfleet career* but
hae the option to take on new 5ridge you'll ery quickly be able to swap some of
0fficers* it pays to spend a few moments to it out for improed gear found as drops left
e=amine their inherent abilities. Though behind by defeated enemies or as rewards
they can be trained to learn the specific for completed missions.
abilities you's like them to hae* it's often
possible to find the ones you want @ust by

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

s you may hae discoered with your

SHIPS starting ship* each type of ship actually has
three classes L for e=ample* the >ight

ruiser category encompasses the Airanda*
hat would a good /tarfleet /hi!ahr and entaur classes L and you're
captain be without his free to choose from any of the three when
starshipF Though eery you select a new ship. Boweer the
<ed player starts with an identical >ight differences between the classes are strictly
ruiser* as soon as you achiee the rank of cosmetic and don't affect gameplay.
>ieutenant ommander* you'll hae some
choices to make as to what kind of ship 0ne final note on choosing ships$ it may
you'd like to command. seem like there is an obious choice to
make for your ship type based on your
/hips fall into three basic categories$ career path. t first glance* 3scorts seem
ruisers* 3scorts and /cience 9essels. 3ach right for Tactical 0fficers* ruisers for
category has its own strengths and 3ngineers and /cience 9essels for /cience
weaknesses* allowing for a ariety of 0fficers.
different play styles. /hips are also diided
into fie tiers which correspond to the There's some logic in that thinking*
minimum rank you need to use each one. because players who choose to be Tactical
0fficers* for instance* probably are apt to
0ne nice thing about /T0 is that it think offense first in both ground and space
doesn't make you commit to one type of battles. 5ut you may find that a different
ship for the rest of your <ed career. Nou type of ship works better for you based on
could potentially switch up the category of how you like to play in space* and thanks to
ship you select eery time you achiee a the aried abilities your 5ridge 0fficers
new rank #you can also buy a new ship if bring to the table* there's really no penalty
you rack up enough energy credits&* though for thinking outside the bo= here. Don't be
you will likely find that doing so may not be afraid to go against the grain.
the most efficient use of the skill points
you'e earned. /till* the option is there.

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

lasses$ heyenne* /targaHer and

Cr"isers Dakota
rew$ 1))
9ersatility is the main adantage a ?eapon /lots$ 7 front* 7 rear
cruiser brings into play. They carry large Deice /lots$ 8
crews* allowing for rapid repair of hull Tactical /tations$ ( >ieutenant
damage and easy use of abilities that focus 3ngineering /tations$ ( >t. ommander*
on boarding parties or engineering teams. ( 3nsign
/cience /tations$ ( >ieutenant
ruisers also hae the most power to onsole Upgrades$ ( Tactical* ( /cience*
distribute among their subsystems. 7 3ngineering
<ittingly* they hae more 3ngineering
console stations than other ships. Tier 8$ 3=ploration ruiser
lasses$ "ala=y* elestial and 3noy
5ecause of their large siHe* cruisers gie rew$ (*)))
up something in speed and ?eapon /lots$ 8 front* 7 rear
maneuerability. Deice /lots$ 8
Tactical /tations$ ( >ieutenant
3ngineering /tations$ ( ommander* (
Cr"iser Stats >ieutenant
Tier ,$ ruiser /cience /tations$ ( >ieutenant
lasses$ onstitution* 3=calibur and onsole Upgrades$ , Tactical* , /cience*
9esper 7 3ngineering
rew$ 8))
?eapon /lots$ , front* , rear Tier 1$ ssault ruiser
Deice /lots$ 8 lasses$ /oereign* Coble and Aa@estic
Tactical /tations$ ( 3nsign rew$ :))
3ngineering /tations$ ( 3nsign* ( ?eapon /lots$ 8 front* 8 rear
>ieutenant Deice /lots$ 8
/cience /tations$ ( 3nsign Tactical /tations$ ( >ieutenant* ( 3nsign
onsole Upgrades$ ( Tactical* ( /cience* 3ngineering /tations$ ( ommander* (
, 3ngineering >ieutenant ommander
/cience /tations$ ( >ieutenant
Tier 7$ Beay ruiser

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

onsole Upgrades$ 7 Tactical* , /cience* Esort Stats

8 3ngineering
Tier ,$ 3scort
Tier 1$ /tar ruiser lasses$ /aber* ;apier and Ushaan
lasses$ enger* 9anguard and rew$ 1)
3missary ?eapon /lots$ 7 front* ( rear
rew$ (*))) Deice /lots$ ,
?eapon /lots$ 8 front* 8 rear Tactical /tations$ ( >ieutenant* ( 3nsign
Deice /lots$ 8 3ngineering /tations$ ( 3nsign
Tactical /tations$ ( >ieutenant /cience /tations$ ( 3nsign
3ngineering /tations$ ( ommander* ( onsole Upgrades$ , Tactical* ( /cience*
>t. ommander ( 3ngineering
/cience /tations$ ( >ieutenant* ( 3nsign
onsole Upgrades$ , Tactical* 7 /cience* Tier 7$ Beay 3scort
8 3ngineering lasses$ kira* 0slo and ephyr
rew$ ())
?eapon /lots$ 7 front* , rear

Esorts Deice /lots$ ,

Tactical /tations$ ( >t. ommander* (
Though the <ederation has always 3nsign
maintained that it doesn't hae ships built 3ngineering /tations$ ( >ieutenant
specifically for war* 3scorts are pretty good /cience /tations$ ( >ieutenant
at it. They tend to be small but mighty* onsole Upgrades$ 7 Tactical* ( /cience*
packing plenty of firepower L including ( 3ngineering
cannons* which other ships can't use L and
marrying it with superior straight-line and Tier 8$ Tactical 3scort
turning speed. lasses$ Defiant* 9igilant and "allant
rew$ 1)
0n the minus side* their small crews ?eapon /lots$ 8 front* , rear
mean that hull repairs are slow and they Deice /lots$ 8
aren't the best with boarding party abilities. Tactical /tations$ ( ommander* (
Their shields are also relatiely weak* >ieutenant
meaning a good defense is usually a really 3ngineering /tations$ ( >ieutenant
good offense. /cience /tations$ ( >ieutenant

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

onsole Upgrades$ 7 Tactical* , /cience*

, 3ngineering
Siene Vessels
Tier 1$ danced 3scort Intended to be the showcase for the
lasses$ Prometheus* Phoeni= and most adanced <ederation technology*
erberus /cience 9essels boast the most powerful
rew$ (1) shields and sensors of any ships. The
?eapon /lots$ 8 front* 7 rear former is self-e=planatory* while the latter
Deice /lots$ , pays off with an edge for any abilities that
Tactical /tations$ ( ommander* ( >t. rely on deflector dishes or arrays.
3ngineering /tations$ ( >ieutenant /cience 9essels aren't intended to be
/cience /tations$ ( >ieutenant* ( 3nsign primary front-line combat ships* so their
onsole Upgrades$ 8 Tactical* , /cience* hulls can't stand up to as much damage as
7 3ngineering ruisers or 3scorts. They do hae an
inherent ability to detect cloaked ships*
Tier 1$ <leet 3scort which is e=tremely beneficial when going
lasses$ Bermes* "ryphon and Derish up against the !lingons.
rew$ ,))
?eapon /lots$ 8 front* 7 rear
Deice /lots$ ,
Siene Vessel Stats
Tactical /tations$ ( ommander* ( >t. Tier ,$ /cience 9essel
ommander lasses$ Coa* urora and Ouasar
3ngineering /tations$ ( >ieutenant* ( rew$ ())
3nsign ?eapon /lots$ , front* , rear
/cience /tations$ ( >ieutenant Deice /lots$ 7
onsole Upgrades$ 8 Tactical* 7 /cience* Tactical /tations$ ( 3nsign
, 3ngineering 3ngineering /tations$ ( 3nsign
/cience /tations$ ( >ieutenant* ( 3nsign
onsole Upgrades$ ( Tactical* , /cience*
( 3ngineering

Tier 7$ ;esearch /cience 9essel

lasses$ 0lympic* Bope and BoriHon

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

rew$ 8))
?eapon /lots$ 7 front* , rear Tier 1$ Deep /pace /cience 9essel
Deice /lots$ 7 lasses$ Trident* 0racle and Destiny
Tactical /tations$ ( >ieutenant rew$ 1))
3ngineering /tations$ ( >ieutenant ?eapon /lots$ 7 front* 7 rear
/cience /tations$ ( >t. ommander* ( Deice /lots$ 7
3nsign Tactical /tations$ ( >ieutenant
onsole Upgrades$ ( Tactical* 7 /cience* 3ngineering /tations$ ( >ieutenant* (
( 3ngineering 3nsign
/cience /tations$ ( ommander* ( >t.
Tier 8$ >ong ;ange /cience 9essel ommander
lasses$ Intrepid* ochrane and onsole Upgrades$ , Tactical* 8 /cience*
Discoery 7 3ngineering
rew$ ,))
?eapon /lots$ 7 front* 7 rear
Deice /lots$ 7
Tactical /tations$ ( >ieutenant
3ngineering /tations$ ( >ieutenant
/cience /tations$ ( ommander* (
onsole Upgrades$ , Tactical* 7 /cience*
, 3ngineering

Tier 1$ ;econnaissance /cience 9essel

lasses$ >una* /ol and Polaris
rew$ 71)
?eapon /lots$ 7 front* 7 rear
Deice /lots$ 7
Tactical /tations$ ( >ieutenant* ( 3nsign
3ngineering /tations$ ( >ieutenant
/cience /tations$ ( ommander* ( >t.
onsole Upgrades$ 7 Tactical* 8 /cience*
, 3ngineering

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

spending the most time with your strongest

COM!AT weapons and shields facing your enemy
and the least time e=posing your weak

OVERVIE% points.
Boweer the battles do unfold in real
time* often leaing you little time to think

E en



mission is one of e=ploration*
once you're in the thick of the action.
Baing a plan before engaging the enemy
is always a smart idea.

friendly in the /T0 unierse for long. ?hen
the shooting starts* it helps to know how to
win battles in space or on land. 3=cept in some ery rare mission-
specific situations* your goal in any space
battle will be to reduce the hull hit points of

Spae Co&bat the enemy ship or ships to Hero before

yours does the same. Nour current hull
status is represented by the ship icon at the
5attles between large starships are a bottom center of the screen* while the ship
staple of /T0's source material and a ma@or you are targeting has a similar icon at the
focus of the game. It's a rare mission that top of the screen. Bull damage is slowly
doesn't inole een one encounter with an repaired by your ship's crew as long as it is
enemy ship* and it's not uncommon to face not taking damage.
wae after wae of opponents in some
cases. nyone who knows the /T0 unierse
knows that shields are important to space
The space combat system is similar to combat. Though some damage can slip
that of 393 0nline in that it doesn't rely on through to the hull een when shields are
refle=es and who has the fastest trigger at full power* eliminating the shields allows
finger. It's more about positioning and all the damage from weapons to apply
utiliHing your ship's resources effectiely* directly to the hull.

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

/hields hae separate hit points for the fires all of your beam weapons that can
front* back and both sides of eery ship* currently hit your target* while pressing
and are displayed in both numeric and color control-spacebar does the same for torpedo
bar form around the ship icons. The game weapons.
will gie you an audible cue when either
your facing shield or your opponent's is In order to keep your ship facing the
completely down. correct direction for shield and weapon
purposes* you'll want to be moing while
?hen it comes to ship weapons* firing you fight. In combat situations* full impulse
arcs are the key. 3ery weapon has a power is disabled* but your throttle still
specific arc within which in can fire* works the same way it does while flying in
meaning keeping your ship facing so that non-combat areas.
your current target is in the ma=imum
number of firing arcs simultaneously is a ;emember that turning speed is more
key part of space combat. important than straight-line speed when it
comes to space battles. That means captain
/ometimes this leads to some counter- and 5ridge 0fficer abilities to increase
intuitie situations for e=ample* a ship with turning speed are always helpful* and since
phasers with ,()-degree firing arcs in the turning in tight spaces isn't always possible
front and back can bring them both to bear while running flat out* it often pays to ease
if one of its sides is facing the enemy. In off the throttle @ust a bit in a fight.
general* more powerful weapons hae
smaller firing arcs* the better to help
Re#ireting Shiel# Po'er
balance them out.
0ne of the faorite tactics from Trek T9
Though all of you ship weapons are shows and moies is not only iable in /T0
automatically mapped to different number but absolutely essential in some cases$ re-
keys* it can sometimes be difficult to keep routing your shield power in one particular
track of your weapons' firing arcs in the direction. This is done by clicking on the
heat of battle. <ortunately* there are two corresponding arrow on your ship icon at
helpful shortcuts$ pressing the spacebar the bottom of the screen.

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

licking on the forward arrow* for does this automatically when you use full
e=ample* will take power from the side and impulse power in non-combat situations*
rear shields to boost the forward shield. routing much of the power to the engines to
0biously* this weakens the other three greatly increase speed.
sides* but that may not matter if an enemy
is pounding you from one direction. The icons aboe the subsystems can
switch you quickly between four subsystem
<orcing power to one shield is a settings. <rom left to right* they are$
temporary measure* but it can be ery
helpful when you are faced with a single • ttack L Takes power from 3ngines
enemy and want to keep your most and u=iliary to boost weapons
powerful weapons within their firing arcs. while keeping /hields at normal
It's not as desirable when fending off leels. This is a good scheme when
multiple attackers* as you need to worry fighting a single powerful enemy
about taking simultaneous hits from ship* especially if that ship is slower
multiple directions. than yours and the loss in
maneuerability won't hurt you.
• Defense L The opposite of ttack*
S"bs(ste& Settings this setting increases power to
/hields at the e=pense of 3ngines
Nour ship has four subsystems which are and u=iliary while keeping
represented by small icons on the bottom ?eapons unchanged.  good use for
of the screen between your shield and this setting is against multiple
weapons controls. <rom top to bottom* they speedy but weak enemies* where
are ?eapons* /hields* 3ngines and you wouldn't be able to keep up with
u=iliary #things like sensors and deflector them anyway and can simply shrug
dishes&. off incoming fire while you attack.
• /peed L Though it doesn't quite get
The default setting eenly distributes the you to full impulse leels* this
power from your ship's core to all four setting increases 3ngines while
subsystems. Boweer* it's possible to decreasing ?eapons and /hields*
change that distribution* taking power from leaing u=iliary untouched. If
some areas to boost another. Nour ship you're in oer your head and decide

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

discretion would be the better part >et's use your starting ship as an
of alor* this setting may allow you e=ample. It has phasers mounted in front
to outrun your foes and escape and back with ery wide firing arcs* along
combat altogether. with a photon torpedo launcher in the front
• 5alanced L This is the default setting with a narrow firing arc. ?hile your enemy's
with power eenly diided. shields are still fairly strong* facing it with
your left or right side is best* as both
The settings can be changed at any phasers will be able to target and wear
time* though it does take a few seconds for down the shields.
the power to flow from one scheme to
another. 0nce the enemy's facing shields are low
or down* it makes sense to turn the nose of
your ship around* where one phaser can
!ea&s )s* Torpe#oes still strike and the photon torpedoes can hit
for big hull damage.
During the tutorial mission* you'll learn
that beam weapons #like phasers and There are e=ceptions* of course* and
disruptors& are more effectie against sometimes especially fast hostile ships will
shields while torpedoes #most famously force you to simply throw whateer you can
photon torpedoes* basically the missiles of at them while they buHH around. 5ut in
the /T0 unierse& do more damage directly general* using beams against shields and
to a ship's hull. This is an important enough torpedoes against the hull is the way to go.
concept that it's worth reinforcing here.

Aost of the time* you'll want to use your +ro"n# Co&bat

beam weapons to wear down your
opponents' shields and use torpedoes only
after the shields are considerably Cot eery dispute in the /T0 unierse
weakened or down completely. Torpedo can be settled out in space. There are many
launchers hae longer recharge times and times your crew will hae to get up close
smaller firing arcs compared to beam and personal with the <ederation's
weapons* so you don't want to wasteJ enemies* either on the surfaces of distant
them in less than optimal circumstances. planets or after beaming aboard ships or

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

0n the defensie side* double-tapping

Nour captain won't fight alone* howeer* any of the moement keys will make your
but as part of a fie-person away team. captain die and roll in that direction. This
3=cept in missions where you are teaming is a useful trick for getting out of tight
with other human-controlled captains* most situations* like when you hae enemies
often the team will be comprised of your surrounding you* and briefly increases your
5ridge 0fficers. chances of aoiding attacks. Cote that the
die moe has a recharge time of seeral
During ground battles you control only seconds.
your captain* but the other members of
your team will follow any orders you issue The icon in the upper-left corner
to them and use their special abilities on represents the current status of our
command. captain. The top bar shows the strength of
your personal shield L which absorbs
damage until it reaches Hero and
!asis regenerates when you aoid taking any
damage for a specific amount of time L and
fter playing the tutorial mission* you'll the bottom bar displays your health. /imilar
already know the basics of moing* icons for the other members of your away
targeting and attacking using the keyboard. team are arranged on the left side of the
The keys you'll use most often are the ?* * screen.
/ and D keys to moe your captain and the
number keys to use your attacks and other The goal of ground battles is simple$
abilities. reduce your enemies to Hero health before
they do the same to your away team. If
lso important is the  key* which will your captain is reduced to Hero health* you
allow your captain to aim his or her will be unconscious and unable to continue
weapon. This increases the damage done to fight. 0ne of your 5ridge 0fficers may be
by attacks at the e=pense of slower able to reie you once they dispatch any
moement pressing  again returns your nearby foes.
captain to a normal moement state.

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

onersely* your captain can reie /till* you will eentually encounter
other unconscious members of the away tougher foes and desire some more control
team using the ardiopulmonary oer your 5ridge 0fficers. /T0 gies you
;esuscitation ability that all players know. If that control by allowing you to issue
your entire away team is wiped #eeryone indiidual or group orders using the icons
is unconscious&* you will hae to start oer by the status bars on the left side of the
from the nearest respawn point. screen.
The group commands run across the top
/T0 ground combat isn't as comple= as of the 0fficer status bars. <rom left to right*
it is in some other AA0s* but there are they are$
subtleties and tactics to learn in order to
win battles against the tougher enemies • Passie Aode L This tells your
you'll run into during your /tarfleet career. 0fficers not to attack* een if
attacked by enemies. They will
continue to use heals and buffs.
!ri#ge Offier Co&&an#s • ttack Aode L This tells crew
members to use attacks and special
The 5ridge 0fficers who make up the abilities as they see fit. Nour 0fficers
bulk of your away team #or the generic default to this mode.
/ecurity officers you hae early in the • "roup Target L licking this icon will
game& are capable combatants. In their tell all of your 0fficers to target the
default state* they will follow your captain same character your captain is
around* taking his or her lead on when to currently targeting. This is a ery
start fighting. They will use their special effectie tactic when fighting boss-
ground abilities fairly intelligently and can leel enemies* as it focuses the
defeat many common enemies without firepower of your entire away team
special instructions. on one foe.
• ;ally Point L This sets a point to
which all of your 5ridge 0fficers will
trael. It's handy for gathering the
members of your away team if they

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

get spread out during a battle* but ?hen

?hen fighti
ng a parti
y stubb
as /T0 ground combat tends to take enemy
enemy or mob*
mob* gaini
ng flanki
ng positi
place in relatiely
relatiely small
small areas*
areas* it's can
can be a big
big help
help.. This
This simp
ly mean
not as crucial as you may think. attacking from the sides or rear of your foe*
h allo
ws your
your atta
s to do e=tr
The final icon* >eae Team* allows you to damage.
e=it a group in cooperatie missions where
you are teamed with other player-controlled Nou can't order your 5ridge 0fficers to
s and is not applicable
applicable in situatio
ns take flanking positions* so this tactic can be
e you
you are
are lead
g your
your own
own away
away carri
rried out
out most
ost effe
ely by you
team. captain.
captain. ?hen you see enemies
enemies engaged
with your 5ridge 0fficers* you'll often hae
ic comm
nds can
can be gie
n to opportunities to moe around and dish out
al away
away team members
members using
using the flanking damage yourself.
icons to the left of their status bars. These
e Pass
e Aode
Aode** cti
e Aode
Aode and
and Cote
Cote that
that your
your enemie
s can also take
;ally Point. adantage of flanking* but /T0 gies you
both isual and audio warnings to let you
y* the
the icon
s to the
the righ
rightt of your
your know when this is happening.
5ridge 0fficers can be used to actiate their
ground abilities. s noted aboe* in ctie
Aode the 0fficers will use their abilities
abilities on
E.pose an# E.ploit
their own L and generally pretty 5oth special abilities and the secondary
intelligently L but there will still be plenty of attacks of certain weapons can create the
times you will want a specific ability used at 3=pose effect* which puts the target into a
y the
the right
ight time
time.. 5rid
ge 0ffi
cer uln
le stat
e for
for seer
al seco
s hae isible recharge
recharge timers
timers @ust Though some /T0 players hae e=pressed
like your captain's abilities so you can see some displeasure
displeasure at the lack of logic behind
when they are aailable. why
why certa
in atta
s work
work this
this way*
way* it
shouldn't stop you from using them to your


The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

3=ploit attacks do e=tra damage once a Nou get a total of 81 seconds of pause
target is 3=posed. These are also aailable time
time durin
g each
each groun
d insta
nce** so be
to you through the secondary
secondary attack modes sure to use the time wisely. ommands can
of arious ground weapons. be issued to your 5ridge 0fficers while the
mission is paused* making it a useful way to
The best way to use 3=pose and 3=ploit make
make sure
sure your
your atta
ck plan
plan is in orde
er is to make
make sure
sure your
your 5rid
ge before taking on a boss or a large mob.
rs are
are equi
ed with
with weap
s or
s that can 3=pose
3=pose targets.
targets. Used in
m with
with the group
group Target
Target comma
/it Seletion
will almost ensure that sturdier
sturdier boss-type
es will
will be left
left ulner
le at some
some 0ne final way to gie your away team
point during a fight. more options in ground combat situations is
to swap
swap the
the kit
kit your
your capt
n is wear
If your captain is armed with an 3=ploit- Though kits will be coered in more detail
enabled weapon* you can hit the ulnerable in the section on ?eapons and 3quipment*
targets yourself for e=tra damage. The icon you
you shou
ld alre
y know
know that
that eer
y kit
on a weapon's 3=ploit attack will flash when grants the wearer a different special ability*
your curren
currentt targe
targett is 3=pose
d* so you'll
you'll and you can replace your captain's kit with
always know the right time to strike. another one in your inentory at any time.

If you find your away team is continually

Pa"sing getting wiped at the same spot on a ground
mission and you'e
you'e tried
tried eerythi
ng else*
If the heat of battle gets
gets to be too much try lookin
g throug
h your
your aaila
ble kits
kits to
and you find
find yourse
lf oerw
med** you see if there is an attack or ability that might
can use the Pause one button on the right help.
side of the screen to get a brief respite.
There isn't an in-game
in-game e=planation
e=planation for why
you can stop time* but the <ederation has
some pretty cool technology* so try not to
worry about it too muchE

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide


S T0 is a skil

s like

like stre

d game

game.. That

th** agil

's not
not unus

y* inte

foundation upon which your character is built.
uall for

ce and
for an AA0*

and the
AA0* but

the like
but sinc

like L skil

e your
<ederation captain doesn't hae any attributes L things you may see in other
games ls trul
y are
are the

The career path you chose at the beginning of the game affects the skills aailable to
you* but not as much as you might think. That's because the ma@ority of skills are aailable
to anyone* and only a small percentage of the oerall number of skills is restricted by

The /T0 skill system also has an interesting twist in that it doesn't rely on prerequisites.
Though a new selection of skills is opened up eery time your captain adances in rank* all
of them are aailable regardless
regardless of the preious skills you'e chosen to inest in.

The result is a lot of fle=ibility in the way you decide to build your character. 9ery
d builds
builds are possib
le and make
make sense
sense for certai
n space-
sed skills
skills as you
progress. 5ut more general builds* spreading /kill Points around a broader selection of skills*
are also iable.

Starfleet S-ills
These skills are able to be learned
learned by any captain*
captain* regardles
s of career path.
path. Aost of
them are related to improing the performance of your ship* but some of the ones that can
be trained early in the game gie general bonuses to your 5ridge 0fficers.

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

Starfleet Lie"tenant S-ills

(kill .ame /ost 0er 1evel -ffect

3ngineering Team >eader () ) pts . 5oosts Aodification

Training and Aaintenance
Training skills of
3ngineering 5ridge

/cience Team >eader () ) pts . 5oosts /cientific Theory

and /cientific Practice
skills of /cience 5ridge

/tarship ttack 9ectors ( ) ) pt s . 5oosts accuracy of space

attacks and abilities that
use starship attack

/tarship ommand () ) pts . 5oosts hull strength*

turning speed and engine
speed of any starship

/tarship 3nergy ?eapons () ) pts . 5oosts energy beam and

Training cannon damage and skills
that modify any energy

/tarship 3ngineering () ) pts . 5oosts starship system

Training performance abilities

/tarship 0perations
0perations () ) pts . 5oosts starship sensor*
Training deflector and emitter

/tarship Pro@ectile
Pro@ectile () ) pts . 5oosts torpedo and mine
?eapons Training damage and skills
skills that
modify both kinds
kinds of

/tarship ?arp
?arp ore () ) pts . 5oosts power leels of
Training starship systems
systems and

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

power management

Tactical Team >eader ()) pts. 5oosts ssault Training

and lose ombat
Training skills of Tactical
5ridge 0fficers

Starfleet Lt* Co&&an#er S-ills

(kill /ost 0er 1evel -ffect

ruiser aptain ,)) pts. 5oosts hull strength*

turning speed and engine
speed of any type of

3scort aptain ,)) pts. 5oosts hull strength*

turning speed and engine
speed of any type of

/cience 9essel aptain ,)) pts. 5oosts hull strength*

turning speed and engine
speed of any type of
/cience 9essel

/tarship u=iliary /ystems ,)) pts. 5oosts starship au=iliary

Aaintenance system abilities

/tarship 5eam ?eapons ,)) pts. 5oosts damage of any

starship beam weapon
and abilities that modify
beam weapons

/tarship annon ?eapons ,)) pts. 5oosts damage of any

starship cannon weapon
and abilities that modify
cannon weapons

/tarship Deflectors ,)) pts. 5oosts starship deflector


/tarship 3mitters ,)) pts. 5oosts starship emitter

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide


/tarship 3ngine ,)) pts. 5oosts starship engine

Aaintenance system abilities

/tarship Aines ,)) pts. 5oosts damage of starship

mine weapons and abilities
that modify mine weapons

/tarship /ensors ,)) pts. 5oosts starship sensor


/tarship /hield ,)) pts. 5oosts starship shield

Aaintenance system abilities

/tarship Torpedo ,)) pts. 5oosts torpedo weapons

?eapons damage as well as abilities
that modify torpedo

/tarship ?eapons /ystem ,)) pts. 5oosts starship weapons

Aaintenance system abilities

Starfleet Co&&an#er S-ills

(kill /ost 0er 1evel -ffect

Beay ruiser aptain 7)) pts. 5oosts hull strength*

turning speed and engine
speed of a Beay ruiser

Beay 3scort aptain 7)) pts. 5oosts hull strength*

turning speed and engine
speed of a Beay 3scort

;esearch /cience 9essel 7)) pts. 5oosts hull strength*

aptain turning speed and engine
speed of a ;esearch
/cience 9essel

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

/tarship u=iliary /ystems 7)) pts. 5oosts starship au=iliary

3fficiency power abilities

/tarship Deflector Dish 7)) pts. 5oosts starship deflector

dish abilities

/tarship Disruptor 7)) pts. 5oosts damage of

?eapons disruptor ship weapons

/tarship 3nergy ?eapon 7)) pts. 5oosts starship weapon

3fficiency power abilities

/tarship 3ngine 3fficiency 7)) pts. 5oosts starship engine


/tarship Phaser ?eapons 7)) pts. 5oosts damage of phaser

ship weapons

/tarship Photon Pro@ectiles 7)) pts. 5oosts starship photon

pro@ectiles damage

/tarship Ouantum 7)) pts. 5oosts starship quantum

Pro@ectiles pro@ectiles damage

/tarship /ensor rray 7)) pts. 5oosts starship sensor

array abilities

/tarship /hield 3fficiency 7)) pts. 5oosts starship shield

power abilities

/tarship Tractor 5eam 7)) pts. 5oosts starship tractor

beam abilities

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

Starfleet Captain S-ills

(kill /ost 0er 1evel -ffect

3=ploration ruiser 8)) pts. 5oosts hull strength*

aptain turning speed and engine
speed of an 3=ploration

>ong ;ange /cience 8)) pts. 5oosts hull strength*

9essel aptain turning speed and engine
speed of a >ong ;ange
/cience 9essel

/tarship Deflector <ield 8)) pts. 5oosts starship deflector

field abilities

/tarship 3ngine 8)) pts. 5oosts starship engine

Performance functionality abilities

/tarship BaHard /ystem 8)) pts. 5oosts starship haHard

system abilities

/tarship Plasma 3nergy 8)) pts. 5oosts damage of plasma

?eapons energy ship weapons

/tarship Plasma 8)) pts. 5oosts damage of plasma

Pro@ectiles pro@ectile ship weapons

/tarship /ensor Probes 8)) pts. 5oosts starship sensor

probes abilities

/tarship /hield 8)) pts. 5oosts starship shield

Performance functionality abilities

/tarship /ubsystem 8)) pts. 5oosts starship subsystem

;epair repair speed and related

/tarship Tetryon ?eapons 8)) pts. 5oosts damage of tetryon

ship weapons

/tarship Transphasic 8)) pts. 5oosts damage of

Pro@ectiles transphasic pro@ectile ship

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

Tactical 3scort aptain 8)) pts. 5oosts hull strength*

turning speed and engine
speed of a Tactical 3scort

Starfleet A#&iral S-ills

(kill /ost 0er 1evel -ffect

danced 3scort aptain 1)) pts. 5oosts hull strength*

turning speed and engine
speed of an danced

ssault ruiser aptain 1)) pts. 5oosts hull strength*

turning speed and engine
speed of an ssault

strometrics 1)) pts. 5oosts starship

astrometrics abilities

Deep /pace /cience 1)) pts. 5oosts hull strength*

9essel aptain turning speed and engine
speed of a Deep /pace
/cience 9essel

<leet 3scort aptain 1)) pts. 5oosts hull strength*

turning speed and engine
speed of a <leet 3scort

Photonic Theory 1)) pts. 5oosts starship photonic

theory abilities

;econnaissance /cience 1)) pts. 5oosts hull strength*

9essel aptain turning speed and engine
speed of a
;econnaissance /cience

/patial nomaly 1)) pts. 5oosts starship spatial

anomaly abilities

/tar ruiser aptain 1)) pts. 5oosts hull strength*

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

turning speed and engine

speed of a /tar ruiser

/tarship ntiproton 1)) pts. 5oosts damage of

?eapons antiproton ship weapons

/tarship u=iliary /ystems 1)) pts. 5oosts starship au=iliary

Performance systems abilities

/tarship hroniton 1)) pts. 5oosts damage of

Pro@ectiles chroniton pro@ectile ship

/tarship Bull ;epair 1)) pts. 5oosts hull repair speed

and related abilities

/tarship Polaron ?eapons 1)) pts. 5oosts damage of polaron

ship weapons

/tarship Tricobalt 1)) pts. 5oosts damage of

Pro@ectiles tricobalt pro@ectile ship

/tarship ?eapons /ystem 1)) pts. 5oosts starship weapon

Performance functionality abilities

Engineering S-ills
3ngineers help out their teammates in ground combat scenarios in two ways. <irst and
foremost* they hae access to a number of defensie buffs that can improe shields and
armor. They also can create deices that can impact the battlefield in both offensie
#turrets& and defensie #fortifications& ways. These skills modify all of those abilities.

(kill /ost 0er 1evel -ffect

rmor 3ngineering 1)) pts. 5oosts armor engineering

#dmiral& abilities like 3quipment
Diagnostics and <use

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

ombat 3ngineer #>t. ,)) pts. 5oosts e=plosies* field

ommander& fortifications and field
logistics abilities

Drones #dmiral& 1)) pts. 5oosts drones abilities

like /upport Drone
<abrication and /eeker
Drone <abrication

3=plosies #ommander& 7)) pts. 5oosts e=plosies abilities

like hroniton Aine
5arrier and Transphasic

<abrication 3ngineer #>t. ,)) pts. 5oosts ground generators*

ommander& turrets and drones

<ield <ortifications 8)) pts. 5oosts field fortification

#aptain& abilities like oer /hield
and <orce <ield Dome

<ield >ogistics #dmiral& 1)) pts. 5oosts field logistics


<irearms 3ngineering 8)) pts. 5oosts firearms

#aptain& engineering abilities like
Ouick <i= and ?eapons

"enerators #ommander& 7)) pts. 5oosts ground generator


Aaintenance Training ()) pts. 5oosts ally buffs and

#>ieutenant& equipment fabrication

Aodification Training ()) pts. 5oosts enemy damage

#>ieutenant& and debuff and protect
ally abilities

Personal /hields 7)) pts. 5oosts personal shield

3ngineering #ommander& engineering abilities like
;eroute Power to /hields
and /hield ;echarge

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

Technician #>t. ,)) pts. 5oosts personal shields*

ommander& firearms and armor
engineering abilities

Turrets #aptain& 8)) pts. 5oosts turrets abilities like

Phaser Turret <abrication
and Ouantum Aortar

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

Siene Offier S-ills

>ike the buff%debuff classes in other AA0s* /cience 0fficers may take the most creatiity
to play effectiely. That doesn't mean that their path-specific skills are weak* though. long
with always helpful healing abilities* /cience skills include powerful ways to help control
enemies through holds and status effects. The following skills aid /cience-related abilities in
arious ways.

(kill /ost 0er 1evel -ffect

Doctor #>t. ommander& ,)) pts. 5oosts ground abilities

that ure* Beal or buff

3=ogeology #aptain& 8)) pts. 5oosts ground e=ogeology

abilities like "raimetric
/hift and Thermal 9ent

Aolecular hemistry 1)) pts. 5oosts molecular

#dmiral& chemistry abilities like
5iofilter /weep and Triage

Canite Treatments 1)) pts. 5oosts ground nanite

#dmiral& treatment abilities like
Canite Bealth Aonitor and
Canoprobe Infestation

Physiology #ommander& 7)) pts. 5oosts ground physiology

abilities like Aedical
Tricorder and 9ascular

Psychology #aptain& 8)) pts. 5oosts ground psychology

abilities like Ceural
CeutraliHer and

Ouantum Aechanics 1)) pts. 5oosts ground quantum

#dmiral& mechanic abilities like
Tachyon Barmonic and
Dampening <ield

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

;adiology #aptain& 8)) pts. 5oosts ground radiology

abilities like Byperonic
;adiation and /onic Pulse

;esearcher #>t. ,)) pts. 5oosts ground science

ommander& abilities that damage or
control enemies

/cientific Practice ()) pts. 5oosts ground science

#>ieutenant& abilities that Beal* ure or
buff allies

/cientific Theory ()) pts. 5oosts ground science

#>ieutenant& abilities that damage or
control enemies

/cientist #>t. ommander& ,)) pts. 5oosts ground science

abilities that damage or
debuff enemies

To=icology #ommander& 7)) pts. 5oosts ground to=icology

abilities like Bypospray-
Dyloene and nesthiHine

Qenobiology 7)) pts. 5oosts ground

#ommander& =enobiology abilities like
Tricorder /can and /tasis

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

Tatial Offier S-ills

/ince Tactical 0fficer is the career path most focused on direct damage-dealing* it's only
fitting that their unique skills help out in that regard. aptains who spend points improing
these skills help themseles and%or their 5ridge 0fficers become better at eliminating foes
with both ranged and melee attacks* as well as improing their stealth and aggro-controlling

(kill /ost 0er 1evel -ffect

danced ?arfare 1)) pts. 5oosts ground adanced

#dmiral& warfare abilities like
Target 0ptics and Aotion

ssault Training ()) pts. 5oosts damage from

#>ieutenant& rifles* assault weapons
and grenades and
improes ranged combat

lose ombat Training ()) pts. 5oosts damage from

#>ieutenant& pistols and martial arts
attacks and improes
close combat abilities

lose Protection #dmiral& 1)) pts. 5oosts ground close

protection abilities like
/ecurity 3scort and

<irearms #ommander& 7)) pts. 5oosts rifle* pistol and

assault weapon damage
and related abilities

"renades #ommander& 7)) pts. 5oosts grenade damage

and related abilities

Aartial rts #ommander& 7)) pts. 5oosts martial arts

damage and related

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

/ecurity #>t. ommander& ,)) pts. 5oosts pistol damage and

firearms* threat control
and close protection

/oldier #>t. ommander& ,)) pts. 5oosts rifle and grenade

damage and grenades*
tactics and squad
command abilities

/pecial <orces #>t. ,)) pts. 5oosts assault weapons

ommander& damage and martial arts*
stealth and adanced
warfare abilities

/quad ommand 1)) pts. 5oosts squad command

#dmiral& abilities like ;ally ry and
Tactical Initiatie

/tealth #aptain& 8)) pts. 5oosts stealth abilities

like /tealth Aodule and

Tactics #aptain& 8)) pts. 5oosts tactics abilities like

<ire on my Aark and
/moke "renade

Threat ontrol #aptain& 8)) pts. 5oosts threat control

abilities like /moke
"renade and Draw <ire

!ri#ge Offier S-ills

Nour 5ridge 0fficers bring a whole different set of skills into play. Nou can een say they
affect the game more directly* because while your captain's skills grant bonuses to actions
you or someone else perform* the 0fficer's skills add whole new abilities to your repertoire
on the ground and in space.

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

0fficers begin with @ust a single ground skill and a single space skill* both of which can be
improed by spending 5ridge 0fficer /kill Points on them. If you choose to promote them*
they gain access to an additional space and ground skill with each new rank* ma=ing out at
four of each once they reach the rank of ommander.

Nou'll know as soon as you welcome a new 5ridge 0fficer into your crew what skills they
will gain as they leel up* but he or she can be trained to learn a new skill by isiting the
proper trainer or by ma=ing out certain skills of your own that allow you to do the training
yourself. 5ridge 0fficers can only learn the skills specific to their career paths.

The following is a complete list of 5ridge 0fficer skills by rank$

Ensign !ri#ge Offier S-ills

(kill /areer

5eam <ire at ?ill I Tactical Improes ne=t beam array


5eam 0erload I Tactical Improes ne=t beam array


Draw <ire I Tactical Increases threat

generation* buffs allies'

3mergency Power to 3ngineering Temporarily increases

u=iliary I u=iliary subsystem

3mergency Power to 3ngineering Temporarily increases

3ngines I power to impulse engines

3mergency Power to 3ngineering Temporarily increases

/hields I power to shields

3mergency Power to 3ngineering Temporarily increases

?eapons I power to weapons

3ngineering Team I 3ngineering ;epairs hull damage and

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

subsystems* buffs
engineering skill for own
ship or ally

<ocus <ire I Tactical Debuffs damage

resistance of target

"raimetric /hift I /cience Bolds target and nearby


BaHard 3mitters I /cience ;emoes fire or radiation

haHards from ship* heals
some hull damage oer

Bypospray L Dyloene I /cience ;emoes to=in effects*

buffs physical damage
and D; on self or ally

Gam /ensors I /cience Preents enemy from

targeting you

>eg /weep I Tactical Aelee attack that can

knockback multiple

Aask 3nergy /ignature I /cience >essens the chances of

enemy ships detecting

Aedical Tricorder I /cience Beals self or ally

Aine 5arrier I Tactical Deploys fie chroniton

mines that deal kinetic

Photon "renade I Tactical ;anged attack that does

kinetic damage and

PolariHe Bull I /cience 5uffs energy D;* breaks

tractor beams

Ouick <i= I 3ngineering ;emoes mechanical

debuffs* buffs ranged

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

damage on self or ally

/cience Team I /cience ;epairs shield damage*

buffs science and
remoes holds on own
ship or ally

/hield ;echarge I 3ngineering ;estores personal shield

energy to self or ally

Tachyon 5eam I /cience Drains target ship's


Tachyon Barmonic I /cience one o3 attack that

damages personal shields
and destroys forcefields

Tactical Team I Tactical "rants tactical buff*

remoes crew and tactical
debuffs for own ship or

Torpedo$ Bigh Nield I Tactical 5oosts damage of ne=t

torpedo attack

Torpedo$ /pread I Tactical Turns ne=t torpedo attack

into o3 attack

Tractor 5eam I /cience /lows and preents

cloaking for target ship

Transfer /hield /trength I /cience 5oosts shields of ally ship

?eapons Aalfunction I 3ngineering Preents target from firing

ground weapons

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

Lie"tenant !ri#ge Offier S-ills

(kill /areer -ffect

ttack Pattern 5eta I Tactical Debuffs target ship's D;

when attacked

ttack Pattern Delta I Tactical Debuffs D; of any ship

that attacks targeted ally

u=iliary to 5attery I 3ngineering onerts au=iliary power

into battery that can be
used later

u=iliary to Dampeners I 3ngineering ;edirects au=iliary power

to buff kinetic D;

u=iliary to /tructural I 3ngineering ;edirects au=iliary power

to heal hull damage and
buff D;

5eam <ire at ?ill II Tactical Improes ne=t beam array


5eam 0erload II Tactical Improes ne=t beam array

attack but temporarily
takes beam weapons

5eam Target u=iliary II Tactical Targets u=iliary

subsystems of enemy ship
with ne=t beam array

5eam Target 3ngines II Tactical Targets 3ngines

subsystems of enemy ship
with ne=t beam array

5eam Target /hields II Tactical Targets /hields

subsystems of enemy ship
with ne=t beam array

5eam Target ?eapons II Tactical Targets ?eapons

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

subsystems of enemy ship

with ne=t beam array

5oarding Party I 3ngineering Damages crew and

subsystems of target ship

annon$ ;apid <ire I Tactical 5oosts ne=t cannon attack

annon$ /catter 9olley I Tactical Turns ne=t cannon attack

into cone o3 attack

harged Particle 5urst I /cience Disables cloaks* damages

shields of nearby enemy

Directed 3nergy 3ngineering Increases shield

Aodulation I penetration of own ship's
energy weapons

Dispersal Pattern lpha I Tactical Improes ne=t mine


Dispersal Pattern 5eta I Tactical Improes ne=t mine


Draw <ire II Tactical Increases threat

generation* buffs allies'

3mergency Power to 3ngineering Temporarily increases

u=iliary II u=iliary subsystem

3mergency Power to 3ngineering Temporarily increases

3ngines II power to impulse engines

3mergency Power to 3ngineering Temporarily increases

/hields II power to shields

3mergency Power to 3ngineering Temporarily increases

?eapons II power to weapons

3nergy /iphon I /cience Decreases target ship's

power to all systems*

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

increases own ship's

power to all systems

3ngineering Team II 3ngineering ;epairs hull damage and

subsystems* buffs
engineering skill for own
ship or ally

3=tend /hields I 3ngineering ;egenerates shields and

buffs D; of ally ship

<eedback Pulse I /cience Damages enemy ships

that hit you with energy

<ocus <ire II Tactical Debuffs damage

resistance of target

"raimetric /hift II /cience Bolds target and nearby


BaHard 3mitters II /cience ;emoes fire or radiation

haHards from ship* heals
some hull damage oer

Bypospray L Dyloene II /cience ;emoes to=in effects*

buffs physical damage
and D; on self or ally

Gam /ensors II /cience ;emoes to=in effects*

buffs physical damage
and D; on self or ally

>eg /weep II Tactical Aelee attack that can

knockback multiple

>unge I Tactical Aelee attack with chance

to knock down

Aask 3nergy /ignature II /cience >essens the chances of

enemy ships detecting

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

Aedical Tricorder II /cience Beals self or ally

Aine 5arrier II 3ngineering Deploys fie chroniton

mines that deal kinetic

Phaser Turret <abrication I 3ngineering reates one or two beam

weapon turrets

Photon "renade II Tactical ;anged attack that does

kinetic damage and

Photonic 0fficer I /cience ;educes recharge time of

5ridge 0fficer abilities

PolariHe Bull II /cience 5uffs energy D;* breaks

tractor beams

Ouick <i= II 3ngineering ;emoes mechanical

debuffs* buffs ranged
damage on self or ally

;eroute Power to /hields I 3ngineering Beals personal shield

energy* buffs D;

;eerse /hield Polarity I 3ngineering onerts incoming energy

weapon damage into
shield strength

/cience Team II /cience ;epairs shield damage*

buffs science and
remoes holds on own
ship or ally

/cramble /ensors I /cience onfuses target ship and

nearby enemies

/hield "enerator I 3ngineering reates fi=ed position

generator that recharges
nearby allies' personal

/hield ;echarge II 3ngineering ;estores personal shield

energy to self or ally

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

/moke "renade I Tactical ttack that reduces

enemy perception and
boosts allies' stealth

/onic Pulse I /cience Damages and slows

nearby enemies with high
chance of knockback

/tasis <ield I /cience Bolds target

/uppressing <ire I Tactical /lows and debuffs

damage of any enemy
you damage with firearms

Tachyon 5eam II /cience Drains target ship's


Tachyon Barmonic II /cience one o3 attack that

damages personal shields
and destroys forcefields

Tactical Team II Tactical one o3 attack that

damages personal shields
and destroys forcefields

Target 0ptics I Tactical 5uffs damage* perception*

crit chance and crit
seerity for self* has
chance to 3=pose enemies

Torpedo$ Bigh Nield II Tactical 5oosts damage of ne=t

torpedo attack

Torpedo$ /pread II Tactical Turns ne=t torpedo attack

into o3 attack

Tractor 5eam II /cience /lows and preents

cloaking for target ship

Tractor 5eam ;epulsors I /cience Pushes up to three enemy

ships away from own ship

Transfer /hield /trength II /cience 5oosts shields of ally ship

Tricorder /can I /cience Increases user's

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

perception* debuffs D;
and stealth of all enemies
in radius

Tyken's ;ift I /cience Drains power* causes

damage to all ships near
target ship

9ascular ;egenerator I /cience Beals and remoes

bleeding debuffs from

?eapons Aalfunction II 3ngineering Preents target from firing

ground weapons

Lt* Co&&an#er !ri#ge Offier S-ills

(kill /areer -ffect

ceton <ield I 3ngineering Debuffs target's energy

damage* causes radiation

ttack Pattern 5eta II Tactical Debuffs target ship's D;

when attacked

ttack Pattern Delta II Tactical Debuffs D; of any ship

that attacks targeted ally

ttack Pattern 0mega I Tactical 5uffs damage and turn

rate* preents holds and
slows on own ship

u=iliary to 5attery II 3ngineering onerts au=iliary power

into battery that can be
used later

u=iliary to Dampeners II 3ngineering ;edirects au=iliary power

to buff kinetic D;

u=iliary to /tructural II 3ngineering ;edirects au=iliary power

to heal hull damage and
buff D;

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

5oarding Party II 3ngineering Damages crew and

subsystems of target ship

annon$ ;apid <ire II Tactical 5oosts ne=t cannon attack

annon$ /catter 9olley II Tactical Turns ne=t cannon attack

into cone o3 attack

harged Particle 5urst II /cience Disables cloaks* damages

shields of nearby enemy

oer /hield I 3ngineering reates fi=ed position

forcefield that blocks line
of sight

Directed 3nergy 3ngineering Increases shield

Aodulation II penetration of own ship's
energy weapons

Dispersal Pattern lpha II Tactical Improes ne=t mine


Dispersal Pattern 5eta II Tactical Improes ne=t mine


3@ect ?arp Plasma I 3ngineering reates o3 plasma field

that slows and causes fire
DoT to enemy ships and
reeals cloaked ships

3nergy /iphon II /cience Decreases target ship's

power to all systems*
increases own ship's
power to all systems

3quipment Diagnostics I 3ngineering ;emoes mechanical

debuffs and buffs D; of

3=tend /hields II 3ngineering ;egenerates shields and

buffs D; of ally ship

<ire on my Aark I Tactical Debuffs stealth and D; of


The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

"raity ?ell I /cience Draws nearby ships

toward target and inflicts
kinetic damage

Byperonic ;adiation I /cience Does radiation DoT to

target and nearby

Bypospray L AeloraHine I /cience ;emoes mental debuffs

and buffs energy D; of
self or ally

>unge II Tactical Aelee attack with chance

to knock down

Aedical "enerator 3ngineering reates fi=ed position

<abrication I generator that heals
nearby allies

Ceural CeutraliHer I /cience Placates nearby enemies

0erwatch I Tactical 5uffs allies' D;* debuffs

enemies' D; and gies
chance to 3=pose

Phaser Turret <abrication 3ngineering reates one or two beam

II weapon turrets

Photonic 0fficer II /cience ;educes recharge time of

5ridge 0fficer abilities

Photonic /hock ?ae I /cience !nocks back and deals

kinetic damage to nearby
enemy ships

Plasma "renade I Tactical o3 attack that deals

kinetic damage and
plasma DoT

Ouantum Aortar 3ngineering reates fi=ed position

<abrication I weapons system that
launches pro@ectiles

;eroute Power to /hields 3ngineering Beals personal shield

II energy* buffs D;

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

;eerse /hield Polarity II 3ngineering onerts incoming energy

weapon damage into
shield strength

/cramble /ensors II /cience onfuses target ship and

nearby enemies

/hield "enerator II 3ngineering reates fi=ed position

generator that recharges
nearby allies' personal

/moke "renade II Tactical ttack that reduces

enemy perception and
boosts allies' stealth

/onic Pulse II /cience Damages and slows

nearby enemies with high
chance of knockback

/tasis <ield II /cience Bolds target

/tealth Aodule I Tactical reates personal cloak

that preents enemies at
range from detecting you

/uppressing <ire II Tactical /lows and debuffs

damage of any enemy
you damage with firearms

Target 0ptics II Tactical 5uffs damage* perception*

crit chance and crit
seerity for self* has
chance to 3=pose enemies

Tractor 5eam ;epulsors II /cience Pushes up to three enemy

ships away from own ship

Tricorder /can II /cience Increases user's

perception* debuffs D;
and stealth of all enemies
in radius

Tyken's ;ift II /cience Drains power* causes

damage to all ships near

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

target ship

9ascular ;egenerator II /cience Beals and remoes

bleeding debuffs from

9iral Aatri= I /cience >aunches probe that holds

target ship

Co&&an#er !ri#ge Offier S-ills

(kill /areer -ffect

ceton <ield II 3ngineering Debuffs target's energy

damage* causes radiation

mbush I Tactical "rants large damage buff

for ne=t attack

nesthiHine "as I /cience Bolds target* reduces

speed and damage upon

ttack Pattern 0mega II Tactical 5uffs damage and turn

rate* preents holds and
slows on own ship

ombat /upply I 3ngineering "rants temporary hypo to

self and allies with chance
of power cell and shield
charge as well

oer /hield II 3ngineering reates fi=ed position

forcefield that blocks line
of sight

Dampening <ield I /cience o3 effect that debuffs

energy D;

3@ect ?arp Plasma II 3ngineering reates o3 plasma field

that slows and causes fire
DoT to enemy ships and

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

reeals cloaked ships

3quipment Diagnostics II 3ngineering ;emoes mechanical

debuffs and buffs D; of

<ire on my Aark II Tactical Debuffs stealth and D; of


<use rmor I 3ngineering "radually slows then

holds target

"raity ?ell II /cience Draws nearby ships

toward target and inflicts
kinetic damage

Byperonic ;adiation II /cience Does radiation DoT to

target and nearby

Bypospray L AeloraHine II /cience ;emoes mental debuffs

and buffs energy D; of
self or ally

Aedical "enerator 3ngineering reates fi=ed position

<abrication II generator that heals
nearby allies

Aotion ccelerator I Tactical "rants speed buff to self

and immunity to holds
and slows

Canite Bealth Aonitor I /cience Beals up to three nearby


Ceural CeutraliHer II /cience reates fi=ed position

generator that heals
nearby allies

0erwatch II Tactical 5uffs allies' D;* debuffs

enemies' D; and gies
chance to 3=pose

Photonic /hock ?ae II /cience !nocks back and deals

kinetic damage to nearby

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

enemy ships

Plasma "renade II Tactical o3 attack that deals

kinetic damage and
plasma DoT

Ouantum Aortar 3ngineering reates fi=ed position

<abrication II weapons system that
launches pro@ectiles

/tealth Aodule II Tactical reates personal cloak

that preents enemies at
range from detecting you

/tun "renade I Tactical o3 attack that does

kinetic damage and holds

/upport Drone <abrication 3ngineering reates one or two mobile

I weapons platforms

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

more details&* by finding it as random drops

%EAPONS for defeating enemies and by earning it as
a reward for completing missions or

AND succeeding in PP instances.

Ship %eapons

s e=plained in the /hips chapter* eery
haracters in the Trek T9 shows different type of ship has a specific number
and moies tend to trael of slots in the front and back for mounting
pretty light. It's not uncommon weapons. Nou hae complete control oer
to see <ederation crew members face what mi= of weapons you'd like to use #with
danger with only a phaser pistol and a some restrictions&* and swapping them is as
tricorder in hand. simple as dragging a new one from your
inentory window into the proper slot in
Cot so in /T0* where the ongoing your ship's /tatus window.
conflict with the !lingons and the likelihood
of combat on @ust about eery mission Boering your cursor oer the icon of an
require you to be a bit more properly equipped weapon will show you its stats.
equipped. ?ith that in mind* you won't Doing the same for a weapon in your
want to go charging into battle without the inentory will compare its stats with
proper weapons and gear. equipped weapons it could replace*
allowing you to know e=actly what the gain
That goes for your ship too. There are a or loss would be for making the switch.
number of different ways you can upgrade
and customiHe your essel to help you /hip weapons are diided into () leels
when things get hairy. starting at Ak. I and running to Ak. Q*
based on their relatie power. They are
"ear for your ship and your captain can restricted by rank at eery other leel* so
be acquired in three ways$ by buying it with that you need to be a >t. ommander to
3nergy redits or 5adges of 3=ploration use Ak. III weapons* a ommander to use
#see the <ederation 3conomy chapter for Ak. 9 weapons* and so on.

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

There are also three leels of rarity • Turret L 72) degrees

#ommon* Uncommon and ;are& for ship
weapons that reflect how difficult it is to
acquire them. "enerally speaking* a
Pro1etile %eapons
weapon that is identical to another one
e=cept for rarity will hae a bonus to Pro@ectiles are fired by launchers and
accuracy* damage or critical hit chance or include both direct fire #torpedoes& and
some other characteristic that makes it indirect fire #mines& arieties. They pack
superior to its more common counterpart. more punch against e=posed hulls than
shields. Photon torpedoes are the most
famous* but torpedoes and mines also
!ea& %eapons come in quantum* plasma #which can do
DoT&* chroniton and transphasic arieties.
/tarship beam weapons do energy
damage and are more effectie against Torpedo launchers hae a 6)-degree
shields than hulls. The best known type is firing arc* while mine launchers simply
phasers* but the family also includes deploy the mines into space where they
disruptors* plasma beams* polaron beams attack ships that fly too close. Aines are
and tetryon beams* all of which are useful for damaging a group of enemy ships
affected by different higher leel skills. with a single attack.

There are also different configurations of

beam weapons based on their firing arcs. Ship E$"ip&ent
The general rule is that the more restrictie
the arc* the higher the damage per second
#DP/&. Cot all types of beams come in eery <or simplicity's sake* this term is used
configuration* but they break down by arc here to represent eerything on your ship
like this$ that isn't a weapon. This includes things
like your ship's shields* deflector dish and
• Dual cannons L 81 degrees #3scorts engines.
• 5ank L 6) degrees
• annon L (:) degrees #3scorts only&
• rray L ,1) degrees

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

3quipment is restricted by rank @ust like • ;egeneratie L Bae a ,1 percent

weapons and is acquired ia the same faster regeneration rate than normal
methods. It also comes in the same three shields but the lowest capacity of
leels of rarity. any type

/hips can equip only one set of shields

Shiel#s at a time.

ertainly the most ital equipment on

any ship* the shields protect the hull from
Defletor Dishes
damage and regenerate automatically
when they take no damage for a certain  ship's deflector array is part of the
period of time /hields hae two important u=iliary subsystem and grants bonuses to
characteristics$ capacity* which is the /pace abilities that utiliHe /ensors*
amount of damage they can take before Deflectors and 3mitters.  standard
failing completely* and bleedthrough* which deflector spreads its effects eenly among
is the amount of damage from each attack all three areas* but Ak. II specialiHed dishes
that bypasses the shields and goes directly can be equipped that focus on @ust one
to the hull. area$

long with the normal Ak. I to Ak. Q • "raiton L <ocus on Deflectors

progression* there are three special types • Tachyon L <ocus on /ensors
of shields that hae their own special • Positron L <ocus on 3mitters
t higher ranks* there are also
• ;esilient L Bae half the subcategories that grant een more options
bleedthrough of normal shields but for how to spread their bonuses. >ike
hae lower capacity leels and shields* a ship has only one deflector slot.
regenerate slightly less quickly
• oariant L Bae almost 7) percent
more capacity but the slowet
regeneration rate

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

I&p"lse Engines s you increase in rank* you'll find that

you can acquire a greater ariety of
consoles of each type. The number of
Improed engines increase both the console slots aries by the type of ship.
speed and turning rate of your ship. They 3scorts tend to hae more Tactical slots*
come in normal ersions and the following /cience 9essels hae more /cience slots
two arieties$ and ruisers faor more 3ngineering slots.
Boweer* eery <ederation ship has at least
• ombat L 3fficient with low power one slot of each type.
leels to engines* making them
useful for ships that often use the
ttack or Defense subsystem power
• Byper L 3fficient with high power to Deices are other items that can be
engines* so they are a boon to ships equipped on your ship but aren't part of
that often use the /peed subsystem your ship's subsytems. The most commonly
power configuration found deices are 5atteries* which gie
temporary boosts to the power leels of
3ery ship has a single engine slot. specific ship subsystems. 5atteries are ery
common drops from defeated enemy ships.

Consoles The number of deice slots aries by

ship type as detailed in the /hips chapter.
onsole modifications come in Tactical*
3ngineering and /cience flaors and usually
grant a ariety of bonuses that work in
con@unction with skills and abilities of the
same careers. 0ther consoles grant more ommodities are items that don't fit
general boosts for e=ample* increasing the neatly into any of the preious categories.
regeneration rate of your ship's shields. They are needed for some kinds of
e=ploration missions when you encounter
ciiliHations with less technology than the
<ederation that ask you for assistance.

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

These ciiliHations will ask for a certain Nour captain can equip two weapons at a
quantity of one of seeral different types of time and switch between them at any time
commodities* and all you hae to do to by clicking on the /witch ?eapons icon at
meet the mission requirements is to delier the left side of the command bar at the
those items. ommodities can be found as bottom of the screen. 5ridge 0fficers can
drops from defeated ships and can also be carry only one weapon at any gien time.
purchased for energy credits from brokers
and merchants. "round weapons follow the Ak. I through
Ak Q category system like their space

+ro"n# %eapons counterparts and are similarly restricted by

rank. Boweer* 5ridge 0fficers aren't
limited in e=actly the same way* and they
Nour <ederation captain may start the can use any weapon that would be usable
game with @ust a standard phaser* but you'll by your captain at the time.
hae access to a wide ariety of handheld
weapons oer the course of your career.
>isting them all is outside the scope of this +ro"n# E$"ip&ent
guide #the /T0 des claim there are
thousands&* but the types of weapons
include pistols* dual pistols* rifles and long with weapons* your captain and
assault weapons. 5ridge 0fficers can be outfitted with a
number of e=tras that can enhance their
3ery ground weapon has two attack ability to surie in ground combat
modes. The primary mode does standard missions. /ome equipment like personal
damage and has a quicker recharge time* shields and armor are restricted by your
while the secondary mode recharges more captain's rank* while other gear can be
slowly but does either greater damage to a used by anyone.
single target #like with a sniper rifle& or
produces an o3 attack that can damage
multiple enemies. The secondary modes
also often produce either 3=pose conditions
or e=tra 3=ploit damage as described in the
ombat 0eriew chapter.

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

Personal Shiel#s • 3nergy Dampening L 0ffers e=tra

energy D; in e=change for Hero
physical D;
3ery captain and 5ridge 0fficer can • Polyalloy ?eae L 0ffers e=tra
#and should& be equipped with a personal physical and kinetic D; in e=change
shield that preents damage from reaching for less energy D;
a character's body. /hields will regenerate • ;ecoil ompensating L 0ffers e=tra
on their own when undamaged for seeral critical hit damage in e=change for
seconds* but there are also a number of less D; all around
skills and abilities that can boost shield • Integrated Targeting L 0ffers an
health instantly. increased chance of a critical hit in
e=change for less D; all around
Unlike ship shields* personal shields are
uni-directional. 3ach captain and 5ridge
0fficer can equip @ust one personal shield at
a time.
!its allow your captain to use e=tra
abilities or powers similar to the ones
Ar&or utiliHed by your 5ridge 0fficers. The big
difference is that 5ridge 0fficers are limited
<or e=tra protection in ground combat to the skills they inherently know* while kits
situations* captains and 5ridge 0fficers can allow you to swap abilities for your captain
also wear body armor that grants simply by dragging a new kit onto the slot
resistances to physical* energy and kinetic on your /tatus screen. This can be done at
damage. rmor can be dragged onto the any time* een in the middle of a ground
5ody slot on a character's status screen. mission.

rmor can be found in standard forms /ome kits can proide abilities that can't
and the following ariations* all of which be duplicated by 5ridge 0fficer powers or
diide their protectie abilities in slightly grant multiple abilities. <or e=ample* the
different ways or offer bonus effects$ 5asic "renades Tactical kit gies the
wearer both the /moke "renade I and
Photon "renade I abilities.

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

0nly captains can equip kits* and they ?hether it's weapons* kits or other gear*
are restricted by career path$ Tactical your captain can only carry so much stuff.
0fficers can only use Tactical kits* etc. This is especially true since ship and ground
items all count the same against your
inentory* and because you will want to
De)ies keep some things on hand to outfit your
5ridge 0fficers as well.
3ery captain and 5ridge 0fficer has
seeral Deice slots that can hold seeral Nou will gain e=tra inentory slots as
pieces of miscellaneous equipment and be rewards for adancement* but een those
mapped to number keys @ust like weapons. only go so far. <ortunately* /T0 proides
<ans of other AA0s will recogniHe these you een more e=tra storage in the form of
slots as useful places to keep healing items* banks.
some of which can be used in combat
#hypos& and others which can only be used 3ery captain automatically has a
when out of combat #a wide ariety of foods personal bank that can be accessed from
and beerages&. special terminals in arious locations. Two
important ones for <ederation characters
0ther deices can gie temporary boosts are at 3arth /pacedock #located between
to shield or ground weapons power. /imilar the 3=change and /tateroom& and at
deices can often be stacked in the same Aemory lpha.
inentory slot* so () small hypos only need
to take up one slot. If you belong to a fleet* you can also
utiliHe the fleet's bank. /T0 fleets are self-
"round deices are commonly found as policing* so the officer's should set rules on
drops from defeated enemies* and cheaper what kind of withdrawals can be made from
ones can be created using the replicator on the fleet bank.
your ship.
Items can be swapped to and from either
kind of bank simply by dragging them
between the bank window and your

!an-s inentory or ship or character /tatus


The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

LEVELIN+ +ra#es Vs* Ran-s

AND /T0 doesn't hae a simple leel system

#like one where your character is >eel ( or
>eel 8:* for instance&* but a two-tiered

ADVANCEMEN system of grades and ranks. 3ach rank has

() grades within it* and you must progress
through all () before you are promoted to
T the ne=t rank.

A s with any AA0* some of the

main aims of /T0 are adancing
your character in power* title and
status. <or your /tarfleet captain* this
Thus* while one character who is a
>ieutenant , and another is >ieutenant 6*
the latter one is much closer to the ne=t
rank than the former. In order* the ranks
means literal adancement as you moe up are 3nsign #for the Tutorial Aission only&*
the chain of command. >ieutenant* >t. ommander* aptain and
The skill-based nature of /T0 means you
can't leel up without accumulating /kill dancing by one grade earns you an
Points. Nou also hae to spend those points increase in combat effectieness. Boweer
on improing your captain's skills* as you a promotion to the ne=t rank gains you a
won't be allowed to moe to the ne=t leel number of larger benefits* including access
until you do. to the ne=t tier of ships* a new set of skills
and the ability to promote 5ridge 0fficers to
0n the <ederation side* it's easiest to their ne=t ranks. Aany kinds of restricted
gain /kill Points by accepting and weapons and equipments are also unlocked
completing missions. s you'll see in the by adancing in rank.
ne=t chapter* there are some opportunities
for grinding* but the low amounts of /kill The double status bar at the top of the
Points you receie for defeating enemies in screen keeps track of your progress in both
combat and the non-replayable nature of your current grade and your current rank.
most content limits grinding compared to The top bar fills up constantly as you earn
some other games. /kill Points with each diision representing

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

the ne=t grade* and the bottom bar is s you will discoer early on* skills tend
diided into () segments that fill in when to be broader at lower ranks and get more
you earn a new grade* with the unfilled specific as you adance. ?eapons and
ones representing the number of grades abilities can gain bonuses from both types
left until the ne=t rank. of skills* so many of them end up working
together in logical ways.

S-ill Point Spen#ing <or e=ample* let's say your ship is armed
with dual disruptor captains and your

Strateg( captain is a Tactical 0fficer. The disruptor

cannons gain a bonus from each leel you
take in /tarship 3nergy ?eapons Training*
0nly the total number of /kill Points a skill you hae aailable as a >ieutenant.
spent matters in terms of leeling up your
captain. 5ut since /T0 is completely skill- Those same cannons get bonus damage
based* haing a strategy in mind when from the /tarship 5eam ?eapons >t.
spending them is important. ommander skill #because disruptors are
beam weapons& and the /tarship Disruptor
The skill system is a lot more fle=ible ?eapons ommander skill. If you plan on
than in some other AA0s* allowing more haing the disruptors equipped for the long
room for broader character builds and less haul* it makes sense to put points into all
pigeon-holing into specific roles. This three skills to gain the ma=imum benefit.
doesn't mean that the traditional AA0 roles
are completely absent #like direct damage* This idea works in reerse as well. If
tank* healer* etc.&* @ust that you shouldn't you'e leeled up all of the arious /tarship
feel like you are being funneled into one 3nergy ?eapons skills* you may not een
direction. think twice about swapping Ak. III disruptor
cannons for Ak. I9 phaser cannons. 5ut if
That being said* there are some things you'e gone the route we @ust discussed
to keep in mind when planning out how to and specialiHed in disruptors* you may not
spend your /kill Points$ want to gie them up for phasers and gie
up the stacked bonuses.
• /kills stack
• onsider your 5ridge 0fficers

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

?hen you are new to /T0* it might seem Retraining 2Respes3

obious to put points into Tactical Team
>eader if your captain is a Tactical 0fficer.
Boweer* that skill affects the abilities of all <ind that you'e backed yourself into an
away team Tactical 0fficers* and if you are unwanted corner with the way you'e spent
handling the Tactical powers yourself* you your /kill PointsF /T0 allows for some
may hae more 3ngineering and%or /cience opportunities to ;etrain #also known
0fficers in your crew and want to put those generally as respec& your captain and
points into skills related to those areas. spend the points you'e earned all oer
from scratch.
0f course you always hae the option of
swapping your away team members around 0ne way you can access a respec at any
to fit your skills instead of ice ersa* but time is to buy one from the -/tore. Nou'll
don't forget that your skills affect more find more information on this option in the
than @ust your captain. <ederation 3conomics chapter.

• /hip selection
0ne of the great aspects of /T0 is the Training An#
option to fly any type of ship aailable to
your rank* and the freedom to switch Pro&oting !ri#ge
categories #say* from ruiser to 3scort& as
you adance. Offiers
To take full adantage of that freedom*
though* you will hae to remember to put Nour 5ridge 0fficers can also improe
/kill Points into multiple ship skills to aoid their skills ia their own pool of /kill Points.
losing too much effectieness by changing 0ne pool of points is shared by all of the
ships. onersely* if you find you loe flying 5ridge 0fficers under your command* so
3scorts and will be doing that for your you hae to decide which 0fficers to train
entire career* you'll want to ma= out the and which skills to leel up.
3scort aptain skill and then put points into
the class-specific 3scort skills as you

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

The strategy here is pretty

straightforward$ if you find yourself tapping
certain 5ridge 0fficer abilities more than
others* leel those skills up first. If you see
a power that will be gained only after a
5ridge 0fficer has been promoted* make
sure you are spending points on him or her
in order to get to the ne=t rank as soon as

s a final note* make sure you aren't

wasting 5ridge 0fficer points on skills that
will eentually be lost thanks to that officer
being retrained. Training a new skill means
an old one is replaced* and you won't get
the 5ridge 0fficer /kill Points back that
you'e spent.

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

>ast but not least are PP Hones where

MISSIONS <ederation captains can put their skills to
the test against !lingon players in both
space and ground engagements. The /T0
deelopment team promising <action

both the
lso called 3pisodes in the /T0
means for
are the
and your
ersus <action #<<& Hones
<ederation in a soon-to-be released update
as well.
for the

characters. 0ne of the true strong points

about playing the <ederation faction is the Stor(line Episo#es
ariety of mission content.

The ast ma@ority of missions inole /T0 doesn't waste any time getting you
P3 scenarios that weae together into an into the storyline for the <ederation*
oerarching plot. urrently* 3pisodes are thrusting you into the conflict that is
diided into three /easons L one each engulfing the lpha Ouadrant during the
focusing on the !lingons* the ;omulans and game's opening moie and continuing the
the 5org L and completing them all will drama during the tutorial mission. <rom
allow captains to adance to the ma=imum there* episodes that propel the plot forward
possible rank. are readily aailable for een the lowest-
ranking captains.
True to the game's source material*
there are also e=ploration missions
aailable to <ederation players that inole
T"torial Mission %al-thro"gh
traeling to uncharted worlds* with a
number of different possibilities for what The tutorial mission is actually made up
may be found upon arrial. Patrol missions of three separate parts that introduce you
require you to trael to a particular region to the basic concepts of space and ground
of space and clear out any enemies you moement* both kinds of combat and other
may find there. important aspects of /T0 like 5ridge
0fficers and kits. 0nce you complete the

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

tutorial* you'll hae earned enough /kill Use your phaser to target and destroy
Points to graduate from 3nsign to si= 5org deices hanging on the walls* plus
>ieutenant* acquired your first ship and 5org drones if necessary. oid fire and
begun to assemble a crew. e=plosions if possible. ontinue down the
The tutorial begins with practice on hallway and take the Turbolift to Deck 7.
moing your captain and getting used to
the ground interface. 0nce you're 5attle the 5org that you find in the
comfortable* take the Turbolift on the Corth hallway* but don't loiter too long or the
wall and head for the bridge. drones will respawn in greater numbers. "o
down the ramp to Aain 3ngineering and
Talk to the captain and use one of the help the personnel you find who are under
consoles in front of you to hail another siege by numerous drones* but don't sweat
<ederation ship in distress. Then use the it too much as you can leae to the 3ast
Turbolift in the /3 corner to trael to the wheneer you want.
transporter bay* talk to the /ecurity hief
and beam oer to the U././. !hitomer. In the transporter room* you'll talk to all
three types of 5ridge 0fficer candidates
/peak to the 3mergency Aedical and pick the first one you'd like to @oin your
Bologram and scan any of the patients crew. Nou'll also receie 7)) /kill Points and
lying on the tables in sick bay. Talk to the 72 5ridge 0fficer Points #which you can and
3AB again* then go /outh down a hallway should spend right away&* plus 77 /tarfleet
to find >t. Thelis. merits.

Be'll ask you to use a nearby console to Part , of the tutorial begins when you
store the patterns of attacking 5org. "o beam back to your ship and learn to fly it.
through a door on the 3ast wall an beam "et close enough to four damaged ships to
some of the pesky 5org outside the ship. beam off the suriors* then fly to the
The Turbolift on the /outh wall will take you U././. /eacole and beam the suriors
to Deck ,* where you'll e=perience ground oer.
combat for the first time.
;endeHous with the U././. ;enown to
hae your ship's damaged weapons and
shields repaired. That will allow you to
destroy four 5org probes that won't fight

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

back* then warp to another Hone to destroy 5eam back to your ship and fly to any of
four more that will. The rewards for Part , the <ederation rally points on your map*
are the same as for Part ( e=cept for not where you will aid other ships in destroying
getting another 5ridge 0fficer. a 5org sphere and a 5org cube. The cube
packs a bit of a punch* but concentrating
The tutorial continues with your away fire on the same side as your allies should
team beaming down to the 9ega colony. end the battle in short order.
Talk first to ommander !elly and then to
3nsign 5ynareH* who will allow you to open fter collecting another round of /kill
a crate containing a better gun than your Points and merits* you'll warp to 3arth
standard phaser and your first kit. /pacedock for the first time. This is a
central location during low leel 3pisodes
;escue four colonists by defeating the where you'll find a /hipyard* a Personnel
5org drones menacing them by the area* the /tateroom where promotion
buildings on the perimeter of the mission ceremonies are held* and more.
map. Nou will see other captains in this
area* though you'll all be pursuing the same Take the Turbolift directly in front of you
goals indiidually. to the dmiral's 0ffice and talk tot dmiral
Ouinn. Be'll gie you a final set of /kill
Bead for one of the big green 5org Points #enough to promote you to
deices* e=pecting to meet some resistance >ieutenant&* 5ridge 0fficer Points and
on the way. Turrets protect the four corners /tarfleet merits* along with a choice of Ak. I
of each deice* but they can be dispatched consoles for your ship and a free
fairly easily. modification you can use at the tailor in the
/hipyard to customiHe your >ight ruiser at
Interact with a pro@ector on any corner to no charge.
disable the force field.  Beay Tactical
Drone will actiate in response* but you and fter you look around 3arthdock* you
your 5ridge 0fficer should be able to handle can return to the dmiral's 0ffice to get
him. /hut down the 5org array by your first /eason ( 3pisode from Ouinn. 5e
interacting with the console in the middle of sure to also speak to ommander /ulu*
the deice. who's on the opposite end of the office* as
doing so will unlock a number of patrol

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

Episo#e %al-thro"ghs first leak* the second is in a room to the

Corth and the last is in a room to the /outh.
"roups of 0rion thugs will attack you near
The following pages will walk you each console.
through episodes from the !lingon season.
ompleting all of them will take you all the ?ith the leaks gone* you can go all the
way from >ieutenant to >t. ommander and way to the end of the hallway to speak to
een through a few grades of your new aptain 5rott. /he'll ask you to sae her
rank. officers while she attends to the ship's
damaged warp core* so you'll hae to battle
back to the room you started from*
encountering seeral groups of 0rions on
"ier$ dmiral Ouinn the way.
?here$ /./. Hura* /irius /ector 5lock
;ewards$ 7(, /kill Points* 4: 5ridge Nou'll beam back to your ship to fend off
0fficer Points* (,2 /tarfleet Aerits* hoice a final wae of 0rion attackers. The
of 5ridge 0fficer candidates Aarauder 5attleship will be the toughest
enemy you'e encountered to this point*
Talk to Aalcolm /issel in the 3arthdock but staying away from its front firing arc
/hipyard* who will gie you the coordinates should lessen the challenge.
of a ship in distress. 5eam to your ship and
enter sector space* where you'll find that <ly near the Hura and beam aptain
the /./. Hura has its own listing. 5rott aboard to get more of the backstory.

Upon arrial* you'll discoer four 0rion

ships are ganging up on the Hura. Destroy
the ships and scan the Hura* reealing that "ier$ dmiral Ouinn
it needs some more personal assistance. ?here$ 3arth /pacedock* then P'Gem
/ystem* /irius /ector 5lock
0nce aboard the Hura* you'll need to ;ewards$ ,2) /kill Points* 21 5ridge
shut down three plasma leaks #which will 0fficer /kill Points* ()1 /tarfleet Aerits*
hurt you if you get too close& in order to aid hoice of Ak. I uncommon ship shields
the crew. The first console is right by the

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

/tarfleet wants you to escort 9ulcan <ollow the Undine down the steps to the
mbassador /okkoth to the P'Gem /ystem south* fighting through seeral !lingon
to return a collection of priceless artifacts. squads on the way. /can the area at the
5oth !lingon and 0rion forces would like to bottom of the hill to discoer that the
get their hands on the goods. Undine has already beamed back to his
Nou'll find /okkoth in the /tateroom on
3arth /pacedock in the /ol /ystem* 5eam back to your own ship and prepare
meditating on the left side of the aisle. Talk to engage the Undine Dreadnought. It's a
to him briefly* then beam to your ship and battle you can't win L his ship is simply too
enter sector space on a course for the tough for you at this point L but all you
P'Gem /ystem. need to do is surie for two minutes until
reinforcements arrie. The Undine
Upon arrial* !lingons will hail you* torpedoes can be targeted by your beam
claiming /okkoth is an Undine shapeshifter. weapons and detonated before they reach
Defeat two squadrons of three 5irds of Prey your ship.
each to clear a path to beam down to the
planet surface. <ie /tarfleet essels will arrie when
the timer reaches Hero* and together you'll
The monks on the planet are under siege make short work of the Dreadnought. /can
by !lingon ground forces. <ight your way to the debris and accept the thanks of aptain
the abbey* located at the top of the hill L Thelin of the U././. !irk* who foreshadows
simply stay on the main path. Aost of the further meetings down the road.
!lingons will be basic ?arriors* with a few
shielded officers thrown in.

t the abbey* prepare to be ambushed "ier$ dmiral Ouinn

by seeral squads of !lingons. Nou'll ?here$ >ackey /ystem* /irius /ector
discoer that the accusations were correct 5lock
and that /okkoth has been replaced by an ;ewards$ ,): /kill Points* 1, 5ridge
Undine. 3ngage him in contact briefly he'll 0fficer Points* :8 /tarfleet Aerits* hoice of
run when his health is low. Ak. I kits

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

/tarfleet wants you to follow up on some by another Draguas ruiser. Defeat it and
information gleaned from a coded fly within transporter range to beam
transmission sent by the Undine concerning charges oer that will blow up the @amming
the Paulson Cebula. <ly through sector station.
space to the >ackey /ystem* where you will
find the U././. 9alor under attack by two ;eturn to the mine and defeat one last
"orn 9ishap <rigates. Defeat the attackers ruiser* then beam up the decalithium.
and hail the 9alor. Nour engines will now be ready for the
Paulson Cebula* which is your ne=t stop.
The 9alor is disabled but can be repaired
with the help of dilithium crystals you can The Cebula plays haoc with your
beam up from small mines on four nearby sensors* so you need to scan fie suspicious
asteroids. /imply fly close to the mines to ob@ects to find what /tarfleet is seeking.
gather the crystals* but watch out for a The first one is right in front of your starting
Draguas ruiser. position* and the others are roughly in a
line on the left side of the mission Hone.
<ly back to the 9alor and help it defeat /eeral "orn ships will need to be defeated
another ruiser. 5eam the crystals oer and or aoided.
learn more about the Paulson Cebula*
which was once used by the 3nterprise-D to n enormous asteroid is the final ob@ect*
hide from the 5org. but it's surrounded by graitic mines that
will fly toward your ship and e=plode if you
Nou'll need decalithium crystals to make get too close. <ly ery slowly and pick the
your engines strong enough to fly through off from ma=imum phaser range.  !lingon
the Cebula* so you warp to >ackey III. The !'Tinga 5attle ruiser is also hiding inside
mine there is protected by three 9ishap the mine field.
?hen you hae a clear path* fly close to
<ly close to the decalithium mine to the asteroid and scan it to find a !lingon
discoer something is @amming your listening post. 5eam down with your away
transporter signal. The @amming station is team and follow the only path to reach a
behind and under the mine* and is guarded computer in the final room. /eeral teams
of !lingons will try to stop you.

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

fter downloading data from the <inally able to beam down to the !lingon
computer* you will hae to defend it for base* seeral enemy infantry teams will
seeral minutes as two teams of !lingons await the locations to plant si= spatial
beam in to ambush you. <ight them off and charges. In the base's final room* /tarfleet
return to sector space to receie your will ask you to download data from a
rewards. computer. That will trigger an ambush by
the Undine* who is a tough foe but will
transport away when he is low on health.

"ier$ dmiral Ouinn 5ack in space* you'll find yourself under

?here$ 5omari /ystem* /irius /ector attack from seeral !lingon ;aptors.
5lock ;epelling that attack will actually cause the
;ewards$ (12 /kill Points* 76 5ridge !lingons to team up with you for the final
0fficer Points* 27 /tarfleet Aerits* hoice of battle* which is against the Undine
5ridge 0fficer andidates or Ak. II ship Dreadnought.

fter destroying a !lingon listening post

in the preious mission* /tarfleet finds out "ier$ dmiral Ouinn
there is a second post. They want you to ?here$ Deepspace !4* 3ridani /ector
find it and destroy it. 5lock
;ewards$ 1, /kill Points* (7 5ridge
The first task is to scan a repeater on an 0fficer Points* ,( /tarfleet Aerits
asteroid to determine the location of the This is a simple information-gathering
!lingon base. There are enemy ships in the mission that will introduce you to two new
area* but with careful flying* you should be contacts* allowing you to access new types
able to fly close enough to scan it without of missions. Ouinn asks you to fly to
engaging in battle. Deepspace !4* located in the Ceutral one*
to talk to ommander ?ildman about the
fter warping to 5omari II* you'll hae to front line of the war with the !lingons.
find and destroy four transporter disruptors.
They are guarded by !lingon 5irds of Prey*
close enough that you'll hae to fight them.

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

?ildman will gie you an oeriew and seeral buildings inside the mission area.
ask you to speak to ommander AakHa and Nou'll encounter armed groups near all of
aptain alhoun* who will open up PP and the charges* but Paris will assist in battle to
competitie P3 content. gie you an e=tra phaser.

?ith the charges gone* you'll be able to

enter the embassy* which is the largest
"ier$ dmiral Ouinn building. Nou'll hae to defeat more
?here$ ;egulus /ystem* ;egulus /ector !lingons to rescue four /tarfleet diplomats*
5lock the last of whom is guarded by a boss in
;ewards$ (12 /kill Points* 18 5ridge the embassy's final room.
0fficer Points* 27 /tarfleet Aerits* hoice of
Ak. II kits The battle is oer on the ground* but
you'll hae to fend off an attack from two
!lingon ships once you beam back to your
This mission introduces you to Airal own essel. 0nce they are out of the way.
Paris* a /tarfleet officer of partial !lingon !lingon mbassador !as will fill you in a bit
heritage who is belieed by some to be the more on the renegade 5'at* and he'll
saior of the species. Nour orders are to actually help you defeat 5'at's ship in the
proide security for a meeting to discuss final space battle... but that's not the last
Paris. you'll see of him.

 group of fie 0rion ships are

blockading the meeting site. Destroying all
of them will allow you to beam down to the "ier$ dmiral Ouinn
planet surface of ;egulus I9. ?here$ eles Cebula* ;egulus /ector
Nour away team will meet with Paris* ;ewards$ (12 /kill Points* 18 5ridge
who doesn't necessarily beliee the !lingon 0fficer Points* 27 /tarfleet Aerits* hoice of
prophecy but will do anything to help if it Ak. II kits
means peace.  faction of the !lingons isn't
so kind* planting spatial charges outside of

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

Nour first order of business is to assist forcing you to gie chase. Three Causicaan
the U././. /hi!ahr* which is stranded within ships will intercept* and only by defeating
a nebula that will slow you down by them will you finally be able to scan the
preenting the use of full impulse power. Candi.
Nou'll hae to scan three anomalies located
on asteroids within the nebula* The kemocite has been moed to a
encountering syphon freighters along the hidden base* meaning one last away team
way. These ships will launch power syphons segment. /een batches of kemocite are
that will drain power from your ship they hidden in the base's arious rooms* and the
can be targeted but your best bet is @ust to <erengi captain responsible for all of the
destroy the freighters themseles. drama awaits behind a locked door in the
final room.
0nce the anomalies are scanned* you'll
fly close to the /hi!ahr to beam out some The oerrides for the locked door are
scientists* then warp to /tarbase ((8. fter located in rooms on the west and east of
beaming the scientists down* the base will the final room. The <erengi shouldn't be too
ask for your assistance locating missing much trouble for your full away team.
kemocite* which can be used to make

Nour away team will hae to scan four "ier$ dmiral Ouinn
cargo bays #one in each direction from the ?here$ rucanis rm #ad@acent to the
central hub& for traces of the kemocite. ;egulus /ector 5lock&
There are no enemies* so this is an easy ;ewards$ 1, /kill Points* (: 5ridge
task. 0fficer Points* ,( /tarfleet Aerits* 5adge of
3=ploration #(st 0rder&
Nou'll find that the kemocite has already
been taken off the base* so you'll beam Ouinn introduces you to >t. "rall* who
back to your ship to scan nearby freighters wants you to fulfill /tarfleet's mandate for
by flying close to them #within about 7 km&. seeking out new ciiliHations by e=ploring
The offending ship* the Candi* will run* three uncharted systems in the rucanis
rm. The unknown worlds could hae
ground or space encounters or simply
require you to scan anomalies.

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

5eaming down to the station* you'll meet

ompleting each system encounter Oaris* a shady <erengi nightclub owner.
where you encounter hostile forces will gie Be's not feeling too cooperatie* so you'll
you one batch of the rewards #/kill Points* hae to scan arious ob@ects around his
5ridge 0fficer Points and Aerits&* and you'll club to point out safety iolations to use as
get a final batch and the 5adge of leerage. 3=pect an ambush from some
3=ploration after finishing all three. >t. "rall upset #and well-armed& bar patrons.
will stay on your contact list* proiding
opportunities for more e=ploration Oaris will tell you about the inolement
missions. of the !lingons and direct you to
Aaintenance orridor 7. Nou'll hae to fight
off an attack from the crew of the smuggler
freighter to proceed to argo 5ay 2* where
"ier$ dmiral Ouinn a battle with the !lingons await.
?here$ rgelius /ystem* ;egulus /ector
5lock To sae a captie named Aarta* you'll
;ewards$ (12 /kill Points* 18 5ridge defeat some !lingon guards and a boss
0fficer Points* 27 /tarfleet Aerits* hoice of named aptain Urthog. Be'll gie you the
Ak. II Deflector rrays key to free Aarta and a second prisoner.

This mission starts near a space station The !lingons will take a shot at reenge
haing trouble with smugglers. Nou'll need once you beam back to your ship* but only
to fly close enough to arious freighters to with a single ship.
scan them and identify the troublemakers*
which will show up as enemies once
scanned. Nou'll hae to fight and disable
them* which should be pretty easy. "ier$ dmiral Ouinn
?here$ 5riar Patch* ;egulus /ector 5lock
;ewards$ (12 /kill Points* 18 5ridge
0fficer Points* 27 /tarfleet Aerits* hoice of
Ak. III kits

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

Ouinn puts you on the path of some

captured scientists who hae been strong- 5eaming back to your ship will set up
armed into helping the !lingons deelop one final battle with another !lingon essel.
superweapons. They are in a heaily
fortified base* requiring you to destroy ()
turrets @ust to approach it.
"ier$ dmiral Ouinn
aution is needed because the turrets ?here$ Qarantine /ystem* Pi anus
are surrounded by pockets of metron gas* /ector 5lock
which will detonate and cause significant ;ewards$ (12 /kill Points* 4: 5ridge
hull damage if weapons are fired within 8 0fficer Points* 27 /tarfleet Aerits* hoice of
km L and the pockets are eerywhere. Ak. III armors
/low* careful flying can put you in position  distress call from the /./. 5oyce
to fire at one turret at a time without mobiliHes you to fend off an attack from
blowing yourself up. seeral "orn ships. fterward* you'll be
asked to fly close enough to actiate
/eeral !lingon ships and a few more seeral power satellites #which are laid out
turrets await closer to the base. Nou should more or less in a straight line from the
be able to fly slowly enough to aoid 5oyce&* which may require you to fight off
engaging them all at once. more nearby enemy ships.

fter beaming to the station* make your ?arping close to a nearby planet* you'll
way through the base and battle seeral be asked to escort the medical essel T'Pau
!lingon patrols to rescue the two scientists. to get close enough to beam to the surface.
Nou'll also need to plant charges to destroy /imply stay close enough to the T'Pau to
the superweapons* which are easy to spot help it repel three separate assaults from
because they look like giant missiles. the "orn.

/tarfleet will ask you to download data ?ith the path clear* you'll beam down to
from a computer core in the final room the planet surface yourself. Defeat enemies
before making your way back through the near the medical facility to allow the other
map to your starting point. /eeral groups /tarfleet personnel to do their @obs.
of !lingons will spawn on your return

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

;eturn to your ship and warp to the !lingon boarding parties hae beaten
Trimble system. Nou'll be asked to locate you there* and you need to defeat some of
the U././. 3agle and approach it* then the toughest groups of ground-based
defeat seeral !lingon ships menacing it. enemies you hae seen to this point.
;emember that you can direct your away
/ince the !lingons hae already boarded team's fire on a single target if necessary*
the 3agle* you'll hae to lead your away and don't hesitate to use the pause feature
team onboard to rescue it.  !lingon to regroup and issue indiidual commands.
aptain is leading the attackers* and 3entually you will find the ship's captain*
though he'll be tougher than most ground who informs you that Paris has already
enemies you'e faced thus far* he shouldn't been captured.
need any special tactics to defeat.
5eam back to your ship to gie chase.
The kidnappers' ship has three 5irds of Prey
as escorts. Defeating them allows you to
"ier$ dmiral Ouinn warp to sector space* where you must
?here$ Bromi /ector* Pi anus /ector trael to the "ateway /ystem L which
5lock happily is @ust a short distance away.
;ewards$ 7)6 /kill Points* (:) 5ridge
0fficer Points* ,)4 /tarfleet Aerits* hoice In the "ateway /ystem* the !lingons
of ;are Ak. III ground weapons also hae set up a welcoming committee.
another ,7( /kill Points* (71 5ridge 0fficer Defeat three more 5irds of Prey and one
Points and (11 /tarfleet Aerits for larger ship to be able to beam down to the
completing all parts of the mission surface of the nearby planet.

This is a lengthy 3pisode that follows up 5'9at has taken Paris ahead and left
on some preious storyline threads and eight patrols to slow down your pursuit. The
features appearances from some true sci-fi path is simple to follow and the enemies
icons. It begins when you are asked to are mostly ?arriors* which should be no
defend the U././. !irk* where Airal Paris is problem for you or your 5ridge 0fficers. 
stationed* from a !lingon attack. Defeating !lingon 0fficer is the last foe before you
four enemy ships allows you to beam find the portal to the "uardian of <oreer* a
aboard the !irk. character who should be familiar to anyone
who's a fan of the /T0 source material.

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

/peak to the "uardian* who will open up Doing enough damage to the younger
a portal that will return you to your ship... 5'9at will get him to talk* fingering his
but in the year ,,4). Upon arriing in the future self as the real illain and wishing
past* you will help the U././. 3nterprise you luck in defeating him. Be'll beam out*
#yes* that 3nterprise& fight off 5'9at's ship* and you can use the console behind him to
the ?orig* and two D4 5attlecruisers. deactiate the force field in the main
Damaging the ?orig sufficiently will cause hallway.
5'9at to warp away* and /pock will thank
you for your assistance. Cot far from there you will encounter
Aaster 5'9at* who is surprisingly easy to
?arp away to follow the ?orig* who beat considering his large role in the story
has another D4 to help slow you down. thus far. Defeat him and use the console to
5'9at will actiate his cloaking deice* but free Paris.
Paris' communicator leaes a trail you can
follow. 5eam back to your ship and destroy the
?orig. It's abandoned now* so simply lock
That trail will lead you into an ambush all weapons on it and fire until it e=plodes.
by yet another D4 and set up a tough 0ne final warp will return you to the
battle. If you can* ignore the D4 and focus "ateway /ystem.
your fire on the ?orig* because damaging
its hull to a certain point will allow you to 0ne final space battle awaits* but /pock
progress the mission whether its escort ship and the 3nterprise will return the faor from
is destroyed or not. earlier and come to your aid.  portal will
open up nearby that will return you to the
0nce you beam aboard the ?orig* present. Talk to the "uardian one last time*
you'll detect Paris' signal coming from the then hail /tarfleet to receie your rewards.
mess hall. <ight your way down the main dmiral Ouinn will warn you about a isit
hallway until you find the path blocked by a from the Department of Temporal
force field. There's a second path to the Inestigations thanks to your @aunt through
east guarded by 5'9ats personal guards. time.
5eat both of them to find a much younger
5'9at L the one from that time L waiting for

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

bandoned base L  /tarfleet

E.ploration •

outpost has either been willingly or

Missions unwillingly abandoned*

hae to e=amine it and report on
and you

your findings. This usually requires

/ince the storyline episodes are not downloading data from seeral
replayable* they aren't much use for computer terminals.
grinding. ?hat you can do to earn some • nomaly collection L The system is
more /kill Points and adance some e=tra deoid of friendly or enemy contacts
grades is to grind the e=ploration missions. but does contain anomalous data.
/imply flying and scanning the
3=ploration missions call on you to trael anomalies and collecting the
to unmapped star systems in certain resulting items will satisfy the
clusters and e=plore them to see what you mission requirements.
can find.  /tarfleet contact will ask you to • ommodities missions L Cot a
e=plore three systems in a specific cluster faorite of many <ed players* these
and offer /kill Points* 5ridge 0fficer /kill missions inole contact with a
Points and 5adges of 3=ploration for doing ciiliHation who requests tangible aid
so. from /tarfleet. Deliering the right
kind and quantity of commodity will
The map for an une=plored cluster looks complete the mission* though this
much like sector space and is naigated in often requires you to make a trip to
the same way. <lying close to the contact a commodity broker and spend
points will allow you to scan them* which some of your hard-earned energy
will either reeal anomalies that you can credits.
collect or an unknown system. • Distress call L 3ither /tarfleet
personnel or aliens friendly to the
/T0 does a nice @ob arying the types of <ederation are under attack. If it's a
unknown systems you come across* but ship in distress* you'll hae to fight a
they can be broken down into seeral space battle* and if it's a base* you'll
different mission types$ hae to beam an away team down
to defeat any enemies you

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

Patrol Missions P)P An# ,), 4ones

?ith the <ederation engaged in a war PP play isn't a focus of the <ed side* but
with the !lingons and threats appearing on there are opportunities for it. t this time*
seeral other fronts* someone needs to all P9P Hones are consensual instanced
keep the peace in friendly space. Patrol locations* though the /T0 des hae stated
missions are gien to you by /tarfleet they are considering persistent PP maps
contacts #initially ommander kira /ulu at for future e=pansions.
3arth /pacedock& who ask you to trael to
certain sector blocks to render whateer The first set of PP Hones most <ed
assistance may be necessary. players will come across are located in the
Ceutral one* which is disputed territory
;egular patrol missions require you to between <ederation and !lingon space. The
trael to seeral systems in the same closest entry point to the starting Hone is
sector. 0nce there* you'll receie further the 3ta 3ridani /ector 5lock.
instructions from /tarfleet* and from there
the scenarios play out much like storyline PP systems are marked on the sector
episodes or e=ploration missions. map as Bostile 3ngagement or /pace
ssault Hones. 3ntering one of those
Defense missions hae you dealing with systems will bring up the queue menu*
the wandering enemy signal contacts you'll which shows you the different PP
come across in sector space. The contacts scenarios aailable. 3ery grouping of
can be approached and entered @ust like scenarios has a range of ranks and grades
star systems* and once inside* you'll team that are allowed to participate #for
with other <ed captains to engage in space e=ample* >t. ommander ( to ommander
battles. These missions reset eery so often )&* and if you aren't in that range* you
and hae timers to tell you when the ne=t won't een hae the option to enter the
reset will occur. Hone.

Pure PP scenarios are marked as <!

and require a minimum number of
<ederation and !lingon players to begin.
There are also <ed-only scenarios marked

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

as << that simply need a total number of

<ed captains to start. The in-game
%ar 4ones
e=planation for these scenarios is that they
are /tarfleet wargames.
2Co&petiti)e P)E3
The current number of players in each /ystems marked as ?ar ones offer
queue is displayed ne=t to the minimum competitie P3 play. Though you'll find
number required* with <ed players in blue !lingon captains inside and be able to fight
and !lingon players in red. Oueues you are them* the mission ob@ecties inole
currently in are marked with a yellow defeating computer-controlled enemies that
square. will be opposing both factions.

0nce the minimum number of players is Unlike PP Hones* ?ar ones hae no
queued up* a menu will pop up that shows queues and you neer know how many
the map being used and the number of other players you'll find inside. They reset
players on each side. Bit the 3ngage button seeral minutes after completion* and a
to enter* as you will time out after about a timer tells you how long it will be until the
minute. reset takes place.

fter entering the scenario* /tarfleet

personnel will tell you about the ob@ecties.
0ne player will usually inite the others on
their side to @oin a team in order to enable a
chat channel during the battle.

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

,EDERATION That means you'll hae to build up your

bank account by selling things* which isn't

ECONOMICS as bad as it sounds since you will come

across many more items of all kinds than
you will eer be able to hold or use. This is

T he <ederation has no need for

money* what with replicators that
can create anything a being might
need. 5ut that doesn't mean there's no in-
especially true for kits* which are specific to
one career path #if your captain is a Tactical
he won't
able to use
ground weapons*

game economy in /T0. which you'll soon hae in abundance after

completing some missions.
<ar from it* in fact. s a <ed player* you'll
find that there is a multi-tiered system for 3ery item has a alue* which you can
acquiring gear and other resources that can think of as its retail price. s in most AA0s*
be a little confusing for new players. s you you'll usually hae to pay the full price in
progress through the game* you'll learn energy credits to buy the item* but you
that all of the following ways of obtaining won't receie full alue when selling it.
items hae their uses for making your
captain* crew and ship the best they can long with physical goods* energy
be. credits can also be used to customiHe your
ship or the clothing worn by your captain
and bridge officers by isiting tailors on

Energ( Cre#its arious starbases.

3nergy credits are the main form of

currency in the /T0 unierse* usable in all
kinds of places to purchase weapons* Nour <ederation characters can buy gear
equipment and een new starships* if you directly from other human players and sell
hae enough of them. The interesting part to them as well thanks to the e=change
is that you start with none* nor do you earn consoles you'll find on starbases. Gust about
any by completing missions or find them as anything you can think of or want in /T0 is
drops when defeating enemies. probably for sale at some time.

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

The prices for using the replicator are no

The e=change has a search function and worse than you'll find anywhere else for
drop-down menus so you can quickly find these staples. Nou can also sellJ items for
e=actly what you want. 5e prepared to pay credits using the replicator* but since you'll
a pretty penny for the good stuff* though* only get about ,) percent of their alues if
as supply and demand control prices here. you do* this should be aoided.

0n the flip side* if you find yourself in

possession of some rare gear that you can't Starfleet Merits
use or don't want* the e=change is your
best bet for getting all the energy credits
you desere from a sale L especially since In contrast to energy credits* you will
you can name your own selling price when receie /tarfleet Aerits for completing
you post the item. Nou're much better off missions. Think of them in a similar way to
attempting this route than selling high end the faor systems in other AA0s* as they
weapons or equipment to the in-game reflect your personal leel of goodwill with
merchants. the higher ups of the <ederation.

The main use of Aerits is for obtaining

Repliators and training 5ridge 0fficer candidates.
;andomly finding the 0fficer with the e=act
If you find yourself in need of commonly race and set of skills you want is possible*
used items in a pinch* you don't een need but why leae it to chance when you can
to track down a wandering merchant ship simply isit a requisitions officer #at 3arth
or head to a starbase to go shopping. The /pacedock* for one& and pick the one you
replicator on your ship can create food and wantF
beerages #for non-combat healing&* as well
as small hypos* shield charges and power Nou can also spend merits to get a
cells. 5ridge 0fficer who's already part of your
crew to train a new ability* replacing one
they already hae. This is useful if said

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

0fficer's set of skills is good e=cept in one /ince the storyline missions aren't
area* and it's faster than spending time to currently replayable* e=ploration missions
train and leel up a replacement from are the only P3 method of grinding for
scratch. your <ederation character. nd since you
don't earn energy credits for doing them*
<inally* you need Aerits to promote 5adges of 3=ploration are a nice
5ridge 0fficers to the ne=t rank. This can be consolation priHe.
done at any time from the 0fficer's status
screen proided he or she has earned Nou can use the 5adges to requisition
enough skill points and you hae enough ship weapons and consoles* including some
Aerits. that are difficult to find in other ways and
would cost tons of energy credits een if
It costs 7)) /tarfleet Aerits to promote a you did. 5etter gear can be obtained from
5ridge 0fficer from 3nsign to >ieutenant* completing missions in more challenging
2)) to promote from >ieutenant to >t. areas of une=plored space* as listed below$
ommander* and so on.
• Ak. II gear needs 5adges of
3=ploration* (st 0rder* earned by

!a#ges Of e=ploring systems in the Delta

9olanis luster or rucanis rm

E.ploration • Ak. I9 gear needs 5adges of

3=ploration* ,nd 0rder* earned by
e=ploring systems in the Bromi
Gust about eeryone knows that one of luster or !haHon luster
the <ederation's purposes is to e=plore • Ak. 9I gear needs 5adges of
strange new worlds... to seek out new life* 3=ploration* 7rd 0rder* earned by
new ciiliHations.J /T0 gies you a reason e=ploring systems in the fehirr
for doing @ust that thanks to 5adges of Cebula or 3ridan 5elt
3=ploration. • Ak. 9III gear needs 5adges of
3=ploration* 8th 0rder* earned by
e=ploring systems in the ;olor
Cebula or 5etreka Cebula

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

Ak. Q gear needs 5adges of

3=ploration* 1th 0rder* earned by

Ano&alo"s Data
systems in the enas
The second leel of the /hipyard at Though /T0 doesn't hae a full crafting
3arth /pacedock has a conenient place to system that allows players to create items
trade in your 5adges by talking to the like some other AA0s* it does hae a
following /tarfleet personnel$ limited method for improing e=isting gear
thanks to anomalous data.

Who What
In @ust about eery mission* whether in
3nsign 0lesre Ak. II* I9 and 9I space or on the ground* you can scan for
ship weapons
and locate anomalies of arious kinds.

ommander Ak. 9III and Q <lying or walking close to these anomalies

Tafeng ship weapons allows them to be scanned in further detail
and added to your inentory.
>t. ommander Ak. II* I9 and 9I
Phlim consoles
s you learn in an early storyline
>ieutenant NeniH Ak. 9III and Q
mission* the <ederation scientists at
Aemory lpha are eagerly seeking out all
>ieutenant Gotun Ak. II* I9 and 9I kinds of anomalous data to help them with
shields* deflector
arrays and their work. In practical terms* you can
engines e=change the different anomalies you find
according to specific recipes or formulas to
>t. ommander Ak. 9III and Q
0r@as shields* deflector help you upgrade your weapons or
arrays and equipment.

Nour first contact at Aemory lpha will

be ommander Genna ;omaine* who is
located in the center of the facility's large
central room. /he can get you started with
the following upgrades$

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

Co&&an#er Ro&aine5s Upgra#e ,or&"las

Item 2ormula (pecial %onus

>arge Bypo lien rtifact =,* ;adiation /ample =,* Cone

Aineral /ample =,* Aedium Bypo =(

>arge Power ell lien rtifact =,* ;adiation /ample =,* Cone
Aineral /ample =,* Aedium /hield harge

Personal /hield ;adiation /ample =1* lien rtifact =1* Increased shield
Ak. II Aineral /ample =1* ntimatter /ample =,* hit points
5iological /ample =,* Unknown lloy =,*
Personal /hield Ak. II =(

Personal /hield Unknown lloy =2* ntimatter /ample =2* M7() percent
Ak. II 5iological /ample =2* ;adiation /ample =(* shield
lien rtifact =(* Aineral /ample =(* regeneration
Personal /hield Ak. II =(

Disruptor 5olt Unknown lloy =2* ntimatter /ample =2* hance of bonus
Dual Pistol L 5iological /ample =2* ;adiation /ample =(* Physical DoT
/weep Ak. II lien rtifact =(* Aineral /ample =(*
Disruptor Dual Pistols Ak. II =(

Phaser 5eam ;adiation /ample =1* lien rtifact =1* hance of

Pistol L ?ide Aineral /ample =1* ntimatter /ample =,* knockback
5eam Ak. II 5iological /ample =,* Unknown lloy =,*
Phaser ?ide 5eam Pistol Ak. II =(

Phaser 5eam ;adiation /ample =1* lien rtifact =1* M ).( accuracy
rray Ak. II Aineral /ample =1* ntimatter /ample =,*
5iological /ample =,* Unknown lloy =,*
Phaser 5eam rray Ak. II =(

Phaser 5eam ;adiation /ample =1* lien rtifact =1* M,) critical
rray Ak. II Aineral /ample =1* ntimatter /ample =,* seerity
5iological /ample =,* Unknown lloy =,*
Phaser 5eam rray Ak. II =(

Phaser 5eam ;adiation /ample =1* lien rtifact =1* M,K critical
rray Ak. II Aineral /ample =1* ntimatter /ample =,* chance

The Unofficial Star Trek Online Federation Guide

5iological /ample =,* Unknown lloy =,*

Phaser 5eam rray Ak. II =(

Photon Torpedo Unknown lloy =6* ntimatter /ample =6* M).( accuracy
>auncher Ak. II 5iological /ample =6* ;adiation /ample =1*
lien rtifact =1* Aineral /ample =1* Photon
Torpedo >auncher Ak. II =(

Photon Torpedo Unknown lloy =4* lien rtifact =4* M,) critical
>auncher Ak. II ntimatter /ample =4* ;adiation /ample =4* seerity
5iological /ample =4* Aineral /ample =4*
Photon Torpedo >auncher Ak. II =(

Photon Torpedo Unknown lloy =2* ntimatter /ample =2* M,K critical
>auncher Ak. II 5iological /ample =2* ;adiation /ample =(* chance
lien rtifact =(* Aineral /ample =(* Photon
Torpedo >auncher Ak. II =(

3ngineering !it L Unknown lloy =4* lien rtifact =4* "rants both
5asic 3=plosies ntimatter /ample =4* ;adiation /ample =4* Transphasic
Ak. II 5iological /ample =4* Aineral /ample =4* 5omb I and
3ngineering !it L hroniton Aine 5arrier hroniton Aine
/tandard Issue =( 5arrier I abilities

/cience !it L Unknown lloy =4* lien rtifact =4* "rants both
Aedic Ak. II ntimatter /ample =4* ;adiation /ample =4* 9ascular
5iological /ample =4* Aineral /ample =4* ;egenerator I
/cience !it L Aedical Tricorder /tandard and Aedical
Issue =( Tricorder I

Tactical !it L Unknown lloy =6* ntimatter /ample =6* "rants both
5asic "renades 5iological /ample =6* ;adiation /ample =1* /moke "renade
Ak. II lien rtifact =1* Aineral /ample =1* Tactical I and Photon
!it L Photon "renade /tandard Issue =( "renade I


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