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Topic for speaking

1.Describe a school which you went to.

- For everyone, student life is one of the most beautiful and memorable times in
life and so do i. I had spents my youth in Thanh Ba high school.
- Thanh Ba high school is located in Thanh Ba district, Phu Tho province. It is near
my house so I choose it to study.
- My school is painted yellow and white. It is a 2 storied building of u shape with
capacity of 1000 people
- It is not too huge but not too small. It has more than 32 classrooms and was
surrounding by many trees
- All of our classes are equipped with computers, projectors, microphones,
loudspeakers, and some of them even have air conditioners.
- what I really liked about my high school was that the teachers were really
qualified, very enthusiasm
- Behind the school is a stadium – the place I like best. My old class always came
here to relax after a hard studying day.
- Although my high school is not too modern, I has spent my youth at here and I
like it very much.
2.Talk about your favorite sport.
- I am a big fan of badminton so it is not too difficult for me to choose my
favourite sport.
- When i was a child, I watched badminton programs with my parents on TV. Now
that I get older, I can play badminton with my friends.
- I often play twice a week at a stadium opposite my house with my friends or my
younger brother.
- This sport helps me release my stress, refresh my mind and rechare my energy.
- Playing badminton helps me train my fitness. .
- But now, I am so busy with my studying at university so I have no time to play
badminton. In the future, I will arrange the time to start this habit again.
3.Describe an activity you do for your health or fitness.
- I would like to share with you something that I am keen on doing in my leisure
time to stay healthy, which is jogging.

- I took up this habit about 2 years ago. At that time, I had to prepare prepare my
graduation examination so I was a little bit stressed out.
- Then I thought that i should do somelthing to release my stress and recharge my
- At first, I had some trouble with jogging. I went to school most of the time so I
couldn’t arrange the time to jog.
- But after a few days, I got used to jogging and kept doing it in the evenings.
- I have to say this sport brings me many good points. It not only release my stress
but also help me to boost my strength and my mental health.
- Jogging helps me enjoy the fresh air whenever I go jogging, I feel my mind is
being refeshed.
- In the future, I am going to keep doing this to stay healthy and maybe I will try
some other sports too.
4.Describe an object you particularly like.
5.Describe a newspaper or magazine you enjoy reading.
- I’m not a big fan of newspapers and magazines, since I was young I am really
keen on comic
- However, the only newspaper which interests me is “ Student’s flower ”.
- It is a publication of Tien Phong newspaper, a newspaper with entertainment,
psychological or story content for teenagers .
- The first time I read it is 8 years ago, when I saw it in the old book store.
- Student’s flower is extremely popular to teenagers some years ago. Nowadays,
because of the development of social media, less teenager know it
- But in the past, social media is not developed, student’s flower like a friend with
teenager. They can send their story, problems to this newspaper and the next issue,
it will tell about their story and give advice for your problems.
- Although it is famous for teenager today, it is always in my memory.
6.Talk about an unforgettable memory you experienced in your life.
- If someone asks me about my memorable experience, I will tell about my first
part-time job
- When I was fifteen years old, I had a chance to work in supermarket near my
- My job is arranging the stationery in the book area. It is not a luxury job but I
think it is suitable for my ages
- Working in supermarket brings many advantages to me. It is also the reason
why I choose this is my memorable experience
- It helps me know how to communicate with people better, helps me understand
stories better, helps me be more patient and keep calm
- Especially, it enhance my social and soft skill. It also brings many new friends
and new relationship
- Although I also get some troubles, I cannot deny that I had the chance to learn
many valuable thing that I am not taught at school
- That's what makes this piece of memory more precious and special
7.Talk about a technological invention you liked most.
- Smartphone is one of the most technological invention I like most and I was
impressed this invention.
- Smartphone was appeared the first time in 1876, by Alexander Graham Bell
- I am keen on smartphone very much because it brings me many benefits
- It’s a means of communication, an entertainment device and with the Internet, we
can do everything with our smartphones.
- Before smartphone was invented, the communication is so difficult that talking
with others too far away. Now, smartphone brings people closer together.
- There are many brands that smartphones like Apple, Samsung… I use the Apple 7
Plus and I love it. I have great admiration and gratitude for the creators of such
great products as smartphones.
- In the future, if I have a chance, I will try to test more smartphones
8.Describe a song or piece of music you like.
- Music plays an important role in my life, it helps me relax and recharge my energy
- I can listen to many type of music but I think I like Ballad music best
- And my favorite song of this type is Cosmic Railways
- It is the song that is performed by a Korean Music Club – EXO
- I am a big fan of EXO so almost songs of them I am keen on
- Cosmic Railways is the song that tells about the efforts in life. The more you do,
the more successful you have. Difficulty is the stepping stone on the path to
- Whenever I feel disappointed or tired, listening to this song will help me relax and
release my stress
- It may be not a perfect song to everyone but to me it is a wonderful song
9.Talk about a radio/TV program you like.
- I used to watch a lot of TV programs but not anymore because I just don’t have
enough time to watch TV.
- However, there is one that I’d like to talk about: the program “the World of
- This program is usually shown on VTV2 everyday at 8.30 in the evening. It often
lasts about 45 minutes.
- In this program, stories of the life of many animals in the world are told in a very
lively way.
- For example, people can watch films about monkeys, snakes, tigers, insects,
birds, sea turtles, sharks etc. … and the way they exist, the way they live, the way
they hunt,….
- While watching these films, I find the everyday life activities and habits of these
animals very interesting, funny and mysterious.
- I addition, I also learn that it is very important to protect these animals and their
living environments became they are part of our valuable natural world.
- Watching this program makes me very well informed and relaxed after a day of
10. Talk about an important decision you ever made.
11.Describe a special occasion when you had a really enjoyable meal.
12.Describe a time that you invited family or friends to have dinner at home or
in a restaurant
13.Describe a healthy lifestyle you know.
- Nowadays, people become more health-conscious. They want to do anything
which helps them to be fit and active.
- In my life, I also follow a healthy lifestyle

14. Describe something you own which is very important to you.

- In my view, each other has own essential thing with different reason and so do i. I
also has an crucial items.
- The laptop I own is very important to me. I spend almost 6-7 hours on this laptop
which is even higher than the time I spend with my friends!
- My father bought me this one in my last birthday as a special gift. And I really
like this.This is extremely necessary for me because my major has to work with
laptop too much.
- It help me in studying and doing assignments. I also maintain social networking,
watch movies, listen to music many more things on this computer.
- This computer has become an essential part of my life and I can hardly think of a
day without this one. This saves a lot of time and helps me do better in the exams
as well.

- This computer is the main source of information and entertainment for me. I send
important emails and check incoming emails which help me do important
- Everyone has own important items and do do I, laptop is the item that is
extremely crucial to me.

15.Describe a piece of art you like.

16.Talk about a trip you have taken.
- In 2019, i have a memorable summer vacation in Sapa. It was a present my
parents gave to me for my good result at school.
- Sapa is located in Lao Cai province, which is 400 kilometers away from my
home. I traveled with my family by my private car.
- After going through several hills and corners that were covered in mist, Sapa
finally appeared as a fairy land in between the clouds.
- The first day in Sapa, i was eager for visiting the top of Fansipan - a famous place
in Sapa. Some day later, i went to visit other place such as: Silver Waterfall, Gate
to Heaven, Ham Rong Moutain and so on.
- The cold of Sapa makes me feel excited and want to stay here there. Because I
hate the hot weather so much so the weather here is really attractive me
- In addition to, Sapa is also famous for speciality and people are very friendy,
hospitable. After the trip ended, i come back to my home.
- But for me this Sapa tour is extremely great. And i think if i have a chance, i will
be back here someday.
17.Talk about a subject you liked the most at high school.
- There has many subjects at school, but I am extremely impressed by English.
- English is a compulsory subject at chool. It becomes one of the office subject
when government realize that Vietnamese’ language ability is too bad.
- English is spoken by most of the people throughout the world, it is an
international languague so it is very necessary to learn.
- English is not difficult to learn, you just need to work hard to gain good results.
- When you can speak English, it brings you a lot of goodpoints. It helps you so
much in life, in job and maybe in love.
- But at school, most of the time we learn about grammar and vocabulary. We
don’t learn about speaking so pronunciation skill of Vietnamese is so bad.
- - I have been learning English since I was eleven years old. And now I also
continue my journey to study English
- English is the one that will follow us forever, especially when we are reaching
out to the world. It will become the key to connect you to the the world
18.Talk about your oldest friends.
- I am sure that everyone has his or her own best mate, and I am also lucky enough
to have a very good one.
- My oldest friend is Huyen Trang. My friendship started 4 years ago when I and
her learnt the same online class. Although we don’t meet so much, our relationship
is always good
- She is very slender and tall. Trang has a curly brown hair, she takes very good
care of her hair so they always look attractive
- Huyen Trang is a friendly, active and kind person who is always willing to help
people around. I am so proud whenever somebody mentions that Trang is my best
- Now, she is a freshman at Phenikaa university. She is very good at English, so
she learns English Studies while I learn Pedagogical English
- We have many things in common and it is the reason why we can make friend
- Trang is a pretty and interesting girl, so most people around want to be friends
with her. Although Trang and I both have a lot of friends, but we always consider
each other is best friend forever.
19.Talk about a language you have learned.
- English is the only language I have learned. I have been learning English since I
was eleven years old
- And now I also continue my journey to study English.
- English is spoken by most of the people throughout the world, it is an
international language
- I think each other has own way to study English and so do I
- For me, most of the time I study at my school and whenever I have free time I
will improve my English at home
- English is a foreign language so I have had many difficulty when I start
- Pronunciation is the most difficult thing for me, I can not speak like native
- My vocabulary is limited so it is also difficult to me to express what I think
with each other
- English plays an important role in my life and my job, so I always try my best
to make it become my second language
- In the future, if I have a chance I will learn both Korean and Chinese
20.Talk about a famous building in your town.
21.Describe a useful website.
- Nowadays, there has a lot of useful and interesting website. And from my point
of view, each other has own favourite website and so do i.
- I want to talk about my all-time favourite website – Facbook which I find it
extremely useful for me.
- All of my friends use Facebook. One of my friends sent me an email inviting me
to join. I signed up and I've been using it ever since.
- Facebook is a social networking website. It's a free website that allows you to
keep in contact with friends or find people you've lost touch with.
- It's one of the most popular websites in the world, with millions of users in
different countries.
- Facebook allows you to keep up to date with what friends are doing. You have a
profile page with information and status updates so that you can tell everyone what
you're doing.
- You can post messages to other people's pages. You can upload photos and
videos. I find Facebook most useful for organising my life, keeping in touch with
friends and storing photos.
- I think social networking websites have become part of everyday life.
22.Describe a gift you recently gave to someone

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