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Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 314: R761–R769, 2018.

First published February 14, 2018; doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00430.2017.

RESEARCH ARTICLE Cardiovascular and Renal Integration

Role of respiration in the cardiovascular response to orthostatic and

mental stress
Michal Javorka,1,2 Fatima El-Hamad,3 Barbora Czippelova,1,2 Zuzana Turianikova,1,2 Jana Krohova,1,2
Zuzana Lazarova,1,2 and X Mathias Baumert3
Biomedical Center Martin, Comenius University in Bratislava, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine, Martin, Slovakia; 2Department
of Physiology, Comenius University in Bratislava, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine, Martin, Slovakia; and 3School of Electrical
and Electronic Engineering, The University of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Submitted 6 December 2017; accepted in final form 11 February 2018

Javorka M, El-Hamad F, Czippelova B, Turianikova Z, Kro- domain methods in response to passive or active orthostasis
hova J, Lazarova Z, Baumert M. Role of respiration in the cardio- and mental stress (e.g., Refs. 2, 4, 13, 18, 25). While these
vascular response to orthostatic and mental stress. Am J Physiol Regul analyses are frequently performed in laboratory settings, prac-
Integr Comp Physiol 314: R761–R769, 2018. First published Febru- tical applications are limited, due to high inter- and intraindi-
ary 14, 2018; doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00430.2017.—The objective of this
study was to determine the response of heart rate and blood pressure
vidual differences that result in poor sensitivity and specificity
variability (respiratory sinus arrhythmia, baroreflex sensitivity) to for diagnostic purposes.
orthostatic and mental stress, focusing on causality and the mediating Methodological advances in the analysis of cardiovascular
effect of respiration. Seventy-seven healthy young volunteers (46 oscillations have resulted in a better understanding of their
women, 31 men) aged 18.4 ⫾ 2.7 yr underwent an experimental origin, making it necessary to reconsider previous results
protocol comprising supine rest, 45° head-up tilt, recovery, and a obtained with various stressors by taking into consideration the
mental arithmetic task. Heart rate variability and blood pressure following important observations.
variability were analyzed in the time and frequency domain and First, during the last decade, it has become evident that
modeled as a multivariate autoregressive process where the respira- closed-loop interaction of heart rate and blood pressure needs
tory volume signal acted as an external driver. During head-up tilt, to be considered in any analysis of spontaneous baroreflex
tidal volume increased while respiratory rate decreased. During men-
tal stress, breathing rate increased and tidal volume was elevated
sensitivity. While blood pressure influences heart rate via
slightly. Respiratory sinus arrhythmia decreased during both interven- baroreflex, which has been traditionally considered to be the
tions. Baroreflex function was preserved during orthostasis but was dominant mechanisms of coupling, an increasing number of
decreased during mental stress. While sex differences were not ob- studies show that feedforward mechanisms elicited by Frank-
served during baseline conditions, cardiovascular response to ortho- Starling and Windkessel effects constitute significant contribu-
static stress and respiratory response to mental stress was more tions to the heart rate-blood pressure relationship (11, 30).
prominent in men compared with women. The respiratory response to Therefore, the analysis of interaction between heart rate and
the mental arithmetic tasks was more prominent in men despite a blood pressure oscillations with the aim of probing baroreflex
significantly higher subjectively perceived stress level in women. In sensitivity demands closed-loop assessment of the causal in-
conclusion, respiration shows a distinct response to orthostatic versus fluences in both directions (19).
mental stress, mediating cardiovascular variability; it needs to be
considered for correct interpretation of heart rate and blood pressure
Second, previous studies have demonstrated the important
phenomena. influence of respiration and respiratory pattern changes on
cardiovascular oscillations (6, 29). This is especially important
baroreflex; blood pressure variability; causality; head-up tilt; heart when respiratory pattern changes in response to a stimulus are
rate variability; mental stress; respiratory pattern to be expected, e.g., during mental stress (14, 22). Furthermore,
the sex-specific influence on autonomic nervous system control
at rest and during various challenges is often neglected (23).
INTRODUCTION The aim of our study was to demonstrate the effect of
respiration and causal relationships in heart rate and blood
Many previous studies have assessed oscillation in cardio- pressure control by using two established test paradigms during
vascular measures [heart rate variability (HRV) and blood physical (orthostatic) and cognitive (mental arithmetic) stress.
pressure variability (BPV)] with the aim of estimating the We hypothesized that analysis of tidal volume and respiratory
autonomic nervous system response to various stressors. The rate will give important insights into heart rate and blood
two most important outcomes of the analysis, cardiac barore- pressure stress response. Additionally, sex differences in car-
flex sensitivity and respiratory sinus arrhythmia magnitude, diovascular stress response were analyzed.
both expressing predominantly the parasympathetic influences
on the heart, are typically analyzed by time or frequency METHODS

Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: M. Javorka, Faculty
of Medicine, Biomedical Center Martin Comenius Univ., Mala Hora 4C, Seventy-seven healthy young volunteers (46 women, 31 men),
03601 Martin, Slovakia (e-mail: recruited from local elementary schools and high schools and the 0363-6119/18 Copyright © 2018 the American Physiological Society R761

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university, with a mean age of 18.4 yr (SD ⫽ 2.7 yr) participated in projected on the ceiling using a computer mouse. Throughout the MA
this study. All subjects were normotensive (normal blood pressure task, participants were disturbed by the rhythmic sound of a metro-
range for the given age on regular medical examinations and during nome and instructed to perform the MA task as quickly as possible
three sequential measurements separated by 5 min at the start of with minimum error. After completing the protocol, participants were
examination protocol in the laboratory) and within the normal range asked to express their subjective perceived stress level (PSL) during
of body mass index for their age (7). Subjects were instructed not to MA on the visual analog scale (0 –10).
use substances influencing the autonomic nervous system or cardio-
vascular system activity. Women were examined in the proliferative Data Analysis
phase (6th to 13th day) of the menstrual cycle. All procedures were
approved by Ethical Committee of the Jessenius Faculty of Medicine, To exclude transient changes in cardiovascular parameters between
Comenius University, and all participants or their legal guardian (for consecutive phases of the experimental protocol from analysis, we
minors) signed a written informed consent. extracted segments of 300 beats from the original recordings as
follows: the first segment (REST) started 8 min after the beginning of
Data Acquisition recording, the second segment (HUT) started 3 min after tilt, the third
segment (REC1) started 7 min before the MA task, and the fourth
We recorded continuous finger arterial blood pressure [beat-to-beat segment (MA) started 2 min after the beginning of this phase. Since
systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP)] noninvasively our study focuses on stress responses, the fifth phase (REC2) was not
by the photoplethysmographic volume-clamp method (Finometer Pro; included in the analysis (Fig. 1).
FMS) and RR interval by the ECG (horizontal bipolar thoracic lead;
CardioFax ECG-9620; NihonKohden). Respiratory volume (RV) Univariate Time and Frequency Domain Analysis
changes were recorded by respiratory inductive plethysmography
(RespiTrace 200; NIMS), using two belts (thoracic and abdominal). HRV analysis. For traditional time domain analysis of HRV, we
Qualitative diagnostic calibration of the respiratory signal (9) was computed three most commonly used measures: meanNN, the mean
followed by quantitative calibration, where participants breathed into beat-to-beat interval of normal heartbeats; SDNN, standard deviation
a 1,000-ml plastic bag. All signals were digitized and transferred to a of NN intervals, reflecting the overall variability magnitude; and
personal computer at a sampling rate of 1,000 Hz using a PowerLab RMSSD, the root mean square of successive beat-to-beat differences,
8/35 (ADInstruments) device. reflecting the average magnitude of changes in RR intervals length
For each breath, respiratory rate and tidal volume were measured between two consecutive beats, which is regarded a marker of vagal
from the raw RV signal. Tidal volume was taken as the difference heart rate control. In the frequency domain, spectral analysis was
between local minimum (onset of inspiration) and subsequent maxi- performed using fast Fourier transform to obtain spectral powers in
mum (offset of expiration) of the RV signal. Respiratory rate in cycles low-frequency (LF HRV: 0.04 – 0.15 Hz) and high-frequency (HF
per minute was calculated as the reciprocal value of breathing cycle HRV: 0.15– 0.5 Hz) bands.
duration (time distance between 2 consecutive onsets of inspiration). BPV analysis. From SBP signals we computed the following linear
Minute ventilation was calculated as a product of respiratory rate and measures: mean SBP, mean systolic blood pressure value; SD SBP,
tidal volume for each breath. For further analysis, median values of all standard deviation of systolic blood pressure values; and RMSSD
respiratory measures as representative values for the given phase of SBP, root-mean-square of successive differences of SBP values. In
the study protocol were used. For further beat-to-beat analysis, the RV the frequency domain, spectral analysis was performed using fast
signal (RV signal) was sampled at the R-wave occurrence in ECG; the Fourier transform to obtain spectral powers in low-frequency (LF
RR interval corresponds to the time interval to the subsequent R wave; SBPV: 0.04 – 0.15 Hz) and high-frequency (HF SBPV: 0.15– 0.5 Hz)
and the SBP value corresponds to the systolic blood pressure en- bands. In addition, mean DBP for the given time series segment was
trained by the RR interval. calculated.

Study Protocol Model-Based Analysis of Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia and

Participants were positioned on a tilt table with their feet
touching the footboard at the end of the table. A restraining strap We adopted a multivariate linear autoregressive model to explore
secured at the thigh level was used to provide additional support the relationship among RR, SBP, and respiration, focusing on the
and safety. The participants were asked to avoid moving and effects of respiration and blood pressure changes, respectively, on RR,
speaking during the measurement. The study protocol consisted of yielding indexes of respiratory sinus arrhythmia and baroreflex sen-
five consecutive phases: 1) supine rest (REST, 15 min); 2) head-up sitivity. The model distinguishes the baroreflex effect of SBP on RR
tilt (HUT, the subject was tilted to 45° on a motor-driven tilt table from the hemodynamic influence in the opposite direction (from RR
for 8 min to evoke mild orthostatic stress); 3) recovery from HUT to SBP). This so-called causal approach extends previous studies on
in the supine position (REC1, 10 min); 4) mental arithmetic task in SBP and RR that considered interactions only in one direction, from
the supine position (MA, 6 min); and 5) recovery (REC2, 10 min). SBP to RR. Recent studies (11, 19) demonstrate that feedforward
During the MA task, participants were instructed to sum up influences from RR to SBP are relatively strong and distort the results
three-digit numbers until a one-digit number was reached and to of baroreflex analysis from spontaneous RR and SBP oscillations
decide if the final one-digit number was odd or even. The numbers when neglected. The model also enables quantifying the magnitude of
were projected on the ceiling of the examination room. After decision- respiratory sinus arrhythmia by considering changes in RV, because,
making, participants had to click on the corresponding push button as demonstrated in previous studies (6, 29), the respiratory pattern

Fig. 1. Study protocol timeline with 5 phases: Gray

boxes indicate the analyzed 300-beat-long intervals.
REST, supine rest; HUT, head-up tilt to 45°; REC1,
1st supine recovery; REC2, 2nd supine recovery;
MA, mental arithmetics.

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significantly influences the magnitude of respiratory sinus arrhythmia,
regardless of autonomic nervous system activity.
Beat-to-beat values of RR, SBP, and RV were detrended using a
time-varying impulse response high-pass filter (37) with a cut-off
frequency of 0.04 Hz and subsequently normalized to zero mean and
unit variance. To study the baroreflex contribution to HRV, power
contribution analysis (10, 28) and parametric transfer function anal-
ysis (12) were performed, using a closed-loop autoregressive model
with two outputs and one external input (2ARX) (3). The model was
defined as:
A1共z兲RR共i兲 ⫽ B1共z兲SBP(i) ⫹ B2共z兲RV(i) ⫹ eRR(i) (1)
A2共z兲SBP共i兲 ⫽ B3共z兲RR(i) ⫹ B4共z兲RV(i) ⫹ eSBP(i) (2)
where A1 and A2 are polynomials that describe the dependence of the
output signals on their own past, while B1, B2, B3, and B4 are
polynomials that describe the effect of the inputs on the output signals.
Variables eRR and eSBP are white noise sources with zero mean and
variances ␴2RR and ␴2SBP, respectively. In this model, RR and SBP
interact in a closed-loop fashion, where the SBP-to-RR arm represents
baroreflex feedback control and the RR-to-SBP arm represents the
mechanical feedforward influences from RR to SBP. RV was modeled
as an independent autoregressive process.
Model orders were selected in the range 4 to 12, minimizing the
Fig. 2. Mean beat-to-beat interval of normal heartbeats (meanNN; a reciprocal
Akaike information criterion (1). Model parameters were estimated value of heart rate) during 4 phases of study protocol. Bars correspond to
using least squares method and validated using residual analysis and median values; black and gray bars correspond to men and women, respec-
goodness of fit measures. Model parameters were transformed into the tively. REST, supine rest; HUT, head-up tilt to 45°; REC1, 1st supine
frequency domain by using the Fourier transform and the following recovery; REC2, 2nd supine recovery; MA, mental arithmetics. *Significant
measures were estimated for each data segment: power contribution effect of stress (HUT vs. REST or MA vs. REC1), §Significant difference
from SBP to RR, expressed as a percentage of total RR power between 2 challenges (MA vs. HUT). #Significant sex difference.
(PSBP¡RR); power contribution from RV to RR, expressed as a
percentage of total RR power (PRV¡RR); gain of the causal transfer
function from SBP to RR, sampled at the LF peak of the SBP
spectrum (GSBP¡RR); and gain of the transfer function from RV to the differences between HUT and MA were all statistically
RR, sampled at the HF peak of the R spectrum (GRV¡RR). significant (for SDNN: P ⫽ 0.012; for RMSSD: P ⬍ 0.001).
While similar effects were observed for power HF in the
Statistics frequency domain of HRV (decrease during HUT: P ⬍ 0.001;
Nonparametric tests were used to take into account the non- decrease during MA: P ⬍ 0.001; HUT vs. MA: P ⬍ 0.001), the
Gaussian distribution of the assessed measures. Between-phase dif- LF power decreased significantly only during MA compared
ferences were analyzed by the Friedman test followed by the Conover with the preceding phase (MA: P ⬍ 0.001; HUT: P ⫽ 0.070;
test for post hoc comparison (effect of HUT: phase 2 vs. phase 1; Fig. 3, bottom). No significant sex differences in time and
effect of MA: phase 4 vs. 3; and between stressors comparison: phase frequency domain HRV measures (P ⫽ 0.122– 0.934) or their
2 vs. phase 4). Sex differences were tested with the Mann-Whitney response magnitude from baseline to HUT (P ⫽ 0.216 – 0.975)
U-test. Correlations between PSL and cardiovascular or respiratory
variables were quantified by the Spearman correlation coefficient.
or from REC1 to MA were found (P ⫽ 0.406 – 0.547).
P ⬍ 0.05 was considered statistically significant. SBP and DBP at baseline were 121 and 70 mmHg on
average, respectively. During HUT, SBP significantly de-
RESULTS creased (P ⬍ 0.001) while no significant change in DBP was
found (P ⫽ 0.999) (Fig. 4). Both mean SBP and mean DBP
HRV and SBPV significantly increased during MA compared with preceding
Baseline resting heart rate was 66 beats/min on average and supine rest (P ⬍ 0.001 for both). No significant sex differences
tended to be higher in women (for meanNN: P ⫽ 0.057) (Fig. in mean SBP values were observed during protocol (P ⫽
2). During both challenges (HUT and MA), mean RR interval 0.088 – 0.289). Mean DBP values observed during baseline,
(meanNN) significantly decreased (heart rate increased) (P ⬍ HUT, and MA, on the other hand, were all significantly higher
0.001 in both HUT and MA compared with preceding resting in men (P ⫽ 0.030, 0.013, and 0.020, respectively). No signif-
phase), and this decrease was significantly more prominent icant sex differences in the response magnitude of mean SBP
during HUT than during MA (P ⬍ 0.001 for HUT vs. MA or DBP changes to the HUT or MA in comparison with the
comparison). The magnitude of meanNN decrease (heart rate preceding resting period were found (P ⫽ 0.236 – 0.553).
increase) in response to HUT was higher in men (P ⫽ 0.003) All SBPV measures (Fig. 4) significantly increased during
resulting in nonsignificant difference in meanNN during HUT HUT and decreased during MA (for all comparisons: P ⬍
(P ⫽ 0.582). No significant sex difference in the response 0.001). When comparing both sexes, we found higher beat-to-
magnitude of heart rate to MA was observed (P ⫽ 0.489). beat SBPV (RMSSD SBP: P ⫽ 0.006; HF SBPV: P ⫽ 0.002)
During both HUT and MA, all time domain HRV (Fig. 3, during orthostasis in men. Accordingly, the response magni-
top) measures significantly decreased (for all comparisons P ⬍ tude of RMSSD SBP and HF SBPV from supine rest to HUT
0.001). The decrease was more pronounced during HUT, and was higher in men (P ⫽ 0.038 and P ⬍ 0.001, respectively).

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Fig. 3. Time and frequency domain heart rate variability indexes during four phases of study protocol. REST, supine rest; HUT, head-up tilt to 45°; REC1, 1st
supine recovery; MA, mental arithmetics; SDNN, standard deviation of normal RR intervals; RMSSD, root-mean-square of successive beat-to-beat difference
in RR interval length; LF_HRV and HF_HRV, spectral power of RR intervals oscillations in low (0.04 – 0.15 Hz)- and high-frequency (0.15– 0.5 Hz) bands,
respectively. Bars correspond to median values; black and gray bars correspond to men and women, respectively. *Significant effect of stress (HUT vs. REST
or MA vs. REC1), §Significant difference between 2 challenges (MA vs. HUT).

Respiration Measures ventilation in men overall (P ⬍ 0.001 during whole protocol).

When analyzing the response magnitude as the difference
Minute ventilation significantly and similarly increased dur- between orthostasis or MA and the preceding resting phase, the
ing both HUT and MA compared with baseline (P ⬍ 0.001 for increase of tidal volume and minute ventilation during HUT
both HUT vs. REST and MA vs. REC1; P ⫽ 0.495 for HUT was significantly higher in men (orthostatic response: P ⫽
vs. MA). Orthostatic challenge was accompanied by an in- 0.009 and 0.003 for tidal volume and minute ventilation,
crease of tidal volume (P ⬍ 0.001) and modest but significant respectively; MA response: P ⫽ 0.484 and 0.126 for tidal
decrease of respiratory rate (P ⫽ 0.003). During MA, the volume and minute ventilation, respectively).
respiratory rate increased (P ⬍ 0.001) and tidal volume mar-
ginally significantly increased (P ⫽ 0.049) (Fig. 5). While tidal Model-Based Analysis
volume was significantly higher in men compared with women
throughout the entire protocol (P ⫽ 0.001– 0.004), no signifi- Power contribution from SBP to RR, expressed as a percent-
cant sex differences in respiratory rate were observed (P ⫽ age of total RR power (PSBP¡RR), significantly increased
0.246 – 0.869). This resulted in a significantly higher minute during HUT (P ⬍ 0.001) but not during MA (P ⫽ 0.631; HUT

AJP-Regul Integr Comp Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00430.2017 •

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Fig. 4. Mean systolic (mean SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (mean DBP) values and linear systolic blood pressure variability indexes during study protocol.
REST, supine rest; HUT, head-up tilt to 45°; REC1, 1st supine recovery; MA, mental arithmetics; SD SBP, standard deviation of beat-to-beat systolic blood
pressure values; RMSSD SBP, root-mean-square of successive differences in systolic blood pressure values; LF_SBPV and HF_SBPV, spectral power of systolic
blood pressure oscillations in low (0.04 – 0.15 Hz) and high frequency (0.15– 0.5 Hz) bands, respectively. Bars correspond to median values; black and gray bars
correspond to men and women, respectively. *Significant effect of stress (HUT vs. REST or MA vs. REC1), §Significant difference between 2 challenges (MA
vs. HUT), #Significant sex difference.

vs. MA: P ⬍ 0.001) (Fig. 6). Gain of the causal transfer pants, significant negative correlations between PSL and sev-
function from SBP to RR (GSBP¡RR) was significantly lower eral HRV measures (SDNN: rho ⫽ ⫺0.367, P ⫽ 0.013;
during MA compared with HUT (P ⫽ 0.003). No significant RMSSD: rho ⫽ ⫺0.327, P ⫽ 0.028; power HF: rho ⫽
sex differences in SBP to RR interconnection measures were ⫺0.310, P ⫽ 0.038) and SD SBP (rho ⫽ ⫺0.308, P ⫽ 0.039)
observed. However, when the magnitude of response was obtained during MA were found. When analyzed separately by
calculated as the difference between MA and preceding rest, sex, significant correlations between PSL and HRV or BPV
the decrease in GSBP¡RR was significantly more expressed in measures in the MA phase were found in men only in HRV
women (P ⫽ 0.048). measures (SDNN: rho ⫽ ⫺0.602, P ⫽ 0.006; RMSSD: rho ⫽
Power contribution from respiration to RR signal, expressed ⫺0.640, P ⫽ 0.003; power HF: rho ⫽ ⫺0.610, P ⫽ 0.006).
as a percentage of total RR power (PRV¡RR), significantly and
similarly (HUT vs. MA: P ⫽ 0.378) decreased during HUT DISCUSSION
(P ⫽ 0.001) and MA (P ⬍ 0.001). Although significant during
both HUT and MA (P ⬍ 0.001 for both), the decrease in the In this study, we determined HRV and BPV during ortho-
causal transfer function gain from respiration to RR (GRV¡RR) static and mental stress, focusing on the effect of respiration.
was more prominent during orthostatic challenge (HUT vs. Analysis of RV indicates distinct differences between both
MA: P ⫽ 0.020). A significantly higher PRV¡RR was found in challenges. Respiratory sinus arrhythmia magnitude demon-
women at REC1 phase (P ⫽ 0.008). strates the decrease in cardiac parasympathetic activity during
both HUT and MA. Considering bidirectional interconnection
Correlation Between PSL During MA Task and
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Measures between heart rate and blood pressure, causal analysis shows
that baroreflex function is preserved during orthostasis, but it
The PSL during MA was significantly higher in women decreases during mental stress. While sex differences were not
compared with men (P ⫽ 0.034). When pooling all partici- observed during baseline conditions, cardiovascular response

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Fig. 5. Ventilation characteristics during 4 phases of study protocol. REST, supine rest; HUT, head-up tilt to 45°; REC1, 1st supine recovery; MA, mental
arithmetics. Bars correspond to median values; black and gray bars correspond to men and women, respectively. *Significant effect of stress (HUT vs. REST
or MA vs. REC1). §Significant difference between 2 challenges (MA vs. HUT), #Significant sex difference.

to orthostatic stress and respiratory response to mental stress sympathetic withdrawal and increased sympathetic activity to
was more prominent in men compared with women. the heart and vasculature. In contrast, during cognitive load,
parasympathetic withdrawal and sympathetic activation are
Comparing the Effects of Orthostatic and Cognitive presumably initiated by projections from the amygdala and
Challenges on the Cardiovascular System occur without major changes in venous return (24, 33, 42). As
During both HUT and MA, all HRV measures decreased, a result, the SBP and DBP significantly increased during MA.
except LF power in HRV, which only decreased during HUT. This blood pressure response corresponding to autonomic
These findings are in accordance with previous studies on HUT changes was overridden by a decreased venous return during
(32, 40) and MA (5, 16) and are generally interpreted as a HUT resulting in a decrease of both SBP and DBP compared
decrease of the parasympathetic activity to the heart. with preceding supine rest.
The dominant influence of respiration on short-term HRV In accordance with previous studies (26, 31), SBP variability
(respiratory sinus arrhythmia) (6), and the ventilatory changes increased during HUT. This increase was related to both
observed during HUT, increase of tidal volume and a decrease overall and beat-to-beat variability. Previously, it was inter-
in respiratory rate, would increase the magnitude of respiratory preted as an effect of an increased sympathetic activity to the
sinus arrhythmia (15). Despite this, HF power and HRV blood vessels (39). However, the respiratory changes observed
magnitude in general decreased during HUT, indicating de- in our study, the increase in tidal volume and the mild decrease
creased parasympathetic activity during orthostasis. This was in the breathing rate, could also explain this phenomenon. The
confirmed by attenuated gain from respiratory signal to heart importance of respiration on short-term BPV measures was
rate oscillations; the unit magnitude of tidal volume evoked also evident during MA. BPV was expected to increase due to
lower respiratory sinus arrhythmia during HUT compared with sympathetic activation, when in fact it decreased, possibly due
preceding supine rest. to the increase in breathing rate and the decrease in tidal
On the contrary, the respiratory changes observed during volume. Alternatively, the decrease in BPV during MA could
MA, a marked increase in breathing rate and only a slight be related to the lower feedforward transfer of oscillations from
increase in tidal volume, would theoretically decrease respira- heart rate to SBP related to the decreased HRV in this phase as
tory sinus arrhythmia magnitude and HRV variability. There- demonstrated in several previous studies on causal SBP to RR
fore, in this case, the interpretation of decreased HF power as oscillations transfer analysis (11, 20).
parasympathetic withdrawal should be taken with caution. We The increase in the relative contribution of SBP to RR
found that the gain from respiration to heart rate was also (PSBP¡RR) during HUT illustrates the cardiovascular control
decreased during MA compared with the preceding supine system’s heightened effort to maintain blood pressure and
phase. In addition, the relative contribution of respiration to perfusion during orthostatic challenge. Despite decreased para-
HRV was decreased, confirming that cardiac parasympathetic sympathetic activity, the gain from SBP to RR oscillations, i.e.,
activity is also decreased during cognitive load. causal analysis-derived baroreflex sensitivity, was not changed
The decrease in HRV and the decrease in gain from respi- during HUT. In contrast, the gain from SBP to RR decreased
ration to heart rate were more prominent during HUT com- during MA when blood pressure is relatively stable and para-
pared with MA task, indicating a more pronounced parasym- sympathetic activity decreased.
pathetic withdrawal during orthostatic challenge. The mecha- Respiratory Pattern Changes
nisms behind parasympathetic inhibition during the two
challenges are rather different. During HUT, blood pooling in In agreement with previous studies, we found an increase in
the lower part of the body leads to a decreased venous return minute ventilation during both challenges (14, 17). The pattern
and a decrease of arterial blood pressure sensed by high- to achieve this was different: while during HUT the effect of
pressure baroreceptors. The responses include cardiac para- increased tidal volume was prevailing, the increase in breath-

AJP-Regul Integr Comp Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00430.2017 •

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Copyright © 2018 American Physiological Society. All rights reserved.

Fig. 6. Model-based indexes of respiratory sinus arrhythmia and baroreflex during four phases of study protocol. REST, supine rest; HUT, head-up tilt to 45°;
REC1, 1st supine recovery; MA, mental arithmetics; PSBP¡RR and PRV¡RR, power contribution from systolic blood pressure to RR intervals or from respiratory
volume signal to RR intervals, respectively, both expressed as a percentage of total RR power; GSBP¡RR and GRV¡RR, gain of the causal transfer function from
systolic blood pressure to RR or from respiratory volume signal to RR, respectively. Bars correspond to median values; black and gray bars correspond to men
and women, respectively. *Significant effect of stress (HUT vs. REST or MA vs. REC1), §Significant difference between 2 challenges (MA vs. HUT).
#Significant sex difference.

ing rate was more dominant during MA. We attribute this adults) and those included in the meta-analysis performed
difference to the minimization of breathing effort to increase aggregated across all age groups could be responsible for this
the minute ventilation after a change from supine to upright discrepancy. For example, in our previous study on the rela-
position; it is more effective to increase tidal volume than tively large cohort of adolescents (n ⫽ 206; age range: 15–19
breathing rate. yr), a paradoxically decreased magnitude of respiratory sinus
arrhythmia in women was consistently found (38).
Sex Differences Mean DBP values were higher in men compared with
At rest in the supine position, no significant sex differences women. Given the similar HR in both sexes, the lower decay of
in mean HR, HRV, and BPV were found. Although this is in blood pressure curve during diastole (run-off effect) could
accordance with several previous studies on HRV, a recent indicate either decreased peripheral vascular resistance and/or
meta-analysis demonstrated significantly higher mean heart arterial compliance in men (41). This observation warrants
rate and lower overall magnitude of HRV together with an further investigation.
increased HF power in women (23). The difference between In response to HUT, the heart rate increase was more
age groups analyzed in our study (adolescents and young prominent in men. The heart rate increase compensates the

AJP-Regul Integr Comp Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00430.2017 •

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decrease in blood pressure associated with a decreased venous Perspectives and Significance
return during a changed body position. Higher capacity of the
venous bed in the lower part of the body of men, leading to Historically, spontaneous cardiovascular oscillations, HRV
reduced venous return compared with women (8, 27), could and BPV, were analyzed separately. It was believed that
require more prominent HR response. The alternative expla- short-term variability mostly reflects autonomic nervous sys-
nation, decreased sensitivity of baroreflex, was not supported tem activity. This triggered a search for the best measures
by our data, showing no significant difference in the model- reflecting parasympathetic or sympathetic activity from HRV
based baroreflex sensitivity estimation (GSBP¡RR). In contrast or BPV during various challenges including orthostasis and
to our observations, few previous studies, comparing cardio- cognitive load. However, by ignoring the complex relation-
vascular response to HUT between the subgroups of men and ships underpinning these oscillations, the results of previous
women, reported no significant differences (34) or a more studies may have been distorted. The bidirectional interaction
prominent heart rate increase in women only at a tilt angle of between heart rate and blood pressure should be considered
60° (36). Attenuated heart rate increase in young women could when baroreflex function is analyzed from the cardiovascular
be one of the factors contributing to the higher incidence of oscillations. Additionally, an important driving force of respi-
orthostatic hypotension and fainting (21). ration should not be neglected.
Given the comparable cardiac baroreflex characteristics in From the physiological point of view, our study demon-
men and women, higher beat-to-beat SBP variability observed strated that even after adjusting for breathing pattern changes,
in men during passive orthostasis could be explained by the parasympathetic activity directed to the sinoatrial node, medi-
mechanical effect of the respiration. Since the increase in tidal ating respiratory sinus arrhythmia, is significantly reduced
volume (and hence minute ventilation) was higher in men, during both challenges. Considering the cardiac branch of
intrathoracic pressure changes and subsequent venous return baroreflex (cardiac chronotropic response to blood pressure
oscillations are expected to be more prominent, resulting in change), we found well-preserved baroreflex sensitivity during
augmented respiration-related SBP oscillations. both stress conditions (although it was slightly lower during a
Cardiovascular autonomic control differs between sexes, but cognitive load). Decreased baroreflex sensitivity reported in
is often ignored in the analysis of resting cardiovascular vari- previous studies during both challenges may therefore be an
ability and responses to various challenges. In summary, our artifactual finding originating in the noncausal approach to
data suggest that the influence of sex should be considered baroreflex function analysis. To correctly interpret cardiovas-
when performing cardiovascular variability analysis, in partic- cular oscillations, simultaneous recording of several parame-
ular stress response tests. The age of our participants ranged ters, including respiration, is necessary.
between 13 and 23 yr (interquartile range: 17.0 –20.3 yr), Conclusion
corresponding to adolescents and young adults according to
World Health Organization classification. We assume that a The respiratory response to orthostatic stress is distinctly
broader range of pubertal development including earlier stages different from that to mental stress, raising tidal volume and
in men in contrast to completed pubertal development in the respiratory rate, respectively. When analyzing cardiovascular
majority of girls could be partially responsible for the observed oscillations, respiration must be included in the interpretation
sex-related differences. A relation between pubertal develop- of heart rate and blood pressure phenomena related to respira-
ment (e.g., using Tanner score) and cardiovascular/respiratory tory sinus arrhythmia and spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity.
response to stress requires further study.

PSL During Mental Arithmetic Task and Autonomic This study was supported by Grants APVV-0235-12 and VEGA 1/0117/17,
BioMed (ITMS 26220220187), and Grant UK/83/2016.
Nervous System Response
Despite significantly higher PSLs during MA in women, the
changes in basic cardiovascular (HR, SBP, and DBP) and No conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, are declared by the authors.
respiratory measures (tidal volume, respiratory rate, and min- AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
ute ventilation) in response to MA were not significantly
M.J. and M.B. conceived and designed research; M.J., B.C., Z.T., J.K.,
different between sexes. This illustrates that subjective percep- Z.L., and M.B. performed experiments; M.J., F.E.-H., B.C., Z.T., J.K., Z.L.,
tion of stress is not necessarily correlated with the level of and M.B. analyzed data; M.J., F.E.-H., B.C., and M.B. interpreted results of
autonomic nervous system response. Only cardiac baroreflex experiments; M.J. and J.K. prepared figures; M.J., F.E.-H., and M.B. drafted
sensitivity responded more prominently (higher parasympa- manuscript; M.J., F.E.-H., and M.B. edited and revised manuscript; M.J.,
F.E.-H., B.C., Z.T., J.K., Z.L., and M.B. approved final version of manuscript.
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