PBL Molecules of Life

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Group Number : 5 Lecturer

Name Mohamad Arif bin Nasaruddin Suardi bin Nanang Afiqah binti Hasbullah Noor Syazwani bt Md Shaimi Norhamidah bt Rohani

: Dr.Shakirah Shamsuddin
Matrics no. D20091935123 D20091035131 D20091035092 D20091035113 D20091036643

Introduction We had given about six weeks in order to finish up our problem based learning (PBL). This PBL included in the chapter 3 that are molecules of life. In this chapter there are a few subtopics that we should learn. This includes carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. The molecules of life are organic compound. In an organic compound there are contain carbon and at least one hydrogen atom. These molecules usually contain one or more functional groups that are covalently bonded to carbon. Carbohydrates are the example of organic compound that consist of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio. The most abundant of all biological molecules on the planet are sugars and other carbohydrates. In a cell, the different kinds are stored or put to use as structural materials and as sources of instant energy. Carbohydrates contain of three types which are monosaccharides, oligosaccharides or dissacharides and polysaccharides. Proteins are the most diverse of all large biological molecules. Proteins are the organic compounds that composed of one or more chains of amino acids. There are four levels of protein structure which are primary structure, secondary structure, tertiary structure and quaternary structure. Lipids are fatty, oily or waxy organic compounds that are insoluble in water. Fats are lipids with one, two or three fatty acids that dangle like tails from a small alcohol called glycerol. In vertebrates, fats are the most abundant energy source and the richest. They are concentrated in adipose tissue that insulates and cushions parts of the body. There are two types of fats which are saturated fats and unsaturated fats.

THE PROBLEM SCENARIO SIRLOIN STEAK Rozie was a Food and Beverage student from a local university. During practical, she was attached to a well-known hotel in Kuala Lumpur, under Chef Zul supervision. Rozie listed few advices from Chef Zul in her report after the practical. These includes a. Prepare balance food b. Serve the honey together other food during breakfast c. Soak the prepared apple in a bit salty water d. Fry the vegetable with a big fire and a shorter period e. Stir the gravy while cooking Bubur Kacang and Pengat Pisang with a small fire f. Stab the meat with fork when preparing steak and dont over cooked

FILA CHART FACT Prepare balance food IDEAS LEARNING ISSUES ACTION PLAN By eating balance Why must we take a http://en.wikiped food we will get a balance food? ia.org/wiki/Healt healthy body hy-eating What are the Balance food importance of taking http://www.healt helps to maintain balance food? hcentral.com/die our body system t How are we going to exercise/balance Use food pyramid take a balance food d-diet as a guide to take regularly? balance food Honey contains carbohydrates, minerals and vitamin C in about the right quantity to serve the needs of the normal individuals. 1. Why honey is good for breakfast? 2. What are the advantages of honey? 3. Is honey good for our health? 4. What is the vitamin content of honey? What contain in an apple? What happen when an apple is expose to the air? How salt water can preserve fruits and prevent the oxidation process? 1. Internet http://w ww.blac kherbals. com/hon ey.htm

Serve the honey together other food during breakfast Soak the prepared apple in a bit salty water

Salty water help to preserve an apple and stay it longer. An apple will rotten and become brownish in short time if it expose to the air.

Do the experiment Surf the internet http://www.nutritionj. com/content/3/1 /5 http://www.actahort.org /members/showpdf? booknrarnr=227_25 arch?q=cache:_mEVHw4AdsJ:www.geocities. com/perfectapple/brown .html+oxidation+of+ap ple&cd=3&hl=en&ct=c lnk&gl=my&client=fire fox-a Do some researches about vegetable by referring to nutrition or

Fry the 1) Vegetable consists of 1) What is the type of vegetable minerals and vitamins that mineral and vitamin can be with a big are essential to human found in the vegetable?

fire and a shorter period

body. This vitamin and mineral will destroy if vegetable is overcook. 2) Fry vegetable with big fire in a short period will ensure that vegetable gain its nutrition value and maintain its texture. 1) The ingredient of gravy in Bubur Kacang and Pengat pisang whish majority consist of coconut milk and glucose will affected when heated with big fire. 2) Nutrition value in Bubur Kacang and Pengat Pisang will affected when heated will big fire.

2) Does mineral and vitamin can be found in the vegetable are important to us? 3) Why we need to fry vegetable with big fire in short period? 4) How vitamin and mineral lost? 1) Why we need to cook bubur kacang and pengat pisang with small fire? 2) Why we need to stir the gravy of Pengat Pisang and Bubur Kacang during cooking? 3) It is true that nutrition value in Bubur Kacang and Pengat Pisang will affected when heated will big fire.

biology book in library, and any related web pages and plan an interview with one of biology lecturer.

Stir the gravy while cooking Bubur Kacang and Pengat Pisang with a small fire Stab the meat with fork when preparing steak and dont over cooked

Do research by referring to an educational resource in library and any related web pages.

Fact: Prepare balance food

Synthesis A healthy diet is one that helps maintain or improve health. It also helps to prevent of many chronic disease such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer. A healthy diet involves consuming appropriate amount of food group, including an adequate amount of water. A well balance diet acts to provide sources of energy and nutrition for optimal growth and development. It is important to supply nutrition and energy for the maintenance of body cells, tissues and organs. In a food pyramid, there are six groups that we should take for a balance diet. There are grain, vegetable, fruit, oil, dairy and meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts groups. In the grain group there are cereals, breads, pastas, crackers and rice. This type of food supply energy in the form of starch. We are recommended to take 6-11 servings per day. The next group is vegetable. This group contains many vitamins and minerals. Different vegetable contain different spreads, so it is important to eat wide variety of types. Vegetable has very low in fats and calories, but cooking can often add these. We should take 3-5 servings of vegetable per day. Fruit group also low in fats and calories. It is the source of natural sugars, fiber and vitamins. 2-4 servings are recommended per day. The other group is dairy group which is source of mineral calcium but also provide protein, phosphorus, vitamin A and also vitamin D. There are many of dairy products that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol. For adults three cups a day are recommended. Then, meats, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts groups. In this group, meats are the major source of protein, iron, zinc and vitamin B12. Although meats provide energy and nutrients, they are often high in fat and cholesterol. We are recommended 3-5 servings per day for this group. In the oil group we should eat less because it contains so many calories and cholesterol. For information, pyramid food does not consider oils as a food group. A food pyramid is a best guide in order to take a balance diet.

Fact Serve honey together other food. Synthesis Honey contains minerals, carbohydrates and vitamin C in about a right quantity to serve the needs of the normal individuals. With respect to carbohydrates, honey is mainly fructose about 38.5% and glucose about 31.0%. Honeys remaining carbohydrates include maltose, sucrose and other complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates were divided into three main types which are monosaccharides, dissacharides and polysaccharides. Monosaccarides is a complex sugar, dissacharides is short chain carbohydrates while polysaccharides is complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates is function as transportable forms of energy or as quick energy sources. Honey also contains minerals such as calcium, iron, copper, aluminium, magnesium, phosphate, potassium, sodium chloride and sulphur. Honey also contain vitamin C. The pollen of many flowers has higher vitamin C content than almost any food or vegetables. Honey contains pollen. Obviously, honey with largest amount with pollen will have more vitamin C than others. Honey is a welcome variation and delicious addition to the diet and it is builder food, packed with the things the body needs to build and rebuild itself. It gives a quick energy released which makes it appealing as a breakfast complement as it quickly supplies the energy needed to start the day right. There are some advantages of honey. Which are it is non-irritating to the lining of the digestive tract, easily and rapidly assimilated, inexpensive, easily obtains and others. Beside that, honey is good for calming down the nervous system, relieves annoying coughs, treats hay fever, relieves pain in arthritis and control muscle cramp. Honey is good for our breakfast because it supplies energy needed to start the day right. Honey also have a lot of advantages over the other sugar.

Fact Soak the prepared apple in a bit of salty water. Synthesis : An apple is highly nutritive fruit. It contain mineral and vitamin in abundance. Apples are a powerful source of antioxidants, including polyphenols, flavonoids, and vitamin C, as well as good source of fiber, and potassium. One apple contain 47 calories. The secret behind the super antioxidant capacity of the apple is its skin. Along with being a supercharged source of antioxidants, apples are also high in fiber content. One large apple has 5.7 grams of fiber, which is 30 percent of the minimum amount of daily fiber intake, as listed by the daily values (DV). Diets that are high in fiber have been highly correlated with a reduction in risk of developing heart disease. When prepared apple expose to the air, the outer layer of flesh apple turn to brownish colour in short time. It is because in apple it has specific enzyme that causes the brownish colour to appear is called polyphenol oxidase (PPO) .When an apple is cut, the enzyme is release and then react with the oxygen in the air and form a layer on the outside. The process is called oxidation. If the prepared apple is leave in the place that expose to the air, the bacteria easily spread to the flesh of apple. When prepared apple is soak in a bit of salt water, the salt water will preserve apple and slower the oxidation process. After doing the experiment, the prepared apple that leave to the air will faster turn brownish.But, when it soak in salt water, it start to become brownish in 1 week. It shows that salt water can slower the oxidation process. Salt is one of the things that are used to preserve the food. Salt draws moisture out of the foodstuff by means of osmosis and create an environment inhospitable to bacteria. As a result, bacteria do not get suitable condition for growth and multiplication. Salt water contain a lot of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) that act as anti-oxidant. By putting an apple in high level of an acid, it will prevent oxidation process The higher the level of acid, the higher the pH level of apple and then will slow down the process of aging down. So, soaking the apple in salt water will increase the pH value of apple and then prevent the process of oxidation.

Salt is widely used in industry as preservation food because it cheap and multipurposes. Preservation involves preventing growth of bacteria, fungi and other microorganism. Besides salt water can preserve the apple, it also can kill the bacteria and other toxic at the skin of an apple. The skin of apple should not discarded when taking in raw. The flesh just below the skin of apple contain more vitamin C compared to inner flesh. The inner the flesh, the lack of vitamin. The skin also contain 5 times more vitamin A than flesh. Soaking with salt water will remove any nasty tastes that have at the apple. The apple skin alone provides two to six times the antioxidant activity of the apple flesh alone. As a conclusion, salty water can preserve fruits. The prepared apple must be soak in salt water to prevent the apple from become brownish and to preserve the apple.

Fact Fry the vegetable with a big fire and a shorter period. Synthesis : Different type of vegetable consist different type of minerals and vitamins. But the common type of minerals and vitamins found in vegetable are potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc, folate, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C. Potassium can maintains fluid balance in the body. Sodium along with potassium can promotes carbohydrate and protein metabolism, nerve stimulation, muscle contraction, and reduced hypertension. Magnesium can play it rule in maintaining of teeth, bones, muscle and soft tissues. In addition, it also responsible for the production and transport of energy, carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism and control the contraction and relaxation of muscles. Folate is essential for the normal growth, maintenance of all cells and cells genetic code. Phosphorus is necessary for the formation of bones and teeth and of the nerve cells. Calcium eases insomnia and helps regulate the passage of nutrients through cell walls., Vitamin A is necessary for normal eyesight, body tissues, growth, bone formation, and resistance to infection. Vitamin C is necessary for the formation of collagen, a protein that gives structure to bones, cartilage, muscles and blood vessels, and contributes to the proper maintenance of capillaries, bones and teeth. Vitamin C also promotes the healing of wounds, bone fractures, bruises, hemorrhages and bleeding gums. In order to ensure that the flavor and colour of vegetable is preserved, the big fire is used when we fry the vegetable. Some of vitamin and mineral in vegetable can loss if it exposed to the heat for long period because they are not heat-liable. The bond in vitamin and mineral such as cobalt-carbon bond( in vitamin B ) and covalent, ionic, metallic, or Van der Waals, with covalent and ionic bonds most common found in minerals. All of this bonds can breaks and cause the vitamin and mineral spoil. This is occurs when the vegetable is over cooked. Vitamin and mineral can spoil as a result of leaching, thermal destruction, oxidation and expose to the UV and radioactive rays. Leaching is the extraction of certain materials from a carrier into a liquid. In agriculture, leaching refers to the loss of water-soluble plant nutrients from the soil due to use of fertilizer and irrigation and rain. Thermal destruction is change in temperature in sudden. Vitamin and mineral have their own optimum temperature. They will lost or destroy when heated in long period. For example folate and thiamine will destroy when temperature reach 100 0c. Fire is needed when we cook vegetable. Fire will cause combustion. Combustion is a type of oxidation process. Oxidation process causes the formation of free radical substance that can damage the cell of vegetable. Vitamin C that is a type of antioxidant will act as reducing agents that will oxides in order to prevent the cell of vegetable. That is the way of vitamin C spoil. When vitamins and mineral are exposed to radioactive rays, the atom in it will bombarded with high energy particle of radioactive rays such us alpha ray, gamma ray and beta ray. As a result, the bond of vitamin and mineral will break and spoil. We need to fry vegetable in short period using big fire in order to retain its nutritional values bye preserve the mineral and vitamin contain in vegetable.

Fact Stir the gravy while cooking Bubur Kacang and Pengat Pisang with small fire. Synthesis. The main ingredient of gravy of Pengat Pisang and Bubur Kacang is coconut milk and sugar. Cocunut milk has very high content of saturated fats. Saturated fat is a type of lipid. When cooking with heat, none of the atoms of carbon in their carbon-chain share multiple bonds. They are thus more stable and dont oxidize as readily. Thus, heat does not affect much of the coconut milk in the gravy of both foods. But the heat affected the glucose in the gravy. Upon heating with high temperature that is higher than 100 C, glucose will undergo caramelization, followed by pyrolysis or carbonization that yielding steam and a char consisting mostly of carbon. Caramelisation is the oxidation of sugar that resulting nutty flavor and brown color. Pyrolysis is the chemical process responsible for the formation of the golden-brown crust in foods. Pyrolysis is the chemical decomposition of substance by heating. Pyrolysis of fats requires a much higher temperature, and since it is more stable and generally can be avoided in normal cooking. It may occur when barbecuing fatty meats over hot coals. Char is the solid material that remains after steam have been driven-out. That is why we need to cook Pengat Pisang and Bubur Kacang with small fire in order to avoid caramelisation. We stir the gravy while cooking Bubur Kacang and Pengat Pisang to enable that all the ingredients are well mixed. Pisang or banana has really high nutrients value. It contains fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, three nature sugar that is glucose, fructose and sucrose, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, cuprum, vitamin B1, B2, B6, niacin and folate. Besides that,, kacang hijau or green bean that usually used for making bubur kacang has it own nutrition. It has high content of protein, calcium, phosphor and vitamin B2. Only water soluble vitamins, potassium and sodium will not affected if exposed to the strong heat. While other mineral or vitamin will lost. That is why we cook pengat pisang and bubur kacang with small fire. milk and sugar.

# Each group member Arif BPL help us to understand the chapter 3.What we need to improve in PBL project is try to find the detail explanation about the topics and find more reference from other resource to get additional information. Suardi I from physics course and the skill is important. But when doing the PBL project, I had learn more information how to do the research and the way to use international book. This chapter also can easy to understand. What we need to improve by basic knowledge in biology. Afiqah What we acquire from this project is we gain more detail information about the chapter 3 that is molecule of life. This chapter related with the PBL that we had done. For example is in honey contain carbohydrate that essential in our body. What we need to improve is do the research more detail and ask master person to get the information. Syazwani PBL give us many new information about this topic. The topic is about our life. So, the information obtained also can be used in our daily life. What we need to improve is in communication skill in term of explanation. Hamidah We can know the contain in food and gain more knowledge the things happen around the surrounding that related to science. What we need to improve is making a lot of exercise on biology.

# Group member The facilitation provided in UPSI quite enough to get the reference. We dont have any problem to find the reference. Just difficult to find the journal. Besides that, each student get free wireless that easier for us to find the information from internet. For those who didnt have laptop, library provides computer to excess the internet. We also can get and borrow books, journal and other resources in library. One of the benefit that we get from group functioning is cooperation among the group member. During the discussion, we help each other and changing different idea from each group member .From group functioning also we learn to be punctual and finish the work on time.

References Saturated Best for Cooking(2003). Obtain in August 20, 2009 from http://optimumnutrition.wordpress.com/2009/07/20/saturated-fats-are-best-for-cooking/ Caramelization(2009). Obtain in August 19, 2009 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caramelization. Vitamin (2009). Obtain in August 18, 2009 from http://www.nutrition.com.sg/ho/vitamins.asp. An interviewing with Mr Hamzah Bin Abdul Aziz, a Biology Lecturer Of Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris.

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