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7 Positive and Negative outcomes of

The Great Depression.

Positive Outcomes:
1. Increasingly Developed buildings and
structure: These public building projects
created more and newer jobs for the
unemployed in the US.
2. Government limitation: To make this period
never occur again, rules and regulation were
ordered to limit the oversea shipping, and
business practice.
3. Social Security System of 1935: This act was
one of the first initiatives taken for the New
Deal. It is mainly composed of the USA giving
benefits for the retired, disabled, and
unemployed people.

4. More government involvement in the economy:

Rules and regulations were set off for business,
farmers were assisted a lot so they could keep
up, and lastly the government increased taxes
for the wealthy.
5. Countries spending more wisely: USA and
Japan learned to limit all the supply, money
printing, careless investments, etc.
6. Cultural expressions: Influenced many forms of
cultural expression including literature, art, and
music. Many artists and writers depicted the
hardships and struggles of the time in their
7. International relations: Protectionist trade
policies and economic nationalism increased,
contributing to a more fragmented global

7 Negative Outcomes:

1. High Unemployment: Widespread job losses

occurred as businesses closed during the Great
Depression. This had severe economic and social
consequences as individuals and families struggled
to make ends meet.

2. Bank Failures and economic instability: The

banking system suffered significant losses, and
numerous banks closed due to a lack of funds.

3. Homelessness and Poverty: Economic downturn

increased homelessness and poverty, with many
struggling for basic necessities.

4. Decline in Industrial production: Overproduction

in factories worsened the economic downturn,
causing a ripple effect across various sectors and
deepening the crisis.

5. Global Economic Impact: The Great Depression

had a global impact, affecting nations worldwide
and leading to economic struggles and trade

6. Consumers spending less: Economic uncertainty

led to reduced consumer spending and business
investment, exacerbating the Great Depression as
demand sharply declined.

7. Rise of Authoritarianism: Economic struggles

fueled the rise of leaders like Hitler, who promised
to address the Great Depression, with significant
geopolitical consequences.

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