MQM Manifesto 2024, Final Final Stage - V2

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PREAMBLE: ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
1. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS: ............................................................................................................................. 3
2. REVIVAL OF SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY: ..................................................................................................................... 6
3. DIVISIONAL AND LOCAL AUTONOMY: ....................................................................................................................... 8
4. YOUTH BULGE & EMPOWERMENT: .......................................................................................................................... 9
5. EMPLOYMENT GENERATION & POVERTY ALLEVIATION: ........................................................................................ 10
6. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, DIGITALIZATION & ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: ....................................................... 11
7. URBAN DEVELOPMENT: .......................................................................................................................................... 11
8. KARACHI-ENGINE OF ECONOMIC GROWTH............................................................................................................ 12
9. INTERNAL SECURITY: ............................................................................................................................................... 16
10. EDUCATION: ........................................................................................................................................................ 17
11. HEALTH ................................................................................................................................................................ 19
12. WOMEN EMPOWERMENT: ................................................................................................................................. 20
13. RELIGIOUS MINORITY AND THEIR RIGHTS. (MINORITY EMPOWERMENT) ......................................................... 21
14. HUMAN RIGHTS: ................................................................................................................................................. 21
15. EMPOWERING INTERSEX (KHAWAJA SARA) ........................................................................................................ 21
16. POPULATION MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................................. 22
17. SOCIAL SECURITY AND SOCIAL WELFARE: ........................................................................................................... 23
18. ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE ............................................................................................................. 23
19. ENERGY, RENEWABLE ENERGY, ALTERNATE ENERGY............................................................................................. 26
20. GOVERNANCE, BUREAUCRATIC REFORMS ............................................................................................................. 27
21. ELIMINATION OF CORRUPTION:.......................................................................................................................... 29
22. INDUSTRIES AND LABOUR SECTOR ..................................................................................................................... 29
23. STRANDED PAKISTANIS:....................................................................................................................................... 30
24. SETTLEMENT OF UNDECIDED CLAIMS OF EVACUEE PROPERTIES: ......................................................................... 30
25. FOREST ................................................................................................................................................................ 30
26. TOURISM: ............................................................................................................................................................ 31
27. MINES & MINERALS: ........................................................................................................................................... 31
28. AGRICULTURE: ..................................................................................................................................................... 32
29. IRRIGATION......................................................................................................................................................... 33
30. LIVESTOCK & FISHERIES ....................................................................................................................................... 33
31. MEDIA AND SOCIAL MEDIA:................................................................................................................................ 33
32. DEFENSE: ............................................................................................................................................................ 34
33. FOREIGN AFFAIRS: .............................................................................................................................................. 35

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34. OVERSEAS PAKISTANIS: ....................................................................................................................................... 35
35. JUDICIARY AND JUDICIAL REFORMS: .................................................................................................................... 36
36. SPORTS: .............................................................................................................................................................. 36
37. ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT & CULTURE: .................................................................................................................. 37
38. ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS ...................................................................................................................................... 38

MQM Pakistan Manifesto 2023-24

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Pakistan is currently grappling with a multidimensional crisis that has political, constitutional, economic, social, and security
facets, and there are apprehensions that due to lack of institutionalization of the political system and absence of a stable
mechanism which can accommodate the diverse interests and aspirations of its people, Pakistan may find it difficult to resolve
them. For a better comprehension of the crises that Pakistan is facing today we are highlighting some of those in the following.

• Political Instability and Polarization

• Inflation and high cost of living
• Economic Crisis
• Social Unrest
• Security Challenges
• Climate Change

These are some of the major problems out of multitude that Pakistan is currently facing, they are interrelated and mutually
reinforcing, creating a vicious cycle that threatens the stability and prosperity of the country. MQM Pakistan is very aware of
the situation and believes that despite challenges that Pakistan is currently facing, there is hope for a brighter future. By
prioritizing economic reforms, strengthening democratic institutions, addressing climate and security challenges, we can
move towards stability and prosperity. We also believe that investing in infrastructure development, education, and healthcare
is key to enhanced human capital and social well- being.


The Muttahida Qaumi Movement Pakistan, through an evolutionary process has emerged as the only political party
representing downtrodden, and espousing values of liberalism, social justice, social democracy, believing in inclusivity,
representing diversity of people, languages, culture and aspirations. MQMP is not averse to secularism and to it, it means
refrain using religion for political motives and at the same time ensuring religious freedom for all faiths. It is committed to serve
the people without any discrimination and uphold the values of NON -VIOLENCE, TOLERANCE, RELIGIOUS HARMONY,
MQM has also induced a paradigm shift in Pakistani politics. Unlike many parties where lineage and feudal ties determine
political ascendancy in the party hierarchy, MQM’s entire political leadership comes from middle and lower-middle classes and
is chosen on merit by the party's rank and file.
The party not only represents but its leadership also belongs to the disadvantaged segments of the society, not stemming from
the privileged elite of Pakistan.
MQM’s vision is clear; dismantle this dated structure and pave the way for participatory democracy, a merit-based bureaucracy,
and an independent judiciary, the eradication of political authoritarianism, dismantling of the feudal system, championing
cultural pluralism, and devolving power to the grassroots. MQM is striving to induct ordinary but capable men into the power
hierarchy, ensuring that the marginalized can genuinely be part of the decision-making process.
We further understand that despite having presence mostly in a particular region of the country, our appeal is largely National
and we have a national program and ability to address national issues. Our manifesto is aligned with our national agenda and
whether we sit in opposition or join any coalition we will strive to implement our manifesto.



MQM believes that the present political system and administrative structure in Pakistan are not a true reflection of the spirit of
the constitution; moreover, the constitution of the country also has some provisions that do not provide a level playing field to
people belonging to different sections of life. The flaws/deficiencies in the present constitution and the obsolete political and
administrative setup have made Pakistan a FEUDOCRACY instead of true participatory DEMOCRACY.
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We believe a new social contract is the need of the hour to make the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan closer to
the will of the people.

Therefore, MQM proposes:


further to amend the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973
WHEREAS it is expedient to further amend the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for the purposes appearing
AND WHEREAS it is imperative that in order to instill a truly representative and participatory democracy quintessentially, local
governments at grass root levels, throughout the country, are to be empowered, politically, financially, and administratively, so
that the fruits of democracy are extended for the benefit of the populace;
AND NOW, therefore, it is enacted as follows: -

1. Short title and commencement. -(1) This Act may be called the Constitutional (Twenty-Sixth Amendment) Act, 2024.
(2) This Act shall come into force at once.

2. Insertion of new Articles in the Constitution. -In the Constitution, Article 140-A shall be substituted by the following,
namely: -

“Local Government. (1) The Federation shall, by law, establish a local government system throughout the country,
whereby political, administrative and financial responsibility and authority shall be devolved to the elected
representatives of the local governments.

Explanation. - In this Article “law” shall mean the law passed by the Majlis-e- Shoora (Parliament) or an Ordinance
promulgated by the President.
(2) Elections to the local government shall be held by the Election Commission of Pakistan.

(3) The Election Commission of Pakistan shall, by notification in the official Gazette, determine the number of Union
Councils, Union Committees and Wards in Municipal Committees and Town Committees or the number of units
participating in the elections, by whatever name called.
(4) The Election Commission of Pakistan shall also demarcate and delimit the units determined in clause (3).

(5) In carrying out the determination, demarcation and delimitation under clauses (3) and (4), the Election Commission
of Pakistan shall ensure parity of population.
(6) Subject to clause (5), the law shall prescribe further standards of delimitation.

(7) For the Islamabad Capital Territory, and Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar and Quetta Divisions, there shall be one local
government for each Division, and for such purpose each Division shall constitute a separate district.
(8) For territories and areas, other than the ones specified in clause (7), Divisions shall be demarcated and delimited
in such a way that each city or urban area shall rank as an independent local government; an urban area shall not be
demarcated along with a rural area.
(9) The pre-condition to the holding of general elections, shall be the holding of the local government elections, if the
tenure of local governments have lapsed prior to the tenure of the Federal and Provincial Governments.
(10) From any share of the Provincial Government determined through an Award of the National Finance
Commission, or any sum payable to the Province through the Federal Consolidated Fund or Public Account, in view

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of any share of the Provincial Government, only 30% thereof shall be paid to the Province or the Provincial
Consolidated Fund or the Provincial Public Account, and the remaining 70% thereof shall be paid directly to the
respective Local Governments in the manner as specified in clause (11).

Provided that clause (10) shall not be applicable in respect of the Islamabad Capital Territory.
(11) The allocation through the respective Local Governments under clause (10) shall be apportioned in terms of
the following: -
(i) 82.0% of the 70% amount mentioned in clause (10) shall be allocated to the respective Local Governments
in view of population;

(ii) 10.3% of the 70% amount mentioned in clause (10) shall be allocated to the respective Local Governments
in view of poverty
or backwardness;
(iii) 5.0% of the 70% amount mentioned in clause (10) shall be allocated to the respective Local Governments in
view of revenue collection or generation;

(iv) 2.7% of the 70% amount mentioned in clause (10) shall be allocated to the respective Local Governments in
view of inverse population density.

(12) This Article shall have overridden effect and shall be applicable notwithstanding anything contained in the
Constitution or any other law, judgement, or order of the Court.

(13) The responsibilities, powers, and authorities at all levels in respect of the following departments and offices of
the provincial government, or any other department or office determined by law, shall devolve to the local governments:
1.Planning for overall socio-economic development of the community.
2. Master plan; Urban design and physical planning; Housing and Town planning.
3. Land control; Land development, management, and regulation; Land use regulation, zoning, and
4. Regulation, management, and control of building construction.
5. Improvement and upgradation of Katchi Abadies.
6. Development of infrastructure including roads, bridges and under passes.
7. Public transport; Mass transit; Traffic regulation and management.
8. Local policing including traffic police.
9. School education; Technical education and vocational training.
10. Health; Hospitals and allied medical facilities; Medical education.
11. Food control.
12. Promotion of Information technology.
13. Provision of entertainment, promotion of sports and culture.
14. Museums, art galleries, libraries, community, and cultural centers; conservation of historical and cultural
15. Cooperatives.
16. Water supply and sewerage disposal.
17. Public health, sanitation, conservancy and solid waste management.
18. Flood control, development and maintenance of storm water disposal system.
19. Fire services and civil defense.
20. Provision and maintenance of amenities such as parks, play grounds, street lights, parking lots, bus stops
and other public conveniences.
21. Protection of environment; Forestry.
22. Management and maintenance of industrial estates; Small and medium enterprises; Cottage industries.
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23. Management of Cattle colonies; Cattle ponds; Prevention of cruelty to animals.
24. Livestock; Animal husbandry, fisheries, dairy and poultry farming.
25. Regulation of slaughter houses.
26. Registration of marriages, birth and death.
27. Burial and burial grounds; Cremation grounds.
28. Management of markets and commercial centers.
29. Agriculture including agriculture extension.
30. Rural development.
31. On-farm water management.
32. Management and administration of human resource employed for smooth functioning of the Local
33. Tax on Agricultural Income; Land Revenue; Cotton Fees; Property Tax; Tax on transfer of property; Capital
Value Tax on Immoveable Property; Tax on Profession; Motor Vehicles Tax; Entertainment tax; Stamp Duties;
Sales Tax on Services; Octrio; Zilla Tax; Environment Tax; Infrastructure Development and Maintenance Tax;
User Fees.
34. Taxes, Toll, Rent, Fees, Service charges, Cess, Duties and Rate or Levies, Local Governments are
authorized to collect by law on the commencing day of the Constitution (Twenty Sixth Amendment).
35. Administrative, financial, and legal matters relating to subjects enumerated.”

(14) In respect of all the departments and offices mentioned in clause (13), the local governments shall have the power
and authority to maintain their establishments, including hiring and firing of personnel and employees.

(15) In respect of any of the subjects, departments and offices mentioned in clause (13), the respective local
government shall be empowered to impose any levy, by whatever name called.


The ultimate objective of MQMP’s economic vision is to provide a sustainable road map for the economic revival of
the country and the prosperity of the nation through:

• Leveraging human capital mobility is not only a strategy for economic prosperity but also an essential step
toward addressing global workforce demands. Effective policies, collaboration, and investments in education
are crucial for realizing the vision of $100 billion remittances, making Pakistan's mark on the global stage.
The universities, as key players, should align their strategies with global workforce requirements in liaison the
Ministry of Education and Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.
• The imperative of harnessing human capital from Pakistan to bolster remittances is pivotal. This strategy not
only addresses economic and social challenges but also propels economic growth, fostering a brighter future
for the nation.
• Pakistan, with around 10 million expatriates, earned $31 billion in remittances in 2022, while India, with 32
million expatriates, received $111 billion. Each expatriate Pakistani sends an average of $4,120 annually.


With 60% of its population aged 15 to 33, Pakistan has the potential to enhance its expatriate base. Estimates project
reaching $100 billion in remittances within 5 years, increasing workers' outflow annually.
*Projected Increase:
Leveraging global and domestic trends, projections indicate a significant rise in Pakistan's expatriate workforce over
five years, leading to remittances of $35 billion, $41 billion, $52 billion, $71 billion, and $100 billion, respectively.
*Addressing Global Workforce Demands:

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1. Pakistan's large idle youth population aligns with Europe's need for over 2 million foreign workers annually.
2. The USA faces a shortage of 4 million healthcare workers by 2026; Pakistan can capitalize on this demand.
3. IT professionals, vocational experts, and skilled workers are in high demand globally.

Strategic Interventions:
1. Collaboration between Embassies, Universities, and Vocational Institutes.

2. Emergency measures to train more nurses.

3. Bridging the skills gap in the IT sector and other vocational domains.
4. Establishing language centers to equip workers with essential communication skills.
Stakeholder Roles:
1. Embassies as facilitators of international collaborations.
2. Universities aligning education with global standards.

3. Medical associations and nursing councils providing direction and support.

4. The Ministry of Education formulating policies for global workforce readiness.
Apart from that MQMP plans to revive economy through
• Poverty alleviation & price control.
• Reducing the cost of doing business and improving export competitiveness.
• Just system of taxation and abolishment of exceptions.
• Resolving energy shortages and settling circular debt.

• Incentive for investment, industrialization, and growth.

• Improving possibilities of employment and providing special support for food and energy.
• Bringing fiscal and monetary policies in alignment with each other.
• Constitutional amendment of item 7 of FLL

• Reduction of federal government expenditures due to devolution and austerity measures, including reduction
of non-developmental expenditures.
• Introduction of agriculture tax on income no less than 48 lac rupees and no more than 200 acres of land
through a necessary constitutional amendment.
• Strategic relocation of the industries.
• Local authorities shall reclaim the unconstructed industrial plots which are being held for years after a
prescribed period.
• Commercialization of industrial zones will be abolished.
• No representation without taxation.
• Reduction of indirect taxes and such levies to provide relief to a common man.
• Drastic cut on imports of nonessential goods.
• Improving governance of public sector enterprises, preventing their hemorrhages, and facilitating the public
private partnership.

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• Internal loans consumed 60% of the GDP debt ratio, MQMP will work on debt management by decreasing
the above mentioned through proper management.
• Diversify the export with special emphases on IT/AI.
• Enhance the manpower export to facilitate and promote hotel industries, tourism, and vocational skill
programs at the district levels in public private partnership.
• Privatization of unproductive industries and institutions.
• Outsourcing of top management of unproductive industries and institutes.
• Strengthening the laws against the financial terrorism.
• Promotion of organized micro-finance sector in urban areas, capital financing, corporate farming, agricultural
reforms, small and medium enterprises SMEs, labor intensive and value-added industries, etc.
• Curb and control smuggling, under invoicing and reducing abuse of Afghan transit trade.
• Social sector and human resource development on a fast track through big investments.
• Recall and reclaim all defaulted & waived off loans that were issued in the last 65 years by ignoring nationally
and internationally accepted fiscal safeguards and were never returned or partially returned.
• Effective measures to bring back looted and plundered national wealth worth billions of US dollars taken out
of Pakistan.
• Capitalizing on the youth bulge of Pakistan.
• Assigning a greater role to overseas Pakistanis in the fast and sustainable economic development of Pakistan,
for example creating Public Private Partnership model with IT and AI Parks and cities, industrial zones, low-
cost housing schemes.
• MQMP intends to promote the Islamic system of banking.


MQMP commits to devolve powers, authority, resources, and responsibilities to grant complete autonomy to
the Local Governments as it is prevalent and promised in the Pakistan’s Constitution Article 140 (A). MQMP proposes
three constitutional amendments in the constitution of Pakistan so as to make them fully autonomous, effective,
self-contained, and responsive.
(As mentioned in the proposed bill in constitutional amendment chapter 1 in MQMP’s manifesto).

• MQMP very firmly believes that for democracy to become decentralized, functional, and participatory; an elected local
government system should be installed & elections for Local government systems be held within 3 months of the expiry
of the previous local government bodies tenure.
• The system will have an inherent program of further devolution of power, authority, and resources from the district
level to the taluka / tehsil / town and further down to U.C. and ward levels.
• MQMP wants local governments to become engines of growth by entrusting them with responsibilities and functions
of socio-economic and human resource development by promoting investments, building infrastructures on mega
scale and energy production and transmission besides their traditional role of looking after municipal services.
• MQMP style local government will undertake Power Projects and Mass Transit Programs in important cities of
• MQMP shall devolve all schools and colleges up to Intermediate level to the Local Government System from the
• The town-level hospitals will also be devolved to the district and town governments and shall essentially include trauma
response facilities and ambulance system.
• The district level fire brigade system will be devolved to the town level which essentially include boozers and snorkels
• MQMP commits to have an effective system of “Community Policing” supported by a neighborhood watch & ward
system under its Local government to effectively control and manage, with greater citizen participation, to combat the
menace of crime, violence, drugs, and terrorism.
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• Accounts and audits of local government system will be digitalized and made accessible to the general public.


Pakistan is considered to be the 5th largest young country in the world. Around 65% of population is aged between 15
to 33. This youth bulge is Pakistan’s biggest asset but due to incompetent, biased and successive corrupt governments
and bureaucracy this asset is turning into a liability and a gigantic opportunity is converting into a grave threat as our
successive governments have failed to provide 65% of our population with means and resources to be the asset.

obsolete curriculum being taught. Our educational institutions have been creating JOB SEEKERS INSTEAD OF JOB
MQMP plans to transform Pakistan’s human resources as Pakistan’s biggest human capital and export them
to the countries of the world which are getting deprived of youth. It’s the only way to retrieve Pakistan from IMF,
World Bank and economic turmoil.
MQMP proposes to strengthen Pakistan by investing in youth by providing them proper skills, knowledge,
tools, quality education and quality healthcare.
Karachi is the epicenter of human resources therefore, its only Karachi which can pull out Pakistan out of
With the lowest female labor force participation rates (LFPR) in South Asia, Pakistan is presented with the
daunting task of generating additional 1.3 million jobs/year for the next 5 years to fill this gap. At present youth
unemployment rate stands at 8.5%, one of the highest in the region. The strangling number of unemployed youths
also lays bare the deep gap within in socio-political edifice of the country.
Therefore, MQMP proposes:

• Since today’s world is a global village, MQMP will provide the much needed, updated, and state-of-the-art skills
to our youth which are needed by the world.
• To provide entrepreneurship support i.e. ground seed funding in public private partnerships. (Shark Tank
• With special focus on IT skills, AI, Hi-tech skills to generate massive entrepreneurship and employment.
• Up gradation and facilitation of conventional skills.
• Mandatory apprenticeship and internship in companies and industries.
• Formulate the National Accreditation Council.
• MQMP will mobilize youth for better and effective representation in all elected forums and will enable the youth to
prove that by virtue of their population, they are the biggest stakeholders in the country.
• Scholarship programs for bright and deserving students in every educational institution.
• Capacity building courses for students, teachers, trainers, researchers, and academia.
• Parents counseling for their wards for their admission in professional colleges.
• A bond of 5 years without disturbing family's lives at the time of admission to professional colleges, especially
medical colleges to serve the nation.
• Youth shall not be left out for want of seats in educational institutions. Every student who seeks admission in
subjects of his choice shall not be discouraged.
• Vocational training centers need to multiply to accommodate thousands of matriculates who seek admission in
such vocational institutions.
• Youth Development Centers need to be constructed in every district to enable and empower youth.
• Sports grounds, stadiums, schools for performing arts shall be provided in all administrative units.
• Career counseling and job placement centers will be introduced.
• National Library/digital library programs for the youth will be launched.
• Construction of youth hostels especially girls’ hostels across the country.
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The worst economic meltdown which Pakistan is presently witnessing is very evident from the fact that today
nearly more than half of Pakistan's population lives below poverty line because of bad economic policies, bad
management, indecisiveness, ever rising unemployment, non-development, and non-utilization of human resources
especially youth bulge of 67%, slow growth of industrial and agricultural sector.
In rural areas it is the slow growth of agriculture caused by poor/inadequate delivery of input; whereas in
urban areas, it is the wage discrepancies between the slow growing formal sectors versus the relatively fast-growing
informal sectors. Poverty cannot be alleviated by a magic wand but needs a multi-pronged strategy.
If present economic conditions persist, it will not only create social unrest but also encourage hostile state
and non-state actors to exploit and manipulate the youth bulge jeopardize the stability and economic development
of the country.

Therefore, MQMP Pakistan Proposes:

• MQMP will work to create mass job providers rather than job seekers by investing on 67% of the population of Pakistan
i.e. youth bulge.
• Equal concentration on manufacturing as well as light and heavy industries to create a robust and sustainable industrial
sector. Stake holders from private sector will be fully facilitated for the establishment of industrial estates across the
• Spread the net of cottage industries throughout the country also, increase the number of women’s industrial homes to
provide opportunities to learn skills, enhance their living standards and support their families.
• Encourage and deploy public-private partnership model to encourage investment and realize hidden opportunities.
• Ensure the introduction and smooth running of one-window operation to reduce inconvenience for investors and for
rapid industrialization.
• Establishment of joint monitoring boards of entrepreneurs and labor within industrial units to ensure a respectable
wage structure for employees so that uninterrupted production could be ensured.
• Bringing down unemployment by encouraging industrialization and SMEs throughout the country, promoting cottage
industries, establishing vocational institutions, and providing incentives to agro-based industries in rural areas.
• Creation of a comprehensive national policy outlining specific targets and measures to curb poverty. Special focus
must be placed on creating even playing fields for educational attainment, health status and employment opportunities.
MQMP is committed to adopt the model of AKHUWAT foundation for poverty alleviation and to encourage people with
financial resources to adopt families and support them.
• Narrowing of gap between wage rise and inflation. Both public and private sector wage rises must be directly
proportional to inflation.
• Control food price inflation by stabilizing and/or subsidizing the prices of wheat, rice, sugar, and oil.
• Greater public investment in agriculture, including agro-industry, agribusiness, and livestock; greater incentives for
cooperative farming and cooperative marketing in rural areas and housing and construction in urban areas.
• Provision of more incentives for labor-intensive industries.
• Promotion of education and training to combat poverty alleviation.
• Rectification of misuse of quota system in the public sector employment by undoing in justice done to urban areas of
Sindh by providing more government jobs to the urban unemployed youth in all the ministries and departments working
under the Government of Sindh.
• MQMP is determined to amend laws to prevent the issuance of FAKE DOMICILE and link the issuance of DOMICILE
AND PRC with NADRA system.
• MQMP is committed to influence the future governments to establish a JUDICIAL COMMISSION to probe the
use/misuse and the benefits accrued out of the 50-year-old quota system in Sindh.

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IT, Digitalization, and artificial intelligence are reshaping the global landscape. MQMP believes in the importance of IT and AI
education programs for everyone. Additionally, it is essential to provide adequate training and resources for teachers to
effectively integrate IT and AI into their teaching methods. Ensuring that IT and AI education is accessible to all, including those
with disabilities, is also a critical consideration.

Ultimately, the introduction of mandatory IT education at the primary level can contribute to the holistic development of students
and prepare them for the challenges and opportunities of the digital world.
MQMP has following strategic goals in the arena of Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence for the next five years.

• Introduce Smart Cities concept in all metropolitan cities of the country.

• Build Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence research-based universities in major cities.
• Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Parks in federal and provincial capitals.
• Unified enterprise-level data centers for private and public sectors. Provide a secure, robust, and reliable
communication network for banks and financial sectors.
• Easy online access to government services, plans and activities.
• Efficient, consolidated, and reliable infrastructure services.
• Technology and network infrastructure upgradation.
• Complete overhauling of IT courses and updated AI programs to meet today’s challenges.
• Digitalization of documents and records for Federal, Provincial and Local Governments. Implementation of e-
government and e-governance program. Build e-government countrywide, sustainable e-government workforce,
improve the public experience in their interaction with government, develop a culture of collaboration and
innovation thus improving government efficiency and ensuring transparency, accountability, and competency,
particularly stressing upon making ITES training compulsory for the existing public sector staff.
• Refreshing and continuous upgradation of teacher’s education and skills.
• MQMP will collect the data of millions of youths with basic and preliminary knowledge in English, Maths and some
IT for the optimal utilization of international offers to train the youth in advance IT/AI sector.
• Encourage and enable massive youth to opt for IT and AI courses and become job providers instead of job

Stagflation in Pakistan's economy is the reason we have failed to comprehend and follow today’s growth
model of China, India, Brazil, Malaysia, Thailand and Far East.
Big cities and secondary cities have been the engines of unprecedented growth; The unprecedented growth
in these model economies is because of the conscious investment in infrastructure of big and secondary cities. Urban
development opens door for investment in service sector, large manufacturing units, SMEs and rapid promotion of
business sector.
“‫”کر یاچ چلتا ےہ تو پاکستان چلتا ےہ‬
Unfortunately, it couldn’t be sustained after 15 years of criminal negligence. With MQMP urban development
manifesto, the party is also publishing Urban development plans especially for Karachi, Hyderabad, Sukkar, Mirpur
Khas, Nawab shah, Larkana, Lahore, Faisalabad, Quetta, Sialkot, Peshawar and some other important cities of
MQMP views the urban poor as an asset, by recognizing their economic potential; we will find innovative ways
to form partnerships with the private sector, use international capital to leverage domestic savings of hard-working
poor people.

Therefore, MQMP proposes the following steps:

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• To curtail the rapid degradation and deterioration of life in existing cities and urban centers of Pakistan MQMP
commits TO BUILD 100 NEW CITIES, including clusters of satellite cities most of which with specialized industrialized

• MQMP will do away with multiple agencies control system and will bring all civic functions/amenities under
one umbrella called CDGK or Metropolitan/Municipal Government Municipalities. This shall include not only placing all
municipal services like water, sewerage, solid waste, master plan, building control, land use, health, education but
also community policing, traffic policing, environment-friendly mass transit much needed CIRCULAR TRAIN for
Karachi with radiating corridor, smart city security system, SMEs, entrepreneurships and startups, social welfare, urban
farming, urban agriculture, smart promotions for IT/AI investments, low-cost housing schemes, horticulture, collection
of local taxes and services sector.
• Steps will be taken to ensure supply of safe and clean drinking water to each and every citizen of Pakistan as
studies have shown that 65% of diseases in the country are caused by contaminated water. Karachi could not get
an extra single drop of water in last 15 years. MQMP commits to complete the K-4, an additional supply of
650mgd /day project in 5 years.
• Allocate resources to deal with rapid urbanization in Pakistan. The universal trend of migration from rural to
urban centers is also in full swing in Pakistan especially in Karachi. Our cities are being overburdened by the influx of
people from rural areas. MQMP believes that infrastructure development and industrialization must have allocation of
sufficient funds to treat each and every drop of sewage water before it goes into the sea/river. As the sources of clean
water are becoming scarce due to rapidly growing world population, preserving and treating water is now inevitable.
Moreover, the sewage water must also be treated because it pollutes and contaminates marine life.
• To maintain livable and stable environment in rapidly urbanizing, burgeoning and exploding urban centers like
Karachi, the urban poverty in slums need dedicated intervention of Food and such others subsides.


Karachi plays a vital role in the country's economy. As a strategic port city, Karachi has developed into a thriving metropolis
that significantly contributes to Pakistan's GDP, trade, and employment opportunities.

Karachi's Contribution to Pakistan's GDP.

Karachi contributes a significant portion of Pakistan's GDP. According to the World Bank, as of 2020, Karachi alone contributed
approximately 20% of the country's total GDP. While the Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) estimates that
Karachi's GDP contribution could be as high as 25%.

Karachi Port and its Role in Trade.

Karachi's strategic location along the Arabian Sea makes it gateway for Pakistan's trade. The city is home to two major seaports,
the Karachi Port and Port Qasim handlining 95% of Pakistan total cargo.

Employment Opportunities and Human Capital.

As the most populous city in Pakistan, Karachi offers ample employment opportunities. The city's diverse economy generates
jobs across various sectors, such as manufacturing, services, and trade. With a literacy rate of 75%, Karachi has a relatively
well-educated workforce, contributing to its economic growth.

Industrial Base and Economic Diversification.

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Karachi boasts a diverse industrial base, with over 6,000 industries and manufacturing units operating in the city. The major
industries in Karachi include textiles, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food processing, and automotive manufacturing. This
economic diversification is key to the city's resilience and growth, as it is less vulnerable to shocks in any single sector.

Tax Revenue and Fiscal Contribution.

Karachi is a significant contributor to Pakistan's tax revenue, accounting for approximately 60% of the country's total tax
collection, 70% of direct taxes, 62% of sales tax and 84% of custom duties.

Remittances from Karachi Fueling economy all over Pakistan.

Millions of migrants from other provinces, Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan flock to Karachi to earn their livelihood. Billions and
billions are remitted to their families based outside Karachi. In this way Karachi makes a huge contribution in prosperity of
people and to the overall economy of Pakistan.


Karachi is contributing hugely to the economy of Pakistan but there is a lot of potential still untapped and if rightly leveraged
can unleash an energy which can pull the country out of current economic mess.
Some of the key factors, which placed Karachi at a very advantageous position to contribute in the economic growth of Pakistan
• The concentration of economic activities, businesses, and people, which can lead to increased productivity,
innovation, and knowledge spillovers.
• Opportunities of specialization, economies of scale, and increased efficiency.
• Its strategic location at the brink of Arabian sea with two seaports, airport, and road and rail network providing better
access to local, regional, and international markets.
• Access to a larger customer base encouraging trade, investment, and economic growth.
• Comparatively better-developed infrastructure, including transportation, communication,
and utilities.
• Presence of financial institutions, banks, insurance companies, the largest stock exchange of Pakistan and other
such institutions.
• Karachi's diverse and skilled workforce is a significant driver of economic growth. The city has the highest literacy
rate in Pakistan at 75%, and its numerous educational institutions, including the University of Karachi and NED
University, IBA and a number of other institutions in private sector produce skilled professionals in various fields. This
human resource help attract foreign and local investment, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship
• With universities, research centers, and incubators fostering a culture of creativity and risk-taking. This environment
attracts and nurtures startups, which can drive economic growth through the development of new products, services,
and technologies.
• Centers of cultural and creative industries, such as film, music, fashion, and design. These industries can contribute
to economic growth by attracting talent, tourism, and investment.
• Karachi's rich cultural heritage and vibrant city life make it a popular destination for both domestic and international
• More socially and culturally diverse, fostering an exchange of ideas, knowledge, and perspectives. This diversity can
stimulate creativity, innovation, and tolerance, creating a more dynamic and attractive environment for businesses and
• Very well-connected to global networks, facilitating trade, investment, and the flow of information.
• Global connectivity makes Karachi more resilient to economic shocks and help them capitalize on emerging

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Karachi's strategic location, industrial dominance, and infrastructure development make it a powerhouse for Pakistan's
economy. By investing in infrastructure, education, health and industrial development, Pakistan can further leverage Karachi's
potential to enhance its overall economic growth and prosperity.


Despite huge contribution to national economy, the city faces numerous challenges that have significantly hampered its
economic development. Various political, administrative, economic, and social factors are contributing to the stagnation of
Karachi's economy.

Political Factors.

• Unique political dispensation, where ruling elite does not belong to city and is indifferent rather hostile to economic
growth of the city.
• A governance model where all decision making is concentrated at federal or provincial level who are purposely
ignorant to the needs of the city.
• Those who have trust of the people of Karachi are excluded from all forums of decision-making.
• Absence of empowered and autonomous local government.
• Pakistan has had a tumultuous history of political instability, marked by military coups, constitutional changes, and
fragile civilian governments. This lack of stability has trickled down to Karachi, creating an atmosphere of
uncertainty, culling initiative and investment.
• Karachi's political landscape is characterized by a diverse and fractured mix of political parties hardly having
agreement on anything. The rivalry among these groups often results in the lack of consensus needed for effective
policy formulation and implementation, consequently impacting the city's economic growth.

Administrative Factors.
• Karachi's administration, police and other institutions are manned by people, extortionist in nature and having no
empathy with people of the city and city itself, therefore, are insensitive to their needs.
• Widespread corruption in the administrative machinery of Karachi has eroded public trust and discouraging
• Karachi is being administered as a colony, resources are being extracted and transferred, no investment is being
done to improve infrastructure of the city

Economic Factors.
• Karachi's infrastructure is not sufficiently developed, inadequate transportation, energy, water supply and sewerage
systems, hampering economic growth.
• Frequent power outages, traffic congestion, and water shortages hamper business operations and discourage
foreign investment.
• Karachi's unemployment rate is high, exacerbated by a rapidly growing population, a large influx of people from all
over Pakistan and a lack of sufficient job opportunities. This not only limits consumer spending but also fuels social
unrest and crime.
• A significant portion of Karachi's economy operates informally, with businesses evading taxes and regulations. This
deprives the government of revenue needed for development and infrastructure projects.

Social Factors.
• Karachi has long been plagued by security issues, including sectarian violence, political assassinations, and
terrorism. These issues negatively impact business confidence and deter investment in the city.
• Rapid urbanization and industrialization have led to significant environmental degradation in Karachi, with severe
air and water pollution affecting the quality of life and posing risks to public health.
• Large influx of people from all over Pakistan, taxing the infrastructure of city and resulting in mushroom growth of
informal settlements.
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• Undocumented alien population as a breeding ground of violence and crime.
• Inequality and poverty remain pervasive in Karachi, with many citizens living in informal settlements lacking basic
services. This social disparity exacerbates crime and undermines the city's economic potential.

Solution and way forward.

Karachi's economic growth is hampered by a complex interplay of political, administrative, economic and social factors.
To unleash its true potential, Karachi requires a comprehensive strategy that addresses these challenges holistically.
This involves responsive governance model, fostering political stability, streamlining administration, investment in
infrastructure, job creation, addressing security concerns, and ensuring environmental sustainability.can act as engine
of economigrPakistangro pleaserxplaining how karach
MQM Pakistan suggests that to unleash the economic potential of Karachi, a multi-pronged approach encompassing various
sectors, stakeholders, and policy initiatives is necessary. Here are some key steps that can help unleash Karachi's economic

The basic principle of representative democracy is that the citizen elects their representative and the elected representative
govern and serve the community. Inclusivity and opportunity to define and control the agenda is what keeps, voter faith, ensure
their interest and active participation in the democratic process, non-performer is voted out and this option of voting out, gives
a sense of control to every voter.

All major cities of Pakistan, especially all provincial capitals except Karachi are governed by these principles. Karachi is
historically being governed by a political elite which has never been elected by the people of this city. A governance model in
which ruling elite, bureaucracy, police from foot soldier to top echelon and even official/officers of local government institutions
do not belong to city is bound to create an extortionist regime, insensitive to sufferings of the people. This disconnection
between people and ruler is largely responsible for present situation in Karachi.

The only governance structure now where people of Karachi can exercise democratic control is local government institutions,
but the provincial government has deprived these institutions from all tools of governance thus disempowering the people to
govern themselves. A strong local governance system is, therefore, essential for addressing Karachi's unique challenges and
opportunities, a system that is sufficiently empowered to make decisions, allocate resources, and implement policies more
effectively and efficiently.

A politically autonomous local government system for Karachi with full political, administrative, and financial authority and
responsibility be established to unleash potential of Karachi.

Constitution be amended to make provision for:

• A fully autonomous Metropolitan City Government as a singular authority responsible for various jurisdictions within the
metropolitan area.
• Bestowing full political, administrative, and financial responsibility and authority, enabling it to make decisions and allocate
• A structure, providing for directly elected mayor and a council, administrative hierarchy, with clearly defined roles and
• Greater financial autonomy by allowing it to generate sufficient revenue through local taxes, fees, and charges, as well as by
receiving a fair share through NFC award.

Structural Issues.

• Prepare a comprehensive master plan for economic, social, service infrastructure and cultural development of city.
• Invest in upgrading and expanding the city's infrastructure, including transportation, energy, water, and sanitation systems to
attract investment, facilitate trade, and enhancing the overall business environment.

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• Foster a business-friendly environment, streamlining regulations and reduce bureaucratic red tape to create an environment
that is conducive to business growth.
• Simplifying licensing and permitting processes, promoting transparency, and providing incentives for domestic and foreign
• Encouraging public and private partnership to expedite infrastructure projects, promoting innovation, and attracting foreign
direct investment.
• Public-private partnerships to help implement projects more efficiently by leveraging private sector expertise and resources.
• Invest in education and skills development programs to create a well-educated and skilled workforce.
• Improving the quality of education at all levels and promoting vocational training to meet the demands of a growing economy.
• Design policies and initiatives that support innovation, entrepreneurship, and the growth of small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs).
• Improve the law-and-order situation in the city by addressing crime, terrorism, and other security threats. A safe and secure
environment is crucial for attracting investment and promoting economic activity.
• Enhance regional connectivity and cooperation with neighboring countries to boost trade and investment. This includes
improving transportation links, simplifying customs procedures, and fostering greater economic collaboration within the region.

Pakistan faces a complex security landscape characterized by both external & internal challenges which not only
jeopardizes country’s stability but hampers its development.


A) Terrorism:

MQMP has been the frontline political party of Pakistan which strongly advocates to eradicate the menace of terrorism
from the face of the country. During the period when Pakistan was the frontline state in the war against terrorism,
MQMP was the first political party to present a National Counter Terrorism Policy document; unfortunately, NCTP
targets have not been met yet. Terrorism threats are increasing because of:

• Constant political and economic instabilities & crises.

• Non accomplishment of NCTP which MQMP proposed.

Therefore, MQMP Proposes:

• Immediate & proactive implementation of NAP & NCTP with national consensus.
• Meaningful reforms which include Madrassa reforms along with introduction of ILM-E-NAAFAY, Judicial
reforms including judges’ protection policy & implementation of witness protection act, induction of
complainant protection act, prosecution, and forensic reforms.
• Active involvement in the community through community policing & neighborhood watch.
• Uniformity and overhauling of schools, colleges, and universities curriculum.
• Enactment of de-weaponization of Pakistan bill in order to eradicate & substantially curtail cross border
terrorism, smuggling, and proliferation of arms and ammunition through effective vigilance.
• MQMP will formulate strict regulations to prevent the misuse of positions/pulpit/loudspeakers working in
religious and worship places.
• Identification and elimination of the sources of terror financing of hostile state, non-state & local non-state
• Re-enforcing human intelligence through the most recent & effective technology for proper identification of
terror financing.

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• Suspected local organizations & communities be kept in regular check to prevent innocent citizens from falling
prey to the hostile state & nonstate actors.
• Good harmonious relations with all the neighboring countries.
• Rigorous public awareness campaign in collaboration with academia & scholars to curb extremism &

B) Law & Order:

The present economic & socio-political crunch along with the deteriorating law & order situation may jeopardize the
stability, security & development of the country.
Therefore, MQMP proposes following measures:

• The Police service to be restructured and strengthened into a people owned service; introduce & strengthen
community policing under local government.
• The revived Sindh Police Act of 1961 needs to be amended to incorporate concepts of the district Public
Safety Commission and Police Complaint Commission. This would act as a deterrent to the police excesses
if any, in a participatory democracy.
• Creation of a comprehensive policy to build a self-reliant, service-oriented law enforcement agency.
• The community police shall connect with the neighborhoods through a “Neighborhood Watch and Ward
• Formation of inter-ethnic, inter sectarian & inter political parties’ community-based committees to regularly
meet at police station and town levels to discuss and sort out issues relevant to improving Law & Order
situation and promote peace and harmony amongst the citizens.

Since MQMP strongly believe in empowering each and every citizen, and education is the fountainhead of all
empowerment, technological progress, and social development, whereas technology is the key to economic growth.
It combats unemployment, provides social equality, awareness, tolerance, self-esteem and especially counters the
spread of cultural and plural diversity. Like other social sectors, education system too is riddled with manifold problems
like low enrollment, high dropouts, and gender disparities. Unfortunately, because of obsolete curriculum of our
universities, our institutions have become factories of unemployed youth. There is a dire need to create job providers
rather than job seekers.

Therefore, MQMP proposes:

• IMPOSE 10-YEAR EDUCATION EMERGENCY to enable the policy makers to dedicate the financial,
administrative resources required for bringing Pakistan’s literacy at par with the developed countries or at least a
developing country.
• MQMP will ensure implementation of article 25-A of the constitution which guarantees education to every citizen
of Pakistan between the age of 5 to 15 years.
• Gradually increase education expenditure from 2.2% to 5% of the GDP, whereas Provinces will allocate from 25%
of their revenue budget to education, provided it includes complete transparency about development budget, non-
development budget, quality of education and curriculum.
• MQMP will drastically overhaul the curriculum of our universities and professional colleges as per the demand of
today’s world.
• MQMP shall ensure compulsory IT and AI based education in all primary and secondary schools/madrasas.
• MQMP shall introduce education cards for the deserving students.
• Multiple systems of education be abolished, not to degrade the privately managed institutions, but to upgrade the
Urdu medium, public sector educational institutions at par with global standards for uniformity and inclusiveness.
This shall also lessen the burden of private education institution fees on middle and lower middle-class parents.
• Madaris (religious seminaries) to be provided incentives to bring such institutions at par with global standards.
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• Enrolment of children between the ages 5 to 16 years be launched at a massive scale by the government, civil
society and especially NGOs. Since the Sindh Assembly on the initiative of MQMP has already enacted a bill in
conformity with the provisions of Article 25-A of the Constitution, it is high time that all the provinces take measures
on war-footing to take-up the education emergency plan.
• Since the rate of dropout is very high in Pakistan specially in Sindh, MQMP intend to provide one time meal to
mothers who bring their child to school and one time glass of milk for children who attends school.
• MQMP will encourage the constitution of committees comprising of school management, teacher’s representative,
and parents to identify, address and resolve the ever-increasing menace of dropouts.
• Provinces shall ensure the provision of essential services needed by educational institutes as per their
• Introduce an evaluation system through Key Performance Indicators (KPI) which need to be monitored by the
Community Management Boards at taluka/tehsil and district levels to sustain the growth of literacy, standard of
education, ensure minimal dropout rate and no corporal punishment to the students.
• Every Province to draw plans for the refurbishing of school buildings, provision of drinking water, washrooms,
boundary walls and security arrangements.
• Actively encourage ‘adopt-a-school’ policy to ensure that philanthropists play an active role in promoting free
• Fast track the moto, ‘Learn to Earn’ by introducing e-learning.
• MQMP will establish skills development policy to facilitate vocational schools and training centers at the local
bodies level.
• Launch extensive training and refresher courses for primary, secondary and university teachers.
• A modern examination system will be introduced and implemented to ensure fairness and to effectively control
corrupt practices.
• MQMP will allocate reasonable portion of the education budget specifically for research and development.
• Admission policies for the professional’s educational institutions will be made fair, transparent, and completely
devoid of corrupt practices.
• Grants and scholarships will be provided in collaboration with industries to such brilliant students who show the
best results and seek higher education both at home and abroad, especially for students who come from financially
disadvantaged backgrounds.
• Official grants for professional colleges, like medical and engineering colleges to lessen the fee burden for poor
• Reintroduce/ strengthen the role of elected student’s unions.
• Ensure the establishment of a viable network of public libraries including digital libraries.
• Add R&D in collaboration with industrial sector.
• MQMP will ensure skills development incentive policy to cater the specific needs of physically and mentally
challenged students.
• MQMP will ensure that all types of educational institutions have sports facilities.
• The policy of quota system in educational system where ever it exists shall be transformed into a merit base
educational system as early as possible.
• MQMP has clear intension to implement the adoption of the widely acceptable Translation and Tafseer of The
Holy Quran approved by the National Islamic Institutions in Sindh also; as the same has already been adopted
and implemented in other three provinces.

MQMP is determined to undertake all above measures to meet the challenges of education emergency by
developing across the board consensus; MQMP will work on legislation, provision of additional financial resources,
enrolment drives, reforms in syllabus and curriculum and most importantly the national and international organizations
and foreign expertise to formulate, implement and ensure optimal utilization of tax payers’ money for the development
of our nation through a world class educational system.
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MQMP believes that access to a quality healthcare system is a right of every Pakistani, regardless of their
income level and social status. MQMP is cognizant of the poor health status of the nation, with the factors affecting
ranging from over population, high infant, and maternal mortality rate to problem of governance and regulation of health
sector amongst many others that contribute to the poor health of the nation.
In order to transform the slogan ''HEALTH FOR ALL” into reality, MQMP proposes the following measures:

• MQM proposes to impose 10-YEAR HEALTH EXIGENCY

• 70% allocation of the health budget upon primary and preventative healthcare and 30% on the tertiary healthcare.
• Undertake the amendment in constitution and provisional laws to ensure the making of policies and plans for the
provision of health care to the masses the provincial government must involve local government.
• Confer the powers, authority, and resources to the local government so as to have effective implementation and
• Ensure that the Federation plays an effective role in regulating health sector and not only seeks support from
international health organizations but also implement measures suggested by these organizations, like
implementation of SDGs on health.
• Target population planning; recent 7th national census is an eye opener.
• Target primary health care with the focus on environmental concerns and public healthcare, especially water and
sanitation. Ensure full coverage of EPI (Extended Program of Immunization), MQMP pledges to eradicate
polio/combat epidemic through countrywide sustainable vaccination drives by engaging communities.
• Increase public expenditure on health from 0.6 % to 5% of GDP during next 5 years. To ensure effective and
efficient utilization of finances, MQMP proposes to increase the healthcare allocation at Federal, Provincial as well
as Local level.
• Establish, strengthen, and equip hospitals, health care centers, Mobile healthcare center, mobile health units in
every district/taluka and village of the country according to the population requirements.
• Establish institutions and most updated curriculum for training nurses, lady health-visitors, midwives, and other
paramedical staff in every district. Develop a trained administrative cadre in health system to improve the efficiency
of health administration at provincial and district level.
• Task shifting through Telemedicine, referral links and highly improved information system to eliminate the physician
• Introduction of low cost and subsidized health insurance schemes by the government for all citizens. Effective
utilization of Zakat fund in health sector.
• Encourage private sector to initiate employee contribution-based schemes to provide health coverage for all
employees. Harnessing the potential of the private sector by building transparent mechanisms, so that the sector
is more open for service providers, especially in low income and remote areas.
• For preventive care, Basic Health Unit (BHU) shall be established at UC level, the involvement of the private sector
with its ability to reach out to communities will be further strengthened.
• MQMP proposes measures to develop a comprehensive strategy that international and national organizations can
partner with.
• Take measures to lower the prices of medicines, rationalization of import policy of raw material for manufacturing
the medicines locally.
• Effectively implement the legislation for curbing the purchase and sale of organ transplantation.
• Ensuring facilities and awareness about the problems faced by challenged people (PWDs) so that they have easy
access to healthcare and quality of life.
• Establishment of an independent and transparent "Existing Health Services Reform Commission" that can advise
and liaison with different stakeholders, engage in research and development, maintain a clearing house for
research, set and ensure standards for improving quality of healthcare, and advocate cost effective and efficient
solutions to healthcare issues. These commissions will be brought in line with above narrated concept.
• Modernize and update HR training in the paramedic sector.
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• Alternative health care sector will also be supported, regulated and stream lined for an all-inclusive health care
• Manufacturing and selling of counterfeit and substandard drugs will be effectively dealt with by amending the
existing laws.
• Effective, proper regulation and monitoring of the hospital (Public & Private both) to prevent the malpractice and
other irregularities, strict punitive measures will include cancellation of licenses, imprisonment, and hefty penalties.
• NDMA shall be revamped and PDMA shall be strengthen at the local government level.
• Menace of quacks will be dealt with iron hands at the local government level.
• MQMP health policy will emphasis on daunting rise in increasing mental health issues, psychological problems,
mental disorders and degenerating diseases like autism, dyslexia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s diseases. Effective
health care provision in laws and financing will be made to provide comprehensive coverage of such diseases and
disorders under the sub sector of health which will also include mental, traumatic, and stress counselling.
• Role of nutritionist and food scientist will be enhanced by amending the laws.
• 43% children in Pakistan under the age of 5 are registered as STUNTED GROWTH.
• MQMP will form centers in every government hospital and medical facility to monitor the growth of such would be
stunted children and intervene to arrest such abnormal growth as soon as possible.


Women empowerment is conceptualized in creating environment where women can exercise controls on their
lives, make independent decisions and have equal access to resources and opportunities. MQMP believes that women
empowerment includes everything from self-strength to efficiency building i.e. social, educational, economic, political
& psychological empowerment without any discretion. The state will take full responsibility to ensure protection and
security for all its citizens especially women.
Therefore, MQMP proposes:

Effective legislation and implementation of strict punitive measures against the following:

• Torture, confinement without trial, socio-political harassment, gender discrimination, sexual harassment,
discouragement of female education and hindrance in their full participation in society as equal citizens, domestic
violence, child abuse, rape and otherwise forcing opponent’s womenfolk to march naked on public streets, honor
killings, child marriage, Karo Kari, Wani, marriage to the Holy Quran, acid victims, bonded labor, and child labor.
• Launching of massive public awareness campaigns, both in urban and rural areas in collaboration with community
participation to educate the public irrespective of their gender of their fundamental human rights and means to address
them in case of their violation.
• Relevant laws will be strengthened and made very stringent to award Harsh/capital punishment to the culprits and
compliances of such heinous crimes.
• Revisiting and repealing of all existing discriminatory laws against women.
• MQMP commits to gradually increase the representation of women to 50% particularly in the Parliament, provincial
assemblies, local governments, governments, and semi-government offices.
• MQMP will establish women's rights commissions and committees in line with national and provisional women's rights
commissions at the local government level.
• MQMP will establish and organize "women shelter homes" for such women which render shelter less under the
auspices of the government and the state and such homes be run and managed by the local government with the
participation and support of the community so that no harm comes to their way.

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MQMP believes that Quaid Azam's 11th August speech should be made an essential part of our constitution to
inculcate the complete sense of protection among the religious minorities and for their wholehearted participation in the
politico-social and economic development of Pakistan. MQMP believes and has alone stood for a complete harmony
amongst the followers of all religions in Pakistan; Religious harmony is the cornerstone of our policy of inclusiveness.

MQMP is therefore against all sort of religious discriminations and/or political, social, and economic exploitation of
minorities in Pakistan.
To improve the state of religious minority rights in Pakistan MQMP proposes the following measures:

• Constitutional provisions or laws of land that are discriminatory and jaundiced against the religious minority must be
repealed as soon as possible.
• An empowered and competent “National Minority Commission” through legislation with clear TORs will be
• The fundamental right of equality for all citizens of Pakistan irrespective of their religion will be effectively implemented
in all walks of national life.
• MQMP will carry out effective and enforceable legislation to eradicate the menace of forced conversion of religion,
forced marriages, and other crimes that victimize mainly religious minorities.
• MQMP proposes state FIR and counter FIR against blasphemy over wrong accusations.
• The religious minority shall have equal rights to profess and practice their religion and rituals freely.
• MQMP will increase the minority Government job quota in every department.


The Constitution of Pakistan of 1973 guarantees basic human rights to all citizens of the country and ensures
that these rights are protected by law. Despite the Constitution's human rights guarantees, Pakistan continues to face
significant human rights challenges which include extrajudicial killings, torture, enforced disappearances, arbitrary
detentions, censorship, discrimination, and violence against women and children, minorities, and marginalized groups.

MQMP will ensure the implementation of the articles of the constitution of Pakistan pertaining to human rights & establish
mechanisms to implement existing laws in consonance with the fundamental rights and incorporation of these mechanics
in government departments.
Which includes:

• Entitlement to civil and political rights.

• Entitlement to economic, social, and cultural rights.
• Ensure nondiscrimination and equality.
• Ensure right to life, dignity, and security.
• Ensure rights of refugees and migrants.
• Ensure right to privacy.
• Ensure freedom from discrimination.
• Ensure legal aid is accessible to all who need.
• Ensure the citizenship rights of every Pakistan are fully and equally respected.
• Introduce ethnicity equality bill that recognizes and addresses institutional bias.
• Offer human rights education as part of the school curriculum.


Empowering intersex (Khawaja Saras) individuals involves acknowledging and respecting their inherent dignity,
ensuring their rights, and creating an inclusive environment that embraces their uniqueness.
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MQMP shall:

• Raise awareness and understanding about intersex variations among the public, healthcare professionals,
educators, and policymakers. Promote accurate information to dispel myths and misconceptions about intersex
• Legal recognition and protection of intersex people's rights, including protection against stigmatization and
• Ensure support networks and accessible inclusive healthcare services specifically tailored to the needs of intersex
individuals. Provide counseling and support to navigate challenges related to identity, relationships, and
• Advocate for policies and guidelines that respect the rights and well-being of intersex individuals in various
domains, including healthcare, education, employment, socio-political and legal systems.
• Reserve 1% quota in all government departments (federal, provincial & local bodies).
• Support research efforts to understand intersex variations, their impact on individual's lives, and collaborate with
intersex-led organizations to ensure their voices and experiences are incorporated in decision-making processes.
• Foster a culture of acceptance, inclusion, and celebration of diversity that values and respects people of all gender
identities and variations, including intersex individuals.
• Empowering intersex individuals involves creating a supportive and inclusive environment that acknowledges their
rights and promotes their well-being, ensuring they have equal opportunities to thrive and participate in society.


Pakistan’s rapidly growing population has increased 6 times its original size since independence, outstripping its key natural
resources which is eroding some significant developmental gains made in earlier decades. There is a huge, unprecedented
increase in population from 132 million in 1998 census to 241 million in 2023, and additional 110 million more citizens in
next 25 years are projected with impact on all aspects of life and most of all in the sharp depletion of our limited natural
resources and on the environment. Per capita water availability has sharply decline from 5000 cubic meter in 1960 to
current 930 cubic meter which is far below the threshold of a water stressed country and indicates that Pakistan is facing
a severe water crisis. From a food abundant country in the 90’s we have become a staple crop deficient country in 2020.

MQMP government will prioritize population planning to reduce the current rapid rate of population growth to balance our
natural and manmade resources and increase the nation’s ability of providing equality of opportunity, access to health,
education, housing, employment, and other essential rights for a decent life for all Pakistanis.

Therefore, MQMP Proposes:

• We will ensure that essential reproductive health services including family planning services are affordable and readily
available to all citizens of the country
• Expanding the coverage of doorstep services by recruiting more lady health workers and community midwives.
• Removing all informational and financial barriers that hinder couples from accessing services.
• Expanding service provision by utilizing all channels of service delivery in the public and private sectors to deliver
these services.
• Utilizing all available media to widely diffuse the national consensus among all major political parties and religious
leaders on the importance of creating a balance (“Tawazaun”) between population size and available resources.
• We will provide adequate resources for population planning as an immediate term PRIORITY with enhanced fiscal
• We will expand the social protection programs to help the poorest families who are suffering the most from the
imbalance between large family sizes and the inability to provide food, housing, health and education for their children,
especially girls.
• Most importantly, we will invest in the 120 million Pakistanis aged under 25, who will be engaged and involved to be
part of the narrative for a better Pakistan. We will invest in our vibrant young people, both men and women, boys, and
girls at the same time, to ensure this generation become a force of positive change by making their lives to be
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productive and for them to reach their full potential we will invest in developing the skills of both men and women so
that they can be gainfully employed.
• All these commitments will be publicly endorsed by the Prime Minister and the highest level of government and
accountability mechanisms to measure annual progress.


Social security and social welfare are a relatively new concept which enables political leadership and leaders to focus on the
marginalized, socially, and economically underprivileged and disadvantageous portion of society through a social contract in
order to achieve social welfare.
Therefore, MQMP proposes:

• Constitutional amendment to declare people's needs as the fundamental principle of policy. Implementation of articles
8 to 25 of the constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
• MQMP will ensure the local bodies' involvement in all social security venture including Bait-ul-Maal, so that the facilities
reach the deserving. The present system of Zakat and Ushar is not satisfactory; therefore, MQMP will completely
revise the system through local bodies and also depoliticized Bait-ul-Maal.
• 2% of GDP to be allocated to reach out the citizens who need social security.
• The concept of BISP shall be revised and will be changed into the BIGP (Benazir income generation program) in order
to protect the self-esteem of the individual.
• Envolve different philanthropists into SASSI, WWF, EOBI, and Bait-ul-Maal management boards.
• Microfinance banks like Grameen Bank (Bangladesh) and Akhuwat foundation formula shall be established and
encouraged to empower the downtrodden.
• Corporate banks to dedicate CSR funds and interest free loans by microfinancing the underprivileged.
• Implementation of Health Cards for a larger section of the population within the minimum possible time.
• Establishment of old age homes in every district.
• Introduction of reserved seats in the National Assembly for physically challenged people, as per the Constitutional
Amendment Bill tabled by MQMP in the Parliament.
• Orphanages will be patronized by the Government and restructured in a manner that the safety, security and the
wellbeing of orphans are ensured.
• Establishment of day care centers and development centers for children and adults with special needs where
specialists will be employed.
• MQMP will assert to rehabilitate street children, juvenile and women prisoners.
• MQMP will eradicate the menace of the use of illicit drugs in the society particularly, educational institutions. We plan
to envisage a strict curb and penalties on the drug traffickers, monitoring the entry, distribution and use of drugs by
our children and youth and through awareness campaigns.
• MQMP commits to revamp the existing rehabilitation centers for drug addicts and establish, organize and run more
such centers in collaboration with different communities and non-governmental organizations at the local government


The Survival of humanity hinges upon preservation and conservation of natural resources and eco system of the
planet. Pakistan is one of the vulnerable countries to climate change impact due to its geographic location, high
dependence on agriculture and water, and low adoptive capacity. Pakistan is ranked 8th among the countries most affected
by extreme weather events.
MQMP proposes to implement 5 R’s i.e. refuse, reuse, replace, repurpose, and reduce on environment and
climate change.
Salient features of MQMP plan would include:

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• Pollution free environment including air pollution, water pollution and contamination.
• Conservation of water, Alternate resources of water and UG recharging water
• Coastal Pollution policy
• Industrial wastage treatment
• Mitigation and planation of mangrove.
• Disaster Management.
• Green House Gases effects
● Ensure Vehicle fitness certificate for pursuing environmental Compliance.
● Promotes Energy Efficient Vehicles and especially Electric Vehicles.
● Working on the Mass Transit System.
● Discourage carbon emission vehicles.

Green Engineering Module:

● Stop Deforestation.
● Plant Native trees i.e Neem, Peepal etc.
● Build New Parks and Re initiate the old parks and maintain public parks.
● Following Net Zero Emission.
● Rain water harvesting.

Environment and Waste:

● Safe Disposal of Industrial Waste.
● Reduce the promotion of Non-Degradable Material.
● Discourage single usage of plastic.
● Prevent Decline of Natural Resources.
● Discourage uses of greenhouse gases.
● Collaborate with SEPA and PEPA for pollution free environment.
Green House Gases:
● Refuse the use of greenhouse gasses
● Implement the practice of Ozone friendly product
● Implement usage of CFC FREE Products
● Increase Usage of renewable energy
● Installation of solar lights
● Energy saving lights makes enable
● Motivate the public to use solar panel systems at residence.

Sustainability Strategies:
● Environmental awareness courses.
● Bannering.
● Certificate Courses.
● Online and physical courses
● Public Engagement
● Educate through activity.

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Disaster Management:
● Improve and Advanced Disaster Management Cell and Pakistan Metrological Department.
● Provide Temporary shelter homes.
● Emergency response evacuation team.
● Provide logistics support and public transportation during unexpected events.
● Build safe places with basic need of life if natural disaster hit any crowded place.
ETP Plants:
● Operational ETP Plants.
● Maintain Non-Ops ETP Plants.
● Ensure the industries to follow environmental Compliance System regarding Waste disposal.
● Monitor the procedure of waste disposal.

Coastal Boundary:
● Coastal belt surveillance team
● Prevent marine species through the coastal belt
● Manage the coastal beauty
● Monitor the drain waste and solid waste by coastal surveillance team

Contingency plans:
● Approach to International Community
● Coordinate with United Nations environment Programmed
● World Environment Societies

Index and Scale:

● Follow parameters to achieve Environment Sustainability
● Monitor and Measure index and scaling the difference
● Analysis the points of improvement on the basis of Reports
● Plotting a complete graph w.r.t past and present to find the difference

MQM Pakistan further believes that targeted actions are required to address major threats, our ecosystem is facing, the
idea of giving earth rights to elements of nature, we think is a right mechanism to enforce rights of nature over human
intransigencies, to protect of rights of future generation of mankind. Therefore, among many bounties of nature gifted to us we
suggest earth rights for following:


The Indus River Ecosystem, comprising a water shed of 1.12 million sq km of snow-clad mighty mountains, glaciers, its
tributaries and flood plains, the river, and the Delta, are facing severe threats from rapid urbanization, large-scale industrial
pollution, unsustainable water usage, climate change, habitat destruction and other anthropogenic activities.

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All three components of Indus Ecosystem, the water shed, the river and the delta have suffered, and will continue to face
multiple threats if we treat it as property to be exploited for profit. There are serious apprehensions that if no action is taken this
beautiful gift of nature may lost to humanity forever.
The MQM Pakistan recognizes that:
• The nature has bestowed inherent rights upon the Indus River Ecosystem to live and thrive.
• The Ecosystem needs to be protected.
• The Indus River is a living entity having following rights which need to be protected.
• The right to flow to its full length.
• The right to perform essential functions within its ecosystem.
• The right to be free from pollution.
• The right to feed and be fed by sustainable aquifers.
• The right to native biodiversity.
• The right to restoration.
• The Indus delta has right to have a sustained inflow of river water to live, conserve its biodiversity, maintain mangrove
forest, and fish sanctuaries.
• The rights of indigenous communities and other stakeholders who depend on the Indus River and its ecosystem for their
livelihood and culture, required to be respected and protected.
• The Indus River ecosystem, the River, the Delta required to be given legal entity with intrinsic value, rights, and
responsibilities, including but not limited to the right to exist, maintain its vital functions, and regenerate itself.
MQM Pakistan suggests for establishment of a mechanisms for monitoring, reporting, and enforcing these rights, including
legal and institutional frameworks that can hold violators accountable.
The degradation of marine ecosystem and coastal waters of Karachi is a pressing environmental issue that requires
immediate attention. It is caused by a variety of factors, including discharge of industrial and domestic waste without treatment,
dumping of solid waste, oil spills, oil discharge by shipping lines, overfishing, and human activities such as logging in
mangroves, encroachments, and urban development;
The effects of this degradation are far-reaching and can have serious implications for the environment, public health,
tourism, entertainment, economy and for the rights of local communities.
MQM Pakistan believes that granting Earth Rights to the marine ecosystem and the coastal waters of Karachi will ensure
their protection and conservation, as well as foster sustainable and equitable use and management of these precious resources.
Therefore, it is suggested that:
• The ecosystem and the coastal waters of Karachi be recognized as having inherent rights, including but not limited
the rights to exist, persist, maintain, and regenerate their vital cycles, structures, functions, and processes.
• The development and implementation of comprehensive policies and regulations for the protection, conservation,
and sustainable management of the coastal echo system and the coastal waters of Karachi, in consultation with relevant
stakeholders, including local communities, environmental organizations, and academic institutions.
• Appropriate measures be taken to restore and rehabilitate the coastal ecosystem of Karachi, including the reduction
of pollution, the protection of biodiversity, the prevention of overfishing, and the promotion of eco-friendly tourism and


The present-day world has changed in terms of use of energy mix; its rapidly transferring from fossil fuel
generated power to alternate mean of energy i.e. solar, wind, thermal and bio gasses.

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Relatable clean, affordable, and nonstop energy supply is crucial for Pakistan’s sustainable economic

All along its existence, Pakistan faces a gigantic challenge of creating large dams, therefore, MQMP pledges to
catch up the transformation process in the shortest possible time, however it will be a 2-prompt strategy i.e. on one
hand a process of shifting from conventional to non-conventional forms of energies. Allah (SWT) has blessed Pakistan
with richest deposit of coal, therefore the use of coal to generate energy will be utilize extensively with minimum climatic
implications while on the other hand Pakistan has a viable potential to generate 1200000 MW4 Electricity through wind
power whereas the potential to generate solar power is colossal.
MQMP Proposes:

• Devolution of power generation, transmission, and distribution in accordance with article 157 of the constitution.
• Increase the share of green and clean renewable energy to at least 35% by 2030 in the overall annual energy
generation in the country.
• Facilitate transfer of existing brick-kilns to zig zag technology.
• MQMP plan to not only fully facilitate the import of alternative source energy equipment, batteries but will also facilitate
the local generation of equipment, batteries, and turbines.
• MQMP will address administrative, structural, salutary authorities related to decentralization of administrative,
regulatory bodies at the provisional and even at the local metropolitan level with respect to import.
• MQMP proposes public private partnership model to be introduced with professionals, academia in the management
of statutory bodies.
• MQMP proposes multiple power generation, transmission, and distribution of power companies.
• MQMP will facilitate transition of electric vehicle through appropriate policy measures including reduce import duties,
reduce registration fees and incentive for local manufacturing in order to increase electric vehicle utilization up to 30%
by 2030.
• 100% of Karachi to be electrified either through grid or off-grade solar and wind power.
• Establishment of at least 10 solar parks in Karachi for affordable electricity.
• Shifting at least half of local government offices/buildings to solar power.
• Moving all local government educational institutions on solar power.
• Legislation and enforcement of green building code for all new private, public and commercial buildings.
• MQMP Proposes R&D department to cater energy and power needs of the country.


Since the inception of Pakistan, the system of government has been highly bureaucratic and common citizens
have been consistently denied of their basic democratic rights. There is unquestionably a national crisis of confidence
to which MQMP will respond in a measured and sensible way. MQMP, therefore, proposes not only to arrest this
anarchical state of affairs but will also establish the rule of law, with malice towards none, through the following

• Strict adherence to the principle of merit.

• Transparency and merit in all governmental actions including contracts, awarding of work, recruitment, and transfer,
and posting etc.
• Audit of all secret funds placed at the disposal of President, Prime minister, Provincial Chief Ministers, and
ambassadors through Public Accounts Committee.
• Introduction and strict implementation of measures to ensure security of life and property of all citizens irrespective of
their cast, creed, color, religion, sect, gender, political belonging, or beliefs so that no innocent person is victimized
and every aggrieved gets justice.
• Appointment of honest and dedicated government officers and public representatives to head federal public service
commission, provincial public service commissions, federal and provincial ombudsmen, accountant general offices,

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anti-corruption departments, public accounts committees, prime minister’s, and chief minister’s monitoring committees
to make these institutions more efficient and effective.

B) Bureaucratic Reforms
Bureaucracy in Pakistan is grappling with a number of problems, which are both procedural and structural, such as
cumbersome procedures, red tape, lacks the capacity, politicization, corruption, inefficiency, lack of accountability, and poor
service delivery. Consequently, there is a great trust deficit between bureaucracy and people, hampering service
delivery and good governance.
Multiple layers of bureaucratic hierarchy, rigidity, preference for maintaining the status quo, limited incentives for employees
to improve efficiency or innovation, Corruption and accountability for any negative outcomes largely influence the traditional
bureaucratic system

MQM Pakistan suggests following measures to address these issues:

• Analyzing existing processes to identify inefficiencies and redundancies, to streamline system for more efficient and
effective service delivery.
• Reviewing and updating policies, regulations, and laws that govern administrative processes to ensures that
processes are not only efficient but also legally sound and up to-date.
• Adopting digital systems to replace manual processes to increase efficiency. This includes digitizing records, using
electronic document management systems, and implementing e-governance platforms for public services.
• Regular training programs for government employees to enhance, their skills and knowledge, particularly in areas
like digital literacy, customer service, and modern administrative practices.
• Involving various stakeholders, including government employees, citizens, and experts, in the reform process to
provide valuable insights and foster a sense of ownership and cooperation.
• Establish performance monitoring systems to regularly assess the efficiency and effectiveness of government
• Identifying areas for improvement and ensuring that the reforms are having the intended impact.
• Collaborating with private sector entities to bring in expertise, innovation, and resources that might be lacking in the
public sector.
• Promoting a culture of innovation, efficiency, and customer service within government offices.
• Increasing transparency and accountability by establishing clear processes and standards and making them
accessible to the public.
• Establishing strong anti-corruption mechanism.
• Promoting ethical conduct among government employees.

Each of these measures requires careful planning, resources allocation, and commitment from both the government
and the society at large.

Absence of a constitutionally mandated autonomous and empowered local government System, absence of constitutional
protection to bureaucracy to shield them from political intransigencies., Resistance to change, the absence of merit and
performance in recruitment and promotion, Political interference, Lack of necessary training and skill development, Excessive
centralization, Outdated policies and procedures, Lack of effective mechanisms to hold bureaucrats accountable for their
performance and decisions and rigid hierarchical structure are few key challenges faced by the bureaucratic system of Pakistan.

Here are some key steps MQM Pakistan proposed:

• Establishing a fully autonomous and empowered local government system having constitutional mandate.
• Providing constitutional protection to bureaucracy.
• Creation of a four-tier bureaucracy, which includes All Pakistan Services, Federal Services, Provincial Services, and
District Services.

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• Creating specialist economic and professional cadres to attract highly qualified human resource.
• Formulate clear and transparent policies and laws to govern the functioning of the bureaucracy, involving setting up
rules that define roles, responsibilities, and accountability.
• Ensuring that the recruitment and promotion in bureaucracy is based on merit, skills, and qualifications rather than
political affiliations or other non-professional criteria.
• Security of tenure.
• A performance-based compensation package.
• Regular training programs to institute and enhance the skills, knowledge, and ethical behavior of bureaucrats.
• Develop robust performance evaluation systems to regularly assess the efficiency and effectiveness of bureaucrats.
• Decentralizing administrative functions to make the bureaucracy more responsive to local needs and conditions.
• Introducing mechanisms for public accountability, such as information disclosure laws, public hearings, and citizen
feedback systems.
• Establish strong anti-corruption bodies and enforce strict penalties for corrupt practices.
• Promoting a culture of integrity and ethical behavior.
• Conducting regular audits and reviews of the performance of individual bureaucrat, processes, and institutions to
identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement.
• Engaging various stakeholders, including civil society, the private sector, and international organizations, for input
and collaboration in reforming the bureaucracy.
• Performance-based management, setting clear performance targets and holding civil servants accountable for
achieving them


Corruption is a dire issue in Pakistan and has deeply entrenched in its social, economic, and political system.
It is one of the primary reasons for the economic crunch. The root cause of corruption in Pakistan is the absence of a
strong and effective system of governance, weak and politicized law enforcement, and the lack of accountability.

Curbing corruption required sustained efforts in strengthening institutions, legal reforms, transparency and
accountability, whistleblower protection, use of technology, political will, judicial independence, international
corporation, public awareness and education and social mobilization.

To control and eradicate corruption, MQMP proposes:

• Anti-corruption laws will be made stricter and punishments may be taken to the level of capital sentence.
• Both Federal and Provincial NAB are to be granted autonomy and assured of tenure assignments like public service
• Reclaim all such properties made through corrupt practices and looting the national exchequers and use the money
to build schools, colleges, hospitals etc. Public procurement laws will be followed in letter and spirit and will not be
allowed to tinkered with.
• In order to eliminate corruption award of contracts worth millions and billions will be made public.
• All discretionary powers under various laws need to be withdrawn like allotment of precious land at throw-away prices,
mass employment in violation of merit, withdrawal of posts from the purview of public service commission, non-
implementation of the findings of public accounts committees, plea bargaining with the corrupt and writing off the so-
called bad debts by causing wrongful gains to defaulters.


The industrial sector of Pakistan is an important contributor to the national economy accounting for 18.47% of the
GDP. However, political instability, policy inconsistency, security concerns, inadequate infrastructure and logistics, low
productivity, poor management, frequent power shortage, high taxes and complex bureaucratic processes are some
of the challenges that hamper industrial growth and competitiveness.
To overcome such challenges, MQMP proposes:

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• Industries should be located equitably all across the country to create a robust and sustainable industrial
sector. It is imperative that stake holders from private sector are fully facilitated for the establishment of
industrial estates.
• To improve the economic conditions, MQMP proposes to spread the net of cottage industries throughout the
• Encourage and deploy a public-private partnership model to encourage investment and realize hidden
• Ensure introduction and smooth running of one-window operation to reduce inconvenience for investors and
for rapid industrialization.
• Creation of an industrial-based economy with reasonable wage structure, provision of health care insurance,
old age benefits, disability pension and a housing unit after retirement to the low-income employees both in
public and private sector.
• Reform of welfare boards and institutions which include involvement of outsourcing at the management level.
• Ensure the actual figure of employees in any institution to curb under-employment being practiced in
industries, factories and organizations.
• Establishment of joint monitoring boards of entrepreneurs and labor within industrial units to ensure
respectable wage structure for employees so that uninterrupted production could be ensured.
• Ensure meaningful consultation with trade unions of employees before the privatization of public assets.
• Immediate steps to eliminate recurring power load shedding for industrial units.
• Encourage private sector in developing and deploying information technology in such a way that it becomes
one of the fastest growing earners of foreign exchange.
• MQMP determines to establish par excellence centers of automobile and metallurgy which can enhance our
capacity to produce vehicles, spare parts, and machineries for industries, indigenously.


Stranded Pakistanis matter has been a very sensitive issue for MQMP and we believe that those stranded
Pakistanis who consciously opt for Pakistan and are forced to lead miserable life in present Bangladesh (Prior Mashriqi
Pakistan) must be repatriated.

• MQMP intend to repatriate all stranded Pakistanis from Mashriqi Pakistan (Bangladesh).
• MQMP intend to issue CNIC and Passports to them.
• MQMP intend to properly allocate the funds for their rehabilitation.
• Already repatriated stranded Pakistanis to be accorded with due right of nationality.


MQMP will complete the process of settlements on the pending claims of the evacuee properties.
MQMP will follow the Liaquat Nehru pact to ensure the effective, smooth and complete implementation of the
settlements and if such properties are unconstitutionally occupied, the rightful and authorized claimants will
be habituated on such lands and properties according to the LIAQUAT NEHRU pact dated 8th April 1950.

Forest is important to maintain the pro-life eco system on our planet. Pakistan not only need the protection of the
existing forests but allocation of more lands in plane, rural as well as urban areas of Pakistan. Forests not only enables
the wild life to survive and thrive but also are a good mean to prevent various diseases. Forests, if properly utilized
through growth of indigenous plants and fruit bearing plants help growth of economy. Urban forestry especially
provides lungs for the life in Urban areas by supplying fresh air.
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International environmental bodies recommend maintaining 12% forest cover, whereas the forest area in Pakistan
is approximately 4%.
Therefore, MQMP intend to:
• Target 8% forest cover in 5 years.
• Maintaining international standards and allocation of land for forest.
• Allocation of land for urban forest and urban agriculture in urban areas, promoting vertical forest in congested
areas and high-rise within the cities.
• International Cooperation with international Agencies.
• Promoting indigenous Plantation.
• Growth of Mangroves alongside the coast line is very important in the back drop of risk of climate change.
• Mafias which are determinantal to the environment will be kept in check and strict punishments to be awarded
so that the goals of the clean and green environment can be achieved and the preservation of existing forests and urban
forests can be ensured and promoted.
• MQMP proposes educational and awareness campaigns to encourage plantation drives.

Pakistan is rich in diversified tourist destinations and is home to one of the oldest civilizations of the world.
Pakistan has been declared as world’s top adventure travel destination in 2018 (British Backpacker Society) and is
described as one of the friendliest countries on earth.
From the mighty stretches of Karakoram in the north to vast alluvial delta in south. Pakistan is described as the
best kept secret of Asia.
Apart from creating income, tourism also aids in the promotion of specific nations; culture and civilization. It has
evolved because of increased interest in vacation, business, sports, health, religion, culture and education travel but
unfortunately, the tourism and hospitality sector are not been clearly mapped thereby, depriving Pakistan of much
needed foreign exchange. Depleted infrastructure, under developed hospitality sector, negligence to tourist places and
unexplored religious tourist sites, social challenges, negative role of media and not to forget wave of terrorisms has
hampered Pakistan economic growth through tourism.

Therefore, MQMP plans:

i. Combat terrorism with efficient role of NECTA in order to correct the perception of Pakistan.
ii. Make the most of CPEC.
iii. Facilitation in getting visas.
iv. Provision of security through community policing.
v. Enhance connectivity with adequate investment, infrastructure, roads, railway, air travel, hotel, motel,
restaurants, desi dhabas.
vi. Introduction of E-governance.
vii. MQMP plans to create marketing campaigns both domestically and internationally.
viii. MQMP plans to organize and promote cultural and religious events and festivals to showcase Pakistan’s rich
culture, heritage, and traditions.
ix. MQMP plans to emphasis in conserving natural resources and protect environment for future generation.
x. MQMP plans to collaborate with international organizations, travel influencers and foreign governments to
promote Pakistan as a desirable tourist destination.
xi. Optimize embassies and consulates across the world to showcase Pakistan as the best and safest tourist


Pakistan is rich in mines and mineral resources and our mining sector play a crucial role in country’s economy.
Pakistan is ranked second in the world in coal and salt mines fifth largest in copper and gold reserves and estimated

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billions of barrels of crude oil. Pakistan is blessed with the gift of variety of minerals but unfortunately policies on this
sector are very weak and halfhearted. Therefore, the contribution to the GDP is only about 0.5% and export is only
about 0.1% of the world’s total. The main reason for this poor performance is:
• Lack of infrastructure and facilities for exploration, extraction, processing, and transportation.
MQMP promises the people of Pakistan that it will in the first six month after the election will deliver a
comprehensive policy on mines and minerals which will open the doors of unhindered investment on mining, lay a
framework of laws and rules to enable and encourage public-private partnership, pure private investments that could
trigger a bigger role of this sector in the economic growth.
Salient features of the policy would be:

o Declare mines and mineral sector as industrial sector to benefit optimally.

o Removing impediments in the way of Rekodiq to optimum benefit from the project.
o Thar Coal is energy and energy is Thar Coal.
o Marble, precious and semi-precious stones industry will be given priority to incentivize minors and investors
and also those involve in the value addition of marble, precious and semi-precious stone business.
o Minors/ mine workers protection and safety will be met on international standards, nothing is more important
than life.
o Dedicated efforts will be made for maximum, optimal and earliest use of Thar Coal in generating Power and

Pakistan has been blessed with 54 million acres of fertile land, its been ranked 16th in the world; out
of this 54 million acres, Sindh has 17 million acres of fertile land but unfortunately only 7 million is being
cultivated. Despite the rapid growth in the services and business sector of the economy in last few years,
dependance of our economy still largely remains on agriculture.
Unfortunately, essential reforms, modernization & upgradation of agricultural procedures through
R&D, involvement of technology in this sector is almost missing and as a result we are producing less quantity
and quality of essential crops.
Therefore, MQMP proposes:

• Abolishment of the prevailing medieval feudal system from the country.

• MQMP believes the land reforms done in the past did not promote a foundation for fast-track agricultural
growth; MQMP will strive to pass its bill dated 2010 namely “REDISTRIBUTIVE LAND REFORM BILL 2010”
from the parliament.
• MQMP proposes constitutional reforms to impose tax on agriculture income, big land lords and big land
• Since inflation has hit agriculture sector most, MQMP Plan to raise the agriculture income tax baseline from
Rs. 12 Lac to 24 Lac or above.
• Focus of MQMP will be to make all uncultivable land to cultivable which essentially means providing conducive
environment, infrastructure, and facilities like small dams (water storage) in rainfed areas, improvisation of
canal system, basic treatment to remove salt and improvisation of left bank and right bank canals.
• Devise alternate delivery system at the door step of the farmers in order to provide quality seeds, fertilizers,
pesticides, water particularly to tail enders, short term credit and facilitation for the formation of private
corporate marketing societies to minimize/eliminate the role of middleman.
• Land records will be digitalized.
• Tenancy and labor laws to be amended with the point of view to give protection to Harees and small
• Amend the antidomestic violence law to ensure protection of the Harees and small cultivators specially their

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• MQMP is against all forms of exploitation. The present mechanism of fixing wheat, sugar and cotton prices
by the government is an exploitation which only favors big land lords, middleman, hoarders and profiters at
the cost of small farmer and end consumers. MQMP will revisit this policy.
• Expansion of district level micro finance credit on the pattern introduced and followed by Grameen Bank of
• Monopoly and exploitation by the big land lords in obtaining subsidize purchase of tractors and agricultural
machinery will be curbed effectively, whereas subsidies will be given to small farmers and harees on purchase
of tractors and agriculture machineries.
• SIFC (Special Investment Facilitation Council) MQMP believes Pakistan needs a green revolution for which
careful and exploitation free corporate farming is the essence.
• Allocation of state land including lands in katcha areas to the landless cultivators through corporate farming
and corporate marketing methods with additional facility of easy credit for the input and output.
• Promotion and incentives for agro-based industries in rural areas.
• Focus of MQMP will be on making new agricultural zones, R&D institutions with sizable funding to improve
the quantity and quality of crops and orchids. Cropping pattern also need to be changed keeping in view of
national interest; technical experts will be employed to teach and train farmers in order to improve per acre


Pakistan is known to have one of the best irrigation systems, unfortunately it has deteriorated extremely thereby hampering
our agricultural growth. This system will be modernized through the use of technology and application of best available practices
in the world.
Therefore, MQMP proposes:

• MQMP will not only encourage the construction of small dams but will also prevent the malpractices in the water
distribution systems in lower reparent provinces, thereby ensuring just distribution of water among all landholders
• Salinity and waterlogging will be dealt with war footing spirit.
• The National water accord will be reviewed to ensure and rationalize just water distribution among provinces.


Livestock & Fisheries hold an important place between rural & agriculturally based economy and urban industrial
cum service sector.

• This sector will be promoted by MQMP as an essential & integral sector of agricultural economy alongside promoting
it in urban areas in the form of modern fish farms and livestock farms with the use of modern technology.
• Research & development institutions will be established to improve and enhance fishing, poultry & cattle farming.
• International safety standards will be adopted to protect fishermen with proper insurance coverage and navigational
guidance so that they don’t cross international borders.
• Renewal of procedure of fishing licenses and new licenses will be made easy.


A) Media

MQMP firmly believes in the freedom of expression guaranteed by article 19 of the constitution, With the
proliferation and freedom of both print and electronic media; public awareness has been increased manifold.
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MQMP aspires for a robust, creative, responsible, and developing media industry, commercial success, and
public service. Under no circumstances, media’s independence should be curbed and public be deprived of
this valuable service.

Therefore, MQMP proposes:

• Reinforcement of independence of non-governmental regulatory authorities; The media regulatory authorities

will be free from government control, completely independent and shall be mandated with sensible rules and
fair regulations that cannot be used as a political tool.
• Legislation should be made to ensure the security of media personnel, they should be provided with life
insurance and adequate training, especially for those who are covering the conflict zones and PEMRA should
be held responsible for ensuring the implementation of the above.
• Government advertisement shall be made conditional with the payment of salaries to the employees and
• MQMP will make sure that the media industry related people are awarded timely wages, life safety, life
insurances and with health and education cover.
• MQMP will ensure to bring justice to the victim families of murdered journalists and end the culture of impunity
for crimes against journalist.


Social media plays a very significant role in today’s world for connectivity, reliable information sharing,
communication, business, and marketing & awareness. Digital inclusion emphasis on the importance of
bridging the digital divide ensuring all citizens have access of internet and social media platforms for activism,
education, networking, entrainment, creativity and a sense of community.

Therefore, MQMP proposes:

• Promote digital literacy and education to empower and encourage active civic participation to use
social media responsibly and effectively.
• Highlighting the role of social media in creation of economic opportunities and entrepreneurship.
• Address Cyber security concerns and the need for protection against online threats, anti-state
narrative, extremism, pornography, hate speech and videos.
• MQMP proposes to devise national policy and regulations to protect online privacy and data security.


Pakistan's defense needs are shaped by its geopolitical environment, historical conflicts, regional
security dynamics, internal and external security challenges, the available resources, its capabilities, and the strategic
objectives it pursues. Pakistan faces the challenge of hostile neighbours, terrorism and extremism, both within its
borders and across the borders. Pakistan is continuously fighting & defending the country & nation against terrorism
and during the course has lost more than 70 thousand precious lives.

Pakistan’s defense policy is based on the principle of maintaining a credible minimum deterrence, which means having
enough nuclear and conventional warheads to deter any aggression or misadventure from any hostile country.
Strengthening the defense capabilities of a nation like Pakistan involves a multidimensional approach that includes
strategic planning, resource allocation, international partnerships, and addressing internal challenges.

MQM Pakistan suggests:

• Economic development and stability are essential for sustaining its defense spending and modernizing its
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• Efficient allocation and use of the defense budget.
• Developing and maintaining a modern defense industry to reduce foreign dependence and contribute to
economic growth.
• Private sector be incentivized to participate through public-private partnerships.
• Investment in research and development to develop indigenous defense technologies.
• Maintain a strategic balance with its neighbors, invest in the modernization of military.
• Given the potential for conflict in the region, a robust Land, Air and Naval Defense system is crucial.
• Strong intelligence services are critical for national defense. Invest in AI, human and signals intelligence to
preempt threats and secure its interests.
• The maintenance and modernization of nuclear & conventional arsenal is crucial for Pakistan's defense strategy.
• Cultivating and maintaining strong strategic alliances with key nations to enhance Pakistan's defense
capabilities through access to advanced technology, military aid, and joint training exercises.
• Enhancing cyber defense capabilities is essential in the modern combat domain. This includes training
personnel in cyber warfare, investing in AI, cyber infrastructure, and developing offensive and defensive cyber
capabilities. Misuse of social media has also created a new front, therefore a robust plan of action to be
incorporated to fight cyber war.


Pakistan’s Foreign policy is based on its national interest which include security, economic development &
Islamic solidarity.
• MQMP proposes an independent and interest based foreign policy to promote honorable economic ties with
all countries specially the neighboring ones.
• Since MQMP believes in the policy of peaceful coexistence, therefore all disputes and conflicts be resolved
through dialogue and peaceful means (Qatar Formula).
• MQMP Proposes to resolve the Kashmir and Palestine issues through meaningful dialogue according to the
wishes of Kashmiris and Palestinians.
• Enhance the effectiveness of Pakistan’s Role in various international organization specially UN, SAARC, OIC,
Common wealth, WTO, SCO, G77, IAEA.
• MQMP Pakistan will take up the matter of Indus Waters Treaty which is a water sharing agreement between
India and Pakistan seriously as the lifeline of Pakistan with the World bank and international courts as world
bank is the signatory and guarantor of this treaty.
• Foster issues related to CPEC
• Seek an amicable and lasting solution of the return and settlement of Afghan refugees in Afghanistan.


Over Seas Pakistanis, the unofficial ambassadors of Pakistan have performed wonderfully in all
walks of life. Their remittances play a crucial role in stabilizing our economy, their influence extends beyond
monitory contributions. According to ministry of Overseas Pakistanis & Human Resource Development, there
are about 10.8 million Pakistanis as of 2022-23. The Un estimates that the Pakistani diaspora is the six largest
in the world. In 2022 Pakistan received US $ 31.2 Billion in foreign billion in foreign remittances accounting
for about 8% of countries GDP.

In this backdrop if we see the performance of our people in Pakistan has been far from satisfactory. This
makes it compulsory for our policy makers to formulate policies which encourage the transfer of the
knowledge, education exposure, experience and expertise of overseas Pakistanis to come back to Pakistan
and play pivotal role in the fast-track growth of Pakistan in all spheres of life. MQMP firmly believes and will
implement following proposals to enable and empower overseas Pakistanis.
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• Repeal the controversial ban through constitutional amendment for Pakistanis with dual nationalities to
contest election in Pakistan. MQMP has already proposed a constitutional amendment bill in the Parliament,
it is ironic that people on sensitive government post, governors, judges and bureaucrats are allowed to retain
dual nationalities but overseas Pakistanis are denied of the right to contest elections. Either there should be
a complete ban on holding any constitutional posts by people with dual nationalities or it should be open for
all overseas Pakistanis.
• The overseas Pakistanis must be facilitated to cast their vote in all elections from wherever they are based.
• Overseas Pakistanis are our assets and MQMP will provide all facilitation to them to invest, to protect their
investment, their properties through setting up special cells in different ministries, special cells in District Police
Offices and special Courts to hear and adjudicate their cases.
• MQMP will create a critical mass of skilled Pakistanis to send them abroad to earn more foreign remittances
and also put a policy of encouraging educated, talented and experienced Overseas Pakistanis to come back
and rehabilitate properly in Pakistan and serve its people. Setting up of more nursing, paramedic and such
others skills training vocational institutes on modern line is MQMP’s commitment towards exporting
worldwide needed man power to earn big volumes of foreign remittance. MITI, a par excellence vocational
and skill development training institute is an example which MQM did in the past on Public private partnership.
• MQMP formulated the first ever policy for the overseas Pakistanis between 2009 to 2013, It will be
implemented in letter & spirit like the SIFCs, comprising of special ministry, similar special incentive and
facilitation centers will be form for overseas Pakistanis.


According to the world justice project’s rule of law index 2021 report, Pakistan is ranked 130th out of 139
countries. Delayed justice and out stretched proceeding are the main causes of lack of public trust in judicial system.

To ensure a free, independent, and impartial judiciary MQMP proposes the following:

i. Establishing independent and impartial judiciary at town/tehsil level.

ii. Eliminating delays in delivering justice, non-trial, inordinate delays of cases and congestion in prisons through
comprehensive judicial reforms and by establishing close working relationship between the government and the
iii. Introduction of extensive and effective jail reforms in order to transform the prisoners into responsible citizens
and to eliminate widespread human rights abuses in jails.
iv. MQMP will ensure that steps are to be taken to provide justice to every citizen regardless of his or her financial
status, race & religion. The poor will be assisted with legal aid by the state to contest their case in courts.
v. MQMP will introduce and establish a comprehensive act for witness and complainant protection.
vi. Easy and speedy hearing and disposal of matters related to women & children, child abuse, inheritance, and
elderly people.
vii. Every police station will have at least one women IO to investigate and interrogate women.
viii. Women and child protection bill will be enacted in letter and spirit.
ix. MQMP believes and will introduce the system of a JURY comprising of educated civilians from communities to
be an essential part of our JUDICIAL SYSTEM.

Sports plays a crucial role in influencing public health, community development and national pride. The national
policy on sports must focus on infrastructure development, competition structure, sports science, availability of modern
and latest equipment as well as apolitical sports federations.
In 2016 United Nations recognized sports as an important enabler of sustainable development SDG’s.

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MQMP sports policy will focus on:

• Talent recognition at the primary school level, performance & infrastructure management.
• Integration of sports at local government/UC level.
• CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) funding to support sports and role of NGOs will be facilitated; apolitical
appointments in all sport boards, associations & Olympic associations.
• Strict audit of sport boards & Olympic associations.
• Health & Life insurance coverage will be provided to sportsmen/women.
• Mandatory participation of students in sports at primary, secondary and high school levels.
• School licenses will be made conditional with the provision of sports grounds/ sports facilities.
• Provision of advance training to sportsmen/women, up skilling of sports trainers and coaches.
• Provision of cash incentives to the sportsmen/women & coaches at the UC level.


Culture, traditions, and folklore are an important aspect of every country, without these a country is considered to be
impotent and will never be able to prosper. Pakistan has been blessed with diversified ethnicities, traditions, cultures,
stories, historical references, and our ancestral tales. We are lucky to be the torch bearer of our ancestors but unfortunately,
we have never paid heed to our arts, culture, and heritage the way it was needed because it suited the ulterior motives of
our rulers that the nation remains divided on the basis of ethnicity, politically, religiously, and sect-wise. MQMP plans to
utilize this segment for uniting Pakistan.

This unique, ever evolving intersection of art, culture and entertainment with modern technology has 5 key revenue
drivers namely

• content creation
• distribution
• consumption
• advertising
• monetization

In Pakistan this section never received the status of industry as it can alone generate billions of dollars annually. On
one side where it generates employment opportunities while on the other side it is the face of the country. Like all the other
fields, generative AI with the dash of virtual reality and augmented reality has the potential to revolutionize our art, culture
& entertainment industry.
Therefore, MQMP intend to:

• Declare Arts & Entertainment as industry.

• Promulgate law regarding royalties to producers, directors, actors, and writers.
• MQMP will provide Health insurance i.e. Health Card to the people involve in this industry.
• Regulatory authority for the entertainment industries.
• Arts, entertainment, and cultural societies will have government patronization in order to safeguard the interest of
arts & entertainment industry.
• MQMP will increase cultural exchange programs.
• Support cultural institutions and organizations, such as Museums, libraries, theatres, galleries, festivals, and
cultural centers.
• Preserve & document the tangible and intangible cultural & religious heritage of Pakistan, so as to ensure their
protection, conversation & restoration.

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MQMP is not averse to the idea of creating more administrative units in Pakistan keeping in view

of the exploding population and the need to empower people of different regions of Pakistan.

However, keeping in view the present multiple crises ridden situation, MQMP invites the attention

of all and sundry (KHAS-O-AAM) and particularly the nationalists in different regions to accepts MQMP’s proposed

constitutional amendment bill/package for complete local and district autonomy to prevent the proponents of new

administrative units to be pushed to the wall and wage strong and wide inevitable movements for the creation of new


This is an SOS call from MQMP to the State of Pakistan, Nation of Pakistan, and Governments of Pakistan to


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