Activities - 1 and 2 - 2023-24

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5 Relations and Functions

Objective of the Activity

To demonstrate a function which is neither one-one nor onto.

Pre-requisite Knowledge
❖❖ Basic knowledge of relations, functions and type of relations and type of function such that
one-one functions and on to functions.

Materials Required
✧✧ Coloured chart papers (orange, green)
✧✧ A card board
✧✧ Scissors
✧✧ Glue sticks
✧✧ Pins

Logical Steps of the Activity

1. Take a orange chart paper and
cut out a elliptical strip length 10
cm and width 5 cm as shown in
the figure.

2. Take a green chart paper and

cut a elliptical strip of length 8
cm and width of 3 cm as shown
in figure.

3. Paste these two strips on the

card board and mark X and Y
on them respectively as shown
in the figure.

4. Fix 5 paper pins on the orange strip and
mark as 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Similarly fix 4
paper pins on the green strips and mark
them a, b, c and d as shown in the figure.
5. Now join the pins on the orange strips to
the pins on the green strips with the help
of threads as shown in figure.

1. Here the image of the element 1 of X in Y is a.

2. The image of the element 2 of X in Y is b.

3. The image of the element 3 of X in Y is b.

4. The image of the element 4 of X in Y is d.

5. The image of the element 5 of X in Y is d.

6. The pre image of C ∈ Y does not exist or we can say the element C of Y has no pre image.

7. Since the images of distinct elements in X are not distinct in Y so the function is not one-

8. Here we can also see that there is an element C in Y which has no any pre image so the
function is not onto.

9. Now from the above observation in (7) and (8) we can say that the function which is shown
in the figure is neither one-one nor onto.

From the above activity we have demonstrated that a function which is neither one-one nor


This activity is helpful to clarify to the concept bijective (one-one onto) functions.

6 Inverse
Trigonometric function

Objective of the Activity

To draw the graph of Sin–1x using the graph of Sin x and demonstrate the concept of
mirror reflexion (about the line y = x)

Pre-requisite Knowledge
❖❖ Knowledge about trigonometric functions and inverse trigonometric function and their
properties. Difference between trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions.

Materials Required
✧✧ A cardboard of suitable size
✧✧ White chart papers
✧✧ Ruler
✧✧ Coloured pens
✧✧ Adhesive
✧✧ Pencil
✧✧ Eraser
✧✧ Board pins
✧✧ Paper pins
✧✧ Wires

Logical Steps of the Activity

1. Take a cardboard of suitable size and a white sheet paste on it with the help of pins.

2. With the help of wires draw two perpendicular lines XoX‘ and YoY‘, XoX‘ says x-axis and
YoY‘ says y-axis.

3. Now mark some points on y-axis like 1, 1/2, 0, –1/2, –1 etc.

4. Sketch the graph of inverse trigonometric function y = Sin–1 x with the help of the following
table. This table will help to draw the exact graph of the inverse trigonometric function y =
Sin­–1 x.

π π π π
X 0
6 4 3 2
1 1 3
Sin x 0 = .5 = .71 = .81 1
2 2 2

π 
5. Now fix the paper pins to locate the coordinate which is represent the points say P1  , 0.5
6 
 π   π  π 
, p2  , 0.71 , P3  , 0.87  , P4  , 1 as shown in the figure.
4  3  2 
6. Now we will repeat the same process for the other side of the x-axis. Mark the points with
the help of the following table.

π π π π
X − − − −
6 4 3 2
1 1 3
Sin x − = − .5 − = − .71 − = − .87 –1
2 2 2

π π
7. With the help of paper pins we represent the points say P11  − , − .5 , P21  − , − .71 ,
 6   4 
 π   π 
P31  − , − .87  , P41  − , − 1 and fix a paper pin at point O which represents the origin of
 3   2 
the graph.

8. Join the pins with the help of wires on both the sides of x-axis. Here we have a curve which
π π
is a graph of Sin x from − to . Now plot the points (1, 1) (2, 2) (3, 3) (4, 4) ..... etc. on the
2 2
cartesian plane to draw the graph of line y = x.

9. From the marked point P1, P2, P3 and P4 draw perpendiculars on the line y = x and construct
lines such that length of perpendicular on both the sides of the line y = x are equal. Mark
these points as Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 and fix the paper pin on them.

10. Repeat the same process on the other side of x-axis and fix the paper pins on the points Q11,
Q21, Q31, Q41.

11. Now join the pins on both the sides of the line y = x by a wire tightly to obtain the graph of
y = sin–1x.

12. Now place a mirror on the line y = x. The mirror image of the graph of y = sin x represents
the graph of y = sin–1x which shows that sin–1x is a reflexion of sin x about the line y = x.

1. We observe that the image of point P1 in the mirror (through the line y = x) is Q1.
2. The image of point P2 in the mirror (through the line y = x) is Q2.
3. The image of point P3 in the mirror (through the line y = x) is Q3.
4. The image of point P4 in the mirror (through the line y = x) is Q4.
5. The image of point P11 in the mirror (through the line y = x) is Q11.
6. The image of point P21 in the mirror (through the line y = x) is Q21.
7. The image of point P31 in the mirror (through the line y = x) is Q31.
8. The image of point P41 in the mirror (through the line y = x) is Q41.

From the above discussion the mirror image of the graph of y = sin x about the line y = x is the
graph of y = sin–1x and mirror image of y = sin–1x through y = x is the graph of sin x.

This activity is helpful to clarify the concepts of inverse trigonometric functions.

Follow-up Activity
Perform the similar activity for drawing the graphs of y = cos–1x and y = Tan–1x etc.


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