Bon Voyage

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Three People, four suspects, one murder. Too close to finding the murderer yet so far.

Aubrey; Francis and Archie were outcasts but three best friends both were normal teenagers but one of
them was autistic Aubrey was she loved reading and writing noticed every single about people she could
even look through them seeing how much their muscles expand or contract but was this a boon or
curse? Even though Aubrey was beautiful she wasn’t able to communicate well with anyone. She spent
most of the time living in a frictional world she created for herself her mind too preoccupied with things
she was thinking she was fine but just too observant and had a great a mind her parents were very
worried about her and were confused about her behavior. Though they were happy that she had Francis
and Archie for her. one day she heard a case in her room, mysterious one I might say …... three people
two suspects one murder this was enough to make her keep interest in the world. she listened to the
case a plane…. Disappeared with three teachers two of them kidnapped and the date they were
kidnapped were 12/09/90 19/09/90 25/09/90. All had a week gap between them. Aubrey being extra
observant and had extraordinary skills knew she had to do something.

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