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Grade 5 Zoom meeting Schedule Key: =Teaching =Optional = Independent = Free

BJ time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

7:30-8:00 am Li Lao Shi
Mr. Bartlett Mr. Frazer Specialties Teacher Ms. Schmudlach
Q and A meeting Zhang Lao Shi

8:00-8:30 am Morning Meeting with UOI and BML support Mr. Morning Meeting with Mr. UOI and BML support Mr. Morning Meeting with Ms.
Mr. Bartlett Frazer and Ms. Marenco Bartlett Frazer and Ms. Marenco Klimach

8:30-9:00 am Art with Ms. Klimack Music with Ms. Castro PE with Coach E.
UOI and BML support Mr.
Independent practice/SeeSaw
Frazer and Ms. Marenco

9:00-9:30 am Art with Ms. Klimack

Snack Break Snack Break Snack Break Snack Break

9:30-10:00 am Snack Break

Music with Ms. Castro
PE with Coach E (optional) Independent practice/SeeSaw Independent practice/SeeSaw

10:00-10:30 am UOI with Mr. Frazer

Independent practice/
UOI with Mr. Bartlett Independent practice/SeeSaw Independent practice/SeeSaw

10:30-11:00 am UOI with Mr. Frazer

Independent practice/
UOI with Mr. Bartlett Independent practice/SeeSaw Independent practice/SeeSaw

Lunch and Break Lunch and Break Lunch and Break Lunch and Break Lunch and Break
12:30-1:00 pm Independent Reading Independent Reading away Independent Reading away Independent Reading away Independent Reading away
away from Computer from Computer from Computer from Computer from Computer

1:00-1:30 Math with Mr. Frazer Math with Mr. Frazer Math with Mr. Frazer Novel Reading with Mr. Frazer Novel Reading with Mr. Frazer

1:30-2:00 pm Reading with Mr.

Reading with Mr. Bartlett Reading with Mr. Bartlett Independent practice/SeeSaw Independent practice/SeeSaw

2:00-2:30 pm Native Chinese with Li Novel Reading with Mr. Non Native Chinese with
Native Chinese with Li Lao Shi Independent practice/SeeSaw
Lao Shi Frazer Zhang Lao Shi

2:30-3:00 pm Writing with Mr. Independent practice/

Writing with Mr. Bartlett Writing with Mr. Bartlett Independent practice/SeeSaw
Bartlett SeeSaw

7:00-8:00 pm Parent Meeting with

Mr. Frazer

8:00-8:30 pm Non Native Chinese Dr. Sabin and Ms. Luce Native Chinese with Li Lao Non Native Chinese with
with Zhang Lao Shi Community meeting Shi Zhang Lao Shi
Links and passwords
Mr. Bartlett:
Ms. Castro:
Coach E.
Password: 047919
Mr. Frazer:
Password: 481544
Ms. Klimack:
Password: 666161
Ms. Li:
Dr. Sabin and Ms. Luce:
Ms. Schmudlach:
Password: 070067
Ms. Zhang:
Password: 159357

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