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English II Unit I Listening Practice 3

I. Listen to the lecture and choose the correct alternative.

1. Political beliefs are mentioned because…

a) As an example on how your personality predicts the way you act.
b) They illustrate specialized social niches (positions)
c) It is a digression which provides irrelevant information.

2. According to the video, personality dimensions are important because…

a) They are filters through which you view the world.
b) They alter the way you process information.
c) All of them are correct.

3. According to the video, the relationship between personality traits and jobs is that…
a) …the environment’s demands make our world evolve.
b) … your particular skills serve to maintain you in a particular social niche.
c) … each temperament matches specific environment’s demands.

II. Complete the missing information in the Cornell diagram below.

Review Notes

- ______________________ > happier people.

__________________ - ______________________> negative emotion.
& personality traits - Anxious/ sad > propensity negative emotions together.

- Self- sacrificing, compassionate, polite. Don’t like ___________________.

* ___________________ score higher than men.

- Emerges from factor analytic studies.

- diligent, industrious, orderly.

- ______________________ > jobs not surrounded by people.

Jobs & - ______________________> opposite jobs
_____________ - Temperamental ________________________ > specific niche.


Summary: ----------

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