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Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Any unsolicited sexual behavior that is insulting, embarrassing, or scary is

referred to as sexual harassment. Additionally, it is illegal to sexually harass someone.
It has taken a long time for sexual harassment to be acknowledged as a serious
problem. Sexual harassment is a sort of bias that undermines morale and has a
detrimental effect on the cohesiveness of the unit. Each member of the group must be
treated equally and with respect.

Everyone can be a victim of sexual harassment, it became so popular that

women are the number one victim of this issue which is also true. However, we
should also don’t forget that men can be a victim too and they deserve an equal
protection and rights. The consequence of sexual harassment affects the individuals in
the workplace may be mentally and physically. In addition, sexual harassment in the
working environment makes the victim more uncomfortable and it will stressed them.
The issue should be addressed because there are some organizations that tolerate this
actions and it is saddening to know that there are victims that will just do go with the
flow because they feel like they don’t have the voice and power to call this issue.

Having a right knowledge about this issue can help an individual to know
his/her rights and that they will know how to seek proper protection and the most
important is that if it happens, they will know what to do. Organizations should have a
strict policies when it comes to this issue because the effect of it can really damage
someone’s mental and physical health. I think all of us are deserving to have a healthy
and safe working environment not just because we want to become an effective
employee but because as a person who deserves to have a peace of mind.

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