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Fathers in frame san Francisco crisis What is the afterlife?

Being a dad is messy Ofûce building values Not even Ken Jennings
and fraught. These dive as workers stay has the answer, but he
masterful artists knew home in a possible gives readers a tour of
that well. arTS & STyLe path to ûasco. BUSINeSS the possibilities. BOOkS

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Partly cloudy 87/64 " Tomorrow: Partly cloudy 88/68 C12 Democracy Dies in Darkness
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sunday, june 18 , 2023 . $5


at risk with laws stir
A barista fought to
unionize her Starbucks. worry,
Now she9s out of a job. resolve
Trump9s run portends Lexi Rizzo faces struggles after organizing effort RepRessIVe tURn an
unpredictable and ugly JoshuA Bessex/AP
echo oF the past
events, legal experts fear
Community feels it has
tools, allies to ûght back

america9s institutions have republican-led state legisla-

been attacked repeatedly over the tors and their allies have mount-
past half-dozen years, thanks ed a far-reaching and coordinat-
principally to the conduct and ed effort to pass a record wave of
actions of Donald Trump. The new measures restricting gay and
next 18 months could further un- transgender rights. almost no as-
dermine confidence in democra- pect of life is untouched.
cy and the rule of law as the among the roughly 60 laws
former president seeks a return to enacted in nearly half of u.S.
the white House while defending states this year are limits on what
himself against federal and state children can read about lGBTQ
criminal charges. people, whether trans youths can
Not since the Vietnam war in participate in school athletics,
the 1960s or perhaps the mid-19th what trans or nonbinary adults
century before the Civil war has can wear in public, which bath-
the country9s governing structure rooms and pronouns they can
faced such disunity and peril, giv- use, and whom doctors can treat.
en the unprecedented nature of a Trans americans make up less
federal criminal indictment of a than 1 percent of the population.
former president compounded by But this year, they are facing
the fact that Trump has been heightened scrutiny. The backers
charged by the Justice Depart- of the restrictions say they want
ment in the administration of the to protect children. Conflicts over
Democrat who defeated him in lGBTQ rights have spilled into
2020 and who is his likeliest the streets, school board meet-
general-election opponent in ings and store aisles. Drag story
2024, if Trump is nominated hours and Pride Month displays
again by the republican Party. are now occasions for protests,
Scholars, legal experts and po- vandalism and even violence.
litical strategists agree that what Conservative pundits and elected
lies ahead is ugly and unpredict- LAuren PetrAccA for the WAshinGton Post officials regularly cast lGBTQ
able. Many fear that the 2024 people as a threat to children and
See gOVERnMEnT ON A2 refer to them as <groomers,= echo-

exi rizzo was cleaning dishes in the back had worked for nearly eight years was deter- ing anti-lGBTQ campaigns of the
Slow start: Biden9s reelection of her Starbucks store on March 31 when iN BuffalO, New yOrk mined to fire her. and rizzo thought she knew 1970s.
campaign begins to take shape. a6 she noticed that her manager was print- why: She was one of 49 baristas from across all of this led the Human
ing a document, her hands shaking. Buffalo who sent a letter to the company9s chief rights Campaign this month to
<i9m getting fired,= rizzo, 25, told her executive in august 2021 informing him that issue a state of emergency for
co-workers through her store headset. they were seeking to form a union. lGBTQ americans 4 the first in

Congress Her boss called her over a few seconds

later. <This is not my favorite day,= the
manager began. rizzo hit record on her
TOP: Starbucks employees
celebrate their victory in a
Today, there are about 320 unionized Star-
bucks stores in the united States 4 a rare bright
spot for the shrinking labor movement. But the
the nonprofit9s more than 40-year
history. it also has prompted the
architects of anti-trans laws, who
seeks crash phone. even though she had signed rizzo9s
notice of separation, the manager told rizzo
unionization vote in 2021 in
Buffalo ABOVE: Lexi Rizzo
gains have come at a price, union officials said.
Only 13 of the workers who signed the original
say they have <maxed out= at the
state level, to set their sights on

course on AI that she had hoped the company would not

dismiss her.
<it honestly kills me,= she told rizzo.
leaves for a potluck with other
fired Starbucks workers. Rizzo,
a shift supervisor who was
Buffalo organizing letter are still with the
rizzo, a shift supervisor, had seen the union
passing federal restrictions. Both
sides agree that the battle over
lGBTQ rights is likely to intensify
from insiders for months, rizzo had clocked in before
dawn convinced that the company where she
active in the unionization push,
was fired in March.
as a solution to so many of the problems that
See LgBTq ON A10

Leaving Florida: LGBtQ families

BY C AT Z AKRZEWSKI flee state amid targeted laws. a8

when rep. Jerry McNerney

took over the House caucus dedi-
cated to artificial intelligence in
2018, his colleagues were not all
4 children and 40 days in the jungle
that interested.
<There was difficulty getting The oldest, 13, kept her siblings alive after a plane crash that killed their mother
members to attend our meetings,=
the California Democrat said, es-
timating that a typical session BY D IANA D URÁN, children. fleeing the violent crim- first to the forest floor. when Co-
would draw about 18 or 20 law- A NA V ANESSA H ERRERO inal group that had seized control lombian special operations sol-
makers from the 435-person body. AND T ERRENCE M C C OY of their indigenous community, diers reached the wreckage two
McNerney9s counterparts Mucutuy and the children 4 lesly, weeks later, they found three bod-
across the atlantic felt the lack of boGoTÁ, Colombia 4 The first 13, Soleiny, 9, Tien, 5, and Cristin, ies. Mucutuy, Murcia and a third
enthusiasm, too. Brussels was ex- sign of distress came 35 minutes 11 months 4 were preparing for a adult were dead. But there was no
panding efforts to regulate the into the flight. new life with her husband in Bo- sign of the children. The collision
technology in 2020, but when <Mayday, mayday, mayday!= pi- gotá. had barely damaged their seats 4
Dragos Tudorache, a romanian lot Hernán Murcia radioed Co- But now they were all hurtling and the discovery of a diaper, a
member of the european Parlia- lombia9s air traffic control system. toward the forest canopy. half-eaten piece of fruit and small
ment who co-leads ai work, con- <My motor9s failing. i9m going to <i have a river to my right,= footprints sparked an unreason-
tacted the u.S. caucus, there look for a place to land.= Murcia said, according to a pre- able hope: Could they still be
seemed to be little political mo- The single-propeller six-seater liminary crash report. <i9m going alive?
mentum. stuttered over a vast, largely unex- to touch down on water.= even in this country of magical
fABioLA ferrero for the WAshinGton Post
That9s changed. The overnight plored stretch of the amazon. in- He never made it. The Cessna realism, it was difficult to imag-

success of ai-powered ChatGPT Manuel Miller Ranoque, the father of two of the four children, side were Magdalena Mucutuy Va- u206G Stationair hit the trees, ine. family members believed the
See cOngRESS ON A12 shows a photograph of the four taken in April. lencia, 34, and her four young broke apart and plunged nose- See cOLOMBiA ON A20

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A2 eZ re the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

Trump9s indictment plus candidacy could endanger U.S. democracy

governMenT from A1 Department and at the Pentagon as making things worse?=
during the administration of Biden also is under investiga-
election will not overcome the George W. Bush and now is a tion by a special counsel, for hav-
distrust of many Americans in professor at Harvard Law School. ing classified documents in his
their government and its pillars, <Convicted or not, nominee or possession. The facts of the case
almost no matter the outcome. not, we can assume [Trump] is are very different from those of
<A constitutional democracy going to inflame this to the maxi- the one involving Trump, includ-
stands or falls with the effective- mum and his supporters will in- ing the fact that Biden and his
ness and trustworthiness of the flame this to the maximum.= team appear to have cooperated
systems through which laws are for the past three years, Trump fully with federal officials. So, too,
created and enforced,= said Wil- has sought to shred long-standing did former vice president mike
liam Galston of the Brookings trust in the country9s electoral Pence, who also had classified
Institution. <If you have funda- process, claiming falsely that the documents in his possession after
mental doubts raised about those 2020 election was rigged and sto- leaving office.
institutions, then constitutional len. With no supporting evidence The Pence matter was closed
democracy as a whole is in trou- to buttress those claims, public without any charges being
ble.= opinion surveys suggest that brought. The investigation in-
The indictment in the case in- Trump nonetheless has persuad- volving Biden continues. If Biden
volving Trump9s retention of clas- ed millions of republican voters is not prosecuted, Trump is likely
sified government documents that President Biden was not le- to claim, and many of his follow-
coming in the midst of a presiden- gitimately elected. Election deni- ers probably would accept, that
tial campaign raises legal ques- alism now infects a large portion there were two standards of jus-
tions about what might happen if of the republican Party. tice at work, despite the differenc-
he were to be convicted and elect- With the new indictment, es in the facts.
ed. Could Trump pardon himself? Trump is again taking direct aim one other investigation will af-
Could he serve as president after a at the integrity of law enforce- fect the political debate. That in-
conviction? Could he run for of- ment agencies, the judicial sys- volves Hunter Biden, the presi-
fice from a prison cell? Depending tem and, ultimately, public faith dent9s son, and is probing possible
on events, those could become in the rule of law. He did this as violations of tax and gun laws.
ripe for adjudication. president, and now, in the after- federal investigators are said to
thomas simonetti for the Washington Post
on top of those legal questions math of his 37 charges in the be nearing a charging decision in
are big issues confronting the documents case 4 to which he Donald Trump ally Kari Lake is cheered Monday at the Hilton Palm Beach Airport hotel in Florida at a that case. Would indicting the
country. With other investiga- pleaded not guilty 4 he has esca- rally for Trump the day before he pleaded not guilty to Justice Department charges in court in Miami. current president9s son do any-
tions continuing 4 one into lated those attacks in an effort to thing to convince Trump and his
Trump9s role in the Jan. 6, 2021, discredit the Justice Department pretty broad consensus in the Lawton went on to suggest, taken before and during his presi- followers that the justice system is
attack on the U.S. Capitol and in and the fBI, claiming he is a legitimacy of what the prosecu- however, that the president could dency. fair?
the fake electors scheme, and the victim of a politicized <witch tors were doing,= Goldsmith said. use the 25th Amendment to de- Two pending investigations, Attacks on the legitimacy of
other looking at his efforts to hunt.= <That9s not in today9s politics.= clare himself temporarily unable special counsel Jack Smith9s government institutions are most
overturn the Georgia results of This is not the first time the Nixon was pardoned by his to perform the duties of his office. probe involving Trump9s role virulent on the political right, led
the 2020 presidential election 4 political and legal systems have successor, Gerald ford, and to this In that case, the vice president leading up to the attack on the by Trump. But many on the left
more damage might be inflicted been tested together. But past day is the only president to have would become acting president U.S. Capitol and fulton County also have doubts, especially about
on these democratic institutions comparisons are imperfect be- received one. Early into his term and <as such he could pardon the District Attorney fani T. Willis9s a Supreme Court that now has a
by the battering likely to take cause the state of the country has as president, Trump consulted ad- president. Thereafter the presi- examination of Trump9s efforts to solid conservative majority and
place between now and the inau- changed. As a result, institutions visers about the reach of his par- dent could either resign or re- overturn the 2020 results in Geor- whose rulings in cases including
guration in 2025. of government are more fragile. don powers, and whether he sume the duties of his office,= gia, are examining actions carried Dobbs v. Jackson Women9s Health
<It seems obvious and clear That heightens the risks to the could pardon himself in connec- Lawton wrote. out while he was president. Organization, which ended the
that it9s going to be worse and country this time. tion to then-special counsel rob- Gerhardt pointed to legal Nixon was sued for damages in constitutional right to abortion,
probably much worse, but the The 2000 presidential election ert S. mueller III9s investigation scholarship that suggests the 25th a civil case after firing a civilian have inflamed the political de-
form it might take and what that between George W. Bush and Al into russian interference in the Amendment is intended to ad- employee. The Supreme Court, in bate.
extreme reaction looks like is very Gore ended in a virtual tie, lead- 2016 election. dress disabilities such as physical a 5-to-4 decision in Nixon v. These are likely to be the condi-
hard to predict,= said Jack Gold- ing to a bitter recount in florida The Constitution says the pres- or mental impairment, and not Fitzgerald, ruled in his favor, say- tions throughout the coming elec-
smith, who served in the Justice that ultimately resulted in the ident has the authority <to grant impairment that is due to a legal ing that a president had absolute tion year. By any measure, this
Supreme Court9s 5-to-4 decision reprieves and pardons for offens- problem. But those novel legal immunity from liability for civil represents a gloomy prospect for
that effectively awarded the presi- es against the United States.= No questions never have been litigat- damages when acting in his offi- restoring a thriving democracy.
KLMNO dency to Bush, who received a
narrow electoral college majority,
president has ever pardoned him-
self, and the question of whether a
ed, and if Trump did attempt to
pardon himself 4 or leave it to his
cial capacity.
<If either of those indictments
<At the level of national politics
and presidential politics, things
NEWSPAPER DELIVERY although Gore had narrowly won president legitimately holds such vice president 4 the issues could [in the pending investigations] do feel quite fragile, and I don9t
for home delivery comments the national popular vote. power has never been tested in end up before the Supreme Court. move forward, there9s going to be have much reason to think we9re
or concerns contact us at This was a stress test by any court. Nothing in the Constitution this question of whether Nixon v. about to turn the corner in 2024,= or measure. Gore was gracious in michael Gerhardt, a law profes- prevents a presidential candidate Fitzgerald extends beyond civil said Archon fung, a professor at
send us an email at defeat, even though he disagreed sor at the University of North from campaigning or serving as liability to criminal liability,= said Harvard9s Kennedy School of Gov- or call with the court9s decision, showing Carolina, said the text of the Con- president while under indictment Vikram Amar, the dean of the ernment who studies issues of
202-334-6100 or 800-477-4679 a willingness to put the country stitution cannot be read to give or post-conviction, although University of Illinois College of democracy.
TO SUBScRIBE and its institutions above his per- the president that authority. some crimes are disqualifying. In Law. Some experts see small reasons
800-753-Post (7678) sonal ambitions and disappoint- <When you grant something, you 1920, Eugene V. Debs ran as the Putting aside these future ques- to be hopeful. The institutions of
ments. are giving it to someone else,= Socialist Party candidate while tions, Amar sees an immediate government proved to be largely Benjamin Ginsberg, a republi- Gerhardt said. <It can only be serving time in federal prison for threat in the cases involving resilient in the face of Trump9s
Classified: 202-334-6200 can lawyer, was working with the sensibly read to convey that the speaking out against the draft Trump, a threat to the role and attacks during his presidency, al-
Display: 202-334-7642 Bush team in florida at the time president has the power to give during World War I. He received power of evidence and the public9s though Goldsmith said he worries
and pointed to the different con- somebody else the pardon, not nearly a million votes. belief in evidence. <You can9t have about what might happen if
202-334-6000 ditions then. <faith in institutions himself.= Another question that has aris- a criminal system unless evidence Trump is elected to another term.
was the only way you would ap- Ken Gormley, the president of en is what crimes would legally is going to matter, and you can9t Trump has vowed retribution
TO REAcH THE NEWSROOM proach that,= he said. <That is Duquesne University and an ex- preclude someone from holding have elections if evidence doesn9t against his adversaries and would
metro: 202-334-7300; clearly no longer the case. Both pert on the Constitution, the pres- office. Among them are: <Conceal- matter,= he said. be likely to be surrounded in
candidates [in 2000] were going idency and the pardon power, ment, removal, or mutilation gen- Amar said he worries about the office by aides who would help
national: 202-334-7410; to accept the results no matter agreed. <The idea of a self-pardon erally,= which makes illegal the documents case because, he esti- him execute his wishes.
how fraught the situation. This is runs counter to the entire pur- willful theft or destruction of any mated, <There are 30 to 40 per- others say that at the local
Business: 202-334-7320; really different and unprecedent- pose of a pardon under the Con- government document. Under cent of America that would never level, there are signs that citizens ed.= stitution,= he said. federal law, committing that think Trump9s conviction was fair, of differing political views are
sports: 202-334-7350; Watergate is another example Nixon asked the Justice De- crime is punishable by up to three no matter what the evidence determined to try to prevent atti- of the system under stress. In that partment for advice on this ques- years in prison and disqualifies shows. They9ve made up their tudes in their communities from
investigative: 202-334-6179; case, then-President richard m. tion during the Watergate scan- someone from holding any office minds that this is a witch hunt.= becoming inflamed. Ginsberg Nixon chose to resign in August dal. In response, the office of in the country. The indictment of Trump in the said he and Bob Bauer, a Demo-
style: 202-334-7535; 1974 rather than remain in office Legal Counsel said emphatically When law enforcement offi- documents case represented a no- cratic lawyer and former White and face almost-certain impeach- that the president cannot pardon cials searched Trump9s mar-a-La- win decision for Smith and Attor- House counsel, are working with
reader advocate: 202-334-7582; ment and conviction. But that was himself. <Under the fundamental go property in August 2022, the ney General merrick Garland, local officials to help assure elec- in part because prosecutors en- rule that no one may be a judge in warrant listed three crimes that who appointed the special coun- tion safeguards and to educate
joyed the trust of the public and his own case, it would seem that may have been committed to jus- sel and allowed the charges to go the public about them.
Letters to the editor: Nixon was not prepared to go the question should be answered tify the search of the former presi- forward. many of Trump9s critics wish or call against that. in the negative,= mary C. Lawton, dent9s residence. The law that In the estimation of many legal that through the legal process, the
202-334-6215 <It9s so different from the Wa- the acting assistant attorney gen- bars someone from being presi- experts, declining to charge former president were somehow
opinion: tergate context, when there was a eral, wrote in a brief 1974 memo. dent, U.S. Code 2071, was one of Trump, given the preponderance disqualified from serving again as them. of evidence laid out in the indict- president. The counterargument
Ultimately, however, in the in- ment, would have sent a signal to that is that questions about his
dictment, federal prosecutors did that former presidents, or at least fate and the country9s future prob-
BATHROOM REMODELING not accuse Trump of committing
this crime. None of the crimes
this former president, are above
the law.
ably would be better answered at
the ballot box than in the court-
IN AS LITTLE AS ONE DAY that federal prosecutors formally But the indictment provided room.
accused Trump of committing Trump an opening to attack feder- A conviction and a decisive
would prevent him from being al law enforcement and to further defeat at the ballot box might
president. erode his political supporters9 force Trump from the political
Still another legal question is trust in the institutions of govern- scene and cause the republican
LIM whether a former president is ment. Party to move in a different direc-
ER! immune from criminal liability The possibility of an indict- tion, although in an era of close

for actions taken while in office. ment in the Jan. 6 investigation elections, the prospect of 2024
The federal case involving classi- adds another layer of risk. Gold- producing a blowout in either
fied documents did not involve smith sees that case as more direction remains doubtful 4 and

things done when Trump was fraught legally than the docu- even that would not necessarily
president. The New York case in- ments case and therefore poten- cleanse the system.
volving hush money paid to an tially harder for prosecutors to <The country functioned after
FOR 18 MONTHS! adult-film actress, in which
Trump was charged with falsify-
win. It also carries additional po-
litical consequences. <Doing two
the Civil War,= Galston added,
<but it was a long time before the
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sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post eZ Re A3

Politics & the Nation

Poll: Black Americans more upbeat but fear worsening racism
Post-Ipsos survey finds
rise in optimism and
financial well-being


An overwhelming share of
Black Americans think the U.S.
economic system is stacked
against them and a slim majority
believe the problem of racism will
worsen during their lives, accord-
ing to a Washington Post-Ipsos
poll that explored the attitudes of
the country9s second-largest mi-
nority group.
The poll finds that Black adults
worry they are marginalized and
under threat by acts of hate and
discrimination in their day-to-day
lives. Most also say it is more
dangerous to be a Black teenager
now than when they were teens.
Nonetheless, nearly half of
Black Americans say it9s also a
<good time= to be a Black person in
the country, up from 30 percent in
2020 when the United States was
gripped by political divisions dur-
ing Donald Trump9s presidency
and from 34 percent last spring
after a white supremacist killed 10
Black people at a Buffalo grocery
store. The poll was conducted
among more than 1,200 Black
adults over two weeks in late April
and early May.
The rise in some optimism
comes amid an uptick in financial
well-being. The poll finds 31 per-
cent of Black Americans say their
financial situation has gotten bet- MATT MCCLAIn/THe WASHIngTon PoST

ter over the past year, up from People at Black Lives Matter Plaza in D.C. on April 16. A Washington Post-Ipsos poll found that half of respondents say it9s also a <good time= to be a Black person in the
25 percent in 2022. Nearly 8 in 10 United States, up from 30 percent in 2020 when the United States was gripped by political divisions during Donald Trump9s presidency.
Black Americans say their financ-
es have been stable or improved in of 4 Black adults are <very= or About half of Black Americans say racism will get
recent years. Still, Black Ameri- <somewhat= concerned about worse over the rest of their lifetimes
cans are less likely than White states stopping the teaching of
Americans to rate their finances Black history, and nearly 7 out of Q: over the rest of your life, do you think the problem of racism in
positively. 10 are concerned about public America will...
Fewer Black Americans also re- schools banning books that touch
port that they have been treated on the topic of racism, including get better get worse Stay about the same Skipped
with less respect or received poor- nearly half who are <extremely
er service because of their race concerned.= Just over 7 in 10 are
Black Americans overall 11% 51 37
than they did in 2011, although concerned about states stopping
most say those incidents still oc- public schools from teaching the Age 18-29 13 47 38
cur at least <once in a while.= history of racism in America.
When it comes to the nation About half of White Americans Age 30-39 13 43 41
more broadly, however, Black overall say they are concerned
Americans are uneasy over the about each of these. Age 40-49 10 53 35
nation9s political and cultural en- Black Americans are more in-
vironment and believe most clined to sense a gulf of distrust, Age 50-64 8 57 33
White Americans don9t trust with 8 in 10 Black Americans say- Age 65+ 11 49 38
them. Follow-up interviews with ing White people trust Black peo-
respondents show a variety of fac- ple <not too much= or <not at all= in JoSHuA LoTT/THe WASHIngTon PoST

tors fueling these concerns about the United States overall. Seven in People protest the plan of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) to cancel
the future 4 a rise in hate groups, 10 White Americans feel that Black Americans more positive about whether it's a Advanced Placement courses on African American studies.
gun violence, and new laws in Black people distrust White peo- good time to be a Black person in America today
Florida and other states regulat- ple. many say their income is insuffi- <The ideologies and mindsets
ing the teaching of Black history Concerns about public stances Q: In general, do you think it is a good or a bad time to be a Black cient, but most do not feel that seem to be so entrenched,= Lowe
and racism. in certain states extend to Black person in America? student loan debt, housing or said. <And the people that hold on
These concerns suggest 4 even Americans9 belief that they are not child-care costs pose a major chal- to those views, and hold those
as 86 percent of Black Americans getting a fair shake from the coun- good time Bad time lenge. Asked about the U.S. eco- values, are insisting on not just
say they are very or somewhat try9s political system. targeting nomic system, 81 percent say it is entrenching themselves, but also
satisfied with their lives 4 the Over 6 in 10 Black adults say 80% Black <stacked against Black people,= up teaching those ideologies and
cumulative impacts of extremism they were worried when GOP law- people in from 44 percent who said the those same views to their chil-
and political tension is driving makers in the Tennessee House Bufalo same in 2011. dren.=
widespread worry about the fu- voted this spring to expel state 60% Black Americans today are But Lowe mostly views racism
ture of race relations. representatives Justin Jones and 49% nearly evenly split on whether it <as a state problem.=
<Yeah, you can get jobs and you Justin Pearson, both Black Demo- matters more to get an education <Everyone is looking for the
40% 48%
can work up to a certain standard crats, for leading a gun-control and work or to come from money president to do something for Af-
of living,= said Renay Roberts, 40, rally at the Capitol. They later and know the right people to get rican Americans, but the real
who settled in Atlanta about two were reinstated to the body after ahead in the United States: 49 per- problem is at the local level, and
decades ago from Jamaica and votes by local officials. 20% cent say getting a good education the state level, and that is where
works in the health-care industry. Nearly 8 in 10 Black Americans and working hard will matter the real work has to be,= Lowe said.
<But it9s fear. It9s the constant fear also say they have <very little= or more to getting ahead in life, In their own workplaces,
& And it9s all about race. = just <some= political power in the 2020 2021 2022 2023 while 48 percent say coming from 82 percent of Black employees say
Roberts mentioned specifically United States. money and knowing the right peo- the environment is <excellent= or
the Republican-led backlash to Jerry Slaten, 75, of Union City, note: Skipped not shown. ple matters more. In 2011, nearly 8 <good= when it comes to being
movies and books with Black Tenn., said he fears the United in 10 said getting a good education welcoming. Large majorities rate
characters as well as her belief States is sliding backward in race and working hard mattered more. their workplaces positively for
that growing numbers of mass relations compared with gains in More Black Americans say their ûnancial situation has Lester Lowe, a resident of the stopping racial discrimination
shootings are motivated by racial the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. Slaten been getting better now than in 2022 affluent northwestern Indiana (76 percent) and paying Black and
bias. She said she also fears her said he believes individual states, town of Crown Point, said Black White workers equally (74 per-
two teenage sons could be harmed including his own, are creating Americans today have far more cent). A smaller majority, 65 per-
by police or become victims of gun policies that foster new racial divi- <opportunities= to advance them- cent, gives their workplace posi-
violence. sions. getting better Staying the same getting worse Skipped selves economically if they seek tive marks for promoting Black
<I fear for them every day,= Rob- <There are a lot of decent Euro- them out. Lowe, 57, is a former workers.
erts said. <I tell them, 8Don9t cover pean Americans, but they don9t 2022 25% 52 22 small-business owner who transi- Beyond work, however, 17 per-
your head with a hood, and try to have the courage to stand up, most tioned into the cybersecurity field cent of Black Americans say they
get home before dark.9 Why is it of them, so we suffer,= Slaten said, 2023 31 47 20 about a decade ago. often feel treated with less respect
more different for us than any adding that states such as <Ten- <In previous eras, lack of oppor- or feel as if they received bad
other race?= nessee and Florida and Texas and, note: Totals may not equal 100 because of rounding.
tunities, lack of equality, were sub- service at a restaurant or some
In the Post-Ipsos poll, 69 per- to some, Virginia, are becoming stantial, and you literally had a other store because of their race.
cent of Black Americans say it is a states that are not where we ceiling where you could go and Roberts, the Atlanta resident,
<more dangerous= time today to hoped to be.= what you could do or who you said racism is not something she
be a Black teenager than when But Slaten, an Army veteran About 8 in 10 Black Americans say America's could even be,= he said. <And while experiences at work, in her di-
they were the same age. Just 4 per- who retired in 2010 after working America is not equal by any verse neighborhood or even
cent say it is a less dangerous time in a seed factory, believes some of economic system is stacked against them stretch of the imagination, today a <within 10 miles= of her house
while 25 percent describe the en- the challenges facing Black Amer- Q: Do you think America's economic system is... lot of those barriers have been during her day-to-day activities.
vironment for teenagers as being icans <are self-inflicted,= includ- removed.= Still, she can9t shake the sense
<about the same.= ing not doing more to combat gun Stacked against Black people Fair to everyone Yet despite his optimism about that the country is sliding back-
Nearly 6 in 10 Black adults say violence in predominantly Black economic opportunities for him- ward, and feels she and her family
they are very or somewhat wor- neighborhoods. other/neither/no opinion/Skipped self and his seven children, Lowe are more at risk today than in the
ried they or someone they love <We can9t blame [White Ameri- worries that the United States past.
will be attacked because they are cans] for everything,= said Slaten, won9t make strides to combat rac- <Before, I felt like if I didn9t do
80% 81%
Black. who grew up in northwestern Ten- ism over the course of his life. anything bad to anyone, I
Asked about the April shooting nessee during segregation. <Some <Unfortunately, as a result of wouldn9t have anything to fear,=
of a Black 16-year-old in Kansas of this we just have to blame on 60% the Trump era, we may have even she said. <But that is not the case
City by an 84-year-old White man ourselves.= taken a step back,= said Lowe, a anymore.=
after the victim approached the On economic matters, Black political independent. <I thought
wrong house when trying to pick Americans offer a mixed, and nu- 40% before that, we were moving in a The Post-Ipsos poll was conducted
up his younger siblings, 85 per- anced, outlook about the state of positive direction.= online through the Ipsos
cent say it is a sign of broader the country and their personal 20% Trump9s presidency, he said, KnowledgePanel from April 28 to May
problems in the treatment of finances. Although 74 percent of 15% <exposed something that was un- 12, among a random national sample
Black people by White people, Black Americans describe the na- derlying= that many Black Ameri- of 1,225 non-Hispanic Black adults
compared with 54 percent of tion9s economy as <not so good= or 0% 4% cans previously <couldn9t see.= and a partially overlapping sample of
White Americans who say this. <poor,= a smaller 43 percent de- 2010 2015 2020 Now, Lowe fears some of the vot- 1,18 u.S. adults overall. Results
On other fronts, as well, there scribe their own financial situa- Source: April 28-May 12, 2023, Washington Post-Ipsos poll of 1,225 Black adults with an error
ers who embraced the former among Black Americans have a
were sharp differences between tion that way. margin of +/- 3.5 percentage points. 2006 and 2011 Post-KFF phone polls with response president feel more comfortable margin of error of plus- or minus-
the views among different racial Six in 10 Black Americans say option "stacked against blacks". error margins are larger among subgroups. harboring open animosity toward 3.5 percentage points; the margin is
and ethnic groups. not having enough savings is a minorities, and that makes him three points among Americans
The Post-Ipsos poll finds 3 out financial stress and nearly as eMILY guSKIn / THe WASHIngTon PoST pessimistic. overall.
A4 eZ re the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

Trump vows to end States,= he said. <And, as

consistently recognized by
courts and Attorneys General for

8birthright citizenship.9 It over a century, most notably by

the Supreme Court in United
States v. Wong Kim Ark, there is

is unlikely that he could. no question that they possess

constitutional citizenship under
the Fourteenth Amendment.=
Similarly, a Trump court
<As part of my Trump knows that any such appointee has raised objections
plan to secure the executive order would be quickly to trying to make an end run
border on Day challenged and that ultimately around the 14th Amendment.
One of my new the Supreme Court would weigh <Birthright citizenship is
term in office, I in. What9s changed is that Trump guaranteed by the Fourteenth
will sign an believes he now would have the Amendment,= James C. Ho,
The Fact executive order votes at the court to win a whom Trump later appointed to
Checker making clear to showdown over the legality of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
Glenn federal agencies the order, having substituted 5th Circuit, wrote in a 2006 law
Kessler that under the Amy Coney Barrett for the late review article. <That birthright
correct Ruth Bader Ginsburg. is protected no less for children
interpretation of Here9s a guide to the issue. of undocumented persons than
the law, going forward, the There is enough ambiguity that for descendants of Mayflower
future children of illegal aliens legal scholars say the outcome is passengers.= He reiterated those
will not receive automatic U.S. not entirely clear, but Trump points when state legislators
citizenship.= would face stiff challenges. sought to pass state-level
4 Former president Donald legislation that would have
Trump, in a statement, May 30 A 125-year-old precedent denied citizenship to U.S.-born
ShANNoN StAPletoN/reuterS
Nearly five years ago, Only about three dozen children of illegal immigrants.
President Donald Trump told countries permit birthright U.S. citizenship candidates at a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services naturalization ceremony <Opponents of illegal
Axios he would soon issue an citizenship, and most are in the aboard the 1885 Tall Ship Wavertree at the South Street Seaport in Manhattan on Wednesday. immigration cannot claim to
executive order that would Americas 4 a legacy of the champion the rule of law and
prevent the children of colonial period, when European United States,= Justice Horace Amendment applied to U.S.-born then, in the same breath,
undocumented immigrants from powers sought to quickly Gray wrote for the court. He children of undocumented propose policies that violate our
automatically obtaining U.S. populate lands in the New noted: <To hold that the immigrants, noting that Texas Constitution,= Ho wrote in a 2011
citizenship. The executive order World. In the United States, the Fourteenth Amendment of the provided schooling to those op-ed in the Wall Street Journal.
also would have halted what right to citizenship upon birth in Constitution excludes from children. Mark Krikorian, the executive
Trump called <birth tourism,= the country is rooted in the first citizenship the children, born in Similarly, in 19859s INS v. director of the Center for
the practice of some women sentence of the 14th the United States, of citizens or Rios-Pineda, the court Immigration Studies, which
traveling to the United States on Amendment: <All persons born subjects of other countries unanimously agreed that two advocates for tighter
a nonimmigrant tourist visa or naturalized in the United would be to deny citizenship to undocumented immigrants immigration policies and is
specifically to give birth, thus States, and subject to the thousands of persons of English, <asserted substantially= that frequently cited by Trump, said
securing U.S. citizenship for jurisdiction thereof, are citizens Scotch, Irish, German, or other their being deported would be he suspected even this Supreme
children who would be raised of the United States and of the European parentage who have <an unlawful de facto Court would not look favorably
overseas. state wherein they reside.= always been considered and deportation of their citizen on the policy changes that would
Trump never issued the The 14th Amendment was treated as citizens of the United child,= further indicating result from such an executive
executive order. Instead, he only adopted in 1868, repudiating the States.= support that birth in the United order. Such policies could
directed the State Department to Supreme Court9s 7-to-2 decision States automatically provides include the State Department9s
issue a rule that attempted to in Dred Scott v. Sandford, an No dispute in recent court citizenship. not issuing passports to children
crack down on birth tourism by 1857 ruling that denied rulings born without at least one parent
giving visa officers the authority citizenship to people of African In a somewhat related case, Legislation might not pass who was a U.S. citizen or green-
to deny visas to women whose descent born in the United dePArtmeNt of JuStice/NAtioNAl ArchiveS Plyler v. Doe, the court in 1982 muster, either card holder, or the Social
primary purpose for traveling States. Wong Kim Ark in a photograph said Texas could not exclude the Another complication for Security Administration9s not
appeared to be giving birth in Some have debated whether from a federal immigration children of undocumented Trump in seeking changes issuing Social Security numbers
the United States. The Trump the phrase <subject to the investigation conducted under immigrants from public schools. through an executive order is to newborns in the same
campaign claims <tens of jurisdiction thereof = indicated the Chinese Exclusion Act. <No plausible distinction with that the Justice Department9s situation.
thousands= of women do this some limits on this right, but in respect to 14th Amendment Office of Legal Counsel in 1995 <Even this Court wouldn9t
every year, but the most recent 1898, the Supreme Court ruled 8jurisdiction9 can be drawn said Congress could not restrict uphold them, ruling that this is a
data from the Centers for that this right to citizenship American territory, or <children between resident aliens whose birthright citizenship even matter at least for legislative
Disease Control and Prevention covered Wong Kim Ark, who was of members of the Indian tribes entry into the United States was through legislation. change, if not a constitutional
indicates that only 5,636 babies born in San Francisco to Chinese owing direct allegiance= to their lawful, and resident aliens Birthright citizenship is in the amendment,= Krikorian wrote in
were born to foreign nationals legally residing in the tribes. whose entry was unlawful,= said Constitution, so the only way to an email. He said he personally
nonresidents in 2021 4 a figure United States. The justices listed <The Amendment, in clear the majority opinion by Justice change it is by constitutional would prefer a system in place in
possibly affected by the only a handful of exceptions to words and in manifest intent, William J. Brennan Jr. amendment, Assistant Attorney Australia, where citizenship is
pandemic. That number also birthright citizenship, such as includes the children born, The ruling was 5 to 4, but the General Walter Dellinger wrote. denied at birth (the infant
could include multiple births to the children of foreign within the territory of the minority opinion mostly <There can be no question that inherits the same visa status as
the same woman. In 2019, the diplomats, children born on United States, of all other objected to the court9s appearing children born in the United the parents) but then is granted
CDC recorded 10,042 babies foreign ships, children persons, of whatever race or to set public policy. The dissent States of aliens are subject to the if the child lives in the country
born to foreign nonresidents. belonging to hostile armies on color, domiciled within the agreed that the 14th full jurisdiction of the United for the first 10 years after birth.

Senate Republicans like and respect Tim Scott 4 they9re just not backing him
His fellow Republican elected from the governor Jeb Bush. But it9s also
@PKCapitol Republican Deep South to the Senate, where true that the Republican
Paul Kane colleagues can9t he9s championed free-market establishment then never
say enough good principles for conquering coalesced around a backup
things about Sen. economic hardship. alternative to Trump.
Tim Scott (R-S.C.). Yet only Thune and Rounds Some big-name Republicans,
<He9s admired by both sides of have stepped forward to endorse including Scott and Haley,
the aisle here,= Sen. Thom Tillis Scott. And North Dakota9s drifted to Sen. Marco Rubio
(R-N.C.) said Thursday. senators, Kevin Cramer and John (Fla.) as the sort of next-
<Tim Scott is very much Hoeven, are the only other generation Republican who
appreciated and loved,= Sen. Mitt Senate Republicans to endorse a could speak to a diverse nation.
Romney (R-Utah) said candidate not named Trump, Others, including Graham, who
Wednesday. bowing to tradition in support of originally loathed Trump, rallied
<I think the world of Tim their state9s governor, Doug to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) hoping
Scott,= Sen. John Barrasso (R- Burgum, who has little name that his staunch conservatism
Wyo.) said earlier this spring. recognition and is a very long- could peel off some of Trump9s
Yet none of them has actually shot bid. support from those voters.
endorsed Scott9s bid for the 2024 <A lot of them, they don9t want Instead, Trump marched to
presidential nomination. Almost to get on the wrong side of the nomination on the back of a
a month since formally entering Trump,= Sen. Lindsey O. Graham divided GOP establishment. He
the race, Scott has just two (R-S.C.) said Thursday, laughing won most states with a plurality
colleagues backing his bid: South out loud about how often that as the vote totals of Cruz, Ohio
Dakota Sens. Mike Rounds and happens. Gov. John Kasich and Rubio
John Thune. What about Scott? <Tim9s a usually combined for a greater
All told, 35 Senate great guy,= Graham said. tally.
Republicans remain on the Apparently, not great enough In 2016, Thune and Rounds
sidelines of the 2024 contest, for him to endorse his home- sat out the competitive phase of
more than 70 percent of the state colleague. Graham, who the GOP primary and endorsed
SeAN rAyford for the WAShiNgtoN PoSt
caucus, and it9s crystal clear that prides himself on defending the just before Trump easily won
many are paralyzed by the fear military, is going with Trump Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) has 140 current and former state officials supporting his presidential bid 4 but South Dakota9s June primary.
that former president Donald despite the ex-president9s no endorsements from Gov. Henry McMaster, Sen. Lindsey O. Graham or the state9s House contingent. Thune revoked his endorsement
Trump might seek revenge if opposition to defending Ukraine, that fall after The Washington
they publicly support someone and even though Scott9s anti- terms of his excitement, his crucial early primary and the endorsements when he ran the Post published Trump9s
else. Russia position is more closely ability to communicate, his first political test in the South. first time and won the comments bragging about
Today9s Senate GOP ranks are aligned with Graham9s on what forward-thinking, his Yet Scott hasn9t scored one nomination,= Romney said. <So assaulting women when he was a
adrift in a broader Republican he considers a critical national understanding of defense issues, endorsement among South it9s like, okay, do you want to look reality TV star.
realignment in which their security issue. his understanding of business,= Carolina9s six House like you9re the one that has all Thune and Rounds tried to
traditional conservative ideology <I9ve got a bunch of friends in Rounds recalled telling Thune. Republicans, its other senator or these endorsements? No, you accommodate Trump as
feels increasingly marginalized. this race 4 and I just jumped in Then he added one extra Gov. Henry McMaster (R). want to look like you9re the president, happily supporting
They don9t comport with the deep end of the pool with incentive. <None of us are ever McMaster, Graham and three fighter from the outside.= his tax-cut agenda and his
Trump9s America First worldview Trump because I think he going to be ashamed of GOP congressmen back Trump, Some Republicans want to see Supreme Court choices. They
calling for a retreat from global deserves another shot,= Graham supporting him,= Rounds said. while Rep. Ralph Norman (R- how the campaign unfolds voted to acquit in both
leadership and opposing the said. Officially, Scott9s campaign S.C.) supports former governor before tipping their hand. <I9m impeachment trials, but have
strong defense of Ukraine Thune is aware that many remains happy with the Nikki Haley. going to wait and see where they increasingly opposed his more
against Russia. In their last Senate Republicans are looking endorsements that he has racked <We came to Congress the are with messaging after the first recent legal and political travails.
legislative act during his over their shoulder to see if a up so far, with a deeper emphasis same year. We were roommates debate,= Tillis said. <Generally So they decided not to sit this
presidency, 40 Senate Trump-inspired challenger is on state and local officials who for a little over three years here speaking, I may not get in the one out.
Republicans joined 41 lurking. are closer to grass-roots activists and when we first got here. He9s primary, but if there9s a very clear Thune said his pitch 4 <in
Democrats to override Trump9s <There9s some primary politics who can turn out voters in a dear friend,= Rep. Jeff Duncan difference, and one that makes a subtle and not so subtle ways= 4
veto of the 2021 Pentagon policy there,= he explained. primary elections. On Monday, (R-S.C.) said of Scott. <I9m excited difference in North Carolina to his Senate colleagues focuses
bill. Rounds and Thune, having he rolled out 140 current and about him being in the race and I doing its part on the electoral on potentially broad appeal:
A few days later, 43 GOP won reelection in 2020 and 2022, former officials backing Scott think his message is one America map, I9ll consider that later.= <Optimism, hope, aspirational.=
senators voted to affirm respectively, need not worry from his home state, which is a needs to hear.= Some Republican senators He9s also reminding colleagues
President Biden9s 2020 election, about a primary for several Duncan considers several understand that, in terms of how Trump and nominees
while only eight objected. So far, years. They followed their heads others in the race as friends and appealing to the conservative embracing his approach have
just 10 Senate Republicans have and their hearts to endorse the plans to stay out of the primary. activist types, they are persona lost in the critical battleground
endorsed the ex-president9s bid candidate who they think best <I think he9s the right Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) non grata. states and left the GOP in the
to return to the White House. represents their own views and remains officially neutral but <I9m just simply not going to minority in the Senate.
While most were too afraid to has the chance to actually win guy for the job, positive. often praises Haley. comment on the candidates. Rounds still believes that
convict him during his 2021 the general election. Some GOP senators see Scott We9ve got a bunch of them and endorsements can matter,
impeachment trial, many GOP Rounds sat next to Scott on He9s the closest to a as strategically trying to avoid I9m just simply gonna stay out of especially for such a little-known
senators believe Trump is a the Senate Banking Committee looking like an establishment it,= Senate Minority Leader Mitch figure like Scott. If enough
political anchor weighing down for years, Thune worked closely [new] Ronald Reagan & favorite. <He has not asked for McConnell (R-Ky.), a frequent senators get behind him and
their party9s chances of winning with Scott on the Finance endorsements,= Romney said. target of Trump9s ire, told introduce him to their state9s
the majority. Committee9s 2017 tax-cut None of us are ever <He has not come to our group reporters on Wednesday. voters, it might change things.
In Scott, they have a candidate legislation. and said, 8Hey, everybody help <My endorsement would be a <The more of us who say we
whose personal story and policy When it became clear Scott going to be ashamed of me.9= kiss of death, quite literally. Well know him, we know him
beliefs fit what the traditional would jump into the 2024 race, Romney acknowledges that not literally, but figuratively,= personally, and we think he
GOP9s messaging has been Thune asked Rounds what he supporting him.= the <endorsement primary= Romney joked. would be a great president,
preaching for decades: He grew thought. mattered during his 2008 and It9s true that Trump maybe that starts to turn it to
Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), one of
up in a single-parent home and <I think he9s the right guy for 2012 presidential bids. obliterated the early- where more people actually take
two senators to endorse Scott
overcame poverty to eventually the job, positive. He9s the closest <That was the old days. endorsement favorite in the 2016 the time to look at him,= Rounds
make history as the first Black to a [new] Ronald Reagan, in Donald Trump got no campaign, former Florida said.
sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re A5

Trump9s trip to a Cuban expat

landmark in Miami splits patrons
BY D ANIELLE P AQUETTE tional security of the United States sailles to pray for him, choosing
in danger.= the restaurant because it9s a <land-
MIAMI 4 She called it a <second Seeing him celebrated at Ver- mark= for Hispanics.
home,= the place she used to split sailles, she said, <is an insult to the <Why would you criticize a
flaky guava-filled pastries with her country that took us in.= prayer event?= Moncada asked.
late father. As Florida has veered right, <People wanted to pray for him.=
Then Lourdes Fernandez Trump has maintained a grip on Among the fans was Anthony
watched a live stream of former greater Miami, where MAGA gear DeCubas, a 24-year-old boxing
president Donald Trump9s motor- is commonly spotted. A recent trainer who9d gotten the tip that
cade roll straight from his Tuesday Florida International University Trump would appear from a Cu-
arraignment at the federal court- poll of Cuban Americans who vote ban exile news channel his grand-
house in Miami to Versailles, a Republican in South Florida mother watches. His love for
beloved restaurant in the Cuban found that nearly 60 percent Trump didn9t spring from any one
exile community. wanted to see him run again for policy or position, he said. It was
<I felt my stomach turn,= said office. Roughly a third of Miami- more of a gut feeling.
Fernandez, a 51-year-old copywrit- Dade County residents have Cu- <He9s got this spark,= DeCubas
er and editor who grew up in the ban roots. said.
area. <I thought I was going to be When something big happens Life seemed more chaotic since
sick.= 4 election results, Heat wins 4 Trump left office, he added: the
Supporters had crammed the Versailles has historically served war in Ukraine, the rising cost of
porch, chanting <Trump 2024= by as a hub for togetherness. Thou- everyday goods &
JaBin BoTsford/The WashingTon PosT
the walk-up coffee window where sands streamed to the restaurant <I felt like Trump was keeping
she ordered pastelitos de guayaba. to cheer the death of Fidel Castro. world peace,= he said. Former president Donald Trump greets supporters and patrons at Versailles in Miami on Tuesday
Cameras trailed the former presi- And politicians head there to con- On his arm was his grandmoth- minutes after pleading not guilty to federal charges.
dent onto the green-and-white nect with the Cuban American er, 80-year-old Yolanda Morejon,
checkered floor inside, recording community. Past diners include fanning herself in the 90-degree behind.= over in South Florida after Castro9s The Republican media strategist
pastors and a rabbi 4 among George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and heat. She thought President Biden He was dismayed to see footage regime seized his enterprises back from Miami, who led Hispanic
other special guests searched by John McCain. Trump dropped by was too soft on Cuba9s one-party of a Sky News reporter getting home. Some of her happiest mem- advertising for Trump in 2020,
Secret Service agents 4 who in 2016. government. She called Trump kicked out of the Versailles bakery ories involve those guava pastries. followed the scene at home on
prayed over him in Spanish. <Our founder, my father-in-law, <anti-communist= and worried after shouting at Trump, <Are you She9d read that Trump hadn9t television.
<I don9t know if I9ll ever be able was adamant: No matter what that authorities were unfairly tar- ready to go to jail?= taken a bite of anything. The Mi- <Comparing it to the regime9s
to go back there again,= Fernandez their political views are, whoever geting him. The crowd booed. People yelled, ami New-Times reported that he9d persecution of dissidents is a slap
said. <Trump is not just a regular wants to come, they9ve always Many in the crowd, including <Get her out of here= and <out, out, said <food for everyone!= and then in the face to every single Cuban
politician, in my opinion. He9s a been welcome to come,= said Rick Morejon, had fled Cuba in the out!= Michael Caputo, an ex- neglected to pick up the bill. American, especially those of us
criminal.= Estrada, who is married to one of 1960s or descended from someone Trump official who9d helped orga- (<Don9t know anything about whose families have literally shed
The scene at the Little Havana the owners, Jeannette Valls Ed- who had as Castro9s henchmen nize the Versailles visit, leaned that,= said Estrada, the co-owner9s blood in this 64-year tragedy,= said
landmark where presidential wards. <It9s a meeting house for executed opponents and confis- close to her and yelled, <You stupid husband.) Meanwhile, someone Sopo, whose grandfather died in
hopefuls are known to shake open ideas, and the First Amend- cated property. To her, Trump9s b-----.= (His reaction was <unartful- had offered him a cafecito, a Cu- state custody. (Nowadays, he said,
hands provoked intense reactions ment is something we hold dear.= indictment bore traces of authori- ly expressed,= Caputo told The ban coffee, and he declined. he backed Florida Gov. Ron De-
from Cuban Americans tracking Dozens of Trump9s admirers, tarian crackdowns on dissent in Washington Post. The Sky News Versailles9s owners didn9t re- Santis.)
the spectacle from around the wearing MAGA hats and waving some Latin American nations. reporter declined to comment.) spond to requests for comment. When Morales, the former Bush
block to thousands of miles away. American flags, flocked to the res- Outside the courthouse, one of his <Hardly the embodiment of tol- <It was all for show,= Fernandez administrations appointee, visit-
Some praised Versailles for host- taurant as a motorcade shuttled lawyers described the case as <the erating dissent,= Bustamente said. said, <and it was a betrayal. He ed Miami from Washington, she
ing a politician they saw as <anti- him from the courthouse five type of thing you see in dictator- Fernandez, the copywriter and claims to be anti-communist but liked to fill her suitcase with Cu-
communist= and wrongly accused. miles away. Some followed min- ships like Cuba and Venezuela.= editor, saw the clip, too. How many in every other way, he9s a wannabe ban snacks from Versailles and
Others pledged to boycott the ute-by-minute developments on <I don9t want to see that happen times had she walked across that dictator.= other eateries.
gathering space they9d long cher- their cellphones. here,= Morejon said. same green-and-black checkered Carolina Camps, president of Dining at the restaurant was a
ished, condemning the enthusias- When he finally made his way Trump9s popularity among Cu- floor? A thousand? More? She9d Cuban American Women Sup- family tradition, she said. Her fa-
tic reception of someone accused to Versailles, the crowd was ready. ban Americans isn9t driven only by never seen anyone so angry in porting Democracy, a nonpartisan ther, a Cuban journalist, had lost
of undermining national security. Some chanted <USA!= and <Don- beliefs that he9s the victim of some there. advocacy group, would have rath- his job for speaking out against
Over the past five decades, Ver- ald Trump!= Others sang <Happy left-wing witch hunt, said Michael As a Democrat, she said, Repub- er seen a town hall. A debate. Not Castro. As a kid, she9d helped him
sailles has hosted candidates Birthday,= in honor of him turning Bustamante, a historian at the licans visiting Versailles in the people chanting <Trump 2024= sell poundcakes in Havana to get
across the ideological spectrum. 77 on Wednesday. Carines Monca- University of Miami focused on past hadn9t bothered her. But pull- and <f--- Joe Biden.= by. Then the family landed in
But for some in today9s hyper- da, an opinion host for Americano the community. Nor is it just the ing up fresh from an arraignment <Not this fanaticism,= said the South Florida.
charged political environment, Media, a Spanish-language con- product of Republicans accusing was no typical campaign stop. She retired pharmaceutical executive, She9d voted Republican most of
opening the door for what servative radio and streaming Democrats of pushing socialism, teared up thinking about how 77. <They look like they9re pos- her life, weary of too much govern-
amounted to an unofficial Trump news service, joined dozens in which is particularly effective, he much she9d miss the place. sessed.= ment control. In recent years, Mo-
rally after two indictments praying next to Trump on the said, at triggering fear in these <The Cuban atmosphere, the Politicians should be scruti- rales identified as an Independ-
crossed a line. bakery floor. households. delicious food 4 when you go, you nized 4 not worshiped, she said. ent. She9d never been fond of
<It9s not as if he was charged She9d interviewed him the day <It9s this vision of America he9s feel like you9re with extended fam- <We9ve seen these 8rallies9 be- Trump, but now, she wanted the
with breaking a dish in the White before, she said, and worried selling,= said Bustamente, whose ily,= she said. fore,= she said. <Fidel did it.= justice system to hold him ac-
House,= said Marisel Morales, 66, a about what the indictment meant father is Cuban. <What Trump Her father, who died a year-and- Giancarlo Sopo, 40, rejected the countable.
former senior official appointed for the country. So, Moncada, a sells is this uber-capitalism, the a-half ago, had been friends with comparisons to the types of politi- So she made her stance clear on
by both Bush administrations. <He Venezuelan American, had sum- complete and utter opposite of the founder, Felipe Valls Sr., a cal prosecutions seen in authori- Twitter: She9d never again dine at
was charged with putting the na- moned religious leaders to Ver- everything they perceive they left Cuban businessman who9d started tarian Latin American countries. Versailles.

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A6 eZ su the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

In Philadelphia, fire-ruined stretch

of I-95 will reopen within two weeks
BY L ISA R EIN ment would fully reimburse the cles a day.
state for the first phase of the The rebuilding of the overpass
A section of Interstate 95 in reconstruction, then contribute will be expedited with the use of
Philadelphia that collapsed last 90 percent of the cost after that. 2,000 tons of lightweight nug-
weekend after the fiery crash of a <There9s no more important gets of recycled glass that Penn-
gasoline tanker truck will reopen project to the country right now sylvania officials announced they
to traffic in the next two weeks, as far as I9m concerned,= the would bring to the site in the
Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro president said, noting that the coming days to fill in the col-
said Saturday after joining Presi- work crews are unionized. <The lapsed area. The glass will be
dent Biden on a helicopter tour people of Philadelphia, I want to piled in the void to bring it to
of the vital East Coast artery. say that we9re with you. We9re surface level, clearing the way for
<We are going to get traffic going to stay with you= until the construction crews to repave the
moving again, thanks to the work has been finished. road relatively quickly.
extraordinary work that is going I-95 is the main north-south A permanent replacement
on here,= Shapiro (D) said during highway on the East Coast and is bridge is expected to be built
remarks at Philadelphia Interna- vital to commuters, truckers and next to it so traffic can be
tional Airport after the flyover, other travelers. It has been rerouted while the exit ramp is
which included members of closed since June 11 after a rebuilt, officials said. Completing
Pennsylvania9s congressional tractor-trailer hauling gasoline that work is expected to take
delegation and the city9s mayor. tried to round a curve on a ramp months.
tom bReNNeR/ReuteRs
<We will have I-95 reopened off the highway and flipped onto
within the next two weeks.= its side underneath a vital over- matt Viser in Philadelphia President Biden, joined by Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.), left, and Gov. Josh Shapiro (D), examines
Biden said the federal govern- pass that carried 160,000 vehi- contributed to this report. samples of the lightweight recycled glass that will be used to help expedite rebuilding of the overpass.

After a slow start, Biden9s campaign begins to take form

his own campaign.
On Tuesday night, he hosted a
Early endorsements offer Juneteenth concert at the White
a boost while some say House. <I9m just so pleased, so
pleased to be able to have this
donations have lagged celebration on the South Lawn
on Juneteenth. And again, thank
you, thank you, thank you. You
BY M ATT V ISER fill my heart in a way you9ll & .=
AND T YLER P AGER He seemed too emotional to
complete the sentence and his
PHILADELPHIA 4 President daughter handed him a tissue.
Biden came here on Saturday The next night, Biden spoke to
seeking to inject new urgency the League of Conservation Vot-
into his nascent reelection cam- ers, where he received endorse-
paign, rallying a group of union ments from several leading envi-
organizers and framing a mes- ronmental groups. On Thursday,
sage that he hopes will win him he hosted a festive screening on
another four years: that he inher- the South Lawn of the White
ited a series of disasters and has House for <Flamin9 Hot,= a new
gone a long way toward making film about a Mexican American
things better. janitor who influenced the food
It was just one mile and four industry. As Biden praised the
years removed from the site country9s diversity and an audi-
where then-candidate Biden for- ence member called out, <We9re
mally launched his 2020 cam- here to stay,= the president re-
paign. But this time it has been sponded, <You9re damn right you
more of a slow walk toward are.=
reelection, with his campaign On Friday, he traveled to Hart-
infrastructure only now begin- ford, Conn., to speak before an
ning to take shape. auditorium filled with gun con-
Biden9s fundraising efforts, trol advocates. He grew impas-
which got off to what insiders sioned in talking about the topic,
describe as a disappointing start, one year after he worked with
are just beginning to pick up. He Republicans to pass the first gun
is starting to name more senior control bill in years, though GOP
staffers, but has yet to open a lawmakers continue to block
campaign headquarters. His more sweeping measures.
events over the past week have <Prayers are fine & but it9s not
started to provide a window into Photos by JulIA NIkhINsoN/AFP/getty ImAges going to stop it,= Biden said of
the campaign, as he has hosted President Biden speaks to union members in Philadelphia on Saturday. Some worry that his fundraising effort hasn9t been robust enough. gun violence. <We have to take
core Democratic groups at the action. We have to move, have to
White House and boasted of do something.=
some early endorsements. On the Republican side, in
On Saturday, Biden sought to contrast, the conversation was
continue that sense of accelera- dominated last week by the fed-
tion as he held a rally with the eral charges against Trump for
AFL-CIO, the nation9s largest fed- <Joe Biden doesn9t need allegedly mishandling classified
eration of unions. documents. On Tuesday, as
<We9ve got a fight on our a big campaign Trump was appearing in federal
hands, and my question to you is court, Biden was meeting in the
simple: Are you with me?= he operation right now, Oval Office with NATO Secretary
said as a crowd of about 2,000, General Jens Stoltenberg.
clad in colored T-shirts to repre- and it would be a waste While the Trump case could
sent their respective trades, come to dominate the 2024 cam-
cheered and chanted, <Let9s Go, of resources to try to paign, the 2023 White House has
Joe!= studiously avoided questions
Biden cast his presidency as build one.= about it, hoping to deflect any
one that inherited a struggling suggestion that the case is politi-
Lis Smith, a Democratic strategist
economy, a devastating pandem- cal 4 and to present a split-
ic and frayed global alliances 4 screen of Biden as a statesman
and responded by creating jobs, and Trump as a defendant.
taming inflation and reigniting Asked if Biden had been
diplomacy. <I didn9t come into briefed on the case, White House
office with a theory, I came into press secretary Karine Jean-
office with a plan,= he said more joined the White House as a Pierre said, <I9m just not going to
than once. deputy press secretary, before speak to it from this podium.= As
A day earlier, Biden demurred resigning a few weeks later after Biden later left a meeting with
when asked if the rally should be it emerged that he had inappro- diplomats, he had a diplomatic
viewed as his campaign kickoff 4 priately berated a reporter. Tyler answer when asked if he would
<I kicked it off a long time ago,= has worked at the DNC as well as comment on the arrest of his
he said 4 but on Saturday morn- the 2020 presidential campaign predecessor: <No.=
ing he said, <I9m excited about 4 Supporters cheer for Biden at the Philadelphia rally, which was the first of his reelection campaign. of Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.). But one emerging feature of
this is the beginning of some- Rob Flaherty, the White House the reelection campaign is the
thing big, in terms of changing harder for Biden to define his Democratic Party.= lican nominee. Rather, they wor- digital director, is slated to move first lady9s willingness to be more
the economic balance.= Asked rivals early in the process, and it But those involved concede ry that the sluggish early fund- to a senior role on the campaign blunt than her husband. <They
whether he expected the cam- could be risky to rely on others to the operation is hardly running raising may signal a lack of in coming weeks, a person famil- don9t care about the indictment.
paign to grow nasty, he respond- set up the ground operation for a at full speed. enthusiasm around Biden9s re- iar with his plans said. So that9s a little shocking, I
ed, <Well, it depends on who the reelection where turnout will be <I9m not here to tell you that election. National polls show a The Biden campaign also has think,= she said Monday of Re-
nominee is.= critical. the race car is already built and majority of Democratic voters been aggressively touting a slew publicans9 willingness to contin-
Two months after quietly an- The Biden campaign has fewer it9s out running laps on the prefer someone other than Biden of endorsements. The support of ue supporting Trump.
nouncing his candidacy with a than a dozen full-time staffers, track,= DNC executive director to be the party9s presidential labor and environmental groups On Tuesday, during a fundrais-
video, Biden is running without a while the DNC has about 300. Sam Cornale said in a statement nominee, although they still pre- is hardly surprising for a Demo- er near San Francisco, Jill Biden
traditional campaign operation. The campaign is still working to The Washington Post. <I am fer him by a wide margin to cratic president, but Biden offi- said the 2024 election is a choice
While the Republican race re- out of the DNC9s headquarters in here to tell you that the chassis Trump or another Republican. cials argue the early backing will between <corruption and chaos=
sembles a slugfest between for- Washington, though staffers is, thanks to President Biden, in The campaign is now scram- let the campaign to draw on the under Trump and stability under
mer president Donald Trump have started scouting office incredible shape 4 and that is bling to deliver a respectable groups9 expansive organizing her husband. In Los Angeles the
and his rivals, Biden9s operation space in Wilmington, Del., and what the Biden-Harris campaign quarter of fundraising 4 the network. following day she added, <We
is drifting ahead at a slower pace, one official said they expect to is building on top of.= period ending June 30 4 as And Biden himself is holding know what9s in store if these
betting that it can rely heavily on open an office later this summer. Still, the reelection effort ap- Biden, Vice President Harris, more events with a political or MAGA Republicans win because
the Democratic National Com- The DNC has also taken the lead pears to have gotten off to a first lady Jill Biden and second campaign flavor, including four we9ve all lived through this.=
mittee9s infrastructure for sup- in gathering opposition research particularly slow start in raising gentleman Doug Emhoff traverse fundraisers scheduled for next Biden9s strength as a candi-
port until later in the summer on Republican presidential money. Biden9s campaign has not the country over the next two week during a trip to California. date in 2020 was not in generat-
and into the fall. hopefuls and responding to their yet hired a national finance di- weeks to participate in more At a fundraiser Friday in Con- ing enthusiastic support, but in
<The campaign is still building message. rector, frustrating some donors than 20 fundraisers. necticut, Biden was alternately presenting himself as a compe-
out because there9s no reason for Meanwhile, Biden9s events at- and advisers who feel the presi- The Biden campaign declined optimistic about the current tent alternative to the Republi-
us to have a full-fledged cam- tract at least some attention dent9s aides should have final- to comment on its fundraising state of politics 4 saying the can nominee. He became a vessel
paign,= said a senior Biden advis- because he is the sitting presi- ized the fundraising apparatus numbers, but it will be required recent debt ceiling negotiations for much of the anti-Trump senti-
er, speaking on the condition of dent. before launching the campaign. to disclose those details after the showed that Washington <is not ment among Democrats, along
anonymity to discuss campaign <Joe Biden doesn9t need a big The 24-hour period after quarter ends. as vitriolic & as it has been= 4 with independents and disaffect-
strategy. <We don9t feel that we campaign operation right now, Biden officially announced, usu- There are other signs Biden9s and sharp in his criticism of the ed Republicans.
have to be out there campaign- and it would be a waste of ally a moment of excitement that campaign has decided in recent Republican presidential candi- But in his 25-minute speech
ing, mostly because we don9t resources to try to build one,= spurs a surge in donations, was days to quicken its pace, includ- dates. <Did you ever think we9d here on Saturday, Biden never
have an opponent.= said Lis Smith, a Democratic <extremely underwhelming,= ac- ing the announcements of sev- go through a time when the mentioned Trump and barely
This approach 4 in essence, strategist who worked on Barack cording to multiple people eral key staffers who will start number two contender on the even alluded to him, instead
campaigning without a cam- Obama9s 2012 reelection cam- briefed on the campaign9s financ- next month. other team was banning books?= focusing on his own record.
paign 4 allows Biden to stock- paign. <It9s very smart to rely on es. Among them are Michael Tyler he said in reference to Florida <I9ve been at this a long time,=
pile money that he can spend the DNC, and the DNC is in a Democrats say the Biden cam- as communications director and Gov. Ron DeSantis (R). he said. <I can honestly say, I9ve
later when the race heats up and very different position than it paign is unlikely to struggle in T.J. Ducklo as a senior communi- Throughout the past week, never been more optimistic.=
he has a clear opponent. But the was at this point in 2011. And the long term to raise money, cations adviser. Ducklo worked Biden also used the trappings of
slow ramp-up may also make it that is a very good thing for the especially if Trump is the Repub- on Biden9s 2020 campaign and his office to court groups vital to Pager reported from Washington.
sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE A7

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A8 eZ re the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

Feeling unsafe, LGBTQ families ûee Florida

DeSantis and his GOP allies at the Capitol have championed laws targeting the community, a sharp turn in a state that had been far friendlier


ORLANDO 4 Arlo Dennis has de-

cided on a deadline to get their
family out of Florida: July 1.
That is the day a slate of new
laws signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis
targeting the LGBTQ community
take effect. Doctors will be al-
lowed to deny care based on their
moral beliefs. The use of preferred
pronouns will be banned in public
schools. And children will be
barred from attending drag
shows, among other measures.
One law that prohibits gender-af-
firming health care for transgen-
der people under the age of 18 is
already being enforced.
The Republican governor vying
to become president in the 2024
election championed the bills as
part of his <Florida Blueprint.= His
critics call it <the slate of hate.=
For Dennis, they add up to a
difficult but urgent decision to
flee. <I9m a trans adult. I have
gender-nonconforming children,
and these laws are just so specifi-
cally targeting our communities
that I don9t feel like my parenting
relationship is going to continue
to be respected,= Dennis said. <We
just low-grade don9t feel safe.=
A tectonic shift in how the LG-
BTQ community perceives its wel-
come is underway in a state famed
for both a vibrant gay history in
pockets such as Key West and a
past filled with examples of intol-
erance and aggression. While
some of the new legislation builds
on previous laws, gay rights advo-
cates say they are alarmed by the
sheer number of bills and the
increasingly hostile rhetoric from
DeSantis and Republican state
lawmakers, who have champi-
oned the legislation as making PhoToS by ThomaS SimoneTTi for The WaShingTon PoST

Florida safe for children and Gwen Gehlhausen, right, embraces Arlo Dennis at their home in Orlando in May. The Dennis family has three parents, all of whom are transgender, and two children who do
standing up for parental rights, not identify as male or female. The family has decided to leave Florida after Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed new laws related to the LQBTQ community that take effect on July 1.
echoing a theme frequently used
on the campaign trail by DeSantis. group alleged that <homosexual you9re hitting up the clubs, life is capital of Tallahassee. On May 17,
In recent weeks, several civil professors were recruiting stu- great, so what happens in schools the day DeSantis signed his slate
rights groups have issued travel dents into 8homosexual practices9 doesn9t affect you, right?= Now, he of LGBTQ-focused bills, someone
advisories for Florida, warning and they in turn were becoming said, <they9re starting to realize hacked an electronic street sign in
LGBTQ tourists to reconsider teachers in Florida9s public-school that we9re all under attack.= Orlando, across town from where
plans to visit the Sunshine State. system and recruiting even The state had shifted further the Dennis family lives. The sign
The overall impact of the laws younger students.= right politically, as evidenced by had been put up for an upcoming
make Florida <openly hostile A decade later, former beauty the double-digit reelection of De- marathon.
toward African Americans, peo- queen Anita Bryant launched Santis in November. And while Hackers changed the language
ple of color and LGBTQ+ individ- what some now see as a precursor the governor set his sights on the to read: <KILL ALL GAYS.=
uals,= the NAACP, the oldest civil to the DeSantis-backed measure Republican presidential nomina- <What is happening now is tak-
rights organization in the nation, critics call <don9t say gay,= which tion, his allies in the legislature ing us back not 50 years, but 100
said in its warning in May. bars classroom lessons related to introduced a new crop of bills years,= said Caitlin Ryan, a found-
Two Florida communities have gender identity and sexual orien- placing restrictions on transgen- er of the Family Acceptance Proj-
canceled annual pride parades out tation in K-12 public schools. She der people. ect at San Francisco State Univer-
of concern that they will uninten- championed a crusade known as sity in California. <It is extremely
tionally break a new law that <Save Our Children= to overturn a A fight over 8childhood itself 9 destructive.=
makes it a third-degree felony to local ordinance in Miami that pro- The bills aimed to establish Still, many are also vowing to
have a child present at <an adult hibited discrimination against some of the strictest provisions on stay and defend their rights, gath-
live performance.= Some transgen- LGBTQ people in housing, work gender-affirming care and how Arlo Dennis said there has been a feeling of dread because of laws ering to protest at the state Capitol
der families are placing their chil- and private education, arguing it gender identity is addressed in the directed at transgender families like theirs. One of their children, and showing up at pride events.
dren in private schools. And a infringed on her rights as a parent. classroom. Whether they would Hazel, spoke on her fear: <I don9t want to get shot.= Above, a photo Tens of thousands gathered the
growing roster of LGBTQ families Despite that complicated past, pass was not in doubt. With a of the family on their recent trip to Disney World. first weekend in June in Orlando
and individuals are opting to leave. gay pride flourished in parts of the Republican supermajority in the for the annual Gay Days events at
NBA superstar Dwyane Wade state. Glamorous hotels and res- legislature, most of the signature utes later, but Day Smyth said the BTQ-friendly states since May Walt Disney World kicking off
announced that he had moved his taurants catering to the gay com- proposals from DeSantis easily message coming from Republican 2022. So far this year, more than Pride Month of June.
family to California in part be- munity sprang up in Miami Beach advanced. But public hearings lawmakers was clear: Trans peo- $200,000 has been raised on the <I have trans friends who are
cause he feared his transgender in the 1970s and remain fixtures were contentious. ple are not welcome here. platform to support trans people leaving the state,= said Joseph
teenage daughter <would not be today. Thousands flock to Key Tsi Day Smyth, who is nonbina- The harsh rhetoric continued and their families looking to leave Clark, chief executive of the Gay
accepted or feel comfortable= in West for Pride Month and New ry and has a transgender child, even after the bills were passed. At Florida. Days event. <People don9t feel safe
Florida. A NASA engineer left for Year9s Eve, when the island city spoke often at the hearings, an act a bill signing event in May, DeSan- Among those deciding to leave right now. They don9t feel wel-
Illinois after concluding the new does a ball drop hosted by a drag of protest they called exhausting tis was joined by Rep. Randy Fine is Eleanor McDonough, who was come. But I think that is more of a
bills amount to the state <attempt- queen. and dispiriting. <You9re looking at (R), who sponsored some of the the only out trans woman working reason to do what we9ve been do-
ing to erase trans people.= There and elsewhere, many legislation meant to erase people. anti-LGBTQ legislation. Fine lik- in the state legislature. She served ing on an annual basis for more
Those who cannot afford to re- have felt the worst was behind And when you enter that room, ened the bills as part of a broader as an aide to state Democratic than 30 years.=
locate are turning to GoFundMe them, particularly after the Su- you feel like they9ve already war of good against evil. <There is Rep. Rita Harris, but she left after
to raise money to leave a state they preme Court recognized same-sex erased you,= Day Smyth later re- evil in this world, and we are the session ended in May, con- 8We can9t stay in Florida9
say has become a dangerous place marriage in 2015, said Scott Gal- called in an interview. fighting it here today,= Fine said. vinced that there is <no indication For the Dennis family, normal-
for them and their children. Advo- vin, director of Safe Schools South During a hearing over a bath- <The fight that we have had here that the Republican supermajor- cy is a family made up of three
cates for transgender Floridians Florida, which works with LGBTQ room bill, state Rep. Webster in Florida is about the fundamen- ity is going to stop anytime soon.= parents, all of whom are transgen-
have started Transit Under- youths. <We thought, 8We9ve ar- Barnaby (R) lashed out against tal nature of childhood itself.= Some Republican lawmakers der, raising two children. Hazel is
ground, an informal coalition to rived, the struggle is over,9= said those speaking against the legisla- told McDonough they did not be- 12 and Sparrow is 5. Dennis said
help connect those leaving with Galvin, who is also a longtime tion, likening them to people who 8Taking us back 100 years9 lieve in all of the anti-trans rheto- both their children are gender-
volunteers who offer transporta- North Miami City Council mem- are <happy to display themselves The new laws already appear to ric and legislation, but she said creative, a term that describes
tion and temporary housing. ber. <As a result, people became as if they were mutants from an- be having a chilling effect. Florida they told her they felt they had to people who do not identify as a
<We9re telling allies who say we complacent.= other planet.= is home to about 95,000 transgen- support DeSantis in his policies or man or a woman. Dennis said
should not leave, but stay and Even after the 2016 Pulse night- <The Lord rebuke you, Satan, der adults, according to an esti- see their own legislative priorities there is a feeling of dread now
fight, that trans people can9t live club shooting, many in the gay and all of your demons and all of mate from the Williams Institute killed. <They found it hard to because of laws directed at trans-
in a state of genocidal terror,= said community felt a sense of solidari- your imps who come parade be- at the UCLA School of Law, and make eye contact with me at the gender families like theirs.
Lakey Love, a founder of the Flori- ty. The outpouring of grief and fore us,= Barnaby said, looking at while the vast majority are likely end,= McDonough said. <They When Sparrow was born, Den-
da Coalition for Transgender Lib- support flowed into Orlando from the speakers, including Day to stay, a number like the Dennis would just look away from me, nis, 35, said they would be a <they-
eration, which is supporting Tran- across the political spectrum, in- Smyth. <That9s right. I call you family are taking steps to leave. almost like they felt shame on by,= a baby whose gender was not
sit Underground. cluding from DeSantis, who in demons and imps who come and According to GoFundMe, there their part for what they were do- advertised to the world. Gaining
DeSantis and his staff have dis- 2019 attended a memorial event parade before us and pretend that has been a surge in fundraisers ing.= acceptance and affirmation for
missed the growing backlash. with his wife, Casey. you are part of this world.= Barna- created to support trans people The anti-LGBTQ turn is evident that choice was difficult, Dennis
Christina Pushaw, a former De- <Even people who were not LG- by briefly apologized several min- looking to relocate to more LG- beyond the halls of power in the said, even in Orlando, a city whose
Santis spokeswoman who now BTQ felt attacked,= Dennis re- voters have consistently elected
works for his presidential cam- called after a gunman killed 49 liberal politicians over the past
paign, posted a tweet in response people in the gay nightclub. <After decade. <Not everyone is accept-
to a survey indicating LGBTQ Pulse, I remember hearing a man, ing,= Dennis said. <I don9t need my
families are leaving the state with he looked like a regular good old neighbor to like me. But I need
a single emoji: a waving hand. The boy, say, 8These are my gays. Don9t laws to protect me.=
governor likened the travel advi- mess with them.9= Hazel quickly chimed in with a
sories to <a stunt= and has insisted When DeSantis last year signed remark that hinted at the fear the
the purpose of the laws is to <let the Parental Rights in Education family lives with because of anti-
our children be children.= Act, what critics call the <don9t say LGBTQ laws and hostile rhetoric
<We have a very crazy age that gay= bill, Galvin said he was taken in Florida. <For instance, I don9t
we live in. There is a lot of non- aback. He saw schools ordering want to get shot,= Hazel said. Den-
sense that gets floated around,= teachers to remove rainbow flags nis said they do not want their
DeSantis said to a crowd of sup- and safe space stickers from their children to endure hatred.
porters at the Christian Cam- classrooms. Some teachers began The parents got together and
bridge School in Tampa in May. pulling books like <And Tango consulted a map of the country
<What we have said in Florida is, Makes Three,= a picture book showing states that have LGBTQ-
we are going to remain a refuge of about two male penguins who friendly policies. They picked
sanity and a citadel of normalcy.= form a family, from their book- Maryland, and they are moving
shelves, fearful of getting into there in early July.
8People became complacent9 trouble. Dennis needs medication for
Florida is home to several cities Then he was hit directly: Mi- their transition, which has also
famed for embracing gay life and ami-Dade County schools, which become more difficult in Florida
culture but, as with many states, for 20 years had welcomed Gal- for adults. Dennis has been a com-
its history with the LGBTQ com- vin9s nonprofit to host an annual munity organizer in Orlando and
munity has been uneven. empowerment day for LGBTQ said they will miss <the tenacity
In the 1950s and 1960s, the students, refused to authorize the and the creativity and the resil-
Johns Committee, a state-spon- event this year, citing the new law. ience of community.=
sored investigative panel, target- <When all of this started, we <It feels like I9m jumping off a
ed civil rights activists suspected had a hard time motivating people sinking ship and being like, well, I
of ties to communists. Its work in the LGBTQ community who Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signs bills at a Christian school in Tampa in May. <What we have said in Florida got my life raft, y9all take care of
eventually homed in on Florida don9t have children,= Galvin said. is, we are going to remain a refuge of sanity and a citadel of normalcy,= he said at the ceremony. He had yourselves,= Dennis said. <But we
universities. A 1959 report by the <You know, you9re 35 years old and previously shown support for the LGBTQ community at a Pulse nightclub shooting memorial in 2019. can9t stay in Florida.=
sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE A9

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A10 ez re the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

LGBTQ activists
work to turn tide
LGBTQ from A1 <Things get better, and they get
worse, and they get better, and
as another presidential election they get worse, and they change.
approaches. We9re sort of in a constant pendu-
Still, Erin reed, an activist and lum struggle.=
content creator who publishes a This newest swing right began,
daily newsletter on anti-LGBTQ in part, after the Supreme Court
legislation, said queer and trans legalized same-sex marriage in
people remain hopeful. They9ve 2015. Lawmakers filed more than
endured discrimination in the 250 discriminatory bills the fol-
past, and this time, they have a lowing year, up from 85 the year
bigger community and a raft of before the Obergefell v. Hodges
new knowledge, including some decision. Though some of those 4
gleaned from abortion rights ac- including a mississippi measure
tivists who have navigated simi- to allow state employees, service
lar fights since the Supreme providers and others to deny
Court overturned Roe v. Wade service to LGBTQ people 4 even-
last year. tually became law, policymakers
<The story of LGBTQ history is backed off an anti-trans bill in
a story of resilience through com- North Carolina. After Donald
munity,= reed said. <No matter Trump became president, the
how much they keep turning the number of bills dwindled.
dial on the cruelty and the ex- Before 2020, no state banned
tremeness of these laws, trans trans girls from participating in
people still exist. We9re not going school sports or trans youths
anywhere. We remain undaunt- from accessing transition-related
ed.= health care. Then, a few weeks
after the coronavirus shuttered
A cultural shift most of the country, Idaho be-
on the right and the left came the first to pass a sports ban.
elizabeTh FranTz For The WashingTon PosT
Across the country, LGBTQ ac- Arkansas passed the nation9s first
tivists say they have told them- ban on gender-affirming care the
selves one thing over and over following year, and in that year9s Georgia to Arizona ran on anti- year after signing and promoting
this year: We9ve been here before. legislative sessions, the number LGBTQ platforms. the country9s first Parental rights
Though some might think so- of anti-LGBTQ bills across the Terry Schilling, president of in Education bill 4 a piece of
cial progress is a straight line up, country ramped up again, to 268. the American Principles Project, legislation critics dubbed the
historian Hugh ryan said policy- By the spring of 2023, that num- said his group began focusing on <don9t say gay= law. But cam-
makers have often moved to cur- ber had surged past 400, accord- transgender issues after North paigning on anti-trans policies
tail rights after periods of social ing to a Washington Post analysis Carolina rescinded a 2016 meas- hasn9t helped every candidate.
liberation. ryan, the author of of data from the American Civil ure that required trans people to Drag critic Kari Lake lost in Ari-
LGBTQ history books including Liberties Union and the move- use a bathroom that matched the zona. Herschel Walker lost in
<When Brooklyn Was Queer,= not- ment Advancement Project gender on their birth certificate. Georgia after running on a plat-
ed that New York passed its first (mAP). The group had invested in 2022 form to ban trans women from
specifically anti-gay law, a cruis- Whereas previous anti-LGBTQ campaign ads not because of a women9s sports. And Janet Prota-
ing ban, 100 years ago, <immedi- efforts focused on one issue 4 cultural shift on the right, but on siewicz defeated a conservative
ately after [a] moment that is so marriage, say, or military service the left, he said. challenger for a spot on the Wis-
progressive, it is still referred to 4 this year9s onslaught stunned <They went toward kids, teach- consin Supreme Court, even after
as the Progressive Era.= Logan Casey, mAP9s senior re- ing them weird things in school, the American Principles Project
In the 970s, ryan said, a few searcher, in its scope and <cruel taking away parental rights, put- PAC spent nearly $800,000 to
years after the Stonewall riots, creativity.= ting kids on puberty blockers and defeat her with anti-trans ads.
florida9s Dade County passed <This moment is unlike any cross-sex hormones, teaching The issue may lack resonance
housing and employment protec- before, given the truly wild kids that boys can become girls for swing voters. Although con-
tions for gay people, a move that breadth and scale of the attacks,= and girls [can become] boys,= servatives have expressed waning
prompted florida citrus pitch- Casey said. Schilling said. <Put aside the mer- support for transgender inclu- PeTula Dvorak/The WashingTon PosT

woman and Christian crusader Conservative groups including its of their arguments and wheth- sion in the military and in wom- TOP: Montana state Rep. Zooey Zephyr (D), center, and her
Anita Bryant to launch <Save our the American Principles Project er or not they9re right. This is new. en9s sports, just 8 percent of peo- fiancée, activist Erin Reed, left, both trans women, mingle during a
Children,= a campaign that both and America first Legal also col- This is different.= ple nationwide closely followed Pride celebration this month at the White House. <Given the
overturned the ordinance and lectively spent at least $50 mil- Schilling and others have anti-trans bills last year, accord- growing awareness that I9m seeing about what9s at stake in our
cast gay people as predators who lion airing anti-trans ads in 25 pressed on with an anti-LGBTQ ing to the Pew research Center. country, I feel hope that change is possible,= Zephyr said.
would <recruit= children. states in the 2022 election, ac- agenda despite mixed political After michigan republicans ABOVE: A Pride display at a party store in Prince George9s County,
<There9s no straight progress cording to the Human rights results. florida Gov. ron DeSan- lost all three branches of govern- Md. Target and other big-box stores have embraced LGBTQ-themed
forever forward,= ryan said. Campaign, and politicians from tis (r) handily won reelection last ment to Democrats in November, merchandise, but some have also received backlash.

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sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post eZ Re A11

the party9s chief of staff ascribed Lawmakers and conservative more visible, Drennen said. banned both say the bans feel trans patients soon. minors.
the defeat in part to the cam- activists have successfully pres- Sports, for instance, are one of similar. Colleen McNicholas, <The same phenomenon that Still, as the women walked,
paigns9 reliance on similar ads. sured hospitals in Mississippi, the main ways young people chief medical officer for Planned happened with abortion care Zephyr said that <it was hard to
<There were more ads on trans- Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas build community, Drennen said. Parenthood in the St. Louis re- happened with trans care,= Mc- feel anything other than hope.=
gender sports than inflation, gas to stop treating transgender chil- Lawmakers have said they gion, said that in both instances, Nicholas said. <We had to be Even in Montana9s most con-
prices and bread-and-butter is- dren. pushed bans on trans competi- conservative groups and lawmak- ready to quickly use all of the servative reaches, every few min-
sues that could have swayed inde- Republicans have begun to tar- tors because they want to ensure ers homed in on a vulnerable and resources we have to make sure utes, people stopped to tell Zeph-
pendent voters,= Paul Cordes get gender-affirming care for competition is fair for women stigmatized population, then bul- folks knew what care they could yr they disagreed with her col-
wrote in a memo to the state GOP. adults, too. Florida9s DeSantis es- and girls, but those laws exclude lied the providers who care for get, where they could get it and leagues9 anti-trans policies and
<We did not have a turn out sentially cut off access for trans trans youths from participating them by making those doctors for potentially how long they actions. They included security
problem 4 middle of the road adults in the spring by imposing in one of their school9s most pub- seem <unqualified, self-serving could get it.= guards and National Guard mem-
voters simply didn9t like what rules so strict that activists esti- lic spheres. and, in some capacity, immoral.= In another parallel with the bers, lifelong libertarians and
[Republican gubernatorial candi- mated 80 percent of trans adults <Not knowing a trans person is <It is painfully obvious to us post-Roe landscape, 13 states, in- people who told Zephyr they9d
date Tudor Dixon] was selling.= in the state could no longer get what enables that propaganda to that they are using the same cluding Maryland, Illinois and voted for Trump twice. Each one
Schilling allowed that his hormones. And in April, Missouri take hold,= Drennen said. <Once playbook, but in an expedited New Mexico, have recently told Zephyr they supported her.
group9s efforts weren9t enough to Attorney General Andrew Bailey trans people become fully inte- time frame,= McNicholas said. passed explicit protections for <Given the growing awareness
overcome some electability is- (R) issued an emergency ruling grated as members of their com- When the Missouri attorney transgender people, according to that I9m seeing about what9s at
sues, but he said they made signif- for regulations so stringent that munity, as their visible neighbors, general began targeting transi- Reed. stake in our country, I feel hope
icant inroads. American Princi- most trans adults would have lost co-workers, family members, it9s tion care in the spring, McNicho- As most states wrap up their that change is possible,= Zephyr
ples9 polling showed that the non- access to hormones. Bailey later that much harder to paint a pic- las9s clinics were able to mobilize legislative sessions, Schilling, the said.
profit9s ads swayed tens of thou- abandoned the ruling, but trans ture of us as terrifying monsters.= without hesitation in large part executive at the American Princi- After Reed flew home to Mary-
sands of voters in Arizona, Missourians like Casey, the re- because they9d learned how to ples Project, said his group has land, she said she continued to
Virginia and Wisconsin, Schilling searcher at MAP, say the proposal The role of Roe and the courts adapt after Missouri banned probably <maxed out= on state find promise in an unlikely place
said. hurt in ways they can still feel. For Drennen and others, this abortion last year. The clinics legislative wins. The group plans 4 Louisiana. Last month, a Re-
<I can assure you that if the ads <Even when we win, even when era is directly connected to the added appointments, and staffers to turn its focus toward federal publican lawmaker there bucked
weren9t effective in persuading these bills don9t become law, the fight that abortion rights activists worked overtime. They prepared policies as the presidential elec- the Southern trend and refused to
voters, I wouldn9t be running bills are still causing harm that have waged for decades over themselves for potential litiga- tion nears. advance out of committee a ban
them,= Schilling said. <I9ll just let can be very long-lasting and diffi- bodily autonomy. The map of tion, and they sent the highest- Meanwhile, LGBTQ activists on gender-affirming care. State
my record speak for itself and cult to shake for many people,= states that have banned abortion risk clients over the river to Illi- say they are eager to see what will Sen. Fred Mills said he9d voted to
where the American people are.= Casey said. since Roe fell is nearly identical to nois. After Roe fell, southern Illi- happen in the courts. This month kill the ban because a Louisiana
Conservatives have spoken the map that shows which states nois became a hub for people a judge declared Tennessee9s drag Health Department report
Targeting hospitals openly about their plans to esca- have banned gender-affirming forced to travel for abortion care, ban unconstitutional, and courts showed that each year very few
and adults late, according to Ari Drennen, a care for minors this year. and McNicholas said she expects in Arkansas, Alabama and Flori- minors went on puberty blockers,
About 22 states now ban trans trans woman who monitors anti- Doctors in states that have the region will see an influx of da have temporarily blocked just a few dozen started cross-sex
people from competing in wom- trans rhetoric in conservative me- medical bans from taking effect. hormones and none on Medicaid
en9s sports, and teachers in nearly dia as LGBTQ program director Activists believe that at least one underwent surgery.
a dozen states can no longer for Media Matters for America, a of the health-care cases will even- <My decision was really, really
affirm students9 gender, accord- liberal watchdog group. tually make it to the Supreme based on the numbers,= Mills told
ing to MAP. And at least 19 have In April, conservative pundit Court, and they9re not sure how the Louisiana Illuminator. <All
passed bans on transition health Matt Walsh urged his Twitter fol- the justices will rule. the testimony I heard by the
care for minors, despite the fact lowers to pick a <woke= company Some say they9re hopeful that proponents that children are get-
that all major medical associa- to <target . . . with a ruthless Bostock v. Clayton County, a 2020 ting mutilated, I didn9t see it in
tions oppose such restrictions. boycott campaign. Claim one decision that protects gay and the statistics.=
Conservatives have succeeded scalp then move onto the next.= trans employees from discrimina- A different committee even-
in passing these bills, in part, by The next month, shoppers began tion, will serve as precedent for tually pushed the bill through,
showcasing a small group of de- harassing Target employees over future LGBTQ cases, but activists but as Reed followed Mills9s deci-
transitioners who have flown to the store9s Pride collection, even say the high court9s decision to sion, she couldn9t help but think
multiple states to testify that they though the big-box company has overturn a decades-old precedent of her childhood. Reed grew up in
felt abused and fast-tracked by sold similar merchandise for like Roe has left them feeling less south Louisiana, and when she
gender-affirming doctors. Law- more than a decade. optimistic. was a child in the 1990s, her
makers and activists alike have And Daily Wire commentator In the spring, near the end of a classmates bullied her. She wasn9t
accused those doctors of <muti- Michael Knowles, who earlier painful and record-breaking leg- able to come out until she was 30.
lating= minors. this year said that <transgender- islative season, Reed and her fian- But the environment was chang-
Only a handful of hospitals ism must be eradicated from pub- cée, Montana state Rep. Zooey ing, she believed.
1978 Photo by KAthy A. Willens/AP
have released their numbers, but lic life entirely,= said in May that Zephyr (D), went for a walk in Late last year, a trans teenager
those that have been show that conservatives have to make Pride After Dade County passed protections for gay people in the 1970s, western Montana. The year had from a parish close to Reed9s
transition-related surgeries on symbols <culturally toxic= as part Anita Bryant launched an anti-gay <Save Our Children= campaign. marked an era of unprecedented hometown wrote to say her class-
minors are rare. An internal re- of a grander plan to <come back in success and oppression for the mates had nominated her to the
view at the Transgender Center at with more political force to ban women, both of whom are trans. homecoming court. She sent
Washington University in St. Lou- some of this stuff.= Reed had become a go-to pundit along a celebratory picture as
is found that just six of the hospi- These campaigns have led to <There9s no straight progress forever forward. for PBS and other news outlets, proof.
tal9s 1,165 transgender patients boycotts, canceled Pride festivals but she9d endured <swatting= at- <I cried because I remember
younger than 18 had undergone and hundreds of protests, Dren- Things get better, and they get worse, and they get tempts and daily online harass- how hard it was for me,= Reed
gender-affirming procedures nen said, in part because more ment. Zephyr had started the said. <To see a trans girl in small-
since 2018, and all of them were than half of Americans don9t better, and they get worse, and they change. We9re session as Montana9s first trans town Louisiana not only being
chest surgeries. A Reuters analy- know a trans person. Polls show state lawmaker. She had ended it accepted but celebrated and
sis of insurance claims found that that voters who know transgen- sort of in a constant pendulum struggle.= working from a bench outside the loved, seeing her driven on the
while 42,167 young people nation- der people are less likely to sup- House of Representatives after back of a car with her dad around
Hugh Ryan, a historian, noting that policymakers have often moved to curtail
wide were diagnosed with gender port restrictions on them. But her colleagues barred her from the football stadium, waving at
rights after periods of social liberation
dysphoria in 2021, just 282 had many anti-LGBTQ bills ensure the chamber for criticizing a pro- everybody, that9s how change
top surgery that year. that trans people won9t become posed ban on transition care for happens.=

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A12 eZ Re the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

Lacking their own knowledge, lawmakers turn to Silicon Valley for AI expertise
CONGRESS from A1 boundaries= for the future of AI. leagues9 tech acumen was irre-
<There9s no way a non-industry deemably deficient.
has triggered a frenzy among person can understand what is <To be honest, Congress doesn9t
Washington lawmakers to draft possible. It9s just too new, too know what the hell it9s doing in
new laws addressing the promise hard. There9s not the expertise,= this area,= Cruz said, donning ear
and peril of the burgeoning field. Schmidt told NBC. <There9s no buds as he video-conferenced into
When Tudorache visited Wash- one in the government who can a Politico tech summit. <This is an
ington last month, he witnessed a get it right. But the industry can institution [where] I think the
tumult of activity around AI and roughly get it right.= median age in the Senate is about
attended a bipartisan briefing other industry leaders are tak- 142. This is not a tech-savvy
with openAI CEo Sam Altman. ing a different tactic, blitzing Con- group.=
<There is a different mood,= gress with their vision for how Sen. mark r. Warner (D-Va.),
Tudorache said in an interview. Washington should regulate their who previously worked as a ven-
But tackling the swiftly evolv- companies. Altman in may had ture capitalist, brought in re-
ing technology requires a sophis- private meetings and a dinner searchers and industry leaders to
ticated understanding of compli- with lawmakers, where he dem- speak to senators after Schumer9s
cated systems that back AI, which onstrated 4 to their amusement all-member briefing. His guests
sometimes confound even ex- 4 how his company9s ChatGPT included a mix of experts, includ-
perts. Congressional salary caps could write a speech for them to ing microsoft9s chief scientific of-
that pale in comparison with Sili- deliver on the chamber floor. ficer, Eric Horvitz, Center for Se-
con Valley9s sky-high paychecks Smith has given legislators a les- curity and Emerging Technology
make it difficult to retain staff son on the technical stack that Executive Director Dewey mur-
technologists, putting lawmakers underpins generative AI models dick and Deputy National Secu-
at a disadvantage in getting up to like ChatGPT, including comput- rity Adviser Anne Neuberger, ac-
speed 4 a goal that has become ing infrastructure and applica- cording to Warner spokeswoman
increasingly urgent as the Euro- tions. And Smith recently un- rachel Cohen.
pean Union has leaped ahead of veiled his blueprint for AI regula- <Lots of us are all on different
Washington, advancing robust AI tion at a speech in Washington paths of our learning curve,= War-
legislation just last week. attended by half a dozen lawmak- ner told reporters Tuesday.
JaBin BoTsfoRd/The WashingTon PosT
To catch up, members of Con- ers. The uptick in AI briefings and
gress and their staffs are seeking a The stereotyped view that Con- strong attendance is a major shift
crash course on AI. With Senate gress doesn9t understand technol- for Congress, where a handful of Some argue that concerns
majority Leader Charles E. Schu- ogy 4 bolstered by high-profile members 4 some of whom hold about the lack of technical exper-
mer (D-N.Y.) preparing to unveil a gaffes in key tech hearings 4 is degrees in computer science 4 tise on Capitol Hill have been
plan Wednesday for how Con- <outdated,= Smith said, adding have long struggled to capture the overblown, saying lawmakers
gress could regulate AI, lawmak- that he is <optimistic= about Con- attention of their peers. Congress have already introduced bills that
ers are suddenly crowding into gress9s ability to keep pace with AI hosted its first hearing on AI in could address most issues with
briefings with top industry execu- advances. 2016, according to Cruz, who said generative AI, including data pro-
tives, summoning leading aca- regular briefings have impart- he chaired the session. House law- tection and algorithmic audit
demics for discussions and taking ed a more formal education. Sen- makers launched an AI caucus in bills.
other steps to try to wrap their ate and House leaders have host- 2017, and their Senate counter- <Congress9s job is not necessar-
heads around the emerging field. ed AI discussions with mIT pro- parts launched a similar initiative ily to know the ins and outs and
Lawmakers9 gaps in technical fessors, where they reviewed the in 2019. nuts and bolts of every single
expertise have provided an open- basics of how AI works and exam- The rise of generative AI has technology that they regulate,=
ing for corporate interests. Execu- ined challenges with the technol- finally awakened interest in such said Anna Lenhart, who worked
tives motivated to develop AI ogy, including how it can exacer- efforts. rep. mark Takano (D-Ca- on tech policy for rep. Lori Trah-
without hindrance are flocking to bate existing biases. lif.) said AI is going to impact an (D-mass.). <Their job is to un-
Washington, eager to lend a hand At a Tuesday briefing with mIT <every jurisdiction of Congress,= derstand the impact of technol-
in lawmakers9 education 4 and professor Antonio Torralba orga- and argues that lawmakers need ogy on society, the risks and the
influence policy. Schumer said his nized by Schumer9s office, some to respond by reviving the Capi- benefits.=
office has met with close to 100 lawmakers asked basic questions, tol9s tech think tank, the office of Lawmakers can seek tech as- RiCky CaRioTi/The WashingTon PosT

outside experts, including <CEos including how AI learns and Technology Assessment, which sessments from the Government TOP: The U.S. Capitol in November. The overnight success of
of companies who do AI, scien- where it gets data, said Sen. Jacky lawmakers defunded during par- Accountability office and Con- ChatGPT has triggered a frenzy among lawmakers to draft
tists, AI academics, leaders in the rosen (D-Nev.), a former comput- tisan battles in the 1990s. Takano gressional research Service. Zach legislation addressing the promise and perils of artificial
industry of many different view- er programmer who left the ses- plans to introduce a bill next Graves, the executive director of intelligence. ABOVE: From left, Sens. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), John
points, and critics of AI= 4 among sion early. month to fund the office, along the foundation for American In- Cornyn (R-Tex.), Mark R. Warner (D-Va.) and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.)
them microsoft President Brad <They are putting a lot of time with Sen. Ben ray Luján novation, said GAo9s resources during a news conference in Washington last month.
Smith and Tesla CEo Elon musk. and effort into coming up to speed (D-N.m.), who sits on the Com- have made gains in recent years,
This charm offensive has left on AI,= said Aleksander madry, an merce Committee. resulting in better preparation for Unlike clashes with the CEos of West said executives like
some consumer advocates uneasy mIT professor who spoke at a <What is missing in Congress is tech hearings, such as the one facebook and Google, lawmakers9 Google9s Schmidt are fueling the
that lawmakers might let the in- briefing in April arranged by a repository of expertise that is with Altman. chummy hearing with Altman perception that AI is too difficult
dustry write its own rules 4 House Speaker Kevin mcCarthy more in an anticipatory mode, <They clearly did a lot more of was a reflection of how effective for Congress to grasp.
which some executives are out- (r-Calif.). madry has since gone that has quicker turnarounds, their homework,= Graves said. intimate events, like his private That, she said, is <a convenient
right recommending. In an inter- on a professional leave and is that can deliver responses more Still, some worry that the re- dinner, have been, said Sarah narrative that positions account-
view this spring, former Google working at openAI. quickly,= Takano said. <We want to cent flurry of corporate lobbying West, the managing director of ability out of the hands of the
CEo Eric Schmidt argued that the Sen. Ted Cruz (r-Tex.) has ex- have expertise that is not tainted on AI has pushed lawmakers un- the AI Now Institute and a former people that the public has vested
industry, not the government, pressed skepticism about these or connected to commercial inter- comfortably close to the industry senior adviser on AI at the federal it in 4 and into the hands of the
should be setting <reasonable efforts, suggesting that his col- ests.= they9re aiming to regulate. Trade Commission. industry that is benefiting.=
sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE A13

Brutal and prolonged heat wave

poses dangers for Texas residents
level of decimation to a town, as
I9ve seen today,= Abbott said at a
How long the heat will last
Excessively hot conditions are
that want to hear their grandchildren.
AND T AMIA F OWLKES news conference in Perryton on forecast through at least June 25.
Saturday. He promised state Signs point to the heat begin-
Parts of Texas and southern funds through a disaster declara- ning to break down toward late
Louisiana are feeling like a steam tion he signed this weekend. this week. Still, heat index values
room amid a dangerous heat An estimated 150,000 custom- will linger at dangerous levels for
wave that9s set to last more than a ers are without power in the far many as high humidity remains
week. Blistering heat and stifling northeast counties of Texas after entrenched.
humidity have already combined the violent storms tore through
to push the heat index above 120 the area Thursday night, accord- How hot and humid it9s been
degrees in spots, posing a signifi- ing to the tracking site Power- already
cant danger to vulnerable popu- The state9s power grid Heat and humidity gradually
lations and those without ad- may also be strained by the increased over the last several
equate access to cooler environ- prolonged heat wave. days and were particularly in-
ments. In the past year, Texas has hit tense late in the workweek.
The Lone Star State broke heat 11 all-time records for power On Thursday, Kingsville, Tex.,
records on Thursday and Friday, demand, but the grid was able to about 35 miles southwest of Cor-
and many more are expected to accommodate electricity needs pus Christi, registered a heat
fall over the coming days. <with ease,= Abbott assured resi- index of 125 degrees. That same
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) dents Saturday. He said more day, Dallas matched its highest
said at a news conference Satur- power has been added to the grid dew point, an indicator of humid-
day that he spoke with the Elec- since last summer, when ERCOT ity, on record of 80 degrees. (That
tric Reliability Council of Texas,
the organization that operates
the state9s electrical grid, ahead
officials had to call on Texas
residents to voluntarily limit
their energy demand.
means that, if the air tempera-
ture had cooled to 80 degrees, the
relative humidity would have
of the heat wave. Abbott9s comments on the been 100 percent.)
Officials there assured him state9s energy grid offer a more Heat indexes around Houston
they could meet what <may be a hopeful perspective than state- soared to between 110 and 120
record power demand= as Texas ments made by Texas Public Util- degrees Thursday and Friday.
residents try to cool their homes, ity Commission Chair Peter Lake. On Friday, Junction, Tex.,
Miracle-Ear® is looking to ûeld test a remarkable new digital hearing
Abbott said. In May, Lake said Texas9s main about 120 miles west of Austin, instrument in your area. These revolutionary 100% Digital instruments
Excessive heat warnings and power grid was still at risk for hit 110 degrees, its all-time high.
heat advisories affect more than outages if wind turbines were not Record-breaking heat has ex- use the latest technology to comfortably and almost invisibly help you
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The warnings, which are the ty when it9s needed the most, Mexico. On Thursday, Mexico
most dire type of heat alert the according to the Texas Tribune. City hit 92.5 degrees 4 its highest <head in a barrel= sensation some people experience.
National Weather Service issues, June temperature on record.
extend from the border of Mexico Why it9s so hot That may not sound that high,
and southwest Texas to the bor- It doesn9t take a meteorologist but it sits at an elevation of over
If you wish to participate, you will be required to have your hearing
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<Extreme heat and humidity to a heat dome, or a ridge of high At midnight, the temperature Beneûts of hearing aids vary by type and degree of hearing loss,
will significantly increase the po- pressure, centered over northern was 82 degrees, but it lurched to
tential for heat related illnesses, Tamaulipas, Mexico. 99 degrees just over an hour later. noise environment, accuracy of hearing test, and proper ût. This is
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participating in outdoor activi- air. They act as force fields, de- same time.
ties,= the National Weather Serv- flecting the jet stream and in- What happened? A dying your hearing loss at a very affordable price.
ice cautioned. clement weather to the north. thunderstorm abruptly col-
Especially concerning is that That9s why thunderstorms have lapsed, causing a plume of air to
the tropical humidity will trap
heat overnight, preventing night-
been plaguing North Texas but
leaving South Texas alone.
rush down toward the ground. As
air subsides toward the surface, it
ly lows from dipping below 80
degrees in spots.
The pattern is highly unusual
since, most summers, a heat
warms. That plume of air evi-
dently began to dry out at the
<Daily record warm minimum
temperatures & will compound
dome (often called a <death
ridge= by storm chasers) is
same time, which made it denser
than the surrounding air, causing Don9t miss this amazing offer!
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unusual jet stream pattern that9s
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Perryton, located in the Texas
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ing the likelihood of extreme
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A14 eZ re the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

Barista led push to unionize her Starbucks. Now she9s ûred.


plagued her family and her coun-

try. Like most of her co-workers,
she had grown up in an era of
historic inequality, raised by par-
ents who struggled to pay their
bills. She emerged from the pan-
demic and the labor shortage it
spawned with a new sense of her
worth and a determination to
wrest back some power from her
corporate bosses.
now her fight had reached a
critical moment with implica-
tions for service workers nation-
wide, the people at the core of
america9s working class. at issue
was whether these workers
would be able to organize and
press their employers for higher
wages, steadier hours and better
only 6 percent of private-sec-
tor workers nationwide belong to
unions, the lowest rate in nearly a
century. the Starbucks union
drive was raising existential ques-
tions for the labor movement.
Was organizing large numbers of
service workers even possible?
did unions have a place in the
modern american economy?
in the back of rizzo9s Star-
bucks, away from the customers
getting their late-morning caf-
feine fix, her manager was strug-
gling to finish her sentences and
maintain her composure. nearly
two months earlier, on feb. 4,
rizzo had closed the store at
7:30 p.m. and the following morn-
ing slept through her alarm, leav-
ing her 57 minutes late to a 5:30
a.m. opening shift. the mistake
triggered an investigation, the
manager said.
<i think my hardest part is that PhoTos by Lauren PeTracca For The WashingTon PosT

you9ve been a partner for so long,= Lexi Rizzo is comforted by her partner, Phil Wright, shortly after testifying at a National Labor Relations Board hearing in Buffalo on April 18. Rizzo said the experience was
she continued. Starbucks execu- dehumanizing. <They9re trying to make these implications that I9m a bad person who doesn9t care about my job, and I know that9s not true,= she said.
tives regularly refer to their hour-
ly workers as <partners.= tects workers9 rights, has strug-
<You care about this store,= said gled to hold on to staff members
the manager, who asked not to be amid deep budget cuts. Since
named, fearing public backlash. 2010, it is down about 520 em-
<You care about the people in it, ployees, or 30 percent of its work-
and that9s the heartbreaking & force. the primary penalty that it
You9re a great employee to me, can impose on companies for
and i value everything. &= the dismissing pro-union employees
boss took a deep breath. <i wanna 4 reinstatement with back pay 4
give you a hug,= she told rizzo, has been a paltry deterrent, labor
wrapping her arms around her. advocates said.
<i9ll be back. i9ll fight,= rizzo and so in late march, senators
replied. <don9t you worry.= were largely reduced to cajoling
She tucked her balled-up green and shaming Schultz into obey-
apron under her arm and strode ing federal law. Schultz began the
into the cafe, where her co-work- hearing by telling lawmakers that
ers were waiting and crying. his company <had not broken the
rizzo hugged them and then law= and that his workers did not
glanced down at her separation need a union. unions, he said,
paperwork. Her final misstep had were for companies that abused
occurred on march 1. their employees, not Starbucks,
according to the document, which offered health coverage,
she had been <1 minute late= to a stock options and free online col-
6 a.m. shift. lege through arizona State
university. <We do nothing that is
wo days before rizzo was nefarious,= he said. <We put our

T fired, Howard Schultz, the

company9s billionaire
founder, was summoned to Wash-
people first & and we have the
track record to prove it.=
the company9s generosity,
ington to testify before the Sen- Schultz maintained, was born of
ate. his own childhood struggles.
His forced appearance before When Schultz was 10, he said, his
the Health, education, Labor and father slipped on a patch of ice,
pensions committee was an indi- broke his hip and ankle, and was
cation of the importance of the <promptly fired= from his job as a
Starbucks union drive and the truck driver. the setback <frac-
crisis facing the labor movement. tured our family,= he told the
the vast majority of the coun- senators, and decades later in-
try9s working class does not toil spired him, as Starbucks9s ceo, to
on the factory floor with a union build the kind of company that Rizzo prepares to leave for a dinner with other fired Starbucks workers on April 15. Rizzo and the other workers hope that legal action
to look out for their interests. would give his workers a <chance against the company will help them get their jobs back, but attorneys have said it9s unlikely that will happen in the next year.
most work in the country9s ever- at a better life.=
expanding low-wage service the republicans on the com- at her store to sign union cards, Shortly after the union push
economy. mittee praised Schultz for creat- expressing support for an elec- was announced, the company
increasingly, those workers are ing tens of thousands of jobs and tion. the company responded by had promised to raise wages and
trying to unionize. the Starbucks building a global corporation. doubling the number of employ- institute credit card tipping. She
drive has inspired similar orga- the democrats, meanwhile, ees at her store to more than 40 in reassured her co-workers that she
nizing efforts at retailers such as warned him that the company9s an attempt to dilute the voting wouldn9t be angry if they voted
trader Joe9s, apple, rei and past generosity didn9t give it free pool, according to the judge9s against the union.
chipotle 4 as well as fierce resis- rein to break federal labor laws. ruling in the Buffalo case. <We9ve been treated as dispos-
tance from Schultz and his team. and they tried to convince him Starbucks also flooded the Buf- able for a long time, and i want us
in the last year, judges have that his unionizing workers were falo market with dozens of man- to be worth more to this compa-
ruled that Starbucks violated u.S. no different from his dad. agers from around the country. in ny,= she wrote in the group chat.
labor laws more than 130 times <Your father had no rights, and rizzo9s store the extra bosses <i9m not stuck on how that hap-
across six states, among the most your family paid the price. that9s donned headsets 4 even when pens for us. i just know we de-
of any private employer nation- how your workers now feel,= Sen. they weren9t serving customers 4 serve better.= in december 2021,
wide. the rulings found that Star- edward J. markey (d-mass.) told so that they could monitor the rizzo9s store and another on
bucks retaliated against union him. <these workers are just like workers9 conversations, the judge elmwood avenue in Buffalo vot-
supporters by surveilling them at your father.= found. Starbucks officials said ed to become the first u.S.
work, firing them and promising rizzo9s childhood was marked that the changes were necessary Starbucks to unionize.
them improved pay and benefits by frequent evictions and parents to help underperforming stores, their early improbable victory
if they rejected the organizing who served prison sentences for an argument the judge deemed caught the attention of baristas in
campaign. drug-related crimes. at 17, she Photographs of Starbucks employees who have been fired are not credible. dozens of cities around the coun-
the company has blamed the dropped out of high school and displayed in the Starbucks Workers United office in a converted Sometimes they ordered rizzo try, who petitioned for their own
union9s negative influence for a found work at a Starbucks in Ford factory in Buffalo. The primary penalty that the National to stop talking about the union votes. congratulations poured in
higher rate of employee attrition naples, fla. She was promoted to Labor Relations Board can impose on companies for dismissing with her co-workers, according to from the likes of Sen. Bernie
at stores that have organized, and shift supervisor, and in 2017, ea- pro-union employees 4 reinstatement with back pay 4 has been a testimony from rizzo and other Sanders (i-Vt.) and rep.
it has denied wrongdoing. <Star- ger to escape the poverty and paltry deterrent, labor advocates said. workers. as the election ap- alexandria ocasio-cortez
bucks has always been a different disorder of home, moved to proached, Starbucks slashed her (d-n.Y.).
kind of company and, while not Buffalo to live with her cousin. praised her dedication to her would help workers negotiate pay store9s hours, making it difficult rizzo knew that the company
perfect, we consistently do what9s <Having a drug-addicted parent store and co-workers. <Lexi was raises and more reliable hours, for longtime employees to pay was still determined to crush the
right for our partners, our cus- puts you in the position of being an exemplary partner,= said david which were frequently cut in Jan- their bills. Some of the workers union and that winning a con-
tomers and business,= the compa- their parent,= rizzo said. <i had to almond, one of her former man- uary and february when custom- blamed the union drive. tract could take years. But she felt
ny said in a statement. take care of my mom. She didn9t agers in Buffalo. <She loves coffee er traffic slowed. rizzo didn9t <it was bad before, but that9s as if she were fighting for some-
Starbucks9s anti-union cam- take care of me.= and Starbucks with all of her know much about organized la- not even comparable to the chaos thing bigger than herself, her
paign has been most intense in rizzo settled in Buffalo and got soul.= bor beyond the experience of an it is now,= one of the baristas store or even Starbucks. She ex-
Buffalo, a working-class city hired at Starbucks no. 23917, in august 2021, rizzo was aunt who worked as a Southwest complained in the employee text pected that politicians and celeb-
where the union drive began. in which sat beside a busy six-lane among the first Starbucks em- airlines flight attendant. But her chain as the election approached. rities would pressure the coffee
early march, an administrative road, sandwiched between sev- ployees in Buffalo to join the long history with Starbucks, her <i just want to make coffee and giant to bargain with them in
law judge found Starbucks had eral chain hotels and Buffalo nascent union9s organizing com- calm manner and edgy look not think about it after work.= good faith. She believed the
committed <egregious and wide- niagara international airport. mittee. rizzo hoped a union helped her win over co-workers. <We can9t work here without nLrB and the federal courts
spread misconduct= in Buffalo Starbucks offered a solid wage. would yield better health insur- rizzo9s wardrobe came from sec- feeling suffocated,= another baris- would force the company to fol-
and ordered the coffee giant to She earned about $23 an hour as a ance. even though she had been ondhand clothing stores. She ta wrote. low the law.
rehire seven <unlawfully dis- shift supervisor, though she covered by the company9s plan, a wore a stud in the space between <the general feeling is simply She imagined that if they suc-
charged= employees. sometimes struggled to get full- stack of medical bills, totaling her nose and upper lip. Sleeves of that we f---ed ourselves,= a shift ceeded, other service workers at
it9s against the law to fire work- time hours. the job also brought more than $5,000 for multiple tattoos covered her arms. supervisor added. the Washing- places such as mcdonald9s and
ers for organizing. But as rizzo stability. <the first family envi- surgeries, sat on the same book- <We9ve got the cool baristas on ton post is not naming the work- Burger King would also seek to
and the other Starbucks workers ronment i9ve ever experienced,= shelf as her college diploma. <at our side,= one of her colleagues ers to protect them from possible unionize. <Starbucks is banking
were learning, there9s also little to she said. rizzo got her ged and some point i stopped opening recalled thinking when she reprisals. on us giving up,= she said in an
stop companies from doing it. earned a bachelor9s degree in them,= she said of the bills. <i told walked into the organizing com- rizzo fought to win back their interview a few weeks after her
the national Labor relations biology from arizona State myself that i9d worry about them mittee9s first meeting. support, reminding them that store voted to unionize. <We9re
Board, the federal agency that through Starbucks9s free online when i was healthy.= Within a week, rizzo had per- their efforts were already produc- not going to.=
oversees union elections and pro- college program. Her managers She also hoped the union suaded all of the hourly workers ing results. continued on next page
sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re A15

hree days later, on april 18,

T rizzo was sitting in the wit-

ness chair being questioned
by starbucks9s attorney about her
record at the company and the
incident last august that had led
to her final written warning.
The union9s lawyer told her
that the starbucks attorney
would try to fluster her and make
her lose her temper on the stand.
<i9m going to talk to him the way i
would to any man who9s angry
because his latte isn9t right,= she
told herself. she hoped she
wouldn9t cry. rizzo wore black
jeans with small rips in the knee.
The starbucks attorney question-
ing her was clad in a dark gray
<isn9t it true that you received
multiple time and attendance
corrective actions in the years
that you9ve been working for
starbucks?= the lawyer began.
<i worked there for a very long
time.= rizzo replied. <so prob-
The lawyer handed her a cor-
rective action form that detailed a
<documented coaching= for tardi-
ness six years earlier and asked
rizzo if she recalled it. rizzo
looked at the piece of paper for
several seconds. <This was so long
ago that i don9t remember it
happening, personally,= she told
him. <But that9s my signature.=
The cross-examination contin-
ued for about 45 minutes. The
lawyer pressed her to explain a
half-dozen incidents of lateness
amassed over the course of more
than 1,000 workdays since she
started with the company in 2015.
Photos By Lauren Petracca for the Washington Post On one of those days, rizzo9s text
messages showed that she was
late because she had been admit-
ted to the hospital, where she was
<The company is not really suffering. The people kept overnight.
Eventually, the lawyer arrived
who are really suffering are all the people that I at the morning in question:
aug. 28, 2022.
love and care about.= rizzo talked about going to
Lexi Rizzo, former barista sleep with a migraine, waking to a
co-worker banging on her door
and calling her store manager to
blinds and turning off lights at job back,= said sam amato, a apologize. <i was in a full-blown
her store while it was still open to 34-year-old shift supervisor who panic,= she testified. <i started
customers. The alleged incident was dismissed last summer after sobbing uncontrollably.=
had occurred in late January. a 13 years with the company. The starbucks attorney asked
starbucks official declined to ex- <are you excited?= rizzo asked. if she had ever sought an accom-
plain why the company had wait- <More nervous,= he replied. modation from the company for
ed more than 60 days to disci- amato was fired last summer her migraines, and rizzo ex-
pline reeve. Her written warning after his short-staffed store plained that they were a byprod-
said that she had failed to <create switched to drive-through-only uct of prescription medication
a clean, welcoming, safe environ- operations without management she had been taking for severe
ment= in the store. reeve, who approval. The shift supervisor abdominal pain caused by her
still works for starbucks, said she who preceded amato at work said chronic endometriosis, a condi-
had no memory of the day but that she alone had ordered the tion in which tissue similar to the
worried she too would soon be change and locked the cafe doors lining of the uterus grows outside
fired. <The floor is made of egg- while amato was rushing to serve the uterus. she said she had
shells,= she said. customers. amato, a prominent called starbucks9s human re-
sometimes rizzo wondered if union supporter, was the only sources department but was told
unionizing was worth the strug- person fired. starbucks officials that her pain was too <irregular
gle. The bargaining sessions with said that because amato had be- and erratic= and that there wasn9t
TOP: Lexi Rizzo waits to testify outside a hearing room for the National Labor Relations Board in the company over a first contract gun his shift, he was in charge anything the company could do
Buffalo on April 18, while Ethan D. Balsam, right, a member of the Starbucks defense team, waits were going nowhere 4 most last- and therefore responsible. They for her.
inside. ABOVE: Starbucks Workers United organizer Richard Bensinger comforts Rizzo as they ride ed less than 10 minutes before the also noted that amato had re- <i could go on an indefinite
the elevator after Rizzo testified at the hearing. Starbucks lawyers questioned Rizzo about several starbucks attorneys walked out. ceived a <final written warning= medical leave or try to keep work-
incidents in which she was late for work. Rizzo testified that she suffered from migraines that were Each side was accusing the other for an unrelated incident that ing,= rizzo testified, <and that9s
caused by prescription medications used to treat her chronic endometriosis. of negotiating in bad faith. <The occurred nearly two years earlier. what i did because i couldn9t
company is not really suffering,= Even if the judge ruled in afford not to work.= several
rizzo said. <The people who are amato9s favor, starbucks could months later she got a hysterecto-
frOM PrEViOus PaGE the condition of anonymity, said schultz9s story of his father9s inju- really suffering are all the people appeal, and the government9s my, she said, and the pain went
rizzo had asked her manager for ry and firing. The starbucks CEO that i love and care about. i think lawyers told him that it was un- away.
izzo had little sense of how at least 30 hours a week because had told it dozens of times in about everything that my store likely he would get his job back The judge asked her if she

R starbucks would fight. Na-

tionwide, the union said,
starbucks has dismissed more
she was <financially struggling.=
The new schedule was an attempt
to meet her needs, the official
speeches, books and before Con-
No one at starbucks, though,
partners have been through be-
cause of what i started and, yeah,
i have a lot of moments of doubt.=
before next year. still, after
months of waiting, he was eager
for his day in court. <i9m hoping
needed a break. she wiped her
eyes with a tissue and took a deep
breath. after a few more ques-
than 200 employees who backed said. seemed to hear the echo. Even shortly after rizzo9s firing, her it9ll be therapeutic,= he told rizzo. tions, her time on the stand was
the union drives. in his senate The final written warning after rizzo9s firing, the company former co-workers voted unani- rizzo would also be testifying done. she hugged the union9s
testimony, schultz said the com- meant that rizzo was now one continued to level new allega- mously to launch a two-day at the trial about last summer9s lawyer and another starbucks
pany had not targeted pro-union mistake away from being fired. tions, unrelated to her dismissal. strike. The company brought in final written warning, which the worker in the hallway outside the
workers. <starbucks Coffee Com- she worried constantly about not a starbucks official accused her managers to run the drive- board was asking the judge to courtroom.
pany unequivocally has not bro- waking up for her shift, which in an interview of falsifying time through. rizzo and her co-work- expunge. Her firing probably for rizzo, the court proceed-
ken the law,= he told lawmakers. made it even harder to fall asleep. logs to cover for her lateness. <she ers stood in the store parking lot would be part of a third trial in ings weren9t therapeutic or em-
shortly after the union cam- <i walk into work every day feel- could have been fired for that,= and tried to persuade customers the future. powering. The entire day felt de-
paign launched in the summer of ing like i might be walking into the official said. <That9s an integ- to turn away. Eventually, the man- The former starbucks workers humanizing, as if her nearly eight
2021, managers began citing my own execution,= she told The rity issue.= agers called the police, who drank wine, ate lasagna and years with the company, her med-
rizzo for minor dress code infrac- Post in December 2022. The company cited only one shooed the striking workers talked about schultz9s senate ap- ical problems and her physical
tions 4 small rips in the knees of Her solution, she said, was to example. store video showed riz- down the street. rizzo knew none pearance. amato had been in the pain had been reduced to nothing
her jeans, an unauthorized sui- try harder than anyone in her zo arriving at work at 5:36 a.m. on of it was enough to hurt hearing room that day, one of a more than malingering and scat-
cide awareness button on her store. <if i can just tough this out, feb. 26 of this year. rizzo wrote starbucks, which had reported dozen or so workers sent by the tered incidents of tardiness.
apron 4 that she said were previ- if they need me enough, if i9m 5:34 a.m. as her start time in the record sales in the first quarter of union. He was sitting just a few <They9re trying to make these
ously never an issue. The compa- perfect every day, then they can9t log. rizzo said she had spent the 2023 and had recently an- yards from Mellody Hobson, the implications that i9m a bad per-
ny reassigned rizzo from closing fire me,= she recalled thinking. as two minutes in the parking lot nounced plans to grow its foot- chair of the company9s board, son who doesn9t care about my
shifts, which she had worked for a teenager rizzo had struggled waiting for her co-worker to ar- print in China to 9,000 stores. who was clad in a starbucks green job, and i know that9s not true,=
her entire career, to opening the with anorexia, which she said was rive. (starbucks employees aren9t blazer. amato had looked up her she said.
store as early as 4:30 a.m. in 2021 a product of her chaotic child- permitted in the store alone.) a n mid-april, a dozen fired instagram account, which was The judge is expected to rule
she was late to three shifts and
then went 12 months without any
incidents of tardiness. in august
hood and feeling as though she
had no control over her life. amid
all the stress, her eating disorder
text message from the day backs
up her account. <i9m running
late,= her co-worker had written
I starbucks workers met for a
potluck at the union9s Buffalo
offices in a converted ford facto-
packed with pictures of artists
and liberal icons, such as Maya
angelou and shirley Chisholm.
this summer on whether
starbucks will have to remove the
final written warning from
2022, rizzo said she was suffering returned. her around 5:20 a.m. ry. Nearly 18 months earlier, rizzo He had wanted to tell her in rizzo9s personnel file. Even if
from a migraine that hit her <like for the first time in years, she in the days after she was fired, had gathered with her colleagues person that day how much he rizzo prevails, starbucks can ap-
a truck= and didn9t wake up for began seeing a psychiatrist and rizzo applied for food stamps, in the same century-old building loved his job and how his firing peal that ruling. Last month, the
her 4:30 a.m. opening. she rose to taking prescription medication Medicaid and unemployment to celebrate the new union9s first had left him feeling angry and NLrB9s New York office found
a concerned co-worker banging for her condition. benefits. in the near term there win. depressed. But Hobson had left merit to the charge that she was
on her door around 9:45 a.m. and in early february of this year, wasn9t much she could do to fight When the victory was an- the room before he had the fired for her union activity and
immediately called and texted she closed the store on a friday back. No celebrities were urging a nounced, rizzo, who was tracking chance. in an email, Hobson said indicated that it will file a com-
her manager. night and overslept, leaving her boycott of the company. No sena- the vote count on a legal pad, that she was <completely un- plaint seeking her reinstatement,
<i am so sorry from the bottom 57 minutes late for her opening tors were demanding that star- leaped into the air and shouted aware= anyone was trying to according to the union9s lawyer.
of my heart,= she wrote. <i feel shift the following morning. bucks rehire her. rizzo filmed a with joy. Now she was holding a speak with her and that she rizzo will have to return to
awful.= Nearly two months later, on video that was posted to the dish of mashed potatoes in the backed the company. court for a third trial and is likely
<i know,= the manager replied. March 31, she was fired. rizzo9s union9s TikTok page and got parking lot with three of her fired The fired workers9 potluck was to face the same questions from
<accidents happen, just happy separation document cited her about 640,000 views. colleagues who had celebrated drawing to a close. <i wonder how the same group of starbucks law-
you are ok.= The store remained lateness in early february, which <What would you say to alongside her that day. They were much they know about us?= yers. at best, a year 4 more likely
closed that day until noon. the company said was the cause Howard schultz?= one of her col- waiting on a person with the key amato asked, thinking of Hobson two 4 will pass before the courts
The company gave her a <final of her firing. it also included four leagues prompted. to the union offices. and schultz. rule, the appeals have been ex-
written warning,= the step before other instances in which she was <You have hundreds of thou- <is everyone fashionably late?= <i think they know everything,= hausted and rizzo is potentially
dismissal, and changed her an average of 2 minutes and sands of people giving everything one of the workers asked. said Victoria Conklin, who was eligible to get her job back.
schedule a few weeks later. she 40 seconds late. that they have so you can make <That9s why we all got fired,= fired last summer after five years rizzo had believed that there
was now often responsible for in a statement, starbucks said another dollar,= she replied. rizzo joked. with starbucks. The NLrB was were laws that could protect her
closing the store at 7:30 p.m. or rizzo was <a valued and contrib- <Then you treat us like dirt. it9s Most of the former workers at also calling for her to be reinstat- and her colleagues. Now, she said,
8:30 p.m. friday and then reopen- uting shift supervisor & Had it disgusting.= the potluck were going to testify ed. she knew how the system really
ing at 5:30 a.m. saturday. Because not been for continued punctuali- rizzo wasn9t the only union in the coming week at a second in the interim, she had found worked. she rode down the eleva-
she lived about 30 minutes away, ty issues that impacted her peers supporter in Buffalo under scruti- starbucks trial in Buffalo. The work as an Olive Garden waitress. tor and rushed past the building
she would have to wake up for and customers she would still be ny. Less than an hour after rizzo judge9s ruling in the first trial, around 10 p.m., the fired work- security guards out onto the side-
work only eight or nine hours employed.= was dismissed, starbucks manag- issued about a month before riz- ers drifted out to the parking lot. walk. she was no longer crying.
after returning home. rizzo said for rizzo, the dismissal ers issued a written warning to zo was fired, concluded that rizzo hugged amato. They had she was livid.
she was the only person at her couldn9t have come at a worse Gianna reeve, a 22-year-old shift <starbucks9 widespread coercive been friends since she moved to <i wanted to scream,= she said.
store, other than the manager, time. Her longtime partner had supervisor who had traveled to behavior & had permeated every Buffalo six years earlier. she had <i honestly wanted to scream.=
assigned to close and then open. been hit by a car while biking two Washington and confronted store in the Buffalo market.= rushed to his store to support him instead, she got in her car and
When rizzo complained, her weeks earlier, shattering his knee schultz as he left the senate hear- This time the NLrB complaint on the day he was fired and drove home. she needed to make
store manager told her that she and wrist and leaving him unable ing room. <Don9t have this be your consisted of more than 30 charg- picketed with him and his co- a résumé. she needed to find a
didn9t have any other workers to walk or work his bartending legacy!= she called out to him. es, including 10 cases of star- workers in the parking lot after- job.
who could take the shifts. a star- job. rizzo9s job was their only Two days after schultz9s hear- bucks allegedly firing workers in ward. <Good luck with your testi-
bucks official, who was author- source of income. Her situation in ing on March 29, reeve received a Buffalo for union activity. mony,= she told him. amato alice crites and Lauren Kaori gurley
ized by the company to speak on that moment was reminiscent of disciplinary notice for closing <This is the trial where i get my waved and drove off. contributed to this report.
A16 eZ Re the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

A cry for change

as more scandal
rocks Los Angeles
sible than ever.
In a city of makeovers and rein-
Fourth time in four years ventions, the proposals would
that corruption-related amount to a massive overhaul of
local government at a time when
charges have been filed many here are hungry for change,
and a reshaping of future political
representation in one of the coun-
BY R EIS T HEBAULT try9s most diverse multiracial re-
gions. But the activists, academics
The city council in the nation9s and officials pushing for them are
second-largest municipality is a battling an entrenched power
hot mess. structure and a uninterested pub-
This will not come as news to lic accustomed to broken promis-
the 3.8 million residents of Los es.
Angeles, who this past week wit- <I believe that in every crisis
nessed for the fourth time in four there9s an opportunity,= Paul
years corruption-related charges Krekorian, the city council presi-
brought against a sitting or for- dent, said in an interview. <And I
mer council member. feel this is the time when the
The accusations against South momentum is here, the commit-
L.A. representative Curren Price ment is here, for us to really make
Jr. are only the latest to rock a changes that people in previous
scandal-plagued City Hall. The councils would not have been able
case against Price, who has denied to make.=
DAmiAn DovARgAnes/AP
charges of embezzlement, perjury Lately, how to fix Los Angeles
and conflict of interest, was filed has been a popular subject in Los Angeles City Council President Paul Krekorian holds a news conference to discuss action <to preserve public trust= following the filing
eight months after a leaked audio- committee meetings both formal of charges against Los Angeles Council member Curren Price Jr.
tape exposed the racist remarks and advisory. Krekorian, who as-
and backroom dealings of top city sumed the presidency after his appears most likely to succeed. increasing the size of the council
leaders, spurring one council predecessor resigned amid fallout While the state has turned over in a poll late last year by the Los
member9s resignation and an- from the leaked recording, is lead- redistricting to an independent Angeles Times and a group of
other9s ostracization. ing a council group on governance commission, the L.A. city council nonprofits.
Then, there are the recent reform, which has crisscrossed has held onto the power to draw One key to bolstering this sup-
guilty pleas and convictions of the city to hold listening sessions its own district lines, a setup that port will be significantly strength-
three other ex-council members, on the biggest ideas. in recent decades has become in- ening the city9s ethics commis-
rounding out a group of disgraced Krekorian9s committee will ul- creasingly contentious and rife sion, said Rob Quan, an organizer
former city officials that is large timately suggest language for pro- with political influence. The ex- with Unrig L.A., a coalition of
enough to field a basketball team. posals that will end up on local plosive leaked audio captured a community organizations and ac-
Voters in Los Angeles are exasper- ballots next year if a majority of part of this process, revealing law- tivists.
ated, and analysts say their trust the council approves them. At the makers haggling over boundaries <If we9re going to be asking
in the city9s institutions is erod- same time, a brain trust of six while using crass and offensive people to embrace more politi-
ing. leading Los Angeles scholars is language. cians, we9ve got to be delivering
Now, multiple efforts are un- working on its own set of recom- Supporters of independent re- more accountability and it has to
derway to reform the Democratic- mendations meant to guide the districting say removing the be a real, tangible thing,= Quan
controlled city council, with sug- council9s policymaking. The inde- council from the equation will said, pointing to a sweeping pack-
gested changes ranging from the pendent group released its draft make lawmakers more account- age of suggested ethics reforms
incremental to the structural. But report on Thursday, proposing 10 able and prevent them from ma- introduced last year that has been
unlike past attempts to address new city council members, two nipulating districts to influence stuck in committee and has not
what many say is a broken system, independent redistricting com- the outcome of elections. received a hearing.
this time the call is also coming missions and more teeth for the <I can guarantee as sure as I9m Ringo h.W. Chiu/AP The package would guarantee a
from inside city hall, with key ethics watchdog. standing here we will advance a Price has denied charges of embezzlement, conflict of interest and budget for the ethics commission,
council members on board. While <The moment is now for proposal to the ballot for the peo- perjury. so it no longer has to seek approv-
details are still being debated, two change,= said Ange-Marie Han- ple to vote on that will provide al from the lawmakers it regu-
of the most seismic changes 4 cock, who co-chairs the panel, truly independent redistricting,= The future of the other major helped lead the last major revi- lates, and it would give the com-
establishing an independent com- which is known as the L.A. Gov- Krekorian said. <I can9t say exactly pillar of reform 4 increasing the sion of the city charter in 1999 and mission the ability to place policy
mission to draw council district ernance Reform Project. what the details of it are going to number of city council members, is now the executive director of recommendations directly on the
lines and expanding the size of the Of all the suggestions, an inde- be, but that is going to happen for effectively weakening the power the Haynes Foundation, which ballot.
council itself 4 appear more pos- pendent redistricting committee sure.= of each of them 4 is less certain. supports social science research In November, Angelenos reel-
Krekorian said he believes the in L.A. <The city electorate is more ing from the leaked tape scandal
council will put some version of diverse, younger and election elected Karen Bass as mayor,
Get your expansion on the ballot in 2024,
but described its odds of winning
dates have been moved to even
numbered years. I wouldn9t say
choosing an experienced Demo-
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By sheer numbers, the city of popular.= ment. During the campaign, Bass
Los Angeles could be considered The group of academics, of supported independent redis-
the country9s least representative. which Sonenshein is a part, sug- tricting. She said that she did not
or visit Its 15 council members have more gested the council expand to 25 then favor enlarging the city
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than 260,000 constituents each, members, including four elected council, but would like to see the
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districts in the nation. If the dis- activists have lobbied for an even In recent months, activists and
tricts were cities, they9d be larger higher number, or multimember officials desperate to increase vot-
than Richmond and Boise, Idaho. districts like those recently ap- er engagement and trust have also
Meanwhile, New York City has 51 proved in Portland, Ore. pushed to tighten the city9s lobby-
council members, each with an But reformers will have to con- ing code and have suggested ideas
average of 166,000 constituents, vince the public of reasoning that like <democracy vouchers,= a pro-
and Chicago has 50, working out at first may sound counterintui- gram growing in popularity that
to about 54,000 constituents per tive: The answer to corrupt politi- would give all voters a number of
member. cians is more politicians. city-paid vouchers to donate to
Critics of the current arrange- Residents appear open to the candidates of their choosing, an
ment, including many of the idea, with 61 percent of registered attempt to increase political par-
council members themselves, say voters saying they would favor ticipation across income levels
it gives elected officials too much and decrease the power of big
power, and makes them less re- donors.
sponsive to average constituents <There9s not going to be one
and more reliant on big donors. silver bullet,= said Godfrey Plata,
Yet the size of the council has the deputy director of LA For-
not changed since 1925, despite ward, a community advocacy or-
the city9s dramatic population <I feel this is the time ... ganization.
growth in the near-century that But the drumbeat of city hall
followed. Past attempts to in- for us to really make controversies has opened a win-
crease council size in the 1970s, dow to make real change, he said,
980s and 990s failed, as voters changes that people in and now the city has a chance to

overwhelmingly rejected the idea undo policies that have marginal-

of more politicians. But one im-
portant shift since the last at-
previous councils would ized many.
<We9re being given the opportu-
not have been able to
tempt came in 2015, when former- nity right now to write rules that
ly off-year elections were aligned benefit us,= Plata said. <And we
A MONTH up to 18 months with statewide and federal elec-
tions to spur turnout.
Paul Krekorian,
have to seize this opportunity.=

<I think things have changed,= emily guskin in Washington

Los Angeles City Council president
said Raphael Sonenshein, who contributed to this report.
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sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post eZ sU a17

The World

aDrIan DennIs/aFP/getty Images

King Charles III, center, rides back to Buckingham Palace after Trooping the Colour. He was accompanied by his son Prince William and two of his siblings, Princess Anne and Prince Edward.


LONDON 4 For some, it was

perhaps bittersweet, another sign
Britain9s King Charles takes the reins companied on horseback by his
son and heir Prince William, the
Prince of Wales, and two of the
king9s siblings, Princess Anne, the
that a new era has begun, as
Britain celebrated the official
birthday of King Charles III on
Saturday with a military parade
for Trooping the Colour celebration Princess Royal, and Prince Ed-
ward, the Duke of Edinburgh.
The disgraced Prince Andrew
was nowhere to be seen.
called Trooping the Colour. It was At his first parade marking his 8official birthday,9 the November-born monarch rides on horseback In the parade, the <colour= re-
his first as sovereign, starring fers to a flag featuring the uni-
1,400 soldiers, 400 musicians, form color and insignia of a par-
and the show-stealers, 200 hors- hours of parading. He reviewed A lifelong equestrian, a former dian Mounted Police. father9s place in 1951. George died ticular army unit. Before modern
es. the troops, offering up smart sa- polo player, the new king looked Charles is the first king to in 1952. Elizabeth last rode in the communications, <Regimental
The play was the same, but the lutes, his face mostly obscured by confident in the saddle, his white- appear at the birthday parade trooping in 1986, though she con- Colours= were used as rallying
actors had changed. There were the tall black bearskin cap on his gloved hand steady on the reins of since 1950, the last year King tinued to ride privately at her points in battle, helping soldiers
the huge drum horses, the farri- head and the chin strap below his his steed, named Noble, a gift to George VI attended. Elizabeth ap- estates well into her 90s. figure out where they needed to
ers with glinting axes and the bottom lip. the palace from the Royal Cana- peared, side saddle, in her sick On Saturday, Charles was ac- be and distinguishing their unit
buglers. The Mall from Bucking- from others. The <trooping= bit
ham Palace to Horse Guards Pa- refers to young officers assigned
rade grounds was a sea of red to march between ranks of troops
tunics. displaying their flag.
The crowds were respectable 4 And though the parade cel-
but not huge. ebrates his <official birthday,= the
They9ve been doing this for June date is just a chance to offer
more than 260 years 4 since summer procession. Charles9s
George II 4 and they are very real birthday is Nov. 14, 1948.
good at it. The BBC host of these ceremo-
For the past seven decades, this nies, Huw Edwards, pronounced
was the annual honor bestowed the whole show <very, very smart.=
upon Queen Elizabeth II 4 and One of his guests reported that
last year the celebration was an afterward, the horses are reward-
especially big one, marking her ed with <recovery rations,= in-
Platinum Jubilee. cluding carrots and apples. The
She died in September at her king and queen might have some-
castle in Scotland. Then there was thing stronger.
her funeral, with 10 days of No soldiers fainted, as the skies
mourning, and afterward, the were overcast and temperatures
coronation of Charles at West- in the high 70s. Earlier in the
minster Abbey in May. week, while practicing, at least
The royal family has been on three troops crumpled in the heat
near-constant display over the on hotter days.
past year. Not only has the crown In a carriage rode the new
been passed, but Prince Harry Queen Camilla, wearing a kind of
and his wife, Meghan, the Duch- bearskin fascinator hat. Beside
ess of Sussex, have dominated her was Catherine, the Princess of
headlines, with the release of Wales, and her three children,
their self-produced six-hour George, Charlotte and Louis, age
documentary for Netflix and Har- 5, who provided the photogra-
ry9s best-selling memoir, <Spare.= phers with an image of the day, by
The book alleged that his father, holding his nose.
Charles; brother, Prince William; Perhaps it was the horses.
and stepmother, now Queen Ca- After returning to Buckingham
milla, took active roles in press Palace, the king and queen and
attacks against the couple, who senior working royals appeared
now live in the United States. on the balcony to wave to the
Harry and Meghan did not crowds as Royal Air Force heli-
attend. copters, jets and historical air-
Anyway, no golden carriage planes flew in formation over-
alastaIr grant/aP
ride for Charles this time. head. It appeared a slimmed-
At 74 years old, Charles rode on King Charles and Queen Camilla wave to the crowd from the balcony of Buckingham Palace after the parade. Prince William and down group portrait, intentional
horseback throughout the two Catherine, the Princess of Wales, stand behind them. Neither Prince Andrew nor Prince Harry participated in the festivities. and not.

D ige s t

suDan between the military and a The fighting broke out in mid- PolanD Justice (PiS) party has focused Pakistan9s Punjab province
powerful paramilitary group April, capping months of on opposing what it calls <LGBT overturned after its brakes failed
Airstrike in Khartoum known as the Rapid Support increasing tensions between the LGBTQ+ marchers ideology= in previous campaigns. Saturday, killing at least 12
kills 17, officials say Forces. leaders of the military and the demand equal rights With an election in October or people and leaving eight others
There was no immediate RSF. November looking tight, activists injured, police and health
An airstrike in Sudan9s capital comment Saturday from either Saturday9s strike hit the Tens of thousands marched expect PiS to use issues like officials said. Saqib Waheed,
on Saturday killed at least 17 side of the conflict on the strike, Yormouk neighborhood in through the streets of Warsaw same-sex marriage and teaching spokesman for the federal
people, including five children, and it was not clear whether the southern Khartoum, where on Saturday to demand equality about LGBTQ+ issues in schools Motorway Police, said the bus
health officials said, as fighting attack was by warplanes or a clashes have centered in recent for LGBTQ+ people, as the to mobilize socially conservative was traveling from the capital,
continued between rival generals drone. The military9s aircraft weeks, according to Sudan9s community eyes upcoming voters in the predominantly Islamabad, to the eastern city of
seeking to control the country. have repeatedly targeted RSF Health Ministry. Polish elections in which gay Catholic country. Lahore when its brakes failed.
The attack in Khartoum was troops, and the RSF has The area houses a military rights could play a prominent The crash happened about 85
one of the deadliest of the reportedly used drones and facility that is controlled by the role. Bus crash in mountains of miles from the capital on a sharp
clashes in urban areas of the antiaircraft weapons against the army. The country9s ruling Pakistan leaves 12 dead: A bus turn in the Salt mountain range.
capital and elsewhere in Sudan military. 4 Associated Press conservative nationalist Law and traveling on a highway in 4 From news services
A18 eZ re the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

Singer in German band

Rammstein faces sexual
assault accusations
BY K ATE B RADY in front of the barriers from which
AND L OVEDAY M ORRIS women are allegedly chosen to
meet with the lead singer.
BERLIN 4 The lead singer for <She asked my age and where
German rock band Rammstein, I9m from, once I confirmed she
known for its provocative stage then sent me a link to a WhatsApp
shows featuring bondage gear group,= Lynn tweeted. <All girls
and wild pyrotechnics, is facing a were asked to send a selfie, with 8I
police investigation into allega- want to pre party9 or 8I want to
tions of sexual assault. after party,9 or both,= she said.
Following allegations from a According to Lynn, she attend-
24-year-old fan that she was ed both. At the pre-show party, she
drugged and woke with unex- had a few drinks, including a
plained bruises after a concert last group tequila shot with Linde-
month in Vilnius, Lithuania, at mann, before her memory faded,
least half a dozen women have she wrote.
come forward with accusations She recalled being led under
against frontman Till Linde- the stage to meet Lindemann dur-
mann, 60, in the German press. ing intermission. When she told
They describe a system at con- the singer that she would not have
certs whereby fans are recruited sex with him, he reacted angrily
to have sex with the Rammstein and left in a rage, she wrote. She
singer and then feel pressured went on to attend a later after-
into sexual acts or are sexually show party. In the morning, she
assaulted with little to no recollec- found bruises on her body and
tion of events. called the police.
<It has been repeatedly claimed In the weeks that followed, the
AFp/Getty imAGeS that women at 8Rammstein9 con- band was repeatedly hit by similar
A boy is comforted Saturday at the scene of an attack at the Mpondwe Lhubiriha Secondary School in Mpondwe, Uganda. certs were drugged with knock- accusations involving the appar-
out drops or alcohol to enable our ent <casting= of women to have sex

At least 37 killed in attack in Uganda school client to perform sexual acts on

them,= Rammstein9s lawyers said
in earlier this month, threatening
legal action against accusers.
with Lindemann.
<I9m very glad this is being tak-
en seriously and investigated, it9s
a relief we are finally being heard,
<Without exception, these allega- given all the bad news we9ve had
the scene at Lhubiriha Secondary Saturday that it was <deeply sad- according to Kulayigye. Law en- tions are untrue.= The lawyers did these last few weeks,= Lynn told
School, <the school was found dened to learn of the heinous at- forcement joined the military in not immediately respond to a re- The Post via Instagram, adding
Suspected militants also burning with dead bodies of stu- tack= and offered condolences to pursuit as the rebels fled in the quest for comment on the police that she had personally heard
abducted 6, set fire to dents lying in the compound,= the victims9 families. In a state- direction of the park, police said. investigation. from dozens of women with simi-
Kulayigye, a brigadier general, ment, the United Nations The attack was the latest atroci- But after weeks of stories in the lar experiences.
campus, officials say said in a statement. Children9s Fund condemned the ty blamed on rebel groups operat- German media, Berlin prosecu- A woman named as Kaya R.,
The local mayor, Selevest violence it said took place on <the ing out of Congo9s eastern region, tors on Wednesday launched an one of five women who spoke to
Mapoze, gave an even more grim same day gazetted to commemo- with violence sometimes spilling investigation into Lindemann <on the German daily Süddeutsche
BY K ELSEY A BLES, account to the Associated Press, rate the Day of the African Child.= over the border with Uganda. the basis of several criminal com- Zeitung, said she was invited to
V ICTORIA B ISSET saying 41 people had been killed. On Twitter, Bobi Wine, a rap- The Kivu Security Tracker, a plaints filed by third parties,= a meet Lindemann after a concert
AND A ARON G REGG Some of the victims suffered fatal per-turned-opposition leader, conflict-mapping project run by spokeswoman for Berlin prosecu- in her hometown of Vienna in
burns in a dormitory that the at- said he hopes <investigations can New York University and Human tion confirmed to The Washing- 2019. She told the newspaper she
Suspected militants killed at tackers set on fire, Mapoze said, begin in earnest so that the perpe- Rights Watch, recorded 3,850 in- ton Post in a statement. The probe was aware that there was a <sexual
least 37 people and abducted six and others were shot or hacked to trators of this crime face justice.= dividuals killed in 730 attacks at- centers on <allegations of sexual component= involved but as-
others in an attack on a school in death with machetes. The attackers spent two nights tributed to the ADF in Congo9s offenses and the distribution of sumed nothing would happen
western Uganda, authorities said According to Kulayigye, the sus- in the area in western Uganda eastern region since 2017. In narcotics,= the statement said. against her will.
Saturday. pected attackers were rebels from before the assault, Maj. Gen. Dick March, the ADF killed 36 people in A day later Universal, the She said she doesn9t remember
The raid in Mpondwe, near the the Allied Democratic Forces Olum, commander of the a raid on a village in Congo9s North group9s record label, announced getting to the hotel room, where
border with the Democratic (ADF), an extremist group that Ugandan forces operating in Kivu province, the AP reported. that it was <suspending coopera- she fell unconscious and awoke
Republic of Congo, took place late has ties to the Islamic State and Congo, told residents at the site, On Monday, 114 asylum seekers tion= with the band <until further with Lindemann <on me.=
Friday, according to Defense Min- operates in Uganda and across the the Daily Monitor newspaper re- 4 70 of whom were children 4 notice.= Lindemann9s book pub- It is unclear exactly how many
istry spokesman Felix Kulayigye, border in Congo. He said Ugandan ported. crossed the border from Congo to lisher has also cut ties. women have come forward, as
who said five rebels set fire to the forces were <pursuing the enemy After the raid, the rebels forced Uganda, fleeing what Uganda9s In the first statement from a some have spoken to other outlets
school9s campus and looted its to rescue those abducted and de- the abducted students to help Red Cross Society said were sus- band member, drummer Chris- anonymously. Lindemann9s law-
food stocks. stroy= the group. them carry the looted food toward pected ADF attacks in Congo9s toph Schneider said in social me- yers have accused the media of
When military forces arrived on The U.S. mission in Uganda said Congo9s Virunga National Park, Kasindi, about six miles from dia post Friday that the accusa- <failing to research and collect
Mpondwe. They later returned tions had <deeply shaken= the sufficient evidence= and not re-
home after Congolese forces as- band and he believed nothing ille- porting in a <balanced and objec-
sured them it was safe to do so. gal had taken place. But he then tive manner.=
It was unclear why the school appeared to distance himself The allegations have sparked a

was targeted, but Olum told re- from Lindemann9s <private par- broader debate in Germany about
porters that the ADF could be ties.= consent when it comes to sex
lashing out under pressure. After <Things seem to have hap- between stars and fans. Germany

a spate of suicide bombings in pened that, although legally okay, remained relatively untouched by
2021, Uganda9s military launched I personally don9t think are right. the global #MeToo movement that
joint air and artillery strikes Certain structures have grown took off in 2017, but there have
against ADF camps in Congo, in that went beyond the limits and been some high-profile cases in
cooperation with Congolese forc- values of the other band mem- recent years.
THE FIRST TIME. es. That mission, dubbed Opera-
tion Shujaa, was extended last
bers. It is also important to us that
Till9s parties are not confused
There has also been renewed
scrutiny of Lindemann9s often
year. with our official after-show par- controversial lyrics and writing.
<They are under huge pressure, ties,= he said in his statement. <Till His poem <Wenn du Schläfst=
¥ and so this is what they have to do:
show the world that they are still
has distanced himself from us in
recent years and created his own
(<When you Sleep=) prompted a
huge debate in Germany when it

there, and show the world that bubble.= was released in 2020.
¥ they can still do havoc, which they
did,= Olum said Saturday.
Founded in 1994 with roots in
the East German underground
<I like to sleep with you when
you sleep, when you don9t stir at
¥ The attackers used tactics em-
ployed by the ADF in previous
punk rock scene and influenced
by U.S. bands such as Kiss and
all,= the poem begins, in German.
<And that9s just how it should be

campaigns, he said. Anthrax, Rammstein is one of (how it should be so that it9s fun).
¥ <What happens is every time we
put the ADF under a huge pres-
Germany9s best-known musical
exports, with sales of more than
A little Rohypnol in the wine (a
little Rohypnol in the glass). You
¥ sure & they try to pull us back to
our area, to see if they can divide
20 million albums. The band plays
to packed stadiums on both sides
can9t move at all. And you9re sleep-
ing, it9s a blessing.= Rohypnol has

and divert our forces,= Olum said. of the Atlantic, a feat virtually been used as a drug to incapaci-
¥ <They come in very small numbers
4 five, ten 4 and do such may-
unheard of for any other German-
speaking band. Their 1997 hit <Du
tate someone for purposes of as-
¥ hem; kill, maim, rob. And in so
doing, they think they9ll divert us.=
Hast= made it to No. 20 on Bill-
board9s U.S. Mainstream Rock
At the time of the poem9s publi-
cation, Lindemann9s publisher
The ADF, which was founded by chart. Kiepenheuer & Witsch defended
¥ Ugandan exiles in Congo in 1995 But it is their provocative stage him.
& MORE with the aim of toppling Uganda9s
government, has a history of at-
shows for which the band is per-
haps best known. In 1999, Linde-
But on June 2 the publisher
severed ties with the Rammstein
tacks throughout the region, in- mann and keyboardist Flake singer, citing <a porn video in
cluding at least one targeting an Lorenz were charged with lewd which Till Lindemann celebrates
educational institution. In 1998, and lascivious behavior after a sexual violence against women=
the group raided a college in west- show in Worcester, Mass., during that features the singer9s poetry
ern Uganda, killing 80 students which Lindemann simulated anal anthology, the publishing house
and abducting 100 others, accord- sex with Lorenz using a fake phal- said.
ing to the Daily Monitor. lus. In its own statement suspend-
Since then, the United States, Shelby Lynn, the 24-year-old ing ties, Universal said, <The alle-
United Nations and Ugandan and from Northern Ireland who first gations against Till Lindemann
Congolese governments have all came forward with allegations of shocked us and we have the great-
accused the group of waging vio- being spiked at a Rammstein con- est respect for the women who
SPRING SPECIAL lent attacks, including against ci-
vilians, military forces and U.N.
cert, said she contacted a woman
on Instagram ahead of the show
spoke out so courageously in this
peacekeepers inside Congo. who was rumored in chat groups Another 20 dates remain on
$500 OFF your $2,500+ The group established ties with to help fans access pre- and after- Rammstein9s current three-
Contracted Project or the Islamic State group in 2018, show parties or the <row zero= month European tour, including
according to the U.S. State Depart- area 4 the area closest to the stage three nights in Berlin.
ment, which designated the ADF
$1,000 OFF your $10,000+ as a foreign terrorist organization
Contracted Project in 2021 and has offered a reward of
up to $5 million for information
on its leader, Seka Musa Baluku.
SCHEDULE BY: 6/30/23. *Cannot be In 2020, U.N. investigators said
combined with other offers. Does not apply to
existing contracts.
that the widespread and systemat-
ic nature of the ADF9s attacks
against civilian populations may
amount to war crimes and crimes
against humanity. But even as
Ugandan and Congolese forces
have stepped up their anti-ADF
campaign, the group appears to
VA 703.691.5500 have <expanded its areas of opera-
home MD 301.388.5959
tions, capacity, and lethality since
2021,= according to a 2022 report
DC 202.770.3131 from the Congressional Research Service.
ChriStophe GAteAu/AFp/Getty imAGeS
Ables reported from Seoul, Bisset
VA #2701039723 | MD MHIC #1176 | DC #2242 from London and Gregg from Till Lindemann, lead vocalist of Rammstein, performs in Germany
Washington. in 2019. Several women say he drugged and assaulted them.
sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re A19

Blinken arrives in Beijing amid deep ûssures in U.S.-China relations

BY J OHN H UDSON for the Chinese Foreign Ministry Washington9s deployment of air
last month. and naval assets to the South Chi-
BEIJING 4 Antony Blinken be- Over the course of the visit, na Sea as an affront to China9s
came the first secretary of state to Blinken will be pushed in several sovereignty, and believe that im-
visit China in five years on Sunday different directions from key play- proving communications with
as he arrived in the country for ers inside and outside of his meet- Washington will simply make the
two days of high-stakes meetings ings. Pentagon more comfortable oper-
aimed at stabilizing a relationship Top Republicans in Congress ating in East Asia, say analysts.
under historic stress. are already second-guessing his <The United States has gotten
His hosts previewed the tense decision to travel to China. <Once very used to using international
visit with multiple rebukes of the we9re there, we9re beholden to an waters and airways to do intelli-
United States, accusing Washing- entirely new process of conces- gence and reconnaissance for dec-
ton of engaging in <irresponsible sions because of the pressure to ades,= said Michael O9Hanlon, a
bullying= and living under the <il- present 8deliverables,9= said Rep. military scholar at the Brookings
lusion= it could deal with China Mike Gallagher (Wis.), the chair- Institution. <We do this constantly
from a <position of strength.= man of the Select Committee on 20 miles off the Chinese coast 4
China9s foreign minister, Qin the Chinese Communist Party, in a and they9re typically not 20 miles
Gang, warned Blinken that he column for the Wall Street Jour- off our coast.=
should <show respect= during a nal. <We Americans like it that way
pre-trip phone call, and made Michael McCaul (R-Tex.), the 4 we don9t really believe in play-
clear his view that Washington chairman of the House Foreign ing fair or having a level playing
alone was responsible for the Affairs Committee, criticized ground when it comes to who gets
abysmal state of relations. Blinken for not imposing new to snoop on whom,= he added. <All
But U.S. officials said Blinken penalties and export controls on this stuff is going to stay tense.=
remained hopeful that the two China, and instead pursuing Despite the opposing outlooks,
nations could move beyond feud- <fruitless talks.= Blinken9s team believes it can
ing rhetoric and make progress on But during Blinken9s meetings make progress with China on in-
establishing regular lines of com- with U.S. business leaders, he is creasing at least some official en-
leah Millis/Pool/reuters
munication 4 a modest objective expected to receive encourage- gagement on the trip. <I can say
given the many existing disagree- Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrives in Beijing early Sunday. American officials said Blinken is ment for pursuing a more accom- with great confidence there is a
ments over trade, human rights, hopeful the United States and China can move beyond feuding. modating approach to China, recognition on both sides that we
Taiwan, Hong Kong and cyberse- which has been furious at the do need to have senior-level chan-
curity. Besides improving communi- with the role of peacemaker on the meetings with more immediately Biden administration9s penalties nels of communication,= said the
Last month, President Biden cations, Blinken9s team is interest- Middle East and the war in desired officials who focus on eco- on Chinese companies and re- senior State Department official.
predicted a thaw in China9s anger ed in working on increasing the Ukraine. nomic matters, analysts said. strictions on sensitive technol- A key question during Blinken9s
over the U.S. downing of its high- number of commercial flights be- The diplomatic streak has Bei- <The most that can be hoped for ogies, including advanced semi- visit is whether the deep mistrust
altitude surveillance balloon in tween the United States and China jing projecting confidence and in- is the Blinken visit sets the stage conductors. between U.S. and Chinese officials
February. The White House has and finding ways to lessen the U.S. dependence, but it can ill afford a for later visits by Secretaries Yel- Given the $700 billion in trade spills into public as it did during
indicated that Blinken9s trip could fentanyl crisis given that many of long standoff with Washington. len and Raimondo,= said David between the United States and their first meeting in Alaska,
unlock meetings between U.S. and the narcotic9s precursors come Facing an economic slowdown, Dollar, a senior fellow at the China, the U.S. business commu- shortly after Biden took office.
Chinese officials, including a lead- from China, said the senior State soaring youth unemployment and Brookings Institution. <China9s nity <remains focused on the im- With nationalist sentiment run-
er-to-leader engagement with Department official, who like oth- an anemic investment climate, concerned about various trade portance of the relationship,= said ning high in both countries, nei-
President Xi Jinping. ers spoke on the condition of ano- Chinese officials are keen to host and technology restrictions but the senior State Department offi- ther side can be expected to back
<I9m hoping that over the next nymity to discuss sensitive diplo- Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen [Blinken9s team] are not the right cial. down or shrug off a perceived
several months I9ll be meeting matic planning. and Commerce Secretary Gina people to negotiate on those is- <U.S. businesspeople are likely slight. Observers will be watching
with Xi again, and talking about Blinken will square off with his Raimondo to address U.S. tech- sues.= to ask for a reduction in tensions whether Blinken reiterates his
legitimate differences we have but counterparts at Beijing9s famed nology restrictions on China and Overall, U.S. officials are tele- so there is lower risk and lower view that China is carrying out
also how & to get along,= Biden Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, a lav- other economic matters. As part of graphing low expectations for the acrimony for their businesses in genocide against the country9s Uy-
told reporters before leaving to ish complex that hosted President this pro-business push, Xi met trip and downplaying the likeli- China,= said Daniel Russel, a Chi- ghur minority in Xinjiang prov-
Philadelphia. Richard M. Nixon a half-century with Microsoft co-founder Bill hood that it will be the start of a na expert at the Asia Society. ince 4 a charge Beijing strenuous-
When asked about Blinken9s ago during his historic outreach to Gates on Friday 4 a meeting that major rapprochement. The most urgent goal for U.S. ly denies.
frosty welcome from Chinese offi- China. followed visits to Beijing by JP- <We9re not going to Beijing with officials is restoring military-to- While Chinese officials may re-
cials, a senior State Department Like then, the United States has Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, the intent of having some sort of military channels with Beijing fol- frain from any public scolding of
official said that the secretary is driven the push for engagement Starbucks CEO Laxman breakthrough or transformation lowing multiple dangerous close Blinken while appearing next to
<well aware of the current state of with China 4 but the power dy- Narasimhan and Tesla and Twitter in the way that we deal with one calls in recent months, including a him, state media outlets are un-
the bilateral relationship= and un- namic has shifted dramatically in CEO Elon Musk. another,= Daniel Kritenbrink, the near-collision of warships near likely to hold back.
derscored that both sides would the intervening decades. But rather than acquiesce to top U.S. diplomat for East Asia, Taiwan and an aggressive fighter <I expect that the Chinese me-
be <candid= in expressing their Many times wealthier and more Chinese preferences that top U.S. told reporters on Wednesday. jet flyby over the South China Sea. dia will continue to be uncharita-
concerns. globally connected than it was in economic advisers travel first, the Chinese officials have set an Beijing recently rejected a U.S. ble to Secretary Blinken during
Blinken arrived in the early the 1970s, China has been flexing White House insisted that Blink- even lower bar, accusing Washing- offer for Defense Secretary Lloyd and after the visit,= said Ryan
morning with a full agenda: meet- its diplomatic muscles recently, en, one of Biden9s closest confi- ton of sending mixed messages Austin to meet his Chinese coun- Hass, a China expert and former
ings with Gang; the Communist brokering a rapprochement be- dants, be the first to Beijing, ac- about where it wants to take the terpart, Li Shangfu, doubting the Obama administration official.
Party9s top foreign policy official, tween regional rivals Saudi Arabia cording to people familiar with relationship. <The U.S. side asks <sincerity= of the invitation. Chi- <It9s going to be a test of discipline
Wang Yi; U.S. business leaders; and Iran, hosting French Presi- the negotiations. for communication on the one nese officials are still upset about for Secretary Blinken and his team
American embassy personnel; ex- dent Emmanuel Macron and Eu- As a result, Chinese officials side, yet on the other, suppresses punishments the United States to tune out the noise and focus on
change students; and potentially ropean Commission President Ur- view the Blinken visit as a neces- and contains China by every possi- imposed on Li in 2018 for buying the message that the Chinese are
Xi himself. sula von der Leyen, and flirting sary step to unlock follow-on ble means,= said a spokesperson arms from Russia. They also view conveying behind closed doors.=
A20 EZ sU the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

COLOmBIa from a1

children might have the skills to

survive in the jungle. But this was
a notoriously dangerous stretch,
infested with jaguars and venom-
ous snakes.
finally, after more than five
weeks of searching, the children
were found alive. Even baby Cris-
tin, who9d turned 1 in the forest.
They had survived the seeming-
ly impossible. first, the plane
crash that had killed the adults.
Then 40 days in the most inhospi-
table of environments.
But their battles were far from
The crash
The travelers were midway
through their 95-minute flight on
may 1 when the plane vanished
from tracking systems. The search
began immediately, with a days-
long walk into the forest. A team of
six Indigenous men led by Edwin
Paky, 36, swung machetes to hack
a path, making progress toward
the site.
They knew the forest well
enough to be confident. But also
well enough to be wary.
This was one of the densest,
wettest, least explored corners of
the Amazon basin, an interlude
wedged between the Caquetá and
Apaporis rivers in southern Co-
lombia. The air was humid; the
terrain, sodden.
But the terrain wasn9t merely
uncomfortable; it could be dan-
gerous. In the years since the 2016
peace deal that ended a hal-
f-century of conflict between the
paramilitary revolutionary
Armed forces of Colombia and the
government, a sense of optimism
had given way to resentment. The
fArC had been largely disman-
tled. But the government was slow
to make good on its end of the
deal: measures to relieve poverty
in conflict-torn rural areas that
colombiAn AiR foRcE viA REUtERs
had long suffered state neglect.
Guerrillas were rearming; new Soldiers of the Colombian air Force give medical attention to the surviving children while they are transferred to Bogotá by plane.
groups were mustering.
The result: a region now <com-
plex and extremely insecure,= said
Carlos Lasso, a security analyst at
the Alexander Von Humboldt Bio-
How the Amazon plane crash children survived the jungle
logical resources research Insti-
tute in Bogotá. <This was my most difficult,
Days into the search, Paky in- most complicated mission,= he
jured his knee. He was limping said.
behind the others when he heard His team invented new search
the shout: <The plane!= methods, stringing up construc-
The fuselage stuck out of the tion tape with whistles attached so
ground like a stalagmite. the kids could signal them. They
They could smell the bodies. In- set up a loudspeaker and a light to
side the cabin, murcia was on top of orient rescuers and save them
mucutuy, both dead. As was the from getting lost themselves. They
third adult, the Indigenous leader determined that sound carried
Herman mendoza Hernández. But more than 2 miles, so they blasted
there were also signs of life: The a message, recorded by Valencia in
plane door was open. Several bags their Indigenous language, telling
were outside. An improvised camp them to stay put. And they
4 little more than a bed of twigs 4 dropped food they hoped the chil-
lay near the wreckage. dren would find.
To Paky, it was obvious. The kids Within days, nearly 200 re-
were alive. sponders 4 a mix of Colombian
special operations and Indig-
a survivor at age 13 enous volunteers 4 had ventured
A phone rang in Bogotá. A into the forest. Sánchez was en-
gaunt black-haired woman re- couraged. They found evidence of
ceived news that filled her with the children. The diaper and top of
anguish, but also hope. maría fáti- a baby bottle were uncovered near
ma Valencia9s missing daughter the site.
had been found dead. But her By may 20, Sánchez was con- fAbiolA fERRERo foR thE WAshington Post fAbiolA fERRERo foR thE WAshington Post fAbiolA fERRERo foR thE WAshington Post
grandchildren were still unac- vinced they were close. They9d
counted for and may have wan- found footprints. He told his supe-
Caribbean Sea
dered into the forest. riors they were hours from finding aBOVE, FROm LEFT: Gen. Pedro Sánchez, head of Colombia9s
In their Indigenous community the kids. Then a massive rain PAnAmA Special Operations Joint Command, was tapped to lead the search.
near Araracuara, Valencia, 63, saw drenched the forest. The foot- vEnEZ. manuel miller Ranoque, father of two of the children, in Bogotá,
the children often. She knew they prints were washed away. The trail re Ri colombiA where he says the family was settling to escape violence. Eliécer
avia Paciûc
were strong. They had to be 4 they was lost. Gu Ocean muñoz is one the Indigenous men who found the children.
lived in a region of Colombia al- <my God,= Sanchez remem-
most entirely disconnected from bered asking: <What is this?= Destination of plane bRA.
the central government. No cell EcUADoR Nine-year-old Soleiny stood be- an media that his daughter had
san José del guaviare Detail
service. No electricity. No roads. Lost and alone in the forest PERU side them. died immediately. He said miller
The only means of travel? Walking Lesly knew her mother was It was June 9. forty days after was a violent person and alleged
paths and rivers. The nearest dead. mucutuy was lying motion- the crash. he9d struck his daughter. At times,
highway was three hours by boat less. So were murcia and mendo- calamar <Tenemos hambre,= Lesly said. mucutuy said, the children hid in
and three more on foot. za. But elsewhere in the wrecked We9re hungry. the forest while their parents
<A place the state has completely cabin, her siblings were stirring. They found the last child, 5- fought.
forgotten,= said manuel miller ra- She pulled her baby sister from year-old Tien, lying on the ground miller, asked by Colombian me-
noque, mucutuy9s husband and the her mother9s arms and brought 50 feet from the others. dia if he attacked the children9s
father of her two younger children. her other siblings out of the miraûores <my mom died,= he said. mother: <Verbally, yes. Physically,
Lesly, the oldest child, was wreckage, she told her grandpar- El Rosal <But your grandmother is look- very little. We more fought with
raised to survive. Like other Hu- ents. She held one of her brother9s ing for you,= one of the Indigenous words.=
Plane crash site carurú
itoto children, she knew from a diapers to a gash in her head, her rescuers said. <We9ll take you to To The Post, he said: <Yes, we
young age how to walk in the grandparents told The Washing- may 1 at approx. 7:44 am her.= mistreated each other verbally,
jungle, fish its waters, which fruits ton Post. Children discovered but I never left her in bed for hours
to eat and which to avoid. At 13, outside the plane, Lesly set up a 2 miles from
m crash a battle for custody or days because of some beating I
she lived as an adult. While her basic camp, stringing a towel and June 9 fátima Valencia and Narciso had given her.=

parents worked, she cared for her a mosquito net to provide shelter. mucutuy, magdalena mucutuy9s After the crash, fátima Valen-

younger siblings, her responsibili- They stayed one day, maybe more. is parents, caught up with their cia filed a police complaint against
ties leaving little time for mischief At one point, she told her grand- ver grandchildren at a military hospi- miller alleging domestic violence.
or mirth. parents, her younger brother tal in Bogotá. It was soon mobbed She blamed him for her daughter9s
<A very smart girl,= miller said. asked when their mother was go- with press and officials. Another death. Security in their Indig-
<Very serious. Short-tempered. ing to wake up. Lesly, uncertain battle was beginning to take enous community wasn9t as bad as
responsible.= whether he understood their Caque shape, this one for control of the he claimed, she said. There had
tá R
If anyone had the strength and mother was dead, said she didn9t ive Plane departs A
Araracuara narrative 4 and the children. been no reason to flee to Bogotá.
cunning to survive the jungle, her know. r Two camps had formed. The kids had been safe at home.
may 1 at 6:42 am
family believed, it was Lesly. Lesly decided to leave the on one side was magdalena miller cast his in-laws as oblivi-
wreckage, in search of a water mucutuy9s husband. miller had ous. <They9ve never worried about
8my God, what is this?9 source. She gathered the provi- 50 milEs
participated in the search. out- anything,= he told The Post. <How
Gen. Pedro Sánchez was less sions she could find: 11 pounds of side the hospital, he told reporters are they going to fight for custody
sources: Post reporting, colombian government, landsat imagery via google Earth
sanguine. The head of Colombia9s yuca flour, scissors, the mosquito that an armed group tried to re- of the children?=
lAUREn tiERnEY/thE WAshington Post
Special operations Joint Com- net and the baby9s bottle. Then the cruit the older children and The sides set their differences
mand, he was admired for his four children set out to find a river, threatened his life. To escape the aside for a moment Wednesday
competence and organizational relying on little more than a web- threat, he wanted to bring the morning in the hospital. fátima
capacity. But he had never taken bing of branches strung overhead. milk. When it ran out, she dropped ened, depleted. on the 39th day, family to the capital. Valencia had fallen ill after seeing
on a mission, dubbed operation The forest didn9t scare Lesly, the empty bottle onto the forest many were ready for a break. After the crash, he said, his wife her grandchildren and was admit-
Hope, like this. she told her grandparents. Nor did floor. Her siblings complained of But two men, Dairo Kumariteke had lived for four days. In her ted to the hospital. Now she was
It took more than two weeks to its animals. But now it was abdominal pain. The children and Eliécer muñoz, felt confident. dying words, he said, she told the on the phone, talking to the kids.
locate the plane. from there, they strange. She heard her grand- found some of the food dropped by one of the elders had taken yagé kids to find their father. Her voice was quiet, nurturing.
calculated how far the children mother9s disembodied voice 4 the the searchers and foraged for and seen the children in a vision. miller said his family, not his <Don9t be sad, because you9re
might walk in a day to establish a searchers9 broadcast 4 but didn9t seeds and fruits. But it wasn9t Then came the faint sound of a in-laws, should take care of the with me, my girl,= she told Soleiny.
search perimeter. Its size was understand. Was Valencia in the enough. baby crying. The searchers children. <You9re beautiful, my precious.=
stunning: more than 160 square helicopter she saw passing over- As hunger was closing in, time stopped and listened. <They didn9t grow up next to the She asked for Lesly. The girl9s
miles, in a forest so dense that head? She made out other voices was running out. Another wail. grandmother,= he told The Post. voice was low and flat.
visibility was less than 60 feet. in the forest but was nervous to go <I think those are the children!= on the other side were mu- <oh, my girl, don9t be sad,= the
And so wet it would rain more to them. She was afraid she9d be 8Those are the children!9 Kumariteke said, he later told re- cutuy9s parents. mucutuy and mil- grandmother cooed. <Don9t think
than 16 hours per day. punished for leaving the plane The Indigenous scouts prayed porters. ler had shared a combustible, un- of anything. Just stay there and
most daunting of all, the chil- site. To muffle the baby9s cries, she to the spirits of the forest, taking They rushed toward the sound. happy union. Now her parents eat, sleep, rest. All right?=
dren were moving targets. They9d put a hand over her mouth. the hallucinogen yagé in the hope And then there they were 4 dirty, called their son-in-law an abuser
have to comb the same quadrants They didn9t have much food. it would help them find the chil- skeletal, weakened, but alive. and a liar. marina Dias in brasília contributed
repeatedly. Lesley rationed baby Cristin9s dren. They had been injured, sick- Lesly was holding Cristin, now 1. Narciso mucutuy told Colombi- to this report.
sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post eZ Re a21

sunday opinion
Dana Milbank

As Trump is arraigned, Republicans

honor the insurrectionists
onald Trump could not have asked for a Greene and Higgins have introduced articles of

D nicer arraignment-day celebration.

During the very same hour in which the
former president surrendered to federal
authorities in Miami, his Republican allies in the
House were, in their most visible and official way yet,
impeachment with a combined 68 co-sponsors. But
Republicans don9t have the votes to impeach 4 in
part because they don9t have the goods on Mayorkas.
Illegal crossings of the southern border have
dropped 70 percent from their record highs, despite
embracing as heroes and martyrs the people who the end of pandemic border restrictions. That9s due
sacked the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, in hopes of in part to toughened Biden administration policies,
overturning Trump9s election defeat. including restrictions on asylum. Heightened en-
In the Capitol complex, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), forcement has also led to the seizure of record
with sidekick Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) amounts of fentanyl.
and four other far-right lawmakers, held a <hearing= Still, Green kicked off the proceedings with a
that honored participants in the riot, family mem- Trumpian flourish. <Murderers released into the
bers of Jan. 6 rioters and organizers of the attempted United States! Rapists released into the United
overthrow of the 2020 vote. States!= he shouted in the House television studio.
Technically, Gaetz couldn9t call such a hearing, <One-hundred-seven thousand dead Americans . . .
because he isn9t a committee chairman. But House Alejandro Mayorkas9s policies are the cause of all of
Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who is trying to win back this!=
the support of extremists such as Gaetz, let it happen Disagreement with Mayorkas9s 4 and therefore
anyway. Biden9s 4 policies doesn9t qualify as <high crimes
Gaetz did his all to make the proceedings look and misdemeanors.= Those trying to weaponize the
official. There were congressional seals on his government against Mayorkas are going to need a
nameplate and on the big screen behind him. A better weapon.
meeting room in the Capitol visitor center was
arranged to appear like a committee room, with emember when House Republicans cared
lawmakers facing the witnesses. Gaetz advertised
the <field hearing= as part of how <the 118th Con-
gress is investigating the weaponization of the
R about the federal debt? That was so two weeks
During the debt ceiling standoff, McCarthy said
federal government.= he was fighting to relieve the crushing burden of the
amanda andRade-Rhoades/aP
He impersonated a chairman 4 <you are recog- federal debt on future generations, insisting <it9s got
nized,= <thank you for your testimony,= <I9ll recognize From left, Reps. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.), Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) to end now.=
myself [for] questions,= <her time has expired= 4 and and Ralph Norman (R-S.C.) at an event Gaetz hosted at the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday. But last week, the House Ways and Means Commit-
the others played along (<thank you for the opportu- tee passed a three-part bill that would, over the next
nity to testify,= <I yield back=). Gaetz said testimony Straka, who on Jan. 6 yelled <go, go, go= to the mob three years, add $325 billion to the federal debt,
could be used <for the official record [of the] House= as they tried to breach the Capitol and <take it, take according to calculations made by Congress9s Joint
or for <work in the Judiciary Committee, upon which it= when rioters grabbed a shield from a police Committee on Taxation. That would more than wipe
I serve, or the Oversight Committee.= C-SPAN carried officer, <testified= to Gaetz9s panel that <we, the out the $186.1 billion saved over the same period by
the proceedings live. defendants of Jan. 6, need to be able to have some the debt deal 4 which Republicans had nearly tanked
The invited witnesses? sort of voice.= the economy to achieve just two weeks earlier.
" The wife of Ronald McAbee, who is awaiting trial And now they have that voice: the feckless House <Republicans, including those on this committee,
for allegedly attacking a police officer and dragging Republican leaders who let last week9s abomination held our entire U.S. economy hostage, purportedly
him into the mob while wearing a black vest that occur. because you9re concerned about Washington spend-
said <SHERIFF.= ing and our national debt,= Rep. Mike Thompson
l Underwear model John Strand, sentenced to n the Senate, Republican leaders have voiced (D-Calif.) protested at the day-long markup of the
two years and eight months for being part of the mob
that breached the Capitol on Jan. 6 and pushed past
police officers.
I little support for Trump, with GOP whip John
Thune (S.D.) calling the charges <very serious=
and Sen. John Cornyn (Tex.) calling them <not good.=
bills. <But now, less than two weeks later, you
brought before us a bill that would add over a trillion
dollars to our national debt.= The trillion-dollar
l Activist Brandon Straka, sentenced to home But in the House, McCarthy has shown no such figure comes from the Committee for a Responsible
detention and probation and fined for his Jan. 6 fortitude, hewing closely to the Fox News assess- Federal Budget, a think tank that calculated that if
actions. ment of the situation, as expressed in an on-screen temporary tax cuts in the bill were made permanent
l The aunt of Matthew Perna; Perna killed himself <news alert= last week: <Wannabe dictator speaks at (as often occurs), the bill would actually add $1.1 tril-
while awaiting sentencing for his role in breaching the White House after having his political rival lion to the debt through 2033.
the Capitol. arrested.= How to explain this sudden change of heart about
l Ed Martin, an organizer of the <Stop the Steal= McCarthy began by calling the indictment a the federal debt? Rep. Greg Murphy (R-N.C.) tried
effort leading up to Jan. 6. <brazen weaponization of power= and a <grave objectivism.
l And Jeffrey Clark, the Trump Justice Depart- injustice.= He threatened to block funding for a new RiCky CaRioTi/The WashingTon PosT <I9m slogging through right now . . . a 1957 book
ment official who tried to get states to toss the FBI headquarters in retaliation. Last week, he Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.) on June 8. written by a lady named Ayn Rand, called 8Atlas
election results. accused Biden of stealing classified documents from Shrugged,9 = said Murphy, who apparently just dis-
The lawmakers hailed them all. a secure facility, and he said Trump9s handling of Luna (R-Fla.), previously best known for her cre- covered the 20th-century champion of self-interest.
<To all of you, my condolences,= said Rep. Paul documents (piled in a bathroom) was superior to atively written résumé, introduced a <privileged He cautioned that <it9s very laborious= but <a
Gosar (R-Ariz.), who added tenderly that <you know Biden9s (in a garage) because <a bathroom door resolution= to censure and fine Rep. Adam Schiff wonderful lesson.=
how I feel about Ashli= Babbitt, the woman police locks.= (D-Calif.) $16 million for his role in leading Trump9s Perhaps he was taken by Rand9s admonition to
shot as she breached the last line of defense Will Trump avail himself of the privacy-lock first impeachment. House Majority Leader Steve <never live for the sake of another man.= That could
protecting lawmakers in the House chamber. defense? And will anybody have the heart to tell Scalise promptly pledged to <help it pass= 4 and put account for the House GOP9s approach to this year9s
<This is heartbreaking,= added Rep. Ralph Nor- McCarthy that garage doors have locks? Or that it on the floor Wednesday afternoon. appropriations bills.
man (R-S.C.), <the way you all have been treated.= bathroom doors lock only from the inside? Luna, full of confidence that her attack on her McCarthy, in one of his many efforts to placate
Greene added <my deepest sympathy for each of McCarthy is acting, as he often does, out of senior colleague would prevail, told Politico9s Olivia the far-right dissidents in his caucus, last week
you, and all the pain and suffering that you9ve all had weakness. Taking an honorable position on Trump, Beavers before the vote that she was acting against agreed to jettison the spending levels he and Biden
to go through because of this government.= She told as his Senate counterparts did, would antagonize the Schiff <at the suggestion of a member of leadership.= agreed to in the debt deal. House Republicans will
them that they were the victims of <sick, evil people= far right and could topple his historically weak Scalise, GOP whip Tom Emmer (Minn.) and GOP now try to slash spending even further 4 essential-
and that she and other lawmakers had a <constitu- speakership. Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (N.Y.) all voted with ly reneging on the agreement after just two weeks
tional duty to object to Joe Biden9s fraudulent And so, there is nobody to tell the looniest Luna. Alas for her, 20 Republicans retained more and putting the government on course for a
electoral college votes because we all believed that members of his caucus to take it down a notch 4 just integrity than their leaders and joined with Demo- shutdown this fall.
the election had been stolen.= as there was nobody to tell Gaetz et alia not to hold a crats to kill Luna9s censure gambit.
Gaetz opened the hearing with a video suggesting <hearing= glorifying insurrectionists. It was a temporary reprieve for good sense. fter an appalling spate of mass shootings, the
FBI culpability in the Jan. 6 attack. He claimed he
<became aware of evidence= that the Justice Depart-
ment had evidence of <fraud in the election= but
There is nobody, for example, to tell Rep. Clay
Higgins to cut it out. The Louisiana Republican, who
has militia ties and previously threatened violence
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) last week threatened
to use the same <privileged-resolution= procedure to
bring articles of impeachment against President
A House finally took action on guns last week.
Republicans passed, largely along party lines,
a bill making it easier to obtain firearms.
Trump Attorney General <Bill Barr was suppressing on social media, tweeted this message about Trump9s Biden to the House floor. She joins a crowded Specifically, they voted to strike down new regula-
evidence.= arraignment in Miami: <This is a perimeter probe impeach-Biden field: At least 11 House Republicans tions on <stabilizing braces= that make handguns
Gosar blamed the attack on <people undercover, from the oppressors. Hold. rPOTUS has this. Buckle have introduced or co-sponsored impeachment arti- more powerful and deadly 4 and have been used in
whether it be antifa, FBI, whatever.= Norman sug- up. 1/50K know your bridges. Rock steady calm. That cles against the president. several recent massacres.
gested that the FBI was framing people who weren9t is all.= But first comes the impeachment of Homeland The primary sponsor of the legislation was
involved in the attack. Most won9t recognize such QAnon codes: Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. The pro- Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-Ga.), a gun dealer by trade. If
Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Tex.) offered his view that <rPOTUS= means Trump is the <real= president, ceedings began last week. They9re just not allowed to that conflict of interest weren9t jarring enough, the
people in charge in the Capitol (Democrats, presum- 1/50K is a military map scale, and <know your call it <impeachment= yet. Republican floor leader for part of the debate was
ably) <hid the intelligence= showing that an attack bridges= is a reference to preparing attack points, <We haven9t even gotten to that word,= Homeland Rep. Thomas Massie (Ky.), known for his Christmas
was coming. <It9s like they wanted this to happen.= author Jeff Sharlet, an authority on extremism, has Security Committee Chairman Mark Green (R-Tenn.) card showing each member of his family holding an
Nehls added that <I believe Ashli Babbitt was explained. said at a news conference Wednesday, making AR-style weapon.
murdered that day,= and he said he hopes Trump will Scary? Now consider that this dangerous hooligan quotation marks with his fingers. Massie, railing against gun-free zones, told the
return to power and send the officer who shot her is the chairman of the border security subcommittee Green was unveiling the GOP9s don9t-call-it- House about a former aide whose husband was shot
before a grand jury. of the House Homeland Security Committee. impeachment inquiry, a <five-phase deep dive= in a bar. She couldn9t fire back, as she had left her
From the witness table came howls of <wrongful authorized by McCarthy that would prove Mayorkas own gun in her car because <the sign said 8No Guns
conviction= and <fascism.= From the dais came a cry or a group purporting to be concerned about <has been willfully derelict= and <disregarded his Inside9 because they served alcohol.=
of <tyranny.= From both came attacks on judges,
juries and prosecutors. Audience members were
wearing T-shirts saying rioters had been <murdered
F the <weaponization of government,= House
Republicans sure seem intent on turning
their own corner of the federal government into a
oath.= Explained Green: <We9re going to get more
information about the failures of this secretary, and
when we9re done we9ll make a recommendation to
An incredulous Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.)
took issue with Massie <suggesting that it9s okay for
people to carry guns into bars when they are drunk.=
by Capitol police.= In the hallway, keeping the peace, tactical nuke. the Judiciary Committee.= Added McGovern: <This place is crazier than
were two Capitol Police officers, guarding the people On the same day as Trump9s arraignment, far- It9s yet another move by McCarthy to placate the usual.=
accusing them of murder. right first-term representative Rep. Anna Paulina hard right. Reps. Pat Fallon (Tex.), Andy Biggs (Ariz.), All week, it was demonstrably so.

Michael De aDDer

Masters of disasters
a22 ez re the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

CatheRine Rampell with graphics by youyou zhou

How much did Congress lose by defunding the IRS?

Way more than we thought.
he White House and Congress recently Wealthy people generally fects on voluntary compliance from ramping up IRS

average cost per audit, by income percentile
agreed to claw back more than $20 billion in-person audits, 2010-2014 enforcement. Again, the authors instead find the
earmarked for the Internal Revenue Service. have more complex tax opposite.
For the top
This deal was, ostensibly, part of a grand returns, so auditing them average cost per audit for What9s more, budget analysts usually assume that
0.1 percent
bargain to reduce budget deficits. the bottom 5 percent each additional dollar you give to IRS enforcement
Unfortunately, it9s likely to have the opposite costs more. $5,100 will have a little less bang for the buck than most of
effect. Every dollar available for auditing taxpayers $30,000 the dollars spent before it 4 that is, IRS agents have
generates many times that amount for government |e average cost includes ûxed probably already gone after all the low-hanging fruit,
overhead costs and agency resources $20,000
coffers 4 and the rate of return is especially astonish- spent on appeals, collections, etc.
and whatever additional audits they do will have
ing for audits of the wealthiest Americans, according $10,000 smaller and smaller payoffs. Economists refer to this
to new research shared exclusively with The Post. $0 phenomenon as <diminishing marginal returns.=
A team of researchers at Harvard University, the 0-5th 50-55 90-95 99-99.9 This team of researchers determined that this
University of Sydney and the Treasury Department conventional wisdom is likely wrong, too.
income percentile
examined internal IRS data for approximately poorer richer They looked at the consequences of the huge cuts
710,000 in-person audits from 2010 to 2014. They to the IRS9s enforcement budget that began in 2010.
found that because wealthy people generally have Audit rates plummeted (by about 40 percent
more complex tax returns, auditing them costs more. overall, within four years), but the agency did not
The IRS employees auditing the rich earn higher But the typical audit of a average revenue over cost per audit, $90,000
cut back on the audits with the lowest ROI. Instead,
wages and spend much more time per audit; over- wealthy taxpayer brings in by income percentile for whatever reason, it cut a lot of the highest-bang-
head costs add up, too. in-person audits, 2010-2014 for-the-buck audits. Based on the agency9s past
The typical audit for someone in the bottom half of much higher revenue, too. prioritization of audits, and the way its internal
the income distribution costs just over $5,000, for costs are structured, the authors found no evidence
instance, whereas an audit for someone in the top of diminishing marginal returns.
0.1 percent costs nearly triple that, or around For every additional dollar spent auditing people
$15,000. Revenue in the top decile of the income distribution, the
But the revenue collected per audit is also higher government can expect to get 12 times that amount
for the wealthy. Enormously higher: Whereas audits $20,000 back.
of the bottom half of the income distribution bring in $10,000 Twelve! As any tax-dodging billionaire can attest:
just shy of $5,000, the audits of the top 0.1 percent It9s pretty hard to beat that return on investment.
$0 Cost
typically recover about $95,000.
0-5th 50-55 90-95 99-99.9
In other words, the average return on investment
income percentile
is much better. poorer richer
Another way to think about this: On average, the For every additional dollar spent
direct revenue collected from audits exceed costs by
a factor of 2 to 1. But, that payoff varies by income. auditing people in the top decile
For money spent auditing the bottom half of taxpay- This means that though how much the iRS gets back for each dollar spent
ers, the IRS only roughly broke even. auditing, by income percentile
of the income distribution,
auditing the wealthy looks For the top 0.1 percent
Meanwhile, the agency pulled in $3.18 for each
dollar spent auditing the top 1 percent, and $6.29 for expensive at ûrst, the in-person audits, 2010-2014 $6.29 the government can expect to get
the top 0.1 percent.
These figures take into account any agency re-
average return on
For the top 1 percent
12 times that amount back.
irs9s return on investment
sources spent on appeals, collections, etc., as well as investment is much better. for the bottom 50 percent $3.18
the fact that some lucky taxpayers ended up owing $2
no additional money after the audit process was $0.96 Now, it9s reasonable to worry that a newly flush
completed. IRS might not actually concentrate its additional
And even those eye-popping numbers understate dollars on the highest-ROI audits. Audits of million-
how much money we9re leaving on the table by not $0 aires (and megacorporations) have dramatically
fully enforcing tax law. That9s because the biggest 0-5th 50-55 90-95 99-99.9
declined in recent years, according to data from
bang for the buck comes from what happens well Syracuse University9s Transactional Records Access
income percentile
after the audit concludes. poorer richer Clearinghouse.
In the years after a taxpayer gets audited, they Certainly, Republicans have fearmongered that
start paying much more in taxes voluntarily. Maybe, the IRS will devote all its new money to deploying
post-audit, they stop taking some dodgy deductions <armies= of gun-toting IRS agents to hound honest,
(counting a personal car as a business expense, for That9s just the upfront in the years aver a taxpayer gets audited, they start middle-class taxpayers. So what evidence do we have
example). Or they start reporting income they had return. An even bigger bang paying much more in taxes voluntarily that the agency will pursue higher-earning, higher-
previously accepted off the books. ROI tax-shirkers instead?
for the buck comes from how much the irs gets back for each dollar spent auditing,
These kinds of changes might happen because the For one, President Biden, Treasury Secretary
by income percentile
taxpayer in question had previously made an honest deterrence effects after the Janet L. Yellen and others have pledged to raise
mistake. Then again, maybe they had been deliber- audit rates only on households earning more than
ately cheating Uncle Sam and were chastened by audit is over. $5 $400,000 (which is close to the top percentile,
being caught. expected revenue in this study9s data). Two, the agency is now
Either way: They begin paying more of what they Data for the top 1 percent of the income equipped with better information about how to
distribution is excluded because deterrence in the next 14 years
owe. efects are statistically imprecise in small
spend its dollars most efficiently, thanks to this new
These additional taxes equal about three times the subsets of the data. research.
revenue raised from the initial audit, on average, $0 initial audit revenue <The evidence suggests going after higher- income
over the 14 years of data the researchers had access taxpayers has higher returns, and that9s reassuring
to. So in other words, the biggest returns from doing 0-5th 50-55 85-90 95-99 given the recent policy focus on auditing wealthy
more audits come from deterrence effects. (That9s income percentile individuals,= says Ben Sprung-Keyser, one of the
poorer richer
why, incidentally, the IRS has historically publicized study9s co-authors and a co-director at Policy Im-
its big tax fraud cases in the weeks before Tax Day, pacts, a research organization based at Harvard that
when most Americans are filing their returns.) promotes standardization in policy analysis. He and
That multiplier 4 three times as much revenue It9s reasonable to wonder |e iRS has audited fewer millionaires in recent years his colleagues also found that auditing top earners
from deterrence effects as from the initial audit 4 is whether the IRS will percent of tax returns audited by year raises revenue more efficiently than does increasing
relatively consistent across the income distribution, their tax rates.
with both rich and poor adjusting their post-audit actually target the 12%
individuals with Which means rather than soaking the rich
tax habits significantly. Which still means that in raw more than $1 million through higher tax rates, perhaps we should merely
highest-income shirkers. in income
dollar terms, auditing the rich has bigger payoffs. enforce existing law.
Past budget cuts led the IRS 9%
In any case, the revenue Congress just agreed to
Consequences of the deal leave on the table by rescinding $20 billion from the
to claw back money from the IRS to dramatically cut back on 6% IRS9s long-term budget could be substantial. Based
So what do these numbers tell us about Congress9s auditing the wealthy. all individual on that 12-to-1 multiplier found in this study for
decision to claw back money from the IRS? They 3% taxpayers marginal returns from auditing high earners, that
suggest that existing projections for long-term costs Data is based on initial releases from irs, could mean Congress just gave up about $240 billion
not accounting for late corrections.
likely underestimate the massive hole this policy will 0% 0.3% in revenue, for a net cost to the budget of $220 billion
blow into federal budgets. 2010 2015 2020 ($240 billion - $20 billion cut from the IRS budget =
Usually, the Congressional Budget Office (among $220 billion).
other scorekeepers) assumes relatively modest ef- source: boning, et al. 2023. irs audit rate data from trac. So much for trying to reduce deficits.

kathleen paRkeR

When Queen Elizabeth left, she took the happiness with her
s another American presidential race begins, When Queen Elizabeth performed similar func-

A I find myself missing the queen, who was the

last of a dying breed, royal or otherwise, and a
monument to what we used to call class
without fear of offense.
Elizabeth II9s departure from her mortal coil has
tions, she carried an aura of duty. Charles9s aura is that
of a peevish old man who9s just tasted a lemon. The
sourness, dear Charles, is karma, and its name is
If the Fates are in charge, they9ve sent Harry to
left a void. The upside is that it distracts from <hating= punish Charles in a purgatory of endless humiliation.
everyone in the American presidential queue. While I The prince recently was in London to testify in court
don9t really hate anyone, if you stay in journalism long against the villainous media that led to his mother9s
enough, you discover one day that there9s no one left death and that, he says, continues to badger him and
to like. This will be my 12th presidential race, which his bride. Harry, who apparently loves to talk about
sounds to me a small number, given the degree of my himself, was in high dudgeon, as usual. The palace
malaise. reportedly worried about what he might say under
The similarities between our nation of migrant oath. Royals aren9t supposed to speak under oath not
mutts (speaking of my own ancestors), who fought to because they might lie but because they might let slip
extract themselves from monarchical control, and the a truth.
descendants of that same monarchy have amounted Harry seems not to understand the leading role he
to approximately zero 4 until now. Without Eliza- plays in his own misery. He has engaged the media in
beth, the royals are at least as common as the rest of a folie à deux, a shared madness in which neither can
us, and further proof that privilege does not endow quit the other. But deep down, Harry9s rage may be
happiness. against Charles. On some level, he knows his father
King Charles and his mirthless seedling Harry helped along his mother9s early death.
have this nonroyalist fixated as never before. But stiff upper lip, Charles! It9s time for your
wpa pool/getty images
Throughout the latter years of the queen9s reign, I birthday parade, where you get to dress up and ride a
sometimes wondered why she wouldn9t step down King Charles III stands aboard the Flying Scotsman train in celebration horse. On Saturday, the military extravaganza known
and allow her eldest son to assume the throne before of its 100th anniversary on June 12 in Pickering, England. as Trooping the Colour celebrated Charles9s
he, too, grew old. Alas, Elizabeth knew what she was 75th birthday, the first of his reign, with hundreds of
doing. She knew her own son well enough and wasn9t am of the Royal We. I am, however, a student of good at one job doesn9t mean that you9ll be good at a horses and soldiers performing battlefield drills to
letting go of that crown. human nature and recognize that the royals are a higher one. military music. The royal family will appear on a
How sad she must have been to realize that her miserable lot, largely because they9re so useless. Environmentalist was a palatable role for a polo- balcony (don9t they always?), and the Royal Air Force,
embarrassing brood would inherit and sadden the People naturally want to strive; without striving, playing prince. He excelled at it and did valuable to which Charles once belonged, performed a <fly-
kingdom. Exceptions among the younger generations idleness leads to trouble. work. As a ribbon-cutting king, though, he9s as stale as past.= It was surely a jolly time for all, except perhaps
are the Prince and Princess of Wales, William and Which brings us to Charles III, the most unhappy a leftover scone. To wit: Charles recently attended a for Charles, who will still be Charles.
Kate (and their three children), who seem to be cut king because, at the end of the day, being king isn9t a plaque-unveiling to mark the 50th anniversary of the We Americans might be a nation of miscreants,
from the same cloth as Elizabeth. If only Charles and great job for him. Just a guess. As king, Charles has North Yorkshire Moors Railway. A photo shows a fools and sinners, but at least we don9t pretend to
Camilla would retire to the Waldorf Towers, as the encountered a truth and a principle. The truth about rather wooden monarch, pinched and unsmiling as thrones. For that, we have Britain9s monarchy. And,
Duke and Duchess of Windsor had the decency to do. life is that satisfaction comes from the journey, not he meekly waves from the driver9s cab of the Flying thanking you for your indulgence, I feel much better
Nothing makes me an expert on royalty, fond as I the destination. The Peter principle says that being Scotsman, which was marking its 100th anniversary. now. Bring on the clowns.
sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re A23

the opinions essay

To his ûnal days, my father

always knew how to pull ob the landing
BY P AUL H ENDRICKSON a deeper understanding, even a forgiveness, about
that belt. Or I think I do.

ll my life, my father was a flyer. That9s not
quite right. He wasn9t flying at the end. entucky. I remember him telling me of how he
He lived to be nearly 85. But even deep
into his 70s, I was unafraid to go up with
him, to wonder at his skills.
K was once sitting on the tongue of a wagon in a
sweltering Union County hayfield when over-
head came this terrible roar, and then this huge
I9m looking at some yellowed notes dated August shadow darkening the earth all around him. His
1983. He had retired from his 30-year career at voice grew soft, as if recounting a gauzy dream.
Eastern Airlines. By then, it had been almost four <It was a Ford Trimotor, Paul. It was silver. It flew
decades since he was strapped into the cockpit of right over top of me. I was out there all alone. I
his P-61 Black Widow night fighter on Iwo Jima in would have gotten the strap for sitting on that
the last days of World War II. tongue instead of working. I heard it coming before
He came over from suburban Chicago to visit. My I could see it. It came over the rise. It seemed about
wife, Ceil, was pregnant with our first child. He flew a hundred feet over my head, as if it was going to
his single-prop Beechcraft Debonair into a private land and pick me up, or maybe drop a ladder down.
airfield in Bowie, Md. By the time I got there, he had I could make out the pilot in the little window on the
already landed and parked the Deb, as he always side of the fuselage under the wing. Must have been
called her, and was busy tying her down, putting the about 932. I was 14 or 15. It went right on past me, the
foam rubber in the nose cowl. noise just huge. I was trembling. It landed in a big
I walked out to the tarmac, spiked with grass pasture on the other side of town. The next day, the
coming up through cracks of the asphalt. Bean people who owned it, and who were barnstorming it
patches bordered the runway. The flyboy, who had through the countryside, along with a biplane that
grown up on a sharecropper9s farm in western was doing acrobatics, started taking people up for a
Kentucky in the 1930s, and whose formal education dollar a ride. I got a ride. I have no idea where I got
had stopped at high school, had on a blue-mesh ball that dollar. A dollar? Who had a dollar? After, when
cap with <Big Bend, Texas= on the crown. He was I told my folks I was someday going to fly airplanes,
wearing a silver and aqua cowboy belt, white socks, my mother said, 8Joe Paul, if you want to commit
ortho shoes. The flyer had just gotten back down suicide, why don9t you just go out there and jump off
safely again, something he9d probably done 10,000 the barn?9=
times in his life.
am remembering that time we went on a fly-in

n the second day of his stay with us, we
decided to go flying. On the way out to the
airport, we talked of this and that. He told me
I fishing trip to Canada. It was long after he had
retired. A bunch of old Eastern pilots were going,
and a few were bringing their sons. <Paul, there9s
of an accident with a knife he9d had in the kitchen a water up in Canada man has never fished in.
few days earlier. <I tried to cut off my thumb. They9ve got muskie and walleye and northern pike
Figured I didn9t need it.= I pestered him for more. He and largemouth bass waiting up there for us.=
shrugged. <I was cutting something with a knife and It was sleeting when we got into the air. He got up
clean missed it, can you believe it?= to 5,000 feet and decided to come down to 4,000.
At the field, we untied the Deb. He shoved the Big chunks of ice were thwacking off the wings. He
nose-cowl foam at me. I didn9t know where he said, <Snow? Who the hell needs it? On Memorial
wanted me to store it. He made three turns around Day? Let9s get the hell out of here and go to Texas.=
the plane, moving faster, talking louder. <Well, son, I But the weather cleared. The fishing and hunting
don9t see anything a-hangin9 or a-bangin9, so we resort had its own 2,800-foot grass landing strip. He
better go while we got our nerve up.= I had heard came in right on the dime 4 and handed the
him say that so many times. landing strip some change.
We ran down the checklist and took off and flew courtesy of Paul HendrIckson Flying home, we went into Minneapolis-St. Paul
down toward Annapolis, which he kept calling Joe Paul Hendrickson on Iwo Jima, spring 1945. International Airport so I could catch a commercial
<Anna-nappolis,= and then out over the Chesapeake flight back to Washington. He was visibly tense. The
Bay and the big silver spans of the Chesapeake Bay air controllers brought him in on an outer runway.
Bridge. It was a gorgeous day for flying. We turned He had both hands on the wheel. He was leaning
inland and flew over Maryland farmland. He said he forward. I had maps and approach plates in my lap
wanted to stay clear of air traffic close to the city. He 4 he had thrust them over at me about an hour after
said he wanted to keep out of the path of airliners we had lifted off from the grass at Eagle Lake.
coming into and taking off from National Airport. <Little hectic, isn9t it?= I said, after we got back
<Us little guys have no business being around these down and he had taxied her off the main runway.
big jets, Paul,= he said. Little guy? He9d once <You9re damn tootin9. Anytime you go into a
commanded some of the biggest jet airliners in the major.=
sky. Hundreds of times in his Eastern career, he9d There were big airliners all around us. We were a
flown into National, shooting the river approach, little puddle-jumper. Only, this was my old man at
which is to say snaking southward down the the stick. Who had been at Iwo Jima. Who, for 30
Potomac and curving her in just this side of the years, in any kind of weather, had flown in and out
Washington Monument. I remember once, as a of those intense Chicago rookeries named Midway
teenager, riding family pass on an Eastern flight and O9Hare.
when my dad was up in the cockpit, arcing and
curving and captaining and smoothing her onto hat was in the late 1980s. Over the next years,
those tight runways at National like somebody
working with a hand trowel. I was so proud. My
father had just done that.
T as his health slowly declined, our relationship
grew better, more open. The flyer kept flying.
But a quadruple bypass and valve replacement in
After about an hour up, we headed back. I think 1994 effectively put an end to his solo days.
we were at about 4,000 feet. He seemed a little In October 2002, he turned 84. The following
unsure where the airport was. <Funny as hell, Paul, March, we were talking on the phone. <Paul, it9s time
the other morning when I came in, I was having for me to leave the earth,= he said, just stating a fact.
trouble finding it. I had plotted it out on the maps. I In mid-April, I learned he was in the hospital and
called air traffic control. I said, 8Where is the thing? that they9d found a tumor in his stomach. Marty was
I should be right on top of it.9 Guy said, 8Keep living nearby.
a-pushin.9= My kid brother, Mark, flew in from Illinois, my
I spotted the field before he did 4 it was up ahead little sister, Jeannie, from Ohio.
of us two or three miles. <Say, you9re getting pretty courtesy of Paul HendrIckson We were all in the room when his chief doctor
good up here, aren9t you?= he said, looking over at Sept. 20, 1944, the day Paul Hendrickson9s parents, Rita and Joe Paul, said goodbye walked in. The doctor, who knew my dad pretty well
me, his voice grown soft. as his dad went off to war. Paul is being held by his mother, and his brother Marty is standing. and admired him, said: <Joe, I know you like things
straight, so here is the straight: I9ve studied the
ike so many sons, I9ve spent long stretches of X-rays. We9ve gotten the latest labs. One problem

L my life trying to reassemble the life of a man

who both awed and scared me for almost as
long as I knew him, which was close to 60 years.
cancels out the other. We can9t operate on the tumor
in your stomach because your heart would never
take it.=
He was 26, with a wife and two babies back home, I couldn9t see my dad9s face. From behind, I saw
when he9d risked his life on <Iwo,= which is all I9d him nod. He was nodding almost before the doctor
ever heard him call it. One of those babies was me. was done. He said 4 and not weakly: <Right. Okay. I
His plane9s name was the Rita B. That was my understand.= It was as if he9d just been briefed in the
mom9s name. (The B stood for Bernardine.) He9d had big squad tent in the low-wattage Ready Room at
the words painted in bright, curvy white on the South Field on Iwo Jima. He had received his
glossy black nose of his sleek and poisonous orders. I thought to myself: This hard and often
three-crew warship. The Black Widow, from uncommunicative and occasionally violent man 4
Northrop Aircraft Inc., was the first operational which is to say the figure I had known through my
warplane of World War II to have been built childhood until I could escape from home for the
specifically as a night fighter. Her M2 Browning seminary at 14 4 is now showing me how to die. He
machine guns, mounted in a rotating 360-degree courtesy of Paul HendrIckson camerIque/getty Images had been all those things through my childhood,
turret atop the fuselage, could fire 800 rounds per Left: Joe Paul Hendrickson, middle, on Iwo Jima in 1945 in front of the Rita B. Right: The yes, but he had also been all the other things,
minute. She had 20-mm cannons. She could carry Northrop P-61 Black Widow was the first operational U.S. warplane designed as a night fighter. teaching me, by example more than word, about
500-pound bombs. Like my dad, the P-61 had self-discipline, about completing a task, about
entered the shooting war very late. There was a self-respect, about honoring one9s obligations. He
mystique about her. I think it had to do with the was about to complete a task now, about to honor an
dark. <Fighting the night,= I used to hear my dad say. obligation.
From mid-March 1945 through V-J Day, he flew The night fighter died in the dark. When it was
75 missions in the Rita B, roughly 175 hours of light, Jeannie called me in Philadelphia. That
logged time. What I9ve come to believe is that my afternoon, I went out to my local trout stream, at
father was basically scared out of his skull the whole Valley Forge, where George Washington headquar-
time he was on Iwo Jima. He was just a boy over tered the Continental Army in that terrible winter. I
there, as they all were, or nearly so. had on my waders and fishing vest and boots, and
my fly rod in my hand, and my net hanging from a
ometimes the beveled mirror of memory is lanyard on my back. I didn9t fish. I just sat on the

S hard to stare into.

He could come home from a two- or
three-day airline trip and put down his bags and get
bank and watched the water purl over the clean
We buried him five days later, at a family plot in
a report from our mom that my older brother, my mom9s hometown of Xenia, Ohio. His stone is
Marty, and I had been bad. He9d jerk us upstairs by there with his name on it, and my mom9s. Jeannie
the shirt collar to the many-windowed sunroom at arranged for a local stonecutter to do a rendering on
the back of the house. Sometimes he9d still be in his the marble of a Black Widow above the words
uniform. It was such a beautiful uniform, with the <WWII Pilot Night Fighter CPT.= You can see the
medallion of a red falcon on the brim of his hat, and propellers on those Double Wasp 18-cylinder radial
his starched light blue dress shirt with the epaulets air-cooled Pratt & Whitney engines. The wheels are
on the shoulders, and his dark blue woolen uniform down. Only thing, you can9t quite tell whether the
itself with the gold buttons on the jacket. Rita B is just lifting off, with the wheels about to
He9d order us to take down our trousers and retract, or about to land, with the wheels locked in
jockey underpants while the belt came off. He9d place. I9ve decided it9s the latter. My father is
have us lie over the bed, face down. It was the terror feathering her in, getting back down one more time.
of waiting. Our crying and begging would begin
before the whipping started. Marty and I would Paul Hendrickson, a former Post reporter, teaches
sniffle our way to sleep in the twin beds in that nonfiction writing at the university of Pennsylvania. His
sunroom. courtesy of Paul HendrIckson memoir about his father, <fighting the night: Iwo Jima,
All these decades later, I can never glimpse a belt Joe Paul and Paul Hendrickson on their porch in Takoma Park, Md., World War II, and a flyer9s life,= will be published next
out of its beltloops without shivering. And yet I have in October 2000, three years before Joe Paul9s death. spring.
a24 eZ re the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

DRawInG BOaRD Lisa Benson



BY Lisa Benson

Demetrius Freeman/the Washington Post

l E TT ER s T O T hE E D ITO R
Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Washington on March 29.

Mr. Blinken9s China goal: Back off the golf course, Navy
It9s time for Navy leadership to once
and for all put an end to the discussion
James B. Comey9s assertion at his sur-
prise July 5, 2016, news conference that
three out of approximately 30,000 of the
emails bore classification markings. Mr.

Restart the dialogue about another golf course on Greenbury

Point in Annapolis. The environmental-
ists don9t want it, the community doesn9t
want it, and the Navy, which already has a
Comey did say this, but he was wrong.
There is more to the story.
The next day, the State Department
admitted that the markings were applied
beautiful course, doesn9t need it. in error. And at a House hearing on July 7,
At a low moment in relations, two major powers should get talking again. Greenbury Point lies across the Severn Mr. Comey testified that the markings
River from the Naval Academy on a piece of were not clear and that the secretary
ECRETARY OF STATE Antony Blinken9s two-day their first terms. President Bill Clinton made the trek early property that the community enjoys. Fami- could have reasonably inferred that the

S trip to China, beginning Sunday, is his first since

assuming office and the first by a U.S. secretary of
state since Mike Pompeo went in 2018. That is too
long a hiatus for the top diplomats of the world9s two
largest economies, and top two trading nations, to have
in his second.
The long period without a high-level trip to China
comes at an intense period of competition between
Washington and Beijing, as the Biden administration
attempts to formulate a China policy that both acknowl-
lies enjoy it for walking, running, fishing or
simply enjoying the flora and fauna that
punctuates Greenbury Point9s beauty.
Greenbury Point is one of the few places
in Anne Arundel County that allows pub-
documents were not marked as classi-
fied. Finally, a review ordered by then-
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo of the
State Department9s email practices con-
cluded that none of the approximately
high-level visits. It9s past time for a resumption of edges the interconnectedness of the two economies while lic access to the Chesapeake Bay. The 30,000 Clinton emails in the review were
dialogue. also recognizing that China under Mr. Xi has become a Chesapeake Bay has almost 12,000 miles marked as classified.
The lengthy pause can be partly chalked up to China9s more outwardly belligerent power with a vision for of shoreline, and only 2 percent is publicly Though the Trump documents seized
rigid pandemic restrictions: The country largely closed reshaping the world order. China is challenging American accessible. by the FBI were incandescently marked
itself to outside visitors under its now-abandoned <zero and Western dominance 4 or what it calls <hegemony= 4 A feasibility study to examine building as classified, not a single one of the
covid= strategy. But the five-year gap is also a reflection of in everything from the international financial systems and a second golf course at Greenbury Point former secretary9s emails was.
the increasingly fraught relationship between the two the U.S.-led security architecture in Europe and the Pacific. has many citizens concerned. Hopefully, a David E. Kendall, Washington
superpowers and how mutual suspicion and finger-point- In the months between Mr. Blinken9s postponed visit feasibility study will look at public senti- The writer is counsel to former
ing have replaced regular dialogue and open channels of and now, the Biden administration has lobbied allies such ment. Since 1845, the Navy has enjoyed an secretary of state Hillary Clinton.
communication. as Japan and the Netherlands to join the United States in outstanding relationship with the com-
Relations, always tense, began to deteriorate when restricting the sale of key chip manufacturing equipment munity. Why would the Navy want to
then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) decided to to China. The United States has moved to shore up military throw that relationship to the wayside Remember, Mr. Trump lost
visit Taiwan in August, a trip we argued at the time was alliances in the Asia-Pacific region, including with the and incur the wrath of the community?
ill-timed and unwise. China responded with live-fire other countries of the <Quad,= Japan, India and Australia, Leadership has many principles, in- There has been much written about
military exercises around Taiwan and a freeze in most and to expand base access agreements with the Philip- cluding <do the right thing.= The right former president Donald Trump9s hold on
official contacts with the United States. There were hopes pines. The Biden administration is also forging ahead with thing for Navy leadership in this case is his base and how his fellow aspirants for
for a thaw in relations in November, when President Biden its Indo-Pacific Economic Framework agreement between very clear: Direct those who continue to the Republican presidential nomination
met Chinese President Xi Jinping for more than three a dozen countries but purposely excluding China. pursue another golf course to stop. It9s won9t criticize him for fear of losing those
hours of talks in Bali, Indonesia. The two leaders agreed on China sees these moves collectively as an effort to clearly the right thing to do. To do other- voters, as in Dan Balz9s June 11 The Sunday
little but the importance of continuing discussions among encircle the country and contain its rise. The United States wise is running into shoal waters with the Take column, <Pence poses 20249s critical
top officials. That was supposed to start with a Blinken counters that it intends to compete with China while community. question: The Constitution or Trump?=
visit to Beijing in February. avoiding veering into conflict or outright confrontation. Let9s focus on designing and building Someone should remind these candidates
The sight early this year of a Chinese high-altitude As China and the United States both seek to end their more badly needed ships 4 not golf that Mr. Trump lost the popular vote and
surveillance craft drifting across the continental United mutual dependency on each other, Washington has said its courses. the electoral college big in 2020 (and he
States, until it was shot down over the Atlantic Ocean 4 strategy now, as stated in the Group of Seven summit in Tom Jurkowsky, Annapolis lost the popular vote in 2016), and that the
and the political uproar it caused in this country 4 made it Hiroshima, Japan, last month, emphasizes <de-risking, not The writer retired as a Republicans should be worried about the
virtually impossible for Mr. Blinken to continue with the de-coupling.= China regards those two as the same thing. rear admiral from the U.S. Navy. rest of this country9s voters, the majority
trip. There was concern the trip might be postponed again The two sides need to lower the temperature and get of whom strongly rejected Mr. Trump. It9s
when the White House early this month confirmed a Wall talking again. The risk of a misunderstanding leading to about American voters, not just Trump
Street Journal report of a Chinese spy base in Cuba. an inadvertent mishap is too great. Last month, a Chinese A better prison reform voters.
In the meantime, relations have soured further, leaving J-16 fighter jet flew dangerously close to the nose of an It9s hard to consider any of the Republi-
the State Department to lower expectations for this trip American RC-135 surveillance plane over the South China Regarding the June 11 editorial <End can nominees who have so little spine
and warn against expecting any significant break- Sea. This comes after a similar incident of American and the dysfunction in America9s prisons=: or integrity that they can9t call out
throughs. Chinese aircraft coming close in December. There9s one obvious way we can make Mr. Trump.
High-level U.S. diplomatic visits like this to China used One visit to China by America9s top diplomat will not be federal prisons better: reducing their pop- Suzanne Patrick, Silver Spring
to be routine. Hillary Clinton visited China seven times enough to get relations back on track, and the State ulations. The Bureau of Prisons could
during her four years as secretary of state. Now, absent Department is right to downplay expectations. But it9s then focus on improving conditions, rath-
some major breakthrough, there is a real possibility that essential to renew dialogue 4 especially military-to- er than spending billions on the confine- Let9s not mess with books
Mr. Biden will become the first U.S. president not to visit military talks. Keeping channels of communication open ment and medical care of people who no
China since Jimmy Carter normalized relations in 1978. is essential, among adversaries and competitors. A high- longer pose a risk to the community. The June 14 editorial <21st-century
Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George level visit, the kind that used to be routine, is a good place I served 33 years of a life sentence in editors should keep their hands off 20th-
W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump all visited in to start. federal prison before receiving compas- century books= was spot-on, citing sub-
sionate release under the First Step Act. I stitution of the word <queer= with <pecu-
have seen firsthand how many aging peo- liar= in the works of Ursula K. Le Guin
ple in prison could safely come home. because it means something different

A toast to India, and a word with Mr. Modi Going forward, the Bureau of Prisons
should adopt policies to align its compas-
sionate release practices with federal
these days.
I wonder what Robert Frost would
have thought. His famous poem <Stop-
courts and stop rubber-stamping denials. ping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,= with
The Indian leader9s retreat from democracy should be raised on his state visit. Almost everyone who has received com- one of the most distinctive rhyme
passionate release has done so from feder- schemes of any poem in the English
RIME MINISTER Narendra Modi of India has India9s roughly 200 million Muslims and other minorities. al courts. language, contains these lines:

P come to the United States regularly since he was

first elected in 2014. But his arrival at the White
House on Thursday will be his first state visit,
including a South Lawn welcome, a state dinner and an
address to a joint session of Congress. The United States
Recent Hindu festivals were marred by violence sparked
when Hindus in processions passed through Muslim
neighborhoods brandishing weapons and shouting anti-
Muslim slogans. The government at all levels has adopted
laws and policies that systematically discriminate against
The bureau should also fulfill its legal
obligation to fully implement the First
Step Act. People remain in prison longer
than necessary because the agency is fail-
ing to provide adequate programming for
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
How about:
can and must strive to strengthen ties to India during this Muslims, and authorities in some states demolished people to earn time credits and is calculat- My little horse must think it odd
visit, but it cannot remain silent about Mr. Modi9s worri- property of Muslims in response to protests. Increasingly, ing credits incorrectly. To stop along a trail untrod
some democratic backsliding. the authorities act with impunity, and they are rarely held Finally, Congress must pass the biparti- Between the woods and frozen lake
The case for India as a bulwark against China has never to account. Vigilante attacks go unpunished. san Safer Detention Act and the First Step And in the dark I see him nod.
been more urgent. India 4 one of the world9s fastest-grow- At the same time, Mr. Modi has led a broad assault on Implementation Act. The former corrects What fun, changing the words of a
ing economies, the most populous nation, a digital power- freedom of expression and dissent. Journalists are under an error in the First Step Act that excludes dead man! But I have better things to do
house and a seven-decade-old democracy, however imper- intense pressure, some have been arrested, and others the oldest and sickest people in federal with my life.
fect 4 has immense potential as guardian and pacesetter have been subjected to online harassment. The govern- prisons from receiving compassionate re- Edward Blanton, Arlington
for a free and open Indo-Pacific region. President Biden ment controls many media outlets with close ties to the lease and reauthorizes a home-confine-
will talk with Mr. Modi about enhanced cooperation in owners, as well as with direct orders about what to print or ment program for elderly individuals. The
defense, clean energy and space, as well as climate change, broadcast. It has sought to take down social media posts it latter would expand on the success of the U.N. should abolish the veto
health security and trade. does not like. In reaction to a BBC documentary about First Step Act by making key components
Some frictions are unavoidable. Mr. Modi has called for Mr. Modi and his relationship with the nation9s Muslims, retroactive, among other reforms. Regarding the June 12 news article
a cease-fire in Ukraine without condemning Russia9s the government attempted to block people from streaming People age out of crime. Let9s create <U.S. seeks to expand developing world9s
invasion. Mr. Biden should also press Mr. Modi to halt it and then sent tax agents to raid BBC offices in New Delhi more opportunities for second chances to U.N. influence=:
India9s weapons sales to the military junta in Myanmar, and Mumbai. reflect that. As commendable as President Biden9s
prolonging and deepening a bloody civil war. These and Also alarming is Mr. Modi9s crackdown on nongovern- William Underwood, Washington call for more permanent seats on the U.N.
other bilateral issues should not be difficult for Mr. Biden mental organizations and civil society activists, forcing The writer is a senior fellow Security Council for developing coun-
and Mr. Modi to navigate. them to comply with burdensome accounting for foreign at the Campaign to End Life tries is, that is neither the most urgent
What will be more troublesome for Mr. Biden is to raise funding. A fresh example was recently described in The Imprisonment at the Sentencing Project. nor the most important reform needed to
the retreat from democracy by Mr. Modi and his dominant Post: Indian tax authorities simultaneously raided three save the United Nations from lapsing
Bharatiya Janata Party. Under the banner of a majoritarian nonprofit organizations that the government believed into insignificance in an increasingly
Hindu nationalism, they have unleashed violence against were critics of Gautam Adani, one of India9s richest men The Clinton emails polarized world.
Muslims and other minorities, eroded press freedoms and and a political ally of Mr. Modi. The raids were a case study The one reform that would achieve
suffocated independent civil society. The president needs in how the Modi government uses state power to crimp its Ruth Marcus9s June 14 op-ed, <Don9t that goal is the same one that would
to be tactful. Mr. Biden and others who meet Mr. Modi critics. confuse Clinton9s emails with Trump9s guarantee that every member country is
should convey to him that democracy and respect for None of these actions befit the world9s most populous boxes,= did an excellent job of pointing held accountable for its actions: namely,
human dignity are force multipliers for India9s rising democracy. There will be a strong temptation by the White out the differences between the facts abolishing the veto power in the Security
stature in the world and for dealing with its challenges at House to bring up the issue only privately and keep public alleged in the federal indictment of Don- Council. That would make it much hard-
home. A weakened democracy, or a shell of one, will remarks upbeat. A private conversation is definitely worth- ald Trump and the relevant facts in the er for a single country, however powerful,
portend a weakened India. while. But Mr. Biden should also say something openly, as investigation into former secretary of to defy the rest of the world, dramatically
Specifically, Mr. Modi should be encouraged to brake the the leader of one major (imperfect) democracy to another. state Hillary Clinton9s emails. However, increasing the chances for world peace.
spiral of communal violence and toxic hate directed at Friends have an obligation to speak the truth to friends. Ms. Marcus quoted then-FBI Director Mohamed A. Jalloh, Gaithersburg

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sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post eZ Re a25

alexandra Petri george F. Will

I love The high court

Trump, puts Native
but vote for children
me instead in danger
<I think it would be terrible for the ecause of Thursday9s Supreme
country to have a former president
in prison for years because of a
documents case. So I would be in-
clined in favor of a pardon.=
4 Republican presidential
B Court blunder 4 an act of mis-
placed judicial restraint 4 the
lives of some Indian children
will be unnecessarily miserable, and
sometimes shorter, than they would be
candidate Nikki Haley without an excrescence on U.S. law
called the Indian Child Welfare Act.
<The weaponization of federal law This especially unpleasant manifesta-
enforcement represents a mortal tion of identity politics will continue to
threat to a free society. We have for multiply broken hearts and bodies.
years witnessed an uneven appli- The ICWA9s defenders say it concerns
cation of the law depending upon not race but a political category, the
political affiliation. . . . Why so rights of tribes. This is a distinction
zealous in pursuing Trump yet so without a difference, as the ICWA is
passive about Hillary or Hunter?= applied. The government recognizes
4 Republican presidential 574 tribes, which the ICWA treats as
candidate Ron DeSantis fungible. All of them base membership
eligibility solely on biological rather
<Vivek Ramaswamy, an entrepre- than cultural or political facts.
BeOWulf SHeeHan
neur and activist who is running Predicated on generic Indianness,
against Donald J. Trump for the Cormac McCarthy at his home in New Mexico on Aug. 12, 2014. the ICWA makes children 4 all of whom
Republican nomination, told re- are U.S. citizens 4 sacrificial playthings
porters outside the courthouse in
Miami on Tuesday that he had
reached out to other presidential
candidates to urge them to commit
You didn9t edit Cormac McCarthy. of race-mongers bandying rhetoric
about tribal <integrity= and <coherence.=
Penetrate the fog of such abstrac-
tions, and the ICWA is starkly incom-
to pardoning the former president
if they win in 2024.=
4 the New York Times You read him. patible with the nation9s foundational
proposition: Rights inhere in individu-
als, not groups.
The ICWA, which repellently calls chil-
irst off, this prosecution is dren tribal <resources,= is about enhanc-

F politically motivated, and I

do not support it. You know
what I do support, whole-

or devoted readers, the death of a

the occupations, the history behind it all.
How the dialogue tells you vividly who
these characters are. The sly or ribald
vation. When I queried an exchange of
dialogue that struck me as tin-eared? <It
can9t be helped, it9s what they said.= When
ing tribal power rather than protecting
children9s welfare. It allocates group enti-
tlements based on biology, as did Ger-
heartedly? Donald Trump! Take
this moment to distance myself
from him? I would never. Our
hearts beat as one. Or rather, his
heart leads, and my heart follows. I
F writer can spark a memory: Here
was someone who seemed to
speak to them directly, almost
personally. And so has it been for me
these recent days with Cormac McCarthy,
comedy on so many pages, the utter
horror on others. The relentless current
that carries you through the story, the
surprises and sorrows and comforts that
sustain and expand it.
I wondered why <1872= was sometimes
spelled out, contrary to the <Chicago
Manual of Style,= he said such dates
should always be spelled out, <though
I9m sure this isn9t what you were looking
many9s 1935 Nuremberg Laws, one of
which was <The Law for the Protection of
German Blood and German Honor.=
About the case decided Thursday:
The biological mother of a Navajo child
admire him so much. who first entranced me in 1979 with Simple things, as when one boy asks for.= identified as A.L.M. and his sister, called
Yes, I am running against him <Suttree,= which immediately sent me another, <Where9d you get a gun like But it sure as hell was, because consis- Y.R.J., supported their being raised by
for president, but only in the most racing back to his first three novels 4 all this?= and the answer9s <At the gettin9 tency is my only concern when authors Chad and Jennifer Brackeen, neither of
ploddingly literal sense. I see my- published by Random House (where I place.= Or how a father ends an unhappy have carefully composed their own style them Indians, in Texas, far from the
self as running with him in a big worked as an assistant) and edited by conversation with his disgruntled son by manuals. Navajo Nation. This nation, however,
field, and who can even say what Albert Erskine, whose other enthusiasms glancing at a newspaper and saying, Actual writing9s obviously something wanted the siblings separated, and the
kind of race it is? Maybe it9s not a included William Faulkner, Eudora Wel- <How can Shirley Temple be getting editors don9t see, and certainly Cormac sister sent to another state to live either
competition at all! Maybe I am just ty, Ralph Ellison and Malcolm Lowry. divorced?= And narrative at once elo- never showed me anything that wasn9t with a great-aunt or an unrelated Nava-
here because I wanted to run with Naturally, I idolized Albert and, in quent and matter of fact: <Shrouded in complete. Yet once, early in <The Border jo couple.
Donald Trump, because he is the what was then a small company, came to the black thunderheads the distant light- Trilogy,= I9d begun editing when he grew The court, divided 7-2, chose not to
most perfect, godlike being ever know him even as he gradually retreated ning glowed mutely like welding seen unhappy with a later scene involving strike down the ICWA. Justice Amy
glimpsed on this Earth, and we are from office life. His last hurrah with through foundry smoke. As if repairs grievous violent injury and considerable Coney Barrett wrote: The ICWA <re-
all blessed to live in the same era Cormac was <Blood Meridian,= whose were under way at some flawed place in medical detail 4 hardly unusual in his quires a state court to place an Indian
that he does! monumental shock and awe intensified the iron dark of the world.= Followed by novels. He wrote and rewrote until a third child with an Indian caretaker . . . even if
If he took any classified docu- my devotion to his work and provoked <It9s fixin to come a goodn, said Rawlins.= draft (if memory serves) satisfied his the child is already living with a non-
ments home with him, it is just critical acclaim, though Cormac9s reader- Seeming juxtapositions that constitute a concerns. I was fascinated to see how Indian family and the state court thinks
because he loves souvenirs! And ship remained ludicrously tiny. style of flexibility and grace. artfully he edited himself along the way. it in the child9s best interest to stay
that9s not a crime! I mean, what he My own contact with Cormac began Editing9s just a more relentless and Readers know his novels are replete there.= That accurate description should
is accused of is, technically, a crime, when I brought <Suttree= back into print specific form of reading in which you with death and long discussions of its have sufficed to dictate a different ruling.
but loving souvenirs, that9s not a as a paperback. In these years, we met on read a book more closely than any sane cost and meaning. Cormac had clearly Barrett writes unhelpfully that Con-
crime! But if it even is a crime, it9s occasion, significantly at Albert9s funeral, person would ever think of doing. And an given it plenty of thought 4 and laughed gress has <plenary= but not <absolute=
not the bad kind of crime! It9s the and forged the beginnings of a friendship editor9s responsibility to the author is to when I quoted Beckett9s dictum, <The day power to legislate regarding Indians.
good kind, like Theranos, or em- that eventually resulted in my becoming note page by page everything that crosses you die is just like any other, only shorter.= Otherwise, Congress could disregard
bezzlement. Look, if you were not his editor at Knopf. Before long, Cormac one9s mind, pro or con, large or small, that Of course, Cormac offered some dictums the Constitution, including <equal pro-
allowed to just take things home delivered the manuscript of <All the might prove useful. Only the writers can of his own, and one from <The Crossing= tection of the laws,= concerning Indians.
with you because they seemed neat Pretty Horses,= which became a phenom- make those calls, or come up with the best has spoken to me directly ever since I But the court now allows that. Could
and you wanted to show them off to enal success in 1992. solutions to anything that also seems read it in manuscript, and it is certainly Congress forbid Indians from leaving
your friends without facing any While I have always considered editing troublesome to them. Having made my germane now. <Faces fade, voices dim. their tribes, marrying outside the tribe,
consequences, the British Museum a strictly private conversation, I9ve lately various points, I never look back to see if Seize them back, whispered the sepul- adopting non-Indian children, etc.? The
would be completely empty. And found myself recalling the pleasures of any changes were made because I9m just turero. Speak with them. Call their seven justices might say yes.
people love the British Museum! my maiden voyage with Cormac. His an enthusiastic bystander. names. Do this and do not let sorrow die During oral argument last November,
I love Donald Trump and I would mastery of not only a prose style like no Early on, I sensed that Cormac wasn9t for it is the sweetening of every gift.= Brett M. Kavanaugh said this case in-
gladly give him one of my kidneys, other but also the particularities of every accustomed to a persnickety style of volved tension between, on the one
and one of my wife9s, and also a aspect of the lives he created before us on line-editing, though his responses to it Gary fisketjon was an editor at alfred a. Knopf hand, <respect for tribal self-govern-
bonus kidney that I would obtain the page 4 the weather, the landscape, reflected good humor rather than aggra- from 1990 to 2019. ment= and tribes9 difficult histories, and,
through unclear means! He hung on the other hand, <the fundamental
the moon and is holding the Earth principle we don9t treat people different-
on his shoulders as we speak. He ly on account of their race or ethnicity or
cups the whole world in his large, ancestry.= Now he has joined the court
capable hands. He is my rock. He is
my sky. He is the wind at my back
and beneath my wings, and he is
Biden should pardon Trump. Really. majority in abandoning that principle.
The ICWA shreds federalism princi-
ples. Fifty states have child protection
my Wonderwall. systems whose overriding concern is
Do I have anything negative to BY M ARC A . T HIESSEN Alvin Bragg; and the suppression of the ordeal of a trial would go a long way toward <the best interests of the child.= The
say as he is being indicted? For AND D ANIELLE P LETKA Hunter Biden laptop story that could have repairing the nation9s frayed political fabric. ICWA makes this consideration subor-
putting our national secrets and damaged Joe Biden and aided Trump9s 2020 He would display the kind of leadership that dinate to the child9s relationship with a
the lives of our intelligence person- n his 2020 victory speech, Joe Biden campaign. They see a troubling pattern, and has been missing in Washington. And he tribe. On Thursday, the court ratified
nel at risk? Yes, I do have some
negative things to say 4 about
those prosecuting him! Oh, about
Donald Trump?
Here, let us go behind a tree. Can
I declared that <to everything there is a
season 4 a time to build, a time to reap,
a time to sow. And a time to heal. This is
the time to heal in America.= If he wants to
deliver on his promise to heal the country,
they are not wrong.
The dangers this poses to our democracy
are obvious.
Millions will see Trump9s prosecution as
illegitimate, and any conviction as unjust.
would drive Trump crazy. With one action,
Biden would eliminate the narrative of a
<deep state= conspiracy that is helping to
fuel Trump9s political comeback.
Some will argue that Trump9s problems
this federal interference with child-
welfare proceedings in state courts.
Dissenting against race-based cus-
tody proceedings, Samuel A. Alito Jr.
rightly rejects <ICWA9s attempt to control
anyone see us? Here, let us open he could do so with one action: That will further erode public confidence in are not Biden9s. The White House has insist- local judicial proceedings in a core field
this trap door and go down into this Pardon Donald Trump. our judicial system and the principle of ed that the buck stops with Smith, the of state concern= 4 <child custody, foster
cellar. No, deeper; I still see some On the merits, the case against Trump is equal justice under law. special counsel appointed by Attorney Gen- care, and adoption.= Also dissenting,
rays of daylight! Let us descend damning. And it doesn9t take a close reading A Trump trial would be one of the most eral Merrick Garland. That9s wrong. Smith Clarence Thomas acerbically notes that
into this mine shaft. Put on this of the federal indictment to understand that divisive events in the history of our republic. works for the attorney general, who in turn <not one= of the federal government9s
hard hat. Are we through the shale the former president9s problems are of his It would set a new precedent 4 and create works for the president. The buck stops with constitutionally enumerated powers jus-
and into the slate yet? No? Let us own making. He allegedly showed a writer enormous pressure on the next Republican Biden. He is the boss, and on his order, the tifies intruding on those state concerns.
drill down a little deeper. Can any- classified material about Iran, saying, <This president to go after President Biden, his <weaponization= of the executive branch The ICWA was enacted to stop the
one hear us? Come closer, I will is secret information. Look, look at this.= family and other Democrats. against a former president and political wicked practice of forcing assimilation
whisper it to you: And he obstructed the FBI9s efforts to recov- And to remedy what harm? Despite rival 4 and the consequent loss of faith in by removing Indian children from non-
He has perhaps, perhaps, been er classified material in his possession, even Trump9s best efforts to obstruct them, feder- American government 4 could be stopped. Indian families. Now it functions to
4 controversial? Yes, yes, some allegedly telling his lawyer, <Wouldn9t it be al agents recovered the documents he un- To be sure, Biden would face blowback. yank even thriving Indian children
people (inferior minds!) say he is better if we just told them we don9t have lawfully possessed. And nothing in the in- Democratic strategists recognize that far from nurturing non-Indian families, in
too controversial! Perhaps, they anything here?= Had he simply returned the dictment indicates that the intelligence in from damaging Trump, the legal assaults barbaric homage to Indian <blood.=
say, this controversy is a distraction documents, as Mike Pence did when it Trump9s possession was obtained by foreign against the former president will likely This means that Declan Stewart and
from the issues. But I, I do not say it! became clear he had classified papers, governments or intelligence services. benefit him in the 2024 primaries; and Laurynn Whiteshield and others died
I say, <I love Donald Trump!= Yes, Trump almost certainly would not have There9s another risk, too. Trump might be many believe Trump to be the Republican unremembered.
let us return to the surface, and I been charged, as Pence has not been. His acquitted. All it takes is one juror and Trump easiest for Biden to beat in next year9s Declan was 5 when beaten to death in
will say it loud and strong! You will misconduct was egregious, irresponsible walks. If that happens, University of Califor- general election. Others think Biden has 2007 by his mother9s live-in boyfriend.
notice that I am saying it louder and probably criminal. Anyone else would nia at Berkeley law professor John Yoo told already been too moderate; progressive Oklahoma, responding to his fractured
and better than anyone else! I love be seeking a plea bargain. us, then <the Justice Department will have hard-liners will no doubt say the president skull and severe bruising between his
him more than words can wield the But his indictment has also put our na- single-handedly handed the presidency to could lose his party9s left flank if he hands a testicles and rectum, had earlier re-
matter! Dearer than eyesight, tion into uncharted territory. The threshold Donald Trump.= get-out-of-jail-free card to his predecessor. moved him from his mother9s custody.
space or liberty! You will put that in for the sitting president9s administration to Whether righteous or not, the decision to And there are plenty of Democrats (and a The Cherokee Nation objected. The
your podcast, won9t you? That I indict the leading candidate of the opposing prosecute Trump has opened a Pandora9s few Republicans) who believe that pardon- state, knowing the ICWA9s bias toward
loved him the most? party should be extraordinarily high. High box. It is in Biden9s power to close it 4 by ing a man who, a priori, appears so guilty tribal rights, relented. Declan died of a
Donald Trump has never done enough to mitigate the suspicion held by pardoning his predecessor. would only further erode American respect beating a month after being returned to
anything wrong, ever, in his life, 80 percent of Republicans and almost half Trump wouldn9t have to admit he did for the rule of law. his mother.
except possibly being too lumi- the nation, per ABC News-Ipsos polling, that anything wrong. But pardoning him also But none of these political factors should Laurynn was 3 when living in foster
nously perfect, and too right? So these charges are politically motivated. In- does not mean absolving Trump of responsi- be part of the president9s consideration of care with a North Dakota minister,
right that maybe, possibly, the deed, millions of Americans believe that our bility for his actions. Biden should instruct Trump9s legal future. This isn9t about Jeanine Kersey-Russell, who tried to
American people9s eyes are grow- legal system is being weaponized against special counsel Jack Smith to produce a Trump. It is about the nation. It is within adopt her. The Spirit Lake Sioux tribe,
ing weary of such brightness, and Trump 4 and, by extension, against them. report 4 much like those issued by special Biden9s power to restore norms that have invoking the ICWA, got Laurynn sent to
they might seek a less brilliant suc- Most Americans don9t look at this indict- counsels Robert S. Mueller III and John been torn apart by both Trump and his a reservation in 2013 and the custody of
cessor? No, I dare not say it. They ment in a vacuum. They see it in the context Durham 4 laying out his findings in meticu- opponents. If ever there were a time to heal, her grandfather. Within six weeks she
are surely not tired of him. And I of the decisions not to prosecute Hillary lous detail. He should put the evidence of this is it. was dead, thrown down an embank-
am the least tired of all! I9m glad Clinton for her mishandling of classified Trump9s misconduct before the American ment by the grandfather9s wife, who had
he9s dominating the news cycle! I9m information; the Trump-Russia collusion people, not just a Miami jury, and let them Marc a. Thiessen is a Post contributing columnist a record of child abuse.
clapping and smiling! I love him investigation, which paralyzed our country render judgment on the former president at and senior fellow at the american enterprise This was carnage from identity poli-
and I love how things are going! for two years over a conspiracy theory; two the polls 4 as they did in 2020. Institute. Danielle Pletka is a distinguished tics. More will come from the court9s
Anyway, please vote for me in- impeachments and Trump9s politicized in- In pardoning Trump, Biden would be a senior fellow at aeI. They co-host a podcast, decision allowing children to be treated
stead of him as president! Thanks! dictment by Manhattan District Attorney true statesman. Sparing the country the <What the Hell Is Going On?= like tiny trophies of tribal power.
A26 EZ RE the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

Coming Up This Week

TUES. JUNE 20 AT 11:00 A.M. P RE S E N T I N G S P O N S O R


Isobel Coleman, Deputy Administrator for Policy & Programming, USAID
Alexandre Chequim, Co-Founder & CEO, DigiFarmz Smart Agriculture
Content from World Food Program USA: Barron Segar, President & CEO, World Food Program USA

Coleman and Chequim assess the record-high levels of food insecurity worldwide and suggest possible solutions to combat the
global hunger crisis.

TUES. JUNE 20 AT 1:00 P.M.

Author, <|e Power of One,= Co-Founder, Beyond the Screen & Advocate for Transparency in Social Media

|e former Facebook manager discusses her new book about blowing the whistle on one of the world9s largest companies and
her continued calls for greater accountability in social media.

WED. JUNE 21 AT 1:00 P.M. P RE S E N T I N G S P O N S O R


Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, Administrator, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Joseph Betancourt, President, |e Commonwealth Fund
Content from AstraZeneca: Ricki Fairley, CEO, TOUCH, |e Black Breast Cancer Alliance, Cleo A. Ryals, PhD, Senior Director & Head of Health
Equity Research, Flatiron Health and Carlos Doti, MD, Vice President, Head of Medical Afairs, US Oncology, AstraZeneca

Brooks-LaSure and Betancourt examine how social determinants of health can impact cancer care and outcomes in the United

WED. JUNE 21 AT 3:00 P.M.

Mary Ziegler, Professor of Law, University of California at Davis

Ziegler ofers perspective on the contentious history of abortion rights in the United States and the state-by-state battle over
abortion access in post-Roe America.

THURS. JUNE 22 AT 11:00 A.M.

Rep. Michael Turner (R-Ohio)
Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.)

Turner and Himes discuss special counsel John Durham9s upcoming testimony about the FBI9s probe of the 2016 Trump
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THURS. JUNE 22 AT 1:00 P.M. P RE S E N T I N G S P O N S O R


Luisa Palacios, Senior Research Scholar, Center on Global Energy Policy, Columbia University
Jimena Marván, Executive Director, Chapter Zero Mexico
Content from 3M: Jana Nieto, Director, Government Afairs & ESG, 3M Latin America

Palacios and Marván talk about the impact of climate change on Mexico and eforts across the region to cut carbon emissions.

THURS. JUNE 22 AT 3:00 P.M.

Ruth E. Carter, Author, <|e Art of Ruth E. Carter= & Award-winning Costume Designer

|e Oscar-winning costume artist behind <Black Panther= details her creative process, her designs for actors from Samuel L.
Jackson to Halle Berry and the strides made by Black women in Hollywood.

FRI. JUNE 23 AT 9:00 A.M.

|e Post9s Jonathan Capehart, E.J. Dionne and Hugh Hewitt

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Sunday, june 18 , 2023 . Section B eZ ee


book world

ChrisTina gandolFo For The WashingTon PosT

What is . . . F
orest Lawn cemetery here is the final resting place for many of the boldest
boldface names in entertainment history, including Jimmy stewart, Walt
Disney, Michael Jackson, elizabeth Taylor and sammy Davis Jr. It9s also the

the afterlife?
place Ken Jennings happened to visit for the first time on the day he found out
Alex Trebek had died. ¶ I met Jennings at the cemetery on a sunny April day to talk about
his new book, which is all about the afterlife. If that sounds unexpected, it all started at an
airport bookstore. <I saw one of those bucket list travel books,= he said. <I was looking at it
Not even Ken Jennings has the answer. upside down, and I thought it said 8A Thousand Destinations to Die Before You see.9 I
But his book is a tour of some possibilities. came out of the bookstore and I told my friends at the gate, 8I think I have an idea for a
book.9= ¶ The idea would become <100 Places to see After You Die.= In it, the <Jeopardy!=
BY N ICHOLAS C ANNARIATO IN GLENDALE, CALIF. host 4 and the show9s all-time winningest champion 4 surveys ideas from around the
world about what happens to us after we die. see Jennings on B7

Ken Jennings, author and <Jeopardy!= host, at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in glendale, Calif.

a macabre love story between living and dead. B2 | after racial progress comes backlash. B3 | is misinformation like a virus? not quite. B3
The bittersweet bond between a poet and a magpie. B5 | Farrow is her friend; Kissinger is her nemesis. B6
B2 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023


aLLa DrEyviTsEr/THE WasHingTon PosT

The dead hover so closely sick children. But her appearance isn9t
around Lorrie Moore9s
mournful new book that it
feels more like a séance than
a novel. Even the long title 4
Hitting the road with presented as a vision or a metaphor. <She
smiled at him with a mouth full of dirt,=
Moore writes with ghoulish grittiness. <She
seemed simultaneously sinister and
<I Am Homeless If This Is Not
My Home= 4 seems
determined to linger.
But readers among the
his semi-dead girlfriend comically benign.= Lily9s eyes are <dead bone
buttons.= Her torso is starting to leak and
bloat. Silverfish scurry through her tangled
living may be reluctant to take on such a <The dead prefer the company of the
necrotic tale. Suspended somewhere living,= Lily says. <Better light banter.= Her
between Moore9s celebrated short stories For Moore, <the bardo of the hospice= is a Laced through the sad events of Finn9s heart may not be beating, but mirth still
and the novels she publishes every decade mordant metaphor for human existence, a double grief are old letters written after the pumps through her veins.
or so, this slender book is haunting and place where laughter isn9t the best medicine, Civil War by a woman who kept a <I guess death9s kind of a spectrum,= she
cursed. it9s the only medicine: All we9ve got left is a boardinghouse. These two storylines explains. <I9ve let myself go a little.=
If you read <A Gate at the Stairs,= one of collection of bedpans and deadpans. intersect glancingly, but they never mesh in So, Lily is not quite dead, Finn is not quite
my favorite books of 2009, you9ll never In that sense, Finn is a classic Moore some all-explaining revelation. Instead, devastated, and this is not quite serious.
forget that grotesque moment when the character, clinging to witty lines about the Finn9s ordeal and the intrigue described in These two crazy kids from different sides of
narrator climbs into a loved one9s coffin to wallpaper in a world so dark he can barely the antique letters simply sit alongside each the grave amble along for another 100 pages
say goodbye. Beware: Moore9s new novel see the walls. Knowing that Max has other, chapter after chapter, maintaining a on their spectacularly weird road trip. Their
shows the bereaved settling in the grave for exhausted his treatment options, Finn strange tension like items in one of Joseph sex scenes might evoke Patrick Swayze in
a much longer embrace. struggles to come up with the right stories I AM Cornell9s boxes. <Ghost,= but with Lily9s bloated torso
The story opens in 2016, just a month to entertain him. <They should be anecdotes hoMeless If But for all the novel9s rumination on smelling like <a casserole of rot,= the vibe is
after homemade bombs placed around New that were amusing,= he thinks. <But they ThIs Is NoT mourning, the plot9s physical motion is much more Edgar Allan Poe.
York have reignited memories of 9/11. While should not make the dying laugh in a way My hoMe incessant. The moment Finn hears about As their trip progresses, Finn imagines
the traumatized city tries once again to find that made them want more of life. The dying By Lorrie moore Lily9s suicide, he turns away from his dying <he could talk her into life,= but it seems just
its equilibrium, a high school teacher named should laugh wearily in a way that said, OK. Knopf. brother and drives 17 hours back home to as likely that the novel9s nervous jokes might
Finn arrives from Illinois with his own OK. Enough.= Finn succeeds so well with his 193 pp. $27 deal with the details of her death. Along the finish her off for good. When Lily fails to
conspiratorial fears and a litter box that patter of zany personal misfortunes that his way, he considers the exhausting, infuriating respond for a while, he asks, <Are you
once belonged to his landlady9s cat. Single brother, ravaged by futile rounds of chemo, challenge of loving someone determined to ghosting me?= Could the cold ground be
and recently suspended from his job, Finn finally says, <I feel sorry for you, man.= kill herself. more uncomfortable than these puns? Is this
has driven across the country to see his Remarkably, at this point in <I Am The Canadian writer Miriam Toews really a reckoning with the enigma of
older, more successful brother, Max. But he Homeless,= we9re just at death9s brought just the right notes of wit and depression, suicide and grief, or is it an
hasn9t come for advice. Max is lying in a antechamber. The real horror lies ahead 4 pathos to this subject in her brilliant 2014 elaborate performance of denial?
hospice dying of cancer. and exceeds whatever might befall Max. novel, <All My Puny Sorrows.= That Moore calls Finn9s experience a <strange
Strands of tragedy and absurdity are While Finn is in New York, the love of his heartbreakingly realistic story 4 which I late dusk dream, which was like a daydream
twisted into Moore9s DNA. Every sigh is life, a severely depressed young woman adored but would never subject myself to but with more solidity, less light, and more
inflected with a macabre smirk. When Max9s named Lily, drowns herself in a hospital again 4 forces the reader to dwell in the doubt.=
oncologist retires, the doctor half- room shower back in the Midwest. claustrophobic dread of a loved one9s self- Lily isn9t so sure what9s happening. <Is
apologizes, half-complains, <I didn9t know By now, some of you may be thinking this destruction. Moore9s approach is more this a zombie movie?= she asks. <Is it a rom-
you9d live this long.= Approaching his novel isn9t the summer pick-me-up you impressionistic, far more gothic and com? Perhaps it9s a documentary.=
brother9s room, Finn realizes that there9s no need. ultimately more perplexing. Your guess is as good as mine, Lily.
security at the front desk because, after all, Indeed, Moore is writing in a treacherous When Finn visits Lily9s grave, she9s there
<what did they need protection from in a emotional realm here, and her story moves waiting for him in the oversize red shoes she ron charles reviews books and writes the Book
place like this?= with no more predictability than a wraith. wore for her job as a clown who cheered up Club newsletter for The Washington Post.

An attempt to reassemble Mary Shelley9s monstrous magic

BY T ALYA Z AX about Shelley and goes to the doctor for preoccupation with motherhood.
routine pregnancy checkups. She notices, But while the reveal may have little impact
ow might someone cope with becom- with something of an outsider9s distant on Hall9s story, its political implications are

H ing a mother in a world on the brink of

If you are Mary Shelley, a teenage mother
interest, the dire state of the world around
her. At some point, a scientist friend shows
up, allowing her to explore a 2023 version of
alarming. Women9s fertility, as Hall9s narrator
repeatedly and unhappily notes, is too weap-
onized an issue to avoid thinking about when
living through a summer when volcanic ash the anxieties about technological advance- pregnant, or when trying to become so. And
darkened the sky for days on end, you write ment that so dramatically infuse Shelley9s yet her story concludes with its own weap-
<Frankenstein,= one of the most compelling work. But, in large part because the thrills of onization of fertility, one that is distressingly
tales ever told about the horror of creating <Frankenstein= haunt <Reproduction,= it is easy to read as a warning against fertility
life. hard not to read Hall9s novel without wonder- techniques that transgress against the so-
If you are the protagonist of Louisa Hall9s ing what all that evocative ambiance is called <natural.=
By Louisa Hall
new novel, <Reproduction,= living through building toward. That9s not to invalidate concerns about the
the terror of the Donald Trump years, the The answer is, unfortunately, not much, as potential reach of fertility science. But Hall
224 pp. $30
coronavirus pandemic and the ever-escalat- the narrator rotates through maternal preoc- draws a heavy-handed corollary between the
ing climate crisis, you try to write a modern- cupations. She compares motherhood to life mind-set of the desperate would-be parent
day version of <Frankenstein= 4 one that on another planet, reflects on nausea during and that of the coldly experimental Victor
captures the horror of creating life in a pregnancy and marvels over the possibilities Frankenstein, who never stops to consider
particularly contemporary way. embodied by a <little baby.= It9s too bad. Hall whether reanimating a stitched-together
WiLLiam CaLLaHan
But Louisa Hall is not Mary Shelley, and comes close to giving meaningful voice to the corpse might be harmful. It leaves an uncom-
<Reproduction= is not <Frankenstein.= The <Groundhog Day= quality of new parenthood: fortable taste. None of it is wrong, exactly, but
novel begins powerfully: The unnamed nar- The world suddenly shrinks, as do the it feels poorly thought-through, in a way that
rator moves with her husband from New York everyday actions that seem important within novel is full of grief, but grief at the loss of makes the rest of <Reproduction= seem less
to Montana while mulling Shelley9s painful it. But the result is a novel that seems to be something not yet known. It makes a certain thoughtful, too.
experience of pregnancy and motherhood, always circling its own ideas, never closing in kind of sense that its way of examining its Hall9s ideas about the monstrousness of
which influenced, at least to the narrator9s on them. sorrow is more diffuse than Shelley9s was. It is making another life can be revelatory: I
eye, much of her literary output. Hall has a Perhaps that9s the point. Shelley9s experi- hard to find focus in mourning the yearned- thought for days about her description of the
way with sentences that toe the line of ence of parenthood was one of constant for idea of a person. pain of labor causing <a frantic, evil loneli-
dreamy and despairing, and it9s easy to feel endangerment. She had already lost one It becomes more difficult to see Hall9s ness.= <I am alone and miserable,= Franken-
lulled by the atmosphere she creates, that of child, a daughter, before she began <Franken- novel9s lack of focus as meaningful, however, stein9s monster said, more bluntly, in <Fran-
an uncomfortably lovely nightmare. stein= and understood that to give birth 4 Louisa Hall once she attempts to mirror Shelley9s portrait kenstein.= He understood what <Reproduc-
That infective ambiance might have been whether to a human baby or a monster 4 was invokes of the dangers of scientific advancement. tion= sometimes forgets: It is when we pursue
enough to propel a less pointed novel about to put your world up for profound disruption, <Frankenstein= That effort centers on a narrative reveal that seductive theories at the cost of humanity
pregnancy. As it is, Hall9s explicit invocations if not destruction. The risks that haunt in her pointed comes across as nearly an afterthought 4 an that things begin to fall apart.
of Shelley9s masterpiece undermine <Repro- <Reproduction= are different; they are fo- novel about excuse, even, to justify the narrator having so
duction.= The narrator tries to write a novel cused on the work of conceiving a child. The pregnancy. much interest in what she sees as Shelley9s Talya Zax is an editor at the Forward.
sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post eZ ee B3


Cycles of racial progress and violence

With each step forward comes a backlash, writes Wesley Lowery, who examines the rise in hateful incidents since the Obama years

s racism a social blight or a personal
defect? Amid the frictions of recent
years, slick thinkers like Robin DiAngelo
have proposed, often in the same breath,
that racism is at once a systemic prob-
lem to be tackled by communities and a moral
failing to be exorcised by acts of private
penance. In <American Whitelash: A Chang-
ing Nation and the Cost of Progress,= Pulitzer
Prize-winning journalist Wesley Lowery re-
veals the tensions latent in our common
conceptions of racism by probing recent
surges in white-supremacist violence.
The central premise of <American Whitelash=
is that <each step toward a more racially just
society, each step toward triumph gained by the
anti-racist side of the struggle, each periodic
collection against the unfulfilled pledges of the
American promissory note, in turn, sparks a
backlash 4 a pull back on the rope 4 from the
unjust system9s beneficiaries and boosters.=
Whitelash, then, takes on different and histori-
cally specific forms as Whiteness expands to
<accommodate waves of new members= and
contracts to exclude formerly secure constitu-
ents. Italian Americans, now comfortably as-
similated, faced brutal whitelash in the early
1900s 4 and, as Lowery has frequent occasion
to remind us, the inclusion of Ashkenazi Jews as
White is still contested, often bloodily, by
Lowery9s book is not a comprehensive
history of White resentment in America 4
such a study would surely be many times as
long 4 but an incomplete examination of the
most recent wave of hatred and recrimina-
tion. It begins on the eve of Barack Obama9s
election, when the air was laced with opti-
mism that seems naive in retrospect. For one
thing, Lowery writes, Obama9s presidency
revealed the shortcomings of the <8black faces
in high places9 politics that had taken hold in
the decades since the civil rights movement.=
Far from representing a radical break with
American politics as usual, the 44th president
TiM gruber for The WashingTon PosT
<hedged and stood tall in two-sides-ism,= as
the poet and essayist Camonghne Felix ob-
served in an essay from which Lowery quotes.
Even worse, Obama9s election infuriated 2012; an outspoken neo-Nazi committed a racism 4 to mass incarceration, to income
and emboldened the country9s most poison- mass shooting at a Jewish community center inequality, to voter suppression, to White
ous reactionaries: <At least two prominent in Overland Park, Kan., in 2014; and white flight, to police brutality. We never learn
white supremacist organizations 4 Storm- supremacists took up arms against Black exactly how pervasive neo-Nazism has be-
front and the Council of Conservative Citi- Lives Matter protesters in Minneapolis in come in America or how often full-fledged
zens 4 saw their websites crash due to the 2015. fanaticism springs out of, or shades into, the
flood of online traffic that came their way In light of these antecedents, the two more quotidian but equally (if not more)
following Obama9s victory.= An uptick in episodes in the book that transpired after harmful brand of bigotry practiced by a much
racially motivated hate crimes soon followed. 2016 4 the notorious rally in Charlottesville broader swath of White Americans. The
No wonder the president who assumed office in 2017 and a racially motivated murder in political philosopher Tommie Shelby has
in 2016 was the white supremacists9 candi- Maryland that same year 4 come to seem like pointed out that even well-meaning people
date of choice. continuations, even culminations. can <perpetuate oppression= by performing
Lowery explains that criminologists sort Lowery writes that his book is <an attempt actions that impose <an unnecessary, system-
a Changing
perpetrators of racial violence into three to put human faces on the relentless cycle of ic, and undeserved burden= on another group
Nation and the
categories: <thrill-seekers,= like teenagers violence that has defined American history,= of people 4 actions that <have this result
Cost of Progress
who use epithets in an effort to shock and and the attempt succeeds. He is a lively whether or not they are performed with a
by Wesley Lowery anToine Lyers
provoke; <reactive attackers, who lash out narrative reporter with a keen eye for detail, racist heart.= How we feel matters less than
suddenly at perceived enemies such as immi- and his prose can be devastatingly vivid. The how we structure the world. Personal atone-
256 pp. $29.99
grants or LGBTQ people=; and <mission-ori- mother of Oscar Grant, a Black man shot by expression with the government9s sacred ment is not an adequate solution to patently
ented attackers, the avowed ideologues who the police in Oakland, Calif., in 2009, responsibility to ensure the safety and secu- public problems.
carry out calculated attacks.= crouched over her son9s hospital bed and rity of the rest of society.= In other words, how If the issue at stake is whitelash 4 defined
<American Whitelash= focuses almost ex- Protesters <tried to talk him out of dying.= When the do we weigh our interest in preventing hate as <a pull back on the rope= from <the unjust
clusively on lone wolves in the second march in father of a Black man stabbed by a white crimes against our interest in restricting the system9s beneficiaries and boosters= 4 then
category. Four of the six incidents it chroni- Minneapolis in supremacist saw state troopers approaching state9s ability to monitor the populace (partic- the phenomenon9s most harmful incarna-
cles at length occurred during the Obama May 2020 his house, his <heart sank to his waist.= ularly given that the biggest expansion of the tions are not dramatic but bureaucratic.
administration, two during Trump9s. This after the police But when Lowery moves from narrative to American surveillance apparatus in recent Gerrymandering and mass deportations of
distribution is as instructive as it is unexpect- killing of conceptual territory, he is on shakier ground. memory disproportionately targeted people undocumented immigrants, both of which
ed: Even during the apparently (to a certain George Floyd. <A central question during the years that of Middle Eastern origin)? These are thorny proceeded apace during Obama9s presidency,
kind of blinkered liberal, anyway) halcyon Such followed the 2008 election was how much the and vital questions 4 but although Lowery can be more broadly consequential than hate
days of the Obama presidency, dark forces movements for era9s racially inflammatory rhetoric was incit- repeatedly raises them, he never ventures crimes, at least in terms of scale. As usual, the
were at work. A teenager who had been racial justice ing 4 or, at the very least contributing to 4 answers. less theatrically evil villains are all the more
radicalized by white supremacists online often spark those acts of racial violence,= he writes. A More frustratingly, <American Whitelash= chillingly effective.
stabbed an Ecuadoran immigrant on Long backlash, second core conundrum concerns <how to contains little contextualization that might
Island in 2008; a veteran skinhead opened writes Wesley balance the rights of most Americans 4 even help us relate horrific but uncommon acts of Becca Rothfeld is the nonfiction book critic for
fire at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wis., in Lowery. American racists 4 to free speech and free extremism to the mundane mechanics of The Washington Post.

If misinformation of the limitations of the human brain, things

that make it less effective than it might other-
wise be in making such judgments: its use of
rules of thumb, for instance, or its preference
metaphor: We do not actually have an immune
system for misinformation, and there is good
reason for this. Unlike viruses, there is nothing
inherent in false information that ought auto-
van der Linden mentions 4 will enable us to
recognize some misinformation, but not all of
it. He refers to these as parts of <the DNA
structure of misinformation,= but again, this is
acts like a virus, for simple and <sticky= claims over complicat-
ed and nuanced accounts. Part Two focuses on
human society, and in particular our contem-
matically to trigger any sort of natural re-
sponse on the part of the brain. Any piece of
information might be true. Whether it is
precisely the wrong way to think about it. Just
as misinformation is not a virus, it has no DNA.
After all, legitimate information providers

is there a vaccine? porary society, and its susceptibility to misin-

formation spread. Misinformation is not a
new phenomenon, of course, but social media
depends not on the nature of the information
but on the nature of the world.
Suppose someone claims that a certain
also discredit their opponents, and they some-
times engage in emotional appeals: A fake think
tank set up to sow seeds of doubt about climate
has clearly contributed to its dissemination. presidential election was rigged by one side. change should be discredited, and emotional
BY T ROY J OLLIMORE Much of this may seem familiar, but in Part Depending who the relevant parties are, and appeals are critical to social-justice efforts. Look-
Three, van der Linden attempts to develop a what the facts of the matter are, the claim ing for <impersonation,= meanwhile, is useful
he English poet John Milton once asked, technique for increasing resistance to misin- might or might not be misinformation. But we only if we already have a way of distinguishing

T rhetorically: <Who ever knew truth put

to the worse, in a free and open encoun-
ter?= Were such a question to be asked now, all
formation. He argues that by giving people
misinformation in a weakened form 4 that is,
exposing them to the kinds of manipulative
would have to look at the world, i.e. the facts, to
see whether this was so. There is nothing in the
claim itself to signal whether it is reliable.
reliable authorities from unreliable ones. That is,
it presupposes an ability to detect misinforma-
tion, rather than enabling us to do so.
of us would put up our hands. Every day we see strategies employed by misinformation pur- After all, people have tried to rig elections in This is not to say that prebunking has no
true claims rejected in favor of false ones, veyors 4 we can trigger their natural defenses the past, sometimes successfully, while other value. Understood in the right way, it is
often, indeed, wildly absurd ones. Large seg- against it. This <prebunking= can be delivered elections have been perfectly legitimate. There probably our best strategy for winning the
ments of the American population believe that in a variety of ways. Van der Linden and his is nothing inherently absurd, or false, about misinformation wars. Teaching students to
climate change either is not occurring or is not collaborators have, for instance, experimented the claim itself. recognize logical fallacies and unpersuasive or
caused by human activity, that the federal with online video games in which you pretend How do we navigate such problems? Large- manipulative reasoning is the main goal of
government and the media are controlled by to run your own fake-news empire. But as he ly through trust. Since we cannot possibly courses in logic and critical thinking, as well as
Satan worshipers who are running a massive points out, it can also be done around the check everything (or even very much) out for philosophy more generally. Much the same is
infects Our
child trafficking operation, that the 2020 dinner table at home, on an individual basis. ourselves, we fall back on a system of networks true of other academic disciplines: Students
minds and
presidential election was rigged, that the coro- There are some reasons for concern. It is and institutions that do much of the checking who study 20th-century history, for instance,
how to Build
navirus is linked to 5G mobile towers. To say possible that the same techniques could be for us. Unfortunately, since the mid-20th cen- will be exposed to, and will learn to see
that the evidence is minimal in each case used by misinformation spreaders to <pre- tury, entities such as tobacco and fossil fuel through, the kinds of arguments and emotion-
by sander van
would be far more than kind. Yet somehow bunk= the truth? In fact, this has already companies have constructed a shadow infra- al manipulation that were used to justify the
der Linden
that does not seem to matter. happened. As the philosophers Endre Begby structure of think tanks, <research= institutes Holocaust to the German public. In other
Unsurprisingly, given the scale of the prob- and C. Thi Nguyen have pointed out, politi- populated by fake experts, book publishers, words, prebunking is at the heart of liberal arts
358 pp. $30
lem and its potential ramifications, misinfor- cians and media figures like Newt Gingrich websites, and television and radio stations, education.
mation has become a hot research topic. and Rush Limbaugh have frequently used oriented not toward truth but toward pushing Unfortunately 4 and this, too, is part of the
Sander van der Linden, a social psychologist at what Begby terms <evidential preemption,= particular agendas. These institutions are par- crucial historical narrative that <Foolproof=
Cambridge, is one of many to take it up. His augmenting their claims with the prediction asitic on the trust that has been built up by ignores 4 such education has been marginal-
goal, as he tells us in <Foolproof: Why Misin- that these claims will be attacked and criti- legitimate authorities, even as they attempt to ized, where it has not been entirely eliminated,
formation Infects Our Minds and How to Build cized by their political opponents, and warn- undermine and hijack that trust. in favor of a conception of education as career
Immunity,= is not merely to understand what ing that these critiques should be ignored. There is a long history to all of this, and training. The rise of misinformation was a
misinformation is and how it works, but to When the prediction turns out to be true, as of though <Foolproof= touches on some of the predictable and, tragically, avoidable outcome
develop ways of resisting it and stemming its course it does given that the original claims details, the full narrative remains mostly off- of such decisions. It is hard to think that the
spread. To use his preferred metaphor, he aims were false and often outrageous, their sup- stage. That is unfortunate, because we need situation will improve if society continues to
to devise a way to inoculate people against the porters take the truth of the predictions as this kind of knowledge to understand why follow this dangerous course.
misinformation virus. further evidence of the speaker9s reliability. misinformation is so rampant and harmful in
The first step is to understand why we are The fact that prebunking can be used to our society. Focusing on common techniques troy Jollimore is a philosopher and poet who
vulnerable to misinformation and how it help spread rather than combat misinforma- of manipulation 4 discrediting, emotional teaches in the philosophy department at California
spreads. Part One of the book examines some tion points to a serious limitation of the virus appeals and impersonation are among those state university in Chico.
B4 Ez EE the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

Book World

8Factory Girls,9 8Seven-Day Magic,9

by Michelle Gallen (2022) by Edward Eager (1962)
Ron Charles, fiction critic Jacob Brogan, editor

I enjoyed Michelle Gallen9s debut novel, I picked up Edward Eager9s <Seven-Day

<Big Girl, Small Town,= immensely, but last Magic= almost by accident last month
fall when her second book, <Factory Girls,= while resting in the valley between the
came to America, I foolishly skipped it. daunting peaks of another book9s chapters.
Fortunately, my wife and my younger (Okay, fine, it was Norman Rush9s <Mat-
daughter read it, and their praise made me ing,= which I have since finished and which
realize what a mistake I9d made. This time is very impressive, yes.) I was hoping for
around, Gallen tells the hilariously frank something charming, and it is, but I was
story of Maeve Murray, a teenager in also surprised by how ingenious and wise
Northern Ireland during the Troubles. As it is.
Maeve waits for her high school exam In brief, <Seven-Day Magic= follows a
results and fantasizes about the life she9ll group of eager young readers who check
lead in college, she takes a miserable out a mysterious, untitled volume from the
ironing job in a local shirt factory. In library. When they finally crack it open,
addition to the drudgery of the work and they find that it contains a faithful record
the sexual aggression of her English super- of their own day, repeating the very lan-
visor, there9s the abiding shock of working guage with which Eager9s own book begins,
right alongside Protestants, with all their only to lead them into a seemingly real
alien ways. Although grief hangs over her adventure 4 featuring a hungry dragon,
family and the threat of violence keeps the hapless peasants and a cranky but kind
whole town on edge, Maeve and her pals are witch 4 that appears to take place in the
determined to have a life. This reads like a prehistory of Frank L. Baum9s Oz novels.
darker, often tougher version of Lisa Mc- From there, they find themselves pulled
Gee9s TV series <Derry Girls,= but with the from one story to the next 4 visiting the
same heart of gold. fictional worlds of Laura Ingalls Wilder
and Eager himself, among others 4 guided
only by the children9s own wishes about the
kinds of stories they love and long for.
This metafiction is wholly free of preten-
sion. It revels in the ways books both
connect us to one another and help us
make sense of our individual desires. As its
playfully moving ending demonstrates, Ea-
ger understands better than most why
readers of all ages see themselves in stories
iLLuSTrATion By JAvi AznArEz for ThE WAShinGTon PoST 4 and how they find themselves through

What Book World 8The Making of Another Major

Motion Picture Masterpiece,9
by Tom Hanks (2023)
Becky Meloan, editorial aide

writers and editors Last month I drove to work with Tom

Hanks. Well, sort of 4 I listened to his first
novel on my commute, and it felt like

are reading now

having America9s favorite actor share his
expertise as we breezed down Canal Road.
Following the making of a superhero
movie over decades, from conception to
postproduction, Hanks narrates the
charmingly old-fashioned story while one
mEhdi EL GuEddAri BY W ASHINGTON P OST S TAFF talented actor after another 4 Peter Gere-
Michelle Gallen, author of <Factory Girls.= ty! Ego Nwodim! Holland Taylor! 4 deliver
engaging performances as production as-
In Staff Picks, Book World editors and writers share what sistants, makeup artists and bona fide
8The Quiet American,9 they9ve been reading off the clock. Hollywood stars. Filling a post-pandemic
demand for easygoing, feel-good enter-
by Graham Greene (1955) tainment, Hanks9s homespun tale portrays
John Williams, Book World editor a world where the characters are plucky,
like each other <a helluva lot= and know
There are few things I love more than the how to get things done. In this faux reality,
podcast <Backlisted,= in which co-hosts Harbor,= his novel set in the upper-middle- narrator craves: <Equal love between peo- misbehavior is shown with all the subtlety
Andy Miller and John Mitchinson have class Black enclave in the Hamptons. <Sag ple of equal value, although value is an of <Goofus and Gallant,= but for lovers of
extended conversations with guests about Harbor,= nominally about teen brothers Ben approximation for the word I want. & Why, moviemaking, no matter. Hard work and
books, frequently obscure ones. It combines and Reggie, left to their own devices in their even in the most enlightened and beauti- talent will always save the day, and some-
enthusiasm, discernment and even erudi- family9s vacation house, is, like lots of fully launched unions, are we afraid that times a happy ending is just what the
tion in a completely convivial way. The show coming-of-age novels, about everything and we hear the master-slave relationship mov- audience wants.
recently returned from a well-deserved hia- nothing: It9s about jobs scooping ice cream, ing its slow thighs somewhere in the
tus 4 <Welcome to the first in what we are still having your braces on, inescapable vicinity?=
calling our third season,= the team wrote on nerdiness, the thirst to be cool. It9s about Equal love is difficult, but I cling to the
its website, <(the first one lasted for 109 boredom and misadventures that seem belief that Rush9s narrator and her par-
episodes, the second a mere 68).= The first endless precisely until they9re not. (And amour are collaborators in very fleetingly
show back was about Graham Greene and, when you9re done, I recommend day-trip- achieving the impossible, for the admit-
uncharacteristically, divided its focus ping through reviews from when it was tedly partial reason that I am invested in
among multiple books. I9d read a couple of originally published 4 a cultural and politi- their success. (You9re talking to a person
Greene9s novels many moons ago, but I own cal moment that feels impossibly far away. who made her now-husband read <Mat-
several others that I9ve been meaning to get Were we ever so young?) ing= in preparation for our marriage.) It
to for a while, and I9m reaching an age when could be argued that other books and films
<meaning to get to= starts to sound a little address the pressing question of equal
spooky. <Backlisted= inspired me to read 8Mating,9 love, among them <Pride and Prejudice=
<The Quiet American,= as well-known as any and <His Girl Friday.= But I have never
of Greene9s books, and for good reason. Its by Norman Rush (1991) found another work of any kind that so
superficial pleasures 4 expertly paced Becca Rothfeld, nonfiction book critic explicitly states that it is an ideal we
scenes, biting dialogue, a Hall of Fame last cannot afford to give up. I know, rationally,
line 4 are first-rate; the articulateness of its I recently read Norman Rush9s gloriously that <Mating= is probably not the best
prescience about American involvement in extravagant novel <Mating= for the fifth or book I9ve ever read, but I can9t help but
Vietnam and the rest of the world is aston- sixth time (I9ve lost count). This time believe it to be, probably because I find it
ishing. around, I was preparing for a podcast on it the most moving. Maybe equal love is
that will come out next month. The ques- impossible. But why should we settle for
tion we try to address on the podcast is the merely possible when we could de-
8The Hottest Dishes of the Tartar Cuisine,9 whether the central relationship in <Mat- mand the perfect?
ing,= which follows a pair of anthropolo-
by Alina Bronsky; gists in an egalitarian and matriarchal
translated by Tim Mohr (2010) commune in the Kalahari Desert (a conceit 8Tuck Everlasting,9
Nora Krug, editor every bit as incredible as it sounds), is even
briefly perfect. My line is that it is 4 and my by Natalie Babbitt (1975)
This is not a cookbook or an insensitive meta-line is that the novel celebrates utopi- Jill Pellettieri, editor
treatise about Russian women. It9s a novel anism in both love and politics. The egali- Actor 4 and now, novelist 4 Tom Hanks.
about mothers and daughters and other tarian commune that the male anthropolo- My children are old enough now that our
entanglements, both personal and politi- gist has founded is hopelessly idealistic, as nightly reading typically consists of us
cal. At its center is Rosa, an imperious is the brand of love that the book9s un- doing so on our own, but every once in a 8Mary and Mr. Eliot:
woman who meddles in her daughter9s life named and unabashedly cerebral female while, we9ll opt to read something aloud
to comic extremes. Is Rosa terrible? As the together. My daughter and I recently found A Sort of Love Story,9
novel unfolds, the answer becomes less ourselves with a weekend alone, so we by Mary Trevelyan and Erica Wagner
clear. Rosa wants what all mothers want 4 picked up <Tuck Everlasting,= a deeply (2023)
what9s best for her child. In this case, that moving middle-grade novel by Natalie Bab- Michael Dirda, columnist
means getting her out of Russia and into a bitt that tells the story of an unlikely
happier, safer life in Germany. The plotline friendship between 10-year-old Winnie and I9ve read and written a lot about T.S. Eliot
seems to reflect the life story of its author, the Tuck family. The Tucks have a secret: in the last few years and thought I was done
who was born in a small town at the foot of They will live forever. When Winnie discov- with this prim, unhappy, deceitful hypo-
the Ural Mountains and now lives in ers this, the family pleads with her not to chondriac, who just happens to be one of my
Germany. Bronsky, which is a pseudonym, tell 4 no one else can know about the magic favorite poets. But I9m glad to have spent an
toys with these themes in several other spring that granted them eternal life. evening with <Mary and Mr. Eliot: A Sort of
works, including <Broken Glass Park= <Tuck Everlasting= raises profound ques- Love Story,= by Mary Trevelyan and Erica
(2008) and <Baba Dunja9s Last Love= (2015), tions about life, death and growing up: Wagner. Trevelyan was Eliot9s confidante
which I also read 4 and enjoyed 4 in What would you do if you had a chance to and dinner companion during the 1940s and
preparation for our review of her latest live forever? Babbitt is a master storyteller early 950s, came to love him and was cruelly
book, <Barbara Isn9t Dying.= who knows her audience. There is no hurt when the 68-year-old abruptly married
talking down to her readers, no simplifying his 30-year-old secretary. As edited, with
the complexities of life, no pat, happy valuable commentary by Wagner, Trevely-
8Sag Harbor,9 ending, because in the Tucks9 world, that is an9s letters and diaries blend gossip, decla-
impossible. I will not give anything away, rations of love, Eliot9s table talk and, not
by Colson Whitehead (2009) but sensitive readers beware 4 tears may least, a remarkable woman9s shrewd obser-
Sophia Nguyen, news and features writer be shed. vations. For example, when Eliot wanted
For years, my mom was a fifth-grade sympathy, usually undeserved, Trevelyan
With Colson Whitehead, you can pick teacher, and this book was a favorite of hers notes that he would put on his <distraught
between zombies, John Henry, the World to teach. My daughter and I read from her refugee face.= Trevelyan would be familiar
Series of Poker, the demons of American old teaching copy, complete with notes with the real thing, or close to it: As the
history and some unforgettable elevators, neatly scripted in the margins. My daugh- warden of the international Student Move-
so I know it sounds prim, or perverse, to ter got a kick out of answering her grand- ment House and later an adviser to overseas
recommend him in straight realist mode. mother9s discussion prompts, as if she were students at the University of London, she
But as I was looking for a book to get me in michAEL LionSTAr right there reading it with us. <Debate: Is would have looked into many truly confused
the mood for summer, I turned to <Sag Norman Rush, author of <Mating.= immortality a blessing or a curse?= and homesick faces.
sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post eZ ee B5

Book World

In the famous opening reportedly even more complicated, 1935

sentence of his 1836 essay, mystery, <Obelists Fly High.= It begins with
<Nature,= Ralph Waldo an epilogue and ends with a prologue.
Emerson declared that <Our Christianna Brand9s <Green for Danger=
age is retrospective.= If true was made into a notable 1946 film with
once, this hardly seems so Inspector Cockrill played by Alastair Sim
Michael anymore in a digital era of (best known as Scrooge in a beloved screen
Dirda relentless future shock. But for version of <A Christmas Carol=). The book
devotees of old-time detection, itself is a tour de force of misdirection.
recent publishing does seem surprisingly Picture a World War II hospital out in the
retrospective, even nostalgic. British Library country, under constant stress as it cares for
Crime Classics, Library of Congress Crime people wounded in the never-ending German

Classic mysteries are

Classics, American Mystery Classics, Soho bombing raids. Three principal doctors are
Crime, Locked Room International, Stark doing their best to keep up: a sexually
House Press, Crippen & Landru and several charismatic Harley Street surgeon, an elderly
others have been zealously reissuing hard-to- general practitioner whose life was blighted
find whodunits from the crime genre9s early- by the hit-and-run death of his only child,
to-mid-20th-century heyday. Why? In part
because wise readers, weary of constant
social media chatter and discord, know they
can always find quiet and refreshment in
having a moment and a young anesthesiologist, now under a
cloud following an operation that went
wrong through no fault of his own. Assisting
them are various nurses and young women
improbably complicated stories about who have volunteered. In between surgeries
murder. and changing bandages, love affairs have
The only real problem is choice. Suppose, King, first published in 1932, is set on an both men fired almost simultaneously. De blossomed and wilted, promises have been
like me, you enjoy Japanese honkaku, those ocean liner crossing the Atlantic to England; Brasto maintains that it must have been the made and hearts left broken.
<orthodox= mysteries that pay homage to the Brand first appeared in 1940 and takes bullet of this now-vanished assassin that One night an old gent is brought in after a
Golden Age puzzles by outdoing them in place at a makeshift military hospital during struck Smith 4 though he finds it mystifying, bomb has destroyed the local pub. The next
imaginative complexity. This year three World War II. albeit a relief, that a professional somehow day, just as he9s being wheeled into the
honkaku masterworks have just been What is an obelist? According to the missed his intended target. In fact, medical operating theater, he suddenly, half-
translated into English: Seishi Yokomizo9s original publisher9s explanatory note, <an examination reveals an oddity to the dead deliriously shouts, <Where have I heard that
<The Devil9s Flute Murders,= Yukito Ayatsuji9s Obelist is one who harbors suspicions.= financier9s wound: Smith appears to have voice?= During the relatively simple
<The Mill House Murders= (both from Several figures in King9s novel fit this been shot twice in precisely the same place. procedure something goes inexplicably
Pushkin Vertigo) and Masahiro Imamura9s definition, but at center stage are four There9s also an additional puzzle in the case: wrong with his breathing, and he dies on the
<Death Within the Evil Eye= (from Locked psychologists, of differing schools, who are Who could have wrenched a valuable string table. Naturally, a pro forma investigation is
Room International). Having previously read traveling by sea to an international of pearls from Coralie9s neck during the required, and in due course Inspector
Ayatsuji9s homage to Agatha Christie, <The conference. blackout? Cockrill 4 imagine a British Columbo 4
Decagon House Murders,= and Imamura9s In the novel9s first chapter, an officer of the Such is King9s initial setup, but matters realizes that the patient has actually been
<Death Among the Undead,= the latter set at a SS Meganaut is conducting a cocktail-hour turn out to be far more complicated than murdered. But how? By whom? And why? In
country hotel barricaded against an army of competition in which passengers bid for that. Way more complicated. a tragic sense, the war itself is the ultimate
zombies, I know their new books will be various numbers, hoping to acquire the one So the Meganaut9s Captain Mansfield turns cause.
breathtakingly ingenious. As for Yokomizo, that will match the distance in nautical miles to the four psychologists on board for help. Only seven flawed but essentially likable
who died in 1981: He has been called the the ship will travel the next day. While Conditioned behavior, an inferiority complex, people ever saw the old man, yet one of them
Japanese John Dickson Carr, which is sipping drinks at a table with his daughter the will to power, neurological or even must be the killer. As Cockrill9s investigation
endorsement enough for me. Earlier this Coralie and two young men, the wealthy digestive disorders, racial prejudice: Could continues, the murderer strikes again, this
spring, I much enjoyed <The Kindling Spark= financier Victor Timothy Smith consistently any or all of these be relevant to the crime time carefully leaving the victim9s body laid
(Crippen & Landru), which gathers Carr9s outbids a lawyer named de Brasto for the and its solution? A second murder further out in a soiled and torn hospital gown.
surprisingly accomplished juvenilia. That number 634. Smith starts doing it again for thickens the plot. While the modus operandi in the initial
book9s editor, Dan Napolitano, also provides the number 640 when the lights suddenly With its extravagant cast of characters, murder seems pretty obvious, I doubt many
a superb introductory essay surveying the fail, a woman9s voice is heard outbidding several delicious improbabilities and some readers will guess the person Cockrill finally
writers who most influenced this both gentlemen, a chair crashes to the floor, almost kitschy psychological theorizing, arrests 4 or what happens afterward. Still,
grandmaster of the locked-room howdunit. and a single shot echoes through the <Obelists at Sea= sails right along, delivering pay attention to the background information
After my usual waffling, I finally decided darkened room. When the lights come back highly agreeable light entertainment. I in the book9s opening chapter. Not that it9ll
to save the honkaku for later this summer. on, de Brasto is standing with a gun in his haven9t even mentioned the alluring do you any good. After all, there9s a reason
Instead, I settled down last week with recent hand. Smith has been shot in the heart, and cardsharp Madame Sudeau, Captain <Green for Danger= is counted as one of the
reissues of C. Daly King9s <Obelists at Sea= the beautiful Coralie appears to have fainted Mansfield9s comical breakfasts, the most dazzling 4 and poignant 4 mysteries of
(Penzler/American Mystery Classics) and from shock. disappearing body, Coralie9s secret or some all time.
Christianna Brand9s <Green for Danger= An open-and-shut case, one would think. astonishing conversations about the nature
(Poisoned Pen/British Library Crime But de Brasto 4 a shady lawyer on the outs of love and marriage. Experienced readers of Michael Dirda is a Pulitzer Prize-winning
Classics). Both are pleasingly complicated with the mob 4 claims that, just as the detective fiction will probably guess several columnist and the author of the memoir <An open
period pieces, prefaced with fact-filled electricity failed, he glimpsed the contract key plot points long before the various Book= and of four collections of essays:
introductory essays by Martin Edwards, our killer who9d been on his trail. In self-defense, obelists do. No matter. I look forward to <Readings,= <Bound to Please,= <Book by Book=
leading historian of detective fiction. The he instinctively pulled out his own gun, and someday reading King9s second, and and <Classics for Pleasure.=

BY NORA KRUG She has no parents, no siblings (her one

brother, like her mother, killed himself ),
n her new memoir, <George,= Frieda her marriage is crumbling, and her job as a

I Hughes rarely mentions her famous

parents, Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes.
But their absence 4 in life and art 4
The poet and
poetry columnist for the Times (London) is
<I felt as if the ground on which I stood
underscores this poignant and often funny was constantly changing and shifting,= she
story about, of all things, her relationship explains of her life after her mother died,
with a magpie.
Yes, a magpie. That loud, often destruc-
tive animal many consider a pest 4 and a
close relation to the crow, a bird that,
the magpie: in 1963, <and that if I looked away for just a
minute, then looked back, the landscape
would have altered, and I9d have a whole
other universe to acclimatize to.= Her
perhaps coincidentally, was the subject of
a collection of poems by Ted Hughes
(<When Crow cried his mother9s ear/
A love story father, she writes in what qualifies as a
grand understatement, <found it difficult
to settle.= By the time she was 13, Hughes
Scorched to a stump=). had attended 12 schools. <My father would
Frieda Hughes happened upon this follow his girlfriend, or an idea or an
particular magpie on a Saturday morning apparent urge to move somewhere he
in May 2007. A storm had knocked its nest could escape the associations of his past or
from a tree on her property in Wales. While forge a new and brighter future.= His
in her garden, Hughes noticed <a small <peripatetic lifestyle,= she explains, <meant
feathered scrap & its stumpy wings were that I never had my few clothes all in one
like a bundle of fan-sticks still awaiting place, or my books (I did not have toys), or
fluff.= Without skipping a beat, she came to make friends (I did not have any real
its rescue. Never mind that its nostrils friends). Wherever he went my younger
were full of fly eggs (this book is not for the brother, Nick, and I followed, like two
squeamish) or that <it looked torn in trailing limbs.= (That last line, like a lot of
places, like a bloodied rag.= Into her hands, others in the book, sounds like something
home and heart it went. her mother would write.)
Hughes had recently moved from Lon- Also: Her father was not keen on pets, or
don into a rambling country house with at least keeping them long. Hughes9s book
her soon-to-be-ex-husband and three dogs. includes a menagerie of the animals she
As big as it was, her house was still not had 4 and lost 4 during her early years: a
enough for a magpie, which, after all, is goat <that got pregnant and produced a
meant to live outdoors and fly. But Hughes, bad-tempered Billy-the-kid when Dad took
who had once taken in as many as 13 cats us away and left it with a local farmer=; a
until realizing <they killed things,= was tabby cat that <went feral because Dad
undaunted. She named the bird George, kept taking us away and leaving it to the
brought him worms, and built him a mercy of the neighbor=; another cat that
makeshift nest crafted out of a T-shirt and <had to be rehomed because Dad thought
a pink salad bowl that she placed in a dog it was bad luck=; a beloved badger called
cage. Bess who dug her way out of her mud-and-
Her dogs 4 Widget, Mouse and Snickers straw abode; and the <tadpoles that I kept
4 grew accustomed to their new sibling. in an enormous blue-and-white glazed
The husband 4 referred to throughout as bowl beneath my old iron bed,= which she
<The Ex= 4 was at first uninterested, then set free when they began to develop legs
came to loathe George; Hughes says he saw because she <couldn9t bear the idea of
George as <the competition= for her affec- someone vacuuming my bedroom and
tion and love. accidentally hoovering up half-developed
He was not wrong. Hughes doted on frogs.=
George as if he were a sick child, an ailing Is it any wonder that Hughes grew so
parent or a worried spouse. <George was attached to George the magpie?
the new guest and I was besotted by what Hughes doesn9t wonder. Part of the
appeared to be his rapidly developing little charm of this book is that the author
bird-personality,= she writes. <He was doesn9t dwell on her pain or her past or the
helpless and needed me, and now my reasons why. On a spectrum of people-ani-
purpose was to keep him alive.= mal memoirs, the book falls closer to Helen
The task required a great deal of time, Macdonald9s <H Is for Hawk= than John
attention and patience, and Hughes was all Grogan9s <Marley and Me.= Still, it is not
in. When she ran out of worms, she made him especially cerebral or didactic, and that is
pellets of minced meat. She helped him drink not meant as a criticism. It9s a passionate
milk from a tiny glass. When she thought he george book about unconditional love and com-
wanted company, Hughes put George on her A Magpie mitment. It9s also fast-paced and suspense-
lap or her hand while she did chores or Memoir ful, full of amusing anecdotes, poems and
worked. <I realized that everything took twice By Frieda Hughes9s sweet drawings of George.
as long with a magpie hanging off me,= she Hughes Like the parent of a human child,
writes, <but I also wanted to make the most of Avid Reader Hughes eventually must face the reality
every minute.= When she lets George out of Press / Simon & that George will have to leave the nest for
the house for the night, she wakes up the next Schuster. good. Without giving too much away,
morning expectantly, calling for him over and 272 pp. $28 suffice it to say that her memoir illustrates
over till he comes back to the kitchen the truth of the nursery rhyme about how a
window: <If he9d been big enough, I9d have magpie can serve as a good or a bad omen
thrown my arms around him and hugged illuStRAtion And PHotoS FRom FRiedA HugHeS depending on how many you see: <One for
him.= sorrow, two for mirth.= Hughes experi-
It doesn9t take a degree in psychology to FROM TOP: A drawing by Frieda Hughes of George as a hungry chick. Hughes, a poet ences both emotions, if not in equal
see that George was filling a hole 4 and painter, poses with some of her artworks. George perches on a cup of yogurt. measure.
perhaps several 4 in Hughes9s life. (Talk
about broken-wing syndrome!) Her child- Nora Krug is an editor and writer in Book
hood was marked by loss and uncertainty. World.
b6 ez ee the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

Book World

Washington Post
Paperback bestsellers
couRteSy of the AmeRicAn

Literature, activism and famous friends

BooKSelleRS ASSociAtion


1 TrUsT (Riverhead, $17). By hernan

Rose Styron, wife of novelist William and an advocate for human rights, tells all diaz. in this pulitzer prize-winning
novel, an excessively wealthy family
with a secret is the catalyst for
examining how stories can shape the

n their first date, Rose and William 2 The MIdNIGhT lIbrary (penguin,
Styron had a memorable third $18). By matt haig. A regretful woman
wheel: Truman Capote. This was lands in a library where she gets to
Rome, 1952, in a basement bar near play out her life had she made
the American Embassy. Rose, who different choices.
had initiated the meeting with Styron, won-
dered if, like Capote, Bill might be gay, but 3 The seVeN hUsbaNds Of eVelyN
she soon found out otherwise. Rose and Bill hUGO (Washington Square, $17). By
married the following year in Italy, took a taylor Jenkins Reid. A hollywood icon
months-long honeymoon with plenty of recounts the story of her glamorous
friends visiting, then returned to live in New life to a young reporter, and both
York, where, she writes, <I savored our discover the cost of fame.
satisfying sex life, intimate meals, separate
writing areas.= 4 The lasT ThING he TOld Me
The separate writing areas were short- (marysue Rucci, $17.99). By laura
lived, as Rose was soon immersed in raising dave. looking for answers about her
four children. Marriage and motherhood had husband9s disappearance, a wife and
a chilling effect on her budding literary her recalcitrant stepdaughter
career. When she met Styron she had a discover shocking secrets.
master9s degree in creative writing from 5 IT eNds WITh Us (Atria, $16.99). By
Johns Hopkins and two <tentative= book colleen hoover. A woman questions
contracts, but her pursuits were stifled by her her relationship with a commitment-
husband9s lack of interest. <He wasn9t in- phobic partner when her old flame
volved in my work. It hurt my feelings a lot at appears.
first, but I put it down to his writer9s natural
narcissism,= she says before admitting that 6 MeeT Me aT The laKe (Berkley,
she <basically didn9t write until he died.= A $18). By carley fortune. A chance
book of poems published by Viking in 1973 encounter brings together two
was the result of Jerzy Kosinski9s snooping in strangers who have an outsize effect
her desk and insisting he take the pages he on each other9s lives.
found to his girlfriend to have them typed up.
That book, <Thieves9 Afternoon,= was fol- 7 a COUrT Of ThOrNs aNd rOses
lowed by a few others published sporadically (Bloomsbury, $19). By Sarah J. maas.
over the years, most notably <By Vineyard A threat is growing over a magical
Light,= with Craig Dripps, a poetic and land where a huntress is being held
photographic homage to the island where she captive.
lives. Instead, Styron turned her attention to
8 The sONG Of aChIlles (ecco,
activism on international human rights,
$17.99). By madeline miller. the
becoming a founding member of Amnesty
legend of Achilles retold through the
International. In <Beyond This Harbor,= Sty-
lens of his friend patroclus.
ron, 95, looks back at her life before, during
and since her marriage to the Pulitzer 9 IT sTarTs WITh Us (Atria, $17.99).
Prize-winning novelist who was both her By colleen hoover. After separating
anchor and her obstacle. from her abusive husband, a woman
Styron9s memoir gets off to a terrific start considers whether to rekindle her
with an anecdote that reminds readers right first love.
off that she is more than just Styron9s wife:
Around New Year9s 1974, Rose and her 10 daIsy JONes aNd The sIX
daughter Susanna were in a hotel swimming iVAn cRoScenco/Ap (Ballantine, $17). By taylor Jenkins
pool in Chile, batting around a big red beach Reid. A behind-the-scenes portrayal
ball with some new friends. In fact, the of the rise of a 1970s rock group
purpose of this innocent-looking game was separate Bill and me.= Norman Mailer tried includes what turns out to be a characteris- followed by the band9s infamous
so that these women could whisper details to to inveigle his dinner guests into an orgy, tically incisive precis of the situation in breakup.
Styron about how their husbands were being and not long after wrote a cruel letter to Chile 4 she does the same, later in the book,
tortured. Styron and her daughter were not Styron, breaking off their friendship. Philip with Yugoslavia and Cuba 4 as well as
mere tourists in Chile but were there to Roth may have told his biographer that Rose details of the horrors she turned up while NON fIC TIO N
gather information about Augusto Pinochet9s had forgiven him for failing to visit Bill in there, the basis of articles she wrote for the
<dirty war= for Amnesty. his final months, but he was wrong about New York Review of Books and Ramparts. 1 KIllers Of The flOWer MOON
While Styron knew that everything she that. <Bill was truly saddened by Philip9s Later chapters with titles like <Impromptu (Vinatge, $17). david Grann. A look at
did in Chile was being watched by govern- absence,= she says. Dinner Parties, Martha9s Vineyard and the fBi9s investigation of native
ment agents, she had yet to fully compre- And for those who don9t remember how Havana= and <Selling Roxbury, Life on the American deaths in 1920s oklahoma.
hend how dangerous her information-gath- she feels about Henry Kissinger, she offers a Vineyard Fulltime= contain too many repet-
beyONd ThIs 2 CryING IN h MarT (Vintage, $17).
ering mission was. If she had, she confesses, reminder: A few years ago, at the 90th itive stories about her many friends and
harbOr By michelle zauner. A Korean
she might not have brought her teenage birthday party for diplomat William Luers, their pursuits. Still, Styron clearly took to
adventurous American indie rock star chronicles
daughter along, though the latter9s fluency she was mortified to see the former secretary heart the lessons of stewardship and com-
Tales of her relationship with her mother and
in Spanish was a big help, and her perspi- of state seated across the table from her, so munity she absorbed from the Quakers,
the heart their shared culture.
cacity saved the day during their flight from she hid: <I grabbed the big vase of flowers expressing them over decades of activism
By Rose Styron
the city. decorating the middle of the table and pulled and friendship. She has lived a life in
Knopf. 3 haPPy-GO-lUCKy (Back Bay,
From there, the book unfolds chronologi- it right in front of me so we did not have to interesting times, among legendary charac-
336 pp. $32 $18.99). By david Sedaris. essays
cally, as Styron takes us back to her privileged look at each other.= Thus culminates her ters, a life well worth telling 4 and reading
Depression-era childhood in a secular Jewish almost comic determination to dodge him as 4 about. from the best-selling author detail his
family in Baltimore. Educated at the local he continually pops up in her social circle on experiences with the pandemic.
Friends School, she credits her Quaker educa- Martha9s Vineyard. Marion Winik, host of the npR podcast <the 4 braIdING sWeeTGrass (milkweed,
tion for her dedication to activism and The opening chapter in Chile is probably Weekly Reader,= is the author of numerous books, $20). By Robin Wall Kimmerer.
service. By Chapter 3, she9s graduated from the most adventurous of the adventurous including <first comes love= and <the Big Book of essays by an indigenous scientist
Wellesley, gone on to study poetry at Harvard tales promised in her subtitle. The book also the dead.= offer lessons in reciprocal awareness
and Johns Hopkins, and has met Styron and between people and plants.
many of his illustrious friends.
As much as the author may have hoped to 5 QUIeTly hOsTIle (Vintage, $17). By
avoid giving this impression, marriage to Samantha irby. in a collection of
William Styron sounds like quite a slog. Yes, humorous essays, the best-selling
he was a great lover, as she notes more than writer addresses life9s uncomfortable
once, but he was also the man who invented situations.
the depression memoir 4 <Darkness Visible=
4 and the toll taken by his two major 6 The bOdy KeePs The sCOre
breakdowns and terrible experience with (penguin, $19). By Bessel van der
electroshock treatments came on top of his Kolk. A scientific look at how trauma
basically just being an old sourpuss. She can reshape a person9s body and
reports, for instance, that he rarely attended brain.
any of their kids9 activities and that a
7 sOlITO (hogarth, $18). By Javier
psychologist friend recently called his par- ABOVE:
zamora. A poet who fled el Salvador
enting <egregious.= William and
when he was 9 tells the story of his
Her way through life was significantly Rose Styron in
migration to the united States.
eased by dozens of friendships and social 1960 with two
connections. In the summer of 1965, Rose of their 8 all abOUT lOVe (morrow, $16.99).
became lifelong friends with Mia Farrow children, By bell hooks. the first volume in the
and her then-boyfriend, Frank Sinatra, who daughters iconic feminist9s <love Song to the
was <great fun.= Her circle also includes Susanna, 5, nation= trilogy considers compassion
seemingly every major writer and intellectu- and Polly, 2. as a form of love.
al of the 20th century, among them Peter LEFT: Rose
Matthiessen, Sandy Calder, Arthur Miller, Styron in 9 The bOOK Of delIGhTs (Algonquin,
Mike Nichols, James Baldwin, Art Buch- Martha9s $17.99). By Ross Gay. essays about
wald, Katharine Graham, Carly Simon, the Vineyard, finding joy written by a poet over the
Clintons and many more. She has sharp where the course of a year.
words about a few: Lillian Hellman cheated author and
at Scrabble and <was always trying to JeAnnA ShepARd/VineyARd GAzette activist lives. 10 The daWN Of eVeryThING
(picador, $25). By david Graeber and
david Wengrow. An anthropologist
and an archaeologist challenge
modern scientific principles of human
cultural evolution.

Rankings reflect sales for the week ended June 11. the
l I Te r ary Cal e Nd ar charts may not be reproduced without permission from the
American Booksellers Association, the trade association for
June 18-24 independent bookstores in the united States, and copyright 2023 American Booksellers
Association. (the bestseller lists alternate between
hardcover and paperback each week.)
18 sUNday | 3 P.M. Cassandra A. Good discusses <first 21 WedNesday | 7 P.M. Garrett Neiman discusses with Amber Thornton at politics and prose.
family: George Washington9s heirs and the making of <Rich White men: What it takes to uproot the old Boys9
America= with Stephen Hammond at politics and prose, club and transform America= at politics and prose. 7 P.M. Jeff Benedict discusses <leBron= with Timothy
5015 connecticut Ave. nW. 202-364-1919. Bella at politics and prose.
7 P.M. Cynthia Manick discusses <no Sweet Without
19 MONday | 7 P.M. David Santos Donaldson discusses Brine= with Tafisha Edwards and Steven Leyva at politics 23 frIday | 7 P.M. lGBtQiA+ poetry is presented and
<Greenland= with Reggie Bailey at politics and prose. and prose at union market, 1270 fifth St. ne. 202-544- discussed for pride poetry night at politics and prose.
20 TUesday | 6:30 P.M. John Rennie Short discusses 24 saTUrday | 5 P.M. Polly Stewart discusses <the
<A history of cartography: from Stone Scratches to crisis 22 ThUrsday | 7 P.M. Anne Hull discusses <through Good ones= with Angie Kim at politics and prose.
mapping,= streamed through Smithsonian Associates at the Groves= at Scrawl Books, 11911 freedom dr. Reston. $20-$25. 703-966-2111. 7 P.M. Susan Suleiman discusses <daughter of history:
traces of an immigrant Girlhood= at politics and prose.
7 P.M. Anne Hull discusses <through the Groves: A 7 P.M. Marita Golden discusses <the new Black Woman:
memoir= at politics and prose. loves herself, has Boundaries, and heals every day= for more literary events, go to
sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post eZ ee B7

Book World


What the end of life says about the meaning of life

Jennings from B1 8The Seventh Seal9 4 and win. Be warned that
Death has only been defeated once 4 and he
It9s written in the form of a travel guide, with an was a super-poor sport about it.=
eclectic mix of 100 accounts, ranging from my- Another conception of the afterlife from
thology and religion to ideas floated in books, Hollywood is even more surprising: Iowa. In
movies and TV shows. In the introduction, Jen- <field of Dreams,= long-dead baseball players
nings suggests that readers dip in and out of the emerge from cornfields to play again with the
book, consulting it as a <post-bucket list.= living. Even if the well-rendered schmaltz of
Threaded throughout are comic asides and the movie is too much for some palates, credit
passing insights in the form of information where credit is due: The vast openness of Iowa9s
boxes with headings such as <meet the Locals,= landscape is an inspired choice for a portal to
100 PlAceS
<When to Go,= <Best to Avoid,= <Time-Savers= the beyond.
To See AfTer
and <off the Beaten Path.= The book9s tone is I asked Jennings if his faith 4 he9s a member
You Die
light and irreverent, sometimes bordering on of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
A Travel Guide
shticky. But ultimately it reads a lot like what Saints 4 informed his thoughts about the sub-
to the Afterlife
you expect in a book by Jennings: long on ject. He said that <coming from a Latter-day
By Ken Jennings
knowledge and mercifully short on claims Saint background, there9s a real emphasis on
about the grand truth of things. [the idea that] even the afterlife has growth 4
291 pp. $27.99
<The miracle of life and consciousness seems that it9s not just a static cloud, but that you could
already so unusual to me that it seems like such still learn things and do things.= To him, it9s an
a waste if that all just sparks for some shorter attractive part of the faith, <that the afterlife is
time and then vanishes,= Jennings said. <We MOvIeSTOre/ShuTTerSTOcK not just a reward. It9s not just the dessert, but
would love to believe that that9s not true and there9s something to do and places to go.=
that it9s not just such a brief flowering. of That9s in part why he chose to write his book
course, the other attractive thing about it is that in the form of a travel guide, since such books are
we9re never going to know.= all about <the vibe of a place,= he said. <You9re
Jennings has been interested in death and trying to convey not just what time the bars close
the afterlife for as long as he can remember. or how regular the buses are, but you9re really
Part of his interest when he was a child trying to convey what you know, what is the
stemmed from the fact that he hadn9t yet spirit of the place that you can9t get at home. And
experienced any deeply personal losses. <And I guess that9s exactly what9s implicit in how we
so,= he said, <a lot of my formative experiences think about God, too. What can you get from him
with death were fictional characters, like Spock that you can9t get from your loved ones, your
dying, mr. Hooper dying, Jean Grey from the king, your boss, your favorite YouTuber? must be
X-men. That9s the kind of American experience something. or else, why God?=
with death. You talk about it more with Big Bird Which is to say that religion is important in
than with your own loved ones sometimes.= his life, but more in the present moment than for
Jennings describes himself as <a generalist reasons having to do with the hereafter. Jen-
who loves knowing a tiny bit about a million nings consults it, he said, as a way to wonder:
things.= The book stems from his interest in <What kind of person am I going to be today? I
how <people9s ideas about their own culture think that might be unusual, for a religious
and priorities change= based on how they see person to tell you that. I should be fixated on my
the next world. Ken Jennings, heavenly reward maybe, but I9m not. maybe
of course, how exactly one sees the afterlife is top, at Forest that9s a sign of a less robust or certain faith.=
tricky. In the book, Jennings nods, if only NelSON/OrION/KOBal/ShuTTerSTOcK Writing the book has changed him, too.
obliquely, to the elephant in the room: The Memorial <Years and years of working on this book,= he
afterlife is the speculation of living people who, Park in said, <and the funny thing is, I now find myself
you know, haven9t died before. He expresses tions: 8Who is your God?,9 8What is your reli- <When you think about what you can take with glendale, thinking about the afterlife all the time. What-
skepticism with dollops of dry wit, which can gion?,9 and 8Who is your prophet?9 We recom- you,= he said, <it9s clearly not material things. Calif. His new ever the end is, whether it exists or not, that9s
feel reflexive but do usefully lighten some very mend going with 8Allah,9 8Islam,9 and 8muham- But it might be the relationships you have. I book explores got the meaning of life in it.=
serious, even grim material. mad9 as your answers here.= would like to think that that continues.= There conceptions of The cemetery was closing as Jennings and I
Take, for instance, Islam9s version of hell, Heaven in Islam is called Jannah, which might not be anything more human than feel- death and the walked back to our cars. There was a sense of an
Jahannam, which is similar to other hells. means <garden= or <paradise.= Jennings ob- ing that our bonds with each other are eternal. afterlife in ending. It was only for a short time, in a place of
Jennings describes it as <a series of vast rings= serves how <most traditional heavens are Jennings does some of his most entertaining religion and the dead, talking eternity with the king of
in a <crater on the underside of the world,= bright and sunny,= but in Jannah things are writing in the less-devout sections of the book: pop culture, earthly knowledge, but I felt there was a sereni-
consisting of <seven different layers of torture, more sensuous: <There are aromatic rains of those that address how literature, movies and including in ty to our conversation. Yet throughout, he kept
called Inferno, Blaze, flame, furnace, fire, rosewater, while all the cooling water you can TV have dealt with the subject. one example is movies such as getting phone calls. He was polite and apolo-
Hellfire, and Abyss.= He walks readers through drink bubbles up from springs smelling of his (most excellent) account of the movie <Bill <Field of getic about them, but whatever they were
the process that might end in a stay there: camphor and ginger.= and Ted9s Bogus Journey.= To escape Death in Dreams,= about, they seemed urgent. Acutely aware of
<Don9t be alarmed when two blue-black beings But the afterlife is also about our need for the movie, Jennings writes, you can give him a middle, and our surroundings, I didn9t ask who it was.
with red eyes and terrifying tusks appear to you abiding connection. Jennings said that part of <melvin, which is a most egregious type of <Bill and Ted9s
in the grave. These are the angels munkar and what motivates his own hopes for it is possible wedgie,= or <you9ll need to challenge Death to a Bogus Nicholas cannariato is a writer and teacher in
Nakir, and they9ve come to ask you three ques- reunion with the people he9s known and loved. contest, like the game of chess from Bergman9s Journey.= chicago.

A far, far better fate for Dickens illustrations

BY R ON C HARLES with illustrators such as George Cruikshank ed Gallery (,
and Phiz to enhance most of his novels. which is available for anyone to browse,
uring the coronavirus pandemic, an Determined to do something about that download and share. It9s a delightful collec-

D independent scholar named michael

John Goodman got fed up with the
missing or poor-quality illustrations in mod-
faded legacy, Goodman began looking for the
best early copies of Dickens9s novels that he
could afford. Then he scanned the illustra-
tion 4 a good reminder that illustrated novels
have a vibrant history.
Goodman writes, <If this website encourag-
ern versions of Charles Dickens9s novels. tions, cleaned them up digitally and uploaded es users to read more Dickens (or to further
That editorial failure seems particularly them to his website. explore the work of one of the artists), then it
unfortunate given that Dickens got his start The copyrights expired many years ago. As has done a very satisfactory job.=
as a fiction writer by producing text to Harold Skimpole says in <Bleak House=: <I
accompany a set of comic drawings by only ask to be free. The butterflies are free.= This article was excerpted from our free Book club
robert Seymour. And throughout his re- And now so are the illustrations. newsletter. To subscribe, visit
markable career, Dickens continued to work The result is the Charles Dickens Illustrat- booknewsletter.
charleS dIcKeNS
<i Am Hospitably Received by Mr. Peggotty,= an illustration for <David Copperfield= by Hablot Knight Browne, or <Phiz.= IlluSTraTed gallery
B8 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

Book World



enji Nate9s frothy <Girl Juice= sur-

B prised me into genuine laughter

within the first four pages. Two of the
four 20-something housemates
whose antics populate the gemstone-
colored pages of Nate9s comic novel are sitting
at a bar trying to decide whether a tattooed
man across the room is hot. It9s a familiar
conundrum, one that takes a turn into delight- GiRl Juice
fully silly terrain. By Benji Nate
The two girls, Bunny and Nana, first agree Drawn &
that their target, yes, gives <big dirtbag energy.= Quarterly.
The fact that he9s still <kinda hot tho= isn9t 188 pp. $24.95
enough. They need more evidence, which
comes in the form of knuckle tattoos that read
<SEX FIEND.= But that data point only proves
to be more confounding: The tattoo is <either
completely monstrous or very hot,= Bunny de-
duces. Finally, Nana asks, <How gross are his
fingernails?= The next panel features two im-
maculately manicured hands, SEX FIEND em-
blazoned across them. If you9re one of the girls
whom Nate wrote <Girl Juice= for, you9ll be able
to hear exactly the delighted pitch at which
Bunny and Nana exclaim <He9s hot! He9s hot!!!=
<Girl Juice= began as a webcomic that Nate
posted to her Instagram account, and it9s easy to
see the internet9s ephemeral hand in the slice-of-
life vignettes that make up the majority of the
book. The capers that drive <Girl Juice= toggle
between the relatable (finding the perfect outfit
to be <hot and fun in ur ex9s eyeline=) and the
ridiculous (an exorcism takes up the latter half
of the book). It moves with the frenetic pace of a
TikTok For You Page, and there9s an irresistibly
shareable quality to Nate9s depiction of the kind
of intimacy that is instantly familiar to anyone
who has lived with a close friend.
Nate9s winsome foursome consists of Bunny,
who is unequivocally the main character 4
both of the book and of her life 4 and perhaps BeNJI NATe
too aware of it. Most of the story, insofar as
there is one, is driven by her crises. Most of
these come in the shape of men, though there is with a nonchalant confession from Nana that is Whether they9re working at a human register to take photos of pages to send to various
a memorable incident when Bunny thinks the impossible to summarize but involves a child- or flirting with the supernatural, Nate9s stories friends, often because they reminded us of our
house is haunted, only for the medium she hood birthday party, a balloon animal and sexual revel in that peculiar form of intimacy forged shared experiences when we9d lived together at
hires to conclude that the only bad vibes to be imprinting. By the end of <Girl Juice,= Nana9s not more through proximity than preexisting kin- one time or another. It was surprising, then, to
found in the house are Bunny9s own. In the TOP: A self- only dating a literal clown, much to Bunny9s ship, the kind most often made necessary by a find out from an interview that Nate did with
parlance of the internet, Bunny is bimbo repre- portrait by dismay, but her wardrobe has slowly morphed lack of funds, a partner or both. The liminality of Publisher9s Weekly that she9s never had female
sentation. But Nate never lets her readers slip Benji Nate. into what can only be described as Pierrot chic, such arrangements can lead to one of two out- roommates. <I9ve always wanted them,= she said,
into underestimating Bunny, who turns out not ABOVE white ruff included. comes. The friendship can either break down, <and I thought this was what it could be like.= For
only to be deeply religious despite her hyper- RIGHT: Sadie and Tallulah, who are dating each unable to bear the strain of the accountability anyone else who9s ever thought the same or who
sexuality 4 but (spoiler) entirely correct about Panels from other, round out the quartet. The former is a that cohabitating requires. Or, if you9re lucky, for just wants to reminisce, <Girl Juice= offers a
the house being haunted. her comic no-nonsense pink-haired punk who turns out a few short months or years the friendship glimpse into the worlds that girls create for
Then there9s Nana, who, at first glance, is the novel <Girl to be the mom friend of the group. The latter is sometimes takes on the aura of an endless themselves, in all their heartfelt absurdities.
quiet artist foil to Bunny. So it comes as a surprise Juice,= about an aspiring content creator whose commit- sleepover where you9re never quite sure whether
when she ends up with one of the funniest arcs in four 20- ment to her online persona eventually invites you want to call your mom to come pick you up Rachelle Hampton is a culture writer for Slate and
the book, one that demonstrates Nate9s deft abili- something an attention-seeking demon into the house or keep whispering until dawn. host of the internet culture podcast <In Case You
ty to build character through costume. It begins housemates. that requires the aforementioned exorcism. Reading <Girl Juice,= I found myself wanting Missed It.=

One of the joys of reading science fiction S cie Nc e F icT iON Parker-Chan injects sweetness into what could
and fantasy is discovering a made-up world be a standard grim-and-bloody story of throne-
that feels so rich and well-imagined, you want by Charlie Jane Anders chasing. These novels beautifully capture the
to stay there forever. An immersive setting feedback loop wherein queer-coded characters
needs more than cool scenery: It has to are reviled, which drives them to unbearable
include a well-thought-out history, rules for viciousness, which in turn fills them with self-
how things work and a strong sense of place. If loathing. Parker-Chan9s characters struggle to
any of those things fail, you9re out of luck. break this cycle, and the nuance with which
So it9s delightful to encounter four new they9re portrayed makes us root for them. In the
books that take place in fictional worlds that end, Parker-Chan seems to suggest, power
are downright irresistible. belongs not to the most ruthless but to those
Case in point: <Ink Blood Sister Scribe= by who are most successful at self-forgiveness.
Emma Törzs weaves an intricate mythos In <Relentless Melt= by Jeremy P. Bushnell,
around a simple idea: spell books written in Artie Quick works as a salesgirl at Filene9s
human blood. Two sisters, Joanna and Esther, department store in 1909 Boston, but by night,
have been separated for 10 years by a Artie wears men9s clothing and studies to
mysterious threat, and meanwhile the AI gods used to rule cities, but now they9ve old trope. It9s natural to wonder: Are these become a detective. With the help of the
sensitive Nicholas has been bleeding himself become <corrupted,= leaving behind giant characters transgender or merely doing what patrician Theodore, Artie uncovers a
to write more magic books for his uncle. killer robots (or mechas) and a few human it takes to survive? Two recent works treat this supernatural mystery involving kidnapped
Before you know it, there are mirror-portals, survivors with special powers (called <relics=). ambiguity in rich, thought-provoking ways, girls and a tree that doubled in size overnight.
vampire volumes, feuding libraries and a You might have to read <The Archive while also crafting magical reflections of real- Artie and Theodore make a delightful pair,
whole secret world concealed inside our own, Undying= twice to make sense of the often life history. and it quickly becomes apparent that Artie9s
built around complicated family legacies. bewildering plot, but the damaged, tender In <She Who Became the Sun= by Shelley male clothing is no mere costume.
<Ink Blood Sister Scribe= keeps the characters will make it worth your while. Parker-Chan, Zhu Yuanzhang stole her dead A lot of the fun of <Relentless Melt= comes
surprises and twists coming, revealing more Chief among them is Sunai, a chaotic empath brother9s identity and rose to become the from watching the clever-but-naive Artie
hidden layers (though at times, the backstory who sleeps with random men, ignores Radiant King in a world based on Yuan discover the ugly reality of detective work and
starts to feel more urgent than the main plot). warnings and can never resist opening his dynasty China. The second half of the duology, the corruption of Boston9s establishment. As in
Through it all, Törzs stays grounded in her heart to people who9ve already hurt him. (We <He Who Drowned the World,= is even better <Ink Blood Sister Scribe,= a simple conceit gives
characters9 emotional lives, including their really need more reckless empaths in our than the first, pitting Zhu against a host of rise to an ornate picture, full of conspiracies
tangled family relationships but also their love adventure fiction.) Candon laces the whole other characters who also chafe against and dense lore. <Relentless Melt= passes the
for the books in their care. By the end you9ll thing with lovely prose like: <Both their brains patriarchal gender roles, including the eunuch ultimate test of world-creation: The more you
gladly follow these people anywhere. are riddled with scars earned by enduring the Ouyang and Wang Baoxiang, an effeminate learn, the more you still want to discover.
If you9re craving something more bizarre, faithless whim of the universe, hopped up on man. Zhu9s relationship to her gender identity
<The Archive Undying= by Emma Mieko their ill-advised impulse to survive.= grows more complex the second time around, charlie Jane Anders is the author, most recently,
Candon will drop you headfirst into a dazzling Young women disguising themselves as complicating her feelings about leadership. of <Promises Stronger Than Darkness.= She9s won
kaleidoscope of weirdness. In Candon9s world, men to survive a patriarchal world is an age- The true magic of this duology lies in how the Hugo, Nebula and other awards.

METRO sunday, june 18 , 2023 eZ re c

High today at JOhn kELLy9S WaShIngTOn rETrOPOLIS OBITuarIES
approx. 4 p.m.
in the early days of as a doting father, george as simon & schuster Ceo,
8 a.m. noon 4 p.m. 8 p.m.
87° bowling, pinsetters Washington championed richard e. snyder, 90,
Precip: 0% learned to work fast 4 or education and fretted over oversaw the publisher9s
69 81 87 81 ° ° ° Wind: WnW
6-12 mph risk serious injury. c3 his children9s love lives. c5 exponential growth. c8

Redistricting upends everything in Virginia9s legislative primaries

BY G REGORY S . S CHNEIDER ing a wave of retirements and ple to run & but also for voters to and is likely to grow. That9s true competitive Suffolk-area seat.
AND L AURA V OZZELLA guaranteeing at least a third of find someone that they feel repre- even though Bagby himself is In the 40-seat Senate, fully half
Changes guarantee at both chambers will be rookies. sents them,= said Debora Wake, facing a primary challenge from are up for primary elections. Re-
RICHMOND 4 Virginia voters least a third of both So while all elections hold po- president of the League of Wom- Democrat Katie Gooch, who is publicans will choose seven can-
face a rare opportunity this year tential for change, this year <ev- en Voters of Virginia. White. didates Tuesday and Democrats
to remake the General Assembly
chambers will be rookies ery dial is turned up to 11,= said <It does look like we9re going to Nominees for most of the 100 will pick 15. Both parties will have
from top to bottom, with their Rich Meagher, a political analyst have some significant growth= in House contests have already been overlapping primaries in two
first big taste of change coming in at Randolph-Macon College in the Virginia Legislative Black chosen through internal party swing districts, the 27th in the
Tuesday9s primary elections in the legislature failed to reach Ashland. Caucus, said state Sen. Lamont contests or by default in cases Fredericksburg area and the 29th
several districts across the state. agreement. He pointed to a bumper crop of Bagby (D-Richmond), who leads with no competition for the nod. in Prince William and Stafford
It will be the first time voters The new boundaries for the fresh candidates on ballots the caucus. His calculations sug- But 24 House districts around the counties.
have encountered the state9s new House of Delegates and Senate around the state, including a his- gest that regardless of partisan state will hold primaries Tuesday. Democrats are holding nearly
electoral maps, which were put incumbent lawmakers in new toric number of Black candidates. outcomes around the state, the Republicans will pick nominees twice as many primary elections
drawn under supervision of the districts, pitted some veterans <I think that what we9re seeing caucus will not shrink from the 22 in nine of those districts and as Republicans 4 a trend that9s
Supreme Court of Virginia after a against one another and created with all of these new candidates is members it had for most of this Democrats in 16, overlapping in a held for many years. Democrats
bipartisan panel appointed by wide-open new districts, trigger- an increased opportunity for peo- year9s General Assembly session single district, the 84th, for a See VirginiA ON c4

on fare
cities take harder
line as crime soars
Policing revamps losing
favor over transit safety



A push to hold police account-

able, reduce incarceration and
prioritize alternatives to manda-
tory minimum sentences after
George Floyd9s murder is giving
way to calls for more law and
order as rising violence in cities
and transit systems unsettles
even the staunchest of liberal
The Chicago Transit Authority
hired nearly 100 private security
guards equipped with 50 canines
PHoTos by Craig Hudson for THe WasHingTon PosT
last fall to help monitor turn-
stiles. In New York, Mayor eric
rETrOPOLIS BY M ICHAEL E . R UANE Adams (D) launched a <Subway
Safety= plan that includes more
He was buried beside the St. Mary9s River police <addressing the fare eva-
Burials of two, about 300 years ago, his hands folded over his
stomach, his spine bearing the signs of the
hard labor of the enslaved. A groove in one of
sion and disorder that contrib-
utes to an unsafe environment,=
he wrote in February.

once enslaved, his teeth where he clenched his pipe was still
She was buried on her side, as if sleeping, a
In the Washington region, the
most clear sign yet of the pendu-
lum swinging back is a renewed

thought to be few yards away. One of her teeth had been

intentionally altered, most likely in Africa,
experts said, before she was forced into
enslavement in Maryland.
focus on fare evasion that began
in November, when Metro Tran-
sit Police restarted enforcement
that had been largely dormant
Md.9s oldest They were exhumed this spring to save
them from the elements, and archaeologists
have now declared that they are among the
for years after accusations that
police escalated minor situations
into violent confrontations and
Bones exhumed this spring to oldest African American burials ever found in disproportionately policed sta-
the state. tOP: A team excavates the remains of two enslaved tions in Black neighborhoods.
save them from the elements <Together they represent two of the earliest people at a site in St. Mary9s city. AbOVe: A data In Northern Virginia9s Lou-
See buriAlS ON c7 management specialist works on the site. doun County, leaders are moving
toward making fare evasion a
crime after Metro extended its
See enfOrceMent ON c2

An overdue honor for the 8father of Black basketball9 BOOk ExcErPT

If you ask Brian

Jesuits sold the enslaved
Hanlon about
edwin Bancroft
Henderson, he
to save Georgetown
will speak with an
ease and Catholic order pushed forward with sale of 272
enthusiasm that people despite opposition from their own priests
Vargas will make you
think he has long
admired him. He will tell you BY R ACHEL L . S WARNS tion in southern Maryland, the
about the barriers Henderson Mahoney sisters needed no celes-
pushed through as a young This is an excerpt from <The tial sign to know of the darkness
scholar and he will tell you about 272: The Families Who Were that lay ahead.
the accomplishments Henderson Enslaved and Sold to Build the The sisters, Louisa Mahoney
accumulated as a longtime American Catholic Church= by and Anny Mahoney Jones, had
educator. Rachel L. Swarns. Published this been sold, along with scores of
He will also tell you that he week by Random House, an im- other Black people enslaved by
knew nothing about Henderson print and division of Penguin the nation9s most powerful Jesuit
several years ago. Random House. priests. The leaders of the Catho-
<I had never heard of him,= The sky darkened as the moon lic order were convinced that the
Hanlon told me on a recent obscured the sun. enslaved peo- sale was the only way to save
afternoon. ple looked up on that sweltering Georgetown College, the nation9s
That confession is not unusual September afternoon in 1838 and first Catholic institution of high-
when it comes to Henderson. saw a blazing red ring of light er learning, from being crushed
Despite the important roles he surrounding the moon like a by its debts. even opposition
played in sports, education and shimmering halo. from many of their own priests
civil rights, he is not someone Some prayed that such heav- did not deter them from the
many of us learned about in enly spectacles meant their liber- steps they were about to take.
CHeriss may/ndemay media grouP
history class. We were never ation was near. Others viewed The Jesuits had made a list of
taught about the doors he the university of the District of columbia on Saturday will unveil a statue of edwin bancroft them as omens, signs of agony to the people they planned to sell:
See VArgAS ON c7 Henderson, who dedicated his life to pushing for more athletic opportunities for young black people. come. On the St. Inigoes planta- See geOrgetOwn ON c6
C2 EZ RE the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

Opponents say fare crackdowns empower police to make unnecessary stops
enforCement From C1 tions had the most fare evasion Fare evasion citations issued this year through June 11 people. pressures helped New York ratio-
offenses, but council members Smith pointed to other transit nalize putting hundreds more
rail footprint to the county seven were troubled by stops that In addition, Metro Transit Police also investigated 194 offenses or systems that have seen reduc- police officers on patrol in the
months ago. In D.C., which drew turned into arrests or clashes suspected crimes on top of fare evasion. Those included 41 tions in fare evasion by redesign- subway system, he said.
national attention when city with police. warrant-related offenses and nine weapons-related offenses. ing turnstiles to be taller or Stolper said riders themselves
leaders decriminalized fare eva- City leaders left transit police harder to climb over. Another also are going through budget
sion five years ago, a council with the power to issue tickets for 0 200 400 600 800 solution, activists say, is making constraints. Fare evasion, he said,
member this month proposed fare evasion but didn9t give them transit less expensive or free. is an economic issue that should
helping transit police officers authority to require that suspects Alexandria 28 metro has acknowledged fail- be solved through affordable fare
enforce the offense, which has provide officers with their legal ures in its recent $70 million programs for low-income resi-
Arlington County 395
proliferated during the pandem- name or address. Without proper replacement of fare gates system- dents rather than rampant en-
ic. identification, a ticket cannot be D.C. 188 wide, which included installing forcement.
The shift is playing out within enforced, transit police say. gates that were easy to jump over <You can9t police away poverty
transit systems across the coun- Before the pandemic, D.C. Fairfax County 52 or squeeze through. The transit and economic need,= he said.
try amid a pandemic-era rise in Council members hesitated to system is spending $35 million to Dorothy m. Schulz, a retired
violence and social disorder that resolve the oversight, but that Montgomery County 236 modify gates with sturdy, 5-foot- criminal justice professor at New
is making its way onto the na- has changed in the past year as tall doors. York9s John Jay College of Crimi-
tion9s rail and bus systems. While crime has risen steadily in the Prince George's County 827 Transit agencies in Boston, nal Justice, said lower-income
increased telework has dented transit system. Aggravated as- New York, San Francisco and riders 4 as well as bus operators
transit agency budgets, leaders saults are up 26 percent com- JUSTIN GEORGE / THE WASHINGTON POST Philadelphia also have added 4 also deserve to feel secure on
say renewed enforcement inter- pared with the same time last taller fare gates or turnstiles to public transit.
est has less to do with recovering year, metro Transit Police crime combat fare evasion. <Their safety is not being really
lost fare money, with budget statistics show. Larceny is up 90 Pentagon City station. ing fare evasion a civil offense but The D.C. Council, meanwhile, considered,= she said. <There is a
concerns increasingly taking a percent, while pickpocketing and Virginia law requires detained wants police to have the ability to passed a law in December to realization that the people are
back seat to worries over passen- purse-snatching is up 84 percent. suspects to provide police with enforce it to protect metro work- make metro bus rides in the frightened.=
ger safety. robberies are up 127 percent, and their legal name, address or other ers and passengers. She pointed District free by subsidizing the In suburban Washington9s
At the same time, the moves destruction/vandalism is up 110 identifying information. That9s to recent shootings and killings service. metro board members Loudoun County, leaders have
have concerned D.C. civil rights percent. Incidents involving not the case in D.C., metro offi- at stations and on trains, saying and mayor muriel E. Bowser (D), debated for months whether to
activists who protested transit weapons violations, indecent ex- cials say, in part because fare metro officials have said most however, rejected the plan. Bows- make fare evasion a crime or a
police tactics for years, long ac- posure, fondling and trespassing evasion is no longer a crime. In offenders get into the system by er questioned the cost of the civil infraction. Last fall, metro-
cusing the department of concen- have also risen. rail ridership has maryland, people do not have to evading fares. service while metro officials said rail9s Silver Line was extended
trating efforts at stations in large- also been on the rise in recent identify themselves, according to <It9s a public safety concern,= they didn9t want to create an 11.5 miles while adding three
ly Black communities. They say months. the American Civil Liberties Pinto said. <In Virginia and inequity between D.C. riders and stations 4 including one at
police are regaining power to Five people have been killed Union, but police can detain maryland, people who have out- those in maryland and Virginia. Dulles International Airport 4 in
make unnecessary stops that too on metro property this year, in- someone if they suspect danger standing warrants or who have meanwhile, metro this month the county.
often escalate into arrests, use of cluding two teenagers in separate or that a crime has been commit- committed violence in the system is starting a low-income fare County supervisors recently
force, injuries and long-lasting incidents in may, as well as a ted. are able to be stopped if they program that reduces fares in decided fare evasion should be a
legal consequences for riders metro worker who tried to inter- Council member Brooke Pinto fare-evaded.= half for anyone who qualifies for crime, forwarding a proposal to
that outweigh an unpaid fare. vene during a shooting rampage (D-Ward 2), chair of the Commit- The increased enforcement federal Supplemental Nutrition add the offense to the criminal
<A big police presence around in February. No homicides had tee on the Judiciary and Public comes as metro faces more than a Assistance Program benefits. code while hosting public hear-
a very minor offense of not occurred in the transit system at Safety, introduced a bill earlier $700 million shortfall next year Budget shortfalls during the ings.
paying at the fare gate is just the same time last year. this month that would require because of a rise in telework. fourth year of the pandemic are Loudoun County Supervisor
caustic to communities of color The surge mirrors crime in- people stopped for fare evasion Strengthening fare evasion en- part of the equation for transit matthew F. Letourneau (r-Dull-
in the way that it9s been en- creases in many cities nation- to provide police with their name forcement also would help to agencies as they seek to recoup es), who is also a metro board
forced,= said Jonathan Smith, wide, including D.C., which re- and address. The metro Safety limit fare losses and restore order lost revenue. There9s been an member, said there are many
senior special counsel for the corded 100 homicides quicker Amendment Act allows police to and trust in metro, Pinto said, so increased desire to recover more reasons for metro to enforce fare
Washington Lawyers9 Committee this year than any in the past two detain someone who refuses to riders feel safe enough to return. ridership and fares as agencies evasion, including returning or-
for Civil rights. The group has decades. Transit officials note a give up their name and issue a Safety from crime is the biggest run out of federal coronavirus aid der and security to stations, as
called for improvements in fare link between nonpaying riders fine up to $100. concern riders have about the that helped them avoid signifi- well as demonstrating that the
gate designs to deter fare eva- and violent crime on the system. The proposal comes after the metro system, according to a cant cuts. agency is capable of managing its
sion. <The vast majority of crimes council became part of a national Washington Post-Schar School metro has said fare evasion own finances.
In 2019, the D.C. Council over- on metro are committed by indi- political debate on criminal jus- poll conducted earlier this year. accounts for more than $40 mil- But the real intent, he said, is
rode a mayoral veto and made viduals who enter the system tice reform when it proposed a Under Pinto9s proposal, a per- lion in lost fares a year system- to tamp down acts of violence.
fare evasion a civil offense pun- without paying their fare,= metro sweeping overhaul of the Dis- son could be detained only until wide, which is less than 2 percent <The greater motivation for
ishable only by fines, similar to a spokesman Ian Jannetta said in a trict9s criminal code. The Senate their identification is known, at of the agency9s $2.4 billion oper- metro now is the desire to try to
parking ticket. It followed com- statement. took the rare step of overruling which time the person would be ating budget. cut down on crime on the sys-
plaints of biased policing from Transit officials say fare eva- the city in rejecting the changes, released. Harold Stolper, who studies tem,= he said. <I told my col-
residents and activists, who sion enforcement might have saying they were too soft on Around the time D.C. decrimi- fare evasion enforcement and leagues last week, 8You know, I9m
showed statistics indicating tran- prevented violence in may, when crime. Council members, includ- nalized fare evasion, the Wash- policing at Columbia University, not interested in necessarily
sit police were concentrating en- police found two semiautomatic ing Pinto, said critics ignored ington Lawyers9 Committee re- said the offense has been a way to what the penalties are.9 We don9t
forcement at stations that pri- handguns and brass knuckles on sentencing enhancements and leased data showing 91 percent of divert attention from financial need to send people to jail. But
marily serve Black riders. Police a man who failed to comply with other nuances. citations and summons related to crises and blame problems on we do need to know who they
and metro officials said the sta- an ID check at Arlington County9s Pinto said she supports keep- the offense were issued to Black those who don9t pay. Budgetary are.=

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sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post eZ SU c3

cL o S I NGS
For pinsetters, duckpin Washington, they were Black.
Wrote The Washington Post,
<It9s really quite a sight to see
In observance of Juneteenth, here
are government closings, parking
restrictions and transit schedules
bowling meant 8Duck9! those girls doing their job 4 they
try terrifically hard 4 and the
young Negro women of
for the d.c. region. Washington who are stepping in
By the autumn of sometimes sitting on a ledge at to fill the jobs of men are to be
Which banks, federal 1942, the United the back, sometimes straddling congratulated for their
offices and courts are States had been at the wall between the lanes. patriotism, as they are certainly
war for nearly a They didn9t always move doing fine war work.=
closed? year. Every sector quickly enough. Pinsetters were By 1943 in Chicago, the
Banks: most closed. John of American occasionally struck by balls or by number of pinboys had fallen to
Federal government offices: Kelly's society was feeling flying pins. <Once in a while a boy 1,500 from 4,000. Alley owners
closed. Washington the strain. The will have to have a few stitches insisted they9d tried female
War Department taken in his head,= an alley owner pinsetters but, one owner said,
Post offices: No mail delivery was conscripting told the Washington Evening <they can9t take it.= The local
except for express mail. soldiers for the Star. bowling association had another
courts: closed except for adult conflict, weapons factories were Pin boys, like newsboys, were idea: Thousands of German,
arraignments, juvenile referrals in running around-the-clock and among the child laborers Italian and Japanese POWs were
the district. bowling alleys across the country spotlighted in the early 1900s by interned in the United States.
were wondering if they9d be able photographer Lewis Hine. And Surely some of them could do the
What traffic and to stay in business. as late as 1951, the U.S. job.
parking restrictions will It wasn9t only that their male Department of Labor was The pinsetter drought
customers were being drafted. complaining that preteens were continued after the war. But the
be in place? Alleys were also losing a critical working as pinsetters. A report eSTHeR bUbLey/LIbRARy OF cONGReSS
job itself was threatened. The
district: No city parking part of their human noted that one 12-year-old had to A pinsetter at a D.C. duckpin bowling alley in 1943. During World future arrived in March of 1953,
enforcement. infrastructure: pinsetters. have a finger amputated after it War II, bowling alley owners bemoaned personnel shortages. when bowlers assembled at
Maryland: meters not enforced in These were the employees who became caught between two Clarendon Bowling Center on
reset the bowling pins and rolled bowling balls. pins fast enough to suit us and association worked quickly to nip Irving Street in Arlington for the
montgomery and prince George9s
back the bowling balls in the days Most bowlers wanted we felt peeved and yelled at him the action, threatening to hire national duckpin
except at National Harbor.
before automation. In pinsetters to be quick. The best to wake up and step lively. Then replacements. The strike wilted. championships. It was the first
Virginia: meters not enforced in Washington, the primary game were. Cosey Durant, the most we found out that pinboy had Owners did make one time duckpins were
Arlington and the city of was duckpins: smaller, squatter highly regarded pin boy at the been in the pit, working two concession. The rate for working automatically set in a bowling
Alexandria. pins knocked down by Hi-Skor Bowling Alleys on 13th alleys, for Six Consecutive Hours. Sunday was raised to 4 cents per alley.
cantaloupe-size balls, of which Street NW, moved, wrote the We were ashamed of ourselves game. Inventor Kenneth Sherman
Will schools be closed? bowlers could roll three per Star, like <a gigantic dancing because we had forgot that he Once the United States said his robot pin boy was more
district: closed. frame. spider, the arms whisk over the was human 4 and tired.= entered the war, money wasn9t accurate, faster and easier on the
Pinsetters were also known as end of the alley and in The anecdote ended with the the issue, bodies were. There pins than a human.
Maryland: closed. pin boys. In segregated approximately 13 motions the 10 bowler giving the pin boy a weren9t enough pinsetters to go <And, of course,= Sherman told
Virginia: closed. Washington, they were mostly scattered pins have been quarter. <You should have seen around. Competition for journalists, <no bowler wants to
young, African American men. reassembled for further the gleam of appreciation in that pinsetters became fierce. In see a boy hit by a flying pin or get
Will libraries be Help-wanted ads seeking punishment.= boy9s eyes.= Washington, some owners sent poor marks in school because he
closed? pinsetters ran under a <Colored= To the annoyance of bowlers, In Washington in 1938, the cars to pick up pinsetters, then sets pins instead of doing his
banner in the classified sections not all pinsetters were as adept standard pay for pinsetters was 3 drove them back home at night. homework.=
district: closed. of District newspapers. as Durant. If you were on a roll, cents a game. That was down a The proprietors of the Ice Bowlers did notice one
Maryland: closed. It was an occasionally so to speak, you didn9t want a penny from pre-Depression days. Palace 4 which boasted 57 lanes difference: For whatever reason,
Virginia: closed. dangerous job. Pinsetters worked sluggish pin boy ruining your On the evening of Nov. 15, 1938, (and a skating rink) on in the first few years after
in the <pit= at the end of the lane. momentum. In 1918, the Star 30 pinsetters walked off the job Connecticut Avenue NW 4 tried automatic pinsetters came into
Will local government They usually covered two gently admonished bowlers who at the Lucky Strike Alleys at 14th something radical: female use, average scores among top
adjacent lanes, responsible for abused pinsetters: and Riggs NW. They wanted a pinsetters, who were quickly duckpin bowlers dropped by
offices be closed? positioning the fallen pins, then <Last night we were bowling one-penny raise. dubbed <pinettes.= Like the about two points. Revenge of the
district: closed. hopping up out of the way, and the pinboy did not set up the The local bowling alley owners majority of male pinsetters in pin boys?
Maryland: closed.
Virginia: closed.
MARyLANd L o c AL d IGe St
What is the schedule
for transit and
Ex-NSA staffer sentenced for Jan. 6 Capitol riot the dIStRIct
Teenager fatally shot
metrorail is on a Saturday

schedule from 5 a.m. to midnight

BY R ACHEL W EINER Lovley entered the Capitol build- overnight in D.C.
ing a few minutes after the first
with off-peak weekday fares in A 24-year-old moved to Mary- breach, according to court rec- A 14-year-old boy was fatally
effect. metrobus will operate on a land to work for the National ords. Along with other rioters, shot in Southeast Washington
Saturday supplemental schedule. Security Agency six months be- they went into House Speaker early Saturday, police said.
metroAccess has regular service fore joining the attack on the U.S. Nancy Pelosi9s office and onto the About 12:50 a.m., officers
but subscription trips are canceled. Capitol with followers of a move- Senate floor. After about 40 min- responded to a report of a
l Ride On is on a modified holiday ment whose founder is known utes, they left the building; pros- shooting in the 2600 block of
schedule. for espousing white-supremacist ecutors say one of Lovley9s friends Sheridan Road SE. The officer
views, according to court filings. then assaulted a police officer found the boy suffering from a
l dASH is on a Sunday schedule.
Paul Lovley was sentenced with a metal barricade and gunshot wound. He was
l Fairfax connector is on a holiday Tuesday to two weeks incarcera- helped destroy reporters9 equip- pronounced dead at the scene.
schedule. tion for illegally demonstrating in ment. The victim was identified as
l cUe is on a modified weekday the Capitol. That friend, Joseph Brody, is Stephon Shreeves of Southeast.
schedule. <All I can do is take responsibil- charged with multiple felonies No further information about
ity for my actions, learn from this and is the only member of the the shooting was immediately
l The bus (prince George9s) is on a JUSTIce depARTmeNT cHARGING dOcUmeNTS
experience, and move on with my group who has not pleaded guilty. available.
regular schedule. life,= Lovley said in a letter to the Prosecutors say this security video shows Paul Lovley, left, and Lovley9s phone was picked up 4 Justin Wm. Moyer
l pRTc OmniRide is on a regular court. <This entire situation has Joseph Brody, center, inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. in a Google location search; the
schedule but OmniRide express is served as a wake-up call4some- FBI was then able to identify the VIRGINIA
not running. thing that forced me to truly Jan. 6. The NSA referred ques- ist and antisemitic remarks. The others because they used Venmo
l Loudoun bus has service only on
reflect on what is important in tions about his employment to Justice Department in other cas- to pay Lovley back for a Domino9s Man slain in Fairfax
the local lines and Silver Line
life, what types of things to avoid the Justice Department, which es has described Fuentes, who pizza order the night of Jan. 5. City is identified
engaging with going forward, and did not return a request for com- was outside the Capitol on Jan. 6 All five also went together to
the dangers of cognitive disso- ment. but is not charged in the attack, as the Nov. 14, 2020, pro-Trump rally A man who was found dead in
l mTA commuter bus is running nance.= The night before the riot, the <a public figure known for mak- in Washington, according to the Fairfax City last week was
Route 201 only on a weekend He said he came to the area government said, Lovley hosted ing racist statements, celebrating court record. identified Friday as Luis
holiday schedule. from California for his <first-ever at his Maryland home four fascism, and promoting white su- Defense attorney David Be- Barahona Reyes, and Fairfax City
l mARc is running the penn Line serious job= and did not know friends he met at an event for premacy.= He gained national nowitz said Lovley is no longer police said they were
only on a Sunday schedule. anyone. <America First,= a movement prominence after dining with for- associated with the <America investigating his death as a
According to prosecutors, Lov- founded by Nick Fuentes, who mer president Donald Trump in First= movement. In court filings, homicide. No suspects were in
l VRe is running on an <S=
ley was working in information has been banned from most social late 2022. Benowitz said Lovley has moved custody Friday evening.
schedule. technology for the NSA before media platforms for repeated rac- The five young men including again and has a new job. Barahona Reyes, 50, lived in
Fairfax City, Sgt. Lisa Gardner
said. She said an autopsy Monday
determined that he had suffered
MARyLANd the ReGIoN <severe trauma to the upper
body,= but she declined to be

Teens arrested, charged Saturday9s pleasant haze softened the day more specific about the cause of
death. No family members of the
victim could be immediately
in fatal carjacking of student BY M ARTIN W EIL ous. But Saturday9s haze seemed more it seemed that a thin gray
Gardner said Barahona Reyes
as much picturesque as any- curtain hung in the air, softening was found by construction
BY J ASMINE H ILTON A group of friends, which in- Haze can blur lines, erase thing. line and color. workers about 9:20 a.m. June 10
cluded the teens suspected in Bat- distinctions and soften sharp Leaders in many areas often Each hour, the National in a trash receptacle in the 9700
Two teens have been arrested son9s death, were gathered at the edges. The sort of haze present in advise of an intent to provide Weather Service records visibili- block of Fairfax Boulevard, just
and charged in the fatal shooting elementary school, according to our skies on Saturday seemed to perfect clarity. ty. The maximum is 10 miles. On west of Fairfax Circle, near a store
of a Wise High School student that the charging documents. Another have that effect, and in that way Saturday seemed to say a bit of Saturday it was often cut to six being built there. Police said at
occurred during a carjacking in group, who police said were vic- appeared to foster a sense of ambiguity, perhaps the sort asso- miles or seven. the time there was <no reason to
the Forestville area in May, Prince tims, arrived in a Honda, and Bat- summer as a time to relax and ciated with summer air, may be While haze may have been believe there is a threat to the
George9s County police said son joined that group shortly after. shed strictness. unavoidable. most notable, Saturday had oth- community.= Gardner said Friday
Friday. One of the suspects, armed with Experts attributed at least part The farther we cast our glanc- er features, among them that it that she could not disclose
Lavelle Harris, 18, of a rifle, demanded that one of the of Saturday9s haze in Washington es, the less clear things seemed, seemed a pleasant day, a wor- whether police had a suspect but
Washington, is charged with first- victims give up the Honda. That to faraway wildfires. In great the less transparency seemed to thy member of a series of such that <it seems like an isolated
and second-degree murder, victim gave up the keys, and later concentration it can be hazard- characterize our view, and the days. incident.=
armed carjacking and related the other victims in that car were 4 Tom Jackman
counts in the killing of Kendall forced to exit, according to the
Batson, 18, of District Heights, charging documents.
police said.
Another teen, a 17-year-old boy
from District Heights, is charged
A second suspect, armed with
what appeared to be a handgun,
grabbed and struggled with Bat- THE BIG COUPON! BIG SAVING$!
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with conspiracy to commit first- son, who was seated in the back of
and second-degree murder, the Honda, for his keys, police said
armed carjacking and related in the charging documents
counts. Both teens are being held <You9re not going to take my
without bond at the county De-
partment of Corrections, police
keys,= Batson said, according to
Batson was a 12th-grade stu-
broke free and ran back to his
BMW. The second suspect fol-
dent, according to a letter from the lowed Batson and tried to pull him
principal at Wise. from the open driver9s door before
Officers responded about 6:35 fatally shooting him.
18 months
p.m. on May 11 to the parking lot of Both suspects fled, one in the **Subject to qualifying After
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North Forestville Elementary Honda and the other in the BMW,
School on Ritchie Road, police
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police said.
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Police recovered surveillance teens charged in his death did not 1-800-522-4356 50% OFF SCHEDULE
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It was not immediately clear
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pened about the same time, and according to online court records. Revolutionary Refacing System! RECEIVE A TEXT TO SCHEDULE ONLINE
interviewed witnesses, according Previous efforts to reach Bas-
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C4 eZ Re the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

Maryland Maryland

Man posing as ICE o>cer arrested, faces rape charges Bus crash in
BY J ASMINE H ILTON tified and taken into custody once the victim entered his form sexual acts <if she did not efits by noncitizen crime vic-
A 26-year-old man has been
arrested and charged with rape
after a traffic stop in Temple Hills
on Thursday, according to police.
Police said detectives were noti-
car, police said reed threatened
her with deportation again and
began to show her videos of
want to get deported,= charging
documents state.
reed <motioned with his head
tims,= ICE Ero Baltimore Acting
field office Director Darius
reeves said in a news release.
after posing as a U.S. Immigra-
tion and Customs Enforcement
fied on Tuesday at about 8:15 p.m.
of a sexual assault in the 5400
<people being arrested by ICE
Agents.= The woman grew <terri-
drawing the victim9s attention to
a black handgun= in the back seat
<Absent exceptional circum-
stances, ICE will refrain from
injures 15
officer and threatening a Hispan- block of Saint Barnabas road in a fied= and offered to give reed when she tried to refuse, accord- taking civil immigration enforce-
ic woman with deportation in the shopping center parking lot. money <so that he wouldn9t de- ing to the charging documents. ment action against victims of BY H EIDI P ÉREZ- M ORENO
oxon Hill area, Prince George9s The victim was walking to her port her,= the documents said. reed allowed her to leave his crime who come forward with AND J USTIN W M. M OYER
County police said friday. vehicle when reed, who identified <The defendant then demand- car after the sexual assault and pertinent information.=
Victor Antonio reed, of Wash- himself as an ICE agent, came up to ed the victim to give him the she called for help, police said. Police said there are no addi- A bus crashed into a building in
ington, is charged with first- and her in a silver sedan, displaying a money. The victim complied out <ICE Ero Baltimore takes a tional reports <of this nature= downtown Baltimore on Saturday
second-degree rape, impersonat- badge and instructing her to enter of fear and gave the defendant victim-centered approach to im- involving reed at this time. It morning, injuring 15 people, po-
ing a law enforcement officer, a his car. He threatened to deport her $100,= police said in the charging migration enforcement in order was not immediately clear lice said. fire officials said none of
firearms offense and related if she did not get in, according to documents. to facilitate access to justice and whether reed has an attorney the injuries were life-threatening.
counts, police said. He was iden- the charging documents. Then, reed told her to per- victim-based immigration ben- according to online court records About 10:20 a.m., police re-
ceived a report of a crash involving
a mass transit bus and two civilian
vehicles in the 400 block of North

Virginia legislature9s primaries upended by state9s redistricting Paca Street, a Baltimore police
spokesperson said in an email.
The area is less than a mile from
the Inner Harbor.
VIrgInIa from C1 Longtime Democratic Sen. r. An investigation showed that a
Creigh Deeds, tripled up with two maryland Transit Authority bus
see open primaries as <good for republicans under the new collided with a Lexus at North
party-building and generating maps, moved from Bath County Paca Street at West mulberry
energy around the winners,= said to Charlottesville to run in the Street, the spokesperson said. The
mark J. rozell, dean of the Schar 11th District. The new district bus then struck a Nissan and a
School of Policy and Government overlaps considerably with his building in the 500 block of West
at George mason University. old one, but Deeds, who joined franklin Street, according to the
republicans, on the other the Senate in 2001 after nine spokesperson.
hand, <have long worried about years in the House and was his About 15 people were injured,
crossover voting in a state with no party9s nominee for governor in the spokesman said.
party registration and have tend- 2009, faces a vigorous challenge The cause of the crash was not
ed to prefer more closed nomina- from Del. Sally L. Hudson (D- immediately known, authorities
tion processes,= he said. Charlottesville), a University of said.
But in one especially hard- Virginia labor economist who Baltimore City fire Depart-
fought contest in a deep-blue joined the House in 2020. ment spokesman Kevin Cart-
Senate district south of rich- running in a new district can wright told the Baltimore Sun that
mond, conservative radio host be beneficial to both a candidate bystanders and spectators report-
John fredericks and others have and his or her constituents, said ed <that there were vehicles speed-
been urging republicans to vote meagher, the randolph-macon ing . . . and the mTA bus, in an
in the Democratic primary for analyst. effort to avoid being a part of that,
state Sen. Joseph D. morrissey <They9ve been forced to go out collided into this building.=
(D-richmond) over former del- and campaign more than they At the scene, it appeared the
egate Lashrecse Aird because might otherwise and to connect two vehicles crashed through the
morrissey favors more restric- with voters,= meagher said. If they intersection and into the 501, a
tions on abortion. survive, <they9ll be more connect- residential apartment complex.
This year, liberal Democratic ed with their district &[and] they The affected area was an empty
candidates are taking the wide- might act a little differently than storefront below the building9s
open field as a chance to mount they did before.= residential floors.
challenges against more centrist Incumbents who face a pri- rose Weaver, 63, was waiting to
bob bRown/RiChmonD times-DisPAtCh /AP
incumbents, rozell said. <The mary challenge and survive, he get her hair done at Short Cutz, a
progressives have simply grown said, are likely to feel stronger House of Delegates members on the steps of the Virginia Capitol. In the state9s 40-seat Senate, half of barbershop in Seton Hill, when
weary of long-term incumbents than ever because they tri- the seats are up for primaries and 24 House districts around the state will hold primaries Tuesday. she heard a screeching crash.
who they see as too moderate, too umphed with a new set of con- She and a handful of other
beholden to business interests, or stituents. Similarly, if one party or cheese restaurateur who defied features one of the three Jan. 6 and marie march, another Jan. 6 women at the salon ran to North
too willing to compromise.= the other wins control of both pandemic restrictions, could be attendees, Del. David A. Larock attendee, face each other in a Paca Street to view the scene,
That9s especially clear in houses of the legislature this fall, less electable in the general elec- (r-Loudoun). Larock, one of contentious primary in the rural which she described as a gray
Northern Virginia, where two that party is going to feel a power- tion in the right-leaning 27th eight republicans vying for the counties west of martinsville. Honda Civic bent into a traffic
veteran Democratic senators are ful sense of mandate, he said. Senate District, which includes nod, also penned a letter to Vice Wake, of the League of Women cone.
in tight races against more out- <They9ll be able to say this is the city of fredericksburg and President mike Pence asking him Voters, said some voters have <We had no idea what was going
spokenly liberal challengers the new order,= he said 4 either parts of Spotsylvania and to nullify the commonwealth9s been confused by all of the on,= she said.
heavily backed by Clean Virginia, repudiating republicans9 strong Stafford counties. slate of presidential electors. change this year. In many cases, Brenda m. fletcher, who owns
a political action group intended showing in the 2021 elections or <You9ve seen the republican Two other Jan. 6 attendees <the person they9re used to seeing the hair salon, said she witnessed
to counter the political sway of doubling down on it. establishment come in very, very running for Senate: Del. John J. on their ballot isn9t on their bal- two people 4 a woman in her late
the state9s largest utility, Domin- for Gov. Glenn Youngkin (r), a strong for Durant, largely be- mcGuire III (r-Goochland) in the lot,= she said. 30s and a girl who looked to be
ion Energy. potential 2024 presidential con- cause they9re worried that they9ll 10th Senate District, a heavily The league had spent years around 10 years old 4 escape the
In the 35th District, Sen. David tender who9s been saddled with a lose the race if Strickland is the republican swath that stretches lobbying for Virginia to change vehicle after sustaining injuries.
W. marsden (D-fairfax) faces divided Capitol, the fall elections nominee,= he said. west from the richmond suburbs its old system of drawing political The woman was bleeding from her
Heidi Drauschak, who describes will determine whether he gets for similar reasons, Holsworth through rural areas nearly to maps, which left it in the hands of head, which fletcher believed was
herself as a <good-governance ad- the allies he needs to enact his said, the establishment has <got- Lynchburg; and Sen. Amanda f. whichever party controlled the due to the car9s air bags deploying.
vocate.= Sen. George L. Barker conservative agenda 4 including ten heavily involved= in support- Chase (r-Chesterfield), the self- legislature. Three years ago vot- Witnesses brought her towels to
(D-fairfax) is up against fairfax a 15-week ban on abortion. ing Del. Emily m. Brewer (r-Isle described <Trump in heels= run- ers approved a state constitution- cover the wounds while she cried,
County School Board member With that in mind, republi- of Wight) over former NASCAr ning in the 12th District, which al amendment that created a bi- fletcher said, and the girl also
Stella Pekarsky in the 36th Dis- cans are taking a cautious ap- driver Hermie Sadler in the red- covers parts of Chesterfield partisan commission to draw the reported knee pain.
trict, in the western part of the proach in some primaries, ac- leaning 17th District, which County and Colonial Heights. maps. Partisan jockeying left the Ufuoma Agarin, who has lived
county, which includes Chantilly cording to veteran richmond po- stretches from the Hampton Chase faces two republican commission unable to complete at the 501 for five years and was
and Centreville. litical analyst Bob Holsworth. roads region to Southside Vir- challengers, former senator Glen its duties in 2021, throwing the inside her apartment when the
Although they have been in the Hardcore conservatives are chal- ginia. Sturtevant and Tina ramirez, matter to the state Supreme crash occurred, said she didn9t
Senate for many years 4 Barker lenging incumbents, but the GoP otherwise, though, the GoP who leads a nonprofit focused on Court. hear the crash from the third floor.
since 2008, marsden since 2010 4 establishment is favoring more primaries have given no sign that religious freedom. Sturtevant, Wake said that despite some The crash punched a gaping
redistricting has put them in ter- mainstream candidates in com- republicans are reconsidering who in the past supported the rough edges this year as the new hole in the building9s west en-
ritory that is mostly new. They are petitive districts with an eye former president Donald Trump9s Equal rights Amendment and a map takes hold, the ultimate out- trance right next to Trinacria, an
among 23 Senate candidates who toward challenging Democrats in place as the party9s standard- gun-control bill, has moved come will pay benefits for many Italian deli and market.
either serve or have served in the the Nov. 7 general election. bearer. At least three republicans sharply to the right on guns, years. John Bauer, who works as a chef
legislature and are now running <The republican side has a running for Senate participated agreeing with Chase and ramirez <We knew that this first one at the more than 100-year-old
in districts where more than half race or two that could be very in Trump9s <Stop the Steal= rally in a public forum that he would was just going to be messy, be- establishment, was checking out
the territory is new to them, instrumental to the determina- in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021. support loosening restrictions on cause you can9t un-gerrymander a merchandise when he heard the
according to data compiled by the tion of who controls the Senate,= (They all say they did not enter machine guns. state without it being messy,= she crash. He ran outside and called
nonpartisan Virginia Public Holsworth said. Democrats are the Capitol with rioters.) They In two cases, primaries are said. <But the opportunity for 911.
Access Project. defending a 22-18 margin in that have not faced criticism from pitting pairs of incumbents voters is a big win.= Bauer was worried that the
Another tough fight in chamber and Youngkin has their rivals for continuing to pro- against each other. Democratic And she emphasized that pri- market had been impacted. While
Northern Virginia pits Sen. amassed a gigantic war chest to mote Trump9s false claim that senators Lionel Spruill Sr. (Chesa- mary elections are crucial to the the 501 is newly renovated, the
Jeremy S. mcPike (D-Prince try to flip it. President Biden stole the presi- peake) and L. Louise Lucas process. In cases where a district building where Trinacria is locat-
William), who joined the Senate Holsworth points to the Senate dency. (Portsmouth) are locked in a leans heavily toward one particu- ed is much older, and the business
in 2016, against Del. Elizabeth r. primary between Del. Tara <Who can be the Trumpiest 4 tough nominating contest in lar party, <the primary is when can9t afford to renovate after a
Guzman (D-Prince William), who Durant (r-Colonial Heights) and that9s what that election is about,= Tidewater, and ultraconservative you9re going to have the best shot high-impact crash.
set her sights on richmond9s up- matt Strickland as one that could Holsworth said, referring specifi- republican delegates Wren Wil- at selecting the candidate who9s <This is my home,= Bauer said.
per chamber after redistricting determine whether republicans cally to the race in the heavily red liams, a lawyer who worked for going to ultimately win in No-
paired her with a powerful Black can flip the chamber. He thinks 1st Senate District in the north- Trump9s legal team challenging vember. That9s why it9s so impor- Corinne Dorsey contributed to this
Democrat in the House. Strickland, a firebrand grilled- ern Shenandoah Valley, which the 2020 vote count in Wisconsin, tant to vote in the primaries.= report.

Maryland fourth-degree burglary, according little,= but she also acknowledged prisoners9 living conditions. es and other jail programming, and
to court records. that the county <operated the facil- A former supervisor at the recy- argued that paying subminimum

Judge tosses lawsuit alleging The lawsuit said the county also
used a temporary staffing agency
at the plant, and the temp workers
ity as a business and benefited
from using cheaper inmate labor.=
The recycling facility generated
cling plant said he <[looked] the
other way= while workers from
the jail took food off the conveyor
wage gave the county an unfair
advantage over private waste man-
agement companies.
violation of inmates9 labor were paid minimum wage and
overtime for the same work.
$41 million in revenue between
January 2014 and December 2020,
belt to eat because the bologna
sandwiches they were given were
<my practice concentrates on
unpaid wages, not prison inmate
While courts have held general- Gallagher9s opinion said, although insufficient, according to court rights, but this case has really
BY C ASSIDY J ENSEN U.S. District Judge Stephanie A. ly that prisoners are not protected the county contends that figure documents. opened my eyes to the plight and
Gallagher ruled last week that the by the federal labor law, the doesn9t include all costs. The corrections department in the conditions of inmates,= he said.
A federal judge dismissed a workers detailed to the recycling fourth Circuit U.S. Court of Ap- Gallagher wrote that the work some cases also failed to provide Baltimore County hired out-
class-action lawsuit by partici- plant are not employees under the peals has not ruled on off-site program more closely resembled sufficient clothing, Gallagher side law firm Nelson mullins riley
pants in a Baltimore County jail fair Labor Standards Act, the feder- work, Gallagher wrote in an opin- work done inside prisons because, wrote. and Scarborough in 2021 to serve
program who said the county vio- al law governing overtime and min- ion last week. although the county benefited The plaintiffs plan to appeal as co-counsel on the case.
lated wage laws by not paying imum wage for most U.S. workers. The Third Circuit found the law from cheap labor, that economic the case to the U.S. Court of Ap- <The county is satisfied with
them overtime or minimum wage Under the county jail9s volun- did apply in the case of child- advantage ultimately flowed to peals for the fourth Circuit. the court9s ruling, which speaks
for their work at a Cockeysville tary work program, workers were support debtors in Lackawanna the county and its jail rather than <As sure as the sun rises, we9re for itself,= said county spokesper-
recycling plant. paid $20 for 10 to 12 hours a day of County, Pa., who worked at a a private third-party employer. going to appeal,= their attorney, son Erica Palmisano.
michael A. Scott, an Essex resi- manual labor at the single-stream privately-operated recycling cen- While the lawsuit argued the Howard B. Hoffman, said The jail9s work details at the
dent who served a sentence at the recycling plant run by the county9s ter while incarcerated. plaintiffs needed to be paid mini- Wednesday. <This is not a fight recycling center stopped while
Baltimore County Detention Cen- Department of Public Works, ac- Gallagher wrote that the pro- mum wage to buy needed items like that is going to end swiftly.= the lawsuit was ongoing, Gallagh-
ter from December 2019 to march cording to the lawsuit. gram at the Cockeysville plant toiletries and clothes to keep warm Hoffman questioned the rehabil- er wrote. Palmisano said Wednes-
2020, initially filed a lawsuit in Scott was serving a jail served a rehabilitative purpose be- in the open-air recycling facility, itative value of the work program, day no county inmates are work-
January 2021 in U.S. District sentence for two misdemeanor cause it provided structure, work Gallagher wrote that the federal which he said took workers away ing at the recycling plant now.
Court. It became a class action. charges of theft under $100 and experience and pay, <albeit very wage law is not meant to address from substance-use recovery class- 4 Baltimore Sun

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sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re C5

rEtroPolis look for someone of <good sense

4 good dispositions 4 and the

George Washington was means of supporting you in the

way you have been brought up.=
When Nelly told Washington that

a founding father and a she had no intention of falling in

love and planned to remain <El-
eanor Custis Spinster,= he took

dad like any other time away from his presidential

duties to write her a long letter
pointing out the hubris of her
remarks. Love was <an involun-
He didn9t have biological children, but he raised tary passion,= Washington said,
several 4 and worried about their grades and it was likely to strike whether
she liked it or not. Once that
happened, what should she do?
BY C ASSANDRA A . G OOD By then, he had also been worn He proposed a list of questions to
down by the loss of stepdaughter ask herself and signed the letter
Two weeks after George Wash- Patsy, who died at 17 from what wishing her <every blessing,
ington9s death in December 1799, was likely an epileptic seizure. among which a good husband
the American statesman Gou- Washington, who had paid for all when you want, & deserve one.=
verneur Morris rose before a rapt sorts of doctors and treatments to Washington also expected the
crowd of mourners in New York try to help her, knelt by her girls to share their feeling and
and declared of the late first bedside praying while she lay fears in courtship with him.
president: <AMERICANS! He had dying. When Betsey surprised the whole
no child BUT YOU, and HE WAS Washington got a second family by getting engaged to an
ALL YOUR OWN.= chance at fatherhood, however, at older man whom they didn9t even
Washington was and is widely the end of the American Revolu- know she was courting 4 and
admired as the father of the tion. Jacky had ventured to York- who failed pretty much every
country, but Morris9s statement town in November 1781 and was criterion her step-grandfather
ignored a well-known fact: While struck down by camp fever, leav- had shared with her for a spouse
Washington had no biological ing his young wife a widow with 4 Washington was hurt that she
descendants, he raised a number four children ages 5 and younger. hadn9t confided in him. However,
of children. This famous father George and Martha took in baby he approved of the marriage and
Library of Congress
was not some godlike, detached George Washington <Wash= reminded her, <You know how
paternal figure. Loving and ten- Parke Custis and 2-year-old George and Martha Washington raised children from her first much I love you.=
der, Washington was closely in- Eleanor <Nelly= Parke Custis; the marriage and grandchildren, whom Washington loved <with great Nelly was more forthcoming,
vested in his girls9 love lives 4 Marquis de Lafayette, whom tenderness,= according to the Marquis de Lafayette. sharing with him the love letters
and couldn9t, for the life of him, Washington saw as another ad- she received when she was court-
get his boys to finish college. opted son, reported that Wash- ies. Wash9s tutor wrote in a letter John9s College in Annapolis, ing. He was delighted when Nelly
When Washington married ington <love[d] them with great that his young charge was on his where the young man tried to married his nephew Lawrence,
Martha Dandridge Custis in 1759, tenderness.= Washington wrote way to becoming <extremely dis- repeat his father9s history by and he gave the couple a piece of
she brought two young children in 1784 that he took pleasure in gusting= and that Washington forming a secret engagement. At his Mount Vernon estate.
from her first marriage with watching Wash, <fat & saucy as saw it <with pain.= But Washing- least this time, Washington was As much as she loved him,
them to Mount Vernon: 5-year- ever,= ride a toy horse <with a ton worried that imposing disci- able to stop the marriage. But he Nelly Custis knew that Washing-
old John <Jacky= Parke Custis and degree of boldness which will pline on Wash would upset Mar- couldn9t keep Wash in school, and ton could come off as cold or
3-year-old Martha <Patsy= Parke soon do honor to his horseman- tha and refused to step in. Wash returned home with no forbidding. But he had a softer
Custis. When the children were ship.= As Washington attempted to college degree. Washington was side.
young, Martha made many of the Several years later, Washing- make sure that Wash completed 0-for-2 in getting sons through <He liked to see us gay and
parenting decisions, but as Jacky ton was juggling the demands of the education Jacky never had, college. happy,= she recalled as an adult,
reached adolescence, Washing- fatherhood with those of the the frustration that welled up Fortunately, he had much in a letter to a friend, noting that
ton stepped in. presidency, which he took on in might have felt familiar. Wash- smoother relationships with Nel- <I have often made him laugh
At 14, Jacky was <a boy of good 1789. Nelly and Wash lived with ington admitted that <From ly and her elder sisters, Betsey heartily at the relation of my
genius,= Washington wrote, but to their adoptive parents in the [Wash9s] infancy, I have discov- and Patty. The elder girls had frolics and difficulties.=
his frustration, Jacky was far president9s house, first in New ered an almost unconquerable been raised by their mother, but Fatherhood for Washington
more focused on hunting, fine York and then in Philadelphia. disposition to indolence in every they, too, looked on Washington was not always a laughing matter,
clothes and girls than on school- The kids accompanied the Wash- <He liked to see us gay thing that did not tend to his as a father figure. To Nelly, Wash- but it brought the highs and lows
work. At 19, Jacky announced his ingtons to parades and ceremo- amusements.= In other words: ington was <the most affectionate any parent experiences. Today, it
engagement to 15-year-old Elea- nies, and as she got older, Nelly and happy. I have often Wash was lazy. of Fathers,= and his love for Be- perhaps helps cast him in a more
nor Calvert, and Washington was entertained prominent guests by Still, Washington sent him to tsey convinced her that she was honest, human light: not just as
not happy that Jacky would mar- playing harpsichord. made him laugh Princeton and finally applied his <best loved child.= When they founder but as general, president,
ry before finishing college and But living as young celebrities some discipline. In stern, formal reached young adulthood, he enslaver and dad.
becoming financially independ- 4 with enslaved people who were heartily at the relation letters, he made clear his high didn9t have to get them an educa- And if even he struggled to get
ent. He sent Jacky to King9s Col- forced to wait on them and obey expectations and implied that his tion, but he wanted to make sure his kids to do their homework,
lege (now Columbia) in New York their commands 4 made it easy of my frolics and affection was dependent on they made good marriages. Wash- there9s some comfort in that for
City to try to at least delay the for Nelly and Wash to become Wash9s behavior and perform- ington tailored his advice to each parents everywhere.
match, but Jacky dropped out spoiled. Moreover, Martha was difficulties.= ance at school. He was doomed to of the girls9 personalities.
and got married anyway. Wash- particularly indulgent with the Eleanor <Nelly= Parke Custis, be disappointed. Wash was ulti- To the passionate Betsey, he Cassandra a. good is a historian and
ington conceded defeat and said children; especially when it came george Washington9s mately asked to leave Princeton offered a reminder that <love is author of the new book <first family:
he had <yielded, contrary to my to Wash, she seemed unwilling to step-granddaughter, detailing his for misbehavior. Refusing to give too dainty a food to live upon george Washington9s Heirs and the
judgment.= provide discipline and boundar- softer side in a letter to a friend up, Washington sent him to St. alone= and that she needed to Making of america.=

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C6 eZ Re the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

A story of the families enslaved by the

Jesuits and sold to save Georgetown
gEOrgEtOwn from C1 <remaining entirety= of the enslaved
population had also been sold. It was
272 enslaved men, women and children only a matter of time before the slave
who labored on their maryland planta- traders returned for the rest.
tions. Could rome have <permitted and
The prospective buyers were promi- approved= such an inhumane plan?
nent men from Louisiana: Henry John- Could Jan roothaan, the superior gener-
son, a congressman and defender of al of the Society of Jesus, better known
slavery who9d once served as governor, as the Jesuits, have given such a horrific
and Jesse Batey, a doctor who had sale his blessing?
established himself as a planter. mulledy was well aware of the outrage
When the two men had disembarked bubbling up among his fellow priests,
from the stagecoach that carried them particularly those stationed on the plan-
from Washington to the countryside of tations. And the stress of what priests
southern maryland just a few months would later describe as the ugly business
earlier, they had found rev. Thomas of selling human beings was clearly
mulledy, the former president of taking its toll. mulledy felt so <fatigued=
Georgetown who now ran the Jesuit and <unwell,= as he recorded in his
province, waiting to give them a tour of journal, that on five occasions that
the plantations and the scores of people summer he did not officiate at mass.
he9d put up for sale. Still he remained unbowed, and in
At St. Inigoes, one of the Jesuit August, he struck back against his
plantations in St. mary9s County, the critics. In a defiant letter to roothaan,
enslaved numbered more than 80 peo- he addressed the mounting criticism of
ple. There were toddlers and young his leadership. He dismissed Lilly and
mothers, young men in the prime of the other priests criticizing him on the
their lives, middle-aged couples, and plantations, suggesting that their objec-
elderly men and women. tions to the sale stemmed from their
Harry mahoney, Louisa and Anny9s self-serving distress at losing their au-
father and the patriarch of the extended thority over scores of enslaved people.
mahoney clan, was described as the <In no way is this matter pleasing to
oldest enslaved person on the planta- them,= he wrote, <because they will not
tion. He had worked faithfully for the be the great masters they were before,
Jesuits for decades, hidden the church9s but I hope they will be better Jesuits.=
wealth during the War of 1812, and Jesuit administrators, meanwhile,
secured a pledge that his family would made careful note of the money that
never be sold. Would the Jesuits keep poured into their accounts that summer,
that pledge? and where that money went.
His daughter Nelly seemed safe. She <8000 to Archbishop of Balt. to
was working in Alexandria, Va., helping extinguish debt,= reads a line in one of
the Jesuit priest who was tending the the Jesuit cashbooks, describing a pay-
flock at St. mary9s Church. But what SoCieTy oF JeSUS/BooTH FAmily CenTeR FoR SpeCiAl ColleCTionS/GeoRGeTown UniveRSiTy ment made to the Bishop of Baltimore to
about his wife, Anna? What about the settle an old claim.
rest of his children? one of his sons, ABOVE: A page from the The rest of the down payment 4 some
Gabriel, a blacksmith, was married to a agreement between Jesuit $17,000 4 went to Georgetown. That
woman on another plantation. Would he leaders and two men from hefty sum would help pay down the
be safe? Louisiana for the sale of 272 debts that mulledy had incurred during
After weeks of haggling over price, enslaved people in 1838 that a building campaign. And more money
mulledy, Johnson, and Batey had come went ahead despite protest by 4 much more 4 would be coming into
to an agreement. They met in Washing- some priests. LEFt: Henry the province over the next decade,
ton, to put the deal into writing: 272 Johnson was a congressman mulledy informed rome, as Johnson
men, women, and children 4 many of from Louisiana who was one of and Batey made good on their payments
whom belonged to families that had the buyers in the deal. rIgHt: to the Jesuits in annual installments.
been enslaved by the Jesuits for genera- thomas Mulledy was the former While money flowed into the Jesuit
tions 4 were to be sold for the sum of georgetown president who coffers, the priests and enslaved people
$115,000, roughly $422 per person. The initiated and closed the deal to on the plantations prayed and waited.
handwritten agreement, signed by all secure funds to pay down debt only about 30 people remained at St.
three men, ran to eight pages. that was owed by the college. Inigoes9s Black community. They had
There were the financial details, of loUiSiAnA STATe ARCHiveS GeoRGeTown UniveRSiTy witnessed the end of the world as they
course 4 a payment plan in installments knew it. But the trauma wasn9t over. All
with interest 4 and there was a delivery of them 4 the young, the old, the
plan, which described when and how married, the single, the strong, the
the enslaved people would be handed feeble 4 had price tags on their heads.
over. The men agreed that $25,000 That knowledge haunted the two
would be paid on the delivery of the first sisters, Louisa and Anny, as they cooked
group of 51 people, who were to be and cleaned for the priest who lived in
shipped to the port of Alexandria <as the manor house, comforted their elder-
soon as practicable.= ly parents and tended to the young
Johnson and Batey did get some children who still laughed and frolicked,
assurances written into the agreement innocent of what was to come.
to ensure that they would be protected if They had grown up together, the
the enslaved people turned out to be youngest girls in a sprawling family, and
sickly or older 4 and therefore less they had prayed, as many enslaved
valuable 4 than mulledy claimed. The people did, that their family would
priest promised to reduce the price of remain intact, that they would always
the enslaved people purchased <for such stay together. But soon, they knew, the
difference in age, or for such defects as members of their community would be
shall lessen their value= and to go to rounded up and shipped down South,
arbitration if the parties could not come far from the world they knew and the
to an agreement on a reasonable reduc- people they loved. Any day now, any
tion in price. minute now, the slave traders would be
The three men signed the document coming. Who would be taken next?
one after another 4 first mulledy, then roothaan had ordered mulledy to
Batey, then Johnson 4 setting into keep families together and warned that
motion the machinery of what would missteps might provoke divine retribu-
become one of the largest documented tion: <It would be better to suffer
slave sales of the time. financial disaster than suffer the loss of
The rest of the enslaved were to be our souls with the sale of the slaves.=
delivered between oct. 15 and Nov. 15. mulledy carried the weight of that
But nearly half of the agreement was warning with him as he prepared him-
devoted to scores of names, those of self for the journey. But it did not
nearly every enslaved person owned by dissuade him.
the Jesuits: grandfathers such as Isaac, a on oct. 31, 1838, about six weeks after
65-year-old man enslaved on the White the luminous solar eclipse appeared in
marsh plantation; children such as the sky, he picked up his diary. <Set out
linDA DAviDSon/THe wASHinGTon poST
francis, an 8-year-old boy enslaved at St. for St. Innigoes,= he wrote.
Thomas manor; mothers such as Susan, From left, descendants of enslaved people, Sandra green thomas, Patricia Bayonne Johnson, Zeita Kemp, Melissa At the plantation, father Joseph Car-
a 20-year-old woman, and her 7-year-old Kemp, Karran Harper royal and Joseph Steward stand with georgetown University President John Degioia at the bery, another priest who opposed what
daughter. ceremony in September 2016 to announce atonements for the 19th-century history of enslaved people at the college. mulledy was doing, got word: The slave
mulledy, in his zeal to wrap up the traders were coming.
deal, failed to mention that several of In a flagrant act of defiance against
the men listed in the agreement had run his superior, the priest sought out
away and no longer lived on the planta- tion rounding up frantic families, about mahoney, his family, and the others members of the mahoney family. run!
tions. The agreement also failed to note 41 people in all. The youngest were were imprisoned in the port city, Wil- Carbery told them. run!
that a number of the enslaved on the list toddlers. The oldest were two men, both liams announced in the pages of the Louisa ran with her mother. Anny
had spouses who were owned by other aged about 45, both with wives and Alexandria Gazette that his ship would gathered her children.
slaveholders and that rome had or- children. be sailing <for NEW orLEANS.= But for Anny, the news came too late.
dered the Jesuits not to separate such one of those men was robert mahon- No record has survived of robert9s She and her two young children, Arnold,
couples. ey, Harry9s oldest son. A similar roundup thoughts as he and the others descended who was about 8 or 9 years old, and
The document provided the first hint took place at the White marsh planta- into the hold of the ship. But on June 29, Louisa, who was about 6, were herded
that mulledy was prepared to do what tion, where nearly a dozen people were the newspaper carried the news of the together with the rest of the enslaved
many Jesuits viewed as unconscionable forced to leave their homes and their ship9s departure: <Sailed, June 28, Brig people who would be loaded on the ship.
and immoral: to break up families, if extended families. Word spread from Uncas, Cross, New orleans.= Harry, now an old man and the
necessary, to get the money he needed to one estate to another, radiating through mulledy was visiting St. Inigoes when patriarch of the family, was spared. But
save Georgetown, founded in 1789 and the enslaved communities and the small the news of the Uncas9s departure it was the bitterest of blessings. He had
destined to become one of the nation9s circle of clergy responsible for the appeared in the newspaper. The follow- done all he could to keep his family safe,
elite universities. plantations. ing day, he dedicated his mass to the trusting in the pledge from the Jesuits
The people most deeply affected by <Without any notice or preparation The 272: The Families <poor negroes,= but his prayers did little that the mahoneys would never be sold.
the deal were miles away, laboring at St. the slaves were seized violently and by Who Were Enslaved to assuage the outrage of the priests who He had raised his children and
Inigoes and the other Jesuit plantations heathen hands,= father Thomas Lilly and Sold to Build the managed the Jesuit plantations. watched his grandchildren grow,
in maryland. The sale document includ- wrote in a letter to rome, describing American Catholic <It is with the greatest pain of spirit buoyed by the belief that they would all
ed only their first names, but to one what had happened at St. Inigoes and Church that I take up the pen,= Lilly wrote. remain together. His wife and his daugh-
another, they were the Queens, the White marsh. <They were treated as By Rachel l. Swarns <Those men, I believe, had assured ter, Louisa, had managed to hide in the
Goughs, the Hawkinses, the Campbells, animals in every respect.= humane and Christian treatment, but I woods and return safely to the planta-
the Butlers, the Browns, the Dorseys, Their destination was the port in Random House. discovered their nature,= he continued. tion after the ship set sail. But the rest of
and the Wests. And all of them had been Alexandria, where they would be impris- 352 pp. $28 <What distress! What a scandal not only his family was being wrenched apart.
sold, including, despite the decades- oned as they waited to board the Uncas, for the Catholics, but also for the In June, his oldest son had been
long pledge, the mahoneys. the ship that would carry them to Protestants! many of them detest this stolen from him. Now two of his daugh-
Within days of the agreement being Louisiana. The 155-ton, two-masted ship sale as much as possible. And it will ters, Anny and Bibiana, and his grand-
signed, Horatio Trunnell, the man hired had been purchased in 1836 by William dispense such a wound to this religion children were being taken, torn from
to handle the roundup, headed out to St. H. Williams, a slave trader based in and to this order.= their homes and marched away from St.
Inigoes. He and his men arrived without Washington. Worse still, he wrote, was the news Inigoes, all of them victims of the
warning and swept through the planta- During the very week that robert that it was only the beginning, that the mundane brutality of American slavery.
sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE C7

African American burials in St. Mary9s are among Maryland9s oldest

burialS FRoM C1 visiting [historic sites] it was one the first colonists. The two en- pipe he smoked 4 perhaps one of
of those things that you never slaved persons were buried about his few pleasures.
. . . if not the earliest individuals envisioned yourself as being part a mile and a half from that site. The man was buried with care,
of African descent ever studied in of the picture,= said Bush. <It speaks to the incredible his hands folded, his body facing
Maryland,= said Travis Parno, act- <We need to tell truth,= he said. archaeological legacy of St. the water 4 <almost looking out
ing executive director of Historic <We need to fund things like Mary9s City,= Parno said in an at the mouth of the river,= Parno
St. Mary9s City, the organization anthropology and archaeology email. <There is just so much said, maybe <toward the avenue
that conducted the dig about 70 . . . Without them we don9t really history here and in addition to home.=
miles southeast of Washington. understand ourselves.= being Maryland stories, these are Bush, of the community group,
The burials may have hap- Bush said his family roots go national stories . . . [and] key to said: <He9s facing down river to-
pened as early as the 1680s, he back many generations in St. that national narrative.= wards Africa,= as if those who
said in a recent telephone inter- Mary9s, and his great-grandfather The original 150 colonists, in- buried him were saying, <we9re
view. <And at the latest, probably on his father9s side was born into cluding many English Catholics sending you back.=
1730s.= slavery in Alabama. fleeing Protestant persecution, But several centuries later, the
The dig was conducted to save <I wonder what my ancestors arrived at St. Mary9s on two ships, river had come too close and
the remains, which had already would think of me being em- the Ark and the Dove, in late erosion had already carried away
been damaged by uprooted trees ployed here and getting paid to March 1634. the man9s lower legs.
and erosion at the river, he said. work here on land that they toiled The settlement, which was the <This was a case of preserva-
The woman9s burial was first on and spilled blood on,= he said. colony9s first capital, was aban- tion,= Parno said. <We felt we had
identified in the 1970s. The man9s <This is a very special place for me doned after the government to do this project, and we only
was identified in 1980. Both were in a different sort of way.= MiCHaEl E. RuanE/tHE WaSHington PoSt moved to Annapolis in the 1690s. moved forward with it with the
left mostly in place because they The bones discovered along the Part of a clay pipe found during a recent archaeological dig in St. But before the move, the Mary- blessing of members of our com-
weren9t then under threat, Parno river on land owned by the state Mary9s County. The man recovered had a <pipe facet= in one tooth. land legislature in 1664 enacted a munity who said, 8No, we need to
said. of Maryland are now in the His- comprehensive slave code 4 the save these burials.9=
The project was undertaken toric St. Mary9s City laboratory. first in English-speaking North The woman was buried on her
with the support of the local The plan is to have them under- America, Parno said. side. She was 24 to 27 years old
African American community. go examination at the Smithso- <There is just so much history here and in addition It decreed that <people of Afri- and had a modest build.
<If we didn9t disinter them,= nian Institution9s National Mu- can descent are going to be en- Decades before, a nearby tree
much could have been lost, said seum of Natural History, in Wash- to being Maryland stories, these are national slaved for life, and their children had fallen, its roots knocking
Kelsey R.M. Bush, a member of ington, and then be properly re- for their lives as well,= he said. loose the modified tooth, which
the Chancellor9s Point Working buried. Those arrangements have stories & [and] key to that national narrative.= Funeral rites <were one of the was recovered and saved.
Group, the community advisory not yet been made. Travis Parno, acting executive director of Historic St. Mary9s City few [activities] enslaved Africans The two people were probably
team: <Not understanding the Douglas owsley, the museum9s were allowed to conduct on their of the same generation, or per-
story . . . [not] understanding curator of biological anthropolo- own, without any interference haps a generation apart, Parno
how hallowed the ground actual- gy, said the structure of the man9s ing discovery for Historic St. began from the outset= and from the enslavers,= Henry M. said, both condemned to short,
ly is.= face and skull, and the woman9s Mary9s City [and] for Maryland,= spread dramatically over next few Miller, Maryland heritage scholar harsh lives in captivity.
<Now we can put them at rest,= altered tooth, indicate that the Parno said. <These are two indi- decades. with Historic St. Mary9s City, said It is possible that other burials
he said in a recent telephone two people were of African viduals who went unrecorded in The exhumation comes a few in an email. may already have been lost to the
interview. <And celebrate their descent. the historical record= but who weeks after Parno9s team and an- The exhumed man is thought river, and that others may be
spirit and perseverance and . . . He said the alteration was in an now add to the story of the period. thropologists from the Smithso- to have been in his early 30s when nearby, the experts said.
that root from which we all came.= upper front tooth and that other The first permanent White nian unearthed the remains of a he died, but he had the deteriorat- Either way, Bush said: <This
Bush, who is also Community teeth, which are missing, were settlers came to what is now St. teenage boy with a broken leg ed spine of a man in his 50s, Parno could be a place that you could
Affairs Liaison at St. Mary9s Col- probably also modified. Mary9s City, in southern Mary- who is believed to be among said. come and know that you could
lege of Maryland, said too often Scholars have identified dental land, in 1634. Enslaved Africans Maryland9s first White colonists. <That9s someone who did a lot directly commune with individu-
the dark story of slavery has been alteration as a cultural practice in arrived soon after. And in 2021, Historic St. Mary9s of hard work in their life, a lot of als who we know were brought
ignored in the teaching of the Africa that shows up in some <From the early 1630s, we City announced that its experts backbreaking work,= he said. directly from the homeland to
country9s history. burials of the enslaved. know there were enslaved people had found the outlines of the The man also had a <pipe facet= here, and were interred to return
<Growing up down here and <I think this is a game-chang- here,= Parno said. <Enslavement long-lost fort that was erected by in a tooth, a groove worn by a clay back to that same place.=

Theresa Vargas

Edwin Bancroft Henderson, unsung hero of Black basketball, ûnally gets his due
vargaS FRoM C1 to a tree nearby, tied stripped would do one female athlete a legacy and their school that later became UDC, money for scholarship
and given thirty lashes.= year, because the whole accomplishments have been and he learned about basketball opportunities and the creation of
yanked open or the doors he Hanlon, a sculptor who has landscape has been void of forgotten.= while studying at Harvard9s the statue, which will stand
constructed when none existed. captured the likeness of sports female athletes. Last year, we did He said the university is proud Dudley Sargent School of outside the complex. Days ago,
But this weekend is a time we legends and historic greats for four. I think next year will be that the statue of Henderson is Physical Training. In 1907, the school remained about
set aside to celebrate fathers, institutions across the country, even better.= part of a larger movement Henderson and his future $20,000 short of its $300,000
and it seems a fitting moment to created the statue of Henderson When we pass by statues toward more equitable brother-in-law went to a goal.
talk about a historic father figure for UDC. When we spoke, he something unique happens. We representation: <Everyone White-only YMCA in D.C. to <It9s been a challenge, to be
who is finally getting the described it as an <important are forced to pause, if only for a deserves to be validated and watch a basketball game and the quite honest, because E.B
recognition he deserves. historical marker.= moment, and think. They push have their voices heard and have athletic director ordered them to Henderson is not a household
Henderson has been called <Sports history is American us to consider who that person images and statues that look like leave, according to a 2013 name,= Trapp said of the
both the <father of Black history, and it9s profoundly true was and what they achieved that them and tell their story.= Washington Post Magazine piece fundraising effort. <A lot of folks
basketball= and the <grandfather in the piece we9re talking about made them worthy of that UDC officials asked that I not that tells Henderson9s story. don9t know who he is. We
of Black basketball,= and soon, a today,= he said. <This historical permanent marker. That the reveal photos of Henderson9s Months later, Henderson staged reached out to a lot of folks in
statue will immortalize him in marker is both of those 4 it9s faces on our statues are now statue before the unveiling, but I the first known basketball game the sports community and they
the nation9s capital. American history and it9s sports representing a broader scope of have seen it and I can tell you for Black players in D.C., and were like, 8E.B. who?9=
on Saturday, the University of history.= people is a positive development this: When the statue is finally shortly after that, he started He confessed he hadn9t heard
the District of Columbia will In recent years, Hanlon and because it expands the picture of made public, it will show raising money to open the city9s about Henderson before a
unveil a statue of the his team have completed statues our collective history. It also Henderson as a young man first YMCA for the Black university trustee started
Washington native who created in the Washington region of Earl allows more individuals to see holding a basketball and community. sharing his story.
space for Black athletes to excel Lloyd, Dominque Dawes and glimpses of themselves in those standing on a court. It will To tell Henderson9s full story, I <We feel like this is our own
at a time when they couldn9t Harriet Tubman. Hanlon said figures, and by doing that, offers depict a moment in his life when would need more than the space Katherine Johnson from the
even watch White players Henderson joins those <pillars= more people a nudge toward possibilities and challenges of this column. But what9s movie 8Hidden Figures,9= Trapp
perform in some venues. and together they make up a greatness. remained in front of him, not important to know is that he said of the Black mathematician
Henderson was the first Black <wonderful array of dynamic <There were a lot of voices 4 a unlike the students who will dedicated his life to pushing for whose work helped send
man in the nation certified to characters who were pioneers.= lot of female voices, a lot of pass by it on campus. more athletic opportunities for astronauts into orbit. <People
teach physical education in They also, he said, show that Latino, Asian and African Trapp said he hopes students young Black people. He didn9t know about these African
public school, and he is credited the national landscape is American voices 4 that have who see it think about eventually formed the nation9s American mathematicians and
with bringing basketball to the changing when it comes to been part of the creation of Henderson9s resilience and first public school athletic league engineers who helped NASA in
Black community. He also whom people want to see put on America that we don9t know consider the courage it took for for Black students, allowing some of the early explorations of
formed the nation9s first rural platforms. about, because there weren9t him to press forward into the them to compete in basketball, space until that movie came out.
branch of the NAACP in 1918 in <We thought we would do one these huge monuments unknown and the uncomfortable baseball, soccer, and track and So, we9re hoping this statue that
Virginia and his activism led person of color as a pioneer per enshrined to them,= Rodney and ignore the naysayers who field. is being erected on our campus
him to receive threats from the year out of my studio,= Hanlon Trapp, vice president of said, <oh, this is not for you. In 2022, UDC named its in honor of an alumnus of the
Ku Klux Klan, including a letter said. <It9s turned into five. advancement for UDC, said. You9re not built for this.= sports complex after Henderson university will help bring
that warned he would be <borne Equally important is I thought I <And so, their history and their Henderson graduated from a and launched a fund to raise attention to his story.=

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obituaries FLOWERS
JUNE 4, 1951 - MAY 18, 2023
Your life was a blessing. George Ralph DePalma died in Fountain
Your memory a treasure. Hills, Arizona on May 18, 2023. The cause
You are loved beyond words, of death was cancer. Formerly a resident of
richard e. Snyder, 90 and missed beyond measure! Northern Virginia; he is survived by his wife
Love, your children of 48 years, Anne Bazuin DePalma of Foun-
tain Hills; his sister Regina, of Falls Church;

Executive helmed rise of Simon HICKS

his brother Gregory, of Alexandria; and his
nephews Adam and Anthony. Services and
interment private. Donations in his mem-
ory may be made to American Indian Col-
lege Fund (collegefund. org) or HALO Ani-

& Schuster as publishing power

mal Rescue (halo rescue. org).

signed up memoirs by such fallen Happy Birthday, Mother! TIMOTHY DILLON
Happy Father9s Day, Father! Beloved husband, father, brother, uncle,
Richard E. Snyder, a visionary Nixon officials as John Dean, From James N. Short, Jr., Betty Sanders, and friend passed away on June 10, 2023
Tahira Lessey and the Short Family DC in Maricopa, AZ, where he had lived and
and imperious executive at Si- John Ehrlichman and John served as the de facto mayor for the last
mon & Schuster who in boldfaced Mitchell, along with books by three years. He was 76. He was a fourth
generation native of Washington, DC, and
style presided over the publish- Nixon himself and Ronald Rea- lived most of his life there and in Maryland.
er9s exponential rise during the gan, whose memoir was released DEATH NOTICE Tim started his long news career during his
active duty with the U.S. Air Force as the
second half of the 20th century just months before Simon & editor of the Stars and Stripes newspaper.
and helped define an era of con- Schuster published Kitty Kelley9s ARNOLD Subsequently he was a photojournalist for
the Maryland Independent, the Washing-
solidation and growing corporate notorious <Nancy Reagan,= which JUTTA BIELEFELDT HICKS (Age 79) ton Evening Star, and USA Today. Tim was
a member of the White House Press Pho-
power, died June 6 at his home in suggested the former first lady March 24, 1944 - June 13, 2023
tographers Pool covering the Reagan, H.W.
Jutta Bielefeldt Hicks of Boston passed
Los Angeles. He was 90. had an affair with Frank Sinatra. away peacefully on June 13 with her Bush, Clinton, and Bush administrations
children at her side. Predeceased by her and served for a decade as Chairman of
His death was confirmed by Woodward has stayed with Si- husband, Coleman S. Hicks; survived by the Senate Press Photographers9 Gallery.
his son Matthew Snyder. The mon & Schuster for decades, his her brother, Christian Bielefeldt; daughter, He covered wars in several countries and
Darlington (Toni) P. Hicks; son, Christian B. was nominated for a Pulitzer for his work
cause was not immediately avail- long run of No. 1 sellers including Hicks; and four grandchildren. A celebra- in Somalia. He was an outstanding pho-
able. <Veil,= <Plan of Attack= and the tion of life will be held at a later date. Do- tographer who was well respected by his
nations in lieu of ûowers may be made to colleagues and was also very handsome.
Mr. Snyder helped make Si- Trump-era <Fear.= Some of the On the Rise, Inc. ( He is survived by his wife, Marie Dillon, son,
John Dillon (Brooke), daughter, Kelley Dillon
mon & Schuster one of the largest country9s most popular histori- (Brian Beutler), mother-of-his-children,
publishing houses in the world ans, including McCullough and Katherine Dillon, grandchildren, Riley and
and belonged to a cohort of fellow Pulitzer winner Doris HILL-STEWART Jack Dillon, brothers, Thomas Dillon (Su-
san Fitzgerald) and Matthew Dillon, sisters
executives who transformed the Kearns Goodwin, were longtime Carroll Dethrow (John), Dori Dillon, Theresa
BEULAH MARGARET HILL-STEWART Koper (George), Barbara Bryant (Ed) and
industry. Simon & Schuster authors. 7/14/1919 - 6/18/1986 Sheila Westrem, and several nieces and
Loving memory of Nanny nephews.
When he joined Simon & Mr. Snyder rose and fell by the who God called home 37
robIn Platzer/chronIcle collectIon/ years ago. We will always
MARY B. ARNOLD A Funeral Mass will be held on July 13,
Schuster as a sales assistant in getty Images
hard and random rules of corpo- It is with great sadness that the Arnold 2023 at 10:30 a.m. at Saint Mary9s Church
keep you in our heart. family announces that Mary B. Arnold died located at 109 Duke of Gloucester Street,
the early 1960s, publishing hous- rate culture. His power grew even <2Good2B4Gotten= peacefully among close family on May 31, Annapolis, MD 21401. Burial will be in Ar-
es were mostly privately owned, As president and CEO, Richard as the company changed owner- Love, Gwen (Edwina).Marquita and Family 2023, at Rejuvenation Assisted Living in lington National Cemetery at a later date.
<In Jesus Name= Silver Spring, Maryland. Mary was born Following the service, a memorial recep-
some still run by their founders. E. Snyder helped grow Simon & ship and organization several in Washington, DC, January 28, 1932, and tion will be held at the Eastport Demo-
By the time he was forced out in Schuster as one of the largest times, but soon after Viacom lived an amazing life. cratic Club at 525 State St. Annapolis, MD
A memorial service will be held Saturday, 21403 from 12 to 3:30 p.m. The family asks
1994 by Viacom, Simon & Schus-
ter9s parent company, the pub-
publishing houses in the world,
transforming the industry.
purchased Simon & Schuster in
1994, he was fired for not being a
JONES June 24, 2023 at Michigan Park Christian
Church, 1600 Taylor Street, NE., Washing-
that in lieu of ûowers donations be made
to hospice.
ton, DC, 20017. Visitation, 10 a.m., Service,
lishing house and such rivals as <team player,= and his career 11 a.m.
Random House and HarperCol- making the company a favorite never recovered.
lins were under corporate owner- home for the inside story on He attempted to revive the
ship and had bought out numer- Washington. children9s imprint Golden Books,
ous former competitors. In the fall of 1972, as the for which he worked early in his
As president of Simon & Schus- Watergate affair was taking off, career, but the business went Entered into eternal rest on Saturday, June
ter starting in 1975, and chief Mr. Snyder personally lobbied bankrupt and within a few years 10, 2023. He is survived by brothers, Den-
nis Ray Dupree, Sr. and James Paul Dupree,
executive from 1978 to 1994, Mr. Washington Post reporters Bob was sold. ûve sisters, Geraldine Hines-Perry, Mary
Snyder built a modern company Woodward and Carl Bernstein for Richard Snyder was born in Moody, Rachel Dupree-Grant, Carol Ann
Dupree and Rochelle Denise Bayoh; a host
in ways at times too modern for a book on their coverage of the Brooklyn on April 6, 1933. He of other relatives and friends. Mr. Dupree
may be viewed at Stewart Funeral Home,
the world of books. Simon & scandal, which became <All the would remember himself as a 4001 Benning Rd., NE on Friday, June 23
Schuster9s revenue multiplied President9s Men.= poor student in a house without from 10 a.m. until service at 11 a.m. Inter-
ment at Harmony Memorial Cemetery.
from around $40 million annual- He met them at the Hay- books who expected to join his
ly in the 1970s to more than Adams hotel in Washington, on a father9s overcoat business. CLIFTON WILLIAM JONES
$2 billion by the mid-1990s, mak- day they had erred on a key fact When his father turned him Thinking of You, Dear Dad,
ing it at the time the country9s about President Richard M. Nix- away, he found work as a trainee this Father9s Day
largest publisher, a position now on9s chief of staff, H.R. Haldeman, at Doubleday, where his immer- The afterglow of smiles and love
held by Penguin Random House. and convinced them to publish sion in numbers and the fine that you have left behind,
I pray my life may echo them
Bestsellers during Mr. Snyder9s with Simon & Schuster 4 even print of contracts set him apart. as happy laughing times. DAVID BITZER
reign included Mary Higgins though a rival was offering more Within two years, he was at And when the day is done,
(Age 87)
and the sun has tried all tears,
Clark9s crime thrillers and Pulit- money. Simon & Schuster. Doubleday I will meet you there, with smiles and love, On Thursday, June 15, 2023. He is survived
And we will sing and dance and by his loving wife, Sarah, his children Re-
zer Prize winners such as David <Dick looked us straight in the fired him, he later told the Times, Praise the Lord for all Eternity. becca Bitzer Ostrow (Michael), Carolyn
McCullough9s <Truman= and Lar- eye and he was very direct and I for <telling them how wrong they Bitzer (Suraj), Laura Morfessis, Linda Davis
Your Loving Daughter, Cliftine (Dana), and Leslie Rutten, two brothers
ry McMurtry9s <Lonesome Dove.= felt we9d get his total backing,= were doing everything.= ( Scott Hankla (Mary Pat) and Lorenzo (Ren)
Mr. Snyder also was an early Woodward told the Times in Mr. Snyder was a 1955 gradu- Hankla (Faye), seven grandchildren, two
<This is the Day that the Lord has made; great-grandchildren, and a host of other
advocate for electronic publish- 1992. <I was right. If he9d ever ate of Tufts University in Massa- Let us Rejoice and be Glad in it.= Psalm: relatives and friends. A celebration of life
will be held on Saturday, July 8, at Cheverly
ing and computerizing business ducked, or flinched or blinked, I9d chusetts. He endowed a lecture 118:24
United Methodist Church at 2 p.m. In lieu
operations, and he vastly expand- say so. But he never has. He9s series there, with Woodward of ûowers, donations may be made to the
ed Simon & Schuster by purchas- brave. He cares. He always does among the speakers. In the late PAIEWONSKY DEATH NOTICE
ing such educational companies what he says he9ll do. And he9s 1980s, he helped establish the
as Prentice Hall and Esquire, tough, tough, tough.= nonprofit National Book Founda- SABINA REISFELD PAIEWONSKY
June 20, 1932 4 August 30, 1977 BRANDT HANRAHAN
spending more than $1 billion Released in June 1974, two tion, which presents the National
overall on acquisitions. months before Nixon9s resigna- Book Awards. A Woman of Valor
<You cannot be a publisher any tion, <All the President9s Men= Mr. Snyder9s four marriages Dearly loved, Joseph Brandt of Rockville, MD passed
longer without also being a busi- was a landmark in American ended in divorce. His first wife, profoundly missed, away on June 14, 2023, at the age of 78. He
an inspiration always. is survived by his children Kenneth Brandt,
nessman,= Mr. Snyder told the publishing, a book-length inves- according to the Times, was Ruth Rebecca Roy, Allison Berdeguez and Jessi-
ca Subin; grandchildren Joey Brandt, Emilia
New York Times in 1984. <The tigative work on a sitting presi- Freund. Roy, Asher and Charlotte Berdeguez; and
thought that you can publish just dent and his administration. It He and his second wife, Joni POWERS brother Alan Brandt. Funeral services will
be held at Garden of Remembrance Me-
because you love books is a sure spent months on bestseller lists, Evans, whom he hired as director morial Park in Clarksburg, MD on Tuesday,
prescription for failure.= was adapted into an acclaimed of subsidiary rights and who rose June 20, 2023 at 11 a.m. Please sign the
family guestbook at:
The New Yorker labeled Mr. movie of the same name, and to head the trade book division at
Snyder a <warrior-king,= and for- helped launch a wave of timely Simon & Schuster, spent years as
mer Simon & Schuster editor political releases 4 including a power couple of publishing.
Robert Gottlieb recalled his Woodward and Bernstein9s coda Their separation in 1986, Evans9s
<Ahab-like determination to see on the Nixon years, <Final Days= departure for Random House CHADWICK
Simon & Schuster outgrow (1976) 4 that has continued to and their subsequent divorce MARY PETRONI HANRAHAN
Random House.= the present day. prompted a torrent of news cov- April 21, 1927- June 7, 2023
Mary passed away at Ingleside Rock Creek
Colleagues who departed the Woodward and Bernstein re- erage about their relationship in Washington, DC at age 96. She was pre-
ceded in death by her loving husband Lar-
company shared stories about his called Mr. Snyder as a publisher and its undoing. ry, parents Maddalena and Gino, and broth-
profane, peak-volume tirades, al- who always stood by them. Mr. Snyder was later married er Romeo. She was an amazing Aunt Mimi
to Carla Solberg, Elise Kamp, and Marissa
though Gottlieb would note that <Dick was brave and he was to Laura Yorke, also a veteran of Coor. Cathy and Jim Jubert, John Coughlan,
<this famously difficult man tough 4 a visionary who under- the publishing industry. He was Steve Coughlan, and Ann Ramsey were
honored to be her nieces and nephews,
could command loyalty, respect stood that, like our great editor at married most recently to Terresa PHILIP W. POWERS as were Kevin, Brian, and Glenn Hanrahan.
and even affection.= Another Si- the Washington Post, Ben Brad- Liu. MARCH 21, 1925 3 OCTOBER 22, 2003 She had many grand nieces and nephews
as well.
mon & Schuster editor, Michael lee, the buck stopped with him 4 According to the Times, Mr. Happy Father9s Day, Dad! We miss you&
Mary worked with the State Department in
Korda, wrote of Mr. Snyder9s and he would never waver, even Snyder9s survivors include two Love always, foreign service in Japan, and later with her
<skin-deep= commitment to liter- under threats from a sitting Pres- children from his first marriage, Your Family husband for three years in Korea, then set-
tling in American University Park. She en-
ary fiction 4 because <most of it ident,= they said in a joint state- Matthew and Jackie; two sons joyed volunteering at the National Gallery,
loses money.= ment after Mr. Snyder9s death. from his third marriage, Richard arts, music, and ûowers, and gave to many
AVALEEN CHADWICK <Jill= charities. She had many special friends in-
Simon & Schuster did publish <That commitment also extended Jr. and Coleman; and two grand- On June 10, 2023, Jill passed away peace- cluding Anne Buxley and family and Mary
Philip Roth, Graham Greene and to an enduring friendship as a children. fully in her sleep at Buckingham9s Choice Lee at Ingleside. Special thanks to her won-
in Adamstown, MD. She had celebrated her derful aids Zehra and Esther and the many
Joan Didion, among others, and mentor and avuncular presence 100th Birthday in March. A memorial ser- kind people of Ingleside. A service will be
vice will be held Sunday, June 25. Complete held at Ingleside Rock Creek, 3050 Military
Mr. Snyder played a direct role in for us throughout Dick9s life.= the Post contributed to this report. Obit with memorial service information Ave., NW, in building 8 on June 24 at 11
and written tributes are available at a.m. to honor both Mary and Larry (who passed during Covid).




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sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE C9

BRIAN D. HEALY ROLAND E. LEE Society. He was an Emeritus Member of the
Brian D. Healy age 59, on Wednesday June Roland E. Lee of Potomac, MD, formerly American Chemical Society. From 2000 to
7, 2023, formerly of Kensington, MD. Lov- Beltsville, MD passed away on May 3, 2023. 2015, Joseph was President of The Everan
ing son of Joe and Peggy Healy; brother Survived by his wife, Catherine, ûve chil- Foundation with a focus on Irish historic
of Mary M. Healy, deceased, Eileen Healy- dren, 12 grandchildren, ûve great-grand- preservation.
Bain (Patrick) and Jacqueline Healy Green children, and two sisters. He is preceded
(Trey) and uncle to Connor and Riley Bain in death by parents, two sisters, and his Joseph is survived by his wife of 67 years
and Ella and Joe Green. Mass of Christian eldest daughter. A Memorial Service will Shirley A. Earley and his three sons and their
Burial will be held at 11 a.m. on Friday, be held at the Chinese Community Church, wives; Thomas and Karen, David and Nellie,
June 23, 2023 at St. Ann Catholic Church, 500 I Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001 Joseph and Laura. Joseph was the loving
691 Garûeld Parkway, Bethany Beach. DE. on Saturday, June 24, 2023 at 11 a.m. with grandfather to seven grandchildren; Megan,
where a visitation will begin at 10 a.m. A reception following. In lieu of ûowers, me- Ben, Katie, Jack, Jacob, Annmarie and Cole.
graveside service will be held at 11:30 a.m. morial contributions may be sent to the
Tuesday, June 27, 2023, at Gate of Heav- Chinese Community Church. Joseph enjoyed spending time at Deep
en Cemetery Silver Spring, MD. In lieu of Creek Lake, MD as an avid sailor, following
ûowers, the family suggests contributions his grandchildren9s sporting events and sup-
in Brian9s name to St. John9s College High porting the Georgetown Hoyas and Prov-
School, 2607 Military Road NW, Washing- idence Friars. He was a community leader
ton, DC 20015. Online condolences may be
sent by visiting
MOUTON with a wide range of interests including
service as a CCD instructor, church choir member and service to the Falls Church
Entered into eternal rest on Friday, June Emma Mae McKenney Robinson, depart- On Friday, June 9, 2023 Gwendolyn B. JOSEPH EMMET EARLEY community.
2, 2023. Beloved father of daughters, Dan- ed this life on Thursday, June 8, 2023. Wright peacefully transitioned at INOVA Dr. Joseph Emmet Earley, 91, Falls Church,
ielle Mouton and Verselle Mouton (prede- She leaves to cherish her memories four Fairfax Hospital, Falls Church, VA. She VA. passed away at his home on Saturday, He was preceded in death by his parents.
ceased). He is survived by grandchild, Levi children; Kenneth Robinson, Charlotte is preceded in death by her husband, June 10, 2023 after a long battle with cancer.
Goodwin; six sisters, Jacquelyn Cathey, Pat Holden, Vernon (Michelle) Robinson and Francis C. Wright and daughter, Valerie A. He was born in 1932 in Providence, Rhode A visitation will be held at the Murphy Fu-
KAY Farrell, Barbara Winston, Linda Hollingshed
and Camille Mouton; and a host of other
Michele Morris; a host of grandchildren/
great-grandchildren; family and friends.
Morton. She leaves to mourn her passing,
her daughter, Synathia D. Wright; her son
Island to Margaret Doran and Daniel Earley. neral Home in Falls Church on Tuesday, June
20 at 11 a.m., with funeral services to be
relatives and friends. On Wednesday, June Celebration of Life services will be held Francis C. Wright; one grandson, DeVonn A proud graduate of Providence College, held at St. James Catholic Church on Tues-
FRED W. KAY (Age 79) 21, 2023, viewing at 10 a.m. until funeral Tuesday, June 20, 2023, viewing 9:30 to Morgan; two granddaughters, Renee and Joseph received his Ph.D. in Physical and day, June 20 at 1 p.m. with burial to follow at
Passed on peacefully to be with the Lord, service, 11 a.m., at Stewart Funeral Home, 10:45 a.m., services 11 a.m. at Maple Alexis Morton; two great granddaughters, Inorganic Chemistry from Brown University. St. James Cemetery.
May 11, 2023. Service of Rememberance 4001 Benning Road, NE, Washington, DC Springs Baptist Church, 4131 Belt Road, Kehlani Jones and Ayanna Courtney, in He served as a First Lieutenant in the United
on Saturday, June 24, 2023, 1 p.m. at Grace 20019. Interment at Quantico National Capitol Heights, MD 20743, Interment Ft. addition to a host of other relatives and States Army Chemical Corps. In lieu of ûowers, memorial contributions
Bible Church, 9920 Lanham-Severn Rd., Cemetery. Online condolences may be Lincoln Cemetery, Brentwood, MD. Ar- friends. A viewing will be held at Shiloh can be made to Catholic Charities of the
Seabrook, MD 20706. See offered at rangements by Taylor9s Funeral Home, Baptist Church, 10704 Gunston Rd, Lor- A member of the faculty at Georgetown Diocese of Arlington, Goodwin Hospice and
gracebc for livestreaming. Washington, DC. ton, VA on Monday, June 19, 2023 from University beginning in 1958, Joseph was Catholic Relief Service
6 p.m. until 8 p.m. and Tuesday, June 20, a Professor of Chemistry at Georgetown
2023 from 10 a.m. until time of service at often serving in leadership roles. He was
11 a.m. Interment, Shiloh Baptist Church a proliûc author and contributor for books
Cemetery. Arrangements by Phillip Bell Sr. and publications in science and philoso-
phy. Joseph was a Life Member in both the
KNEECE MURPHY and Winona Morrissette-Johnson Funeral
Service, P.A. American Association for the Advancement
of Science and the American Philosophical
Elizabeth W. Murphy died on Mother9s Day,
Sunday, May 14, 2023, in Laurel, Maryland REBECCA ANNE STAKE
at the age of 96. She had been a resident Rebecca Anne Stake <Becky=
of Laurel since 1956. She was born in Mich-
igan on February 11, 1927. She is survived
83 of Silver Spring, Md passed
away peacefully in the compa-
by her two children, son Philip Murphy, ny of family, on June 11, 2023.
daughter Janet Murphy Pena, son-in-law She was the beloved wife of parents, Treva, and Joseph Spillane. After
Manuel <Mike= Pena, cousins Joan Sand- the late Michael Joseph Stake. working at Young & Rubicam in New York
ers, Duane Ingraham, Helena Kaczynski, Loving mother of Dawn Green (Steve),
and nieces and nephews. Those loved
ones who have predeceased her are her
Kathleen Majeed (Mike), Michelle Stake,
Tracy Guthrie (Ben), and Shannon Stake
JUNETEENTH City, she took a job at the U.S. Department
of State in Washington, DC where she met
her future husband. Together, they raised
husband, Francis Murphy, her brother John
Wilcox, her parents Elsie and Clare Wilcox,
and many cousins. A memorial service is
(Greg). Sister to Linda Curtis. Loving grand-
mother of 11 and great-grandmother of
two. Services will be held at St. Peter9s Par-
HOLIDAY their children in Iraq, Cambodia, Hong Kong,
Laos, Tanzania, and Falls Church. They also
traveled throughout Europe, China, New-
planned for Saturday, July 29, 2023 at 1
p.m. at the Laurel Presbyterian Church.
ish in Olney, MD on Tuesday, June 20, 2023,
with Visitation at 10:30 a.m. and Funeral
HOURS foundland, and the U.S. During much of
her government career, she was the ofûce
Donations in the name of Elizabeth Mur- Mass at 11 a.m. Interment will follow at manager and scientiûc conference meeting
phy can be made to: Laurel Presbyterian Gate of Heaven Cemetery in Silver Spring, planner at the US Naval Observatory, Time
Church, 7610 Sandy Spring Rd, Laurel, MD
Md. In lieu of ûowers, memorial contribu-
tions may be made to So Others May Eat
Monday, Management Services. She was highly intel-
ligent and not reluctant to speak her mind.
ROLAND ROYCE KNEECE JR. (Age 83) (S.O.M.E.) at or to Mont- June 19, 2023 She was creative, with a particular passion
gomery Hospice-Casey House at www. and talent for making and collecting minia-
Roland Royce Kneece, Jr. passed away
peacefully on June 7, 2023 surrounded by Arrangements by 11 a.m. ~ 3 p.m. tures. She was a member of the National
Cole Funeral Services. Association of Miniature Enthusiasts, and
his loved ones. Royce was the only child
of Roland Royce Kneece, Sr. and Katherine
Kneece of Spartanburg, SC. He earned a
Photo Deadline:
an editor of its Tiny Tattler publication. She
was a brave and determined ûghter, always
B.S. and M.S. in Applied Mathematics from willing to face challenges head-on. Her
Georgia Tech, and a Ph.D. in Mathematics
June 10, 2023, Eric W. Nyman of Arlington, 1 p.m. SHEILA CATHERINE FAULKNER life9s motto was <Here we go laughing and
scratching.= She is deeply missed and will
from the University of Maryland. He was Virginia, died suddenly at Virginia Hospital (Age 89)
president of his TKE fraternity and served Sheila Catherine Faulkner of Falls Church, be lovingly remembered.
Center. He leaves behind a wife, three chil-
in the Army ROTC. He and Nancy Jane passed away on June 6, 2023 from com-
Smith were married 31 years, raising two
children together. For the majority of his
dren, and six grandchildren. No services
are planned. In lieu of ûowers, donations THORSON NO EXCEPTIONS plications of COPD. She is survived by her
loving husband of 66 years, William Faulkner,
Services at Arlington National Cemetery will
be announced at a later date.
may be made to either Virginia Hospital
career he served as a Defense Analyst Center, Inûnite Legacy, or Anatomy Gifts. daughters, Lisa O9Hara, Kimbal Trahan, Gillan
working in the Pentagon. A renaissance
man, Royce9s interests included abstract
To place a notice, Waugh, six grandchildren, her brother Niel
Spillane, two nephews and a niece. She was
painting, skiing, golf, sailing, cello and trav-
el. He is survived by his life partner of 16
call: raised in Hastings-on-Hudson, NY by her

years Marsha Patrick, his two daughters

OSBORNE 202-334-4122
Jane (Cate) Catherine Wnek (Christopher)
and Emily Elizabeth Whittaker (Michael), 800-627-1150
grandchildren Tucker and Finn Wnek, and
Brooke and Charlie Whittaker. A service
Jesse Levi Osborne of Winchester, VA died
Ext. 4-4122 HAIDER
and reception will be held at St. Francis on Tuesday, June 13, 2023, at his home.
Episcopal Church in Great Falls, VA on July Mr. Osborne was born on March 7, 1938, (1974 - 1993) and President of Washington
8, at 11 a.m. Contributions in his memory in Sterling, Virginia, the son of the late Cardiology Associates (1974 - 2008). He
may be made to Doctors without Borders. Jesse Franklin Osborne and Zollie Frances evidenced his commitment to intellectual
Demaine Funeral Home, Springûeld, VA is Reeves Osborne. advancement through ûve decades of uni-
handling the arrangements. He married Zelma Lucille Fletcher Osborne versity appointments, including at the Lon- on June 7, 1958, in Herndon, Virginia. They don Chest Hospital, Fatima Jinnah Medical
were married for 64 years. Mrs. Osborne University, University of Maryland, University
died on August 29, 2021. DEATH NOTICES of Birmingham, and Hammersmith Hospital,
He worked in Northern Virginia for many MONDAY- FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. where he directed the catheterization labo-
years as a Carpet Installer until he went to SATURDAY-SUNDAY 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. ratories. At GWU Hospital, with a colleague,
work for Fairfax County Public Schools and LLOYD WESLEY THORSON To place a notice, call: Haider introduced Swan Ganz cardiac cath-
then retired. December 18, 1927 - June 5, 2023 202-334-4122 eterization in evaluation of cardiac function
KORBA Mr. Osborne served in the United States
Army. In the late 19509s, Mr. Osborne
Lloyd W. Thorson of Georgetown, Washing-
ton, DC, died peacefully on June 5, 2023.
800-627-1150 ext 4-4122
after acute myocardial infarction. At Provi-
dence Hospital he initiated new cardiovas-
spent time at the Drag Race in Manassas, Born in Geneva, IL, he was a graduate of cular laboratories, which led to improved
VA. You know how it was at that time. Lov- the University of Illinois, a Fulbright Schol- patient care.
ing to race those 19579s Chevy. He enjoyed ar, received an MBA from Columbia Uni- Email and faxes MUST include Dr. Haider was also the Director Emeritus
watching Nascar with his wife and son. versity, and was a veteran of the United name, home address & home phone # and former board member of the Interna-
He was a member of the American Legion States Army. Lloyd served as an Economic of the responsible billing party. tional Student House of Washington, DC.
and the Herndon Moose. Advisor for the World Bank for most of his Email deadline - 3 p.m. daily He published articles in many academic
Mr. Osborne is survived by a son, Charles career and spoke multiple languages. He Phone-In deadline journals and released his ûrst book, A Tri-
Allen Osborne of Winchester, VA and a sis- worked around the globe including Turkey, 4 p.m. M-F DR. RIAZ HAIDER umphant Voyage, Great Achievements in
ter, Gladys Nice of Fairfax, VA. and a host of Ethiopia, Argentina, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, 3 p.m. Sa-Su JULY 2, 1934 ~ JUNE 8, 2023 Cardiology, in April 2020. Among the many
nieces and nephews. and Romania. An adventure enthusiast, he Dr. Haider was an American physician, au- awards he received were the Smith, Kline &
Preceding him in death are ûve sisters, Bet- CURRENT 2023 RATES: French Fellowship in Internal Medicine, the
traveled extensively throughout the USA ( PER DAY) thor, and medical educator. He is best known
ty Trammel, Merle Durst, Marjorie Brown, and internationally. He is survived by cous- for his work and research in diagnostic American College of Cardiology Member of
Linda Faye McClaughry, and Sarah Cobble; ins, nieces and nephews, and a large group cardiac ultrasound, pacemakers, exercise the Order of William Harvey, Heart House
and three brothers, James Osborne, Webb of devoted friends. A funeral will not be MONDAY-SATURDAY Founder, Providence Hospital Gold Headed
Black & White stress testing, and heart catheterization.
Osborne, and Charles Osborne. held, but a celebration of his life will hap- He is the former President of the American Cane, and American Heart Association9s
Visitation will be held at Enders and Shirley 1" - $155 (text only) Heart of Gold Award.
pen this autumn. 2" - $355 (text only) Heart Association, Nation9s Capital Afûliate,
Funeral Home in Berryville, VA on Tuesday, and served as a Clinical Professor of Med- Brilliant, principled, and driven, Dr. Haider
3" - $505 achieved a great deal. However, he would
June 20, 2023 from 4 p.m. until 7 p.m. 4" - $555 icine at the George Washington University
Graveside services will be held on Wednes- 5" - $700 School of Medicine & Health Sciences (1984 be the ûrst person to tell you that a life is
day, June 21, 2023 at 11 a.m. at Sterling ------ - 2011). He was an elected Fellow of the measured in love, integrity, and compas-
Cemetery in Sterling, VA. SUNDAY American College of Physicians, the Ameri- sion. His own life brimmed with these
In lieu of ûowers a donation to: Special Black & White can College of Cardiology, and Royal College qualities. Dr. Haider never turned a pa-
CMDR. MICHAEL JOHN KORBA SR. Olympics Foundation: A Basketball Chang- tient away, whether or not they could pay
Commander Michael John Korba, Sr.,
es Lives. Special Olympics: Attn: Web Gifts,
2600 Virginia Ave. NW, 11th Floor, Washing-
THRASH 1"- $185 (text only)
2" - $390 (text only)
3" - $560
of Physicians.
Dr. Haider was born in Sheikhpura, British for care. All of his children remember that
when they made their biggest missteps, he
India (now Pakistan) into modest means
(Mike) age 79, of West Grove, PA, died on ton, DC 20037. 4" - $590 as the eldest of ûve brothers. His father was at his most understanding and when
June 14, 2023. Beloved husband of Alice To view the obituary and send condolenc- 5" - $765 they achieved things, he was always in the
was a civil servant and his mother was full
Carmen Korba for 50 years; father of Leigh es online, please visit of kindness. His family moved to Lahore front row. Ever curious, he moved among
Maxson (Mike), Erin Weseloh (Liam) and Mi- 6"+ for ALL Black & White notices cultures with elegance and a kind wit. He
$155 each additional inch Mon - Sat to allow him to attend a prestigious high
chael Korba, Jr. (Laura); grandfather of ûve school, the Government Central Model was passionate in his advocacy for those
$185 each additional inch Sunday
and brother of Joyce Dreeland and the late -------------------- School. He then attended the Government who were without representation, means,
Helen Cesari. MONDAY-SATURDAY College University, Lahore and King Edward or voice. He leaves behind his wife of 55
A viewing will be from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Color Medical University, qualifying as a doctor in years, Dr. Yasmeen Haider, three children,
with a Catholic prayer service at 11 a.m. 3" - $650 1956 at the age of 22. He left Pakistan for six grandchildren, two brothers, innumera-
on Wednesday, June 21, 2023 at the Long-
wood Funeral Home & Cremation of Mat-
RECTOR 4" - $700
5" - $855
the U.K. in 1957, and moved to the United
States in 1966. Dr. Haider spent much of his
ble friends, and a medical community that
reveres him. Services were private. In lieu
thew Genereux, 913 East Baltimore Pike, ------ career in the Washington, DC area. He was of ûowers, donations may be made to the
Kennett Square. Interment at future date in SUNDAY Chief of Cardiology at Providence Hospital Haider Foundation in Potomac, MD.
Arlington National Cemetery. Color
3" - $685
4" - $785
5" - $955

When the 6"+ for ALL color notices

$260 each additional inch Mon - Sat STAFFORD
$290 each additional inch Sunday


On Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at her home in
Notices with photos begin at 3"
(All photos add 2" to your notice.)
as the Director of Administration for the De-
fense Mapping Agency now known as the
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and
let families Alexandria, Virginia. She leaves her chil-
dren Judette (Marc) Burton, James (Veron-
ica) Thrash, David Thrash, Sr., Delinda (Joe)
ALL NOTICES MUST BE PREPAID received the agency9s Meritorious Civilian
Service award for her outstanding accom-

ond you in the Powell, Vivian Thrash, Melissa Thrash Bell,

Camilla Thrash (Alvin) Graves and Aretha
Thrash; 12 grandchildren; 18 great-grand-
All notices over 2" include
complimentary memorial plaque
She spent many summers at the Delaware
beaches and after retirement lived in Lewes
Funeral Services children; her siblings Eartha Hudson, Ben-
jamin Davis and John Melvin Davis; and a
Additional plaques start at $26 each
and may be ordered.
Beach, DE for several years before return-
ing to Arlington VA. She is survived by her
daughter, Lynn R. Penn; granddaughters
Directory. JEANNE M. RECTOR (Age 97)
Passed peacefully surrounded by her
host of other relatives and friends. Friends
may call at the Mt. Jezreel Baptist Church,
317 N. Payne Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
All Paid Death Notices
appear on our website through
Christy M. Fraize (Dave) and Adrienne M.
Berry (Roy); four great grandchildren; Ryan
M. Moriarty, Sean P. Moriarty, Ashley N.
family on Thursday, June 15, 2023. She is on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 from 10 a.m. un-
Baldwin and Alexander C. Berry; one great
To be seen in the survived by her husband of 75 years, Reid
C. Rector; daughters Dr. Michelle Rector
til time of service at 11 a.m. Rev. Anthony
Oliver, ofûciating. Interment in Ivy Hill Cem- LEGACY.COM great grandson Kaiden M. Moriarty; nephew
Anthony Barbera and niece Diana Barbera.
Funeral Services Hawkins and Dr. Anne Evans (Everette);
brother Dr. Kermit Mallette, Jr.; grandchil-
etery. Services entrusted to Greene Funer-
al Home, Inc.
Included in all death notices
Optional for In Memoriams She was predeceased in death by her broth-
er Sonny Vadala and sister Josephine Bar-
Directory, please call dren Dr. John R. Hawkins IV (Cindy); Mer-
cedes N. Hawkins (Doug), Everette L. Evans
PLEASE NOTE: Mass of Christian burial will be held at St
paid Death Notices at II, and Christopher R. Evans (Shawne); and
ûve great-grandchildren; and a host of oth- Notices must be placed via phone or
MARY JANE STAFFORD James Catholic Church, 905 Park Avenue,
Mary Jane Stafford passed away in her Falls Church, VA on Saturday, July 8, 2023
202-334-4122. er relatives and friends. Service will be held
on Friday, June 23, 2023 at St. Anthony of
email. Photos must be emailed. You can
no longer place notices, drop off photos
home on Saturday, June 10, 2023. She was at 10 a.m.
the daughter of the late Rose Marie Yerop- Other funeral arrangements will be private.
and make payment in person.
Padua Catholic Church, 1029 Monroe St.,
NE, Washington, DC 20017. Visitation 9 WINE Payment must be made via phone with
debit/credit card.
oli and James Vadala and a 1949 graduate
of McKeesport, PA High School. In 1960
Memorial contributions can be made to the
Wounded Warrior Project at https://support.
a.m; Mass of Christian burial at 10 a.m. In- she moved to Arlington, VA and began her
terment Gate of Heaven Cemetery. career with the Department of the Army, sid=10043
DEATH NOTICE Chief of Information Ofûce, Pentagon and
later worked with several other Dept. of
Arrangements by Advent Funeral Home,
7211 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA
Defense organizations. She retired in 1990
a Master of Education from University of
Buffalo, and a Juris Doctor from William and WEBSTER
Mary9s Marshall Wythe School of Law. She
moved from Buffalo to Newport News, VA,
when Arthur was called to active duty in the
US Air Force in 1972. She taught school for
When the in 1955, he had a two-year stint in the Navy,
and then continued his education at the Uni-
versity of Virginia School of Law where he
one year in Newport News, VA, and prac-
ticed law for 43 years in partnership with
her husband, including the last 22 years
need arises, graduated in 1960.
Kenly had a storied legal career starting with
with the Newport News, Virginia law ûrm of
David, Kamp & Frank, after which she and
her husband retired to Reston, Virginia, to
be close to their children and grandchildren.
let families the New York ûrm Cadwalader, Wickersham
& Taft. He then became a federal prosecutor
in Washington, DC, and later served as Princi-
pal Deputy General Counsel and Acting Gen-
She served as president of the Newport
News Education Foundation, the Newport
Dr. William <Bill= F Wine was born August 7,
1934, in Arlington Virginia, to Russell and
ond you in the eral Counsel of the Army. He received the
Army Distinguished Civilian Service Award,
among other recognitions. Three phases of
News Bar Association, and the Peninsula
Women9s Network, and was a member of
the Oyster Point Rotary Club. Barbara was
also an adjunct law professor at William and
Virginia (Faulkner) Wine. He died May 31,
2023, at his beloved home in Callao, Virgin-
ia. He loved his children and grandchildren,
Funeral Services private practice followed Kenly9s govern-
ment service. Beyond legal work, he took
pride in his role as a co-founder of Princeton


Barbara Hays Kamp, a brilliant, beautiful,
Mary9s Marshall Wythe School of Law and a
member of the Board of Directors of numer-
ous other organizations. Her leadership and
ûshing, time on his boat, and gardening,
and was a devoted friend who loved his
community and neighbors. Directory. AlumniCorps and board member of the Ron
Brown Scholar Program.
We grieve the loss of his exceptional, inimi-
kind, loving, funny, and spectacular wife, intelligence were recognized by so many Bill is survived by his sister Karen, his chil- table character and spirit but also celebrate
mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, and organizations. dren, Tara (Bill) Muilkens, Bill (Kristin) Wine, ROBERT KENLY WEBSTER in knowing his legacy will continue to shape
aunt, died on June 4, 2023. She was prede- Jr., Elizabeth (Stephen) Gunther, Chris Born May 16, 1933, in New York, NY, passed the many lives he touched. He was a man
ceased by her mother, Amelia Burg Hays. Barbara and Arthur traveled through much (Kathryn) Wine, and Mary Courtney (Scott To be seen in the away on May 26, 2023 in Washington, D.C. at of great integrity, industry, tenacity, wisdom,
She is survived by her father, Harry B. Hays, of Europe, became certiûed scuba divers at Calliham) Wine, and was <Grumps= to his the age of 90. He is survived by his family, humor, intellect, and accomplishment and
her husband of almost 55 years, Arthur J.
Kamp, her children, Sara Kamp Collins and
Barbara9s suggestion, and dived in much of
the Caribbean. Barbara loved ûowers, and
surviving grandchildren Courtney, Nolen, Funeral Services son Timothy Webster (Valerie Mann) of Ar- truly lived a full life.
Julia, Charlotte, Andrew, Jackson, Wyatt, lington, VA, daughter Kimberly Webster (Da-
her husband, Scott Collins, and Nathaniel
Hays Kamp and his wife, Elizabeth Edelman
loved gardening, baking, and walking with
her husband through Reston, but most of
Ella, and Lauren, as well as the mother of
his children, Rae Brann Wine.
Directory, please call vid Cella) of Evanston, IL, and adoring grand-
children Alexandra, Katherine, Maia, Kira, and
A memorial service will be held on June 24 at
3 p.m. at Joseph Gawler9s Sons in Washing-
Kamp, her grandchildren, Maya Collins, So- all she loved spending time with her family. ton, DC. See Joseph Gawler9s Sons website
phia Collins, Michael Kamp, Benjamin Kamp Bill was preceded in death by his parents paid Death Notices Aiden. He was predeceased by his loving
spouse of 60 years, Sally I. Webster. for service and donation information and a
and Caroline Kamp, her siblings, David Hays There will be a celebration of her life, in Res- and his sister Betty Walton. full obituary.
and Joanne Marasco, Thomas Hays, M.D.
and Ellen Friedland, James B. Hays and Ruth
ton, in July, and a separate celebration of her
life, in Buffalo, New York, where she grew
at 202-334-4122. Kenly9s life centered around family, friends,
A small private service may be held at a and work with Washington, DC as home
Mathewson Hays, and numerous nieces and up. The locations and times will be avail- later date. base for nearly 60 years. He grew-up in
nephews. able at The family Englewood, NJ, graduated high school from
requests that remembrances be made in For a full version of the obituary, as well Phillips Academy in Andover, MA, and at-
Barbara attended Kenmore East Senior High the form of contributions to Cornerstones as to leave online condolences, please visit tended Princeton University. After graduating
School and earned a Bachelor of Arts and in Reston.
C10 EZ RE the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

she was ûrst managing editor of member supporter of various charitable organiza- al Court Services and Offender Supervision
publications, then editor-in-chief of Contin- tions, including the Florence Crittenton Agency.
gencies, the Academy9s ûagship magazine. Home for unwed mothers (National Critten- Christopher had a big heart and was kind
Under her stewardship, the publication ton Foundation), the American Heart Asso- and compassionate to everyone he met.
won several awards, including the SNAP ciation, the Young Woman9s Club of Chevy He loved plants and gardening, had a great
Excel Gold. She requested that then-sena- Chase, Maryland, The Holton-Arms School, knowledge of plants, and was always ready
tors Barack Obama and John McCain write and the Landon School. to exchange a plant with anyone. He was
articles deûning their competing visions for Frankie was an accomplished sportswoman an avid reader and enjoyed reading many
the future of healthcare. (Both complied.) and a lifelong competitor in tennis, golf, and books and newspapers. Christopher had an
She worked with actuaries to analyze why skiing. She competed at both Congressio- afûnity for languages, was ûuent in Spanish,
it makes perfect mathematical sense that nal Country Club and Grand Harbor in Vero and encouraged the learning of a second
celebrities die in threes, or how football Beach, Florida, leaving a lasting impression language.
coaches can use game theory to rethink the on her fellow athletes. Christopher will be missed by his friends and
fourth-down risk, or why you9re wrong about Frankie is survived by her loving husband family. He leaves behind his three brothers,
the answer to the Monty Hall problem. She of 64 years, George, her daughters Debbie Mark, Jerome (wife, Catherine), and James
published an investigative piece on Franz Ballman Jones (Randy), Lynda Hurst Ballman, (wife, Cheryl) plus three sisters, Katherine
Kafka9s day job as a multiline insurance ad- Kimberly Ballman Stroud (Ted), and her son (husband, Paul), Patricia (husband, Timothy),
juster, which concluded that, despite grum- Benedict George Ballman, Jr. (Kiersten). She and Mary Ellen. In addition, Chris is mourned
bling, he probably actually liked it. She com- is also survived by her two brothers, John E. by six nieces and nephews, and eight grand
missioned illustrations from the late Reuben Hurst (Letty) and W. Bladen Lowndes III (Sal- nieces and nephews. The family also wants
award-winning editorial cartoonist, Richard ly), and eight cherished grandchildren. to thank Christopher9s dear friend, Juergen
LINDA DIANE MALLON Thompson. If you pause the movie <About FRANCES HURST BALLMAN A Memorial Service will be held in her honor CHRISTOPHER DIFFELL Tooren, for the love and support he gave to
Linda Mallon, age 69, of Washington, D.C., Schmidt= at the exact right point, you can <FRANKIE= at St. Francis Episcopal Church in Potomac Christopher John Diffell passed away quietly Christopher for many years.
loving wife, beloved mother of three, grand- see an issue she edited next to Jack Nichol- Frances <Frankie= Hurst Ballman, a beloved on Wednesday, November 22, at 3 p.m. A re- after a lengthy illness on June 14, 2023, on A viewing will be held at Shrine of the
mother of two, friend of so many 4 and, son9s meaty face. member of her community, passed away ception will follow at Congressional Country what would have been his mother9s 99th Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
we think she would want us to emphasize, peacefully in her home on May 28, 2023, in Club. In lieu of ûowers, the family requests birthday. Christopher was born in Washing- in Washington, DC on Wednesday, June 21,
fervent daughter of New Jersey 4 died of In 2002, she ofûcially became a published Vero Beach, Florida, at the age of 92. Born that donations be made to Compassion In- ton, DC on July 2, 1960, the seventh child from 10 to 11 a.m., with Mass at 11 a.m.
breast cancer May 25, at home with her book author with <Franklin9s Daughters: Pro- on February 13, 1931, in Baltimore, Mary- ternational 3 Child Sponsorship Program of Dorothy Murphy Diffell and Clifford Diffell. Burial will follow at St. Paul9s Rock Creek
husband. ûles of Penn Women,= which she co-wrote land, Frankie was the daughter of Annie Pot- ( Frankie will He attended St. Philip9s and Morningside El- Cemetery in D.C. Arrangements provided by
with her long-time friend, editor, and writing ter Sprague Watson Hurst and John E. Hurst. be deeply missed by all who knew her, but ementary Schools and Benjamin D. Foulois Joseph Gawler9s Sons Funeral Home.
She is predeceased by her parents, Paul and partner, Anita Sama. Published by the Univer- Frankie was known for her kind, generous, her legacy of kindness and generosity will Junior High before graduating from Central Please consider donating to the charity of
Helen (Ross) Mallon of Basking Ridge, N.J.; a sity of Pennsylvania Press to mark the 125th and loving nature. She was a passionate live on. High School in 1977. Christopher went on your choice in Christopher9s memory.
pet cemetery9s worth of much-loved cats, anniversary of the ûrst women students at to attend Humboldt University in Berlin,
who likely knocked her down with excite- Penn, it depicts the struggles and successes Germany and received his diploma from the
ment upon her arrival in the hereafter; and of the University9s female pioneers. University of the District of Columbia. While
Gordon Lightfoot. in school, he had a number of jobs, including
Her last job, before a long-awaited and one with the Red Cross. He later worked
Linda grew up in Basking Ridge, the daugh- much-deserved retirement, was as Senior for the District of Columbia as an interpreter
ter of a nurse and a WWII G.I.-turned-banker;
she inherited her mother9s deeply ingrained
Retirement Communications Advisor for the
National Rural Electrical Cooperative (NRE-
BARBER and parole ofûcer and then for the Feder-

drive to help and serve others, and her fa- CA).

ther9s implacable sense of hard work and was also engaged in NOAA ûeet moderniza-
integrity (but perhaps not his math skills). In her spare time, Linda loved to read, swim, tion activities.
Didn9t matter: The girl could write. She grad- and hike. She and her daughter walked a He was a member of the Society of Naval
Architects and Marine Engineers and the
uated from the University of Pennsylvania
with an English B.A. in 1975 and began her
120-kilometer section of the Camino de San-
tiago from Ferrol to Santiago de Compostela American Society of Naval Engineers.
His passion for sailing included 25 years of
career as a reporter for the Morristown (later (known as the <Camino Inglés=) in the sum-
Morris County) Daily Record, where she was mer of 2016. She volunteered with numer- sailing on the Chesapeake Bay in his 25-
foot Cape Dory sailboat, the Nancy Dawson, annual Thanksgiving hit!
known for her love of cats, books, and vo- ous organizations, including So Others Might
cabulary. (To quote a former colleague, when Eat and D.C. Central Kitchen, stafûng vehi- which was named for an old sailors9 drink-
ing song. He sailed from a marina in Shady Jeanne graduated from Fairfax High School
she moved on, <the newsroom lost its chief cles that delivered meals to unhoused peo- and worked at Woodward & Lothrop9s
unailurophobic user of big words.=) ple throughout the city. She served on her Side, Maryland, up until 2021 when he felt
it was time to pass his boat to a younger Department store. She began attending
church9s Arts Council, designing programs Annandale United Methodist Church as a
The Record is also where she met her future that reliably placed posteriors in pews, and, generation of sailing enthusiasts. He knew
the Bay9s inlets like the back of his hand young girl, sang in the adult choir 52 years,
husband, John Mueller. He was smitten from as its chair, shepherded with a ûrm hand the and served on the Altar Guild 25 years. She
the start; she was galled that he stole her scheduling of visual art exhibits with musi- and was never happier than when he was
anchored in a quiet cove. worked for the Fairfax County Police De-
beat. Love ultimately won over annoyance. cal performances. She took inordinate joy partment-Crossing Guard division, retiring
She eventually followed him to the District, in spoiling her grandkids and over-valorizing Mr. Barber was an avid photographer and
woodworker. He was also a 3-time mara- after being <on the street= for 25 years.
and the two married in 1979. They had three her children9s accomplishments. She ûn-
children, Christian, Peter, and Lucy, in neat, ished every New York Times Sunday cross- thon runner and a softball enthusiast. He
was a 25-year member of the Northern Vir- Known as Nanny to her family, Jeanne is
three-year increments. Linda was a very or- word puzzle and boasted an enviable Wordle survived by her two daughters - Pat Sherfey
ganized woman. score. ginia Senior Softball league. One of his team
BRUCE HUMISTON BARBER managers recalled Bruce as <the nicest man and Karen Guidi; sister Betty Guilietti (Joe)
you9ll ever meet.= He was a 3-time NVSS and brother Robert Woolfenden (Gloria); four
And again, a writer. Turned editor. She was Perhaps it was because she won the genetic NAVAL ARCHITECT grandchildren-Brian (Emily), Kevin (Regan),
great at taking topics that would lower a lay lottery (born in New Jersey), but it needs to Bruce Humiston Barber, 85, nn, a retired na- All-Star as well. He was also an avid fan of
the Michigan Wolverines and the Washing- Vincent (Erin) and Veronica; great-grand-
person9s heart rate, and making them ac- be said: Linda Mallon was the soul of the par- val architect died at home June 14, 2023 children, Andy, Kayla (Tim), Jonny (Jordan),
cessible 4 even fascinating. She knew how ty, the ûzz in our lives, the one to sit by, the after an illness of four months. Formerly ton Nationals.
His marriage to Louise Cataldo ended in di- Colin, Mackenzie, Ryan, Jack, Meredith,
to ferret a good story out of anyone, from a plural cats9 pajamas, warmth itself. of Schenectady and Glens Falls, New York, Landon, Owen, Luca and Theodore; and
tight-lipped dinner companion to a nonage- he had been a resident of Northern Virginia vorce, but the marriage gave him the two
children who made him the proudest father DORIS JEANNE GUIDI great-great-grandchildren - Elizabeth, An-
narian. She is survived by her husband, John, broth- since 1962. On Tuesday, June 6, 2023, Doris <Jeanne= thony, Juliana and Jameson. Her brothers,
er Stephen and his family, three children Mr. Barber had worked for the U.S. Coast imaginable: his daughter Laura and son
Mike. Guidi passed away peacefully at her King- Ronald Woolfenden, Donald Woolfenden and
From 1980 to 1989, she was an editor for and their spouses, two grandchildren, her Guard and the National Oceanic and At- sport, Tennessee home. Born October 23, sister, Joan Oliver preceded her death.
Modern Maturity, the AARP ofûcial magazine, beloved Aunt Margaret and Uncle Joe Hey, mospheric Administration (NOAA) until his His second wife, Sharon Shay, died in 2010.
Survivors include his wife Marjorie Craig 1928, in Washington, DC, she moved to An-
eventually leading the Washington Bureau countless other loved and far-ûung family retirement. He began employment in the nandale, Virginia at the age of ten. Jeanne The family would like to extend special
for ûve years. With the birth of her third child, members, and many friends. Design Branch of the Coast Guard9s Naval Barber, his daughter Laura Barber Tonel-
son and son-in-law Jed Tonelson of Gaith- met the love of her life, Vincent, when she thanks to Dr. Eugene Shmorhun and staff for
she left to be home with the kids, but picked Engineering Division in 1961 following his was fourteen. They married in 1947 and re- 32 years of loving medical care.
up a position as a book reviewer for USA To- Services will be held at National United graduation from the University of Michigan. ersburg, Maryland; his son Michael Barber
and daughter-in-law Erin Barber of Aldie, sided in their Annandale home for 73 years
day, regularly writing bylined reviews of adult Methodist Church, Metropolitan Memorial he was involved in the design of most of until Vincent passed away in 2020. A memorial service will be held Saturday,
contemporary and young adult ûction. Every Campus, 3401 Nebraska Ave NW, July 15, the Coast Guard vessels built in the 19609s Virginia; his brother David Spear Barber of
Moscow, Idaho; four grandchildren: Daniel July 1, 2023, 11 a.m. at Annandale United
month, stacks of unproofed galleys arrived at 2023, at 2 p.m, with a reception to follow. and 19709s and was head of the Hull Section Jeanne was an energetic, friendly person Methodist Church, Annandale, VA followed
her doorstep, an awesome thing for a child She will be interred at Congressional Ceme- for several years before leaving to work for (ûancee Ariana) and Matthew Tonelson (wife
Jordan) and Ryan and Sophie Barber; and with an incredible memory of family history by burial and reception at the church. Loving
to wander through, and she ûled reviews tery. In lieu of ûowers, contributions may be NOAA in 1976. and events. She was a devoted wife, mother, donations can be made to Annandale United
peppered with more than a few bon mots made to So Others Might Eat. For more infor- At NOAA, Mr. Barber was the technical ad- step-daughter Kelly Craig of Philadelphia.
A memorial service is being planned for Oc- sister, aunt, grandmother, honorary Italian Methodist Church or Annandale Volunteer
that would make their way onto dust jackets. mation, please visit: viser for naval architecture in the ûeet oper- cook, and gifted storyteller. Her homemade Fire Department, Station 408.
As in: <Jack and Sarah are as delicious a cou- ations ofûce, which at that time operated up tober 29, at the Waterford in Springûeld, Vir-
ginia, where Mr. and Mrs. Barber held their pilgrim outût, complete with bonnet, was an
ple as Rhett and Scarlett. The three-hankie to two dozen government research vessels.
ending to their long love affair will deûnitely From 1990 until his retirement in 1997, he wedding reception in 2012.
make you give a [very mild expletive].=
In 2000, Linda went back to full-time work at
the American Academy of Actuaries, where
plex and rare disease.
He graduated from the Naval Academy in
However, Jane refused to let any of this de-
MONRO 1977 with a B.S. in oceanography; from Old
Dominion University in 1987 with a Master9s ûne her. She met her future husband Phil at
age 23, while they both worked at the Feder-
in International Studies; from the Naval War
College in 1990; and from Northeastern Uni- al Communications Commission. She loved
itary. He had an incredible work ethic and life; loved to travel either with friends or with
was deeply proud of his service with Lock- versity in 2018 with a PHD in Law and Policy.
From 1977 to 1994, he served his country Phil alone. In the last few decades, they trav-
heed Martin and the aircraft he devoted his eled throughout the U.S. and in fact all over
career to support. with honor and distinction in the submarine
force. After retiring at the rank of Com- the world, including China, India, Japan, the
mander, he led a distinguished professional Far East, Western and Eastern Europe, and to
In 1975, Chuck married his forever love, South America.
Betty Love Roberts Monro. Together they career, becoming a leading voice in the area
shared pride in their careers, love for travel of governance risk compliance, and worked
at Carson and Associates, Gartner, Archer Jane loved art, serving as a docent at the
and most importantly their devotion to fam- National Gallery of Art for 31 years, leading
ily and friends. They were incredible, loving, Integrated Risk Compliance, among other
companies. tours of both the East and West Wings for
supportive parents to daughters, Laurie and school children.
Shari. Betty, the social chairperson, kept Beyond his educational and professional ca-
Chuck connected with family and friends. reer, French was a dedicated father. He had
a passion for the Boy Scouts that began at But anyone who knew her knows that abso-
Together they loved to host parties at their lutely nothing brought her more happiness
homes in Bethesda, Bryce Mountain, Alex- a young age, and continued as each of his
sons entered scouts. He loved to travel with than her two children and ûve grandchildren.
andria, and later in life on the Occoquan Riv- JANE WOLF HOCHBERG She shared every bit of news about them
er. They were generous with their time and his wife Patty, and enjoyed touring Europe
NATHANIEL FRENCH CALDWELL JR. with his daughter when she lived there. He Jane Wolf Hochberg passed with anyone she could and did it as soon as
home, often housing family and friends for away peacefully on Friday, June she was given the ok by the family.
extended stays during times of need. (Age 68) was a sailing enthusiast, and throughout his
life, he always sought adventure. Profes- 16, 2023.
Nathaniel French Caldwell, Jr. passed away Jane is survived by her husband of 55 years,
Central to Chuck and Betty9s everyday life on the morning of June 8, 2023, at his home, sionally, his proudest accomplishment was
that of serving his country during his long She was born on April 27, 1943, Philip, her children, Abigail (Stephen) Shan-
CHARLES BEDELL MONRO JR. through the years was their love of their surrounded by his family with Patty, his to Arthur and Bobbie Wolf in non and Jeffrey (Mindy) Hochberg, and her
dogs, cats, and rabbits. With too many to wife of 46 years, holding his hand. Known Naval career.
<Chuck= (Age 84) Nathaniel French Caldwell, Jr. will be deep- Washington, D.C. Unfortunately, her teen grandchildren, Aidan, Emma, Clare, Jessica
On April 21, 2023, Charles (Chuck) Bedell mention, the ûrst and most memorable to friends and family as French, he was the years were marked by tragedy, with the and Owen. Funeral services will be held on
were Mufûn the cat and dogs, Biscuit and son of the late Nathaniel French Caldwell, ly loved, deeply missed, and his spirit will
Monro, Jr., passed away peacefully at Sen- forever live on in the hearts of his family death of her mother shortly before her 14th Tuesday, June 20, 2023, 10 a.m. at Washing-
tara Hospital in Woodbridge, Virginia after Crumpet (<the bread phase=). Chuck9s great- Sr. and Gaynelle Williams Caldwell. He is sur- birthday. Arthur remarried shortly thereafter, ton Hebrew Congregation, 3935 Macomb
est passions in life were boats, cars, and vived by his wife, Patty; one daughter, Eliza- and friends. A viewing will be held at Little
a hard-fought battle with end-stage COPD. Flower Church on Massachusetts Avenue in only to die a scant two years later. Jane and St., NW, with interment to follow at King
While COPD weakened him over the years, football. He watched football 24/7, was an beth; three sons, Lee, Randolph, and Joseph; her two younger brothers were raised by David Memorial Gardens. Shiva details to
avid Washington football fan, bought a new three grandsons, Marxer, Odin, and Adrian; Bethesda, MD, on June 23 from 10:30 a.m.
he was still active and busy, living his very to 12 noon immediately followed by a me- their stepmother, Elma Kahn Wolf, who con- be announced. Memorial contributions may
best life until just days before his passing. car nearly every year and spent time either three brothers, Russell, Bruce, and Clay; and sidered them her children, and whose family be made to Children9s Charities Foundation
building boats or contemplating building two sisters, Gaynelle and Shirley. morial service.
considered them their family, as well. Jane (
Chuck was the born in Pittsburgh, Pennsyl- one. In retirement, he built his last mahog- suffered tragedy a third time at age 20 when www.sagelbloomû
vania and was the only child of Charles Be- any Chris Craft boat and enjoyed his days her youngest brother, Tommy, died of a com-
dell Monro, Sr. and Marjory Boyd Hill Monro. cruising in front of their forever home.
At an early age, his family relocated to the
Washington, DC area, where he was raised
in the Kenwood neighborhood of Bethesda,
Chuck is survived by his daughters Laurie
Howell and Shari Dow (LJ Alefantis), grand-
Maryland. Chuck attended Landon from children Dustin Howell (Erica), Ryan Howell JOHN EARL DALE
third through eleventh grade and graduated (Alyssa) and Paige Dow, and great-grand-
from Bethesda Chevy Chase Highschool in daughter Jade Howell. He was predeceased John Earl Dale, 58, of Dallas passed away on morning ministry, thanking God for the day
1954. He went on to Tennessee Tech Univer-
sity and ûnished his college years at the Uni-
by his beloved wife, Betty Love Roberts
Monro (January 2, 2018) and his parents
Charles Bedell and Marjory Boyd Hill Monro.
Monday, June 12, 2023, at home of an unex-
pected complication from Long COVID.
and the opportunity to be there. He also en-
joyed smoking meat, cooking, and tending
to his new business. But most of all, John
versity of North Carolina and was a lifelong
Tar Heel fan. John was born in Atlanta, Georgia, the son loved to love his wife, Nancy. He would live ceived her bachelor9s degree at Northern
A memorial service will be on Saturday, of Patricia Smith Dale and the late Donald each day to help her, and he was there for Illinois University after which she moved
Chuck proudly spent his entire career with June 24, 2023, at 1 p.m. at All Saints Church, Glen Dale of West Palm Beach, Florida. John her every need. Not a day went by that he to Hartford, CT and began her career as a
Lockheed Martin Corporation. He worked 14851 Gideon Drive, Woodbridge, Virginia spent the last 30 years in the Wyoming didn9t tell her how much he loved her. She primary grade educator. She received fur-
in various roles within Lockheed, with the 22192. A reception will follow at the family Valley area. He was a selûess person and wanted for nothing, as he fulûlled every de- ther degrees from Central Connecticut State
most memorable time spent serving as the home. reaped extreme pleasure from helping oth- sire. He will leave a giant hole in her heart and an MEd from George Mason. Charlotte
Director of Airlift Programs, with primary ers. John loved to cook for others, putting where he resided for the past 25 years. John moved to Washington, DC and began a 31
responsibility for the C-130J aircraft. When In lieu of ûowers, please consider a dona- his heart into everything he made. When gave Nancy wings and Nancy gave John year career in the training, consulting, advis-
asked, Chuck would say that he was an tion to the ASPCA Homeward Trails Animal called upon for assistance, John was always roots. ing ûelds ending with 14 years in the Human
airplane salesman, but his work involved Rescue, 11116 Fairfax Station Road, Fairfax the ûrst to arrive. He was an <old soul=, as Surviving in addition to his mother are his Services Department at George Mason Uni-
lobbying and contracting for this critical, Station, Virginia 22039, (703) 249-5066. evidenced by his demeanor and ability to wife, Nancy Raspen Dale, sisters Jackie Mill- versity. At the various stops in her career
<workhorse= aircraft to supply the US mil- bring a sense of calm to those around him. er and her husband John of Beaufort, South Charlotte made lifelong friends who loved
Carolina, Susan Hungler and her husband and admired her as a kind, funny, intelligent,
Prior to moving to the Dallas area, John lived Steven of Hialeah, Florida, brothers Daniel emotional, loving soul. Charlotte was a
in Virginia, where he maintains friendships Dale of West Palm Beach, Florida, Randall wonderful, adored Aunt to eight and a great-
to this day. He worked with Special Needs Dale and wife Holly of Tar Heel North Car- Aunt to 15. From a young age Charlotte was
children during his stay in Virginia. That job olina, and numerous nieces and nephews.
OLSON contributed to John being who he was as an
adult. He was also a truck driver and a me-
John loved all of his family and took particu-
lar joy in being the 8cool uncle9.
involved in the Jewish community beginning
with BBG in Chicago thru Beth El Hebrew
Congregation. Interment was held at King
WILLIAM ARTHUR OLSON <Bill= chanic during his short stay on Earth. David Memorial Gardens, Falls Church, VA.
A celebration of John9s life will be held in In lieu of ûowers, memorial contributions
William (Bill) Arthur Olson, of Woodbridge, Merrimac Farm Wildlife Management Area, John worked for several years locally as a the near future. In lieu of ûowers, please
Virginia 4known to many as <Grandpa=4 a jewel in Prince William County, and contin- maintenance Technician at the Woodlands forward monetary memories to the Luzerne
CHARLOTTE STRAUSS may be made to Beth El Hebrew Congre-
passed away on June 15, 2023 from cancer. ues to have a conservation presence across <Cookie= (Age 75) gation, Alexandria, VA or the Diabetes Foun-
Inn & Resort in Plains Township, where County SPCA, 524 East Main Street, Wilkes dation or a charity of your choosing. Please
Bill9s 90 years were ûlled serving others and the Rural Crescent. he still has many dear friends. He left the Barre, PA 18702 Charlotte (Cookie) Strauss of
his community. He was known for his mag- Once Bill found a cause to his liking, he was Annandale, VA. passed away view and sign the family guestbook at
Woodlands to pursue his dream of being self
netic, caring, and humble persona. His kind- unrelenting in his support; a few examples employed as a handyman. Funeral Arrangements have been entrusted Wednesday, June 14, 2023. Be-
ness towards others and passion for just are the preservation of the Slave Quarters to the Charles L. Cease Funeral Home, 634 loved daughter of the late Arthur
causes will be missed by all that knew him. at Grace UMC, the creation of the Jennie John enjoyed ûshing, which he called his Reyburn Road, Shickshinny. and Reva Strauss; sister to Sid-
Bill was born on October 19, 1932 to Myrtle Dean Memorial in Manassas, and the his- ney Strauss, (Jessica) Jaffa, Israel
(Wall) Olson and Arthur William Olson in Min- torical markers for Clover Hill, Bacon Race and Michael Strauss (Jane), Scottsdale, AZ;
neapolis, MN. He graduated from Roosevelt Cemetery, the Washington-Rochambeau loving mother to Nina Strauss, Richmond,
High School (Minneapolis) and completed Road and others. Bill was a philanthropist VA. Charlotte was born in Chicago, IL re- FUNERAL CHAPEL

his Bachelors (Animal Husbandry) and Doc- and supported a number of organizations
torate of Philosophy (Physiologic Chemistry)
at the University of Minnesota. Additional-
that furthered democracy, preservation of
history, equality, access to education and
ly, he participated in the University9s ROTC provided international assistance. He em-
program and later served 15 years in as an braced his Grace United Methodist Church Shu. She is predeceased by her husband,
Army reserve ofûcer. (Manassas, VA) family. David, and her daughter, Suzanne.
On August 11, 1956, Bill and JoAnn Cather-
ine Heebl were married. They had a loving
Bill9s deepest passion was his family and
cherished time spent with them. Together Mrs. Lombard taught piano, music theory,
marriage and raised three children; Kristi with his family they enjoyed many amaz- and composition for many years and was
Jo, Gwendolyn Ann, and Jonathan William. ing trips (Galapagos being the most mem- a longstanding member of the Northern and recognizing the need to address prob-
The family enjoyed the outdoors and spent orable), long walks, days spent maintaining Virginia Music Teachers Association. She lems from a systems perspective, helping to
much of their time camping, hiking, and trails at local parks and in preparation for had a Masters in music and a lifelong love improve force management, which in turn
traveling back to Minneapolis to be with the annual Blue Bell festival, adventures of classical and 20th-century works. She effected Army readiness.
family. Bill and JoAnn were supportive and with his grandchildren, and especially vis- composed original pieces for chamber After retiring from 33 years of active duty,
active in the churches they attended. its coloring, cuddles and laughing with his groups, choirs, and orchestras, played cello General Trefry was selected to serve as
Bill worked in the animal drug industry until great grandchildren. in the McLean Symphony, and was active in Military Assistant to President George H. W.
he landed at Hazleton Labs (later Covance) His beloved wife, JoAnn Catherine Olson, the Washington-area Friday Morning Music Bush, and as Director of the White House
and moved his family to Reston, Virginia in passed away on April 2, 2006. Bill was also Club. She painted birds and other wildlife in Military Ofûce. After departure from the
1969. Four years later, in 1973 he started predeceased by his parents, his sister, Betty watercolor, and was active in the Hartwood White House, General Trefry founded the
his own regulatory consulting services, Cen- Jean (Olson) Spofford, and his brothers-in- Foundation, which serves disabled persons Army Force Management School at Fort Bel-
ter for Regulatory Services (CFR Services), law (Raymond Heebl and Donald Heebl). in the area. She was a member of St. Dun- voir. In addition, he was a dedicated advo-
focusing on FDA and EPA regulated prod- He is survived by his sister Audrey (Olson) stan9s Episcopal Church in McLean before cate for Army families and soldier programs
ucts. The company celebrated their 50th Gruver (Duane Gruver); and sister-in-law joining St. Bernadette Catholic Church in and supported many Army organizations
anniversary this year. Bill9s work ethic and Karen (Heebl) Johnson (Richard Johnson) Springûeld. and initiatives.
steadfast focus on regulatory compliance and by his children Kristi Olson Smedley In 2006, General Trefry was recognized by
attracted both domestic and international (Michael Smedley), Gwendolyn Olson Phil- JOSEPHINE LOMBARD <Jo= (Age 91) A memorial service will be held on Satur- West Point as a Distinguished Graduate for
clients. lips, and Jonathan William Olson (Jennifer Of Springûeld, Virginia, passed away peace- day, June 24, 2023 at 1 p.m. in the chapel his contributions to the Army and the em-
In 2002, Bill permanently moved his compa- Wray); his grandchildren Kjersti Smedley fully on June 13, 2023. Beloved wife of 65 at Greenspring Village, 7410 Spring Village bodiment of Duty, Honor, and Country. Addi-
ny and home to Prince William County, Vir- Oliver (Eric Oliver), Garrett William Smedley years to David Lombard; loving mother of Drive, Springûeld, VA 22150. A funeral ser- tionally, in 2009, the Secretary of the Army
ginia, and became engaged in this new com- (Sarah Black), Schuyler Jefferson Phillips Suzanne Lombard, Jonathan Lombard, Rob- vice will be held at a later date. established a Lifetime of Service award in
munity. Bill was deeply passionate about (Hannah Meyers); Calvin Wray Olson, Cal- in Lombard, Patricia Lombard Mabry, and RICHARD G. TREFRY his name, recognizing his devotion, leader-
historic and environmental preservation. He lie Ann Phillips, and Livia Wray Olson; and Katherine Lombard; adored grandmother of In lieu of ûowers, memorial contributions LTG., U.S. Army (Ret.) ship, and exemplary service to the Army for
enjoyed sharing his passion with others and great-grandchildren Brady Ryan Oliver, Rhys Jenny (Kammer) Dunn, Jacqueline (Lombard) can be made to Hartwood Foundation, Inc., Lieutenant General Richard G. Trefry, 98, of over 65 years. General Trefry was the inau-
mentored over 50 Boy Scout Eagle Projects William Oliver, Joanna Lynn Phillips, and Wil- Shu, Noah Mabry, Andrew Newman, Sam 3702 Pender Drive, Suite 410, Fairfax, VA Clifton, Virginia passed away February 25, gural recipient.
focused on ensuring local parks and ceme- liam Woodson Smedley. Lombard, Justin Kimble, and Erin Kimble; 22030. 2023 at home with loving family and his wife Throughout his life, General Trefry recog-
teries were maintained for others to enjoy. The family will receive friends on Tuesday, and great-grandmother of Sierra Dunn, Riley of 53 years, Jacquelyn, by his side. nized the importance of education, men-
Additionally, he served on the PWC Historic June 20, 2023, from 10 to 11 a.m. at Grace Dunn, Luke Shu, Ronan Shu, and Autumn General Trefry was originally from Massa- torship and leadership. With his depth of
Committee. Bill9s commitment to preserve United Methodist Church, 9750 Wellington chusetts, born in Newburyport and raised knowledge and experience he contributed
local historical sites led him to be a faithful Road, Manassas. Funeral Services will begin in Marblehead. He attended Dartmouth Col- to innumerable advisory boards, including
supporter of the Historic Prince William Or- at 11 a.m. in the church sanctuary with The lege and after completing his freshman year, Army Emergency Relief and the American
ganization and their work. He assisted, and Rev. Drew Colby and The Rev. Rudy Tucker, was drafted into the U.S. Army in June 1943. Military University. Additionally, he was a
furthered, Ron Turner9s effort on cemetery Jr. ofûciating. Interment will take place in One of his ûrst assignments was in Green- Senior Fellow for The Association of the
preservation in the county. Bill prided him- the Bacon Race Cemetery, Woodbridge, VA. land, where he was part of a weather team United States Army. Taking every opportuni-
self on keeping a watchful eye on the ûve Bill enhanced and impacted the lives of that advised General Eisenhower on the ty to teach and educate, General Trefry had
hundred small cemeteries across Prince
William County, and was often referred to as
many; his legacy will live on through his
family, the organizations he served, and
POST YOUR CONDOLENCES weather conditions for D-Day. He entered
West Point and graduated in 1950. He went
a great empathy for others, a love for the
Army and gratitude for the extraordinary life
on to serve in Germany, Korea, and Vietnam. he had.
<Mr. Cemetery= across the county. those to which he was a role model. Dona- Now death notices on allow He also served as the Defense Attaché to General Trefry will be buried in Arlington Na-
His dedication to environmental preser- tions in his honor can be made to Prince Wil-
vation led him to form the Prince William liam Conservation Alliance (PWCA) or Grace you to express your sympathy with greater ease. Visit today. Laos. One of the highlights of his career was tional Cemetery on June 21, 2023, at 1 p.m..
being selected as the Inspector General of Services will begin at the Old Post Chapel
Conservation Association with the help of
Kim Hosen and countless others. The As-
sociation assisted in the Preservation of
United Methodist Church, Manassas.
Please sign the guestbook at
GHI the Army in 1977. In this position, he rev-
olutionized the organization, restructuring
followed by full military honors. For more
information, please visit
sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE C11

ern Reserve University. Phillip was active in
the Civil Rights movement and held numer-
ous positions involving Civil Rights, including
work for the Department of Justice. He was
subsequently employed by the Central Intel-
ligence Agency until his retirement.
Phillip loved ûshing, gardening, woodwork-
ing, Sudoku and was an avid reader. He was
an unapologetic romantic whose favorite
author was Sandra Brown. He also read
books by James Patterson, Michael Connel-
ly, Lee Child and David Baldacci.
Phillip leaves to mourn, his cherished, lov-
ing, and devoted wife of 31 years, Nanita
C. Mason, four children Yolanda A. Townes
(Billy Ray), Phillip H. Mason, Jr., Neal A. Ma-
son (Lori), Windy J. Mason Leslie (Lawrence),
Mark C. Jefferson, stepson. Brothers Paul
L.R. Mason and Michael Mobley (AnnieRose),
nine grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren,
August 5, 1945 - June 18, 2020 <Randy= (Age 61) (Age 100) Passed away peacefully on June 7, 2023. PHILLIP H. MASON host of relatives and friends.
Margie, Mom, after all our years together, Preceded in death by her husband, Lo- Phillip H. Mason of Charlottesville, VA Funeral will be held on June 24, 2023, Spring
Succumbed to a long battle with cancer On Tuesday, June 6, 2023 Branch Community Church, 1500 N. Great
life without you is not the same. on May 8, 2023, with his loving family at renzo H. Wilkins, Sr., and daughter Doris passed away on June 12, 2023 after a brief
Mattie Robinson (nee Ander- illness. He was predeceased by his parents Neck Rd., Virginia Beach, VA 23454. Viewing
We will embrace and cherish his bedside. He joins his father, Leon Bea- son) transitioned peacefully P. Rucker. She is survived by two children,
your memories forever. Lorenzo H. Wilkins, Jr. and Betty C. Wilkins; Roy C. Mason and Leslie Bell Kerr Mason, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Funeral 11 a.m. Interment
sley and brother Monroe Swann in eternal at her home. She leaves to Princess Anne Memorial Park Cemetery,
Logan, John, Demetri and Family, and peaceful rest. He leaves to cherish his two grandchildren, eight great-grandchil- brother Roy Mason and wife Joan J. Barnett
cherish her memory beloved Mason. He was born July 29, 1936 in Cleve- 1110 N. Great Neck Rd.,
Relatives and Friends precious memory the love of his life and son, Dr. Christopher C. Robin- dren, two great-great-grandchildren, and
countless extended family and friends. land, Ohio and was a graduate of Case West- Virginia Beach, VA 23454.
the mother of their children, Nadine Bea- son, Jr., daughter-in-law, Karolyn Robinson,
sley, his mother, Eunice Williams, (step-fa- granddaughter, Christina Robinson, a host Service will be held on Wednesday, June
ther Samuel), brother, Alex Beasley, sons, of other relatives, associates and friends. 21, 2023 at McGuire Funeral Home, 7400
Durran Beasley, Jr, Xavier Beasley and On Wednesday, June 21 a visitation will be Georgia Ave. NW, Washington, DC. Visita-
daughter, Mia Beasley, and ûve grandchil- held from 10 a.m. until the hour of service tion 10 a.m., Service 11 a.m. Interment at
dren. A prayer vigil and Funeral Mass will 11 a.m. at the Shiloh Baptist Church 1500 Solon Cemetery in Middleburg, VA.
be held at the St. Mary9s Catholic Church of
Piscataway, Clinton, MD, on June 22, 2023,
- 9th st. NW Washington, DC. Interment in
Charlotte Court House, VA. Condolences to
starting at 9:30 a.m. Interment Trinity Me-
morial Gardens Cemetery. house worked in Administration, Managerial
and Marketing/System Analyst positions at
headquarters and marketing divisions loca-
tions throughout the country. She received
ELLIOTT numerous achievement awards. She retired
in 1998.
FROST Mrs. Stackhouse was a member of Phi Mu
Sorority, New Annapolitans, the Panhellenic
Club of Annapolis, and Anne Arundel Wom-
spent with them. In 2001, Cliff found love, en Giving Together (AAWGT) Philanthropic
happiness and partnership when he mar- Organization.
ried Lorice Kassatly, and added her children She is survived by a brother Richard C. Or-
Michael and Karilyn to their now blended deman of Vienna, VA, and a twin sister Dena
family. Lorice was an unwavering pillar of L Foster of Scottsdale, AZ, one nephew Eric
strength and love throughout Cliff9s coura- C. Foster also of Scottsdale; plus two step-
geous battle with Parkinson9s disease. Cliff
KESSENICH embraced life to the fullest. He loved run-
ning, biking, beekeeping, traveling, comput-
sons Kendal C. Stackhouse of Reading, MA;
and John Stackhouse of Leonardtown, MD;
two step-daughters, Kathryn A. Stackhouse
ers, the outdoors and shared these passions of
with his friends and family. Silver Spring, MD; and Mary Jeanette Stack-
house, of Randolph, MA. She was preceded
Cliff dedicated over two decades of his life DONNA ORDEMAN STACKHOUSE in death by her husband Kendal Stackhouse.
to building and running his company, Uni- (Age 79) A Memorial Service will be held at Lasting
Networks, Inc. Cliff9s intelligence was noth- Donna Ordeman Stackhouse Annapolis, MD, Tributes Funeral Care, located at 814 Best-
ing short of awe-inspiring. It was not just formerly of Potomac, MD passed away at gate Road in Annapolis, on Thursday, June
Cliff9s professional achievements that made Ginger Cove Assisted Living in Annapolis, 29, with the gathering beginning at 2 p.m.
him extraordinary. His kindness, sense of MD on June 12, 2023. Mrs Stackhouse was followed by the service at 3 p.m.
ARCHIE ELLIOTT III <Artie= humor, smile and gentle nature were the born in Albany, CA on May 24, 1944 and was In lieu of ûowers, memorial contributions
cornerstones of his character. Whether the daughter of the late Harry Ordeman and may be made to the National Kidney Foun-
DECEMBER 8,1968 ~ JUNE 18, 1993 lending a listening ear, coaching along the dation by visiting, or by
Our hearts are still broken even after 30 Marie (Schmidt) Ordeman.
CLIFFORD BRIAN FROST sidelines of his children9s wrestling, swim Mrs. Stackhouse graduated from Oakland mail to P.O.Box 40544, Bay Village, OH,
years. It9s difûcult to believe there was NO team, track, or equestrian events. Cliff9s 44140.
JUSTICE as we shed rivers of tears. 1956 - 2023 High School in Oakland, CA. She earned
Clifford Brian Frost, age 66, a remarkable generosity, sense of adventure and heart a B.S. in Business Administration from the To leave online condolences please visit
We love you today even more were endless.
As we loved and cherished you many years man of immense compassion, grace and University of California at Berkeley in 1967.
ago. talent passed away on May 14, 2023, sur- In her 30 year career with IBM, Mrs. Stack-
rounded by his family. He was born to Don- Cliff, may you rest easy and know that you
We are proud to carry on your legacy are so very loved.
through The Archie Elliott, III Scholarship ald and Francis Frost in Sioux City, Iowa. Cliff
Fund. Won9t you donate to the Fund to was a longtime resident of Darnestown,
Maryland. He spent his formative years in Cliff is survived by his wife, Lorice Frost; sis-
help send minority high school graduates JEROME OTTO KESSENICH ters Donna and Jackie; brothers Barry and
to HBCUs for the coming school year. Call Fulton, Missouri where his athletic excel-
Phillip; children Ian (Claire DiPiero) Frost,
In Loving Memory,
Jerome Otto Kessenich, 86, passed away
Friday, May 19, 2023 surrounded by his
family. Jerry was a long-time resident of
lence earned him a wrestling scholarship
to University of Missouri. Cliff transferred Katherine (Brandon) Richgruber; stepchil-
dren Michael (Laura) Mason and Karilyn
Your mother Dorothy Copp Elliott; your to the University of South Florida where he
Fairfax and Loudoun Counties. A service obtained his B.S. degree in Chemistry. While (Samuel) Kesaris; grandchildren Naomi,
father, Archie Elliott, Jr.; your brothers Penelope and Ryan; and numerous nieces tel, Co-chair of the Government Relations
honoring his memory will be held at Arling- pursuing a career in science at Fort Detrick, Practice of the law ûrm of Powell Goldstein,
Aaron and John and family members ton National Cemetery at a later date. A and nephews. Cliff was predeceased by his
Cliff discovered his afûnity and passion for Managing Partner of the executive search
complete obituary can be found at computers and marathon running. Deter- parents Donald and Francis Frost, brothers
Roger and Richard. ûrm of Heidrick & Struggles, Managing Di- mined to expand his expertise, Cliff contin-
DEATH NOTICE ued to Johns Hopkins University where he
rector at Boyden Global Executive Search,
Managing Director and lead of the Govern-
earned his M.S. in Computer Engineering. A celebration of life will be held in late sum-
mer. In lieu of ûowers, remembrance gifts ment Relations and Public Sector Practice
DESSOUKY Cliff9s love for his children Ian and Kather-
ine knew no bounds. They were the light of
in Cliff9s honor may be made to https://par- or https://hospice-
for Diversiûed Search, President & CEO of
the National Jobs Corps Association, and a variety of other signiûcant positions. Lon-
his life, and he cherished every moment he nie9s work ethic was unparalleled, as was
obtained his medical degree and trained in
obstetrics and gynecology. He came to the his driving desire to provide guidance, sus-
US in 1961 and earned a PhD in anatomy tenance, support, and a <leg-up= to those in
at Tulane University after which he was ap- need, particularly the disenfranchised and
pointed assistant professor of anatomy at
Georgetown University. He trained further
ROMER the unseen, as well as young people who
were just beginning their careers.
in ob-gyn at Georgetown and served in that Lonnie was deeply involved in a number of
department as a practitioner, researcher President of the Association and served as civic and community organizations, serving
and teacher for over 30 years. He was also Chair of ICMA9s Committee on Professional in various leadership capacities. He served
active at VHC (Arlington Hospital) in practice Conduct which enforces the Association9s as Chairman of the Boards of Youth Service
and in directing Georgetown students and Code of Ethics for Professional local govern- of America and the Washington Area Coun-
residents in their ob-gyn training. In 2000 Dr. ment administrators. LONNIE P. TAYLOR cil on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, as well as
Dessouky retired as Professor of Obstetrics He has served in leadership positions with We are deeply saddened to announce the a Member of the Board of Directors of the
and Gynecology. the Metropolitan Washington Council of peaceful passing of Lonnie P. Taylor on Tues- International Social Service USA, The Wash-
Dr. Dessouky married Caroline Justice in Governments, the Greater Washington Board day, June 6, 2023, after an extended but he- ington Scholarship Fund, the Bryce Harlow
1969 and they lived in McLean, VA for 28 of Trade, the National Associations of Coun- roically-embraced illness. Institute of Business and Government Af-
years, raising their family. He is survived by ties, the District of Columbia Sewer and Wa- Born on July 13, 1958 in Washington, DC, to fairs.
Caroline and their three beloved sons and ter Authority and the Maryland Municipal Magdalene S. Taylor and Leroy Hinton Tay- But for Lonnie, family always came ûrst.
their families: Dean and Alanna Dessouky League. He was on the Board of Directors of lor (deceased), Lonnie was a shining and He and his wife Kristin raised two beautiful
of Washington, DC and their children Lillian the Rockville Chamber of Commerce, SEEC steady inspiration to countless souls. His children together, Lonnie Paul Taylor II and
and James; Neal and Dr. Elizabeth Dessouky (for People with Developmental Disabilities) wise counsel and constant support extend- Mary Elizabeth Taylor, both of whom grew
DR. DESSOUKY A. DESSOUKY of Mill Valley, CA and their son Sam; and Alex and other community associations. He was ed across many generations and virtually into loving, responsible adults and who will,
Dessouky A. Dessouky, MD, PhD, of Charlot- and Hilary Dessouky of Santa Barbara, CA a volunteer news reader at the Metropolitan every sphere of inûuence. He was happiest always and forever, remain a source of deep
tesville, died unexpectedly on April 7, 2023 and their daughters Lyle and Sasha. Washington Ear. around his family, and his family was happi- parental pride.
in a pedestrian accident in Cairo, Egypt. He Following a prayer service at the Islamic So- At the time of his death, Bruce was Chair est around him. Lonnie was equally committed to (and
was visiting family and friends at the time. ciety of Central Virginia, a private burial was of the Montgomery County Maryland Ethics In his early youth, Lonnie was educated ûercely protect of) his large extended family
Dr. Dessouky was born in Mit Ghamr, Egypt, held on April 14, 2023, at Monticello Memo- Committee and worked at WAMU 88.5 Radio. in the DC Public Schools. He then brieûy of thirteen siblings, all of whom were raised
on January 18, 1932, and was a graduate ry Gardens Cemetery. Bruce9s undergraduate degree was received attended Gonzaga College High School be- and nurtured by his proud and incredibly re-
of Ain Shams University in Cairo where he BRUCE FRANKLIN ROMER from Wittenberg University. He received a fore attending Mackin Catholic High School, gal mother, Magdalene S. Taylor, the miracu-
Bruce F. Romer, of Bethesda, Maryland, Master of Government Administration de- where he graduated with honors. He earned lous family matriarch who, at 95, remains a
passed away on Saturday, June 10, 2023, af- gree from the Wharton Graduate School at a Bachelor of Business Administration from constant and unwavering source of strength
ter a brief illness. He was 78. At the time of the University of Pennsylvania. the George Washington University, and a Ju- and grace. He is also survived by several
his death, he was surrounded by his family, His hobbies included playing tennis, traveling ris Doctorate from The Georgetown Univer- generations of loving nieces, nephews, and
sity Law Center. cousins, as well as legions of loyal friends
KEMP and he is survived by his wife Kay Bowman
of Bethesda, his children Laurel (Jason War-
holic) Romer of Madison, Wisconsin, and Bri-
and staying connected to the community.
He was a 40-year resident of Montgomery
County and was previously married to Car-
Lonnie9s interest in national politics sparked
at a very early age, when he ûrst began
throughout the nation and across the globe.
Our Lonnie will forever be remembered for
an (Jennifer) Romer of Monrovia and grand- olyn Webb Romer. working in the ofûce of U.S. Senator Jacob his quick smile, his brilliant mind, his large
her life, who enjoyed her irreverent wit and K. Javits (R-NY) as a high school intern. Sen. heart, his contagious laugh & and for sing-
sense of humor. Her door was always open children: Alex, Molly, Ryan, Jacob, Braeden Those who were honored to know Bruce
and Emily; and was preceded in death by his personally or professionally remember him Javits personally took him under his wing, ing the made-up lyrics to his favorite songs
and friends of her children found a second and hired Lonnie while he ûnished his se- in a loud and happy voice, for all to hear.
home at the Kemp house, where Lois wel- grandson Eric and stepson Luke Ryan Bow- as a shining example of a man born to lead
man. with passion and compassion. nior year of high school. Lonnie continued Finally, ultimately, Lonnie was a man of God,
comed them with open arms and a seat at to work for Sen. Javits while pursuing his deeply fortiûed by his faith and grounded in
her table. Bruce was born in Detroit, Michigan on Octo- To his family, he was the perfect balance of
ber 14, 1944, to Benjamin Romer and Mildred strength, wisdom, warmth, generosity and business degree from George Washington the glory of our Lord and Savior. This unwav-
Goetzke Romer. good humor. Bruce/Dad/Grandpa/Pop was University, and upon graduation, began ering faith is what gave grace, mercy, and
Lois returned to work in 1985 as a Unit Sec- working as a Senior Legislative Assistant for perfect peace to his ûnal transition. Now our
retary in the Pediatric ICU of INOVA Fairfax Bruce was a dedicated public servant and the man to turn to if you needed guidance.
relished work in local government. He served Whenever questioning how to do something Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) while attending Lonnie is free, forever wrapped in everlast-
Hospital. Lois9 love of children and her abil- Georgetown Law School at night. Continu- ing and absolute joy.
ity to work under pressure in demanding for twelve years as Chief Administrative Ofû- the right way, his family often asked WWDD
cer of Montgomery County, Maryland man- (What Would Dad Do?) His sense of humor ing to elevate in seniority across Capitol Lonnie P. Taylor lived his life beautifully. And
environments served her well and she was Hill, Lonnie became Chief of Staff for U.S. it will be this beautiful life we will celebrate
a valued member of the team until her re- aging operations of Maryland9s largest local was much appreciated and intact even in his
government. Prior to his service for Mont- ûnal days. His funny quips and alternate pro- Congressman Jack Buechner (R-MO). Lonnie with boundless joy and immense gratitude
tirement. Lois was a devoted grandmother. also served with distinction in the Presiden- on Friday, June 23, at the Cathedral of St.
She loved being surrounded by her grand- gomery County, Bruce had been the City nunciations of words was a source of great
Manager in Rockville, Maryland. And before fun for the grandkids, especially. He was tial Administration of George H.W. Bush, as a Matthew the Apostle, 1725 Rhode Island
children, whether attending their sports senior administrator for Congressional and Avenue, Washington, DC. Visitation: 9 a.m.
events, school programs, graduations or that, the City Manager in the following local- a wonderful provider and ALWAYS strived
ities: The City of Davenport, Iowa, the City of to show everyone a good time. He was the Intergovernmental Affairs in the General Funeral Service: 10 a.m.
baking their birthday cakes- the list is end- Services Administration. If desired, family and friends may send ûow-
less. Lois was a beautiful person, who was Sidney, Ohio, and the City of Brighton, Mich- quintessential host and life of the party.
igan. For ten years, he served as Vice Presi- A memorial service will be planned at a later Lonnie9s remarkable accomplishments in ers to St. Matthew9s Cathedral, or make a
an amazing wife, mother, grandmother and the public sector led him toward a variety memorial contribution to the Georgetown
cherished friend to all who knew her. She dent for Administration at Westat, Inc. at its date. In lieu of ûowers, contributions may be
headquarters in Rockville and was a member made to WAMU 88.5 Radio. of leadership positions in the business, legal, University Black Law Students Association
LOIS MARIE HOYLE KEMP will be missed dearly.
of the company9s Ethics Compliance Com- and executive search industries. He served by going to
Of Annandale, Virginia. Lois Marie Hoyle as Senior Vice President of Congressional InMemoryOfLonniePTaylor. (Scroll down to
Kemp passed away peacefully, surrounded She was preceded in death by her loving mittee.
Bruce was a member of the International and Public Affairs and Chief Lobbyist at the select <Other,= and indicate <Georgetown
by family on June 7, 2023, from complica- parents, Norman and Doris and her sister U.S. Chamber Commerce, Vice President of University Black Law Student Association, in
tions of Alzheimer9s disease. Born on July Patricia. She is survived by her husband City/County Management Association (ICMA)
which represents professional local gov- External Affairs at Sprint Nextel, Vice Presi- memory of Lonnie P. Taylor.=)
2, 1933 to Norman L. Hoyle and Doris A. of 63 years, Jim, her brother, William Hoyle dent of Federal and State Relations at Nex-
(Lambert) Hoyle, and raised in Washington, (Joyce) and her children, John (Donna), ernment managers throughout the United
DC. She graduated from The Academy of Christopher (Rob), Timothy (Emily), Daniel, States and in other countries. He was elected
the Holy Names, and Immaculata College, Kathleen, Matthew (Meredith), Mary (Alex);
and began working at Georgetown Univer- and her grandchildren, Patrick, Ian, Haley,
sity Hospital. She met her future husband, Elizabeth, Lily, Jack, Madeline, Isabel, Leo
James F. Kemp (Jim) and was married on and Augustus. Lois is also survived by many
September 10, 1960. The couple settled in
Arlington, Virginia. Jim9s career in the U.S.
loving nieces, nephews and cousins. SMITH WOOD
Air Force took the couple to Los Angeles, A funeral service will be held on June 21,
California and Ewa Beach, Hawaii, before re- 2023 at Fairfax Memorial Funeral Home, news staff at Washington Post-owned sta- Following graduation from Blackburn, he
turning to Northern Virginia in 1967, where with visitation at 12 p.m. and services at 1 tions in Jacksonville, FL. He became radio was accepted into Harvard Law School
they made their home and raised their sev- p.m. A reception will immediately follow station manager at WMBR in that city and where he completed one year before
en children. at the Tower Club, 8000 Towers Crescent was transferred to Maryland in 1962 to the changing his career path and entering the
Drive, Suite1700, Vienna, VA. Interment will parent company9s headquarters at WWDC. Navy. He later received a master9s degree
Lois was an avid gardener, enjoyed playing be at Arlington National Cemetery at a fu- He later joined a WWDC-owned afûliate, in business administration (MBA) from the
her piano, strumming her ukulele, tap danc- ture date. Broadcast Electronics, Inc., in Silver Spring, University of Pittsburgh.
ing and attending the Kennedy Center, in and became its executive vice president. Allen wanted everyone to know how much
between chauffeuring her children to vari- In lieu of ûowers, donations can be made he enjoyed his 30-year Navy career. He had
ous athletic, school and social events. Lois in memory of Lois to So Others Might Eat- In 1972, he took a position at Veterans Ad- experience serving with the <lighter-than-
cherished spending time with her family and ministration Central Ofûce managing the air= (blimp) aviators in Lakehurst, New Jer-
the many dear friends she made throughout agency9s public information broadcast ser- sey, the nuclear Navy (USS Enterprise CVA-
vices. In 1976 he gained a master9s degree 65 aircraft carrier) and the space support
in public relations from American University. Navy (USS Iwo Jima LPH-2), the ship that
At VA he progressed to other assignments recovered the astronauts of Apollo 13 and
that included director of VA9s national news the spacecraft off Pago Pago, Samoa. During
ofûce and kept very busy during the VA9s el- his last six years of active duty, he had the
evation in 1989 to Cabinet status. In 1997, honor and privilege of directing the Navy9s
he retired as deputy director of the Dept. of worldwide Morale, Welfare and Recreation
When the need arises, DONALD READE SMITH
VA9s Ofûce of Public Affairs and received the
department9s Exceptional Service Award,
VA9s highest honor.
programs. This encompassed all recreation
and athletic programs, social clubs, child
development centers, ûtness facilities, ûy-
let families ond you in the A resident of Kensington, MD since 1963,
Don was the ûrst of two sons born to Robert
G. Smith and Dorothy K. Idle in New York City
Besides work and parenthood, Don enjoyed
baseball, military concerts, and many pet
Allen Wood, age 87, made his ûnal <change
ing clubs, and the Navy Band. He often ex-
pressed to friends and family that the most
rewarding part of his MWR tour was the
Funeral Services Directory. on September 8, 1933. Don9s middle name
comes from Reade St. where his mother ran
cats. He had a passion for home and car
repair. His golden years were when he and
Kay were grandparents, and he loved the
of station= move on November 29, 2021,
when he was promoted to glory. Prior to
that, he spent a full 30-year career in the
new emphasis on child development pro-
grams and centers. Saying he was blessed
with a superb staff, they adopted the motto:
a lunch counter in the early 19309s. The mid-
dle name has been passed down to Don9s many family get togethers locally or at his United States Navy and retired to his home <Child by Child, We Build our Nation.=
To be seen in the Funeral Services Directory, ûrst son and one of his grandsons. house on Chesapeake Bay. in Arlington Virginia, where he lived for more
than 30 years, often entertaining gatherings
Allen retired from the United States Navy
on July 1, 1988. His medals and decorations
please call paid Death Notices at 202-334-4122. His family moved to Alexandria, VA in 1943 Don was in good health and stayed quite of friends in his legendary back yard, under
two gazebos that were designed for that
included the Legion of Merit, the Defense
Meritorious Service Medal, a Navy Commen-
where he graduated from George Washing- active until very recently. He died without
ton High School with perfect attendance. prolonged unease, on June 10, 2023 with his very purpose. dation Medal with Combat <V= (2), a Combat
He then attended University of Florida entire family. A native of Dunbar, Wisconsin, Allen moved Action Ribbon, a Navy Unit Commendation,
where he met Katharine Beall at WRUF the to Hebron, Illinois as a young boy. The fourth a Meritorious Unit Commendation, the Viet-
on-campus radio station. They were mar- His brother, Leonard Robert (Wink) Smith in a family of eight children, he learned nam Service Medal (3), and the Vietnam Gal-
ried in 1953, one year before he graduated predeceased him in 2003. His wife Kay about hard work during the 13 years he lantry Cross with Palm Unit Citation.
with a communications degree. passed in 2020. He is survived by his chil- helped on his Dad9s farm. In addition to
dren Ken, Lynne, Paul, Gary and Brian, his working on the farm, Allen and his brother Allen was preceded in death by his mother
In the following 11 years the couple had ûve grandchildren Katie, Sarah, Natalie, Tony, were caddies at the neighboring golf course and father, Vera and John Wood, and six of
children including two sets of twins. They Charlotte, and James, and his daughters-in- earning money to put themselves through his siblings: Jack Wood, Jeanne Ritter, Doug-
also moved across the country twice. In law Teresa, Ann, Doreen and Katie and Sar- college. While in high school, Allen received las Wood, Gordon Wood, Patricia Feldt, and
1963 the family settled in Kensington. Don ah9s mother AnneMarie. his varsity letter in football, was voted Prom James Wood. He is survived by his sister Viv-
lived in the same house for 60 years. King, elected Class President, and was the ian Sommer of Jensen Beach, Florida, and
POST YOUR Don served in the Army from 1954 to 1956
as a broadcast specialist at Fort Huachuca,
A memorial service is planned for Septem-
ber 9, 2023 at Parklawn Cemetery in Rock-
ville, MD.
Class Valedictorian.
After graduation from Hebron High School,
he attended Blackburn University where he
more than a dozen nieces and nephews.
His family remained very important to him
throughout his life - treasuring his time with
CONDOLENCES AZ. In 1957 he joined the radio/television earned a degree in economics in 1958. Allen
was also the Valedictorian of his graduating
class at Blackburn College. He was Class
them; and they in turn treasured their time
with him whenever he returned home for
visits and reunions. He was also survived
President all four years and was chosen as by his longtime and close friend Alfred
Now death notices on a member of the work committee on the (<Chuck=) Smith, who passed away in North
Blackburn work plan - which is the highest Carolina in November 2022. Donations in allow you non-academic honor a student may gain memory of Captain Allen Wood should be
to express your sympathy with greater ease. POST YOUR CONDOLENCES at the college. He also participated in the
school newspaper, where in one of his last
made to the Navy Marine Corps Relief So-
ciety, a 50l(c)(3) located at 875 N. Randolph
Visit today. Now death notices on allow editorials summed up his philosophy that
carried him well throughout his naval career
Street, Arlington Virginia 22203. [Tax EIN: 53-
0204618]. Captain Allen Wood will be buried
you to express your sympathy with greater ease. Visit today. and life: <I sincerely hope this paper contin- with full military honors at the Arlington Na-

ues to step on toes when they should be
stepped on and toss a rose here and there
when it is called for.=
tional Cemetery on Thursday, June 22, 2023
at 11 a.m.
C12 EZ RE The washingTon posT . sunday, june 18 , 2023

The Weather . TwiTTer: @capiTalweaTher .

Low humidity for Father9s Day Today Monday Tuesday Wednesday |ursday Friday OFFICIAL REC ORD
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly sunny Mostly cloudy Partly sunny Partly sunny
It9s a warm one, but if anything, Temperatures AVERAGE RECORD ACTUAL FORECAST

humidity heads lower 4 a real treat

this deep into June. Sunshine is
dominant as temperatures rise to the
mid- and upper 80s. Winds are likely
to blow from the west around 5 to 10 mph.
Nighttime is pretty similar to Saturday night.
Humidity is starting to make the turn, so
temperatures are up a smidgen. Mainly upper 50s
87° 64 ° 88° 68 ° 83° 66 ° 80° 66 ° 79° 67 ° 84° 68 °

FEELS*: 90° FEELS: 92° FEELS: 86° FEELS: 81° FEELS: 80° FEELS: 91°
to mid-60s. CHNCE PRECIP: 0% P: 0% P: 10% P: 25% P: 25% P: 25%
WIND: WNW 6312 mph W: SE 7314 mph W: ESE 7314 mph W: E 8316 mph W: ESE 7314 mph W: SSE 438 mph
HUMIDITY: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate H: High
Tu W | F Sa Su M Tu W | F Sa Su M Tu
Statistics through 5 p.m. Saturday

REGION NATION Weather map features for noon today.

National Dulles BWI
High 84° 3:00 p.m. 84° 2:29 p.m. 85° 3:41 p.m.
Low 63° 4:24 a.m. 59° 6:00 a.m. 59° 4:27 a.m.
Harrisburg Philadelphia
86/66 Normal 86°/68° 84°/63° 85°/63°
86/60 Record high 99° 2022 96° 2022 96° 2022
Hagerstown Record low 50° 1926 46° 1980 47° 1964
87/62 Dover Diference from 303yr. avg. (National): this month: 31.8° yr. to date: +2.9°
Davis Cape May Precipitation PREVIOUS YEAR NORMAL LATEST
Washington Annapolis
74/53 87/64 79/62
82/62 OCEAN: 68°

Charlottesville Ocean City

87/61 79/60
OCEAN: 68°
87/63 Virginia Beach
80/67 National Dulles BWI
Norfolk OCEAN: 68°
82/67 Past 24 hours Trace 0.05" 0.00"
Total this month 0.23" 0.25" 0.18"
Kitty Hawk
Normal 2.32" 2.50" 2.32"
OCEAN: 70° Total this year 10.45" 10.23" 10.20"
Normal 18.45" 19.74" 19.55"
Pollen: Moderate Air Quality: Moderate
Grass Low Dominant cause: Ozone
Trees Moderate
Weeds Low UV: Extreme Moon Phases Solar system
Mold Moderate 11 out of 11+
Rise Set
Sun 5:42 a.m. 8:36 p.m.
Blue Ridge: Today, mostly sunny. High 66 to 76. Winds Moon 5:40 a.m. 9:34 p.m.
T-storms Rain Showers Snow Flurries Ice Cold Front Warm Front Stationary Front June 18 June 26 July 3 July 9
southwest 6312 mph. Tonight, mainly clear. Low 56 to 61. Yesterday's National World
New First Full Last
Venus 9:12 a.m. 11:27 p.m.
Winds south 438 mph. Monday, a thunderstorm in the High: Laredo, TX 108° High: Zabol, Iran 118° Mars 9:40 a.m. 11:40 p.m.
Quarter Quarter
<310 30s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+ Low: Angel Fire, NM 28° Low: La Quiaca, Argentina 14° Jupiter 2:57 a.m. 4:27 p.m.
avernoon. High 70 to 76. Winds south3southeast 6312 for the 48 contiguous states excludes Antarctica Saturn 12:31 a.m. 11:30 a.m.
mph. Tuesday, partly sunny.
NATIONAL Today Tomorrow Des Moines 82/64/t 86/66/s Oklahoma City 85/65/s 92/70/s WORLD Today Tomorrow Islamabad 105/79/s 106/81/s Rio de Janeiro 74/65/pc 73/66/pc
Atlantic beaches: Today, mostly sunny. High 79 to 83. Detroit 83/59/pc 85/62/pc Omaha 87/65/t 92/69/s Addis Ababa 72/56/sh 72/56/r Istanbul 81/67/pc 80/65/r Riyadh 106/82/pc 108/78/s
Winds west3southwest 6312 mph. Tonight, clear. Low 60 Albany, NY 75/55/pc 79/58/c El Paso 100/78/s 101/78/pc Orlando 90/75/t 93/72/t Amsterdam 79/65/pc 75/62/c Jerusalem 78/60/s 77/61/s Rome 83/62/s 85/63/pc
to 67. Winds south3southwest 438 mph. Monday, partly Albuquerque 92/63/s 91/67/pc Fairbanks, AK 72/53/pc 70/47/c Philadelphia 86/66/pc 87/66/pc Athens 75/67/t 84/66/s Johannesburg 71/47/s 70/37/s San Salvador 88/69/pc 85/70/r
sunny. High 77 to 82. Winds east 6312 mph. Tuesday, Anchorage 70/52/s 65/52/pc Fargo, ND 86/64/t 94/73/s Phoenix 106/78/s 103/77/pc Auckland 60/45/pc 61/47/pc Kabul 91/69/pc 95/66/s Santiago 56/43/pc 65/43/sh
sunshine, some clouds. High 75 to 79. Atlanta 90/70/c 80/68/t Hartford, CT 79/59/pc 76/57/pc Pittsburgh 80/56/s 83/63/pc Baghdad 104/82/pc 104/81/pc Kingston, Jam. 88/81/t 89/80/pc Sarajevo 79/50/s 85/57/s
Austin 102/74/s 100/75/s Honolulu 87/74/sh 87/74/pc Portland, ME 64/54/c 65/54/c Bangkok 92/80/t 92/79/t Kolkata 98/84/pc 96/84/pc Seoul 89/68/s 96/71/s
Waterways: Upper Potomac River: Today, partly sunny. Wind west3 Baltimore 87/62/s 90/65/pc Houston 100/79/s 100/80/s Portland, OR 62/51/sh 63/51/sh Beijing 97/74/pc 81/67/sh Kyiv 85/66/pc 84/63/c Shanghai 78/72/r 80/75/sh
northwest 438 knots. Waves less than a foot. Visibility unrestricted. Billings, MT 76/52/t 72/54/t Indianapolis 84/66/pc 82/65/t Providence, RI 76/57/pc 73/57/c Berlin 79/57/s 84/62/t Lagos 86/77/r 85/75/r Singapore 88/78/c 88/78/t
" Lower Potomac and Chesapeake Bay: Today, mostly sunny. Wind Birmingham 89/72/t 84/69/t Jackson, MS 83/73/t 91/71/t Raleigh, NC 91/69/s 89/70/c Bogota 67/48/c 70/47/c Lima 73/66/pc 73/66/pc Stockholm 68/57/r 72/55/r
southwest 6312 knots. Waves 132 feet on the Lower Potomac and Bismarck, ND 88/62/pc 89/71/pc Jacksonville, FL 89/70/pc 87/71/t Reno, NV 82/49/s 64/44/s Brussels 78/64/t 79/63/t Lisbon 79/63/pc 77/60/pc Sydney 68/41/s 65/45/s
Boise 71/48/sh 65/42/pc Kansas City, MO 83/65/t 89/68/s Richmond 87/63/s 87/65/c Buenos Aires 54/49/pc 57/49/c London 74/58/t 76/59/pc Taipei City 95/77/t 98/78/pc
the Chesapeake Bay." River Stages: |e stage at Little Falls will be
Boston 69/58/c 67/56/c Las Vegas 99/77/s 93/67/s Sacramento 83/51/s 76/48/s Cairo 91/71/s 90/71/s Madrid 89/65/pc 86/63/pc Tehran 99/80/s 100/76/s
around 2.80 feet today, with no change of 2.80 Monday. Flood stage Buffalo 77/56/pc 81/60/pc Little Rock 83/69/t 90/70/pc St. Louis 80/67/r 86/70/pc Manila 93/79/t 91/80/c Tokyo 85/71/c 81/66/s
Caracas 76/65/t 77/66/pc
at Little Falls is 10 feet. Burlington, VT 68/54/pc 74/56/c Los Angeles 75/60/pc 73/58/pc St. Thomas, VI 88/80/pc 88/80/pc Copenhagen 70/57/t 72/59/t Mexico City 89/59/pc 90/59/s Toronto 78/58/pc 77/60/s
Charleston, SC 89/72/s 86/70/c Louisville 87/68/pc 77/67/t Salt Lake City 85/65/t 86/54/s Dakar 87/80/pc 87/79/c Montreal 67/54/pc 71/56/c Vienna 82/57/s 84/62/pc
Charleston, WV 85/59/s 86/66/t Memphis 83/69/t 87/71/t San Diego 71/63/pc 70/61/pc Dublin 67/54/t 70/54/t Moscow 77/51/c 72/55/s Warsaw 73/57/t 78/59/t
Today9s tides (High tides in Bold)
Charlotte 90/67/pc 81/69/t Miami 91/78/t 92/75/t San Francisco 68/55/pc 67/53/pc Edinburgh 67/57/pc 69/54/c Mumbai 94/84/t 93/85/sh
Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, r-rain,
Washington 3:18 a.m. 8:49 a.m. 4:16 p.m. 9:29 p.m. Cheyenne, WY 80/53/pc 86/56/s Milwaukee 77/63/pc 77/63/s San Juan, PR 92/78/sh 92/77/pc Frankfurt 90/65/pc 85/65/t Nairobi 75/57/c 78/57/pc sh- showers, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow ûurries,
Chicago 83/66/pc 84/64/pc Minneapolis 74/64/t 90/70/pc Seattle 57/46/sh 61/47/sh New Delhi 95/82/r 96/82/r sn-snow, i-ice
Annapolis 6:24 a.m. 1:06 p.m. 6:04 p.m. 11:59 p.m. Geneva 86/63/pc 87/64/c
Cincinnati 85/66/c 79/66/c Nashville 88/68/pc 80/69/t Spokane, WA 62/42/pc 62/43/pc Oslo 75/61/t 77/60/c Sources:; US Army Centralized
Ocean City 2:36 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 2:14 p.m. 8:42 p.m. Ham., Bermuda 82/75/pc 81/75/c Allergen Extract Lab (pollen data); (air
Cleveland 80/59/s 80/63/pc New Orleans 94/82/c 95/79/t Syracuse 75/54/c 80/56/pc Helsinki 76/49/c 79/50/pc Ottawa 73/56/pc 76/54/c quality data); National Weather Service
Norfolk 4:39 a.m. 10:31 a.m. 4:21 p.m. 10:46 p.m. Dallas 96/74/s 99/77/s New York City 80/65/pc 78/63/pc Tampa 89/80/t 90/78/t Ho Chi Minh City 90/75/t 92/78/t Paris 80/62/t 79/63/t * AccuWeather's RealFeel Temperature®
combines over a dozen factors for an accurate
Point Lookout 2:12 a.m. 9:23 a.m. 2:21 p.m. 7:56 p.m. Denver 85/60/pc 89/61/s Norfolk 82/67/s 82/68/pc Wichita 86/65/s 93/69/s Hong Kong 87/82/t 90/83/sh Prague 78/55/s 80/60/c measure of how the conditions really <feel.=

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SPORTS sunday, june 18 , 2023 M2 d

teNNiS SOccer SOccer
In Germany, Maryland9s Frances Tiafoe is one victory The U.S. men have lined up a full-time coach at last. D.C. United again gets burned with its goalkeeper out
away from his first tournament title on a grass court. d2 Lifting the Nations League trophy is next on their list. d8 of position during a 2-1 home loss to Real Salt Lake. d8

U.S. Open
could end
In L.A., Fowler, McIlroy
and Schauffele have shot
at major breakthrough


LOS ANGELES 4 Golf, a concoc-

tion with a fiendish knack for
saying no, might well stand ready
to spend sunday saying a mighty
yes to someone who has spent
recent years hearing no often.
That9s because a kinetic leader
board after three rounds of the
123rd U.s. Open at Los angeles
country club brimmed with
long-familiar contenders the four
major golf tournaments have
snubbed 4 or snubbed of late.
They snub more than they nod,
after all.
Yet the snubbing might stop for
somebody really sick of it if the
sEE u.s. OpeN ON d2

U.S. Open, final round

MIChAeL CIAGLo FoR The wAShINGToN PoST Today, 1 p.m., NBC
<i9m not just a football guy,= said new Colorado coach deion sanders, who sported a cowboy hat at the Buffaloes9 spring game in april. <i9m a conduit of change.=

It9s 8Coach Prime9 time steps down
W Power Five9s bright lights
hen football prospects enter the Bowl champion. He wore a bandanna and
University of colorado9s sleek re- jewels, electrified audiences and at times
beckoned Sanders, and he9s
cruiting lounge, they9re led
toward floor-to-ceiling windows. There,
just below, is the Buffaloes9 stadium, Fol- running the show his way
enraged them as he inspired a generation
of brash cornerbacks. He collected a few
nicknames along the way, but he preferred
DUI arrest
som Field. Beyond that are the sandstone <Prime Time= because he treated NFL
buildings that give the campus the feel of a BY K ENT B ABB games not just as athletic contests but as BY S PENCER N USBAUM
Tuscan villa, and past that are the eastern- iN BOULdER, cOLO., aNd JacKsON, Miss. america9s biggest, most dazzling show. AND E LLA B ROCKWAY
most peaks of the Front Range. <Nobody cares about yesterday,= he says
Next on the tour are the old trophies from the center armchair. The prospect9s West Virginia men9s basketball
and photographs 4 reminders of confer- Finally, the doors open. would-be position coach usually sits at coach Bob Huggins announced
ence titles, a Heisman Trophy and a <couché!= says deion sanders, speaking sanders9s left, the primary recruiter at his his resignation saturday night
national championship, all collected a French to the Belgian Malinois panting in right. sanders is the Buffaloes9 first-year and said he intends to retire fol-
lifetime ago. The display is well choreo- his crate near the windows. Lie down. coach, a newcomer in these parts, and he9s lowing his arrest on a charge of
graphed, the opening act of a show. such canine linguistics are just one doing some redecorating. <i9m not just a driving under the influence.
Finally, players are invited to sit in the more unexpected dimension of one of the football guy. i9m a conduit of change. Huggins was arrested Friday
center of a tufted wraparound sofa, their most gifted and consequential athletes of Everywhere i went in my life, i was a night in Pittsburgh. Per the city9s
parents on either side, and face three all time. conduit of change.= police blotter, he failed standard
empty armchairs. Then they wait, that also a lifetime ago, sanders became a Now, at 55 and robbed of his once-silky sobriety tests and was taken into
period of anticipation before the headlin- household name as a two-sport star, eight- gait, sanders 4 or <coach Prime,= as he custody without incident.
er steps onstage. time Pro Bowl pick and two-time super sEE saNders ON d6 <My recent actions do not rep-
resent the values of the University
or the leadership expected in this
role,= the 69-year-old said in a
sEE HuggiNs ON d5

For Morant, punishment Rested Irvin impresses,

will outlast his suspension but Nats9 bullpen falters
Ja Morant has just good enough to avoid a de La cruz looking, the rookie
made one prudent suspension lasting a half-season MarliNs 5, pumped his fist while walking
decision during or longer. NatioNals 2 toward the dugout. it was exactly
his gun- On Friday, the NBa settled on the kind of outing that the
brandishing, rep- a 25-game punishment for 26-year-old needed to get his
tarnishing Morant after investigating his Miami improves to 5-0 confidence back.
Jerry backslide: He second gun-waving incident of over its NL East rival irvin looked stronger as the
Brewer saved the the year. some pundits game progressed and limited the
foolishness for his speculated about harsher Marlins to one run on four hits.
own time. Better to be reckless discipline, but this is not a light BY A NDREW G OLDEN But chad Kuhl, whom irvin re-
on instagram with your buddies penalty. Morant will be placed in the rotation, walked in
than at a team facility. That9s the unavailable for nearly one-third Eleven days after his previous the go-ahead run in the seventh
only thing that prevented the of the Memphis Grizzlies9 start and five days since his spot inning as the Marlins knocked
NBa hammer from swinging 82 games next season. He will in the rotation was skipped, a around the Washington bullpen
with full force at the troubled forfeit about $7.6 million of his rested and refreshed Jake irvin en route to a 5-2 victory.
star. $33.5 million salary. and he will ran toward the Nationals Park Miami (40-31) has won all five
Given his run of atrocious have to do work 4 real work this mound saturday afternoon of the teams9 matchups this
judgment, the smidgen of time 4 on himself because NBa ready for another crack at a big sEE NatiONals ON d3
common sense can be his commissioner adam silver league lineup.
participation trophy. alluded to unspecified <a fresh arm, a fresh mind,= said Jake irvin, who allowed one run Five innings later, after strik- Marlins at Nationals
congratulations, Ja: You were sEE Brewer ON d2 over five innings against the Marlins in his first start in 11 days. ing out the Miami Marlins9 Bryan Today, 1:30 p.m., MASN
D2 EZ M2 the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

Di g e s t goLF

For the first time, Tiafoe
seventh inning.
When play resumed, the
Third straight 67 puts Yang in lead at LPGA event
Deacons squeezed out enough
makes grass-court final production to win their first game A SSOCIATED P RESS <All week my ball-striking has 2015, 2017 and 2019. I play well this week, it9ll definite-
in omaha since they won the been really good,= Yang said. <I The tournament in the Grand ly give me good confidence going
Frances Tiafoe will contest his national championship in 1955. Amy Yang birdied all five was giving myself good chances rapids area is the final event into a major.=
first grass-court final after the Wake forest (53-10) will play par-5s at Blythefield and shot her out there. I was a little bit off with before the major Women9s PGA Ashleigh Buhai, the South Af-
Hyattsville native outlasted LSU on monday night to third straight 5-under-par 67 to putting speed during the round, Championship next week at Bal- rican who won the Shoprite
Marton Fucsovics in a marathon determine control of Bracket 2. take the third-round lead Satur- made a couple mistakes, but I tusrol and the U.S. Women9s LPGA Classic last week in New
tiebreaker Saturday at the Stanford (44-19) meets Tennessee day at the meijer LPGA Classic in tried to stay patient and just keep open at Pebble Beach, which Jersey, was a stroke back with
Stuttgart (Germany) open. in an elimination game monday. Belmont, mich. trying throughout the round.= starts July 6. second-round leader Ayaka fu-
Tiafoe won their semifinal, 6-3, In the night game, paul Skenes Yang rebounded from bogeys The 33-year-old Yang has won <I know [the Women9s PGA] is rue of Japan and Xiyu Lin of
7-6 (13-11), after saving six set struck out 12 and carried a on the par-3 11th and 13th to all four of her LPGA Tour titles in coming, and another two weeks China.
points in the tiebreaker. Trailing shutout into the eighth inning, birdie the par-5 14th, par-4 17th Asia 4 the LPGA Keb-HanaBank after that U.S. open is coming,= The 34-year-old Buhai fol-
11-10, Tiafoe won the next three and LSU (49-15) held on for a 6-3 and par-5 18th to reach 15-under in 2013 in her native South Korea Yang said. <Always doing my best lowed a bogey on 17 with an eagle
points, sealing the victory with a victory over Tennessee (43-21). 201 on the tree-lined course. and the Honda LPGA Thailand in to win my first major out there. If on 18 for a 66.
stinging return. The right-hander ran his
<Crazy match, crazy second set. season strikeout total to 200, the
I9m just happy to get through,= first college pitcher to reach that
Tiafoe said. <I wasn9t relaxed in
that tiebreak at all.=
Tiafoe will play Jan-Lennard
mark in 12 years.
Brayden Jobert homered,
tripled, doubled and drove in two
Trio seek U.s. open
After three rounds at L.A. Country Club
Struff in Sunday9s final after the
home favorite rallied past Hubert
Hurkacz, 3-6, 6-3, 6-3.
runs for the Tigers, who led 5-0
after seven innings. to end their T1
Wyndham Clark
rickie Fowler
Tiafoe has a 2-4 win-loss record
in finals. He won his last final in
April in Houston on clay against
AUto rACing
In Elkhart Lake, Wis., Colton
Herta of Andretti Autosport
dry spells 3 rory McIlroy -9
Tomás Martín etcheverry.
Hungary9s fucsovics came
through qualifying and upset
earned pole position for Sunday9s
IndyCar Series race at road
America by posting a fastest lap of
in majors 4
Scottie Scheffler
Harris English
American Taylor Fritz in the 1 minute 40.1945 seconds on the T6 Dustin Johnson -5
quarterfinals friday. His return 14-turn, 4.014-mile road course. U.S. Open from D1
T6 Xander Schauffele -5
game was lacking against Tiafoe pato O9ward qualified second
as he failed to force a single break and was followed by Alex palou, winner turns out to be rickie
point. Josef newgarden and Alexander fowler, who is tied for the lead thing. I know more about my
Struff is 0-2 in finals. . . . rossi. . . . with Wyndham Clark at 10 under swing, myself, my mental ap-
The first all-British final on the Two-time reigning formula par after some dramatics on proach.=
WTA Tour in 46 years will play one champion Max Verstappen No. 18; rory mcIlroy, who loomed When he birdied the par-5 No. 1
out in England at the grass-court won the 25th pole of his career in one shot back after adding a 69 to after knocking it from 76 yards to
Nottingham open. qualifying for Sunday9s Canadian his 65 and 67; or even Xander five feet, he reached 11 under and
After Katie Boulter beat Grand Prix in montreal. Schauffele, who spent the first looked as if he might run off
Heather watson, 6-4, 7-5, in the Verstappen has won five of hole Saturday taking three shots some. Through the day he lost the
first all-British semifinal on the seven races this season. to exit a fairway bunker 4 the lead, nibbled back and got it
tour in 48 years, Jodie Burrage nico Hülkenberg of Haas first two caromed backward and again. It did not hurt when, on
piled on more history by edging initially qualified second but won the empathy of all golfers 4 No. 13, he went ahead and made
Alizé Cornet of france, 7-5, 7-5. hours later was handed a three- yet who stands five shots off at 5 your everyday, run-of-the-mill 69-
Either Boulter, ranked 126th, place penalty on the starting grid under. footer for a third birdie on the day
or Burrage, ranked 131st, will for violating rules during a red Those three may own the many and a 21st on the tournament. All
become a first-time tour winner. flag. He now will start fifth. hearts who ache for multimillion- went well until that last par putt
The last all-British final in 1977 Fernando Alonso of Aston aire golfers everywhere. fowler and a rare groan.
saw Sue Barker beat Virginia martin moved up from third and has gone all 47 previous majors of mcIlroy9s gilded plight after all
wade in San francisco. will start alongside Verstappen. rICHArD HEATHCOTE/gETTy IMAgES
his career without winning one, this time might have gotten its
Boulter9s third straight win mercedes teammates Lewis and he started missing them en- rickie Fowler, who is 0 for 47 in majors for his career, plays his tee best reflection in his comment
over Watson ensures she will Hamilton and George russell tirely earlier this decade when his shot on no. 13 en route to a 70 and a share of the third-round lead. here, <No one wants me to win
return to the top 100 for the first will start on the second row. form plummeted. mcIlroy hasn9t another major more than I do,= a
time since 2019. She could move won one in his past 32 tries after have included violin accompani- old course with its first major statement that might have over-
into the top 80 if she downs MisC. winning four of out of 15 at one ment, starting at 170 yards and continued its evolution through looked golf writers desperate to
Burrage in the final. Boulter, 26, Jewell Loyd scored a career- point. And Schauffele just ending at 6 feet 2 inches. When he the week from tame (Thursday) stop typing about the drought.
has beaten Burrage, 24, in both of high 39 points, Seattle made reached his 25th major looking made that putt and fowler to less tame (thereafter). His drives here have coaxed a lot
their previous matches. . . . 17 three-pointers, and the Storm for his first win despite a record missed a four-footer stunningly, <No, could not see the ball go of gasps, and he opened Saturday
In Den Bosch, Netherlands, beat the Dallas Wings, 109-103, in aglow with 10 top-10 finishes. Clark went from two back to tied in,= Scheffler said, <but there was with a good, old 388-yarder along
ekaterina Alexandrova will WNBA action in Arlington, Tex. of course golf, being rude and atop. English reached 10 under at a nice crowd there on the grand- the left fairway on No. 1.
defend her Libema open title Seattle9s victory overshadowed all in general, might opt for the one point 4 one of only four stand behind the green. I saw He birdied that after his 17-
against fellow russian and top a career-high 41-point two other players who frequented players to get there this week of where it landed, and I thought it footer for eagle said hello to the
seed Veronika Kudermetova performance by Arike the top five during a third round surprising birdie frequency 4 could funnel out to the green and hole and then edged off to the left,
after both reached the final of the Ogunbowale of the Wings. played in the preposterously sun- then bogeyed Nos. 11, 12, 14 and 18 I9d have a look for birdie. And and he, too, looked capable of
grass-court event without ezi Magbegor made all four of ny sun of Los Angeles. It might to retreat to 6 under while hope- then you could see everybody as running off a bit. He birdied No. 3
dropping a set all week. her three-point attempts and nod at Clark, a 29-year-old sleek ful. the noise started to kind of rise, to boot and reached 10 under. But
Alexandrova, seeded fourth, finished with 15 points for Seattle and bearded Coloradan in his Don9t look now, but golf might got excited, and then they erupt- after he bogeyed No. 4, he staged
beat Aliaksandra Sasnovich of (3-7), and Mercedes russell seventh major ever who scored a even hurl more hosannas upon ed.= his own sea of steadiness, parring
Belarus, 6-1, 7-6 (7-1), by contributed 12 points and maiden win on the PGA Tour last Scottie Scheffler, the 2022 mas- All along, this has felt like 10 of the next 12 holes.
converting three of her five break- 10 rebounds. month in Charlotte and said he ters champion and No. 1 player in fowler9s tournament, the way he His partner in a starry duo,
point chances. She denied all five Satou Sabally added 25 points had had moments <multiple the world. As he stood Saturday streamed to the first 62 in the Schauffele, staged more of a car-
for Sasnovich. for Dallas (5-6), and natasha times this year where I catch amid the fairway at No. 17, the barbed-wired history of this nival, starting with that bunker at
Alexandrova will be playing for Howard had 20 points and myself daydreaming about win- toughest hole on the course this event Thursday, to the way he No. 1 when he looked forlorn in
her fourth WTA singles title 10 rebounds. . . . ning.= or it might look to Harris week, Scheffler remained in the added a 68 on friday and reached the sand, two shots caroming
Sunday. She beat Kudermetova in The death on Wednesday of English, the 33-year-old Georgian second tier of the leader board, at 18 birdies in his first 36 holes (the backward and the second one
the semifinals here last year. ray Lewis III, the son of two- in his 26th major who has played a not-bad 4 under yet mired all most at that stage in any U.S. almost smacking him. He wound
Kudermetova, a tournament time Super Bowl champion ray the U.S. open quite well 4 fourth week in the bubbling-under cat- open since Gil morgan crafted 14 up bogeying that par-5, a feat
top seed for the first time, Lewis, was the result of a at Winged foot in New York in egory. That9s before he struck the at Pebble Beach in 1992), and the after the sand follies, then bogey-
knocked out unseeded Viktoria suspected overdose, according to 2020 and third at Torrey Pines kind of beauty that can portend way this week has cemented his ing Nos. 3 and 5 to plunk to 5
Hruncakova of Slovakia, 6-3, 6-2. the Casselberry (fla.) Police near San Diego in 2021. larger beauty. It landed on the left molt from a career downturn at under, then birdieing Nos. 6, 8
Department. Clark spent Saturday at or near edge of the green, began rolling the start of this decade that left and 9 to get back to 8 under, then
CoLLege BAseBALL Lewis died after officers were the top and got over a groaner of a and stated its clear intent to dunk him often absent or half-forgot- bogeying Nos. 13, 14 and 17 to fall
Danny Corona delivered a go- called to a central florida home chip on No. 12 that went 2 feet 9 itself straight into the cup from ten at majors. back to 5 under.
ahead two-run single in the and found him unconscious in a inches, according to the official 196 yards. Now, with six top-10 finishes It left him tied for sixth with a
eighth inning as Wake forest bedroom, according to police. stats. He hung around despite That brought him rapidly to 6 this season, he has reached that quiet Dustin Johnson, and it
opened its first College World Lewis, reported to be 28 years some malfeasance on No. 17 that under, and the 22-foot putt he point where he utters things such made it end up looking as if this,
Series in 68 years with a 3-2 win old, played cornerback at his led him to someplace the mowers steered in for birdie on No. 18 got as <I wouldn9t be in this position too, probably wouldn9t be
over Stanford. father9s alma mater, miami, for don9t visit and caused a drop and him to 7 under and some serious had I not gone through the last Schauffele9s long-awaited week to
The top-seeded Demon two seasons before transferring to a bogey. He replied to that with an contention. It left him with a 68 few years.= He added: <I have a win 4 not that he doesn9t know
Deacons were held to three hits Coastal Carolina in 2015. He later approach on No. 18 that should that looked fine as this 126-year- better understanding of every- how to hear the word <no.=
and one run before storms caused played at Virginia Union.
a 1-hour 28-minute delay in the 4 From news services

Jerry Brewer They9re called smartphones, He needs to treat the next six
but they don9t stop people from months as the greatest challenge
teLeVision AnD rADio
1 p.m. Baltimore at Chicago Cubs » Peacock, WIyy (97.9 FM), WSBN (630 AM)
For Morant, suspension9s making stupid decisions for the
world to see. morant is only
starting to learn there are limits
of his life. This is a rehab
assignment that requires the
same diligence as a comeback

cost is more than money

1:30 p.m. Miami at washington » MASN, WJFK (106.7 FM) to superstar privilege. from a major injury. He needs a
1:30 p.m. st. Louis at new york Mets » MLB Network <for Ja, basketball needs to complete personal teardown to
4:30 p.m. san Francisco at Los Angeles Dodgers » MLB Network (joined in progress)
7 p.m. new york yankees at Boston, second game » ESPN
take a back seat at this time,= abandon a dangerous, gun-
Silver said in a statement. <Prior toting lifestyle; curb his anger
wnBA Brewer from D1 violence and threatening to his return to play, he will be and violence; move past any
Noon phoenix at new york » WUSA (Ch. 9), WJZ (Ch. 13) behavior off the court, which The required to formulate and fulfill bitterness and false notions that
3 p.m. Commissioner9s Cup: Chicago at washington » NBC Sports Washington conditions morant must meet to Washington Post detailed. The a program with the league that his punishment is unwarranted;
4 p.m. Commissioner9s Cup: Atlanta at indiana » CBS Sports Network be reinstated. public shame must be difficult directly addresses the and quiet the arrogant voice in
9 p.m. Minnesota at Las Vegas » NBA TV All in all, the discipline is both for him to stomach. However, it9s circumstances that led him to his head telling him that he9s so
AUto rACing fair and appropriately stiff. a wrist slap compared with repeat this destructive behavior.= rich and famous he can get away
1:30 p.m. indyCar series: grand prix at road America » USA Network Clearly, morant learned nothing thorough accountability for all morant is good at apologizing; with acting on any impulse.
2 p.m. Formula one: Canadian grand prix » WJLA (Ch. 7), WMAr (Ch. 2) from an eight-game suspension he has done wrong over the past he has had plenty of practice The next time morant makes
late last season after he year. recently. His rehearsed lines and headlines, the story should be
goLF streamed a video of himself on There has been neither ghostwritten words carry little his athleticism and not worries
1 p.m. U.s. open, final round » WrC (Ch. 4), WBAL (Ch. 11) Instagram Live flashing a gun in sufficient evidence nor desire to meaning, though. about a trigger finger. The closer
2 p.m. LpgA tour: Meijer LpgA Classic, final round » WUSA (Ch. 9), WJZ (Ch. 13) a Colorado strip club. He make morant pay for all his sins. <I9m sorry for the harm I9ve he is to a choir boy with
soCCer finessed that situation with Celebrity culture is an infection, done,= morant said in his latest ridiculous hops, the better it will
11 a.m. Africa Cup of nations, qualifying: Algeria vs. Uganda » beIN Sports effective, textbook disingenuous not a phenomenon. It ensures statement. <To the kids who look be for his recovery. By the end of
2:45 p.m. UeFA nations League, final: Croatia vs. spain » WTTg (Ch. 5), WBFF (Ch. 45) contrition, entering a short people will always enable the up to me, I9m sorry for failing this self-inflicted ordeal, he will
4 p.m. nwsL: gotham FC at racing Louisville » WUSA (Ch. 9), WJZ (Ch. 13) counseling program in florida, worship of false gods at the you as a role model. I promise have lost not just millions in
6 p.m. Concacaf nations League, third place: panama vs. Mexico » doing a safe and unrevealing expense of humanity. As soon as I9m going to be better. To all of previously guaranteed salary but
Paramount Plus, Univision interview with ESPN9s Jalen he burst from unknown to my sponsors, I9m going to be a tens of millions in potential
7 p.m. nwsL: washington at Kansas City » NBC Sports Washington rose and telling Silver what he marketable franchise player, the better representation of our bonuses he could have earned
9 p.m. Concacaf nations League, final: United states vs. Canada » wanted to hear during a vision of who morant could be brands. And to all of my fans, I9m with ease. for a player with his
Paramount Plus, Univision
meeting. mattered more than going to make it up to you, I talent, supermax contract
tennis Two months later, morant was understanding who he actually promise.= eligibility required little more
6 a.m. Atp/wtA: rosmalen grass Court Championships, finals; bopping in a car with what is. The South Carolina native was As he concluded, morant than good behavior.
Atp: stuttgart open, final; wtA: nottingham open, final » Tennis Channel appeared to be a gun. He treated as if he turned from a made one final plea: <I hope However, morant lost
embarrassed Silver, the Grizzlies sapling to a full-grown palmetto you9ll give me the chance to something nearly as valuable as
and the league. He rendered tree overnight. prove to you over time I9m a money: imagination. He can
1 p.m. new orleans vs. Houston » Fox Sports 1 himself an unreliable endorser But his story isn9t so better man than what I9ve been recoup some of those millions,
7 p.m. philadelphia at Michigan » WTTg (Ch. 5), WBFF (Ch. 45)
for his corporate sponsors. He wonderful, and the first showing you.= but it9s not safe to dream about
CAnADiAn FootBALL LeAgUe complicated his relationship warnings arrived months ago. If morant knows his actions over him and his future anymore.
7 p.m. Hamilton at toronto » CBS Sports Network with fans attracted to his flashy, morant weren9t an unashamed, a long period of time will There9s no question he will
acrobatic style of play. gun-dancing nitwit on social determine whether he can be thrill a crowd again. That9s
rUgBy This should be rock bottom media, his stardom would trusted. That should take the different from being what he
1:30 p.m. Major League rugby: Houston at new england » Fox Sports 2 for morant, but we have been too protect him from scrutiny. He rest of his career, which means used to be: a captivating young
7 p.m. Major League rugby: seattle at san Diego » Fox Sports 1 busy pondering his ceiling to could portray himself as a victim the gullible and the fanatic icon. His star lives now at an
soFtBALL know for certain. The troubling whenever there was smoke. That enablers among us need to shut intersection of awe and doubt.
1 p.m. Athletes Unlimited: team Filler vs. team taylor » ESPNU thing is that, for all that morant is what his agent tried to do in up and make morant earn back With morant, you can9t believe
3:30 p.m. Athletes Unlimited: team Leach vs. team taylor » ESPNU cost himself in the past three the beginning, when morant9s his stature. what you are watching, and in
months, his problems could be problems were limited to Assuming the 2023-24 NBA the back of your mind, you can9t
CoLLege BAseBALL 4 CoLLege worLD series much worse. He skirted criminal discarded police reports. Then schedule follows convention, be certain it will last. It9s
2 p.m. elimination game: tCU vs. Virginia » ESPN and NBA repercussions for morant began starring in morant could be eligible to punishment that will outlast
7 p.m. Florida vs. oral roberts » ESPN2 numerous incidents of alleged cellphone videos. return in early to mid-December. NBA discipline.
sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post eZ SU d3


The Athletics and Royals are scuffling in place and racing toward ignominy
BY N EIL G REENBERG 1916 Philadelphia Athletics own oPS, a comprehensive measure committing more errors. The
the modern-era record for fewest of a player9s offensive contribu- royals have issues with pitching
The 2023 mLB season already wins in a season. They went tion. Pitchers can be evaluated (eighth-worst fIP) and in the
has given us some terrific teams 36-117 that year and finished 541/2 using fielding independent field (15th-most errors), but their
and standout performances. The games out of first place. Their pitching (fIP), a metric that most glaring problem is a woeful
Tampa Bay rays started off .235 winning percentage is quite focuses on factors a pitcher can .676 oPS, the fourth-worst mark
strong, winning their first a bit worse than what the A9s control, such as strikeouts, in 2023.
13 games, and still have the best (.268) and royals (.265) have walks, home runs and hit-by- Based on those rankings, as
record in baseball. The surpris- managed this season. As for the pitches. oPS and fIP won9t cap- well as their other on-field met-
ing Arizona Diamondbacks are worst win-loss records since 1962 ture every nuance of on-field rics, the Athletics edge out the
attempting to go from 110 losses 4 when major League Baseball performance, but they are suit- royals as the team that probably
to 100 wins in just two years. introduced the 162-game season able for helping us assess how will finish with baseball9s worst
Aaron Judge, last year9s home 4 let9s introduce the 1962 New poorly these teams have per- mark 4 and possibly put its
run king, is among the major York mets (40-120), 2003 Detroit formed. name in an unfavorable part of
league leaders again despite two Tigers (43-119), 2018 Baltimore fielding is a little more diffi- the record book.
trips to the injured list with 19 orioles (47-115) and 2019 Tigers cult because some of the more oakland could indeed get
homers in 49 games, while two- (47-114). comprehensive metrics 4 ulti- there. Its average ranking across
way star Shohei ohtani of the Los Losing 100 or more games in a mate zone rating, defensive runs the these three categories is easi-
Angeles Angels continues to per- season has not been rare of late. saved and so on 4 are not ly the lowest in the majors this
chARlie Riedel/ASSociATed pReSS
form at an elite level at the plate In fact, four teams 4 the Wash- available for all the years in season. If sustained, it would
and on the mound. ington Nationals, Athletics, Cin- The Athletics and the Royals are on a futile pace not only to exceed question. In their stead, we can place the 2023 Athletics in the
Buried beneath the buzz are cinnati reds and Pittsburgh Pi- 100 losses but to become two of the worst major league teams ever. use the total number of errors for top 20 of historically bad 100-loss
two teams struggling to remain rates 4 lost at least 100 games a season, a measure that is far teams.
competitive, much less relevant. last season. There probably won9t Chicago Cubs in 1962. als, by comparison, are on pace from perfect but can at least offer But give the A9s some credit:
With cheerless win-loss records be four 100-loss teams this sea- oakland is also on track to for just the 19th-worst run differ- an estimate of fielding prowess. They recently put together a
of 19-52 and 18-50 entering the son, but oakland and Kansas City have the worst run differential ential since teams started play- To make the comparisons easier seven-game winning streak that
weekend, the oakland Athletics entered the weekend on pace to over the past six decades. The A9s ing 162 games. for seasons with a different num- included back-to-back victories
and Kansas City royals are in a lose about 119 games. had been outscored by 196 runs of course, that is only one way ber of teams, we will award one over the rays. In baseball, even
two-team race to decide which is If they manage to hit that through 71 games 4 a whopping to put the futility of this year9s point to the worst team in a the worst teams get hot 4 or at
the worst team in baseball. Just estimate, it would easily be the 2.8 runs per game 4 which, if Athletics and royals in context. particular statistic, two points to least warm. Still, probably the
how bad is it going to be for these highest loss total by the two sustained, would move them past Another is to look at how they the second-worst team and so on. best oakland fans can hope for is
struggling franchises? worst teams in a season in the the 2003 and 2019 Tigers and the perform in various hitting, pitch- Entering the weekend, the a 65-win season, with 55 victories
Let us first set some bench- past 60 years, eclipsing the 223 1962 mets for the worst run ing and fielding metrics. for Athletics ranked last in fIP and or fewer 4 and well over 100 loss-
marks for baseball futility. The total losses by the mets and differential since 1962. The roy- hitting we can look at each team9s last in oPS, with only five teams es 4 a more probable outcome.

Irvin rolls nAtionALS on deCk

vs. Miami Marlins

in return, Today 1:35 MASN

vs. St. Louis Cardinals

but Nats fall Tomorrow

4:05 MASN
7:05 MASN

to Marlins Wednesday 4:05 MASN

vs. Arizona diamondbacks

nATionAls from D1
Thursday 1:05 MASN
season after going 15-4 against
Radio: WJFK (106.7 FM)
the Nationals last year. Washing-
ton (27-42) has dropped 10 of
12 overall. two-three sixth before Kuhl en-
<A fresh arm, a fresh mind,= tered for the seventh. He loaded
said Irvin, who called it <fantas- the bases on two walks (one
tic= to be back on the mound. intentional) and a single. He
<Going out there and taking it all then walked Jorge Soler on four
in, competing pitch to pitch and pitches, nearly hitting him with
just feeling good doing it.= the last one. After that, Kuhl got
manager Dave martinez ahead 0-2 on De La Cruz but
skipped Irvin9s turn in the rota- then threw a wild pitch to put
tion during his team9s three- the marlins up 3-1.
game visit to defending World <It9s the inconsistency of
Series champion Houston; a day where I9m at,= Kuhl said. <It9s
off and a postponement allowed release point with my fastball. I
the Nationals9 other four starters think the slider9s been really
to pitch on normal rest. Irvin had good 4 just hasn9t been in the
Tommy John surgery that zone enough.=
scrapped his 2021 season, so The Nationals stuck to the
martinez is opting to be cautious script and provided little run
with his workload. support. CJ Abrams grounded
That gave Irvin a chance to out with two runners on to end
reset after he came out of the the seventh. Washington had
gates firing to start his major runners on the corners with no
league career, allowing one run JoNAThAN NeWToN/The WAShiNgToN poST outs in the eighth; Candelario
across his first two outings. He Chad Kuhl, third from the right, loaded the bases in the seventh inning, then issued a walk and threw a wild pitch to put the Marlins up 3-1. rolled into a double play that
did show command issues in scored a run but also cleared the
those outings, walking seven. mately said pitching better came hitting at .388 and went 5 for 5 in Nationals answered in the bot- right track. He needs to build off bases and short-circuited the
Those issues became more ap- down to having improved focus. the marlins9 win friday 4 to tom half when Joey meneses9s the last three innings he pitched threat.
parent over his next five starts, In his first two innings Satur- ground out, keeping miami9s single brought home Jeimer Can- today, and we9ll see what goes on In the ninth, Thaddeus Ward
leading to short outings and day, it didn9t appear much had lead at 1-0. delario. five days from now.= allowed a two-run single to De La
plenty of runs 4 Irvin allowed changed. Irvin threw a first-pitch After that, Irvin was more in Irvin finished with a clean from there, martinez didn9t Cruz. Kuhl and Ward combined
19 in that stretch. strike to just one of the first eight control. He allowed a single but fifth, his best inning of the day. have his best relief options avail- to walk five. on an afternoon
After throwing a bullpen ses- batters he faced. He allowed faced the minimum in the third He walked two and struck out able. mason Thompson and Carl when the Nationals got all they
sion in Houston, Irvin said the back-to-back hits to Jesús Sán- inning. In the fourth, he navigat- four over 88 pitches 4 and after Edwards Jr. were down after could have wanted from their
hiatus not only gave his body a chez and Joey Wendle in the ed a Luis García throwing error that rough start, he threw a pitching Thursday and friday. young starter, their shorthanded
break but also provided his mind second. After a sacrifice fly that put runners on second and first-pitch strike to 10 of his final Hunter Harvey and Kyle bullpen couldn9t help him.
a chance to reset after a <whirl- brought Sánchez in, Irvin walked third instead of starting an in- 13 batters. finnegan were available only if <The walks, the walks,= marti-
wind= of a first month in the big the next batter. But he struck out ning-ending double play; Irvin <He said he needed that little the game was tied or the Nation- nez lamented. <We talk about it
leagues. Irvin used the extra time Garrett Hampson and got Luis got Nick fortes to pop up before bit of a breather,= martinez said. als took the lead. all the time 4 a bad combination
to tweak his mechanics but ulti- Arraez 4 who leads the majors in striking out Hampson again. The <And hopefully we get him on the Jordan Weems threw a one- when you walk guys.=

Wake Forest9s last College World Series run sparked religious fervor, protest
BY S COTT A LLEN classes and in danger of being baseball, he suggested that the thing different,= mcGinley told doing?= <Wake forest9s triumph in the
ruled ineligible for the basketball members of his congregation fol- the Winston-Salem Journal last White, perhaps speaking for 1955 NCAA College Baseball
The top-ranked Wake forest season if he didn9t improve his low his lead and send telegrams month. all Demon Deacons fans, also World Series becomes all the
baseball team beat Stanford, 3-2, grades. School officials agreed to to Wake forest9s president, Har- Davis made the most of his wondered why the school refused more remarkable when you con-
on Saturday at the College World allow Davis to take a later flight old Tribble, in protest. brief stay in omaha and his only to fly Davis, the team9s ace, to sider the problems the battlin9
Series in omaha in the North to omaha for the weekend, pro- <We trust the newspaper re- start in the College World Series, omaha for the final game. Baptists had to overcome on their
Carolina school9s first vided he was back in time for port that the college baseball allowing four hits in a 10-0 win <It seems to me that arrange- way to the first national team
appearance in the eight-team, class monday. team will play on this Lord9s Day over Colorado State before re- ments could be made for him to championship ever won by a
double-elimination tournament Sophomore right-hander Jack is in error,= Hockaday9s own tele- turning to summer school. Clean- make up his classes at night for collegiate athletic squad from
since it won the national title in mcGinley started Wake forest9s gram to Tribble read. <This action up hitter Tommy Cole, who hit a the time lost, especially with the North Carolina,= Jack Horner of
1955. Bad weather led to a delay friday morning opener against would be against the principles team-leading seven home runs in collegiate baseball championship the Durham Herald-Sun wrote
of 1 hour 28 minutes in the Colgate. The Demon Deacons of all the Baptist churches which 1955, was injured in the win. at stake,= White said. <Lefty9s the next day. <It9s doubtful if any
Demon Deacons9 opener, but it managed only two hits but pre- support the college. This action <I9m pretty sure [Wake forest presence there tonight could be team ever faced as many handi-
didn9t spark the kind of contro- vailed, 1-0, behind mcGinley9s by our college will weaken our Athletic Director Jim] Weaver the difference between winning caps in winning a national title.
versy that erupted when Wake four-hitter in a game that fea- witness in the communities we didn9t let the president know we and losing the championship, in . . . In short, the Taylor Sanford-
forest took the field on the Sab- tured an hour-long hail and rain serve. We know we can count on were playing on Sunday, but it my opinion.= coached Deacons had the heart,
bath 68 years ago and overcame delay in the sixth inning. The you to take appropriate action. was good that we won,= catcher Bill Walsh, a right-hander who the guts and the will to win. And
several additional obstacles en College World Series wouldn9t forfeit of the game is preferable Linwood Holt told the Journal. missed most of the season with they didn9t let anything stop
route to the championship. invest in an infield tarp until to forfeit of the principles of Wake forest suffered its first an arm injury, started the decid- them.=
The 1955 Demon Deacons, led 1965. Christianity.= defeat of the tournament, a 9-0 ing game, but he lasted only three Sanford resigned in January
by fifth-year coach Taylor San- rain postponed all of Satur- Tribble, who was attending the loss to Western michigan, the innings. Trailing 6-3 after four 1956, citing a <feeling of insecuri-
ford, won the ACC title before day9s scheduled games, pushing graduation exercises of the Bow- next day. The Demon Deacons innings, Wake forest tied the ty= over his position. Despite
defeating rollins College and Wake forest9s second game man Gray School of medicine of responded with a 10-7 win over score with a three-run fifth. Luke returning most of its roster, Wake
West Virginia in the District 3 against Colorado State College, Wake forest College in Winston- the Broncos. Sophomore pitcher mcKeel scored the go-ahead run forest finished fourth in the ACC.
playoffs to clinch their second which stunned favored Southern Salem, confirmed that his office Johnny Stokoe pitched brilliantly in the Demon Deacons9 7-6 tri- In 1958, BYU, which is owned
appearance in the College World California, 2-1, in its opener, to had received a number of tele- in a 2-0 win over oklahoma A&m umph on Holt9s two-out single in and operated by the Church of
Series, which was in its ninth Sunday night. The news that grams. to advance Wake forest to a the top of the eighth. mcGinley, Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
year. Wake forest finished as the Wake forest, which was founded <It was too late for me to do winner-take-all game against working on short rest, pitched 41/3 qualified for the College World
runner-up to Texas in 1949. by the Baptist State Convention anything about it, officially,= Trib- Western michigan. innings in relief to earn his third Series for the first time but for-
Nothing in omaha would of North Carolina as the Wake ble told the Sun. <If I had known Back in North Carolina, con- win of the tournament. feited its spot because of its
come easily for Sanford9s squad. forest manual Labor Institute in about this Sunday game, I would troversy lingered. Before the <It9s the happiest moment of no-Sunday-play policy. In 1963,
Lightning forced the team9s plane 1834, would play on Sunday was never have given permission for championship game, Durham at- my life,= Sanford told reporters the NCAA adopted the <BYU
to take a circuitous rout to not well received by religious it to be played.= torney r. Bruce White criticized afterward. <No coach ever had a rule,= which allowed it to adjust
Nebraska, and by the time the leaders back home. <It9s a regrettable incident 4 Tribble9s leadership. greater bunch of boys. They are championship schedules to ac-
Demon Deacons arrived Thurs- According to the Durham Sun, for the players, the schools and <I do not raise the question of the greatest group of kids I9ve commodate schools opposed to
day night, five hours later than the rev. Dennis Hockaday, pastor the Baptists,= Hockaday said. whether it is right or wrong to ever coached, and I9m proud of Sunday competitions. By the
expected, they had missed a of the first Baptist Church in Any attempts by Tribble to engage in an athletic contest on them. They fought hard and de- 1970s, Wake forest was playing a
much-anticipated steak dinner. Durham, devoted part of his Sun- stop the Demon Deacons from Sunday,= he told the Sun. <I do served to win.= few games a year on Sundays.
Wake forest9s ace, three-sport day sermon to the issue. While playing Sunday might have emphatically raise the question A crowd of about 500, includ- The Baptist State Convention of
standout Lowell <Lefty= Davis, Hockaday acknowledged that proved futile. of what kind of president we have ing Tribble and Davis, greeted the North Carolina voted to sever
didn9t travel with the team be- there were <worse things= some- <We were going to play, and who does not know what the team at raleigh-Durham Airport formal ties with the school in
cause he was enrolled in summer one could do on Sunday than play nobody was going to tell us any- college9s representative team is upon its return. 1986.
d4 eZ M2 the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

national league american league
East w l pct GB l10 str cEntral w l pct GB l10 str wEst w l pct GB l10 str East w l pct GB l10 str cEntral w l pct GB l10 str wEst w l pct GB l10 str
atlanta 45 26 .634 4 8-2 W-5 Milwaukee 36 34 .514 4 4-6 W-2 x-arizona 42 28 .600 4 7-3 W-1 tampa Bay 51 23 .689 4 6-4 L-1 Minnesota 36 35 .507 4 5-5 W-1 texas 43 27 .614 4 3-7 W-1
Miami 40 31 .563 5 7-3 W-3 cincinnati 36 35 .507 2 8-2 W-7 Los angeles 39 32 .549 31/2 4-6 L-2 Baltimore 43 27 .614 6 6-4 L-2 x-cleveland 32 37 .464 3 5-5 L-1 houston 39 32 .549 41/2 3-7 L-3
philadelphia 37 34 .521 8 8-2 W-5 pittsburgh 34 35 .493 11/2 2-8 L-5 san Francisco 38 32 .543 4 8-2 W-6 New York 39 31 .557 10 4-6 L-2 chicago 31 41 .431 51/2 4-6 W-1 Los angeles 40 33 .548 41/2 7-3 L-1
New York 33 37 .471 11 1/
2 3-7 L-1 chicago 33 37 .471 3 7-3 W-5 san diego 34 36 .486 8 6-4 W-1 toronto 39 33 .542 11 5-5 L-1 detroit 29 40 .420 6 3-7 L-1 seattle 34 35 .493 81/2 5-5 L-1
Washington 27 42 .391 17 2-8 L-2 st. Louis 28 43 .394 81/2 3-7 W-1 colorado 29 44 .397 141/2 3-7 L-4 Boston 35 35 .500 14 5-5 W-2 Kansas city 19 51 .271 161/2 1-9 W-1 oakland 19 54 .260 251/2 6-4 L-4
x-Late game x-Late game

Marlins 5, nationals 2 Brewers 5, pirates 0 twins 2, tigers 0 no tE s

maRLINS ab R h bI bb So avG Wade Miley pitched five Minnesota9s bullpen
Arraez 2b ............4 1 1 0 1 0 .388 scoreless innings in his re- teamed up for a three-hit-
Soler dh ..............2 0 1 1 3 0 .260
De La Cruz lf .......5 0 1 2 0 2 .273 turn from the injured list ter, alex Kirilloff delivered rEd sox-yankEEs tilt
Cooper 1b............5 0 0 0 0 2 .227 and Joey Wiemer homered an rBi single in a break- at fEnway postponEd
Sánchez rf...........4 1 1 0 0 0 .270
Wendle ss...........4 0 2 0 0 0 .250 to lead Milwaukee over through fifth inning, and With rain in the forecast in
Davis cf...............2 1 0 1 1 0 .259 pittsburgh. the twins beat division ri-
Fortes c...............3 1 1 0 1 1 .234
val detroit.
Boston, saturday9s clash
Hampson 3b........3 1 0 0 1 2 .237 Wiemer9s 10th home
totaLS 32 5 7 4 7 7 4 run, a two-run shot off José de León started
of the aL east rivals was
Mitch Keller, staked Miley with two perfect innings for postponed and will made
NatIoNaLS ab R h bI bb So avG
Thomas rf ...........4 1 1 0 0 2 .287 and the Brewers to a 2-0 the twins, who opted for an up as part of a split
García 2b.............4 0 2 0 0 1 .280 doubleheader sunday.
Candelario 3b......4 1 2 0 0 0 .256
lead in the third inning. all-reliever game to give
Meneses dh ........4 0 1 1 0 1 .297 pIRatES ab R h bI bb So avG their rotation a break dur-
S.Garrett lf .........3 0 0 0 1 0 .254 pErsonnEl dEpt.
Smith 1b .............4 0 0 0 0 0 .269 McCutchen dh.....4 0 1 0 0 1 .262 ing a stretch of 16 games
Adams c ..............3 0 1 0 1 2 .271 Reynolds lf..........4 0 1 0 0 1 .278
without a day off. Brewers: activated Lhp
Robles cf.............4 0 1 0 0 1 .289 Joe rf...................4 0 0 0 0 1 .247
Abrams ss...........3 0 0 0 0 2 .215 Santana 1b .........3 0 2 0 1 0 .235 tIGERS ab R h bI bb So avG
Wade Miley (lat strain)
Hayes 3b.............4 0 1 0 0 1 .257 and dh/oF Jesse Winker
totaLS 33 2 8 1 2 9 4 Castro ss.............3 0 0 0 0 0 .259 Vierling rf ...........4 0 0 0 0 1 .262
Torkelson 1b.......3 0 0 0 0 0 .235
mIamI............. 010 000 202 4 5 7 0
Suwinski ph ........1 0 0 0 0 1 .239
Carpenter lf ........3 0 0 0 0 1 .260
(cervical strain) from the
Bae cf..................4 0 1 0 0 1 .269
WaShINGtoN 000 100 010 4 2 8 1
Mathias 2b .........1 0 0 0 2 1 .231 Báez ss ...............3 0 0 0 0 2 .230 injured list.
E: García (3). Lob: Miami 8, Washington Hedges c .............3 0 0 0 0 1 .175 Maton 2b ............3 0 1 0 0 0 .158
6. 2b: Wendle (7), Candelario (21), Short 3b..............2 0 0 0 1 0 .267 cubs: placed iNF patrick
totaLS 31 0 6 0 3 8 4 Cabrera dh ..........3 0 1 0 0 0 .230
Thomas (17). 3b: García (2). RbI: Davis
(8), Soler (41), De La Cruz 2 (37), Mene- Rogers c ..............2 0 0 0 0 0 .174 Wisdom on the 10-day iL
bREWERS ab R h bI bb So avG McKinstry ph ......1 0 1 0 0 0 .247
ses (35). SF: Davis. with a right wrist sprain.
Yelich lf...............3 1 1 0 1 1 .266 Marisnick cf........2 0 0 0 0 1 .194
maRLINS Ip h R ERbb So NpERa Winker dh ...........4 0 0 0 0 3 .196 Haase ph.............1 0 0 0 0 0 .221
B.Garrett ..........6 4 1 1 1 8 903.88 Adames ss ..........3 1 1 0 1 0 .203 totaLS 27 0 3 0 1 5 4
dodgers: 1B Max Muncy
Okert ................ 2/3 1 0 0 0 0 71.93 Tellez 1b .............3 0 1 2 0 1 .232
Floro ................. 1/3 1 0 0 0 0 104.28 Miller ph-1b ........1 0 0 0 0 1 .294
was placed on the iL with
tWINS ab R h bI bb So avG
Scott .................1 2 1 1 0 1 142.91 Urías 2b ..............3 0 0 0 0 1 .097 a strained left hamstring.
Puk ...................1 0 0 0 1 0 132.18 Tapia rf ...............3 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Buxton dh ...........4 0 0 0 0 3 .206
Perkins ph-rf ......1 1 1 1 0 0 .265 Solano 1b............3 0 0 0 1 1 .286
NatIoNaLS Ip hR ER bb So NpERa
Anderson 3b .......3 0 0 0 1 2 .225 Correa ss.............4 0 0 0 0 1 .211 Guardians: called up c
Irvin...................5 41 1 2 4 885.25 Caratini c ............3 1 1 0 0 1 .264 Farmer 2b ...........3 0 0 0 0 1 .264 Bo Naylor, the team9s top
Weems..............1 00 0 0 0 132.16 Wiemer cf...........3 1 1 2 0 0 .215 Lewis 3b .............2 1 0 0 1 2 .273
Kuhl ..................1 12 2 3 2 277.93
totaLS 30 5 6 5 3 11 4
Castro lf..............2 1 1 0 1 1 .254 prospect, from class aaa
Ward .................2 22 2 2 1 415.61 Kirilloff rf............3 0 1 1 0 1 .274
Kepler rf..............0 0 0 0 0 0 .192 columbus and put rhp
Wp: B.Garrett (3-2); Lp: Kuhl (0-4); S: pIttSbURGh . 000 000 000 4 0 6 0
Jeffers c..............3 0 0 1 0 0 .228 triston McKenzie on the iL
Puk (9). Inherited runners-scored: Floro mILWaUKEE . 002 020 01x 4 5 6 0
Taylor cf..............3 0 1 0 0 1 .228
1-0. Ibb: off Kuhl (Arraez). Wp: Kuhl. t: Lob: Pittsburgh 7, Milwaukee 5. 2b:
2:37. a: 33,334 (41,376). totaLS 27 2 3 2 3 11 4 with a sprained elbow.
Reynolds (20), Tellez (5). hR: Wiemer
hoW thEy SCoREd (10), off Keller; Perkins (2), off Hernan- dEtRoIt ........ 000 000 000 4 0 3 0 Marlins: placed 3B Jean
dez. mINNESota.. 000 020 00x 4 2 3 0
maRLINS SECoNd pIRatES Ip h R ER bb So ERa Lob: Detroit 1, Minnesota 4. 2b: Cabre-
segura on the 10-day iL
Jesus Sanchez singles. Joey Wendle
doubles. Jesus Sanchez to third. Jona- Keller ................... 5 5 4 4 3 7 3.62 ra (9), Taylor (8). with a hamstring strain.
than davis out on a sacrifice fly, Joey R.Contreras ......... 2 0 0 0 0 1 6.34 tIGERS Ip h R ER bb So ERa
Wendle to third, Jesus Sanchez scores. Hernandez ........... 1 1 1 1 0 3 2.63
Wentz.................. 6 2 2 2 1 9 6.82
Nick Fortes walks. Garrett Hampson bREWERS Ip h R ER bb So ERa Alexander ............ 2 1 0 0 2 2 4.93
called out on strikes. Luis Arraez MorrY Gash/associated press
grounds out. Miley ................... 5 2 0 0 2 4 3.28 tWINS Ip h R ER bb So ERa to da y
Strzelecki ......... 12/3 1 0 0 0 1 4.88
marlins 1, Nationals 0
Milner................. 1/3 1 0 0 1 0 3.12 De León................ 2 0 0 0 0 2 3.38
NatIoNaLS FoURth
Luis Garcia grounds out. Jeimer Can- Peguero ............... 1
Megill .................. 1
0 0 0 0 2.77
0 0 0 3 3.65
Tasteful accessorizing Pagán................ 12/3
Headrick ........... 21/3
0 0 0 0 4.06
0 0 1 2 2.53
delario doubles. Joey meneses singles, Stewart ............... 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.82 nl games
Jeimer Candelario scores. Stone Garrett Wp: Miley (4-2); Lp: Keller (8-3). Inher- Milwaukee9s Blake Perkins sports a celebratory cheesehead in the dugout after blasting a pinch-hit homer Jax ....................... 1 1 0 0 0 0 3.60
walks. Joey Meneses to second. Domi- ited runners-scored: Milner 1-0. hbp: Duran................... 1 1 0 0 0 1 1.33 maRLINS at NatIoNaLS, 1:35
nic Smith grounds out. Stone Garrett Keller (Urías). t: 2:14. a: 37,283 in the eighth inning against the Pirates on Saturday. The host Brewers went on to secure a 5-0 victory. Wp: Headrick (1-0); Lp: Wentz (1-7); S:
out at second. (41,700). W-L ERa tEam
marlins 1, Nationals 1 Duran (9). t: 2:06. a: 26,950 (38,544).
Luzardo (L) 5-5 4.17 9-5
Jonathan Davis walks. Nick Fortes sin- Corbin (L) 4-7 4.80 7-7
gles. Jonathan Davis to third. Garrett
Hampson flies out. Luis Arraez is inten-
tionally walked. Nick Fortes to second.
Jorge Soler walks, Luis arraez to sec-
Braves 10, rockies 2
Matt olson hit a grand
slam in the first inning, and
rangers 4, Blue Jays 2
Josh Jung and Jonah
heim hit back-to-back hom-
cardinals 5, Mets 3
adam Wainwright
pitched into the seventh in-
cubs 3, orioles 2
oRIoLES ab
Hays lf ...................4
h bI bb So avG
2 0 1 1 .312
Hyde is not savoring RoCKIES at bRavES, 1:35
Anderson (R) 0-0 2.72 4-2
ond, Nick Fortes to third, Jonathan da-
vis scores. Jorge Soler to second, Luis
arraez to third, Nick Fortes scores. Bry-
an De La Cruz strikes out swinging. Gar-
homer-happy atlanta rout-
ed colorado for its fifth
ers and adolis García had
his MLB-leading 10th out-
ning for his 198th win, paul
Goldschmidt hit a two-run
Rutschman dh-c ....4
Santander rf..........4
Henderson 3b-ss...3
Urías 1b-3b............4
1 2 1 0 .281
0 0 0 2 .259
1 0 1 1 .237
0 0 0 0 .265
his return to Wrigley Morton (R) 5-6
CaRdINaLS at mEtS, 1:40
Liberatore (L) 1-2


rett Cooper called out on strikes. straight win. field assist among three de- homer, and st. Louis Hicks cf..................3 0 1 0 1 2 .304
marlins 3, Nationals 1 McCann c ...............2 0 1 0 0 0 .194 Carrasco (R) 2-3 5.71 4-4
NatIoNaLS EIGhth ozzie albies, eddie rosa- fensive gems as texas snapped a six-game losing
O'Hearn ph-1b.......2 0 1 0 0 0 .342
Lane Thomas doubles. Luis Garcia sin-
gles. Lane Thomas to third. Jeimer Can-
rio and orlando arcia also turned back toronto. streak by beating New Mateo ss ...............3
Frazier ph ..............1
0 0 0 0 .231
0 0 0 1 .229
Cubs 3, orioles 2 pIRatES at bREWERS, 2:10
Ortiz (R) 1-3 4.64 2-4
delario grounds out. Luis Garcia out at went deep for the National García threw out Vladimir York.
Ortiz 2b .................3 0 0 0 0 1 .219
second, Lane thomas scores. Joey Men- League-leading Braves, Guerrero Jr. at the plate to Jordan Walker also went Lester ph ...............1 0 0 0 0 1 .211 Peralta (R) 5-6 4.74 6-7
eses strikes out swinging. BY N ATHAN R UIZ
marlins 3, Nationals 2 who have scored 42 runs end the first inning, and his deep for the cardinals. totaLS 34 2 7 2 4 9 4 GIaNtS at dodGERS, 4:10
Nick Fortes strikes out swinging. Gar-
during their winning streak. leaping catch on the warn- CaRdINaLS ab R h bI bb So avG CUbS ab R h bI bb So avG CHICAGO 4 Brandon Hyde has many fond memo- Webb (R) 5-6 3.15 6-8
rett Hampson walks. Luis Arraez sin- RoCKIES ab R h bI bb So avG ing track ended the fifth. Donovan rf ......... 5 1 2 1 0 0 .259 Tauchman cf......... 2 1 0 1 1 1 .280 Gonsolin (R) 4-1 1.93 5-4
gles. Garrett Hampson to second. Jorge Goldschmidt 1b.. 4 1 2 2 1 2 .287 Hoerner 2b ........... 4 0 2 2 0 1 .288 ries of Wrigley Field. As a member of the Chicago
Soler walks. Luis Arraez to second. Gar- Profar lf .................. 4 0 0 0 0 1 .239 bLUE JayS ab R h bI bb So avG Suzuki rf............... 4 0 0 0 0 0 .269
Arenado 3b......... 5 0 0 0 0 2 .273 Cubs9 front office and coaching staff, he watched the
rett Hampson to third. bryan de La Cruz Tovar ss.................. 4 0 1 0 0 1 .255 Happ lf.................. 4 0 0 0 0 1 .266
Springer rf...........4 0 2 0 0 0 .255 Contreras c......... 3 0 0 0 0 0 .201
McMahon 3b........... 4 0 1 0 0 2 .271 Swanson ss .......... 2 0 1 0 1 1 .264 organization endure a rebuild and end a champion- nl scores
singles, Jorge Soler to third, Luis arraez Merrifield 2b .......4 0 1 0 0 0 .306 Jor.Walker lf ...... 3 1 1 1 1 1 .295
scores, Garrett hampson scores. Gar- Montero 1b............. 0 0 0 0 0 0 .179 Bellinger 1b .......... 3 0 0 0 0 1 .267
Bichette ss..........4 1 1 0 0 0 .316 Mercado lf.......... 0 0 0 0 0 0 .310 ship drought of more than a century.
rett Cooper grounds out. Bryan De La Díaz c ...................... 3 0 0 0 0 1 .295 Morel dh ............... 3 0 0 0 0 1 .292 FRIday9S RESULtS
Guerrero Jr. dh ....3 0 2 1 1 0 .284 Gorman 2b ......... 4 0 0 0 0 1 .240
Wynns c.................. 1 0 0 0 0 0 .200 Miami 6, at Washington 5
Cruz out at second.
Jones rf................... 3 1 0 0 1 1 .324
Varsho lf..............3 1 2 1 0 0 .231 DeJong ss........... 4 0 1 0 0 2 .228 Gomes c................ 3 1 1 0 0 2 .271 The Baltimore Orioles9 manager chuckled before
marlins 5, Nationals 2 Kirk ph.................1 0 0 0 0 0 .253 Edman cf ............ 4 2 1 0 0 1 .235 Mastrobuoni 3b.... 2 1 0 0 0 1 .148 at N.Y. Mets 6, St. Louis 1
Grichuk cf ............... 3 0 0 0 1 0 .292
Chapman 3b ........4 0 1 0 0 2 .264 Burleson dh........ 3 0 0 0 0 1 .219 totaLS 27 3 4 3 2 9 4
Saturday9s game as he noted that during batting at Atlanta 8, Colorado 1
Moustakas 1b-3b ... 4 1 2 1 0 1 .257 at Milwaukee 5, Pittsburgh 4
Jansen c ..............4 0 0 0 0 0 .210 Carlson ph-dh..... 1 0 1 1 0 0 .248 practice the day before, fans in the bleachers yelled
Alfaro dh................. 3 0 0 0 0 2 .000 San Francisco 7, at L.A. Dodgers 5 (11)
Biggio 1b .............3 0 0 0 0 1 .185 totaLS 36 5 8 5 2 10 4 baLtImoRE... 000 020 000 4 2 7 0
Montes 2b .............. 1 0 0 0 0 0 .188 out to his son, Colton, remembering that the boy
Espinal ph............1 0 0 0 0 1 .207 ChICaGo........ 002 010 00x 4 3 4 1
nl leaders Castro 2b-p............. 3 0 2 1 0 0 .271 SatURday9S RESULtS
Kiermaier cf ........3 0 0 0 0 0 .282 mEtS ab R h bI bb So avG E: Hoerner (4). Lob: Baltimore 9, Chica- had tossed balls out to them years before.
totaLS 33 2 6 2 2 9 4 Miami 5, at Washington 2
Entering Saturday9s games. totaLS 34 2 9 2 1 4 4 Nimmo cf ............4 1 1 1 1 1 .285 go 4. 2b: Hoerner 2 (11), Gomes (3). hR: at Milwaukee 5, Pittsburgh 0
bRavES ab R h bI bb So avG Marte rf ..............4 0 1 0 1 2 .261 Rutschman (10), off Steele. RbI: But this weekend9s series probably won9t be at Atlanta 10, Colorado 2
battING RaNGERS ab R h bI bb So avG McNeil 2b............4 0 0 0 0 0 .273 Rutschman 2 (31), Hoerner 2 (33), recalled in a similar fashion. With a 3-2 defeat, St. Louis 5, at N.Y. Mets 3
Acuña Jr. rf..........4 1 1 0 1 1 .326 Tauchman (9). CS: Hoerner (2). SF:
Arraez, Mia ...................................... .390 Semien 2b ...........4 0 0 0 0 2 .279 Pham lf ...............4 0 1 0 0 1 .252 San Francisco 15, at L.A. Dodgers 0
Albies 2b .............5 2 2 1 0 2 .263 Tauchman. S: Mastrobuoni. Baltimore heads into Sunday9s finale of the three-
Acuña Jr., Atl ................................... .327 Seager ss.............4 1 2 1 0 0 .348 Baty 3b ...............4 0 2 0 0 1 .236
Riley 3b ...............5 1 2 0 0 1 .265
Freeman, LA .................................... .325 Lowe 1b...............4 0 1 0 0 1 .276 Álvarez c.............4 0 1 0 0 0 .237 oRIoLES Ip h R ER bb So ERa game set looking to avoid getting swept by a
Murphy c .............2 0 1 0 0 1 .287
Castellanos, Phi ............................... .315 A.García rf...........3 1 2 0 1 1 .260 Vogelbach dh ......3 1 1 0 1 1 .210 Gibson ................. 6 3 3 3 2 7 3.94
d'Arnaud pr-c ......3 1 0 0 0 0 .272
Carroll, Ari ....................................... .308 Olson 1b ..............4 1 1 4 0 0 .229
Jung 3b................3 1 1 2 1 0 .280 Canha 1b .............3 0 0 0 0 1 .241 Baker ................... 1 0 0 0 0 2 3.34 Chicago Cubs team that entered the meeting in
Stott, Phi ......................................... .301 Ozuna dh .............2 1 0 0 2 0 .241
Heim c .................4 1 1 1 0 1 .279 Guillorme ss .......4 1 2 2 0 1 .240 Coulombe ............ 1 1 0 0 0 0 2.70 fourth place in the National League Central. interleague games
Díaz, Col ........................................... .300 Grossman dh.......3 0 0 0 1 0 .228 totaLS 34 3 9 3 3 8 4
Rosario lf.............3 1 2 2 1 0 .256
Duran lf ...............3 0 1 0 1 1 .294 CUbS Ip h R ER bb So ERa The Orioles (43-27) have dropped four of their oRIoLES at CUbS, 1:05
Arcia ss ...............4 2 3 2 0 0 .339
homE RUNS Taveras cf ...........3 0 0 0 0 0 .294 St. LoUIS....... 031 000 001 4 5 8 0 Steele .................. 5 5 2 2 1 4 2.71
Harris II cf ...........3 0 1 1 0 0 .226 past seven series, though they still ended the day W-L ERa tEam
Alonso, NY .......................................... 22 totaLS 31 4 8 4 4 6 4 NEW yoRK .... 100 020 000 4 3 9 1 Merryweather ..... 1 1 0 0 1 1 3.26
totaLS 35 10 13 10 4 5 4
Soler, Mia ........................................... 20
toRoNto....... 100 100 000 4 2 9 1
E: Guillorme (2). Lob: St. Louis 7, New Leiter Jr............... 2 1 0 0 1 2 2.73 tied for the majors9 third-best record. Although Kremer (R) 7-3 4.74 9-5
Schwarber, Phi ................................... 19 CoLoRado .... 000 010 100 4 2 6 0 York 8. 2b: Edman (13), Marte (6), Guil- Alzolay ................ 1 0 0 0 1 2 1.97
Olson, Atl ............................................ 19 atLaNta ....... 423 010 00x 4 10 13 0
tExaS ............ 030 000 10x 4 4 8 0 lorme (4). hR: Goldschmidt (12), off Wp: Steele (7-2); Lp: Gibson (8-4); S:
their pitching improved from Friday9s 10-3 defeat, Taillon (R) 2-4 6.70 2-9
Muncy, LA ........................................... 18
Lob: Colorado 6, Atlanta 6. 2b: Castro
E: Bichette (7). Lob: Toronto 6, Texas 7. Senga; Jor.Walker (5), off Senga; Nim- Alzolay (4). Wp: Gibson. t: 2:32. a: their offense failed to score beyond Adley REdS at aStRoS, 2:10
Betts, LA ............................................ 17 2b: Bichette (15). hR: Varsho (12), off mo (7), off Wainwright; Guillorme (1), 40,605 (41,363).
(8), Arcia (9). hR: Moustakas (4), off El- Rutschman9s fifth-inning home run, a two-run shot Weaver (R) 1-2 6.23 5-5
Dunning; Jung (14), off Richards; Heim off Wainwright.
RbI der; Olson (20), off Seabold; Albies (16),
off Seabold; Rosario (11), off Seabold; (8), off Richards; Seager (10), off CaRdINaLS Ip h R ER bb So ERa off Justin Steele that was the switch-hitter9s second Blanco (R) 1-0 3.86 1-1
Alonso, NY .......................................... 49 Arcia (6), off Seabold. Y.García. Wainwright ...... 61/3 7 3 3 2 3 5.56
Martinez, LA ....................................... 48 bLUE JayS Ip h R ER bb So ERa Pallante .............. 2/3 1 0 0 1 0 4.26
oRIoLES9 LEadERS game-tying home run against a left-hander in three phILLIES at athLEtICS, 4:07
Albies, Atl ........................................... 47 RoCKIES Ip h R ER bb So ERa Entering Sunday9s game.
Gorman, StL ....................................... 46 Seabold ................ 3 9 9 9 1 1 5.88 Richards............... 3 3 3 3 1 2 3.82 Gallegos .............. 1 1 0 0 0 2 3.90
batters avg R h 2b hRRbI bb
games. Rutschman had one home run hitting Wheeler (R) 5-4 3.73 8-6
Francis ...............22/3 1 0 0 3 2 3.68 Hicks.................... 1 0 0 0 0 3 4.30
Olson, Atl ............................................ 46 Hollowell.............. 2 1 1 1 2 2 4.50 O'Hearn .342 13 27 7 5 19 6 right-handed as a rookie in 2022. Harris (L) 2-0 4.84 1-0
Bard ..................... 1 0 0 0 0 2 0.83 Y.García ...............2/3 4 1 1 0 1 5.83
Freeman, LA ....................................... 46 Cimber ...............12/3 0 0 0 0 1 6.20 mEtS Ip h R ER bb So ERa Hays .312 37 74 18 8 31 16
Lawrence ............. 1 1 0 0 1 0 3.00 Senga ............... 62/3 5 4 4 1 8 3.53 Hicks .304 10 14 2 2 6 9 Baltimore9s bats were otherwise quiet behind GUaRdIaNS at dIamoNdbaCKS, 4:10
ERa Castro .................. 1 2 0 0 0 0 0.00 Rutschman .281 35 72 10 10 31 47
RaNGERS Ip h R ER bb So ERa Brigham............... 1 0 0 0 1 0 4.21
Urías .265 20 41 12 2 20 11
right-hander Kyle Gibson, stranding multiple run- Bibee (R) 2-2 3.91 3-6
Stroman, Chi .................................... 2.46 bRavES Ip h R ER bb So ERa Dunning ............... 6 6 2 2 1 3 2.78 Raley .................. 2/3 3 1 1 0 0 3.09
Steele, Chi ....................................... 2.65 Sborz.................... 2 1 0 0 0 0 2.93 Ottavino ............. 2/3 0 0 0 0 2 3.95 Mullins .263 26 51 12 8 39 28 ners in the second, fourth, sixth and seventh Davies (R) 1-2 5.46 4-2
Elder, Atl .......................................... 2.69 Elder..................... 6 4 1 1 0 4 2.60 Santander .259 31 65 20 9 38 26
Jiménez ............... 1 2 1 1 1 2 3.70 W.Smith .............. 1 2 0 0 0 1 3.00 Wp: Wainwright (3-1); Lp: Senga (6-4); innings as they went 0 for 5 with runners in scoring
Wacha, SD ....................................... 2.89 Vavra .245 9 12 0 0 5 5 RayS at padRES, 4:10
Kershaw, LA .................................... 2.95 Minter.................. 1 0 0 0 0 1 5.51 Wp: Dunning (6-1); Lp: Richards (0-1); S: S: Hicks (1). Inherited runners-scored: Henderson .237 35 47 8 10 26 31 position. The Cubs (33-37) got limited opportunities
Gallen, Ari ........................................ 2.96 N.Anderson.......... 1 0 0 0 1 2 3.49 W.Smith (12). Inherited runners-scored: Ottavino 2-0. hbp: Senga (Contreras), Mateo .231 34 45 9 6 26 11 TBD ---- ---- ----
Wp: Elder (5-1); Lp: Seabold (1-3). t: Francis 1-0, Y.García 1-0, Cimber 2-0. t: Hicks (Lindor). Wp: Hicks, Senga(2). t: Frazier .229 33 51 11 8 31 19 in those situations against Gibson but capitalized. Musgrove (R) 4-2 4.37 5-4
SavES 2:37. a: 39,383 (40,000). 2:42. a: 39,143 (42,136). Mountcastle .227 34 55 12 11 39 12
2:31. a: 41,558 (41,149). 4 Baltimore Sun
Doval, SF ............................................. 18
Díaz, Cin .............................................. 18
Hader, SD ............................................ 16 reds 10, astros 3 royals 10, angels 9 phillies 3, white sox 4, padres 2, rays 0 Giants 7, interleague scores
Bednar, Pit .......................................... 14
Johnson, Col ....................................... 12 Jonathan india hit a two- samad taylor hit a walk- athletics 2 (12) Mariners 3 (11) Blake snell struck out dodgers 5 (11) FRIday9S RESULtS
Finnegan, Was .................................... 11 run homer and Will Benson off single in his MLB debut, 12 over six dominant in-
Williams, Mil ...................................... 11
a go-ahead single by Kyle in his big league debut, Late Friday at Chicago Cubs 10, Baltimore 3
had three hits and two rBi enabling Kansas city to nings in his best outing of Cincinnati 2, at Houston 1
schwarber gave philadel- Zach remillard drove in the GIaNtS ab R h bI bb So avG Philadelphia 6, at Oakland 1
to power cincinnati past beat Los angeles and snap phia its fifth straight win. tying run in the ninth and the season to lead san di- Wade Jr. 1b.........3 0 0 0 0 0 .272 at Arizona 5, Cleveland 1
Strider, Atl ....................................... 127 Slater ph-lf .........3 1 3 1 0 0 .431 Tampa Bay 6, at San Diego 2
Keller, Pit .......................................... 101 houston for its seventh a 10-game skid. the angels phILLIES ab R h bI bb So avG the winning run in the 11th. ego past tampa Bay. Pederson dh........5 1 1 1 1 1 .277
Gallen, Ari ......................................... 100 straight victory. were up 8-2 in the seventh Estrada 2b ..........4 1 1 1 0 1 .295 SatURday9S RESULtS
Kershaw, LA ....................................... 98
Schwarber lf .......5 0 1 1 1 2 .178 WhItE Sox ab R h bI bb So avG Juan soto hit a sacrifice at Chicago Cubs 3, Baltimore 2
before the royals rallied. Turner ss.............5 1 1 0 1 1 .247 Conforto lf ..........2 0 0 0 2 2 .245
Greene, Cin ......................................... 97 it9s the first time the Benintendi lf .......5 1 4 0 1 0 .276 fly in the fifth and Manny Villar 1b ..............1 0 0 0 0 0 .140 Cincinnati 10, at Houston 3
Bohm 1b..............6 1 1 0 0 3 .271
Wheeler, Phi ....................................... 94 Anderson ss ........1 0 0 0 1 0 .250 Flores 3b .............3 1 1 2 0 0 .258 Philadelphia 3, at Oakland 2 (12)
reds have won seven in a aNGELS ab R h bI bb So avG Harper dh ............6 0 2 0 0 2 .296 Machado drove in a run
Remillard 2b........3 0 3 2 1 0 1.00 Schmitt 3b..........2 0 1 1 0 0 .273 at San Diego 2, Tampa Bay 0
Realmuto c..........3 0 1 0 2 1 .261
row since June 2018, and Moniak rf ............4 0 0 1 0 1 .309 Robert Jr. cf ........6 0 1 1 0 2 .258 with an infield single after Bailey c ...............4 1 0 0 0 1 .311 Cleveland at Arizona, late
Stott 2b...............4 0 1 2 0 0 .300
Renfroe ph-rf......1 0 0 0 0 1 .242 Jiménez dh..........5 1 1 1 0 2 .258 Yastrzemski rf....5 0 0 0 0 3 .247
it9s the longest active win- Clemens rf ..........3 0 0 0 0 1 .248 the padres opened the in-
Ohtani dh............4 1 1 2 1 0 .300 Sheets rf .............4 0 2 0 0 2 .236 Matos cf .............2 1 0 0 3 0 .200
Harrison ph-rf.....2 0 1 0 0 0 .211
al leaders ning streak in the majors. Trout cf...............4 1 2 1 1 1 .252
Marsh cf..............3 0 0 0 0 2 .257
Frazier ph-rf........1 0 0 0 0 1 .217 ning with three consecu- Crawford ss ........5 1 1 1 0 0 .203
Drury 1b-2b ........5 2 2 3 0 1 .263 Vaughn 1b ...........4 0 0 0 1 0 .240
Pache ph-cf .........2 1 0 0 0 0 .310 tive bunts. totaLS 39 7 8 7 6 8 4 al games
Entering Saturday9s games. REdS ab R h bI bb So avG Thaiss c...............4 0 0 0 0 0 .269 Burger 3b ............4 0 0 0 1 2 .237
Sosa 3b ...............5 0 1 0 0 0 .247
Friedl cf...............3 1 0 0 3 0 .307 Wallach ph-c.......1 0 0 0 0 1 .276 Andrus 2b-ss.......5 2 1 0 0 0 .193 snell gave up just two
battING Ward lf................3 2 2 1 1 0 .248 totaLS 44 3 9 3 4 12 4 Zavala c ...............3 0 0 0 0 1 .150 dodGERS ab R h bI bb So avG GamE 1: yaNKEES at REd Sox, 1:35
McLain ss............5 2 2 2 1 1 .328
Bichette, Tor .................................... .317 India 2b ...............5 1 1 2 0 0 .272 Stefanic 2b .........4 1 2 1 0 1 .500 Grandal ph-c........2 0 0 0 0 0 .268 hits, walked three and Betts rf ...............5 1 2 0 0 2 .268
Hays, Bal .......................................... .309 Walsh 1b.............0 0 0 0 0 0 .111 athLEtICS ab R h bI bb So avG Freeman 1b.........6 0 1 1 0 2 .325 W-L ERa tEam
Maile c.................0 0 0 0 0 0 .239 totaLS 43 4 12 4 5 10 4 worked out of jams in the
Yoshida, Bos .................................... .309 De La Cruz 3b ......5 1 2 0 0 0 .256 Rengifo 3b ..........4 1 1 0 0 0 .206 Ruiz cf .................5 0 2 0 1 2 .261 Smith c ...............2 1 1 1 3 0 .293 Schmidt (R) 2-6 4.70 4-10
Merrifield, Tor ................................. .307 Steer 1b ..............4 2 2 0 1 1 .278 Velazquez ss.......3 1 1 0 1 1 .200 Laureano rf .........1 0 0 0 0 1 .220 maRINERS ab R h bI bb So avG fourth and fifth. Martinez dh-lf ....5 1 1 1 0 2 .257
Díaz, TB ........................................... .304 Bleday rf .............4 0 0 0 1 1 .206 Peralta lf.............1 0 1 0 0 0 .270 TBD ---- ---- ----
Stephenson dh....4 0 2 1 1 2 .253 totaLS 37 9 11 9 4 7 4 Crawford ss ...........4 1 1 1 2 0 .245
Ohtani, LA ....................................... .301 Hopkins pr-dh .....0 1 0 0 0 0 .167 Noda 1b...............5 0 1 0 0 3 .246 RayS ab R h bI bb So avG Outman cf...........4 0 2 2 0 0 .233
Rodríguez cf ..........5 1 2 0 0 1 .243 Vargas 2b............4 0 0 0 1 1 .217 tIGERS at tWINS, 2:10
Benson rf ............3 1 3 2 2 0 .264 RoyaLS ab R h bI bb So avG Rooker lf .............2 0 0 0 0 1 .254 Díaz 1b................3 0 1 0 1 2 .304
homE RUNS France 1b ...............5 1 1 0 0 1 .281 Taylor 3b.............1 0 0 0 0 0 .207
Senzel lf..............5 0 0 0 0 3 .244 Brown ph-lf.........3 1 0 0 0 1 .200 Franco ss ............4 0 0 0 0 1 .295 TBD ---- ---- ----
Pratto 1b.............4 0 2 1 1 1 .285 Hernández dh-rf....4 0 2 1 1 2 .257 Busch ph-3b........4 0 0 0 0 2 .174
Ohtani, LA .......................................... 22 Casali c................3 0 0 1 0 1 .164 Bride 3b...............3 0 0 0 0 2 .209 Ramírez dh .........4 0 0 0 0 2 .302
Witt Jr. ss...........5 0 2 4 0 1 .247 Kelenic rf ...............4 0 0 0 0 2 .258 DeLuca cf-lf ........3 0 0 0 0 1 .167 Varland (R) 3-2 4.70 4-5
Judge, NY ............................................ 19 Newman ph-2b ...1 1 1 2 0 0 .271 Kemp ph-2b ........1 0 1 0 0 0 .159 Arozarena lf........4 0 0 0 0 4 .280
Perez c ................5 1 1 0 0 3 .272 Raleigh ph..............1 0 0 0 0 1 .213 Heyward ph-lf ....1 0 0 0 0 0 .233
Alvarez, Hou ....................................... 17 Pérez c ................5 1 3 2 0 0 .248 Paredes 3b..........2 0 0 0 1 1 .257
totaLS 38 10 13 10 8 8 4 Melendez rf ........3 1 1 2 2 1 .218 Suárez 3b...............4 0 1 0 1 0 .218 Barnes ph............1 0 0 0 0 1 .110 aNGELS at RoyaLS, 2:10
Robert Jr., Chi ..................................... 17 Díaz ss ................3 0 1 0 0 0 .208 Walls 2b..............3 0 1 0 1 1 .214
Olivares dh .........5 0 1 0 0 0 .259 Murphy c................5 0 0 0 0 3 .218 Rojas ss ..............5 2 2 0 0 0 .231
Devers, Bos ......................................... 17 Wade pr-ss .........2 0 0 0 0 0 .067 Margot rf ............4 0 0 0 0 3 .259 Anderson (L) 3-1 5.80 8-4
aStRoS ab R h bI bb So avG Blanco pr.............0 1 0 0 0 0 .286 Moore lf .................2 0 0 0 1 2 .000
Burger, Chi .......................................... 16 Peterson 2b-3b ...5 0 0 0 0 1 .224 Mejía c ................3 0 1 0 0 2 .241 totaLS 42 5 10 5 4 11 4
Julks lf ................2 1 0 0 2 0 .249 Garcia 3b.............5 1 1 1 0 0 .254 Ford ph...................1 0 0 0 0 1 .222 Greinke (R) 1-6 4.65 3-11
García, Tex .......................................... 15 Langeliers dh ......4 0 0 0 0 2 .209 Siri cf ..................3 0 0 0 0 1 .222
Altuve 2b ............4 1 4 1 0 0 .278 Lopez 2b .............2 2 1 0 2 1 .213 Pollock lf................1 0 0 0 0 0 .162
totaLS 43 2 8 2 2 14 4 totaLS 30 0 3 0 3 17 4 SaN FRaN. .. 000 000 230 02 4 7 8 3
Tucker rf .............3 0 0 1 0 0 .281 Taylor lf ..............3 2 1 1 2 0 .333 Caballero 2b...........5 0 1 0 0 0 .236 bLUE JayS at RaNGERS, 2:35
RbI Waters cf............3 2 1 1 0 0 .180
L.a. .............. 000 040 001 00 4 5 10 1
Bregman 3b ........3 0 0 0 1 0 .234 phILa. ......... 000 001 000 011 4 3 9 1 totaLS 41 3 8 2 5 13 4 Bassitt (R) 7-5 4.02 8-6
Devers, Bos ......................................... 56 J.Abreu dh...........4 0 1 0 0 1 .231 totaLS 35 10 11 10 7 7 4 padRES ab R h bI bb So avG E: Conforto (2), Schmitt (3), Junis (1),
Alvarez, Hou ....................................... 55 oaKLaNd.... 000 010 000 010 4 2 8 0 DeLuca (1). Lob: San Francisco 10, Los
Diaz c...................4 1 1 1 0 0 .257 ChICaGo...... 010 010 001 01 4 4 12 1 Tatis Jr. rf............3 0 1 0 0 1 .285 Gray (R) 6-2 2.32 7-5
García, Tex .......................................... 55 Peña ss................4 0 1 0 0 1 .252 L.a.................. 020 023 101 4 9 11 1 E: Harrison (3). Lob: Philadelphia 13, SEattLE...... 200 010 000 00 4 3 8 2 Soto lf ..................2 0 0 1 1 2 .255 Angeles 11. 2b: Martinez (18). hR:
Ohtani, LA .......................................... 54 Meyers cf ............4 0 0 0 0 2 .230 KaNSaS CIty 000 200 332 4 10 11 1 Oakland 12. 2b: Ruiz (17), Pérez (3). hR: Machado 3b .........4 0 1 1 0 0 .248 Flores (7), off Graterol. WhItE Sox at maRINERS, 4:10
Semien, Tex ........................................ 53 E: Andrus (4), Caballero (1), Crawford
Kessinger 1b .......3 0 0 0 1 0 .125 Pérez (4), off Strahm. Bogaerts ss..........3 0 0 0 1 1 .264 GIaNtS Ip h R ER bb So ERa
Naylor, Cle .......................................... 50 One out when winning run scored. (10). Lob: Chicago 13, Seattle 12. 2b: Be- Lynn (R) 4-7 6.75 5-9
totaLS 31 3 7 3 4 4 4 E: Wallach (1), Witt Jr. (6). Lob: Los phILLIES Ip h R ER bb So ERa nintendi (16), Sheets 2 (4), Caballero (5), Cronenworth 1b...4 0 0 0 0 2 .211 Brebbia ................ 1 0 0 0 1 1 3.14
Angeles 5, Kansas City 9. 2b: Trout (12), Sánchez ............... 4 1 0 0 1 5 3.24 Suárez (9). hR: Jiménez (8), off Gilbert; Sánchez c.............3 0 0 0 0 0 .207 Walker.............. 11/3 2 0 0 0 0 1.23 Miller (R) 4-3 4.06 5-3
ERa Carpenter dh........2 0 0 0 1 0 .184
CINCINNatI ... 200 120 104 4 10 13 0 Stefanic (1), Waters (1), Witt Jr. (10). Strahm ............. 12/3 2 1 1 0 2 4.05 Crawford (4), off Giolito. Manaea............. 32/3 4 4 4 1 6 5.84
McClanahan, TB ............................... 2.12 hoUStoN ...... 001 001 100 4 3 7 2 hR: Drury 2 (12), off Mayers; Ward (9), Marte.................. 2/3 2 0 0 0 1 7.36 Kim 2b..................3 1 1 0 0 0 .245 Jackson................ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1.42 GamE 2: yaNKEES at REd Sox, 7:10
Rodriguez, Det ................................. 2.13 WhItE Sox Ip h R ER bb So ERa Grisham cf ...........3 1 1 0 0 0 .192
E: Peña 2 (6). Lob: Cincinnati 11, Hous- off Mayers; Ohtani (23), off Clarke; Me- Soto .................... 2/3 0 0 0 0 0 4.88 Ty.Rogers ............ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1.60 Severino (R) 0-1 6.48 3-2
Valdez, Hou ..................................... 2.28 Giolito .................. 5 8 3 2 3 5 3.54 Doval ................... 1 3 1 1 1 1 2.03
ton 6. 2b: De La Cruz (2), Stephenson lendez (6), off Canning. Alvarado .............. 1 1 0 0 0 1 0.98 totaLS 27 2 4 2 3 6 4
Gray, Tex .......................................... 2.32 Santos.................. 2 0 0 0 0 2 2.52 Ta.Rogers ............ 1 0 0 0 1 1 2.96 Bello (R) 3-4 3.78 6-4
(12), Altuve 2 (7). 3b: Benson (2), aNGELS Ip h R ER bb So ERa Kimbrel................ 1 1 0 0 0 2 4.50
Gray, Min ......................................... 2.37 Middleton ..........12/3 0 0 0 1 2 1.80 tampa bay .. 000 000 000 4 0 3 1 Junis .................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 4.12
McLain (4). hR: India (9), off Bielak; Diaz Vasquez............... 2 1 1 0 1 2 1.62
Eovaldi, Tex ..................................... 2.59 Canning ............... 6 3 2 2 2 5 4.40 Bummer.............11/3 0 0 0 1 3 6.65 SaN dIEGo .... 000 020 00x 4 2 4 0
(5), off Greene; Altuve (3), off Gibaut. Hoffman .............. 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.57
Castillo, Sea ..................................... 2.73 Ingram ................ 1/3 2 3 3 2 0 81.0 Scholtens............. 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.89 dodGERS Ip h R ER bb So ERa
Webb .................. 2/3 1 0 0 1 1 1.93 E: Franco (4). Lob: Tampa Bay 7, San
REdS Ip h R ER bb So ERa athLEtICS Ip h R ER bb So ERa
maRINERS Ip h R ER bb So ERa Diego 6. 2b: Díaz (15), Tatis Jr. (15). Sheehan .............. 6 0 0 0 2 3 0.00 al scores
Greene ................. 6 5 2 2 4 3 3.93 Soriano ............... 1/3 1 3 3 2 0 3.68 Kaprielian ......... 51/3 5 1 1 0 6 6.38 Graterol ............... 1 2 2 2 0 2 2.40
Clase, Cle ............................................ 21 Gibaut.................. 1 1 1 1 0 0 3.24 Devenski.............. 1 4 2 2 0 1 2.49 Gilbert................51/3 6 2 2 3 3 4.31 RayS Ip h R ER bb So ERa
González............. 1/3 2 3 3 1 0 3.93 FRIday9S RESULtS
Moll .................. 12/3 1 0 0 1 3 4.10
Romano, Tor ....................................... 20 Farmer ................. 1 1 0 0 0 0 2.34 Brash....................2/3 0 0 0 0 1 4.08 Eflin ..................... 6 4 2 2 2 5 3.26 Scott................... 2/3 1 0 0 1 1 9.00 at Boston 15, N.Y. Yankees 5
RoyaLS Ip h R ER bb So ERa Erceg.................... 1 1 0 0 0 1 2.87
Bautista, Bal ....................................... 18 Cruz...................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 6.38 Topa ..................... 1 2 0 0 0 0 3.29 Armstrong........... 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.00 Robertson............ 1 1 0 0 1 0 6.75 Detroit 7, at Minnesota 1
Long..................... 1 0 0 0 0 0 3.00
Estévez, LA ......................................... 18 Mayers ................ 5 7 6 6 1 1 6.15 Muñoz.................. 1 0 0 0 1 2 0.00 Littell................... 1 0 0 0 1 0 6.35 Ferguson ............. 1 0 0 0 0 0 3.46 Toronto 2, at Texas 1
May...................... 1 0 0 0 1 1 6.23
Jansen, Bos ........................................ 14 aStRoS Ip h R ER bb So ERa Kowar .................. 1 1 1 1 1 1 4.66 Sewald ................. 1 2 1 1 1 1 2.76 Vesia ................... 1 2 2 1 1 2 7.13 L.A. Angels 3, at Kansas City 0
Waldichuk ........... 2 2 2 0 2 1 6.64
Sewald, Sea ........................................ 13 Bielak................ 42/3 5 5 4 3 3 4.37 Clarke .................. 1 1 1 1 0 1 2.90 Speier................... 1 0 0 0 0 2 2.19 padRES Ip h R ER bb So ERa
at Seattle 3, Chicago White Sox 2
Maton ............... 11/3 1 0 0 1 3 1.57 Barlow ................. 1 1 0 0 0 1 4.21 Wp: Vasquez (2-0); Lp: Waldichuk (1-5); Saucedo ...............2/3 2 1 0 0 0 3.12 Snell .................... 6 2 0 0 3 12 3.48 Wp: Ta.Rogers (3-2); Lp: Vesia (0-4); S:
StRIKEoUtS Stanek ................. 1 3 1 1 0 1 4.76 Chapman ............. 1 1 1 1 2 3 2.96 S: Hoffman (1). Inherited runners- Adcock .................1/3 0 0 0 0 1 0.00 Wilson ................. 1 0 0 0 0 2 2.65 Junis (1). Inherited runners-scored: Ma- SatURday9S RESULtS
Neris .................... 1 0 0 0 2 0 1.24 scored: Marte 1-0, Soto 2-0, Moll 2-1. Martinez.............. 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.80 naea 1-0, Scott 2-2. Ibb: off Scott (Con- at Minnesota 2, Detroit 0
Gausman, Tor ................................... 121 Wp: Chapman (2-2); Lp: Devenski (3-1). Wp: Bummer (2-1); Lp: Saucedo (2-1); S: forto), off Ta.Rogers (Vargas). hbp:
Montero............... 1 4 4 4 2 1 6.67 Ibb: off Moll (Realmuto), off May Hader................... 1 1 0 0 0 2 1.32 at Texas 4, Toronto 2
Ohtani, LA ........................................ 105 Inherited runners-scored: Webb 3-2, De- Scholtens (1). Inherited runners-scored: Manaea (Betts), Scott (Bailey), Fergu-
(Schwarber), off Vasquez (Ruiz), off at Kansas City 10, L.A. Angels 9
López, Min ........................................ 101 Wp: Greene (2-4); Lp: Bielak (3-4). In- venski 3-2. hbp: Soriano (Waters). t: Bummer 1-0, Brash 1-0, Adcock 2-0. Ibb: Wp: Snell (3-6); Lp: Eflin (8-3); S: Hader son (Estrada). t: 3:31. a: 49,074
Waldichuk (Realmuto). t: 3:27. a: Chicago White Sox 4, at Seattle 3 (11)
Castillo, Sea ........................................ 98 herited runners-scored: Maton 3-2. hbp: 3:13. a: 21,056 (38,427). off Bummer (Hernández). pb: Zavala (4). (17). hbp: Snell (Paredes). t: 2:24. a: (56,000).
12,015 (46,847). N.Y. Yankees at Boston, ppd.
Cole, NY .............................................. 98 Neris (India). t: 2:52. a: 40,136 (41,000). t: 3:38. a: 45,188 (47,929). 43,180 (40,222).
sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post EZ M2 d5

S C OR e BO AR d
P RO BA SKe TB AL L S O CC eR G OL F CO L L eG e B AS e BAL L DUI arrest
Connecticut .................................. 8

New York ...................................... 6

east w
Cincinnati ........................12
Nashville .........................10
North Carolina...................6

OL Reign............................6
u.S. Open
At North Course; In Los Angeles
purse: $20 million
Yardage: 7,423; par: 70
Men9s College World Series
Double elimination; x-If necessary
All games at Charles Schwab Field; in Omaha
propels him
to resign
bRacKet 1
Washington.................................. 6 4 .600 11/2 New England .....................9 3 6 33 31 22 San Diego ..........................6 4 2 20 18 13 thIRD ROUND
Chicago ......................................... 5 6 .455 3 Philadelphia ......................9 5 3 30 28 17 Washington ......................5 1 5 20 15 10
fRIDaY9s ResUlts
Wyndham Clark, United States .......... 64 67 69 4 200 Game 1: Oral Roberts 6, TCU 5
Atlanta ......................................... 4 5 .444 3 Columbus ..........................8 6 4 28 36 26 Portland ............................5 2 4 19 26 14
Rickie Fowler, United States .............. 62 68 70 4 200 Game 2: Florida 6, Virginia 5
Indiana.......................................... 4 6 .400 31/2 Atlanta..............................7 4 7 28 35 29 Gotham FC ........................5 3 3 18 13 10
Rory McIlroy, Northern Ireland ........... 65 67 69 4 201
Orlando City ......................7 5 5 26 23 20 Houston ............................4 3 5 17 10 10 sUNDaY9s gaMes
Scottie Scheffler, United States ........ 67 68 68 4 203
west w l pct gb D.C. United ........................6 8 5 23 26 26 Orlando .............................4 7 1 13 10 19 Game 3: TCU vs. Virginia, 2
Harris English, United States ............. 67 66 71 4 204
Las Vegas ..................................... 9 1 .900 4 CF Montréal ......................7 9 1 22 19 27 Louisville...........................2 3 6 12 13 12 Game 4: Oral Roberts vs. Florida, 7 Huggins from D1
Dustin Johnson, United States ........... 64 70 71 4 205
Los Angeles .................................. 5 5 .500 4 Charlotte FC ......................6 8 4 22 25 33 Angel City .........................3 6 3 12 16 22
Xander Schauffele, United States ...... 62 70 73 4 205 tUesDaY9s gaMe
Dallas............................................ 5 6 .455 41/2 New York City FC ..............4 7 7 19 18 23 Chicago..............................3 7 1 10 14 28
Ryutaro Nagano, Japan ....................... 71 67 68 4 206 Game 5: Game 3 winner vs. Game 4 loser, 2 (loser
Seattle.......................................... 3 7 .300 6 New York...........................4 6 7 19 11 16 Kansas City .......................3 8 0 9 11 20
Minnesota .................................... 3 7 .300 6 Toronto FC ........................3 5 10 19 17 21
Bryson DeChambeau, United States .. 67 72 68 4 207 eliminated) statement. <While I have always
fRIDaY, JUNe 9 Tom Kim, South Korea ........................ 73 68 66 4 207
Phoenix......................................... 2 7 .222 61/2 Chicago..............................3 6 8 17 22 27 weDNesDaY9s gaMe tried to represent our University
San Diego 0, at Louisville 0 Cameron Smith, Australia .................. 69 67 71 4 207
Inter Miami CF ..................5 12 0 15 16 24 Game 6 : Game 4 winner vs. Game 5 winner, 2 (winner
Viktor Hovland, Norway ...................... 69 70 69 4 208 with honor, I have let all of you 4
fRIDaY9s ResUlts Min Woo Lee, Australia ...................... 69 65 74 4 208 advances unless Game 7 needed)
satURDaY, JUNe 10
at Washington 88, Phoenix 69 west w l t pts gf ga
at Washington 2, Angel City 1 Hideki Matsuyama, Japan ................... 72 69 67 4 208 thURsDaY9s gaMe and myself 4 down. I am solely
Minnesota 77, at Los Angeles 72 St. Louis City SC ...............9 6 2 29 34 20 Patrick Cantlay, United States ........... 71 71 67 4 209 x-Game 7: Game 3 vs. Game 4 winner, TBD (winner
Los Angeles FC..................8 3 5 29 25 16 North Carolina 5, at Chicago 0 Tony Finau, United States .................. 68 69 72 4 209 advances)
responsible for my conduct and
satURDaY9s ResUlt Seattle ..............................8 6 4 28 24 17 at OL Reign 2, Kansas City 1
Seattle 109, at Dallas 103 FC Dallas ...........................7 6 5 26 21 19
Matt Fitzpatrick, England ................... 71 70 68 4 209 sincerely apologize to the Univer-
sUNDaY, JUNe 11 Padraig Harrington, Ireland ................ 73 69 67 4 209 bRacKet 2
x-San Jose.........................7 5 5 26 21 20 Collin Morikawa, United States .......... 71 69 69 4 209 satURDaY9s ResUlts sity community 4 particularly to
sUNDaY9s gaMes Houston ............................7 7 3 24 20 21 Gotham FC 1, at Houston 1 Sam Burns, United States .................. 69 70 71 4 210
Chicago at Washington, 3 Real Salt Lake ...................6 7 5 23 20 28 at Orlando 3, Portland 1 Eric Cole, United States ...................... 69 70 71 4 210
Game 1: Wake Forest 3, Stanford 2 the student-athletes, coaches and
Game 2: LSU 6, Tennessee 3
Phoenix at New York, noon Vancouver .........................5 5 7 22 27 21
satURDaY9s ResUlts Brian Harman, United States .............. 65 73 72 4 210
MONDaY9s gaMes
staff in our program. I must do
Atlanta at Indiana, 4 x-Portland .........................5 7 5 20 20 24 Tyrrell Hatton, England ....................... 74 67 69 4 210
Connecticut at Los Angeles, 7:30 Sporting KC .......................5 9 5 20 21 27 Angel City 2, at San Diego 1 Russell Henley, United States ............ 71 71 68 4 210 Game 3: Stanford vs. Tennessee, 2 better, and I plan to spend the
Minnesota United .............5 7 5 20 15 22 at North Carolina 3, Orlando 0 Game 4: Wake Forest vs. LSU, 7
Minnesota at Las Vegas, 9 Austin FC ..........................5 8 4 19 18 27
Si Woo Kim, South Korea .................... 67 72 71 4 210 next few months focused on my
OL Reign 0, at Houston 0 Brooks Koepka, United States ............ 71 69 70 4 210 tUesDaY9s gaMe
MONDaY9s gaMes LA Galaxy ..........................3 9 4 13 14 27 Shane Lowry, Ireland .......................... 72 70 68 4 210 Game 5: Game 3 winner vs. Game 4 loser, TBD (loser health and my family so that I can
Colorado ............................2 9 7 13 14 27 sUNDaY9s Matches Keith Mitchell, United States ............. 68 71 71 4 210
No games scheduled.
Washington at Kansas City, 7 Joaquin Niemann, Chile ...................... 68 72 70 4 210
eliminated) be the person they deserve.=
x-Late match weDNesDaY9s gaMe
tUesDaY9s gaMes Gotham FC at Louisville, 4 Justin Suh, United States ................... 69 69 72 4 210
Game 6: Game 4 winner vs. Game 5 winner, 7 (winner
Huggins previously was
Atlanta at Dallas, 8 sUNDaY, JUNe 11 Portland at Chicago, 6 Cameron Young, United States .......... 72 70 68 4 210
Ryan Fox, New Zealand ....................... 68 74 69 4 211 advances unless Game 7 needed) charged with drunken driving in
Connecticut at Seattle, 10 LA Galaxy 1, at St. Louis City SC 1 fRIDaY9s Match Billy Horschel, United States .............. 73 67 71 4 211 thURsDaY9s gaMe 2004, when he was the coach at
Minnesota at Los Angeles, 10 at Portland 1, FC Dallas 0 Denny McCarthy, United States ......... 71 67 73 4 211
Washington at Portland, 10:30 x-Game 7: Game 3 vs. Game 4 winner, 7 (winner
weDNesDaY9s ResUlt Patrick Rodgers, United States .......... 71 69 71 4 211 advances) Cincinnati, and later pleaded no
satURDaY9s Matches Gary Woodland, United States ........... 70 68 73 4 211
Houston 1, at Los Angeles FC 0
Kansas City at Orlando, 7 Dylan Wu, United States .................... 68 70 73 4 211 chaMpIONshIp seRIes contest.
Storm 109, Wings 103 satURDaY9s ResUlts Louisville at North Carolina, 7 Austin Eckroat, United States ............ 71 68 73 4 212 Best of three: x-If necessary friday9s arrest was the second
Tommy Fleetwood, England ............... 73 69 70 4 212 Saturday, June 24: Bracket 1 winner vs. Bracket 2
seattle ................................ 26 29 19 35 4 109 Real Salt Lake 2, at D.C. United 1 OL Reign at San Diego, 10 offseason incident of note involv-
Sergio Garcia, Spain ............................ 70 71 71 4 212 winner, 7
Dallas .................................. 22 25 28 28 4 103 Columbus 1, at New York City FC 1 Andrew Putnam, United States .......... 68 71 73 4 212
at New England 3, Orlando City 1
sUNDaY, JUNe 25
Jon Rahm, Spain .................................. 69 73 70 4 212
Sunday, June 25: Bracket 1 winner vs. Bracket 2 winner, 3 ing Huggins, a West Virginia
seattle MIN fg ft O-t a pf pts Chicago at Gotham FC, 5:30 x-Monday, June 26: Bracket 1 winner vs. Bracket 2
Magbegor 26:16 5-9 1-1 1-5 2 4 15
Los Angeles FC 2, at Sporting KC 1
Houston at Angel City, 8
Sam Stevens, United States ............... 75 67 70 4 212 winner, 7 graduate who had coached his
at Nashville 3, St. Louis City SC 1 Kevin Streelman, United States ......... 72 69 71 4 212
Nurse 32:25 3-9 2-2 0-1 2 3 11
Portland at San Jose, late Charley Hoffman, United States ........ 71 67 75 4 213 alma mater since 2007 and was
Russell 34:09 4-6 4-6 3-10 5 1 12
Dojkic 32:30 3-7 7-9 0-2 7 5 14
Sahith Theegala, United States .......... 74 66 73 4 213 the winningest active coach in
weDNesDaY9s Matches Sam Bennett, United States ............... 67 68 79 4 214
Loyd 38:00 12-21 8-10 3-5 5 4 39 T e nnI S Au TO RAC InG men9s college basketball. Last
New York City FC at Atlanta, 7:30 Nick Hardy, United States .................. 70 69 75 4 214
Horston 15:59 3-5 2-2 0-1 0 2 8
Toronto FC at Cincinnati, 7:30 Sebastian Munoz, Colombia ............... 68 74 72 4 214 month, while appearing on a Cin-
Whitcomb 11:08 3-8 0-0 1-4 1 0 8
Ryan Gerard, United States ................ 69 70 76 4 215
Melbourne 7:30 0-0 0-0 0-1 0 0 0 Nashville at CF Montréal, 7:30 ATP/WTA
Fankam Mendjiadeu 2:03 0-0 2-2 0-0 0 1 2 Charlotte FC at New York, 7:30
Mackenzie Hughes, Canada ................ 67 73 75 4 215 nASCAR Cup Series cinnati radio show, Huggins used
Yuto Katsuragawa, Japan ................... 69 71 75 4 215
tOtals 200 33-6526-32 8-29 22 20 109 Philadelphia at Orlando City, 7:30 lIbeMa OpeN Gordon Sargent, United States .......... 69 71 75 4 215 scheDUle a homophobic slur while recalling
FC Dallas at Austin FC, 8:30 At Autotron Rosmalen; in Den Bosch, Netherlands Jordan L. Smith, England .................... 70 71 74 4 215 feb. 5: x-Heat Race 1 (Aric Almirola)
percentages: FG .508, FT .813. 3-point goals: 17-34, .500 purse: $723,876 Abraham Ancer, Mexico ...................... 70 72 74 4 216 feb. 5: x-Heat Race 2 (Martin Truex Jr.) a rivalry game between Xavier
San Jose at Houston, 8:30
(Loyd 7-12, Magbegor 4-4, Nurse 3-8, Whitcomb 2-6, surface: Grass Adam Hadwin, Canada ........................ 70 72 74 4 216 feb. 5: x-Heat Race 3, (Denny Hamlin) University and the Bearcats,
Dojkic 1-3, Horston 0-1). team Rebounds: 9. team New England at Minnesota, 8:30
Romain Langasque, France ................. 71 68 77 4 216 feb. 5: x-Heat Race 4, (William Byron)
turnovers: None. blocked shots: 6 (Magbegor 4, Dojkic, Real Salt Lake at St. Louis City SC, 8:30 MeN9s sINgles 4 seMIfINals
Aldrich Potgieter, South Africa .......... 70 72 74 4 216 feb. 5: x-Last Chance Qualifying Race 1 (Michael McDowell) whom he coached from 1989 to
Horston). turnovers: 15 (Loyd 5, Dojkic 4, Magbegor 2, Vancouver at Colorado, 9:30 Jordan Thompson, Australia, def. Rinky Hijikata, Aus- feb. 5: x-Last Chance Qualifying Race 2 (Chase Elliott)
Horston, Melbourne, Nurse, Russell). steals: 4 (Magbe- Sporting KC at LA Galaxy, 10:30 tralia, 7-6 (7-5), 6-3; Tallon Griekspoor (6), Netherlands,
Ben Carr, United States ...................... 70 72 75 4 217
feb. 5: x- Clash at the Coliseum (Martin Truex Jr.)
2005. Huggins later apologized
David Puig, Spain ................................ 69 73 75 4 217
gor, Nurse, Russell, Whitcomb). technical fouls: None. Seattle at Los Angeles FC, 10:30 def. Emil Ruusuvuori, Finland, 6-4, 7-5. Maxwell Moldovan, United States ..... 71 71 76 4 218 feb. 16: x-Duel at Daytona 1 (Joey Logano) and was suspended for the first
Chicago at Portland, 10:30 Jacob Solomon, United States ............ 68 73 77 4 218 feb. 16: x-Duel at Daytona 2 (Aric Almirola)
Dallas MIN fg ft O-t a pf pts wOMeN9s sINgles 4 seMIfINals
Adam Svensson, Canada ..................... 71 70 77 4 218 feb. 19: Daytona 500 (Ricky Stenhouse Jr.) three games of the 2023-24 sea-
Howard 39:06 10-19 0-0 3-10 3 3 20 satURDaY9s Matches Ekaterina Alexandrova (4), Russia, def. Aliaksandra
Sabally 37:55 9-18 6-6 2-7 5 5 25 Sasnovich (7), Belarus, 6-1, 7-6 (7-1); Veronika Kuder- Patrick Reed, United States ................ 72 69 78 4 219 feb. 26: Pala Casino 400 (Kyle Busch) son, agreeing to a salary reduc-
Cincinnati at D.C. United, 7:30 Ryo Ishikawa, Japan ............................ 69 73 78 4 220 March 5: Pennzoil 400 (William Byron)
Brown 29:48 0-2 2-4 3-8 4 3 2 metova (1), Russia, def. Viktoria Hruncakova, Slovakia, March 12: Work United 500 (William Byron) tion and an amended contract.
Burton 17:51 0-2 0-0 0-2 4 4 0 CF Montréal at Charlotte FC, 7:30
6-3, 6-2. March 19: Ambetter 400 (Joey Logano)
Ogunbowale 37:32 13-24 8-8 0-2 3 5 41 Nashville at Columbus, 7:30
March 26: EchoPark Automotive Grand Prix (Tyler Reddick)
In friday9s incident, Huggins
Dangerfield 32:42 6-10 1-2 0-1 3 4 15 Toronto FC at New England, 7:30 MeN9s DOUbles 4 chaMpIONshIp
Siegrist 2:45 0-0 0-0 0-0 1 1 0 Atlanta at New York, 7:30 Wesley Koolhof, Netherlands, and Neal Skupski (1),
LPGA Tour april 2: Toyota Owners 400 (Kyle Larson) registered a 0.21 percent blood
april 8: x-Qualifying Race 1 (Austin Dillon)
Dickey 1:22 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 Miami at Philadelphia, 7:30 Britain, def. Gonzalo Escobar, Ecuador, and Aleksandr lpga classIc april 8: x-Qualifying Race 2 (Ryan Blaney) alcohol level 4 more than twice
Kuier 0:59 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 1 0 Houston at Austin FC, 8:30 Nedovyesov, Kazakhstan, 7-6 (7-1), 6-2. At Blythefield Country Club; In Belmont, Mich. april 8: x-Qualifying Race 3 (Kyle Larson)
tOtals 200 38-76 17-20 8-30 23 26 103 Chicago at Sporting KC, 8:30 purse: $2.5 million april 8: x-Qualifying Race 4 (Bubba Wallace)
Pennsylvania9s legal limit of
wOMeN9s DOUbles 4 chaMpIONshIp
percentages: FG .500, FT .850. 3-point goals: 10-26, .385
LA Galaxy at Colorado, 9:30 Shuko Aoyama and Ena Shibahara, Japan, def. Viktoria
Yardage: 6,556; par: 72 april 9: Food City Dirt Race (Christopher Bell) 0.08 percent 4 upon taking a
Minnesota at Real Salt Lake, 9:30 thIRD ROUND april 16: NOCO 400 (Kyle Larson)
(Ogunbowale 7-14, Dangerfield 2-4, Sabally 1-5, Howard Hruncakova and Tereza Mihalikova, Slovakia, 6-3, 6-3.
april 23: Geico 500 (Kyle Busch)
breath test, according to the crim-
0-3). team Rebounds: 11. team turnovers: 3. blocked Vancouver at Los Angeles FC, 10:30 Amy Yang ...................................... 67 67 67 4 201 -15
shots: 5 (Brown 2, Burton, Howard, Sabally). turnovers: New York City FC at Portland, 10:30 Ashleigh Buhai .............................. 68 68 66 4 202 -14
april 30: Würth 400 (Martin Truex Jr.) inal complaint obtained by the
May 7: AdventHealth 400 (Denny Hamlin)
10 (Ogunbowale 3, Brown 2, Howard 2, Sabally 2, Kuier). St. Louis City SC at San Jose, 10:30 ATP Ayaka Furue .................................. 66 67 69 4 202 -14
May 14: Goodyear 400 (William Byron) Associated Press. Per the AP, an
steals: 8 (Howard 3, Ogunbowale 3, Brown, Sabally). Orlando City at Seattle, 10:30 Xiyu Lin ......................................... 68 68 66 4 202 -14
bOss OpeN May 20: x-Heat Race 1 (Daniel Suárez) officer observed garbage bags
technical fouls: None. a: 5,020 (7,000). Ariya Jutanugarn .......................... 73 64 66 4 203 -13
At Tennis Club Weissenhof; in Stuttgart, Germany May 20: x-Heat Race 2 (Chris Buescher)
Hyo Joo Kim .................................. 69 65 69 4 203 -13 with empty beer containers inside
purse: $771,996 May 21: x-NASCAR All-Star Open (Josh Berry)
Leona Maguire .............................. 69 65 69 4 203 -13
May 21: NASCAR All-Star Race (Kyle Larson)
Real Salt Lake 2, d.C. united 1 surface: Grass Manon De Roey ............................. 70 65 69 4 204 -12
May 28: Coca-Cola 600 (Ryan Blaney) the vehicle and in its trunk. Hug-
Jennifer Kupcho ............................ 66 69 69 4 204 -12
Lynx 77, Sparks 72 Real salt laKe 1 1 2 sINgles 4 seMIfINals Lindsey Weaver-Wright ............... 66 69 69 4 204 -12
June 4: Enjoy Illinois 300 (Kyle Busch) gins was released from custody
D.c. UNIteD 0 1 1 Frances Tiafoe (3), United States, def. Marton Fucso- June 11: Toyota/Save Mart 350 (Martin Truex Jr.)
Late Friday Carlota Ciganda ............................. 68 66 71 4 205 -11 and is slated to appear for a pre-
vics, Hungary, 6-3, 7-6 (13-11); Jan-Lennard Struff, June 25: Ally 400, Lebanon, Tenn.
first half: 1, Real Salt Lake, Ruiz, 4 (Brody), 41st minute. Emily Pedersen ............................. 67 68 70 4 205 -11
Minnesota .......................... 18 16 24 19 4 77 Germany, def. Hubert Hurkacz (4), Poland, 3-6, 6-3, 6-3. July 2: Grant Park 220, Chicago liminary hearing at a later date,
second half: 2, Real Salt Lake, Musovski, 3 (Gomez), Aditi Ashok ................................... 68 67 72 4 207 -9
los angeles ........................ 19 24 14 15 4 72 July 9: Quaker State 400, Hampton, Ga.
51st; 3, D.C. United, Durkin, 2 (Ruan), 53rd. Hye Jin Choi .................................. 70 67 70 4 207 -9
goalies: Real Salt Lake, Zac MacMath, Gavin Beavers,
DOUbles 4 seMIfINals
Ally Ewing ..................................... 67 70 70 4 207 -9
July 16: Crayon 301, Loudon, N.H. per the police blotter.
MINNesOta MIN fg ft O-t a pf pts Kevin Krawietz and Tim Puetz (4), Germany, def. Rohan July 23: M&M9s Fan Appreciation 400, Long Pond, Pa.
Carleton 23:15 1-3 0-0 1-5 2 0 2
Tomas Gomez; D.C. United, Tyler Miller, Alex Bono. Bopanna, India, and Matthew Ebden (1), Australia, 7-6
Eun-Hee Ji ..................................... 68 72 67 4 207 -9
July 30: Cup Series Race at Richmond According to the blotter, Pitts-
Yellow cards: Ruiz, Real Salt Lake, 9th; Durkin, D.C. Minami Katsu ............................... 70 72 65 4 207 -9
Collier 38:03 9-13 6-8 2-6 1 1 25
United, 50th; Dajome, D.C. United, 75th; Hines-Ike, D.C.
(8-6), 6-7 (14-12), 10-4. Frida Kinhult ................................. 66 71 70 4 207 -9
aug. 6: FireKeepers Casino 400, Brooklyn, Mich. burgh police observed Huggins9s
Juhász 28:55 3-4 2-6 1-4 3 2 9 aug. 13: Verizon 200 at the Brickyard, Speedway, Ind.
United, 89th; MacMath, Real Salt Lake, 90th+1. Alison Lee ..................................... 67 71 69 4 207 -9 vehicle blocking traffic in the mid-
McBride 31:07 6-9 3-3 0-5 1 1 16 aug. 20: Go Bowling at the Glen, Watkins Glen, N.Y.
Red cards: Birnbaum, D.C. United, 26th. Minjee Lee .................................... 68 67 72 4 207 -9
Mitchell 27:30 1-6 3-4 0-1 3 4 5 aug. 26: Coke Zero Sugar 400, Daytona Beach, Fla.
Banham 25:50 2-5 1-2 0-4 6 3 7
a: 19,215. WTA Stephanie Meadow ....................... 70 69 68 4 207 -9
sept. 3: Southern 500, Darlington, S.C.
dle of the road at about 8:30 p.m.
Real Salt Lake, Zac MacMath; Andrew Brody, Justen Pauline Roussin ............................ 68 68 71 4 207 -9
Milic 14:51 4-9 2-2 0-2 1 4 10
Glad, Jasper Loffelsend (Moses Nyeman, 75th), Brayan
NOttINghaM OpeN Jasmine Suwannapura ................. 68 69 70 4 207 -9
sept. 10: Hollywood Casino 400 , Kansas City, Kan. friday, with the side door of his
Allen 10:29 1-4 0-0 0-2 2 2 3 At Nottingham (England) Tennis Centre sept. 16: Bass Pro Shops Night Race, Bristol, Tenn.
tOtals 200 27-53 17-25 4-29 19 17 77
Vera; Emeka Eneli, Andres Gomez (Bode Davis, 63rd),
purse: $259,303
Mi Hyang Lee ................................ 71 66 71 4 208 -8
sept. 24: AutoTrader EchoPark Automotive 400, Fort SUV open and the vehicle sport-
Damir Kreilach, Diego Luna (Maikel Chang, 63rd), Pablo Morgane Metraux ......................... 69 71 68 4 208 -8
surface: Grass Worth ing a flat and shredded tire. Per
Ruiz; Danny Musovski (Ilijah Paul, 84th). Chella Choi .................................... 68 69 72 4 209 -7
percentages: FG .509, FT .680. 3-point goals: 6-19, .316 Oct. 1: YellaWood 500, Talladega, Ala.
D.C. United, Tyler Miller; Steven Birnbaum, Brendan Allisen Corpuz ............................... 71 68 70 4 209 -7 the AP, Huggins told an officer
(Banham 2-4, Allen 1-1, Juhász 1-1, Collier 1-4, McBride sINgles 4 seMIfINals Mina Harigae ................................ 74 67 68 4 209 -7
Oct. 8: Roval 400, Concord, N.C.
Hines-Ike, Gaoussou Samake (Andy Najar, 70th), Derrick Oct. 15: South Point 400, Las Vegas
1-4, Carleton 0-1, Milic 0-2, Mitchell 0-2). team Re- Katie Boulter, Britain, def. Heather Watson, Britain, 6-4, Wei-Ling Hsu ................................ 70 68 71 4 209 -7 that he had been at a basketball
Williams; Chris Durkin (Donovan Pines, 90th+3), Ma- Oct. 22: NASCAR Cup Series Race, Homestead, Fla.
bounds: 7. team turnovers: None. blocked shots: 4 7-5; Jodie Anna Burrage, Britain, def. Alize Cornet, Cheyenne Knight ........................... 66 70 73 4 209 -7
teusz Klich (Erik Hurtado, 46th), Lewis O9Brien, Russell Oct. 29: Xfinity 500, Ridgeway, Va. camp in Sherrodsville, ohio,
(Collier 2, Carleton, Juhász). turnovers: 14 (Mitchell 5, France, 7-5, 7-5. Jeongeun Lee6 .............................. 71 69 69 4 209 -7
Canouse (Ruan, 46th); Christian Benteke, Cristian Da- Nov. 5: NASCAR Cup Series Race Championship,
Banham 2, Carleton 2, Juhász 2, McBride 2, Collier). Ruixin Liu ...................................... 72 70 67 4 209 -7
steals: 6 (Juhász 2, McBride 2, Allen, Collier). technical
jome (Kristian Fletcher, 84th). DOUbles 4 seMIfINals
Xiaowen Yin .................................. 71 70 68 4 209 -7
Avondale, Ariz. which is about 80 miles away; an
fouls: Lynx, 2:01 third. Ulrikke Eikeri, Norway, and Ingrid Neel, Estonia, def. Xu x-Non-points race officer said Huggins was asked
Anna Nordqvist ............................. 70 69 71 4 210 -6
Yifan, China, and Anna Danilina (1), Kazakhstan, 6-4,
Mel Reid ........................................ 71 69 70 4 210 -6
lOs aNgeles MIN fg ft O-t a pf pts Crew 1, new york City FC 1 6-4; Heather Watson and Harriet Dart, Britain, def.
Madelene Sagstrom ..................... 70 72 68 4 210 -6
multiple times what city he was in
N.Ogwumike 33:29 2-9 4-7 0-5 7 4 8 Alicia Barnett and Olivia Nicholls, Britain, 6-4, 6-4.
Stevens 17:54 3-8 0-0 1-7 0 2 8 cOlUMbUs 0 1 1 Sarah Schmelzel ........................... 72 69 69 4 210 -6 nASCAR Cup Series and did not respond correctly.
Hamby 30:06 5-9 2-3 3-9 3 4 14 New YORK cItY fc 0 1 1 Charlotte Thomas ......................... 72 69 69 4 210 -6
Canada 40:00 9-17 2-2 1-3 5 2 22 Na Rin An ...................................... 70 71 70 4 211 -5 pOINts leaDeRs <officers directed the male
first half: None. Lindy Duncan ................................ 72 70 69 4 211 -5 Through Monday.
Cooke 24:55 2-5 0-0 0-1 1 1 5 second half: 1, Columbus, Ramirez, 6 (Matan), 48th bbva OpeN INteRNacIONal De valeNcIa
Brooke Henderson ........................ 69 73 69 4 211 -5
driver on how best to move off the
Kar.Samuelson 20:57 1-2 2-2 0-1 1 6 5 minute; 2, New York City FC, Segal, 2, 90th+5. At Club de Tenis Sporting Club de Tenis Valencia (Spain) 1. Martin Truex Jr, 525.
Thomas 19:22 2-7 0-0 0-2 1 1 5 goalies: Columbus, Patrick Schulte, Evan Bush; New purse: $107,459 Soo Bin Joo ................................... 71 68 72 4 211 -5 2. William Byron, 512. road so they could help with the
Moriya Jutanugarn ....................... 73 69 69 4 211 -5 3. Ryan Blaney, 501.
C.Ogwumike 13:17 2-3 1-2 0-0 0 4 5 York City FC, Luis Barraza, Matt Freese. surface: Red clay
Jeong Eun Lee5 ............................. 71 68 72 4 211 -5 4. Ross Chastain, 501.
flat tire,= the police blotter read.
tOtals 200 26-60 11-16 5-28 18 24 72 Yellow cards: Cufre, New York City FC, 32nd; Parks, New
York City FC, 90th+1; Rodriguez, New York City FC,
sINgles 4 seMIfINals Pernilla Lindberg ........................... 69 71 71 4 211 -5 5. Kevin Harvick, 500. <When they observed him having
Mayar Sherif (1), Egypt, def. Nadia Podoroska (8), Azahara Munoz ............................. 72 69 70 4 211 -5 6. Kyle Busch, 496.
percentages: FG .433, FT .688. 3-point goals: 9-26, .346 90th+7. difficulty maneuvering the SUV
Argentina, 6-1, 6-3; Marina Bassols Ribera, Spain, def. Hae-Ran Ryu ................................. 68 69 74 4 211 -5 7. Christopher Bell, 493.
(Hamby 2-3, Canada 2-5, Stevens 2-6, Cooke 1-2, a: 30,615.
Tamara Korpatsch, Germany, 3-6, 6-3, 6-1. Bailey Tardy .................................. 70 71 70 4 211 -5 8. Denny Hamlin, 462. to allow vehicles to pass, they
Kar.Samuelson 1-2, Thomas 1-6, N.Ogwumike 0-2). Columbus, Patrick Schulte; Malte Amundsen, Mohamed Jennifer Chang .............................. 73 68 71 4 212 -4 9. Joey Logano, 444.
team Rebounds: 9. team turnovers: 2. blocked shots: 1 Ramzdine Farsi, Steven Moreira; Alexandru Matan
(Stevens). turnovers: 12 (Hamby 4, C.Ogwumike 2, (Isaiah Parente, 73rd), Aidan Morris, Darlington Nagbe,
DOUbles 4 seMIfINals Jodi Ewart Shadoff ....................... 71 70 71 4 212 -4 10. Kyle Larson, 440. activated their lights to pull him
Andrea Gamiz, Venezuela, and Aliona Bolsova (1), Spain, Nasa Hataoka ............................... 71 67 74 4 212 -4 11. Chris Buescher, 430.
Cooke 2, Canada, Kar.Samuelson, Stevens, Thomas). Sean Zawadzki; Cucho Hernandez, Christian Ramirez
def. Guiomar Maristany Zuleta de Reales and Jessica Esther Henseleit ........................... 72 67 73 4 212 -4 12. Brad Keselowski, 424.
over. Upon questioning, officers
steals: 6 (Canada 2, N.Ogwumike 2, C.Ogwumike, (Jacen Russell-Rowe, 81st), Yaw Yeboah (Maximilian
Kar.Samuelson). technical fouls: None. a: 5,265 Arfsten, 76th).
Bouzas Maneiro, Spain, 7-6 (7-3), 6-1. Megan Khang ................................ 71 69 72 4 212 -4 13. Tyler Reddick, 420. had strong suspicion to believe
Grace Kim ...................................... 71 71 70 4 212 -4 14. Ricky Stenhouse Jr, 400.
(18,997) New York City FC, Luis Barraza; Tony Alfaro (Gabe Segal, the male was intoxicated.=
Polly Mack ..................................... 70 72 70 4 212 -4 15. Bubba Wallace, 354.
73rd), Brian Cufre (Kevin O9Toole, 78th), Mitja Ilenic So Yeon Ryu .................................. 71 71 70 4 212 -4
(Stephen Turnbull, 78th); Justin Haak, Alfredo Morales ATP Ellinor Sudow ................................ 70 70 72 4 212 -4
16. Alex Bowman, 331. Huggins has a career record of
(Richard Ledezma, 59th), Keaton Parks, Santiago Rodri- 17. Daniel Suárez, 328.
P R O F O OT BAL L guez, James Sands; Gabriel Pereira, Talles Magno
sINgles RaNKINgs Stephanie Kyriacou ....................... 69 73 71 4 213 -3 18. Ty Gibbs, 320. 935-414 (.693) as a head coach,
Through Tuesday. Ines Laklalech ............................... 68 73 72 4 213 -3 19. Michael McDowell, 317.
(Tayvon Gray, 73rd). Yan Liu .......................................... 70 72 71 4 213 -3 20. AJ Allmendinger, 298.
which includes three seasons at
1. Novak Djokovic, Serbia, 7595
uSFL 2. Carlos Alcaraz, Spain, 7175 Maja Stark .................................... 69 73 71 4 213 -3 21. Austin Cindric, 292. NAIA Walsh University, five at
3. Daniil Medvedev, Russia, 6100 Marissa Steen ............................... 69 73 71 4 213 -3 22. Corey LaJoie, 291.
NORth w l t pct pf pa Revolution 3, Orlando City 1 4. Casper Ruud, Norway, 4960 Celine Borge .................................. 72 69 73 4 214 -2 23. Justin Haley, 284. Akron, 16 at Cincinnati, one at
Philadelphia ......................4 5 0 .444 200 235 Allison Emrey ............................... 71 70 73 4 214 -2
Pittsburgh.........................4 6 0 .400 177 178 ORlaNDO cItY 0 1 1 5. Stefanos Tsitsipas, Greece, 4920
Hannah Green ............................... 71 69 74 4 214 -2
24. Todd Gilliland, 279. Kansas State and 16 at West Vir-
New eNglaND 0 3 3 6. Holger Rune, Denmark, 4375 25. Ryan Preece, 269.
Michigan ...........................3 6 0 .333 148 195 7. Andrey Rublev, Russia, 4000 Haeji Kang ..................................... 69 73 73 4 215 -1 26. Aric Almirola, 260. ginia. In his 41 seasons, his teams
New Jersey .......................3 7 0 .300 187 212 first half: None. 8. Taylor Fritz, USA, 3515 Louise Ridderstrom ...................... 71 71 73 4 215 -1 27. Chase Elliott, 247.
second half: 1, New England, Boateng, 2, 51st minute; 2, 9. Jannik Sinner, Italy, 3300 Maddie Szeryk .............................. 68 73 74 4 215 -1 28. Austin Dillon, 223.
reached the NCAA tournament
New England, Bou, 3 (Buck), 69th; 3, Orlando City, 10. Karen Khachanov, Russia, 3125 Arpichaya Yubol ............................ 70 72 73 4 215 -1 29. Harrison Burton, 219. 26 times. He was inducted to the
sOUth w l t pct pf pa
McGuire, 5 (Halliday), 80th; 4, New England, Gil, 7 (Bou), 11. Felix Auger-Aliassime, Canada, 2850 Yuna Nishimura ............................ 71 71 74 4 216 E 30. Erik Jones, 190.
Birmingham ......................8 2 0 .800 287 196 Naismith memorial Basketball
85th. 12. Frances Tiafoe, USA, 2835 Sung Hyun Park ............................ 69 70 77 4 216 E
New Orleans .....................6 3 0 .667 220 174
goalies: Orlando City, Mason Stajduhar, Javier Otero; Christina Kim ................................ 71 71 75 4 217 +1
Houston ............................5 4 0 .556 213 219
New England, Earl Edwards Jr., Jacob Jackson.
13. Cameron Norrie, Great Britain, 2565
Ilhee Lee ........................................ 72 70 76 4 218 +2 Hall of fame last year. His record
Memphis ...........................5 5 0 .500 190 213 14. Hubert Hurkacz, Poland, 2435
Yellow cards: Araujo, Orlando City, 3rd; Halliday, Orlan- 15. Borna Coric, Croatia, 2430 Laura Wearn ................................. 70 72 77 4 219 +3 Formula One over 38 seasons as a Division I
weeK 9 do City, 22nd; Buck, New England, 84th; Edwards Jr., 16. Tommy Paul, USA, 2205
satURDaY, JUNe 10 New England, 90th+4. 17. Lorenzo Musetti, Italy, 2095
caNaDIaN gRaND pRIx lINeUp head coach is 863-389 (.689).
Orlando City, Mason Stajduhar; Michael Halliday, Robin 18. Alex de Minaur, Australia, 1905 World Golf Ranking After Saturday qualifying; race Sunday. <Coach Huggins informed us of
at Pittsburgh 19, Michigan 7 Jansson, Rafael Santos (Ramiro Enrique, 90th+1), Ro- At Circuit Gilles Villeneuve; in Montreal
19. Pablo Carreno Busta, Spain, 1730
New Orleans 31, at Memphis 3 drigo Schlegel; Cesar Araujo (Dagur Dan Thorhallsson, 20. Francisco Cerundolo, Argentina, 1655
Through June 11. lap length: 4.36 kilometers his intent to retire and has sub-
sUNDaY, JUNe 11 78th), Felipe Martins (Alexandre de Almeida da Silva
Junior, 90th+1), Martin Ojeda, Mauricio Pereyra (Luca
21. Matteo Berrettini, Italy, 1582 1. ....................... Scottie Scheffler 11.54 thIRD sessION mitted his letter of resignation,
Birmingham 38, at Houston 15 22. Roberto Bautista Agut, Spain, 1530 2. ...................................Jon Rahm 10.41 1. Max Verstappen, Netherlands, Red Bull Racing, 1
at New Jersey 37, Philadelphia 33
Petrasso, 79th); Ivan Angulo, Ercan Kara (Duncan 23. Alexander Zverev, Germany, 1450 3. .............................. Rory McIlroy 8.26 minute, 25.858 seconds.
and we have accepted it in light of
McGuire, 46th). 24. Jan-Lennard Struff, Germany, 1437
weeK 10 New England, Earl Edwards Jr.; Brandon Bye (Omar 25. Nick Kyrgios, Australia, 1375
4. ..........................Patrick Cantlay 7.11 2. Nico Hulkenberg, Germany, Haas, 1:27.102. recent events,= WVU President
Gonzalez, 46th), Andrew Farrell, DeJuan Jones, Dave 5. .......................... Viktor Hovland 6.63 3. Fernando Alonso, Spain, Aston Martin, 1:27.286.
satURDaY9s ResUlts
Romney; Emmanuel Boateng, Noel Buck, Carles Gil, Matt
26. Grigor Dimitrov, Bulgaria, 1365 6. .....................Xander Schauffele 6.42 4. Lewis Hamilton, Great Britain, Mercedes, 1:27.627. Gordon Gee and Athletic Director
Pittsburgh 26, at New Jersey 6 27. Yoshihito Nishioka, Japan, 1351 7. ................................. Max Homa 5.55
Polster; Gustavo Bou, Bobby Wood (Giacomo Vrioni, 28. Daniel Evans, Great Britain, 1331 8. ........................ Matt Fitzpatrick 5.27
5. George Russell, Great Britain, Mercedes, 1:27.893. Wren Baker said in a statement.
Birmingham 27, at Memphis 20 75th). 6. Esteban Ocon, France, Alpine, 1:27.945.
sUNDaY9s gaMes
29. Denis Shapovalov, Canada, 1290 9. ......................... Cameron Smith 5.07 7. Lando Norris, Great Britain, McLaren, 1:28.046. <We support his decision so that
30. Nicolas Jarry, Chile, 1276 10. .......................... Jordan Spieth 5.04 8. Carlos Sainz Jr, Spain, Ferrari, 1:29.294.
New Orleans at Houston, 4 31. Sebastian Korda, USA, 1220 11. .......................... Will Zalatoris 4.70 9. Oscar Piastri, Australia, McLaren, 1:31.349.
he can focus on his health and
Philadelphia at Michigan, 7 nashville SC 3, 32. Tomas Martin Etcheverry, Argentina, 1201 12. ...............................Tony Finau 4.49 10. Alexander Albon, Thailand, Williams, 1:30.284. family. on behalf of West Virginia
33. Alejandro Davidovich Fokina, Spain, 1195 13. .........................Brooks Koepka 4.43
RegUlaR seasON eNDs Saint Louis City SC 1 34. Botic Van de Zandschulp, Netherlands, 1135 14. ..........................Tyrrell Hatton 4.38
elIMINateD afteR secOND sessION University, we share our apprecia-
35. Ben Shelton, USA, 1069 15. ............................... Sam Burns 4.36 11. Charles Leclerc, Monaco, Ferrari, 1:20.615.
plaYOffs st. lOUIs cItY sc 1 0 1 36. Ugo Humbert, France, 1061 16. .........................Justin Thomas 4.31 12. Sergio Perez, Mexico, Red Bull Racing, 1:20.959. tion for his service to our Univer-
satURDaY9s gaMe NashvIlle 1 2 3 37. Jiri Lehecka, Czech Republic, 1038 17. ....................... Cameron Young 4.14 13. Lance Stroll, Canada, Aston Martin, 1:21.484. sity, our community and our state.
TBD vs. TBD, 8, NBC first half: 1, Nashville, Mukhtar, 11, 11th minute; 2, St. 38. Tallon Griekspoor, Netherlands, 1024 18. ...................... Collin Morikawa 3.98 14. Kevin Magnussen, Denmark, Haas, 1:21.678.
sUNDaY, JUNe 25 Louis City SC, Gioacchini, 7, 41st. 39. Miomir Kecmanovic, Serbia, 985 19. .............................. Sungjae Im 3.73 15. Valtteri Bottas, Finland, Alfa Romeo Racing, . . . In the days ahead, we will
second half: 3, Nashville, Mukhtar, 12 (penalty kick), 40. Maxime Cressy, USA, 975 1:21.821.
TBD vs. TBD, 8, FOX 70th; 4, Nashville, Mukhtar, 13 (McCarty), 75th. 41. Lorenzo Sonego, Italy, 970
20. .........................Kurt Kitayama 3.53 focus on supporting the student-
21. .................. Tommy Fleetwood 3.40 elIMINateD afteR fIRst sessION
Usfl chaMpIONshIp goalies: St. Louis City SC, Roman Burki, Ben Lundt; 42. Emil Ruusuvuori, Finland, 956 22. .................................. Tom Kim 3.25 16. Yuki Tsunoda, Japan, Alphatauri, 1:22.746. athletes in our men9s basketball
satURDaY, JUlY 1 Nashville, Joe Willis, Elliot Panicco, Ben Martino. 23. ................................ Jason Day 3.18 17. Pierre Gasly, France, Alpine, 1:22.886.
Yellow cards: Vassilev, St. Louis City SC, 32nd; Bauer, 24. ....................... Keegan Bradley 2.99 18. Nyck De Vries, Netherlands, Alphatauri, 1:23.137.
program and solidifying leader-
TBD vs. TBD, 8, NBC Nashville, 37th; McCarty, Nashville, 45th+1; Hiebert, St. WTA 25. ..............................Justin Rose 2.98 19. Logan Sargeant, USA, Williams, 1:23.337. ship for our program.=
Louis City SC, 54th; Washington, Nashville, 83rd; Zubak, 26. .................. Hideki Matsuyama 2.96 20. Guanyu Zhou, China, Alfa Romeo Racing, 1:23.342.
Nashville, 87th. sINgles RaNKINgs 27. ............................Shane Lowry 2.91
a: 30,109. Through Tuesday. 28. ...................... Sahith Theegala 2.88
T RAnS ACT I O nS St. Louis City SC, Roman Burki; Lucas Bartlett, Kyle 29. ......................... Corey Conners 2.83
1. Iga Swiatek, Poland, 8940
Hiebert, Jake Nerwinski (John Nelson, 46th), Tim 2. Aryna Sabalenka, Belarus, 8012 30. ........................ Russell Henley 2.72 IndyCar
Parker; Rasmus Alm (Isak Jensen, 80th), Tomas Ostrak 3. Elena Rybakina, Kazakhstan, 5090 31. ..............................Si Woo Kim 2.71
Mlb (Akil Watts, 72nd), Miguel Perez, Jared Stroud (Celio 32. .......................Wyndham Clark 2.68 sONsIO gRaND pRIx lINeUp
4. Caroline Garcia, France, 5025
baltimore Orioles: Recalled RHP Spenser Watkins from Pompeu, 80th), Indiana Vassilev (Aziel Jackson, 80th); 33. .............................Sepp Straka 2.56 After Saturday qualifying; race Sunday.
5. Jessica Pegula, USA, 4905
Norfolk (IL). Optioned RHP Reed Garrett to Norfolk. Nicholas Gioacchini. 34. ......................Denny McCarthy 2.52 At Road America; in Plymouth, Wis.
6. Ons Jabeur, Tunisia, 3961
Detroit tigers: Assigned RHP Trey Wingenter to Toledo Nashville, Joe Willis; Josh Bauer, Daniel Lovitz, Jack 35. ................................ Tom Hoge 2.49 lap length: 4.014 miles
7. Coco Gauff, USA, 3435
(IL) on a rehab assignment. Maher, Shaq Moore; Sean Davis (Taylor Washington, 36. .................... Joaquin Niemann 2.49 (Car number in parentheses)
8. Maria Sakkari, Greece, 3272
Minnesota twins: Recalled LHP Brent Headrick form St. 80th), Randall Leal (Jacob Shaffelburg, 46th), Dax 37. ............................. Adam Scott 2.48 1. (26) Colton Herta, D/H/F, 01:40.1945 (144.223 mph).
9. Petra Kvitova, Czech Republic, 3102
Paul (IL). Optioned RHP Josh Winder to St. Paul. McCarty, Hany Mukhtar (Brian Anunga, 90th+5), Alex 38. .................................Chris Kirk 2.41 2. (5) Pato O9Ward, D/C/F, 01:40.3643 (143.979).
10. Beatriz Haddad Maia, Brazil, 2910
Oakland athletics: Selected the contract of INF Tyler Muyl (Jan Gregus, 81st); Teal Bunbury (Ethan Zubak, 39. .......................... Billy Horschel 2.41 3. (10) Alex Palou, D/H/F, 01:40.4930 (143.795).
11. Daria Kasatkina, Russia, 2735
Wade from Las Vegas (PCL). Placed INF Kevin Smith on 46th). 40. .......................... Brian Harman 2.35 4. (2) Josef Newgarden, D/C/F, 01:40.9530 (143.140).
12. Barbora Krejcikova, Czech Republic, 2680
the 10-day IL, retroactive to June 16. 41. ..................................Ryan Fox 2.30 5. (7) Alexander Rossi, D/C/F, 01:41.1854 (142.811).
13. Belinda Bencic, Switzerland, 2630
toronto blue Jays: Assigned RHP Zach Pop to Dunedin 42. ..........................Harris English 2.30 6. (27) Kyle Kirkwood, D/H/F, No Time (No Speed).
14. Veronika Kudermetova, Russia, 2520
(FSL) on a rehab assignment. 43. .........................Emiliano Grillo 2.26 7. (45) Christian Lundgaard, D/H/F, 01:41.0480
15. Liudmila Samsonova, Russia, 2296
chicago cubs: Reinstated LHP Justin Steele from the 44. .............................. Nick Taylor 2.22 (143.005).
15-day IL. Placed INF Patrick Wisdom on the 10-day IL.
Los Angeles FC 2, Sporting KC 1 16. Karolina Muchova, Czech Republic, 2295
45. ...........................Rickie Fowler 2.21 8. (11) Marcus Armstrong, D/H/F, 01:41.1737 (142.828).
17. Jelena Ostapenko, Latvia, 2130
Optioned 3B Edwin Rios to Iowa (IL). 46. ........................ Seamus Power 2.14 9. (8) Marcus Ericsson, D/H/F, 01:41.2202 (142.762).
lOs aNgeles fc 0 2 2 18. Karolina Pliskova, Czech Republic, 2100
colorado Rockies: Recalled RHP Gavin Hollowell from 47. ............................ Patrick Reed 2.08 10. (55) Benjamin Pedersen, D/C/F, 01:41.4989
spORtINg Kc 1 0 1 19. Victoria Azarenka, Belarus, 1967
Albuquerque (PCL). Designated RHP Dinelson Lamet for 48. ....................Kyoung-Hoon Lee 2.05 (142.370).
first half: 1, Sporting KC, Pulido, 5 (penalty kick), 17th 20. Donna Vekic, Croatia, 1773
assignment. 49. ........................ Adrian Meronk 2.02 11. (14) Santino Ferrucci, D/C/F, 01:41.6314 (142.184).
minute. 21. Magda Linette, Poland, 1765
los angeles Dodgers: Selected the contract of LHP 50. ........................... Taylor Moore 1.97 12. (29) Devlin DeFrancesco, D/H/F, 01:41.8277
second half: 2, Los Angeles FC, Maldonado, 1 (Bogusz), 22. Anastasia Potapova, Russia, 1765
Bryan Hudson from Oklahoma City (PCL).
Miami Marlins: Recalled SS Jacob Amaya from Jackson-
ville (IL). Placed INF Jean Segura on the 10-day IL,
48th; 3, Los Angeles FC, Vela, 5 (Long), 90th.
goalies: Los Angeles FC, John McCarthy, Eldin Jak-
23. Madison Keys, USA, 1691
24. Zheng Qinwen, China, 1669
13. (18) David Malukas, D/H/F, 01:41.5204 (142.340).
14. (15) Graham Rahal, D/H/F, 01:41.5121 (142.352).
25. Anhelina Kalinina, Ukraine, 1597
retroactive to June 15. Placed RHP Edward Cabrera on
upovic; Sporting KC, Kendall Mcintosh, John Pulskamp.
Yellow cards: Rosero, Sporting KC, 50th; Bogusz, Los 26. Ekaterina Alexandrova, Russia, 1535 H O CK ey 15. (21) Rinus VeeKay, D/C/F, 01:41.7420 (142.030).
16. (6) Felix Rosenqvist, D/C/F, 01:41.5823 (142.253).
|e past, rediscovered
the 15-day IL, retroactive to June 14. Recalled RHP 27. Bernarda Pera, USA, 1514
Angeles FC, 59th; Biuk, Los Angeles FC, 65th. 17. (77) Callum Ilott, D/C/F, 01:41.8005 (141.948).
Huascar Brazoban from Jacksonville.
Milwaukee brewers: Reinstated LHP Wade Miley from
a: 19,410.
Los Angeles FC, John McCarthy; Julian Gaines (Jesus
28. Elise Mertens, Belgium, 1424
29. Irina-Camelia Begu, Romania, 1342 AHL playoffs 18. (3) Scott McLaughlin, D/C/F, 01:41.7005 (142.088).
the 15-day IL and OF Jesse Winker from the 10-day IL. 19. (28) Romain Grosjean, D/H/F, 01:41.8529 (141.875).
Murillo, 46th), Aaron Long, Denil Maldonado, Diego 30. Petra Martic, Croatia, 1330
Optioned RHP Tyson Miller to Nashville (IL). Designated calDeR cUp fINals 20. (60) Simon Pagenaud, D/H/F, 01:41.7257 (142.053).
Palacios (Ryan Hollingshead, 46th); Mateusz Bogusz, 31. Zhang Shuai, China, 1324
1B Jon Singleton for assignment. Sent RHP Cam heRsheY leaDs cOachella valleY, 3-2 21. (78) Agustin Canapino, D/C/F, 01:41.9247 (141.775).
Daniel Crisostomo, Erik Duenas, Ilie Sanchez (Carlos 32. Sorana Cirstea, Romania, 1267
Robinson outright to Biloxi (SL). Best of seven; x-If necessary 22. (12) Will Power, D/C/F, 01:41.9275 (141.771).
Vela, 46th); Stipe Biuk, Nathan Ordaz (Yekeson Subah, 33. Marie Bouzkova, Czech Republic, 1258
philadelphia phillies: Recalled LHP Cristopher Sanchez 23. (9) Scott Dixon, D/H/F, 01:42.2745 (141.290).
77th). 34. Paula Badosa, Spain, 1233 Game 1: Coachella Valley 5, Hershey 0
from Lehigh Valley (IL). Optioned RHP Luis Ortiz to 24. (30) Jack Harvey, D/H/F, 01:41.9329 (141.764).
Sporting KC, Kendall Mcintosh; Robert Castellanos, Tim 35. Marta Kostyuk, Ukraine, 1225 Game 2: Coachella Valley 4, Hershey 0
Lehigh Valley. Placed RHP Seranthony Dominguez on the 25. (51) Sting Ray Robb, D/H/F, 01:42.6862 (140.724).
Leibold (Roger Espinoza, 59th), Dany Rosero; Jake Davis 36. Simona Halep, Romania, 1220 Game 3: Hershey 5, Coachella Valley 4 (OT)
15-day IL, retroactive to June 16. Recalled RHP Yunior 26. (06) Helio Castroneves, D/H/F, 01:42.0399
(Johnny Russell, 76th), Gadi Kinda (Khiry Shelton, 37. Bianca Andreescu, Canada, 1202 Game 4: Hershey 3, Coachella Valley 2
Marte from Lehigh Valley as an injury replacement. (141.615).
58th), Nemanja Radoja, Erik Thommy, Remi Walter; 38. Sloane Stephens, USA, 1170 Game 5: Hershey 1, Coachella Valley 0 (OT)
st. louis cardinals: Assigned LF Lars Nootbaar to 27. (20) Ryan Hunter-Reay, D/C/F, 01:44.1738
Alan Pulido, Daniel Salloi. 39. Zhu Lin, China, 1145 Monday9s game: Hershey at Coachella Valley, 10
Memphis (IL) on a rehab assignment. (138.714).
40. Mayar Sherif, Egypt, 1135 x-Wednesday9s game: Hershey at Coachella Valley, 10 S0364 1x3
D6 eZ Su the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

At Colorado, refundable deposit, handsets

chirping an instant after being
snapped into their cradles.
8Coach Prime9 <sell! sell! sell!= rick George,
the school9s athletic director, told

is on big stage, the staff when he happened by.

By the end of December, the
school had collected more than
running show 5,000 interest forms for season
tickets, and its customer retention
rate was a record 98 percent. The
sanDers from D1 Buffaloes9 spring game, to which
the athletic department sold tick-
prefers 4 is a stirring demonstra- ets for the first time, was a sellout.
tion of change. He hobbles When sanders attended a men9s
through the lounge and onto the basketball game, senior associate
field, his bandanna replaced by a AD Williams says, that program9s
10-gallon cowboy hat. When re- social media accounts and ticket
cruits face him, they9re at once sales grew, with fans hoping for a
meeting a stranger and a man they glimpse of sanders if he returned.
have always known. school officials call this the
<I9ve been in all three seats,= <Prime effect,= and it can be mea-
sanders says. <I9ve been the par- sured in cash flow, in merchandise
ent, I9ve been the kid, and I9m the sales and in a few unexpected
coach. so I know what each person ways. When sanders, who grew up
is thinking, and that9s very advan- in florida, posted a video that
tageous.= pointed out a local breakfast joint
There9s something interesting didn9t offer grits, local restaurants
playing out here, and like <Prime quickly added it to their menus. In
Time= in the 1990s, not everyone march, sanders joined university
loves it. sanders is carrying the chancellor Philip P. Distefano at
hopes of a campus and a fan the state house and charmed law-
community desperate to feel na- makers preparing to vote on fund-
tionally relevant for the first time ing for public education. A month
dAvid ZAluboWSki/ASSoCiATed PreSS
in decades. He9s also a broader test later, when the university9s
of the sport9s traditional, if anti- Biofrontiers Institute was inter-
quated, paradigm. College sports viewing a highly regarded profes-
have always been transactional, sor, Distefano didn9t meet with
but that9s something those work- the candidate because she had
ing in the industry have never requested a meeting with sanders.
admitted. As recently as 2019, <I9m a closer,= he says.
when sanders was still an nfL In fact, his ability to attract
network analyst and the nCAA talent and generate hype has cre-
raked in $19 billion in revenue, the ated an unexpected problem. In
fable of amateurism reigned: Ath- 2019, at perhaps the nadir of the
letes came to school for a free Colorado brand, folsom field was
education, to experience college, sold out for a home game against
to spend four glorious and mutu- longtime rival nebraska. other
ally beneficial years learning and than the student section, the sta-
playing ball amid bucolic sur- dium was a sea of Cornhuskers
roundings. white and red, the school9s
<I have never heard a kid say, 8I #KeepTheredout campaign a dis-
came here because the campus is aster. Thousands of Buffaloes fans
beautiful,9 = sanders says. <I ain9t had sold their tickets to visitors.
never heard a kid say that. In any <How did this happen?= George
place.= asked his nonplussed staff.
dAvid ZAluboWSki/ASSoCiATed PreSS hAkiM WrighT Sr./ASSoCiATed PreSS
Coach Prime is football9s no. 1 so when the school hired sand-
hype man, referring to himself as ers, with demand for tickets far
the most honest coach in sports. In outpacing supply, the athletic de-
three seasons at Jackson state, the partment was determined to avoid
historically Black university a similar fiasco. Which fans had
whose football team sanders lifted earned the right to buy tickets?
to unprecedented heights, he jetti- Instead of the classic first-come,
soned the folklore. Instead, he first-served model, how could Col-
embraced the pioneering 2021 orado weed out the type of ticket
policy that, for the first time, al- holder who would sell to Arizona
lowed players to be compensated or oregon fans if the price was
for the use of their names, images right?
and likenesses, either by boosters The ticket sales department9s
or the sports car dealership across job, therefore, isn9t selling so much
town. sanders was paid for his as it is data mining and collecting
services; why, he told players, information from would-be buy-
shouldn9t they be? ers. If someone attended a game in
He also took full advantage of the past five years, when the Buffa-
the sport9s transfer portal, which, loes went 19-35, or went to a
beginning in 2018, allowed players volleyball or women9s basketball
to change schools without penalty. contest, that person would be giv-
Jackson state went 27-6 in sand- en priority over someone who
ers9s three seasons; the Tigers won hadn9t.
two consecutive southwestern < 8Hey, he9s a Buff fan 4 a real
Athletic Conference titles, ap- Buff fan.9 We did rank folks,= says
peared in the past two Celebration Williams, who oversees the athlet-
Bowls (regarded as the national ic department9s marketing and
championship game for HBCUs) promotion. <There9s no playbook
and entered the national conver- for this.=
sation for the first time since Wal- nor is there for fans told that
ter Payton carried the ball there. they weren9t loyal enough and
<You have that lightning rod couldn9t buy tickets. some reacted
and these recruits coming in, and by erupting at the sales staff; a few
he brought all our old-head fans issued profanity-laced tirades and
back,= says nuenzo Phillips, a long- even threats. one emailed George
time Jackson state supporter. and Williams a st. Patrick9s Day
<There [was] a renewed vigor and poem, a sort of ticketing Hail
a sense of hope that, by God, man, mary.
we9ve got Deion sanders in Jack- The demand is high, and the
MiChAel CiAglo for The WAShingTon PoST
son, mississippi.= tickets few
still, this being college athletics, Fans at a Colorado basketball game held up signs encouraging Deion sanders to leave Jackson state for their school9s football coach But John and Amy won9t be
sanders was never more impor- opening, and he did so, taking son and quarterback shedeur sanders (2) 4 and many others affiliated with the program 4 with him. feeling blue.
tant than the school or its mission For they know their passion, is
or its brand. no single person 4 as green as clover,
player, coach or administrator 4 And they9ll support the Buffs,
has ever been bigger than the look at the future, perhaps, but nouncement, JsU had received an sanders9s sons, defensive back for him to receive 10 percent of all with hearts brimming over.
institution. undoubtedly a repudiation of the estimated $12 million in media shilo and quarterback shedeur, ticket revenue above 30,000 fans Alas, creativity aside, those fans
not until Colorado hired sand- way things used to be done. exposure. sanders9s deep-pock- and two others played at Trinity and a slice of season ticket sales were denied. While Colorado is
ers, anyway. <Why would we even talk about eted corporate partners commit- Christian school near Dallas, above 10,000. But so what? Almost being pickier about who it lets in,
He was yearning to leave Jack- yesterday?= sanders says during ted millions more. Walmart where sanders had been offensive overnight, Jackson state was the among its many ambitions is that
son, with its dilapidated facilities an interview in the recruiting pledged $2.4 million for a new coordinator during his sons9 high coolest place in college football, sanders will somehow attract fans
and ongoing water crisis, and lounge. <recruits care about to- practice field. Gillette donated to school careers. But dozens of oth- and its coach had hacked the sys- who have felt unwelcome 4 name-
jump to the sport9s big leagues. day. How do they fit in today, right the Tigers9 athletic fund. Under ers defected from power confer- tem. With sanders in Jackson, ly, Williams says, people of color.
The Buffaloes, after 15 losing sea- now 4 where we9re headed, where Armour and riddell provided ences, including the mighty seC. eddie George taking over at Ten- Williams, who is Black, says the
sons in 17 years, were aching to feel we9re going.= equipment. michael strahan sup- To make room, dozens of JsU nessee state and former nfL alumni of color she knows tend to
the bygone magic of the early He chuckles, scanning the plied custom suits for every JsU players were encouraged to leave coach Hue Jackson going to Gram- skip Buffaloes games; the stadium
1990s. more urgently, they wanted lounge and the Buffaloes9 ancient player. the program and did. But when bling, HBCUs were back. and parking lots are filled with
to become a bigger participant in a relics of football yesteryear. The pandemic pushed JsU9s the Tigers go 11-2, who cares about <You really did have fans and people who don9t look like them
college sports gold rush as schools <my brother, I don9t look behind 2020 season to spring 2021, and loyalty? sanders stormed out of alumni believing: If he sticks (even as those on the sideline do;
and conferences compete for nine- me, man,= he says. Then he smiles. sanders9s first game, a 53-0 win, that preseason9s sWAC media day around another year or two, may- even in Colorado, football teams
and 10-figure media rights deals. <only time I do that is when I9m was predictably strange. There after a reporter called him <Deion= be we could play against a top-25 are overwhelmingly Black, and
Last year southern California and high-stepping.= was no running water at the sta- instead of <Coach Prime,= but [football Bowl subdivision] oppo- sanders is the program9s third
UCLA announced they would be dium after freezing temperatures when every saturday is an all-day nent,= one longtime JsU booster consecutive Black head coach). As

leaving the Pac-12 to join the Big uring the summer of 2020, crippled Jackson9s century-old wa- block party, who cares if the coach says. <He was bringing the Black of last fall, Colorado9s student
Ten, with its new broadcast deal the murder of George ter system, and a bizarre postgame is testy about his brand? When the community back home.= body was two-thirds White and
worth more than $7 billion. floyd sparked an HBCU controversy overshadowed the local newspaper wrote about a The nation9s top junior-college just 2.6 percent Black. Boulder is
This led to a marriage of con- renaissance. record donations day. sanders claimed during his JsU recruit having been charged defensive back and the country9s home to an even lower percentage
venience as Colorado arrived at a poured in, applications soared, news conference that his wallet with assaulting his girlfriend, sixth-best wide receiver signed to of Black residents.
reckoning never before seen (or at celebrities and politicians and and phone had been stolen from sanders and the school banned play at JsU. Then Travis Hunter, a But unlike mel Tucker and Karl
least never admitted) in college sports teams rushed to under- the coaches9 locker room, but the the reporter from covering the two-way star who had committed Dorrell, Williams says, sanders
football: that the survival of its write a moment 4 the initial school said it was a misunder- team. But who cares, right, when to florida state, flipped and in- has those fans9 attention. They
brand depended on it being steps, it seemed, of restoring bal- standing, leading sanders to insist the Tigers are winning their first stead signed to play for sanders. remember him returning punts
hitched to a stronger, more incan- ance and funding to schools that on social media the school was conference title in nearly a dec- Among his reasons: drawing more and talking smack in the 1990s,
descent one 4 the brand of had been left to crumble. <LYInG.= ade? attention to historically Black and after his time at Jackson state,
<Prime,= savior of programs, icon Two moments stood apart: <Thank God I had on my neck- <Deion9s message just resonated schools. And it worked: <60 min- they view him as a champion of
with a bust in the Pro football Hall Howard graduate Kamala D. Har- laces,= he told reporters. The items with people,= says a former JsU utes= followed with a feature on Black opportunity and education.
of fame, spokesman with the iced- ris9s ascent to the vice presidency were recovered and returned. employee, who, like others in Jack- JsU football, and last fall, esPn9s <now there9s a man leading that
out pendant in the Aflac commer- and sanders becoming coach at still, in Jackson that spring, son, spoke on the condition of <College GameDay= broadcast live team, being unapologetically him-
cials. JsU. <God called me to Jackson game days felt like reunions, a anonymity to protect relation- from the Vet. self, who talks like me, thinks like
<College athletics has totally state,= he said that september. throwback to the 1970s, when the ships with the school and sanders. <This is Black history,= sanders me, so I can come here and sup-
changed,= says Alexis Williams, for his introduction on cam- program produced all-Americans <People felt like they could be said at the time. <Let9s not take this port him,= Williams says. <It9s
Colorado9s senior associate athlet- pus, he was delivered via escalade, and nfL stars. sanders embraced heard, and people really rallied moment for granted.= tough to break this cycle. But this
ic director. <Twenty years ago, we led by a police escort and flanked the school9s mantra, <Thee I Love,= around that. It was a point of hire? The Prime effect? I think

were talking about our 8student- by the university9s mighty march- making appearances on <Thee hope.= hirty-six days after the that9ll be the thing to resuscitate
athletes9 and this and that. now it ing band, the <sonic Boom of the Pregame show= and leading his And of one HBCU city taking esPn crew left Jackson, it.=
is really about the money.= south.= During his remarks, sand- team onto the field as the sonic advantage of a moment. nfL leg- sanders did the same. Colo-

sanders9s cut is $5 million per ers9s trademark bluster gave way Boom blared <Thee= alma mater at end Troy Aikman attended a rado announced that it had hired hen George was Colora-
year, which makes him one of to emotion. mississippi Veterans memorial game. rapper Boosie smoked him on a sunday in December, do9s recruiting coordina-
the Pac-129s highest-paid but <Tears of satisfaction. Tears to stadium, known locally as <Thee weed in the stadium tunnel. and the school9s football ticket tor three decades ago, he
least-experienced coaches. It establish how proud I am to stand Vet.= snoop Dogg faceTimed sanders office was like a scene from <The got prospects9 attention by send-
makes the union between school before my people,= he said. <I said The following season, a dozen on the sideline. Attendance Wolf of Wall street=: phones ring- ing typewritten letters and
and coach a controversial and po- to stand before my people.= players from Power five schools soared. A cynic might bristle at the ing, employees fiercely typing as newspaper articles about Boulder
tentially revolutionary one 4 a Within 10 months of the an- transferred to JsU. Two were fact that sanders9s contract called they recorded another $150 non- see sanDers on D7
sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post eZ sU D7

sAnDers from D6 ing his arms to hurry along the

trophy presentation. By then,
being the nation9s healthiest city. some fans seemed to have accept-
The staff devoted one day per ed Sanders was leaving, serenad-
week to recruiting, and George ing him with the blues song <Keep
wowed recruits by calling them on rollin.=
from the sideline during games. If you wanna go, baby
<Think Colorado!= was how Go ahead and walk out the door.
George closed his correspondence A few minutes later, Sanders
back then. This actually worked. did just that. When he reached the
Darian Hagan, michael West- interview room for his postgame
brook and Kordell Stewart all news conference, he found it still
signed with the Buffaloes, and the occupied by Southern9s coach. So
team won the 1990 national cham- Sanders left and returned to cam-
pionship. four years later, pus.
rashaan Salaam won the Heis- <It is what it is,= he told players
man, and the Colorado coaching in an address later posted to Sand-
staff signed players from through- ers9s Instagram. <In coaching, you
out the country, with enough tal- either get elevated or you get ter-
ent to win seven bowl games and minated. Ain9t no other way.=
two Big Eight titles in the 990s. It Hours later, he posted again:
didn9t hurt, George says, that the this time aboard a Colorado boost-
school has the rocky mountains er9s private jet. He was clad in
in its backyard. black and gold, surrounded by
<We had to get them here,= former JSU coaches and Shedeur
George says. <If we didn9t, we had Sanders. They were among those
no chance.= who would join Sanders at Colora-
There were no recruiting loung- do, along with Hunter and six
es then, no private jets whisking other ex-Tigers. Six of his 10 assis-
coaches from one place to the next. tant coaches were with him at JSU,
During Stewart9s official visit in as were several members of the
1990, he went for a walk. Having school9s training and support staff.
grown up in New orleans, he Even Christopher <Uncle Nee-
marveled at the clarity of the ly= Neely, a JSU graduate who
creek, the crispness of the air, the hosted the popular <Thee Pre-
way the flatirons stab the sky. game Show,= relocated to Boulder.
When he got home, he called and This was strike two, fans say. It was
informed George he would be understandable for Sanders to
signing with Colorado. take another job. But to plunder
<The scenery was just night- the football program? To bring on
and-freaking-day,= Stewart, a for- Neely, who hasn9t dropped <Thee=
mer Pro Bowl pick, says now. from his show9s name? To contin-
<When you see that stuff, it chang- ue, months later, trying to raid the
es your life overnight. You9d see best of Jackson? Even Tierre, the
that and be like, 8Heck yeah, there9s local chef, says Sanders keeps try-
a God.9 = ing to get him to move to Boulder,
But as the 990s ended, Colora- amid Sanders9s promises to take
do9s advantage waned. Players the Johnny T9s spice blend nation-
were less interested in strolling al.
the prettiest campus when com- <You can9t steal their culture,
petitors were offering a weight even if you9re one of them,= the
room or dining facility that would former JSU employee says. <It9s
help them reach the professional everything Deion was preaching
ranks. Salesmanship, not X9s and against.=
o9s, became the hottest skill in Phillips walks through a gate
coaching, and by the early 2000s, and stands on the JSU practice
recruiters were calling and texting field. fans have their memories;
players around-the-clock. the athletic department has the
Colorado9s profile and ability to trophies; the school can still capi-
draw top-shelf talent, meanwhile, talize on Sanders9s tenure. re-
crumbled. Coach Bill mcCartney cruiting, Phillips says, remains at
retired after the 1994 season, and an all-time high under new coach
his replacement, rick Neuheisel, T.C. Taylor. The JSU brand re-
left after four seasons when Wash- mains strong.
PhoTos by MiChael Ciaglo for The WashingTon PosT
ington offered him a then-aston- But the practice field needs new
ishing $1 million per year. Gary Deion sanders9s impact on the Colorado football program was clear at the team9s spring game April 22. The athletic department lights. The athletic department
Barnett underachieved, Dan Haw- sold tickets to the event for the first time, and it was a sellout. And sanders drew a crowd of his own at the postgame news needs a new weight room. The city
kins never had a winning season, conference. His salary is $5 million per year, making him one of the Pac-129s highest-paid but least-experienced coaches. still needs a new stadium. Stu-
Jon Embree was barely given a dents also need access to some of
chance (and correctly predicted a the most basic resources, includ-
dozen years ago that, as a Black place in the world.= Sanders most appealing and bankable ver- traffic at the Buffaloes9 spring <They told everybody to go,= ing clean water. Since 2020, the
man, he wouldn9t get a second claimed he didn9t care about that. sion of himself. game or wants to view a working former Buffaloes wide receiver city has endured a water crisis, in
shot). His concern was this: Would Colo- Long ago, Sanders showed a design of a commemorative poster Grant Page told the Denver Post in part because of the crumbling of
As this was unfolding, college rado be willing to let him do things deft understanding of showman- that will be handed out to fans or April. its century-old pipes.
football9s titans were doing battle his way? ship9s role in sports business. requests to visit with the marching Page is among 60 players who <Just winning games isn9t
on a new front: facilities. Stadiums <We9re going to do it like no <Prime Time= wasn9t Deion, he band to suggest new songs, no one entered the portal, almost double enough to erase the disparity, the
with LED lighting and massive other,= Sanders says. <We9re going says, because Deion kept to him- tells him no. the number of the program with racial disparity. Two years isn9t
video boards, locker rooms with to do it right.= self, never drank alcohol, never <Coach Prime is more 4 is 8in- the second-most roster turnover. enough to undo that,= the booster
screens and game consoles. By Within hours of his introduc- went to nightclubs. He did, howev- vested9 the right word? 4 engaged of the 83 players on Colorado9s says. <We need a lot of things, but
2016, Clemson had a $55 million tion, 24 JSU players entered the er, attach himself to at least one than other coaches,= says Wil- roster last fall, 21 remain. those things didn9t happen. And
complex with bowling lanes and transfer portal, many with their disastrous investment that, liams, the associate AD. <We don9t weed anyone out,= for a guy who is larger than life like
laser tag. Three years later, LSU eyes on Colorado. Sanders9s sons among other things, upended the After Sanders noticed how Sanders told reporters in April. Deion Sanders, that9s what I ex-
impressed visitors with $28 mil- Shedeur and Shilo, of course, but lives of young people. Sanders9s bland the food was in the athletics <They weed themselves out.= pected. I guess I expected larger
lion in upgrades that added a sleep also former No. 1 recruit Hunter. former Dallas-area charter school, dining hall, he arranged for John Is this needlessly harsh toward results.=
pod at every player9s locker. A year Players who had previously com- Prime Prep Academy, closed in Tierre, who owns Sanders9s favor- college students, even in the He pauses, ruminating.
after that, Alabama added <nooks= mitted to or signed with the sport9s 2015 amid legal, regulatory and ite restaurant in Jackson, Johnny hyper-corporate reality of modern <okay, we got on 860 minutes.9
with recliners and a room for recent heavyweights announced financial problems that included T9s Bistro & Blues, to visit Boulder, college football? Do highly paid okay, we got on 8College Game-
cryotherapy. pledges to Sanders, who boasts $650,000 in debt and multiple meet with the Buffaloes9 chef and football coaches really no longer Day.9 You put a spotlight on it, but
Coaching staffs were filled with that he rarely leaves campus and lawsuits. Sanders, the school9s make a few . . . suggestions. By the have to travel, or is Sanders the that spotlight lasted two minutes.
recruiters, not tacticians, and almost never travels to high founder and football coach, alleg- time Tierre went home, the menu homebody just being lazy? Will it We really needed an influx of
head coaches were fundraisers schools or homes. Colorado edly choked the school9s chief fi- had expanded to include New or- continue to be enough for Colora- money, not just hope.=
who could enchant rich alumni doesn9t own a private jet, George nancial officer during a school leans shrimp and grits, cornbread do to pay Prime to perform for the

into another mega-donation. That says, nor did it know how it would board meeting and was fired and and beans, peach cobbler. The cameras if he doesn9t win? anders pushes through the
would help bankroll another new come up with money to pay its rehired twice at the school he beverage choices now included for now, Colorado officials doors of the recruiting
building, which could draw in top famous new football coach 4 only claimed would do <good in the sweet tea. seem satisfied that a coach and his lounge, into a hallway. Play-
recruits, which would then in- that it somehow would. hood.= <our nutritionist cringes,= employer, in a business whose ers and coaches are waiting, and a
crease excitement and sell tickets Sanders doesn9t mind about the <It9s good to say I played for George says. many traditions include dishones- man points his phone to resume
and bring in more donations. With travel, he says, because players no [Sanders]. I was an athlete for him Sanders may not think such ty, are speaking truthfully 4 like it recording this experiment and its
so much money flowing, coaches9 longer care about where they play at his school,= a former Prime Prep amenities bring top recruits to or not 4 about their motivations architect.
pay skyrocketed; Alabama9s Nick or even mind-blowing facilities. player told The Washington Post campus, but with players now free and plans. <Experiment?= Sanders scoffs
Saban became the first to make It9s for whom they play and wheth- in 2020, not long after JSU hired to come and go among football after a reporter uses the word.

$10 million per year, and last year er that coach understands the NfL Sanders. <But when you look at it, programs, perhaps they9re key to thousand miles southeast, <This ain9t no experiment. You
the average salary for fBS head and, in the NIL age, the paths to an it9s just kind of a huge fallacy.= retaining them. regardless, Sand- Nuenzo Phillips, the JSU better check your definition.=
coaches neared $2 million. immediate piece of an enormous So, evidently, was the excite- ers says that with Tierre9s recipes supporter, drives past the His tone has changed from just
It9s not that smaller schools financial pie. ment with which Sanders oozed and a case of his Johnny T9s sea- <WELComE To THEE!= banner moments earlier, Deion having
couldn9t afford to hire great coach- As an example, Sanders says, a when he was an NfL Network soning, the chef is the program9s on University Boulevard. He given way to Coach Prime. What-
es. They just couldn9t afford to player recently committed to Colo- analyst, gushing about a game, a comeback player of the year. takes a right onto Walter Payton ever this is, will it work? Can
keep them. In 2019, the Buffaloes rado without ever setting foot on particular play or a superstar he on occasion, Sanders even con- Drive, where, in the distance, Sanders revolutionize college foot-
lured Tucker, a former NfL defen- campus. interviewed on GameDay Prime. cerns himself with changes to the construction equipment encir- ball for the second time? or will he
sive coordinator and interim head He actually hated it, he says. Sand- actual football team. He neither cles the Tigers9 new practice field. bail once his sons exhaust their

coach, to Boulder. But he left after n Coach Prime9s America, all ers coached his kids9 youth foot- designs nor calls plays, operating <The only tangible thing we eligibility or if the florida State job
one season when michigan State, the world9s a reality show, its ball teams near Dallas, flew to Los as a chief executive not unlike the have left,= Phillips says. <We were opens or if building a winner in
flush with cash from the Big Ten9s players and coaches mere Angeles in his coaching attire and man Sanders played college foot- a character in the movie of Deion the Pac-12 (or the Big 12, which has
TV deal, offered him $5 million characters. <You Are Being Photo- spent Sundays on set before flying ball for, florida State9s legendary Sanders.= reportedly been courting Colora-
per year. graphed!= a sign reads outside back overnight so he could drop Bobby Bowden. He plucked Colo- Six months after Sanders an- do) is too steep a mountain?
Three years later, with the Buf- Colorado9s football meeting room. his children off at school. rado9s defensive coordinator from nounced his move to Colorado, Still months before the Buffa-
faloes 0-5, Colorado9s AD met with The athletic department em- <I9m a homebody, man,= he says. Saban9s staff at Alabama and con- some Jacksonians are still pro- loes take their first snap under
its chancellor. George wanted to ploys a 13-person multimedia <I9m not that guy. I had to be that vinced 37-year-old Sean Lewis to cessing it. It9s not that he left, Sanders, Colorado administrators
fire Dorrell and begin courting team, with videographers and pro- guy [on TV] because that9s who I leave a head coaching job, at Kent Phillips says. It9s how he left that are thinking of life beyond Coach
replacements. Among the candi- ducers and graphic artists who was on the field. When the lights State, to be his offensive coordina- left a hollow feeling. many aren9t Prime, if not outright planning for
dates was a surprising one: Deion publish daily. Third-party content are off, I9m not him. I9m in bed by 7, tor. That commemorative poster yet willing to talk about it. one it. The school is acutely aware it
Sanders. creators trail Sanders constantly, man.= Sanders was so interested in? Both longtime booster won9t discuss needed the Sanders defibrillator
<To be honest with you,= filling three YouTube channels as When he begged NfL Network coordinators are prominently fea- Sanders because, he says, doing so to shock its brand back to life. But
DiStefano says, <I didn9t think that the coach just does Deion Stuff, to let him work from home, it said tured. could <put my business in jeopar- once it9s detached, whether in
there was a match here.= from lounging with Gunner the yes. But when it asked him to take Sanders also flouts a modern dy.= others worry about running three years or 20, can it keep
Colorado finished 1-11 in 2022, dog to hanging in his office with a pay cut in 2020, Sanders said no. push toward postgame recovery, afoul of Sanders and his vast net- pumping?
its sixth straight losing season. Lil Wayne. Several times a day this A month later, he took the Jackson saying his team practices on Sun- work of business associates. The <That9s why it9s important for us
Though Sanders had never been to material is posted to Sanders9s State job. When he9s coaching, days because the previous day9s school9s athletic director, Ashley as an athletic department to not
Boulder or even played in an NfL Twitter (1.5 million followers) and Sanders says, he is <kind of that game is fresh in players9 minds. robinson, declined an interview lose our brand within his,= Wil-
game in the snow, he was willing Instagram (3.3 million) feeds. guy.= for all his media and tech savvy, request. liams says. <Now we9ve resuscitat-
to listen to George. That9s far more than the accounts It can be difficult, therefore, to Sanders is old school about some <We got used for two years,= one ed fan engagement. How do we
<I never seen no mountains, of USC9s Lincoln riley, Georgia9s know where Prime ends and De- things. He had a sprinting hill and of the prominent boosters says. keep these folks engaged and not
man,= he says. <Haven9t met any Kirby Smart and ohio State9s ryan ion begins. What9s real and what9s sand pit installed at JSU, and a <He galvanized the people, used just be CU fans because of who the
bison, first of all. I haven9t met too Day. Saban famously refuses to use made-for-TV? Sanders is quick- sign outside the Buffaloes9 meet- the Lord, used religion, said this coach is?=
many horses or cows, either.= social media. witted and speaks in coaching ing room prohibits earrings and was a 8calling9 and all that other While Colorado figures it out,
George went to Jackson to visit There9s also a second season in mottos, some of which rhyme, a hats. horse-stuff. You know what they Sanders has captivated another
Sanders. He saw the school9s aging production of <Coach Prime,= the few of which don9t make sense but It9s all part of building a culture, say: Don9t meet your heroes.= audience: fans, rival coaches, oth-
facilities and considered that docuseries in which, last year, nonetheless seem to amuse Sand- he says, one clearly not for every- on the eve of last year9s SWAC er institutions. The story is juicy,
Sanders had somehow lured blue- Sanders revealed he had two toes ers. <I9m not a typical coach, man. I one. He has publicly compared the championship game, reports impossible to ignore, the sport9s
chip recruits despite a football amputated after developing life- was him before I was he,= he says, players he inherited at Colorado to emerged that Sanders and Colora- newest must-see reality show.
budget of $2.1 million. What could threatening blood clots in his leg. chuckling. <Now that one was furniture and those he would be do were nearing an agreement. <Hey, Coach,= Sanders calls
he do with a department bank (He might lose his left foot, his good.= bringing with him to Louis Vuit- The day9s focus, therefore, wasn9t toward an assistant as he hobbles
account more than 15 times as fat? YouTube show disclosed friday.) These are but a few of the many ton luggage. During his first meet- on the party or the Tigers9 accom- toward an afternoon meeting. <Is
After their meeting, George revealing as the content may be, adjustments transpiring at Colo- ing with the team in December, in plishments. It was on Sanders. this an experiment we9re doing
called an old friend and asked him it9s antithetical to the rich tradi- rado as the administration and a widely circulated video, Sanders JSU beat Southern, 43-24, and as around here?=
to put in a good word with Sand- tion of football coaches being se- wider campus community have encouraged players to <go ahead university and conference officials <Nope,= the staffer says.
ers. Stewart, close with Sanders cretive. It9s also Sanders9s pre- largely deferred to Sanders as they and jump in that portal= to make were celebrating at the Vet, Sand- Sanders shakes his head.
since their NfL days, told Sanders ferred way to sell himself to re- let Prime cook. If he asks to sit in space for players who would be ers was visibly impatient. <Experiment,= he says, chuck-
that Boulder is <the most beautiful cruits, donors and sponsors 4 the on a meeting about pedestrian signing in the months to come. <Let9s go, let9s go!= he said, wav- ling. <This is an opportunity, man.=
d8 eZ m2 the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

Glad their coach will be back, U.S. men eye a trophy SoCCer roUNdUp

Haaland returns, scores
LAS VEGAS 4 There is much
swirling around the U.S. men9s
but can9t rescue Norway
national soccer team these days.
The old coach soon will be- from Romelu Lukaku after a de-
come the new coach, replacing ScotlaNd 2, flected shot from Michael Grego-
the second interim coach. Norway 1 ritsch gave the Austrians the lead.
One set of players is here Austria remained on top in the
through the weekend, staying group, three points ahead of Bel-
two blocks off the Strip, where A SSOCIATED P RESS gium, which has played one fewer
Saturday the Golden Knights9 game. Host Azerbaijan drew with
Stanley Cup parade rolled. An- Erling Haaland scored in his Estonia, 1-1, to leave the two teams
other group is preparing to open return to Norway, but after he was in a tie for fourth. . . .
camp Tuesday in Chicago for a pulled Saturday, Scotland rallied Vaclav Cerny scored twice in the
separate competition. for a 2-1 win to keep a perfect Czech Republic9s 3-0 victory at the
A collector offered the U.S. record in qualifying for next year9s Faroe Islands to stretch its lead
Soccer Federation $10,000 for European Championship. atop Group E to four points.
Weston McKennie9s torn jersey 4 With the thrilling victory at Albania leaped from the bottom
tattered memorabilia embody- Ullevaal Stadion in Oslo, Scotland of the group to third with a 2-0 win
ing the hostility of Thursday9s is the Group A leader with aims of over visiting Moldova and was lev-
rumble with Mexico. (He9s keep- qualifying for back-to-back Euro- el on points with second-place Po-
ing it.) Bruises and hard feelings pean Championships for the first land, which didn9t play. . . .
remained fresh as the squad time since 1996. Second-place Hungary had a
returned to training in the desert Haaland opened the scoring chance to take the lead in Group G
heat Saturday morning. from the penalty spot in the but fell short in a 0-0 draw at
Amid the chaos, the focus has 61st minute. The 22-year-old was Montenegro.
remained steady: retaining the brought down by defender Ryan Host Lithuania held on for a 1-1
Concacaf Nations League trophy LouIS grASSe/geTTy ImAgeS Porteous as they vied to meet an draw with Bulgaria despite having
and claiming regional bragging Weston McKennie won9t play against Canada on Sunday after he received a red card Thursday night. incoming cross from Alexander been reduced to 10 men on a
rights 4 until, at least, the next Sorloth. Haaland hit the resulting 17th-minute red card.
Concacaf drill, the Gold Cup, For the U.S. program, the final Robinson said. <He took the Weah said. All three World Cup penalty hard into the bottom left l MLS: Gustavo Bou and Carles
unfolds in the coming weeks. will fall three days after a 3-0 whole team in a really positive host countries receive automatic corner for his first goal in six Gil both had a goal and an assist to
On Sunday night, under the rout of rival Mexico; two days direction and made a really good berths, and without the need to games for club and country since lead New England to a 3-1 victory
roof of Allegiant Stadium, the after Gregg Berhalter was reap- culture within the group that we qualify, tournaments such as his 35th English Premier League over Orlando City on a rainy night
reigning champions will face ti- pointed its coach (effective after all really enjoyed.= these will provide critical oppor- goal against Everton on May 14. in Foxborough, Mass., extending
tle-famished Canada in the final. the Gold Cup); and a day after Only four players were made tunities for growth. Norway Coach Stale Solbakken the Revolution9s unbeaten streak
The United States won the the players, who are still taking available for interviews Satur- On Sunday, the U.S. team will took off Haaland in the 84th, and at home to nine.
inaugural Nations League in instruction from interim boss day. Attacker Gio Reyna wasn9t be without two starters: McKen- Scotland scored three minutes lat- Neither team scored until Em-
2021 and has captured six of the B.J. Callaghan, began answering among them. A lack of playing nie, a midfielder, and right back er. Norwegian defender Leo Skiri manuel Boateng found the net in
past 11 Gold Cup titles. Canada questions about Berhalter9s re- time at the World Cup sparked a Sergiño Dest will serve suspen- Ostigard tried to intercept a Scot- the 51st minute. . . .
has not appeared in a regional turn. rift between his parents and sions for red cards received dur- tish pass, but his touch was heavy, Hany Mukhtar recorded a hat
championship game since it won Winger Tim Weah called Berhalter, led to the domestic ing the second-half mayhem and Lyndon Dykes hit the loose trick, and host Nashville SC beat
the Gold Cup in 2000. Berhalter a <father figure= and an violence investigation and put with Mexico. (For its third-place ball past goalkeeper Orjan Ny- St. Louis City, 3-1, upping its un-
<We want to win the trophy. <amazing coach.= Weah added, the coach9s candidacy on hold. match against Panama earlier land. Two minutes after that, Scot- beaten run to a club-record
We want to lift it,= U.S. forward <He is definitely the piece that Those who did speak Saturday Sunday, Mexico also will be down land took the lead when Dykes 10 matches. . . .
Ricardo Pepi said. <So it9s impor- puts all this together.= endorsed the USSF9s decision. So two players.) passed to substitute Kenny Gabriel Segal had the equalizer
tant we go in with the same Berhalter9s contract expired did star forward Christian Pulis- Their absences compound the McLean, who scored his first Scot- in stoppage time, lifting NYCFC to
intensity and the same hunger shortly after the World Cup; after ic on Thursday before the hiring challenge of slowing Canadian land goal since 2019. a 1-1 home draw against the Co-
that we went in versus Mexico.= an investigation of a domestic became official. stars Jonathan David and Al- The defeat dealt a heavy blow to lumbus Crew. . . .
Canada is attempting to re- violence incident 30 years ago <It was the right decision,= phonso Davies. How will the U.S. Norway9s chances of qualifying af- Carlos Vela scored in the final
main atop Concacaf after finish- and the hiring of a new sporting center back Chris Richards said. team stop them? <We have our ter the team stumbled when Haa- minute of regulation to give Los
ing first in the World Cup qualifi- director, the U.S. Soccer Federa- Pepi had a bone to pick with ways,= Weah said with a grin. land was injured. Angeles FC a 2-1 win over Sporting
ers en route to its first appear- tion rehired him. Berhalter last fall when he was The Americans and Canadians Georgia won, 2-1, at Cyprus to Kansas City in Kansas City, Kan.,
ance at soccer9s global spectacle He appeared at a news confer- left off the World Cup roster. (He have never met in a champion- pull into second place in Group A snapping the club9s six-match win-
in 36 years. In the teams9 two ence Friday at the team hotel and hung up on the coach when he ship game. Their rivalry is not as with four points. . . . less streak in all competitions.
meetings during the last round left town shortly afterward. In received the fateful call.) On deep-rooted and ferocious as the Portugal has three wins in three l NWSL: Kerolin Nicoli9s goal
of qualifying, the Canadians won collaboration with sporting di- Saturday, Pepi said: <Anything U.S.-Mexico series, but familiari- games in Group J after Bruno Fer- in the 32nd minute was all the
at home in Hamilton, Ontario, rector Matt Crocker, Berhalter that happened, it9s in the past. ty between the players 4 Weah nandes set up Bernardo Silva for North Carolina Courage needed in
and drew in Nashville. will begin charting a course Now we have new opportuni- and David are teammates at the first goal, then scored twice a 3-0 win over the Orlando Pride in
<We9re the two premier teams toward the 2026 World Cup, ties.= French club Lille 4 and the rise himself in a 3-0 victory over visit- Cary, N.C.
right now,= Canadian defender which will be held in the United Everyone seems to agree the of the Canadian program have ing Bosnia-Herzegovina. With the victory, the Courage
Alistair Johnston said. <Mexico is States, Mexico and Canada. end of the search eliminated a added some bite. It was the 199th international moved into a four-way tie atop the
obviously a great team, but the Berhalter9s first games in his distraction. <If you look at us over the last game for Cristiano Ronaldo, who league with the San Diego Wave,
U.S. showed they9re a class above second term will take place in <I9m happy that it kind of four years, we9ve already put can next aim to be the first man to OL Reign and Washington Spirit,
right now. And now it9s our turn September. quieted down and we can focus messages out there that we9re 200 international appearances which has a game in hand. . . .
to show we belong at this level as <I think Gregg is the right man on what our main goal is, [which here now and we9re here to stay,= when Portugal plays Iceland on Natalie Jacobs was shown a red
well.= for the job,= left back Antonee is] to progress toward 2026,= Canadian midfielder Atiba Tuesday. card in first-half stoppage time,
Hutchinson said. <Qualifying for Slovakia was two points behind but the Houston Dash still held
a World Cup was huge for us, but in second place in Group J after a the visiting OL Reign to a 0-0
now it9s just missing trophies. We 2-1 win at Iceland, and Luxem- draw. . . .
want to start winning trophies.= bourg rose to third after a 2-0 Mary Vignola scored in the
home win over Liechtenstein. . . . 88th minute to give Angel City a
Concacaf Nations League, final: Belgium fought back to draw 2-1 win in San Diego, denying the
Canada at United States with visiting Austria, 1-1, in Wave a chance to take sole posses-
Today, 9 p.m., Paramount Plus Group F thanks to an equalizer sion of first place.

United stung by dazzling goal in loss

Finding a solution but typically effective tactic that tion with Badawi and the league9s
real Salt lake 2,
to ED shouldn9t be so d.c. UNited 1
allows the goalkeeper to charge
out and shut down the opposing
attack. A week after Miller was
decision to appoint the official 4
who typically oversees matches in
the second-tier USL Champion-

burned while failing to intercept a ship 4 on a weekend in which
BY T HOMAS F LOYD pass on the opening goal of a 3-1 MLS only scheduled six matches
loss at Atlanta, the strategy again because of conflicts with national
Outnumbered and down its de- backfired on Ruiz9s strike. team games.
fensive anchor, D.C. United assert- <It was just a good hit,= Miller Although Rooney agreed with
ed itself well following Steven said. <This is what they9ve asked Birnbaum9s red card, calling it a
Birnbaum9s first-half red card me to play, and I9ve embraced it all <silly decision by Steve,= he object-
against Real Salt Lake on Saturday season, and now I9ve gotten [beat- ed to the decision not to give Unit-
night at Audi Field. As the home en over the top] once the entire ed a penalty kick when Salt Lake9s
team pushed players forward, season in 19 games. These are ob- Brayan Vera took down D.C. sub-
moved the ball crisply and eyed viously the risks, but there9s been a stitute Kristian Fletcher in the
the opposing goal, it didn9t seem lot of opportunities that I9ve been 86th minute.
Experiencing ED can be dismayed by its disadvantage.
Then came one swing of Pablo
able to clear up for the team.=
The tally came 15 minutes after
<The referee has made a mis-
take by not giving it, and VAR
Ruiz9s left foot. Birnbaum was tossed. Musovski have made a mistake by not tell-
frustrating and confusing, Collecting the ball in his own
half in the 41st minute, the Salt
chased down a promising through
ball, Birnbaum hauled the striker
ing him to check it,= Rooney said.
<I don9t understand . . . why we
Lake midfielder looked up and to the turf, and referee Malik got a USL referee. The guy has
but it doesn9t have to be. detected United goalkeeper Tyler
Miller off his line. Dreaming up an
Badawi showed the United captain
a red card for denying an obvious
refereed four games in MLS be-
fore. I don9t get it. Where9s the
audacious effort, Ruiz launched a scoring opportunity. Although Mil- MLS referees? Because that9s not
shot from past midfield and ler seemed close enough to the play good enough. If this league wants

Learn more about watched as it soared over the lung-

ing Miller for a goal of the year
candidate 4 and the opening tally
to have intercepted the pass 4 cre-
ating an argument for the red card
to be rescinded 4 the video assis-
to grow, it wants to improve 4
and you can ban me if you want or
fine me. Do whatever you want

ED treatment options. of Salt Lake9s 2-1 win.

<It9s a great strike,= United
Coach Wayne Rooney said. <Some-
tant referee did not recommend a
<I think that the way the ref
because I9m sick of it.=
Dájome, Hines-Ike start
times you have to appreciate good called it, I mean, it is fair,= Miller Rooney gave forward Cristian

Text EDCure goals, and it9s an incredible strike

by the lad. So there9s nothing really
you can do on that.=
United recovered to put up a
said. <But I do believe that I would
have gotten the ball before the
attacker to negate any opportu-
nity to score.=
Dájome and Hines-Ike their first
starts of the season as two of five
changes from the lineup that fell
at Atlanta United last weekend.

to 73771*
frenetic fight in the second half, Musovski wasn9t done causing They took the positions normally
with Chris Durkin quickly halving problems for United. In the 51st filled by Taxi Fountas, who was
the deficit in the 53rd minute after minute, he beat Brendan Hines- summoned to play for Greece in
Danny Musovski had doubled the Ike to the near post and stabbed European Championship qualify-
visiting side9s lead in the 51st. But home Andrés Gómez9s low cross to ing, and Victor Pálsson, a call-up
D.C. ultimately dropped its second put Salt Lake up by two. to Iceland.
in a row and fell to 6-8-5 entering United responded two minutes Dájome joined United in an
next Saturday9s visit from first- later, when Durkin rifled Ruan9s April trade from the Vancouver
Scan this QR code to watch place FC Cincinnati. Salt Lake, setup past Salt Lake goalkeeper Whitecaps, and Hines-Ike had
which had won just two of its past Zac MacMath. D.C. defender Der- logged just one minute in MLS
the stories of ûve men on their nine league matches, improved to rick Williams9s goal-line clearance play since he underwent foot sur-
6-7-5. in the 58th minute further livened gery in August.
journeys to feeling whole again. Rooney has coached Miller all the home crowd, and Lewis Midfielder Russell Canouse re- season to stray from his net, a risky O9Brien nearly sent Audi Field into
hysteria when his long-range stop-
turned to the lineup for the first
time since he suffered a head inju-
page-time shot buzzed just wide. ry in a loss at Toronto on May 27.
<It9s always difficult going down He missed several minutes in the
[to] 10 men,= Durkin said. <But we first half with a gash on his face,
More tech? worked our butts off to the last then returned after receiving side-
* Messaging and data rates may apply. This is a one-time message. Your number will not be used for any other |ere9s a newsletter4 whistle.= line treatment before coming off
purpose. is a website sponsored by Boston Scientiûc. Caution: U.S. federal law restricts this device to sale by or several4for you. Here9s what else to know about as Rooney changed United9s for-
or on the order of a physician. Results from case studies are not necessarily predictive of results in other cases. Results in
other cases may vary. All images are the property of Boston Scientiûc. All trademarks are the property of their respective United9s loss: mation at halftime.
owners. © 2022 Boston Scientiûc Corporation or its afûliates. All rights reserved. MH-1307306-AA NOV 2022
Rooney vents
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Arts&Style Sunday, junE 18 , 2023 . SEction E



he scent of sarah excited at that opportunity, that they might be
McLachlan. The idea emerges
early in the first pitch between
Primary Wave, the music pub-
lishing and talent manage-
ment company, and the Cana-
The megadeals able to reengage with some audiences and
reimagine some of my music in a way that I may
not be yet aware of.=
This first brainstorm session took place this
spring, just weeks after Primary Wave, founded
dian pop star, who has sold
more than 40 million albums,
won three Grammys and founded the all-fe-
male Lilith Fair music festival.
There was a time when McLachlan, like so
taking over music by former Arista Records executive Larry Mes-
tel and fresh off a $2 billion infusion from
Brookfield Asset Management, struck a deal to
buy a share of McLachlan9s songs. McLachlan
tuned in from her home in Vancouver, B.C., as
many artists of her stature, wouldn9t have talk turned to obvious hooks for creating new
considered selling even a single chorus to a
private company as a manageable asset. But at
Big-money battles seek back catalogues buzz 4 a Lilith doc in the works, the upcoming
30th anniversary of her career-making <Fum-
55 and nearly a decade past her most recent
album of original songs, McLachlan has been
for songs by Dylan, Bieber and beyond bling Into Ecstasy= 4 and the not so obvious.
Had she considered appearing on <CMT Cross-
frustrated by how her back catalogue has been roads= in Nashville? Did she have song <stems=
managed 4 or in her view, ignored 4 by sony that could be shared with other artists for
Music Publishing. STORY BY G EOFF E DGERS samples? And then there was Eau de sarah.
<They9re banks,= she says of the major pub- That came from chief branding officer Jeff
lishers. <They just hold the material. They don9t ILLUSTRATION BY MARK HARRIS straughn.
actually do anything, as far as I can tell. so I9m FOR THE WASHINGTON POST sEE music publishing oN E14

critic9S notEbook

Masterful artists
knew the messiness
of fatherhood

In his final weeks of high school, my son

began reading saul Bellow9s <The Adventures
of Augie March= for a school assignment. one
night last week he looked up and said, <Dad,
listen to this.=
Then, as if our roles set long ago were
reversed and I had to adjust to a new reality 4
that he would deliver the bedtime stories to
me 4 he began reading:
<I was no child now, neither in age nor in
protectedness, and I was thrown for fair on the
free spinning of the world. If you think, and
some do, that continual intimacy, familiarity,
inSidE and love can result in falsehood, this being
thrown on the world may be a very desirable
even if sad thing. What Christ meant when he
Ranking the best actors called his mother 8Woman.9 That after all she
was like any woman. That in any true life you
in superhero roles E7 must go and be exposed outside the small
circle that encompasses two or three heads in WALLACE COLLECTIOn, LOndOn/BRIdGEMAn IMAGES
MUSic: Using a violin for peace-building E6 sEE fathErs and sons oN E16 rembrandt captured his teenage son in <titus, the artist9s son.=
e2 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

in Th e G al l e r ie s

approaches, N
ever one to take things lying down,
Joan Konkel has long made
multilevel paintings, often overlaid
with layers of wire mesh that

produce shifting patterns and
illusory light effects. Much of her recent work
is more emphatically three-dimensional,
giving it a kinship with the prints of Gail
Shaw-Clemons, some of which pirouette

gracefully off the wall. Painter Kelly Posey
also adds another dimension to her work,
although just visually: The depths hidden in
her actually flat paintings can be fully
perceived only through 3D glasses.
Konkel is known for topping her
abstractions with mesh, often folded or
Dazzling exhibits include overlays crumpled, and sometimes with daubs of
of mesh, rainbow rolls and trippy paint atop the netting. There are examples of
that approach in <Dimensional Dialogue,= her
works that pop through 3D glasses Zenith Gallery show. Also included are
entirely sculptural works, whether free-
standing or wall-mounted. Where the local
BY M ARK J ENKINS artist9s paintings often incorporate metal, her
sculptures are sometimes made of pigmented
canvas, so they resemble pictures that have
been dissected and then reassembled in
unexpected configurations. Some of the
smaller ones dangle like curls of peel from a
fruit that9s been pared in a single continuous
<Totem en Noir= is a tower of stacked,
painted-canvas forms, each roughly square
but floppy rather than hard-edge. Another
standing piece, the blue-and-silver <Crystal
Sprout,= is a column draped loosely with
sheets of diaphanous metal screening held
together by a circular aluminum band near
the top; above this clasp, the mesh strands
appear to splash outward like jets from a
fountain. The result, as in most of the artist9s
creations, evokes uncertainty but also
possibility. Although they9re made of solid

<Coney Island,= by Gail

Shaw-Clemons in her
show <Over the Rainbow:
Color, Value and Form.=

John Woo

She had a loud, nonstop

crunching noise in her head&
Read <Medical Mysteries,= Tuesdays in Health & Science.
sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post eZ ee e3

in Th e G al l e r ie s

From left, <Sunflower Confluence= by

Sharon Fishel in the three-artist show
<Sense of Place= and Joan Konkel9s <Mata
Hari= in her show <Dimensional Dialogue.=

Sense of Place
At first glance, only one of the three local oil
painters in the current Fred Schnider Gallery
show seems to be covered by its title, <Sense of
Place.= David Sturtevant offers deadpan views
of what might be ungentrified pockets of
Arlington County. These pictures appear more
rooted in geographic space than the works of
Sharon Fishel, whose paintings of gardens are
more symbolic than literal, and Sean Dudley,
whose photorealist portraits are rendered on
eccentrically shaped wooden panels.
Yet all three contributors can be said to
depict subjective locales. Sturtevant9s gently
impressionist pictures are not of actual sites,
although the low-lying buildings and blacktop
expanses are generically recognizable. The
scenes are commonplace yet endowed with a
certain drama by the compositions, in which
one- and two-story buildings stretch all the way
across the canvas, drawing a firm line between
sharon Fishel Joan konkel earth and grayish sky. The breach is almost
violent, although everything else in the paint-
ings is hushed and reassuringly ordinary.
stuff, Konkel9s artworks are hymns to ephemer- She also positions gradient-printed sheets of dubbed <Psychedelic Petri Dish.= Their teeming Layered and patterned, Fishel9s colorful pic-
ality and change. paper, curled or twisted, atop lower sheets. swirls and spirals suggest organisms visible tures look a bit like prints, although they are
Shaw-Clemons is an expert in rainbow rolls, Color parries color as curves play against only via a microscope. actually painted freehand. The artist combines
which in her case is not a kind of sushi. Also flatness. Instead, the paintings are meant to be floral shapes with geometric ones, as well as
known as a gradient roll, the color effect is A few of the pieces are all the way off the wall, viewed through 3D glasses. Seen that way, the nature-derived ornamental motifs, in immer-
produced by placing daubs of differently hued displayed in vitrines. These include a multicol- pictures simulate multiple, overlapping levels sive arrangements that fill the frame. In places,
ink on a roller and blending the discrete colors ored paper model of a sneaker (made in and boast colors so electric they appear to light paint seems to have been partly removed,
as they9re applied. The D.C. artist9s Pyramid collaboration with Andy Yoder) and <Coney up. The local artist9s show overflows the narrow giving the surface a weathered look. Fishel
Atlantic Art Center show, <Over the Rainbow: Island,= a pink horn flanked and encircled by confines of the Nano Gallery, and includes evokes fresh flowers and tattered wallpaper in
Color, Value and Form,= includes two-dimen- additional curved paper segments. Other piec- larger pieces, some of them round. The bigger the same image-packed field.
sional examples of the technique. But Shaw- es are in an in-between phase, partway betwixt pictures are vibrant, but their added size isn9t Painting mostly faces, Dudley offers hints of
Clemons moves beyond these smooth color print and structure. Like the rainbow colors necessary. Posey can conjure an entire cosmos his subjects9 interior landscapes. His neoclassi-
transitions to create pieces that roll into three- that brighten them, Shaw-Clemons9s sculptural in a tiny, swarming square. cal style gets a twist from the pictures9 place-
dimensionality. prints are in a dynamic state of flux. ment on curved pieces of wood that occasional-
The printmaker applies bright inks cleanly In a style as colorful as Shaw-Clemons9s, Joan Konkel: Dimensional Dialogue Through ly incorporate metal. One of the few rectangu-
and evenly, sometimes contrasting vividly hued Posey9s abstract paintings emulate organic June 24 at Zenith Gallery, 1429 iris st. nW. lar works, <Final Girl,= pairs a painting of a
circles and targets with the same shapes ren- forms rather than geometric ones. The title of young woman on one side with sheets of
dered in blacks and grays. <The Promise= stacks her DC Arts Center Nano Gallery show, <Micro- Gail shaw-Clemons: Over the rainbow: Color, battered steel and copper on the other. The
six monochromatic, haloed circles below seven dose,= refers to a small quantity of a mind-alter- Value and Form Through June 25 at Pyramid places Dudley depicts can be as revealing as a
printed in bold oranges and complementary ing drug, and thus to the trippy quality of the atlantic art Center, 4318 Gallatin st., hyattsville. person9s eyes or as impenetrable as a metal slab.
blues. The crowning form protrudes above the undulating imagery. But <micro= also hints at
top of the paper, which is just one of the ways the individual size of the central pictures, a Kelly Posey: Microdose Through June 25 at DC sense of Place Through June 25 at Fred schnider
Shaw-Clemons breaks free of the picture plane. series of 4-by-4-inch squares collectively arts Center, 2438 18th st. nW. Gallery of art, 888 n. Quincy st., arlington.


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E4 PG ee the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023


TOP: Fifty-three years after its

debut on the printed page,
arnold Lobel9s beloved
amphibian duo is starring in an
animated series on apple TV
Plus. BELOW: Lobel sits in his
favorite chair in the early

Frog is oscar to Toad9s Felix, ernie

to Toad9s Bert. But through mis-
haps and misunderstandings,
their friendship endures.
now, 53 years after their debut
on the printed page, the duo is
appearing on the small screen in
<Frog and Toad,= an animated se-
ries that premiered in April on
Apple TV Plus. The series is execu-
tive-produced by Arnold Lobel9s
children, Adrianne and Adam Lo-
bel 4 the writer and illustrator
died in 1987 due to complications
from AIDs.
Adrianne and Adam recently
spoke with The Washington Post
about their father9s legacy, the
long-standing popularity of <Frog
and Toad= and why they decided
now was the right time to bring
the characters to television.
(This interview has been edited
for length and clarity.)

Q: How have the <Frog and Toad=

stories evolved for each of you
throughout your lives?
adrianne: Can I tell my frog
and toad story, Adam?
adam: I don9t know which one
this is.

Beloved Frog and adrianne: The one about me

bringing a toad into the house?
adam: so you were the spark

Toad are introduced that created it all?

adrianne: Well, there9s a theo-
ry. When we were kids, our par-
ents used to pile us into the car

to a new generation every summer and go up to Ver-

mont to a house on a lake. I loved
toads and I would collect them.
one day I brought a toad in from
BY O LIVIA M C C ORMACK It turns out Frog is a natural story- the woods. And my father looked
teller, much like series creator Ar- at the toad in my hand and said,

nce upon a time,9 nold Lobel, who went on to feature <oh, what a nice frog you have
said Frog, 8there the unlikely pair in three subse- there.= And I got really irritated
were two good quent volumes. because I hated that people would
friends, a frog and a The award-winning books, get toads and frogs mixed up. I
toad.9= aimed at beginning readers, were said, <This is not a frog, this is a
so says Frog in a story from written and illustrated by Lobel toad and these are the differenc-
<Frog and Toad Are Friends,= the between 1970 and 1979. They use es.= And he said, <oh, okay.= Then
first in the series of children9s simple illustrations, pared-down about six months later, he wrote
books that chronicles the domes- prose and dry humor to tell the the first <Frog and Toad= book. so
tic misadventures of the irrepress- story of the friendship between I9ve always thought I might have
ible Frog and the phlegmatic Toad. the seemingly mismatched duo: see FrOg and TOad on E5
adam LobeL

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sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post eZ ee E5

TOP: Toad, right, voiced by down instantly and said. <Yes.= He

Kevin Michael Richardson, and recited from beginning to end, in
Frog, voiced by Nat Faxon, in verse, a story he had just written
<Frog and Toad.= BELOW: The in his head called <Martha the
apple TV Plus series is based on Movie Mouse,= which is one of my
the award-winning children9s favorite books of his. & It was all
books by arnold Lobel. in rhyme, and he just made it up
in his head.

Q: What about you, Adam? Is

there anything you would like to
FROg aNd TOad FroM E4 share?
adam: There was lots of nice,
sparked the idea to begin with. antique furniture in our living
room. But, then there was this
Q: What about you Adam? sort of ratty, more modern, almost
adam: I was not in the right like rocking [chair]. It was this
demographic when the first one ugly chair 4 looked completely
came out, I was 10 or 11. I liked my out of place. It was his writing
father9s books and he would read chair and he would sit in there
them to us and bounce them off [with] his little copy of Strunk
us. But it was just his job, really & and White9s <The Elements of
When my friends started having Style,= which he carried around
kids and then when I had my own with him like the Bible.
kids, I really realized how great adrianne: And also the
they were. I9d have friends say to thesaurus for when he was doing
me, <Thank God for your father verses. He was a very good actor,
because I have to read the same actually. He read books not only
goddamn book to my kids six his own, but he also read other
times a night. They just want the people9s books. So you9d hear him
same book over and over and over in the afternoon reading very
again. And most of the stuff expressively from the living room,
makes my teeth want to rot. And because he knew that9s how the
your father9s books are great.= I stories would be experienced, for
had the same experience with my the most part.
own kids. adam: He sang, too.
adrianne: He used to do the
Q: Why do you think your father9s stories and these characters and dishes and sing Barbra Streisand
stories have continued to appeal turn it into a giant epic songs.
to audiences decades after they adventure.
were released? adam: Although that took a Q: Is there anything in the series
adrianne: He just hit a chord little while to come around to. I that you9re particularly excited
that resonates with both adults think originally we did want a about sharing with audiences?
and children. They9re like a really feature. Thinking that was sort of, adam: We9re often asked <I9d
good song from the [Great] you know, a more spectacular, like to buy a full-color 8Frog and
American Songbook. We still sing splashy thing. & It just didn9t Toad9 illustration.= They don9t
Gershwin and Irving Berlin, and translate, to write a 90-minute [exist], there is no full color. They
they9re kind of like that. script there has to be volcanoes were done with color separations.
adam: He chose his words very and disasters and flying squirrels. The finished artwork for <Frog
carefully. Writing was an effort It just didn9t work. It wasn9t what and Toad= doesn9t exist except in
[for] him. Illustrating was easy <Frog and Toad= was. the final printing process because
and writing was the hard work. they were plates. & So this is
There was there9s no fluff there, Q: Your father9s stories have really the first instance of <Frog
there9s no wasted anything. created so many cherished and Toad= in color.
memories for families, do you
Q: What drew you to this project have any stories about him that Q: Is there anything we didn9t
and why do you think that it9s you9d like to share? touch on today that you think
important to tell these stories in adrianne: I remember a car would like to tell Frog and Toad
this format now? trip we were taking and [Adam readers?
adrianne: A lot of people have and I] were back seat having a adrianne: I still get fan mail
approached us over the years, and squabble. I was probably sticking from kids who don9t know that
we had one experience with a gum in his hair or something. my father is gone. I just got one
company that was trying to do a And my father, who had been very the other day. It was so sweet and
feature film, and it really wasn9t a quiet for a couple of hours, said, so many people have learned how
happy experience. We realized <Would you like to hear a story?= to read from those books. It9s very
that you can9t take these little APPle tV Plus Photos And of course, we both settled touching.
E6 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023


Violinist Mariela Shaker writing 5,000-word essays. I9d

fled the Syrian civil war never done that. I felt like I was
several years ago. On June drowning, sleeping only three or
23, she will perform a four hours a day.
World Refugee Day concert
with pianist Riyad Nicolas Q: How did you make the turn
at the Kennedy Center. from performance to advocacy for
A: I never thought about it at all,
actually. When I first arrived in
during a 17-hour bus ride stalled by Monmouth, all I wanted was to
bombings and checkpoints where practice my violin, playing and
her violin case received the scruti- keep a low profile. I was scared 4
ny of Syrian soldiers. Once free, my parents were in Syria and I
Shaker secured a student visa and was scared for their lives for a lot
earned consecutive scholarships of things. So I was always locked
that allowed her to pursue music away in the practice room.
in the United States, first at Mon- One day a journalist came from
mouth in Illinois, then at DePaul the Chronicle of Higher
in Chicago, where she studied Education and insisted on having
with violinist Olga Kaler. an interview because I was the
Since then she has turned to only music student at the school.
performing and speaking, using After that, a lot of other
music to amplify her message journalists approached me, a lot
about the plight of Syrians, the of organizations in the U.S.
displacement of its people, the reached out for performances.
struggle to stay seen and heard. In Everyone at Monmouth knew me
2015, President Barack Obama as the shy person, always
honored Shaker9s work at the awkward, always in the practice
White House and named her a room, and suddenly being out on
Champion of Change for World the stage, speaking in English 4 it
Refugees. <It9s about all the girls was a turning point for me.
who are in my situation,= she tells Since then, I9ve dedicated
me, <who are also fighting every myself to the message and the
day to have their voices heard, to music because I know how
have their dreams and future difficult it is to be a refugee, to be
back.= very far from your own home and,
As part of World Refugee Day so many times, not be able to see
(June 20), Shaker returns to Wash- your friends or relatives again.
ington on June 23 for a recital on
the Kennedy Center9s Millennium Q: Can you tell me about the
Stage in support of UNHCR, the program that you9ll play at the
U.N. Refugee Agency. Shaker will Kennedy Center?
be accompanied by pianist (and A: Sure, I9m starting with
husband) Riyad Nicolas, who Mozart9s Sonata in E Minor for
grew up on the same street as violin and piano. I9m playing a
Shaker in Aleppo. piece by [Fritz] Kreisler, the
<Music is everything to me,= <Praeludium and Allegro in the
Shaker tells me from her home in Style of Pugnani.= I9m playing a
London, where she is founder and piece about the Armenian
director of Highams Park Music genocide called <Krunk= or <The
Academy. <It was a bridge that Crane= by [Armenian priest and
saved my life. It connected me to composer Komitas]. Riyad, my
communities. It9s opened doors husband, will play Liszt9s
for my future and gave me a voice Hungarian Dance No. 2. We9ll
to be able to use my instrument as close the program with <Sea
a tool for peace-building. I can9t Waves,= a very famous Middle
live or travel anywhere if I don9t East piece arranged for violin and
have my violin with me.= piano by MAias Alyamani.
This interview has been con-
densed and edited for clarity. Q: Do you find that Americans
know what9s going on in Syria? Or
Q: What was the place of Western do you feel like you9re
classical music when you were reintroducing them to it every
growing up in Aleppo? time you perform?
A: My mother wanted my brother A: We can be ignorant about
and I to explore different many things in life because
activities, and music was one of everyone is busy. At the end of the
them. Somehow I felt so day, life, even in the U.S., is not so
connected to the music. When I easy 4 everyone has to work so
got the violin, it felt like hard to make their living.
something really precious that I Music has a way to speak to
needed to take care of. I started to your heart before it speaks to your
figure it out on my own, before brain, it can make you feel the
going to my first lesson, how to suffering of these people. We hear
MattHew Holst
sound the theme from the <Ode to on the news numbers, that
Joy.= I was always getting ahead of thousands of people died here, or

Syrian refugee
ariela Shaker refuses Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey myself, demanding my teacher 4 a thousand people are now
to let her home fall (which alone hosts 3.6 million) How do I do this? How do I do refugees there. Music can help
out of earshot. face rising expenses, inadequate that? I started accompanying him humanize these numbers 4 it
The 33-year-old vi- shelter and critical levels of food at his performances. He was tells everyone that we are not just
olinist from Aleppo,
now a U.S. citizen based in Lon-
don, has made an arduous journey
since 2011, when a violent govern-
insecurity. Reports from the past
two weeks document the increas-
ing deportation of refugees from
Lebanon back to Syria.
aims to express Armenian and exposed me to all
kinds of Armenian music. Now,
with everything happening in
Syria after the war, I connect so
numbers. Each one of us has a
story to tell.

Q: That tendency to hear things

ment crackdown set Syria on the
path toward chaos. She is one of
the 6.8 million refugees who have
fled Syria since its descent into
As the crisis enters its 13th year,
it continues to devastate Shaker,
who remains uncertain if she9ll
ever return to the place that
empathy through much to it.

Q: What was the change like,

living in America as a student
in the abstract is something we do
to music, too. So much of the
classical music we enjoy the most
comes from histories of war and
civil war 4 another 6.9 million
remain displaced within Syrian
borders. It9s the world9s largest
refugee crisis; vast enough that it
shaped her as an artist.
In 2008 at age 18, Shaker was
chosen to be the youngest violin
teacher at the Arabic Institute of
her violin artistry while the nightmare unfolded at
A: Dramatic. Monmouth was very
cold, everyone had a car. I did not.
struggle and difficulty 4 but we
tend to hear it as entertainment.
A: Even sometimes for
professional musicians who are at
seems to have evaded our individ- Music, a full-time job that she bal- I was barely able to manage. If I the top of the game, they9re often
ual attention. anced with her other full-time role worked hard, I would treat myself not thinking about the story
Meanwhile, the burden grows as a business administration stu- BY M ICHAEL A NDOR B RODEUR to a Subway sandwich. All the behind this music 4 they think
heavier: More than two-thirds of dent at the University of Aleppo. students around me were excited about fingerings, technique,
Syria9s population were already in She recalls commuting to teach to go see their parents, their perfection. But they forget the
desperate need of humanitarian her students as bombs destroyed relatives and siblings during simplest message of music:
assistance when February9s wave the city around her 4 the world as summer break, Christmas break, humanity.
of devastating earthquakes she knew it crumbling and on fire. Easter break. I didn9t have anyone
claimed more than 46,000 lives Shaker sought asylum in the to go to except my violin. I spent Mariela Shaker and Riyad Nicolas
across southern Turkey and north- United States after surviving the long hours up past midnight in June 23 at 6 p.m. at the Kennedy
western Syria. Since then, refu- 2013 attacks at the University of my practice room every single Center Millennium stage. kennedy
gees displaced to neighboring Aleppo, barely escaping the city day. English was hard for me,


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sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post EZ EE E7


waRNER bRos./iLLusTRaTioN by JEss RoTTER FoR ThE washiNgToN PosT

12 actors who soared

iN superhero roles

No one ever said being a superhero was easy. ¶ You have to please a fan base oozing with comic book knowledge
and movie critics likely to be looking down on you for taking the role. Only the elite few can do both. ¶ There are
the classics. Men who can fly and billionaires dressed as bats. And then there9s the modern everlasting
interconnectivity of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and DC Studios9 ongoing quest to reclaim its former glory, which
have given us a vigilante, a goddess, a billionaire genius and a king. ¶ Our list of the top superhero performances features
exactly that, superheroes. The villains and civilians will have to wait their turn 4 otherwise, yes, J.K. Simmons and Heath
Ledger would absolutely be on here. There aren9t many women, since so few got opportunities until Wonder Woman,
Captain Marvel and Black Widow. Hollywood hasn9t done much better with other marginalized groups, but that9s also
changing with the Spider-Verse movies, and Blue Beetle on the way. ¶ Some critics may think superhero movies are only
about the special effects and interconnected storylines, but the magic still very much remains in watching a character shift
from a comic book panel to the screen. ¶ Here are the best superhero performances of all time, ranked.


Wesley Snipes as Blade
Back in the 990s, a comic book movie was rarely made unless it
Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman
There9s no reason a superhero television show from the 1970s
Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool
The greatest cinematic superhero of all time will always be
had Batman in it. The lack of mainstream familiarity with Blade with the special effects budget of a bag of gummy worms should debatable. The funniest cinematic superhero of all time will
allowed snipes to decide what he wanted to bring to the character make it on this list unless you9re talking about perhaps the most always be Deadpool. When 20th Century Fox9s X-Men movies
and helped show Marvel it could make movies that matter and perfect superhero casting of all time. sometimes you can get the began losing their appeal because they weren9t a part of the Marvel
that those movies didn9t have to be PG-13. snipes was an R-rated vibe of this person doesn9t look enough like the hero from the Cinematic Universe, Reynolds was able to make them worthwhile
Marvel superhero before Deadpool was a thing, just with fewer comics. In the case of Carter, the comics didn9t look enough like again with his raunchy and violent R-rated franchise. Reynolds9s
laughs and more gore. He played Blade as burdened by both his her. In her civilian guise, Carter did an admirable if not totally comic-book-accurate suit, swords and goofiness screamed <this
humanity and his bloodlust 4 a reluctant killer, hunting the very believable job of blending in with the crowd. And as a superhero, guy actually reads the comics.= His Deadpool matters enough that
thing he was, a vampire, with only a shred of empathy from the she beamed with regality, knowing that all eyes would be on her. the first order of X-Men business after the Disney/Fox merger was
human mother who gave birth to him. snipes9s action-movie she made those bullet-deflecting bracelets and lasso of truth look making sure Deadpool made it to the MCU in the upcoming
background made him a natural for wielding swords on the hunt, realistic without the help of 21st century CGI, and her Diana <Deadpool 3.=
while his black shades hid demonic eyes that hinted at his Prince-to-Wonder Woman twirl 4 the removal of glasses, and one see supErhEroEs on E8
human-vampire hybrid existence. mean hair-whip from ponytail to free-flowing locks 4 remains
iconic to this day.
E8 EZ EE the washington post .


supErhEroEs FROM E7

in acting

Regina King as Sister Night
King was at the center of HBO9s <Watchmen,= perhaps
the greatest Black superhero story ever produced, in her
role as the cop/vigilante in post-reparations Oklahoma.
Her character was fearless 4 white supremacy9s worst
nightmare 4 before her emotional unraveling and then
conquering of her newly found generational trauma. King
didn9t read a single <Watchmen= comic to prepare so as not
to lean on any influences and bring something wholly her
own. Her performance in a role that wasn9t in the graphic
novel series by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons proved that
there is storytelling power in creating new original Black
superheroes for the screen.

Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury
The connectivity of the Marvel Cinematic Universe did
not officially begin until Jackson appeared as Fury in its
iconic first post-credits scene at the end of 20089s <Iron
Man,= the ultimate comic book Easter egg. He seemed to
literally jump out of the pages of a comic book given that
his likeness was the inspiration for Fury in Marvel Comics
<Ultimate= line back in 2001. He9s been MCU glue, serving
as the big boss of the Avengers and always coming off as the
authority figure no matter which hero or villain was
sharing the screen. Famously known for some of the best
screaming in show business, Jackson brought more of an
intense calm to Fury, always being the voice of reason
despite knowing just how much danger the universe is in.
He played a strong supporting role in arguably the MCU9s
best film, <Captain America: The Winter Soldier,= and
J maiDmEnT/columbia/maRvEl/kobal/ShuTTERSTock
finally gets to shine solo in the upcoming <Secret Invasion=
on Disney Plus.

Sony PicTuRES/EvERETT collE

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine

Jackman was the big bang of the modern superhero
movie movement in Hollywood when he debuted as one of
the most popular comic book characters ever in 20009s
<X-Men.= Then an unknown actor, Jackman at first glance
was too tall and too handsome for the feral role. But he
made Wolverine and his adamantium claws a central
figure in an X-Men movie universe that lasted almost two
decades, until Fox9s merger with Disney put the mutants
under the purview of Marvel Studios. Just getting Wolver-
Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man
Without Downey looking into the camera and telling the world <I am Iro
there is no Marvel Cinematic Universe. In 2008, he delivered a performance
ine9s hair right was an incredible achievement. Jackman satisfying to a general audience who didn9t know much about Iron Man an
played a loner who didn9t work well with anyone but book fans looking for perfection. Downey didn9t just look the part of M
transitioned into a team player, father figure (to Anna biggest playboy partyer/superhero, he felt the part too. Assured confidenc
Paquin9s Rogue) and, eventually, a leader. His crowning left Downey9s face, whether he was being kidnapped, on a date or ord
achievement was <Logan,= which gave him a chance to cheeseburger 4 it all felt authentic to who Tony Stark should have been on
wear the pain of being an indestructible man on his face. And don9t forget the genius part 4 Downey9s Stark always knew he was the s
For all the gritting, growling and claw-slashing he did over guy in the room and didn9t mind letting you know it, either. Rare is the su
the years to much fanboy acclaim, it was the unexpected on-screen who causes just as much commotion when not in their superhero
happiness in his eyes after finally meeting his end that may Downey was that guy. Add to his swagful repertoire one of the most memora
be his most memorable Wolverine moment. 20Th cEnTuRy Fox/EvERETT collEcTion shocking deaths in superhero movie history.
sunday, june 18, 2023 EZ EE E9


Christopher Reeve as Superman
There have been many Supermen over the years, but
they9ll always be compared to the original cinematic Man
of Steel. It9s been almost half a century, and there has still
never been as charismatic and charming a superhero
on-screen as Reeve9s take on Kal-El of Krypton in the 1970s
and 980s. The s-curl. The confidence. The quick changes in
a phone booth. The suit, which is more Adam West than
Henry Cavill but somehow still looks good. Reeve did it all.
As utterly believable as he was as Superman, it seemed
Jay maiDmEnT/WalT DiSnEy STuDioS moTion PicTuRES/EvERETT collEcTion unbelievable how transformative his Clark Kent was.
Reeve9s combed-over hair, big glasses, slouching and
high-pitched voice added up to a mild-mannered reporter

so under-the-radar you9d never guess he was the greatest
Chris Evans as Captain America superhero ever.

Evans had to go up against his past when taking on this role. Let9s not forget, he
starred in not one but two <Fantastic Four= movies. As the hotheaded, cocky,
immature man-child that is Johnny Storm/The Human Torch, Evans embodied a
bro. But as Captain America he was all pro. Evans was so convincing as a skinny,
CGI-aided weakling Steve Rogers that when he transformed into a muscle machine
of a soldier, it was hard to believe that was actually his body on the screen. His
exhausted call of <Avengers assemble= in <Endgame9s= grand-finale fight against
Thanos just might be the most beloved moment in the history of Marvel Studios. If
Downey is the MCU9s spark, Evans is the heart.

Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther
Boseman was everything he needed to be and more in one of the most anticipated
superhero movies ever. <Black Panther= was a worldwide phenomenon, and
Boseman9s King T9Challa of Wakanda was the type of superhero Hollywood had
never seen before. Unconquerable. Inspiring. Unforgettable. Black cool personified
in superhero form. Boseman was a part of Marvel Studios9 strongest cast ever,
leading the way in delivering his lines with an African accent that beamed with
uncolonized pride. He also went up against one of the MCU9s all-time great villains,
Michael B. Jordan9s Killmonger, commanding just as much attention in any scene
they shared. When Marvel Studios was forced to move on with the franchise with
<Wakanda Forever= after Boseman9s shocking death, replacing him was never an
option. It spent the entirety of the sequel honoring Boseman instead.

Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man
Maguire was equal parts nerd and savior as high-schooler Peter Parker and
perhaps the most famous Marvel character of all. The sadness in his eyes screamed
<My parents are gone, my uncle is dead, and my aunt can9t pay the rent,= but when
the mask came on, it was all business. Maguire embodied the true essence of
Spider-Man: that a superhero so amazing could also be the kid next door. No
cinematic universes here. And no multiverses. Just one Spider-Man changing
Hollywood forever.


Michael Keaton as Batman
Name a superhero with a better silhouette. Or a better
car for that matter. You can9t. When Keaton9s Dark Knight
first appeared in 19899s <Batman,= all you could see was
pointy-eared winged darkness descending from the air on
unsuspecting criminals. What followed is still the gold
standard of how to be a superhero in Hollywood. Under
the cape and cowl, with those forever frustrated eye-
brows, Keaton9s millionaire Bruce Wayne was less smooth
playboy and more intentionally awkward to mask his true
on Man,= self, coming off as exactly the kind of recluse you9d expect
e equally to have inherited a fortune from his dead parents. There9s
nd comic never a point as Bruce Wayne that he looks happy 4 he9s
Marvel9s so hurt by the pain that made him a vigilante he can9t even
ce never fake it when he9s not Batman. Keaton spent most of this
dering a movie in his muscular bat-suit (actors didn9t have to hit
n-screen. the gym back then) being intimidatingly silent. But when
smartest he did speak, his bat-whisper might as well have been a
uperhero bullhorn. Also, if they bring you back more than 30 thirty
suit, but ears later to put a bat-suit on you again 4 in this
able and weekend9s <The Flash= 4 you must have done a really
illuSTRaTionS by JESS RoTTER
FoR ThE WaShingTon PoST good job.
e10 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

New parent is sad that consider an argument for

compassion, or at least patience
with him through this process.
that the proper target for your
blame, rage and despair is not
your dad, not even with all his

mom isn9t here and mad When one longtime spouse

begins dating shortly after the
other spouse dies, it9s common
complications 4 and it9s
certainly not your dad9s
girlfriend9s existence. It9s cancer.

that dad9s girlfriend is for their children to see that as a

form of speaking ill of the dead
4 as if the deceased no longer
Cancer and the jerk universe that
decided she was the one who9d
get a cancer she couldn9t outlive.
matters to their living parent, Therefore, the most useful
Hi Carolyn: I lost Upset: I9m going to give you my and maybe never did. But it9s preparation for your upcoming
my mom to cancer bona fides before I give my often the exact opposite: The trip is grief counseling. One-on-
in 2019, a little advice. widow(er)s from the happiest one, group, pastoral, whatever is
over a year after My first children were born marriages often date quickly available soonest and feels right
being diagnosed eight months after my mother because they so badly miss the to you. Contact local hospice
and going died. She was 61 and energetic, love and companionship that providers and cancer support
Carolyn through chemo so until she was diagnosed with kept them warm for so long. networks for recommendations,
Hax and radiation. She ALS, I had reasonably envisioned What comes across to you as an if needed. Caregivers in the end-
was the most her as a part of my life for a good insult to your mother9s memory of-life business have seen a lot,
amazing mother 20 years more, or beyond. We may be the highest possible and they can help to see you
and we were incredibly close. were <incredibly close.= compliment. through this. Your trauma was
I've since gotten married and Shortly after her death, my Your <most amazing= mother, four years ago, but your child9s
we have a baby (he looks so father 4 who loves my mother after all, loved and chose and birth may have, understandably,
much like my mom and this achingly to this day 4 fell in love married and stayed with your renewed and deepened that loss.
makes me so happy). I have a again. dad. She had reasons, no?
strained relationship with my So please know this comes So his grief could be driving Write to carolyn hax at
father, going on for years, and he from a place of sympathy: While his needy and outsize emotions get her
was still married to my mother at your devastation makes a lot of since her death as much as your column delivered to your inbox each
the time of her death. sense to me, your cause-and- grief is driving yours. morning at
He has been looking to date effect trail does not. None of these counterpoints
since maybe six months after my It is no one9s fault that your nick gaLifianakis for the Washington Post
I9ve offered will make your loss õ Join the discussion live at noon
mom died. He has been mother got cancer and died any less terrible, I understand fridays at
oversharing his attempts to find before she could be a wonderful that. I9m merely pointing out -chats.
a girlfriend since the beginning, grandmother to your child.
and it9s been disturbing to hear. There is ample room for grief
Ever since he found this and frustration and rage at the
girlfriend a couple of months universe for its arbitrary cruelty
ago, my dad seems completely 4 I9m right there with you on
uninterested in my son. He that one 4 but it is absolutely, Mike Du Jour By Mike Lester
doesn9t ask for photos, doesn9t profoundly unfair to act out any
ask about milestones, doesn9t ask of these feelings with your father
how we9re all doing. or his girlfriend.
My spouse, son and I are going Especially the girlfriend. What
back for about a week to the exactly has she done wrong,
state where I grew up, mostly to besides exist?
celebrate my mom9s birthday in It9s also unfair to your son to
her favorite place, go to the introduce your emotional
cemetery, and visit some old obstacles into his relationship
friends of mine. We9re going to with his grandfather and the
stay with my father for a couple grandmother figure (I hope) the
of nights so he can spend some girlfriend can be. Your dad might
time with my son, and I know not be the grampiest grampa out
he9s going to want to introduce there, but he9s what you9ve got, so
his girlfriend to him (and me). accept and work within his
I can9t stop getting upset and limitations.
resentful that my mom never got You9ll undermine yourself, too,
to meet her grandson and that if you yield to your angriest
his girlfriend will meet my son. impulses here. Your mother9s
My mom would have been the death is an argument for
best grandma, and I9m just nurturing your other family
devastated she never got to be relationships, not hacking them
one. How do I approach this out at the root.
situation when everything about As for your dad9s immersion
it upsets me? first in dating and now in his
4 Upset new relationship, please




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sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post EZ EE E11

Neighbor posted on Facebook about my loud music instead of talking to me

Dear Amy: Until blaming it on the neighbors neighbor, whom you know works Zeppelin in the garage & you She interrupts conversation to answer.
Ask Amy recently, my across the street. (Not true.) from home. were! do this and then tells me what it
Amy neighbor <Ron= Then they tried to turn it Now, on to your neighbors. If you don9t receive an apology was about. (I don't care what it Dear Amy: Regarding <Grateful
Dickinson and I always got around, blaming my wife for They are demonstrating the very from your obnoxious neighbor was about.) Grandchild= asking for their
along very well. telling me about the FB post. My reason that I am no longer active and want to demonstrate a more I don't have my phone with inheritance from the
Ron works from wife eventually got a halfhearted on Facebook: I couldn9t handle sophisticated way of behaving, me all the time, and I certainly grandparents so they could
home, and I am retired. I enjoy apology, which she said should witnessing how poorly some you might close the circle if you don't interrupt a conversation to <enjoy= seeing the grandchild
working in my garage, house or be directed toward me. people I know personally (and acknowledge that you9re sorry check, unless it is a rare spend it, I think the
yard during the day, usually They said they would many people I don9t know) were this episode has created tension emergency. grandparents would be happier
between 11 and 5 p.m. apologize when they saw me. behaving toward one another. between you. You could add: <In If it wasn't for the phone if they saw a grandchild
While working in the garage, I The next day they <unfriended= Social media platforms like the future, I hope that we can problem, I would probably enjoy successfully provide for themself
will listen to music, and my wife on Facebook and haven't Facebook and can restore our neighborly traveling with her again. and spend their own money.
sometimes it can be a little loud spoken to us since. become toxic cesspools where connection and talk things out Should I ask her to turn off My grandma would have
because of the tools I am using. Did we do something wrong? people rudely and provocatively personally and respectfully when her speaker and stop answering laughed me out of the house.
Recently Ron posted on We always try to be the best vent 4 drawing others into the there is a problem.= all texts and alerts while we 4 Also Grateful
Facebook a profanity-laced post neighbors possible and don9t fray (in the comments section). travel together? Is this
about my loud music, saying that understand what we did. People write things they Dear Amy: A good friend has reasonable? Grateful: Readers agree 4 as the
it interferes with his job. 4 Upset wouldn9t dream of saying out asked me to travel with her. We 4 Quiet Traveler <kids= say: <Yeah & NO.=
Basically, he made me out to be loud, using social media to settle are both senior women and have
an inconsiderate jerk, which is Upset: You did do something scores. Then, if things go badly, traveled together in the past. Quiet: I think the best approach Amy's column appears seven days a
the furthest thing from the truth. wrong, but your neighbors9 rude they can conveniently hide What has changed is that she is to tell your friend that this week at
All he or his wife had to do and public reaction has far behind the <block= and now has a cellphone always really bothers and distracts you Write to
was to let me know it was an overshadowed your own <unfriend= buttons. attached to her. when you are with her, and or Amy Dickinson, P.O. Box 194,
issue, and I would have turned it behavior. And 4 just as your neighbor For calls she always uses the because of that you don9t think Freeville, N.Y. 13068. ù You can also
down, no problem. When my The thing you did wrong was has taken the cowardly path 4 speaker, so it is never private. you9d enjoy traveling with her as follow her @askingamy.
wife talked to them about the when you failed to imagine that why, I wonder, is your wife She has an audible alert for much as you have in the past.
situation, first they denied that your loud music during crossing the yard to try to talk everything, and she checks her She may offer to alter her © 2023 by Amy Dickinson. Distributed by
they were referring to me, workdays might disturb your this out? She wasn9t blasting Led phone every time. behavior; if not, you have your Tribune Content Agency.




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sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post eZ ee E13


details ûll
the menu
at Saga

The menu at Saga tells you its patatas

bravas are <not traditional.= Still, it9s a
surprise when chef Enrique Limardo9s ver-
sion of Spain9s popular spicy potatoes shows
up as a thin golden disc hovering over a
brilliant romesco with sunny dots that
smack of fruit and fire. Patatas bravas are
typically cubed, fried potatoes draped with a
combination of olive oil, smoked paprika
and tomato paste. Saga9s spiral is many fine
rings, made with the help of a Japanese
mandoline; the creamy yellow accents turn
out to be a puree of tangerine peel and
There9s a lot going on, but it9s all delicious
fun. My server smiles when he shares the
secret ingredient in the romesco: <Crushed
Doritos.= This chips fan laps it up.
Say hola to yet another draw from the
Seven Restaurant Group, a collection of
dining rooms that includes multiple branch-
es of the casual Immigrant Food, the upscale
Imperfecto, Joy by Seven Reasons in Chevy
Chase and the Latin American-inspired
Seven Reasons (poised to close on 14th
Street and reopen elsewhere in the District
this fall). Saga opened in May in the
Ritz-Carlton in the West End, the same
neighborhood as Imperfecto. Too close for
comfort, chef ? The Venezuela native says
he9s giving customers a different experience
at his latest project. Saga taps into his five
years in Spain, where he attended cooking
school in San Sebastian and went on to work
for some of the country9s greatest chefs, no
less than Ferran Adrià and the three Roca
Your first taste of the hotel restaurant
should be refreshment from the bar, a chic
vision in white 4 stools, counter, barrel-
vaulted ceiling 4 and the source of such
imaginative combinations as the frothy Saga
cocktail, coaxed from gin, tea, plums, cinna-
mon, honey and egg whites. Like its siblings,
the restaurant offers a descriptive cocktail
menu illustrated with corresponding glass
shapes, a preview that might include a
profile from the bartender: <If a piña colada
had a baby with French toast,= one mixer
The restaurant9s placement in a hotel
presents some challenges: Saga is open
three meals a day, seven days a week, and it
is also responsible for room service. The
dining room staff, smartly dressed in royal
purple jackets, never lets you see them
sweat, though. It helps that the opening
team, including chef de cuisine Mileyda
<Mile= Montezuma, was culled from Limar-
do9s other restaurants, whose service mem-
bers rival the polished pros found at every
Fabio Trabocchi establishment. Ask about
the pan con tomate, another staple of tapas
bars across Spain, and you9re informed that
five kinds of tomato are applied to the
house-baked sourdough, which you can
fact-check by tasting the upgraded classic.
The snack, garnished with a frizzy trail of
parsley, comes with a little atomizer filled
with tomato water, which a server directs us
to spray on the multihued garden. We laugh,
follow orders, and laugh again when I later
find the spritz in my coat pocket and
mistake it for a Tom Ford sample. (I spent
the rest of the day smelling like a Caprese
Saga follows the Westend Bistro in this
space, retaining only the windows that wrap
around much of the dining room, pulling in
light by day and capturing a steady stream of PhOTOS by LAurA ChASe De fOrMigNy fOr The WAShiNgTON POST

passersby. The interior, from the same firm

that dressed the handsome Imperfecto, is
intentionally minimalist, a canvas for Li- so expensive, consider, among other details,
mardo9s beautiful creations. Voyeurs want a the time and people it takes to make so much
table near the glass; privacy seekers should of the food at Saga. The suckling pig, for
ask for the curtain-shrouded banquettes example, is butchered in-house, cured,
near the visible kitchen. Spanish guitar washed, then cooked in a vacuum pack with
music lets us imagine we9re in another world seasonings including oranges, rosemary and
capital: Madrid. garlic 4 a three-day process. Several diners
Diners could be forgiven for thinking can feast on the beast, which shows up with
they9re in an art gallery when the octopus crisp mahogany skin and succulent meat, on
carpaccio is dropped off, a fetching mosaic a bed of rice that9s fragrant with fresh
strewn with edible flowers and bright lime coconut and surrounded by juicy pineapple
zest. The same is true of the plump pickled chunks, stinging with vinegar. A red pool of
mussels, carpeted with pickled carrot coins salsa criolla completes the $125 main course.
and green mango, their tang contrasted with A few items fail to quicken the pulse. The
saffron-bold mayonnaise. I get the sense croquettes prove surprisingly bland, and
tweezers are involved in the making of a lot pleasing as it is, steak tartare is a head-
of the food. I know a lot of flowers and herbs scratcher. I figure the appetizer is there to
are arranged just so here and there. Cured appease the less adventurous customer.
tuna, ruddy as meat and salty as country Also, the wine prices! Too many hover in the
ham, is served in upright curls atop a creamy triple digits 4 putting on the Ritz, if you will.
whip of goat cheese and fava beans, plus Did you expect churros for dessert? You
chickpeas (digging has its rewards), every- get them at Saga, but like every Spanish dish
thing encased in a delicate whole-wheat before them, the sugared wands have been
shell. This is playful food. Saga is the first reimagined, in this case, with porcini pow-
restaurant to serve me potato chips with der on their crisp surface, guajillo in their
octopus. chocolate base, and a glass skull as a vase.
The Spanish accent is reinforced with Another dessert, another pleasure. A scoop
rice-based main courses. Saga showcases of soft gianduja 4 think chocolate fudge
short-grained bomba rice, prized for its crossed with hazelnut velvet 4 is presented
ability to absorb liquid without bursting. Chef Enrique Limardo9s latest restaurant, Saga in the West End, features artistic presentations such as the inside a clear cloche, shimmering with
The choices reflect different regions of pickled mussels under a layer of carrot coins and octopus carpaccio arranged in a mosaic with edible beads of olive oil that flood the mouth and
Spain, and I9m particularly enamored of the flowers. Limardo9s other area restaurants include Imperfecto, Seven Reasons and Joy by Seven Reasons. temper the sweetness of the centerpiece. A
crackling duck confit staged with tangy tuft of blow-torched cotton candy caps a
tomatoes on a shallow bed of golden rice, flute of tamarillo ice cream, chewy honey-
enriched with brown butter, that gets comb and a foam that mimics crema
scraped to the finish. I have yet to try a Saga catalana.
skillet I wouldn9t race to shovel again, Lots of restaurants, with another on the
although the green bomba, flavored with an 1190 22nd St. NW. 202-480-9892. Open for indoor and outdoor dining 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. for breakfast horizon, translate to nonstop R&D, says
emulsion of parsley and poached hake, was a daily; 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. for lunch daily; 5 to 10 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 5 to 11 p.m. friday and Saturday Limardo, who creates dishes in his sleep. <I
touch salty. for dinner. Prices: dinner appetizers $13 to $29, main courses $40 to $190. Sound check: 76 decibels/Must speak dream about it,= he says. So do his grateful
If you wonder why eating out has gotten with raised voice. Accessibility: no barriers to entry; ADA-compliant restrooms. fans.
E14 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023


ûghts take
over music

<Have you ever thought about doing a fra-

grance?= he asked. <Is the beauty space some-
thing that you9re open to?=
<In theory,= mcLachlan said and then
paused. <I haven9t thought about it.=
Some call it song management, others royal-
ty acquisition. The managers of this asset class
include mestel, merck mercuriadis (CEo and
founder of Hipgnosis Songs) and round Hill
music9s Josh Gruss, in addition to traditional
publishers such as Universal music Publishing
Group, Sony music Publishing and BmG. The
latter have longer histories and much larger
holdings than the more insurgent indepen-
dents, but they9ve only recently been making
the blockbuster deals on publishing acquisi-
There was a time when even the biggest stars
4 the Beatles, the rolling Stones and the Beach
Boys 4 watched helplessly as their publishing
was sold to corporations. That changed in the
1970s when songwriters learned the value of
publishing and hired attorneys to protect it.
This new market is something well beyond
that. It9s about a wave of investors, many more
accustomed to speculating on pharmaceuti-
cals or real estate, cracking into territory once
reserved for Casey Kasem. And artists, con-
fronted with this new math, are cashing in.
Where it was once considered almost sacrile-
gious to sell a song, it is now an element of
estate planning for aging artists as singular as
Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Steve Nicks and Sting.
They get a payout and a promise of a cleaner
future, giving their heirs a chance to avoid the
battles that took place after the deaths of Tom
Petty, Prince or Aretha franklin.
<I9m not Bob Dylan, so I didn9t get $400 mil-
lion, but I got a very, very large chunk of
change,= said Lindsey Buckingham, whose
$100 million deal with Hipgnosis included
fleetwood mac songs such as <Go Your own
Way= and <The Chain.= <It just makes things in
the present a bit easier. And you9re not setting
up your kids to be fighting over any sort of
things that haven9t been well defined enough as
to know how they9re going to get passed on.=
In a home office by a swimming pool in Los
Angeles, mercuriadis is working the phone. He
is in his standard uniform 4 black Prada 4 and
pacing as he works through a complication
with a megadeal for Justin Bieber9s catalogue.
It9s not with the artist, who has agreed to sell for
$200 million. It9s with the Wall Street Journal,
phIlIp cheunG foR the WashInGton post
which is trying to scoop the news when
Hipgnosis has already agreed to release it
widely first. CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Merck Mercuriadis, CEO and founder of Hipgnosis Songs, has spent more than $3 billion on publishing acquisition, raising
The Bieber deal will make headlines. It9s money via the London Stock Exchange and partnering with the Blackstone investment firm. Larry Mestel, founder and CEO of Primary Wave Music, meets
notable because most of the deals have been for virtually with musician Sarah McLachlan in New York in April, after purchasing a share of McLachlan9s songs. Mestel speaks in 2020 in West Hollywood.
older, established artists. They are surer bets. A
song by Paul Simon or Dylan has been earning a
steady royalty for decades from commercials,
radio (and now streaming) plays and other
licensing agreements. Signing up Bieber
shakes up the system. He9s just 29, and his
future value must be calculated without the
benefit of history.
That9s why mercuriadis9s competitors ques-
tion the deal.
<I don9t think when Justin Bieber is 40 years
old, people are going to go back and listen to
8Baby9 and his catalogue,= Gruss said. <So what
do you do if you buy those rights? If you9re
wrong, it9s a bad, bad investment.=
Gruss, at round Hill, a company traded
publicly on the London Stock Exchange like
Hipgnosis, counts <Calendar Girl= singer Neil
Sedaka, hair metal stars Skid row, and more
recently alt-rock B-listers Lit and Collective
Soul in its stable. Which is how mercuriadis
explains why Bieber is a good buy.
<If you9re buying Lit and Collective Soul,=
mercuriadis said, <those records may be 30
years old, and you can make an argument that,
hey, these have a much longer track record than
8Shape of You9 by Ed Sheeran. But 8Shape of You9
is going to be a much more important record
not only for the next 30 years but for the next 40
years, 50 years, 60 years. I believe the same
thing about great Justin Bieber records that
have been a part of the fabric of our lives for the
JeRRItt claRk/Getty ImaGes foR Island RecoRds
last 15 years.=
Then there is the deal from the Bieber side. A
no-brainer. The economic downturn and rising
interest rates have not been good for Hipgno-
sis, as analysts and competitors have watched
its stock price fall. But Scooter Braun, Bieber9s
manager, saw the economy as an opportunity.
<most wealthy people made most of their
money in a downturn because they were able to
understand that the market always goes back
up,= Braun said. <If you9re a young person, and catIe monck/pRImaRy Wave
sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post eZ ee E15


about their younger, hit-making clients. They

manage too many songs, so they can9t possibili-
ty give the legacy catalogue much attention. He
disagrees. Just go see <Dear Mama= on FX, the
series about Tupac Shakur that Universal Mu-
sic Publishing Group produced. He also spoke
about Hipgnosis9s 2021 partnership with
Blackstone Tactical Opportunities, which de-
scribes itself as <the world9s largest alternative
asset manager.=
<The key word there was asset,= Cimino said.
<Right. We look at 8Like a Rolling Stone9 not as an
asset but as a song. That song has changed
people9s lives. We are very clear at Universal that
this is about the art, and this is about the songs,
and this is about the master recordings. It is not
an asset class, and if you9re investing in our
company, you9re investing in it from that per-
Art, of course, is a relative term.
This spring, a commercial for the home fix-it
service Frontdoor began circulating with a tune
anyone with an FM radio or MTV in 1985 would
know intimately. Except, somehow the words
were wrong. Yes, <We Built This City,= the No. 1
FIn Costello/getty IMages hit for Starship, had been recast and rerecorded
as <We Fixed This Toilet.=
<I thought it was disgusting and a new low for
the business,= said Jeff Jampol, who manages
Starship but does not control the publishing of
the band9s biggest hit.
He texted Cimino, since Universal adminis-
ters the song.
But Jampol should have been grumbling to
Martin Page, who wrote <We Built This City=
with longtime Elton John collaborator Bernie
Taupin. He was thrilled about the use. Page and
Taupin could have blocked the commercial.
Page first heard about it from his manager.
<I said, 8What9s it about?9= Page said. <She said,
8Plumbing.9 I was like, wow. And when she told
me the amount of money they were going to pay,
you go like, 8Uh, okay.9=
Money can9t buy everything, though. There
are still some prominent artists 4 Joni Mitchell,
for one 4 who retain their publishing. That9s
also the case with John Fogerty, not that the
author of a string of hits for Creedence Clearwa-
ter Revival hasn9t listened to pitches.
This spring, Fogerty walked into his home
music studio in Thousand Oaks, Calif., looking
very much like the guy choogling through
<Proud Mary= at Woodstock in 1969. At 78, he
remains a steady touring attraction, still favor-
ing his trademark plaid button-down shirts.
It has been a good moment for Fogerty. For
decades, he battled Saul Zaentz, the late execu-
tive who had signed Creedence to an onerous
deal at Fantasy Records in the 1960s. It got so
bad that Fogerty couldn9t bring himself to play
his Creedence hits in concert for decades. And in
1985, when Fogerty made a comeback with <The
Old Man Down the Road,= Zaentz sued him for
plagiarizing himself because he felt the song
sounded too much like CCR9s <Run Through the
Jungle.= Fogerty won and in January, with the
help of his wife, Julie, and legendary music
manager Irving Azoff, was able to buy back his
publishing. By then, Fogerty had already taken
meetings with Mercuriadis to consider his op-
He says now he went to hear the pitch, not to
make a deal.
<Never in my life, not for one minute, have I
MIke RandolPH/PoPPeRFoto/getty IMages ever thought of a song in terms of money, like a
businessman does,= he said. <Let9s say I say to
TOP: Lindsey Buckingham of Fleetwood Mac records in New Haven, Conn., in 1975. The singer and guitarist has struck a $100 million deal for his back you, 8You9ve Lost That Lovin9 Feelin99 by the
catalogue. <It just makes things in the present a bit easier. And you9re not setting up your kids to be fighting over any sort of things that haven9t been well Righteous Brothers.9 And your reaction is prob-
defined enough as to know how they9re going to get passed on,= Buckingham said. ABOVE: Creedence Clearwater Revival performs in London in 1970. ably 4 well, if you were anywhere near my age,
you9d go, 8God, what a great record.9 And it
resonates in a way that a new pair of shoes
you9re able to deploy in a downturn properly,
you could be setting yourself up for life.=
hours and hours talking about Eric Dolphy9s
solo on a song. It9s very rare that you find a
<I don9t think But Julie Fogerty, whom he credits with sav-
ing his career and life when he had fallen into
Braun likes Mercuriadis. In 2021, he struck a person that musically you feel so comfortable deep depression over his battles with Zaentz,
deal with him for another one of his clients, with.= when Justin kept nudging him to have meetings with poten-
Andrew Watt, for his stake in such songs as As he9s built the Hipgnosis catalogue, Mercu- tial publishing buyers.
<Señorita= by Shawn Mendes. But Braun didn9t riadis has proved a maddening presence to Bieber is 40 years He liked Mercuriadis. He seemed like a nice
sign with Hipgnosis out of loyalty. competitors. They attack him for opening his guy. He seemed to care about music and actually
<We always go to the whole marketplace,= wallet but say he9s not doing much once he9s old, people are love music.
Braun said. <Merck came forward with the best made the acquisition. Mestel says he does not <But of course, that wasn9t what the meeting
Mercuriadis, 59, grew up in Canada, fell in
want to call out anyone by name. But he points
out the range of his own Primary Wave, from
going to go back was for,= Fogerty said. <I9ve never gotten to own
my songs. I want to walk around, you know,
love with Kiss and Aerosmith, and got his start
as a marketing and A&R manager for such
working with Detroit-based Shinola to create a
Smokey Robinson wristwatch to producing the
and listen to maybe with a cane in one hand and a top hat on
my head and go, Yeah, I9ve got 8Proud Mary9
bands as UB40 and Simple Minds. He eventual- Whitney Houston biopic <I Wanna Dance With now.=
ly got into managing a slate of clients that Somebody.= 8Baby9 and his Back in the McLachlan meeting, Mestel and
included Elton John and Guns N9 Roses. In <Most of my competitors sit back, and they his leadership team have gone through a series
2018, he founded Hipgnosis, taking the name of put up their feet on their desk, and when the catalogue. So of brainstorms. They9ve talked about getting
the famed design firm that designed album phone rings and they answer it, they think more of her work sampled by younger artists.
covers for Pink Floyd, Bad Company and Led they9ve done a great job marketing,= he said. what do you do if Sam Feldman, her manager, mentions to those
Zeppelin in the 1970s. Mercuriadis notes that Primary Wave ac- on the Zoom that he would love to get
He keeps his head shaved and poses for
photos by sucking in his cheeks in Zoolander-
quired and then in 2013 sold its stakes in songs
by the Beatles, Hall & Oates and Bo Diddley to
you buy those McLachlan on Howard Stern. He also talks
about her love of the outdoors. That sparks some
esque fashion. His aggressive acquisition ap-
proach 4 he9s spent more than $3 billion on
<Whether it9s Justin Timberlake or the Leon-
rights? If you9re excitement from McLachlan, as she asks if there
is the potential for a line of surfboards.
publishing, both by raising money via the Lon- ard Cohen estate that I9ve looked in the eye and Mestel asks how she feels about social media.
don Stock Exchange and partnering with an said, 8I9m going to be the custodian of these wrong, it9s a bad, She dropped off because of the vitriol and anger
investment firm, Blackstone 4 earned him the great songs,9 I can keep my promise,= Mercuri- that seemed to dominate online. He suggests
title of <music9s most hated man,= as Forbes adis said. bad investment.= somebody from Primary Wave take over her
called him in a 2021 cover story. But it9s hard to Even during his spending spree, there are Josh Gruss, accounts to keep them humming without caus-
deny his genuine love of music. Mercuriadis is a some artists none of the independents could Round Hill Music ing her stress. And while it seems unlikely to
record rat who seems as thrilled to show off a seduce. Springsteen went with BMG. Dylan become a reality, nobody nixes the idea of a
Japanese pressing of Paul McCartney9s <Ram= as and Sting signed with Universal Music Publish- Sarah McLachlan scent. Before she signs off, she
he is to celebrate a deal worth millions of dollars. ing, which manages more than 3 million songs gives what is effectively a pep talk to the team.
The floor of his office is stacked with audiophile and has been around for decades. (Primary <There is no bad idea,= she says. <And I9m
pressings from the Electric Recording Co., Sam Wave, Round Hill Music and Hipgnosis were pretty hard to offend. I mean, there are certain
Records and Analogue Productions. founded in 2006, 2010 and 2018, respectively.) I9m going to say, 8No, that doesn9t work for me.9
<He9s a fanatic,= said Chic co-founder and Marc Cimino, the chief operating officer of But as I said, I just haven9t put my mind to
super-producer Nile Rodgers, who both is man- Universal Music Publishing, has heard all of thinking in that direction ever, really. So I9m
aged by Mercuriadis and sold his catalogue to the arguments made by the leaders of smaller excited at what possibilities you guys can
him. <Merck and I can just spend hours and companies. That big companies only care dream up.=
E16 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023


Perspectives on
father-artists and
their progeny
FATHERS And SOnS from E1 velvety red beret. The paint itself
is thickly textured. Titus9s rich,
the same history of love. Try and glossy hair falls in loose ringlets,
stay, though, inside. See how long framing his young face. If you9re
you can.= familiar with rembrandt9s many
Hearing my son read this was self-portraits, the effect is uncan-
intensely uncanny 4 and not just ny, as if time had suddenly gone in
because <Augie march= is my fa- reverse.
vorite novel. It was uncanny be- Everyone knows that relations
cause my son is 18 and, like Augie between fathers and sons can be
in the novel, about to be <thrown fraught. (<If we weren9t so alike,=
for fair on the free spinning of the U29s Bono sang of his father,
world.= He is ready to leave, that9s <you9d like me a whole lot more.=)
to say. The chiaroscuro in rembrandt9s
The problem is, no one else in painting of Titus evokes that am-
our family is quite ready. It9s going bivalence. But the single dark eye
to take some time to adjust. that9s not in shadow glistens with
But that9s okay. To be a father, filial affection.
after all, is to be in a constant state The painting, to me, is pure
of adjustment. tenderness. Its poignant impact is
I think rembrandt knew this. A heightened by the knowledge that
few months before our son was Titus would die in a wave of
born, I was living with his mother bubonic plague that swept
in London, where I loved going to through Amsterdam in 1668 4
the Wallace Collection, a gor- one year before rembrandt him-
geous house museum in maryle- self died.
bone. one of the Wallace Collec- rembrandt9s portraits 4 espe-
tion9s treasures is a painting by cially his late portraits 4 were a
rembrandt of his son Titus. big influence on the 20th-century
Titus9s mother was Saskia. She painter Lucian freud. I met freud
had four children with rem- not long after moving to London,
brandt, but Titus was the only one in 2001. A few days after our first
who made it past infancy. The boy lunch, he invited me to his studio
is thought to have been 16 when to see a portrait he9d just finished.
rembrandt painted the picture I arrived at the address in Holland
now at the Wallace Collection. Park and followed him up the
That year, 1657, was one of stairs into a bare room dominated
great adjustment for the artist. It by a very tall portrait of a young,
was also a troubled year. He had naked man, posing in a corner of
to move to a cheaper, smaller that same room.
house after declaring bankruptcy. It was freud9s son. He was a
As a punishment, the painter9s trained dancer, tall and thin, and
guild to which he belonged im- in the painting he stands, naked,
posed severe constraints on his his chest flat and bony, his ribs
activities, so Titus and his step- revealed. His long, veiny arms
mother, Hendrickje Stoffels, set hang by his side, and his relaxed,
up a sort of dummy corporation raw-looking hands casually frame
to manage his affairs, with rem- his genitals. His stance lacks the
nAtIonAL gALLery oF Art/sAmueL h. Kress coLLectIon
brandt as their employee. grace or ease you might expect of
I can only wonder how all this a dancer. His body has an unac-
made rembrandt feel. one of the countable forward lean, making TOP: <Ranuccio Farnese= plague. The disease took his fa-
greatest painters of all time (and him appear almost stuck, like one (1541-1542) by Titian. He ther first and then him.
he surely knew this) had been of the thwarted figures in rodin9s was not Titian9s son but the Last year, I took my son to the
reduced to penury, humiliated in <The Burghers of Calais.= grandson of Pope Paul III. National Gallery in D.C. I wanted
front of his son. It couldn9t have In the window we can see a He was 12 when Titian to show him my favorite painting
felt great. reflection of the artist holding a painted him. A close look in the world: Titian9s portrait of
The rhetoric around father- paintbrush. In other words, shows his clothes and ranuccio farnese. But it wasn9t
hood is all about capability and freud9s portrait of his son in- accessories are a little big on on the walls that day, and is still in
competence. It9s about lines of cludes a self-portrait. freud, it9s him 4 since big things were conservation.
influence. Paternal pride. But well-known, was not around dur- expected of him. He would ranuccio was not Titian9s son.
that9s all propaganda. There is ing the childhoods of most of his be made a cardinal at age 15. But like every boy, he was some-
nothing so humbling as father- children (he is said to have had RIGHT: <Freddy Standing= one9s son. And to me, he repre-
hood. It9s embarrassing. If you 14). He occasionally painted them (2000-2001), Lucian sents something at once beautiful
stick around, your kids see all as children, but more often paint- Freud9s painting of his son. and intensely fraught about the
sides of you. They hear you snore. ed them as adults. He was a trained dancer, but condition of being a son, per-
They see your hair fall out. They Those sittings 4 and there his stance lacks the grace or ceived by a hyper-aware artist
see you in weak moments. They were many 4 must have been ease one might expect of a who was also a father.
watch, with heightened fascina- remarkable. freud9s paintings dancer. Visible in the ranuccio happened to be the
tion, when you get things wrong. took months and often more than window is a reflection of the grandson of Pope Paul III. He was
And you do get them wrong. a year to complete. In each case, artist holding a paint brush. just 12 when Titian painted him.
You reprimand them when they his adult children (among them In other words, Freud9s His family had sent him to study
don9t really deserve it. You fail to several novelists and artists, a portrait of his son includes a with a private tutor in Padua.
say the right, supportive things at fashion designer and a poet) self-portrait. Titian painted this portrait when
quite the right time. There are spent long hours in his studio, ranuccio came to Venice to be
moments when you sense you adjusting, in very unusual cir- installed as prior of a property
should try to break through the cumstances, to a father who had there owned by the Knights of
carapace of evolving independ- rarely been present when they malta. (Hence the undulating
ence to express love, offer emo- were children. As the paintings maltese cross on his cloak, which
tional support 4 but you rarely advanced inch by inch, the ses- he wears over a red doublet, em-
get the timing right. You make sions continued day after day, broidered with gold.) The boy
strange decisions under pressure. crossing from one season to the holds a glove in one hand, an
It9s ugly. Thank God for moms. next, interspersed with restau- attempt at conveying adult non-
And sisters, too. rant dinners, high jinks and ram- chalance. But this is an affecta-
In any case, I like to imagine bling conversation. tion, a pose.
that rembrandt, when he chose The whole experience must In truth, when you look closely
to paint Titus, was trying to adjust have been deeply disorienting. at ranuccio, everything looks just
to his sobering new reality. Paint- Probably very beautiful at times a little too big on him. That9s
ing him was his way of doing so. yet very difficult at others. freud because big things were expected
rembrandt liked getting his was electrifying company: hilari- of him. He would be made a
sitters to dress up in costume. So ous, mischievous, conspiratorial, cardinal at 15 and by the time he
he had Titus don a brown cloak shy. He had an animal alertness, died, at 35, he was bishop of
with a big gold chain 4 deliber- an oblique take on things and a Naples, ravenna and Bologna.
ately evoking the Venetian por- capacity for surprise that left you But Titian knew he was still just a
traits by Titian, wherein gold questioning everything in your boy, and into his black eyes and
chains are a clear indicator of life. He was certainly selfish. But calf-soft face he infused as much
elevated status 4 and a large, he was a powerful artist, and he tenderness as rembrandt inject-
LucIAn Freud ArchIve/BrIdgemAn ImAges
ed into his painting of Titus.
It is, as I said, my favorite
painting in the world. finding the

Engagements | Weddings painted with tremendous hones-

picture of Titus and said what he
said more for rhetorical effect
rental projections.
of course, it works in reverse,
words to explain why always feels
difficult. Almost as hard 4 and as

freud also loved rembrandt, than out of conviction. But as a too. Dads might love it when their redundant 4 as finding words to
and loved the Wallace Collection. lesson in the difference between children describe them as their express the love I feel for my
Interestingly, though, he ex- truth-telling and sentimentality, <hero.= But I would rather be seen children. It9s enough to say that
To place an announcement: pressed reservations about the his observation is instructive. by those who love me as I really Titian, working almost 500 years
email: picture of Titus. <rembrandt most of us probably don9t want to am: fallible. mortal. And on some ago, captured something I felt on
phone: 202-334-5736 loved Titus so much he couldn9t emulate freud9s idea of father- deeper level, helpless. my first day of fatherhood in the
quite do him straight,= he once hood. But it9s good to grasp that if Titian, whom I mentioned ear- maternity ward 4 an intuition
fax: 202-334 - 7188 said. In his own work, freud we project too much sentiment lier, was also a father. He had two that I would spend the rest of my
wanted to avoid what he called onto our children, we get them sons. They say his favorite was life as a father adjusting 4 con-
<Titus disease,= or <Titusitis,= by wrong. Indeed, part of being a orazio, who, when he grew up, stantly adjusting 4 and never
Declare Your Love! which he meant indulgence father is learning to see one9s became his father9s assistant. Like quite being ready for the next
toward a subject one loved too children clearly, released from pa- Titus, orazio died in a wave of stage.
Announce your Engagement, Wedding or Anniversary in The Washington Post9s much.
Sunday Arts & Style Section. (Birthdays, Graduations & other Special Events This has always fascinated me
have moved to Thursdays.) You may provide text and photos. Color is available. 4 the idea, as Bellow put it, that
Many packages include keepsake plaques of your announcement. <continual intimacy, familiarity,
To place an order and for more information, including rates:
and love can result in falsehood=; If we project too much sentiment onto our children, we get them wrong.
that as an artist you can love a
Contact The Weddings DropBox at:
Or call 202.334.5736, toll free 877.POST.WED, fax 202.334.7188
subject too much, and that so Indeed, part of being a father is learning to see one9s children clearly.
much feeling might get in the way
All materials must be received by Monday at 1 p.m. of your work9s truth-telling pow-
I actually think freud loved the
sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post EZ EE E17

Sunday, June 18, 2023

MOVIE DIRECTORY (!) No Pass/No Discount Ticket
Spider-Man: Across the Spi- The Boogeyman (PG-13) CC: Fast X (PG-13) OC: 4:05 Elemental (PG) 10:20-11:30-1:20- The Flash (PG-13) 11:00-1:00- The Flash: The IMAX 2D Expe- The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: Cinemark Regal Kingstowne & RPX
DISTRICT der-Verse (PG) 12:40-4:10-6:40- 10:30-1:00-3:30-6:00-8:30-11:00 The Flash (PG-13) XD: 9:00- 2:25-3:15-4:15-6:10-7:10-9:10-10:10 2:30-4:30-6:00-8:00-9:30 rience (PG-13) CC: 1:00-4:15- 10:15-11:45-3:00-6:00-9:15 Fairfax Corner and XD 5910 Kingstowne Towne Center
AMC Georgetown 14 7:40-10:00-11:00 The Blackening (R) CC: 12:00- 12:20-3:40-7:00-10:25 The Boogeyman (PG-13) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 7:30-10:45 Elemental (PG) CC: 3:40-9:00 11900 Palace Way Fast X (PG-13) 10:45
3111 K Street N.W. The Blackening (R) OC: 11:05AM 5:15-8:00-10:30 Adipurush (Hindi) 10:10-2:05- 5:10-8:10 (PG-13) 1:40 Elemental (PG) CC: 3:30 The Boogeyman (PG-13) CC: Spider-Man: Across the Spi- The Flash (PG-13) 12:00-3:30-
The Flash (PG-13) CC: 10:15- Elemental 3D (PG) 1:20 The Little Mermaid 3D (PG) CC: 6:00-9:55 The Blackening (R) 11:05-1:45- The Little Mermaid (PG) 10:30- The Boogeyman (PG-13) CC: 7:45-10:00 der-Verse (PG) XD: 6:30-9:50 7:00-10:30
1:30-4:45-8:00-11:15 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 12:15-3:30-6:45-10:00 Adipurush (Telugu) 10:40 4:35-7:20-10:05 1:30-4:40-7:50-10:20 11:45-2:30-5:15-8:00-10:45 The Blackening (R) CC: 10:00- The Flash (PG-13) XD: 9:00- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
Spider-Man: Across the der-Verse (PG) OC: 11:30AM Transformers: Rise Of The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Elemental 3D (PG) 12:20 The Flash: The IMAX 2D The Blackening (R) CC: 11:45- 3:00-5:30-8:00-10:30 12:20-3:40-7:00-10:20 (PG-13) 11:40-3:20-6:45-10:20
Spider-Verse (PG) CC: 10:55- Beasts 3D (PG-13) CC: 11:30- (PG-13) OC: 4:05 j-hope IN THE BOX 7:00 Experience (PG-13) 12:00-3:30- 5:00-6:00-7:30-8:30-10:00-11:00 Transformers: Rise Of The Adipurush (Hindi) 6:05-10:05 Adipurush (Hindi) 3:10
MARYLAND 2:45-5:45-8:45
Elemental 3D (PG) CC: 3:00-
The Super Mario Bros. Movie SUGA: Road to D-DAY 3:00 7:00-10:30 The Little Mermaid 3D (PG) CC: Beasts 3D (PG-13) CC: 7:00 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 The Super Mario Bros. Movie
AFI Silver Theatre
(PG) 9:00-10:00 The Flash (PG-13) OC: 2:00 Elemental (PG) 10:20-12:20-1:20- 4:00-7:15 Elemental 3D (PG) CC: 9:30- (PG-13) 9:00-12:30-4:00-7:30 (PG) 11:55AM
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 6:00-9:00 The Little Mermaid (PG) OC: Spider-Man: Across the 4:20-6:10-7:10-9:10-10:10 Transformers: Rise Of The 12:15-6:15 The Little Mermaid (PG) 9:00- Adipurush (Telugu) 11:10-6:50-
Cultural Center
(PG-13) CC: 10:35-1:50-7:30- 8633 Colesville Road The Flash (PG-13) CC: 9:45- 4:15 Spider-Verse (PG) 10:15-11:35- The Boogeyman (PG-13) 5:10- Beasts 3D (PG-13) CC: 10:00- Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - 12:15-3:30-6:45-10:15 10:35
10:55 12:30-4:00-4:30-7:30-8:00-11:00 Elemental (PG) 11:00-1:50-4:40- 12:35-1:35-3:55-4:55-6:15-7:15- 7:40-10:50 1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00 One Loudoun Elemental (PG) XD: 9:30-12:35- The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:15-
The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: Craig's Wife (NR) 10:30AM Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 7:30-10:20 8:15-9:35-10:30 The Blackening (R) 10:00-12:30- Elemental 3D (PG) CC: 12:00- 20575 East Hampton Plaza 3:25 2:40-6:40-9:45
10:00-12:30-6:30 The Great Manhunt (State der-Verse (PG) CC: 9:30-11:45- 4:50-7:40-10:10 Elemental (PG) 11:20-1:55-3:15-
The Boogeyman (PG-13) OC: Regal Germantown 4:00-6:00-10:00 Transformers: Rise Of The The Boogeyman (PG-13) 11:00
Elemental (PG) CC: 10:00-12:00- Secret) (NR) 9:15 12:45-3:15-4:15-6:30-7:30-8:15- 5:10 20000 Century Boulevard Transformers: Rise Of The Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts (PG-13) 12:15-3:30- Elemental 3D (PG) 12:00-8:30 4:50-7:25-9:00
2:35-4:20-5:10-9:40 Lynch/Oz 11:00-9:20 9:45-10:15 Beasts 3D (PG-13) 1:50-7:50 The Boogeyman (PG-13)
The Blackening (R) OC: 3:35 Fast X (PG-13) 10:20 Beasts (PG-13) OC: 2:00 6:15-9:30 j-hope IN THE BOX 6:00
The Boogeyman (PG-13) CC: Exhibition on Screen: Vermeer Elemental (PG) CC: 10:15-4:00- Elemental 3D (PG) 3:20 6:10-10:00
- The Greatest Exhibition Elemental 3D (PG) 9:00-11:45- Transformers: Rise Of The The Flash (PG-13) CC: 10:00- The Flash (PG-13) 11:40-3:20- SUGA: Road to D-DAY 3:30
5:05-10:50 7:00-10:00 The Blackening (R) 11:05-1:45-
2:35-8:15-11:00 Beasts (PG-13) 10:20-12:30-1:20- j-hope IN THE BOX 7:00 11:30-1:30-2:30-2:45-5:00-6:00- 7:00-10:45
The Blackening (R) CC: 12:30- 11:05-3:00 The Blackening (R) OC: 2:30 j-hope IN THE BOX 6:00 4:30-7:50-10:50 SUGA: Road to D-DAY 3:00 9:15-11:00 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
The Blackening (R) 9:25-12:05- 4:35-7:20-10:05
2:55-5:20-7:45-10:15-11:20 You Hurt My Feelings (R) 7:20 The Flash (PG-13) OC: 1:00 2:40-5:15-7:50-10:25 Elemental 3D (PG) 12:20
National Theatre Live: Good 4:30 Elemental (PG) OC: 1:00; 12:00 SUGA: Road to D-DAY 3:30 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Spider-Man: Across the Elemental (PG) CC: 10:00-1:00- (PG-13) 12:15-4:00-7:45-9:15
Past Lives (PG-13) CC: 11:45- Fast X (PG-13) 9:25-12:45-7:25- Spider-Verse (PG) 11:50-12:50- 3:00-7:00-9:00 Transformers: Rise Of The j-hope IN THE BOX 7:00
National Theatre Live: Fleabag (PG-13) 12:10-3:50-7:20-10:40 The Little Mermaid (PG) 10:15 Beasts (PG-13) 9:35-12:40-3:45-
4:55-7:35-10:10 AMC Loews 10:45 The Flash (PG-13) 10:15-11:00- 3:10-4:10-7:30-9:40-10:40 The Blackening (R) OC: 2:30 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- SUGA: Road to D-DAY 3:00
The Little Mermaid 3D (PG) CC: ENCORE 7:20 St. Charles Town Ctr. 9 The Flash (PG-13) XD: 9:00- 12:40-1:30-2:20-3:30-5:00-6:00- Regal Westview & IMAX The Flash (PG-13) OC: 8:30; 6:50-8:25-10:00
der-Verse (PG) 5:30-7:30-11:00 The Flash (PG-13) 10:00-12:40- Transformers: Rise Of The
3:30-9:30 National Theatre Live: Best of Beasts (PG-13) 11:45-1:10-3:00-
Enemies ENCORE 1:15 11115 Mall Circle 12:20-3:40-7:00-10:25 7:00-7:30-8:20-9:30-10:45 5243 Buckeystown Pike 11:00-6:30 Elemental (PG) 9:35
Elemental 3D (PG) CC: 11:00- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 1:20-2:30-4:00-4:40-7:20-8:00- 4:45-6:20-7:45-9:15-10:50
Casablanca (1942) (PG) 5:00 Transformers: Rise Of The Adipurush (Hindi) 2:30 Transformers: Rise Of The AMC Potomac Mills 18 The Flash (PG-13) 10:30-12:30- 10:40
7:00 Beasts (PG-13) CC: 4:30-7:30 (PG-13) 9:05-12:35-7:35-11:10 Adipurush (Telugu) 10:40-6:20- Beasts (PG-13) 11:00-2:10-3:10- 2700 Potomac Mills Circle 2:15-4:15-6:00-8:00-9:45 The Flash (PG-13) 11:00-2:30-
Transformers: Rise Of The Double Feature (NR) 3:45 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 6:00-9:30; 1:00-1:30-4:30-5:00-
The Flash (PG-13) CC: 9:45- The Little Mermaid (PG) 9:30- 10:30 5:20-8:40-9:50 Fast X (PG-13) CC: 10:15-2:15- Spider-Man: Across the Spi-
Beasts (PG-13) CC: 10:35-12:30- AMC Academy 8 10:45-11:30-1:15-2:15-3:00-4:45- 11:15-12:45-7:50-11:05 der-Verse (PG) 9:10-10:50-12:30- 8:00-8:30
The Little Mermaid (PG) 12:00- The Flash (PG-13) 12:40-4:10- 8:10-9:20 der-Verse (PG) 12:00 3:50-7:10-10:30
1:35-3:25-7:30-10:25 6198 Greenbelt Road 6:30-8:15-10:00 Elemental (PG) XD: 10:00AM 3:10-6:40-9:50 The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:15AM Spider-Man: Across the
7:40 The Flash (PG-13) CC: 12:30- Adipurush (Telugu) 2:10-6:10- Spider-Verse (PG) 11:30-12:15-
The Flash (PG-13) CC: 11:30- Transformers: Rise Of The Spider-Man: Across the Spi- The Boogeyman (PG-13) 9:20- Elemental (PG) 10:30-1:20-2:40- The Flash: The IMAX 2D Elemental (PG) OC: 10:55AM;
12:35-3:45-6:00-7:00-7:45-9:15- Beasts (PG-13) CC: 10:10- 7:00-10:30 10:10 1:40-2:50-3:45-5:15-6:30-7:30-
der-Verse (PG) CC: 10:15-12:00- 11:55-2:35-7:45-10:20 4:20-5:30-7:10-8:15-10:00 Experience (PG-13) 11:10-2:40- Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 11:45AM
10:10 1:45-8:00 1:30-2:45-4:45-6:45-10:00 The Blackening (R) 10:25-1:00- Elemental (PG) 9:05-10:35-1:25- 8:45-9:40-10:40
The Blackening (R) 11:20-2:00- 6:10-9:40 der-Verse (PG) CC: 10:00-11:30- The Little Mermaid (PG) 2:50-4:15-5:40-7:05-9:55
Spider-Man: Across the Spi- The Flash (PG-13) CC: 10:00- The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: 7:10-8:30-9:50-11:05 4:40-7:40-10:10 Regal Manassas & IMAX
der-Verse (PG) OC: 1:00 11:00-1:00-2:15-4:15-5:30-7:30- 3:30-6:00
Elemental (PG) 11:30-12:20-3:30- 12:30-1:10-2:45-3:45-4:30-6:00- 2:45-6:45
Transformers: Rise Of The Elemental 3D (PG) 11:45AM 6:30-9:20 7:00-7:40-9:15-10:10-10:50 Elemental (PG) 3:00-6:30 Regal Ballston Quarter 11380 Bulloch Drive
Elemental (PG) OC: 1:40 8:45-10:45 Elemental (PG) CC: 10:30-4:00- Beasts (PG-13) XD: 12:45-3:50- The Flash (PG-13) OC: 4:00 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 671 North Glebe Road Transformers: Rise Of The
Spider-Man: Across the Spi- The Blackening (R) 12:10-2:50- Adipurush (Telugu) 5:15-9:10
Past Lives (PG-13) OC: 2:20 9:30 7:15-10:35 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 5:30-8:10-10:50 der-Verse (PG) 2:00-3:45 Transformers: Of The Beasts Beasts (PG-13) 11:50-12:50-3:20-
Transformers: Rise Of The der-Verse (PG) CC: 10:45-1:10- The Boogeyman (PG-13) CC: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
The Flash (PG-13) OC: 4:40 der-Verse (PG) 10:25-11:30-1:40- Elemental 3D (PG) 9:45AM (PG-13) CC: 11:15-2:40-6:00-9:20 Angelika Film Center Mosaic (PG-13) 11:20-12:10-2:20-3:40- 4:20-6:30-7:30-9:40
Beasts (PG-13) OC: 4:30 4:50-7:10-11:00 8:00-10:30 3:00-4:50-6:30-8:00-9:40 5:30-6:50-8:30-9:50 The Flash (PG-13) 12:00-1:00-
Cinépolis Gaithersburg j-hope IN THE BOX 7:00 The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2911 District Ave
The Flash (PG-13) OC: 2:45 The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: The Blackening (R) CC: 11:15- 1:30-4:30-5:00-7:00-8:30
629 Center Point Way Regal Hyattsville Royale SUGA: Road to D-DAY 3:05 (PG) CC: 12:10-6:10 Transformers: Rise Of The The Flash (PG-13) 11:00-12:00-
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - 1:45-10:30 Adipurush (Hindi) 3:40
DC Bryant Street Elemental (PG) CC: 10:30-4:00- The Little Mermaid 3D (PG) CC: Transformers: Rise Of The 6505 America Blvd. The Little Mermaid (PG) 12:30- The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: Beasts (PG-13) 11:00-1:50-4:35- 1:00-2:30-4:30-6:00-7:00-8:00- The Super Mario Bros. Movie
9:30 Beasts (PG-13) 1:20-5:00-8:00- Fast X (PG-13) 1:00-5:00-8:40 3:50-7:10 10:00-1:15-4:10-7:15-10:20 7:25-10:15 9:30-10:30
630 Rhode Island Ave NE 11:30-9:15 11:20 Elemental (PG) 12:20-3:20-4:20- (PG) 11:30-2:00-4:40
The Blackening (R) CC: 11:15- Transformers: Rise Of The Transformers: Rise Of The The Flash (PG-13) 10:10-1:40- The Flash: The IMAX 2D Expe- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
Transformers: Rise Of The The Flash (PG-13) 11:40-2:00- rience (PG-13) CC: 11:00-2:30- (PG-13) 10:20-1:30-5:15-8:30 7:10-9:10 Adipurush (Telugu) 11:40-7:50
Beasts (PG-13) 11:30-12:30-3:10- 6:50-8:30-10:10
Beasts (PG-13) 12:00-3:45-7:15- 2:00-4:30-7:00-9:45 Beasts 3D (PG-13) CC: 5:30-8:30 3:20-4:00-7:20-7:40-9:00-11:00 4:10-6:40-7:50-9:50-10:50 Spider-Man: Across the 6:00-9:30 The Flash (PG-13) 10:30-12:30- The Boogeyman (PG-13)
The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:20-
10:15 Transformers: Rise Of The Elemental 3D (PG) CC: 1:15-6:45 2:40-5:50-9:20
Beasts 3D (PG-13) CC: 4:15- Spider-Man: Across the The Flash (PG-13) 11:40-12:10- Spider-Verse (PG) 10:00-11:20- Elemental (PG) CC: 4:00 3:45-4:45-7:00-10:00 6:20-10:10
The Flash (PG-13) 11:30-3:15- Transformers: Rise Of The Spider-Verse (PG) 11:00-12:00- 12:40-3:00-3:30-4:00-6:20-6:50- 1:20-4:40-8:00 The Flash: The IMAX 2D
10:20 Beasts (PG-13) 11:00-2:15-10:15 The Boogeyman (PG-13) CC: Spider-Man: Across the The Blackening (R) 11:10-1:50-
7:00-10:45 2:20-6:20-10:00 The Flash (PG-13) OC: 5:00 Experience (PG-13) 11:00-2:30-
Elemental 3D (PG) CC: 1:15-6:45 The Blackening (R) 5:15-7:45 7:20-9:40-10:10-10:40 4:20-8:30-11:00 Spider-Verse (PG) 10:40-12:45- 4:40-7:20-10:00 6:00-9:30
The Blackening (R) 11:45AM Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 The Blackening (R) CC: 12:00- 4:00-7:15-9:30 Elemental 3D (PG) 1:20
AMC Annapolis Mall 11 Xscape Theatres Elemental (PG) 1:15-4:10-6:10-
The Little Mermaid (PG) 10:00 AMC Magic Johnson (PG-13) 11:20-5:40-9:40 (PG-13) 12:20-3:50-7:10 Brandywine 14 2:30-5:00-7:30-10:00 The Little Mermaid (PG) 10:10- The Flash (PG-13) OC: 3:30
Elemental (PG) OC: 2:45 1020 Annapolis Mall Road Capital Center 12 The Little Mermaid (PG) 12:20- The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:10- 7:10-9:10-10:00
7710 Matapeake Business Drive The Little Mermaid 3D (PG) CC: 1:10-4:10-8:00-9:45 Spider-Man: Across the Spi-
Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Transformers: Rise Of The 800 Shoppers Way 1:40-3:40-7:00-10:20 11:50AM The Boogeyman (PG-13)
12:15-2:20-3:40-6:00-7:15-9:20 Back to the Future (PG) 1:00- Elemental (PG) 11:10-1:45- der-Verse (PG) 11:30-12:30-3:00- 7:15-9:50
der-Verse (PG) 8:00-8:45 Beasts (PG-13) CC: 10:00-1:10- Fast X (PG-13) CC: 9:30 Elemental (PG) 11:20-9:20 Elemental (PG) 11:00-1:50-2:50- 4:00-7:00 Transformers: Rise Of The 4:25-7:10 4:00-6:30-7:30-9:40-10:40
Elemental (PG) 9:15 4:10-7:10-10:10 Transformers: Rise Of The The Blackening (R) 11:00-5:20- 4:40-5:40-7:30-8:30-10:20 The Blackening (R) 11:05-1:45-
Fast X (PG-13) 1:55-7:25 Beasts 3D (PG-13) CC: 10:15- Past Lives (PG-13) 1:55-4:30- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 4:35-7:20-10:00
The Flash (PG-13) OC: 1:30; The Flash (PG-13) CC: 9:20- Beasts (PG-13) CC: 1:00-7:00- 8:20-11:20 The Boogeyman (PG-13) 11:00 Transformers: Rise Of The 1:15-4:15-7:15-10:10 7:05-10:00
10:25-12:40-1:40-4:00-5:00-7:20- 9:20-10:10 (PG-13) 10:50-2:10-5:50-9:20 Elemental 3D (PG) 12:20
5:15-9:00 Elemental 3D (PG) 2:40-6:00 The Blackening (R) 11:20-2:00- Beasts (PG-13) 10:20-12:50-1:30- Elemental 3D (PG) CC: 2:30-8:00 Elemental 3D (PG) 10:20 The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:50-
Past Lives (PG-13) 12:30-3:30- 8:20-10:35 The Flash (PG-13) CC: 2:10-2:45- j-hope IN THE BOX 7:00 The Flash (PG-13) 8:00
4:50-7:40-10:30 4:10-4:50-7:00-7:40-9:50-10:30 j-hope IN THE BOX 7:00 j-hope IN THE BOX 7:05 3:10-6:40-10:20 Elemental (PG) OC: 3:15
6:45-10:45 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 6:15-8:45-9:35 SUGA: Road to D-DAY 3:00 Elemental 3D (PG) 12:00 SUGA: Road to D-DAY 3:00
der-Verse (PG) CC: 9:00-10:00- Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Spider-Man: Across the SUGA: Road to D-DAY 3:00 Regal Dulles Town Center The Flash (PG-13) OC: 3:30
The Blackening (R) OC: 3:00; Landmark Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (PG) 9:50-10:30- Transformers: Rise Of The
6:15-9:15 12:10-1:10-3:20-4:20-6:30-7:30- der-Verse (PG) CC: 12:45-2:45- CMX Village 14 21100 Dulles Town Circle Spider-Man: Across the
9:40-10:40 Bethesda Row Cinema Spider-Verse (PG) 11:50-12:50- 12:20-1:00-1:40-3:20-4:05-4:40- Beasts (PG-13) CC: 11:30-12:15- 1600 Village Market Boulevard Spider-Verse (PG) 11:10-12:40-
Elemental (PG) 11:15AM 4:00-6:15-7:15-9:30-10:30 7235 Woodmont Avenue 3:20-4:20-7:00-8:00-10:15 3:20-6:30-9:30-10:45 Transformers: Rise Of The
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: 6:30-7:10-9:30-10:10 Top Gun (1986) (PG) 3:30 2:50-4:00-6:20-7:40-9:45
The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:15- The Flash (PG-13) CC: 10:00- Beasts (PG-13) 12:30-3:45-
(PG-13) CC: 9:40-3:30-10:05 The Flash (PG-13) 12:45-4:00- Regal Laurel Towne Centre The Flash (PG-13) 10:00-10:40-
The Little Mermaid (PG) CC:
5:00-7:15-8:00 14716 Baltimore Avenue 12:30-1:10-1:50-3:40-4:20-5:00- 12:00-3:30-4:30-7:45-10:00-11:00 Fast X (PG-13) 9:00 6:45-9:45 Regal Springûeld Town Center
Elemental (PG) 6:00 The Flash: The IMAX 2D Expe- Elemental (PG) CC: 10:10-11:30- Transformers: Rise Of The The Flash (PG-13) 11:00-12:00- 6859 Springûeld Mall
Spider-Man: Across the 9:15-12:25-6:50 rience (PG-13) CC: 12:30-3:45- Spider-Man: Across the Fast X (PG-13) 12:30-4:15-7:45 6:50-7:30-8:10-10:00-10:40 Beasts (PG-13) 12:45-2:10-4:10- 2:30-3:30-7:00-9:30-10:30 Transformers: Rise Of The
Elemental (PG) CC: 10:20-3:40- 7:00-10:15 Spider-Verse (PG) 11:30-12:15- Transformers: Rise Of The The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:45- 12:50-1:45-3:30-5:15-6:15-9:00
Spider-Verse (PG) 12:15-1:15- 7:10-8:10 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Beasts (PG-13) 10:40-12:50-4:00-
9:10 2:30-4:15-5:15-7:00-7:45 Beasts (PG-13) 11:10-12:45-3:50- 3:35-6:35-9:35 The Flash (PG-13) OC: 1:15; 6:45
4:15-5:00 Elemental (PG) CC: 12:05-1:15- The Flash (PG-13) 1:30-4:45- der-Verse (PG) 11:10-12:45-2:20- 7:10-8:50-10:20
The Boogeyman (PG-13) CC: 4:00-6:45-10:15 The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:45- 5:45-7:15-8:50 The Boogeyman (PG-13) 11:30- Elemental (PG) 5:30 8:00 4:00-5:30-7:30-9:00-10:40 The Flash (PG-13) 11:00-12:00-
Angelika 1:20-7:00 The Boogeyman (PG-13) CC: 3:00-6:15 The Flash (PG-13) 10:30-11:50-1:00- 5:05-10:35 AMC Shirlington 7 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 1:00-2:30-3:30-4:30-6:00-7:00-
Pop-Up at Union Market The Blackening (R) CC: 10:00- 1:00-3:30-6:00-8:30-10:30 You Hurt My Feelings (R) 11:00- 2:00-3:30-4:30-5:30-7:00-8:00-9:15 Elemental (PG) 10:50-1:20-3:50- 2772 South Randolph St. (PG-13) 11:30-2:45-6:05 (PG-13) 11:20-2:45-6:30-9:55 8:00-9:30-10:30
550 Penn Street NE - Unit E 12:30-3:10-5:40-8:10-10:40 1:05-3:10-5:10-7:10 The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:30- 6:40-9:20
The Blackening (R) CC: 12:30- Transformers: Rise Of The Spider-Man: Across the Spi- The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:30- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
The Flash (PG-13) OC: 7:00 The Little Mermaid 3D (PG) CC: 3:00-5:30-8:00 Elemental (PG) 11:00-1:45-7:20 2:30-6:30-9:30 The Little Mermaid 3D (PG) 1:15- Beasts (PG-13) CC: 10:05-1:00- der-Verse (PG) 10:55-12:10-1:15- 3:00-6:15-9:20 (PG-13) 11:30-3:10-6:40-10:10
Spider-Man: Across the 3:50-9:30 The Little Mermaid 3D (PG) CC: The Flash (PG-13) 1:30 Elemental (PG) 10:50-1:45-3:00- 4:15-7:15-10:15 4:00-7:00 2:00-4:25-5:20-6:45-7:45-8:30 The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:40-
Spider-Verse (PG) OC: 3:30; Elemental (PG) 4:30 4:45-6:00-7:30-9:00 The Blackening (R) 11:40-2:10- Elemental (PG) 1:20-4:15-7:10-
Elemental 3D (PG) CC: 1:00-6:30 12:00-6:30 The Flash (PG-13) CC: 11:40- The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:25- 10:10 3:00-6:30-9:50
12:20-6:30 Transformers: Rise Of The Transformers: Rise Of The Landmark The Blackening (R) 10:40-1:15- 4:30-7:20-8:00-9:40-10:20 12:30-2:50-3:50-6:00-7:10-9:20- 2:30-6:00 Elemental (PG) 10:50-1:40-2:50-
The Flash (PG-13) 11:30-12:45- Beasts (PG-13) 5:00-8:00 at Annapolis Harbour Center 4:00-6:45-9:20 Elemental 3D (PG) 10:10AM The Boogeyman (PG-13) 10:45
Beasts 3D (PG-13) CC: 12:15- 10:20 The Blackening (R) 11:50-2:25- 4:50-5:45-7:40-8:40-10:40
2:45-3:50-6:00 The Flash (PG-13) 11:30-2:50- 3:15-6:15 2474 Solomons Island Road Unit H-1 Elemental 3D (PG) 12:00 iPic Pike & Rose Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 4:55-7:20 The Blackening (R) 11:05-1:45-
4:35-7:20-10:05 The Blackening (R) 11:20-1:50-
Landmark 6:10-9:25 Elemental 3D (PG) CC: 2:00- Transformers: Rise Of The j-hope IN THE BOX 7:00 11830 Grand Park Avenue der-Verse (PG) CC: 12:00-1:20- Elemental 3D (PG) 11:10-4:35 4:40-7:20-10:00
Atlantic Plumbing Cinema Elemental (PG) 9:00-11:40-2:20 4:45-7:30 Beasts (PG-13) 1:10-3:55-6:50 SUGA: Road to D-DAY 3:00 4:30-6:30-7:40-9:40 Transformers: Rise Of The j-hope IN THE BOX 7:00
Fast X (PG-13) 7:45-11:15 SUGA: Road to D-DAY 3:00 Elemental 3D (PG) 11:50AM
807 V Street Northwest The Boogeyman (PG-13) 11:00 Transformers: Rise Of The Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Spider-Man: Across the Transformers: Rise Of The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Beasts 3D (PG-13) 11:15-5:10 j-hope IN THE BOX 7:00
Transformers: Rise Of The AMC Center Park 8 Beasts (PG-13) OC: 4:00 der-Verse (PG) 10:20-1:15-2:00- Spider-Verse (PG) 10:20-11:40- Beasts (PG-13) (!) 12:15-3:30- (PG-13) CC: 10:00-3:10 The Flash (PG-13) 11:00-11:40- The Flash (PG-13) OC: 6:00 SUGA: Road to D-DAY 3:00
Beasts (PG-13) 11:30-2:10- 4001 Powder Mill Rd. The Flash (PG-13) OC: 5:30 4:20-7:15-8:00 1:30-3:15-5:00-8:20-9:40 6:45-10:30 The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: 12:20-1:30-2:15-3:00-3:35-4:45- Regal Fairfax Towne Center Spider-Man: Across the Spi-
4:50-7:20 Transformers: Rise Of The AMC Montgomery 16 The Flash (PG-13) 10:50-12:30- Regal Rockville Center The Flash (PG-13) (!) 11:00-12:30- 10:05-1:10-4:10-7:20-10:25 5:30-6:15-7:00-8:00-8:45 4110 West Ox Road der-Verse (PG) 10:30-11:10-2:10-
The Flash (PG-13) 12:00-1:00- Beasts (PG-13) CC: 10:15-1:15- 7101 Democracy Boulevard 1:00-3:30-4:05-5:00-6:30-7:10- 199 East Montgomery Avenue 2:30-3:45-6:30-7:30-10:15-11:00 Elemental (PG) CC: 2:10-7:30- Elemental (PG) 1:00-1:50-3:45- Transformers: Rise Of The 2:40-5:20-6:10-9:40-10:00
4:00-6:30-7:00 4:20-7:15-10:20 Fast X (PG-13) CC: 10:45-4:30- 8:15 Fast X (PG-13) 10:30AM Spider-Man: Across the 10:00 6:30-7:30 Beasts (PG-13) 12:20-3:20- Regal Virginia Gateway & RPX
Spider-Man: Across the The Flash (PG-13) CC: 10:00- 10:20 The Little Mermaid (PG) 10:35- Transformers: Rise Of The Spider-Verse (PG) 11:15-12:00- Transformers: Rise Of The Cinema Arts Theatre 6:20-9:30 8001 Gateway Promenade Place
Spider-Verse (PG) 11:00-1:45- 11:30-1:00-2:45-4:30-6:00-7:45- Transformers: Rise Of The 12:35-1:30-3:35-4:30-7:30 Beasts (PG-13) 12:00-1:20-3:10- 3:00-4:15-7:15-10:45 Beasts 3D (PG-13) CC: 10:10 9650 Unit 14 Main St. The Flash (PG-13) 11:10-12:00-
3:10-4:30-7:40 Elemental (PG) 10:30-11:00- Elemental 3D (PG) CC: 11:30-4:50 The Flash (PG-13) 10:10-1:15- Fast X (PG-13) 4:00-10:55
9:15-10:15 Beasts (PG-13) CC: 10:15-11:45- 4:40-6:20-8:00-11:00 The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:30- 2:40-3:30-4:50-6:00-7:00-8:00-
The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:20- Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 12:45-1:45-3:15-4:15-5:45- The Flash (PG-13) 12:00-3:30-
1:15-4:15-6:15-7:15-9:30-10:15 The Flash (PG-13) 11:20-12:20- 3:15-6:15-9:45 AMC Tysons Corner 16 7:15-10:05 9:30-10:30 7:00-10:30
2:00-4:40-7:30 der-Verse (PG) CC: 10:30-12:45- The Flash (PG-13) CC: 10:00- 6:40-7:20 1:10-1:50-2:50-3:40-4:30-5:10- Elemental (PG) (!) 11:45-2:45- 7850e Tysons Corner Center Persian Lessons (NR) 10:05-1:00- The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:50-
Elemental (PG) 11:10-4:10-6:50; 2:30-4:45-7:10-8:45-10:30 Elemental (PG) 12:20-3:10-4:20-
11:15-11:45-12:30-1:30-2:45- Old Greenbelt Theatre 6:10-7:00-7:50-8:40-9:40-10:30- 6:00-9:15 Fast X (PG-13) CC: 11:20-9:30 4:10-7:10-9:40 3:10-6:40-9:50 7:10-10:10
1:30 The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: 4:00-5:00-7:30-8:30-9:45-10:00 129 Centerway 11:10 The Blackening (R) (!) 11:30-3:15- Rise 12:00 Elemental (PG) 10:50-1:40-4:30-
Transformers: Rise Of The The Boogeyman (PG-13) 5:50-
Landmark E Street Cinema 11:00-1:45-4:00-7:50-10:50 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 7:00-10:00 Beasts (PG-13) CC: 11:45-2:55- Somewhere in Queens (R) 12:15- 7:20-10:10 8:30-11:00
555 11th Street Northwest Elemental (PG) CC: 10:20-4:15- der-Verse (PG) CC: 10:45-12:15- der-Verse (PG) 5:00 (PG-13) 11:30-3:30-6:50-10:20 5:15-7:10-8:25-11:30 2:35-7:20 The Blackening (R) 11:00-1:50- The Blackening (R) 11:10-1:50-
The Flash (PG-13) 11:15-12:00- 9:45 2:00-3:45-5:15-7:00-8:30-10:15 Dalíland 2:15-5:15 The Little Mermaid (PG) 10:35- VIRGINIA The Flash (PG-13) CC: 12:00- It Ain't Over (PG) 9:55-2:20 4:40-7:30-10:00 4:50-7:25-10:00
3:00-7:00-8:15 The Blackening (R) CC: 11:45- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 2:10-5:20-8:30 AMC Courthouse Plaza 8 6:35-10:05 The Night of the 12th 9:45-2:30- The Roundup: No Way Out 11:20- Elemental 3D (PG) 1:20
Persian Lessons (NR) 2:15- 2:15-5:00-7:30-11:00 (PG-13) CC: 12:05-3:30-7:05- der-Verse (PG) 2:00 Elemental (PG) 12:10-1:30-3:00- 2150 Clarendon Blvd. Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 7:30-9:50 1:00-3:40-6:30-9:10 j-hope IN THE BOX 7:00
3:15-6:00 Transformers: Rise Of The 10:25 4:20-5:50-7:10-8:50-10:00 der-Verse (PG) CC: 9:30-10:30- You Hurt My Feelings (R) 10:00- The Flash (PG-13) OC: 1:30 SUGA: Road to D-DAY 3:00
The Super Mario Bros. Movie Phoenix Theatres Marlow 6
About My Father (PG-13) 9:30
Transformers: Rise Of The
Spider-Man: Across the Beasts 3D (PG-13) CC: 5:40 3899 Branch Avenue Beasts (PG-13) CC: 1:30-4:30- 11:35-12:55-2:00-3:05-4:20-5:20- 12:05-8:00-9:50 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Transformers: Rise Of The
Spider-Verse (PG) 11:45-12:30- Elemental 3D (PG) CC: 1:30- (PG) CC: 12:15-2:45-5:15-7:45 The Blackening (R) 11:10-2:00- 7:30 6:30-7:40-8:45-9:55-11:00 Dalíland 9:55-4:50-9:30 der-Verse (PG) 11:30-12:30-2:50- Beasts (PG-13) 10:40-1:40-4:40-
7:00 The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: Transformers: Rise Of The 4:50-7:20-9:50
7:10-8:35 Beasts (PG-13) 11:00-1:45-7:15- Elemental 3D (PG) 10:40AM The Flash (PG-13) CC: 11:15- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 About My Father (PG-13) 12:20- 3:50-6:10-7:10-9:20-10:20 5:40-7:40-8:40-10:50
You Hurt My Feelings (R) 11:45- AMC Columbia 14
12:00-3:30-6:45-10:00 (PG-13) CC: 12:10-3:40-7:05- 2:05-6:00-9:10 The Flash (PG-13) 10:30-11:00-
10:05 12:00-1:00-3:20-4:20-6:40-7:40- Regal Fox & IMAX
1:45-3:45-5:45 10300 Little Patuxent Parkway Elemental (PG) CC: 10:45-12:00- j-hope IN THE BOX 7:00 9:55-11:00 10:35 The Flash (PG-13) 4:15 12:30-1:00-2:00-4:30-5:30-7:30-
1:30-3:00-4:15-5:45-7:00-8:30- The Flash (PG-13) 12:00-3:15- SUGA: Road to D-DAY 3:00 22875 Brambleton Plaza
The Blackening (R) 11:25-1:25- The Flash (PG-13) CC: 11:30- 6:45-10:00 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: It Ain't Over (PG) 4:40 8:00-9:00-9:50
5:30-7:35 9:45 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 11:05-2:25-6:05-9:20 You Hurt My Feelings (R) 4:00 Transformers: Rise Of The Spider-Man: Across the
6:00-9:15 Spider-Man: Across the der-Verse (PG) CC: 12:50-4:00- Beasts (PG-13) 9:50-11:40-2:50-
Past Lives (PG-13) 11:35-12:15- The Flash: The IMAX 2D Expe- You Hurt My Feelings (R) CC: Spider-Verse (PG) 12:05-3:00-
der-Verse (PG) 10:25-11:50-1:40- 7:10-7:50-10:20-11:00 The Flash: The IMAX 2D Expe- Cinemark Centreville 12 Spider-Verse (PG) 10:50-11:40-
2:00-2:45-4:30-5:00-6:45-7:15- 10:10 3:20-5:00-6:40-8:20-10:10 rience (PG-13) CC: 10:00-1:20- 6:10-9:20-10:50 12:40-2:10-3:00-4:10-6:20-7:20-
rience (PG-13) CC: 12:20-3:40- The Boogeyman (PG-13) CC: 6:00-9:05 The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: 6201 Multiplex Drive
8:00 7:00-10:15 Regal UA Snowden Square 1:05-4:10-7:20-10:25 4:40-8:05-11:25 The Flash (PG-13) 12:30-4:00- 9:50-10:40
2:00-7:45 The Little Mermaid (PG) 12:30- Transformers: Rise Of The 7:30-11:00
The Flash (PG-13) 5:15 Elemental (PG) CC: 3:00 3:35-6:35-9:30 9161 Commerce Center Drive Elemental (PG) CC: 10:55-1:40- Elemental (PG) CC: 3:20 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
The Blackening (R) CC: 10:00- Beasts (PG-13) OC: 3:15 Adipurush (Hindi) 1:30 (PG-13) 11:20-2:50-6:40-10:15
Spider-Man: Across the Spi- The Blackening (R) CC: 11:45- 12:30-3:00-5:30-8:00-10:30 Elemental (PG) 11:00-1:30- Transformers: Rise Of The 2:30-5:10-7:00-9:40 The Boogeyman (PG-13) CC: The Flash (PG-13) OC: 1:20
der-Verse (PG) 4:00 2:15-4:45-7:15-9:45 6:30-9:00 Beasts (PG-13) 11:40-1:10-2:50- The Blackening (R) CC: 11:05- 7:50-10:30 Adipurush (Telugu) 12:20-4:10- The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:50-
The Blackening (R) 3:30 Transformers: Rise Of The Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 5:40-8:10-9:40 3:20-6:30-9:40
Elemental 3D (PG) CC: 1:45-7:15 Beasts (PG-13) OC: 3:15 Transformers: Rise Of The 4:20-6:20-7:40-9:20 12:30-3:00-5:30-8:00-10:30 The Blackening (R) CC: 10:05- der-Verse (PG) OC: 3:50
The Flash (PG-13) CC: 5:00-8:15 The Flash (PG-13) OC: 6:15; Beasts 3D (PG-13) 4:30 The Flash (PG-13) 11:00-2:30- Transformers: Rise Of The 12:40-3:15-5:45-8:20-10:55 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Smithsonian -
Regal Gallery Place Adipurush (Hindi) 9:20-5:05
701 Seventh Street Northwest Elemental (PG) CC: 11:00-12:45- 3:15-6:45 The Blackening (R) 11:30-2:00- 6:00-9:30 Beasts 3D (PG-13) CC: 10:25 The Little Mermaid 3D (PG) CC: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (PG-13) 12:10-3:40-7:15-10:40 Airbus IMAX Theater
3:30-4:30-6:15-9:00 4:45-7:15-9:35 The Super Mario Bros. Movie Elemental 3D (PG) CC: 4:20 9:50-1:00-4:35 The Super Mario Bros. Movie 14390 Air and Space Museum Parkway
Fast X (PG-13) 9:20AM Cinemark Egyptian 24 and XD (PG-13) 8:30 (PG) 10:10-12:50-3:50
Transformers: Rise Of The The Flash (PG-13) OC: 1:40 Elemental 3D (PG) 4:00 (PG) 11:10AM AMC Hoffman Center 22 Transformers: Rise Of The The Little Mermaid (PG) OC: Journey to Space (NR) 10:20-
7000 Arundel Mills Circle Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Beasts 3D (PG-13) CC: 9:35- The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:20- 1:05-3:15
Beasts (PG-13) 9:50-12:10-3:40- AMC DINE-IN Rio Cinemas 18 Regal Cinemas Majestic 206 Swamp Fox Rd. 4:05 3:00-6:40-10:00
4:30-7:50-10:10 Transformers: Rise Of The (PG-13) 11:30-3:00-6:40 12:45-4:00-10:15 Aircraft Carrier: Guardian of the
9811 Washingtonian Center Beasts (PG-13) OC: 3:05; Stadium 20 & IMAX Elemental (PG) 12:30 Elemental (PG) OC: 12:45 The Flash: The IMAX 2D
The Flash (PG-13) 12:30-4:00- The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:50-10:10 Elemental 3D (PG) CC: 11:15- Seas 12:25
900 Ellsworth Drive The Boogeyman (PG-13) 10:50 Experience (PG-13) 12:00-3:30-
Fast X (PG-13) CC: 10:40-4:45- 10:05-11:50-1:25-4:45-6:25-8:05-
Fast X (PG-13) 2:00-5:30-9:10 Elemental (PG) 11:20-12:50-3:50- Fast X (PG-13) CC: 10:00-1:15-
Transformers: Rise Of The To Fly! (1976) (NR) 10:55-1:45
6:15-9:45 9:45-11:25 5:20-6:55-8:10 j-hope IN THE BOX 7:00 7:00-10:30
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Transformers: Rise Of The Transformers: Rise Of The Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts 3D (PG-13) 12:05 The Flash: The IMAX 2D Experi-
The Flash (PG-13) 9:20-10:00- SUGA: Road to D-DAY 3:00 Elemental (PG) 10:20-1:20-2:25-
(PG-13) 9:30-1:40-5:20-8:50 Beasts (PG-13) CC: 9:45-12:45- 10:35-12:00-12:40-12:55-1:20- Beasts (PG-13) 10:10-12:25-1:25- The Boogeyman (PG-13) 9:50 Beasts (PG-13) CC: 11:00-12:00- Elemental 3D (PG) 11:30-5:10-8:00 4:15-5:20-7:10-10:10 ence (PG-13) 4:05-7:00
The Little Mermaid (PG) 9:40- 3:45-7:00-10:45 3:40-4:40-6:10-7:45-9:10-9:50 The Blackening (R) 11:10-1:50- 3:00-5:00-6:00-8:00-9:00-11:00 The Flash (PG-13) CC: 11:25- j-hope IN THE BOX 6:00 Blue Planet (Il pianeta azzurro)
1:55-3:20-4:00-4:20-5:15-6:40- 4:40-7:20-10:00 2:20-3:30-5:40-7:15-9:10-10:40 The Blackening (R) 11:05-1:45- (NR) 11:30AM
12:50-4:15-7:35-10:50 The Flash (PG-13) CC: 12:00- 7:20-7:40-8:00-8:35-10:00-10:40- The Flash (PG-13) 10:00-10:30- The Flash (PG-13) CC: 12:00- SUGA: Road to D-DAY 3:30
Elemental (PG) 10:20-12:20-3:20- 7:00-10:30 Elemental 3D (PG) 2:20 Elemental (PG) CC: 10:20-1:10- 4:35-7:20-10:05 The Dream is Alive (NR) 2:25
11:00-11:20 12:30-1:00-1:30-2:30-4:00-4:30- 6:30-9:45 Transformers: Rise Of The
4:20-6:20-7:20-9:20 5:00-5:30-6:00-7:30-8:00-8:30- j-hope IN THE BOX 7:00 4:05-6:55-9:45 Elemental 3D (PG) 9:35AM University Mall Theatres
Adipurush (Telugu) 10:15-2:15- Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Beasts (PG-13) 10:35-1:40-4:45-
The Boogeyman (PG-13) 10:05 6:00-10:00 9:00-9:30 SUGA: Road to D-DAY 3:00 der-Verse (PG) CC: 11:00-12:00- The Flash (PG-13) OC: 10:40AM 6:20-7:50-9:25-10:55 j-hope IN THE BOX 7:00 10659-A Braddock Road
Spider-Verse (PG) OC: 3:45; Fast X (PG-13) 2:40 SUGA: Road to D-DAY 3:00
The Blackening (R) 2:00-4:45- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 9:05-9:45-10:55-12:25-1:05- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 1:00-2:15-3:15-4:15-5:30-6:00- AMC Worldgate 9 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- The Flash (PG-13) CC; DVS: 1:15-
7:20-10:20 (PG-13) CC: 9:30-12:50-4:20- 2:25-4:25-5:55-7:05-7:50-9:25- (PG-13) 1:45-5:20-8:55 The Flash (PG-13) 12:00-12:30- 7:30-8:45-9:15-10:00-10:45 13025 Worldgate Drive der-Verse (PG) 9:30-12:30-2:10- Zara Hatke Zara Bachke 7:15-10:05
Elemental 3D (PG) 9:35AM 7:40-11:00 10:30-11:10 Adipurush (Hindi) 1:50 1:00-3:30-4:00-7:00-7:30-8:00 Adipurush (Telugu) 10:30-2:30- Transformers: Rise Of The 5:30-7:10-8:50-10:30 6:20-9:50 Elemental (PG) CC; DVS: 12:15-
j-hope IN THE BOX 7:00 The Super Mario Bros. Movie Adipurush (Telugu) 10:55-2:50- The Super Mario Bros. Movie Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 6:30-10:30 Beasts (PG-13) CC: 9:30-12:30- The Flash (PG-13) 9:00-9:40- Fast X (PG-13) 10:00AM 2:30-7:00-9:20
SUGA: Road to D-DAY 3:00 (PG) CC: 10:45-1:15-3:45 6:45 (PG) 11:10AM der-Verse (PG) 12:10-1:30-3:40- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 3:45-7:00-10:00-10:15 10:00-10:50-12:20-1:00-3:40-4:20- The Flash (PG-13) 11:00-1:00- The Flash (PG-13) OC; DVS: 4:15
Transformers: Rise Of The The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: Adipurush (Telugu) 5:45-9:40 5:00-6:10-7:10-8:30-9:40 (PG-13) CC: 12:30-4:00-7:30- The Flash (PG-13) CC: 9:45- 4:40-7:00-7:40-8:00-10:20-11:00 2:30-4:30-6:00-8:00-9:30 Spider-Man: Across the
Elemental (PG) 11:00-1:50-4:40-
Beasts (PG-13) OC: 1:00 10:45-2:00-5:15-8:30 7:30-10:20; 5:25; 9:15-10:15-1:05- The Little Mermaid (PG) 10:45- Regal Waugh Chapel & IMAX 11:00 11:30-12:30-1:15-3:15-4:15-6:30- Adipurush (Telugu) 1:10-9:00 The Boogeyman (PG-13) 8:20 Spider-Verse (PG) CC; DVS: 1:00-
The Flash (PG-13) 10:00-10:30- The Flash: The IMAX 2D Expe- 3:55-6:45-9:35 11:20-2:30-5:45-9:00 1419 South Main Chapel Way The Super Mario Bros. Movie 7:30-9:30-10:00 The Little Mermaid (PG) 9:25- Elemental 3D (PG) 11:30AM 7:30-10:05
11:00-12:00-1:30-2:00-2:30-3:30- rience (PG-13) CC: 11:00-2:30- Transformers: Rise Of The The Flash: The IMAX 2D Transformers: Rise Of The (PG) CC: 10:30-1:00-3:30 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 12:50-7:20-10:35 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Elemental (PG) OC; DVS: 4:45
5:00-5:30-6:00-7:00-8:30-9:00- 6:00-9:30 Beasts 3D (PG-13) 9:25-1:00- Experience (PG-13) 12:00-3:30- Beasts (PG-13) 10:50-11:20-2:20- The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: der-Verse (PG) CC: 12:00-1:10- Elemental (PG) 9:15-9:45-10:30- der-Verse (PG) 10:30-11:50-2:00- Spider-Man: Across the Spi-
9:30-10:30 Elemental (PG) CC: 3:30 4:15-7:40-11:00 7:00-10:30 4:50-5:20-8:20-10:50 11:30-12:45-2:45-6:00-9:15-10:30 3:00-4:30-6:15 1:20-2:20-4:10-7:00-9:50 3:20-5:30-6:50-9:00-10:20 der-Verse (PG) OC; DVS: 4:00

sweater or tank top?

Stay one step ahead of the weather with the
Capital Weather Gang
S0141 6x5
e18 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023


Answers to last week9s puzzle. c ro s s w or d

on that note (JUne 11)

<bUsiness school= by eVan birnholZ June 18, 2023
/ 2 ; $ 5 $ 6 & $ 0 3 6 - 2 : / 6
( 5 0 , 1 ( 6 / 2 5 ( $ / $ ; , 2 0 |e ûrst letters of this 77 Singing Tillis or Tormé                  

: ( ( 2 1 ( 6 $ 1 . $ 5 $ ( 9 ( 1 6 2 puzzle9s circled words 78 Joined, on a farm

' 2 1 1 $ / ( : , 6 7 , 1 < ' $ 1 & ( 5
will spell out a term 79 Choux ___ crème
associated with (French pastries)    
, 5 ( 1 , & 6 7 $ * ( 5 (
business school. 82 Course on tiny
+ 2 7 / $ 1 7 $ 6 2 % 6 . , 3    
organisms, attended
( 7 + $ 1 5 , 7 8 $ / 6 ( 8 5 $ 7    
across by representatives of
' 2 , 7 $ * $ , 1 3 + ( : 6 7 $ & + ( 1 Colorful name of a dad a gas company that       
* ( 1 7 0 < 7 + 6 7 , 1 $ 7 8 5 1 ( 5 on <|at 970s Show= merged with Exxon
( 6 6 ( 1 & ( ' 8 ( $ % & 3 ( ( 1 6 4 Day of Silence month 88 Obligation     
2 6 6 2 ( / . $ 8 7 2 9 Assists in an ofense 89 Someone from Siena        
& + $ , 0 , 5 6 ) 2 ( 0 2 1 7 $ * ( 14 Masters tools 91 Energizer pack letters
6 2 / ' , ( 5 % 2 < , 0 3 ( / , ' ( $ 19 <Virtue= singer DiFranco 92 Lipstick smudge       

, 1 7 2 1 ( 6 1 2 % 0 , 1 ' * $ 0 ( 6 20 <What Alice Forgot= 94 Chicago9s WNBA team     

( $ 6 ( / 6 6 8 ( ' ( 6 $ 5 , 6 ( author Moriarty 95 Some squirrel shelters
( 3 , & 5 $ ( & / , 0 $ 7 ( 6 21 Excessively 96 Is suitable, as a suit
, 2 & 2 . 5 $ 8 1 6 ( ( 1 22 <Aquaman= actor Jason 98 Energize   
/ $ 5 $ 6 7 + ( 0 ( 0 , 6 6 6 $ , * 2 1 23 Course on nutrition 100 Course on stage
8 6 8 5 3 6 6 $ / 6 $ 6 6 2 / ) ( * ( science, attended by acting and singing,
9 , 6 7 $ 7 , / ( 5 6 2 / ( 6 7 5 $ SAT exam writers attended by Slush      

8 6 + ( 5 6 1 ( $ . < 5 ( ; 6 ( 7 25 Lugged, as luggage Puppie servers

26 Cup holders? 106 Repulsed response
each starred answer begins with a solfege syllable. on top of those 27 <Spider-Man: Across 110 Contest crosswords          
syllables, you will ûnd letters that spell out the Queen song <we are the Spider-Verse= voice in the Wall Street
tHe cHampions.= as a bonus, the sequence of solfege syllables in    
actress Rae Journal, e.g.
the theme answers (do ti do ti sol Mi la Mi) represents the ûrst
eight notes of the song9s chorus. 28 Course on ancient 111 Aviation cocktail liquor       
history, attended by 112 Lowers the diïculty
some Big Four bankers 114 Course on design
31 Features of Christmas and maintenance of    

yard decorations infrastructure,    

33 Auntie, to one9s mom attended by reporters
Answers to last week9s L.A. Times Sunday puzzle. 34 Dragons9 refuges from an MSNBC rival
35 Starting line? 120 <|e Crown= actress 5 It may lead to a strike 37 Centennial Museum 66 River |ames town 99 Dress smartly
36 Course on journalism Corrin 6 Steel bars and Chihuahuan Desert 68 Mess up beyond repair 101 Non-___ gluten
and media, attended by 121 Runner-up to Dwight 7 Mama Quilla worshiper Gardens sch. 69 <Will Trent= network sensitivity
elevator manufacturers 122 Susan G. ___ 8 On a smaller scale 38 Grp. that Finland joined 70 Hull sealant, once 102 Emulated a food critic
42 Pizza party portion (foundation that funds 9 ___ rights movement in 2023 71 Fire sign of the zodiac (or, really, anybody)
45 Undertaking breast cancer research) (neurodiversity 39 Cooking ûuids 72 Societal stressors 103 Undercover ûgures
46 ___ down (reduce) 123 Course on celestial advocate9s cause) 40 ___ down (ûnalize) 73 80 Down instruments, 104 What9s broken in a
47 Chartered vehicle phenomena, attended 10 Group of political allies 41 Kill it, as on stage brieûy sudden-death period
50 Sink declogger brand by PlayStation game 11 James with the album 43 Jazz trumpeter Sullivan 74 Stink up the joint 105 Captivated
52 Risk some cash developers <Matriarch of the Blues= 44 Sov drink container 75 Kayaking trip vortex 107 Move, as ûuid through
53 Lockheed Electra 10E 125 Andean trek beast 12 Ivy9s lattice 47 Ov-poached pear 79 Site of a small nucleus a membrane
aviator9s ûrst name 126 Establish at the capitol 13 Pathetic sort 48 Engaged in 80 Traditional outdoor 108 Added
55 Vulnerable 127 Removed, as a rind 14 <|at hits really close to 49 <We ___ to be at an party 109 Fixed, as a pet
57 Course on human 128 <What9d I tell you?= home= impasse= 81 Poses a question 112 Spreadsheet listing
societies and cultures, 129 G.I. doctor? 15 Like much vehicular 51 <We weren9t expecting 83 Formal recitation 113 Be in accord
attended by rink 130 Stacks with jacks assistance you!= 84 ___ camp 114 Demonstrating poise
athletes 131 Played (with) 16 Potent or present preûx 52 Historical Czech region 85 Ilhan in the House 115 Sitting in a lot, say
61 Acting secretively 132 Teacher9s advanced 17 Lymph ___ (immune near Moravia since 2019 116 MLB Hall of Famer
62 Fish or ham follower deg., hidden in system organ) 53 Gelatinous thickener 86 Part of a treasure trove Guerrero, nicknamed
64 <Good one= <advanced degree= 18 Smart aleck9s attitude 54 1969 Sinatra album 87 Chihuahua9s bark ___ the Impaler
65 Flabbergasted 24 One of two ûips 56 Calistoga9s wine valley 90 CBS spinof set in 117 Computer lab Apple
67 Course on written down 29 Dating ___ (virtual 58 Church VIP Florida 118 What a feather boa
works across diferent 1 Crunchy vegetable romance game, brieûy) 59 Like a pyre 93 Decorative rectangles, wraps around
6/11/23 cultures, attended by 2 Abandon, like Crusoe 30 33 Across de tu madre 60 ___-two combo oven 119 PGA Tour Champions
German car salesmen 3 Fuel with cetane ratings 32 Makeup of some ingots 63 Spiritual principle of 96 Were on both sides of golfer Aoki
76 Caribbean destination 4 Alcoholic beverage 36 Small monetary unit cause and efect 97 Homer phrase? 124 Ofbeat

l .a. t i me s s und ay pu z zl e H o ro s co p e

edited by Patti Varol and Joyce nichols lewis b y G e o r G ia n ic o l s

y y
<HUMAN 100 Outfielder mentioned in acquisition 56 Empire State information Happy Birthday|June 18: you are charming, playful, passionate and adventurous, and
RESOURCES= Ramirez who Tom Petty9s 24 Official at canal 89 Walter Mitty you hate to be bored. you have an excellent head for business. simplicity is the key to
BY SUSY won two World <Free Fallin9= Oberlin, e.g. 59 Diagnostic pics creator James
CHRISTIANSEN & Series with the 122 Emotionally 26 Gave the once- 60 <Moll Flanders= 90 Greet warmly life this year. take charge of your health. create solid foundations. explore physical
DOUG PETERSON Red Sox demanding over author 92 Widely known exercise, or perhaps martial arts or yoga.
101 Offend 30 Runners in hot 61 Stop, in 93 Kitchen bulbs
ACROSS 102 Wine grape DOWN weather: Abbr. Strasbourg 94 Military group
1 Puff up 103 Game- 1 Some autobahn 32 Auxiliary rockets, 63 Nutmeg spice 95 Not learned
6 Brief survey enhancing toy autos for short 64 Balkan native 96 Wiretapping moon alert: after 7 a.m. edt today (4 someone might suggest future travel
12 Gestation by Nintendo 2 Luau wreaths 33 JV player, 65 Glitzy gathering org. a.m. Pdt), there are no restrictions to plans or exploring opportunities in
location 105 Traffic blocker? 3 Killer whale perhaps 67 Make off with 97 Insect that
16 Printer spec. 106 BLT part 4 <Yikes!= 34 Verse writer 68 New Haven resembles a shopping or important decisions. the publishing, medicine or the law.
19 Word of thanks 107 Golfer9s goal 5 Secured, in a 36 Focused gp. alumni locust Moon is in cancer.
20 Holy scrolls 110 Oscar-winning way 37 1995 NL Rookie 69 Tots seasoning 98 Soon, poetically
21 Former sea in film featuring a 6 Aegean region of theYear Hideo 72 [Not my mistake] 99 Citizen of a
liBra (sept. 23-oct. 22)
Central Asia bunny named that includes 38 Perfectly 75 Disciple of Polynesian aries (March 21-april 19) you are high-viz today. some people
22 Geologic age Judy Hopps Athens 39 Map dot Laotzu archipelago For those of you who want to putter seem to know personal details about your
23 *Witch9s dialect? 112 Nonverbal 7 Doggie 40 <That9s just 77 *Comic9s 100 Miata maker
25 French Calvinist communication, 8 Fish-eating bird nasty= humerus? 102 Grew ashen around home and get things done, this private life. this could be because an
of the 16th and and what can 9 Dust cloth 42 <To __ it mildly!= 79 Scand. nation 104 <See how the will be a productive day. you also might important discussion with a boss or
17th centuries be found in the 10 Laugh 45 Chi-Town daily, 80 81-Down morning __ her
27 Fed. benefits entertain at home today. Group someone in authority is taking place. Very
answers to the 11 Login handles with <the= resident golden gates=:
agency starred clues? 12 <Sad trombone= 46 Calculator button 81 Structure with Shakespeare gatherings are favored. likely, you will benefit financially.
28 Unfreeze, as a 115 Pressure for sound 47 Left, on un mapa layers? 106 Mega- or giga-
plane9s wing payment 13 Christian sch. in 48 __ annual basis 82 Italian rumbler ending
29 Avian crop 116 Fit together Tulsa 49 Ladder step 83 Billy Joel9s <__ 107 Leaf (through) taurus (april 20-May 20) scorpio (oct. 23-nov. 21)
31 Kid-lit character neatly 14 2023 Kentucky 50 Argentine tennis Got a Way= 108 On in years you might learn something today. this is this is the perfect day to make travel
who says, <It9s 117 Hammed it up Derby winner player Juan 85 NFL stat 109 Depend (on)
not much of a certainly an excellent day to study or plans for the future or to blow town if you
118 Crèche figure 15 *Smurf9s plasma? Martín __ Potro 86 Asian cuisine 111 Doctrine suffix
tail, but I9m sort 119 Crèche figure 16 Mean 51 Silk ties with drunken 113 Tijuana pair make long-range practical plans. it9s also can. this could relate to your kids,
of attached to it= 120 Salinger title 17 Not as 52 __ vision noodles and 114 French article a great day for a short trip, because you especially regarding duties and
32 Jazz drummer heroine prosperous 53 Cloth measure massaman curry
Max 121 L.A. suburb 18 Recon 55 Annoys a little 87 Boarding pass
are particularly upbeat and optimistic. obligations. you also might travel with a
33 Slopes headgear you will enjoy schmoozing with others. partner or close friend for pleasure.
35 __ nut chewing
36 Insect
appendage Gemini (May 21-June 20) saGittarius (nov. 22-dec. 21)
39 *Snowman9s business and commerce are favored this is a financially beneficial day.
41 Chimney residue today. Financial negotiations and negotiations will go your way. it9s a good
42 Organ array planning will have a solid outcome in the day to ask for a loan or to request the use
43 Psych 101 topic
44 *Rocket future. you also might see ways to boost of something that someone else owns.
scientist9s trap? your income today. work-related travel
48 Accepted might happen for some. capricorn (dec. 22-Jan. 19)
54 Unfavorable this is a good day for a heart-to-heart
renown cancer (June 21-July 22) discussion. you might want to discuss
55 Bill of fare
57 Messing of <Will today the Moon is in your sign dancing practical situations that need to be
& Grace= with both saturn and Jupiter. this gives addressed, especially in the long-term
58 Breaks a you a well-balanced approach between future. however, you also might have
59 <Hamilton= practical realism and hopeful optimism. some lighthearted, fun-loving, playful
creator therefore, trust your decisions today. times with kids or social outings.
62 Teller of tall tales
63 Umami source,
briefly leo (July 23-aug. 22) aQuarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
66 *Baker9s digits? although you will enjoy the company of any your health and your job are both favored
70 <Danny and the
Dinosaur= writer gathering, you will also be happy to have a today, because you can see practical
Hoff private, one-to-one encounter with ways to improve each of these areas in
71 <Woe is me!=
73 Marine creatures someone. this will make you feel good. your life. this is a good day to entertain
74 Greek campus incidentally, this is an excellent time for work colleagues at home.
group you to buy wardrobe treasures for yourself.
76 Ariz. neighbor
78 Smooch pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
79 Sneaker strings VirGo (aug. 23-sept. 22) this is a playful day. romance, fun
84 Withdraws to
safety a friend, especially someone older or activities with kids, social outings and
87 *Gingerbread more experienced, might have wise sports events are all excellent choices.
man9s chomper? advice for you today. in fact, their advice you also might help someone younger to
88 Ultimate degree
89 Preadolescent might encourage you to change your train, practice or hone their technique in
91 Actress Skye future goals. or a discussion with the arts or sports.
92 *Soda jerk9s
97 Feline grooming
6/18/23 ©2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Travel Sunday, june 18 , 2023 . Section F eZ ee

JITTraPon KaIcome For THe WasHIngTon PosT

Flying musiC
Delta9s breakthrough seat
could improve experience
for wheelchair users. F2
The buzz surrounding It9s the summer of
concerts, and fans
are spending big. F5

Warm weather ushers
in insects that bite.
Thailand9s weed business ComiCs
For transgender travelers,
airport security can be
Here9s how to prepare. F3 Cannabis has become a part of dinner cruises, massage treatments, lounges and more | F4 anxiety-inducing. F6
F2 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

IllustratIon by mIn heo for the WashIngton Post


Sometimes you have to be a tourist instead of a traveler

BY N ATALIE B . C OMPTON roughly 38 hours on overnight lar sights. Or just because they awnings, and I asked to sit at one ing motorbike caught one of my going to waste an entire meal at
trains, sleeping on questionable can. of the tables under a red umbrel- backpack straps and nearly my tourist trap. A snack? Fair
To submit a travel hack to The bedding and bathing with baby But tourist traps aren9t just la. I sloughed off my heavy back- dragged me to the ground into game. I ordered an iced coffee
Upgrade, visit wipes. By the time I got to Hanoi, bars selling overpriced drinks or pack and tough-guy persona; I traffic. Shaken but okay, I finally and a cup of coconut ice cream. I
I was ready to throw in the towel souvenir shops pushing kitsch. finally had permission to rest. found a street-food stall with gazed at the lake, wrote post-
The first sign I was breaking on doing as the locals do. They can be museums and monu- These days, everyone wants to enough room for one more, sat cards, read a few pages of my
down was at a fruit stand in Somewhere between leaving ments 4 places that hover at the be a <traveler,= not a <tourist.= down self-consciously and over- guidebook, watched a tourist at
Hanoi. I kept handing the vendor the train station, eating pho and top of Tripadvisor lists. There9s a Both mean you9re away from analyzed how I was eating. the table next to me ask the
the incorrect amount of money as taking a motorbike in the wrong time and place for them, too. As home, exploring someplace for- Being a <tourist,= on the other server to take her photo with her
she kept shaking her head and direction 4 there it was. An oasis much as we want to see new eign to you, but one term has hand, is freeing. There is no towering sundae. It was glorious.
repeating the price. Finally, she beyond the treacherous traffic: a destinations like locals, it would cachet while the other gets a bad pressure to be cool. You are And instead of being humiliated
put both of us out of our misery tourist trap. be criminal not to see some of rap. allowed to be a guidebook-toting, by my capitulation, I owned my
by taking the correct amount out These places aren9t the hole-in- their most well-known sites. The But being a <traveler= can be comfortable-shoe-wearing, self- decision to embrace my inner
of my hand. the-wall mom-and-pops hiding idea of going to northern India exhausting. After peeling myself ie-taking outsider 4 all enthusi- tourist and posted a photo of the
I had done my best Anthony down an alley; they9re the easy- and skipping the Taj Mahal is off my train bunk bed, I trudged asm, no shame. scene on Instagram. Like a tour-
Bourdain impersonation for to-find spots on the beaten path absurd. with my backpack (I go carry-on Tourist traps welcome tourists ist.
eight days in Southeast Asia: with big menus translated into My tourist trap was a charm- only 4 no wheels 4 for the with open arms. You9re not just Once I paid my bill, which was
eating street food on sidewalks, many languages. Their propri- ing restaurant on Hanoi9s Hoan practicality and the bragging allowed to be there, but they also three times as much as I could
taking Muay Thai classes, ventur- etors may charge exponentially Kiem Lake, not far from where rights) around the neighborhood want you there. And they have have paid for the same fare else-
ing out of city centers to meet more than a locals-only estab- visitors flock to see the city9s in search of lunch before I could WiFi, bathrooms and English where, I felt refreshed. I hulked
locals on their farm and try their lishment, perhaps to cover the famous water puppet show. It check in to my hotel. Along a menus to prove it. my backpack back on and re-
mom9s home cooking. I9d spent high rent of operating near popu- had a terrace with yellow-striped narrow and chaotic road, a pass- But there is a line. I wasn9t sumed roughing it.

A 8tremendous ûrst step9: Delta unveils prototype for wheelchair-friendly seat

BY H ANNAH S AMPSON subsidiary 4 as we are always and I believe that it offers a
looking for ways to improve the solution that could one day make
John Morris had to see it for travel experience for all custom- air travel significantly more ac-
himself. ers,= the statement said. cessible to millions of wheelchair
An accessible travel expert MacInnes said design deci- users,= he wrote.
who uses a power wheelchair, sions would be finalized based on He cautioned that more work
Morris flew to Hamburg to check feedback during the expo in was needed to make sure some
out a prototype of a new airline Hamburg, then the application complex rehab power wheel-
seat being unveiled by a subsid- for regulatory certification would chairs like his could be accommo-
iary of Delta Air Lines that could begin. The seat would then need dated, but said that the team that
dramatically 4 although not im- to be tested, including in flight demonstrated the system to him
mediately 4 improve the flying trials. seemed confident that the major-
experience for wheelchair users. The seat would be available to ity of wheelchairs could fit in
In an email from Germany, Delta as well as other airlines, but future versions.
Morris called the seat a <tremen- it9s not clear how long it could <I9m optimistic about an acces-
dous first step in the race to take beyond those 18 months sible air travel future!= Morris
accommodate disabled passen- before such an option could be wrote.
gers9 personal wheelchairs in the available for travelers.
aircraft cabin.= Travelers who use The debut follows a push from
motorized wheelchairs have been U.S. officials to make air travel
asking for such a solution for more accessible for wheelchair Tr AvE l
years as complaints have mount- users. Last month, a group of
ð get our newsletter every
ed about damage to chairs that bipartisan senators introduced a
have to be stowed with luggage. bill that would require the Trans-
Last year, U.S. airlines mishan- portation Department to report thursday:
ý read us online:
dled 11,389 wheelchairs and on the type of damage that occurs
scooters, or 1.54 per 100 that were to wheelchairs and mobility aids.
loaded onto planes. <No other form of transporta-
Delta Flight Products, a sub- PrIestmangoode
tion 4 trains, buses, boats 4 ð follow us on Instagram:
sidiary of Delta Air Lines, showed This rendering shows an airplane seat prototype that would allow people who use power wheelchairs forces you to give up your mobili- @bytheway
off the prototype at the Aircraft to stay in their chairs during a flight. The product is still in the early development stages, Delta said. ty device when you board. The To respond to one of our
Interiors Expo in Hamburg. The same ought to be true of airlines,= articles: email
concept is the result of years of tor of PriestmanGoode, said in an would have access to the seat9s powered wheelchairs is that Transportation Secretary Pete, call 202-334-
work, first among a group called emailed response to questions. headrest, center console tray ta- those users face the biggest barri- Buttigieg said last summer. <So, 7750 or write: Washington Post
Air 4 All that includes design <Having something tangible for bles and cocktail table. ers and transfer to a standard in the months and years ahead, travel section, 1301 K st. nW
studio PriestmanGoode, advoca- users to test and to demonstrate The system would not make it seat is not an option for them as we plan to work toward a new Washington, d.C. 20071.
cy organization Flying Disabled, brings it much closer to flying, possible for travelers to use their their wheelchair is an extension rule that will allow passengers to
wheelchair manufacturer Sun- but no announcements have been own chairs to get into lavatories; of their body and essential for the stay in their personal wheel- Editor: amanda finnegan
rise Medical and SWS Certifica- made on the first airline partner.= a manual transfer to the restroom entire journey,= he said in the chairs when they fly. We know Deputy editor: gabe hiatt
tion, which works to get approv- The system allows airlines to would be necessary using a small- email. this won9t happen overnight, but Art directors: stephanie hays,
als for airplane interior products. keep the designs of their cabins er wheelchair. Planes with more In a statement, Delta called the it is a goal that we have to work to Katty huertas
The consortium has been and lets a standard seat fold up to than one aisle need to have an system <a first-of-its-kind air- fulfill.= Photo editor: lauren bulbin
working with Delta Flight Prod- accommodate a wheelchair re- accessible lavatory, but under an plane seat= but cautioned that the Morris, founder of Wheelchair-
Staff writers: natalie b. Compton,
ucts for more than a year but only straint. If no wheelchair user is agreement reached in 2016, sin- process was still far from appear-, said in his email that
recently announced the partner- on board, it can be used like any gle-aisle planes will not be re- ing in a cabin. the seat9s integrated securement andrea sachs, hannah sampson
ship. other seat. The prototype has quired to offer the same accessi- <This product remains in its system <shows promise= in lock- Copy editors: rachael bolek,
<With their contribution we been developed for the front row bility for years still. early development stages, with ing in powered and manual Jamie Zega
have reached a position where we of a narrow-body plane and could MacInnes said the goal is to be approximately 18 months of work wheelchairs. Editorial aide: olivia mcCormack
have a fully working prototype fit two power wheelchairs, one on able to fit as many kinds of power and reviews ahead, but Delta will <No wheelchair securement Travel advertising: ron ulrich,
that DFP can showcase to all each side of the aisle, according wheelchairs as possible. keep a keen eye on the progress of concept has made it this far in the 202-334-5289,
airlines,= Daniel MacInnes, direc- to PriestmanGoode. Travelers <The reason for the focus on this concept being driven by our design and development process,

Your bug forecast for summer vacation


BY A NDREA S ACHS Saharan Africa or South Asia. repellent approved by the Envi- rington said. humans and dog. Even so, you she said.
However, “West Nile is the ronmental Protection Agency. Though ticks are typically should always take precautions If you are worried that you
Excited for bikini and board- most common mosquito-borne Raupp chooses his repellent prevalent from April through when playing outdoors. Raupp brought home a highjacker,
short season? So are the biting pathogen in the United States,” based on his setting and amount September, some have been sur- follows a principle he calls “AIR”: throw your clothes into the wash-
bugs of summer. Mosquitoes and Harrington said. of exposure. He uses oil of the viving deep into the shoulder avoid, inspect, remove. er and dry them for 20 to 30
other nipping flies, such as horse, Across the Atlantic, the Euro- lemon eucalyptus, a botanically seasons. Others never leave. The “If you’re out for a hike, stay in minutes at moderate to high heat.
black and greenhead, thrive in pean Center for Disease Preven- based product, if he’s puttering American Kennel Club ( the center of the trail,” he said of “This will kill any ticks that came
warm environments (80 degrees tion and Control (ECDC) warns of around the yard for several hours. akc-tick), of all organizations, has the first step. “You’re not going to back with you,” Raupp said.
is ideal) near a water source, such the rise of mosquito-borne dis- For tromping through salt a good map of tick seasons by find ticks along a paved pathway Next, conduct a full-body
as a lake, river or baby pool. Ticks eases spread by such invasive marshes, he will spray on picari- state. or mulch bed.” search for ticks. Raupp said that
are also out in full force, hitching species as the Asian tiger, Asian din, which provides six to eight Internationally, the CDC has If you trek through tick-infest- if you can remove a blacklegged
rides on passing hikers. Basically, bush and yellow fever. In 2021, hours of protection. In a tropical documented Lyme disease in a ed terrain, he recommends wear- tick within the first 24 hours,
every summer vacation destina- the organization reported cases rainforest, where he is at risk of wide swath in Europe, from ing long pants and “doing the your chances of contracting Lyme
tion is full of bugs. in Greece, Italy, Hungary, Roma- contracting dengue, yellow fever southern Scandinavia to Italy, geeky thing” by tucking them into disease are “infinitesimally
“In terms of mosquito season, I nia, Spain, Germany and Austria. or malaria, he will pull out the Spain, Portugal and Greece, and your socks. Harrington suggests small.”
think it’s here. It’s upon us,” said Ten people did not survive. hard stuff: DEET. from the British Isles to central spraying your shirt cuffs, hat, To extract the tick, pick up a
Michael Raupp, an emeritus pro- Last year, Northern Italy suf- When choosing a DEET prod- Russia. Central and Eastern Eu- socks and shoes with repellent. pair of tweezers and show no
fessor of entomology at the Uni- fered a rash of West Nile infec- uct, look for 30 percent concen- rope are the biggest trouble spots. Or buy pretreated clothing. remorse.
versity of Maryland. tions, with the Veneto region tration. You don’t need to go One reassuring fact: Only a few “I treat my shoes like my hik- “Grab the tick firmly behind
In tropical locales, bug season experiencing the brunt of the much higher. The CDC said levels species of ticks cause diseases in ing boots with permethrin,” the head and twist,” Ware said.
is always in full swing. In cooler outbreak. This year appears more above 5o percent do not provide
climes, it is shorter but no less promising: As of May 31, no E.U. additional protection.
intense. Alaska and Maine claim country or neighboring nation
the mosquito as their unofficial has reported a human case of Black flies near the water
state bird, after all. Though cold-
er spring temperatures can delay
the insects’ arrival, once the
weather starts to heat up, the
West Nile.
With more than 3,000 species
of mosquitoes worldwide, and
about 200 in the United States,
The pros of black flies: They
are not disease vectors. The cons:
Their bites feel like a hard pinch
from the meanest kid on the
Why waste a week by just
staying the weekend?
pests will get busy, breeding and your bare skin is rarely safe. Some playground.
biting. mosquitoes bite at dusk and “Black flies are really good at
“Every year is kind of bad no dawn; others prefer dining dur- feasting on us,” Ware said. “They
matter what, and certainly for ing the day. have mouth parts like a cheese
people traveling locally as well as “We call them day-biting mos- grater. They make a little scrape
internationally,” said Laura C. quitoes and night-biting mosqui- and dab up the blood. It’s very
Harrington, a professor of ento- toes,” Ware said. “That means you painful.”
mology at Cornell University. probably can be bitten any time Black flies are found all over
“There are heightened concerns of the day.” the world. They often congregate
about mosquito- or tick-borne To help people prepare for the in areas with moving water, such
diseases.” outdoors, AccuWeather created a as streams and rivers, where they
Experts say global warming seven-day mosquito forecast lay their eggs. Only the females
has been a boon to insects notori- (, which fac- bite, and they dine indiscrimi-
ous for crashing summertime tors in breeding conditions, ges- nately.
outings. Unfortunately for us, tation periods and weather. Val- “You can be bitten anywhere,
they have been expanding into ues range from “extreme” (e.g., but you’re less likely to be bitten
new regions and sticking around Miami) to “low” (Provincetown, by a horse or black fly in down-
for longer. Mass.). town Manhattan than you would
“With climate change, we’re “We developed an index that in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey
definitely noticing changes in ac- really looks at what the life cycles or on a river in Upstate New
tivity,” Harrington said. “We’re are and how many mosquitoes York,” Ware said.
seeing shifts in the movement of there are going to be at any given Harrington said deer flies,
mosquitoes and ticks into areas time,” said Marshall Moss, vice horse flies and greenheads often
where they hadn’t been before.” president of operations quality terrorize beach areas, and stable
Jessica Ware, associate curator and innovation with AccuWeath- flies breed in seaweed and debris
of invertebrate zoology at the er. “How long they’ll last varies a that washes up on the shore.
American Museum of Natural bit on weather. So that is factored “There’s a whole bunch of non-
History in Manhattan, urged in, too.” biting flies that get in your eyes,”
summer lovers to not vilify all Last May, the company that she added.
insects. Some are on our side, makes Off bug repellent intro- Black-fly season can run for
such as dragonflies, which eat duced a similar tool called weeks or months, depending on
mosquitoes. But she understands Off!Cast Mosquito Forecast, a col- the variety. Many species are out
our antipathy for the blood suck- laboration between SC Johnson’s and about from mid-May to late
ers. Center for Insect Science, Google June or early July. In New Hamp-
“It’s okay to hate mosquitoes Cloud and Climate Engine. The shire, one species arrives in Au-
and to not want to be bitten by service debuted with U.S. destina- gust and September, but their
black flies,” said Ware, who tions and expanded to Brazil in method of torture is swarming,
helped develop the museum’s February, with plans to add more not biting.
new insectarium, “but those are markets in the future. In general, black flies are most
just a tiny fraction of the million Tom Mascari, an entomologist active a few hours after sunrise
and a half insect species out
at the Center for Insect Science,
provided an early summer pro-
and before sunset, and on wind-
less and cloudy days. They are
Experience the rebirth of an
Here is how to avoid becoming
an all-you-can-eat buffet for some
of the worst biters of summer.
jection: “Over the past several
weeks, areas of Florida, including
Fort Myers, Naples, West Palm
partial to woodsy areas, and, like
vampires, they shy away from
bright sun.
American legend and save 50%
Beach, Miami and Fort Lauder- To repel black flies, follow the
Mosquitoes on both sides dale, have seen severe mosquito same advice as for mosquitoes. In Arrive on Sunday for a five-night stay and enjoy daily buffet breakfast for your entire
of the Atlantic activity, while states such as Tex- addition, seal up your clothing: family, plus complimentary passes for 12 classic Homestead experiences. Choose
Mosquitoes are incredibly an- as and Louisiana are beginning to Black flies will wriggle into any from zip lining, archery, horseback riding, mountain biking or simply enjoy a relaxing
noying. They’re also dangerous. experience very high activity.” opening for a bite, such as the gap
soak at our historic mineral baths.
The females — the biting half between your shirt buttons.
of the duo — can transmit a How to combat mosquitoes:
number of diseases, such as den- Spray on and cover up Ticks off the beaten path
gue, Zika and chikungunya. The Protect yourself from mosqui- With warmer temperatures,
Centers for Disease Control and toes, and their future genera- ticks have been branching out, AMERICA9S MOST BELOVED RESORT. WELCOMING A NEW
Prevention has detected all three tions, by disrupting their breed- including the blacklegged or deer GENERATION AFTER A LANDMARK $150 MILLION RESTORATION.
illnesses in the United States and ing grounds: Dump vessels con- variety that transmits Lyme dis-
its territories in past years, in- taining standing water, such as ease. They often perch on tree
cluding Florida, Hawaii, Texas, grill covers, sand pails or red Solo limbs, low shrubs and grass
Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin cups. To deflect bites, wear light- blades and grab on to passing
Islands. colored clothes that cover as hosts, one reason hikers
Malaria is less common in the much exposed skin as possible. shouldn’t stray from the groomed
United States. Of the approxi- (Mascari said mosquitoes are route. THEOMNIHOMESTEAD.COM
mately 2,000 annual cases re- drawn to dark garments, the “In the Northeast, we’re seeing (540) 839-1766
ported domestically, the CDC said carbon dioxide you release while movement of the blacklegged tick
most of the patients contracted breathing, body heat and lactic into Upstate New York, into Ver-
the parasite while traveling in acid.) Before heading out, liberal- mont, Maine and Canada, in ar-
such malarial hot spots as sub- ly spray yourself with a bug eas where it wasn’t before,” Har-
F4 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

8It9s like Starbucks9: Inside Thailand9s legal weed scene

Country sees plenty
of shops crop up after
decriminalization of pot

BANGKOK 4 Tucked away from

city traffic in an alley full of
massage parlors, office buildings
and hotels, the place looks like it
could be a cocktail bar. Custom-
ers can sit in leather armchairs or
claim a high stool at the wooden
L-shaped bar. The shelves,
though, are absent of alcohol. In
lieu of the typical bottles and
glassware, there are bongs, roll-
ing papers, grinders and dramati-
cally lit jars of cannabis flowers
such as Critical Purple Kush and
Amnesia Haze, the most popular
strain in the shop.
All the Smoke Lounge is one of
the classier places to get high in
Thousands of weed businesses
have opened in Thailand since
the country removed the plant
from its list of banned narcotics
on June 9, 2022, becoming the
first country in Asia to decrimi-
nalize cannabis. In that short
time, entrepreneurs such as All
the Smoke owner Rithichai <Mai=
Chaisingharn have changed the
physical landscape of the king-
dom exponentially.
<Weed went from being some-
thing as sinister as heroin to as
innocent as a tomato overnight,=
said Chaisingharn, 39, a lifelong
cannabis smoker who had fanta-
sized about opening a shop akin
to a cigar store.
Now there are swanky bars and
dinner cruises in Bangkok, and
you can find wooden shacks and passionate about marijuana9s ca- Their next experiment was a
beachside lounges on tourist- pacity to heal that he started half an inch of a weed brownie 4
filled beaches. They9ve become so growing plants himself. He now <that knocked us out=4 then
prolific that <it9s like Starbucks,= has three large rooms and an some gummy bears. They also
said Vanessa Dora Lavorato, 36, outdoor farm where he grows said they tried some hazelnut and
an edible maker and TV host who Wild Thai, which is considered a vanilla ice cream <that tasted
visited Thailand in January. rare sativa strain of cannabis. nice, but [the high] was very
<There9s a pot shop on every Every month, he drives into minor.=
corner.= Phuket to deliver it to Skushi, a At All the Smoke, Chaising-
Travelers can get a 90-minute new shop in Old Town that caters harn said, his clientele is 50 per-
cannabis-themed massage treat- to tourists. cent locals and regulars, and 50
ment, complete with a soak in an Farming cannabis won9t make percent walk-ins and tourists, in-
infused bath, at Anantara resorts, him rich, particularly as the in- cluding travelers from countries
or book half-day tours of canna- dustry struggles with smuggled where weed is illegal who came
bis farms. In Bangkok, the canna- imports, but Na says it pays explicitly for the pot.
bis tour company Budler (pro- enough to support him, his wife, Among them have been a
nounced like <butler) is getting <Apple,= and their baby. He also mother and daughter from Tai-
off the ground, taking customers thinks it will inspire repeat visits wan, a hospital director from
to dispensaries, cultural sites and from tourists. Oman, scientists and frat broth-
places to eat. <People come to Thailand to ers. Many are total beginners.
It9s a far cry from the country9s eat good food, & see beautiful Others <really know their weed,=
previous stance on weed, and scenery, & relax,= he said. Canna- Chaisingharn said.
where the drug stands in the rest bis enhances that atmosphere. He sees parallels between
of the region. <They9ll come back.= Bangkok and Amsterdam 4 both
<Southeast Asia in general has are major tourist destinations
always been really very strict [on So much to sample that have famous red-light dis-
drugs],= said Bangkok-based au- That was the case for Lavorato, tricts 4 but doesn9t think it9s a
thor Joe Cummings, who wrote who visited Thailand to see her completely accurate comparison.
the first Lonely Planet guidebook uncle and shoot videos for her <We don9t even regulate weed
for Thailand. PhoTos by JiTTraPon Kaicome for The WashingTon PosT website, the Edibles Club. After like Amsterdam,= he said. <It9s
TOP: Argentine tourists Luciano and Daiana inspect the options at Leaf5 in Bangkok in May. road-tripping from Bangkok to even crazier.=
Scaling back the ABOVE: Weed offerings sit on display at Skushi, a dispensary in Phuket that caters to tourists. Hat Yai and island-hopping
8war on drugs9 among Koh Samui, Koh Tao and How to experiment safely
Before Thailand criminalized ment of the rule would become uncommon to see visitors or ex- cannabis across the country is so Ko Pha Ngan, <I would go back Lavorato9s advice for exploring
cannabis in 1935, the plant had more strict. pats. <I went to some small villag- high <that, even with hundreds tomorrow,= Lavorato said. weed in Thailand is to make a
been a standard fixture of cook- Cannabis products with over es in Thailand and was like, 8Wow, and thousands of acres devoted to For Caluzzi, cannabis wasn9t plan for your day: where to go,
ing and medicine. Cummings 0.2 percent THC are illegal in you have cannabis shops here,9= cultivation, right now there9s still the impetus for her vacation, but what to eat, how to get home.
said there was a laissez-faire atti- Thailand. (Most U.S. states with Chankasem said. a shortage.= In the six months sampling it a few times <added an <You want to be in a safe place
tude toward cannabis when he legalized cannabis don9t have a Chankasem, like some Thai after All the Smoke opened, element of fun= once she arrived. that9s relaxing and there9s food
lived in the country in the 970s cap on potency.) Otherwise, any- people, is worried that the wide Chaisingharn said, seven more With recreational use illegal at close by,= she said.
and 980s, even after the country one can now buy and consume availability of the drug could put weed shops cropped up nearby. home in Australia, she and her If you9ll need a ride, download
reinforced its narcotics laws in weed if they9re over 20 years old children at risk. That concern is That9s good news for people partner, Chris Wessels, 62, decid- a transportation app such as
1979. and are not pregnant or breast- at the center of emerging efforts like Cha <Ice= Na, 33, a new ed to give Thailand9s legal weed a Grab, and input your payment
<It was common to see it in feeding. People can even take to reclassify the plant as a narcot- cannabis farmer in Rayong, an try. They had about six different information before you get high.
little restaurants, especially boat marijuana on planes for domestic ic, arguing that recreational use is eastern province on the Gulf of purveyors in tiny Naiyang Beach Consider activities such as get-
noodle restaurants,= he said. <And flights. bad for the country. Thailand. After suffering from a to choose from, and after picking ting a massage and going to see
you could go down to a dock or <I think it is good for tourism,= <They think I9m selling some- motorbike accident before the a place and consulting with an art or popular sites, and <definite-
any kind of pier, and the fisher- said Prawit <Wit= Chankasem, 39, thing that9s killing society,= All the pandemic, Na turned to medical employee, they bought a weed ly hit the night markets,= she said.
men would be smoking openly.= who has been a tour guide in Smoke9s Chaisingharn said of his marijuana for pain relief. (Thai- cookie to share back at their If you9re at the beach, try swim-
Over time, the government Bangkok for 13 years. Weed has critics. land has had legalized medical hotel. ming or snorkeling.
grew more serious about its <war become a huge presence not only marijuana since 2018.) <Oh, it was disgusting,= Caluzzi Also consider local customs.
on drugs,= setting fire to millions in tourist areas and big cities, but Opportunity for agriculture Once he had recovered from said. <That really just made us a <Thailand is a very religious
of dollars9 worth of marijuana on also in local areas where it is Cummings said demand for his horrific wounds, Na felt so bit giggly, but nothing major.= country,= said Budler founder
the International Day Against Berga Huang. <So make sure you
Drug Abuse and Illicit Traffick- don9t bring any cannabis to sa-
ing. Weed wasn9t as widely avail- cred places like temples.=
able, but it was easy enough to And although you may see
find in backpacker hot spots or people smoking in public, keep
red-light districts. Arrests for rec- your consumption private to
reational use were common and avoid risk of police intervention.
could lead to fines. <It9s more like a courtesy, kind of
But, Cummings said, punish- like cigarettes,= Chaisingharn
ments for possession weren9t as said.
severe as in neighboring coun- As far as what to smoke, eat or
tries such as Malaysia, Singapore, drink, find a shop or bar that
Indonesia and Myanmar. appeals to you and talk to an
The laws are even lighter today. expert on staff. Many places sell
And after the government re- pre-rolled joints that are easy for
moved the plant from its list of beginners. Don9t be shy about
banned narcotics, more than asking questions.
4,200 people incarcerated for al- <Most people don9t know about
leged marijuana crimes became cannabis the first time they want
eligible for release. to try it out,= Huang said. <A lot of
travelers from Asian countries
Weed9s wide reach where cannabis is super illegal 4
On her latest trip to sleepy they don9t really know where to
Naiyang Beach, less than two start.=
miles from Phuket International Note that, although cannabis
Airport, Marissa Caluzzi found products in Thailand are sup-
familiar golden sand, street-food posed to contain less than 0.2
carts and whistling pine trees. percent THC, Lavorato said she
But something dank was in the has encountered much stronger
air. edibles during her visit.
<You can smell it,= said Caluzzi, <I9m telling you that9s not what
56, who has been coming to Nai- is being sold right now,= she said
yang Beach from Australia for of low-dose promises.
decades. <People sit on their bal- You don9t have to avoid edibles
conies and smoke and just come altogether, but you may want to
out on the beach and smoke.= try Lavorato9s conservative ap-
Smoking in public is technical- proach. Eat a nibble, wait an
ly illegal, punishable by a public hour, then eat more based on how
nuisance fine of $780 or a poten- you9re feeling. If you do find
tial three-month sentence. In yourself in too deep, Lavorato
April, Thailand9s Department of Chanchanok Suknauvarat smokes in front of his store in Naiyang Beach. <You can smell it,= said tourist Marissa Caluzzi, who has been recommends <coffee and food.
Health warned that the enforce- coming to Naiyang Beach from Australia for decades. <People sit on their balconies and smoke and just come out on the beach and smoke.= That is the best thing you can do.=
sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post eZ ee F5

caSSIdy cRaWfoRd

Cassidy Crawford, 25, will see 13 shows of Taylor Swift9s Eras Tour, an homage to Swift9s greatest hits. <I think it was just so obvious that it was now or never,= Crawford said.

It9s the summer of concerts 4 and fans are 8going all out9
BY N ATALIE B . C OMPTON now or never,= Crawford said. berg and Springsteen had dinner hotel restaurants 4 think Hak- dream getaway to Italy canceled key parts of the trip. But there
These concert travelers feel together. kasan at the MGM Grand and because of the coronavirus pan- was one hurdle: With rental car
Beyoncé and Bruce Spring- the same. Picasso in the Bellagio 4 plus a demic. The New Jersey residents, prices outrageously high, how
steen have taken over Europe. Over $20,000 in Vegas private SUV on standby for pick- both huge Springsteen fans, de- would they get from Bologna to
Taylor Swift reigns over the Unit- Beyoncé in Paris for just for Taylor up and drop-off at $200 per hour, cided to revive their original trip Ferrara for the concert?
ed States. And country legends $103 a ticket As the founder of a luxury Kirkpatrick said the three-day plan when they saw the Boss was Willett crowdsourced the an-
Willie Nelson, Shania Twain and Keyarna Pittman, 44, first dis- travel agency in Fort Worth, trip totaled well over $20,000. touring Europe. They couldn9t swer from Springsteen super-
Luke Combs are selling out covered that concerts are signifi- Kaleigh Kirkpatrick usually And that9s not factoring in the get tickets in Rome but could fans. <I belong to a Facebook
shows at home and abroad. That cantly cheaper in Europe on a plans trips around big sports concert tickets, which, even in snag a pair in Ferrara. They group called 8Spring Nuts,9 and
means even if your social media trip to London in 2018, when she bucket-list events such as the the nosebleeds, are going for planned a trip around the show they helped a lot,= Willett said. <I
feeds are already dominated by found tickets to see Beyoncé and Super Bowl and the Kentucky more than $1,000. <This client with stays in Venice, Bologna, found a bus called Bus for Fun
pictures of stadium stages and Jay-Z9s On The Run II Tour for Derby. But lately, she has been obviously is not [in a] nose- Tuscany and the capital. that left from Bologna directly to
festival fields, you can expect $125 a piece. (In North America, fielding concert requests, like bleed,= Kirkpatrick said. The couple used credit card the concert in Ferrara.= Two
much more concert content from they averaged $403.) So when one from the family of three who points to book airfare and Mar- round-trip tickets set them back
your friends, family and nemeses Renaissance dates were released, wanted to see Swift in Las Vegas. Using miles and points to see riott points for a hotel when they less than $40.
through the fall. Pittman immediately signed up Between first-class airfare Springsteen in Italy weren9t staying in Airbnbs
It seems as if everyone is going for the chance to buy tickets in from Dallas to Vegas, rooms at Two years ago, Mary Willett, (about $100 per night), so they Mexico to Minneapolis for
to see live music right now 4 and Paris, then locked in hotel reser- the Wynn resort and dinners at 65, and TJ Kozikowski, 60, had a were able to save significantly on a daughter9s first concert
that9s despite sticker shock for vations and plane tickets in case John Peter Larson and his
concert tickets and travel. The prices surged when tickets went wife, Nicole, are pulling out all
summer of concert travel is coin- on sale. the stops for their daughter
ciding with high travel prices Her plan worked. Pittman and Carolina9s first concert. For start-
<across the board,= said Duncan her husband, Wayne, 51, got ers, the expats in Mérida, Mexico,
Greenfield-Turk, managing di- concert tickets for about $103 are not just taking their 16-year-
rector and chief travel designer per person. With their airfare to old to see Swift in Minneapolis,
for Global Travel Moments. It Paris from Virginia9s Dulles In- their hometown. They9re also
won9t be cheap. But fans are ternational Airport (including a bringing five of her friends on
making it work. 10-hour stop in Casablanca, Mo- the week-long adventure, plus
Like Bodie Lowe and Cassidy rocco, on the way there and an getting custom-made outfits to
Crawford, both 25, who are overnight layover in Istanbul on commemorate different Swift al-
known as the <resident Swifties= the way home), hotels and the bums.
at the public relations firm concert, the trip came out to With concert tickets at $350 a
where they work in Austin. about $1,000 each. piece, the tailored 9fits (about
When Swift announced the Eras The couple saw celebrities $50 each), plus airfare from the
Tour, an homage to her greatest such as Kris Jenner and Pharrell Yucatán for the family (the
hits with 60-plus stops, the ques- walk by to the VIP area. Better friends will pay their way), a trip
tion wasn9t if they9d go, but how yet, Beyoncé9s daughter Blue Ivy to the Mall of America and meals
many times? came onstage for her first sur- out, the vacation won9t be cheap,
<We were like, 8We9re going all prise performance of the tour. but it will be memorable.
out,9= Crawford said. <We have <Everybody was screaming,= said To round out the tourist activi-
real jobs now. We have credit Pittman, an interior designer ties, <We9re going to do a day
cards.= and travel agent. <You just feel where the girls are going to go
The co-workers scored two like the love in the room from and volunteer in a commissary
third-row tickets for Swift9s stop everybody, all cultures, every- kitchen and help cook food,= said
in Houston for about $550 each. thing. It was just amazing.= Larson, co-founder of Delicacies
Then Lowe bought a $600 VIP Jewelry.
floor ticket (which includes a Three weeks, $30,000 to see
bunch of merch) for a Los Ange- the Boss. Twice. A Deadhead with deep
les tour date he9ll catch with Not everyone goes to Europe JoNaThaN NackSTRaNd foR The WaShINgToN PoST pockets
college friends. Crawford will see to save on concert tickets. Last After playing more than 2,400
13 shows, from opening night in summer, Greenfield-Turk ar- concerts, the surviving members
Arizona, to Dallas, to four in L.A. ranged an eight-day trip for a of the Grateful Dead are on their
(She says the average cost of family of four from the East last tour this summer. Mari Haw-
those tickets was $260.) Coast to the United Kingdom to kins, a luxury travel adviser with
Since the tour was announced see two Harry Styles concerts, the Travel Leaders Network, got
in November, Crawford antici- which added up to roughly a last-minute request from a
pated prices would be outra- $50,000. It would have been 54-year-old client in New York to
geous. She went into her ticket even more to plan the same trip go see them. Not just once, but in
hunt knowing she could buy this summer. <With the pricing four different cities: San Francis-
some with savings and pay off of gigs at the moment . . . and co; Chicago; Boulder, Colo.; and
others over time. Instead of get- adding on all the transportation, George, Wash.
ting price-gouged on StubHub . . . things are getting more cost- Hawkins had no problem find-
and SeatGeek, Crawford bought ly,= he said. ing hotels for half of the trip,
her tickets by tracking Twitter But money wasn9t an issue for even with only a few weeks9
accounts such as @ErasTourRe- a client of Susie McMahon, own- notice. She could easily book
sell for tickets being resold at er of Luxurious Journeys. The rooms for the client and travel
face value, or by finding a friend travel planner recently coordi- companions (a different friend
with a <Verified Fan= Ticketmas- nated a trip for a father and his or family member would join
ter account who had access to 19-year-old son to see Spring- him for different shows) at the
presales. For concert accommo- steen in Barcelona and Dublin Four Seasons in San Francisco,
dations, Crawford9s staying with (plus a Springsteen-free stop in and in Chicago at the Gwen. But
friends and family or sharing Lisbon) that was close to <it was really hard to book out-
hotel rooms, taking public trans- $30,000, excluding concert tick- side of big cities,= Hawkins said.
portation where she can. She ets. In Colorado, she had to pull
tracked airfare prices and The three-week adventure in- strings to get him rooms at the
bought flights as early as possi- cluded a mix of four- and five- Best Western.
ble. star hotels such as El Palace in The bill for just business-class
And in this don9t-take-life-for- Barcelona, where, during their RobeRTo SeRRa/geTTy ImageS flights (including ones back to
granted era, all of that money stay, former president Barack MIDDLE: Mercedes Arielle, a travel and fashion content creator, is pictured outside the Friends Arena New York between shows), hotels
and effort is worth it. <I think it Obama, first lady Michelle in Sweden ahead of Beyoncé9s first concert of her Renaissance World Tour on May 10. ABOVE: Bruce and ground transportation:
was just so obvious that it was Obama, director Steven Spiel- Springsteen and Little Steven perform at Parco Urbano G. Bassani on May 18 in Ferrara, Italy. about $10,000.
F6 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

What it9s like to travel

as a transgender woman

When my grandfather fell ill in 2021, I immediately booked a cross-country flight to see him. Unfortunately, air travel is a bit
more complicated for me as a transgender person than it is for the average flier. ¶ From worrying that my driver9s license
bearing my birth name and gender might cause a holdup at security to receiving an invasive pat-down by TSA personnel, fly-
ing as a trans woman has been an anxiety-inducing and demoralizing experience. ¶ I9ve always wanted to travel 4 to see new
places, try new foods and learn the languages of the places I9m visiting. But my final visit to my grandfather left me wonder-
ing whether future travel 4 at least by plane 4 may not be in the cards for me.

Bea hayward is a comic artist based in California. you can follow her on Instagram: @beacupp.

Available at nearly 20 airports, Clear Reserve lets you cut long TSA lines
BY A NDREA S ACHS interviews. A few days or weeks in Canada and five in Europe. A gers to reserve a spot four days
before their trip, travelers can go spokesperson said the company before their departure, and JFK
A record-breaking summer on Clear9s website ( will add more airports, but re- accepts bookings a week out.
travel season is here, which reserve) or app and choose their frained from sharing specifics. The time slots are divided into
means airport security lines are departure airport, flight and time With air travel ramping up 4 15-minute increments and are
growing, and so is travelers9 they wish to pass through secu- TSA has been screening more capped at a maximum number of
stress. rity. At the airport, an <ambassa- than 2 million people per day for people (10 seems common) to
To help ease the pain, Clear has dor= in the Reserve lane will scan most of the year 4 any shortcut is avoid bottlenecks, according to
expanded its program that allows their QR code and escort them to appreciated. However, the serv- the spokesperson. One person
travelers to reserve a front-of- the front of a standard TSA lane, ice is not as widespread as Clear can reserve spots for their entire
the-line time slot at TSA check- where they will present their ID. Plus or TSA PreCheck. Reserve group. Passengers are granted a
points and bypass long queues 4 (By comparison, Clear Plus mem- lanes appear in select terminals, 20-minute grace period, in case
free. The company recently add- bers who pay $189 a year skip this such as Terminal 4 at JFK Airport they are running late.
ed Denver and Minneapolis- step.) in New York, and only travelers While the service allows travel-
St. Paul to its roster of nearly 20 A company spokesperson com- departing from gates on the other ers to jump to the front of the
airports in the United States, pared the service to booking a side of that checkpoint can use line, they can9t skip standard TSA
Canada and Europe. restaurant reservation and head- the service. screening protocols, even if they
Unlike Clear Plus and TSA ing straight to your table. In addition, the airports set the have PreCheck. Clear Reserve
PreCheck, Reserve powered by The program debuted in Seat- operating hours, such as 5 a.m. to customers must remove their
Clear is available at no cost and tle-Tacoma and Orlando two mIChael CIaGlo/Getty ImaGes 5 p.m. at Denver, as well as the shoes, coats, electronics and ap-
does not involve fingerprinting, years ago and has grown to eight Travelers pass through security at Denver International Airport. advance booking period. For ex- propriately sized liquids, depend-
eye scans, background checks or airports in the United States, five Clear checkpoints can be seen toward the start of the lines. ample, Montreal allows passen- ing on the checkpoint technology.

EE aX Fn FS lF PW DC BD Pg aa FD ho Mn MS SM
BusineSS sunday, june 18 , 2023 G

How McKinsey9s
failures played
into fall of SVB
Federal regulators call out 8weaknesses9
in the consulting firm9s work for the failed bank
BY T ODD C . F RANKEL that McKinsey had been hired for
AND D ANIEL G ILBERT the work later criticized by the
Fed. The revelation comes as Mc-
Three years before its epic col- Kinsey continues to deal with the
lapse, highflying silicon Valley fallout from legal settlements
Bank was preparing to join the big over allegations by state and fed-
boys of the banking world as it eral authorities regarding its dis-
neared $100 billion in assets. But closures in clients9 bankruptcy
sVB needed help to make the leap. cases and its role in advising Pur-
<immediately they decided to due in marketing the painkiller
hire consultants,= one former sVB oxyContin.
employee recalled, speaking on McKinsey said in a statement
the condition of anonymity to de- that it was hired by sVB for <a
scribe internal decision-making. targeted assessment, geared spe-
<Plug the gap with consultants.= cifically to the changes in criteria=
Among the consultants that as sVB crossed the asset bench-
sVB turned to was McKinsey & mark for the nation9s largest
Co., the blue-chip management banks, <not a comprehensive risk
consulting group with a global assessment.= it identified <multi-
roster of corporate and govern- ple significant gaps,= McKinsey
ment clients. McKinsey was hired said, but it did not advise the bank
to identify gaps in sVB9s capital on its investment strategy.
and risk management programs <The suggestion that McKinsey
4 a job that might have spotted contributed to the collapse of sili-
problems with the bank9s invest- con Valley Bank is false and at
ment strategy long before the odds with the comprehensive
bank9s failure. public record,= said DJ Carella,
But it didn9t work out that way. McKinsey9s director of global me-
McKinsey9s work for sVB in dia relations.
2020 and 2021 4 which has not After sVB9s failure in early
been previously reported 4 was March, the bank was taken over by
sharply criticized by the Federal the Federal Deposit insurance
Reserve in its sweeping report on Corporation and sold to First Citi-
what caused the second-largest zens Bank & Trust. The Post de-
U.s. bank collapse since 2008. The tailed how sVB executives pushed
Fed found that McKinsey had ahead with a strategy of relying on
<failed to design an effective pro- longer-term investments in 2020
gram= for assessing sVB9s prob- even as it ran afoul of a key risk
lems and produced a report filled metric and then changed its inter-
with <weaknesses.= nal models to downplay the dev-
McKinsey was not identified by astating impact of higher interest
name in the Fed9s postmortem rates on those investments 4 de-
examination, but a government cisions that foreshadowed the
official familiar with the regula- bank9s crash.
tor9s review who spoke on the The Fed published a 102-page
condition of anonymity to discuss report on what went wrong at
internal details confirmed that it sVB. The review, conducted by
was the consulting firm. Two for- Michael Barr, the Fed9s vice chair
mer sVB workers also confirmed sEE mCKinSey oN g7

4 things to know following the

Federal Reserve9s rate pause
MarlEna SloSS For thE WaShington PoSt There9s a horror conference Wednesday. <it9s
A construction worker in San Francisco, where the pandemic9s trend toward remote work is starting to catch up with the movie cliché that going to take some time.=
owners of office buildings in the form of rising vacancy rates and declining property values. feels a lot like the so what does this mean for
Federal Reserve9s your finances?
recent interest i had a conversation with

San Francisco faces a potential crisis Michelle

rate pause.
You know how
Singletary it goes. Near the
end of the film,
Frank Lietke, executive director
and president at Ally invest
securities, about what9s next in
this horror show, which has

in commercial real estate

The Color
of Money there9s a moment made it more expensive to buy a
of relief when the home, to purchase a used or
villain has been new vehicle, and to pay down
taken out, usually in some debt.
he owners of the fourth-tallest Brokers confront the impact Like other commercial landlords and gruesome way. Here are four takeaways from

T office tower here 4 one of whom is

Donald Trump 4 want more time
to pay back their loans.
of the pandemic9s shift to
remote work as billions in
lenders in downtowns across the coun-
try, 555 California is staring down a
major pandemic downturn in the com-
But then the menacing music
starts. You jump after realizing
the killer is supernaturally still
the Fed9s recent rate decision.
Consumer prices are still
stubbornly high
The 52-story carnelian building, 555 bank loans are coming due mercial real estate market. Economists alive, indicating there9s more
California street, is about 93 percent warn the situation could portend disas- peril to come. Powell said the Fed is <acutely
leased. But many tenants 4 which in- ter, risking parts of the banking system, That9s the storyline we9re aware that high inflation
clude banks like Morgan stanley and too. living with the Fed9s relentless imposes hardship as it erodes
firms like Kirkland & Ellis 4 will be up BY C AROLINE O 9 D ONOVAN <it9s scary,= a finance worker based at push to beat down inflation. purchasing power, especially for
for renewal soon in a city where workers iN sAN FRANCisCo 555 California said, regarding plummet- The Fed left interest rates those least able to meet the
have been slow to return to the office. ing office building valuations in the area. unchanged last week but higher costs of essentials like
Co-owners Vornado Realty Trust and the in the more than 20 years she has worked signaled that inflation is still a food, housing and
Trump organization have requested in the building, the woman 4 who spoke scary figure in our economy. transportation.=
more time to pay back the $1.2 billion on the condition of anonymity because And it suggested the rate pause A year ago, the consumer
loan used to purchase the building, her employer doesn9t allow staff to com- may be short-lived. price index hit a 40-year high of
according to loan servicer documents. Tiny homes: Easing Calif. housing woes. G4 sEE reAl eSTATe oN g5 <The process of getting 9.1 percent on a year-over-year
inflation down is going to be a basis. since then, amid 10
gradual one,= Fed Chair Jerome consecutive Fed rate hikes, the
H. Powell said during a news sEE SingleTAry oN g2

Insurers clamp down on doctors

prescribing Ozempic for weight loss
BY D ANIEL G ILBERT tion-approved use. The <educa- their high price tags, combined
tion letter= warned that prescrib- with the huge population that
The letters from the insurance ing the drug for other conditions could benefit from them, present
company arrived in recent weeks, could put patients at risk, saying a conundrum for insurance com-
bearing a warning to health care the insurer would refer <suspect- panies.
providers who prescribe ozem- ed inappropriate or fraudulent insurers appear to be tighten-
pic, a diabetes drug that has activity & to the state licensure ing rules to prevent off-label pre-
gained popularity as a weight- board, federal and/or state law scriptions for now, but that could
loss treatment. enforcement.= change if ozempic and similar
<The special investigations Anthem used the same lan- drugs are shown to have broader
Unit has completed a compre- guage in other letters, reviewed health benefits associated with
hensive review of your prescrip- by The Washington Post, that losing weight 4 benefits that
tion and professional claims,= went out to clinicians in New could save insurers money. The
said one letter to a Missouri York and North Carolina, and results of the first such major
doctor from insurer Anthem Blue their ominous tone signals a com- study are expected later this sum-
Cross Blue shield. of the patients ing clash over new drugs that are mer.
for whom the doctor prescribed upending treatment for obesity. ozempic only has regulatory
ozempic, the review found that The drugs, often called GLPs, approval for diabetes but it con-
more than 60 percent lacked are fueling a frenzy among pa- tains the same active compound, JoE BuglEWiCz For thE WaShington PoSt

<sufficient evidence= of diabetes, tients and a gold-rush within the semaglutide, as another drug ap- Debra Tyler pays for her daughter9s prescription at a pharmacy in Killingworth, Conn. After
its Food and Drug Administra- pharmaceutical industry. Yet sEE weighT loSS oN g6 losing insurance coverage for the 12-year-old9s weight-loss medication, Tyler began paying cash.
G2 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023


Holding off on that big purchase? Time might be right, before rate hikes resume.
sinGletary from G1 wants.
<make trade-offs and
inflation rate has been moving sacrifices, because the minute
down. you eliminate wants, people can
Prices rose 4 percent year- feel a sense of misery,= Lietke
over-year in may, according to said.
the U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics. stick to savings
The fed wants to return Things are getting better, but
inflation to 2 percent. you may need to pull back on
Don9t view the fed pause as a unnecessary purchases.
sign that we are out of the In this inflationary
rising-rates woods just yet, environment, reconsider how
Lietke said. The drop in you allocate your income.
inflation since last year may feel With the increase in the cost
like we9re getting relief, but of goods and services, more of
many consumer goods and your money is going to pay for
services are still painfully high, necessities. As a result, you
he pointed out. might be considering reducing
The cost of used cars and or even cutting out saving for
trucks climbed 4.4 percent. retirement or building an
motor vehicle insurance was up emergency fund.
2 percent. Apparel and personal <The last thing you want to
care goods also saw increases in do for your long-term plan is to
may. eliminate savings,= Lietke said.
<Price stability is the If you can, don9t let the
responsibility of the federal higher expenses derail your
reserve,= Powell said. <Without savings goals.
price stability, the economy Understandably, if you9re
doesn9t work for anyone. In living paycheck to paycheck,
particular, without price there may not be anything extra
stability, we will not achieve a to save. But you can plan for a
sustained period of strong labor time when your financial
market conditions that benefit situation improves.
all.= Ask yourself: Where do you
want to be in one, three and five
Prepare for more rate hikes years?
Here9s where the chilling Then make a plan that might
music starts. include boosting your job skills
<Some further rate increases or increasing your income. or
will be appropriate this year,= set a goal to save even a small
Powell said. amount of money every month,
There could be a rate hike as Lietke suggests.
soon as July, Lietke said. <Little wins have a super
<I think the fed realizes motivating effect on people,= he
there9s probably going to need said. <It9s about setting up that
to be more tightening or raising WashIngtOn POst IllustratIOn; IstOck plan.=
in rates absent some other
massive economic event to get Buy now, not later percent as of Thursday, that happening in the near don9t let perfect be the enemy of
that inflation number under If higher rates are coming, according to freddie mac. A future,= Lietke said. <Given the good,= Lietke said.
control,= he said. <We see it this means higher borrowing year ago, the rate was 5.78 where rates are expected to go If mortgage rates fall, you If you have a personal finance
persisting now for a longer costs on big-ticket items. percent. But for the same period in July, they could go up again.= have the option to refinance. question for Michelle, please call
period of time into 2023. As from buying a home to a new in 2021, the 30-year fixed rate Before making a major The same is true if you need to 1-855-ask-POst (1-855-275-7678).
long as that number is still at car, locking in a fixed interest was 2.93. purchase, consider your purchase a vehicle. her award-winning column the color
that higher level, I think the fed rate now before rates rise again <Housing has corrected a bit, personal financial situation. And if you can afford it, of Money is syndicated by the
is going to be pushed and really could save you money in the but I think that if somebody is <If you find your dream house splurge. Don9t let your frugality Washington Post news service and
nudged to continue to raise long run. The average rate on a waiting for a 2 to 3 percent and it fits into your budget and and your worries about money syndicate and carried in dozens of
rates.= 30-year mortgage stood at 6.69 mortgage rate, again, I don9t see it9s good for you or your family, rob you of paying for some newspapers.

Colleague chats with her dad on employer9s Facebook page. Is it cool or weird?
reader: I work clipping with notes scribbled in dad is a stranger is disingenuous
for a quasi- the margin.) to outsiders. It9s engagement, but
governmental In marketing, however, there9s it9s not genuine or substantive 4
public service often a fine line between cringey and an organization that serves
organization with and brilliant. for better and the public needs to be both.
about 400 worse, social media makes I wonder why no one has
Work employees. About companies more accessible to directly asked her, <Hey, is that
Advice 18 months ago, we the public. Algorithms tend to [Samesurname] guy related to
KarLa L. set up our first promote <noisier= accounts, so you?= Assuming you9re right
MiLLer social media some degree of empty-calorie about his identity, having to
account on chitchat makes online sites more answer that question would clue
facebook. The visible 4 and if that chitchat is her in that people are noticing
person in charge of social media entertaining, it attracts a bigger her shenanigans. for all you
writes most of our facebook audience. know, she might be cringing a bit
posts, which include staff and from fast-food company herself at her dad9s constant
facility photos, event Wendy9s to the police lurking, and a word from her
announcements and job department in Bangor, maine, a employer would give her a face-
postings. She is fairly few social media managers have saving way to tell him to cool it.
inexperienced, though she has managed to strike a balance or it would provide an opening
learned quite a bit since we between building an amusing, for her to explain to her
started. recognizable brand and employer how those interactions
In the beginning, this person9s connecting with their target contribute to a larger strategy to
father would comment on the audience. for all we know, your grow your audience and connect
organization9s facebook posts co-worker9s story could become better with your local
here and there. She never calls the next viral Buzzfeed post: community.
him <Dad,= but he has the same <This dad is his daughter9s That9s a conversation she and
uncommon last name as hers, so biggest hype man, and it9s her manager should be having
I am sure many people at our adorable.= anyway; if they9re not, a discreet
organization have made the or, depending on how much query to her manager might be
connection. traffic your organization9s in order. I9m not a fan of tattling
Now he comments on nearly facebook page gets, her dad- or giving other managers
every facebook post, usually just chats might not even stand out unsolicited advice, but as a
saying <good job= or <thank you= and-forth. one time he said he first couple of times my dad did dorkiness reflects primarily on all that much. If it9s not colleague, you are allowed to
or that he9d like to work here knows <someone who works that, I would thank him but then me, although it9s not hard to interfering with the services you express concerns about making
(weird since he lives on the other there,= and she replied that kindly ask him to stop. figure out whom I work for. provide your community, and it9s sure your organization9s public
side of the country). She then person must be a <rock star.= Karla: my facebook and Twitter If I were posting as the official helping build buzz, what exactly face is aligned with its overall
comments back, but her name I know it9s all in good fun, but feeds are a random combination voice of my employer? Then, is the problem? mission.
isn9t shown since she is when does it cross a line? I think of links to my columns, pictures yeah, schmoozing anonymously for one thing, bantering with Incidentally, you can find my
commenting from the it9s weird and cringey. Also, part of my cats, and free-floating with family on the employer9s her dad on her employer9s site to columns, cat pictures and snark
organization9s account. The of her overall performance is snark, and they often include feed would be, as my teen says, inflate her engagement stats is on Twitter at @KarlaAtWork
comments are always related to based on how much engagement comments from personal friends kinda cringe. (Although if my not the best use of this and facebook at
the posts, but they often include and how many comments the and relatives among the dad were to comment on my employee9s time. more than that,
hearts, emoji and memes. facebook page gets. maybe some followers. It9s my name and my column, he9d do so literally, hiding behind the organization9s KarlaLMillerAtWork.
Sometimes they banter back- people think it9s cute, but the face on these feeds, so any mailing me a newspaper identity and pretending that her

Bu SI Ne S S editor: lori Montgomery " Art Director: andrew Braford " Photo editor: haley hamblin " e-mail: " Telephone: 202-334-9800 " Mail: the Washington Post, sunday Business, 1301 k st. nW,
Washington, D.c. 20071 " Advertising: noelle Wainwright, 202-334-7610,

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sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post EZ EE G3
G4 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

8Granny ûats9 play

BY E RICA W ERNER cost in the state 41 percent higher
in LOS AnGELES than in the rest of the country,
according to real estate site Zil-
hen Heather Millstone low. Home prices are more than

W moved from Baltimore to twice the national average.

surprising role in easing

Los Angeles and started Homelessness is at crisis levels,
house-hunting, she had one ma- and in recent years California has
jor goal: A home with a yard big begun to see residents flee to
enough to build another smaller Texas, Florida or other lower-cost
house so she could rent out one of states.

California9s housing woes

the properties to supplement her The desire to make a personal
income. contribution to lessen L.A.9s hous-
A few blocks away, Lali Grewal ing woes is a key motivator for the
and his wife, Anne Marie, made a Grewals. Lali Grewal has grown
similar calculation when they so invested in the success of ADUs
moved to the city last summer. that he started his own company
They9re now living in a tiny, cozy to help clients build and finance
home behind a bigger house State and local policies have made accessory dwelling units construction of them.
they9re fixing up to rent out. easier to build, and homeowners are signing up in droves <The way people build wealth
Millstone and the Grewals are in America is by real estate,=
part of a trend that9s busting out Grewal said. <The whole idea was
all over the state, and 4 some- to create more housing 4 espe-
what to the surprise of policy- cially in poor neighborhoods.=
makers 4 has potential to play a The cost to build an ADU can
significant role in addressing Cal- hover around $300,000, so fi-
ifornia9s housing crisis: the acces- nancing can emerge as a barrier
sory dwelling unit. for many homeowners, especially
Multifamily properties are in- since banks have little experience
credibly difficult to build in the dealing with loans for these rela-
state9s major cities for reasons tively new types of structure. A
including lack of space, environ- $100 million state program that
mental laws and neighborhood made grants up to $40,000 to
opposition. But build an ADU 4 a help people with the planning
small, detached house with its phase alone was exhausted with-
own utilities and entryway 4 and in months, and with California
practically no one bats an eye. experiencing a budget deficit, no
Multiplied thousands of times additional state assistance is ex-
over, as has been occurring in pected, at least for now.
recent years, and the structures nevertheless, a study from the
begin to look like an important, if nYU Furman Center found that
only partial, solution to the state9s ADUs are being built not in the
affordable housing needs. wealthiest neighborhoods, but
<The ability to be able to re- more often in low- to middle-in-
move barriers and support the come areas, and often in places
creation of ADUs has been a very with relatively good access to
important strategy in our ability jobs.
to expand the supply of housing,= <That suggests that it9s not rich
said Lourdes Castro Ramírez, people looking to build pool
California9s secretary of business, houses or work-from-home offic-
Consumer Services and Housing. es,= said Christopher Elmendorf,
<i9ve been very pleased to see how an author of the study at the UC
communities have embraced this Davis School of Law. <That9s con-
approach, and i think that folks sistent with the theory that this is
have been able to recognize the a viable form of development in
social, economic and community places that you may not= other-
benefits of ADUs.= wise be able to easily build.
The numbers tell the tale: Millstone and the Grewals live
More than 23,000 ADU permits near Dodger Stadium in a neigh-
were issued in California last borhood tucked between the in-
year, compared with fewer than terstate 5 on one side and the L.A.
5,000 in 2017 4 which was River on the other. its official
around when ADU permitting name is Elysian Valley, although
began to take off thanks to legisla- it9s usually referred to as Frog-
tive and regulatory changes in the town. The area has largely es-
state. The state now requires fast- caped gentrification in recent
er permit approval by localities, years, although a couple of cafes
and establishes that cities must have sprung up to serve the bicy-
allow ADUs of at least 850 square clists who ride along the L.A.
feet 4 though many are much River.
bigger. A number of other bills are For Millstone, making her
being debated in Sacramento, in- ADU feel like part of the commu-
cluding one by Assemblymember nity was key. Small touches, such
Phil Ting (D) that would allow as tiling, hark back to the area9s
property owners to sell their Latino roots, while native Califor-
ADUs separately from their main nia plants and materials are
houses. showcased. Although the ADU
Los Angeles dwarfed other cit- occupies a relatively small foot-
ies last year in ADU permitting, print of 650 square feet, high
issuing 7,160 in 2022, compared ceilings and carved terra cotta
with 662 in San Diego, the city breeze blocks give it a roomy look
with the next-highest total of and allow for airflow. She shares
ADUs. By comparison, just 1,387 the space with her two little dogs,
permits were issued in L.A. last Stevie nicks and Lindsey Buck-
year for single-family homes. The ingham.
number of ADU permits issued in Millstone hasn9t yet rented out
L.A. was second only to the 13,400 the main house on her property,
permits issued for multiunit but she estimates that when she
structures. does put it on the market for full
California isn9t the only state rental value she can easily pull in
where ADUs are taking off. Or- around $5,000 per month.
egon has embraced them as well, The ADU is separated from the
as have some cities in Montana, main house by a small driveway
and Washington state recently and some bushes, making it feel
passed a law making them easier like a separate residence. <it9s
to build. in all, some 40 laws have ideal,= Millstone said.
been introduced throughout the ADUs may eventually bring
country addressing ADUs in one major change to this neighbor-
form or another, although some hood, however. Developers have
are as simple as providing for a recently descended, snapping up
study of the issue, according to properties for around $800,000
Salim Furth, director of the Ur- and selling them for twice that
banity Project at the Mercatus price 4 but only after adding an
Center at George Mason Univer- ADU.
sity. <it9s creating a lot of value,
Photos BY alIsha JucevIc For the WashIngton Post
ADUs offer multiple benefits, especially in the Frogtown area. A
supporters say: They tend to rent Heather Millstone built a loft-style accessory dwelling unit in the yard of the home she bought in the Elysian Valley neighborhood of lot of families are moving in so
at relatively low prices, and they Los Angeles. ADUs are small, detached homes with their own utilities and entryway. They9ve become hugely popular in the city. they figure, 8Let9s find another
can be dropped into neighbor- source of income,9= said developer
hoods that are already densely Jesse Zamora, as he surveyed a
populated but that are desirable property in the neighborhood
because of their proximity to jobs, that he9s preparing to put on the
public transportation, schools or market for $1.6 million. <i think
other amenities. Although local it9s great. i think we need the
ordinances in L.A. and elsewhere housing.=
aim to prevent their use as short- Longtime residents note, how-
term Airbnb-type rentals, owners ever, that acquiring an ADU as a
can use them for extra rental rental property is not something
income, or to house friends, fam- to be done lightly.
ily or even their own grandmoth- Grove Pashley built a 1,200-
ers 4 harking back to the original square-foot ADU 4 the maxi-
<granny flat= moniker. mum size set by the state 4
Experts note that even if an around five years ago, just as the
ADU is occupied by someone9s current ADU wave was starting to
grandmother, that9s a home left pick up. His property abuts the
available elsewhere, while at the river and he has chickens and
same time keeping extended fam- ducks sharing space with native
ilies together. plants.
<The speed at which ADUs Pashley said that his ADU has
have been able to scale across the worked out great 4 he9s had two
state has been really surprising,= tenants in the last four years, and
said David Garcia, policy director said he9s cut them a break on rent
for the Terner Center for Housing because he9s sympathetic to rent-
innovation at the University of ABOVE: Lali ers and the high prices in L.A. But
California at Berkeley. <it shows a Grewal of Los he9s cognizant of the responsibili-
pent-up demand from home- Angeles is so ty he took on and hopes others
owners to want to do more with invested in the will be, too.
their land,= Garcia said, adding success of ADUs <i see properties throughout
that <because of California9s af- that he started a Frogtown with ADUs,= Pashley
fordability crisis a lot of Califor- company to help said. <it9s a commitment to go this
nians are personally connected clients build and route because you9re now a neigh-
with someone experiencing hous- finance them. bor and a landlord.=
ing insecurity,= leading some
homeowners to want to do some- RIGHT: Grove
thing to help. Pashley9s 1,200-
Largely because of a lack of square-foot Department of Data
supply, the cost to rent or buy ADU is the
property in California has be- maximum size Millstone and her two dogs moved into the snug the Department of Data column
come prohibitive for many resi- allowed by 650-square-foot ADU on her property. She plans to is off this week. It will return
dents, with the median rental California. rent out the main house. next sunday.
sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post eZ ee G5

PhoToS by Marlena SloSS For The WaShingTon PoST

a construction worker outside a san Francisco office tower that reportedly just sold for $60 million, an 80 percent decrease from the price it sold for four years ago, according to the Wall street Journal.

In cities around the country, commercial real estate faces a reckoning

REal EstatE from G1 tail scene including old Navy and
Cole Hardware are closing their
ment publicly 4 said she has doors. And even businesses that
never seen it so empty. opened flagship storefronts after
Since the pandemic, employers the pandemic subsided, such as
4 particularly in major cities 4 high-end furniture store Coco
have been struggling to get their republic, have announced clo-
workers to return to the office, sures.
while others have given up and San francisco is uniquely vul-
allowed workers to go fully re- nerable given the large percent-
mote. That trend is finally start- age of the population that works
ing to catch up with the owners of in tech or other industries well-
office buildings in the form of suited to remote work and a
rising vacancy rates and declin- long-festering homelessness is-
ing property values. sue the city has failed to resolve.
Earlier this month, real estate Banking failures have recently
data provider Trepp reported put an additional unwanted spot-
that an estimated $270 billion in light on the city, where offices
commercial bank loans are com- downtown still bear the name of
ing due in 2023 4 and warned of the recently distressed Silicon
the potential for defaults. office Valley and first republic banks.
delinquencies spiked in may, sig- Jay Bechtel acquired real es-
naling a <tipping point,= accord- tate for Google for 20 years before
ing to manus Clancy, senior man- leaving the company in march.
aging director at Trepp. He said he9s worried about San
Asked about commercial real francisco9s ability to attract
estate concerns in a television workers back and what the conse-
appearance earlier this month, quences of that could be.
Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yel- <If you have a building that is
len said she thinks banks are not fully occupied, rents are ei-
<broadly preparing for some re- ther dropping or nonexistent be-
structuring and difficulties going cause it9s empty and you have no
ahead.= demand. That9s not a good combi-
In San francisco, the poster nation if you9re a landlord,= he
child for the crises facing down- said. <Clearly that will reduce the
towns, the owner of a Hilton building9s value 4 who9s going to
hotel in Union Square blamed want to buy a building with
vacant offices and a slow return vacancy and low rents?=
to work for its decision to stop Wendell Peters, manager at Maison Nico, helps customer Jacqueline Hu last month at the bakery in san Francisco. In the city9s In hopes of avoiding a domino-
paying its $725 million loan earli- financial district, many restaurants and stores are shuttered as office vacancies hover around 30 percent, according to CBRE. effect financial crisis, Bechtel
er this month. The property, the said he hopes lenders will be
largest hotel in the city, will be willing to renegotiate with land-
returned to JPmorgan Chase, That means, in cities around business needs and to create a to their loan servicer9s march 9 busts 4 including the tech bub- lords rather than take over the
which bought the Bay Area9s the country, companies facing great experience for employees,= note, as permitted via a common- ble of the early 2000s and the buildings. <most of them aren9t
failed first republic Bank last economic head winds such as said Amazon vice president of ly used clause in their contract. 2008 financial crisis. set up to be landlords or real
month. inflation and high interest rates global real estate and facilities It9s part of a financial strategy But now, <it9s a damn ghost estate owners 4 they9re banks or
And on monday, the San fran- don9t need to be paying for the John Schoettler. As Amazon em- cheekily called <extend and pre- town,= said Leamy, who shines insurance companies,= he said.
cisco Chronicle reported that same amount of space. braces hybrid work, Schoettler tend,= which allows lenders to shoes on the ground-level con- If commercial landlords are
Westfield stopped paying the Amazon has pulled back on said the company is committed to spread out the consequences of course of 555 California Street. forced to hand over the keys to
mortgage on its downtown San developing major real estate proj- its projects in Virginia, and is defaulted loans over a number of Typically, it9s a pretty stable their lenders, <you9re going to
francisco mall and plans to hand ects 4 including its second head- evaluating plans in Nashville as it years. business. <People need shoe have a lot of distressed sales,=
the property back to lenders. The quarters, known as HQ2 4 in continues <learning how these Vornado and the Trump or- shines when they9re flush, or if Bechtel said. <They9re going to be
news follows Nordstrom9s deci- Virginia and in Tennessee. new habits may impact our office ganization9s loan servicer, mid- they need a pick me up, or if selling for cents on the dollar
sion to move out of the once-pop- Google pressed pause on plans to footprint.= land Loan Services, declined to they9re looking for work,= she because & that9s not their core
ular mall just blocks from Union build an 80-acre campus in San regarding Google9s San Jose comment. The Trump organiza- said. business. So, hopefully the lend-
Square. Jose 4 the heart of Silicon Valley. campus, spokesman ryan Lam- tion did not respond to requests She said she9s doing maybe half ers will understand the situation
<If office and retail owners are Comcast, one of the biggest ont said, <As we9ve stated, we9re for comment. the business she was before the that their landlords are in and
having trouble generating rental employers in Philadelphia, is working to ensure our real estate Although cities themselves pandemic, and her family is still rework their terms.=
income because people just aren9t pulling out of some office build- investments match the future could be in trouble because of relying on food stamps to get by. San francisco still has a num-
going into the office and shop- ings there. Brookfield, a major needs of our hybrid workforce, property taxes and budget short- <I always wondered what ber of top-tier office buildings 4
ping, then it increases the odds office building landlord in Los our business and our communi- falls, the financial system as a would make this business obso- think big windows, natural light,
that they aren9t going to be able to Angeles, has defaulted on more ties,= adding that the company is whole is more protected, said lete,= she said. green space and fancy amenities
pay back those loans in timely than $1 billion of commercial real still committed to the city. Brookings Institution fellow Tra- In the city9s financial district, 4 that are attracting tenants,
way,= said mark Zandi, chief econ- estate loans in recent months, Comcast said it is subleasing cy Hadden Loh, who researches many restaurants and stores are said robert Sammons, a re-
omist for moody9s Analytics. according to Bloomberg. the building in Philadelphia to real estate and cities. shuttered and boarded over, as searcher for commercial real es-
<That means losses will start to And in D.C., where real estate bring employees together in a <It9s in no one9s interest to have office vacancies hover around 30 tate brokerage Cushman & Wake-
mount on those loans. And be- firm CBrE reports office vacancy Comcast-owned space. The com- them all fall into foreclosure at percent, according to CBrE. Last field. But it also has a substantial
cause the banking and financial has continued to increase to pany relies on in-person collabo- once, because that could destabi- month, just down the block from number of <obsolete= buildings 4
system more broadly is already about 20 percent, some landlords ration, added spokesman John lize the banking system,= she said. 555 California Street, the office think fluorescent lights, cubicles
struggling with lots of other struggling to find tenants are Demming said. <So banks will take what they can tower at 350 California reported- and no air conditioning 4 that he
problems & there9s going to be feeling <desperate.= (Amazon founder and former get in terms of payment and work ly sold for $60 million 4 an 80 thinks will probably have to be
more banking failures.= Brookfield spokeswoman Ker- CEo Jeff Bezos owns The Wash- through this. Everyone is going to percent decrease from the price it torn down.
Despite the public debate over rie mcHugh Hayes said in a ington Post.) be doing everything in their pow- sold for just four years ago, ac- <Prior to the pandemic, we had
return-to-office mandates at ma- statement that there is still de- Still, many experts say the er to prevent that from happen- cording to The Wall Street Jour- the lowest vacancy rate of any city
jor companies, experts say office mand for the landlord9s top-tier worst can still be avoided. The ing.= nal. in the country,= said Sammons.
occupancy will never return to office space. <While the pandem- issues have been known for a few cities have attracted as The reported seller, mitsu- The rate was 6 percent, according
the levels experienced before ic has posed challenges to tradi- while, giving lenders plenty of much attention over ongoing dis- bishi9s mUfG Americas group, to data from the city of San
2020. In february, workplace tional office in certain U.S. mar- time to consider what to do. tress as San francisco. did not respond to a request for francisco.
data company Kastle Systems es- kets, this represents a very small Banks can always renegotiate rachel Leamy, who has run comment, nor did SKS Partners, <The market was incredibly
timated that half of workers in percentage of our portfolio,= she the terms of their loans to land- three shoeshine stands here the group that bought the build- tight across the board,= he said.
the United States had returned, said. lords. The owners of 555 Califor- called the Shoeshine Guild for ing, according to the San francis- <But now the workplace has shift-
but that figure has stagnated <We9re always evaluating space nia Street have requested an ex- more than 20 years, said she9s co Business Times. ed, and it9s shifted more than
since. plans to make sure they fit our tension on their loan, according been through many booms and Stalwarts of the downtown re- likely permanently.=
G6 ez ee the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

Insurers clamp down on doctors prescribing diabetes drugs for weight loss
wEigHt lOSS from g1 the glP difference
ozempic has had profound ef-
proved for obesity, Wegovy. Be- fects for Barbara Senich, 66, of
cause many insurers do not cover North Carolina and rhondalynne
weight-loss medications, doctors Ware, 59, of Texas. Both struggled
have ordered ozempic to treat with weight for most of their
obesity, a practice known as pre- lives, tried numerous diets and
scribing <off label= that is com- underwent bariatric surgery be-
mon across health care. fore trying ozempic.
<There9s really no difference <I went from feeling like I was
between semaglutide as Wegovy on the edge of a cliff, and I was
and semaglutide as ozempic,= this hopeless person, to now feel-
said Angela fitch, president of ing like I can control this,= said
the obesity medicine Association Senich, a former pharmaceutical
and co-founder of weight-focused executive whose struggles with
start-up Knownwell. She has seen weight began in the fourth grade.
a handful of Anthem9s letters and Ware, who works in account-
considers them unwarranted, ing, said that her weight-loss
saying <these clinicians aren9t success with ozempic <has been
committing any kind of fraud.= unlike anything else I9ve ever
Elevance Health, which oper- done.=
ates Anthem plans, said the let- But this is where their experi-
ters went to fewer than 150 pro- ences diverge: Senich has a diag-
viders. The insurer said that in nosis of prediabetes, which is
most cases it won9t cover ozem- covered by her insurance. Ware
pic unless a patient is diagnosed doesn9t.
with diabetes and has tried an- After Ware9s insurance stopped
other medication to manage it, covering ozempic, she went
but physicians can still prescribe through a succession of other
it. <Nationwide shortages have drugs until she was prescribed
occurred due to the large uptick mounjaro, a GLP drug approved
in off-label prescribing,= the let- for diabetes but also prescribed
ters state, and patients with dia- off-label to treat obesity. That was
betes <often cannot find the med- a game changer for Ware, who
ication in stock.= was able to get it for $25 a month
America9s Health Insurance through a coupon from manufac-
Plans, a trade group, has noted turer Eli Lilly. Still, she has strug-
concerns about side effects and gled to find pharmacies that will
the cost of GLPs. <The evidence is accept the coupon.
still evolving related to how these <I9ve gone to chain pharma-
medications may impact compli- cies, small mom-and-pop phar-
cations related to obesity such as macies, I9ve gone out of state,=
heart disease and diabetes,= said Ware said.
David Allen, a spokesperson. Some health plans, like the
There may be no buzzier medi- Teacher retirement System of
cation on the market than GLPs. Texas, have been covering
They are being popularized by weight-loss drugs such as Wegovy
celebrities, going viral on social apparently by mistake. The sys-
media and transforming the lives tem recently discovered an in-
of people who9ve tried everything crease in its members using such
over decades to lose weight. They drugs, which it says are excluded
are also generating windfalls for as a benefit, according a letter it
pharmaceutical firms big and sent to the obesity medicine As-
small, shaking up the fortunes of sociation last month.
some conventional weight-loss <It was not TrS9 intent to
companies and creating growth provide coverage for weight loss
for companies that manufacture and anti-obesity drugs,= the letter
parts needed to inject the medi- states, adding that doing so
cation. <would require TrS to factor the
Such is the craze for GLPs that costs of such medications into the
they are drawing comparisons to premiums charged to all employ-
cultural touchstones like Botox ees= in its plan.
and Viagra 4 but with the poten- The American medical Associ-
tial to appeal to a broader cross- ation recognized obesity as a
section of patients, and for longer disease in 2013, but treating it is
stretches of their lives. Pfizer has still shaped by stigma. The condi-
estimated the GLP market could tion was historically viewed as a
be worth more than $90 billion a problem of lifestyle, diet and
year by 2030, up from $25 billion. willpower, and many insurance
New prescriptions for ozem- plans exclude it along with cos-
pic and Wegovy, made by Novo metic ailments like hair loss.
Nordisk, have surged by 140 per- Some insurers cover off-label
cent and 297 percent, respective- uses of GLP drugs while many do
ly, as of a year ago, according to a not.
research note from Cowen ana- <The 8eat less, move more9 ap-
lysts. With list prices of more proach is really not very effective
than $900 a month, GLPs are far for the average person who is
more expensive than older looking for meaningful, sus-
weight-loss drugs, and some in- tained weight loss,= said Jaime
surers are requiring patients to Joe BugleWicz foR the Washington Post Almandoz, medical director of
clear more hurdles before cover- tOP: Debra tyler9s 12-year-old daughter examines her medication at home in Killingworth, Conn. the family9s insurance had covered the the Weight Wellness Program at
ing them, according to several medication that treated her obesity but then dropped coverage, leaving the tylers with difficult financial decisions, given the medication9s the University of Texas South-
doctors who treat patients for high price tag. the family decided to pay out of pocket for it. ABOVE: Her daughter injects her medication. western medical Center in Dallas.
obesity. Almandoz said Eli Lilly had a
The Centers for Disease Con- coupon for mounjaro last year
trol and Prevention estimates research note, <we are clearly in managing diabetes that he9s able The chief executive of Weight- the foundation for healthier pat- available to anyone with com-
that more than 40 percent of the hey day of GLPs.= to cut back on prescribing insulin Watchers cautioned that the terns of eating and activity as well mercial insurance, regardless of
adults older than 60 are obese. At GLPs that have been approved to patients. drugs <are not magic pills,= but as a better quality of life.= whether they had diabetes. That,
that rate, treating just 10 percent by the food and Drug Adminis- Yet the benefits of GLP drugs the company9s stock jumped 59 The cost and difficulty of find- coupled with a study on tirzepati-
of these medicare beneficiaries tration have quickly become en- can vanish when patients stop percent the day after it an- ing GLPs has spawned a wide de last summer showing dramat-
with Wegovy could cost $26.8 gines of cash for their developers. taking them, which could mean nounced it completed a deal that range of marketing efforts by ic weight loss for obesity patients
billion a year, according to a Eli Lilly brought in $568.5 mil- patients take them for a lifetime. will allow it to sell GLP drugs companies seeking to capitalize without diabetes, <led to a huge
recent analysis. (federal law lion of revenue in the first three Gilbert said he is not concerned directly to patients. on the drugs9 popularity. uptick in off-label prescribing,=
would have to be changed to months of 2023 from mounjaro, about the long-term safety, but Gary foster, chief scientific of- Shed rx, an Arizona-based Almandoz said.
allow medicare to cover weight- its new diabetes drug. Novo Nor- the prospect of lifelong use raises ficer of WeightWatchers, said in a telehealth firm that launched in Now he and other doctors have
loss medications.) disk, a Danish company, reported a question no one can yet answer. statement that GLPs are a break- January, is advertising <afford- noticed a trend of insurers man-
Demand has been so hot that the equivalent of about $3.5 bil- <Are these drugs going to be safe through, but emphasized the able tirzepatide= for an initial dating additional steps and pa-
Novo Nordisk said in early may lion in sales from ozempic and for someone to take for 30 years?= need to pair them with a behav- $499 a month 4 half the cost of perwork before they will reim-
that it would cut back on supply- Wegovy combined over the same he said. ioral program. That, he said, <is the list price for mounjaro, the burse for GLPs, such as requiring
ing doses of Wegovy for new period. only fDA-approved tirzepatide them to try other less-expensive
patients to preserve the medica- Developing a drug that can drug. The company can do so in weight-loss drugs first.
tion for those already taking it. meaningfully and safely help peo- part because it is ordering it from Taher modarressi, a doctor at
ple shed pounds has been a <holy compounding pharmacies, which Hamilton Cardiology Associates
the gold rush grail= for the pharmaceutical in- costs less than the branded-ver- in New Jersey, hasn9t experienced
In march, a little-known bio- dustry for decades, analysts say. sion, according to morley Baker, such a tightening of require-
tech called Viking Therapeutics The new drugs are man-made the company9s chief executive. ments but sees a looming colli-
published results of a small early- versions of glucagon-like peptide <People are looking for an af- sion. It is the physician9s job to do
stage trial that rivaled GLPs al- 1, a hormone naturally produced fordable solution,= said Baker, what is medically right for the
ready on the market. Viking9s by the body that helps regulate who said he has no prior experi- patient, including prescribing
share price doubled over a blood-sugar levels, make food ence in health care but his part- GLP drugs to treat obesity, he
month, boosting its stock-market pass more slowly through the ners do. said. Still, <we would face over-
value by $1.4 billion 4 a stunning stomach and suppress appetite. fDA allows only compounding whelmingly prohibitive systemic
jump for such a preliminary find- The treatment has evolved from pharmacies to make products costs= if such medications were
ing. drugs that had been injected that are commercially available prescribed to everyone who qual-
Last month, it was Pfizer9s turn daily to once a week, and drug- when they are in shortage, as is ifies.
to ride the weight-loss wave. Af- makers are developing a pill ver- currently the case for tirzepatide rather than limiting the thera-
ter a publication confirmed pre- sion. and semaglutide. The agency re- py, he argues that the price of
viously disclosed results on one of Part of the excitement for these cently warned that it has <re- GLPs must go down and cites a
its GLP drugs, the drug giant9s new drugs is the potential for ceived adverse event reports after precedent: Amgen, Sanofi and
shares surged and added more broader health benefits 4 and patients used compounded sema- regeneron slashed the price of
than $10 billion to its value. the cost savings that could flow glutide,= and said patients should their anti-cholesterol medication
When investors bet that kind of from them. matthew Gilbert, an use fDA-approved drugs if avail- in 2018, aiming to boost use of the
Jim VondRuska/ReuteRs
money on a drug that might not endocrinologist at University of able. medication. <It9s an approach
even move forward, Evercore ISI Vermont medical Center, said Saxenda is approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat Baker did not respond to sub- that merits serious consider-
analyst Umer raffat wrote in a GLP drugs are so effective at weight loss, but Ozempic, a diabetes medication, is not. sequent requests for comment. ation,= he said.

Stories of the past, rediscovered.
sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post eZ ee G7

Regulators9 report criticizes McKinsey9s work before SVB failure quest for comment.
SVB9s former CEo, Greg Becker,
told a Senate banking committee
in may that he blamed the bank9s
MCkinSey from G1 collapse on <a series of unprec-
edented events,= including the
for supervision, placed the bulk of fed9s decision to raise interest
the blame for the bank9s crash on rates repeatedly in 2022. As the
lax oversight by regulators and bank grew in size, Becker said,
mismanagement by executives. SVB had hired outside advisers
But the fed report also noted that included law firms, consul-
the outsize role of consultants at tants and investment bankers to
the Santa Clara, Calif.-based bank. manage risk.
SVB9s rapid growth <far out- Curinos, like mcKinsey, was not
paced the abilities of its board of named in the report. It conducted
directors and senior manage- a study of how interest rate chang-
ment,= according to the fed, and es could affect SVB9s deposits, a
so the bank <regularly engaged key variable in risk models. rising
consultants to help prepare for interest rates can push people to
the transition.= Consultants from move their money in search of
mcKinsey were joined by those higher yields. In April 2022, Curi-
from Curinos, Ernst & Young, Ac- nos9s deposit study, along with
centure and Protiviti, among oth- SVB9s own analysis, led the bank
ers, according to records. to make <a poorly supported
<The consultants seemed to change in assumption= on what
outnumber the fTEs [full-time would happen to the bank9s de-
employees],= the former bank offi- posits if interest rates rose 4 mak-
cial said. ing it appear that this was a rela-
The fed9s report also specifical- tively safe strategy, although <no
ly criticized the performance of risk had been taken off the bal-
another consulting firm. Two for- ance sheet,= according to the fed
mer SVB officials and a govern- report.
ment official said it was Curinos, a In march 2023, after a string of
small firm that specializes in fed rate hikes and rising online
banking. Its work at SVB had been panic about the bank9s stability,
previously reported. SVB depositors tried to withdraw
The flood of consultants at SVB $42 billion in a single day. The
started in 2020 as the bank faced a bank failed 24 hours later.
wealth of new responsibilities. Curinos did not respond to a
SVB was in the middle of a three- request for comment. In April, the
year period when its assets would company responded to a separate
triple to more than $200 billion. It Washington Post inquiry by de-
John Brecher For the Washington Post
was as the bank neared that $100 clining to comment on whether it
billion milestone that SVB execu- People wait outside Silicon Valley Bank in Menlo Park, Calif., on March 13, three days after the bank collapsed. did any work for SVB, adding in a
tives worried the most. SVB would statement that the company
no longer be a regional bank in the that has come under increasing Department accusations that the cording to the fed report. that <is not meeting supervisory works with banks and <routinely
eyes of regulators 4 it would be an scrutiny for the advice it provides. firm failed to adequately disclose Bank examiners don9t usually expectations= no matter who does analyzes customer behavior to as-
LfI, a large financial institution. mcKinsey consults with 60 per- potential conflicts of interest in distinguish between the work it. sess the likelihood that their bal-
And regulators would start con- cent of the world9s 100 largest bankruptcy court cases it was in- done by consultants and bank After that, SVB turned to a dif- ances will change based on differ-
tinuously monitoring everything banks, according to its website. volved in. Two years later, mcKin- staff 4 focusing instead on wheth- ferent consulting firm to address ent stimuli, such as interest rates.=
the bank did. Last year, it provided <financial sey settled investigations into its er the work meets regulatory ex- the bank9s EPS gaps, according to As it gave advice to SVB, mcKin-
The former SVB official re- advisory and consulting services= role in the nation9s opioid crisis, pectations, according to one for- the former SVB official. <They sey was also publishing its views
called that a team of regulators on to the fDIC, according to a list of striking a nearly $600 million mer SVB official and the govern- helped stabilize the situation.= on the broader banking industry.
an early bank visit were stunned the agency9s vendors. And federal deal for helping Purdue Pharma ment official. The fed report noted that SVB9s In february 2021, it produced a
by the lack of employees, asking, contract data shows that the U.S. market its oxyContin painkiller. <The fed is very interested in board and executives, including report calling attention to three
<Where is the treasury staff ? government has spent more than mcKinsey denied breaking the seeing banks succeed when they its chief risk officer, had <all failed <themes= that <deserve fresh at-
Where are the risk people?= $700 million on mcKinsey9s ser- law but said it regretted its failure get to LfI,= the former SVB official to recognize= problems with the tention= from bank boards: cli-
In August 2020, mcKinsey was vices in the last decade. to recognize the scope of the epi- said. <They were trying to help us original gap assessment and plan mate change, <cyberrisk= and so-
given the task of completing an mcKinsey9s influence extends demic. as much as possible.= until they were flagged by regula- cial justice. A month later, mcKin-
<EPS gap assessment= 4 a meas- even further thanks to its exten- At SVB, regulators realized that So it stood out when, in late tors in late 2021. sey wrote about new fed guidance
ure of the bank9s ability to meet sive alumni network. The former <the firm was not prepared for 2021, as the bank was updating This, along with other short- for bank boards, telling banks to
the <enhanced prudential stan- head of Credit Suisse, Tidjane Thi- EPS= as SVB approached the $100 regulators on its liquidity stress comings, led both regulators and create <an aggressive but achiev-
dards= for capital reserves, liquid- am, once worked at mcKinsey. billion line at the end of 2020. The testing, one banking regulator SVB officials to conclude that the able plan to build out any en-
ity and risk management faced by The current CEos of both Citi and bank examiner team for large asked the SVB team members if company9s then chief risk officer, hancements required to address
the nation9s largest financial insti- morgan Stanley 4 Jane fraser banks decided to delay its more they thought they were getting Laura Izurieta, <did not have the gaps.=
tutions, according to the consult- and James Gorman, respectively intensive supervision of SVB until their money9s worth from mcKin- experience necessary for a large After SVB filed for bankruptcy
ing firm and the government offi- 4 were both mcKinsey partners. July 2021, according to fed report. sey, according to one former SVB financial institution,= according in march, mcKinsey found itself
cial. So was Tom Barkin, head of the This gave the bank even more official. to the report. She stepped down among the bank9s many unse-
With mcKinsey, SVB was seek- federal reserve Bank of rich- time to prepare. The government official said he from her role in early 2022 and cured creditors.
ing out expertise from one of the mond. But the assessment done by didn9t know if a bank examiner formally departed the bank later According to a court filing, mc-
most influential consulting firms In 2019, mcKinsey agreed to mcKinsey failed to properly iden- asked that particular question but that year. Kinsey was still owed $2,397,491
in the world 4 and a company pay $15 million to settle Justice tify the bank9s shortcomings, ac- that regulators will call out work Izurieta didn9t respond to a re- for its advice.

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Matthew Keller, Chenega MIOS vice president of
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Twitter: @washpostjobs committed to developing our people; we understand employees receive training to adapt to remote work, same commitment to them,= commented Keller.
Facebook: they9re our most important asset,= commented Lashree and there are multiple daily team check-ins.
For more information and opportunities,
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and diversity. because we make a conscious effort to do so
Instagram: @WashPostJobs
The company honors that commitment by investing in throughout the day. We cover not only items of the day, This special advertising section was prepared by independent an array of leadership trainings and professional, tech but also what9s going on with employees9 families and writer Kimberly Hubbard. The production of this section did not
and trade certiûcation programs for employees. what9s happening outside of work. We want to ensure involve the news or editorial staff of The Washington Post.

Accountant - Req9 BS in Acct Staff Landscape Architect: Business Manager in Kens- Caregiver: Provide live-in CNC Manufacturing Engi- EXECUTIVE EDITOR BIOMEDICAL DATA SPECIAL- Statistics: ICF Macro, Inc.:
or BZ Admin + 6mn exp as Landscape design, site mea- ington, MD. Plan & manage Newspapers carriers physical care for elderly neer: Resp. for dev. 3D mdls, NEWS, DC IST @ American Society of Lead Statistician 3 Rockville,
Acct or Mgmt staff. 40hr/wk. surement & plant identifica- business operations; direct adults with severe pulmonary layout & drawgs., & gen. Bill of Reach Media (Washington Clinical Oncology (Alexandria, MD. Apply statistical tech-
$62379/yr. CV to Jobsite @
Straffic America, Attn:
tion. Develop design con-
cepts & construction docu-
administrative activities;
direct & coordinate financial
needed to deliver issues & diabetes. Adminis-
ter bedside assistance & per-
Material. Des. prods. for sheet
metal & FAB procs. Perf.
D.C.) Will formulate and give
direction and leadership to
VA - part-time telecommut-
ing permitted). Apply clinical
niques to collect, interpret &
summarize numerical data &
& budget activities; evaluate the editorial staff in the US, knwldge to create insights provide insights. Req9s Mas-
Andrew 1953 Gallows Rd
#145, Vienna VA 22182
mentation. Create landscape
design. Compile & research insurance policies; establish The Washington Post sonal care. Drive to & from
medical & other appoint-
tolerance analysis to validate
dims., datum sch., designd aligning staff around a single, from database; SQL scrptng ter9s in Stats, Data Sci, or rltd
all aspects of landscape archi- & implement sales policies. ments. Perform housekeep- gaps & assy. by GD&T acc. to integrated, vision for the divi- to query for eval & filtr data fld +3 yrs exp in statistician-
Account Manager wanted by
insurance co. in Annandale,
tectural work. Min. rqmts: Bachelor9s Deg in Business
Admin, General Business or
in the ing tasks. Min Rqmts: High ASME Y14.5 std. CAM prgm sion; and will provide editorial
and creative leadership and
from electronic med health
recs. Reqs: Mast9s in Biostats,
rltd role in the fld of survey
research. SAS Advanced Pro-
Master9s Degree in Landscape School/GED. Knwl of or exp in for CNC laser & turret press
VA. Reqs Assoc Deg in Any a closely related field + 12 inspiration to the newsroom Bioinfo or rel & Academic or grammer Cert reqd. Up to
Majors. Must speak, read &
Architecture or Architecture.
Knwl. or exp. in preparing months of exp in job offered DC, MD and VA area respiratory therapy, nutrition
& medical terminology. Ver-
punch. Opt. cutng & punch
toolpaths, mod. G&M codes, in DC to enhance the industry exp in a health sci 40% telework permitted. ICF
write Korean. Resume to: graphics, including site plan or as General Manager or ifiable ref. Non-smoker on & imp. cut. strategy. Dev. strength, depth and quality field OR Bach9s & 2 yrs exp. is an equal opportunity
SMART INSURANCE BY renderings, elevations, & per- Insurance Sales Agent req9d. premises. Able to work over- mfg. methds., & tool. strats of its services. Must have a Email cvr ltr & CV to: employer that values diversity
SOLOMON AGENCY LLC, 7535 spectives/photo simulations. Mail resume to: Hazar Finan- time, on wknds and holidays. ass. with CNC cut. & punch., Bachelor9s degree, or foreign Reference at all levels. (EEO / AA 3
Little River Turnpike, Ste 204,
Annandale, VA 22003.
Exp. or knwl. in production cial Services LLC, Attn: HR,
10543 Metropolitan Ave,
Excellent part-time income Resumes to job loc.: Robert A. form. & wield. ops. Prov. mfg. equivalent, in Broadcast Jour-
nalism, Communications,
<Biomedical Data Specialist
Minorities / Females / Veter-
ans / Individuals with Disabili-
of project drawings & speci- Sheets, 2684 Horton Hill Rd, decision-making info. by calc.
Kensington, MD 20895. Film, Media, or related field.
Administrative Assistant
fications, landscape architec-
tural construction documents
opportunity! Herndon, VA 20171. Attn: R.
prod., labor, & mat. costs &
est. future req. Keep equip. Must have five years of work Hospitalist (mult. opns)
ties). TO APPLY: Send resume
identifying Job Code ICF139
Provide administrative sup- & presentation materials. Exp. C JOBS opl. by coord. maint. & repair experience in leading editorial Washington, DC: Prov int med to No
port to ensure efficient oper- or knwl in computer-aided Transportation required Child Care, Bethesda, MD. svcs.; foll. mfr.9s inst.; req. teams in broadcast journal- care to pats adm to nonteach calls.
ation of the company. Answer design drafting for schematic Cashier. Burger King, Urbana, Assist children w/ eating, specl svcs. Min rqmts: Mas- ism, including experience serv by perf phys exams, ord
phone calls, respond to ques- design. Knwl. or exp. in Pho- MD. Duties: receive + dis- dressing, bathing, tooth ter9s Deg. in Mechanical Engi- with operational and adminis- tests, diagn, & treat pats & LEGAL: McGuireWoods LLP
tions & requests, take mes- toshop, AutoCAD, InDesign & burse money + operate elec- brushing. Monitor play & neering or Mechanical Engi- trative systems of media out- by perf hosp rounds & plan seeks Senior Level Associate,
tronic scanners/cash regis- advise employer of daily
sages & transfer calls. Sup-
port the team by scheduling &
Illustrator. Resumes to Job
Loc: Rhodeside & Harwell Inc., ters/or related equipment + To apply, go to activities. Organize/ partici-
neering Technology. Knwl. or
exp. in Solidworks CAD soft-
lets. Will accept eight years of
professional journalism expe-
for disch. Req: MD degree or
equiv. + 36 months ACGME
Government Investigations
and White Collar Crime in
confirming meetings & other 510 King St, Ste 300, Alexan- process credit or debit card pate in games & field trips. ware & Microsoft Office rience in lieu of a bachelor9s accred int med resid. Reqs
appointments, filing, typing, dria VA 22314, Attn: K. Fisher transactions + assist w/main- Assist in prep'g children's Suites of Products. Knwl. or degree. Must be able to speak valid DC med lic & AB cert or
Washington DC. 25% dom and
intrn travel required. Work w/
copying, scanning, creating tenance + cleanliness of seat- meals & refreshments. Do exp. in CNC Programming, Farsi and English fluently. eligib in int med. Reqs 7am Partners & McGuireWoods
reports, & entering informa- Assistant Manager wanted by ing + other areas in restaurant children's housekeeping: G&M CNC codes & GD&T Must be able to work in a to 7pm shifts ev oth week, London Partners to expand
tion into databases and construction contractor co. in + stock supplies. Req: No min laundry, cleaning, changing ASME Y14.5. Knwl. or exp. in 24-hour shift pattern, working w occas wks of night shifts & dvlp the firm9s int9l investi-
spreadsheets. Open mail & Sterling, VA. Bach Deg in Any reqments. Apply: linens. Ensure order in activity Mechanical System Design & days and/or overnights, as from 7pm to 7am. Full-time,
route it to the appropriate C JOBS D JOBS areas. Req: 6 mos exp & ref- needed. May be required 40 hrs per week. Apply online
gations & anti-bribery & anti-
Majors + 6 mos exp in job Manufacturing Processes. Job corruption practices. Reqs JD
team member. Draft, type & offd. Resume to: Capital Con- Customer Representative: Digital Advertisement erences. To apply: Send letter Loc: G & H Metal Works, Inc to travel to hostile environ- at https://www. or LLM or frgn equiv and 3
send out company correspon- struction of America Inc., Commercial Sign Comm. with cust. to provide Specialist (Washington DC) to Ramzi Alami, c/o Yanni, Ste DBA G & H Metal Products, ments/situations. medstarmedicalgroup yrs of exp advising on & resp
dence. Order supplies & main- 43720 Trade Center Pl, Ste Fabricator/Assembler info. & ans. queries. Write Duties incl: Dvlp, coord, & 102, 2141 P St NW, DC 20037 1423 Chestnut Avenue, Hill- May require 0-5% travel. to forgn & US enforcement
tain office equipment. FT. 1-yr 130, Sterling, VA 20166. Fabricate, assemble, install & quotes for auto, home, execute digital adv cam- side, NJ-07205. Attn: Eric To apply, send resume to Hospitalist/Washington_ authorities9 investigations.
exp req. Mail resume to job repair signs using materials renters, condo, boat, motor- paigns using various ad mgmt Eldercare Worker, Live-in or Heide. Washington_D_C_/100/ Must be licensed to practice
location: Hane Restaurant, such as acrylic, wool, ply- cycle ins. Sell personal lines platforms. Accomplish digital Live-out. Assist elderly 327631/ in the US. Apply by sending
CrossCountry Consulting, LLC mrktng & sales objectives by woman in tasks of daily living, F
Inc. dba Mykonos Grill, 121 seeks an Associate Director, wood, foam, polycarbonate, of ins. Telemrktng product & Charles P. Johnson & Asso- JOBS cvr ltr & resume to
Congressional Ln, Rockville, McLean, VA (& various unan- PVC & aluminum. Set up, svcs. to cust. Resolv. billing planning, dvlpng, implement- laundry, cooking, shopping & ciates, Inc. seeks a Water I JOBS cmchugh@mcguirewoods.
MD 20852 operate & maintain CNC, laser qns from cust. Min. Rqmts: ing, & evaluating adv, mer- driving. Req'd: driv. lic.; no Resources Designer to design Finance & Grants Mgr, Wash-
ticipated locations across the ington, DC. Budgeting/Finan- HDR Architecture Inc seeks com & ref req # 2881.
& waterjet machines & use High School/ GED. 24 months chandising, & trade promo- crim. record; min. 1 yr. systems for control and reme-
U.S.) to lead consulting tion progs; Gather data on domestic exp.; references.; cial Modeling. Review expen- an Interior Designer in Arling-
Aetna Resources LLC, a CVS projects for CrossCountry electrical tools such as jig & exp. in the job offered or as diation of water, prepare ton, VA. Requires: Master's
Health company, is hiring for table saws, drills, rivet guns & Customer Service Manager. competitors & analyze their able to work overtime eves. drawings using CAD, Civil 3D ditures charges to sponsored International Attorney (Dis-
clients across a variety of prices, sales, & methods of & weekends. Prevailing wage. awards per sponsors9 regu- in Interior Design or Interior putes and Arbitration) sought
the following role in Chantilly, industries to advise & support sanding tools to make signs. Exp. or knwl in resolving cust. and ArcGIS, perform stream Architecture + 6m exp in inte-
VA: Sr. Manager, Application Use welding equipment to complaints. Exp. or knwl. with mrktng & distrib; Dvlp & Apply: (301) 681-9700; lations & Uniform Guidance by White & Case LLP in Wash-
their Finance & Accounting design, SWM design, hydro- rior design or a Bachelor's ington, D.C. to utilize knowl-
Development (2488505BR) to assemble channel letters. Set processing forms & applica- implement procedures for logic and hydraulic modeling (2 CFR 200). Forecasting/Pro-
functions. Job req9s Bach9s identifying adv needs; dvlp jections. Review & approve Degree + 3 yrs exp. Required edge of foreign legal systems
design and develop enter- deg in Accounting, Fin, Biz, up LED lighting. Travel to job tions. Verif. references. Able including TR-20, TR-55, HEC- exp may be professional or
sites in Wash DC metro area to work OT, incl. weekends adv brochures & commer- Housekeeper Financial Reports. Serve as to support teams in success-
prise software applications Commerce, or rltd & 5 yrs of Manage, maintain and clean RAS, GIS modeling tasks and internship exp and must
and platforms; telecommut- about once/week. FT. 6 mo & holidays. Non-smoker on cials, sales plans, & product admin contact/liaison w/Fed., fully representing Firm's
exp in any occup. providing private home and render per- collaborate with specialists to include: Revit; AutoCAD; clients before international
ing available. Multiple open- exp req. Mail resume to job worksite. Resumes to job loc: promotions; Assist w/overall address environmental prob- State & private sponsors. Mail
client srvcs in the areas of online adv initiatives, incl sonal services to family mem- resume to S. Galib, Office of Adobe Creative Suite; tribunals. Must be admitted
ings. Related degree &/or financial reporting, opera- loc: Catchysigns LLC, 3656 KAP Insurance, LLC, 14100 lems. Master of Sci. or Profes- SketchUp or Rhino; Blue-
Centerview Dr, Ste 11, Chan- Darnestown Road, STE. D, search engine mrktng, social bers. 40hr/wk. Prevailing Global Services, Georgetown to practice law in a U.S. juris-
experience &/or skills tional accounting &/or finan- Wage. Resume to Tahmina sional Sci. Master Degree or beam; Enscape; V-ray. Back-
required for all positions. tilly, VA 20151 Darnestown, MD-20874. media adv, banner adv, & University, Box 571013, Wash- diction. Telecommuting may
cial auditing. Emplyr will Rahman 1375 Blairstone Dr. equivalent in Water Resource ground chk. May be subject to be permitted up to 2-3 days
Apply online at: ATTN: Derek Kaplan. branded content creation; Management required. Job ington, DC 20057.
accept 3 or 4 yr Bach9s deg. Assess performance metrics Vienna, VA 22182 pre-empl. drug testing. Apply per week. When not telecom- . Email cvr ltr & resume to HR@ CONSTRUCTION LABORERS: Location: Greenbelt, MD. Mail at
Or mail resume to Attn: P. D JOBS incl campaign analytics, effi- Front Desk Reception 3 muting, must report to White
crosscountry- Construct, erect, install and Personal Care Attendant 3 resume to Charles Johnson, II Emp. Pd. Ad. EOE. & Case LLP, 701 Thirteenth
Messenger, 1 CVS Drive, Mail repair structures. Must have ciency metrics, brand met- at 1751 Elton Rd., Suite #300, Brown Insurance Group, Inc. 3
Data Scientist: develop, rics, customer metrics, & Private Home 3 Reston, VA; Silver Spring, MD; Intake new Street NW, Washington D.C.,
Code HR695, Woonsocket, RI 24 months experience in con- Older couple with vision and Silver Spring, MD 20903 Invexer Technology, Inc. seeks
02895. Must reference job Associate Fellow, Southeast imple data analytics for web overall return on investment customers, scheduling, cus- 20005. Send resume to:
struction labor. M-F, 40 p/wK, mobility issues need assis- a F/T Technical Recruiter to lateralrecruiting@whitecase.
title, location and Req ID. Asia Program (Washington, Mail application with this ad platform. Apply data mining, for digital adv campaigns, & tomer svc, file maintenance.
modeling; visualize, interpret, tance with personal care and ENGINEER identify, screen, recruit IT tal- com. Must specify Ad Code
DC) Research society & to: J&C Framing, 9600 Croom make recommendations Quality Control Civil No exp. req9d $27,581/yr.
social behavior for SE Asia report dynamic/no dynamic based on findings; Coord w/ daily activities such as feed- Resume to: winston@ ents & run the company9s MLEK.
Aid, Infirmary 3 Wash., DC - Road, Upper Marlboro, MD ing, dressing, grooming, Engineer; Michael Nash Cus- HR. Master &12 mos. Exp.
F/T, No exp req9d. Call Ms. Program incl. political, eco- 20227. Job Loc. Upper Marl- data for busi. decisions. FT. the sales dept, clients, & inter- or
Req: MS/eqv in Computation- shopping. Farsi speaking. 2 tom Kitchens, Inc.; Fairfax, Resume to 21351 Gentry
Siegel @ Sisters of the Visita- nomic, business, diplomatic boro, MD nal technical dept to fulfill ad VA: Prioritizing, scheduling mail: Winston Brown 12118 LEGAL-Fincantieri Marine
institutions & security-relat- al finance w/ 2y exp. Job in campaign goals; & Brief the yrs exp. req9d $33,051/yr. Heritage Park Cir. 3 Silver Drive Ste.150, Sterling, VA
tion of Georgetown: 202-337- Resume to completing punch list tasks, 20166 Group (FMG) is seeking an
3350 Ext. 2313 ed issues. Write research Rockville MD. Resume to mgmt w/ info & proposals Spring, MD 20906 Assistant Counsel at its
CONSTRUCTION Peblla HR, 11820 Parklawn Dr. or mail: Hamed Aziz-Sultan Initiate a process to doc, com-
reports & grant proposals. concerning the promotion, Washington DC location.
Antique Car Restoration Develop research agenda. DPR in Wash. DC seeks Pre-
construction Mgr. for lg. scale
Ste 330, Rockville MD 20852. distrib, dsgn, & pricing of co. 1180 Freedom Dr 3 Reston, mun action plans, consult
customers Requests, Assur-
General Jobs IT Professionals: Ent. Lvl to
Sen. Lvl Sftwr Dvlprs are Duties: Provide legal guid-
Represent org. to media out- products & srvcs. Bach's degr VA 20190
Specialist commercial projects, first ing , improving customer sat- General Manager: Min Reqs: needed for our Vienna, VA ance on general legal
(Loc: Hyattsville, MD). Analyze lets & conferences. Master9s Dental Lab Manager (German- in Biz Admin, Mrktng or rltd + isfaction, Optimizing order- projects; serve as point of
estimate through subcon- town, MD) Direct & coord Teen Caretaker. Work w/ 2 2 yrs exp. biz dev.; exp. in Ofc. Must be willing to travel
necessary repairs needed to Asian Studies or related & 1 yr exp in any mrktng-reltd ing, returning or exchanging contact (i) regarding interac-
2 yrs exp as a researcher tracts formalized. MS Constr. activities of dental lab busi- teens w/ chronic autoim- short-term rental industry. All to set up systems to various
vehicles & make recommend. position is req'd. Must have 1 mune illnesses. Provide basic orders process timely & on clients at unanticipated locs tion with FMG9s Italian par-
conducting research & policy Mgmt., Constr. Eng., Civ. Eng. ness operations incl produc- yr exp analyzing biz dvlpmnt properties in DC Metro Area,
to customers. Req.: 6 mon. or rltd., + 3 yrs. exp., or BS CM, caretaking: ensure that each budget, Controlling ,manag- may have to visit sites. CL/R: across the U.S. Pls send ent company and Italian reg-
of exp. repairing & restoring analysis on foreign policy, tion, pricing, sales & distrib- & monitoring mrktng trends. ing warehouse materials , re- ulators and lead on projects
politics, economics & secu- Civ. Eng., Const. Eng. or rltd., ution of products. Supv tech- child takes his meds, take Home Sweet City, 1826 18th resume, Cvr Ltr., & Sal. Req.
antique motor vehicles. Apply Salary $49,899. Email resume them to dr appts, prepare organizing to make more to SLS Solutions, Inc., 8230 involving drafting and inter-
rity issues of SE Asia. Please + 5 yrs. exp. req'd. Resumes nicians for dsgng & repair- to The Christian Post at St., NW, Washington, DC
to T. Kifleyesus, Cross Road to or online food, wash laundry, supervise items visible avail, Investigat- Old Courthouse Rd, Ste 200, pretation of agreements FMG
apply at Center for Strategic ing dental devices & products. 20009 enters into governed by EU-
Auto Body, tirfekifleyesus@ at hygiene, drive to other com- ing open complaints & fol- Vienna, VA 22182. and International Studies Reqd BA in Dental Technology. H country laws as well as U.S.
Must reference Job Number Mon-Fri. 40hrs/wk. Please mitments. Take to/pick up low up issues to get them JOBS resolved-Reqs BS in Civil K law and (ii) within the U.S.
opportunities DC21175 send a diploma, transcript & from school when they JOBS
Applications Analyst: Dsgn & can attend; supervise school/ Engng, or Project Mngmnt -24 Hardware Design Engineer for organization on joint projects
implmnt apps & features. resume to Infinia Dental, Inc., Director, Material Steward- IonQ Quantum, Inc. DBA IonQ Kitchen Assistant 3 Pakistani with Company's Italian col-
Content Specialist 3 iTalk 20410 Century Blvd., # 240, tutoring when they can9t. Pro- mos exp as Civil Eng, Project
Perf. app updates & dvlpmt. Senior Associates (Rockville, ship (Global). International Eng or equivt. Understanding in College Park, MD. Dsgn., food restaurant need a leagues. Requirements: J.D.
Global Communications, Inc. Germantown, MD 20874. vide physical rehab incl kitchen assistant, will not
Conduct softw update testing MD) Develop artificial intelli- Copper Association, Ltd. Levine Protocol & general of correlation of architectural, simulate, integrate, & test the from a U.S. law school; license
& maint. Must have demon- gence & automated techni- McLean, VA. Perf9m duties RE Bethesda, MD. FT. Recom- circt. brds. & cntrl. elctrncs. prepare food, no exp. reqd. to practice law in DC or USA.
content acquisition+produc- conditioning. Some night & structural, mechanical & elec-
strated exp. w/: project man- cal processes. Develop writ- mend, develop, implement, + trical. Knowl of AutoCAD Soft- that underpin quantum cmpt- 40hr/wk. Mail resume to Must have knowledge of Ital-
tion+promotion; mkt analysis. wkd coverage req9d when par- Shalimar Charcoal Kabob at
agement, EMR components, ten documentation to sup- conduct well-rounded + ent is traveling. Job in ware, QuickBooks & MS ng. assemblies. Create ian and EU legal systems as
clinical CMS workflows, port findings & recommen- Req9d: Bachlr9s in Journal- responsive Health Environ. schematics, facilitate device 46000 Old Ox Road # 108 shown by completion of a law
ism/Commun/rltd field/for- Potomac, MD. Req9d: HS diplo- Office. Send res to
TIBCO iProcess & Rules dations. Bachelor9s degree in Sustainable Dev. (HESD) fbrctn., & dvlp. test prcrdrs. to Sterling, VA 20166 degree (Giurisprudenza) from
eign equiv9t + 1y exp w/TV ma + 2 yrs exp working w/
Engine, HL7, HIPAA, SOAP, Accounting, Finance or equiv- Prgrm. w/appx. $5M budget. kids w/ special needs. Send lvrge. the quantum behavior an Italian law school or certi-
Linux, SQL, CCL, Soarian Clin- alent. May also require travel ad, video production&edit + Lead Material Stewardship Equipment Operator: Chantil- of trapped-ion systems for Kitchen Helper. avail. to work fication/authority to practice
Any exp w/content strategy, resume & 2 ref to H. Harris at var. shifts/wknds/holidays.
icals Application, JSP, & to various unanticipated Team in dev. of HESD port- ly, VA; to apply email resume cmptr. oprtns. Dsgn. field- law in Italy; travel to Europe to
Servlets. Job in Silver Spring, client sites nationally. Mail Adobe Creative Suite, Python, folio. Approx. 25% travel inc. to Atlantic Contracting & prgmable. gate arrays to Chez Francois of Great Falls, meet with parent and affiliate
MD, allows full remote work Resume to TFC Consulting, HTML, JavaScript, CRM, global. Req: Ph.D. or Master9s E JOBS Material Co., Inc. c/o Angela enable quantum systems to LLC, Great Falls, VA. Reply to Company 2-3x/year. Email
fr anywhere w/in Silver Spring Inc. Attn: HRGC 9200 Corpo- media process, RFP, build deg. in Human Health, Envi- Allen to aallen@ run algrthms. based on the resumes to:
metro area. Apply to MedStar original content, distribute on ron. Science, Environ. Toxicol- Engineering: AES Clean Ener- fully prgmable. mnpltn. of FMGTalentAcquisition@
Health, Inc. careers web. at
rate Blvd STE 260, Rockville,
MD 20850. social pltfm, analyze KPI data, Post your ogy, or Environ. Engineering. gy Services, LLC seeks Senior
Development Engineer in
individual qubits. Provide tch- L JOBS
Excel, and PowerPoint. Send
https://careers. CRA International, Inc. has an
resumes to résumé and If Ph.D. need 2 yrs exp in
environ. health or sustainabil- Arlington, VA (100% of tele-
ncl. gdnce. during the design-
to-device trnstn. Req. are
Laborer(9 opening) 3 Loudoun
Co. VA Area - F/T, No exp
work permitted from any-
Applications-Analyst ,
opening for Senior Associate Corcentric, LLC seeks FT get found ity programs. If Master9s deg.
need 5 yrs exp in environ. where in the US) to create Search 20,000 Bach. Deg. in Elctrcl. Eng.,
Cmptr. Eng., or a rltd. fld. +
req9d. Call Ricky @ American
Lawn Brothers 703-327-0583
LEGAL-Stinson LLP has F/T
Associate Attorney position
- Competition in Washington,
or email application to
DC. Contribute to the design
BizTalk Developer in McLean,
VA. Work with the integration
by employers. health or sustainability pro-
grams. Req. 1 yr exp with:
preliminary plant designs, site
layouts, single lines, and rec- job listings 2 yrs. exp. prfrmng 1) low-
noise/high-speed anlg. & dgtl.
in Washington, D.C. Lgl rsrch,
lgl & logcl analy of lgl theories,
& conduct of project work, team to create mappings tech. exp. in chemicals mgmt. ommend primary project circt. brd. dsgn., fbrctn. & LANDSCAPE WORKERS: (2 gthr, orgnz, use fcts & mtrls,
including coordinating with
clients to procure data &
based on given requirements regs. in multiple geographic equipment (turbines, invert-
ers , PV modules, batteries,
by industry. assembly & 2) dgtl. systems Positions): Landscape or
maintain ground of properties
attn 2 dtl, draft docs & prob
slvng; hndlng hrngs on lrg
indicating req. # 13912. and with the Biztalk Admin on regions of world; 1 yr exp tstng. & analysis + wrkng.
define analysis scope. Please deployments and debugging w/project budget mgmt + 1 yr etc.) for utility-scale solar PV knwldg. of Altium schmtic. using hand or power tools corp inslvncy mtrs & cnsumr
mail resumes to Michele D. issues. Req. Bach. deg. or exp w/teams of people from and Battery Energy Storage capture & layout tools (e.g., or equipment. It will include mtrs by cstmrs of lrg insttnl
Frangella at 200 Clarendon equiv. in Comp. Science, diverse cultural backgrounds. projects primarily, wind devel- OrCAD & Allegro PCB) & operating skid steers, operat- clnts; Rprsnt clnt at admnstrtv
Street, Boston, MA 02116. Comp. Engineering, or rel. Apply to ICA c/o MCI USA, opment engineering in the pSPICE circt. smltn. & mdling. ing mini excavators, installing hrgs; Prep prfs of claim, drft
Must reference job field & 3 yrs rel. exp. Apply attention E. Zen, 1660 Inter- future. Job requires bache- The local expert on local jobs soils and planting materials, dmnd ltrs, cmplnts & ansrs,
21761.114.3. tools. Email resume to Peter
at national Drive, Suite 600, lor9s degree in Mechanical Britt at installing pavers and general dscvry rqsts, dpstns, knwldg
Find an B JOBS McLean, VA 22102. Engineering, Solar Engineer-
ing, or related field and 5
construction labor. Use of
shovels, rakes, hammers, cut
of Bnkrptcy Cd & fdrl/lcl rules;
dsput res; Dvlp undrstndng
entry-level years of experience in any
job title involving Mechani-
off saws, wheelbarrows and
assorted other hand tools.
clnt bus & bnkrptcy

Business Manager 3 Capital
One Services, LLC in Northern Find The local expert on local jobs cal/Solar engineering experi- Find Find 40hrs.p/wk. 3 Months Exp.
affect/impct; clnt updts.
Requires: ABA JD, Bar lcns in
VA; Mult pos avail: Manage
econ rsrch & planning to dvlp
the right job ence involving solar project
design. 15% of travel
the right job the right job Rqrd. Must be able to lift
50lbs and have a means of
DC. Tlcm prmtd 3x/wk. Res
w/i nrml commt dstc to DC
bus strat. To apply, visit
for you. Post your résumé. required. Email resume to
Micah Simpson, Senior Ana-
for you. for you. reliable transportation
to/from work. Job located
offfice. Bkgrd chk rq'd. Apply
at Find a job. lyst, Global Mobility at
in Prince William Co. Mail
resume to Ruppert Landscap-
Capital_One and search and include resume, law
The local expert on local jobs "Business Manager" or The local expert on local jobs The local expert on local jobs Please reference Job Code The local expert on local jobs The local expert on local jobs ing, Inc, 5451 Wellington school transcript, & job code
"R168931". SDE2023. Road, Gainesville, VA 20155. STIN-NP for consideration.
M JOBS P JOBS S JOBS Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs
Machine Learning Engineer Project Engineer Supply Chain: BGS LLC. seeks Business Analyst (CURAM) Computer/IT: Sr. Platform DevSecOps Engineer at Viv- IT IT Professionals: SMTS-Software Sr. Software Developer I;
sought by AstraZeneca Phar- (Washington, DC): Collect a Supply Chain Lead in Arling- Degree in computer related. Engineer 3 Bloomberg Indus- Soft in Herndon, VA. Req. Ent. Lvl to Sen. Lvl (multiple Hughes Network Systems LLC iZeal, Inc. - Jobs loc in Ster-
maceuticals LP / Gaithers- mixture, material & field per- ton, VA to mng new proj acti- MS (2 YRS) OR BS (5 yrs) try Group, Inc. 3 Arlington, Master9s in elect. Engr., CS, Microsoft Corporation cur- positions) Sftwr Dvlprs, are in Germantown, MD. Lead the ling, VA & var unanticpt locs
burg, MD. Investigate innov- formance data from various vations by performing End-to- experience. Expertise in IBM VA 3 Utilize configuration-as- CE, sys engr., or related; & 3 rently has the following open- needed for our Germantown, design of app solutions for t/o U.S. Dsgn, devel, impl,
ative machine learning, arti- DoT's & help state agencies End process def, Export op, Curam Business Analysis & code & infrastructure-as- yrs exp. in job offered or as a ings in Reston, VA (opportu- MD office. Must be willing to network mangt/monitoring & test, & dploy s/ware apps.
ficial intelligence, & statistic to analyze the data using Inter-Market Supply, Logistics Design, Business Infrastruc- code approaches to develop SWE Dev9per, Cloud Engineer, nities available at all levels, travel to set up systems to automation for satellite Res, anlyz, & determ info
techniques for health data advanced statistical tools & & Master Data activities. Req: ture, IBM Curam Social Pro- tools & processes to enable or related field. Prior exp. e.g., Principal, Senior and various clients at unanticipat- broadband op9s. Java, needs & dtaflow reqs. Gath
challenges. Must possess BA techniques. Prep work plans Bach deg or frgn equivt in gram Mgmt, Scrum, HP ALM automatd deploymnt & moni- must include knowledge and Lead levels). To access job ed locs. across the nation. JavaScript, HTML, Angular, & eval user reqs & prcedres.
deg, or for equiv, in Biomed- & progress reports related to Supply Chain Mgmt, Int9l Quality Center, SharePoint, torng of public & private cloud skills in Cloud tools, DevOps, posting, visit website address Send resume, Cvr Ltr., & Sal. Grails, Ansible, Shell Scripting, Trav/relo to var unanticipt
ical Science, Bioinformatics, field testing activities on road Trade, Logistics or Industrial Agile methodologies. Trav- infrastrctre & applications. version control tools. Resume listed. Req. to Innovative Soft Ser- Jenkins. Req9s: Masters in locs t/o U.S. for l/t & s/t
or a rel +3 yrs of exp in the construction. Manage day to Eng9g + 5yrs of exp in the el/Reloc/Partial Remote. Send Must have Bach degree or to HR, VivSoft, 13221 Wood- vices Inc at 6465 Reflections Comp Sci, Comp Eng or S/W assigns at client sites. Reqs
job off'd or rel. Must possess day operations of a Mobile job offered or in supply chain Resumes to: Confiminds LLC, frgn equiv in Comptr Sci or land Park Rd, Ste 130, Hern- Customer Success Account Dr., Ste 130, Dublin, OH Eng field & 3 yrs exp or Bach9s Master9s or frgn equivt in
3 yrs of exp w/: Analyzing Asphalt Laboratory & work proj mgmt at int9l scale. In 13800 Coppermine Road, Info Tech. plus 4 yrs exp. in don, VA 20171 Manager: Leverage reports, 43017. & 5 yrs exp. To view & apply Comp Sci, Engng (any), or rel.
deep Neural Network models; w/state agency personnel & lieu of a bach deg, er will Suite 118 Herndon, VA 20171 informatn tech occ. Send CV dashboards, tabular models visit Offrd sal $134,000 P/Y. Mail
Using DL frameworks & contractors w/onsite filed accept 8yrs of exp in the job to: resumes@ Eng 3, ML Rsrch Scientist & analytical insights to drive res w/ cvr letter to iZeal, Inc.,
machine learning models. ER testing, asphalt plant opera- offered or in supply chain proj Business Analyst, Gather & ref: biz success. Telecommuting Principal Solutions Architect; enter job # R0003882 in the 46090 Lake Center Plaza,
Comcast Cable Comm, LLC, Reston, VA: Develop technol-
will accept MA deg +1 yr of tion & safety. Provide tech mgmt at int'l scale. Exp must and analyze data and busi- SPEAS-01 Washington, DC. Conduct permitted > or = to 50%, but Search Field & follow Suite 100, Sterling, VA 20165;
exp. Any combo of education, guidance & support to state incl: 5yrs of exp in Proj Mgmt ness requirements to facil- <100%/wk. ogy-forward, cutting edge instructions. Job 22IZI05; EOE
rsrch on & apply ML tech- software solutions to address
exp or training is acceptable. agencies & industry partners incl collaborating w/internal & itate various scrum cere- Computer/IT: CGI Technolo- niques to speech processing;
AstraZeneca reqs all US by offering virtual training external teams & performing monies for multiple business gies & Solutions Inc. seeks Customer_Success_Acct_ the backend and the down-
Reqs: Master9s in CS, any Eng, stream systems including Ellucian Company L.P. has a
employees to be fully vacci- sessions on benefits of the risk mgmt; 5yrs of exp owning systems and processes. May Software Developer in Fair- or rel & 1 yr post-bach exp (or, Mgr TECHNOLOGY
nated for COVID-19 but will adoption of advanced & Master Data set-up in SAP & need to work in other loca- fax, VA (& various unanticipat- website and mobile app goals Manager 3 Software Engi- Visa Technology and Opera-
Bach in CS, any Eng, or rel & 3 as well as create and manage neering opening in Reston,
consider requests for reason- emerging technologies for analyzing end-to-end process tions as required. Master9s in ed locations throughout US) yrs post-bach exp) automate Multiple positions available. tions LLC, a Visa Inc. com-
able accommodations as sustainable pavement con- outcome due to Master Data Commerce, Bus. Admin., Eng. to research, design, develop, Some positions req travel APIs that work across VA (Remote /telecommuting pany, currently has openings
data pipeline; & wrk w/ Agile devices, and multiple external position). Duties include own-
req'd by applicable law. struction. Work w/various issues. 3yrs of exp leading Mgmt., Comp Sci./App., or &/or modify enterprise-wide dev & QA test. Must have and/or permit telecommut- for: Sr. Cybersecurity Engi-
Apply: http://www. subject matter experts & help export activations, handling related. Mail resume to HR- systs &/or apps s/w. Job req ing. For details (if applicable), partners; leverage experience ing all aspects of the team9s neer (Multiple Openings)
wrkg knowlg of Python & ML to support communication software development deliv- different Dept of Transp export procedures incl inter- Sapphire Software Solutions, Bach deg or equiv in Comp training & techniques, which including job descriptions & (REF60583O) in Ashburn, VA.
Enter "R-168005" as the (DOT's) research efforts in the modal transportation, cus- Inc., 20130 Lakeview Center Sci, Engg, IT or a rel field & min reqs, salary range & ben- between servers, applica- ery and take a data-driven Job duties include: Provide
can be gained thru edu, rsrch, tions and databases; among approach to manage sched-
"Keyword," & click "Search implementation of Balanced toms clearance, tariff codes, Plaza, Suite 400, Ashburn, VA 6 yrs in any job title inv IT exp, or any suitable combo. efits info, and how to apply, analytical application devel-
Roles." No calls. EOE. Mix Design (BMD) by analyz- doc & incoterms. 2yrs of exp 20147 exp working with Informatica access job posting using web- other duties. Min. BS +10 ule, resources, and quality. opment. Create, review, and
Apply to: jacquelin_Branks@ years of experience. Travel Collaborate across the Stu-
ing the asphalt mixture test analyzing, interpreting & PowerCenter. Must be willing Ref Job ID# site address listed. EOE. implement application, sys-
results & relating them to dvlp9g recommendations Business Intelligence Devel- to relocate to various unan- up to 20%. Full-time position dent and other solution tems, and data designs. Work
Managers w/ Alvarez & oper: Design OBIEE & solu- 0736 remote/can be performed domains. Set team9s software
their field performance data. from disparate data sources ticipated work locations IT: Next Gen Software Solu- closely with data scientists
Marsal Tax in Washington, DC. tions. Using Oracle BI, RPD, throughout US. All offers of from any location in the U.S. engineering and operation
Manage tax prvision prep for Trvl req'd w/in & out of state. for cost savings proj; 2yrs of tions LLC; mult openings; and data engineers to build,
Reqs a Mstr's deg in Civil exp w/ coordination of quali- Amazon RDS, JIRA, Conflu- emp are contingent upon the ENGINEERING/IT Send resume to D. Taube, Sr. capabilities. Develop realistic design, engineer, and develop
quartrly & anual rprting for ence, & More. Req. BS degree Vice President w/ Folio Finan- Ashburn, VA. Manager, Global Assign- development goals and
Engrg. Mail resume to HR; Soil ty, regulatory & tech matters; successful comp of a back- Software Engineer: Dsgn, analytical software and ser-
both SEC regstrnts & private in Electronics Engineering + 5 ground check, which may incl cial, Inc. in McLean, Virginia. ments, VW/Electrify America, schedules based on scope,
entities. Rqmts: Masters deg and Land Use Technology, Inc. 2yrs of exp working w/ supply Res, Create & document vices that deliver security
1818 New York Ave., NE , Ste. chain processes incl cus- years9 work experience. Job drug screen depending on Production engineering role 2200 Woodland Pointe Ave., resources, and dependencies functionality and improve
or foreign equiv in Accting location: Arlington, Va. responsible for partnering detail dsgn specs & unit test Herndon, VA 20171. Ref. from other cross-functional
231, Washington, DC 20002. tomer service, transports, work assignment. cases to ens that all bus & security Efficiency and capa-
or Taxation & min 1 yr of Resume: Synectics for Man- Email resume to recruiting@ with various stakeholders on PSA-VA. No phone calls teams. Ensure product is
accting exp. Exp must inclu: purchasing & related drivers functl reqs are met. bilities through automation.
Q JOBS incl lead times & key supply agement Decisions. Fax: 703 & ref job code developing, enhancing, and please. delivered on defined scope, The estimated salary range
condct9g fincl stmt anlysis; 649 6263 maintaining the applications, Sr. Software Engineer: schedule by collaborating
constraints; 1yr of End-to-End 1015. Devel, gath, dsgn, impl, auto- for a new hire into this posi-
verfy9g accuracy & cnsistncy Quantitative Analysis systems and workflows that with cross-functional teams.
of fincl info; prepr9g reprts by Process Definition of Opti- mate, devel, testing, ID, SALESFORCE DEVELOPER II tion is $157,061.00 USD
Market Risk Associate mization for Direct-to-Con- Business Intelligence Analyst Computer/IT: CGI Technolo- support the Firm9s global mar- Will supervise/manage up to to $221,500.00 USD.; Staff
collct9g, anlyz9g, & summrz9g Capital One Services, LLC in (Data Projects) (Multi Open- kets business and clients. define, automate web ser- Skience LLC (Herndon, VA) 15 engineers/analysts.
sumer model; 1yr of exp gies & Solutions Inc. seeks vices using rest assure. seeks Salesforce Developer II. Network Engineer (multiple
operat9g info & trnds; wrk9g Northern VA; Mult pos avail: ings w/ Nat9l Placement out Software Developer in Fair- Responsible for delivering dig- Requires a Bachelor9s or its
w/ FASB regltions & GAAP; w/demand & supply planning Sr. Software Developer: Req. Masters in comp. sci. or openings) (REF59838L) in
Assist w/application of math processes & sys incl SAP APO of Loudoun County, VA). Mas- fax, VA to research, design, ital services to our Registered foreign equivalent in Comput-
prepr9g fincl stmt disclosures ter9s Deg in either, Comp, Possess, perf, lifecycle, resp, rel.+ 3 yr exp. in rel. occ. (alt. Ashburn, VA. Job duties
& stat methods to collect, & SNP. 5% dom travel for devel, &/or modify enterprise- Investment Advisor clients. er Science, Comp. Informa- include: Responsible for per-
under U.S. GAAP; idntfy9g & organize, interpret, & sum Eng9g, Info Sys, IT, Mgmt, Bus Requires: Master9s degree assists, dsgn, rev, rule, Par- Bach. in Comp.Sci. + 5 yrs tion Systems, Electronic/Elec-
bus meetings. Up to 1 day of wide systs &/or apps s/w. Job ticipate & ens that the reqs exp.) Req. 3 yr exp w/ APEX, forming network lab testing
anlyz9g root causes of acct9g data in the course of imple- or rel9d field. Frgn edu equiv req Bach deg in Comp Sci, (U.S. or foreign equivalent) in trical Engg or related IT field.
discrpncies; & recncil9g var- telework per week permitted. are achievable w/ less cus- Lightning, Visual Force, SOSL, and certification both in a
mentation or validation of Resume to: nestlejobsgm@ is acceptable. Any suitable Engg, Info Systems, IT or a rel Computer Science, Computer Plus 2 years experience in
ious accts & corect9g vari- combo of edu, training or exp tomization. All Positions req SOQL, Work Flows, Process physical and virtual lab envi-
quant models to value & mea- Job Code field & 5 yrs in any job title inv Engineering, Electrical or job or related experience in ronment and for validation of
ances. Must have CPA des- sure risk on a wide arrange of is acceptable. Candidate will Electronic Engineering, or a trav/relo to var unanticpt Builder; Java Script, Lightning leading engineering teams
0029. No calls. exp in Hadoop, HDFS, Hive, client locs t/o the U.S w/ Aura & Web Components; network changes prior to
ignation. Apply online bus data (e.g. loans, deposits, produce fin9l & market intel- Pig, HBase, & Map-Reduce. related field and three (3) including mentoring IT engi- ligence by querying data expenses paid by the employ- REST API, JQuery; Eclipse, implementation into Visa9s
investments, fixed income T JOBS 100% telework permitted. All years of experience in the job neering team, in working on Global Network Infrastruc-
Job ID 202301783. securities, mortgages, deriv- repositories & generating offered or in a related role er. Mail res & position to, Job ANT, Workbench, BitBucket; large-scale problems, with
offers of emp are contingent ID to Attn: CEO, 45150 Russell providing Tech Supp; & create tures. Work with the following
An EOE/AAE employer. atives, etc.), & calc regulatory Tile Installer: Measure and periodic reports & will devise upon successful comp of a OR Bachelor9s degree (U.S. or on-time delivery for cross-
methods for identifying data Branch Parkway, Suite 203B, tech docs. If hold Bach deg, teams: Visa9s Global Network
& econ capital. To apply, visit install tiles and review blue- background check, which foreign equivalent) in Com- functional project and with Engineering, Global Network
Marketing Assistant, Imple- https://capitalone.wd1. patterns & trends in avail info puter Science, Computer Ashburn, VA, 20147. req. 5 yrs exp in above. Tele- focus on operational excel-
prints. REQ: Daily Travel may incl drug screen depend- work avail. Approx. 25% dom. Architecture, Global Network
ment and coordinate market- throughout DMV (DC-MD-VA). sources. Although no exp ing on work assignment. Engineering, Electrical or lence and execution. Send
is req9d candidate must have IT Positions; ABD Solutions, trvl req. To apply, Send Operations to test and certify
ing and social media strate- Capital_One and search LOC: Sterling, VA. Mail Email resume to recruiting@ Electronic Engineering, or a resume to: network changes and new
gies. Req: Bachelor's Degree "Quantitative Analysis Market coursework or internship in related field and five (5) years Inc: Sr. QA Analyst I: Jobs resume to michele.sipes@
resume to: VA Tile, LLC, 710 & ref job code & ref job code: designs using network model-
in marketing, 24mos experi- Risk Associate" or "R169178". W Jasper Ct, Sterling, VA Proj Mgmt; & either Data Min- 1189. of experience in the job loc in Chantilly, VA & var unan-
ing or Data Processing; as ticipt locs t/o the U.S. Rev, SDII05.2023. ing tools. The estimated
ence in marketing, Bilingual 20164, ATT Rutilio Ayala, or offered or in a related role. Sr. S/W Engineer (Reston, VA salary range for a new hire
in Spanish, Loc: Rockville MD. R JOBS via email well either Sys Analysis & Computer/IT: CGI Technolo- Job Code: 7022082 QUALIFIED eval, & test client/server &
or remote from home in the into this position is
Mail/email resume to Yacub Dsgn or Info Sys. Able to gies & Solutions Inc. seeks APPLICANTS: Apply at web apps. Gath & eval user
Regional Vice President (Mas- reqs & procedures. Automate Senior Consultant (Master9s U.S.) Design, architect, dvlp, $165,859.00 USD to
Law Offices LLC, 77 S. Wash- ter9s w/ 3 yrs exp or Bach V JOBS trvl/relo to unanticipated Software Developer in Fair- and click on "Careers." NO w/ 3 yrs exp or Bach w/ 5 implement, integrate, test, $188,300.00 USD. Positions
ington st, ste 309, Rockville, client sites as needed. 9-5, fax, VA to research, design, PHONE CALLS PLEASE. ©The test cases & test plans for
w/ 5 ys exp; Majors: Business functl & regression testing of yrs exp; Majors: MIS or equiv) deploy & support enterprise report to the Employer9s Ash-
MD 20850 or: Admin or equiv) - Washington, VIDEO EDITING MANAGER 40hrs/wk. $122,554/yr. Ref# devel, &/or modify enterprise- Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.,
BIDP-0922 & send resume to apps. Devel & direct s/ware - Washington, DC. Job entails level Appian based BPM apps. burn, VA office and may allow DC. Job entails working w/ Reach Media (Washington wide systs &/or apps s/w. Job 2023. All rights reserved. working w/ & reqs exp incl: Analyze data migrations from
D.C.) Will provide quality, fast IQLogg, Inc. 44121 Harry Byrd syst testing & validation prc- for partial telecommuting.
& reqs exp incl: Working w/ req Bach deg or equiv in Goldman Sachs is an equal Jira, Confluence, MS Project, legacy apps to newly dvlped Salaries may vary depending
state & local govt. clients in turnaround editing of daily Hwy, Ste 245, Ashburn, VA Comp Sci, Comp Engg, Engg, employment/affirmative dures, prgrmmng & docu-
Visio, Tableau, GitHub, Rally, apps. Master9s in CS, Com- on job-related factors which
output, PKG9s, OOV9s and 20147 or resumes@iqlogg. IT, or a rel field & 6 yrs in action employer mentation. Trav/relo to var
Office Clerk: Alexandria, VA; transforming IT systems using unanticpt locs t/o the U.S. for SharePoint, SQL, Salesforce, puter Apps or related field may include knowledge,
Salesforce & related tools & SOT9s; oversee all technical com. IQLogg, Inc. is an EOE any job title inv exp designing, Female/Minority/Disability/
to apply email resume to NT M/F/V/D. l/t & s/t assigns at client sites. & VMWare; SDLC, agile/scrum of Eng. w/3 yrs of exp or skills, experience, and loca-
technologies in functional operational aspects of AVID coding, & debugging complex Veteran/Sexual Orientation/ methods, & defining reqs; cre- Bachelor9s or equiv w/5 yrs
Auto Body Inc. c/o Zohrab systems 3 reporting technical Req Master9s or frgn equivt in tion. In addition, these posi-
areas incl 311 systems, prog logic for existing or new Gender Identity. ating roadmap for multiple of progressive exp. Skills in tions may be eligible for an
Tikoyan to issues; and testing software COMMUNICATIONS: Universi- apps. Full-time telework per- Comp Sci, Engng (any), or rel.
inspections, code enforce- ty of Maryland, College Park Job 22ABD02 product mgmt application Appian version 7.x or higher; annual bonus and equity. Visa
ment, grants mgmt, & envi- and problem solving. Must mitted. All offers of emp are ENGINEERING releases; analyzing bugs as an Java, J2EE, Ajax, Javascript, JS,
have a Bachelor degree, or seeks Communications Coor- Sr. Software Development has a comprehensive bene-
Order Clerk (Springfield, VA) ronmental health programs; contingent upon successful College Board seeks Sr Soft- SME; cross-functional coordi- XML, XSLT, HTML, CSS, SOAP, fits package for which these
F/T - Under close supvn of equivalent, in Broadcast Tele- dinator in College Park, MD. comp of a background check, ware Engineer to build, test, Engineer in Test. Jobs loc in
working w/ offshore & Participating in the dev of Chantilly, VA & var unanticipt nation across business units; REST, Weblogic, JBOSS, SQL. positions are eligible that
the warehouse mgr, receives, onshore technical teams; vision, Film, Media, Journal- which may incl drug screen deploy & maintain AWS based advising on info system strat- Email resume to
ism or related field. Must have internal & external comms locs t/o the U.S. Rev, eval, includes Medical, Dental,
opens, & unpacks cartons, architecting technical solu- depending on work assign- apps & complex web-based egy, policy, mgmt, technolo- Vision, 401(k), Employee
box or pallets of mdse from one year of experience with plans, campaigns, & projects. ment. Email resume to apps using javascript, type- & test client/server & web
tions for complex problems Reqs Bach in Visual Comm apps. Gath & eval user reqs gy advancements, security, & Stock Purchase Program,
suppliers, & check invoice & delivering them to technical video editing platforms, and & script & python languages. service delivery; conducting
Adobe Premiere Pro or After Design or rel & 1 yr exp in & procedures. Automate test FSH/HSA, Life Insurance, Paid
against items received. & non-technical audiences; ref job code 1192. Requires Bachelor's or for- meetings to resolve bottle- Software Developers (mult Time off and Wellness Pro-
Receive & process incoming Effects. Must be able to speak any job title in visual comms eign education equivalent in cases & test plans for functl opngs). Gather req9s & specs,
hands on project mgmt exp &/or graphic design. Please & regression testing of apps. necks; identifying, document- grams. Qualified applicants
orders for materials &/or in planning, estimation, exe- Farsi and English fluently. Will Cybersecurity Project CS, Computer Engg or IT + 4 ing, & monitoring technology design algrthms & flcrts,
accept eight years of broad- apply on-line at https:// Devel & direct s/ware syst should apply by emailing
mdse. When necessary, cution, issue & risk manage- Manager (R0003858) years9 experience performing risks; technical research to code, trblshtng, tstng & resume to careersus@
process orders via mail, cast journalism experience in Dsgn, dvlp & implmnt Infor- software development in iter- testing & validation proce- dplyng apps. 40 hrs/wk,
ment, & resource mgmt/allo- search and ref position num- dures, prgrmmng & docu- suggest solutions & design, Must reference
phone, fax, or other electron- cation; & developing strategic lieu of a Bachelor degree. matn Security prducts & srvcs ative development environ. developing, & integrating sys- MS/equiv Comp Sci, Electr
Must be able to work in a ber 128429. mentation. Trav/relo to var job code.
ic means. Clerk will also need roadmaps. Relocation & travel to estblsh Hughes as Mngd 100% remote from anywhere tems. Reloc & travel to unan- Eng, CIS or rel fld (BS+5 yrs
to check inventory to identify 24-hour shift pattern, working Security Srvce Providr. in US. To apply, email resume unanticpt locs t/o the U.S. for exp in lieu of MS), 1 yr exp
to unanticipated locations Computer: DB USA Core Cor- l/t & s/t assigns at client sites. ticipated locations within USA
items to be reordered or within USA possible. Send days and/or overnights, as Dtrmne rqrmnts from & cover letter w/job code possible. Send resumes to (or 1 yr exp in rel occup). TECHNOLOGY
replenished. No education needed. May require travel poration seeks Assistant Vice Reqs Master9s or frgn equivt Must be willing to trvl reloc
resumes to Incapsulate LLC, President in McLean, VA to custmrs (end custmrs, prduct SSEAVS in subject to: Incapsulate LLC, Attn: HR, 650 PROFESSIONALS
reqd. 6 mos exp as Admin to hostile environments/situ- mrktng & sales org). Write in Comp Sci, Engng (any), or to unanticip locations in US Multiple openings available in
Attn: HR, 650 Massachusetts address info security risks to rel. Job 22ABD03. Massachusetts Ave NW, Ste
Clerk in any field reqd. Email Ave NW, Suite 600, Washing- ations. May require 1-5% trav- prduct briefs & specfcatns & 600, Washington, DC 20001. on shrt notice for extnd time. Reston, VA. Wal-Mart is seek-
resume to Crystal Box LLC, el. To apply send resume to Deutsche Bank9s global IT divi- Email resume with cover let- Email res w/ ID#437 to
ton, DC 20001 sion. Req9s: Bachelor9s in Elec- collabrte w/ dsgn, launch Eng, SW Dev & Eng 3 Com- ing candidates for the follow-
Attn: Ari Kesuma, Owner at: mngmnt, engrng, sales & ter to; EOE or mail to ing positions: Quality Engi-
AKESUMA@ tronic Eng9g, Comp Eng9g, or cast Cable Comm, LLC, Tekorg, Inc., 22636 Glenn
RESEARCH PROFESSIONAL rel. field or equiv, & 5 yrs of mrktng teams to drive new Reston, VA. Mng Co residntl Senior Data Scientist: Build, neer III, Software Engineer III,
CRYSTALBOXLLC.COM The American Immigration Visual Designer - Req'd BS in prduct initiatives. Dfne, dvlp IT POSITIONS: Kodeva LLC implement & maintain predic- Drive, Suite 203, Sterling, VA Senior Software Engineer. Job
progressively responsible exp custmr relatnshp & contract Ashburn, VA & various unan- 20164.
Council in Wash. DC seeks a visual effect or film. 40hr/wk. implementing security moni- & launch new analytics capa- info by provide data & custmr tive models. Develop & main- duties incl but not limited to
P JOBS Research Professional to per- $45843/yr. RSM to job site @ toring in a cloud environ & blties & drive beta tstng & mgt svcs. Reqs: Bach in CS,
ticipated locations through- tain data driven prgms. Per- dsgn'g, dvlp'g, implementing,
form research & analytical Global Food, Attn: John Kim, incorprte fdbck to ensure out the U.S. form data analytics & report. testing & supporting syst's &
assisting w/ index & search Eng, or rel; 2 yr dev Java app DATA ENGINEERS: Dsgn & Software Developers (mult
Poultry Trimmer tasks for complex research 10320 Festival Lane, Manas- new enhancmnts/featres Communicate analytical opngs). Design, code, test, bus. apps. For job req'mts &
poultry trimming; no exp head clustering in Splunk. use Spring Framework; dev impl Hadoop & NiFi pltfrm
projects, produce reports & sas, VA 20109 Prior exp must incl 5 yrs of address target use cases. Restful APIs; wrk w RDBMS insights. Research, develop & debug & doc SW. Work w/ to apply, visit http://careers.
req'd; 40 hrs/wk; Bonchon develop data. MS Econ, Soci- REQ: Mstr9s degree in Infor- archt & config for custmrs. test new modeling techs. Set , & apply to any
progressively responsible exp DBs, incl Oracle & NoSQL DBs, SQL Server, MongoDB, Agile,
VA, Inc. Fairfax, VA; ology, Quant. Rsrch, Public W JOBS
using large scale, globally dis- matn Security & Assurance, incl Cassandra, MongoDB &
Perf pltfrm instaltn & upgrds & monitor model recalibration Scrum, Java, JPA, Angular Js, of the following Job ID #'s Admin. or other applied social Informatn Technlgy or closely for advncd secured cluster process. Generate ad-hoc R-1436522, R-1542154,
WEB DEVELOPER - Entry tributed Big Data apps, Secu- DocumentDB; dev & deploy cnfgs. Anlyz cmplx dstrbtd Jquery, Jboss, etc. 40 hrs/wk,
science, or BS in same sub- rity Event info mgmt (SIEM) rltd fld & 6 mnths exp in apps in AWS, incl ECS & EC2; analyses combining disparate MS/equiv Comp Sci, Electr R-1542229. EOE, AAE.
jects + 2 yrs. exp. in similar Level: Maintain and update informatn technlgy & security prod dply, & make recmndtns concepts or creating new
Prep Cook - food prep, no data, firewalls and website. tools incl Splunk to discover, write markup code use HTML, to optmz perf. Impl Big Data Eng, CIS or rel fld (BS+5 yrs
role in non-prof. sector. detect, & disrupt cyber compliance mngmnt/risk XHTML, CSS, XML, & JSON; approaches. Min. Rqmts: exp in lieu of MS). Must be
cooking - no exp 40hrs/wk. Monitor security network to mngmnt framework (RMF) OR solns at scale u/Cloudera data Windows Engineer
Hubley Group LLC. Vienna VA Remote work permissible. threats, delivering a multi-lay- test sw use Junit, Soap UI, Master9s degree in Data Sci- willing to trvl reloc to unan-
Apply online at https://www. identify problems and devel- Bchlr9s degree in Informatn Pltfrm & Cloudera Dataflw. ence or Business Analytics Grove Resource Solutions, op threat plans/protocols. ered defense in depth Putty, & POSTMAN; use Optmz multpl biz crticl entr- ticip locations in US on shrt
americanimmigration approach; using technical Security and Assurance, Infor- GitHub for versn ctrl; automt or Statistics. Knwl or exp. in notice for extnd time. Email LLC seeks a Windows Engi- Perform tests, risk analysis matn Technlgy or closely rltd prse data cld envirmnts Skills programing in R for modeling, neer, in Bethesda, MD to
PRESENTER and correct problems. Test documentation incl Key Oper- sw bld use Maven, Gradle, req9d: AWS, Azure, GCP, res w/ ID#971 to hr@teko-
ating Procedure (KOP), Key fld & 5 yrs9 exp in informatn Rally & GoCD Pipeline. Apply JIRA & Tableau. Knwl or exp. or mail to Tekorg, Inc., prfrm. best prctc. Dsktp.
Reach Media (Washington backup or recovery plans reg- technlgy & security compli- Python, Docker, SQL, Mon- in Data mining & Analytics, engnrng. spprt. for an entrprs.
D.C.) Will present or co- RESTAURANT ularly and resolve any prob- Operating Document (KOD), & to: Jacquelin_Branks@ goDB & Hadoop. 22636 Glenn Drive, Suite 203,
Silver Diner Development, Inc. process documentation using ance mngmnt/risk mngmnt Ref Job ID# machine learning & relational Sterling, VA 20164. envrnmnt. of 4000+ seats
present news programs, bul- lems. Maintain an under- framework (RMF). Exp must COMPUTER SYSTEM database. Knwl or exp. in (PC/Mac), & 1000+ mble.
letins, and other news con- is hiring for the position of standing of Web technologies process automation; con- 9100. ANALYSTS: Gather & create
Kitchen Manager, who ducting security program incld 6 mnths in each of the Advanced MS SQL Server for dvcs. Telecom. is avail. Post.
tent. Will anchor or co-anchor and Cybersecurity practices. foll: Defense in Depth Archi- BRD, tracablty matrix & dsgn creating SQL functions. Knwl Software Engineer: Degree req. unanti. trvl. to clnt. sit.
rolling news sequences. Must assists the GM manage the 40hrs/wk, 9 a.m.-5:00 p.m. planning & implementation of Rizontek Inc. has mult. per- test cases. Anlyz data atrbtes
Back of the House of the new controls & techniques tecture Design & Implemen- or exp. in Data processing in Comp/Eng related. MS thrght. the US as needed. Mail
have two years of work expe- Bachelor9s Degree in Comput- tation; OSI, TCP/IP Reference manent F/T openings for & integ on power BI for pro- with Python, Database Man- (3YRS) or BS (5YRS) expr in resume to:
rience in television broadcast restaurant. The position er Science or Equivalent, be to monitor app for security IT/Business Systems/QA/ ceses & nrmlz data u/SSRS
works at the Silver Diner loca- threats in the cloud environ model, Access Control Man- agement Systems & Big Data. design & dev of ETL Syst. Expr
news as a Presenter. Must reliable, trustworthy and agement System(s); Splunk; Business/Lead Analysts, Sales reprt. Work on map docs Resumes to job loc: DataLab in comp. arch, impact analy.
be able to speak Farsi and tion at 3200 Wilson Boule- work independently. & on-premises; implementing Engg & Mrkt Research Ana- w/ETL trnsfrmtns & asist ETL
vard, Arlington, VA 22201. MITRE ATT&CK framework Security network analytics; USA LLC, 20450 Century Blvd, Prod. support, DW projects,
English fluently. Must be able Email Resumes: Cryptography- Public Key lyst. All positions except Mrkt team w/lodng data. Write SQL Germantown, MD 20874. Informatica Intelligent Cloud
to work in a 24-hour shift, mapping & Cyber Kill Chain Research Analysts & Sales queries & anlyz data. Perf End
Required: 12 mo. rest. mgmt. for Security monitoring; main- Infrastructure (PKI); Network ATTN: A. LaCoste. Services (IICS), Informatica
pattern, working days and/or BJ Total Fashion, Inc. Access Control (NAC); WLAN; Engg may require re-loc9n. Job to end test for SFTR & SDR Powercenter, Snowflake, ETL
overnights, as needed. May exp.; exp. with Micros POS, Located: Chantilly, VA taining the backlog, Stake- Location: Centerville, VA & atrbtes for daily reprt to biz
Paycom, Compeat, MS Word, holder communication & pri- WAN Optimization; Hardware Scripting, AWS Platform. Trav-
require travel to hostile envi- Security Modules; Next Gen- various unanticipated loc9n user. Skills req9d: My SQL, Ora- Senior Lead Software el/Relocation/Partial Remote
ronments/situations. May MS Excel and MS Outlook;
Food Safety Cert. & Food Han-
Tech Jobs oritization for Threat Driven
Security event onboarding; & eration Firewall; Architecture throughout the US. Mail cle, Python, Jira, Hadoop, MS Engineer 3 Capital One Ser- work. Send Resumes to H.R.,
require 0-5% travel. Multiple Diagram & Process design; & Resumes to: HR at 5900 Fort Visio, Tableau & Informatica. vices, LLC in Northern VA; NEEVSYS INC, 10005 Oakton
positions available. dlers License/Card; TIPS or Advisor Application formulating the audit closure Drive, Suite 302, Centreville, Both Jobs: Master9s in Sci, Mult pos avail: Lead overall
other ABC Cert.; exp. with documentation to record the Access, SQL Server, SQL & Crossing Ct, Oakton, VA
To apply send resume to Designer Distributed Databases. Hugh- VA 20121 or email at Tech, Engg (any) w/6 mos exp tech design, dvlpmnt, modifi- 22124. email: P&L statements, budgets, and DXC Technology Services LLC remediation efforts & evi- in job off9d or rltd occup is cation, & implementation of
cost controls; and recom- dence before the deadline for es Network Systems, 11717
hiring for Advisor Application Exploration Ln, Germantown, req9d. Mail CV: HR, Kodeva, comp apps using existing &
mended score on CorVirtus Designer in Ashburn, VA (Ref. submission. Apply to https:// LLC. 20755 Williamsport Pl, emerging tech platforms.
Principal Associate, testing (Employer arranged). MD 20876. To apply go to
#6645727). Leads team of dvl- https://echostar.wd5. Ste 320, Ashburn, VA 20147. To apply, visit https:// Solutions Architect II
Quantitative Analysis professionals/search-roles/
Credit Risk Interested Silver Diner candi-
prs by prvding tchncl drction
& gdnc to ensr prdct dlvry. #/professional & search by
echostar. Enter job number
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capitalone.wd1.myworkday and
Frederick, MD. Dvlp & inte-
grate comp systems, review
Find your
Capital One, National Associ-
ation in Northern VA; Mult
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Cnslts wth mngmnt rgrding keyword DB6732567.
R0003858 into Search Job the right job (Chantilly, VA) search "Senior Lead Software existing systems & monitor
pos avail: Lead application of
sklls needed for tm cnstructn
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Engineer" or "R168675". new/upgraded systems on
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math & stat methods to col- (Select Manager positon) neer 3 Marble Systems, Inc. tain & enhance procedures,
lect, organize, interpret, & intrvws fr hring new tm DBA Marble Systems, Country Analysts, Computer Program-
Questions: mmbrs. Rvws cding, tst rslts, SeviceNow Developer: Bach. processes & designs for comp
sum econ data for quant Christopher Shand, Floors, Stone Tile Depot- Fair- Data Analyst (R0003859) mers, Software Quality Assur- in EE, CS, IT or rel. + 2 yr
dcmnttn & implmnts prgrms Extrct informatn from strc- system. Apply online w/Lei-
modeling projects in spprt of fax, VA 3 Test, maintain, & The local expert on local jobs ance Engineers, Data Devel- exp. Use JavaScript, Angular dos Biomedical Research, Inc.
valuation of risk, capital, & accrding to the spcfctns prvd- monitor computer prgms. and trd/unstrctrd data sources & opers, Sr. Business Analysts.
ed. Pstn rqrs a Bchlr's dgree JS, CSS, and ServiceNow to at https://leidosbiomed.
other stat factors affecting S JOBS systs, incl. coordinating the gather data for analysis usng Multiple Positions. May also support cloud apps; F/T. Lei-
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bus performance. To apply, installation of computer require travel to various unan- dos, Inc. Reston, VA. May 4/home/requisition/
visit https://capitalone.wd1. SALES CLERK: Be able to work and exprnc in prgrmming or Trnsfrm & condense data. Dtr- ticipated client sites nation-
the register, assist customers, prgms. and systs. Position telecommute w/in US. CV to 2602?c=leidosbiomed applction dvlpmnt, & 8 yrs of requires: Bach or frgn. equiv. mine best key metrics to ally. Send resume to Applet
ordering, checking and wrk exprnc in prgrmming or & ref.
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Hughes prvids to cnsmrs. Find Systems LLC, Attn: HRGC,
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deliver the look, feel, and fnc- 40hrs/wk, Must be able to pate in the DXC benefit pro-
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sites of the IonQ Quantum weekends, OT as needed, be ware. Send CV to ihsan@
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A & E Retail, Inc. dba 7-Eleven insurance coverage; employ- (USA) Inc. seeks Manager, or closely rltd fld & 5 yrs9
optml. user exp. Create dsgn. Located: Odenton, MD ee wellness; life and disability
cncpts., wireframes, comps, Infrastructure and Security exp in data analysis. Exp must
insurance; a retirement sav- Services in Alexandria, VA incld 2 mnths in each of the
& prototypes. Conduct user Sandwich Artist: Deliver ser- ings plan, paid holidays, paid
rsrch. & usability tests for duties incl. Prvde a sustnble, foll: Python; R; SQL; Tableau;
vices when dealing with prod- time off; and much more. rlble, effctve, lw-rsk IT systms cloud computing; advanced
users9 prblms. & needs. Req. ucts, sales, &amp; catering. Email resume to
are Bach. Deg in Graphic infrstrctre spprtng the North analytics & machine learning.
Prep food. Ensure food stor- American Tolling Business. Hughes Network Systems,
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fld. + 3 yrs. exp. (1) Creating Bach or frgn equiv in IT or 11717 Exploration Ln, Ger-
are maintained according to #6645727, full name, email, Infrstrctre Mgmt or equiv mantown, MD 20876. To
concepts, personas, user jour- Health &amp; Safety & amp. address & mailing address.
neys, storyboards, system through any suitable combo apply go to https://echostar.
Audit standards. Comply with No phone calls. Must be legal- of edu, exp, and trng det. by
maps, user flows, wireframes,
dsgn. systems, info. archtc-
the Food Code of Practice. ly authorized to work in the US cred. eval serv. + 3 yrs exp echostar. Enter job number 1408 Antiques & Classics Seashore Sales West Virginia 610
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Monitor stock levels &amp; U.S without sponsorship. EOE R0003859 into Search Job
tre., visual dsgn. comps & check-in deliveries. Complete
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Send CV to tmaidencarter@ field & follow instructions to WANTED VINTAGE SPORTS CARS & Property LABRADOR - Champion blood lines,
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personal presentation in the Specialist Highest prices paid for the very new homes. 540-470-7511 to go. $500 cash. Call 301-791-3806
sessions; (3) excutng. user provided. uniform. Min. DATA ANALYST
tstng.; & (4) synthszng. & Guidehouse Digital LLC, Computer/IT: CGI Technolo- best examples.
Rqmts: High School/GED. Ver- McLean, VA. Ensure apps gies & Solutions Inc. seeks Risk Span, Inc. seeks a Data Call Bob 703-966-0122
docmntng. user tstng. learn- ifiable references. Able to Analyst in Arlington, VA to
devlpd meet modern cyber- Software Engineer in Fairfax,
ings & incrprtng. it into prod-
uct sltns. such as user intrfc.
work overtime, including late secrity standards. Req Mas- VA (& various unanticipated identify, analyze, document Other WV Counties
nights, weekends, &amp; hol- ter9s degree or a foreign equiv locations throughout US) to and interpret trends or pat-
dsgn. & user exp. dsgn. for idays. Non-smoker on work- terns in complex business
website, mobile & tablet intr- in Comp Sci, Comp Secrity, design, devel, document, test DRASTICALLY REDUCED
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typing tools, & dsgn. tools matical soltns. Job req Bach WV. 58.75 acres with a beautiful TEXT Marie at 210-584-8896 301-523-6728
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& pltfrms. Telecommuting is New Price, Waterfront w/ Private brick ranch-style house. Four bed-
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reports, & analyze econ data support the development of Broadkill, $2,095,000. furnace installed in 2019. Backup very small parents, Males, blue 8 weeks, $1500-$1700. Hill Family
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application development and locations throughout US. All ON 5 COUNTRY ACS. AMENITIES
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organization dedicated to the and offers of emp are contingent the delivery of applications exposure. Recently renovated inte- room fan/lights, refrigerator, and
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INCL: MAINT FREE EXTERIOR, HARD- rior plus new dock & boat lift. stove. Two-car garage, large deck,
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tems in the U.S. and around Analyst" or "R168933". clients. Apply at www. Rehoboth Beach, $2,990,000. front porch, beautiful fence along
CV/Cov ltr to: Lillie Huff-Suite, background check, which KIT W ALL APPLCS, FORMAL DIN RM. front, other acres fenced, three car-
the world. Their International may incl drug screen depend- (Ref MASTER SUITE W PRIV BA ON 2ND
Programs Division is seeking Service Coordinator: Super- Job Code T3962-00030. TISTA #85344) for consideration FL & PART. BSMT. MULTI-LEVEL REAR
East of Rt 1 in The Glade - 3BR/2.5BA ports, two large storage buildings and
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an experienced Program vise sched & dispatch of serv Email resume to recruiting@ PATIO DECK. ECON PROPANE HEAT on a corner lot boasting pond views, Call 304 647-3731
Manager. Position closes on req, small proj & gen man- 1201 Seven Locks Rd, Suite Data Engineering Specialist & LARGE DETACHED METAL GARAGE, & ref job code vaulted ceilings, & an open concept
Wednesday, June 28th 2023 @ power, etc. 2 yrs exp in any 350, Rockville, MD
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great room. Rehoboth Beach, Time Shares/
5:00 pm ET. For the complete job in which energy-mgmt maceuticals LP / Gaithers- $699,000.
announcement & application controls exp is gained or burg, MD. Build fully automat-
Rentals, Sales
process, visit: Bioinformatics Tech(s). Apply COMPUTER/IT ed reusable data pipelines & Stonewater Creek - Custom 5BR
equiv edu, elec or HVAC lic, REDUCED TO $298,500.00 home on a cul de sac backing to OCEAN FRONT IN OC, MD. Carousel
jobs. EOE/disability/Veteran. etc. See https://www.engi- princs & methods of bioin- Salesforce, Inc. has the fol- operationalize them. Must 20th flr. 2BR, 2BA. 4 week share.
forms to asst scientists in lowing jobs available in trees. Spacious layout, full base- possess BA deg or for equiv. CALL MIKE HAYWOOD ment, rear deck & irrigation. Com- $29,500. Joe Garliss RE 443-859-3210
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E&R Services Inc is seeking a tech, biotech, comp bio, pro- cal degree required. Full- MIKE HAYWOOD GROUP 102
Project Engineer in Lanham, Engineered Services
43670 Trade Center Place
teomics, comp info sci, bio time telecommuting per-
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ning of asphalt concrete pav- #100 Sterling VA 20166. ATTN:
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of prog resp exp w/ all of
the following: ETL exp build-
Lots, Acreage Thank you for
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lyze, manip or interpret mole-
cular data. May build & main-
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prayers answered. JP
pipelines/ products; Working

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Reqs: BS degree in Civil Engi- Structural Engineer: plan, REMAX Realty Group 355
neer, 24 mths exp in job design, review structural engi tain databases for processing (#JR177698/ 21-9882): Part- w/ Databricks, Workflows & OCEAN PINES, WEST OCEAN CITY. Main: 302-227-4800 Garage Sales, VA
for constructions. Prep calcu- & analyzing genomic or other ner w/ project team to create Apache Airflow; Building AWS Direct: 302-227-3818 STERLING- Huge Church Yard Sale,
offered or rel, + 2 yrs exp. w/ bio inform. Reqs Bachelor's in complex user experiences & 14.74 acres for sale. Next to
asphalt, concrete pavement lations, doc., liaise w/ archi- or Azure cloud-based data Ocean Pines Gate. Residential. 304 East Church Rd
tects, engineers, contractors; comp sci, info tech & informs, interfaces while taking into pipeline; Spark; PySpark; Dis- 1100' on Route 589. $1,200,000. June 24th, 7am - 1pm
structures & road projects. statistics, or rltd. Job location: account technical limitations
Exp. managing government site visit, field reports. FT. Req: tributed Computing; AWS Broker, Joe Garliss, 443-859-3210
Psomagen Inc in Rockville, & opportunities of technolo- Glue/Cloud Computing; Work- for info or directions
& authorities processes for MS/eqv in Civil Engi w/ 1y exp.
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JZSC HR, 43130 Amberwood
Plaza, # 235, Chantilly, VA
to Psomagen Inc, 1330 Pic-
card Dr. Ste. 103 Rockville,
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equiv.)+2 yrs. exp. Or BS(or
equiv.)+5 yrs. exp. Salary:
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& subnational sales; SQL;
Python; Data Ops; Agile
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accept MA deg in a stated
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All shots. $200.
Washington, DC area. Req
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Post your résumé.
Numero Data LLC has multi-
ple openings for these posi-
tions for Herndon, VA & other
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Adventist HealthCare George Mason University Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Dewberry Westat
Healthcare3We are a faith-based healthcare organization, Education3George Mason University is a university with three Delivery and Transportation3The Washington Metropolitan Engineering3Dewberry is a leading, market-facing professional Research3Westat, headquartered in Rockville, Maryland, near
based in Montgomery County, Maryland. We are the largest campuses, each with a distinctive academic focus that plays a Area Transit Authority operates the second largest rail transit services ûrm with more than 50 locations and 2,000 profes- Washington, D.C., is an employee-owned research corporation
employer in Montgomery County with over 6,000 employees! critical role in the economy of its region. At each campus, stu- system and the ûfth largest bus network in the United States. sionals nationwide. What sets us apart from our competitors serving agencies of the U.S. Government, state and local gov-
Our comprehensive approach to caring for our community dents, faculty, and staff have full access to all the university's Safe, clean and reliable, "America's Transit System" transports are our people. At Dewberry, we seek out exceptional talent ernments, businesses, and foundations. We conduct surveys
includes three acute-care hospitals 3 Shady Grove Medical resources, while duplication of programs and support services more than a third of the federal government to work and mil- and strive to deliver the highest quality of services to our cli- and program evaluations, provide statistical research, and offer
Center, White Oak Medical Center and Fort Washington Medi- is minimized through the use of technology. In addition to the lions of tourists to the landmarks in the Nation's Capital. Metro ents. Whether you9re an experienced professional or a new related services. Our multiproject environment provides career
cal Center 3 as well as two Physical Rehabilitation hospitals, main campus in Fairfax, the university has campuses in Arling- has earned a worldwide reputation for security and architec- graduate, you9ll have the chance to collaborate with the best opportunities in health, energy, education, transportation, the
Outpatient centers, Imaging Centers, Urgent Cares, Home Care ton and Prince William Counties. tural beauty. WMATA is clearly the employer of choice for over and brightest and work on innovative and complex projects at environment, human services, and the workforce. We combine
Services, Employer Health Programs and Physician& 10,000 area residents. The Authority was created in 1967 by& the forefront of the industry. Our commitment to excellence& the relevant research area expertise&
Security Ofûcer, Evening Team Supervisor (PT, OT, Department of Social Director of Develop- Manager, Security Opera- Operations Research Ana- Trafûc Engineering Intern3 Proposal/Pursuit Manager Field Room Clerk (Hourly)3 Research Assistant3
Shift, Security Services3 SLP), Per Diem, Home Work - Term Instructional ment, Alumni Relations & tion Center (SOC)3 lyst II3Washington D.C. Fairfax (Hybrid)3Fairfax Rockville Rockville
Fort Washington Health3Rockville Faculty3Fairfax Community Engagement3 Washington D.C. Department Marketing Dewberry is currently seek- Dewberry is currently seek- Westat is seeking Field Room Westat is an employee-
Adventist HealthCare seeks Adventist HealthCare seeks The Department of Social Fairfax Department Marketing Statement Are you looking to ing a Trafûc Engineering In- ing a hybrid Proposal/Pursuit Clerks to join its team on a owned corporation provid-
to hire a Security Ofûcer who to hire a Per Diem Home Work at George Mason Uni- The George Mason Universi- Statement: The Washington join a team that is at the cen- tern for Summer 2023 to join Manager to support our Geo- national education study. ing research services to
will embrace our mission to Health Team Supervisor (PT, versity invites applications ty, School of Business, invites Metropolitan Area Transit ter of planning and oversee- our Transportation Group in spatial Technology Services We are seeking energetic, agencies of the U.S. Govern-
extend God's care through OT, SLP) who will embrace for full-time term instruc- applications for the Direc- Authority (Metro) is build- ing Metro's $2B annual capi- our Fairfax, VA ofûce. This is (GTS) group. GTS supports self-motivated professionals, ment, as well as businesses,
the ministry of physical, our mission to extend God's tional faculty (9-month, non- tor of Development, Alumni ing a state-of-the-art cyber- tal budget and $12B six-year an excellent career opportu- Dewberry's geospatial, lidar, who are dependable, have foundations, and state and
mental, and spiritual healing. care through the ministry of tenure-track) at the rank of Relations & Community En- security program to better capital program? The Ofûce nity for an enthusiastic and remote sensing, mapping, good attention to detail, and local governments. Westat's
As a Security Ofûcer you will: physical, mental and spiritual assistant, associate, or full gagement. The position's pri- protect the critical transit of Capital Program Manage- talented individual to join a and technology solutions na- are deadline driven. Respon- research, technical, and ad-
Ensure that security policies healing. As a Team Supervi- professor starting August mary responsibilities include infrastructure supporting our ment (OCPM) is looking for team of outstanding profes- tionally within federal, state, sibilities: 1. Prepare and mail ministrative staff of more
and procedures are& sor, you will: Supervise and& 2023. George Mason has a& working closely with the& nation's capital. The& candidates at the& sionals. This position offers& local, and commercial& out over 3,500 hire& than 2,000 is located at&

The Emmes Company, LLC American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Fairfax County Government Fairfax Water Alexandria City Public Schools
Science3The Emmes Company, LLC established in 1977, is a Associations3The American Speech-Language-Hearing Asso- Government and Public Services3Fairfax County, Virginia is a di- Science3Fairfax County Water Authority (Fairfax Water) is Vir- Education3Alexandria City Public Schools is one of the most di-
privately owned Clinical Research Organization (CRO). We are a ciation was founded in 1925. It is a not-for-proût scientiûc and verse and thriving urban county. As the most populous jurisdic- ginia's largest water utility, serving one out of every ûve Vir- verse school systems in the country and we celebrate that di-
public health focused company that is growing and adding staff professional association for speech-language pathologists, au- tion in both Virginia and the Washington metropolitan area, the ginians who obtain their water from public utilities. Nearly 1.5 versity. Our students come from more than 80 different coun-
regularly in many areas including clinical operations, data man- diologists, and speech and hearing scientists. ASHA is commit- County's population exceeds that of seven states. The median million people in the Northern Virginia communities of Fairfax, tries, speak more than 60 languages, and represent a rainbow
agement, bio statistics, project management, and regulatory ted to the consumers of our services, the more than 42 million household income of Fairfax County is one of the highest in the Loudoun, Prince William and Alexandria depend on Fairfax Wa- of ethnic and cultural groups. They are economically diverse,
as well as corporate positions to support our project needs. We Americans with communication disorders. ASHA's mission is nation and over half of its adult residents have four-year col- ter for superior drinking water. That's 1.5 million friends, neigh- but all are rich in that the residents of Alexandria are dedicated
are committed to ensuring that our newly hired staff receive to ensure that all people with speech-language, and hearing lege degrees or more educational attainment. Fairfax County bors and family members. We don't need any other reason to to ensuring that each and every one of them achieves success.
a positive virtual on-boarding experience and the support they disorders receive quality services from well-educated profes- also is home to an extensive commercial ofûce market and is demand the highest in water quality standards! Chartered in The children of Alexandria have beneûted signiûcantly from the
need to effectively work remotely. Headquartered& sionals. The American Speech-Language-Hearing& a major employment center. Fairfax County& 1957 by the Virginia State Corporation Commission as a& strong support of City Council and the Alexandria&
Ophthalmic Certiûcation Ophthalmic Certiûcation Digital Campaign Manag- Director, Financial Infor- Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Plant Mechanic I3Herndon Supervisor, Customer Ser- Special Education Autism Academic Principal3
Project Associate3Rockville Project Manager3Remote er3Rockville mation Systems3Rockville II3Fairfax III3Fairfax Under close supervision of vice Quality Assurance3 Resource teacher (High Alexandria
Ophthalmic Certiûcation Ophthalmic Certiûcation Description The Digital The American Speech-Lan- Under general supervi- Provides support to Logistics the Supervisor, Plant Main- Fairfax School)3Alexandria Job Description: Assists
Project Manager Associ- Project Manager US Remote. Campaign Manager is re- guage-Hearing Association sion, provides the results of at the Department of Family tenance, or an experienced Under limited supervision Job Description: The special the Principal in leading
ate US Remote. The Emmes The Emmes Company, LLC sponsible for the daily man- requires all new employees criminal history searches to Services main administration plant mechanic, performs of the Manager, Customer education resource teacher the instructional program
Company, LLC ("Emmes") is ("Emmes") is a global, full- agement and production of to present proof they are the requesting magistrate, desk. Greets, welcomes, and a variety of semi-skilled Service, provides business of learners with Autism and ensures its alignment
a global, full-service Clini- service Clinical Research assigned email campaigns fully vaccinated against CO- probation staff, police de- directs visitors and custom- corrective and preventive process and functional ex- Spectrum Disorder at the with division regulations
cal Research Organization Organization dedicated to and enewsletters. He or she VID-19 when they start work. partment order or other of- ers appropriately. Routes in- industrial mechanical main- pertise to the Customer secondary level develops for curriculum design and
dedicated to excellence in excellence in supporting has a thorough understand- Currently, <fully vaccinated= ûcial criminal justice agency. dividuals to meeting rooms, tenance work in the mainte- Service Department, includ- success for the students' assessment. Provides and
supporting the advancement the advancement of public ing of email campaign best is deûned as someone that Maintains accurate ûle sys- accepts shipments and nance, repair and operation ing Contact, Revenue Man- with Autism in academics, promotes a state-of-the-art
of public health and biophar- health and biopharmaceuti- practices, development, and has received both doses of tems and updates defendant packages, and provides gen- of specialized equipment in agement, and Field Services. interpersonal skills, and ac- curriculum and superior in-
maceutical innovation& cal innovation. We believe& production techniques& the Pûzer/Moderna& records& eral information to& a water treatment& Responsible for& tivities of daily living by& structional delivery for&

The MIL Corporation (MIL) The Foundation Schools AARP Capital One Northwest Federal Credit Union
Government Contractor3Established in 1980, MIL provides inno- Education3The Foundation Schools has provided psychoeduca- Associations3AARP is a nonproût, nonpartisan, social welfare Financial Services and Banking3We Don9t Only Think Big Financial Services and Banking3For more than 70 years, North-
vative cyber, engineering, ûnancial, and information technology tional programs for students since 1975. A variety of talented organization with a membership of nearly 38 million. Our aim Things4At Capital One, We Do Big Things.You9re dedicated to west Federal has provided valuable ûnancial products and
services to the federal government. Our subject matter experts staff members is needed to ensure the smooth and successful is to disrupt preconceived notions about aging, turn goals and your career.You deserve professional satisfaction and personal services for our members. We9re dedicated to being a trusted
help advance customer operations through proven tools and operation of the educational and clinical programs at our three dreams into Real Possibilities, strengthen communities and fulûllment. You belong at Capital One. Here, every day brings partner in the ûnancial journey4from childhood savings ac-
methodologies. Dedicated to excellence, service, and support, schools located in Largo, Landover & Gaithersburg, Maryland. ûght for the issues that matter most to people 50-plus and another chance to do impactful work that matters: helping counts to ûnancing a college education, ûrst car, family home,
MIL recognizes that sustained high-quality service delivery is a Our Administrative Ofûce is located in Largo, Maryland. We of- their families; such as health care, employment security and millions of customers conûdently manage their money, build- and retirement savings. Our dedicated, service-oriented team
critical contributor to our success. We are recognized by our fer a supportive working environment, excellent resources and retirement planning. ing stronger communities and delivering truly disruptive tech. is committed to living our WHY: Together, we serve and inspire
clients and industry professionals alike for our integrity, dili- a competitive salary and beneût package. The mission of The You9ll give your all alongside some of the brightest, most resil- to transform lives.
gence, and expertise across our core service areas: Cyber& Foundation Schools is to serve the special education needs& ient people in the industry4and in return, you9ll&
Senior Network Engineer/ Software Engineering, High School Special Behavior Specialist3 State & Community En- Manager, Business Conti- Manager, Product Principal Associate, Pro- Branch Member Service ACH/Wires Specialist3
Architect (Network Senior Analyst3Charleston Education English Teacher- Rockville gagement Manager3Boston nuity3Washington D.C. Management, Card Core cess Management - Non- Representative (Part- Herndon
Engineering, Senior Clearance Required: Ability $2000 Hiring Incentive3 The Foundation Schools is a AARP is the nation's largest AARP is the nation's largest Platform3McLean Associate Labor3Richmond time)3Herndon The ACH/Wire's Specialist
Associate)3Reston to Obtain a Secret. Educa- Largo special education day school nonproût, nonpartisan orga- nonproût, nonpartisan orga- Capital One's Card Core At Capital One, we dare to The primary role of this po- role is to support the inter-
Clearance Required: Top Se- tion Required: BA/BS. US The Foundation Schools is a which delivers innovative nization dedicated to em- nization dedicated to em- Platform team is deûning dream, disrupt and deliver sition is to assist Northwest nal and external members
cret. SCI Education Required: Citizenship: Required. The special education day school school programs and sup- powering people 50 and old- powering people 50 and old- the roadmap that will enable a better way. Our goal is Federal Credit Union to live of the credit union by provid-
BA/BS. US Citizenship: Re- MIL Corporation seeks a Se- which delivers innovative port services for children er to choose how they live as er to choose how they live as our new and well managed simple - bring ingenuity, sim- out our vision to be the life- ing exceptional service and
quired. The MIL Corporation nior Software Engineering school programs and sup- and adolescents with emo- they age. With a nationwide they age. With a nationwide customer experiences and plicity and humanity to an time ûnancial partner for our ensuring all transactions are
is seeking candidates for a Analyst to support a Federal port services for children tional disabilities, autism presence, AARP strengthens presence, AARP strengthens capabilities, leveraging the industry ripe for& member-owners. One of the completed in the most ef-
Senior Network Engineer/Ar- Government client at our and adolescents with emo- spectrum disorders and communities and advocates communities and advocates latest innovations& primary means to achieve ûcient manner. These team
chitect (Network Engineer- Charleston, South Carolina tional disabilities, autism other learning challenges. for what matters most to for what matters most to the this end is to develop a high- members innovate the ap-
ing, Senior Associate)& location. spectrum disorders and& For over 40 years, The& more than& more than& ly effective team of& proach for payment&

Visit to view complete details and to apply to these and thousands of other listings.

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ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman DOONESBURY By Garry Trudeau

BABY BLUES By Rick Kirkman & Jerry Scott

SC2 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023



FRAZZ By Jef Mallett

sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post EZ EE SC3

NANCY By Olivia Jaimes NON SEQUITUR By Wiley



SC4 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023

BLONDIE By Dean Young & John Marshall WUMO By Mikael Wulff & Anders Morgenthaler

DUSTIN By Steve Kelley & Jeff Parker

SALLY FORTH By Francesco Marciuliano & Jim Keefe

BIG NATE By Lincoln Peirce

REPLY ALL LITE By Donna A. Lewis LOOSE PARTS By Dave Blazek

sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post EZ EE SC5


JUDGE PARKER By Francesco Marciuliano & Mike Manley

SC6 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023
sunday, june 18 , 2023 . the washington post EZ EE SC7

RED AND ROVER By Brian Basset

POPEYE By Randy Milholland

SC8 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, june 18 , 2023


How to Play

The rules of Samurai Sudoku are the same as in the popular

Sudoku puzzles that appear in the daily comics section.
As with standard Sudoku, the Samurai version requires no math,
just logic, reasoning ... and an iron will. The goal is to fill in each
column, row and 3X3 box with the digits 1 through 9 without
repeating any. The twist in Samurai Sudoku is that the digits that
appear in the overlapping boxes must work for both puzzles.
A piece of advice to get you started: Don9t focus completely on
one grid at a time. Keep the whole puzzle in mind as you go, because
filling in a number in one grid could give you clues to another. What9s
important to understand is this: Each Samurai puzzle is ONE puzzle,
not five separate Sudoku puzzles that just overlap each other.
Occasionally people claim that, for example, the "bottom right" 9X9
puzzle had more than one solution. Well, yes it may, but the entire
puzzle can be solved in only one way. Never resort to guessing! For
more tips, go to

Last Sunday9s Solution


BALDO By Cantú & Castellanos

PRICKLY CITY By Scott Stantis

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