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Kachin Diabetes Solution

Kachin Diabetes Solution
Copyright © 2024 Kachin Diabetes Solution

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information storage and retrieval system.


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Kachin Diabetes Solution
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with

any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of

something you have read in this book.

The information and opinions expressed here are believed to be accurate, based

on the best judgment available to the authors.

Readers who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk

of any injuries. Reliance on any information and content provided by this book

is solely at your own risk.

In addition, the information and opinions expressed here do not necessarily

reflect the views of every contributor of Kachin Diabetes Solution.

Kachin Diabetes Solution acknowledges occasional differences in opinion and

welcomes the exchange of different viewpoints.

The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions.

Kachin Diabetes Solution
Table of Contents
Chapter One: Introduction ................................................................................... 9

Chapter 2 Diabetes ............................................................................................. 14

What is Diabetes?........................................................................................... 14

History of Diabetes ......................................................................................... 15

What Causes Diabetes? .................................................................................. 16

Why is Diabetes so Common? ........................................................................ 17

The Growth of Diabetes Cases ....................................................................... 18

Medical Costs of Diabetes .............................................................................. 19

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes ................................................................... 19

Screening for Diabetes ................................................................................... 20

Types of Diabetes ........................................................................................... 22

How Diabetes Affects the Organs .................................................................. 23

Chapter 3: Diabetes Drugs – An Overview ......................................................... 26

The Problem with Conventional Diabetes Drugs ........................................... 28

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes ................................................................... 29

Corruption in the Pharmaceutical Industry .................................................... 30

The Most Popular Diabetes Drugs.................................................................. 31

Kachin Diabetes Solution
Cost of Anti-Diabetic Medication ................................................................... 35

Chapter 4: Sugar and the Body .......................................................................... 36

How Does Sugar Affect the Body? ................................................................. 36

Artificial Sweeteners ...................................................................................... 38

Sugar or Artificial Sweeteners, Which One .................................................... 40

Sugar in Foods ................................................................................................ 40

Types of Sugars ............................................................................................... 41

The Hidden Truth About Sugars ..................................................................... 42

Good Sugars.................................................................................................... 43

Honey ............................................................................................................. 45

Chapter 5: Weight Loss ...................................................................................... 47

The Weight Loss Scenario............................................................................... 48

Weight Loss and Dieting ................................................................................. 48

The Low-Fat Myth .......................................................................................... 50

Why Eating Low Carb is Better ....................................................................... 51

Keto Diet ......................................................................................................... 52

Paleo Diet ....................................................................................................... 54

Exercise and Weight Loss ............................................................................... 55

Kachin Diabetes Solution
Sleep and Weight Loss.................................................................................... 56

Stress and Weight Loss ................................................................................... 57

Chapter 6: The Kachin People of Myanmar ....................................................... 59

The Seasons and Temperatures in the Kachin Geography Area .................... 60

The Food ......................................................................................................... 60

Kachin Diet...................................................................................................... 61

How the Kachin Diet and Lifestyle Can Influence Your Own?........................ 63

Their Physical Activities .................................................................................. 64

The Kachin Culture ......................................................................................... 64

The Kachin Marriage Culture.......................................................................... 66

Kachin Religion ............................................................................................... 67

The Kachin Lifestyle and Yours ....................................................................... 68

Chapter 7: Coconut and Coconut Oil.................................................................. 69

Health Benefits of Coconuts ........................................................................... 71

Coconut Oil ..................................................................................................... 71

Coconut Oil and Good Cholesterol ................................................................. 73

Coconut Water ............................................................................................... 74

Ginger and Diabetes ....................................................................................... 76

Kachin Diabetes Solution
Cinnamon and Diabetes ................................................................................. 79

Chapter 8: Vitamins and Minerals ...................................................................... 81

Supplements and Diabetes............................................................................. 81

Magnesium ..................................................................................................... 85

Vanadium ....................................................................................................... 89

Vitamin D ........................................................................................................ 91

Others ............................................................................................................. 92

Chapter 9: Lifestyle ............................................................................................. 94

Setting Goals................................................................................................... 95

Switching up Your Exercise Routine ............................................................... 97

HIIT.................................................................................................................. 98

Importance of Drinking Water ..................................................................... 100

How to stay Motivated? ............................................................................... 102

Stop Smoking Now ....................................................................................... 103

Stress and Your Body .................................................................................... 105

Stop Drinking Alcohol ................................................................................... 106

When You Stop Drinking Alcohol, the Notable Benefits Are ....................... 106

Chapter 10: Detox ............................................................................................ 108

Kachin Diabetes Solution
Signs That You Need a Detox ....................................................................... 109

Benefits of Detox .......................................................................................... 109

Foods That Help with Detox ......................................................................... 111

Types of Detox .............................................................................................. 114

Natural Detox Methods ................................................................................ 116

Sleep ............................................................................................................. 118

Colon Cleanse ............................................................................................... 119

Chapter 11: How to do a 30-day Detox ............................................................ 120

The First 10 ................................................................................................... 121

Reconciliation Phase..................................................................................... 123

The 2nd Ten .................................................................................................. 125

The 3rd Ten................................................................................................... 126

Some Recipes to Try Out .............................................................................. 127

Snacks ........................................................................................................... 129

Social Media ..................................................................................................... 133

References ........................................................................................................ 134

Kachin Diabetes Solution
Chapter One: Introduction

How did you react when you first

found out you had diabetes? Where

you shocked? Did you talk to your

friends and family? Did you go

online and search for answers?

Without anyone providing you with any clear answers?

If you are like most people, you exhausted every resource. Spent some time on

google searching for a treatment, a cure or just trying to see how it would

change your life. You probably got bombarded with information. Probably so

much that you couldn't handle it. You can spend your whole life reading through

the endless pages of the internet, some of which are filled with misinformation,

contradictions and errors.

What you will soon discover is that your answers aren’t in technology or modern

medicine but in the wisdom of an ancient people - the Kachin people of

Kachin Diabetes Solution
You might be asking yourself why do I have diabetes and why is it so common?
A lot of it has to do with the changes in the way we live. In the past our ancestors
burnt up the excess energy stored in their bodies through physical work, trying
to keep warm, doing chores and activities for daily survival. However, today with
technology and innovation, our lifestyles are automated and less active. We
have lost the balance in our lives. The consumption of food is now seen as a
gateway to ease the pressures, stresses and strains that are brought into our
mind and body. Due to this we now find it more difficult to come to peace with
what we eat, how we eat, and why we are eating it.

The information on healthy eating has not been passed on properly over time
and certain foods that should be healthy are affecting our body functions
negatively due to lack of knowledge. You are not alone, sugar related diseases
are not something to be shy about.

A healthy lifestyle is a balance between good food, good sleep and exercise.

These are the cornerstone to curbing obesity and diabetes. There are lots of diet

plans and programs that take us back to our roots just as our Kachin Diabetes

Solution program is based off of.

The Kachin tribe of Myanmar and the indigenous tribes that surround them

don’t suffer from sugar-related diseases due to their diet. Their lifestyle is like

our ancestors that lived thousands of years ago. They have learned to balance
Kachin Diabetes Solution
food, work, and getting the best from nature to live a healthy and disease-free


This program was initially

developed from my own

personal long battle with

diabetes. Once I had woken

up from my diabetic coma at

the young age of 43, I had to

process the shock of it. Like most people, I searched for information everywhere

I could. Including places like Google. Little did I know a trip to a Burmese

restaurant in Chicago would open the doors to a secret that changed my life and

will change yours too! Learning about the Kachin people, their lifestyle, and

culture that enables them to have some of the lowest cases of diabetes in the

world. Then implementing it into my own life enabled me to lower my blood

sugar from potentially fatal 615mg/dL to a safe and stable 110mg/dL.

I was able to lower my blood pressure and lost 50 pounds at the same time

because of the wisdom of these amazing people. Now my family and I are

happier than ever.

Kachin Diabetes Solution
With the of research and people of the Kachin’s we now have a clinically proven

system for lowering blood sugar levels and reversing diabetes permanently, all

of which can be done in just 30 days. All you need to do is follow the recipes,

diet plans, exercises and lifestyle we are providing you with in this book.

My diabetes diagnosis not

only helped me research and

discover a 100% natural way

to lower blood sugar levels

and cure diabetes, but it

uncovered the corruption that big pharma uses when treating diabetes. I

discovered it is a big business system that is in place not to cure or get rid of

your diabetes, but to keep you dependent on meds and just healthy enough to

live with them but providing no solution to live without them.

Big pharma doesn’t want people to know how simple it is to reverse your

diabetes without all the harmful side effects that their medications cause. You

might ask yourself why? That is because diabetes medication equates to

hundreds of millions of dollars to pharmaceutical companies.

Kachin Diabetes Solution
This book will detail everything I learned that allowed me to achieve these

results. The Kachin diabetes solution is a powerful and effective diabetes-

reversing program that anyone who is suffering from diabetes needs to follow.

Inside this book, you will find all you need to know about the diet and lifestyle

of the Kachin people and how they are virtually diabetes free.

You will discover why today’s diabetes

medications aren’t designed to cure

your disease and can actually make

your symptom worse or even create

new issues.

In this book, you will find all the tools to help you lower your blood sugar levels,

lose weight and live a healthier life. Feel free to skip around and read the parts

of the book that are most important to you. We will start out going over diabetes

basics and then move into the diet and lifestyle tips. Keep reading and if at any

time you have any questions feel free to message the social media accounts

added at the bottom of the book.

Kachin Diabetes Solution

I hope you enjoyed this first chapter of the Kachin

Diabetes Solution. Please purchase the full

version to continue reading and start your

journey to living diabetes free!


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