Beneficios Del Storytelling

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Una buena historia:

1. Atrae a tu audiencia
2. Permite incluir data/facts y explicar ideas complejas en una forma sencilla, que se puedan
entender y recordar
3. Mueve a tu audiencia de manera emocional
4. Vuelve tu mensaje màs memorable - Te permite destacar
5. Es un puente cultural
6. Te permite alcanzar grandes resultados (màs fidelidad - confianza - donaciones, etc.)


Stories move people emotionally

People are willing to attribute more value to things that move and resonate with them.

1. Your story:


Did my solution make a positive difference in my life, or on others?

Is this a story I would like to tell others, to inspire hope or change?

2. Your goal:
Now that you have a story in mind, ask yourself: why this story?
What is your goal for telling this story? What do you want your audience to do after

hearing it?

Here are some examples of possible goals:

Goals for telling your story

● Raise awareness of cause

● Engage beneficiaries
● Increase funding
● Recruit volunteers
● Lobby for change

Story Vision Worksheet:

Question (Step) Example Me Retro

1) Story Overview Story about how useful our How I decided to Good goal, but need to
training program is to help make my brand and be more concise and to
What story do you disadvantaged youths get jobs, start in the the point. By structuring
want to tell, and so youths will sign up for our entrepreneur world. your goal to sound
why? program clearer could hook your
A story about my audience faster. Maybe
brand. How useful your goal could even
is to buy slow include how you can
fashion and the provide employment for
benefits for the the poor via your
environment and for entrepreneurship.
the people who
work on it.

2) Organizational Recruit new beneficiaries to 1. Recruit Are these the only main
goal sign up for training program costumers reasons for your story?
2. Raise You did mention the
What awareness topic of environment.
organizational goal about
will your story sustainable
solve? fashion

3) Audience Disadvantaged youths who Millenials who want Could be other people
Who is your came from difficult to be more too, who after reading
audience? backgrounds, with low job ecologist this story can change
prospects mind and become part
of the action.

4) Emotions Emotions of hope and self- Emotions about I would explore other
What emotions do belief, that they can improve empathy and feelings like being
you want to elicit in the quality of their lives, that action, where they informed about own
your audience someone believes in them can visualize purchased, smart buy,
when they hear themselves like a and satisfaction in their
your story? changemaker and product purchased.
they can improve Some people is more
the quality of their willing to buy stuff when
decisions they know that they are
making a difference at
the same time (and of
course they gladly buy
the product, too).

5) Desired action Sign up for our training Buy something and

What do you want program, and tell others to sign tell others to buy
your audience to up too. Be excited to start our too and be excited
do after they hear program. about making a
your story? difference

6) Storyteller Staff - Our alumni! Our In the first hand, At the beginning is right
Who is the best graduates who have recently me. I want them to for you to do that, but a
person or group to completed our program and feel identified with successful journey is
tell this story, so are now working in their new me as a simple moving forward when
the story comes jobs. They are able to tell the person who doesn’t you cast that vision to
across in its most most authentic story, in know how to the others as well.
authentic form, and sharing their own experiences contribute to having More impacts can be
the audience feels with our potential beneficiaries. a better world, and created when team
connected to the They are also closest in age someday with little players come alongside
storyteller? and background to our actions, everything you. You mentioned
potential beneficiaries. changed. investors, maybe
person that tell the
story can include the
customers, investors,
and even advocates.

7) Story Details Info to include: Information to Your story is wonderful

Now that you ● What our program is include: and it can do a lot of
understand more about good. Maybe you can
about the kind of Why I’m concerned even explore various
● Benefits for the
story you want to about to change the other areas regarding
tell, revisit your perspective of environment, vocational
original story idea ● How to apply for our fashion training, and poverty
to add in more program alleviation.
details. What What slow fashion
information do you Alumni to share: is about
want the listener to ● Their own experience Benefits for
know? How will —what they learned, costumers and
you make this story how it helped them environment
authentic? gain skills and get a job
● Before and After—how Bonus, information
they felt before and to share:
after the program
Costumers: Their
● Impact—what job they
own experience -
have now, their
prospects for the future how they feelt
buying sustainable

Partners: Their
motivation to be in

Impact: with
numbers, how the
brand impacts in
the environment

Example finished:

1. “After recovering from [an illness that had impaired her hearing and ability to talk],

Phuong decided not to attend school for people with disabilities. It was a huge

struggle, but with determination, Phuong was able to finish high school. Phuong is

[currently] a Youth Career Initiative trainee, pursuing her dream of becoming a

baker.” (Source: Nguyen Thi Minh Phuong, 2019).

2. “Ngo Van Nhuong knows what it’s like to grow up in a crowded house. He, his two

sisters, his younger brother, his mother and his father all live together in a small 20-

square meter hut just outside Hoi An ancient town. Nhuong didn’t want to become a

farmer like his parents. The family barely made enough money to eat, and he wanted a


3. “Trung is 21 years old, and for 21 years he has not understood why his parents decided

to give up on him when he was just five months old. Perhaps they were poor. Perhaps

they had no choice. But for what the reason is, Trung never feels animosity towards his

biological parents.”

4. “Never take your disadvantaged background as an excuse to stand still. You need to

keep moving forward.”


“A touching and emotional story will inspire empathy, awaken the reader's compassion, and

create trust in our program, thereby urging them to contribute.”

“Storytelling has helped us communicate what we do to the world.”

Bonus 2:

Emotions of support, friendship, and success which help the people to be courageous and

brave as they open up and learn to mentor others to do well in life.

1. Info to include:
• What accountability partner is all about
• Benefits for teenagers, youths, and/or adults
• How to become an accountability partner and how to do it
Staff/Community member to share:
• Their own experience—what they learned, how it helped them during their journey or
• Before and After—how they felt before and after they participate the pairing
(accountability partnership)
• Impact—what change/attitude/struggles they overcome and their status (are they
helping others, too)

I want to invoke emotions of Hope, growth and a future where their organization also can

stand in par with bigger non profits in terms of efficiency


1. National Storytelling Network: ( )

2. The Art of Effective Strorytelling (



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